'10 ....-.. TIIE OMAITA D . : : . . FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS Pipes Sliver-mounted Tracy. 1523 Douglas KOTAL. HOTEL, European. Win cf tEWET, European howl, Utn and FirMra. Pipes Sllver-mounled-Tracy, 1-13 Douglas. ROOT STANDS FOR QUALITY. VIENNA HU1EU loll Fsrnani; fine room Indies' cafe. private dining r.; fcn' Machines; all make repaired. Neb. Cycle Co MOUiiltS front room, gentleman; 193 Dodse. 'Phone IM. E MH.O 2.x 'ikli: SHELToN; plensiint, home cqpklng, lamny style. Kl bo. 25th at. E MUil ' LOOT PRINTS IT r:oiit. ASK JOS F. BILZ why we keep the Uig in )mn eioia In the i.v4t 1TAHL11 Assurance n investment. llKMiT-lie Bella stationery, lftil Farn.nv , . . -. ... . , , da slrabe, partly luriiinicd rooms; balk ana ui lettfiti.te required. 4-s nit. ' HAVE ROOT PRINT IT. MIDLAND hotels IStlt and Chicago; ateam healed ; medium price; cafe in '"g"10," SUCK, pipe cured Hosplml, 14 Doug.aa. FOR quick service call 811. O. M. E. HAVE ROOT PRINT IT. Nickel Platlng.Omaha Plat'g Co. .1508 Harney Machines; all makes repaired. Neb. Cycle Co Pipes Silver-mounted Tracy, 1623 Douglua. RTHWfcSllKN notsi. SU N. ln EurO- uan fc J ROOT PRINTS IT RIGHT. BURNISHED and unfurnished, all parts of city. Room . N. T. Life. E XM NOON lunches, 16c. Lobby Cafe. Bee bldg. HUTESON Is the Optician !U 8outh lth. Pipes Amber-Chns. A. Tracy, 1523 Douglas, lips stems repaired Hospital, 14 Dmiglas. DR. J. B. F1CKES. Dentist, S38 Bee Bldg. Trusses. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co. Equitable policies beat protection. C- Neely. ROOT PRINTS IT RIGHT. ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished, modern. 309 N. 26th. 13-MW 2? CALL 611. O. M. E. caps. Use them. They have the red "RAZOR KING" at Myers-Dillon again. ADV. CUTS WH EATON. In Bes Bldg. WHO IS HUTESON T OLD pipe made young Stoecker's hospital SUITE of modem front rooms, with board. or ua-nc nousexeeriiDE. xeierwiii;w. E-1S 0-2001. am . im. ON ALL good printing lock for "ROOT." TWO nicely furnished front rooms: hot and cold water, electric Ugh, gas, telephone; rood board in vicinity; convenient for gentlemen. V.1 B. SSth Bt. E M77S Cement bldg. block. McWllllams, 431 Paxton Pipes Amber-Chas. A. Tracy, 15 Douglas. Ask your doctor about Hlller'a Old Private Stock 11.00 for a full quart. $1.00 TO 12.00 per week, 422 So. 18th St., one block south of court house. E M96 DR. J. B. FICKE8. Dentist, $38 Bee Bldg. LARGEST BUBINE8S DEPARTMENT AT the Omaha Commercial College. FURNISHED front parlor, for gentleman; also housekeeping rooma. 2016 Burt. Tel. B2763. B M140 27k Mlddlemlsa cleans wall paper. Tel. A 23 96. Champagne-pints, 60c: tt pints. 16c. Htller's. NICELT furnished rooms, (team heated, modern. 25 S. 19th. E M141 Si SOUTH mom, nicely furnished; $5 per month. BIS 8. 19th. t E-M143 28x Broken pipes repaired 8toecker hospital. CARDIGAN JACKETS The best at Bllt Waverly Electric 1100. Derlght, 1119 Farnam BASKETS of all sixes made to order at Omaha Reed ft Rattan Works. Nickel Platlng.Omaha Plat'g Co. ,1608 Harney CHATTEL LOANS Omaha Mtge. Loan Co. WELL furnlahed front room; modern. Tel. F8376, 1K16 Jackson. BM13S 28x Pipes Amber Chas. A. Tracy, 1523 Douglas. TWO large front rooms, single or doubls; modern, 621 Vi S. 19th. Tel. AI638. E M1S7 27 Cement bldg. block. McWllllams. 481 Paxton DR. J. B. FICKES,' Dentist, 338 Bet Bldg. Waverly Electrlo 1409. Derlght, 111? Farnam OUR specialty IS Pleated Garments. Ws make them complete from the moot sim ple to the most elaborate. Come and see us and talk It over. The Goldman Pleat ing Co. LARGE), clean front room, newly fur nished; light housekeeping; also unfur nished rooms. 110. N. 19th. E MISS 27 Mlddlemlsa cleans wall paper. Tel. A 23 96. ONIMOD 8HOES for men. $3.50, 82.60. Re gent Shoe Co., 106 8. 15th St. 4 good ana stoves. cle-p. Chicago Furni ture Co., 1410 Dodge Bt. 10O buys ladles' WV eufT end collar sets People's Store, lth and Farnam streets. ASK Huteson about Torio Lens rts 8. 1. Clothes returned promptly. Chicago La ndry LIGHT housekeeping rooms; well fur nished ; reasonable. 110 N. 19th R M1S9 S8x ADV. CUTS WHEATON. In Be Bldg. Salesmen's sample raiors 87c, Myers-Dillon. 16 COOK stoves. 16 each. Enterprise Fur niture Co., 10S 8. 14th. CARDIGAN JACKETS for all at Blli OLAB8K8 fitted, tl up. Huteson, US 8. 18th. Waverly Electrlo $400. Derlght, 1119 Farnam DR. J. B. FICKE3, Dentist. Ml Bee BldgT COMB In and see our buttons. W have a complete line. Goldman Pleating Co. BEE our rasor 6!play. Myers-Dillon. Cement bldg. block. McWIlllama, 431 Paxton ADV. CCTS WHEATON, In Baa Bldg. DESIRABLE room, first class location. K2i Farnam. E Ma JSx NEWL.T furnished modern steam heated rooma Z0S4 Webster. S MT31 S&x ADLER 8 GLOVES' at Joe. f7 BlL7 " NICELT furnished rooms In good neigh borhood, reasonable walking dUtance. C VS. care Bee. KetU 2tx Good 3d hand safe 140. Derlght, Ul Farnam 'FRONT room, modern, gentleman. ln Dodge. 