Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1904, PART 1, Page 2, Image 2

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    Telephoft tH.
"Nothing It to dlfNcult
but that It may be found
out by seeking."
All numbfru in women' YpiPanti full fashioned jtrncy fitting
underwear will be Hold Saturday at just one-half price.
V are going 10 discontinue rsrrvlns1 thla numhtr in stock snj Saturday's spe
cial prices will clean up all we have. Note the qualities:
916 W) Silk L'nlon Suits winter weight, lleh color Ha titrday 17.50.
$10 50 Rllk and Wool Mixed L'nlon Sults-hesvy weight Saturday to 25.
M 01) Bilk and Listle Thread L'nlon Bultaheavy weight Haturday $4.00.
17.00 Silk and C'aahmere l'nlon Bulta-llght weight-Saturday $3.50.
$4.75 Cashmere Union Bulla light welg ht Saturday 12.3ft.
II 00 Health Wool Union Suits he.-ivy weight -Saturday ll'M
1126 Sanitary Italbrlggan Bulla Saturday 11.(3. J
$3 75 Sanitary Lis! Thread Union Sulfa Saturday $1.88.
$3.00 Merino Union Suite light weight -Saturday $1 DO
$2.00 Marino Vests light wrlght- Haturday $1.00.
TMa underwear will be aold Saturday morning none on Bale before t o'clock.
Fine Fox Scarfs, Fine Genuine Marten Scarfs and
Fine Mink Scarfs.
All made of choice, selected skinsmade up expressly to our own order. Ladles
ahould be careful In. buying fura, aa there la alwaya a lot of trash thrown on the
market at thla season of the year and advertieed aa great bargains.
Fine Alaska Fox Scarf atngle skins, 2 -rush talis $15.00 at.d $18.00.
Fine Alssk Fox double or two-akin foxe at $18.00, $H.C0 and $.10 00.
Oenulne Marten Scarf.i-at $ 60, $7.50, IS to, $10 ou and $15 00.
Sabla Wolf Long Flat Scarfs of beautiful quality flat hape-at $1A.60.
rine Mink Scarfa-at $15.00, $20.00 and $26 00,
Handsome Winter Coats
All cur very latent coata are now In.
black ready for Saturday a selling.
Even Length Skirts
All our own, choice atylea beautifully made-pcrfect fitting in all the very lateat
tylea-at $7.(6, $10.00, $12.50 and $15.00.
Rain or Shine Coats
Hsndsoms atylea made of very fine fabrlra-beautlful Ideaa only to ba found at
Thompson, Eelden A Co. Prices, $16 00 and $18.00.
Dress Trimmings at One-Half Price
On Saturday wa will place on apeclal aale a Una of choice Applique Dress Trim
mings at Just one-half regular prlcea. Some are in ahort length and will be aold aa
remnant other longer plecea will ba Bold by the yard and cut.
There are a few Black Trlmminga in the lot, but most all are fancies.
Buy your Dress Trlmminga Saturday.
Alao many plecea suitable for fancy collars.
There will be trlmminga from 25c a yard and up.
Remember, Saturday at Just one-half price.
Y M. C A. Building. Cornir Sixteenth and Douglas Streets.
Freildent Entertains in Honor of Viiiting
German Officers.
Officiate Her aa Representatives of
Emperor William at Vnvelllnaj
of Frederick the Ureat
WASHINGTON, Nov. 18.-At the White
House tonight Preaidant and Mra. Rooee
velt entertained at dinner the apeclal com
missioner of Emperor William at the un
veiling of the atatue of Frederick the
i Great tomorrow, lieutenant General Low
enfeld and Major Count Buhtnettow. The
building waa handsomely Illuminated.
f The dinner waa given In the state dining
room, the decorratlona being .Golden Oate
nd Carnot roaea, and feme. The United
Btatea Marine band furnli'hed the music.
