TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 20. 1904. Hie II a mother should a source of danger incident to the ordeal makes its ant ici nation ent of miser v. Mother Friend is the only remedy which relieves women of the great pain and danger of maternity ; this hour which i dreaded as woman's severest trial fa not only made painless, but all the danger is aroided by its use. Those who use this remedy are no longer despondent or gloomy ; nervousness, nausea and other distressing conditions are overcome, the system is made ready for the coming event, and the serious accidents so common to trie critical hour are obviated by the use of Mother's !-fiend. "It is worth its weight says many who have used ,t. bottle at drug stores. Book containing valuable information of interest to be sent to any address free upon BRADFIUJ REGULATOR OO., "CLAVERING AND A REMARKABLE NOVEL, THE MART 1 A MAGA- l rue B FOR DECEMBER. Z05 3o.lS:atreet. BB3aEB33K35383Da YOUNG MEN We have observed the terribly blighting Influences of abuses and Indiscre tions In the young and middle-aged; sapping the vital forces; undermining the foundations of munhood; clouding the brightest minds and destroying all noble thoughts and aspirations; family circles disrupted and the poisonous fangs reaching out and blighting even suuci eonis nerulloi-e. There are thousands of partially and totally Wrecked constitutions among young men today from abuses and lgted energies tell a pitiable story. Multi vitality, shattered nerves and exhaundtscretlons In early life. Their weakened tude have brought upon themselves tho horrors of a life-long direise or weakness through excesses, abimeH and unnatural drains, which sup the very foundations or life, destroying thelrhealth and strength, leaving them a men tal, ph steal and sexual wreck. Are you one of tne muny thousands of WEAK MEN, and do you wish to be cured? We have deoted many years exclusively to treating this class of trou bles, attended with the greatest success, and we are thus enabled to glva this class of sufferers the benefit of our extended experience In treating dis eases of this nuture. The specialists connected with the State Med oal Institute are eminently qualified to advls , direct and treat such cases. We are thor oughly conversant with every minute detail connected with such cases, and en courage and counsel the patient by good advice while skill and medicine re store him back to health, strength and happiness. We have Investigated and tested all known method, for the treatment and cure of private ll-eaes and weaknesses of men. which gives us the right to judge Detween the false and the true between shallow pretense and solid worth between sulmtnnce and shadow. Musty theories cannot' stand out against our mode of treatment, against progressive medical science, new dis coveries and undisputed facts of disease cured to stay cured by our method, of treatment. WE CURE QUICKLY, SAFELY AND THOROUGHLY . Stricture, Varicocele Emissions, Nervo-Sexua! Debility, Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal, Kidney and trinary Diseases, and all diseases and weaknesses of men due to Inheritance, evil habit., self abuse, excesses or the result of specific or private diseases. rnuCIII TJTIflU FRPP If you cannot call, write for symptom blank. VUnaUL IMIUil rntC Offloe Houre-s a. m. to $ p. m. Sunduys, 10 to 1 only. STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE i US Farm ft Btt. Utti.nl IHIMSMUll3tBXlIJXL..MISa Cheap Rates Southwest There isn't a section of the globe where a man with a little money and a big capacity for work can do as well a section that he can visit, investigate and satisfy himself of its worth so easily and cheaplyas the Southwest. On November 22 the Rock Island System will offer an unusually low round trip rate to Texas and New Mexico points; also low round trip rates to all Oklahoma and Indian Territory and Kansas points. . Several hours quickest line to Oklahoma and Texas points. Send for literature. E-erj mother fecit great dread of tha pain and danger attendant apon the most critical period of her life. Becoming tor to all, but the suffering and looter's in gold," 11.00 per all women, will S Friend application AUantm. O HIS DAUGHTER" OF WASHINGTON LIFE. IN or CLE Just Out. V E R HBfl ...ONIMOD... Best Shoes" for Men. Style. Quality. Workmanship. $3.50 2 $2.50 Always Satisfactory. Always Fit. Only denulne with Onlmod Trademark. JVlAKtR TO WEARER. for . ED Youth In prone to weakness, and weakness, allied with Ignorance of the consequence, which are sure