Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 27, 1904, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 5

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Forcei n Thomas Cats Farms Cine Wine,
is Secnb
splrlon I Polateef at Freak Shert
rllffe lh Aotorloaa Caavlrt
Wl Swore Vri(iirc
Torn Deaataon.
Except that the police and detectives
ave taken a new lead In the Elmer E. matter, nothing la given out today
either Chief of folice Donahue riot
iff tf Delect. v.'.- Iiiinn. Detective
.-rummy and Maloney have been In tre
aoulh part ot ti.e ny runni,.a ilun a
bunch of cluea handed to the dciettlve de
partment by citizens who beiieved they
had a "hunch."
"We are overlooking no fcel In this mat
ter," remarked Chief Dunn.
Chief Donahue said:
"We are on a new taik, which may or
may not result successfully. The work is
being proaecuted with diligence and we are
till hoping, and will hope to the last."
Just what this new tack is has been
hinted at in certain quarters. On the even
Ing after the attack on the Thomas home
a man was seen in a saloon on West Leav.
enworth street. lie was a stranger and
treating every one In sight, so it is re
ported. The identity of the man has not
yet been learned. However, all tills is
being run down by the authorities.
MoTeraeats of ShertcllaTe.' '
While suspicion has not been definitely
fastened on him, some Interest attaches to
Krank Bhertcliffe, the Pollack diamond rob
ber, who haa been such a prominent figure
in the prosecution of Tom Dcnnison. It is
known that Bhertcliffe was promised a good
many things that were not given hlin, and
he Is said Ui be feeling pretuy sore about
the matter. He haa been domiciled at
I.ogun, la., since he was released from the
Iowa penitentiary at the expiration of his
term, the intention being to have him close
at hand when the Dennlson case is called
In the Harrison county, court. 8inee Sat
urday Shertclifle has been absent from
Logun and Is known to have been In Coun
cil Bluffs on that day until after Monday
night at least. Just where he is now la
nut known, but he was not nt Logun this
morning. He is known to be a desperate
criminal, otie who would halt at nothing.
Frank Hansom and L. F. Crofoot Go
to the Mat, with Bailiff
Morgan, Too.
' Bailiff Morgan of Judge Bears' depart
ment of the district court wishes the at
torneys would not be so rough. He dues
not say so In actual words, but he touches
his left shin tenderly with the tips of his
Angers and looks sore. F. T. Hansom and
L. F. Crofoot, coilecuively with the aid and
betting of 'the edge of the judicial ' plat
form, did It to, the bailiff. .
The warmth In question grew out of an
action by Oeorge W. Pointer, special re
ceiver for the moribund German Savings
bank against' the stockholders of the same.
Mr. Crofoot represented the former bank
ers and Mr. Ransom the receiver. During
the argument -one- of the attorneys- said
something which was not agreeable to his
opponent and the latter ' replied In kind.
Finally Mr.' Ransom ' sailed around
the table and ' said "Tut, tut!"
or words to that effect, and warned Mr.
Crofoot not"'tq scralfch any more gravel.
A clinch followed. 'The bailiff rushed to the J
call of duty and got a half-Nelson on Mr.
Aysrs Cherry Pectoral
Sett Matt., aetata areoi
Aaa Female KoHMii
is yean eM , . ta i s eraee
MyearteMj to lei. eraee
yeaneM IIMIItrw
4 year, era , ! ft 1 1 M
thdM ..Stel.Sreae
tyearoM....M S erapa
lyaareej....4 n
ft. a Ifta !. aal ftf
ikaaWvat uarMU ach We ilia,
ft .ralT tali, ei iia ft
, trig II
i 1:1 ill
in r
1 a
Jliriiui.iM iiimlnni
. .mi,w bs
r liEt w h i s ic e y r Hll
Wm siM Twhrm Fmll Qmmrtm mf MftasiMur
fftSX. in ezebange for nothing but your good will and friendship
but before making our liberal offer we deem It tteceeaary for you
to study the following truthful facts t - .
THINK ABOUT THIS! u vara jo to buy raw feed rlbt. Why!
