TIIE OMAHA DAILY DEE: SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 27, 1904. 19 kllSM IN DREXEL CASE Baling f Four Jodgei in FtTor of Abraham L. Bead. FIGHT OVER EAST OMAHA PROPERTY District Coirl Verdict foilrmi that f Coaaty Court and Caae Will Sow Be Agala Appealed. Yesterday afternoon Judge Bartlett, E telle .and Kedlok of the district court handed down their decision In the appeaj of John R. Lrexel, Anthony J. Drexel. George M. Drexel, Jamet W. Paul, Jr., surviving executor! and sole legatee and devisers of Anthony J. Drexel, deceased, from the Judgment of the county court allowing claims against the estate of An thony J. Drexel of Philadelphia of the well known banking house of Drexel & Co. aggregating, with Interest, 1302,000, In favor of Abraham L. Reed, the trustees of Mary M. Reed and the Rochester Loan & Banking company, the last as successor to the claim of Maria Reed, Johnson. The decision was In favor of Reed and affirms the Judgment of the county court. The trial was on the merits of the case and consumed four entire days In the hear ing on depositions the oral evidence of witnesses and the argument of counsel. The case will now be appealed to the su preme court. Another case Involving the same claims Is already docketed against Edward T. Stotesbury of the firm of Drexel & Co. The case was bitterly contested. The opening argument was made by At torney J. W. Wpodrough for the Reed heirs, who was followed by John I Web ster for the Rochester Loan & Banking company. Attorneys Woolworth and Mc Hugh appeared for Drexel, and the clos ing arrgument was made by R. 8. Hall for the claimants. This case establishes the proposition that a purchaser of land Is liable for the pur chase price of same. The land Involved comprises about sixty six acres In Omaha, running from a point Just north of Grace street to Locust street, and from Tenth to Thirteenth streets, and Is crossed by both the tracks of the Union Pacific and those of the Omaha Bridge & Terminal Railway company, now ope rated by the Illinois Central. The pur chase was made by A. J. Drexel and E. T. Stotesbury of the firm of Drexel & Co. about January 1, 1803, and the claim arose out of the purchase money contract. This Is one of the largest judgments ever handed down In Douglas county. Louis will be sold. Th matter has been under discussion by tha Western rassenger association at Chicago, and It was believed, In view of the fact that the fair Is about over, that some action of this kind would be taken to stimulate the travel, whuch has fallen off considerably. Information has ben received that the ratee had been turned down. The Burlington announcea the Christmas and New Tear's rates this year will be a fare plus one-third, without limitation as to distance. In former years thla rate has been limited to 21) miles. The foregoing rate applies east of the Missouri. West of the river the rate will be one fare plus 50 cents, also without limit as to distance. It Is expected that the rates east and west of the river will be merged for through travel. SUGAR RATE WAR IS ENDED I. on ar Contest Settled at Last Mo Con Urination of Rumored Sale of Great Western. Trie sugar rate war Is over. It was learned at Burlington headquarters that all the old rates from eastern and southern points to the Missouri river terminals have been restored. The rate from New Or leans and other southern points to Kansas City and Omaha have been Increased to 82 cenis. From New York and Phila delphia, by water and rail route, the rate will be 42 cents to Missouri river points. This Is not quite up to the old rate, but It Is a long step In the direction of peace and shows that the long fight Is over. The water and rail route means the Mal lory steamship lines have given up the fight and have taken up the olive branch. The announcement that a settlement has been reached on the sugar rate question will be received with a sigh of relief by wholesalers. Owing to the bullish condi tion of the sugar market It may not hav the effect of quieting all the troubles of the wholesale buying, but It will go a long way In this direction. The scarcity of the raw material and tho high price of the refined article will keep the market disturbed until the next crop of sugar is ready for the refineries. Last week it looked as If sugar would develop Into considerable of a luxury, but Imme diate danger of such a contingency Is some what removed by the fact that r.nn... buying raw material In the foreign markets j .it imvuiK neir oraers tilled at only a slight advance over the prices prevailing In this country. As