to follow makes indiscre tion., nnil fnllv Inevitable. l4tS 3tr.t. Onahi. N.. F. P. RUTHERFORD, 0. P. A. 1323 Farnam St., Omaha. WRIGHT TO URGE REFORMS GoTernmeit Inspsctor Makes Sweeping Report on Indian OitTagss. GOES AFTER THE LEADING GRAFTERS Kasnlac of These necommeadat leas for Their rrosecatloa Reserratloa OslUfii Are "aid to Hare tnncnrteel Sehell Charge. According to Information said to be en tirely authentic, A. O. Wright, special In spector of the government, will recommend to I'ncle Bam that he vigorously prosecute Father Schell'a wholesale charges of fraud and corruption preferred against boot lrggers and grafters on the Winnebago Indian reservation. Parties claiming to know positively whereof they speak declare that Inspector Wright has fully prepared, after ex haustive Investigation, a rfport to Wash ington confirming the repeated allegations that the Indians were being systematically defrauded and debased, recommending the tieccssary reforms and urging the prosecu tion of ringleaders In this carnival of pted atory crime. The declaration Is that Mr. Wright's report dots not urge so much the prosecution of the "little fellows" who have simply been the tools in the hands of the big culprits as has ben dona In previous cases but urges that the govern ment go right after the big grafter, who have grown fat off this nefarious traffic. Tramp I'p Charge on Sehell. "Knowing of Inspector Wright', report," says The Bee". Informant, "these grafters have put up this Job against Father Sehell, whose persistent warfare has uncovered so extensively the glaring details of their corruption as .to compel prosecution of it. They have decided, as a last resort, to seek revenge against this priest, whose work has been honorable and above board, and to this end have trumped up this charge of forgery against him. hoping by this means to be able to discredit the reports of Father Sehell at Washington. "That these grafters are In a state of tho utmost desperation over the fear of being finally driven to the wall and con victed of their hlgh-handfd outrages, car ried on for years, is unquestionable, and they are not going to die without a hard fight." It Is said Inspector Wright's recom mendations, if carried out, will make it very uncomfortable for some of the po litical factors held responsible for protect ing these grafters and outlaw. In their outrageous impositions upon the poor Indians. INDOOR FOOT BALL IN OMAHA Game to Be Played at Aadltorlnm Tliankaa-lTlna: Between luteal and Coucnll Bluffs Teams. Omaha is to have In-door foot ball. The Auditorium . Thanksgiving day is to be used by the team, of the Dodge Light Guards of Council Bluffs and the Otn.i.ia Commercial college. There Is also to be a wrestling match between Patrick Cannon of iht collega and Captain Baelir of "o Thur.rt.r Rifles. N-iver before have tne HFldents of this part of the country been alle to see n hvaooi game. They jre i-omnrin tnougn .n Chicago and the cast, but Omaha naj not heretofore had a large enough build ing. Sawdust and dirt to the thickness of two inches are to be pneked over tho Audi torium floor and the posts padded so that no one may be accidentally Injured by striking wood The arena la not the regu lation size, but games have been played In much smaller space. The Light guards team Is practically the same a. the one which defeated Crelghton last Thanksgiving. Richmond, Deltrick and Rutherford are still In the line-up. The Commercial college team has played In Omaha only once this year, when It de feated Woodbine. Frank Capell la coach ing the Council Bluffs aggregation and Charley L. Thomas the Omaha team. The game will be called at t o'clock. The first bout In the wrestling match will be called before the game and the second during the Intermission. If neither man get. two fall, the third will come after the close of the game. THREE YEARS FOR ROBBERY i Sentence Lessened Beranee Negro Bora Record of Being Hard Working Man. Jame. Wilson, colored, was sentenced to three year. In the state prison for high way robbery. He wa. tried some day. ago on a charge of robbing Frank Gilchrist of $40. The jury found him guilty. The AN OBJECT LESSON In a Restaurant. A Physician puts tne query: Have you never noticed la any large restaurant at lunch or dinner time the large number of hearty, vigorous old nun at the table.; men whose aes run from sixty to eUhty year.; many of them bald and all pernap. gray, but none of them leebie or aenlle? Perhap. the apectacle 1. .0 common a. to have escaped your observation or com ment, but nevertheless