Ka lrftt will aiw k. atrwMt M l.atrl tk. Nrtk Ur.Uu
butlll.n. N.lrwtwlll ..r aji.L. a Cmliaiulrniil Tw. rttwa
fWr HI. WkUk.j. SflR lee tiki A4.U tk. .M u dlnlllftn aoa.
urt wkUkr Mr. 11 U oMlm Mii lMiftj,liiJi torl
W a 11 m I. mmmimm
tkJr k.a.r aad will
CMr W kl.krr
In foUis rvifuwriy
u. worio. ut ja.
laiftft And i1 1 i1
Potow kaom tkt uroauoMi
BiftdU'lk. la lb.
world I
ciij block-aad laat
hf Ika aid at aala
w aoniroi ail i
Haa aud aava
..u!a ahlua.1
I kUkar al ika
ar j
add m
COUPON 1890 '
Sat aar fVUada la atak
Oil ki. .at aad tatmra
M. If raa aaud a. a Hand
crdar Va will laalud.
r KrO aaa full quart mt
arkltkaa or it ardar
kawa, la eavat wa will
aaad till fbra fall
daaratv raroldwklakar,'
ariott ftvardara. alll
aaadk . it full auarW
Tra i fcTilkr.v.
Ransom's coattall. Somebody else gave a
hove at the back of Mr. Crofoot. Result
a sort of layer cake composed of four gen
tlemen reclining on the platform between
the Judge's bench, and the stenographer's
table. Nothing was Injured except the
sins. .
James W. Carr, who was present at the
time, was so excited he Attempted to get
out of the window, and djd not see a single
thing thst happened. Judge Pears was
...... nt In n. ...... I W I ..If .hMIlt
i . ... ... i r'.ii, uui IIIBUC lllllli-' -
in a Judicial sense untlf the dut hsd floated
away ny continuing the whole. tnmg over
tilt Monday morning, when he will hear
the legal question and consider the con
tempt of court. He said: "Attorney's
motion to strike Is overruled."
itreet Railway Employe Iajarect la
Thrllllasr Aeeldeat Whlrk
Oeears oa Tenth Street.
At a rapid rate, a freight car loaded with
cinder and dragging after It a helpless
trolley, dashed down Tenth street yesterday
morning and was wrecked at the foot
of the hll Hn front of the Burlington
depot. John Doyle, a workman on the
freight train, was hurt and Is now in Bt.
Joseph's hospital, ' where, he was removed
In the ambulance. The accident occurred
at about 10 o'clock and was witnessed by
a number iof people.
8outh of the viaduct on Tenth street
there Is a" sharp Incline. One of the
small trolley ears used by the street car
company for hauling freight was climbing
the hill and .had In tow a boxcar loaded
with about 30,000 pounda of hot cinders.
The trolley was In charge of Conductor J.
M. Smith, but when near the top of the
hill the trolley wheel slipped off the over
head wire and before It could be put back
the train started ' back down the Incline.
The brake on the car was set, but It was
too light to hold the train, which had
already gained considerable momentum.
The dash down the hill was thrilling, but
fortunately the train had a clear track.
At the foot of the hill there Is a switch
ar.d when the train struck this It divided
and left the tracks. The freight car shot
across the street and finally stopped almost
at the Very doors of the Burlington depot.
The trolley car also left the track and
went In the opposite direction.
John Doyle was standing on the' rear
platform of the car and the shock, as It
shot Into the switch and bounded over, the
tracks, threw him to the ground. The car
slid sideways across the pavement, shoving
Doyle In front of It. At the curb It struck
an express wagon, which was crushed like
an egg shell. The wagon probably saved
Doyle from Instant death, as it served as
a bumper and stopped the runaway coach.
Doyle wns, however,' caught between the
timbers of the car and the curb, where he
remained pinned until relieved. , He was
unconscious when released and was laid
out on the sidewalk, where he partly re
covered his senses.
The express wagon Is owned by A. Sutley
of S789 South Tenth street. It was driven
by J. R Davis, who had Just gone over to
the depot for a trunk. The horse escaped
injury. The street car was wrecked and
the tracks were blocked for half an hour
by the cinders. . 8evera workmen were on
the train, but with the exception of Doyle,
they escaped Injury.
Knlghta of Columbus.
Omaha oouncll No. 652. Knights o! Co
lumbus, will hold memorial services for P.
