TIIE OMAnA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1904. 10 SEW BOOKS AND MAGAZINES John Morlej Praises Frederic Harrisou' Remarkable Kovel, "Tbesphano." MISS JORDAN'S STORY INTERESTS GIRLS nlr ot the December Smurt at l I ndoobtedlr novelette 4 Invertna; anil III Dutiahter. f r"r;i Harrison's remarkable novel1, "Theophano: the Crusade of the Tenth Century," published by Harper, has callej forth the unusual honor of a review hy John Morley In the Nineteenth Century. Mr. Morley'B opinion of some other books must be surmised from what he says about "Theophano." "Mr. Marrison I a recognized master of language . . . direct, power ful, plain, with none of our Intter-day nonsense of mincing and posturing. . . . He has the signal merit of looking his readers In the eye." Again he says: "Mr. Harrison's book, with no deliberate inten tion of his, for he Is here a writer of neutral history, will give people of a re flective turn of mind, whether Jew, Ma hometan, Christian or agnostic. If they be In the humor, many deep things to rumi nate upon. ... A fine panorama of the long secular strife between last and j west, between Islam and the two mutu ally Infuriated forms of Christian faith." Miss Elisabeth Jordan Is receiving many letters from girls concerning hor new con vent story, "May Iverson Her Book," which appeared serially In Harper's Mnga slne. and Is now out In book form. Con vent girls are well represented In the cor respondence, but the book seems to have equally Interested girls In boarding schools from Maine to California. One of them writes that only a single copy of Harper's Magazine n taken by her school library, and that every month there has been a struggle among the students for first chance to read the adventures of May Iverson. The favorite chapter of the book seems to be "First Aid to Kittle James." I a tale of examination which strikes a re sponsive chord In every school girl's heart. The feature of the December Smart Set Is undoubtedly the novelette, "Claverlng and his daughter," a story of Washington life, by a new author, Poxoroft Davis, whose mnteorlo entrance Into the field of fiction Is likely to be the sensation of the season. Totally unknown, this writer's first manuscript was not only ac cented on sight by one of the most con servative publishing houses In America, but two new books were contracted for to form a series vof three, all on the national politics and society centering at Washing ton. Meanwhile the Smart Bet has secured the first work to be published under the name of Ftoxcroft Davis a story of a re markable man and a remarkable woman In the Interesting setting ef life at the n t ion's capital, which no author has yet known so Intimately and vitally. The ap pearance) of this story Is an event. Much interest Is attached to the publica tion by Houghton, Mifflin & Co. of "The Reaper," by Edith Rlckert, for It opens a tvw field to the novel reader, and Intro duces to the American public an author who has gained a large circle of readers In Enf and within the last year. Miss Rlckert Is aa American, a graduate of Vassar, but, like the Baroness von Hutton she has taken tip her residence abroad, and her reputation In this country has been limited to the circle of readers of the Chicago Record Hera 14 and New York Evening Post, to which papers she has contributed from time to time. In this novo! she has pro- duced powerful story of the Shetland Islands, thoroughly imbued with the aus tere glamour of the northern seas and re calling In Its style and handling Hall Caine'a earlier works, "The Deemster" and "The Manxman." It la a strong and com pelling novel, depicting a wonderful devo tion. Lovers of -wise and witty essays And un failing diversion in Miss Reppller's books. They belong to the literature of entertain ment. Her latest book "Compromises," which Houghton. Mifflin & Co. publish, has alt the charm of gayety, bantering