Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 27, 1904, EDITORIAL SECTION, Image 9

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    The Omaha
Wednesday is Rori.i ott.r- na a :., t
.r'.T0 i?. (!hcuh you've no more than one brln W you'll ft
tea ($1) Utile Oreen Stickers free. If you've five books you fet one dollar',
worth for each. Hundreds upon hundreds of Oreen Trading Mamp collectors
are keeping oks going at once-ihy thus get the advantage of dol.
lars upon dollars of RDD-LET1 EH DAY STAMPS.
c, Christmas Is corning Iftly! 1 wenly-iour shopping days till It's on you.
Fill a book and get a ho.lday premium for Christmas gilt making.
Dry Goods Department
Great Bargains in Silks
Black rwau d sole, 27 In. wide, an ex
tra One quality for dresses, rognilar
$1.25 yard, Monday, JQ
special, for DJC
All our $1 and $1.25 fancy silks for
handnome waists and suit, both for
street and evening wear at one price
Monday, and that a bargain Q r
for OJC
I'laln silks for linings. In all colors. IS)
In. wide, a bargain for oOc a Jt J?
yard, our price Monday, only... J C
Silks 39c and 25c
Monday on the bargain counter, main
aisle, 16th street entrance, all our
fancy and plain silks, worth up to 05c
a yara, at one price,
Also our new line of wash plaids, silks
for waists, regular 50c qual- 'JCL
Ity, Monday, special, at.'. ijC
An extra fine coating velvet for coats
and suits, 24 In. wide. In browns, blues.
reds and blacks, Monday, 1
very special, for 1UU
Dress Goods A Feast of
41-ln. cheviots at,
Shades of brown, myrtle, navy, cardinal
and black. You will be asked $1 a
yard In other stores, our price 1 P
for Mondays only I DC
Special Sale Evening
30-In. albatross, at,
Light blusk pink, canary heliotrope,
browns, red and navy, 50c quality,
our price, Monday, Tft.
only :...)JC
38-Inch nun's veiling, evening Crt
shades, at DVC
40-Inch crepe egypta, evening C
hades, at DC
46-Inch louverlne, Sicilians, crepe do
Paris and eoliennes, at, t f(
a yard, $1.25 and 1UU
Special Notice
New line craveuettes just received.
An Immense sale of walstlng ffl.
at, yard 1UC
Nearly 500 pieces bought especially for
tnis great sale. They Include Arnold's
fine flannels, heavy waistlngs and kl
mona and wrapper flannels, some are
double fold, all extra wide, and worth
18c to 25c yard, all f (
at one price 1UC
Silks from the Big New York Purchase
on the Bargain Circle Monday
Silks worth f 1.00 and f 1.23 at 59c, 27-ineh black
peau de soie and a large line of fancy dress
silks for shirtwaist suits, skirts and waists,
none of these fine silks are worth less than
? 1.00 a yard, some are worth $1.25,
a yard
Coming events are casting their shad
ows. Oar first arrivals of Christmas
goods are filling up the cases In the dry
goods section. Come and see them.
. U V C3 1 11 U U
Silks worth $ 1.25 and fl.50 at 69o, including
the new satin striped plaids, Roman velours,
Vienese striped, and a veritable panorama of
rare gems of the silk art, ALL ff jfX
WORTH $1.25 and fl.50,
MONDAY, ONLY a yard. viV
1,000 Needle Cases
''Drummers' samples," worth up to $1.25
each, will be sold Monday, C
at, each .DC
Three gross opera and shopping bags In
dainty designs of tine mercerized
sateens, all colors and black, regular
values 75c and $1.00 each, for Mon
day only, we sell 0
thorn at 3JC
Fifty ($5.00) Green Trading Stamps
with each.