J. Rellly, a deceased member. Hi fclkn ball
Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. The program
arranged is as follows:
Instrumental Dream of Heaven
E. C. McCormack
Quartet In Absence K. C. Quartet
C R. Miller, C. P. Morlarty. E. C. McCor
. t; macaw X V. Swift. .
Roll CalJ. ...... ,
Solo.... T. H. V. Burkley
Address.'. I. Grand Knight C. 3. Smyth
-'Borne Sweet .Day",'.. ......;. .C. R. Miller '
Inn..... .Rev. P. A. McOovern
Song Lead Kindly Light buck
iv. vyuariei.
f'rayers-for the Dead..... '.....Chaplain
. Do not undervalue the
services of a skilful phy
sician! Even the best
medicine, cannot take the
place of the family doctor.
Therefore we say: Con
suit your physician freely
about your case and ask
him what he thinks about
your taking Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral for your cough.
If he says take it, then take
it. If he says do hot take
it, then follow his advice.
V the i. O. Aye Oe., Lowell,
aiae Buaiuiunn etr
aTOa'S PttL-Foc Mastisatloa.
ATXK'B BAIE TIOOR-Per tae hair,
mi l AKSAPARIIXA For tae btoef.
ATKS't A0DI COk-Foc autUru aid aM.
----7 . mrmnmm i-ift. ift
sot .ipwlaftal. Tb.y n MiM with lb
graJk44Mi.r'. imM .la HflaMrT I
Si ... T 1L? 'arallaa Pmli
.y kmw mw, i
lalo (k.
par. hkl;-Mi wkiftk.; oM Um eua a
m ftur mmu kuv BoulhbuftVM Ik.
W. rurbl kr la tk. Houum of sna
llulk Larawt Mall arar kukrr Nam la tk War Id,
uvl.f aar o.i Mory Sr. proof aalkUns ao.arlaf Oo. .atlr
eal aa waaa.a oatua ot BaLT kU.
IklU - la aaaaaaakl Haal
all Caargaa rraMM. ' tkiss Is rials Utm jitk te slarka.
Oar bolllaa aiaaiur. SI Ha and ar. fall .uarta. Bua aakja
troaa .wtadlara waa adTartlaa full koMlaa aad akla plot, ar akor)
BaaaaaraauarM. ttat af tkaaa. Waaa aldabfl.kadaaoar
aadrafark, aarnilaoa kTr-aopla. Maltoaal Saak of laMaa-Salaai,
S. a, and MadraoataaTlaaa aaaa, Ika Lamal 4alle,.
Maak la aur au.
A kaae- a rmm Hra a akaa rallak. Srai will iaa
r aara aad kal...- alkk.l al aka.ft (aaraa. Wa al-k t
i. aar katord tlkrHSrjrl aad aaa
atfardtakaUaaral. T. aaid dalar aaa4
KTll aatauak wlftk ardariaa ada atU
C.UUaa4aArra ylalalj- .
Ttt Ctsper Cm, lac.
eaW-aadWMil II IMC
i1 sac
tar rka ki BkaraJ ar awda y Tfca
t .if ir u., laa, aaa aaa airar aaaia.
ft. bra. aakaurt aara la aaad
a ai al
Interesting Sequel DeTelspi to Story of
Lt Miter's Fortu
Haas Destroyed aad She U Babjeeted
ta Alarralagr Eiserleseti, hat
Coatlaaes Fight for
A dramatic sequel developed In the
struggle to recover the fortune found
sewed up In the old rlothen of John Walker,
the late recluse emploel at the Buuth
Omaha packing houses, who died about a
year ago.
Walker was supposed to be a poor man,
but after his death nearly S10.000 waa dis
covered concealed In his apar. mints. Sub
sequently three alleged sister, a wife or
two and several other relatives appeared
to claim the property. One o these par
ties Is Mrs. John Scmm of Ruthven, Can
ada, and some Interesting developments
appear In the case.
