TIIEl OMAHA DAILY BKK: THURSDAY. XOVKMRKU 17. 1904. V i (.RAIN ANi PRODLXE MARKET Wheat Tnmi Strong Again On Armour'! Liberal Bnjing. HEPORTS Of tROPDAMAGEQUITEGENERAL Prlrea Advance Abont .1-4 In I nm l)f rrmber Hkrll staid C or-llefe rred l'nlure fttendy ComnrrrUI nnl Financial nosslp. OMAHA. Nov. 16, 1904. 'il:--)f w.is a deulded change for the bet -lei- iviav. A yeterdny e decline wa largely due to tne selling of Armour of ( htctign, so tmiay a tdvaiire In the future h largely duo In 'ihc mime source, but thl tim.- I no house named wii buying and not selling wheal. 1 here wa Just the Slightest signs of a hitch on the North sea (luestlon and soine talk of possible trouble a h result. Then the report that are coin ing In ironi the winter wheat belt ure any Hung but encouraging, drouth cartatniy Imving caused considerable trouble and the Hy Its shine. Another lesson for the better losing wnn the covering of shorts who Iiuvp oecn extending linear quite llbeiiilly In the Insi few days and have been rover, lug iieely nil day. The receipt at primary )h-iih ate beginning; to allow quite a falling tiir. mi. I tin to were ninny reports Indicating Unit me percentage tn farmer' hand ol tMI jcirs ion was lighter than itt any time in recent years. With these, influences It tviis impossible for the bear to prevent a i.illy, nitnoogh tile advance did not reach tlio jiiiniori lonsi of Tuesday's decline. Cash client was In lair demand, hut there was nn ill.-pod , t ii on the part of una ha buyers to jay Uic jii'i 'i' h current Tuesday morning, this h.-lng U'fore the hist big la-en k of the day in tiikiirra. A close estimate of the de cline In cash licit placed the loss at about lu a l,tincl. Oinali i prices have declined .s 1 1 . : . ri A1iiii:ri,olls, Duluth or any other citj . In, ember wfitat opened at )1.14. o gain of '.. declined to $1.14. then turned and euvanttJ to VI Ia with slight reaction. ,M.iv Hold .it J . . 1 u 'no advance, thin to H i1'";, with a subst-quenl recovery to 11.134, ii ,;.nu hi' V- July wheat advanced l'c: t Ol IN - f ries were stronger. December iiiivataJng' h point to Sir on shorts covering, ii Hi iki'luu same comment that thu l .i.ln In coin were to readily enabled to turn Ilia scahas against Dei-ember shorts, out tin; Hbeiicc of contract grade corn ,.nt tin? continued warm weather Is ngalnst li 'iiluiiliig of thu crop. May only udvanccd ',c. OATH Steady nnd Just s shade firmer, ' to '4 of a point. The demand Is good, l ut the speculative, Interest Is light because of tlio limited Hud nations. Omaha Cnsh Hula. Wheat: .1 ear No. 1 hard, test 654 lb.. $1014; t car No. 4 hard, "test, 514 lbs., 944c. Oats: 1 car No. 4 .white, 3l4 lbs., : 1 car No. 3 white, II Mi lbs., 2SV-. Corn: 1 car no grade, new, 4lc; 1 tar No. 3 yellow, 51c. Barley: 1 cur No. 5. SOW lbs., fco. Omaha Cash Prices No. 2 hard wheat, $l.i7l.i7; No. S hurd wheat, $1.014til-0; No. 4 hsrd wheat. KK4rtMi,e: No. 3 spring wheat, ll.d2Ml.0K; No. 4 spring. Kci!5-; no grade, wheat. lifaHOr; No. $ corn, 4ttVcj!,VK-; ' No. i corn, 494c; No. 4 corn, 48c; no grade corn, new, 41e; No. I yellow corn, 6144 624c;, No. 3 yellow corn, 61tt614c; No. 2 white, 6tp"ilcj No. 2 mixed oats, 24c; No. 3 mixed oats, 2Ml'2S4-; No. 4 mixed oats, L"Sc; No. 2 white oafs, 'J8c; No. I whlto cats. -.SMt 2S4c; No. 4 while oats. 274fe2itc; Hi ' ! oat. 2S'i2Sic; Mo. ii barley, 32c. iiiualia Grain Futures. . Open. High. Low. Close. V heal I )ec. . . May .. .. l.Ui'iA l.ini'A l.'W'i.V . . l.u.i'j l.ioVi l.OR, 1.00 far I.it Mecelpta. ., Wheat Corn. Ogts. , Chicago 41 li . '' Ht. Ixiuls 12 .i5 KattSitg City M 18 . . a ' Mliineapi'Il.-t ....414 .. . Dulutli 1 . N'i Kiimha ! M nraln Market Klsewhere. cloning titlccri at the following markets today alia TueHday were: CHICAGO.1 Wheat December May July Cm ii -December May July Oat December May v July.-. ' Today. Tuesday. 112-i, 1.11 1.124 1.114 i:4 ? 61 4 464 4ui 31',-' DO 4t 45Tb !IKW VOHK UKNKnAL MAIIKKT Quotation of the Day oa Various Commodities. NEW YORK, Nov. 16. riXH'R Receipt 10,121 bbU.; exports, 1.192 bbls.; sales, 8,000 likn. ; dull, lu aympatiiv with wheat ; Min nesota patents, l6.Kricti.40; Minnesota ba iters. $4.0iKfi5.oO: winter patents, 6.60ig).00; winter straights. &.86jS.ti6; winter extras, H iWit au; winter low grades, $3.40424.05. Rye flour, rl'm; sales, 300 bbls.; fair to good, H. ilJb; cholro to fancy, H.'mju.OO. Ku'k wheat flour. Mulct; per WO lbs.. fi.Wn'i.ti- CORNMEAL Firm; yellow western, 11 .1W&1.15; city. II.IS&I.IS; kiln dried, tiWtf I. 20. KYE-Nomlnal. HAHLKY-Steady; feeding, 464c, c. I. f.. New Yin k. WHKAT Receipts. 15.500 bu.; sales, 8.400, (K bu. futures, rlpot market firm; No. 2 red, 11224. f. o. b., afloat; No. I northern Duluth, 11.274, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba. Il.t'8, f. o. b., afloat. Options opened unlet. Immediately selling off under liquidation, a large viaible supply Increase and wruk Liverpool cables. Later a sharp recovery took place, led by the strength of western markets and last prices were WU4c net higher; Mnys $1.134jl.l4H. clos ing at M.144: July. fl.0Mil.034. closing at I1.W4; December, ,1.174''8l.lJ4, closing at II .14. COHN-Uecelpls, S.2fi bu.; exports. 1,874 bu.; sale, 10,oii bu. futures. Bpot market steady; No. 2, nominal In elevator and Dho, f. o ,b., afloat; No. 2 yellow, 5c; No. 2 white, W4c Option market opened steady and later advanced, with wheat, closing dull but 4c net higher; May closed at 624c; December, WirttMic, closing at 6io. OATH Receipts, 13X.2HO bu. ; exports, 1082 bu. Bpot market quiet; mixed outa, 2t to 32 lbs.. :l44(u354c; natural white, 30 to 32 lbs., 3H374c; clipped white, 30 to 40 lbs., 374iJti4c. Option nominal. FKhJU Finn; spring. 