. The other guests wer, the German ambas
. aaaor, Baron von Bternburg, and hla wife,
Baron von Dembussche-Huddenhausen, Ma
jor Otto von Elil. Mr. Robert R. Bcheller
Btelnwarta, Mr. von Verdydu Vernora,
Commander and Mra. Hebhlnghaus, Lieu
tenant Martin, the Russian ambassador
nd Counteaa) Caselnl, the acting aecrotary
of atata and Mra. Loomls, the acting sec
retary of war and Mra. Oliver, the secre
tary of commerce and labor and Mra. Met
calf, the admiral of the navy and Mra.
Dewe,, lieutenant General and Mr. Chaf
fee, Major general and Mra. John It.
Brooke, Major General and Mra. George L.
Gillespie, Brigadier General and Mra. Fred
erick D. Grant, Hon. and Mra. Ellhu Root,
Hon. and Mra. Charlemagne Tower, Mra.
Bhartdan, Mteo Pauline Morton, Miss Edith
Netherlands Pleased with Conference.
Th government of The Netherlands hue
formally advised Secretary Hay that it
gladly accepta th auggestlon that the
peaoe .conference be reconvened at The
Hague. Bo far no formal acceptance of the
American Invitation In It full breadth has
been received, but It la stated that nearly
11 of the powers have lready Indicated
through their representatives there or
through the American ambassadors and
minister abroad thut they accept the presi
dent' Invitation In principle, leaving to fu
' turefc negotiations tha arrangement for the
A plain, untarnished atatoment of
fact. Our fall aulta and overcoata
for young men compare favorably
with the very flneet tailor-made.
8mootb and rougtli clothe, brown,
gray, blue and mixture.
Bulta and OTercoata, $10.00 to
BojV Sulta and Coata, $4.50 to
Cbtldrrn'a Sulta and Coata, $3.03
to f 7.54a
Write for Illustrated Catalogue.
191$ DoufU Street
Bee, Nov. 1, 1904.
Specials Saturday
in Our
Underwear Dept.
Many choice ttyles In brown and plain
peuco conference and the limitations to be
placed upon its work.
Neiv Special Examiner.
Luther Couant, Jr., of New York has
been appointed a apeclal examiner In tha
bureau of corporations. In the Department
of Commerce and Labor. Mr. Conant hue
been for some years financial editor of the
Journal of Commerce and the Commcrclul
Bulletin of New York.
Root Praises Cucgrell.
Former Secretary Root arrived today
from New York to attend the ceremonlea
of the unveiling of the statue of Frederick
the Great. Speaking of the recent elec
tion Mr. Root paid n tribute to I Senator
Cockrell of Missouri. He said:
I suppose that the republican legislature
of Missouri Is hound to send a republican
to the United Htates senate, but I would lie
(ilrNsed If partisanship could be forgotten
ong enough to retain In the public! serv
ice a man who la aa deserving aa Benntor
Cockrell. Hla long experience, his ability,
hla Industry and attention to business, hla
high sense of public duty and hla standing
hs a cltlsen make him an Invaluable pub
lic nlTlclul. No man will be a greater loaa
to the public service than Senator Cock
rell. Aa a republican opposed to him In
politics I can say thnt I sincerely regret
thHt the government la to lose a mnn like
Benator Cockrell.
Coat of Carrylnar Mall.
The annual report of W. B. Bhallenber
ger, second assistant postmaster general,
shows that the annual rnte of expenditure
for all Inland mall transportation service
during the last fiscal year waa $07,931,430. To
thla la added $:,518.06S for foreign malls.
The largest Items In the postal transpor
tation figures are the star routes, which
number 18.743, aggregating ZIS.JM milea and
an annual rate of expenditure of $tf.831.123i
railroad routes. 3,008 In number, with 190,907
mileage and an annual rate of expenditure
of I3H.177.977: railway postofflc car routes,
numbering 284. with in aggregate length
of 52.037 miles and an annual rate of ex
penditure of $5,518,234, and railway mall
service (officers and clerks), 11.444 In num
ber. Involving an expenditure of $12,095,437.
The number of mllea traveled per annum
by all classes of route of mall transpor
tation In thla country, among which are
the star routes, railroad routes, special
office routea. mall messenger routea, etc.,
aggregates 505.5K.52r.
Woman Acquitted of Killing Waab-
Inaton Man Said to Have
Died tn Philadelphia.
PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 18.-A woman.
said to be Mra. Mary Bonlne, and who. ac
cording to neighbors, came her three yeara
ago from Washington, after being ac
quitted of the murder of Jamea Beymour
Ayr, a clerk in the census bureau, today
committed autclde by cutting her throat
with her husband' raaor. The woman had
been In ill health for about two months.
On May It, 1901. Ay re wa found dead In
hla room at a hotel wtlh bullet wounda In
hla head. Suspicion rested on Mr. Bonlne,
who occupied apartment in th same hotel.
She waa arrested and admitted being In
Ay re' room, but denied all knowledge of
tha murder. Th trial resulted in her ac
quittal. Mra Bonlne waa U year of age.
District Attorney Discharge Forty.
Three Men Accused of Complicity
la Independence Explosion.
CRIPPLE CREEK, Colo., Nov. 11 Dis
trict Attorney Trowbrldgo today dismissed
the cases of forty-three men who had been
charged with complicity In the Independ
ence depot explosion and the Victor riot
of June ( laat. Two of the men had been
In Jail Ave month. Th others were out
on bonds. There remain similar chargea
agalnat seventeen men. Including Charles
II. Moyer. president, and William D. Hay
wood, secretary-treasurer of th Weatern
Federation of Miners, but It I doubtful
whether these cases will ever be tried.
Blue the electlou about fifty men whj
had been deported have returned to th
district and have cot been molested.
Plao'a Cur for Conaump-.fon la an effec
tual remedy for cough and colds. 2tc.
Eaton Nam DBn Fore.
LINCOLN. Neb.. Nov. U.-(8pclaJ Tele
gram.) Laud Commlsslonr-lect Eaton to
night announced th appointment of T. A,
Barrows of Albion to be delinquent clerk
He ha yet to nam hla deputy, bu? with
thla exception annomie.4 that th office
fore would remain a at present.
A Gnarantd Car for Pile.
Itching. BUnd. Bleeding or Protruding
Piles. Your druggist will refund money ll
PAZO OINTMENT fall to Cure you U ala
to fourteen data. W coat.
Oae Man Loses Life in Destruction of Boat
from New York.
Steamer Mohawk a Total Wreck
a Result of Fir Discovered
While the Boat I
at ea.
NEW YORK, Nov. 18. Twenty-one per
sons were rescued from the big freight
steamer Mohawk of the Central Vermont
railroad's fleet, which burned to the water's
edge ofT Horton's Point In Long Island
sound early today. The watchman, 'a
Swede named Larson, Is believed to have
been burned to death. All the others on
board, among whom were two women,
were taken off the burning vessel by the
freight boat Boston of the Fall River line
shortly after 1 o'clock this morning, nnd
almost Immediately afterward there was
a heavy explosion on the abandoned
freighter which apparently completed th
destruction made by the flames.
The charred hull of the Mohawk now He
on the bar west of Peconlo nnd the vessel
and cargo are a total loss.
The Mohawk was loaded with general
merchandise, which Included nearly 1.000
barrels of sugar and connlderable nil. The
value of the cargo has not been ascer
tained. The Are whs discovered ns the
vessel was asiiig Horton's Point on one
of Its trips from this city to New London,
Conn., and a few minutes later lis entire
framework was u flu me. The Boston came
tip In a short time and went at once to
Its assistance. The rescues were made
with much difficulty, owing to the Intense
heat. The Mohawk's men say the fire was
discovered by those in the pilot house soon
after midnight, but Ita cause Is not known.
Katlonal Irrigation Consrress Adopts
the Report of the Hrorvan
Isatlon Committee.
EL PASO, Nov. 18. The National Irriga
tion congress today adopted the report of
the committee on permanent organization
as submitted last night. The new presi
dent. Governor Pardee of California, took
the chair and made an address. All of tho
officers recommended by the committee
were elected. The convention adopted a
resolution thanking President Roosevelt for
his letters and for his Interest in irrigation
and approving his policy on this subject.
The executive committee waa empowered
to act as a committee on credentials at fu
ture meetings in order to save time nnd
expedite the convention work.