Jacob H. Schraeder, a detective who Is
in the employ of the Pcram family, sr
rlved In Omaha Friday and Is working up
evidence In the Interest of the Canadian
claimant to the Walker fortune. It Is al
leged efforts ai being mace by enemies
to get the woman out of the way, and It
begins to look as if she Is the victim of a
dangerous foe. ,
Several days ago her home was burned
to the ground and Mrs. Scram and her
children barely escaped from the houne
In their night clothes. Four weeks pre
vious to this occurrence, It Is alleged, an
effort was made to abduct her, and this
fact, coupled with the subsequent flre,
leads to the conclusion that the . house
was flred by enemies fir the purpose of
cremating her alive and .getting 'her out
of the way. Mr. Schraeder aaid Friday
."There is no question that the Are was
of Incendiary origin and I believe an effort
was made to abduct 'he woman as she al
leges, but for what purpoao I cannot com
prehend, unle a someone hopes to benefit
by getting her out of the way. Two w?eks
ago a stranger In the garb of a priest
drove up to the Scram residence. He waa
accompanied by a woman. He gave his
name as Rev Father Fadden and said ha
had come from Council Bluffs. He told the
woman he had a donitlm from Mr.
Walker, who wanted the children educatel
In a Catholic institution. The stranger
was ordered from the home at the point
of a pistol, and he left. Mrs. Scram ; a
nervous, exc U.b e woman and she bought
the pistol fur her protection after the at
tempt at abduction.
Attempt to Get Her.
"The attempt to spirit her away was
made about four weeks before .ho flre.
Mrs. Scram hod gone to a shed alter dirk,
when a clunk was thrown over hir head.
She managed to get loose and ran to the
house, screaming at the top of h.r voice.
Her yells brought her husband to the
door and the stranger got awuy. This ad
venture frightened her to that she mat
her husband get the pistol, as she Ij
alone a great deal during the evening.
Since the attempted abduct on ht has
been afraid to go out of the huute aiter
dark. She has been parilcuia. ly unfortu
nate. Two years ag.her two eldest art: Is
ri re killed at Essex. '"iSer that came the
f of her brother's death. He worked in
lacking lie uses nere, ' I b.'lleve. He
ho. his money and, I am Informed,
lived N m.ser. The money u found
sewed up in some clot..oa.four,d in an old
trunk. I believe there waa something like
10,0u0 In the pile. Two attorneys,
Rush .and Slabaugb, took the case, and
Several Claimants appeared for the money.'
One of these persons was Mrs. Kk
Kerr of Boston, who, I understand, p.t up
a pretty strong caae. The lawjers tent for
Mia. Scram, who camo to On: I14 unj
stayed about three weeks. She waa care
fully guarded wh.le here, I am lold, and
at the advice of her lawyers lelt at night
by a different route than the o..e by whi h
She had come. The case la being Invest!- 1
gated In Canada by Detec.lve Campeau.
Crown Attorney Rodd is Investigating the
flre. 1 am looking into some facts in the
case at this end."
Oasaha Maa Called on to Explain to
. Aathorltlea (or Supplying:
Liquor to Indlaas.
Charles E. Loveland of Omaha waa taken
before United States Commissioner Ander
son to answer to the charge of buying a
bottle of whisky for Ardent San Soucl and
Walter Big Face, Omaha Indians, In this
city Friday. Loveland was bound over to
the federal grand Jury In $600.
The Agnes Frizxell case Is still holding
the attention of the United States circuit
court Miss Frlisell waa the only wit
ness before th court yesterday, almost
the entire morning - being taken in, her
xamlnation-ln-chlef.' Shortly before noon
the cross-examination was begun by John
L. Webster, the chief attorney for the de
fense. At the noon hour an adjournment
waa taken In th hearing until Monday
mother Gam Will Be Played la th
Aadltorlaaa Next Tuesday
Indoor foot ball will be the bill at the
Auditorium next Tuesday night, when the
opposing teams will be the Omaha Com
mercial college and the heavy soldiers from
Fort Crook. Indoor foot ball has "caught
on" In Omaha, and when the added at
traction of a wrestling match Is alao on
th program th capacity of the Auditorium
will be taxed with the, followers of the
gridiron sports, who like the game,' where
all prays ar In perfect view from all parts
of the big building. The Thanksgiving day
crowd which witnessed the game bears wit
ness -of the popularity of the new sport,
and all who were present at this contest
will surely be on hand next Tuesday night.