Great Doings Monday i.i Our
Cloak and Suit Departments
Ladles' Tailor Hade Suits
Big Bargain in Ladies'
Monday morning we place on sale 50
dozen Indies' a'.i wool and pnrt wool
vests and drawers,, and 40 dozen fine
silk fleeced union suits,, sizes In all
lines from 4 to 0 (32 U 44 bust), val
ues up to $1.50, Monday, 7gA
garment I DC
Monday morning we will make one rack
of suits, worth from $15 to $20. in
cluding our new tourist and military
styles, in plain navy, black and brown,
and a lot of our very latest y PA
novelties, giving a choice at. .l,DJ
Double Creen Trading Stamps.
Ladies' Heavy Three
Quarter Winter Cloaks
Monday morning we will sell one rack
of the best $15 to $20 coats in Prt
ever shown In Omaha, ut . l,D)
Double Green Trading Stamp with
each sale.
Children's and misses' cloaks, the long,
warm, stylish kind, hundreds to se
lect from, two special
prices for Monday, $4.05 and
Walking Skirts ,
600 skirts In all plain f
and fancy colors, at t D
Double Green Trading Stamps Monday.
Children's Wool Dresses
Wool dresses, in plaid patterns, very
neatly made, trimmed In fancy braids,
ribbon, buttons and velvet, on ft O
sale at JOC
Wool dresses in serge, nicely trimmed
with velvet ribbon braid, metallic vel
vet yoke, in brown and red,
value $2.00, on sale
Wool dresses trimmed in fancy braids
and brass buttons, Buster Brown style,
fine wool serge in brown, blue 1 !
and ml, value $3, on sale at. .
Double Green Trading Stamps with
every sale of children's' dresses.
Ladies Large Gingham
Kitchen Aprons
These aprons come in very long lengths.
Mother Hubbard style, trimmed with
ruffles of gingham, worth Ci.
i)8c, on sale at DJC
Children's outing flannel pet- JC
tlcouts, fancy colors.. DC
Solid pink and
blue ,
Hardware Hot-Shot for
We have just received a fine assortment of
chafing dishes, baking dishes and five o'clock
teas, any of which would make an up-to-date
Xinas present. Don't fail to make your selec
tion Monday while you have a large assortment
to select from.
Chafing dishes,
up from .......
Baking dishes,
tip from
Five o'clock teas,
up from
No. 1800 coffee
No. 1801 coffee
No. 1802 coffee
A complete line of nickel plated bath room
Don't forget we have the best and greatest
number of styles of base burners and heating
stoves and ranges in the city. The Peninsular
Is our leader because it leads all.
Ice will soon be here and every boy, girl and
man wants to have a nice pair of skates to en
joy the first pleasure of the 'season. We carry
a full line of all sizes and grades of IJarney &
Berry's skates, ranging in prices from 50c ti $5.
Do Your Xmas Shopping Early
For Children:
Cute little Dutch pictures, Dutch poster pictures, animal
pictures, etc., all artistic and the very
latest, up from.
Twenty ($2.00) Little Green Stickers.
For Young People:
Framed heads, just out, by Harrison Fisher's Christy.
Underwood and Gilbert, the popular American cartoon
ists latest reproductions, handsomely
framed in Flemish oak, up from....
Lots of others less expensive, artistic and very appropri
ate remembrances.
For Parents:
A handsome parlor lnndscape in pastel, a beautiful fruit
picture for the dining room, a poet's or musician's pic
ture for the music room or library, On
den pictures, etc., popular prices, up from OJC
Our stock is ample to reserve early purchases, better
start Monday to make your selections.
Monday Hummers.
200 landscape pictures, suitable for f j(
parlor XJVJ
Burnt pyrography match nt
sera tchers JUC
Pyro novelties for burning. We're headquar- f p .
lers in tins line or goods; $5.00 to ...gJC
. as
Arris. Materials.
Make your friends a win. of a water color, oil or china
Picture Framing.
We're better equipped thun ever in this line, styles for
Xmas, very beautiful, prices low, and wo guarantee the
best of workmanship.
Visit our art galleries and sheet music department ad
Joining 2nd Floor.
Fine Holiday China
Make your Christmas selections from our grand display
of China Bric-a-Brac, Cut Glass and Statuary while our hugp
assortments are unbroken.