It 1. an object legion which mean, sometiimg. If you will notice what these hearty olj fellow, are eating, you will observe that they are not munching bran cracker, or gingerly picking thtlr way through a menu card ot new tangled health foods, on the contrary they seem to preler a Juicy roaat of beef, a properly turned loin of mutton, and even the deadly bioheu lubster la not altogther Ignored. The point of all of this 1. that a vlgoroua old age depends upon good d.geat.on and plenty of wholesome food and not upon dieting and an endeavor to live upon bran crackers. There 1. certain class of food crank., who seem to believe that moat, coffee and many other good thing, are rank poisons, but these cadaverou. sickly looking in dividual, are a walking condemnation of their own tbeorle.. The matter in a nutshell 1. that If the stomach secrete, the natural, digestive Juice. In sufflcien quantity, any whole ome food will be promptly digested If the stomach does not do so, and certain food .cause dlstre... one or two of Stuart'. Dys pepsia Tablets after each meal will remove all difficulty, because they supply just what every weak stomach lacks, pepsin, bydro-chlorlo scld, diastase and nux. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets do not act upon the bowel, and In fact are not strict ly a medicine, a. they set almo.t entirely upon the food eaten, digesting it thorough ly and thus giving the stomach a much needed rest and an appetite for the next meal. Ot people who travel, nine out of tea use Stuart'. Dyspepsia Tablets, knowing them to be perfectly sife to use at any time and also having found out by ex perience that they are a safeguard against indigestion In sny form, and eating as they have to, at all hour, and all kind, of food, the traveling public for year, have pinned their faith to Stuart'. Tablets All druggists sell them at U cents for full-slsed packages and any druggist from Maine to California. If his . opinion Were sked, will say that Stuart's - Dyspepsia Tablet. Is the most popular and successful remedy (or any stomach trouble. robbery occurred at dusk outside of the Mlnoon at Thirteenth and Chicago streets and Gilchrist and several small boys testi fied to the prisoner being the guilty man. Wll.on has had the reputation of being a hard-working man and the sen t nee was the minimum. GREAT WESTERN DEPOT DONE Stlekneya Sew Freight Hoase le Cosaaleteel and Ready for Baslaess. Freight will be received by the Chicago Great Western at its new freight depot. east of the Sixteenth street viaduct, Mon day. The announcement was officially given out this morning that the company Is ready to receive freight over It. own ter minal In this city and that the depot will be opened Monday for business. Switches and other trackage are In and the freight depot is completed. The department will be In charge of II. M. Murray, a former employe of the Burlington. Mr. Murray left the road about a year ago to accept a position with the Hydraulic Pressed Brick company. His chief clerk will be Wllllsm Brown. Messrs Feehan and Adams have been em ployed as clerks. Four freight handler, will be employed In the freight house for the present. Entrance to the new depot will be obtained from Seventeenth street for the present. The permanent entrance Is to be on Sixteenth street, but this en trance Is not yet ready and considerable work will have to bo done before It can be used. Freight will be taken from the main tracks over six team tracks and two house tracks. This is more than enough to supply the business demands for the present. There Is still considerable filling and grading to be done, but thin part of the work can now be carried on without interfering with the transaction of busi ness. Kahn on Investigation. J. A. Kuhn, assistant general freight and passenger agent of the Northwestern, has returned from Chicago, where he has been a witness before the Interstate Commerce commission, which has been Investigating the charges of high rates brought by the stockmen of the west and south. It is expected that the Investigation will close with the examination of the railroad witnesses at Chicago. The testimony of the stockmen was takec at the meetings held by the commission at Denver and St. Louis. Mr. Kuhn .aid: "The portion taken by the stock raisers is that the rates are too high, especially In the shipment of cattle from Tex'as to the northern ranges and from there to the mar ket. The stock raisers did not testify at Chicago. Their testimony was taken at the previous meeU.igs of the commission. The railroads