TITE OMAHA DAILY BEE: STTaAT. NOVEMBER 27, 1904. 11 i. f FECIAL NOTICES III be take mmtV la saw fer tka ltla aatfl S . aa, be aaerelesT edltlea Ratee 1 wort Bret teeertlew e er teerearter. niiif or less laasi JK tar tka flrst laser, laa. Taeee eevertleeBBeate aaaat ee Advertisers, ky reeeesrlea? a I heree ttrtu, aaa bar aaevrere aa. drrssea' la a ktrt4 latter la aara af Tka Baa. Aacwere aa aatll ka eellverea aa areseatatlea at rhrrk. MISCELLANEOUS NOON lunches, 15c. Lobby Cafe. Bee bldg. fifi Brings an Edison Phonograph tnto Capitol ava. B Ml DU NOTE the Hen near lth and Dayenport which reada "Joe Levlne, 304 N. lth. INVESTIGATE our rates. J. A. Hutton Co. SPECIAL attention given architects Pinna and specifications; contractors should In vestigate. Lew Wentworth. 618 Paxton blk. Phone 1871 EASY MONEY." J. A. Hutton Co. K. J. DAVIS, safe mover, 1118 Far nam. TRI KELLY'S TOWhiL SUPPLY. TJJJ, MnkT PR OF HASTINGS. Beat olYlUKU t-oent cigar on earth, B- E. J. DAVIS, safe mover. Ill Far nam. Thorough In every detail. Western BarberB Institute, HtU and Dodge Sta-. Omaha. FOR MONEY commit J. A. Hutton Co. CITY SAVINGS BANK pays 4 Practice makes perfect. We furnish the practice. VVeatefn Barbers' Institute. I.' e. WALLACE. taxidermist. 8 jj J. Davis, all kinds hauling. 1118 Faraam. J. DAVIS, safe mover. Ill Far nam. Id h'd Oldsmoblle $300. Derlght. Ul Farnam KOPP'8 chocolate creams that's all. .practice makes perfect W. tn , practice. Western Barbers Institute, ipVon want to buy, aell or rent proi'! J. Davis, all kinds hauling, lilt Farnam. E K J. DAVIS, safe mover. Ul Farnam. OMAHA PLUMBING CO . Tel, 8846 jlohn Morrlssey. Mgr. Raa Tel. fell. B- Alfred Cornlsh-Trunks-1210 Farnam. ADV. CUTS WHEATON. In Bea Wftt Aifral Cornlsh-TRUNKB-1210 Farnam. ET Davie, all kinds hauling 111 Farnam. OMAHA School Supply Co.. Jigtt xS NOON lunches. 16o. Lobby Cafe. Bee bldg. Practice makea Perfect. We furnish the pracUoa. Weetern Barbers' lnatltute, Alfred Cornlsh-2d-hand harnesa-1210 Far'm 2d h'd Oldsmoblle 1300. Derlght, lilt Farnam Eucalyptus Catarrh Jelly. S. As McC. Dg. Co. OH? Fudge! At Kopp's. 1308 Farnam St. SHORTHAND BEPOBTINO. C. A. Potter, Law and Commercial Reporter. Examiner In Chancery and Notary Public. Boom 414 Bea Building;. R mi a CITY STEAM LAUNDRY 211 SOUTH HTh. 'PHONE 254. Wo true everybody. Have our wagona call. Express work ollcltB.M90, D Alfred Cornish td-hand harneaa 1210 Far'm Learn right and you don't have o learn over. Western Barbera' Inst.. 14 at Dodge. E. J. Davla. all kinds hauling, lilt Farnam. E. J. DAVIS, safe mover, lilt Farnam. f m h'd Oldamoblls $300. Derlght. lilt Farnam I Hospital SuppUea. 8. McC Drug Co. ' o: n n n tnr Pnr. r anus v - J3.00-44.00. NewFlanoe. j rJ Rent SKSr? iSSf FaVnamr Vlftt evenings. rL Alfred Cornlsh-all-leather suit oases. $6- NOON lunches, lfio. Lobby Cafe. Bea bldg. ALL this week we give a full alsa coal icuttla free with each pound of baking powder. GranJ Union Tea Co. K KOPP'S horehound candy for colds. Alfred Cornlsh-ROBES-1210 Farnam. td hand Orient B. B. taoo. Derlght. Ul Far. E. J. DAVIS, safe mover, 1118 Farnam. KOPP'S quick lunch try 'It. KOPP'S chocolate creams that's all. Clgarholdera-Plaln-C. A. Ttacy. 1628 Doug. Learn right and you don't have to learn tv vfMtern Barbers' Inst.. 14 A Dodge. KOPP S horehound candy for col da, XjOANS Easy tarma. J. A. Huttan Co. . J. Davis, all kinds hauling, lilt Farnam. HOLIDAY candy every day. Kopp's Rinl.n Loan Offloei reliable, acoommodat tng; all buelueea conOdantli 1S01 Douglas. FOB MONEY consult J. A. Htttton Co. KOPP'S Quick lunoh try It. HlUer Uauor Co.. W Farnam. Tel. VAX. "BABY MONEY." J. Hutton Co. Baat caramels In city. Kupp'a, 1301 Farnam Tea Bua Sherman MoConnell Drug Co. 7"TnVESTIOATB our rates. J. X Hutton Co! S vr-z M. J. Davla. ail kinds hauling. Bit Farnam. tsaarholders Plaln-C. A Tracy. 152S Doug. ifoNET ON CHATTELS. J. A. Hutton Co. HOLIDAY candy every day. Kopp'a. WUT. Joa. F. Blls la at ta Bo. 16th st. Anti-Monopoly Oarbags Ct a Tel. 1771. N. 16th. HEED money T Sea uax J. A. Hutton Co. JUST try Kopp's candles. U0 Farnam. M hand Orient B. B. taoq Derlght. lilt Far. Borrow Christmas money at 614 Paxton blk. SIGN PAINTING 8. H. Cola. 1 1RJ- JUBT try Kopp's candles. 1U Farnam. PRE our pleated dressing aacquea and tea I gowne. Ooldmaa Pleating Co. 1 6BCURITY unneceaaary. J. A. Hutton. J3( J. Davla, all kinds hauling. Bit Farnam. Borrow Christmas money at (14 Paxton blk. )400N lull shea, Uo. Lobby Cafe, Bee bldg. HOLIDAY candy every day. Kopp's. J9. J. Davis, all kinds hauling, uit Farnatn. LET Jos. F. Blls make your sweaters. ! STOVE & FURNACE REPAIRS " Tel. tuA UOI Doug. Omaha Blove KepVVks. KEED snoneyT Bee ua J. A. Hutton Co. k. Telephone liU for wine or liquor. We J. A. Huttoo Co. LOANS. K14 Paxton blk. Infant Food, e. MoC, Drug Co. MISCELLANEOUS NO GOWN ia complete un)m in Is trimmed with our fine single, double or triple box plait ruchings. We amke them In many different style. The Goldman Flesting Co. SALARY LOANS. J. A. Ilutton Co. Cut fare refunded In rap our college la not aa represented. Western Barbers' InM. SALARY LOANS. J. A. Ilutton Co. STOVES from to. 60 to IliW; guarsnteed. Joe Levlne, 104 N. 18th. DON'T suffer with coma See Dr. Roy. Cmbrellas Sllk-Chas. A. Tracy, 1523 Doug. COOK strive at ridiculously low prices. Joe Levlne, N. 16th. Learn right and you don't have to learn over. Western Barbera' Inst., 14 St Dodge. DR. ROY removes corns palnlees. 