Large line of C. Dorllinger & Son's and other lending
makes of new cut glass. 1
Display now complete. Your inspection invited.
at 50c, 40c, 35c, 30c and
Thirty ($3.00) Little Green Stickers.
WHITE AND GOLD 100-piece Dinner Sets. . . JZ.v)U
Largest line of Dinnerware in the west.
complete wun canuie snade and holders,
Always full values In our grocery.
Lenders In pure, fresh table products,
Indisputably so!
Tomato Special.
Several thousnnd cans solid packed, extra
quality Brockport tomatoes, 2iC
Ten (ji.od) Green TriLd'i'nV ' Stumps with
eueh can, Monday only.
Thirty ($3.00) Oreen Trading Stamps with
quart can Franco-American 1
soup , ou
New dried fruits, Just received.
Raisins, tine, Qr-
IKJund Ot
Currants, cleaned, 1fir
California prunes, e
pound Ofc
Seeded raisins, lltr1
package , IVJfc
Twenty (12.00) Green Trading Stamps with
pound Golden Santos Ofxc
coffee Uv
Twenty ($2.00) Oreen Trading Stamps with
half-pound package Bennett's 14
Capitol te OHrC
Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with
three packnRcs Bennett's
Cajitol mincemeat fciJW
Ginger snaps, fresh, crisp and Af,
spicy, pound t
Several hundred packages Wetmore's Gel
atine, pink, white or orange, ttr
package VW
Five (50c) Oreen Trading Stamps 'with
each package. , '
The finest products, direct from dairy.
Bulk mincemeat, tkc
sound I52k
Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with
three Neufchatel tOc
Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with
pound New York Otic
Ten ($1.00 Green Trading Stamps with
pound peanut 1 n
taffy 'I'
El Lit ho. a genuine l'orto Itico OC
clirar, nine for ACJW
Royal Banner, a 6c cigar, fiftp
twenty-five for OLfc
We carry Stephen B. Condlt's clear
Havana cigars, L'o, 50 and 100 in a box, for
Xmas presents.
Chauncey Depew, a Ec cigar, 1 1f
25 for
Fifteen ($1.60) Green Trading Stamps.
Furniture Dept.
Our Third Floor la Teetuluw With
Clever Christmas Suggestions.
A more comprehensive
array of seasonaole furniture
can be found nowhere in the
West. Don't wait until Urn
eleventh hour when assort
ments are broken and choos
ing limited Come early!
Goods purchased now stored
for Christmas delivery.
$3.50 Golden Oak Rocker,
high back and . arms,
substantiallv made and
well finished,
$10.50 Dressing Table, quar
tered oak or mahogany,
French plate
polish finish,
mirror, high
$12.00 Writing Desk, made
of quartered golden oak,
French leg, with 'drawer,
neatly arranged interior,
fine polish QP
finish, at m J
$13.50 Princess Dresser,
made of golden oak, large
French pattern mirror,
shaped top and excellent
finish, QCIC
at J JO
$20.00 Combination Book
case and Writing Desk,
made of quartered golden
oak, large French mirror,
oval glass door in bookcase,
fine polish
finish, at
There is as much difference
between the Dorothy Dodd and
ordinary shoes as between the
artistic creations of a high-class
tailor and the common ready-to-wear
product. Boots at
$3.00 and $3.50
Great Factory Sale of Pianos
Cost and Profit Lost Sight of!
Finished Pianos for WhM the Raw Material Would Cost
Our buyer being offered five car loads of pianos at less than
one-half factory cost could not resist, the temptation was too
strong. lie bought them! Our store was already full to over
flowing. This recent purchase is now coming in. We must havo
loom regardless of everything else.
