THE OMAHA DAILY REE; TUESDAY, NOVEMBER I. 1P04. SPECIAL NOTICES! lll takra aatfl 1 aa. taw ta eeeala edfttaa mm aatll .. th ad saaclar edltlaa. RUM 1 l-a a word Iril lertl la ward tlMMfltr. ftathlasT takea far Ira taaa Oa tar fas flrat laser, tlaa. Tkraa advertlaeaaeat at ba raa eeetlely. Advertiser, lr reaaeatlas; a aam. tiered tank, raa ka ad. ttresaed ta a aaaaarrral Irttrr la rara nf Tka Bra. Aatvrrra a Jdrmil rlll ba delivers aa araaratatloa al rhrrlc. MISCELLANEOUS I Day School Night School BOYLES SCHOOL Enter Now Catalog Frea H. B. bOYLES. President New York Life Omaha, C r ry Brine idlson Phonograph Into yr,,iT homa. Be L. Flcher la Capitol av. RM144 D10 BPECIAL attention given archived' plana sad specification; contractor abould In vestigate. Lew Wentworth, 618 Paxton blk., ITion 1678. R M97& 137 10O.JJUY8 ladles' 60c cuff and collar sets People's Store, Uth nd Farnam streets. TKT KELU'll TOWiL BUfPU. Tel. 853. R 326 tiMrfP fridb or Hastings Paat (-cent clear on aartb. R 969 CITY SAVINGS BANK pay 4 per cent. R 327 I. E. WALLACE, taxidermist, W6 B. latnT R-(38 JOC BUYS ladle' 80o cuff and collar Sets People' Stora, 18th and Farnam atreeta. IV YOU want ta bur, sell or rent property, borrow money, anil note or acoount, rail at R. 1 N. V. Llfa. TeL 183. Glover . Bon. R 3JI OMAHA PLUMB INI CO.. Tel. 8846. John . Morrlsaey, Mar. He Tel. tin. ADV. CUTS WHEATON. Is Bee Bid. H-iZi OMAHA School Supply Co., 1871 Howard at. R MohO Dtf JOO H1JVH I art Ira' 6o cuff find collar sets People' Store, 18th and Farnam atreeta. SHORTHAND REPORTING. aaaaaasa C. A. Potter, Law and Commercial Reporter. Examiner In Chaneery and Notary Publlo. Room- 414 Bee Building. R S41 . CITY STEAM LAUNDRY 211 SOUTH HTH. 'PHONE 284. TV trust everybody. Have our wagon call. Expreea work solicited. K-M903 D17 Pianos for Rent, U.oo-14.00. New Piano. High grad. Rent allowed It you pun-has. Perrleld Piano Company, lul Farnam. Telephone 701. Open evening. R 863 IOC BUV8 ladles' Mo cuff and collar Beta People'a Store, 16th and Farnam atreeta. FAOLR Loan Office; reliable, accommodat ing; all bualneaa confidential. U01 Douglas. . r-Ls Anti-Monopoly Garbage Co., 421 N. 16th. Tel. 177. R-329 JOC BUYB ladle' 60c cuff and collar eta People' Store 16th and Farnam afreet. WANTED Home to winter, $2.60 par month; good feed, plenty of water. A. II. Read, 610 Ware block. R MI74 SIGN PAINTING-8. H. Cole. 1302 Douglas. R 330 stove & furnacepaTrs Tel. Iu0. 1207 Doug. Omana Blov Rep. Wk. R 831 1. MELCHIOR, machine Howard. - - - - work. 13th and R 332 10C P.UY8 ladles' 60c cuff and collar sets People's Btore, 16th and Farnam streets. Electro plating. Om. Plat'g Co., Ym Harney. . , V R-355 I27' FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SECOND-HAND ewlng machine, ola make, from V to no. 1514 Douglas. Q-U1M A CASH register, wlU go cheap. Millinery Department, second floor, Bennett's. Q Mlti4 2SX FOR SALE, new and second-hand billiard and pool tables, bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payments; send for catalogue. Brunswick-Balke-Collende, 4U7 B. 10th St., Omaha. . - Q M4i POOL tables, ahow 1407 Harney at. Q 3 (TORN cribbing; tel. pole, Ion; flr timber, cv press fenc lath. 3-ply whit baa wood. Ml Douglas. y luoo 100 HEATING and cook stoves; big sacrl Oco. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Q-&10 N3U FOR SALE Several scholarship tn a flrat das standard school In Omaha, compris ing complete course In business, short band and typewriting. Inquire at Be office. Q ta COMPLETK line new and Zd-hnnd furni ture. Chicago Furaltur Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. 2010. Q-441 IND-HAND safe cheap. Derlght. Ill Far nam. ... Q 342 Electrical Supplies at a Bargain We have about 200 leet Oil stranded eitctrle light cable and one 800 amper knlf twitch. Address Bee Building Co., or see W H. Bridges, engineer, Uu building, Omaha. M-tuJ FINE harness and saddles, trunks and bugs; all leather suit case, to. Alfred Cornish aV Co-, U10 Farnam st. . Q-SK D20 TWO HEAVY STEEL HORIZONTAL TUBCLAR BOILERS FOR BALE. Two hollers, 100 horse power, which have beun used but six years, made of firebox ieni, inpie nveiea duic ana strap Joints. insurance company permits of preasure U6 pounds. They are now In use and ran m seen at boiler house rear of Bee building Can be delivered about Auguit in. - iKii or aiinrees w. tl. iiriacea. eniri- necr, Bee building, Omaha. . . . 1 i 1 .... . . . 1 SEOONT-HANT STEAM FITTINGS FOR SALE It' you want a bargain In steam attlnga cail ajid look over the following supplies; r.ti-irich Jenkin s Ulutx valvaa. lai-tnvh Oat valve. l.k-lnch Austin horlxontal separator. 1 4-Inch Austin vertical separator. 14 H, P. horlxontal engine. 6-Inch pipe and fittings, TtsVs have been taken out on account ot rhangea In our ateam plant and ar in good condition. Adreea Be Building Co.. on see W. H. Bridge, aoglneer. Bee build ing. Omaha. Q 432 100 KINDS of Mineral Water. Sherman McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. VI 341 BRICK, prasaed and sidewalk. l Paxton block. . Q M7tt DI H. P. ENGINE. We hav one aix-horse power horlxontal engine. The engine haa never been used. Will sell It for about one-half price. W. 11 Bridge., Engineer, Bee building. Q 113 WE RENT sewing machines lia weelc We repair all makes of machine. Heo. ond hand machine S3 to SiO. Neb. Cycl Co., TeL IMS,. Corner lith and Harney. Q I6t PULLEYS AND COl'NTERSHAFTB . At A BARGAIN. SO Pulleys, from 6 In. to 4 in. In diameter. S Count ere ha ft complete. W Keet 1 7-10-ln. sliafilng, with couplings and hangers. 