'EASY MONEY." J. A. Hutton Co. P. MELCHIOR. machine works. lh and Howard. R-tll DON'T buy until you sea me. Joa Levlne, tOI N. ibtn. DR. ROY removes aorna painless. BILZ makes sweaters for the foot ball. MONEY ON CHATTELS. J. A. Hutton Co. 2d hand Cameron 1600. Derlght, Bit Farnam, DR. A. S. PIERCE IM1 Chronic diaeasea Many yeara' experience In east ern hospitals and other praotlce. OJce rooma Freoser blk.. 16th A Dodge. Pri vate Infirmary, (11 N. 20th. Tel. A2&6I M101 N2T WARTS removed by electricity. Dr. Boy, 16u6 Farnam, room 2-3. Alfred Cornish Traveling Bags 1210 Far'm Car fare refunded tn case our college la not aa represented, western iJaroers inK. J. A. Hutton Co. LOANS. 614 Paxton blk. NOVELTIES In Pleating French accor dion, Berlin side or knife, sunburnt, box, pineapple, etc., pinking, tucking, shir ring, crimping, fluting, ruching, and lust, not least, buttons. THE GOLDMAN PLEATING CO. DR. BOY. chiropodist, R. 2-S, 1606 Far nam, upstairs. Alfred Cornish Saddles 1210 Farnam. Borrow Christmas money at 614 Paxton blk. Leading electro platers. Omaha Plating Co. Machines; all makes repaired. Neb. Cycle Co Car fare refunded In case our college Is not as represented. Western Barbers' InM. WHAT will you give ma for an elegant Radiant Home heater? J. Levlne, 804 N. lii. BILZ makes sweaters for the base balL Alfred Cornish Saddles 1210 Farnam. SECURITY unnecessary. J. A. Hutton. WE lead, others follow. Western Barbers' Institute, 14th and Dodge Sts., Omahu. Umbrellas Silk Cbas. A. Tracy, 1523 Doug, ALL kinds of candy. Kopp's, 1303 Farnam. 8UGARMAN calls for pressing. Tel. A 26H1. 2d hand machinea to up. Nab. Cyola Co. Leading electro platera. Omaha Plating Co. WE lead, other follow. Western Barbers' Institute, 14th and Dodge Sts., Omaha. 'PHONE 771 and talk to us about furniture , and atovea. Souvenirs for ladlea at Killer's, 1809 Farnam Fresh Herbs. S. McC. Drug Co. ALL kinds of candy. Kopp's, 18u8 Farnam. Typewriters all make cheap. Nab. Cycle Co. Leading electro platers. Omaha Plating Co. WB lead, others follow. Western Barbers' Institute, 14th and Dodge Sts., Omaha. HIGHEST prtoes paid for second-hand fur niture. Joa Levlne. 804 N. 16th. JOS. F. BILZ does knitting to- order. COLLINS PIAWV CO., wholesale and re tail musical Instruments. Talking ma chines, records exchanged. Ill 8. lfth St., Omaha. R KOPP'S new candy etore, 13C3 Farnam. 'PHONE 771 and talk to oa about furniture and atoves. Sliver PlaUng, Omaha Plat'g Co., 1508 Harney Many of our students are' In business for themselves1. Western Barbers Institute. 2d hand Cameron 8600. Derlght, Ult Farnam. ANGORA hoods are mads by Jos. F. Blls. Best caramels In city. Kopp's, 1308 Farnam OUR MOTTO Quick sales; small profits. Joe Levlne, 304 N. 16th. Silver Plating, Omaha Plat'g Co.. 1508 Harney U. B. Gov. puts Its stamp on every bottle of Miller's Old Standard Whisky. Many of our students are tn business for themselvea. Weatern Barbera Institute, Question Who sella the most second-hand furniture? Ans. Joe Levlne, 804 N. 16th. Nickel Platlng.Omaha Plat'g Co.,1608 Harney KOPP'S horehound candy for colds. Umbrellas Bilk Chas. A. Tracy, 1523 Doug. New Dressmaking Shop JUST OPENED AT 120 8. 18th at., 13th street car line; flrst clasa work and perfect flt guaranteed, at lowest prioea. Call and be convinced. B Typewriter exchanged. Neb. Cycle Co. Molaases satlnettes. None so good as Kopp's BIG money saved on rangea by patronizing ua Joa Levins, 804 N. 16th. Many of our students are In business for themselves. Western Barbers Institute. Ladlea' garments pressed. Tel. A-2S81. Udlaon Victor Phonograra. Neb.Cycle Ct. 804-8 N. 16h la the. place to go If you want to buy furniture. Cigars. Sherman 6 McConnell Drug- Co. KOPP'S chocolate creams that's all. Sewing machinea ranted. Neb. Cyola Co. Western Barbera' lnatltute meana the beat barber college, 14 and Dodge Sta, Omaha. I SELL furniture lower than anyone In Omaha, Joa Levlne, 804 N. 16tb. E. J. DAVIS, safe mover. Ult Farnam. Miller's Old Standard Whisky, 81.25 per full quart. 1309 Farnam. Alfred Cornish TRUNKS-1210 Farnam. ORIENTAL ruga, loweat prlcea Tel. 77L Gold Platjng. Omaha Plat'g Co., 1608 Harney Western Barbera Institute means the best barber college, 14 and Dodge Sts., Omaha. E. J. DAVIS, aafe mover, 1119 Farnam. Umbrellas Cheap C. A. Tracy. 1523 Doug. OH. Fudgel At Kopp'a. 1303 Farnam Bt. Pipes Briar Chaa. A. Tracy, 1623 Douglaa. E. J.. DAVIS, safe mover, 1119 Farnam. Western Barbera Institute means the best barber college, 14 and Dodge Bta, Omaha. Alfred Cornlah 2d-hand harneaa 1210 Far'm Clothes pressed. Call and deliver. A-2681. E. J. DAVIS, safe mover. 