130.23; middlings, $20.00. HAY ItareJy steady; uhlpping. 65(U70c; good to choice. eOrgKbc. HUl'ri tiulet; lie. eonminn to choice, ln, IiU4c; lu3, Slsi.ISc; olds, ltilv. IM clHc coast. 10H, Jj37c; 1903, 30m34c; olds, 14rn 18c. HIDES Firm; Galveston, -20 to SO lbs.. J7c; California. 21 to 13 lbs., ltk; Texa lilry, 24 to 0 lb.. 14c I.EATHKR Firm; acid, Sttnc. PKOVlblONS-Heef, steady; family. 110 10 fill 50; mm, iii.tsiftii.5H: bcf hams, $22.&o" !; Vekt, jl0.0"$fl.&(;-clty, extra India mess, $14 tlWil'i.'iiO. Ciit meats, steady; pickled bellies. .7filt.50; pickled shoulder. $7.50; plckisd hums, 0019.25. Dard, teady; west ern stcttiiiiil, i.'M, cloacii unlet, nominal; ..in,i ii.in lv M..ui : ion 1 1 ii' n t. (i.7i; outh Ainevlci., Vt.tV ... coinnoiind tii't.ir 68Ti. lJork. steady; family, $15.00'H'15W; short clear, ll3.75Mlo.7S; mes. $12.l5(U 12.J6. TALl-U W Firm ; city, 44c; country, 4 tf4''Vc. . Ht'K-Qulet: diini.-Ktic, f.tr to extra, ST.i J'v : Japun, nominal. rorl.TRY Alive, aleady; western chlck tns. 8iillc; fowl. 12; turkey, 15c. Dresed, Arm; wmtain chickens, lolau; fowls, 11 4c; turkeys 1822c. BUTTKK Firm. Official prices: Reno. vaUd. common to extra, 134lN4e; western factory, common to choice. 13&14' west ern Imitation creamery, common to choice, 1b4'i19c. ... , KGGS Strong: western fancy selected, I&c; weatern average iet, I4'd2c. CHK.K8K Small, September, UVfcc; large, Bcpteiuber, 114c. Available uplv of Grata. NKW YORK, Nov. 11 Special cable and ree:raplite communlcatlona received by Pradxtreet' show the following chnnges in available supplies a compared with last aecrmnt ; Wheat 1'nlled States and Canada, east Rockies. Increuss 94.CU.ofO bu. Afloat for and In Europe. Increase 2.J00.U00. Total sup ply. Iucreae 4.51" mv). Corn I'nlti'A thin leu and Canada, east Rockies, decreuse W.IW0 bu. )t 1'nlled, btntes and Canada, east Rorkles, dcreai 458.0CO bu. Th leading increase rited this seek are, 45uoiU bu. In Msnltobs; 397.0iu bu. at IxiuUvllle; 131.00 bu. at Conteau; lll.OuO bu. at Milwaukee private elevators, and Uo.OuO bu, at Rochester. rblladcllila Fr oil ure Market. PH1LADKI.P1I1A. Nov. IS-PCTTKR )tady. gold demand; extra western nni fv. 2.)4i; extra m-arby itrlut-t. c. KOOt Firm and aitlvc; nesrhv firsts, iUi at mark; wettern nrats. 26ar.,7c at luark. CHEKSE I'ncbanged: Nw York full imiiu, fancy, 114c; cliolce, 114c; fulr to guild, 10,(HllC. '- talkie Capply of Ural. NK.W YORK. Nov. U The visible supply of grsln Novunlier 12. as compiled hy the New York Produce exchange. we us fol lowtv . Wheal.. I1,M4.ni La : - lm i.se., 2,!HO,00tt bu. Com, l.Z'.i.tei bu.; decrease, 112 rxal bu. rts, 21 271.(w) , . (nereese. I I. nil Rye, 1.771. f0 bu. ; Incresse. 218. (" bu. Barley. J.J7.w bu.; decrease, 417.- bu. CHICAUO CBA1X AM) PROVIl05II Keatares of the Tradlag anal tloslag Trleea Roarg of Trade. CHICAOO. Nov. H -Prospective sales of large iiuanlltles of r),uir tn J.sn was one cause for a sharp advance iff speculative wheat prices here today. At the close De cember wheat wan up lSi14c snd May l't)4c. forn Is up lc. ts showed a gain of 4c and provision J4"l&c. Hefnre the opening In the wnest pit the tracers were greeted with an official state ment of the world s shipments snd of the vlKlble supply. Both totals belsg discour aging to the bulls, sentiment at the start was rather bearish. Another factor con tributing to the easier tone was a decline in all foreign grain markets. Liverpool wa down over 4c. Initial quotations here on December were 4c lower to 4c higher at $1 lt.4ttl.114. May was 4 lower to 4c higher at $1.114'rj1 IIS For a time there was general selling and prices slumped. December to ll.l'i-S and May to $1.17. Short took advantage of the break and In covering sales caused an upward movement In prices. A missage from I he Pacific coast stating that It was hinted here that Japan will be forced to buy Immense stocks of American flour within a few weeks, was considered significant. News from the southwest waa about equally bullish. During the last part of the sea alon prices stesdlly advanced until De cember touched $1,124 and May $1.12". The close was almost at the highest point of the day, final quotations on December being at $1 12SW1.124 May closed at $1,124 (11.124. Clesrances of wheat and flour were equal to 6S,oon hu. The amount on passage Increased 2.072,Oi) bu., and the visible sup plv increased 2.940.010 bu. The world a vis ible, as shown by Bradstreefs, Increosed 6.6O1.O00 bu. Primary receipts were 18.no bu . compared with l,2ti2.300 bu. a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipt of 6S3 cars, against l.sio cars (two days) last week and 2S cars a year ago. The strength of wheat was the main factor in the corn market. On an active demand from shorts prices showed good gains. December opened a shade to W4 I,c lower st tH'xfoooc, sold between 4!"4,o nnd 614c and closed nt SWjuIHc Local receipts were 166 cars, none ot contract 'oat were firm, largely. In sympathy with the strength of other grains. Trading wna more active than of late, but the volume of business was again small. December opened unchanged at 2Sc. sold between tn,'j 28c and 2ic and closed at ifo. Locul receipt were 69 cars. Buying by packers and coveting by shorts caused a strong provision market. The ad vance In the price of corn alw helped bulllih sentiment. At the close January pot k was up T24vil6c at $12.70. Lard was up 24'u5c nt $i.i74- R"' were 6ei4o higher at $ii.5rur..5;4. intimated receipts tor tomorrow: W heat, 74 curs; corn, 291 cure; oata. 0, cars; bogs, 2S.0UO head.. t'liu ieau.ng futures ranged u follows: Artlclea.l Open.l Hlgh.l Low. I Close. YTy. Wheat Dec. May July ( orn Dec. May Jlt'.V Oats Nov. Dee. Mey July rorfc Jan. May Lard Jan. May Ribs .Ian May 1 lu!l 12al 1 1241 1 104ll 124.11 1 124! 