humor, feUoltous Quotation and flashing Jeux eVes prlt which have made her essays a stimu lus and a delight. The title of her first essay she takes from DeQuinceys phnw 'The Luxury of Conversation," and she de fends in her Incomparably clever fashion the earlier essayist's dictum that "it does not depend upon one or two able talkers." The titles of other chapters will give some faint of the wtte range of subjects. that she sweens and the manner tn which she ' touches them: The Gayety of Life, Mar riage tn Fiction. Our Belief in Books, The 'Spinster, The Tourist. Ailegrv . Miss Georgians, Goddard King's "Come dies and Legends for Marionettes" has spe cial timeliness Just now because mario nettes are the new fad for children. Her book tells how to make a, marionette the, ter and also how to make the marionettes, followed by three comedies, two legends and two pantomimes for the children who work the marionettes to perform. A large number of pictures, diagrams and drawings by Miss Anna R. Giles show Just how each scene iookj and how the marionettes are worked. The lists of "best sellers" published In The Bookman show the steady, gradual, but sure ri.a of "The Castaway" In popu lar favor. On the July list it stood fourth; in August It was third; In September it stepped Into second place. It bids fair to give "The Crossing" a tussle for first place before Christmas. This is th more sig nificant of the growing popularity of Ml is Rive's novels when It is remembered that, unlike some of her other books, 'The Castaway" was pun Ashed without noise and has received no 'booming." The Castaway" was published by Bobbs-Mer-riU eomptny, "The Truants" la an exciting tale of London life by A. E. W. Mason, the Eng lish authoress whose pen produced "Four Feathers," a book of unusual popularity. The story deals with a young man who leaves his wife and home to seek tame and lor tune In Africa, On the eve of success l.e l forced to choose between bis own I isgrace or that of his wife, who during his absence has become entangled In the net , o n adventurer. There Is a touch of mys- ter-y which sustains the Interest to the last chapter. Published by Harpers. The most suggestive of recent contribu tions to pedagogical literature) on urlth inetlo la a monograph entitled "The Out. look-for Arithmetic in America." by David Uugene Bmtth. Glnn it Co. offer to send this pamphlet postpaid to any address on request. BIG REMNANT SALE S In the Basement Extra. Specials Fine twilled- Outing Flannel, heavy fleec dnuble-f.ired pink.. light blue, navy, tan, white, cream fancy stripes anil che ks yd. Friday A splendid new lot ( Scotch ani Cham- bray CJinjrhatn-i- the 2tc kind will go at, per yard.... IAJ 1,1113 6k ) bit; bargain aquara Drapery Burlap the rej-u.ar nlne.oen-cont , kind will go for, per yard 5c 30-inch heavy Out injr Flannel stripes and checks onlv will go at fj Per 9f yard 9 All Wool Flannel enough in piece for child's drees, neat stripes and f checks, w'th I lC 2oo, at, yardv Finest quality vt dra pery and oomfort sat eens, In 3 to 30 yard length worth 25o per yard - 75c Best (Trade Flannel ette remnants for wrappers worth lUic will go at, per yard, 61c I Extra heavy swans down Flannel In new bright fall plaids worth 2oo f g ;iri?.?...lUc 3fl-lnch 3nitlnga, in dark winter styles twen'yflve nents value- ff 1 yard 38-in. drapery dentma in all the plain shades sell regularly for 25a, Friday wU go J at, per f oC yard Mill ends, very fine quality fleeoe waint jrigs, in very choice patterns J" worth 2"o yd., jf at, per yard.... 10,iXiO yards beat grade calico remnants is all the different styles-will go at, per yard 3c Remnant of toweling yards lengths worth up 12fc yard will go at, remnant It to lie 2 I Remnants of fine and medium qual ity Table Damask, It to H yaras long, at about one-half their reg ular price. Remnants of Winter Dress Goods 50c All Wool Dress Goods at 5c Yard Torn or rov we placa on a large bargain square thousands of yards of remnants of fine winter dress goods that are worth as high as 50c yard they are in 3, 5, 7, 8, and 10 yard lengths black and all colors cheviots, heavy wool suitings, henriettas, bright and pretty pure wool plaids, white figured mohairs goods in evening shades, skirtings, etc., -J FBtf , etc. the greatest remnant bargain of t the entire year your choice Friday, J. kJr at, per yard Imported French Flnnnels at 25c yard bargain squares with every Imnpln able style and color of waistings. Plain or fancy French flannels. 