I. lur. OMAHA DAILY 1IEE: SUNDAY. XOVEMHKR 20, 1904. i THE MODERN METHOD of providing for your own old age and the future of your fam ily, is by maintaining ample life insurance in the form of up-to-date . in vestment policies, such as are issued by the Bankers Reserve Life Company Of Omaha, Nebraska. Its Policies Are Not Excelled in the World. Special inducements to wide awake salesmen and agents. For terms and particulars, call on or address B. H. ROBISON, - President. i Twin City Dye Works I PERFECT DYEING I AND CLEANING : 319 South 15th Si., Omaha. Tel. 1521. 1 21 North 26h St.. Go. Bluffs. Tel. 310. You'll Have to Hurry If you want to get that overcoat or suit fixed up before cold weather. You can always count on first class work and prompt service If you take It to THE PA.NTORIUM. We put on velvet collars, put In new linings and do all kinds of altering and repairing. We also alter ladles' Jackets, rebtnd skirts, etc. ' ' - ..We clean or dye anything that requires care and skill In handling. Ladles' fine dresses, wraps and costumes made to look like new without removing the trimming. Try us. THE PANTORWM Expert Cleaners and Dyers. 407 S. t5th St. Tel. .963, P. S. Out of town business receives prompt attention. Write for prices. 3usiness Getters, That's Pricas And ours are getting business. MOST PKOPT.E know lhat we won't take a back neat for any one when it cornea to prices, BUT WB WANT ALU THE PEOPLE TO KNOW JUST THATI ' If any one telle you they Bell drug store things cheaper than Scheafer's, Just tell them Mr. Folk ia your next governor, or In other words, you are from Missouri. $1.00 Here Malt Whiskey Mo 151.00 llossack's- Sarsaparrllla two 25c Quinacetul, guaranteed old cure.. 15c 2s0 Monnen's Talcum Powder 15o 1 dozen Mention's Talcum Powder.... 11.75 25c Cuticura Soap ao tl.00 Peru mi 7itc 11. 0O JJquoxoii 7c $1.00 Snoop's Itcstorative "9c $1.00 German Klmmel Bittere "So $1.00 Pure Canadian Malt Whiskey 7oo $1.00 Duffy's Malt Whiskey 79o $2.00 Cheater's - Pennyroyal Pllla ..,.$1.00 $2.W La Bon Ami French Capsules. . . .$1.09 THREE STORES-ONE PRICK THAT'S I - . ROHAKFER'g. ' CUT PRICE DRUQ STORE K. T. TATES. PrOD. lfth and Chicago fits., Omaha, Phones 747 and '$7. 24th and N Sts., South Omaha, Phona No. I. 6th Ave. and Main St., Coun cil bluff, Phone 333. All roods delivered In either city absolutely free. SGHAEFER'S THE JAPS AT PORT ARTHUR Have been montha trying to batter down the walla of the great fortrts. Likewise the email one-line ilealera huve been trying to break Into the reputation we have gained for our WOMEN'S $3.50 PATENT LEATHERS But oura, on account of being $4 value for $S 60, stand alone aa the pier of them all. Dull tope button or laoe wvlt coles military heels extreme or inoditted potay last In gt-nuin patent colt. Drexsl Shoe Go. 1419 FAR HAM STREET, fsihiVOtfi-Biti Shoi Horn ASK FOR Ol'R FREE CATALOGUE. The Best of Everything THE ONLY DOUBLE-TRACK RAILWAY BETWEEN THE MISSOURI RIVER AND CHICAGO ONLY mm -TO- CHICAGO and Return Nov .26-27-28-29 dood returning Dec. 0th, Account of INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION Tloket Office i 14011403 FARMAM STREET, OMAHA. f.' HPIfJIIl-WljajflU ffrflssa, i ET, 2 Jyy --'w, mniiriii,. in,,. Is bis own benefactor and every luy tirlngs him'au lulnrltanee. Why m.t deposit your re rush with the Omaha Loan & Building Association where it will be absolutely safe ami rapidly ai'cuinulHte a compound Interest. It pays U per cent dividends, 17tX Far nam St.. Hee Huildinx. j U. W. Lrftumla, VU U. M. Nattlagar, lec. A Notable Reduction In High Grade Pianos PIANO PRICES DROP During the next three days we are going to make a big cut on the price of a num ber of our highest grade pianos pianos that are a recognized art product appeal ing to the cultured musical taste. This is the opportunity to buy a piano such as you really desire at the price of a medium grade Instrument. We positively guar antee a saving of $100.00 to $123.00 dur ing this sale. -:- -:- -:- - '- EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS IF DESIRED The Bennett Company sib m'igiivi I - IB n 1 JOHN IIUSSIE HARDWARE CO. Acorn Base Burners Why Is It that you bo seldom find an ACORN BASE BURNER in a second hand store? Simply because an ACORN Is never parted -with by the owner ex cept from necessity and then a buyer Is easily found, and at a fair price, too. Tou see, ACORNS do not flrecrack Hnd are always good as new, except actual wear. No matter what stove you have used, we will prove to you that the ACORN gives more heat, uses less fuel and Is more easily controlled than any stove made. Mark this it la more easily controlled, can be run lower without Are going out than any other. OL'R PRICES are always lower than others on like quality of goods. ACORN BASE BURNERS, up 4J ACORN STEEL, rlO RANGES, up qlOV COUB'S ORIGINAL HOT Klfi BLAST, up U1U JOHN IIUSSIE HARDWARE GO. "If you buy It of Hussle, It's right. 