Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 18, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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Mre Members f Lowrr Hens Than Ap
poiatir Placet U Gi Out.
4an-ltors Boaks Ikow llTrr Tw Mil
Ilea Dollars la Dellnaaeat Tain
Are Dae Stat from Yi
rloa. tonntles.
(From a Staff Correspondent )
- yINCOLN. Nov. 17. 8pet-ial.)-Wlth only
eventy-flve place at the disposal of the
members aside from the elective employee,
Jhe eighty-nine republican In the next
house of representatives will have a strenu
ous time satisfying their constituents. The
atatutea provide that the house shall have
tfeeaker, a, chief clerk, assistant hlef
,eierk, tergesnt-at-srms, doorkeeper, enroll
Jng clerk, engrossing clerk, chaplain and
inch other employes aa are necessary, not
to exceed eeventy-flve. This doesn't make
one clerk for each republican, consequently
the man who lands a Job will have to have
pretty good political pull.
The son a tors are better off In thla re
. pert. The statutes allows the members
slxty-flye . employes, besides those officers
elected by -.the body. As thero are only
hlrty-three senators, more of their faithful
constituents will be able to land some kind
of a place. There la little doubt but there
will be a lively scramble for places. Inas
much as none of the employes receive lees
than $3 a day, while the chief clerks In
both houses receive 14 a day, as do the
first assistant clerks. Though It has been
ruston-sry to pay little attention to the
number of employes Insofar aa conforming
to the! statutes ' lsv concerned,' two years
ago about twenty-five were lopped off th
payroll when The Bee published that the
statutes were being violated.
So far the only man mentioned for chief
clerk of the house Is John Wall of Ar
cadia, with Clyde Barnard as assistant.
Both are old-timers at the business and
held the positions they are now after two
years ago.
This morning It was announced that
Senator Fries of Arcadia waa a candidate
for president pro tem of the senste. He
Is a new man In the race.
A number of members-elect have been
here during the last few days and moat of
them agree that the session should be a
hort on a Governor Mickey has said that
II the buslneas should be wound up within
'forty days, but so far few of the mem
bers havs so expressed themselves. Bev-
eral of those Interviewed, however, say
that the legislature should be ready to ad
journ within the sixty days.
Counties la Debt to tbe state.
The books of the auditor's office show
that there Is now due the stats In delin
quent taxes by the various counties a total
of H,30.213.2. Since 1902 there has been a
: little reduction made, a total of $164,311. 83
having been paid Into the treasury. The
books now show the various counties delin
quent as follows, Douglas county looming
tup st the front with $323,482.29 still owing:
dams $36,121 JS
Antelope 22,2 76
Banner 6.2' 70
Johnson $23,943 84
Kearney 12,627 97
Keith 7,098 91
Keya Paha.. 7,004 94
Kimball 3.4510 60
Knox 20.9K2 40
Lancaster .. .106.845 21
Uncoln 21.667 07
Logan 7 2U 77
f"P 3.109 02
MAdlaon S4 K77 m
rtlalne J. 82
Boone 17.R26 (M
Box Butte.... 6.6.18 3
Boyd 13.49 71
Brown ,..,- .U9 14
Buffalo w... JR.874 W
. Burt 2S).m W
Butler ...... Il,0b9 3s
S.M0 47
McPherson .. 2!on6 33 ...... 36.6(10 17
Cedar 27.089 41
Chase ........ ,1R8 96
.Cherry 18,9o2 46
Cheyenne ... 23.8M 4ii
Clay 20,927 30
47olfsx 23.646 60
jCumlng .... . 24,?U3 R
JGusten Jj.lfi B
7- 25.2o.r;;
Xawes 77T... 16,71s 0"
'Dawson 1HJS5 73
Deuel .... l.fil as
Dixon 20.944 86
Dodge 36.761 11
Douglas I23.4H2 2!l
Dundy 9.416 09
Fillmors 2S.6i4 27
rvunce ,.
Nemaha ....
Nuckolls ....
