TIME OF A HD Beats many of her combinations, and the three daily trains of the CHICAGO,-MILWAUKEE & ST.. PAUL RAILWAY Offer an excellence of service and equipment not obtainable elsewhere. There are many reasons for this, one of which is fhe fact that this railway operates its own sleeping, dining, library and other cars. THE CHICAGO SPECIAL leaves Union Station, Omaha, 7:55 a. m; Arrives in the Union Passenger Station, Chicago; 9:55 p. m. THE EASTERN EXPRESS leaves Union Station, Omaha, 5:45 p. m. Arrives Union Passenger Station, Chicago, 8:35 a. m. THE OVERLAND LIMITED, electric lighted, leaves Union Station, Omaha, 8:20 p. m. Arrives Union Passenger Station, Chicago, 9:25 a. m. Each train is equipped with dining car, sleepers, chair cars and coaches. The Overland Limited carries a buffet library car. On account of the INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION, tickets will be sold on November 26, 27, 28 and 29 to CHICAGO AND RETURN at HALF FARE, plus $2.00. Return limit December 5th. This is a splendid opportunity to visit Chicago, and see the Fifth Annual Live Stock Show in that city, and the best ever held in the United States. The representatives at any of the offices of the CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAIL- WAY will gladly furnish you additional information regarding holiday rates, etc., reserve your berth, check your baggage, and assist you in a hundred other -ways. TICKETS F. A. NASH, TICKETS 1524 Farnam Street General Western Agent 520 Broadway Omaha. OMAHA Council Bluffs, Iowa CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE 1ST. PAUL RAILWAY.