4KI Feet 1 1-lii-ln. shafilng. with rotipirhg nd hangers, together with about JO fret of lieliing from 3 to 6 In. These are all In tlrst-claaa condition. W. 11. Bridge, Euglueer, Bee building. . g-i 12 1"1R SALE Three counter allow casea and mblex, cheap. S. VV. Jnilwy, jewel-r, 1..14 Douglas St. Q-3il It - ENGINE BARGAINS. Two 4 li. p. (Mils gasullue engines, one t b p. Olds gasoline engine, two IS h. p. tilds gMHolin engines, several of otli luakes eheiili. ' OLDS GAB ENGINE WORKS. Ui Faiuaui 6L WANTED MALE HELP Mosher Shorthand Moders. almple. legible and rapid. Bt Byatem now In uae. 8end for particulars. Address: . Omaha Commercial College, 17th and Doug la a St. r TELEGRAPH department open In Decem ber. Boyle' College. B-MS3 MOLERs barber college. Denver. Colo., teache the barber trail In weeka and guarantee porllion. Special term. Write. 13 759 Deo II Wanted Party with 53,000 to SS.OOO, to take interest in leading Real Estate Company and manage ment of Des Moines office. Good salary. . Must be hustling up-to-date business man and come well recommended. Ad dress: G 59 care of Bee. Chain, Gregg Shorthand Schools OMAHA, 712 N. Y. L. Bide. ' bOUTH OMAHA, Glasgow Blk. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Merriam Blk. Moat Approved and Vp-to-Date Method. Individual and Clue Instruction. A new Typewriter at Vour own Home. Call or A'rlt for Particulars. B-961 26 W'K are In need of Two manager for large concerns. Al collector. -Cigar en I. -smaii; salary. Two cavhlera tor restaurant. Two druggists. tWhl.xky Hiiicsman. Grocery salesman. City salesman, young man. Call or write tor Hot ot vacancies. WESTKHN RKF. at BOND ASS'N, MO N. V. Ufe Blilg. B3ii 18 WANTED Young man to become a corre spondence clerk. Will qualify you In your own home. Big aulary. Addrnm K. C, this olllce. B WANTED FOi V. S. ARMtAble-bodled unmarried m n, between age of U avl li, cltlsena of United States, i'f good charac ter and temperate habits, who apeak, read and wii.e English. For Information apply to R crultlng Ottlcer, 13th and Douglas Bts.. OmttLi; Lincoln, Neb., or bloux City, J'V B kKOT WANTED to contract for repair of cottage, th and Blondo ets , partially destroyed by tire. Apply at 904, New York Life Uldg., between 10 a. m. and 6 p. m. B M93J EXPERIENCED grocery clerks, and no oiners, can get wor. aiains-caas -o.a 134-86 Paxtou Blk. B M31 IF YOU are In need of a position, call and have a "heart-to-heart" talk wltb HART, THh! EXPKHT, t23 N. T. Life. B M14 DS WANTED Two city salesmen at onca. C F. Adam Co., 1619 Howard at t5J WANTED Five good boy with wheels. m a. utn at- a izi ut WANTED At once. Ave chicken pickers at Bwin ana uo. s poultry nouse r air bury. Neb. Plenty of poultry and good price for picking. B MSSS to MEN TO LEAKN barber traae; free rati- road rare upon our failure to convince Jou of this being the BEST and only re Lible, most practical barber collegs) In the Uolted States. Writ for catalogue today. Western Barber' lnmltut. Omaha. Neb. ; B-SU PORTRAIT men, why work for someone elno at fifty to seventy-five cents an order when you can buy guaranteed work of us at wholesale? Investigate our credit plan. Ripley Art Co., lock box 679. Omaha, TNeb. ........ . ,.r-B118 30 WANTED--By well established"' school In Illinois, a telegraph teacher; must be competent to asBunie entire control of telegraph department; good salary; must be Hble to make , small investment. Ad dress J 87, Omaha Bee. B 334 Decf DRl'" tiJSRKS, Knlest. R. r.. N. T. U Bids- B 3&4 WANTED An experienced dress goods salesman. Apply J. L. Brandels A Sons. B 349 30 WANTED FEMALE HELP 80 GIRLS; Canadian office. Uth and Dodgs. C-84 WANTED, by large soap manufacturer a Bales lady to call on drug-and grocery trade and demonstrate our toilet prepara tions; salary (20 u. weekvand expenses. Buffalo Chemical Co., Buffalo, N. Y. C M944 DJ MONOGRAM, 6c; lOo value. Stoecker Cigar Stores. C 364 10 LADIES Earn 820 per 100 writing short let ters; send stamped envelope for particu lars. Ideal Mfg. Co., Cassopolls. Mich. . C M123 2x WANTED A girl to do general housework at 2618 St. Mary's Ave. C-la2 28 EXPERIENCED cook wanted, no washing references required. Apply at once, Mrs.' J. E. Baum, 8646 Harney st. O M163 29x YOUNG lady to work In office; must be good penman. Address J 38, Bee. C 345 29 WANTED SITUATION WANTED, a permanent place, janitor work preferred; best references. Address J 21, Bee. A-M1S6 2x BUSINESS CHANCES I CAN SELL your tnisineas or real estate, no matter where located. Properties and business of ail kinds i-old quickly for caah In all part of tha United Btates; don't - wait; write today, describing what you have to aril and give caah price on same. A. P. TONE WILBON, JR., Real Eh t ate Specialist, 413 V Kansu Ave., Topeka, Kan. V WHEN you wan to buy, sell 01 exchange your property or business quick, sea J. IL Johnson, 843 N. Y. Life. 