the supply decreases, however, the price will continue to make sharp advances, A wholesaler said that he expected that before the new crop was ready for the market sugar would reach war prices. Although the story of the sale of the Chicago Great Western Is again revived In Chicago, nothing can be learned at Union Racine headquarters as to the reliability of tha rumors. Such a story was sent out . from Chicago several weeks ago and was .based on the fact that considerable stock vas being bought up In the open market President fitlckney. who visited Omaha about the time th story was sent out, de nied that the sale of Great Western stock in the open mnrket had anything more than apeculative interest or significance. No special coach excursion tickets to St. FOOT BALL BY ELKCTRIC LIGHT. A Nla-ht Game Will Be Palled Off at the Auditorium on Kelt Toes day Night. The success of the foot ball game In the Auditorium on Thanksgiving day has encouraged the management and the foot ball players of Omaha to try a night game in the Auditorium, and arrangements have been completed for a game between the Commercial College team and the sol diers of Fort Crook. Another wrestling match will also be put on as an extra card. Pat Cannon will be pitted against an unknown, who Is said to be a hummer, and Pat la likely to meet with a surprise. Popular prices will prevail, but owing to the demand for reserved seats at the last game Manager Gillan has decided to sell reserved seats at 35 cents. The box office will be open all day Tuesday at the Auditorium. INTELLIGENT SELECTION In the matter of life insurance may be larpely determined by a Company's record of growth, which generally reflects the test of public approval. MORE PROOF Mr. Q. W. Watson, living at 182S Cass St.. Omaha, went Into one of the great Km' portums where they cluim to IfAVK KVKRYTHlNa-'JUST A LITTLE! LOW . J.F oth?r druggists do, and wanted two bottles of Dr. Pierce's medicine; he he said he could get them for less tha. that, and they disputed his word; he then went to our Omaha store on 16! h and C hlrago and got the medicine at 78o per bottle, at the same time giving us per mission to show up some of these pre tenders by publishing Ills statement. This is the system some of these would-be cut price druggist have. They hold you up you kick, they dispute your word or give you the goods at YOUR PRICK. We are not bragging about our system, but w f.'YJ ?E PRICE TO EVERYHODY and if that I not AT LKAST A3 LOW i any druggist' in Omaha. South Omaha or Council Bluffs we will give you the goods y'e 'arte! tn CUJ Price drug business are not ashamed of it and are not trying to back out. JfcSuKji mu'Sr01"""- a""b "" SCHAEFER'S WSS&n B. T. TATES. Prop. M,5 tli ,nl 8t" . Omaha, Phones 747 ind 7W. Nth and N St., South Omaha. ? k.6tn Av- n1 Mln St.. Coun cil Bluff. Phone 833. All rood delivered In either city absolutely free. OMAHACONCERTPROMtTfERS SECOND CONCERT RKf ITAL BT JESSICA DE WOlf, Soprano. New Firat Baptist Church MONDAY EVENING, DEC 5. Reserved lasts fl. AdasUaloa BOe. For members Thursday general ale Friday at Heave's. fQie MB SIRE AND READ the Vlflkw wuodvrful r.mtum offar of ifea L. lun Moyu. Haudkerchlrf Co. i(a : AHU lhair tnm AaiarUaa lag ,u. ttaVC uwld. sold plalad all. a iiio noVr BUI 0 ,u c,th flrl inin th.lr dv.rll.rm.ru. manUuntug thla .par, alio lhair ally dollar caah prtaa oflar tut Corlaunu. Seats for the Farland banjo recital are going rapidly. He appears December 1 at Chambers' academy. Mr. Farland has es tablished the banjo by his mastery of It, as the equal of any other stringed Instru ment. All the delicacy f tone effects, all the musical distinctions which are made plain on the violin or piano by masters of those Instruments Is reproduced with equal effect by Mr. Farland's subtle fingers. The amount of new insurance applied for since Jan. 1st, 1904, at the Home Office of the BANKERS RESERVE LIFE COMPANY OF OMAHA, NEBRASKA, Exceeds Three Million Dollars t K j i 1ml i i MONDAY A DAY OF GREAT BARGAISS See large ad l'ag W01I THE RELIABLE ITflRK, MONDAY A DAY OF GREAT BARGAINS Poo large ad Page I One hundred additional agents wanted in fifteen states and territories before Jan uary 1st, 1903. For particulars, call on or address B. H. R0B1S0N, President. Cornell Smoker at Cblcaaro. Western Cornell men are Invited to be present at the annual smoker of the Chi- j cago Cornell association, which will be held December S, at the Union hotel, Ran dolph street, Chicago, 111., at 6:30 p. m. Chas. E. Courtney will be the guest of honor. John R. Bensley, secretary, 1409 Michigan avenue, Chicago, III. Free plumbing. Free St Wlckusham have removed to 19th and Farnam. For fine work, Chicago Laundry. 