Temporary Restralalaa; Order Craated
Agalast th Aathorltlea to
fare Certala Property.
Paul Charlton is th latest to put a crimp
In th scavenger sale. He has obtained a
restraining' order against the county of
Douglas and the city of Omaha and County
Treasurer Robert O. Fink In the matter
f th sale of certain property In which
he la Interested. Th action la taken on
th same grounds on which other suits
have been brought. The land la withdrawn
from the sale ur.f. t Cae s on h ' ee 1 h d
The sale yesterday waa rather alow.
only twenty-five, lots C sos-d o..
Th property Is partly In the district
affected by heavy special taxes and partly
In Bast Omaha. The sale Monday morning
win Degin in Erkennan place and continue
to Emery's addition to Valley. '
Employ rural Aseat Pined.
Robert A. Ball, an Employment agent,
naa iMran lined tU and Costa In police court,
wliere he was airalaneo nn the elm re e .if
milking use nf dwelt t. obtain an rmploVr
mint fe. T'lere were i,ree i-lmrar-s
Jl 11 at Hall, tha immplulnls lielug tllaj 1V
partial wliu at l.t thry paia Ball fees for
pnwpectlve poeltlo:iB in Iwa. and when
Ihriy laavlied destinations Hie work
waa thai 4a aigiit aa bad Imw vreouaed.
Caateat teBe Wage la Leglatatare
hy ffebra.h Life' raster.
writers' Aaaaelatlaa.
" )
The executive committee of the Nebraska
Life Underwriters' association met this
afternoon to consider the matter of "special
gold brick, contracts." This question Is
now agitating the underwriters and It Is
the Intention f the association to go be
fore the legislature and endeavor to secure
laws that will bar companies offering spe
cial privileges from doing business In the
state. It Is claimed that certain com
panies are defrauding the Insured by the
use of contracts that will not stand legal
test, thus gold-bricking the buyer of such
A, the December dinner of the Nebraska
Life Underwriters' association this matter
will be . the topic of discussion for the
evening. The dinner will be held at the
Millard hotel Monday evening. December t
Plaaataar . ta , Make aa Eianat at
- Realaaraat aad Buffet la
the Bee Balldlag.
Word cornea to The Bee that the Civic
Federation reformers are planning a new
coup In the shape of a flaring expose of
the restaurant and buffet that occupies a
room at the Seventeenth street side of
the Bee building. They nave been having
a spotter plant himself In this place of
evenings for several days taking note
whenever its doors are not closed on the
dot of the Slocumb law schedule and put
ting down the names of patrons of the
establishment. - The point to the -scheme Is
to be the publication under , red head
lines of the apotter'a report, with the
Innuendo that Edward Rosewater Is re
sponsible for It, printing hi recent Irtter
on saloon regulation side by side with It.
Of course the owner of this restaurant and
buffet has a lease for his quarters an.l
takes his license out on his own account,
and Mr. Rosewater has no more to do
with the conduct of his business than wl'h
that of any other tenant in the Bee build
ing, but the reformers expect none-the-lesa
to score a great mark with credulous peo
ple who read only the plnk-hued papers.
Allesred OfTeaders Are. Charged with
Burglary, Robbery aad stata
tary Offense.
Charles Thompson and John Shields were
arraigned In criminal court yesterday morn
ing on a charge of burglary. They pleaded
not guilty. Sallle Cottrell - was arraigned
on a charge of larceny from the person of
Arthur Marsh. She alBo entered a plea of
not guilty. Hugh Miller for robbery and
John J. Dai ley oh a charge of assault with
Intent to commit criminal aasault were
also brought before Judge Day and each
stood for a trial
The Board of Pnrk Commissioners will
hold their regular monthly meeting Mondoy
One coat and a blanket was the plunder
taken from the barn of A. Cooper, 2873
Blnney street Friday evening, by thieves.
Burglars are reported to have unlocked
the front door nt the home, of' M. B.
Kendls, 314 North Seventeenth street, and
stole IS. .
A quantity of mittens, cap and rings is
reported as having been stolen . from a
show, case in front of the store of J. Berbln
at 61 North Sixteenth street. .
The subject before the Philosophical so
ciety this afternoon is - "Municipal Own
ership." K W. Kichardson win nold it is
unatnerican - and' not necessary.