Pawnee .,,
Perkins ...,
Red 'Willow;
13."S 30
31. 77
20,643 90
6,346 4!t
8U.275 14
7.173 2J
2K.JI4 7
, 48 47
r315 82
13,91)7 m
12.12 K4
44.03 7
Rock 6,267 47
Saline Ji.OHl 04
Sarpy ........ 31.8M 20
Saunders 4o.6xg 39
Franklin 19.718 3n
Scott's Bluff. 6.936 00
rTontler ..... 13.666 82
Furnas ....... 16.412 64
Gage 7.S34 20
Oarfleld 2.728 11
Hosper T.ona 78
rant 2.97 (W
Sreeley 21.480 23
all 29.242 70
Hamilton .... 23.297 8f
Sarlan 14.0O6 13
ayes 6.144 91
Hitchcock ... 18.0M 49
Solt 60.336 60
ooker 825 93
Sheridan ....
Sherman ....
Thurston ...
Wehater ....
Wheeler ....
30.554 62
12.39(1 87
9.021 4H
6.066 83
14.478 32
19.700 12
960 25
10.0M 09
13.135 1(1
27.069 49
19.780 82
27. SM 46
4.032 42
22.467 86
Howard 16.193 fit)
Jefferson .... 26.108 23' Total.... $2,209,213 32
. Stats Veterinarian Thomas has Just re
turned from Holt county, where he has
tieen wrestling with a very obstreperous
disease that has caused the death of mors
than 100 horses there during the last year.
The animals ars attacked In their Intes
tines by a small worm known In English
as the "pin worm." The first symptoms
are a paleness of the mucous membranes,
followed by a weakness In the hind quar-
Arm You Staying Vo
- . . Might with tbe Baby 7
Rss It some distressing skis iffactloiit No
Med sf It. Uosts at fcpp7 moUus daily we
Harfinn Soap
a Mby-s miw Kins atii'ue -psraaites.
Bpeedlly sllars Irritation of scalp and skis.
Iatfures restful iImi. Keens babr sweet and
baaltur. For raahrs, ekaang, ecarna, arrofula.
trains, an aain aoraneaa, uian.M mAV
Is truly wonderful. What It dues for nab; It
will do for on. It's tbs an oat aoothlnf and
aatlafrlac of toilet, bath and snraerr soaps.
No animal fata Medicated. Antlaautte. D
odorlalag. Befrashuil. Healing, Frafrant.
A Brctu of flae Balsa la Every Cake"
Tit It. Too'll be conTlnred. Lanta SSe.
eakf. Box, S cake. 65e. Drusilata'.
Manufactured ot PHILO HAT BPUHAt-
TIKS CO., NEWARK. N. J. Befua anything
one red without tula signature!
Oi 70 on on tat da
Kt'Hf St CO.
' 15th and Don!-!;
url'iK! 1t'Htnn
S4th and N: Melcher. Mth and N; COUNCIL,
W. Broadway.
ters snd a loss of flesh and emaciation.
Dr. Thomas said the cause of the disease
was the fact that the land upon which the
horses are allowed to graze has not been
cultivated and that the water they are al
lowed to drink stands stagnant In the pas
tures. To wipe out the disease he said It
would be necessary to cultivate the land,
put In tame grasses and wells from which
the horses could secure water. .
Wife Pleads for Hashes.
Mrs. Richard Oould appealed to Governor
Mickey today to parole her husband from
the penitentiary and the case has been
taken under advisement Rev. Gould was
convicted of running away with a 15-year.
old girl, Eva Flint of Central City, and
living with her In South Dakota. The wife
told the governor that she needed her hus
band at home to help her care for their
five children, for whom she hits been mak
ing a living since her husband's conviction.
Katoa Appoints Clerks.
H. M. Eaton, land commissioner-elect,
today announced the appointment of F. W.
Holllngsworth of Nuckolls and John Lynnt
of Hamilton county as bookkeepers In hl
office. Both are now holding down these
Miss Phoebe Elliott was the guest of
honor at the tenth anniversary breakfast
of the Woman's club, held thla morning
In the banquet room at St. Paul s church.
Miss Elliott hsd been brought on from
Columbus, O., to participate In the festlvl.
ties attending the anniversary celebration,
which will also include a reception at the
city library building this evening. It was
deemed a fitting occasion for recognition
In the organisation of the club, of which
she was the first prealdont.
Over 300 club members enjoyed the ban
quet this morning, which was marked by
an excellent menu and a gratifying and
congenial list of toasts and responses. The
banquet room had been tastefully decorated
and a mandolin orchestra provided music.
Mrs. Hurpham officiated as toastmaster
and responses were heard as follows: "A
Few Words About First Things." Miss El
liott; "A Retrospect," Mrs. Scott; "The
Evolution of the Club Women," Mrs. Field;
"Through One Administration," Mrs. Bueh
nell; "Expansion," Mrs. Hall; "Our Club,"
Mrs. Wilson. Mrs. Jones pronounced the
Invocation at table.