1119 Farnam. JOS. F. BILZ 4a at 828 Bo. 16th st. Alfrd Cornish Fine Harneaa 1210 Farnam Alfred Cornish Trunks 1210 Farnam. E. J. DAVIS, aafe mover. Ult Farnam. Alfred Cornlah Traveling Baga1210 Far m Alfred Cornish foot warmers 881210 Far'm ORIENTAL ruga, loweat prlcea Tel. T7L Alfred Cornish foot warmers 821210 Far'm EL J. Davla, all kinds hauling. Ult Farnam, WANTED MALE HELP The Largest Salary Goes to the Man or Woman of Greatest Ability Hut it must be the kind of ability that is in demand. claps of clerical help Is more sought after than competent book keepers and stenographers. Business men do not want and, will not have the incompetent or untrained sort. In this hustling age you enter the business world at a disad vantage unless you have a thorough knowledge of business ways. Ilusiness can't wait for vou to "pick it up." You must KNOW HOW, for someone else does if you don't. Our course is thorough and long enough to render pupils unmistakably competent. A complete mastery of bookkeeping or shorthand, a po8.ies sion of the Touch method of typewriting, which we teach, and a willingness to work, are all that is necessary to enable you to reach out with a sure hand. The Time to Enter Our College is Novvl ; CATALOG FREE. BOYLES COLLEGE New York Life Building, Omaha, Neb. TELEGRAPH department open In Decem ber. Boyle's College. B M61 Wanted Party with 53,000 to $J,000, to take interest in leading Real Estate Company and manage ment of Des Moines office. Good salary. Must be hustling up-to-date business man and come well recommended. Ad dress: G 59 care of Bee. Chain, Gregg Shorthand Schools OMAHA, 712 N. Y. L. Bldg. bOUTH OMAHA, Glasgow Blk. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Men-lam Blk. Most Approved and Up-to-Date Method. Individual and Class Instruction. A new typewriter at Your Own Home. Call or Write for Particulars. ii 961 28 WANTED Competent frame fitter. Apply Rose s Art Store. liMM MOLER'a barber college, Denver, Colo., teaches the barber trade in 8 weeks and guarantee positions. Special terms. Write. B "69 Deo U WANTED, reliable business man to repre sent New York Medical Corporation, to place 10 per cent preferred stock In this locality. Address M. H. Wilson, 74 Broad way, ti. Y. City. DETECTIVES everywhere; ateady work guaranteed: experience unneceasary. American Detective Agency, Milwaukee, Wis. CIBCULAB and sample distribute wanted everywhere: imrmanent uoHitlou; ooa pay. American union, ruuuao uildlng, Chicago. 1 CIXTHINO salesman. Hart, (US N. Y. Life. WANTED, salesman; good opening for Al specialty man on commission; no sticks need apply: enclose stamp for answer. Address J 29, Bea. B GOOD collector. Weetern Bet Bond Aaa'n. 840 N. Y. Life. H YOU NO man, city salesman. Weetern Kef. at Bond Aaa'n. 640 N. Y Life. B GOOD druggist Western Ass'n, 840 N. Y. Life. Bef. te. Bond B- EXPERIENCED grocery salesman. West ern Kef. & Bond Ass'n, 840 N. Y. Life. B EXPERIENCED salesman: grocery brok erage, Weatern Ref. & Bond Ass'n, 840 N. Y. Life. B- CIGAB salesman; salary, Weatern Ref. & Bond Asa n, aw is. i. uu. n YOUNO man: I years High school. West ern Ref. & Bond Ass'n, 840 N. Y. Life. B CALL or write for list of vacancies. West-' era Ker. el tsona ass n, w. . uw. B OPEN Tuesday and Thursday evenlnga Western Ref. 4 Bond Ass'n, 840 N. Y. Life. B I EXPERIENCED groceryman. Hart, 923 N. Y. Life. TELEGRAPHER who uses mill for teacher, man or lady. 8tate experience In Hrst Intter and salary expected. Address J 28, Bee. B- MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE Send for' free catalogue and compare our terms and advantages with others. Amer ican Barbar college, cor. 12th and Doug. Us St. B WANTED Traveling men for Kansas City, St. Joe and Council Bluffs and eastern Nebraska, to sell coal as a slda line, on commission. Address B. 1710 North 24th street. I B 28 27 WANTED, 10 men tn each state to travel, tack signs and distribute samples and circulars of our goods. Salary, 875 per month. $3 per day for expenses. Kuhl man Co., Dept. C 20, Atlas block, Chicago. EXPERIENCED salesman or physician not . ' . . II . Jt 1 1 1 M firaCllCinK IU acil ig uwiw,, cmuumicu rade. Also one for outuide city; per manent, remunerative. P. O. Box 868, Philadelphia, WANTED, for South America, a flrst-clasa man who Knows an auoui inanuii imp . n..,r n Arireaa I' II liriv N 16M, New York City. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT'S election In sures an Inoreaj-e In civil service appoint ments. Those Intending to take the next examination should send to the Colum bia Correspondence College, Washington, D C, and secure its free civil aervlce an nouncement, containing datea. acalarles, places for holding examinations and ques tions recently ubed by the government. WANTED Everywhere men willing to distribute samples, taca sisns. tic, hi m dally; permanent; no canvassing. Conti nental Distributing Service, Chicago. B SIX magasinea for $2. 