Tho following vice presidents and mem
bers of the executive council were named:
Vice presidents Indiana, C. A. Carlisle,
South Bend: Texas, T. U. Taylor, Austin;
Louisiana, C. A. Tlebort, Roseland; Minne
sota, Prof. Thomas Shaw; Michigan. Con
gressman Bmlth, Grand Rapids; Iowa,
Jesse H. Hawley; Nebraska, W. If.
Wright. Scotts Bluff.
Members of executive committee Indi
ana, N. A. Gladding, Indianapolis; Texas,
George A. llnrstow, Barstow; Louisiana,
Charles K. Fuqua, Baton Rouge; Minne
sota, Benjnmln F. Beardsley; Michigan, W.
K. Morley, Grand Rapids; Iowa, George
A. Lathan; Nebraska, F. V, Mugley, Lex
Michigan Man and Woman Shot in th
Head Are Discovered by
the Police,
DETROIT. Nov. 18. Two night policemen
In Wyandotte, near here, today discovered
a horse and buggy standing on the street
with II. J. HUlebrand and Mrs. W. J. Mil
ler of Detroit lying dead in the buggy.
Both were shot through the head and it Is
considered by the authorities to be a cleat
case of murder and suicide. Whether Hllle
binnd or the woman fired the shots la un
known. A letter found on Hlllebrand'a person,
written him by the woman while he waa
In Chicago a ahort time ago, told of an
Intlnincy between the two and warned
HUlebrand that he must be careful of her
husband, who she said had threatened to
shoot him If ho returned here.
Mr. Miller had only been married a year
and a half. Her husband says he believes
her refusal to elope with HUlebrand caused
him to shoot her and commit aulcide.
Permission Granted (or Organisation
of n Katlonal Bank at
Klppey, Iowa.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Nov. 18-(Speclal Tele
gramsThe application of J. M. Wood
worth, W. H. McCammon, Q. W. Wlant. E.
H. Riley and J. II. Vanacoy to organise the
Flrct National bank of Rlppey, la., with
$-"5.0(10 capital, has been approved by the
comptroller of the currency.
Postmasters appointed: Mount Clulre,
Nuckolls count. Neb., Paul E. Baser, vie
Earl Yeast, resigned; Battle, Carbon county,
Wyo.. Catherine B. Ledbetter, vice John H.
Bchmlts, resigned.
Rural free delivery route No. 1 ha been
ordered established December 15 at Earllng,
Shelby county, la., serving 432 peopl and
100 houses.
Benator Makes n Short Speech to a
Crowd at Station Train I)e.
layed by Wreck.
PITTSBI'RQ, Nov. 18.-Stnator Charles
W. Fairbanks and wife passed through
Pittsburg tonight enroute to New Haven,
where they will see the Yale-Harvard
foot ball gam tomorrow. Mr. Fairbanks'
train was late tn arriving, because of a
wreck on th Big Four near Bellefoutalne,
In which three trainmen were slightly In
When Benator Fairbanks stepped from
hla train to secure aome newspapers, ha
wa recognlaed by the people in the sta
tion. He made a speech during which he
Introduced his wife and expressed the ap
preclatlon of both for the greeting.
To Car a Cold ta tn Day.
Take Laxatlv Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund th money If It falls tc
cure. K. W. Grove's signature 1 on each
Rev. W. P. Slr of Kmai BroadBcld,
Mas., Convicted ( Contempt
f Court.
WORCESTER. Mass.. Nov. lS.-Rev. W
P. Squires, pastor of the First Baptist
church of East Brokfteld. today was sent to
Jail for thirty days for contempt of court
by Judge Forbes of th probata court. Th
clergyman wrot a letter to the Judge I
connection with a suit now pending. I
which th First Baptist church U Inte
ted. accuetng witness a 0 perjury. Tt
juag promptly decided that the writer had
used undue and Improper Induenc" with
Tomorrow momlrg we add an
other deep cut to our big store and
range aale. Nothing like this ever
ofTered In Omaha before.