take the position that the rates are not too high In consideration of the service necessary for this class of freight "The live stock rates ore lower than any other commodity compared to the service and the extraordinary expense. Incurred by the railroads. The business forces us to maintain stockyards, scales and reservoirs. No other freight can be shipped back In the cars used for this class of freight and the result is that the cars have to be re turned empty. A better service Is required. Sometimes livestock has to have the right- of-way over papscnger trains. The nsks arc greater In hauling live stock and If cattle die on the way the railroad receives a claim for damages, although the com pany mny be .In no way responsible for tho shrinkage. ' "If the commission decide, the railroads have been charging too much for hauling this freight and the companies believe In spite of the finding their rate? are reason able, the matter -may be carried into the court, for final settlement. While the ac tion Is brought against cue line, nearly alt the western roads carrying this class of freight are named as defendants." . Oranges for World's Fair. A large shipment of orange, is on the way from California to St. Louis over the Union Pacific. The fruit, which Is from the famous Sacramento valley and is to be exhibited at the exj Ofltlrn orange day, 1. furnished by the Sacramento Development association. It is estimated there are over 10,000 oranges In the haul, which in clude, other California fruits. . The ahlp ment I. considered an unusually heavy one for this tlm.. a. it Is out of the regular season for oranges. It is a fact, however, that owing to peculiar climatic condition, fruit ripens sooner In the Sacramento val ley thun in lower California. PLAN TO BOOST ARBITRATION Proponed Reaolatloa Beat Oat by Lake Motion u Conference to Be ' Generally Adopted. The Lake Mohonk (N. Y.) arbitration con ference haa forwarded resolutions which It aska the Omaha Commercial club to adopt. The Mohonk organization Includes gome of the most prominent Americana In the international arbitration work. The resolutions say: The Commercial club irlves its emphatic endorsement snd support to the efforts now being- put forth to secure ratification of arbitration treaties between the United States and other nations. It believes that, with only such exceptions s may be abso lutely necessary, all International difficul ties, not capable of diplomatic settlement, should be settled by arbitration." A request Is made that a copy of the resolutions be sent to the two" United States st-rators from the state; the p real dent, secretary of state and to the chair man on foreign relations. A few years ago the Commercial club appointed a committee on international ar bitration, to which the communication will be referred for action. On this committee, of which E. A. Benson is chairman, la Gennral C. F. Manderson. who la a mem ber of the International Law association, which devoted much time to the considera tion of this subject, and which was largely instrumental irr bringing about the Hague conference. General Manderson Is also a member of the committee on Interna tional law of the. American Bar assoclae tlon, which for years haa had the sub ject of arbitration before It with gratify. Ing results. A report on the request of the Lake Mo honk conference will be made at the next meeting of the executive committee of the Commercial club. BOX OF BLACKING EXPLODES Baa Polish Goea OsT a ad Hits Owgei ia fererul loots' at Onee. Denver Cummlngs, proprietor of a shoo shining stand at Thirteenth and Farnam streets, sustained slight burns on his head, face and one hand aa the result of the ex plosion of a can, cf blacking that had been placed In a can of water being heated by Cummlngs. One "of Cummlngs' employes had put the blacking In the water to soften the polish and Cummlngs did not see the blacking when ho placed the water on the stove. Tho water was being heated on small gasoline atovo and the force of the explosion caused the flames to' Ignite with the stand. The fire waa extinguished by tho department before It Jia4 gained much headway. Cummlngs was able to go un attended to a nearby drug store to have hU burns dressed. A Full Dollar's Worth Free t will fltdlr ft nr trk one a full dollar t worth of m.T rtmrdy to trut . I k no riVposttt no prom it. Thtro Is nnthlni to pay, either now or later. The dollar bottle ts fr-. I went no ffren ( no nerurlty. Th tr have the same opportunity an th rich. To one and all ! ear "Merflv writ- and a-k." T will