05: four of tajam dollar ma ga lines, ask me aooui mem, aw- iun wanted. Grumiaux Co.. 807 Brown block. B WANTED Catholic Installment agenta for entirely new plan In country territory; never worked before; get out of old rut. J. Casey, S34 Dearborn St, Chicago, III. B WE prepare you quickly aa llluatrator. ear. t ii i ti I u t 1 ii ii'v u r (,i,u,ni.ii.t i.misranhir. bookkeeper. Journalist and writer, corre spondence man, banker. Write for free bonk. "Profits of Knowing How" telle everything. Nations', Correspondence Schools, U When., Indianapolis. lT. 8. A B WE will make you a present of $100, give you a splendid suit of clothes every ninety days, enlarge your picture free and pay you a salary of 166.00 per month and all traveling expenses to take orders for the greatest and most reliable portrait house in the world. All this will be ivi, Chicago, Xil WANTED HALE HELP Clothing CjJtters Wanted We want immediately, 100 competent, re. liable men, to whom we positively guar antee steady employment at good wages. In our custom and stock room (open shops). 60 stock cutters for ready-made clothing. SO special order cutters for our made-to-measure clothing, known aa country order work. Wa ue a simple system of block patterns. If you are a competent cutter, coma at once prepared to work, and e will pay your railroad fare. If you write, aend references. Address, Foreman of cutting room. SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO., - CHICAGO. B 1 REG. pharmacist. Hart, 823 N. Y. Life. WANTED, good. Intelligent solicitor to sell dividend paying mining stock) good salary and commlBSslon to capable man. Yearly contract. References. R. D. Robinson Company, Los Angeles, Cal. SALESMEN, advertising, city and travel, ing, to aell color barometers to adver tisers. Easy sellers. Big commission. Write for samples, stating territory cov ered. J. L. Bieder Co., bo Lake St., Chi cago. 1 SHOE salesman. Hart, 823 N. Y. Life. MANAGER wanted, all sections, to select agents for the famous "Game o' Skill." Lawful everywhere; tills long felt want; takes place forbidden slot machines; ope rated with nickels; rented or sold on easy payments; 42,000 now in use: sample sent on 80 days' free trial. Write at once for particulars. Fairbanks Billiard Table works, Desk 26, Cleveland, Ohio. YOUNG man In each county In Nebraska well acquainted with the grocery trade In hli locality who wants to make some money easily; very little capital re quired. Address, giving references, Frank P. Strickland, 1833 Main street, Kansas City, Mo. WANTED, men In every locality to sell a new article. Sold by children for pre miums. Small investment. Immense rents. Chandler & Company, 87t Clifton 'ark ave., Chicago. 1 HAT salesman. Hart, 823 N. Y. Ufa. WANTED, person to call on retail trade for manufacturing house; local territory; salary 6, paid weekly; expense money advanoed; previous experience unneces sary. American House, Star building, Chicago. MAN as field superintendent; salary $80 Jier month and expenses; must be a flust er. Address, 306 Insurance Ex. Building, Minneapolis, Minn. Department "B". B M134 27x WANTED Young man to learn book and magaxlno illustrating. Address E. C, this office. B REPRESENTATIVES for Business Maga slne. Hustlers make good money. Com mission. Williams & Willoughby, Seattle, Wath. WANTED FOtt U. 0. ARMY -Able-bodied unmarried mm, between agea of 81 aail J cltlsens of United States, of good charac ter and temperate habits, who speak, read and wrl a English. For Information apply to B crultlng Officer, 13th and Douglaa sts.. Omahj Lincoln, Neb., or Sioux City. K &-U297 WANTED to contract for repair of cottage, 0i h and Blondo its . partially destroyed by fire. Apply at 804, New York Life Bldg., between 10 a. m. and 6 p. m. B-M9S2 EXPERIENCED grocery cleraa, and no others, can get work. Mains-Case Co., 634-86 Paxton Blk. B-MUt IP YOU are In need ef a pot! Hon, eall and have a "heart-to-heart" talk with HART. TUB EXPERT. 828 N. T. Life. I BMU Df WANTED Two city salesmen at one. C F. Adams Co., (1S Howard SL H 862 B Al solloitora, 60 per cent com. Hart. 823 N. Y. Life. WANTED Five good boys with wheels. 812 B. liib at. B 121 D WANTED Ai onca, five chicken pickers at Swift and Co.'s poultry house. Fair bury, Neb. Plenty of poultry and good price for picking. B M8&S 80 WANTED, man to do framln. Inquira at furniture department, Hayden Bros. B-882 26x THREE good sewing machine hustlers for another city; one bcandinavlan preferred; cash commission or salary; must have good record; stead v men; no drunkard wanted; atate experience, with whom and where. Address J 8, care Bee. B-M124 2x $1,800 a year and expenaea to a good man to travel; must have good references and be able to furnish M caah security If necessary. Address No. 8o8 15 N. Fourth at., Minneapolis. Minn. B M133 27x TWO traveling aaleamen, teas coffee. Hart. 823 N. Y. Ufa, WANTED Young man to siudy law. Ex cellent chance to aava time and money. Address E. C, this office. B WANTED, trustworthy man or woman for amall local office; we train our own peo ple; weekly cash salary. Supt. Local Dep't. 223 N. 2d St.'