I b. The Omaha Sunday Bee. PAGES 9 TO 20. EDITORIAL SECTION. EHTAHLISIIEI) JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, SUNDAY MOHNINO, XOVEMBEK 20, 1004. SINGLE COPY EIVE CENTS. WE CLOSE ALL DAY THANKSGIVING-THURSDAY PLEASE SHOP EARLY. 27-inch black all silk Peau de Soie, also a line of new and beautiful fancy silks for shirt waist suits, regular $1.25 value Monday only JU 19-inch plaid and checked Habutais, suitable for kimonas', waists and house-gowns regu lar price fifty-nine cents a yard, J Monday only JZiJrv i Grand Fall Crockery Opening Day Specials Our grand showing of CIIKISTMAS CHINA, CUT GLASS, LAMPS, STATUARY, ETC., IS NOW COMPLETE." If you never even expect to buy a dollar's worth of crockery you should visit this department MONDAY, TUESDAY or WEDNESDAY. These specials are good until Thanksgiving where goods are not sold. Haviland & Co's. White Hanson Shape OH 100-pieee dinner set Vf-U.W Strawberry and fan cut glass tumblers, dozen . $2.98 Double Green Trading Stamps ((2 in place of 1, 20 in place of 10) on all white china fancy pieces for decorating. Double Green Trading Stamps (2 in place of 1, 20 in place of 10) on all dinner ware not otherwise advertised sets or open stock semi-porcelain or china. 60c Nice, plain, fire polished sherbet or punch glasses, per dozen , We desire to call your attention to our new line of French baccarat glassware, fleur de lis pattern on plate etchings. Large line of Dorflinger'g cut glass just received. Arts for Monday Frames. Fra.m:t. Fraanej. Beautiful veneer frames, wood mats, in gray and mahogany finishes to match tones of the wood, easel back, sizes 8x10, a good value at $1.00, our price for . Monduy Twenty Green Trading Stamps. Limit, two to a custom'er. 45c 60c 89c Hume as above for two photos Same as above for three photos Pyrorfraphy New stamped poppy, designed handker chief boxen, regular 60o A.Qr value, Monday, only Jaiwnene designed panels. Teg- fQc ular 85c, special, Monday J Something new toothpick 20c holders for burning ivw Artists Materials 44 extra" soft pastels, assorted lrTBox, regular $1.00 value, O "l Monday, only OUC Extra fine water color paper. Just the article for doing beads of figures, special, sheet Same, for pen and Ink work, sheet Fry's 20c list china colors, Monday, each 25c 20c .15c Thanksgiving ' Spoon Sale in our Swell Jewelry Department. Rogers' 1847 Teaspoons, Al, plain pattern, CI Zip per Bet of six w'Ov Rogers' 1847 Teaspoons, fancy patterns, per set of six. lelSi Wallace Bros fine triple plate floral pattern Tea spoons in French. gray, per set of -six. . . Cp And Fifty Green Trad ing Stamps. Oneida Community, better than triple, 25-year Tea spoons, magnificent pat terns, per eet of t fk Q six IrO And Fifty Green Trad ing Stamps. Rugs. Rugs. Rugs. Special sale 0x12 Brussels rugs, solid -wool faced, heavy quality, a large variety of designs and colors, regular $18.50 and $17.50 values '. Extra quality Brussels, 8x12 ft, equal to ordinary body Brussels for durability at little more than one-half the price of floral Turkish and Persian designs, rug worth up to $21.00, at...... Regular $13.60 0x10 ft 6 In. Brussels rug - j .. t , Regular $14.00 0x9 Brussels rug at 14.48 16-48 1048 10-98 TV t O 1? !l For Thanks. lllllllg 1VUUI11 1'UHIIIUIC ;ivjng Sideboards, Buffets. Chairs. China Closets Greatly Underpriced for Monday Selling. Sideboards No Talk, Jast Vsl. tlfi.00 (olden oaJi sideboard q 05 120.00 olden oak sideboard "' jg QQ M M) golden oulc ildeboard Q g 8 00 golden oak sideboard 24 00 $33 00 '(olden oak. sideboard 27 gQ ItO.uO golden oak sideboard Jfjy ISO.Ot) "(Olden oali' sideboard QQ China. Closets No Talk, Jaat Valaa. (15 00 goldtn oak chlua clout H.50 117.00 (oldon oak cmnu ciosoi 3.5lJ to.OO golden oik chin 'closet Q QS 25.95 27.Q5 31.95 at. $31.00 golden ouk china cloaet at )rV4.iU golden ouk clilnu cloaet at Hu.00 (olden oak china cloaet at , Buffets No Talk, Jaat Valaa. $1(00 (olden oak buffet 11,95 fca.ub" golden oak buffet 17.50 $30 10 00 golden oak buffet 24.95 $35.00 eolden oak buffet 7 Qg $38.00 golden 'oak' buffet Q2 95 Dining Tables No Talk. Jaat Valoe. $7.50 (olden oak table 95 ...6.75 ...8.95 $16.u golden ouk table J jjg $1A.OO (olden oak table J 23 $12.60 golden oak table CJ3 $2 .00 goidun oa k' table' 2 O 95 $35 oi) 'goiiiVn oali' tabie 27 Q3 $45.00 (olden ouk table 95 Dining Chairs No Talk, Jast Value. $1.25 soldcn oak chair 95c $1.45 (olden oak chair "l 15 $1.75 jiolden oak chair ' j 25 12.00 (olden oak chair 55 $275 'iolden oak chair j Qg $3.60 (olden oak cnair y OCE ...2.95 at. $10.00 gulden oak table at , $U.