'Phon 1 2270. T-38J BAY, fellows, how Is this? How to win 11 1 nuvdu lun.hl In tun Hav -,... .u ... " - ... - J 1 1 1 1 I - ough system. Easily learned; can win enough In one hour to puy for whole system with curds etc. Address for par ticular J., 39, B. Y M362 D28 DRUG Storea-Knleat, R. P.. N. Y. L. Bldg. Y-384 PHYSICIANS located. Knlest. N. Y. L. Y-M3st FOR SALE A thrifty grocery business in Fremont, Neb. Reason tor selling on ap plication. Address J 2, car Bee. Y-M937 I ATTORNEYS EVERYWHERE. If you have account, note or claim of any kind against person, firm or corporation. . W can settle It for you. Call or writ THE NEW SNOW CHURCH CO.. Msln Floor N. Y. Life. Omaha. Neb 'Phone 138. -f 881 ABBOTT-COWAN CO.. let Nat. Bk. bldg ran gel you Id or out ot bualuea. Y 21 BHOI.ES-ARMSTRONG CO., 72S N. T. Llfa Tel. 49. Y 382 DOCTOR. 8100 will purchase a location wber you can make money from th start. Address J 7, Omaha Bee. T-M107 29x GOOD oneiilug for general mdse. store or hardware or Implements: line building, Lext location In town; building 40x 76; solid plate irlass front. Addresa W. A. Hildreth. Winner. Neb. Y M37S 5 ADVERTISER would like to meet several Chrlnluu men for tha purpose of opening a orkintimun's rooming urd board n huune. Fur further information L 40 Bee. Y-M371 3x . SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING A. C. VAN ilANi: H cbeol. 71J N. Y. life.' " lOf course ire will lead How many more that is the quetion." The Bee published nearly 3,000 more paid want ads in -November 'than its nearest com petitor. Last Funday It broke all records, publishing 2,5oo paid want ads more than double the number ever run by any other Omaha paper ' Back to Foggy London with "The Dule." FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ROYAL, HOTKU European, ltn it Chicago. DEWEY, European hotel. Uth and Farnam. E 361 VIENNA HOTEL, 1011 Farnam; fine room, ladles' cafe, private dining r.; open nights. E 362 HOUSEKEEPING Three or four very de sirable, partly furnished rooms: bath and gas; reference required. 24 St. Mary ave. . E M834 MIDLAND hotels, lth nd Cbleago; steam heated; medium price; cafe In connection. E M630 NORTHWESTERN hotel 61 N. 16th: Hura pean. E MiS4 10 FURNISHED and unfurnished, all Prt of city. Room I. N. Y. Llf. E W l SUITE of modern front rooms, with board, or light housekeeping. References Tl. B-2&t7. 2034 N. 19th. E-818 a TWO nicely furnished front rooms; hot and cold water, electric light, gas, telephone; good board In vicinity; convenient for gentlemen. H7 S. 23lh St. E M778 81.00 TO 12.00 per week, 4J2 Bo. ISth St., one block south ot court house. E-M96J DESIRABLE room, first class location. 2'4 Farnam. E M2M 29x LARGE unfurnished front room; light housekeeping; no children. 1SI2 Dodge. E-324 aix WELL furnished, steam-heated rooms; rates very reasonable. 712 80. 16th st. E 327 28X WET.Ij furnished front room; gentlemen preferred: tirst-claes board, home cooking; rates reasonable. 2815 Leavenworth. E 328 28X NEATLY furnished front parlor, walking distance; references. 1717 Webster. , I E M300 29x FOR RENT Two nicely furnished front rooms, hot and cold water, bath, gas, f-.mUn. hoat Inniilm 2204 North 19th. LARGE front room, nicely furnished, gen tlemen preferred. 1S21 Douglaa. Ii M0H8 30 TWO nloelv furnished south rooms, parlor floor; modern. Park Ave. 'Phone L 107. E 131 29 LABOE, south front room, with alcov; parlor floor. Park ave. Thone L1078. v E M301 30 SINGLE front room, nicely furnished; furnace. 645 Georgia ave. E M303 29x FRONT room, well furnished, modern. 409 So. 25th ave. . E-M304 29x NICELY furnished rooms, modern steam lieatcd flat; walking distance. F.20 No. JDth. E 329 38X FOR RENT Nicely furnished room; mod ern; good neighborhood; rate reason able: board just across the street. Call 616 80. 22d. , E-M316 29X A VERY nice comfortable room, modern, for one or two gentlemen; Its close In. 114 S. 19th. E 336 28x HOUSEKEEPING, 3 comfortably furnished rooms In private residence; gas, bath, telephone, hot water heat; references re quired. Address J 85, Bee. E-819 28 HEATED' rooms with f&s, bath; board If desired. 2024 Webster. E 353 lx 2310 DOUGLAS ST., nicely furnished back parlor, well heated; suitable for two. v E M367 4x WARM south room. 5d floor. 61S N. 19th. E 347 3T FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS O. M. E.p TEL. 611. MESSENGERS AND BAGGAGE. F S63 MIDLAND hotel. 16th ana Chicago; steam- heated rooms, wiu or Wlinuui 01. am. F M38I THE MERRIAM. 2Sth and Dodge St. TeL 88. Family hotel. F-564 109 S. 25th Ave., pleasant board; private family. room ; good F-367 AN elegant furnished south front room and alcove, with flrat-claa board. 'Phon A1994. 2418 Ca. F M888 ROOM and board for two. 118 N. 26th St. F 951 NICELY furnished room., suitable for two; close In; modern conveniences: telephone, etc.; first-class board; reasonable. Apply 618 80. 19th. F M113 29x BOOMS furnished for light housekeeping; modern conveniences; board if desired. 706 North 30th. F-117 29x ELEGANTLY furnished room, modern, with board; easy walking distance; rates reasonable. Apply 620 So. 19th. F-M314 29x FURNISHED room, with board, modern; also day board, home cooking. 116 N. 251 h. 1 F-M318 29 TWO nicely furnished rooms, rood hoard. 710 S. 18th. 