Judge Redick.waa hearing arguments of
counsel In a motion lor a nw t.1.1 in the
case of the Pag;e Lumber company u gal. 1st
the Brauford-Kenncdy Lumber Cum. any.
Luella B. Roach hks" asaed a teuvor-ry
reitraiulng. ordo. agalns. her huaound,
Thumas noach. Ocicoei H7 aha begun pro
ceedings for divorce and,liice tnat time,
so she says, Koach haa s.ruck her and
threatened to kill her. .
Andrew DiuDas of Council Bluff, haa
been sentenced twenty-five days In
court. Tha Council Biuffs citizen waf
charged with' Stealing an overcoat from
Soren Nelfcon and a shawl fro n B rtha
Williams, both garments b log laid to h-.vj
been taken from kvu Capitol veuu Fnday
Mary Baker wants the district court of
Douglas county to separate her from the
marriage relation with Thomas Baker. She
says they were married in June,- 1901, and
since that time Baker haa been guilty of
nonsupport and of cruelty. Mrs.. Baker
asaa me cusiooy. 01 me one enna.
The funeral of Irene Myrtle Adams, who
died at the Central hospital after an ODera-
tlon for peritonitis, will be held this
afternoon. Services . will be conducted at
Bt. Andrew s episcopal cnurcn at 2 p. m.
and Interment will follow at Forest Lawn
cemetery. Miss Adams was the daughter
of W. H. Adams of 4328 Seward street.
Jerry A. Sullivan of Chicago and Fred
erick Reed of Clinton peaded not guilty to
the charge of highway robbery when ar
raigned in police court. Their cases were
set for next Tuesday morning. The. men
are charged with beating James Burns into
Insensibility and then 'taking a purse1 and
12 from their victim. The prisoners were
arrested Dy ueiecuves urummy ana Ma
loney Inside half an hour after the com
mission of th crime.
Will Often Help You Greatly
Reed Whit en Omaha
Citizen Says:
Tou may hesitate to listen to the ad
vice of strangers, but the testimony of
friends or residents of Omaha Is worth
your" most' careful attention. . It la an
easy matter to Investigate such proof as
this. ' Then the evidence must ; be con
clusive. Read the following:
Mr. Frank McFarland, stonecutter, No.
3303 Jones street, says: "Too frequent
action of the kidney seoretions,. particu
larly at. night, at first merely notice
able, but always on the Increase, be
came at last very annoying. I had no
backache like so' many people who suf
fer from kidney complaint have, but
without that extra annoyance I spent a
mint of money trying to check my
trouble, but I was unsuccessful until I
procured .Doan's Kidney 1111s at Kuhn
& Co.'s drug store, corner 15th and
Douglas streets. After the treatment I
could go to bed every night and aleep
like a child until morning. , To say I
endorse Doan'a Kidney Pills is a mild
way of expressing my opinion."
Bold by all dealers. Price,' SO cents
per box. Foeter-Mllburn Co., Buffalo,
X. V., sole agents for the United States.
Keinember the name, Doan's, and take
no substitute.
Oinbo wttaaarlvl pranluai oSar al tha La
lu. Muyaa Haadkaruklat re. on ,aaa t
ASU alao their fraa Antarleaa tt aa-.-v.
aaaalaS. golt sUteS at Irk pio' offer
BUI u aaa kor aaa. sir I whs. aaawara .
jlkelr ayartlaamMt, Baatioalaa thia
paper, alee their sJtf .eilar caak arlte eer
f-r I ftr,-....
irsaii bill way
FLLOWING our custom to sell pianos and organs at genuine bargains when people
most want them, now before the holidavs we offer our entire stock of 200 STEINWAY,
STEGER, STECK. A. a CHASE, EMERSON, HARDMAN and thirteen other makes
at a substantial reduction.
If you have In mind to get a piano for Xmas, it is to your decided advantage to pay
us a visit of inspection at once. . ' .
50 Pianos,
are now
$75, $95,
50 Pianos,
are now
50 Pianos,
are now
KXABK, STEINWAY, VOSE and other Square Pianos
MASON & HAMLIN, KIMItALL and other used Orpins.