. St. Louis. J-M121 27x MEN TO LEARN barber traae; rree rail road fare upon our failure tn convince you of this being the BEST and onlv re. liable, saoet practical barber collect ta the United Stales. Write (or catalogue today. Weslsra Barbers' Inaiitut Omaha. Neb. B-tsl AT once, flret class prescription clerk for Montana; wages 8" per month. -F. V. Knieat, 701 N. Y. Life Bldg. B-MU7 8 WANTED MALE HELP New Classes ' THIS WEEK In All Departments of the Omaha Commercial College Good time to begin. Day- and Evening Sessions. . Advertising .literature tree to any address. Write ROHRBOUGH BROS., 17th and Douglas Sts. WANTED Men and boys to sell best money maker on earth. New household necessity; 2.000,000 sold; 98.000 sold in Min neapolis; cots 7c; sells for 2."c; rexels to same people In same territory; agenta make from $6 to $isr per day; no ex perience rvcessary; deaf and dumb men can sell It; our new plan Is a winner sells on sight by showing what It will ri; not sold In stores; you can prove It will do what we say It will do; people borrow money to buy It; cells to poor and rich; greatest seller ever Invented; agents' outfit 10c. Domestic Mfg., Co., Desk 47. Minne apolis, Minn. B M900 27x 1 EXPERT meat cutter $18 to $2L Hart. 823 N. Y. Life. PORTRAIT men, why work for someone else at fifty to seventy-flve cents an order when you can buy guaranteed work of us at wholesale? Investigate our credit plan. Ripley Art Co., lock box 679, Omaha, Neb. -BUS 30 WANTED At once, a drug clerk with t or 8 years' experience; must spenk German; with no bad habits; not registered. W. J. Maxwell, Avoca, Iowa. B 331 S7x WANTED By well established school in Illinois, a telegraph teacher; must be competent to assume entire control of telegraph department; good salary; must bo nblo to mnke small Investment. Ad dress J 37, Omaha Bee. B 334 DecS WANTED, men everywhere; good pay to distribute circulars, adv. matter, tsck signs, etc.; no canvassing. Address Na tional Advertising Co., 100 Oakland Bank Building, Chicago. 111. B M129 27x DRirr CLERKS, Knlest, R. t., N. T. L. Bldg? B-364 A GOLD STICK PIN mailed free to any person who will give us the name of anyone owning a square piano or an or. gan. Perfleld Piano Company, 1611 Far nam street Open evenings. B-340CT TWO traveling salesmen. Hart, 92S N. Y. Life. WANTED FEMALE HELP 80 GIRLS; Canadian umca. 16 th and Dodge. C 848 WANTED, by large soap manufacturer, a sales lady to call on drug and grocery trade and demonstrate our toilet prepara tions; salary $30 a week and expense Buffalo Chemical Co., Buffalo, N. Y. C-M944 DJ GOOD girl for general housework; must have experience. Apply at once. 620 S. ZJth St. C M877 2x WANTED Young lady to take private lessons In stenography; fine chance. Ad dress E. C, this office. C W'ANTED Competent girl for general housework. In family, of three. S.W How ard St. C M960 26X WANTED Good cook; beat references. 2211 St. Mary's ava. C M957 27x MONOGRAM, 6c; lOo value. Stoecker Cigar Stores, C 364 10 WANTED Girla for laundry work. Purl tan Laundry, 13th and Caatellar. c aotr LADIES Earn $20 per 100 writing short let' ters; send stamped envelope for partlcU' lars. Ideal Mfg. Co., Cassopolls, Mich. C M123 2x GTRL wanted; good writer. Address J 12, Bee office. C M126 28x WANTED A girl to do general housework at ZBIH Bt. Mary s Ave. C lu3 28 LADIES having fancy work to 'sell, em broideries. Bat ten berg, drawnwork; also 10 o otner wora; stampea envelope. iaaieB jxciumge, m xaonroe, (jnicago. we rurnisn au materials ana pay rrom 87 to $12 weekly; send stamped envelope to Jrtoyai Lo,, oi ti. Monroe St., Chicago. SALESWOMEN A woman of good address wno can lurmsn the best ot recommenda tions can earn from four to ten dollars a day canvassing for a high-grade and very attractive corset line; please do not reply unless you mean business, can come well recommended and want to earn large money; six samples nirnisnea tree, corset Co., Rose street, ixaiamasoo, Mich. WOMEN to sew at home, $9 per week; ma terials sent everywnere tree; steady work; plain sewlnir only: send addressed envel. ope for full particulars. Du Pont, Phlla- aeipnia, ra. LADIES $7 to $10 weekly earned dotng piam sewing a nome; material sent tree everywhere postpaid: stamped addressed envelope prinKS particulars, union com, panyj 1215 Filbert street, Philadelphia, Pa. LADIES $30 thousand copying letters; no mailing 10 inmiu or lurnianing aaaresses; stamped envelope, particulars Gem Art Co., Dept. 832, Chicago. ACTIVE lady to work at home; $36 paid for 12 day a' trial: promotion If satisfac tory ; state religion. Manager tin gw ail. Lakeside Bids-. Chicago. WANTED Young lady with taste for art to learn booK and magaxlno illustrating. Address E. C, this office. C WANTED Lady stenographer, must be good penman; apply in own handwriting; wages, $6.00 per week. Address N bZ, care Bee. C WANTED A good, plain cook, also a nurse girl. 3136 Chicago. C M266 28 WANTED Competent girl for general housework; three In family; referencea re quired. Mrs. J. F. Mawlilnney, 2604 Dodge at. C SIX magazlnea for $2.65,'' four of them dollar magaslnes; my catalog has 3.G0O publica tions at out rates; we duplicate club of fers made by eastern concerns. Grumi aux Co., 307 Brown bjock, Omaha. C EXPERT lady bookkeeper. Western Ref. A Bond Ass'n. 840 N. V. Life. C EXPERIENCED crockery