The menu card contained a very lifelike
picture of Miss Elliott on Its title page,
enclosed In a floral wreath.
Male escorts of members of the club will
participate In the reception this evening,
ftalnsha Itames Assistants.
A. Qalusha, newly elected secretary of
state, this morning announced appointments
to positions In his office as follows: Fred
Miller of Falls City, deputy; Mrs. Huttln
Flotcher of Lincoln, stenographer; Miss M.
Houser of Hastings, clerk; J. 8. Hopkins
of Wayne, brand clerk. There Is still one
place to be filled and this lias been offered.
Mr. Miller and Mrs. Fletcher hold over
from Secretary Marsh's administration.
Sensational Charges Bronght Against
Prominent Woman of orfolk.
NORFOLK, Neb., Nov. 17. (Special. )
Kldnaplng three children and giving one
of them away to an unknown party Is
the sensational charge made against Mrs.
A. F. Clark, wife of a prominent North
western railroad man In this city and a
well known church worker, by John W.
Clark of Norfolk. The two Clarks are In
no way related. The man further declares
that he was struck In the face by the
woman who had kidnaped the children, and
that his wife. In attempting to enter the
alien home to recover the two little girls
and a baby boy, waa repulsed and driven
away from the premises by means of a
big club. Mrs. A. F. Clark admits slapping
the man and driving away the woman,
whom she had ordered to stay away.
When he came today to attempt to re
cover, all three of the children who had
been taken, he found that one was missing.
Elmer, a year-rold baby, was gone. Mrs.
A. F. Clark says she has given It away
where It will be cared for. A baby boy
was found at the home of Mrs. A. Osborn.
The law, on conv1ctlon,i provides a sen
tence of from one to seven years In tha
Much Typhoid Fever.
NORFOLK, Neb., Nov. 17.-(8peclal.)-Northern
Nebraska is suffering from an
epidemic of typhoid fever, which is serious
to a degree, and the lives that are taken
every day roll up an astounding list of
people. Just what Is the cause of the ill
ness has not been determined, as the fall
has been dry and warm. In Norfolk It Is
claimed by some that the disease Is due
to the standplpe, which Is unscreened at
the top. It Is claimed that there are sev
eral bushels of dead birds In the bottom
of the pipe.
Mlnden Chickens Win Prises.
M1NDEN, Neb.. Nov. 17.-(8peelaI.)-J. H.
Trough, accompanied by his wife, has Just
returned from the St. .Louis exposition,
where he exhibited soma chickens at the
poultry exhibit. He made six entries In
fiJado Her
Young Ag&isa
HAIRHEAL TH always brine back the natural gad
beautiful color of youth to gray or faded hair. Gives near
life and growth to thin hair. Stops babr falling. Posit
ively removes dsn draff and kills the germ, la not 9
dyOm but hair food, supplying energy to tho roots.
Ahiga-clasa hair-grower dressing fof fffOfl anil
woman Uoci not sou urn or unco, xauso
cannot be detected.
Aided by HARFINA SOAP, It at once
soothes and heals the scalp, destroy microbes, (topg
itching and promotes fine hair growth. Read what
Mis. Maten, Nuttellburgh, W. Vs., sayi about
Tlid roelosed $1TB for bottles HAIRHGALTH. Am delighted with the battle (est
mtm u halp waa ao rrar that I waa aahauad. Belnc mo yinins It almost killed me to harr
wf bair getting while long before I waa an old
cas s found Is my Bead, ana I save nut naea su or on nouie.
Lff soc bottles at drartlstV. Take eotnla g wit loat Palle Hay Co. sir Mtarc.
Ask )oar drarrlst for Uarfla Soap aid SkUlieaJta Trcatacat 75
Frco Soap Offer.