fsxid yn an order on ynnr aniCKiit. He will live roe fr the full dollar parka. Th.i PTTer li only frr BTrn;er to me remeflv. To thn who have not heard, or hearing, have not tried u. Mv offer in as brosd sn humanity Itself. For Ir-knere known no dlstlnrttoTi In Me ravacen. And tho reetleee put lent on a downy rourh. le no more welrome than the want inn eufferer mho fret through the laar'n hour In a dtamal hovel. I want strangers RVERYwhere to teet my remedy. There It ae mrttery no miracle, I sen rx- Inside Nerves! Only ene out of every tt has perfect health. Of the 7 sick ones, some are bed-ridden, some are half sick, snd some ere only dull and Hat leaa. But most of the sickness comes from a common csuho. The nerves are weak. Not the nerves you ordinarily think sbout not the nerves thst govern your movements snd your thoughts. But the nerves that ungulded and unknown. Dlaht snd lay. keen your heart In motion con trol your dlgeetlvo apparatus regulate your liver operate your kidneys. These are the nerves that wear out and break down. It does no good to treat the siting organ the Irregular heart the disordered liver the rebellious stomach the deranged kidneys. They lire not to blame. But go back to the nerves that con trot them. There you will nod the seat of the trouble. There Is nothing new about this nothing sny physician would dispute. But It remained for Dr. Snoop to apply thi knowledge to put it to practical use. Dr. Snoop" a Restorative In the result of a quarter century of endeavor slung this very line. It does not dose the organ or deaden the pain but It doea go at once to the nrve the Inelrte nervethe power uerve and builds U up, and strengthens it and makea It well. For Stomach Troubles Th ntnmsoh 1 controlled bjr a delicts nerve rilled the olr nleiu.. Prlte IlKhtere know that a blow orer (he itonm-ll eolar plexua Mow meana m eure knock-out. For thle nerve la ten tlmca aa lenaltlre aa the pupil ot your eye. Yet the eolar plmul la only one of the centers of the ereat lnlde nenre the power nerre. It l one of the nuMer nerrea. The atnmach la Ita alave. Practically all atomach trouble la nerre trouble Inalde nerre trouble eolar plexul trouble. Hr 8hoop- RoMoratlre etrengthena the Inflde nerrea atrengthena the eolar plextie and the stomach trouble dteeppeara. Dr. REDS GIVE SCHELL OVATION Indian. Manifest Confidence and Esteem for Their Detoted Friend. GREET PRIEST AT FEDERAL BUILDING As He Enierares from Grand Jnry Room Father la Cheered by ' Aborigines and Scoffed by Graftera. Father Sehell was again a witness before the federal grand jury yesterday in the Winnebago bootlegging cases, having re turned from Pender Friday night Al most the entire morning was devoted to his testimony. ' After he had completed his testimony Father Sehell came out into the corridor and was given a veritable ovation by hiss! Indian friends, both men and women. It was evident Father Sehell was regarded by the Indians as their sincere friend, while at the same time he was greeted with vicious acowls by a number of white men who are blterly opposed to him and his methods. Not all the white men summoned here as witnesses are enemies of Father Sehell. In fact, there la a number of white men who heartily endorse his every action up there. Asked In reference to any difficulty he had In procuring a bond at Pender Fri day In the trumped-up forgery case for which l e was arrested and hurried to Pender Thursday evening. Father Hchell said: "I did not have the slightest trouble. Though that was the first time I was ever In Pender and I did not know a man there:' A bystander, overhearing the re mark, said: "And what is more, he could have given a bond for $60,000." Poatofltce Clerk Indicted. Preston C. Brooks, Jr., clerk In the post office at Fort Robinson, was one of the parties against whom tndlctments were returned by the federal grand Jury Friday evening. He was indicted on three counts, being charged with embezzling three let ters from the poetoffice at that point and appropriating the contents, amounting In the aggregate to about $15, to his own use. He was bound over to the federal grand Jury by the United 8tates commissioner at Crawford in May last and has since been Shoop s Six years ago I became afflicted with a severe sore leg which continued to grow worse, gradually, until tho entire leg from the knee to the foot waa one solid ore, which waa very offensive. I spent over lirooo.oo on two tria to not Sprinzs, and variotM local paysiciaas treated Bsc to no purpose. I had bout come to tha conclusioa to have aay leg amputated