Puritan Steal Range
wltn high warming closet. Mad
of heavy planished steel, has fuel
asbestoa llnlna. duplex BTate for
coal or wood, six 8-Inch covers on
top. large pouch feed, alr-tlght
hot biast draft registers, large ash
pan. Beautifully trimmed with ,
high grade nickel plating through
out. Including towel-nsr and two
teapot shelves. Attrsctlve In ap
pearance, durable In construction,
perfect In ojs?ratlon a guaranteed
Tomorrow we will sell the sire with an oven llxINxl.l. weight a) f"
pounds a range of good $33.00 value complete with high I . . I
closet and collar Joint, only
5tove and Range 5old on Payments.
Open Saturday Evening Fourteenth and Farnam.
the court and sentenced him to pay a fine
f $50 or go to Jail. The clergyman snld
e could not pay the fine and took the al
Mrs. Amelia l.anaston.
TfiCI'MSEH, Neb., Nov. 1. (Special.)
Mrs. Amelia Langston, wife of Theodore
Langston, died at the family home In this
city yesterday, after a long Illness, with nn
ailment of the heart. Mr. Langston was u
native of Indiana, having been born near
Halnbridge. She waa 70 years old. The liv
ing children are Mrs. II. M. Jeffery of Crah
Orchard, Neb.; Mrs. Rose McCanlnss of
Mammoth Springs, Ark.; J. D. Langston of
Atchison, Knn., and M. C. Langston of
Omaha. The funeral will be held nt the
Tecumseh Christian church, of which de
ceased waa a member, at 11 o'clock Sunday,
conducted by the pastor. Elder C. W.
Cooper of Bethany. ,
Thomas A. Moran.
CHICAGO, Nov. 18. Former Judge
Thomas A. Moran of this city died In New
York today. Ex-Judge Moran dropped
dead in the Waldorf-Astoria hotel.
Attorney Moran was 61 years old. He
was elected Judge of the circuit court of
Cook county, Illinois, In June, 1879. and
waa re-elected to the same office In 18S3
and 1881; he was appointed Judge of the
appelate court of the First district of Illi
nois In March, 1886. He resigned the office
of Judge In 1892 and entered on the prac
tice of law In thla 'city.
Charles W. Beebe.
BEEBEETOWN. Ia.. Nov. 18. (Special.)
Death haa claimed Charles Wnlter Beo
bee, who was born at this place February
28, 1878. He was married to Caroline Sel
leck cn October 8. 1899. by which union
waa born a eon, Walter, who died In in
fancy. The deceased was well and favor
ably known In Harrison county.
Patrick Ryan.
STELLA, Neb., Nov. 18. (Special ) Pat
rick Ryan, an old settler In this vicinity,
and living three miles west of Stella, died
this morning. He had been In poor health
for th past year, and for the paet week
had been seriously 111. Th remains will
b Interred in the Catholic cemetery at
Duwson Saturday.
Mrs. II. A. Lambert.
AUBURN, Neb., Nov. 18. (Special.) Mrs.
H. A. Lambert, wife of Attorney H. A.
Lambert, passed away at Falls City, Neb.,
Tuesday noon, after suffering with tuber
culosis for several months. She was brought
to Auburn and buried from the Methodist
Episcopal church Thursday morning at
10 o'clock.
H. II. Woods, Centenarian.
JOPLIN, Mo., Nov. 18. H. H. WroodB,
said to be the oldest man In Missouri, died
at Grandy today, aged 104 year. He voted
at the recent election. Up to the time of
his death he was actively engaged In the
drug business and he left a fortune of $260,-
Mia Jennie Romb.
BEATRICE. Neb., Nov. 18. (Special.)
Miss Jennie Roush, residing In Logan town
ship, died last evening at the age of 39
years. Her death waa due to cancer. The
funeral will be held Saturday at 10:30 from
tha family home.
Buster Brown's Thanksgiving next Sun
day's Bee.
Mortality Statistics.
The following births and deaths have
been reported to the Board of Health dur
ing tne twenty-rour hours enaing at noon
Births John Carll. 920 North Twenty-
sixth, girl; Christian Cramer. Iti23 North
Twenty-nrst, boy; L.en uiiDert, iwi ooutn
Fifteenth, gltl.
Death Dalsv Henrietta McMahon. 1203
Arbor, aged 24; Thomas H. Corey, aged 23.