Mas thla manna, take It n anr nf the fnllnwtnr drnsrtata and get a large bottle Hay's
Halrbealth and Hi. Harflaa. Medicated oav, tbe beat soap for .Half. ''C;
fomplrxliin, Path and Toilet, both for &O0.1 regular prli-a T5e. or sent by 111 1L.O HAt
rKLIALTlKS CO gawark, at. J., expeew frtpald. ea receipt of 0O0. and ihu adv.
following Druggists supply Hay's flair hcaltH Md Badlaa Soap la tbetr shops all 1
Druar Co.. 15th and Firmm' SrkaA'a ieh -
BLVFFS: Rrown, HZl Main St.; Camp Bros., 506 Broadway; Clark & Elliott, 600
Rheumatism Cure"
Rheumatism hangs on, ao stubbornly, that most remedie fall tt do more
than give temporary relief. The cause of rheumatigm Is the presence of urea
or uric acid In the blood and the deposit of thla dangerous poison In the
musrlea and Joint produce. Inflammation. Thla la why liniment only relieve,
but do not cure rheumatism. It ia inside gad must be drl-en out.' HaUiday's
Kheumatism Cure will drive out rheumatism, both acute and chronic, In ail Its
forma, from the ay stem. The cure la permanent.
A cure guaranteed or your money bach PflCQ 50C
Bat Doesn't It Look Reasonable
This may be read as though we were put
ting It a little strong, because It Is gen
erally thought by Ui majority of people
that Dyspepsia In Its chronic form Is in
curable or practically so. But we havs
long since shown that Dyspepsia Is cur
able, nor Is it such a difficult matter as at
first appears.
The trouble with Dyspeptics Is that
they are continually dieting, starving
themselves, or going to opposite extreme,
or else deluging the already overburdened
stomach with "bitters." "after-dinner
pills," etc., which invariably Increase the
difficulty even If in some cases they do
give a slight, temporary relief. Such
treatment of the stomach simply makes
matters worse. What the stomach wants
is a rest. Now, how can the stomach be
come rested, recuperated and at the same
time the body nourished and sustained.
This is a great secret and tills is also
the secret of the uniform success of
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. This Is a
comparatively new remedy, but its suc
cess and popularity leaves no doubt as to
Its merit.
The Tablets will digest the food any
way, regardless of condition of stomach.
The sufferer from Dyspepsia, according
to directions, is to eat an abundance of
good, wholesome food snd use the tab
lets before and after each meal, and the
result will be that the food will be di
gested no matter how bad your Dyspep
sia may he, because, as before stated, the
tablets will digest the food even if the
stomach is wholly Inactive. To Illustrate
our meaning plainly, if you take 1,800
grains of meat, eggs or ordinary food and
place it in a temperature of 98 degrees
and put with It one of Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets It will digest the meat or eggs
almost as perfectly as if the meat was
enclosed within the stomach.
The stomach may be ever so weak, yet
these tablets will perform the work of di
gestion and the body and brain will be
properly nourished, and at the same time
a radical, lasting cure of Dyspepsia will
he made because the much-abused stom
ach will be given, to some extent, a much
needed rest. Your druggist will tell you
that of all the many remedies advertised
to cure Dyspepsia none of them have
given so complete and general satisfac
tion as Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, and
not least In Importance in these hard
times Is the fact that they are also the
cheapest and give the most good for the
least money.
the Leghorn class, and out of the six en
tries he was awarded fivo premiums. This
was In competition with over 1,100 other
birds. He, of course, Is feeling pretty good
over It, and has many friends in and around
Mlnden who rejoice with him because we
have in our midst such a high grade of
chickens. Mr. Trough devotes considerable
time and labor to his birds and has one
of the largest and beat arranged chicken
farms In the western part of the state. His
honors are well merited.
Tekamah Wants Innlclpal Lighting;.
TEKAMAH, Neb., Nov. 17. (Special.)
At the last meeting of the city council a
.petition was presented asking that the city
council call a special election for the pur
pose of voting a proposition authorizing the
mayor and council of the city of Tekamah,
Neb., to Issue the bonds of said city. In
the sum of $10,000, for tho purpose of pur
chasing or Installing an electric lighting
system and plant to be operated and owned
by said city. In connection with the present
water works system.
The city attorney was Instructed to draft
an ordinance In accordance with the above
petition and present It at the next regular
meeting of the council. Tekamah has one
of the best electric light plants In , the
State, owned -and operated by - a private
individual, who wishes to sell.
Confesses to Robbery.
CLARKS, Neb., Nov. 17. (Special Tele
gram.) Early yesterday morning Ed John
son's hardware store was entered by a
rear window and about $15 worth of knives
and razors were stolen. Before noon yes
terday Frank Avery, alias Gussle Mills,
was arrested and charged with being the
guilty party. Today he was taken In charge
by the Bherlff, put through the sweat box
and after being shown that his Identity was
known and that ho was wanted In Mon
tana on a more serious charge he con
fessed and itave Instructions as to ,where
the goods stolen might be found and they
were soon recovered to the owner. The
young man In question has agreed to jlcad
Prisoners Plead Onllty.