97 I 9841 4!4 5144 4S4i4Mi'Sl 1 10'Et j 1 124 1 11 1 in il 50i',, 4; 4ST 2!H 1 ll'ai 1 U V 1 1 124 1 I4I 1 7641 SSHI mi k I 404 to', 46VlVi 1 . . . I 29 2XV ttUa. S1W ,l)4:31:i'ii4 '31 Till '- 314 12 E74 12 674 7 0241 : 174 t 50 GO 12 70 12 75 12 55 12 574 7 054 7 174 12 70 12 75 12 574 12 00 7 05 7 17Vi ' c SO b' 62V, 7 074 7 24: 7 0741 7 22', f. 6"4 6 474! '674 70 0 uo 6 70 No. I ... Cash quotation were a follows: FIX)l'R Market steady; winter patents. $5.3043 40; winter tralghta. t4.W)..?i; spring ratents, $R.1055.tW; spring straights, ti.Mf 20: bakers, $3.0044.00. WHKAT No. 2 spring. $1.081.13; No. S, 1.081,13; No. 1 red. $1.13'l.lli. CORN No. 2, 56c; No. 2 yellow. 6Hc. OAT8 No. 2. 31Wfl324; No. white, 31(f 8t4e. HK 0."Z. rSTyC. . . BARLKY Oood feeding, 38i8o8V4c; fair to choice malting. 42tfj62r. Brotrnn No. 1 flax. 11.18: No. 1 northwest ern. $1,174; prime timothy, $2.65; clover, contract grade. $12.26. PROVISIONS Mesa pork, t rr bbl , $1l.Uljjll.15. Ijird. per 100 lbs. $7.024i 7.05. Short ribs lde (loose). $6.874iftt,124- Short clear aide (boaedj. .$6Ji74''n7.00. - Following were me receipt ana snip menta cf flour and grain: Rarsipt. Shipments. Flour, bbl 39,0no ,- 30.000 Wheat, bu 116.0110 1-14 ?"n. Corn, hu 3S5.5O0 (3,000 Oata, bu 184.200 101,100 Rye. bu 12.0H0 4rt.4no Barley, bii 161,000 49.300 On the l"roduce exchange today the but ter market wa steady; creameries. 16?I24c; dairies, 154a21u. Kggs, Arm; at mark, caaea included, 174H(20Wc; ttrta, 2S4c; prime firsts, 2ukao; extras, 274c Chevse, steady, 104110. t. Louis Grain and Provision. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 16. WHKAT Higher; No. 2 red. cah.N elevator, 4)1.124; track, $1.154'?ri.l64; December, $1.12Ili; May, $1,164; No. t hard, $1.104(U1.12. CORN Higher; No. 2 cash. 53c; track, 654c; December. 45c; May, 44 c. OATS Firm; No. 2 caah, 31c; track, 314c; December, 30c; May, S2o; No. 2 white, ,tc. FLOl'R Dull; red winter patents, $5. 40(a) 8.50; special branda. $6.6o(i6.75; extra fancy, $4.9m?f5.16; clear, $4.25j4.0. SUED Timothy, steady. $2.00j2.2d. CORNMKAL Steady, 2.. BRAN Dull, llrm; sacked, east track, 83 &86C. HAY Dull; prairie, ready aula; timothy, $8.0mft 11.00; prairie, $6.0njlo.OO. IRON COTTON TIES-93C BAOGINQ 74c. H KM P TWINE-4o. PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged; Jobbing, $11.35. Lard, firmer; prime tteamad, 6.774. Bacon, steady: boxel, extra shorts. $8.3;4; clear ribs, $8.75; short clear. $9.(0. POULTRY Imcnanged; chickens, 8c; springs, loc; turkeys, 144c; ducks, 9c; geese, 711 8c. BUTTKR Firm; creamery, 20S'264c; dairy. 16w21c. KUG8 Higher at 21c. case count. Receipts. Shipment. Flour, bbls 8.0n0 17,000 Wheat, bu 53,000 75.0K) Corn bu 13,000 15,000 Oata, bu 35,000 86.0JO Kansas City Uratn nnd Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Nov. 16. WHEAT Higher; December. $1,044; May, $1,044; Sep tember, h9''i4c: cash, No. 2 hard, $1.0wd 1.0; No. 3, $)l.Mti.nt; No. 4, 9c&$1.04; No. 2 rod. $1.0841111; No. 3, $1.06sl.ul; No. 4, DOCK $ l.O. CORN Steady ; Decemlier. 434c; May, 42sc; cah. No. 2 mixed, 47c; No. 3. 4ftf 4tic; No. i white, 4449 No. 3, 47fi48c. OATS Steady; No. 2 white, 31c; No. 2 mixed, 3114c. HAY Steady; cholca timothy, $W(&iB; choice prairie, $7.6078.00. n-YK Steady at 78e. EGOS Steady; Missouri and Kanaaa, new No. 2 while wood cose Included, 24c; cuse count. 20c; case returned, 4'-' less. U UTTER Creamery. 204122c; dairy, 16c. Receipts. Shipment. Wheat, bu 38.J 119.200 Corn, bu 4.8o 12.80) Oats, bu 24,000 15,000 sgar and Molaaaca, NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 16.-8UGAR-Steady; plantation granulated, 3c; open kettle, 34c; open kettlt, centrifugal, 14 nc; centrifugal, 44MV'; centrifugal white, -lViT44c; yellow. 4 $-16(fi4 9-liic; seconds, $444c MOLASSES-Steady; open kettle, 23'y31c; renlrifiigul. 174i2im'. SYRl'P-Firm. 25'u30c. Bllnneavolls Uratn Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. M.-WHKAT De cember. $1134; May. $1,154: September, 94.; No. 1 hard. $1.18; No. 1 northern, $1,154: No. 2 northern, $1,104. FlAiUH Flrt jiatvnts, S.1.i'(j6.20; serond patentt, $5 964ji.(5; flrHt clear', H 4f ii4.uo; accond clears. $2 864j23. URAN-ln bulk. $16 iu. .lverool Urnln Market. UVKRPOtlL. Nov. W. WIIEAT-Spnt. nominal; futurea. steady: December, 7s id; Mar. 11. 7s 4d; May. 7 31d. CORN Spot. American mixed stendv at 4a d; futures, quiet; Deuemlwr, 4s tal; January, 4s ifcd itlvanre la Vl'rl and Tlaplate. NEW YORK. Nov. 1. Although lacking otllcittl contlrinatlon it Is reportid that wire pitalucls hsve been advanced $3 a ion by the larger nianuf Metiirer. Sheet steel bus advanced $3 a ton and tlnplaie $3. nalntla G'n Market. " Dl'LI'TH. Nov. la 7-WHEAT To arrive: No. 1 northern. 11.16; n. 2 northern $1 0 on track- No. I nortliern. 