How It Worked Wondera In On Fam
"While I was a tea and coffee user.
about eighteen months ago, I huppened tc
pick up a piece of an old newspaper and
saw a letter some one had written about
th gain In health by Quitting tea and cof
fee and using Post urn, and aa 1 waa suffer
ing with Indigestion and biliousness I de
cided perhaps i'ostum would tit my case, so
I had wife get a package next day and
make some.
"I had been in the habit of taking cold
lunches with a bottle of cold tea, but had
become so bad I could not dlgeat them; In
fact, 1 felt miserable after every meal.
Well, I quit both tea and coffee and after
commencing to use the Postum I begun to
feel belter at one, and I have not had a
bilious spell since and no more indlgea
tlon. I would be more than glad to find
something that would make me prosper
financially as that piece of old newspaper
did physically.
"I know It was the cold tea that was
causing the trouble, and the Postum
cured It.
"I want to tell you something about my
wife's condition.
"She had been a long time coffee drinker
and her feet we swollen so badly that
he could not have a shoo on on of her
feet at all and sometimes not on either of
them, and suffered terribly with constipa
tion. She waa treated for kidney trouble,
but th treatment did her no good at all,
and she becam perfectly discouraged. In a
short while after w be an to use Postum
nd began to quit tea and coffe ah began to
get better, and now she Is as good, healthy
and fine looking wife as you will find, and I
will leav thus who read thla letter to
Judge for themselves what It did. I want
to say right her w are often asked what
caused my wife' health to Improve, and
we never fall to tell them that It waa using
Postum tn place of tea and coffe.
"We uwd to give our boy tea and coffee
and he cam out with a skin disease until
his head waa almost a mas of scab. W
took away both tea and coffee and gave
'him what we drank Postum and shortly
the trouble left entirely, and all my chil
dren, like wife and myself, are healthy
and strong, and the beat friends of Postum
you ever saw."
Look la each package for the famous lit
tle book, "The Road to WsUvUie." .
JCOVEMBETI 10. 1904.
m Bt-a bj- m , - it - i r -jn .
Bills Returned by Grand Jut for Alleged
Bootleggiig on Reservation.
Tno Indian Are Arrested In Omaha
for Rnpplylnw Their Tribesmen
with Liquor While in
the f Ity.
Tho federal grand Jury mnde an addi
tional report last evening, returning seven
Indictments. Five of them were bootlegging
cases nnd two postofllce embexzlenient
cases. Those indicted for bootlegging or
selling liquor to Indians were Ahmzo Bhnw,
Frank Orr, Joseph Adams, Charley Meany
and Abner Gllstrnp. The are from
the Winnebago nnd Omaha Indian reserva
tions. All of the indicted parties are in
the Douglas county Jail In default of bond.
In the poslofiice embcizJement cases
neither of the Indicted parties bus yet
been arrested and for this reason their
names are suppressed.
It is the Intention of the grand Jury to
clean up the bootlegging cases today if
possible, especially those In which the
Indians urn witnesses, in order to let the
Indians get awuy from the whisky in
fluences that neem to besot them here.
The four murder casca will come up for
Investigation early next week, aa will the
attempted murder case nt Fort Robinson.
One of the murder cases halls uluo from
Fort Robinson, whero a colored woman
killed her soldier lover. The others are
murders occurring on the Winnebago and
Omiihii reservations during the past sum
mer us a result of drunken brawls between
tha Indiana.
Indians Are Arrested.
Louis Priest and Frank Robinson, In
dians, were bound over to the federal
grand Jury last evening by United States
Commissioner Anderson for furnishing
liquor to other Indians, whereby Mrs. Louis
Priest, Jim Yellowback nnd two or three
other Indians got duly drunk. Their bond
was fixed nt $500 each, and being unable to
meet the emergency they will remain In
the Douglas county Jail until their cases
can be reached by the grand Jury. Yellow
back was released only on condition that
he would look after his deformed child,
who waa left to wander about the streets
hungry nnd cold while hla father was on
a drunk.
Four or five other Indians were arrested
In the federal building during the after
noon for drunkenness, but were wholly
unublo to tell whers they got their liquor.