'Phone. E MW7 I7x Cement bldg. Mock. McWIlllama 43) Paxton The V. 8. Oov't guarantees Hlller'a Old Standard Whisky 31.35 for a full quart. JOS. r. BILS makes shlrta LOANS Easy terms. J. A. Hutton Co7 Clothes returned promptly. Chicago La'ndry Mlddlemlsa oleansjaall paper. Tel. Asm. ADv7cCT-W'lIEATONrin Bee BldV BEE our rasor display. Myers-Dillon, puliahing and lacquering. Om. I'iuiing Co. Pipe mtml repaired Hospital. 1404 DougUa A SPIT of clothes or an ovrrcnai la a moat aoceptaoia girt, reopie s more, - TRT THE CHICAGO LAUNDRY. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS IfEATLY furnished room, for one or two; furnace, modern, terms reaeonabl. "-'16 Burt. E M31T r PLEABANT furnished room, strictly mod em. &24 8. 26th ave. E M419 2Sx HENRY He sells stationery. 1607 Farnam LA ROB unfurnished front room: light housekeeping; no children. 1812 Dodge. E-3:'4 Jtx A VERY nice comfortable room, modern. for one or two gentlemen. Its cloe In. 114 8. lKth. E-3ii Xlx WELL furnished, steam-heated rooms; rates very reasonable. 711 So. Hth at. E 327 . W ELL furnlihd front room: gentlemen preferred; first-clans hoard, home cooking; rates reasonable. 2815 Leavenworth. E 328 28x HENRT-He sells etntlonery. 100 Farnam ClJiS GORDON 8 GREAT BANQUET. Nov. 30. Llndeay, lau8 Howard. AUTOMOBILE BASKETS made to order. Omaha Reed A Rattan Works. ALL our tored machines for tale. Ex pressmen's Del. Co. GYLMER gives best sdvlce. 715 N. 23d. HELLO, 811. HELLO. 811. Send me two boys. Bend me two boys. Gold Plating. Omaha Plat'g Co.. 15u8 Harney BANQUET, MILLARD HOTEL. Nov. 30. Clan Gordon. NEATLY furnished front parlor, walklnl distance; references. 1717 Webster. E M300 2?x IF It comes from Hlller't, It must be good. 13(0 Farnnm. PIpea-Ooid-mouiited-Tracy. 1523 Douglas. ADV. CUTS-WHEATON, In Bee Bldg. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished front rooms, hot and cold water, bath, gee, furnace heat. Inquire 2204 North 19th. E 2a t 28 ANOTHER rator sale. 87c. Myera-DiHon. HENRY He sells stationery. 1907 Farnam Clothes pressed. Call and deliver. A-Wl. CHRISTMAS la coming. Your little ones or grown daughters may need something in our line i ueio nu . .... ferent stylea Come and see our complete garments. . THE GOLDMAN PLEATING CO. FURNISHED single rooms; also house keeping rooms. K4 N. lth. E-M:99 2x HENRY He sells stationery. 1007 Farnam JOS. F. BII.Z sells all kinds of neckwear. OPEN evening. Too busy making clothes to close. Dresher Bros., tailors. WHO'S your tailor? It should be Dresher. 18 K Tlffany'Wedding Rings. BENNETTS. 18 K Tiffany Wedding Rings. BENNETTS. ESTABLISHED 1892 Omaha Mtge.Loan Co. OLDEST FIRM-Omaha Mtge. Loan Co. Solid Gold Waltham Watches BENNETTS Solid Silver Table. Toilet ware. BENNETTS Weak pipes made strong 8toecker's hosD'l. BOOK CASES. $7.00 up. Enterprise FurnI- . 1A4 an 1.1. h HENRY He sells stationery. 1607 Farnam LEAVE orders now with Omaha Reed St Rattan Works lor t.:nnswr.Hs pri-m. ADV. CUTS WHEATON, in Bee Bldg. Cement bldg. block. McWllllams. 431 Paxton DR. J. B. FICKE8, Dentist, 338 Bee Bldg. ONIMOD SHOES for men, 33.50, 12.50. Re- gent Shoe Co., an o. loin mi. Broken pipes repaired Stocckcr's hpal. USE O. M. E.J avoid delay. Call 11; night or day. HENRY He eells stationery. 1607 Farnam Nickel Platlng.Omaha Plat'g Co., 1408 Harney CLOTHES hist longer. Chicago Laundry. DON'T fall to commit Gylmer, 716 N. 33d. SALARY LOANS Omaha Mtge. Loan Co. New 46-plece decorated dinner sets. Long All mm ni.l...n "TJ1 IVn 1 IIPSl fTll as tney lasi, m.ta. mu" - Solid Gold Waltham Watches BENNETTS WE remove dirt only. Chicago Laundry. OUR aim la to please Chicago Laundry. Solid Silver Table. Toilet ware. BENNETTS Fd hand Orient B. B. 1200. Derlght. 1119 Far. LARGE front room, nicely furnished, gen tlemen preierrea. ii gM90, SOUTH front single room, furnace. 2310 Douglas. E MIW) it EXPERT Opticians at Huteson's. 213 8. 16th. Illus. your Ideas. Baker Bros. Engr. Co. ROOT 8T AN DB FOR QUALITY. BOL1D Souvenir Spoons, 98c BENNETT8. Hlller s Old Standard Whisky bottled In bond 11.26 for a full quart. ' JOS. V. BILZ sells ladles' furnishings. ADV. CUTS WHEATON. In Bee Bldg. Id hand Cameron $000. Derlght. 1119 Farnam. LARGE front room, modern, julet neigh borhood. 2028 Harney. E M994 1.x TWO nicely furnished south rooms, parlor Boor; modern. Park Ave. 'Phone L 1078. sfci 101 i ik j ry . j- i v rv rij, a 'n i v. w - Cement bldg. block. McWllllams, 431 Paxton Pipes Meerschaum C. A. Tracy, 1K3 Doug. GET TICKET. $2.00. ST. ANDREWS banquet. Lindsay, 1508 Howard. Once tried, ever satisfied. Chicago Laundry. NEW LOCATION Omaha Reed A Rattan Works loia liowara ei., m-r mj. . USB O. M. E. ; avoid delay. Call 811; night or day. 6.000 sample raiora, 67c. Myers-Dillon. ADV. CUTS WHEATON. In Bee Bldg. GYLMER gives beet advice. 716 N. 2Sd. THOROUGH COURSES IN TET.KGRAPHY S l tns wmn w m.... v . . . ... Mma Ya'.s. Sherman i McConnell Drug Co. ALL this week we give a full site coal scuttle free with each pound of bak'.ng powder. Grand Union Tea Co. E LARGE, south front room, with alcove; I par.or n.r. r... .... . .... NICELY furnished front room, mode n; furnace heat. 636 So. 24th ave. E M302 tSx SINGLE front room, nicely furnlh"d; furnace. 