'Phone L 2076. F M996 30 THE ROSE W"ell furnished, furnace-heated rooms; all modern. conveniences, first-cliis board; easy walking distance. 2020 Har ney. 'Phone 2447. F-X6 28x TWO nlcelv furnished rooms, good board. 710 S. 18th. 'Phono. F-M9S6 30 WE have a large front room, with board, suitable for one or two ladles or gentle men: near cur line; no other boarders; no children. 2512 Emmet t F 820 28 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THREE unfurnished room, suitable for light house-keeping; . no children. 1!U8 Emmet. , .. G-M366 lx MODERN room for light hounekeeping. 606 8. 2lHt Ave. O-350 30x WANTED TO RENT WE can . rent your room and bbuse. Room 8, N. Y. Llf. 'Phon 138. Glover 4k Son. ' K 871 WANTED, furnished room with board for four adult'; on large and a smaller room, or three rooms. Addren J 18, Bee. K 154 28x WANTED TO BUY SHONFELD. the ANTIQUARIAN. 12 N. Y. Life, pay hlght prlo for book Tel. 8038. N 346 CASH for your horses. Kalcholr's Llvary barn. N 348 CASH- for your horse. Melcholr Llvary barn. N-127 SQUARE PIANO WANTED: will pay rash; must be In good condition. Addreiut O 65. Bee. NTSJ LOST LOST On . Saturday evening, on black pony. Tel. 8175. Lost-M343 Wx $300 REWARD For return of the 8891 lost with poclietbook last Friday. No question asked, Re turn to Peter Fuisl, 622 80. 15th St. Lot-M36t 29 X LOST Large black dog, two or three day ago. Reward for anyone giving Informa tion that will lead to p:iriies stealing or detaining same. Tel. loi8. LOST-M3;a 29x CLAIRVOTANTS GYLMER, sclentibo palmist, 715 N. d. B-848 Dls A WONDERFUL TRIAL READING Th only dead trance medium In the world; liia siurtllng revelations ar the wonder of u 1 1 : past, prvstttit and future events told correctly; send lo cents, 2-ceiit lamp, date of birth, own .wilting t. Dr. Joseph Lester. Box 62, Merc-bant' Btatlou, EL Louis, Mo. S-MJ68 sx FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 83..VIO 10 rooms, all modern, new plumbing and In first-class repair, large barn, lot 61xlJ0; near 27th and Cumins- Denney, Paxton block. RE- LARGE &-rnom cottage, lot 60x128, eaat front 81. 6"0. ' 2 lots. t'xl5. right for grade, close to street car, good neighborhood 1750. , J- A. LOVGREN, 637 Paxton block. RE BEST AND CHEAPEST. IRRIGATED LANDS. Southern Colorado Irrigated government lands. I sell you the best government land at 81.26 per acre; water right for 8A.00. These lands are taken under the Carl net and are of Interest to the In ventor as well as the cheapest lands of fered to honeseekers. Excursion rates given. Call or write. JOHN B. HANSEN. 821 N. TL. LIFE. OMAHA. 1(1 4-ROOM house," l0t Sfixl25, on 25th near Cuming, $l,oo0. Chris Boycr, tid and Cuming. RE- SNAPS for somebiidv 3 acres nt 4Sth and Martha sts for tl.uuo. 10 acres at 42d and Grand View ave for 2,5. This lat place has house, barn, well and some fruit. J. B. Piper, 212 Bee bhlg., Omaha. HE M304 30 84.iy 8 rooms, all modern, Very fine, near Crclghton college. Denney, Paxton block. RE FOR RALt several Improved farms, all descriptions, wis to 32us; good crops; some with telephones, mall routes, timber, run ning water; must lie sold by February: so write kind of farm wanted and I'll send price. E. C. Moore, Angus. Neb. RE M 120 2x 86.50010 rooms, modern, full lot, east side of and overlooking Hanscom park. Den ney, Paxton block. ' RE Attention, Homeseekers and Investors! 200.000 acre good agricultural land In Ore gon, (6.00 per acre; 20,000 in Washington, (6.60 per acre; 10,000 acres in Horse Haven country, Washington, to 50, in one body; 300 good homesteads ready for plow. HOBAN & TAGGERT, Portland, Ore. RE M144 28x 83,500 WILL BUT a bes.ntlful home In Kountze Place, full Jot, south front, good barn, street paved, house newly painted and papered; everything modern THOMAB BRENNAN, Room 1 New York Life Bldg. ' RE-MS64 CUSTER county land from (6 to 89 per acre. Chris Boyer, 22d and Cuming. RE (5,1509 rooms, corner lot, new and modern, walking distance. Don 1 icy, Paxton block. RE IF YOU want ta buy, en. rant, borrow money, sell note or account, at R. t, N. Y. Ufa. 'Phon 188. Ulover t Son. . RE M2U (3.5007 rooms, all modern, now, choice, near 31st and Dodge. Denney, Paxton block. RE Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska. Ker.Mtn, Colorado and Wyoming; low prices; ten year' time. Land Dept. U. P. R. R. Co., Omaha, Neb, Dept. "A." RE-M8U T.OT9 rn ., ' k.t...nn -rTt 1. .. .1 ouiv, 30x150, 8000 each.' Ch'ls Boyer, 2-M ami ouming. ' ttn, 80-ACRE FARM FOR HALE, WESTiIHJDGE ST.. 8'i MILES lVVEST OK ClY. A very desirable farm. (SO per acre. GEORGE fc COMPANY,, 1601 Varnam St . . . , RB-4K 4 FOR BALK OR EXCHANGE Fine modern gTanito residence on ten acres; Hender sonvllle, N. C health resort. Address Olson, Frankfort,,- ind. RE 359 30x FOR SALE Two- modern. Brick houses. 1 room each; will rent fur (40. Price, M.600, easy terms. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1 New York Lie bldg. "-M6tt 83,5009 rooms, modern, corner, near 29th and Leavenworth. Denney. Paxton block. RE CHAB,Ui1l,,mcA rn V. B. Bk Bldg. E. " uiiaiiijuii vv., jut Floor. RE 388 (4,6509 rooms, new, modern, West Farnam. Denney, Paxton block, RE FOR SALE Two south, front house and lot on Hickory street, renting for (300 per year; llrst-clajs repair (2,500. J. A. X.OVGREN, 637 Paxton block. RE (3,7608 roonu, all modern, corner lot, biff ' (test bargain in Kountze Place. Denney, Pa-xton block. RE- FORTY acres In Dawson county. Neb.; can be irrigated, (2,000. Chris Boyer, 22d and Cuming. RE- IMPROVED 226-acre stock and grain farm, 17 miles north of C. Bluffs, IVi south Loveland, Iowa. Price, (12.600. Address W. C. Jacobs, Shelby, Iowa. HE- ONE-STORY brick store, lot 20x132. on Cuming near 22d, 82,600. Chris Buyer. RE (4,0007 rooms, new and modern, good lo cation, close in. Denney, Paxton block. RE A VALUABLE business property, 24th and Lake, (i2.00Q. Investigate. Chris Boyer, 22i and Cuming. RE FOR SALE One note or (1.800, due in on year, secured by fir' mortgage on good Improved Omaha property, bearing 6 per cent Intercut, payable semi-annually; also one note for (1,600, due on or before three years, Interest at 6 per cent, payable semi-annually, secured by first mortgage on good property. Both are absolutely safe and given by respectable parties Address the owner. S 26. Be office. RE-M45S 6-ROOM house, etv water, lot 61x125, on Nicholas near 29th St., (1,250. Chris Boyer, 22d and Cuming. RE (5,000 Investment property, reaping (800 per year. Half cash. Denney, Paxton block. RE- TWO-ROOM house, barn, full lot, near 14th and Oust sts., well and cistern water, (8)0. Chris Boyer. 22d and Cuming. RE- WANTED, a modern home of at least 8 rooms. In a good part of city; will pay (3.500 to (4,000 caah. Address J 32, Bee. RE FOUR-ROOM house, city water. 1608 Mili tary ave., (850. Chris Boyer, 22d and Cuming. RE 85.5009 rooms, modern, a bargain, within walking distance. Denney, I'uJiton block. RE- TWO tots. 27th snd Saratoga. 100x127. 8600. Chris Hoyer, 2:d and Cuming. RE NUMEROUS bargains In improved and un improved city and farm property. Chris iljyer, 22d and Cuming. RE- CLOSE IN BARGAIN. A aeven-roim house, modern except fur nace. Ineutfwl 4uu A,.,..clla All Kulnl.' church, on 20th and Hewey avenue; walk lug distance. Rents for 822.60. A very de- snauie loc-aiion. 1'rlce, -.i,au. owner very anxloua to soil, us he wishes to use money In bubinews. liEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. FOUR-ROOM house, chicl.en house, coal shed, two lota, on Guat at., near 14th, (800. Chris Boyer. 22U and Cuming. RE (5,6008 rooms, modern and very choice. jvounjze i-iaue. Denney. 1 ax ion diock. RE- LOT 117x124, on Tin eve. near Bancroft. with 4-room house: splendid Kcallou for chicken raising (.VM). J A. LOVGREN, 6.17 Paxton block. RE- THREE houses on Charles t . near (3d; price. (uHi and (750 and (8"0. Chris Hnyr, 2:d and Cuming. RE (61009 rooms, 'choice loratlon. West .Far nam aiuu icu ietmey, 'axiun uiu - RE FOR RENT HOUSES HOUSES, lnsuranct . Block. Rlngwalt, Barker D 401 HOI In all parts of the city. Th m.vwww o. . Davis Co.. tut Be bid. 1 wt FOR RENT, 6-room house, m flrt-clas condition, with large lot; convalent to car line. 816. 9s N. 2Clh at. D-MS58 McCauley Express Co. for moving, storase, baggage delivery. 609 S. loth. Tel. 1454. D M A HOME on Blnney St., in-room house, ta desirabl party; 84t per month. Telephone Han. i-iii THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pack, move and store II. H. goods. Storehouse, 1120-24 N. Uth. Office. 161 1H Farnam, TeL 1653. D 403 WE MOVE pianos. Mflggard Van St Btor age Co. TeL li69. Oflita 17 U Webster 8L D 404 ur ICPC !r all part of tha city. R. C. flUUDCO Peter St Co., Be BuUdin. D 4o PAYNE-BOSTWICK A CO.. choice taousei. 601-6U3 New York Life Bldg. 'Phone 1016, D 404 FOR RENT Modern -room flat opposlt Hanscom park, (34. 'Phone (23. D-M668 ( ROOM cottage, 2012 South 2d street; city water, in good condition; rent, $6. Walter Breen, r. 416 Karbch block. D 839 FOR RENT, after January 1, for several months, modern furnished eight-room house. Snap for right party. References. Address H 8, Bee. D M7&0 NICELY furnished six-room steam-heated apartment; Janitor service. Address with reference. J 1 Bee office. D 819 EIGHT-ROOM house and bath, hot water heating, steel range; will bo empty Dec. 16; only first-clasa party need npply. 813 K7 -1.1 Ol t - -'. h A-flW A MONEY Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. FOR KENT. 2531 Hamilton St.. 6-room modern house (20.00 wis .-North 26th St.. 6-room modern house 17.00 2606 N. 33d St., 6-room cottage 10.00 2559 Dodge St.. 10-room modern house.. 60.00 21st and Webster Bts.. 10-room mod ern flat 40.00 law Park Ave. 6-room flat, modern except furnace 16.00 W. R. HOMAN, 1517 Farnam 8t. D 160 8 SIX-ROOM' brick, modern. 1620 Kyner ave, . D-156 2x 1101 8. 30th St., ten-room, all-modern house, oak finish. A. G. Ellick. 802 City Hall. D 163 40TH and Cnllfornla St.. 8 rm.. new. .(40.00 40tU and California t.. 8 rooms, new 35.00 1420 N. 25th st., 6 rooms, modern ex. furnace 20.00 40J.' farnam St., 7 rooms, modern ex. furnace 22.50 2224 Clark at., 7 rooms 15.00 l-'l N. 87th St., 6 room 10.00 129 N. 37th St., 6 rooms 250n Pierce St., 7 room 18.00 2618 S. Lit h st 6 rooms 18.00 'I UK B X RON REEL) CO., 212 8. 14th. D-M176 29 FROM (6 up. Boyer, 22d and Cuidng sts. Tel. 2049. D-847 D22 HOUSES FOR RENT. 1711 S. 7th St.. 4 rooms, (8. 1920 S. loth t., 6 rooms, city water, 810. 1922 8. 10th m 6 rooms, city water, (9. 23:'4 S. 15th St., 6 rooms, city water and gas, (17. 