&0 (olden ouk tablft at u t $4 00 golden oak chair at CANDY Hundreds of the latest novelties. Baskets and Uoxea, s each . Ofc Glass liauk. Oiled. IOC Butt Case for Candy, "20C Roast Turkey for 'candy,' l(lC W Hm,""' ta.'h ' Mint Creama, luukage Iluitrr Hiouh, lutrkage CVlitorula Figs, canons . 10c 5c 121c CiSLfs Chaunoey Dspew 5o Cl;ftr, f A 2ofor I.IU tt Oreen Trading Stamps. Heel Cut Plug, four ounce Has $ Oreen Tradin( Stamps. 15c Pip Racks from 50o up to M.00. Box trad a specialty tor presents. "The Bennett Company set the -pace and will close all day Thanks giving. First time in Omaha s history that ojof- the great stores of the city made so meritorious a move. Let oth j take note." ("" 0 Omaha Excelsior, yesterday.) We will only make one delivery Thanksgiving morning, and all orders must be received-not later than 6. p. m. Wednesday evening. We are thankful for your unstinted support and pricelessly valuable patronage up to now. We have taken great pains to prepare ourselves for big Thanksgiving business, or rather big Thanksgiving values, and we know you .will feel thankful for that sound common souse which will bring you to BENNETT'S. I Double Stamps on Cases Monday all CIgrar Only. A World Renowned Sale of High Class Silks at Less than Manufacturer's Cost. Our Mr. Redmond buys over 10,000 yards from si Nsw York house at a mere fraction of actual cost, a. backward season and spot cash tell the whole story. Come Monday to the greatest silk sale ever attempted in Omaha. SEE THE BIG WINDOW DISPLAY. 19-inch fancy dress silks, in a wide range of colorings, ISoman stripes, small dainty figures and little stripes, this line is regular fcCic quality, Monday only This line is positively the greatest collection of high art novelty silks ever shown in this O market, including'the new plaids, worth up to $1.50 yard, Monday only Ut Unprecedented Bargains ii Dress Goods Monday. Continued warm weather has enabled our New York buyer to buy a big lot of stylish dress goods at about one-half regular price. These special purchases have arrived, and will go on sale Monday. Bring this ad with you. LOT 150 pieces fine all wool and mohair suitings, all wool cheviots and serges, canvas cloths and many other new and beautiful materials, worth up to $1.U0 a yard Monday, all at one price LOT 243 pieces imported black and colored dress goods, including all the newest weaves of this season, some are worth $2 a yard, all at one price Monday LOT 3 Main Bargain Circle 75 pieces black and colored dress goods, regular $1.50 grades, you must see them, all at one price Monday Another Sample Lot Misses' and Children's Cloaks Nearly two hundred samples of the very latest styles, ages 0 to 14 years, no shoddy or Q C A Q CIA nlbblsh, the cloth is worth the price, they go from , U JJJ Come and secure first choice Monday. LADIES' THREE-QUARTER CLOAKS A late spot cash purchase came in Saturday, fancy mixtures, dark and llpht colors, finest kerseys in castor, black. " Kb Mondavi ...I"18. !?.' !" .t.'.v 12.50-11.90-10.50 and 9.90 A Stamp Sensation for Monday and Tuesday Our entire stock of long- and short kimonas and dressing sacks, including cotton fleece, French and German flannel, crepe, challls, eiderdown and silk will be soU! Monday and Tuesday with DOUBLE Green Trading Stamps. LADIES' SAMPLE SUITS Our special sale of ladies' sample suits will be continued Monday. There are a little over one hundred of th3 Tery latest styles produced this 6eaon being sold at about one-half price. LADIES! Have you seen the Teggy From Taris suits and coats? They are the most chick, up-to-date styles of the season. We have a few choice numbers. Call and see them. ? 