1 '. No. purine,, .I1.M; De,ber. $1 15: May $1 H4. OATSTo arrive and or Iracg. i.2-V Tuledu Mend Market. TOI.KIK). Nov. 16 -SEEU-Cssh, 17-6 ; gisike, prime. i,Ji t.mothy. llfn. $1,274- ' SEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Valaei Are SeuitiTt U Ian wed Uneasi ness Otbt Hortk 8ta Situation. OUTSIDE BUYING ORDERS DISAPPOINTING Balanre ef Trade Ihaai Decline ef Klckt Mllllen Over Last Or lober Market C loses Baay and leaner. NEW YORK. Nov. 16 Valu-s of e'curl tlea showed themselves sensitive today te the renewed uneastness In London over the reports of friction In the negotiations be tween Russia and Great Britain over the North sea trouble. The uneasiness- wa accentuated In London by the new of a hostile collision oti the Afghan frontier, but the Sfiedal sensitiveness of the New York market to these rather remote factor waa ptobably due more to disappointment that the gradual restoration of telegraphic facllltiea with outHcle centers failed to bring In the expected nccumu'.atlon of buy. Ing orders, which have been obstructed all the week. There was some vigorous op position to the reaction at the opening, out the supporting tactics became languid when the hghtness of the Incoming buy ing orders wss perceived. A fairly general reaction followed. The later Improvement In Iondnn sentiment and the termination of the day's bustnese for account of that cardial opened the way for recoverlea In the later market and there were a number of aggressively strong features developed to help on the rally. Besides the violent movements In obscure specialties, which continued In evidence with a rather dubi ous effect on speculative sentiment as a whole. . New of general condltlona offered noth ing to warrant depression of the optotnlstle speech of the secretary of the treasury at the chamber of commerce banquet last night was much commented upon. The cancellation of over $1,000,000 of the In tended gold shipment to Paris was an nounced, although most of thle waa re engaged later In the day. The ' foreign trade statement for October showed a de cline, of over $8,000,000 In the balance In cur favor compared with last October. But an Increase In total value of export") of over $2.0it.0O9 with the value of exporta alone, lower by nearly $10,006,000 than last October, Indicates, a growth of exporta In manufactures of about $12,009.0110. In which the extraordinary movement of copper pre sumably figures. With total exports of a value of $1 Hi, 570. 393 the October figures are lifted above those for any preceding month rince October of 19KI with the exception of Iiecember last. The exporta have aleo been lnvrea-Jed to a figure greater than alnce March of lat year, thua reducing the bal ance in our favor for the month. But Hie foreign trailn total for the month ha mounted to an aggregate of $266,0O..O0O. not counllng the movement of silver and gold, which Is In excesja of any prevloua monthly total In recent years. The featurea of strength In the market were Amalgamated Copper, the local trac.ttona and the sub aidnxv Pennsylvania stock. They failed to sustain prices at the late recovery and the market closed eaay with some stock ut the lowest of the day. Rock Island bonds were active, and strong, but Kirna of the other .peculnllve Issues were weak. Total aa.lca par valuo $1,151,000. United 8tate bonds were unchanged on call. The following were the range ot quota tions on the New York Stocfl exchange: Sales. High. Low. Close. Atchison ll.KW M4 ft T do preferred l.H 1024 Wi-Va 14 Baltimore & Ohio .. 11,400 914 T 7 do preferred 9'S Canadian Pacific .... 11.WW 1334 12 w fen. ot New Jersey..' 191 . Chesapeake & Ohio.. 39.100 60 48 44 Chicago A Alton 700 ' 44 434 41 do preferred 2 Chi. Ofeat West.. 20,800 254 24? 21" Chi. ; Northwestern 400 2004 2"0 200 C, M. St. P 12.000 1744 1721 17314 do nrcrcrrea iu iu in in Chi. Ber. & Trans. .. do preferred C. C..-C. & St. tul Colorado Southern .. do 1st preferred .... do 2d preferred .... Delaware dc Hudson. Del.. MCk. & West.. D. & Rio Grande do preferred Erie do 1st preferred .... do 2d preferred Hocking Valley do preferred Illinois Central Iowa Central do preferred Kansua- City South.. do preferred Louisville A Nash... Manhattan t Met. Securities 12 244 884 234 64 7 ST U 88 V ',iZ 64 83 904 149 664 ti 194 1874 824 1244 634 91 141 1074 844 644 424 135 75 90 42 134 76 '44 88 80 864 80 674 26 524 fti4 1174 854 954 37 $1 61 1134 914 4 4.809 Metropolitan St. Ry.. 32.0O9 Minneapolis & St. I M .St. V.& 8. Ste. M. 200 do preferred , Missouri Pacific 18.000 M.. K. A Texa -4.800 do preferred 2.9o N. R. R. of Mex.,pfd 608 New oYrk' Central .. 2.800 Norfolk Western .. 34,000 do preferred Ontario A Western.. 2.60O Pennsylvania 87,600 P.. C. C. & St. Louis Reading 33,800 do lt preferred .... 600 do 2d preferred .... S"6 Rock Island Co 64,600 do preferred 4,400 St.I A 8 F., 2d pfd. 600 St. L. Southwestern.. 1.000 424 424 1364 134 '75i '74i 884 '74 80 80 $7 82 684 364 804 68 26 62 66 1174 864 964 37 81 494 1134 94 84 4f. 714 do preferred Southern Pacific .... do preferred Southern Railway .. do preferred Texas & Pacific Tol., Bt. L. A West do preferred Union Pnclftc do preferred Wabash do preferred Wheeling A I-. E. . Wisconsin Central .. do preferred Mexican Central .... Adams American United States 2.9O0 634 101.4110 67 2.600 118 36.100 364 500 8.600 61IO 8.800 97.600 200 2.7O0 7.30 800 2.700 900 21,100 62 1144 944 24 4(74 214 244 47T 214 Z14 2S4 71 474 47'J 20 a 240 214 134 240 784 914 874 844 93 8 84 19 3014 94 79 114 147i 1194 68 4i 2174 U 79 37 17' "04 784 40 944 24 10'. 47 0SU 844 83 r ii us ! 87 7.W ic 91 9' C'.ll, 574 700 126 122 Wells-Fa rgo Amalgamated Cop.. 150.3'O Am. Car A Foundry 2,600 78 314 884 354 364 24 424 3n 994 794 1144 1484 1194 70 47 219 254 81 874 1A4 21 79 41 'jV 107 754 81 86 34 "84 864 19 424 30 99 78 114 146 118 (SS 45 217 244 74 ISO 20 78 41 'i 102 464 louu. 344 84 do preferred American Cotton Oil. do preferred American Ice do preferred American lAn. OIL... do preferred Am. locomotive H11 nreferred 600 8,800 -4fl0 1O0 3,000 200 1.200 i0 Am. Smelt. A Refill. 