when friend induced me to try 6. S. &., saying if I would take it constantly for year ana it did not benefit tne he would pay for the medicine. I began to take your medicine, and in the short apace of seven month it completely and thoroughly cured me. I consider S. S. S. tbe grandest medicine the world has ever kmrwn. My leg ia witness today as to what S. S. S. will do when taken regularly. Box 245, Winona, lilt. J. B. Talbbxt. A great running aore, or deep offensive ulcer may develop from a slight scratch, bruise or pimple a harm less looking little boil or slightly swollen gland may soon be an ulcerating mass that will develop into a cancerous ulcer, dangerous and destructive. Middle-aged and old people are the most frequent sufferers from old sores snd chronic ulcers, but the young, even children, who have inherited weak constitutions or had them contaminated and tainted by Malaria, or other sickness, are afflicted in the same way. These chronic sores and ulcers are a constant drain on the Eystem, sapping the vitality and strength. They depress the energy with their foul pollu tion, and are sure signs that the blood is charged with poisonous matters which in its weak, sluggish condition it is unable to throw off. Salves, washes, powders, etc., can never be of any permanent service in the treatment of its vegetable properties, and tones up every organ while effecting the cure. cure, and is guaranteed entirely vegetable. Send for our social book on Sores vou wish. We make no charge lor this. rf SWIFT SPECIFIC Can any Ailing plain my treatment to yon aa eailr aa I can tell you why lold frccrca water and why heat melta f toe. Nor do 1 claim a dtucorery. For everv ; detail of my treatment le baed on trutha o j f undant'ntal that none can ilrii them. And I eifry Ingredient of my medicine la aa old aa the hllla It rrowa on. I almnlr applied the trutha and comhlned the Ingredient. Into a remedy that I ia practically certain. The paraarapha below will ; ,how yo-.i the rr-epon why j I Fut mr yeara of patient erperlmet't will arnl! I mil nothing If you do mtt acrept my offer. For i I facte and rearona and even belief will not cure. Onlr the remedy can do that. i j In elahty thousand i onnnunl !e. in trnre than I I 1 million home rir Shoo'si Reetor.it ive , I known. There are those all around vM-yeur frlende and tiele'ihorp. perhape whoee euTerlna H ; haa relieved There la not phielclan anywhere I who dare, tell vnn 1 am wrong In the new wied- J leal prliulplea which I apply.. And for alt aolld I Many Ailments One Cure t bare called theae the Inalde nenree for elm pllrlty'a sake. Their ueual name la the "aym pathetic' nervea. Fhyetolana call them br thla name bqrauee they are ao cloeely allied becaui each la In auch cloaa aynipathy with the othera. The reault la that when one branch la allowed to become Impaired the othera weaken That la why one kind of alckneaa leeda Into another. That la why caeca become "complicated." For thla delicate nerve ta the tnoet een.ltlve part of the human ayatem. Doea title not eiplaln to you anme of the un rertalntlea of medicine la It not a good reaenn to vottr mind why other kinda of treatment may hare failed? Don't you eee thai THIS la NF.W In medicine? That thla la NOT the mere patchwork of a atlmu lent the mere toothing or a narcotic? Ih.n't vou eee that It goea right to the root of the trniihle and eradlcatea the cauee? But I do not ak you to take aingle etate ment of mine 1 do rot ask ynu to believe a word I aay until vou have tried my medicine In your own home at my cirense alieolutely. Could I offer vou a full dollar a worth free If there were nr ml.rei.reeentatlun? fould I let you go to vour drugglat whom you know and nick cut any bottle he h on Ilia ehelvee of my medicine were It not VNIFOKM1.V helrful? fould I AFFORD In d.i thla If 1 were pot reasonably Pl'RK that my medicine will help you? For Kidney Troubles The kldneva are the blood flllera. They are operated solely h the Inalde nervea. The branch which operatea them and regulatea them Is called the renal plexun. When the renal pleaua la weak nr Irregular, the kldneye become clogged with the very polpone they ahould throw off. No kidney treatment can clean them out or cure them and one etage leeda Into another until after a while the kldneye Ihrmeelree begin to break down and dlaanlre. There la onlr one way to reach kidney trouble that la through the Inalde nerves that control them, which Mr. Snoop' e Ke atoratlve alone atrengthena and reatorea. confined in the Douglas county jail in de fault of ball. Yesterday