50c 95c 69c Kid DOLLS Second Floor and Jointed Dolls on Sale Monday Body With every purchase amounting: to $1.00 or over we will give fifty Little Green Stickers. With every 60o pur chase or over we will give twenty Liitle Green Stickers. Don't put off buying your dolls, but buy them nowyou'll need ots of time to get them ready for Xmas. American Beauty Kid Body Sleeping- Doll, full Jointed, heavy sewed wig, eu very best kid, shoea and stocking... CJOw Twenty-live Little Green Slickers. Keatner Kid Body Sleeping; Doll, jointed, sewed wig, shoes and stocking:), EQr 14 Inches long OOW Twenty Little Green Stickers.. Kestner Kid Body Sleeping Doll, dolntt-d. extra heavy wiir. shoes stockings, cork stuffed a very ( flfl beautiful doll i.VV Fifty Little Green Stickers. Kestner Doll, same as above, f CfJ full Our 12.60 Bargain Doll must be seen to bo and I appreciated Kestner make ana o Kf large enough for any cnua Fifty Little Green Stickers. onlv much liiriter Fifty Little Green Stinkers. V We have a large assortment of Kid and Jointed Dolls from 26c up to 17.50 each. Come, and see them. 4ml The Tabard Inn Library What is It? Briefly .stated It la U)lt You buy a booK trom our book sialis a lute copyright 11.60 book, our price Cl U Monday J1.V0 There's no end to the titles, and the book you want Is bound to be on our book stall shelves. Well, now! You have paid 11. U8 for a book; you get a one-year mem bership card to the Tabard Inn Library Bring back that book you bought at any time and exchange It, and on payment of 6o you get whatever book you chouse from the Tabard Inn Library. If you choose to cut your membership off at any time after a year, the last book In your possession becomes yuur own property, it Is a novel Idea and a good one. Tabard Inn Library Stations are scattered all over the world where there are people who love good books. The library Is on the great ocean liners and on most of the long distance trains, and with your book and your oard you can have the service wherever you are. Another charm about It you can buy several membership cards in the given way and make a Chrlxtmas gift to your friend, ll.ii) biok fur at our book Ht.ills. Our book sellers will supply you with fuller particulars It the foregoing Is not fully explicit DRAPERY AND LACE CURTAIN DIPT. THIRD FLOOR. The laflt chance till after Xmas to supply your home with 1-aee Curtains at prices tenrlully bargain-struck and a iui'o amount of extra UHEKN TRAD. NO STAMPS Willi each pair. This is the bent bargain ever offered by anybody anywhere. Not very many of euch kind of these curtains not half what we'd like. In lots as follows: IX5T 1 Is made up of Irish Point Brussels Net, Cable Nets and Not tingbams not over four pieces of each pattern. Some of these are slightly soiled all worth fs.oo. I9.0U, llo.OO and l2.uo per pair will ill be sold for, per pair One hundred Green Trading Stamps, LOT fc-ConslHts of Irish Points, Cable Nets and Nottlnghams all slightly soiled worth $5.ix to $7.00 not more than two pairs of each style - will be sold for OU Kighty Qreen Trudlng Stamps. LOT Twenty-five different styles with fifteen to twenty pieces of each kind the goods are 3 and ty, yards Ions, and from 60 to 60 ("q lnenes wide for, pair I.O F'lfty Green Trading Stamps. LOT 4 Forty-flve styles of nice fresh Nottln?hums, for, QMf per pair -OW Thirty Green Trading Stamps. See Our Millinery Bargains Silk Tanna Velvet Turbans, trimmed with hackles and orna ments, worth double asf PA much JU Silk Tanna Black Velvet trim med with soft silk, ornaments, and ostrich plumes, worth twice as much C 00 special J.UU 6 doz. Baby Bonnets that have sold as high as 2.00 and $2.50, all on sale Monday O jrsj at Fifty Qreen Trading Stamps. sis An Uncommon Shoe Everything about the Dorothy Dodd denotes' a high order of manu facture the uncommon look the clever smart shapes the impression of worth the superiority of general make-up. Boots $3. 00 and $3. 50. Oxfords $2. 50 and $3. 00. Turkeys, Turkeys, Geese, Ducks and Chickens lor THANKSGIVING.... Ilurjdrptls of shippers from all over the West will ship to us direct by ox pre. Kxtra fancf turkeys, geese, ducks and chioken", thousands of pounds of them. OUUF.H EARLY, We guarantee the best and freshest poultry at lowest prices. llsliimoro Oys'.ern, solid packed, direct shipments. Michigan Celery, also celery frcm Kearney and llellevue, Neb. l'eices that show the pace. Turkey Roasters The Seamless Savory Turkey Master 1.08 .38c T1h ronstrr that needs neither water nor grease, the best roaster for all nmsts, turkey or any other fowl, pa mo or meat, Monday, our price. . . . Double (Jrewi Trading Stamps on this article Monday, that means twenty-one. ItoiiKt ltit; pans, biggest line on the western market, comprising best thoroughly up-to-date makes, nil sizes, prices $1.24, U8e, "Nc, oXc und , Iiouble (Jreen Trading Stnmps with all ronsting pans Monday. CARVERS! CARVERS! A fine assortment of bird carvers, stag handles, silvered handles, all kinds of handles, high tempered steel blades. $1.08, $1.50, $1.15 and BEEF CARVERS all kinds of handles nnd all shapes of blades, up from.,., Also at such easy prices as these: $2.K), $1.