2407-09 CUMINQ ST. The Careless Mart;... Buys his coal where he sees a coal sign, and "gets in a hole.'' The wise man finds out where he can get the most good, clean,, dry relia ble coal for his money, and patronizes that dealer year In and year out. Our customers are steady customers. They never think of going anywhere else. , GENUINE MONARCH COAL Per To a Lump, $6.75 Krn Nut, $6.25 As a domestic coal It has no superior. Once a customer, always a customer. C. B. HAVENS & CO. 219 So. 16th St. Tels. 317-325. Dr. Bradbury 1506 FARNAM DENTIST 'PHONB 1706 Teeth Extracted With out Palo. Pilling Ocos Crswds. ........230 up Bridge Werk.... $2.89 up fMaUe.. ............. up The most sensitive nerves removed with out pain. Loose teeth made solid. Wrlttea Quaraate A Thanksgiving Feast is in store for you if you will only have some "jfiETZ" with your turkey and sauce. It is not only delicious but acts as an appetizer, as well as an aid to digestion. There is really no reason why you should be without it as a telephone call, No. 119, will be the means of having a case delivered to your house, and should you take your dinner down town just tell the waiter that you want a bottle of "METZ" and you will get it, as all first class Clubs and Cafes have this popular brand. It is brewed and bottled in Omaha by the Metz Brothers Brewing Company TELEPHONE 119. SHOES FOR THANKSGIVING DAY. Any nion will enjoy his Tliiinks glvlng dinner better if lie knows lie is well dressed. You en n't hide your feet. But you can dress theui well and in correct style, at n very moderate cost. If you will come to the ri(,'ht liluee; and this store Is the place. .1Rn. S.A .ir S Will do more for your feet at thin Store than a n vivlnr else. At either price you run Kct the umst for yotii money the maximum of style, quiil lty and comfort. And the shoes you jjet here are titled right by expert ihoe fitters. TRY ;H0E CQ 4'6D03SUiU riPl 1AI1A Our ronm-maklng cut pries piano eale continues another week with In creased interrnt. We must have more room at once for heavy shipment are now on the way from en.trn factories. Every piano in our warrrnoms at a discount, and this Includes the best Instruments known to science all the Stelnwnys, all the Stoger ft Sons,- Hardmans, MrPhall. Reed & Sons, Steck, and many other pianos with a REFUTA TION SECOND TO NONE. Our bargain room teems with rich offers see them hear them buy them money back If you say so. BARGAINS New and Used Uprights. Rosewood. SO Upright ipJA Walnut. HtfiCSj Upright uo Ebony, iT Upright iJtACt KlmhHll tinrlB-M. 0.1 ff Q ebony case T 1"V7 ew 1 urn. k I II I Upright ql 1U Whickering, upright. 11122 rosewood kpi Klnilmll, upright, 41 nak case J5ItJ ?7'i new saniiMe, Upright qJI'iO Who new sample 1flf) i nrisnt " " Krbe, large size !' Malcom Love piano, used M"0 lvers & Pond, used e walnut case $175 $195 hort time. $200 Bargains in used Steger. Emerson, Stelnway. Vose, Hnrdman, Knabe, and other standard pianos. We are the only firm that will sell a first class, standard make piano on Terms of $10 Cash and $5 Per Month till paid In full. Call or write us at once for cata logues, prices, terms, etc. We ship pianos everywhere on trial. Operating four big stores and a factory. We cannot be undersold. Address, SCHM0LLER a MUELLER PIANO CO. largest Piano House in the West. 1313 Farnam St., Omaha. Stores at Lincoln. Sioux City, Council Blurts. ! BsW t - - s i! 1 5 n YARNS WE SELL THEM Cut do not tell them. The most complete stock In 'the west In all shades and kinds, such us Angora the wool Zephyr, Saxony, Of Zephyr Qermantown, Spanish, Our- d man Knitting, Pompadore Wool Ei derdown Wool, in fact all kinds of wool for knitting and fancy crochet work, and in the