'Phone 208. Card of Thanks. We desire to express our heartfelt thanks to friends and Garfield Circle for kindness and sympathy shown during the illness and death of our husband and father. MRS. W. J. GRUBAUGH AND FAMILY. 18-K. Wedding Ring. Kdnolm. Jeweler. Have Root print it. AtBENNETT'S Slugs Bigs Special sale of 8-3x10-6 and 0x12 rugs. We place on Bale Monday 200 odd ruga of the best qualities of Axmlnsters. Wilton Velvets and Brussels Rugs on sale Monday at 17.48 0x0 and 0xl0:6 Brussels Rugs, extra m quality, warraniea iubi coioro -come early and get your choice of designs and colors l J tl on sale Monday III. I 21 nf . " w m DEWEY a STONE Furniture Co. 1115-1117 FARKAM STREET. Mission Chairs and Rockers Large line of Mission Chairs and Rock ers, with loose Spnnlsh leather cushions the acme of comfort Just received, and offered this week at very tempting prices for the best goods made. Wll! last a life time. MISSION CHAIRS In Spanish leather, $10.50. 11.50, 12.50. 15.00. 17.50. 19.00. 21.00, 23.00 and up to 30.00 .MISSION ROCKERS Spanish leather, at $10.50. 12.50. 14 50. 17.00. 19.00. 21.00, 24.00, 26.00 and 30.00 MISSION MORRIS CHAIRS With loose Spanish leather cushions, at From $19.00 Up MISSION SETTEES At From $8.00 Up We Invite You to Look Over Our Splendid Line of Holiday furniture Foot Comfort Tou can get It here real foot com fort, In a pair cf our perfect-fitting shoe correctly fitted to your feet; and you won't have to sacrifice style to get the comfort either. We can give -you perfect comfort and an ex tremely stvlish shoe all together. We show all the latest laats and leathers In our new fall and winter styles, and you'll find them a little more comfortable, a little more styl ish and a little better wearing man m any others at the same prices S3.50-S4-S5 SHOE Co. Dr Bradbury 1506 FARNAM DENTIST teeth Extracted With out Palo. Pilling COc up Crawna .12.50 up Bridge Wrk.... f 2.80 ap 4Uta.......M.... 42.00 n Pourteen Years Saina Loaailan PHONB 1756 The most sensitive nerves removed with out pal a. Loose teeth nude solid. Written QuanwtM. STILL SOME LEFT Last week we didn't sell all that big invoice of Mantel Clocks that we bought at less than cost to manufacture, and still have a few left. These clocks are worth from $8.50 to 14.0O you can still get one for $4.00 and $5.60. Sixteen different pat ternsand every clock guaranteed. Better come in early as they won't last long. P. E FL0DMAN & CO., 1514 Capitol Ave. Now Is the time to decide whether you will save or not. "What might have been" need not in later years be to you the saddest the tongue can tell if you open an account with ; omaha Loan & Building Association and begin to save now. One dollar will start you. 1704 Farnam. Bee Building. O. W. Uomii, Ft., G. M. Sattlner, Sec. THE BEST ALWAYS If you are going to have any cleaning or dyeing done we would be glad to figure with you. We claim to be the best cleaning and dyeing place in Omaha and are here to prove it Your goods will be handled by experts who have been years in the business so they do not find it necessary to experi ment on your things. We guarantee our work in every respect and get it out promptly. All goods called for and delivered in Omnha and South Omaha. Try us. THE PANTORIUSfl Expert Cleaners and Dyers. 407 South 15th Street Tel. 93. Two Soles to the Heel A broad toe, foot-form Inst with low flat heel, for the men who must be out doors. Whll they are so practical for motormen, policemen and mechanics, they are just as practical for the business man1- having the ram styl ish appearance aa the $5.00 shoes. ' Two sole to heel wide extension edge sail cloth lined and first qual ity of box calf. Only $3.60. Drexsl Shoe Go. 1419 FARNAM STREET, mahi'i Up-lf-Di!) Shoi Hoist ASK FOR OUR FREE CATALOGUE. Twin City Dye Works PERFECT DYEING AND CLEANING..... 319 South .15th St., Omaha. Tel. 1521 21 llorlh 26lh St., Co. Bluffs. Tel. 310 A BARGAIN IN A HANDSOME SHOW FRONT W will make a very low prtc on th handsome show front window on th west end of the Farnam street side of the Be Building. It is mad of oxydlied copper, glass and la well constructed. Anply to R. W. BAKEIf, Supt. Th Bee Building. AND BACK C5 Noyember 26, 27, 28, 29. A big show in a big town by big breeders of cattle, horses, sheep and swine. A liberal education for the stockman and farmer, demonstrating methods of feeding and results in the bank account. That's what the International Live Stock Exposition for 1904 will be. , Incidentally, there are the attractions of large stores, theatres, concerts and busy streets of the great city. Of course you are going oyer the Rock Island. The Hock Island Agent will tell you about it. F.P.ROTHERFORD, D.P.A. 1323 rarnam St., Omaha, Neb. SOLAR Strongest double heater made. Will heat your house up stairs and down stairs If you don't wish to heat your up stairs, you will get twice the heat down stairs. All we ask for it is $5.00 down and $5.00 per month, or the, wholesale price for caah. Jill IS' Mr. Bally. 