19.600 do preferred 4n0 Am. Sugar Refining. S6.W Anaconda Mining Co. 1.500 Brooklvn -Rap. Tran. Colo. Fuel A Iron ... Consolidated Gas .... Corn Products .. do preferred Distillers' Securities. 23.600 16.0110 19.400 12.200 1.900 2.800 General Electric 1,6H International Paper.. 2. wo po preferred International Pump.. .1,200 do preferred .' National Lead 800 North American ....t 17.100 Pacific Mall People's Gas 15.orrt Pressed Steel Cur .. 8.400 do preferred . 300 49 1II0U, 34 84 'isii ?5'. '76'i "T . ?1K 86U, V7V. 8T 176 , e"U Pullman Palace Cur, Republic Steel do prefTTn Robber floods do preferred Toiin. Coal A Iron .. V- 8. leather do preferred I'. P. Realtv A Imp. t'. S. Robber 3.800 1.600 Moo J8.00 l.70 ' l.inil $ .16 IS4 : . 70. VP 7 ' no pi-eierrru " United mates Steel.. 87 7i do preferred 6 n0 do nrtTerreo .!- West'house Electric. 1 no wAsterii I'nlon .k ... 610 " fr! Total aales for me any. 1.11.1 so anarfi. I.nndoe Closing Sleek. LONDON. Nov. 16 Closing; CoikiI.. anmis. ... M-6N V Oatr.1 lt, aeeount Nerfolk A W I4 AiVhi" .: H ost.rl. W aJ4 Baltlmnrs Ohio. .. 4 Wand Mm.. ni cndlu rot 1 Be4ls S fW A Ohl "V lo Irt pfll 44U. Ckleago 01. ' .' S ' eM i r MAM f....,..1,7, anuharn Ralwar ... 5 nVnara '' !' . tt-nrer R. Jjw. Smilharn Parltc Mia A. mli WU 11I.IO 'OliO lit gri. .'. . "-. o PM S. 1 pM Mta V "' o i e4 M llll'nia rrnlnl 181 la tih -'4 t.oiil M-ah 1"' ' 474 M . K T $ Spaslsli 4a SILVKR Bar. quiet. Ee' l$-16d per ounce. MONtY 14i2 per i-ent. The rat pf diacount In the open market for short bills I 3 per cent; for Ihra mouths' bills, i 16-10W3 per cent. Ueld Khlataneat fer Paris. NKW YORK. Nov. 18 Tomorrow told shipments to Pari w8ll aggregate about I3.6ixi0iu. Follonlng en announcement that the Royal Bank of Canada had cancelled it a engagement of II liai gold Bacha A Co announce that they have arranged Mo hip between $76u,uuO and $1,000,(mO to Parla I.900 124 12 3,6oO 24 234 40 89 884 1,4( 244 23H 400 60 694 l,8l 374 37 2.9O0 188 1864 "206 'isv 'is" 45.600 i 31 2.800 734 72 7.000 644 644 1,400 86 834 300 914 904 2.600 1504 144 2I0 814 814 8H0 684 64 100 31 800 66 64 17.7'W 141 139H 9.300 1674 1654 634 814 1264 1834 "iin 'iri" 1084 107V 864 844 644 634 434 434 1M4 154 764 744 tomorrow. This, together with the 81 .tan. on to be rent bv laard Freere and ll.itm.in bv the National City bank, bring the total to about tt.&o.tw Sew Yerk aleney Market. NKW TOHK. Nor. 16 MONET -On call, teady at lf?4 per closing bid snd offered, t per cent; time loans, slightlv firmer: sixty days. 344 per rent) ninety days and six months 3-i4 per cent; prime mercantile paper. 44f44 per cent. STERLING KXCHANOB Kasler. closing firm with act'ial business m bankers' bills tt $4,8TOW4i7 for demand and at $404 for slxtv-day bntls: posted rates. $ 85 and $4 8TV; commercial bills, $4 83S1r4.83. Slf.VER Bar. 684c; Mexican dollars, 46' .c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad. Irregular. The following were the closing prices on atock-s and bonds: f. g. ref. ta, r. .. .1044' Manhattan c. g. 4a...IiS nrapna i1"1 "mil a nv, e 8. rag 44l eo lat lae ts 4 riMipon 4o aew 4a, do rovpon mmtna. m ml. I,, aa.. Wi ...i.n'tM K A T ...124 II" do ra K6S 4 eld 4a. re tn I'oupen Atrhlaen n. 4a o ad. 4e Atlsatlc C L. 4s.... Pal A Ohio ta f IHa Central of Oa. la... ao lat tnr Hies. Ohln 4Ha... rhlrsgn A. Itta... C n A Q. n. 4a... C. M. A a. P. 4. C. A N. W. e. ?a... C . P. I. A P. 4a. .. ,04-4!N. R R ef M r 4a. .ln!N T. C a l.a 1H!N T. C. a 'aa I4J',N i t ( (a IMS ! Paclfii- 4a l4'a on ta 7 .10S4,N. A W r 4a 10i4 . H oa. L. 4a t par. ...Ii 11! Pann fn l',a . i, Rudlns ra 4a I'm .ins iSl t.. I. M. r la..1i;H . 1 8t. L. A 9 F. f. 4. IV 1H4 St. L. a. W. la 7 llOH S board A. L 4a ... .Ijavj.So. Parlflr 4s.... I! Jf. Railway a... Il ae enl. ba. . MVTeiaa P ! .1!1 CCI-. St. L. (. 4a.. I" Sr. I. A W. 4n. ! ( I, Ira to Tar. ll'nlnn Pacta.- .1n .11.1 Cos. Tohsi-co 4a... Colo. A So. 4a P A R. . 4a Erie prior lien 4a. 4n gen. 4a F W. A D. C. la Horklni Val 4Ha. LAN. unl. ta... Offered. OS do ennr. 4a If g Steel Id ht. W'abaah la . . am ..I1T4, .. 1 .. K .. li .in' do d-h. R an. w a I. K 4a ... .Ill iWla. Ontral 4a .. Ill i"olo. Fuel c. 6a.. .11X11 Boston atork Market. BOSTON. Nov. 1.-Call loans. 24t3 jior cent; time loans. 4W5 per cent, official clos ing of stoegs ana nonus Atrhlaen ad). 4a... do 4a Man. (antral 4a... Afhlaofl 4a pM ' Boston A Alhanr Ronton Rlavatad . . Fttrhborf pM Adventure Allouea malRamaed Amarlran Zlnr .. Ha .. an .. 7KU .. 13V . . 20 V .. MS . .70 .. 314. .. 71S .. I4 . (.1 .. It 4 J 17 .. 31 .. It. .. 10vj .. 66 a .. 4 .. 574 .. m .. -C, ..1:0 .. Hi ..1J .. . . 24H .. IIS . . 4 .. .. 124 ..ln .101 . II '. '. .ie?4 Ullanllr .624Rliisham .IM i'a,l. HiHls.. .140 intannll .... vox. (ontral , fn Copner Ranao N. T , N. H. A H..1M il'alv Was Pees Marquette 75 Dominion fosl I nlon Parln Amor. Area. Cham. do pfd Aotar. pnou. Tubo.. Amer. Rufar do pfd Amer. T A T Amer. Woolen 4s Pfd .1114a Frnnailn . 1 . 11 . 5: .147', .lilt .141 CJranry lala Rnyala .... Maaa. Mining .. Mtrhlann Mohawk Mont. ('. A C. Old rtnmtnlon . Owreoln rarrnl Olliliry Shannon Tamarar-k Trinity It. 8. Mining... V. S. OH (tin ?o 184 nonunion f. A 8.. Rdlaon Kler. llh;. .. S'J General Klertrk- .. .1 Man. Kleitrlr . Ia . M 41'i ins rA ::::::: Maaa. t'nliad Prnlt United 9ho Ma.h do pfd C. 8. Steal do pfd Weatlnf. common . M S!'j Victoria it.' Winona If jv.olvfrlna 84 I Nerr York Mining Stopka NEW YORK. Nov. 16 The followln g are the closing pricfM on irlnlng "tocks: Adama Con .. M Little ('bin . . SO Ontario a .. Ii nhplr .. 11 Phoanlx .. 8 r-otoal ..180 Xiaaa ..lvl- Sierra Nevada ... ..:i0 Small Hopea .... .. m Igtandard ... ... i . ..3B0 ...2 ... 