50c and r av sat for waists, sacques and wrappers a varri Dress Goods that sold tip to $1.75 a yard, skirt dress lengths ninny excellent dress patterns from the famous dress making sales nt yard Travelers' sample pieces hundreds of hlnck and all colored lengths for waists. Jackets and children's wear, at, each. . . 211. WKJ HUU 25c $1.00 Dress Goods at 89o a S to 8 yard remnants of dress goods, everything of today's styles, a rare opportunity $1.00 goods at yard ....... yard all the best 39c 59c ' I0c Remnants of Laces at 2k and 5c Yd. 2ic-5c Remnants of high class laces, all widths of vnls, point d'esprit, craneys, torchons, etc scores of pretty patterns worth up to 20c yard, at Imported sample pieces and remnants of All Over Laces suitable for trimmings and en .tire waists- JC n;rs aAfl AO Vl a special Dig oarpaiu, at amw sww r j 50o All Bilk Medallions at 5c each Big lots of silk medallions, black, white, cream and colors, scores of pretty' designs for trimming, at, each FANCY SILK REMNANTS New lot of fancy tied remnants (traveling man's sam ples) just the thing for trimmings and C A Q -IF-fancy work, at, oach U'Jt'IUt'ItW'siJC 5c Silks from the big Ashley-Bolley Co. suction sale shirt waist silk taffptaa, louisenes, crepe de chines, etc worth up to $L25 go at, yard 4?c Velvets from the Ashley-Dalley stock fancy velvets, plain silk velvets black and colors, wholesale price 75c to $1.00 on 10 CO bargain square Z jC.l If Vfi rd Above books at lowest retail prices. Matthews, 12t South Fifteenth street. For Crane's Writing Paper and Fountain Pens, go to Bark&Jow Bros. BOOK SHOP. Ul. 02231. 1612 Firmu Si -rBRAwHIi BIG SPECIAL FRIDAY BOYS' CLOTHING SALE Friday win be a great special day In our great "Boys Clothing Department on the third floor. Never has good quality coys' clothing been priced so low. TWO BOYS' OVERCOAT BARGAINS Jsv.4" r'stt"-'-J. vfW?T..-niw . V.'tfMr't IrVfV J jtj H All wool Knee Pants at 29c No i M mother should overlooit this well U made panta, strons;!y re- kV U lnforced knee pants nil JF'lst n sties up to 15 worth r l . a buc and 76o. at SRWIRft Russian Overcoats for Children B.-oken sizes of fine Meltons, Freizes and Cheviots aires 3 to 8 e mbroldered sleeve and frent $4 overcoats, at roi dered 1.98 Boy' Loose Back Overcoats 6 to 16 yrs splendid materials made with and without belt positively worth up to d.00 V. Friday, at tiveiy worth 2-98 Boys' Double Breasted Suits- Broken lots of this season's finest double breasted and Norfolk suits for boys, ages 8 to lo, worth up to 4.00 ai.... .. 85a hoys' flannelette waists 11 lr and blouses, at lyv 40o boys' percale and Madras olotb IQ, waists and blouses, at. each TOc boys' blue flknnHl waists and XQr blouses, broken sizes, at, each... w 1.85 Boys' Buster Brown Suits at $3.93 "i in mil """"' 100 Boys' a 50 Buster Brown Suits st $3.95 J Are You Ready to take advar-tsgs by buying; early pi seeing entirely new roods? Leather Goods The finest there is Letter Books, Card Cases, Bill Boo'.; a, Portfolios. Desk Beta. Diaries for JWJ5 are ready. The Moyer Stationery Co. . 22Q.222 South 16th Street. GOLD BEADS Are to be worn very much this sen,j i. We h i.anasome, sirong, i-k, o..l wets hi. ;. 111. lis e hiie these same s.yles In sood grade sold filled. 