We Sell New Pianos on $5.00 Monthly Payments.
Niw Pianos For Rent Instruments Moved, TnoeJ, Stored and
Write for catalogues, prices and terms
pay us a visit of inspection and see
chmollor & uollor,
S aS a a asa sVI
1313 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb.
SjL Consists ol a Sunday Doll,
VfrT if AJtlTT I I'll beauty, tlaboraial; draw. blaqiM fJ S5a J
V"7- f IAll J bead, rarlj hair, pearir tth. Jointed yffS&sf
tAi 1 1 1 hfw bod j. alnpint r. drrrd in silk or jtjl nt& 1
grj 1,11 I.' tio and tare. Iarr .laz.nt h.t. ihoea JrgA llLyrv
2yTilU niV and Rock. on to BJ.ti-h a prritct doil rKTlTa( K
njf Bli vlrT Aa Ttrs--rJF doll, s !-. 'J7YTrV
jKv'i W-''iJL. dolly. bUqu. brad, floaini hair, a real VflUV.V
MM JrnJrSl nlr jd.j doll: beautiful Japan- W f II I "TfViY
tC2RlVTj " n4 ""e-half rlntra dainty Mil I
doll r,adktrrh.t.. jgj
JihV' VSl I I I will rlf. a ca.b prtra ot M VO each ,0 V 1 ' (
UjMI Will nnmber af h.ndkershlet. by bamber 10th I K&J
ir-L .III Check, tor H'5.00 ch will be tent tie I .
SZr M fill tatraaafnl Roy and (iirl Denraber IMh A
T ("ty Ji yj J It wlll(r...h it. de.ttB.tlmi In Yi?"'
ZyjLJ QILS nit. i s si). livVb. y. cn obtou H BOYS
Mf" . Yevr Csoka r.y of Our Fin Premium B Ail
WlfL.v , . tor M..:n only tin iy lwo ot our lln iiuai B VVool tutn"'
Wool lt, handkerchUf. it lor. aich. E-eiy M fcWM.
fltfih Sweat- ody uaa. hanJkcrrhl.f.. qnlck, e.y Milam. I nmIIS '
I so!KoBry-rt Tro H on 1 '.5'"'V' .
fiSSt m" witbtbe H ",, .r""?
tWiwf color Wba aold jmi n Um money, and fc,. H .tSS'.TtJ
OTjJl or ery day . 'riwT. it w. will Mnd you rlse, , foftf'
wh$ 'be praahini you he Mlerted. free; we H nobby i" ir
a Vesnoyao llnniikerchlel Co., dor- 'l!ilIM'iS4
'7 "
"5 I "d' 'n, ' i ' V1' pAirri " J "turn io!l a heautit
Makes the Skin
Soft and White
Kihn9s Glycerole of Roses
This coupon entitles the
holder to a beautiful sheet
Picture if presented, at our
store this week.
Eiarjlhlng for the Horns
tnd Housefurnlshlngs
on Easy Payments
$25.00 worth, per week 75c
$50.00 worth, per week. .. .1.25
$75.00 worth, per week.... 1.50
Our expenses are much less
and we guarantee our prices 25
ptr cent less than competitors
up town in the high rent district
520 N. Uth St.
the number of men who are de
serting the merchant tailor for our
ready-to-wear idea aves time,
money and patience while in fit,
fabric and finish theso garments
reflect the tailoring art In its high
est degree. Suits "and Overcoats,
$20.00 up.
You vciU find here Chrtnlmaa present! I
that men appreciate.
Kidney snd Livr Ilseasr, Rheumatism,
Sick Headaches, Erylpels, Bi-rofula. C
tarrb, IndlgeHtlon. N'Huraltrla. Nervousness,
IiyHpepsia, Hyphilltlc. llsass. Cona.l
r at Ion. R28,tfii ieoi!s er , treated n
WjI Joe. All drusKlsta.
Oflice and Iuilrmsry. snd Muaiiii bis.
Otltila. SiKla. l'it
IH7 fAartAM STRtlT B
Few of Our Exceptional Bargain!
matle to sell for $45000 each, OKC flfl
offeml nt each liJUiUU
made to nell for $375 00 each,
offered ,nt aoli .'
made to sell for $325 00 each,
offered at each. . . .