1 Elm street, say: When I bought my baae burner you said It would heat more room for the same size stove and the same amount of fuel because It had a stronger double heater, ana would start quicker because it had larger flues and the nickel would last linger because It wa a heavier coat than any other baa burner made. I have used mine three years and find your claims aU true. The Stostzel Stovo Co., 714 8. 16th 8t FOOT BALL AND WRESTLING MATCH AT THE AUDITORIUM Tuesday Night, November 29 Omaha Commercial Collegi rs. Fort Crook Admission 26 Cents. Reserved Beats on Sale Tuesday Morning at Box Office, UtUB SJla at I f , U. , . , Exceptional Clothing Values Monday $15.00 to $l.0O HAND TAtTORED SUITS. $10,011 AND $12.50. j J ri IT IIITB 1 1 mrniuiini PUiin Will Seil-rW ! talning hair cloth fronts, hnnd-Mled col i lar, hand-worked button holrx, hand-pad- Jul Y 1.1. ...nsl In A. V. 1 . w uri n,t, o, vr.jt.n. ,,i in, niiiii mill IHI). rlo to made-to-orrter suits you cannot help but find something Just to suit among the wonderful variety we are showing Batur day at $12.50 and $10.00 $15 to $18 Men's Overcoats, $10.00 and $12.50 The greatest values in high grade over coats ever offered In Omaha at this reason of the year all hand-tailored garments, with the best Of linings and trimmings immense variety of styles and fabrics. We want to show them to you Saturday. Cotne In It will pay you they're worth from U to $18 our special sale price Saturday $12.50 and $10-00 Your Dollars Are Larger In purchasing power In our boys' and children's clothing department, than any where else in the city. You should not fall to get our prices before buying. Jill DID YOU EVER?- Copyright 1904 n '-iffner fcr" Man T T PTD TOU EVER WEAR AN TMTERIATj $3 00, TIGKR $J.O0, CHAMl'ION J2.50. A RED ROVER $2.00 HAT? If not. you have never known the satisfaction to lie derived by wearing the best hat manu factured at the price. There are lints Just as good but they cost more. We are ex tensive Omaha agents for these brands. John Ft. Stetson hats, in all blocks at $3.50 to $5.00. Men's and boys' winter caps from 25a to $3.50. The trunk and grip best value to be found in the city. HAYDER3 BROS. HAYDEN'S Monday's Millinery News-ZL Velvet Hats. Trimmed with Ostrich Plumes and Silk Vel vet Ribbon-FIVE DOLLAR VALUES. 1.50 A Cold Spell la liable to come at any time now, so don't let It catch you unprepared with your coal bin empty. We will fill It with high grade, clean and well crend coal for furnace, range, grate or stove as low as wo can handle Jt tot In fairness. It will soon be higher In price. Buy of us and then you are dealing with real coal men. Just one sample ton will prove the superiority of the genu ine Trenton coal over other Illinois coal when you test It fop your ova or rang. i V Once a customer, always a customer. C. B. HAVENS & CO. 219 So. 16th St. Tels. 317-825. n Ask For Bsrgen Olass, No Better Made. Cfear as pure water from a sparkling spring. B Western Distributors KeicnettDerg-amith Co. Wholesale Jewelers (Largest In th West.) Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Etc. fir ore's itoves Always Please TRADE MARK. 1 Moore's Base Burner NO ASHES NO DUST MOORE'S BASE BURNER, 1904 model, is strikingly handsome and resplendent with the finest high art nickl. It will add a hundred dollars to the appearance of any home and it s worth another hundred because of its conven ience and cleanliness. It is triple action It heats up-stairs It heats the main floor and if you wish, it " will send the ashes into the bin down cellar. Did you ever see ashes shoot the chute? Come and see how it is done in the 1904 Moore's Base Burner. No ashes or dust in the parlor. It's the only kind that suits particular people. It's the easiest etove in the world to run and, because of the air circulating system, it keeps your house warm and com-' fnrt.ihle In the coldest weather w - - and saves from Va to Vj the coal you have been using. BUY IT AND BE COMFORTABLE Nebraska Furniture & Carpet Co. 41 3-41 5 No. 24th St.. South Omaha. Mmst .4 V