4 '? - .r, h"ve handsome line of Nei;k Clialns ana .ockets. hy not spind a few minutes tn our storer i.ovk for the name S. V. LINDSAY. Jeweler. 1516 Douglas ht, I lave (j!) GROCERY A Pre-Thanksglvinf Offer Diamond "S" Canned Fruits Peaches. Anrloots. Btrawberrles. Rasp berries, Ilneapple, Pears, Plums.eto. The perfection of the orchards and the highest art In cannliifr put up In pure oane suicar syrup s-i o cans TH1RTT QRKEN TRADING STAMPS ears, Plums.eto. 28c Candy Thanksgiving; novelties at low prloes. Belect early. Retch.r.k.?fr. ioc llama OSn each Bult Case Otn each VJW fllnss Bank Iflc lllled uw Fancy Baskets Rc each Jw Fancy Boxes Rrj eath Mint Creams lOc package w Butter Scotch Rn package, i.. "-'w California Figs 12ic carton ,"'w You are especially Invited to see the fine display of Holiday premiums In Pre mium Parlor Balcony. They are Intended especially for those collectors who wish to make Christmas Gifts to their friends. Lots of them are single book pre miums, and they mean dollars on, dollars saved to the shrewd Christmas gift-giving llttlo sticker collector. You should keep several books going. The opportunities for big collecting are of hourly occurrence throughout our various departments. If you "work" several books you have tre mendous advantages over the single book worker. When Red Letter Day comes you can have as many dollars of free stamps as you have books. The single book worker can only get $1.00. How are your Stamp Books coming? $1.00 Quality Women 's Wrappers for OMAHA WEATHtR REPORT-Friday Fair. 1 ST1 TrT TT TTT Iffr Mil II i 49c ,5tS3!..yr 3eii1fradmgS lamps I 3AYDo3s THB HEI.IABI.K BTOHK. If. CO Quality Women's Dress . ing Sacques, 49c CLOTHING BOYS' KEEFEKS 3 to 8, regular $2.50 fj TTh Reefer- g.3ZP 8X YOUNG MEN'S SUITS Just one hundred of h m them to sell, worth up to $10.00, "Odd Suits," J Friday, only A Watch with these SuitB. TUREE-PIECE BOYS' SUITS Ages 10 to 16 T CI C years, at $3.95, worth up to $6.00, to close, hse7J at....... A Watch with these Suits. Boys' fleece lined Shirts and Drawers, )1t worth 50c, at lisjC Fancy and plain black and brown hose, worth 15c, at IUC MEN'S AND BOYS' SWEATERS Best $1.00 Sweaters ever sold, t Natural alj; wool men's Shirts and Drawers, k our regular $1.00 garment m at. ..,.,,. , Complete line of Stocking Caps, Tarn O'Shanters,, men's and boys' winter caps, "drummer's samples," 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c arvd $1 Another shipment of GLOVES and MITTENS from the best known manufacturer in the land, we promised to withold the name at saving of 25 per cent. Enough said. See them. Crockery Importation Announcement and an Invitation. This grand exposition, the result of enormous research, aggregating a money outlay of $50,000, is designed for your enjoyment, and you are heartily invited to it Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday. 21st, 22nd and 23rd Inst. Chlnaware department, 2nd floor. GIGANTIC REMNANT SALES FRIDAY! Black and Colored Dress Goods FRIDAY Main Barin Circle FRIDAY These remnants nre In lengths of from two yards to eight yards ninny ore worth up to $1.50 and $2.00 a yard all kinds of goods classified In two lots Lot 1 48c Lot 2 69c BOO remnants of Table Linen and odd Napkins and Crash Toweling at less than cost to Import A clearing sale of all of our remnants of C's, looes, Ginghams and Outing Flannels. Remnants of Sheeting and Pillow Case , Muslins. Remnants of Silks, short and long lengths, black, colored and fancy, all at about one-half the regular price. Remnants of Velvets. Remnants of Linings. Remnants of Laces. Remnants of Trimmings. REMNANT DAY FRIDAY S A MPI F I1IT2 Kparly one hundred, all different styles, Ltfl JUllU all this season's models, black, brown, navy, gray and mixtures, not a suit In the lot but cost more for the ma terial than ws sik for them oomplato a perfect fit guaranteed In every sale. A Few of Our Under-Priced NOTIONS BftrsK("r " rwaVon?y.AI"la' FlaU Eye" Pearl buttons, all sizes from 13 to O size, worth up to tOc dozfn, at, dozen Bone Hulr rin, bluck, amber and shfll, worth tto, at, dozen , , Klv. Bpoola "John Coats' " a-Vyard Cotton Spools, for , Colored enamel spring1 Hooks luid Kyea, worth lOo dozen, at Pureea, worth up to SSc, each. Bide and Back Combs, plain and fancy, worth up to (Oo, Ml. 10c 10 . Be . 