(W, $1.30 1 f and I.ZU Double Green Trading Stamps with all beef carvers Monday. STOVES! STOVES! The Perrleas Peninsular, as!1y the nest all around stove, either range or heater, on the market. Double Oreen Trading Slareos (what a bunch thut would be with a stove) on all stoves we sell Monday. Hardware Section, Basement The Great Wests Greatest Grocery. The center of attraction for Thanks giving and every day things to eat!. Ten Oreen Trading Stamps with pound can Kennett's Capitol baking powder 24c Ten Oreen Trading Stamps with pound Kennett's Capitol coffee 28c Ten Oreen Trading Stamps with two pounds splendid Japan rice 14c Ten Green Trading Stamps with two pounds tupiocn 14c Twenty Oreen Trading Stamp with half pound package Lt ... t liennetfs Capitol tea. Sixty Green Trading Stamps $0.00 worth -Iwo pages with these live little Items, only $1.14 for the order! Thanksgiving Specials 10c ...12ic 33c 1.00 inds of 3.35 Plain olives bottle Stuffed olives, bottle California ripe olives, bottle Caper stuffed olives, bottle .. . Haby phn-olas, bottle Hnider's salad dressing, bottle Ilolbrook sauce, bottle (Jeduey's banquel rel ish, bottle Uedney's assorted pickles, bottle. Extra small French mushrooms. 150 in cai Maraschino cherries, bottle Preserves, pure fruit, jar Mincemeat, new, three'JC' packages for JC 14c 25c 10c 20c 25c 25c in 35c 25c 10c Clothing Dept. The Place for Style. STYLE! STYLE! STYLE! The cry of the young men it is answered here. The three-button, double breasted sack young men long for, and the snug fitting semi-military single breasted that everybody wants. But we cannot de scribe style; that's a matter of taste. You can ouly appre ciate it by seeing. STYLISH SACK SUITS, $8.50. You have no idea how much style and careful tailoring can be put into $8.50, unless you have seen these suits. Fancy mixtures and, think of it black rough cheviot. Who ever heard of a good, black, rough cheviot at that price before? STYLISn SACK SUITS, 10.00. What style would you like? The dashing double breasted, three-button sack? It's here. What next? The latest four button sack that is so fashionable? It's here. What cloth? They are all here fancy mixed cassimeres, cheviots, tweeds, pick it out, and no matter which it is you are safe in quality and tailoring. The coat that hangs with that permanent lit that is our hit of the season. STYLISIT SACK SUITS, $15.00. And they stand al'ontj unless you put them up against the best you can find for $20 elsewhere. Fancy cassimeres, chev iots, homespuns, fine unfinished worsteds, Scotch tweeds, careful custom tailoring, hand tailoring all through. Style! We get the ideas of every maker who amounts to anything. Call our salesmen into counsel, put their suggestions to gether with our experience, sift the best from the good, and the result is a stylishness of cut that you have never seen in ready for service suits, unless you have seen it here. OVERCQATS -The Top-Notch of Style. $7.50 is the place to begin; the price is fixed by the cost of all-wool cloth, good tailors' work, serviceable linings and sub stantial trimmings. $10.00 does more, of course, and so does $12.50 and $15.00 to $25.00. Don't make up your mind to pay $25.00 or $30.00 until you have seen the $20.00 overcoats. You have no idea what $20.00 will do. Remember the Boys' Clothing Dept. Some new suits and overcoats just received for Thanks giving. Uemember the watch, with every suit from $3.i)5 up. We have cheaper suits and still better ones HATS Some new shades in '"i P browns. Just received, J I H $3.00 and 6fM9 blacks, l-'.OO and t! DO. New line of stiff and xuft bottom shirts Just received. The usual $1.00 shirt, our price 1.00 White shlrtH, We. 75o and Xtw Huh of tiUKpeiiders, all makes, riv vulues Iletter irlies, $1.H, 75c o nd 50c 25c 50c QKjQQgsjajgggQQsjggESBia BBS