They were given a wholesome lecture by
Judge Anderson, with the promise that a
repetition of the offense would Insure their
being sent to Jail.
Take Ip Rocho Case.
The grand Jury took up the Investigation
of the embezzlement cuse wherein George
W. Rocho, formerly money order clerk In
the Omaha postofflce, la alleged to have
made away with some $W or more last
Rocho succeeded in making hla escape
about the time the alleged defalcation oc
curred on the protense of going to Falls
City to recover the amount which had been
erroneously given to the treasurer of a'
circus company, then performing in this
city. Rocho never has been heard from
since. It la the belief of a number of
peopH thut Rocho committed Buiclde, and
thla presumption is partly held by his wife.
Certain of the postofflce officials are of the
opinion, however, that Rocho fled to his
former home In Italy.
There being no cases ready for trial be
fore the petit Jury In the United States
court yesterday, the Jury waa excused until
Monday morning, November 21, at which
time the Agnea Frizzell damage case
agalnat J. C. Root and the Woodmen of
the World will be taken up.
Senator Millard I rae gaftlclent Ap
provrlatlon for the Missouri Hirer
Improvement Be Made.
Benator Millard haa asked the chief en
gineer In charge of the river and harbor
improvement if It Is true that the Mis
souri river Is to have but $150,000 appropria
tion for the coming year, advising him thut
If such was the case it would bo Just aa
well not to make any appropriation, and
that "the river needs $1,500,000 a year In
order that the engineers might make Im
provements of Importance. Captain Chlt
tenton Is of the same opinion as I am re
cording this matter, and if they are going
to do any permanent good they have got
to sperd th money."
Railway Notes and Personals.
H. F. Carter, traveling passenger agent
for the Union Pacific at St. Paul, is In tha
city for a few days.
Julius B. Lowlts of Chicago. general
western agent for the Italian Royal Steam
ship company, ta In Omaha.
The rate to the state teachers' meeting
In Omaha December 29 to 31 has been
fixed at one fare, plus 60 cents.
J. C. McNamara. assistant city ticket
agent for the Rock Island, has returned
from a ten days' visit in the east.
H. C. Bailey, northwestern pxssenger
agent for the Louisville A Nashville rail
road, Is calling on his frlenda in Omaha.
L. T. Sunderland ha gone to Chicago In
the Interest of rates to Omaha on cement,
which are decidedly agulnst this city and
in favor of St. Joe.
J. II. Foster, superintendent, and J. T.
Gllllclc. transportation master of the Mll
wakt road at St. Paul, have returned
home after a visit In the city.
George K. Mc.Vutt. district passenger
agent for the Mlniourl, Kunsnu a Texas
road, is in the city for a few hours . Hik
ing after the interests of the "Katy Line."
The farm Implement dealers of western
Iowa and Nebraska are to meet In conven
tion ii Omaha January So to 12. They
have made apipicatlon to the Commercial
club for asmaiauce. In the matter of secur
ing railroad rutvs for the meeting.
The Northwestern is puahlnif the llv
stock expo-ltlon which la to be held rt
t'liU'ttgu from November S to December 1
It la iil tnat tnl wiU be the iarseat xl
I b ,r " "" T.V " '"'T"'1'1 " """" ' " 1 1 'frjIZlZ"l
Adnam streets. 'orKA.
(THE rEon.ire FrniTt nr.
tin Trinrlel Tnafe. SR.Q5.
mixtures, full length, looe baolc
i tk IIA lut
sieeves, twin
Clearing $25 SuItS at $15.
- "
Coots S
cheviots, elegantly trimmed, waists notln lined, skirt to match.
These suits have sold up to $330. but we've decided to oIosh them
early this year and have marked them, regardless of logs
Felt Hats-Brown, black,
navy, champagne, $ 1.00
Broken Lot Clothing Sale
We will place on sale Haturday all
our BROKEN SIZES in men's suits and
overcoats in TWO LOTS.
Lot Ii AH our men's suits and over
coats that sold for $8.50, 10 G.50
and 112.50 go at O
Lot 2s our men'8 euits and over
coats that sold for 13.50, $15 O.50
and $16.50 go at O
. Men's Hats, Shoes, Pants and Under
wear all go at cut prices.
nr.-- 1
SNone Such Mince Meat!