A $300.00 piano, large size, fully guaranteed 110.00
A $32..00 piano, well known make 1J5.00
A $350.00 piano, good enough for any home.. 125.00
A $375.00 piano, noted for its durability 137.00
A $400.00 piano, a favorite among teachers 147.50
A $425.00 piano, old and established reputation 163.00
A $450.00 piano, famous for its tone quality 184.00
A $500.00 piano, the kind artists use 212.00
A $550.00 piano, an ideal instrument 237.50
A $000.00 piano, especially designed art case 255.00
Sale begins .Monday. The first to come get the best choice.
o delay. Extra salesmen have been engaged for this sale.
Msnday Snaps In Woodenware
$1.48 Folding Ironing
Board 1.25
Twenty ($2 Oreen Trading Stamps.
Folding Washbench . . 85c
Twenty ($2) Green Trading Stamps.
Eight' Drawer Spico
Cabinet....:.' 58c
Twenty ($C) Orren Trading Stamps.
18x24 Breadboard . . 35c
Ten ($1) Oreen Trading Stamps.
Fancy Scrap Baskets... .722c
Ten ($1) Oreen Trading Stamps.
Large Bread Cutting
Board 15c
Ten ($1) Green Trading Stamps.
Horse Blankets and
Lap Robes.
Special sale of Horse
DIankets and Lap Iiobcs
Monday in Harness Section,
Double Green Trading
Stamps (twenty to the dol
lar) with all such Monday.
We make and repair har
Boys' Stylish Clothing ThesM
The very best that can be tailored a large variety of
styles to humor particular parents. There are lots of advan
tages in buying here, and not one of the least is the saving of
money. All sizes, 3 to 1G years.
Double Breasted Suits, 7.50 to 1.95
Stylish Blouse Suits.... .'...4.95 0 2.45
Sailor Norfolk Suits ...4.95 to 1.95
London Norfolk Suits 7.50 to 3.95
Handsome Vest Suits 7.50 to 1.95
Russian Blouse Suits 4.95 to 2.95
A'WaJch with every Suit $T QjC
a.nd Overcoat kP
Young Men's Suits and Overcoats, 10 to 20 years, sizes 20 to
30, Hirsh-Wickwire & Co.'s make, 50c on the 7 Ar
dollar-$10, $9.75, $8.50, $7.50, $6.50, $5.00 JV3
OVERCOATS are in the Sale
Single and double breasted, in every cloth you can think of.
The maker didn't mean to make too many, he meant to make
enough and overdid it. Plain and mixtures at these prices;
$6.50 Suits and Overcoats, worth $10.00
$8.50 Suits and Overcoats, worth $12.50
$10.00 Suits and Overcoats, worth $l.QQ
$12.50 Suits and Overcoats, worth $18.00
$15.00 Suits and Overcoats, worth $20.00
$18.00 Suits and Overcaats, worth $25.00
$20.00 Suits and Overcoats, worth $30.00
Another Season of Triumph for th Booth
Brigade of Athl.tes.
Record of Achlcvemeata Staada Well
b In Mae with tha Illatorjr of
j tha Coruhaakera Slaea
" Booth Took Hold.
1m tirj.ka
Total .
Tha Saaanu'a Record.
Ciiund Island
Crrlghton ....
Mtmieauta ...
iX Total
Tha foot ball teaion for 1904 at tha Vnt
varsity of Nebraska ended on Thank.-!vinj
day literally In a blase of lory. The sur
cfss of the Cornhunkrrs In triumphing over
Illinois, after the fiercest aoj moat thrill
lng foot ball struggle ever witnessed on a
Nebraska gridiron, while It l doubtful If
a more stirring and evenly contested mstrh
i ever fought out on any field In the
Und, served to erase from tha nilnJs of
the supporters of the scarlet and creaui
the memory of three previous defeats sus
tained by their favorites. It woa a new
experience for Nebraska rooters, since the
coming of Booth In 1900, for the Corn
huskers to lose as many as three games
In a season, but the humbling of the proud
and spirited aggregation from Champaign
atoned for all of the disasters that had
previously been sustained.
Kebraaka-'a Great Record.