FREMONT, Neb.. Nov. 17.-(SpeciaU-Frank
Rooney was found guilty in tho dis
trict court of stealing a horse from James
Coollgan of Cotterel precinct. Ed Mapes,
who had pleaded not guilty to the larceny
of a team of horses from Anton Buuman
ten years ago, surprised his attorney and
the court by changing his plea to guilty.
woman, bat thanks to HalraealtQ ao gray kaici
Good tor SSo. Cak.
- .a catitit nuiui. D.1...1..
He was sentenced to two years In the
penitentiary. Ed Taylor. who was
charged with stealing a team of mules
from J. Stevenson, withdrew his plea of
not guilty, Charles w ard pleaded anility
to stabbing Policeman Connof In September
last 80 many prisoners whom It was
supposed would stand for tiia-! changing
their minds at the last minute brought
the proceedings of the court to a stand
still this noon and the Jury was excused
until tomorrow morning. There are still
four other criminal cases for trlnl. TEXDF.R1KO TAX MOKRT
Ageat Pollard tiolng Ttoaads of Va.
rloaa Count lea for Purpose.
KEARNEY. Neb.. Nov. 17.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) R. D. Pollard, the tax commis
sioner of the Burlington railroad, arrived In
this city this morning and tendered the
county treasurer of Buffalo county $1,442.27
for the taxes for 1904, but was refused by
Treamirer Troupe, as the taxes amounted
to $r..P4.5R. When the sum offered Was re
fused Pollard put the money bark Into his
pocket and left on his special train for
Mlnden. Officials of the treasurer's office
state that If the taxes are not paid by
February 1 executions will certainly be
Issued and the trains of the company be
tied up. This did happen once before In
1873, when Bherlff Thompson seized a train
and chained It to the tracks, and It was
held there for a day. when a settlement
was made by the Union Pacific and the
train was released.
MINDEN. Neb., Nov. 17. (SperlaU Tax
Commissioner Pollard of the B. & M... ac
companied by his witness, visited the
county treasurer today and made a tender
of the amount of taxes whlrh the railroad
company felt disposed to pay tinder the
new revenue law. The amount was counted
out in cash and tendered to the treasurer,
but was refused unless the whole amount
charged on the tax books was tendered. As
a result the railroad taxes were not paid.
Mr. Pollard, without naming them, stated
that he had made settlements with some
of the counties he had visited on the basis
of his own figures. The amount tendered
was $11.62!.fi0. and the amount which should
be paid Is $15,748.54. The amount of rail
road tax this year is Just a. few dollars
over $100 more than It was last year, for
the reason that while the valuation of rull
road property and the levy this year are
larger than last year yet the county levy
Is not so large by more than half, and in
nearly all the school districts the levys
have been largely decreased. The differ
ence In the railroad tax between this year
under the new law and last year under
the old law will not be enough to pay at
torney's fees for a contest In the courts.
The treasurer wants the whole amount or
nothing, and the people of the county are
behind him.
District Conrt In Cass County.
PLATTSMOUTH. Nov. 17. (Special )
William Patton, who was arrested In Lin
coln upon complaint of his wife, charged
with deserting his wife and child, has
been released from' the county Jail upon an
order from Judge Paul Jessen, as requested
by the complaining witness and the attor
ney for the state. The Interested parties
reside near Louisville.
Nellie May Woodward was granted a di
vorce from her husband, James Woodward.
Theodore Brush was granted a decree of
divorce from his wife.
In the case of the State of Nebraska
against Israel Pearl man, Ijiwson Sheldon,
Alfred W. White and others, to collect de
linquent taxes under the new scavenger
law. Judge Jessen found in favor of the de
fendants. .
Xeirs o' Nebraska.
SEWARD. Nov. 17. Some complaint is
made of the depredations of the Hessian
fly In the fields of aheat
BEATRICE, Nov. 17-Several new cases
of smallpox In West Beatrice were reported
to the Board, of Health yesterday. .
"SEWARD, Nov. 17.-Andy Rans has
bought the Windsor Tiotei of Seward and
will hereafter conduct this hostelry.