best quality which is no higher at our place than infe rior grades at other places. Soles for slippers in all sizes. K;nlttlng and Crochet needles for all kinds of work. We make sweaters and stockings as usual. JOS. F. BILZ 322 So. 16th St., Omaha. SOLE AGENTS FOR 5 riUTUKlAti ME. V IE. w rAunnnii mf 50c Each t"M' '"."mmw"m'm "7""' " "''"" "I We eell either of those t wo Syringes for 50c by mail60c. We are for all kinds of Rubber Goods. Write for our Catalogue of Drugs. Pat- ent Medicines and Jlumeopathlc Medicines. Sherman & McConnell Drug Go. Cor. 16th and Dodge, OH AHA, NEB. Boston Store Dru Prices Wnrnor's Safe Curt' 7f'? Pinkliuin's Compound 7'"' S. S. S.. .t 7ie Kulnlmr Bitters rierop's Favorite rivsorlptlon. . . ; . ,7!c l'liiiu-'a Celery Compound Newton's Knrsapnrlila l."io I.luozone 4.'5e Clirvstnl Tonic 7!ic Milk's Kiuiilsion f"c lVnr'p soap, uuscelited l'Jc ltublfoMin , 2K- Henllde 7!n t'ustorlu "r,,J Syrup of FIks 4:io (Jernian Klmmell nitttm 7.V t;niliiim's Tonic 17C SRAWKft Drag Department. For Menstrua! Supnrejsionrrr-. -r-S -TAIN -GOT ,old lu Um.um i, Hirwl Mc 000.11 lr, Cu tuli SiM. TlU m MlMS. M Suj I (wue Monday a Day of great bargains See large ad on page 8 of half, tone edition. IffDBS THE REI.I.4DLR STORK. Monday a day of great bargains-' See large ad on page i of half tone section. Our Special Offerings Monday IN OUR CLOTHING DEPT. $16.00 AND $20.00 MEN'S OVERCOATS, $10.00 AND $15.00. Not the ordinary sort which TOU will get most ilacs for this prior, but gannonts built by the most reliable tinus in the country, and strictly high grade in fabric, style run! work manship. You haven't an over coat wish or preference wa cau't gratify in this magnitl. cent Hue of rousing bargains. All hand tailored ami worth $16 to $20, special Monday, at f $10. $15 $16.50 AND $20.00 MEN'S SUITS, $10.00 AND $15.00 All hand tailored suits, most of them bearing the celebrated Hart, Schaffner & Marx label, an absolute guarantee of quality, fit and style. Different from the ordinary ready made garment in that the collars, lapels and shoulders are hand worked instead of machine, linen canvas instead of burlap, i hair cloth fronts instead of buckram They're truly wonderful values at. . . . $6.50 to $10 Young Men's Overcoats at $5 and $7.50 A specially attractive line. Including a complete range of up-to-date' styles, In plain colors and fancy mixtures. They have a dashy Individuality to them that Is very pleasing to all young men are worth $8.50 to $10.00 Special sale price $5.00 and $7.50 , Oar Men's Furnishing: nepnrtmrnt the west, and oar prices spell Erono $6.50 to $10.00 Younq Men's Suits $5.00 and $7.50. Made up In single and double-breasted styles, perfect In fit, first-clans In work manshlp. Extra special value Monday- $5 and $7.50 Is the largest and most complete la my. GREAT CUT PRICE PIANO AND ORGAN SALE Pianos and Organs at Unheard of Prices All Sold on Easy Payment Plan if Desired. To visit our piano department this week will be all that is necessary1 to convince you that we have the greatest piano values to be found anywhere. One Upright Fancy Walnut, at $95.00 One Upright Fancy Mahogany, at .$98.00 One Upright Oolden Oak, at $105.00 One Upright Kosewood, at $109.00 One Dark Mahogany, at $115 00 One Hurl Walnutat .'. $127.00 This week we also expect to close out a number of organs that were taken in on piano sales, as we are badly in need of the space they occupy, we will close them out at following prices: One Kimball Organ $17 One Kimball Organ $21 One Kimball Organ $23 One Estey Organ $25 HAYDERJ BROS. Ask For Western Distributors Bergen am.., Reichenberg-Sitiit h Co. No Better Made. x ,lTf , ,N . , ww. cier as pure water Wholesale Jewelers from . sparkling n. (Largest in th. West) spring Diamonds. Watches. Jewelry. Etc. f Staves PMp I Always igH THE SANITARY WAY No Smoke, No Smell. A slight pull on the chain lifts the top, forming a hood which draws a!l smoke, or odors from broiling back into the range, thus preventing their escape into the room. This is Moore's patent and is to be found on Moore's KangeH only. Call and see the Hinged Top, the Oven Thermometer which makes baking a sure thing, the Controller Damper, and other handy devices to be found only on Moore's Ranges. Nebraska Futnitutc & Carpet Co. 413-415 No. 24th St., South Omaha. . r t;