saleslady. West ern Ref. A Bond Ass'n. 840 N. Y. Life. C CASHIER. Western Bef. aV Bond Asa'n, 840 N.' Y. LI fe. C CALL or write for llet of vacancies. West ern Ref. & Bond Aaa'n, 840 N. Y. Life. a OPEN Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Weatern Ref. Bond Aaa n, 840 N. Y. Llfo. C EXPERIENCED conk wanted, no washing referencea required. Apply at once. Mrs. J, E. Baum. &46 Harney St. C M163 28x WANTED, five good girla to put tip Bluing Extracts, Spice, etc. D. B. Smith Ext. A Spice Co.. South loth St. C M210 28x ALL this week we give a full else coal acuttla. free with each pound of baking ptwdr. Orn4 L'nloa Te Ce. O WANTED FEMALE HELP NEBRASKA BUSINESS COLLEGE A. C. Ong, A. M., LL. B., President. A. J. Lowry. PrlncinMl 17th and Hnrner Sta. Strictly Business Training It has ever been the policy of this school to teach only the branches thst are essen tial to a thorourh business training. The same requirements enforced In the best regulated business offices are also enforced In every department of the school. The social program Is no part of a commercl l education. We expect every student to be come innrougniy competent, aim mm can only be done by devoting every hour of the time most aswiduoucly to atiiuv. Then, at the close of the term, everybody tn sail. urn ana tne graduate able to take and hold a good position. Hundreds of students fall every venr In all kinds of educational Institutions be cause of social and other diversions. Busi ness Is business, and In securing a bulnpjs training It should te In a school where every element of business Is taught and practiced. Every student who takes out a full-term scholarship Is given a years mcmbersnip in eitner tne y. St. c. A. or Y. w. t". A without extra charge. No such propowl. tlon was ever made before bv nnv Intuitu tlon. The value of this membership to a student can scarcelv be computed. To be a memoer or tne X. M . c. A. or Y. w. c A. meana character, culture and refinement. Apply fur catalogue and college literature. DR. ROY removes corns painless. WANTED, bv lares min manufacturer salesman to call on lobblnr trade: liberal salary to right party. Buffalo Chemical wO., uunaio, is. y. Ui Thorough in every detail. Western Rarbera institute, ,14th and Dodge tta, umu pa Alfred Cornish all-leather suit cases, $5. DR. ROY removes corns painless. BALESMEN to carry our line of ciders and soft drinks as side line; liberal commis sions, rremnni i laer io., r remont, rsen. Alfred Cornish ROBES 1210 Farnam. Expert Instructors at the Western Barbers' institute, 14th and Dodge Sts., Omaha. A WELL ESTABLISHED firm wants specialty mn to sell an exceedingly 'at tractive salable line. Sneclal terms sn1 unique Inducements tn trade. High priced men, Investigate. E. M. Arthur Co., Detroit, Mich. KOPP'S chocolate creams that's all. Expert Instructors) at the Western Barbers' Institute, 14th and Dodge Sts., Omaha. Molasses satlnettes. None so good as Kopp's DR. ROY CURES SORE FEET. SALESMAN Manager, competent to tae charge or territory, hire salesmen on com. mission, place product of ol 1 corporation. No books or Insurance. Address, J. M. Johnson, Manager Western Dept., Lin coin. Neb. Expert Instructors at the Western Barbers' Institute, 14th and Dodge Sts., Omaha. BALESMEN, experienced selling medicine to dealers. Three with good records. Permanent position. Established company, Fine advertising proposition. Salary or commission, llox &5.1, Chicago. Don't be a slave: you can be a barber. Write West'n Barbera' Ins., 14 A Dodge. KOPP'S quick lunch try it. WANTED Suspender salesmen. Refer ences required. Globe Suspender Co., unicago, in. Don't be a slave; you can be a barber. Write West'n Barbers' Ins., 14 & Dodge, BIG MONEY. SALESMAN Sell prime, high class mining stock; broad-gauge honorable business; 'it) per cem commission; ww per monm eas ily; success absolutely certain. H. H' Wilson. 1314 Stock Exchange, Chicago, 111 Don't be & slave; you can be a barber, Writs West'n Barbers' Ins., 14 Sc Dodge, MOLES removed by electrclty. 16J6 Farnam at. Dr. Boy, Best caramels In city. Kopp's, 1303 Farnam SALESMEN wanted to carry a side line or as an exclusive proposition our larg: and complete lino of Advertising Fai.a Good money can be cleaned up. Write us tor our new proposition on tne pay' ment of commissions. The Kemrer Gebhart Company, 1308 Pendleton St., ujncinnau, u. Learn the barber trade. Consult Prof. Ran. dolph. West'n Barbers' Ins to, 14 & Dodge. KOPP'S new candy store, 1303 Farnam. WANTED Salesmen for specialty line aeason 1!KX. Commission of one man thlH year over $6,000. Send for particulars now. Barton-Parker Mfg. Co., Cedar Kaplds, Iowa. Learn the barber trade. Consult Prof. Ran dolph. West'n Barbers' Ins'te, 14 & Dodge. WANTED By an old established house experienced traveling salesman ."or Ne braska; good pay and permanent poal tlon to right man. Drawer B. Chicago. JUST try Kopp's candles. 