BEATRICE, Nov. 17.-The Catholic fair
will be held at Wymore November 17 to 21,
and prospects are for a large attendance.
SEWARD. Nov. 17. The old Commercial
hotel, a dilapidated structure over thirty
years old. Is being torn down. The lot it
occupied is a valuable one.
SEWARD, Nov. 17-Fred and Nick Gem
bler bought the quarter section of Will
Slonecher and an eighty acres of Ed Hen
derson. The consideration was $13,400.
SB WARD, Nov. . The young people of
the Presbyterian church are making prep
aration fo,' a fair and festival to be held at
the courthouse on December 21 and 22.
SEWARD, Nov. 17. William Redford.
former county treasurer of this county, un
derwent a very serious operation todav.
Surgeons of Lincoln assisted the local phy
sicians. PLATTSMOUTH. Nov. 17. Hereafter
when the Cass county officials wish station
ery or printing they will lie compelled to
secure an order from the county commis
sioners. SEWARD, Nov. 17. A reception was ten
dered Miss Glenn, a missionary of Japan,
on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Telfer. Miss Glenn lectured on
the mikado's empire at the Presbyterian
church on Tuesday night. '
BEATRICE, Nov. 17 The Board of Su
pervisors convened yesterday and appointed
Robert J. Harris to fill the vacancy on the
board caused by the death of Edgar Brown.
Mr. Harris is the supervisor-elect from the
Fifth district and he proceeded to furnish
his bond and qualify.
GENEVA, Nov. 17. Burt Martin, little
son of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Martin, fell,
last Saturday, and ran a snag Into his
eye. He was over a mile from home when
It happened and walked home with the
stick in his eye. Yesterday the physicians
took htm to the sanitarium and took the
eye out.
NORFOLK. Nov. 17. With a bullet In his
breast, which all surgeons have declared
fatal, Donald Housh, 6 years old, who was
shot by his brother, has been given over to
the care of a Christian Scientist here. The
family has faith In the treatment and the
metaphysician claims he will save the life
of the wounded boy.
PLATTSMOUTH, Nov. 17-The blessing
and raising of the new gilt cross on the
tower of St. John's church In this city took
place Tuesday, Rev. Ferdinand Schunttgen,
D. D., of Howells. Neb., officiating, as
sisted by Father Stratmann of Atkinson,
Neb., and the local clergv of Plattsmoutli,
Fathers Bartek and Bradley.
WEST POINT, Nov. 17.-Frank Stanek.
one of the best known and well-to-do farm
ers of Lincoln precinct, was this week ad
Judged Insane by the county commission
ers. He was taken to the hospital at
Lincoln by Deputy Sheriff Kelso this morn
ing. His malady developed about a year
ago. gradually Increasing until hla mental
condition became almost hopeless.
BEATRICE. Nov. 17. Reports reached tho
city Tuesday evening that young Eddie
man, who - escaped from the county Jail
some time ago and who la wanted here on
the charge of burglarising a hardware store
at Ellis, was at his home near that place
Sheriff Trude and his deputy visited the
Hddleman home and made a thorough
search of the premises, but failed to locate
the young man.
COLUMBUS, Nov. 17. The Jury In tha
cane of Mary Chris against Anton Toher
was out last evening only about five min
utes when It returned a verdict of no causa
for action. Mrs. Chris sued for $1,000 dam
ages for defamation of character. She
claimed that she lived in one of the de
fendant's houses and that defendant had
falsely accused her of stealing $)60, which
he had missed.
SEWARD. Nov. 17-The November term
of the district court, now In session with
Judge Good of Wahoo on the bench will
consist of forty-eight civil cases and twelve
criminal cases. Few Jury trials will be on
the docket. The case of Dr. Daniel Meehan
of Staplehurst for statutory assault on the
person of Bessie Corcoran, the New York
orphan girl. Is carried over to the March
term 1 on account of tho serious illness of
Dr. Meehan s wife.
COLUMBUS. Nov. 17. -Joe Oavern a
Pols employed on the Union Pacific rail
toad, was fined $10 snd costs n county
court tills morning. He was charged by
John Viasard, chief of the secret service
with stealing thirty old lies frm off the
right-of-way of the railroad company He
entered a plea of guilty. The company
has suffered much of late from petty
thieves and It means to prosecute all of-
BEATRICB. Nov. 17 A largely attended
meeting waa held at Adams Tuesday night
to consider the matter of erecting a far
mers' elevator at that plare. More than
$4. 0f had already been auhscrlhed to the
enterprise, snd It Is the opinion of those In
terested that It will be an nmy matter to
raise eufaclsot fuad to tlther buy one of
''Keep the System Toned Up
WHISKEY, and Any Cast of
Consumption Can be Cured and
Prevented No Matter Where
You Live What Your Oc
cupatioa" "It's Unsatisfactory, Crue!
and a Mistake to Send the Af
flicted to California, Colorado.