ho pleaded guilty and was sentenced to eighteen months In the federal prison at Sioux Falls. William Johnson, white, and Frank De hart, colored, were bound over to the fed eral grand Jury In $5C0 by United States Commissioner Anderson on the charge of giving to and buying liquor for Indians. SLABAUGH NAMES DEPUTIES County Attorney-Elect Appoints Those Who Will Assist Him la His New office. County Attorney-elect Slabaugh has an nounced the appointments of his assistants in his office, who will assume the duties with him when he takes charge In January They are: A. H. Murdock, deputy, of South Omaha, former city attorney there, who began his study of law in Judge Slabaugh's office. Frank A. Shotwell, deputy, Omaha, a graduate of the Ohio State university, ad mitted to the bar by the examining board of Ohio, ranking eleventh in a class of 280. Mr. Shotwell has been associated with Jefferls & Howell. Mr. Shotwell recently has movel from South Omaha to the Sixth ward in Omaha. Frank W. Fitch, deputy, of Omaha, a graduate of the Ohio State university; ad mitted to the bar in Douglas county in lSSU. Charles E. Foster, deputy, of Omaha, a native of Nebraska and graduate of the University of Nebraska law department ill 1900. Oeorgo B. Sherwood, messenger, of South Omaha, formerly bailiff of the district court under Judge Baxter and more lately under Judge Bartlett. Miss Blanche Zlmman, stenographer, ot Omaha. This gives South Omaha two places out of six at the disposal of Judge Slabaugh. The deputyshlpg carry a salary of $100 a month, the messenger $75 and the ste nographer $50. Try Gooden's antlseptlo barber shop for first-class work. Under Meluher'a drug tore. Mortality Statistics. The following births and deaths have been reported to the Board of Health dur ing the twenty-four hours ending at noon Suturday : Births S. S. Itnyon, 2920 Farnam, boy; Harvey J. Weeth, 1U13 Kyner avenue, boy; Gus Vnn Moorleghen, 1914 Dorcas, boy. Deaths Rev. John Doxncher, St. Joseph's hospital, 0; Josephine lierold, 2003 Cum Vaxdosta, Swift bpecinc Co., Atlanta, Ua. Dear Sirs I want to tell yon my case and the good me. Something like my Instep, very small painful, and I could sores and ulcers, because the trouble is not on the outside, but in the blood, and as long as it circulates through tbe body in its impoverished and poisoned condition tbe trouble will grow worse. The need is a remedy that will cleanse th blood of all poisons and impurities, build it up from its weakened state, increase) ita vigor and strengthen the whole system. S. S. S. does this, and is the only blood purifier that does. Rich blood is carried to the diseased parts, which forms new tissues and allows the 6ore or ulcer to heal. It works with nature because of one Refuse? yeara my remedr baa etood the eevereat tet a. medicine waa ever put to 1 hare aald "It It fall. It la free" and It haa never failed where there waa a poealMe chance for It to aucceed. Hut thla mountain of ertdence ta of no trail le th.iee who ehut their eyea and dote away In, douht. For doubt le harder to orercome than 4ia eae. 1 cannot cure thoee who lack the faith te trv. ? now I bare made thla offer I diaregatrl tbe evMen.e. I lay a.l.le the fact that mine la the lurgeet medical practice In the world, and com to inn aa a atranaer. I aek yow to believe ant one word that I eay till you hare proren It for youraelf. I offer to give you outright a ftltt dol lar' worth of Or. pMionp'i Reetoratlre. Na nnw ee baa ever tried en hard to remove everr poealhlg eicuec for doubt It la the utmnet mr unbounded, confluence can euggcet. H'e open end frank ant fair. It la the supreme teal ot my llmltlata ballet. Simply . Write Me The fleet free bottle liar be enough to effect cure but I do not promlee that. Nor de I fear a loaa of pnaelbie prolll If tt doee. For auch teat will eurely convince the cured one beyond doubt, or dispute, er dlabellrf. than every word 1 aay la true. ''".. The offer la open to ereryone everywhere, whe haa not tried my remedy. ' ' ' But ynu murt write ME for the free .dollar, bot tle order All druggleta do not grant ,the teet. I will then direct you to one that doe. He win Pa It down to you from hie wtock aa freely though your dollar laid before him. Write foe the order today. The offer may not remain open. I will eend yon the book you aak for bealde. It la free It will help you to noderatand lour cae. What more cen I do to convince you of mr Intereat niy sincerity? For g free order for Book 1 an Iyapepel. a full dollar bottle Hook I on the Heart:- you mul addreaa Ir. Book 3 on the Kidneys. Minor. Bol 7r.7b. Ra- Book 4 for Women. . , cine, Wle. "-late which Book I for Men. book you want. Book ou HbeunuMara. Mild caaea are often cured with one or leg bottlea. For sale at lofty thousand drug atoreg.