Nebraska's fame In the world of foot ball
1ms, Indeed, been enviable since the advent
of the big I'rinietonlun us coach. Suc
ceeding to the cqachshlp the year after the
distressing season of im, when the regime
of one liranch was In force, the corn
huskers winning only one game of the en
tire schedule, Booth's methods and seal
brought truly astonishing e (Tec is. with a
squad limited in numbers and including
only a few experienced players. Booth
whipped them into form, and his pupils
played every game of the season prior to
the final clash of the year, the latter with
tha vaunted Minnesota Gophers, without
once permitting their goal line to be
crossed. The shutout record was marred
In the Minnesota game, but the victory or
tha Mlnnesotans In that final struggle Was
a moral triumph for the Nebraskans, who,
while defeated by a score of JO to 13. scored
as many touchdowns as their giant op.
ponents and gave the Comhuskers their
lirst claim to prominence on the gridiron.
The season ot mi wus still more successful.
Nebraska bowing only btfore the champion
Wisconsin team and again to Minnesota.
Meanwhile the Cornhunkers had over
whelmed every opponent in the Missouri
valley, in which district they were rec
ognized as supreme.
The following year, that of 1902. was Ne
bruska's golden ago from a foot ball view
point. Every adversary was bowled over
with almost ridiculous ease, the list of
victims this time including Minnesota, and
not a solitary point was registered againt
the Cornhuskers by any of their opponents
throughout the entire year.
The season of 1903 was almost as suc
cessful as that which preceded It, Nebraska
winning every one of its games and per
mitting only a paltry eleven points to be
scored against it.
Disaster Was Espected.
With such a splendid record in four suc
cessive years tha dlapassionata student of
foot ball could not expect other than that
Nebraska would suffer reverses, and the
trio of defeats sustained this year were
therefore not in the least out of the gen
eral order. Booth asserts that Nebraska
had a right to win every game that It has
Played In lsot That thle was not realised,
the big coach declares, was tha natural
consequence of a botched-up schedule,
where, if proper Judgment had been dl
played In the arrangement of the games,
every defeat might as well as not have
ben converted into a victory. He points
out. 11.-st of all. that a bad mistake was
made in booking the game at Uoulder wkli
Colorado university on a date so early lu
the Betumn. It has been long established
that athletes from a low altitude are seri
ously hampered when they visit a moun
tainous district to take part In any contest
requiring heavy physical exertion, es
pecially when they are not in perfect phys
ical trim. Colorado was aware of' Ne
braska's unpreparednesa and played a trick
011 their opponents by Installing practice on
the Held at Uoulder during the last' wek
In August. Meanwhile the Cornhuskers
did not don the moUakins until the end of
the second week of September, while Booth
did not reach Lincoln to take charge of his
proteges until the middle of the month.
Trouble With Minnesota.
The men slowly rounded Into form fend
Booth, when the time came for the Minne
sota game, was forced to whip his former
cripplea Into shape fur the clash with
Gophers, rather than to prepare thera grad
ually for the struggle. But even then the
Cornhuskers had a license to wrest the
laurels from the Minnesota giants, for tha
latter, although a powerful eleven and out- !
weighing 'the Nebraskans by so wide a '
margin that the latter almost seemed !
midgets In comparison, fumbled so persist
ently and the Cornhuskers as persistently
captured the ball, that Minnesota's success,
was as much of rsro good luck as that It
was duo to uprior prowess. The defuut ,
at Minnesota, 1 ho latter touted as a claim- I
ant for championship honors In the west,
however, nuly adiitd to Nebranka a fame, !