645 Georgia ave. E MSoS 29x FRONT room, well furnished, mo-tern. 409 Bo. 25th ave. E MS04 29x NICELY furnished rooms, modern steam heated flat; walking distance. 620 No. Uth. E 311 28x FOR RENT Nicely furnished room: mod ern; good neighborhood; rate rss n able; board Just across the street. Call 516 So. ltd. E MilS 29x Ones tried, ever satisfied. Chicago Laundry. HOUSEKEEPING. 1 comfortably furnished rooms In private residence; gas, bath, telephone, hot water heat; refvreuues re quired. Address J 35, Bee. E-- UN FURNISH ED rooma. suitable for light liuusekuepiug. beet location, chenp. 267$ Harney. 0M!U) 2bx ADV. CUTS WHEATON. In Bee Bldg. Raloemen's sample rasors 87a. Myers-Dillon 6,uml sample rasors, 87c. Myera-DUlon. Weak pipes made strong Stoecker's hosp'l. SKM our line of men's fur overnoats; all grades; each or credit. People's Btore. , Optical factory. Huteson, 111 S. lth St. TO bt neat, patronise ths Chicago Laundry. FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Plpes-Krlar-Ohaa A. Tracy. IMS Douglas. Pipes-Cob Chas A. Tracy. 16J uglas. Fig Powder. 8. McC. Dmg VP- O. If. E., TEL. U. MESSENUsiRsi AND BAGaAOft 104 8. 16TH 8T Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. Pipes Imported Thistle brand-C. A. Tracy. DR. ROT removes corns painless. MIDLAND hotel. ih ana Chicsgo; " healed rooms, with or without bosrd DO YOU uss yarns T See Bits. 2d h d Oldsmoblle $300. Derlght, 1119 Farnam Prompt Sen-Ice. 8. ft McC. Drug Co. ROOM and hoard, suitable for two gen tlomen. til N. 17th. F-M141 2 DR. ROY removes corns painless. Best Pipe Burgeons Stoecker't Hospital. Whn vntl SM PURE WHISKY," what firm do you think ofT Waverly Electric $100. Derlght, 1119 Farnam NOON lunches, loc. Lobby Cafe, Bee bldg. Pipes Imported Thistle brand-C. A. Tracy. THE MKRR1AM. tttb and Dodge Bt Tel 86. Family hoteL Jt Waverly Electric $400. Derlght. yi9 Farnam Concrete floora McWllllams. 431 partem blk. ADV. CUTS WHEATON, In Bee Bldg. Concrete floors McWIlllama, 431 Paxton blk. Syringes. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co. 609 8. 25th Ave.. - pleasant board; private family. room r-487 HOSPITAL for broken pipes. 1404 Douglas. JOS. F. BILZ Is at 323 Bo. lth at. MOLES removed by electrclty. 1506 Farnam St. Dr. Roy, From Hlller't must be good 1309 Farnam. DR. J. B. FICKES. Dentist, 338 Bee Bldg. ROOMS and board; modern; best location. 120 N. 26th. F-M971 27x ROOT wants your printing. CHATTEL LOANS-Omaha Mtge. Loan Co. FOR Equitable Assurance, see H. D. Neely NOON lunches, 15c. Lobby Cafe, Bes bldg. Waverly Electrlo $400. Derlght. 1119 Farnam DR. J. B. FICKES. Dentist,' 838 Bet Bldg. CHARLEY, next time you cannot come send an 6. M. E. boy with a note. Tel. 611 will bring ore. If you don t some thing is going to drop, DR. ROY removes corns painless. Houblgant t Perfumet. S. 4 McC. Drug Co. NOVELTIES In Pleating French accor dion, Berlin side or knife, sunburst, box, pineapple, etc., pinking, tucking, shir ring, crimping, fluting, ruchlng, and last, not least, buttons. , THE GOLDMAN PLEATING CO. DR. ROY, chiropodist, R. 1-1, 1606 Far nam, upstairs. YOUR future Is bright with FXJUITABLK RAZOR KING" at Mysrs-Dlllon agaln BOOKBINDING A. I. Root. 'Phone 14)4. Solid Gold Waltham Watches BENNETT8 FOR Equitable Assurance, see H. D. Neely Courteous Treatment Om. Mtge. Loan Co AN elegant furnished south front room and alcove, wit a nrsi-ciass roam. ."" A1994. 2418 CtSS. F-M81 Plp.u-imported Thistle brand C. A. Tracy. EQUITABLE "Strongest In the World." Pure wines, SSc per qunrt. at Hlller's. NOON lunchis, 15c. Lobby Cafe. Bee bldg. ROOM and board for two. US N. 26th 8t. r9o DR. ROY. chiropodist, R. 1-1. 1505 Far nam, upstairs. FRANK, the box of candy you promised has not come. Call a red cap O. M. E. boy, Tel. 611; he will bring It and not for get It. Leading electro platers. Omaha Plating Co. 1 large plato-glans mirrors; suitable for restaurant. Chicago Furniture Co. DR. J. B.. FICKES. Dentist. 838 Bee Bldg. ADV. CUTS WHEATON, In Bee Bldg. 2d hand Orient B. B. $200. Derlght, Uli Far. I Just bought an elegant velvet carpet. Will sell It cneap. joe ievmw, ov .ii. ,wm. CONCEDED to.be best. Gylmer, 716 N. 23d. BOOKBINDING A. I. Root. 'Phone 104. Hot Water Bags. 8. & McC. Drug Co. SINGLE front room, for one gentleman. 2323 Harney. F-M996 27x EQUITABLE "Strongest In the World." 2d hand Orient B. B. $200. Derlght. 1119 Far. Illus. your Ideas. Baker Btos. Engr. Co. JOS. F. BILZ thst Is ths ysrn stors. DON'T sell your furnlturt btfora seeing Joe Levine. 304 N. lth. Hlller's Private Stock. $1.00 full quart. Concrete floors. McWllllams, 431 Paxton blk. ROOT-A1I kinds of good printing. WE ARE the only exclusive pleaters In the country that make complete garments. Ths Goldiran Pleating Co. 8UGARMAN calls for pressing. Tel. A 26&1. NEW LOCATION Omaha Reed Rattan Worka-1612 Howard St., after Dec. 1. 6.000 sample rasors, 87c. Myers-Dillon. LARGE variety of elegant rugs at very low prices. Joe Levine, S04 N. lth. ROOT." the badge of quality In printing. E. J. DAVIS, safe mover. 