2W2 Pratt st., 7 rooms, city water, etc, (17.50. 1837 N. 22d at., 6 rooms, gas and water, (16. 934 N. 27th ave. 7 rooma, modern, (20. 8.i?0 Hamilton St., 6 room, modern, (10. 1222 S. 27th St., 6 rooms, modern. (18. 940 N. 27th ave., 10 roonu. ail modern. (35. 211 S. 28th ave.. 6 rooms, modern, (16. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1614 Farnam t. D M177 29 FOR RENT Only (20 per month. 8 rooms, modern ex cept furnace, corner 34th and Center Bts. Beautiful yard. 2 blocks from park car line. Inquire R. C. PETERS & CO.. Ground Floor. Bee Building. D WALKING DISTANCE. An eight-room modern house. No. 207 North 23d st., walking distance, modern. (30 per month. R. C. PETERS &-CO., Ground Floor. Bee Building. D 7-ROOM house, modern; In excellent con dition; (28.50 per month. 2552 Jones st. D M363 lx HOUSES FOR RENT. 3802 Farnajn, 9-r., strictly modern, very fine, (50. 1309 8. 2th. 8-r., strictly all modern, good barn, large yard, paved street, reduced from (27.50 to (22.50. 306 8. 38th, 8-r , strictly all modern, fine location. Al shape, (45. 1 r.. 1 o on. U A.- u ..,...,!.. ..1, J o. rt, o-,., on iviij ail iiiouern, fine barn, large y.ard, (300 Just being spent 608 So. 27th, 8 r.. strictly all modern, fine 2410 Seward, 8-r., all modern except fur- 3319 Maple, 7-r.. gas and city water, new, (14. m.tiE .- o,.l. .. ....... 1 . 1 1 1 ' . ,K0 w-i ., uiaiiu ucn, till lliuueril. at a icudiBii ii,uic. 1729 S. 10th, 6-r., strictly all modern, in .. 1 . . .1 I 1. . ......... V. . . , Anl.. , H 2615 Decatur, 6-r., city water, large yard. 11! . 1848 N. 20th, nice 5-r. flat, porcelain bath 1622 Canton, Vr. cottage, . city water In- tJ.iO XT I "l W 9 l... 1 .. a. IT", A. . al.ll, a l., ivjr nal, VIOPO 111, M. 11'. anvl.... Hn. I. . 1 . " oi" .i 1 1 a 1 1' ui, i -1 b - i um auuvi, nouses - ' 1 ' ' -"-i n in 1 1 1' . 1 unci ,1 1 1 m.L. .nanlnl lnl,.A..n...,l. rwmi. ..,anv uiiivi-iiiiiiiiiii niiy Ol the above houses to good tenants. See us in i miiiiei cjariicuiai n. PAYNE. BOSTWICK & CO., Sixth Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. D FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES A (19 OFFICE in tha Be building carri wun it all the convenience and advan tages In th way of heat, light, Janitor aervice, all-night and ell day and Sunday vievaiur aervice. .1 iu omco i now va cant. Call at once. R. C. Peter & Co., ground floor. Be building. 1828 8-STORY and basement brick building, 1003 rarnam, z-xiw, nyarauuo elevator, suit able for wholesale or manufacturing. 314 First Nat l Bank building. 1-899 FOR RENT Half of ground floor and all of second floor at 916 Farnam st. I-M980 3 IF A GOOD light Is needed w ran show you a norm front omc on ine nun noor a splendid room, ot the moderate price or (20. R. C. Peter & Co., ground floor. Re building. 1-123 FOR RENT Large Btore room, 16th and Vinton. (10.00 Der month. 4 rooms, 8124 Mason St., 87.00 per month. C. M. Buchmunji, 436-37 Paxton Block. 1-354 FOR SALE HORSED & WAGONS FINE (375 pneumaMo Stanhope, nearly new, (125; open pneumatic runabout, (60. Drum mond. 18th and Harney. P-370 FOR BALE Horse for city driving or de livery. Your livery trade solicited In either buggy or carriage work. Mel choir's Livery Bam. P 872 ROCKA WAY, high grade, second-hand, good shape, cheap. H. B. Fredrlckson, Io02 Capitol Ave. P-848 N2S GOOD station wagon, cheap; also second hand carriage at a bargain. Johnson & Danforth. B. W. Cor. loth and Jones ats. P Mj D2J BIG mule team, harness and wagon, for sale cheap, li. Daiiuer, 9lh and O Ave., Courtland Beach. P 352 29x DANCING ACADEMY. MR and MRS. MORAND'S winter term far adult bc-tilnners opena this week. Tues day nnd Eriday, It p. m. ; assemblies, WdnMlay, 8 p. m.; children. Fa urd ty, 1 p. m. Reduced prices In all rlaax; pri vate leaeotia. TeL 10U 15 Ih and Harney. 180 Ull CHAMBERS, society and Slag. Tel. F1871. -M14EU PERSONAL tmj ni'is lan'es' fv rff ani collar rcuprej oioie, inn n yirnini VR. ROY, Chiropody. R. t 8. 1601 8rI"ft"J' MAG IN 1 1 ICL:; S.'Siii. Ri Mm. U-4 TRY KELLEY'S LAUNDRY. 'PHONEJPS 10" RUTS lilies' Roc cuff and collar People' Store, 16th nd Farnam atreet. TRITSSES made nd fitted to men, women and children. 14o6 rarnam St. TUB IL 1. PEN FOLD CO. U J88 LETOVSKT S orchestra. Telephone LJJ IOC BUYS ladles' 6O0 cuff snd collar sets People's Store, 16th and Farnam streets. Society' "life reader." Gylmer. 71( N. 23d. irrnDnifiN .r.H t;l 1NRI !RST PLEATING. RUCH1NG, BUTTONS Send for Price list and Samplee. THh GOLDMAN PLLATING CO., 200 IJoiip HIOfK. lei. TUB, vapor and alcohol oath. 780 Stjj DON'T fool with your eyes; t careful examines ih.m - wa teat eye fre vho (or glasses and guarantee satisfaction. THE H. 3. PENFOLD CO., Leading OpUclana, 14u Fain am. DRAWING and PAINTING from life. Mr. Caae'a Art Class; atudlo 4. Lnlon block, uik . ' IT ISA Uth and Farnam. 10C buys ladles' Coc cuff snd collar sets t-eopie s Btore, lth and Farnam streeia HtlLBRONN SANITARIUM, Sill TU .11M11U. NKR. Magnesia Mineral Waters for rheumatism. 0100a aiseasea. constipation, Kianey op; ease, etc Saline and Turkish baths. Ad ores 11. j. Aberly. Medical uirecior. U S95 LARSON & JOHNSON, udt rates to all points. 