14 ... 8 . .. 20 ... 21 ...is ...I1N Alice Rretce brunawlck ren .. ('onaatock Tunnel. Con. Cal A Va.. Horn Hllvar Iron 811ver Ladvtllo (.'ao Foreign Financial. LONDON. Nov. 16. Money was In quiet demand , and In Increased supply in the market today. Trading on the Stock ex change opened quietly firm, but prices weakened aub."eqnently. This was attrib uted to the unconfirmed report of trouble between Afghana and Russians In Afghan istan. Consols hardened at first, but eased later, partly owing to the expected rise la the rate of discount of the Hunk of Kng land. Home ralla were depressed on dis appointing earning. Americans opened ir regular, advanced by fractions to over parity, reacted later with the genernl tlc presslon and weakness In New York und closed dull. Imperial Japanese government Gs of 1804 were quoted at 94. PARIS. Nov. 16. Prlcea on the bourse today opened firm, hut subsequently the market weakened and stocks closed feeble. Russian Imperial 4s were quoted at 84.55. Treasury abatement. WASHINGTON. Nov. 16.-Today' state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $150.o00,ii0 gold reserve In the division of redemption, shows: Available cash balance, $143,6j7,20; gold. $86,262,90. OMAHA WHOLESALE IIAHKKT. Ceeditlvn of Trade and (tnotatlona on Staple and Fancy Prodnce. EGGS-Oandled gtock. 22c. IJVK POl'LTRY Hen. 8c; rooster. 6c; turkeys, 1S&16C; ducks, 10c; gecae, 9o; spring chickens 8o. BUTTER Packing stock. 134c: choice to fancy dairy, 17(&18c; creamery, 21924c; fancy pi-lnta, 26c. FRESH FROZEN FISH-Trotlt, 10c; pick erel, 8c; pike, 10c; perch, 7c; bluefish, 12c; whlteflah, 10c; salmon. 14c; redsnapper. lie; lobster, green, 20c; lobster, boiled, 30c; bull heads, lie: catfish, 14c; black bass. 21V; hallibut, 10c; crapnlea, 12e; roe had, $1; buffalo. 7c; white baas, 11c; frog legs, per do, 26c. BRAN Per ton, $15. HAY Price quoted by Omaha Wholesnle Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 upland, $7.00; No. 3. $6.60 medium. $6.00; coarse, $6.60. Rye straw, $6.(0. These prices are for hav of good color and quantity. OYSTERS New York counts, per enn, 45c; extra selects, per can. 37c; standards, per can, 32c; bulk, standards, per gnl., $1.35; bulk, extra selects, per gal., $1.75; bulk, New York counts, per gal. ($2 00. TROPICAL, FRUITS. ORA NOES Florida, sizes 126, 156, 176, 200, $16 and 250, 83.ZVffa.60. LEMONS California fancy, 27c; 300 and 360. $8 00: choice, $4.90. DATES Per box of So-lb. pkgs.. $2.00; Hallowl, In 70-lb. box. per lb., 64fl6c. FIGS California, per 10-lb. carton. 76 86c; Imported Smyrna. 4-crown, 124,1; 5 crown. 14c; 7-crown. 16c; fnncy Imported, washed. In 1-lb. pkgs.. IfittjlOc: California, per case of thirty-six pkgs., $2.25. BANANAS Per medium siied bunoh, $2.00 2.50; lumbo. $2.76f3.60. COCOA Nl'TS Per HV). $6.00 ORAPE FRI'IT Per box. $600. TANGERINES Florida, per bog, $5.0ot per half-bex, $160. FRl'ITS. APPIyES Horn grown Jonathan, per bbl.. $4.00; Ben Davie. $2.25: New York Till man and Pound Sweets $3.00; New York Kings, $3.00: New York Pippins, 82.76; Nw York Greenings, $2 50f&2.60; New York Bald wins. $2.6002.75; Colorado Jonathans und Wine Pans, per bu. box, $1.50. PEARS T'tjih. Colorado snd California, fall varletlea, per box, $1 75fj2.36. CKI.KRY Per do., 26?H0e. ORAPE8 Imported Malagas, per keg, $5 0100. CRANBERRIES -Wlsconaln Bell and Bugle, per bbl., $tVfr900; Wisconsin Bell and Cherry, per bbl.. $v00; tier box, $2. S3. VEGETABLES. POTATOES New home gruwn. In sack, per bu.. 40c. TURNIPS Per bu., 60c; Canada ruta bagas, per lb, lc. NAVY BEANS Per bu.. $1 .9.V82.00. ONIONS Home-grown. In sacks, per bu., (6&75u: Spanish, per crate. $190. CAUL I FLOWER Per bbl.. $400. CUCUMBERS Per raae of 2 doi . $1.75. CABBAGE Home-grown, per 100 lb., 70c. SWEET POTATOES lfome-grown, per bu. baaket, 60c; Ullnola kllu-drled, per bbl., $3.76. GREEN PEPPERS Per bu. l a-k-.t. GOc. SQUASH Hima-grown. per do.. 6,1c. EGO PLANT Home-grown, per dnx., 75o. M I WELL A NKOl'8. BAUER KRAUT-Wtsoonsin. p keg, $2.60. CIDER New York, pep id,l, fi.:C; per 'i bbl.. $8.2S. CHEKSE-Wlsconsln twlni. fall crt.im. 124c; Wisconsin Young America, 13c; blis k Swiss, new. 15c; old, !f(17c: Wisconsin brick, 14c; Wisconsin ilmburgT, Uc. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, new crop, per lh 14c; hard shell, per lb., 1.1 No. 3 soft lhll, lb., I2e; No. 2 hard shell, per lb.. 12c; pecans, lingo, per lb., 12c; small, per lb.,' 0c; peanuts, per II,. 7c; roasted ptnnut, per lb.. 8c; Chill walnut', per lb., I2'rjl34c: almonds, soft shell, p r lb.. 17c; hard shell, per II,.. l; chestnuts, per lb.. 124fai5e; pew black w-'lnuls. per bu.. 75lt90c; shellbnrk hickory nuls, per bu., $1.75; large hickory nuts, per bu.. $1.50. HIDE8-N0. 1 green. 7f; No. 2 green. 6c; No. 1 sslted, 8',c; No. J sollcj. 7U-.-; No. 1 veal calf. 9c; No 2 veal calf. 7c; dry Bailed, Kto 15c; eheep peU, 25cj1.0u; horse hides, $l.iGi3.00. . . rr- Onods Market. NEW YORK Nov. 16-DRY GOODS Buying Is allKhlly Imi roved and a Ir'ter tone I noei In certain dircti ins. M re business hsa bein dene rn giMids sff-'cled by the shutdown at Full Hlver and I ' a there show an advancing tendency. Job bers report only a moderate l,uslne. but r4Hjrt more Improvement rm the road. The carpet sle continued iv fgvuiarle, with tailsfactory prices realised. Pearla Market. PEORIA Nov. 1-4'ORN-Steady: NO 3. new: ' 4447'4C-, No 4, nW Kjvjpoc; 00 Cade, new, 4Jj444c.. IMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Deiirable Caul lold Steady, But Otaert Win a Trifli Wk. HOGS OPENEI LOWER, CLOSED STEADY Better (.radea af Fat Ikrra and I nabs Id Readily at Fallp steady Prlcea, bat Half Fat Klada a l.lttle Movr 'Feedere gtreager. StiLTH OMAHA. Nov. 1. 