1119 Farnam. CHATTEL LOANS Omaha Vtge. Loan Co. EQUITABLE "Strongest In the World." NEW $40 ranges, $30 this week. Enttrprlss Furniture Co., 102 S. 14th. LARGEST furniture. end best line of second-hand Joe Ievlne, 104 N. lth. OLD pipes made young Stoecker's hospital OUR GRADUATES HOLD BE8T POSI TIONS. Omaha Commercial College. "ROOT," the badge of quality In printing. A. I. ROOT Is THE Root of good printing. CONCEDED to be best. Gylmer. 71ft N. 23d. DR. J. B. FICKES. Dentist. 138 Bes Bldg. 710 8. 18th. 'Phono. M996 SO BUGARMAN calls for pressing. Tel. A 2M. CONCEDED to bo best. Gylmer, 716 N. SSd Herpiclde 79c. 8. dt McC. Drug Co. OOD work guaranteed Chicago Laundry. Courteous Treatment Om. Mtge. Loan Co. FRANK, ths box of candy you promised has not come. Call a red cap O. M. E. boy. Tel. 611; ha will bring it and not for get It. Equitable policies best protection. C. Neely. Alfred Cornish all-leather suit cases. $6. ADV. CUTS WH EATON, In fJes Bldg. Btoaoker repairs broken pipsa. 1406 Douglas SEE our rasor display. Myers-Dillon. Invalid pipe hospital Stoecker's, 1404 Doug. SOLE AGENTS for the famous Oarland stoves and ranges. People's Store. EYE work only. Huteson. Ill Bo. 16th St. CHICAGO LAUNDRY Is the best. Try It. WE save your clothes Chicago Laundry . AN elegant bed room suit very reasonable. Jot Levins, Sui N. loin. AILY BEE: 8UDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1904. FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Alfred Cornish a. l-.rliitr su Ult '4F Come and see our hard coal stoves; one-lot liiiwit. . .i..oB-. u.ii.me v . Invalid pips hoeyltal Btoecfcer's, 1404 Doug. DRESHER BROS., tailors. 1616 Farnam St. "RAZOR KINO" at Myers-DIIlon again. LARUE double room, furnace, $460 per week. Caes. Phone A t3. I M999 27 DR. J. B. FICKES. Dentist. 338 Bee Bldg. Clothes pressed. Call and deliver. A-2M. Solid Gold Waltham Watches BENNETTS WE have a large front, room, with board, suitable for one or two ladles or gentle men; near car line: no other boarders; no children. 812 Emmet St. F ANOTHER rator sale, 87e. Myers-Dillon. Concrete floors. McWllllams, 431 Paxton blk. ONIMOD SHOES for men, $3 60, $2.50. gent Shoe Co., 206 8. 16th St. Re- Courteous Treatment Om. Mtge. Loan Co. EQUITABLE Assurance an Investment. JOS .F. BILZ that Is the knitting store. NICELY furnished room, suitable for two; close In; modern conveniences; telephone, etc.; first-class board; reasonable. Apply 618 So. 19th. F-M313.1K ANOTHER raior sale, 87c. Myers-Dillon. ADV. CUTS WHEATON. In Bee Bldg. Gold Plating. Omaha Plat'g Co., 1508 Harney HUler's whiskies glw satisfaction, v.l.$125 2d hand Cameron $600. Derlght. 1119 Farnam. Leading electro platers. Omaha Plutlng Co. ANOTHER rasor sale, 87c. Myers-Dillon. ROOMS furnished for light housekeeping; .modern conveniences; board if desired. 70$ North 30th. F-117 2Sx Best Pipe Surgeons Stoecker't Hospital. EQUITABLE Assurance an Investment. ONIMOD BHOE8 for men, $3.50, $2.50. Re gent 8hoe Co., 206 8. 15th st. GEORGE, dear! I am sorry you could not meet m. Why didn't you call fill? O. . M E. would have delivered your note. Do so In future. Middlemlss cleans wall paper. Tel. A239. Concrete floors. McWllllams, 431 Paxton blk. Crippled pipes doctored. Stoecker't hospital. Pollthlng and lacquering. Om. Plating Co. DR. J. B. FICKES, Dentist. 138 Bee Bldg. ELEGANTLY furnished room, modern, with board; easy walking distance; rites reasonable. Apply 620 Bo. 19th. PROVIDE for your family. H. D. Neely. Mineral Waters. B. It McC. Drug Co. Middlemlss cleans wall paper. Tel. A2396. 8ALARY LOANS Omaha Mtge. Loan Co. FURNISHED room, with board, modern; also day board, borne cooking, jljjjjg2, ' Crippled pipes doctored. Stoecker's hospital. MOSHER shorthand Is easy to learn and easy to write. Omaha Commercial Col. td hand machines $5 up. Neb. . Cycle Co. JOS. F. BILZ that Is the place. 'RAZOR KING" at Myers-DIUon again. TWO nicely furnlahed rooms, good board. 710 B. ltn. f none l aim. r v PROVIDE for your family. H. D. Neely. Pipes Cob Chas. A. Tracy, 1523 Douglas. THE ROSE Well furnished, furnace-heated rooms; all modern conveniences, flrst-claes board: easy warning aisiance. ... 'n.n. 9xi7 F 326 28X Polishing and lacquering. Om. Plating Co. GEORGE, desrl I am sorry yon could not meet me. Why didn't you call 6117 O. M. E. would have delivered your note. Do so In future. Stoecker repairs broken pipes. 1404 Douglas. 308 8. 16TH ST. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. ADV. CUTS WHEATON. In Bee Bldg. 2d hand Cameron tSOQ. Derlght. 1119 Farnam. Salesmen's sample raiors 87c. Myars-Dlllon Clothes pressed. Call and deliver. A-26S1. A.r. . i . . , - .ii ...in a n sw Aromn xni n liu it" urn " 1,1 . " - Whv not have us make her a pleated rirosaf Have them in all colors and sites. Goldman Pleating co. ALL this week we give a full slse coal scuttle tree wiin timwn powder. Grand Union Tea Co. F SEE our rator display. Myers-Dillon. HAVE a sweater made at Jos. F. Bill. Illus. your Ideas. Baker Bros. Engr. Co. 308 8. 16TH ST. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. PROVIDE for your family. H. D. Neely. PROVIDE for old age. H. D. Neely. Typewriters exchanged. Neb. Cycle Co. 6,000 sample raxors. 