5c 10c 10c Good, strong Pins, five papors, for J l.OuO yards Embroidery Edges and Insertions, worth up to ISO, yard , Rubber Lined Preea Shields, Bfi pulr 4 Leather and Bilk Belts, IflC each tJ I'''h Lln Tape, , flc bundle ,: , Braaa Ilaok jforn OombM, ICir acb , ,. , rt , IVfW Htmnanti of Blbsona, Laoea, BmbroidasJes, at "wr 4wo" prloas for STiaay. i REMNANT DAY BARGAINS IN THE SILK DEPARTMENT Friday Sale In Silk Department REMNANTS OF COLORED VELVETS In all the dlffprent kind and colors, worth up to 11.60 on fal Krl- 10r day only 0"VW 100 REMNANTS FINE BL.ACK SILK VELVETS I-cnirths froni H yrd to 5 yards, worth up to 2.V) yard CQr on sale JKf MORE CREPE PR CHINERTn Mark an nil color- mat are now scum la Omaha from 69c to $1.00 AOrt here only " -'w FRENCH SIIJC POPLINS- Srll Pv. rv where at tl.Ort. We have nn f-lceant k. ortment or ahnops in tnis nne silk and offer them on aale Ht . 49c FRIDAY MILLINERY NEWS $1.00 CHILDKEN'S TRIMMED HATS FOK $1.50 LADIES' STREET HATS FOR .... $1.00 BLACK UNTRIMMED HATS FOR $500 TRIMMED BLACK VELVET HATS FOR ; :. J9c 25c 25 c 1.50 Remnants of Wool Dress Goods 7Sc Goods tor 15c Yard Remnants of all wool and half wool, IKf worth from ffic to 75c yard $1.00 Goods for 22it Yard All wool zlbellnns, all wool ladles' cloth, all wool voiles and other E"1, OOln worth tip to ,1.00 yard at, yd.... 3 w $1.50 Drtss Goods for 39c Yard All wool Henriettas, zibclinen, voiles, eta mines, Panamas and other (roods, flQr worth up to $1.50 yard at. yd $2.00 Dress Goods tor 49c Yard Extra heavy slbolinea, meltons, kerseys, novcltlps and other goods, worth 4fis up to $3.00 yard at, yd C Full Pltces by the Yard All wool meltons, kerseys, pinMs. mohairs, broadcloths, suiting, walstlnioi and other NO DEALERS. DOMESTIC ROOM SPECIALS 12Ho PERCALES-32 In. wide, g-uar- (- 60c WHITE WAISTINOS-Nowest efl anteed fast colors yard : I patterns lory mill ends vanl ' NEW FLANNELETTES Oakdaln, Viola, Vicuna and otter brands, all 19ii4 pat terns, worth up to lite yard at yd, 25c MERCERIZED SATEENS In all rol ors for drop skirts and linings lOln Friday, at yard 3V 16o APRON LAWN 40 In. wide 71r snap at yard 2 w 6c LARGE FRINGE DOILIE8- pretty patterns each FANCY LINEN SCARFS AND SHAMS at HALF PRICE. 5c lie 90c BLEACHED SHEETING 1 'lira. Peg- not and Atlantic brands, 2 yd. wide Friday, at. yard 28c BLEACHED SHEETING Pcpperall or Lock wood, 24 yard wide at, 1Q&C 7cV TJNION ' TOWELING V and ' red' and blus check gTass towellngat, II yard OJU 15c FrInBed Huck Towels 18x40 size, f.f. as long aa they last each REMNANTS OF ALL KINDS OF TABLU LINENS at HALF. FROM S A. M. TILL U M.- 1.25 PATTERN TABLE CLOTHS. 69c. 2H yard lonir, made from heavy cream Scotch damask. Don't miss this snap. OUTINO FLANNEL REM N ANTS Dark I OUTING FLANNEL REMNANTS Extra ana light colors, regular SVio 4jC t ard wlao sTeai value gjr REMNANTS OF 15c HEAVY COTTON FLANNEL - " at, yard 81a MONEY SAVING GROCERY PRICES Mainnella Stuffed Olives Vfo Mazsnella Plain Olives Vfao Banquet Olives 10o Selected Large Olives 26o New Imperial Bottle Catsup 80 New Emplrn Worcester Sauce 8H0 Bottle Pickles, assorted BVta Pearl Barley, per lb 3o Pearl Bao. per lb ..