1904. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Official Monday ii JJ Official Tuesday .",!KI 9.8.6 4,i.M Utncial Wednesday h.tmn i.sow ll.oau Three days thi week. ...22.780 23.1X7 U.M Same days last week ... i.ttfi 11. li.oAi twmf days week before. .19.0il 1i.1i6 ai.ku Same three weeks ago. .2u.4"3 o.'.4 Hume four weeks ago...li.l. 11.410 M,.t4o Same days last year ll.t-K 23.9l 4AIH4 Rt.CElPl'8 FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows tba receipts of cattle, riogr. and sheep at bouih Omana for iiic jr iv uie, who coDipnnaon hum ,.. t year. 1904. 1!3 inc. 10u 10,0 inc. rvc Cattle ".TL. nirr I'aj :eii. (3 Hogs l.iem.ilio l.s.li,UU0 6, ,910 Bne.'p l.bnu.ti.'U 1 j: -i.aio The following table shows tne average price of hoga at South Omaha for the Uet aeveral day witu cennpariaone: Date. I 104. 19u$.1902.jllWl.!1800.l.18a. Nov. .ov. Nov. NOV. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. ..UV. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. ISO v. I i 6441 I ki .. 4 e4i .. 4 tn 1 I !, .6 I I 4 ,Vt, 1 4 .J. 4 X!f I ..I 4 i.i4: ..r 1 ..1 4 C141 ..: 4 0.(41 ..! 4 62 i I 4 , 4 a, I 4 ., 4 54, 1 i.i. V-j 4 80, .., 4 611 4 54 4 b7 I 4 1:0! 6M I 6 61 1 ! k 't (1 (M tt ho, 44, I 35) t 26 1 I 6 n a ix 6:2 i I til 4i 6 7i 4 w I l 6 81 I 6 i ll wsi ft ill 4 ot, nil, 4 .t 6 671 4 ill 74) 4 (w I 4 ,4 73 ' I ., ,0. 4 M. 6 591 4 6 su. t 87 o ... 4 0-1 6 6 4 10; 4 l 3 o 4 04 3 4 4 IM 8 4 4 tU; 8 1 I Hi 4 01, 4 UJi 3 5 4 6i 62 4 11 t 45 4 W 3 47 4 Oil 8 43 I Ii 3 94! 3 Ml t 41 4 9.1 3 kV i t4 3 'lhdicutca Sunday. The ottlcial number of cars of stock brought In today l y each road va: 1 attie. MLgif. on p. n r . C. M. & 81. P. Ry.. 4 00 Wabash 1 Mo. i'acliic Hy 7 .. .. I nlon Pac. System.. 71 U 6 C. N. W. Ky 1 F., V.. tt M. V. R. R..UI3 .0 -3 1 C, 8t. P.. M. ft O.... 4 B. & M. Ry 72 2" 14 C, H. k (J. Ry 2 5 1.. K. C. At St. J 2 .. C, R. 1. ft P.. east.. .. 1 C, R. 1 P.. west.. 3 1 Illinois Central 2 1 .. .. Chicago G. W 2 3 Total receipts ....274 116 44 1 The tiuposition of the day' receipts was aa follows, each buyer punnastng the num ber rf head Indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omana Packing Co bun noJ Swift and Company l,m4 1.41 1.25i Cudahy Packing Co l.oJl 1,8m "' Armour A Co l.aol l.tW 19.' Armour, Kloux City i9 l,ib"J .... Vansant c Co 73 Carey at Benton 13o Lobmun & Co 3 .... McCreary at C 33 W. 1. Hiepnen il Hill HuntzJnger 141 Huston Ac Co W Hamilton & Rotiischlld. 70 Is. F. llusx Ib7 Squires . Co 192 .... Wolf A Murnan 273 MIku Haggcrty ol J. ht. Root t Co fl Rulla i Kline 0 .... .... S. A. S 291 .... Oilier buyers 6,0 .... 6.44 Totals 7.147 7.527 W.2. CA'fi'l.E There was quite a llueral run of cattle In bignt mis morning at tne ulffercm markeis, but anytultig deslraOi eold at Just aoout the same price a wua paid yasterduy. The tendency was, however, to neglect the commoner grau.-s and In Homo case they sold a llltie lower. revertl cars of corn-led steers arrived this morning, but the same as hue been the case of lute the quality was rather interior. The better grade could auleiy be quoted steady and active, but the atiort-teds and warmed-up cattlo were alow and certainty no more ' limn, steady. ' '. . Western ranr beef ateera were In good demand this morning at luily steady prices where the quality whb at ail deslraiiie. The common kind, though, were neglected to quite an extent una It was hard to get aieady prices lor 1 Hem. Some salesmen in tuct thought all but tne belter grades aold a trifle lower. There waa an active demand for the bel ter grades of cows and such kinds changed hanus Ireely at fully steady prices und sumo sales looked a little stronger. 'Hie oommon Bluff, though, the aume us waa the case with steers, uld not seem to be It) quite so good request und In many caaea prices hau to be shaded a little before a sale could be made. The change from yes terday, though, waa very aligut and most everytnlng was dlsMsed of in good season. No quotable change took place on buli, veul cu I veil and siags. Guod stuff sold readily enough, with oiher weuk. The demand for Blocker and teedera waa quite .irlsk this morning and us a rasuit anything that showed quality sold freely at stenay prices. The demand trom the country is still confined very largely to cattle of good quality, so that the common kinds drag more or leaa and the market oil thoii kimis today was a little weak. Rep resentutlve sales: tono. Pr. No. I DO Ill la i I i 40 10 1 11) 1 BULLS. t u 1 I jj 1 No Av. .IIC .ldS5 .10 .1044 .yii) .11M U30 .. Itl Av. ..104(1 ..1004 .. 444 .. Ml ..1200 .. 430 ..1680 Pr. 1 II ) 3 10 3 CO 3 2 50 I it 3 00 3 10 HEIFERS. I ti tt m 1 la 11 ass CALV Ud. 4 ftn 10 S73 I ii 110 STUCK LRU AN U r ..Di.nS. 710 i iO 31 1i I 40 lot a (HI It 1U1U I 4-1 U 3 HI 4 i I U 3 0 1... a... 13.... It... NEBRASKA. 1 feeder.. 4 teedera, 9 feeders 1 teeder., 19 feeder. 4 steers.. 1 leerier.. . 700 . 9112 . 361 .11.10 .lulo ,.i:t 3 1 heifer... 460 $ 10 2 60 2 & 2 90 2 DO 8 Ml 2 40 2 80 2 86 3 16 3 60 2 16 2 10 2 16 3 uu 2 76 2 hO 2 2a 6 26 2 60 2 00 1 76 3 76 V BU 2 00 2 40 8 M 3 uo 3 26 3 30 3 10 3 (10 3 45 8 40 2 30 3 40 1 60 2 oo 2 16 3 05 3 15 2 30 3 00 2 40 2 00 2 00 9 heller.. 333 i cow .) 1 cow 12) 2 cows lis) 4 cows low) 4 cows 9i2 9 feeders ,1"J3 ti cow 1035 5 feeders.. 7n4 I bull 1 bull .1110 1 stag . l.WI .1167 .I2u .M87 ,15 . Ml ....1250 28 steers.. 1 bull 12 cows.. . 2 bulls... 1J feeders 14 steers. ..1WS .. 966 ..H10 ..JtD ..lous 3 cows.., 1 bull..., 1 bull..., 13 ateera., lu teeners.. 