87o. Myers-Dillon. OPEN evenines Too busy making clothes lO Close- fl rniioi ww.. - nrurt'a xiinr" It should be Dre'her. DRESHER BROS, make "ors clothes than any tnres nrms in '"'" pollshlns; and lacquering. Om. Plating Co. Poliahlng and lacquering. Om. Plating Co. TWO front unfurnished rooms; light and heat furnisneo. IS K Tiffany Wedding Rings. BENNETTS. Leading electro platers. Omaha Plating Co. OLDEST FIRM Omaha Mtge. Loan Co. Bolid Gold Waltham Watches BENNETTS Solid Silver Table. Toilet ware. BENNETTS Gold Plating. Omaha Plat'g Co.. 1508 Harney BOLID Souvenir Spoons. 98c BENNETTS. Concrete floore. McWllllams. 431 Paxton Mk. BFD SPRINGS. "c and up. Furniture Co.. 102 So. 14th. Enterprise Edison Victor Phonograp'a Neb.Cyele Co. Silver Plating. Omaha Plat'g Co..l08 Harney DR. J. B. FICKES. Dentist. $38 Bee Bldg. One fine roller t" cnet f-fnee rtk end chair. CMcaeo F'irnltiir- Co TVdre. GET "TICK FT. tl. BT. A SDRr.WB banquet. Lindsay. 1508 Howard. Bllver Plating. Omaha Plat'g Co.,1608 Harney Illus. your Ideas. Baker Pros. Knar, Co NW LOCATION Omshs Peed Rattan Wwks 1511 Howard St., after Dec. 1. Bewlng machines rented. Neb. Cycle Co. CONCEDED to be best. Gylmer. 716 N. 23d. FOR Eil'iltabls A'irsnce. se H. D. Neely Edison Victor Phonograp'a Neb.CycIs Co. Alfred Cornish Trav"ne- Bsee tie Far m ADV. ""CUTS WHEATON, In Bes Bldg. Edison ft Victor Phcnograp's. Neb Cycle Co. Edison ft Victor Phonoarss's. Neb.Cyele Co. 8ICK pines cured-Hosplttl. 1404 Douglsa HOSPITAL for broken pipes. 1404 Douglas. Salesmen's sample rasors 87o. Myers-Dillon. Invalid pips hospital Stoecker's. 1404 Doug. BUY NOW nay letr. Ws will trust you uxheitatlnaly. Peonies Store. Fslltng eyesight restored. Huteson. 211 8. 1 CHICAGO LAUNDRY Is ths best. Try It CLOTHES last longer. Chicago Laundry. BPFIAl-t.v low iwtoe n t-oUii b rcni suit this ink. J Levine, tin N. 16 T pew rhere all makes cheap. Neb. Cycle Co. PERSONAL Clothes pressed. Call and deliver. A-2"S1. Plpes-RubberChas7A. Tracy. 153 Doug VR. ROT. Chiropody. R. 1$. Isi,, Clothes pressed. Call and deUverA-!- MAGN E TICJKMi- 3? Plpee-RubborChas A. Tracy, 1523 Doug. EASY TO GET Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. TRT KELLEY'B LAUNDRY. THONEJt Clothes pressed. Cell and deliver. A-2H81. Society's "life reader." Gylmer. 716 N. 23d. TRUSSES made and fitted to men. womes and children. 14i Farnam Bt. THE H. J. PENFOLD CO. Pipes Clay T. D.-C. A. Tracy. 1523 Douglas LETOVSKY'8 orchestra. TclephontL MM. Society's "life reader." Oylmer. 715 N. 23d. ACCORD10Nand SUNBURST ' PLEATING, RUCHING, BUTTONS Send for Price llt and Fsmples. THc GOLDMAN PLfcAUNG CO., 2W Uotifcias ttiocK. leu o 390 SUGARMAN calls for pressing. Tel. A 2681. DR. J. B. FICKES. Dentist, SS Bee Bldg. TUB, vapor and aloohol oaths. 72u 8. Uth U Ml Society's "life reader." Gylmer, "15 N. 23d. RKfcD ROCKERS are fine Xmas presents. Omaha Reed ft Rattan Wks., 1512 Howard. Pipes Clay T. D. C. A. Tracy, li23 Douglas DON'T fcol with your eyes; ne caretul who examines them; we test eyes free lor glassex and guaruntee satlsiactlon. 1HK H. J. PENFOLD CO., Leading Opticians, 1408 Furnam.- U-29S Optical factory. Huteson, 213 8. 16th st. Bocist g "Uf reader." Oylmer, 716 N. 23d. BILLY, you always talk about flowers, Init never send any. O. M. K. boys deliver flowers. Call 611. DRAWING and PAINTING from life. Mr Case's Art Class; studio 4. Lolon block. 16th and Farnsm. U J Pipes Clay T. i. C. A. Trucy, 1523 Douglas 'HtlLBRONN SANITARIUM. Magnesia Mineral Waters for rheumatism, blood diseases, constipation, kidney dis ease, etc. Saline and Turkish baths. Ad dress H. J. Aberly. Medical Director. U-896 BEE our Sunburst Skirts stylish, graceful and durable Goldman Pleating Co. SUGARMAN calls for pressing. Tel. A 26S1. LARSON & JOHNBON, cut rates to all polnte, 1406 Farnam. Tel. B21U. Mem ber American Ticket Brokers' Asfa U-S97 WHO DO I want? . central, the O. M. Let me see. E. Oh, yes. Pipes Cob Chas. A. Tracy, 1623 Douglas. COOK wants special worm, for parties or families out of help; nrst-class city refer ences. 3411 Jackson; 'pnons L-lZHo. U-M136 N23 "Knowledge Is power." Gylmer, 716 N. 23d. Concrete walls. McWllllams, 431 Paxton blk. LEATHER couches, $16 and up. Enterprise Furniture Co., 102 S. 14th. EASY TO GET Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. JOS. F. BILZ makes sweaters to order. PHONE 701 and a man will call and tuns your piano; $2. Perfleld Piano Co., 1611 Farnam. U SSM NOON lunches, 15c, Lobby Cafe, Bee bldg. "Knowledge Is power." Gylmer, 716 N. 23d. HENRY He does engraving. 1607 Farnam NURSE8' COLLEGE, Pueblo. Colo.; fourth year; unequalled; diplomas; maa-age taught; opens Dee i. u mum mux THEATRICAL maoq. 1410-12 Howard. costumes. Lleben, U-M629 Wanted The Deaf to Hear Free tests of Instruments for the deaf. Hutchison Acoustio Co., 18 N. Y. L. Bldg. u-901 ua "VIA VI." way to bealtb. SaO Bes Bldg. U-391 THE Salvation Army solicits cast-off cloth ing. In fact ans thing you do not need; we collect, re Da 1 1 and sell for coat of col lecting to the worthy poor. Call 'phone tue ana wagon wiu cau. u u LARGE variety of elegant rugs at very low pricea. Joe Levine, 304 N. 16th. WHO DO I want? Let me see. Oh, yes, central, the O. M. E. Genuine Regent Shoe Co.'s shoes bear the Onlmod trade-mark, $3.60, $2.60. 