14W Farnam. Tel. B23U. stem bar American Ticket Broker Awn U-S7 10C BUYS ladles' Wc cuff nnd collar sets- People s Store, ltfth and Farnam streets, 'PHONE 701 and a man will call and tune your piano; (Z. Perfleld Piano Co., 16U arnam. u 10." buy ladles' IWe cuff and collar sets- People's Store, 16th and Farnam streets. THEATRICAL maaq. costume 1410-12 Howard. Lleben, U M2 "VIAV1." way to health. 850 Be Bldg. U-381 THE Salvation Army solicit cast-off cloth ing, in fact an) thing you do not need we collect, renal i and sell for coat of col lecting to the worthy poor. Call 'phon uo ana wagon win can. u Mi OMAHA Stammerers' Institute, Ramge Blk. u in WE DO expert piano moving; lowest , rates. Bcnmoiier ac Mueller, 1313 Farnam. uei. lb.'s. u 163 L-9 IOC buys ladles' 60c cuff snd collar sets people s Btore, lbth nd Farnam street. C A. POTTER, examiner in chancery and notary public, has opened a law and com mercial reporting office at room 414 Bee building, where ne Is equipped to do all xinns or snortnana, typewriting and mini- eograpnic worn. u Mil zbx 10C BITYS ladles' 60c cuff and collar sets . i'eopie s Btore, 16th and Farnam streets, INFORMATION wanted of John Klrby. a soldier In the civil war: last heard of enter (St., hi. UOuis. itepiy m. J. Klrby. Newfoundland,. J. U M277 29x WILL the pa rail ts of Joseph Sheffry kindly .i-,mm,ml,.ii ta a-lh , . k ... ,1 1 1 ...i ,,....,. u m ni.ii ,.im naaui mint rirni. iw jsroaaway. imcw lork; u M276 29x WANTED, the use of a piano for storage by a young married counlo: can slve bet of references; will guarantee to keep piano in gooa conamon. Auaress II v, tiee omce. L 110 6x 10C buyr Indies' BOc cuff snd collar sets- People s Btore, lbth and Farnam streets. CALENDARS and calendar pads. Burk ley Printing Co., Omaha, U M370D28 METROPOLITAN RE8TAURANT, 1312 Douglas st. First class cafe and private oining rooms, jvicais servea nt an hours, aay or nigni. xciepnone awi U-M363 lx SAY, fellows, how Is this? How to win nt curds taught In ten days. One thor ough system. Easily learned; can win enough in one hour to puy ror whole sys tem with cards, etc. Address for par ticulars ' J., 3. Bee. U AI361 028 SEE OLD MEXICO Small, select party forming to take trip through Mexico, combining business and pleasure, to look Into business prospects and chances for Investment. References exchanged. Par ticulars. Address "MEXICO," 1014 Hay- den building, Columbus, O. U 330 28x Wanted The Deaf to Hear Freo tests of Instruments for the deaf. Hutchison Acoustic Co., 618 N. Y. L. Bldg, u-avi MEDICAL FOR WOMEN ONLY. DR. RAYMOND'S Monthly Regulator ha brought happiness to hundreds of anxious women. No pain, no danger, no inter ference wun wore; renei in s io a aays. We have never known of a single failure. Mall orders promptly filled. Price 82. DR. R. G. RAYMOND REMEDY CO., R. 87, 84 Adams St., Chicago. M895 LADIES Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills are th best. Bate, reliable. Take no other. Bend 4c stamps lor particulars, "Relief for Ladles," In letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia, Pa. DR. PRIES treats successfully all disease nd Irregularities of women, from any cause; experienced and reliable. Address, with stamp. Dr. Pries, lull ft Dodge BL. omana. LADIES In trouble writing to post box , 757, Omaha, Neb., wlii not regret It. M777 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bles adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani tarium, 728 1st ave., Council Bluffs, la., Tl. .74). -26 PRIVATE horn during confinement; ba bies boarded and adopted. Mr GardelL 1216 Charles Tel. A2618. 430 PRIVATE.home during confinement. Bahte adopted. Mr. Dr. King, 606 N. 16th. TeL 8669. 686 D4 PRINTING LYNGSTAD & RUFFNER. PRIrMTPRCrou,"M' Block. Corner ot I fxlii I Clwitith su and Capitol Av. -874 KRAMER tt CHANDLER, QUICK PRINTERS. 1106-08 Douglaa St. To da liver work when promised 1 our hobby. -S7S J. M. SIRPLESS, reliable printer; eatab- 1 4 a . a ,1 CO vau ra Ma f 1 ') I V. c , i - . - - . -u l u a... v l.i ana. -877 LAW AND COLLECTIONS E. F. MOREARTY, Attorney, 437 Paxton. T-.l a 'n : 111 ' . ,1 JOHN M. MACFARLAND, New York Ufe bldg., rooms 804 and 819. TeL 1662. -435 COLLECTIONS promptly reiiorttd. Mi l aTaftjalOn DIOCK. PATENTS 8UES A CO., Patent Lawyers; advice free. i lire omues: lie building, uunna, ceoj 1&4 Dearborn Bt., Chicago. III., and 10v3 f St., Washington. D. C. Tel. 162.i. -Maoj D12x J. EMERY LESTER. Patent and patent law. mechanical draughting and blue printing. Buna 430 Pajtton block. Omaha, Neu. 'Phone 1796. -M793-D-14X FLORISTS HESS 4k SWOBODA. 1416 Farnam. -431 CH AH EDERER. Reasonabla 80lh and Brlatol, Tel. 17l L. HENDEPSON, L519 Farnam. Send foi price list of cut nowera anu piama. 418 ALFRED DONAGHUE, JR., 1607 Farnam. TL J SECRET SOCIETY NOTICES Mtiond ATTtoirwt rr. Masaals Taaaals, C- IUte(k aad Oa si te I ATHIH OMAHA CHAPTER. NO. 1, R. A. M.