In 2-Ple 10c Packages with List of Valuable Premiums. c
position of the kind ever held In the history
of the International Live Stork association
and the exhibits already promise to double
in number those of last year.
The l'nlon Pacinc will soon Issue the an
nouncement of the rates for the conven
tion of the Natlonnl Live Stockmen's as
sociation, to be held In Denver. From
Missouri river terminHls the rute will be
one fare, plus 2. The tickets will lie
good going; from Jnnuary 9 to 13 and will
expire for the return trip on January 31.
A. Q. Shearman, northwestern passenger
nent for the Nlckle I'lnte road, Is in tho
city. Mr. Shearman, who makes his head
quarters at Minneapolis, is resarded as the
prince of railroad traveling men and his
coming; Is always anticipated with more than
common Interest by the local railroad rep
resentatives, for they are sure of a good
time ;while he is In the city.
The Burlington announces Its homeseek
ers' rates for Washington and Oregon".
Tickets will be good going on the first and
third Tuesday of each month and the rate
will go into effect in February. A rate
o fone fare, plus XX, has been announced
for the round trip. It is believed a large
number wil Hake advantage of the trip, not
only to seek locations for homes, but to
look over the business opportunities held
out at Portland ns a result of the Lewis
Clark exposition.
More Candidates File.
John L. Kennedy (lies his statement of
campaign expenses to the total of $93. Of
thla amount SSO was spent with the cen
tral committee of Snrpy county. B. F.
Thomas swears his election expenses were
U7. The county central committee ns
., uo.i him !7.i and he soent 15 for nd
vertlslng. Charles L. Baunders In his
statement places his total expense for
election nt f, and Dick O'Keeffe admits
a loss of $275.
i Whiskeyi
Rich in Flavor
Mellowed by Age
Z 'M iAU SOS, Suawts. a. A I
asdcrpet to.)
uits and
made from very
fine quality novelty
with belt, new style
Those very swell effects w
flttAl from a 1 1 wnm SBS M
$15. 00 Cravenette Coats
very special values to- $f
morrow at Ill
Children's Coats that have
sold as high as ?5, $Q,98
now at im
Large Double Scarfs in gen-
ulne fox. blue wolf, American tin
atone marten, opossum. Isabel- I jl
la or sable blend, 15 value, at....
Buster Brown Walsts-rhe
most serviceable garment
ever made, flannel, &2.t0
value, at
$1.00 White Vesting Waists
tomorrow, at.... ....
Trimmed Hats that aold f P
from $6.00 up to $10.00, Sh
reduced to only w
G:orge Bar.- McCutcheon
Author of "draustark,"
"Castle Cruney crow, "etc.
)nd(l. Mead & Co.
Publishers Njw York
y-ryy.KArr.. ai-' r? .. i tiiv. aa prnrM
rttr . i i v a r.utiiBi
la KEft u4 Coiei wciftitlo boa 4
wiili tie) rlkfton. l ata kO oth. Rvfla
Paws BfcMoUai m4 lallay
tlnntw ' 1f f)f w aeue) A. m
Ktnipst tef rrttclrs, Tvtlsli
14 TcMer Iter I.i.In,'Ii u; I
tmrm 1!L I . 1 r.t!,i -K br
DrmiMt. hletiteter bhI! e.'
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday Mat. Sunday
Presenile; Two Sew Comedies.
Wednesday Matinee and Night
Th Bl Musical Comedy Success
Phone 4M.
Child rea's Jubilee Matlae Today.
The children and women will b received
on the stage after the performance toy
Howard Ponies ana IJogt ana tn two
Children. lv. Adults. Z5? ana ooe.
Tonight, :li 10c, i!o and oc.
for 4 dtvs. from 10 to &. the
will bold a
Loaa Exhibit f Revolutionary Relic !
and heirlooms of three centuries.
ITth and Uoda.
Adsslssloa liftc Children 15.
KRUG.5 .25-50-75 c
unar-tax fa Brldce at BU4ia,i. t