206 8. 16th. 40c Japanese matting, linen warp, 20c a yd. Chicago Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodge Bt. DR. J. B. FICKES, Dentist. 338 Bee Bldg. NOON lunches, 16c. Lobby Cafe, Bee bldg-. DRESHER BROS., tailors, 1015 Farnam st. EASY TO PAY Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. SPLENDIDLY EQUIPPED QUARTERS. Omaha Commercial College. OMAHA 8tammerers Institute. Ksmge Blk, piano moving; lowest rates. Schmoller ft Mueller, 1313 Farnam. Tel. 1613. U 163 D-W "Knowledge is power." Gylmer. 716 N. 23d. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS Lesve orders. Omaha Reed ft Rattan Wks., 1612 Howard. NOON lunches, 16c. Lobby Cafe. Bee bldg. notary public, has opened a law and com mercial reporting office st room 414 Bee building, where lie is equipped to do till kinds of shorthand, typewriting and mlm. eographlo worn. "Knowledge Is power." Gylmer. 716 N. 23d. EA8Y TO PAY Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. MARRY Wealth and beauty; marriage di rectory free; pay when marri'd: enti'ely new plan: send no money. Address, If. A. Horton. Dept. 197, Trkonsha. Mich. High-grade California wines at Hlller's. Concrete walls. MoWllliams. 431 Paxton blk. A WONDERFUL DEVICE for sclentlflo massage of face and scalp. Made of best rubber. Price 60 cents. Masie Supply Co., Rochelle, III. Courteous Treatment Om. Mtge. Loan Co. NOON lunches. 15c. Lobby Cafe. Bee bldg. INTELLIGENT American widow, hand some and worth $.0"0, wants good, hon est husband. Address, Aetna, Oneonta Bldg., Chicago. III. DR. J- B. FICKES, Dentist. S3S Bee Bldg. HILLER'S private stock whisky. $1 full qt. ANTIQUE FURNITURE SALE X havs a selection of ths following pieces of antlqus COLONIAL mahogany turnl turs for aaie (brought from West Vlr. gin la); some pieces 200 years Old, all in good condition and fins relics. Two chiffoners, two dressers, six different kinds of tables, one of the clout mahog any piano" In exit-tence; om Napolenn bed' one chlffoner and clock cabinet, two aetteea. ten chairs tone rocker); tlirrs mir ror lames, one dressing table and one Darlor cabinet. Call &10 Seward st. v U-lll Ux JOS. F. BILZ sells yarns. Concrete walls. McWIlllama 431 Paxton blk. Purity and quality at HI ler's. IMt Farifara. THC young woman wearing blue, who gat on Dodge car at Ibth Friday about 4 p. in- and not lied gentleman getting off on California, pless address J 16. lie. U-M147 2x PR. J B. FICKES. Dentist, 33k Bes Bldg Stoecker repairs brokeA pipes. 1404 Douglas. PERSONAL NO GOWN Is complete unless Is la trimmed with our fine Single, double "'P.1 in pun riau rurnmas. we am '"v.'- many different stylet. The Pleating Co. Ooldman WHO MOVED your trunk. George? me see. Oh. yes. Bill, the O. M. E. Let EASY TO PAY-Omaha Mortag Loan Co. Id h d Oldsmoblle $3on. Deright. 1119 Farnam WE TEACH halrdresslng and weaving: terms reasonable: will take pert P? J.n work. Call or write for terms. F. M. Schadell ft Co. U-24S 17 From Hlller's must be good. 18i Farnam. HAND80ME. Jolly old maid, s ii, h 816.W0. Wants a awl. repe tible hus band. Address, Curran. 1243 Wabash. Chicago. "Knowledge It power." Gylmer. 716 N. 23d. BUGARMAN calls for pressing. Tel. A 3681. HOW to ret on the st.tge: good. Bound ad vice, valuable Information, tip" and use ful hints. In plain wrapper, pott raid, for 10c. Pohlman ft Co.. Jefferson City, Mo. JOS. F. BILZ has underwear to rell. 2d h d Oldsmoblle $300. Deright. 1119 Farnam Free souvenirs to ladies. Hl'ler s. 1309 Far m ANTIQUE FURNITURE SALE I have a selection of the following nieces of antique COLONIAL mahogany furniture for sale (brought from West Virginia. Borne pieces years old; all In good condition and fine rtlics. Two v-hiffonlers, two dressers, six different kinds of tables, one of the oldest ma hogany pisnns In existence, one Napoleon bed, one eiiiffunier and clock cabinet, two setters, ten chairs (.one rockBr;; three mirror frames, one drcs lng tabs and one parlor cabinet. Call UW Bi-ward bt. U 1U-2.X assist in business ventute. Lock Box 342, Hammond, Ind ventute. Add i ens. JOS. F. BILZ has underwear for men. Is K Tiffany Wedding Icings. BENNETTS. Concrete walls. McWllllams. 431 Paxton blk. JOB LOT of dressers, $12 80: worth. $20.00 to s.oo. enterprise rurnnure co., ioz So. 14th Hotel oomblnets, cover and bail, Monday ana Tuesday, eoo each. Chicago t ur. co. DAY BRANCHES TAUGHT IN NIGHT school. Omaha Commercial college. CLAN GORDON'S GREAT BANQUET Nov. 80. Lindsay. 1608 Howard. A GOLD STICK PIN mailed free to any person who will give us the name or anyone owning a square p ano or an or gan. Perfleld Piano Company, 1611 Far nam street. Open evenings. U-8S9 27 CUT prices on all heating stoves; buy now; cash or credit, people s store. Pearl opera glasses. Huteson, 213 8. 16th. S BARBER mirrors, oak frames. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge Bt. THE Parisian erase Is box plaited niching in all their dirrerent styles, t.ven tne mil liners have adopted them. Look out for plnlted and niched hats next spring. THE GOLDMAN PLEATING CO. 2d hand Orient B. B. $200. Deright. '1119 Far. Duroy Wines. S. ft McC. Drug Co. WANTED Information of Mrs. E: O. Val entine, formerly of 159 Rlvington Bt., New York City, or any heir of Ellta Jane Reynolds, late of Hartford, Conn. Valu able information given. Addresi, Attor ney, P. O. Box 871, Hartford, Conn. DRESHER BROS., tailors. 1515 Farnam st. INFORMATION WANTED.. Wanted Address of Will I. Lorkwood. 2d h'd Oldsmoblle $300. Derlght. 1119 Farnam Antitoxin. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co. OMAHA STEAM PASTE CO Manufacturers of pasts for all purposes. Tel. A-M62. 2210 Cuming. Established lst. U- NOON lunches, 16c. Lobby Cafe. Bes bldg. MARRIAGE PAPER, 20 pages. 10c: secure ly sealed (nothing' free) ; uuu worth SUM to $10o,ijuu; special privileges and benents to ladles; no to tee; Dana reiereace given. It. j. Iove. Box 16iW, D S, Denver, Colo. BEST EQUIPPED BUSINESS DEPART ment. Omaha Commercial College. Concrete walls. McWllllams. 431 Paxton blk. SEE our Juby Ruchings, the latest and daintiest trimmli.gs for garments. Oold man Pleating Co. DON'T fall to consult Gylmer, 716 N. 23d. BEST RATE Omaha MortgageLoan Co. DR. 1. B. FICKES. Dentist, $38 Bee Bldg. TEL. 1936. They will suggest style for your little girl. Goldman Pleating Co. Rare Chemicals. 8. ft McC. Drug Co. We Try to Please Omaha Mtge. Loan Co. DRESHER, Omaha's fashionable tailor. YOUNG LAWYER. 26. college bred. Fix feet tall, light hair, good figure, good prac tice with fine prospects, exoell nt social position, living In southern city, very desirous of corresponding with young lady of large wealth. Object matrimony. Address, J 9, Bee. FINE large oak wall case cheap; golden oak finish. Chicago Furniture Co. Concrete walla McWllllams. 431 Psxton blk. formerly of Los Angeles, Cal. C. R. Lockwood, 947 Grattan St., Los Angeles, Cal. 2d hand Cameron $600. Derlght, 1119 Farnam. Cat Food. Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co. ANY Information regarding the where, abouta of Wm. James Porter, formerly of Omaha, Neb., not heard of fIi.cb luil, will be greatly sppreclated by his sister, Mrs. Mary A. Knapp, 691 Palisade Ave., Jersey City Heights, N. J. SEWING machines, $2 up: Chlcugo Furniture Co., 1410 good makes. Dodge St. DRESHER, Omaha's fashionable tailor. We Try to Please Omaha Mtge. Loan Co. PERSONAL McCLURE'8 ECZEMA CURE For ecsema, salt rheum, acne, tet sr. ringworm, barber s itch, pimples, ulcers, and instantly allays all Itching and irrl'a. tlon of the skin. Send for tree aamrl. U. Q. McClure, Ph. G.( vm 8. Lawndls Ave., Chicago. d hand Cameron $600. Derlght. 1119 Farnam. ABUNDANT POSITIONS FOR ORADU- tea. Omaha Commercial College. Vlnol. Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co. pipes Briar Chas. A. Tracy, 1&23 Douglas. DR. J. B. FICKES. Dentist. 138 Bee Bldg. WHO Is 611? Ths O. M. E., of course. If you can t meet your girl send one of our Loys with a note to ber. BIX magatines for $3 6: four of them dollar raagusli.e.4. AK me bdjui in m. uurs wanted. Grumtaux Co., 801 Brown bj- td h'd Oldsmoblle $300. Deright. U19 Farnam Jap-a-lac. Bherman ft McConnell Drug Co. WEALTHY AMERICAN, retired buslr.se man, unencumbered, kind an l sun ere, feels need of congenial rompanl.mthip and wire Adreea. Mrs Cole, 1714 Cheat nut. Room St. Philadelphia, Pa IRON BTDS-Sl up this week. Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodge Bt. Chicago Velvet Candv. 8. ft McC. Drug Co. lsH.YiHM4.TION wanted of John Kl'hy, a soldier in the civil wsr; ist heard of r.nter St.. tit. Louis. .Reply M. J hl-hy. Newfoundland. N. J. I -M.7.'--2x WHO Is 1 1 The O. M E.. of course. If you I meet our girl send one of our boys with s note to her. INFORMATION wanted aa to wherrahouts ,f Haiiiuel Dupre. lmlet; eonirtiTie works at barter trade. Kindly Inf.,.-. a Mme. CUrvuina, 727 l, K St., Bscraineiito, Cal. KENTUCKY MAIDEN, age 23. worth $, ono and large stock farm. ! acres to bacco land, will marry and present hu.i. Kn n ,1 m-lth M ImA r.n H Hlnff dAV. A 1 1 1 PERSONAL TKS we srli hard and soft ... chenp. Chicago Furniture Co.. ii;., jK; Sewing msrhlnes rented. Neb. .'le THE Red Caps, you sy Who n . t They are the O. M. U. boys Ti 1 will bring you one. Edison ft Victor Phonograp's. NVh cy( . THE Parisian cruse Is box plsiiei r , t . t. In all their different styles. Kv. -i t'" ! liners hsve adopted tfiem. Ltuk ,,.,t i r plaited and rucned hats m x; i,n THE GOLDMAN PLF.ATIM; (t. Typewriters exchanged. Nn Cycle i'ii DRE8HER, Omaha's fdv i t.U ,r. OPEN evenings. Too bu m.kn.K i.oths to close. Dresher Bros, is.lui. Tj'pewrlters all makes cheap k Cycle fjJJ WHO'S your tailor? It stiojld u. iirr, DRESHER BROS, make more clothrs ibaa any three Arms In Omaha. 18 K Tiffany Wedding Rings. BENNETTS BEST RATE Omaha Mortgage I,, an CeT LEST MAINSPRINGS. ll-BENNETTf REFINED palmist. Gylmer. 715 N l Solid Bllver Table. Toilet ware. P.F.NNKTT3 Concrete walls. McWllllams. 4:U rxi..n';k WAPTS removed by electricity. 