1303 Farnam. Learn the barber trade. Consult Prof. Ran dolph. West'n Barbers' Ins'te, 14 & Dodge. DR. ROY, chiropodist, R. 2-3, 1506 Far nam, upstairs. JUST try Kopp's cand'.es. 1303 Farnam. STAPLE rapid seller, either as side line or specialty. Pocket sample. Best sales men are making over three thousand an nually selling it. D. T. Weir W hite lad CO., ot. iuia, mo. , THE leading- barber college. Western Bar bers' Institute, 14th & Dodge Sta., Omaha. NOTE the sign near 16th and Davenport CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska with staple line. High commissions with advance of $100 monthly. Permanent po. .1.1 A man I... tl Cmlth Detroit Mien. SECURITY unnecessary. J. A. Hutton. THE leading barber college. Western Bar bers' lnatltute, 14th & Dodge Sts., Omaha, $20.00 AND expenses paid each week to laaies as aisinci managers iu aiiinuuia goods and make collections; experience not necessary; addressed envelope for re ply Woman's Dept., 62 Dearborn, Chicago. THE leading barber college. Western Bar bers institute, ittn r uoago bis., umana A GOLD STICK PIN mailed free to any person who will give us the name of anyone owning a square piano or an or gan. Perfleld Piano Company, 1611 Far nam street, open evenings. C-341 27 D. II. machinea for sale. 8408 Farnam st. SALESMAN wanted: experienced traveling salesman, by large Cleveland Jobbing house, to fill vacancy for balince of 1'04: will renew for 19u5 if satisfactory; hlch commissions, with $35 weekly. W. S Flnley Co., 80 Prospect St., Cleveland, O. D. If. machines for aale. 8408 Farnam st. WANTED A few first-class specialty sales men oapable of earning 13,000 per year to present an attractive specialty to the re tail trade. Established house. Liberal contract to right parties. Best reference required. Address, P. O. Box 3J, Chicago NEED moneyf Sea us. J. A. Hutton Co. D. H. machines for sale. 8408 Farnam St. WOULD you, with pocket sampls or.ly, like to make $Ji0 to $400 commission weekly, as some do? If so, write E. L. Brown. 612 Roe Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. D. 11. machines for sale. 3408 Farnam at. WANTED By manufacturer of perfumes, toilet articles and flavoring extracts, a traveling salesman to till vacancy In Ne braska; permanent position at good pay to right man. Address, J 11, Bee. D. H. machinea for sale. S4U8 Farnam st. BALESMEN. traveling or locsl, who see or know the building traae, srcnitects. eto can mske money anywhere eel ln our Eroducts as a side line on conmUsion etal, 837 West 24tb St., New York City DR. ROY. chiropodist. R. 2-3, 18e Far- ua-oi, uiftuuii. DON'T euffsr with eontA Bag Dr. Roy, WANTED FEMALE HELP 8A1.ES.MKN acquainted with advertiser or having l.i.its will find a profitable commission side line Tor anv IochIIIv or traveling bv addressing. Signs, 841 West 21th St.. New York City. I Just bought an el. gsnt velvet carpet. Will sell It cheap. Joe Levlne. 3t4 N. lth. WANTED everywhere, people to copy et teis at home spare time and return to us. Oood pay; materials pent free. No mail ing or canvassing. End se addressed en velope for particulars and wanes we pav. Guarantee Co., Dept. 4s. Philadelphia, Pa. Are you going away? J.e Ix-vlne will give most money for your furniture. 304 N.ltith. Thorough In every detail. Western Barbera Institute, 14th and Dodge St., Omaha. Alfred Cornish Trunks 1210 Farnnr AGENTS WANTED BIG MONEY In squabs; tney sell for 81 te I a doi-n, cheaply raised In only four weeks; write for our free book about this rich Industry. Plymouth Rock Squab Co.. fc Atlantic Ave., Boston, Mass. J OUR PLAN for starting beginners in profit, able MUI-Oider Business is very tucce f nil. We are pioneers in this field. Some we stsrt.Ml three months ego receive 1W letters daily snd ere making big money. Complete plan for stamp. Central Sup. ply Co., Kupi-as City. Mo. J LADY AGENTS A chsnce to make money, and plenty of It. Is what Mme. Vale, the celebrated beauty specialist, la offering women of good address; opportunity fo traveling or home work, as preferred; many are making V0 and upward weekly For particulars address MME. YALE. Flatlron Building. Broadway and TWaa ty-thlrd St.. .New York City J WANTED Catholic Installment agents for entirely new plan in country territory never worked before; get out of old rut. F. J. Casey, 331 Dearborn St., Chicago 111. WE PAY $18 per week and expenses toi nun with rigs to introduce poultry com pound; years contract. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept. 64, Parson's Kan. J AGENTS, $75 per month and expenses tfc sell advertising rtgns to merchanta and, manufacturers. St, Leuls Sign Co., Su Louts, Mo. J AGENTS wanted; sell our $1.00 bottle sar gaparllla for 36c; best seller: 200 per cent profit; write today for terms and terri tory. F. It, Greene, 116 Luke St., ChW cugo. J AN agent In each town to take orders for high-grade shirt waist materials and la dles' suitings by the yard. It Is n money niakci for the nirent. Try it. Direct CUoth Co.. St. Louis, Mo.' $5 TO $10 a day mode by conducting a mall order business at home or office during spare hours or evenings, under our sue cessful system; omnll oxpense starts vou; we furnish complete outfit, cntaloguns, stationery, advertising, etc., supplying merchandise as orders