Etc., in the Delusive Hope of
"The Fight Must Be Made
Right at Home Where the Dis
ease Started."
So Agree Lung Speialists At
tending the Medical Associa
tion's Convention at Atlantic
Dramatic Agent Putmon
Thankfully Tells of His Provi
dential Recovery by Duffy's
Pure Malt Whiskey.
MR. C. PUTMON Cured of Consumption by Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey.
"I was fiat on my back In Cincinnati. It was after ten long, hard months on the road as advance agent for theater com
panies. I had to be up early and late, exposed to all kinds of weather; often soaking wet and chilled to the bone. My system
could stand It no longer. I caught a heavy cold and it settled on my lungs. Doctors dosed 111c us usual, but 1 was steadily
going to a consumptive's grave.
"An old actor friend recommended Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. I tried it. Kelt better the first week. In two weeks
doctor said he needn't call again, to keep on taking 'Duffy's' mid I'd soon !e cured. And 1 nm cured; strong, husky, never
better In my life, and it took onlv four bottles. Have come through another season In perfect shape." C. PUTMON, care Bill
board Publishing Company, Cincinnati, Ohio. July 30, 14.
Duffy's Pure lUialt Whiskey
Consumption seldom attacks until the system Is run down and weakened by sickness, overwork, worry, exposure or In.
herlted tendencies. The secret of the marvelous success of Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey in curing and preventing lung troubles
lies in the fact that It's the greatest slrengthener and health builder known to medicine. It not only checks the ravages ol the
disease itself, hut replaces the weakened, destroyed tissues: helps the stomach to more perfectly digest and assimilate food In
order that more, richer snd purer hlootl will come from It; and regulates nnd governs the heart's action, so that the circulation
will be strong and powerful, carrying health and vigor to every organ and part of the human body. The idea that a consump
tive's onlv chance for life Is to send him to Colorado or California to fret himself to death was effectually exploded at the
Medical Association's Convention, a few months ago at Atlantic City, where leading consumption specialists declared that t,he
onlv successful place to treat lung troubles was right at home, where the disease originated, and that Duffy's Ture Malt
Whiskey is the most effective means of fighting this awful scourge to the human race.
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey is absolutely pure and free from fusel oil the only whiskey recognized by the Government as a
medicine. It has been prescribed by doctors of all schools and sold by reliable druggists and grocers everywhere for over art
years. Sl.fiO a bottle. Every testimonial is published In good faith and guaranteed. Medical booklet free.
CAI'TIOne sore yon sret the genuine Duffy's Pore Malt Whiskey, iiianofact ored by Daffy Malt Whiskey Co.,
floehester. . V., and pot up in sealed bottles, with the "Old Chemist" trade-mark on the label. It's never sold
In flask or bnlk. Beware the many anbstltntes and Imitations offered by unscrupulous dealers, because of tha
extra profit. They not only will not rare, hat are positively dangerous.
the elevators now doing business there or
erect one. Prospects are good for the
erection of a new elevator within a very
short time.
COLUMBUS. Nov. 17.-M. E. Miller ref
Chicago, representing the Hastings In
dustrial company, Is here tills week In the
Interest of his company, with a view of lo
cating a cannery here. A meeting of the
Commercial club has been called and It
Is believed that sufficient encouragement
will be extended so that a concern will be
opened up tjere In the early spring. It will
mean the employment of about fifty hands
for several months each year. This com
pany has several canneries In successful
operation In this state.
SEWARD. Nov. 17. The Imlg estate,
which was sold at referee's sale last Satur
day, brought the following prices: One
eightv sold to William Selber brought fcvtEli;
one quarter sold to Carl Johann for I9.R60;
the north half of the southwest quarter
was sold to K. Imlg for I5.0U0; the south
half of the southwest quarter was sold to
I.izile Imlg for $5,000; the east half of the
southwest quarter was sold to Otto Imlg
for H.O00. and the went half 120 acres was
sold to Minnie lmig for $3,100, and he east
half 120 acres of northwest section 30 to
Mary Imlg for $5,700.