-SVo Peaxl Tapioca, per lb J"o Pearl Hominy, per lb Iaundry Soap, 10 bars for 2uo Sapollo, per cake... 5o t-lb. packag Gold Dust....... ....J5o Pearllne, per package So Michigan EvaporattJ Peaches, very 1 doe, per lb So Baltimore Evaporated Peaches, peT Vb.T1 California Mulr Peaches, evaporated. per lb Tfa Crawford Peaches, fancy evaporated, per lb llUa California Apricots, evaporated, per lb..loo Mulr Park Apricots, fancy evaporated, per lb 13Uo California Valencia Raisins, per lb 60 Ixiose Mustatel Raisins, per lb 60 Fine Imported Currants, cleaned, per lb 7Ha OMAHA'S LARGEST FISH DEPT. All kinds of salt and fresh fish at lowest prices. No. 1 Irish Mackerel, per lb 12 Large Norway Mackerel, per lb lso Blsmark Herring, per lb ....7Ho Holland Herring, per lb Ko Spiced Herring, each ZHo Red Alaska Salmon, per lb is Anchovies, per lb So Hamburg Eel, per lb 12V0 E-3AYDER3 BROS. BEAR IN MIND When In need of anything in the Sewing Machine Line that we handle the bast la parts and attachments, as well as in. NEW MACHINES. You will certainly servs your own Interest 'by Inspecting our goods before purchasing elsewhere. P. E. FLODMAN & CO. TELEPHONE 1574. 1514 CAPITOL AVENTJE. DIAMONDS 1 Are a Joy forever to the poaneaor. It insures one against a rainy day and the knowledge thereof causes ona to be satisfied with themselves as wall as with the world at large. Remem ber we sell them at prices so reason able that w are willing to give you on demand nine-tent ha of amount paid us at any time within one year from date of purchase. We have tnem loose ana mouniea; in mi conceivable sliapes and styles, rang ing In price from 5.00 to $500 00, and would be pleased to show them to you. , i i 15-& DODGE. Bring In Your Couoons FOR DRAKE'S PALMETTO WINE. We have the sample bottles FREE FOR NOTH ING, and also sell the 75c size for 84c. Some big four drug stores are claiming to sell goods a "little lower" than anybody jlso, 13UT YOU KNOW AND SO DO WE that we allow no one to undersell us on anything In the drug, patent medicine, rub ber goods, perfume, toilet, family liquor or sundry line. if you rre a doubter, compare our prices with anybody's In OMAHA, SOUTH OMAHA OR COUNCIL BLUFFS (we have a store In all three cities), and If anybody undersells us we will Just make you a present of the goods! Some of 'em may meet our prices, but why? Don't forget that we brought the drug combine to time with Nebraska's anti-trust laws, which were made to be observed, not ignored. PKEHCRIPTIONS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED. CUT PRICE UkVQ STORE , E. T. YATES. Prop. 1 lth and Chicago 8ts., Omaha, Phones 747 , and 7D7. S4th and N Sts., South Omaha. 1 Phone No. 1. 6th Ave. and Main St.. Coun- ell Bluffs, Phone 333. All goods delivered . In either city absolutely tres. SGIIAEFER'S SILVERWARE The sterling silver now ready Is In such a varlwty as you will perhaps scarecly credit, until you set) with your own eyes, For many years oiir Store has ben In nlllunce with the best silverware manufacturers In the country, and we have an array of patterns that will d-llght those who are wanting thorou(?lily Hrtistlo gifts of lntrlnslo value for wedding and other presents. Brown & Borsheim ttptri Watchmakers and Jewelers. 222 S. Uth St. For Menstrual Suppression ar sane Ease and Comfort for I Boys and Girls. There Is ease and comfort for the boys and girls In our shoes. Cold weather has arrived and they need warm shoes must have them if they are to keep well. You can buy an etisv flttlnc. comfortable. aood-lookinuT I and good wearing shoe at this I store for no more money than you will a poor wearing shoe at some other pluoe. Don't waste your shoe money, but come to the store where you are sure of getting full value, a good fit and the best shoe in town for the sj price. I $1.50 and S2.00 I FRY SHOE cq - . . M Air III l as SBSBBSBSJBBBBB SSS SSS StSBasSHBS-B SsJ School 1 Stockings Tbe extra hoavr kind, for the Ik.vh, calnl tbe Iron clad, 25e a pair. We will give free with each pair this wepk a large tablet for tbe boys. If tbls stocking does not give satisfaction, we refund the money. We also make wool stockings like mother used to make. Give us s trial. 3 IJOS. F. BILZ 322 So. 16th St., Omaha. BOLE AGENTS FOR PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS tSirZZftl PEN-TAN-GOT arts? TrH Nu