- For Heart Trouble Your heert beata more than ten thousand timet a dev. And every heart heat la gn impulee- of the Inalde nerre branch called the cardiac plexne. The heart la a muecle. hot It la the nerre that makea the muecle do the work. An Irregular o weak heart In. elmoat In erery Inetanre. the di rect result of a weak or Irregular nerve Inatdg) nerve. To cure heart trouble, reetsra the nerve, to normal. Dr. Fhoop'a Reatoeatlve will restore) the rardlao pleiua Just aa It reatoreg the eolar Pteiug and the rengl pleius. For all are equal parte of the great Inside gerre ayatem the power nervea the) matter nervea. estorative ing 44: Olga Marie Nlenisn, 1946 South) Eleventh. S; John Clifford Kalen, 2620 De-. catur, 6; Annie Hansen, 968 North Twenty seventh avenue, 29. More Election Expenses. Election expense accounts were filed wit H County Clerk Drexcl by H.i T. Clarke, Jr, who swears to having spent $77.8i; I C. Gibson, who turns in the total of $121: and J. P. English, who returns expenses to taling J. H. Jones has tiled htsr ac count for campaign expenses in hi race for county commissioner. The total If $275. LOCAL-BREVITIES. -v: Anna M. Palmer has brought a ult fo ' divorce against Charles H..-Palmer.. Thej pair was married In Denver durlnfr l0o and the suit, is brought on the ground' of nonsupport. ' Patrick Hopkins Is another who wlshei a Judicial severance of his matrmonlal bonds. Annie Hopkins, whom he mnrrtea in April, 19ii3, at St. Louis, he charges with abandonment. Burglars are reported to have entered the home of Fred Nelson, , 1106 . North Twentieth street, Friday night. After ran sacking the place they were frightened away by Mrs. Nelson, who lighted a lamp and made a rush for her rolling pin. The county commissioners awarded tho contract for grading the main road from Florence road to Forest Lawn cemetery to F. C. Jackson & Co. The commissioners moved to discontinue the work of tho road machine. The commissioners ap proved the regular budget. The members of the family nf J. N. Marsh, 3821 North Twentieth street, aro prepared for any and all burglars who may In the future call at the Marsh fire side. It is reported Thursday and Fri day nights burglars succeeded In getting into the house, out on each occasion were frightened away before they bad succeeded In securing any plunder. , The breaking of a chip from a steel rasp makea Charles W. Partridge defend ant In a suit for $15,000. He la sued fur that amount by Edgar Vanderpool. Van derpool sues because the chip entered hla left eye and destroyed, the sight thereof. Ho was an employe of Partrldpe and was working for him at the rebuilding of Allen Bros', warehouse at Ninth und Jones atreets. v Rev. Charles W. Savldge, pastor of tho People's church, announces his church will provide dinners for, the poor and needy Thanksgiving night, as has been the cus tom of the church for years. This year the church expects to provide for at least 1,000. Rev. Mr. Savldge is anxious for tt) names of all who will not be In a position to have a good dinner on tha day - when nearly every one gives the Inner man a treat. Edward Malone wants. $600 as damage for his recent arrest in Bouth Omaha as a suspicious character. He has begun a suit In the district court against Phillip H. Shields, captain of police In South Omalfa. snd his bondsmen, the Title Ouuranteo ana Trust company. Malone sets out he waa arrested by Shields October ,7 last ' and thrown Into Jail and Imprisoned for tho term of one day and three hours. . He antra the captain had no right to do thru thing and therefore he wants damages. y j Ga., September, 1900. ,821' -1 ae on V ' -ii CJ 8. S. S. haa rising came at first, not at all Vii l 1 i wear my hoe with- V m Hi' ar i out any trouble. But as it grew larger and began' to pain me I consulted a doctor, but in spite of all he could do the sore got worse and began to discharge; then other sores came until the whole top of my foot waa one large mass of sores and I could not walk. Then my husband, who had been cured of Scrofula by the use of S. S. S., said he believed it would cure me. I began taking it and eight bottle cured me; my foot healed up nicely. I believe I would have been a cripple for life but for S. S. 8. Mrs. C. H. Kino., It brings a safe as well as a permanent and Ulcers, and write for any advica COMPANY, ATLANTA. GA.