-Sp-rlal convocation Tuesday. November 29, at T so p, m., for work In the Royal Arch d gTe. Hugh Hippie, Secretary. KSIt.HT OF rVTHIA. NOTICE. All Knights of Pythias Invited to attend the reception of the Biir-renie rhancellor Tuesday evening at 8 o'c-lo. k Tho cTand chancellor of Nebraska snd W J Brvnn will also be present. Mvrtle hill t'on tinentnl block, 15th and Dong:a ta H freshment. By order of committee. I. O. O. F. BEACON LODGE. NO. ?AMeetln T'le-. dy evening, November 29. at 8 o cloek in I. O. O. F. hall. Fourteenth and Ividua streets. Flection of officers. All mem bers please attend. K. C. Burkett. N. O. J. I Albison. Secretary. ROYAL ARCASIM. PIONEER COUNCIL. NO. US-Meet- In regular session second and fourth Tues days In each month In Continental block. Fifteenth and Douglas. Visitors Invited. Thomas O. Mngrane, Secretary MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS MONEY WE LOAN ON Furnltur. PUnos, Live Stock, ' eauanea. wic rsivw Best Rates, hesy Payments, Quiet Service, Any Time. WE WANT Tour Busines If You Ever Borrow Money, OMAHA MORTGAGE IX) AN CO. 119 Board of Trad Bldg. Tel. 2295. Established 1892.) io6 S. 16th St X-M903 MEN IN BEST POSITIONS Sometime need money. W can supply the need without publicity and at lowest rates on salary or on furniture, plane, etc. Dealings fairest. Bee us before bor rowing elsewhere. Open every Tuesday and Saturday evening until 8 o'clock THE J. A. HUTTON CO.. .14-614 Paxton block. X 419. LOANS mad on all Winers of chattel curlty, also on SALARIES. Low Rates. Easy Terms Quick and Confidential Service. Call on us If In- need of MONEY. PHOENIX CREDIT CO 633 Paxton Block. X 414 BOWEN'S MONEY Easy to get on furniture, piano, horses, cows. jwelry, or on your plain note, if steadily employed. 704 N. V. Life hldg. i .28 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLB ana omeis wiuiuui securiiy; easy pay rnents; largest business In 49 principal cities Tolman, Room 714, N. Y. Life. X-419 MONEY loaned on furniture, salary, horses, etc.; half usual rates. Dr. Prtb- benow, room 214 at 209 8. 16th St. TeL B-W64. X M479 SALARY AND ' CHATTEL LOANS. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 807-8 PAXTON BLOCK. 'PHONE 1411. '. X-M61I MONEY loaned pn salary,- furniture " jew elry, horses. Duff Green Loan Co.. 8 Barker Block. X 418 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 319 3. 11th. X 416 MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. STAR LOAN tv., 644 rAATUW BL.UUK. X-418 SEE FULLER. 425 Paxton block, for loans on watches, diamonds and jewelry. X-41T CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. - Po-' ley Loan Co., 1504 Farnam St. 9 X 412 SALARY and collateral loans. Templeton, lis see tins. ici. a is TRADE Fine corner, excellent Farnam st. location: value. (i5,ooo; win traue lor improved property. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1320 Farnam Street. , K-M206 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE FARM and city loans; lowest rates. W. H. Thomas, First Mat t Bank Bldg. Tel. 1648, PRIVATE money. F. D. WeaJ, IK0 Douglas W 4i2 WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam smith & 'o , it.u r arnam bt W-428 MONEY TO LOAN. Payn Investment Co. W-424 6 PER CENT loans Garvin Bros., -J 604 Farnam. w -cui LOWEST rate. Bemls. Paxton block. VV c MONEY to loan on real estate at S and SVj per cent. w. B. Memie, zoo Kamge umg. W 427 I HAVE one thousand dollars (11,000) to loan for one to llvo years on first mort gage security. In answering say what your security Is and where located. Security must be gilt edge. 'Address J 20, Bee. W M169 lx REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE 400 acres first-class Improved farm In Polk county; price (60 per acre, jraae jor merchandise. 420 acres good rarm land, 8 mile from Co. Hiuns: pneo da per acre. xnuj iur mer chandise. 684-acre farm very handsomely Improved. One of tho very nest, in remoni county. Iowa; .35 acres orchard, 450 acres coin land; price (75 per scr. Trade for city Income property to the tsmount of 826,uim; bnlatw-A mh (urmil Two-mory brick store building renting for (75 tier montn ; pnoe, ,. mu good land at cash value.. . mplemcnt stock, involi-ing 14.000 for sale cheap, or will trade lor wi-acro unu, ui ance cash. This Is a enap. ,000 acres deeded land near McCook. al completely fencod and full equipment of buildings and roai-hlneryi,iv head of cat tle. 14 horses and mules and i0 heed jr hogs go with tlai place at (55.ovi cam. It most all tllianie, nui now iiumij has paid 15 Per cent on tnis nunuiir , for five year past. Might take part In city Income property; tuilanc cnn. tie of the beet ranches in eaMerii herry count v. 3.2) acre deeded; 2 school eeo flon" leased for 18 years; .-. seres of fenc ed free range; 2 nets of improvements; wl 1 Include 400 head of oaMK 40 hores and mules and euflU lent hay to winter them, If deired. Price. opt ocJt. (45 750. Will lak good liillllug plant in exchange. Sholes-Armstrong company, ta N. Y. Life. 15 ACRES fine strawberry and fruit land, south slope; has l,- blick rasplierrle no w growing; 1M young pearh trees; 10 cherries: one mile from Neosho. Address L. 8. Davis, Real L.-tate,, NOB; M"' HERSHEY COLONY Just onei;ed for "illeineht, ft.'O ACRES OF hi N E IRRIGATED I N' FINE SOI L. FINE CROPS. FINE CI.lMA'l'i-; SPECIAL EXCURSION next Tuesday. Nov. 2!uh. also the following Tuesday. For full particulars write Immediately to the Payne Investment Company, Main Floor New York Life Rldg ., Omaha, Neb. M-200 I DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING. Tl. F-2797, 61s S th, Mr Gurceu-l. -M838-D-. IN families. Mis Sturdy. 'Phone A-2i. M-iJ4 V MPS. EARLY WINE, 192S CAt.irORNU Tsl. F2798. M 141 Vit