come In to you; a fine business; ensh coming In dally; ex ceptional line mail order goods; catalogue and complete Information for 4 cents. Chicago Specialty Co. (Est. 1S85). Chicago. AGENTS for the lionhetir exquisitely beau tiful watch; dusl-nroof, basslne, mirror finished, 20-year guaranteed gold filled case; an event in the watch market; sella at sight for $15.00; a wonderful Christmas proposition; large profits; only $10.00 cap ital required; write today. The Bonheur Watch Co. of America, Buffalo, N. Y. AGENTS City and country. Introduce household necessity; easy seller: large profits. Write. Anderson Co., 8S7 W. Di vision 8t., ChlcHgo. AGENTS, canvtiiwerj, crew managers, write for extraordinary offer; our $2 combina tion box perfumes, sachet powders, toilet soaps, etc., that sells at 5oc, Is breaking all records aa'ciisy seller; men and women average over $6 dally. K;i ymonu-HIll Co., 6M Garden City Block, Chicago. LADY agents making less than $31 weekly should write for catalogue and terms; we start you in business and make you in dependent;, outfit prepaid. Women's Ap parel Supply Co., Chicago. AGENTS make OCiO per cent profit selling "Novelty Sign Cards;" merchants buy 10 to 100 on night: 800 varieties; catalogue free. Sull'vau Co., 1139 Maplewood Ave., Chicago, 111. WANTED Agents and solicitors to repre sent largest Sick and Accident Society in the country; big commission; easiest aell. Mug policy In the world. American Be nevolent Association, St. Louis, Mo. AGENTS, drp everything and sell wonder waterproof ahj polish: it's a winner, two full-slsed bottles free. Wonder Shoe Polish Co., Dept. 4, Chicago. AGENTS Read tn dark; name plates, signs. nunioers; zni per cent pront; samples free. Wright Supply Co., Englewood, 111. WANTED Eneregtlo agents as branch office managers to handle agents; also soap crew managers for road; $200. Par-' ker Chemical Co., Chicago. - $75 WEEKLY anl expenses easily made writing llfo, health and accident Insur ance; experience unnecessary. Write Royal Fraternal Union, St, Louis, Mo. AGENTS make $3.00 to $1000 a day fitting glasses: big profits: our 24-page Free Eve Book tells how; write today. Jacksonlan Optical College, College Place, Jackson, Mich. AGENTS wsnted to sdl both cltv and country retail stones: patent corn cob pipes; splendid opportunity for hustlers; exclusive territory; business permanent; commission large; lve references. Kismet Novelty Works, 66 Franklin St., New York. AGENTS 810.00 day, "novelty sign cards" and "window display slmis;" merchants buy 26 to 100 on sight; l.fliiO varieties- cata logue ree. N-"onal Adv. Co., 1457 Ave. nue Al, New York. WE start you selling diamonds; don't fnll getting our liberal offer: $5 dally sure. Carbon Diamond Co., Syracuse, N. Y. Mention paper. AGENTS WANTED If thi catches the eye of a live, ambitions party who deslrna to earn a handsome income, write us for our money-making proposition, selling stereoscopic pnotograplia Our agenta are positively making from $5 to $15 above expenses. Our latest production St. Louie exposition snd the Russian-Japanese war viewe. GRIFFITH & GRIFFITH, Ut Abel Building, Chicago. 111. AGENTS, every farmer gets .trading? stamps on local mercnrantM, so his ac count book coats him nothing. New plan. Winner. Farmers' Account Boole Co., Newton, la. CHANCE to Invest in large tract western ana: ground uoor proposition; large profits. Advertiser can't handle alone. Address Post Office Box 118, Cleveland. O. AGENTS, either sex. sell Mrs. WebeierJ KaMeners; keep bedclothes rrom being kicked off; protect children from expos ure; good Incomo. Booklet free. Union) Nov. Mfg. Co., Muscatine, la. AGENTS WANTED Unexcelled metal westherstrlp for outside doors. Phetio'tv enal selling qualities proven. Big profits to hustler, lntrostllo Co., Marietta, O. AGENTS on salary or commission. The greatest agents seller ever produced; every user ot pen and ink buys it on sight; 200 to CuO per cent profit; one agent's sales amounted to $620 tn six days; another $32 In two hours. ' Monroe Mfg. Co., X 16, La Crosse, Wis. J WANTED, agents, either sex. outside Chi ef go; new, exclusive sate; aemand large; 2O0 per cent profit; every family uses 3 to 6: elegatit sample. 20 cents, to cover shipping. E. L. Williams Co,, 870 Va Buren St.. Chicago. J- WANTED SITUATION SITUATION wanted by young man steno grapher; salary no consideration to start. Address J 6. Bes; A-M101 27x WANTED, position by young man; six years experience In general store. Ref. ereucea furnished. Address J 14, Bee. A-M276 28x STENOGRAPHER, lady, wants position; eight yeurs experience; have worked In hardware, Insurance, law, mercantile offices; reference first-class. Address J 31, Bee. A GIRL with good education and experience will care for children and do plain sew. lug. Address J 27, Bee. A-Mltf 2Xx Wj(n TED, a permanent plsrc. Janitor work preferred; best references A.ldieM J 21. Bee. A-Mliw 2x WANTED Position by flrst-clasa book keeper; will do special work; expert ac counting soil, lied; vystem Improved and! put In; best of n lot antes. Audreea J 38, care lice, A .