WnttnCDCIII Dlltfr.1 I The
IfUnULnrUL rlAnULA on
South 15th St..
I Many men are working; every day who are not sick, but haVs a peculiar
weak iieai). These men are weak, nervous, debilitated, alow, poky, languid anl
tired out. They lack courage, self-confidence and have lost the firs and strength
of youth. Thousands of men are prematurely old and diseased through exceeds
or unnatural drains, which aap the very foundation of life, destroy their.
health and strength, leaving them a physical, mental and sexual wreck..
Borne men contract disease by being indiscreet and others Inherit weakness
and suffer for the shortcomings of their parents, dragging themselves through
a life of decrepitude because they are trying to mnceal (he serious errors com
mitted. Strength can no more proceed from weakness than pur water from a
polluted fountain.
Mental aclivity, muscular strength and vital power are essential to success
In life. Nature Intended you to be strong, robust and healthy. You have the
physique, the constitution, but perhaps you have tranagressed nature's lmmut
able law and are paying the penalty and are not infiltrated with the vim, vigor
. and vitality to be expected In a person of your age.
For a speedy cure of the diseases that so Insidiously destroy the Intellect,
strength and very manhood, secure the services of the eminent specialists con
nected with the State Medical Institute. They will stop these unnatural drains
with their terrible result and restore to sound health the pitiable victim of
nervo-sexual debility, brain fatigue and wrecked manhood.
Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Sexual Deblllt,
Impttency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal. '
Kidney and Urinary Diseases,
and all diseases and weaknesses of men due to Inheritance, self-abuse, excesses'
or the reault of specific or private diseases.
rCACIII TATIAM f OFF I' l,ou cannot call write for symptom blank.
vVINoULIAIIUli I KU. office Hours-la, m. tolp. m. Sunday W tot only.
138 Farnam St.. Bot 13th and 14th St.. Omaha, Mx
tfl jrTlatkaH 1 I aa Big V for snea.eras
J a.liTaa.raVj! iarharsas..aasara.',
"ivil f irrilaiioea n ulneiaUoa.
f iff eat ie auwtara. ot aaueesa aiaeBDraaaa,
a M . - . - D . . -1 . ..a mat aelrlo.
Pal a lea.. aa4 sot aatiia
g aai or so'.oBuaa
Batlal k JeraaatstS
ar seat Is aleia wrapeea
It ar eraea. acaaalii. Ia
(I in. ur litlaeu Ti.
tjreiiiar aaaa ua usisML
$128, $146,
$35 00 and up.
.$12.00. $15.00. $20 00 and up.
A -maU XZSF rlano
Exchanged. Lowest Rates.
only pprfoct solf-pIaylr plsno devloa
the market. Bold on easy payments.
Minofactofers, Wholesale and Retail Dealers.
Telephone No- 1629
Tickets on Sale Novem
ber 26, 27, 28 and 29.
. Tickets ss4 (nil la(orma
tlon at til, Tirket Offlet,
1-tO'J Farnam Street. OmskS)
Dist. Pess. Asent
Pennyroyal, pills
r-a?kw ... OH.Iaal aaa Oaly Caa.l.a.
JJrU. " rillCHKSTEU'. JCNOLlilu
1 1. KEU ! ild lanalll. keaat. aM4
I "IU Uaa rfbaraTak aa at bar, ReraM
I DruaMI BMft.Llt.tJ- . mmA
Maaa mt yar Drugglal. r lift 4a. ha
n.ftift. ar PaetlawUra, TaatlaMalai
'-naiiei jap i.aiea,r wifar, ay pa
tan If all. 1 A.4IH I ftafchaftfttfthi. B.l. ft
lekaaaMfKearl'aoKW ,
South 15th St.
Ct f BK St RK AKD RKtn tlie
Viniw wonaerful prcnlum offer ot the La.'
maluyoa Hajidaarubiat t o. ea pt $i
al.a tUelr free amartcaii Sag, an
0nua aiuelad. gold plated etl. a plu ofTew
BUIa "k Ur ana girl wke aaawera
their aSTaKleement. pneiilloati.g thai
paper, alee tit, uull.f oaaji prue affee
Ivr Chrlatiaaa.