for the vli ury was won by the narrowest I
of margins and the Oopbors were diimaysd i
almost as much as If they had suffered
The strenuous practice required to pre
pare them for the clash at Minneapolis
resulted In almost every man In the 'var
sity squad showing signs of overtraining,
otherwise described as staleness. This
state of affairs compelled Booth to allow
all of those affected to break training for
nearly a week and when Iowa came to
face the Cornhuskers the latter were fir
from being In trim for the fray. But the
Hawkeyes were humbled, although at a
heavy cost, for Captain Benedict, Ne
braska's main reliance as a punter, was
deliberately maimed by the Iowa players
and crippled so badly that he did not get
back into the game for the next three
wetkr. His last appearance on the field in
the Illinois game showed that he was still
suffering from the rough play to whK-h he
was subjected at the hands of the Hawk
eyes, am), except for his kicking, he was
practically powerless to render any aid to
his teammates. The disability of Weller, a
halfback developed by Booth on the eve
of the clash with the redoubtsble Haskell
Indians, sent him to the hospital and de
prived the Cornhuskers of a very valuable
plnyer, whose Irresistible I'ne-ehurglng gave
Booth assurance that the red men would
be taxed to the uttermost If they hope to
stop him. With Benedict and Weller out
of the game the Haskell brave 1 aired the J
palefaccd Nebraskans and aor;d ill lr I rHt
victory oer the Curtihusker l:i four years.
While admitting the rsr prowess of the
Huskell eleven, Booth firmly muli.uioi
that ths Cornhuskers, with their full
strength In the field, had It In them to
give the aborigines another drubbing and
that they would have done so with Bene
dict and Weller, two of his sturdiest play
ers, in the game.
Wiped Oat the StlaTiua.
With the recollection of these defeats
still rankling in their breasts, Booth's
pupils atoned for all former
anu auversiues oy ineir tnr.lllng achieve-
ments on Thanksgiving day agalnet IKl
nols. The victory was doubly satisfying,
1 for It brought solace after former defeats
and also established the claim of Corn
hutkor supporters that foot ball as played
at Nebraska is on the same plane with
Hint of the best teams In the "vaunted
Bis Nina
Bender Leaves tht Team.
The passing ot the relrn of the pigskin
for the season at Nebraska witnessed th
permanent retirement of the greatest player
mai jiooin nas aeeioped during hi five
years or rr.entorslilp of the Cornhuskers
This Is Johnny Bender, hal.'bark . an J
quarter, the "Flying Dutchman" of the
Nebraska eleven. Bendrr l.ns proved him
self a great foot hall I player In ev..iy 1 ...
partment of the game. FJfet of foot and
a dodger of marvelous derttcrlty, his 1 ns
runs have thrilled thousands of foot ba I
devotees during his cuner. Gnu vt I fnd
era most elit-trlf:ing tii"ks, nr.d hi
nchlevcir.fn.s In this l ect on have tee.i
(lls:la:'cd almost countless Units, Is thai
of hurdling t.ukUrs who disputed hr
path. When cornered and, fceimlngly,
about to be downed, he has luipel hl.h
Into Hi alt and vaulted over tha arms o
his adversary, then catching his stride and
racing down the field for tho o.ipo!n
goal. A marvel lu carrying tha ball,
Bender Is fully as proficient as a tackier,
and with un opposing player clear of tha
field Bender has often set sail In pursuit
and brought ills man to earth when no
other warrior on the Cornhusker squad
could have hoped to accompli in the feat
It was Bender who virtually won from
Illinois this year, for his two long runs
both netted touchdowns and ruved the day
but that was not astonishing for Bi nder!
who had done It many timos before!
Bender's fame will live long In the annala
of foot ball at Nebraska, where he hi
been crowned a gridiron king.
Outlook for Kext Vear.
Nebraska s prospects for next year are
'"" roseate, uenaer s pluce can scarcely
be filled, but almost every other player on
the squad of 19W w, Le eligible for foot
ball next season, and marly tverv one l
expected to return. The reten:lon of Booth
as coach Is desired very muoh by the
uthletio board, which has never considered
uny other person for the .n. Booth
Is willing to return, provh.l ,g he c.n sat
isfactorily urrange matters with his law
partner In New York. He has ai1(,,dv
left Lincoln for the fast, but ocBotl i.lo i
looking to his retjra n-xt jeir will le
carrle 1 on through the mulls, and there is
a fair prospect at hast that he will again
be In charge.
When you have unythlng to sell or trd
ie the want columns of The Hoe and yo
ill at cure ri bulla.