Representatives of Sew Mesleo, Texas
and Mexico Discuss Illo Grande
Water Rights.
EL PASO, Tex.. Nov. 17. Another day
of routine work In the various sections
marked the sessions of the National Irri
gation congress today. Tomorrow the of
ficers will be elected and the next place
of meeting selected. Today New Mexico,
T,n. nnd Mexico delegates met together
In an endeavor to decide upon un amicable
settlement of the question or a nam ior
utnrtnir waters to reclaim the vulley on
both sides of the Rio Grande. This matter
hau been in congress and the courts for
Among the addresses read touay was
that of Herbert Myrlck, editor of the
American Agriculturist.
i.v.ii.wn nf eeoloaical surveys are. kept
very busy hearing delegations who are
pleading for the approval of various Irriga
tion enterprises.
I When
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a i as m m m 9mm 1 1 1 1 1 whim
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Robert J. Osborn Confirms Statement tbat
Indians Are Duped.
Declares Whisky Is Easy to Uet and
Kcd Men on the Wlnnehasso Res
ervation Are Demoral
ised by It.
One of the witnesses before the federal
grand Jury, now In session In this city, is
John Alum, one of the two licensed tiuders
of the Wln-.iebago Indian reservation. Asked
as to tho traders' side of the controversy
orlginutlng from tho investigations of
l'ather Schell, Mr. Alum said last evening:
'T'-.ere are two sides to the controversy
and 1 do not like to mix up In the matter.
However, there are but two licensed trad
ers on the Winneuago reservation. They
are Robert J. Osborn and myself. Aside
from us there are two or three Indian
tradeis In a small way. who are not re
quired to pay any license to trade on the
reservation. My dealings with the Indians
always have been friendly. We sell only
miscellaneous merchandise, no liquor at all.
The liquor Is all obtained off the reserva
tion, largely at Homer. It has not been my
practice to exact notes from the Indians.
The pln I follow Is to keep a separate ac
count with each Indian, ewch account being
kept In a separate book. I furnish the In
dian customer with a carbon copy of the
bill, which he keeps, and on pay day these
are checked up and If found correct the
bill is paid by the Indian direct to me. It
frequently happens that the debtor Indian
may have gone to Homer with his check
and paid a note there, thus leaving him
with very little, If any, money; at least not
enough to pay my bill. I have now on my
books about $1B,000 against the Indians.
"I do not wish to comment upon tka
i '
methods by which the Indians are Induced
to give these notes, wherein lies all the
trouble. The general plun Is to get hold
of tho Indian, especially If he la In want of
a little ready money, and If he happens to
owe a bill to some Homer merchant, say
of J), he is expected to sign a note for $W.
secured by chattel mortgage on hla team
and wagon. He Is then given $1 or $2 In
cash, and it Is soon gone for whisky. How
he gets the whisky I do not know, but he
gets it. The collection of the note Is forced
on lease check day, with the threat of
taking his team from him. Unfortunately
the Indian will do almost anything for
whisky, and It Is by taking advantage of
his whisky' appetite that practically all of
the troubles origlnute. As a rule the In
dians are required to give a note for Just
about twice the amount of money they re
ceive. 1
"I suppose some of these chattel mort
gages are filed, but many are not. I do not
know what the law is regarding the release
of the chattel mortgage, nor do I believe
the Indians are careful enough to see that
the chattel mortgage when paid off Is re
leased. "I believe from my own experience and
observation, the Indian Is naturally honest
and would pay If ho could If they did not
fall Into the hands of parties who will fur
nish them whisky money through thla not
giving process. Of course when their
money Is gone they cannot pay and we
legitimate traders, who must credit them
to get their trade, will suffer In conse
quence." Vrnanay f4leses Canadian hln.
HALIFAX, Nov. 17. A private cable from
Montevideo announces that the sealing
schooner Agnes O. Donahue of this city has
been seized by the Uruguayan authorities.
The Donahue Is owned by the Balcomb
company. The agents have wired for par
ticulars of the seizure.
Former Oovernor Worse,
NEW TORK, Nov. 17 Former Oovernor
Hugh 8. Thompson of South Carolina, who
Is critically 111 at his home In this city, was
not ao well todav. He passed a restlesn
night and lost considerable of the reserve
strength which has sustained him through
his severe illness.