15j6 Farnam, room 2-3. I'r r. , BOLID Souvenir Spoons.- 9Hc BENNETTS. EXTENSION TABLES, ture Co.. ln2 So. 14th. Enlerpri"' I"ar:.l. PARLOR tables, $1 und up. Furniture Co.. 102 8. Hth. Enterprise DR. J. B. FICKES. Dentist, 338 B- TtMsj. DR. ROY. chiropodist, Ii. 2-S. 15 Fur", nam, upstairs. COUCHES, the best, hlg line, $7.50. En'r. prise Furniture Co. Typewriters all makes cheap. Nrb. Cycle n ALT, this week we give a full slie ml Bcuttiv free with each pound of tMk;tie powder. Grand Union Tea Co. I - E. J. Davis, all kinds hauling. 1119 Farnam. I BUT anything and everything. Joe u. vl ie. 304 N. 16th. Ladles' garments pressed. Tel. A-2HS1. BEST RATE Omaha Mortgage Loan en. WILL the parents of Joseph Bheffry kindly communicate witn me Associain t. IK Broadway. New YorkT U-M276-.SW .11 i ! 2d hand Orient B. B. $200. Derlght. 1119 Far MOSHER SHORTHAND 18 THE MOST legible. Omaha Commercial College. IOC! buys todies' 60o cuff and collar sets People's Btore, ISth'and Farnam streets. THE People's Store will trust you. 2d hand machines $6 up. Neb. Cycle Co. Are vou aolng away? Joe Levine will gh most money for your furniture. 304 K.loth. BEST MAINSPRINGS. $1 BENNETTS. BOLID Souvenir Spoons. 98C-BENNETT 8 REFINED palmlat. Oylmer. 715 N. 23d. FOR SALE, fine $75 top buggy fur $60; goo.l Rockawny and second-hand carrlngtv cheap. Johnaon ft Danfortb, corner 10th and Jones sts. southwest U DR. J. B. FICKES. Dentist. 838 Bee Bldg. L,arge variety Oriental Rugs chesper than you can buy elsewhere. Don't fail to see them. Joe Levine, 304-6 N. 16th St. NEW 2-HOLH No. S laundry stoves. $3. Chicago Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodge St. Genuine Regent Shoe Co.'s shoes bear the Onimod trkde-mark. $3.60. $2.60. 206 8. Hth. Machines; all makes repaired. Neb. Cycle Co NEW classes commence December 1 at the Omaha Commercial college. CLAN GORDON'S GREAT BANQUET Nov. SO. Lindsay. 1608 Howard. LARGE Arm Chairs for 'Xmas presents Omaha Reed ft Rattan Wks., 151S Howard THE Red Caps, you say. They are ths O. M. t.. will bring you one. Who are they? boys. Tel. ill DR. J. B. FICKES. Dentist, 338 Bes Bldg. Consult me before storlnc furniture hla-h prices for it Joe Levine. 804 N. I pav . 16th. 2d h'd Oldsmoblle $300. Deright. 1119 Farnam Hlller's pure rye, 80c full quart GENTLEMAN, middle aged end very u'..T.v. ImmMilutelv drservlna. industrious wife. Address, Mr. Curtis. O- Clark St.. Chicago, 111. COOK stoves at ridiculously low prices. Joe Levine, $04 N. 16th. A SUIT of clothes or an overcoat Is a most acceptable gift. Peoples Store. SEE our Sunburst Skirts stylish, graceful and durable Goldman Pleating Co. Consult me before storing furniture. I pay high prices for it. Joe Levine. 304 N. 16in. Concrete walla McWIlllama. 431 Paxton bt. Champagne. 60c bottle. Hlller's. 1309 Far m. Alfred Cornish ROBES 1210 Farnam. A. HOOGE. Florist. Church and hall deco rator. 'Phone Cedar $73. U-l6t 27x MAMMA. Mr. Huteson Bays their new torlo lenses Illuminate Ave times mors than old style glasses. 21S 8. 16th st. 247 27 DRESHER BROS., tailors. 1615 Farnam St. WHAT is It you have for sale? I wsnt to buy It. Joe Levine, 304 N. 16th. - DON'T suffer with corna Bee Dr. Roy. Concrets walls. McWilllams. 421 Paxton blk. DR. J. B. FICKES, Dentist, S3S Bet Bldg. Hard and soft coal stoves, $6 and up. Good pick. Chicago Fumlturs Co.. 1410 Dodge. NOON lunches, 16c. Lobby Cats. Bes bldg. DON'T suffer with corns. Bes Dr. Roy. SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts snd moles permanently removed by electricity; con sultation free and confidential; aU work .,,sron,it Miss Allender. 422 N. Y. Life. TT il a 1210 Fnr'n'i'-Tjy Alfred Cornish Horss Blankets MAMMA. Mr. Huteson says their new torlo lenses Illuminate five tlmee more then old style glaasos. 213 8. Hth st- V-344 27 EASY TO PAY Omaha Mortgage Lostj Ca. NOON lunches, 15c. Lobby Cafe, Bes bldg. WANTED, the use of a piano for storage by a young married couple; can give best of referencee: will guarantee to keep plana in good condition. Address H I, Bee offlcs, U 110 6x DR. ROY CURES BORE FEET. DR. J. B. FICKES. Dentist. 838 Bee Bids;. RUCHING. the rrettlest of all dress trim. mlng We make them in 86 different styles" single, dounls and triple box plait, with variations. The Goldman Pleating Co. BILZ makes stockings Ilk mother uasd to make. WHO MOVED your trunk. George? U ma see. Oh. yea, BUI. ths O. M. E. DR. ROY CLRES SORE FEET. SEE OLD MEXICO Small, select party forming to take trip through Meaioa. combining business and pleasure, lo look Into business prospects and chanoss for Investment. References exchanged. Par ticulars. Address MEXICO." 1UI4 Hay. den building, Columbus. O. U-3M 17 DR. ROY CURES BORE FEET. : EMKRtfON piano. $s5; slightly used. Per. field Piano Company, 1611 Fsrnsm. Oeti ALL our stored machines for sale. Ex. pressmen's Del. Co. REFINED palmist. Gylnur. 71S Nt 2Sd. f d Alfred Cornish Horse Blankets 1.10 Par' 8KE our line of fancv rlnr pieces: sash or credit. People s Store, uth ft Furaam. Ml-K3 removed by electrclty. 16uS Farnara 4- Dr. Roy. 4 . i. el 5 " $ at i I 3 - T M ft o s N