0S4 2 cows 806 6 feeders.. 76 S fceoei s.. 774 3 cows 1 05, j 8 COWS. 97 3 belter.. 63 1 calf.... 8 cows.. 10 cow.. 2 culvee. 190 916 814 18 cow... 10 Cow. ., 42 cow... $ cows.., 1 cow.... 4 cows... 1 tow.... U cows.., 9i3 . Wii . lc 1 . 870 . fewO . Ml . itil 873 3 helfera.. 108J 2 tctders..7ioa 1 feeder... Ill') 3 bulls hoi 2 Uu 1 uu 2 00 2 55 , WYOMINO. ;3 feeders 1 feeder.. S51 3 15 40 cow 806 2 s 80 i ir 900 f rs....llti9 i : 09 121,0 3 65 6 cow 40 26 60 78 lceders..11. 3 6 1 steer 1 aieer lOlO 11 gieera....llf2 8 sleet.... 912 12 tow 9M 2 calves... 3iw 3 26 13 slee 3 40 2d feeder.. 9-1 'hi 1 aieer 12U) 8 uu 16 cows 1(41 8 60 6 cows 970 3 60 1 ateer 1240 3 60 3 Steers.... 9) 3 76 8 steers.... 8,0 $ 75 30 cows s65 2 H0 COIXJRADO. m 2 75 8 00 2 85 3 75 3 00 3 16 2 16 8 cows llJ 2 steers. 11 leer. 2 (leers. 8 cow.. .Mini IKW 11100 l,H0 22 fnilets.. li76 3 6u 8 cows 84o' 2 feedtrs.,1075 3 00 4 steers 1000 1 no a 86 3 00 2 10 I is 3 75 3 25 I fl 8 86 8 35 $ 20 $ 64 J. Kettle com 30 fcrdcra. 7 feeders. 15 feedcra. ;ts ueilBi . 11 leeders. W7 2 50 46 lulters.. 782 3 30 1 bull l.W 3 50 i feeders. .610 8 j ?3 feeders.. o87 3 40 26 feeder.. , 3 25 8 feeder.. 813 3 5u 7 feeder.. y B. Osrden Wyo. 2 2 mixed. .1105 9 :sa I feeder... 1O40 H. II. Rye Neb. 8 30 1 ateer 900 971 6.16 b'JS 7:rr 3 feiiu ra.. o.i 2 Iwder.. HI3 w . . 794 .1190 8 . 691 3 steers.. 19 steers. . 23 feedera. Jil feedcra. 8 30 U. Ifoaman Neb. A. . 771 . W 7 cons 5 KedeiM. 2 60 2 hellers.. 93 3 2 I steer 136) 3 00 i 60 J. Sterling Wyo. 23 atccra ..1207 8 Hi H. Salisbury Wyo. ..! 2 (a) 14 Kteers....I113 $35 .10,0 2 fa) 1 cow. . 10 cows. Salisbury bierline-Wyo. 10 steers. 11 rows., ir.i 3 30 M - B. (lannow-Neli. 946 2 sj 1 bull 990 William Fcrdoii N'cb. MJ 2 75 10 cow 828 910 $ )0 W, Coy-8. D. 2 00 : 10 24 cows 8 vows 4 Uerc....lu64 H 26 ' J. Sandford Neb. 4 cow 9;5 i 60 3 bulls 1403 $10 v. IJiO Z 50 1 bell UuO 1 78 $ 15 1 cow ra f an I cow 839 t et 1 row liov $ 10 P. M. Courier Neb. IJ Steers . ..l't? 8 Ja 3 steers. ...1316 4 00 K. C. Harrla Neb $2 heifer.. Ml 18 rows 17) t CO H O. Wear 8 D 4: Steer... 1149 8 00 8 feed, r . .1M IK 1 steer K 4 (0 9 owi 911 I 65 14 hull 12W I . G. O. Alexander Nb. 1 steers.. ..1240 2 85 13 steer. .. .109 3 39 R H. Cthorn I'tah. 27 cow 9i7 I 7a 1 e ders.. 717 8 H 6 cows 99 ) 14 te ders . a.g 3 33 21 row 917 $ 76 6 belters. . 6u 2 ,6 1 bull Iii I (0 R K Huddleaton 9. t. 84 steer... .1817 $4 1 eewa $ ITS 1 bull. .,...16)0 2 0 7 cew 1UJ4 I 6 8 W. Mr-8X D. 10 feeder.. 9?5 8 CO X steers.. ..10V) $ t 1 feeder... 4.10 t!i 13 rows 788 2 60 L. Hibbe-8. D. 1 row 4t t 40 36 steer.. ..1114 10 3 cow 8. 2 25 1 bull 1130 t 68 1 cow lf 2 26 F. Posilewalt-B. D. 8 cows MS $ 75 II steer... 1ii 8 $0 3 rows 1.166 2 26 1 cow 1670 a $5 J. H. K(th-8. D. I cows 10R4 3 7S II ste. r... 1143 SM 7 cow 8S4 2 10 J. H. Harrington I -hri. K steers.. ..107. ) ! feeders.. 780 S f6 teera....H37 8 15 t feeder.. 886 $ 00 14 cows 97.1 3 H. H. Rye Neb. 4 feeder.. R2 3 4i $ steers.... t"0 2 86 20 feeders.. 941 3 35 abulia 10 I 15 82 cows W 1 Id a bulls 134 $ 10 W. L. Judktn-Neb. 29 feeder. . 1074 8 10 cow J8 a 86 3 steers.. ..lf3 5 86 W. Gromberg 8. D. 8 cows tSI 2 60 f bull 1060 1 66 1 cow Hot) $ 00 K. C. Kllnjh-Keb. 18 heifer... D7 t 5 Han Bona 8. D. 52 steers.. ..1192 $ 46 21 cog.....l0f3 a 85 2 steers.. ..loss 8 00 3 cows 1O60 8 50 1 steer W) 175 1 calf 360 $ 26 W. C. 8tout Idaho. 11 steer.. ,.1f4 $ 60 $ bulls 1468 $ 08 14 cowl 975 2 60 R. H. Homer Wyo. 75 feeders. .IMS 3 55 34 rows 826 2 25 6 f"edera.. 116 $ 00 19 cow 903 I 75 42 feeder.. 1129 8 40 4 feeders.. 1129 $00 J. II. Jacobson Neb. 12 cows 920 3 90 E. M. Yates-Wyo. Trow 1097 3 20 26 steers... .1030 $20 I cow 6'0 a 00 17 feeders.. 790 $80 J. K. McNutt. Wyo. 1 cow 1690 $00 $ teem.... 464 4 00 14 cow 895 $ 00 1 tr 1170 4 00 4 ateer.. ..106 a 40 J. F. Bock, Wv. 42 steers.. ..7131 $75 1 ter 1100 $$9 10 cow 1 $ 00 1 cow 1200 $ 60 II steers. ...1140 $ 36 22 steer.... 1271 4 60 William Burke. Wyo. 1 bull 1170 2 00 24 feeder.. 969 $28 3 feeders.. 11M 2 60 14 feedere.. 9UI $ 36 1 cow 11M 2 1 bull 1440 $ 75 1 hull 1.770 3 16 cowa 946 $ 66 1 bull 1110 $ 60 6 cow 896 8 21 10 row 892 2 66 A. R. Hosmsn. Neb. 7 cows 771 1 SO 2 helfsra.. 868 $ 06 6 feeders.. 6D6 3 20 1 steer 1360 8 60 HUGS There were not quite 100 car of hoga on aale here thla morning, but other markets were reported a trifle lower and the market here opened about 24c low-r Packera started In by trying to buy their hogs at about $4.60, but salesmen were asking more money, and aa all the packer seemed to have quite liberal order the market Improved after the flrat round and closed with the early decline moatly re gained. The bulk cf the early aalea went at $4.00 and $4624. while the later sales were more at $4,624 and $4.66. Aa high aa $4.70 waa paid for a very prime load, which wa the same aa yesterday top price. Trading waa quite active after the mar. xet strengthened, ao that everything was old before, the middle of the forenoon. Representative aalea: Ko. Av. ai. Pr. No. Av. 86. Pr. 30 14 ... 4 44 Itt ... 4 4VVa 35 110 M 4 M 73 m 10 4 431 3t 343 ... 4 0 W ta ... 4(14 47 341 40 4 40 41 IK 1(0 4 5Va tn ttl a 4 so at ft 40 4 : 47 M4 44 4 40 , It l INS M t7 30 4 40 14 ifv 4 U4 32 .314 ... 4 40 34 34 13 4 434 tt 171 300 4 40 M 37 Sou 4 a3t M 344 340 4 30 SO as 4 33Va 43 3.1 340 4 4 II HI 3f0 4 il (7 JfrO 200 4 0 iA 2S4 30 4 42 It S77 ... 4 3 42 M4) 3 4 3 10 311 0 4 40 40 3(3 30 i 43V4 tn 30.1 so 4 to it m to 4124 tl 317 10 4 tn it lit 40 4 41 21 let ... 4 4 IJ 13 40 t 42 73 1J7 ... 44 42 147 110 4 tS't 41 3M ko 4 40 at rat 4 4 f34 M 7t 100 4 44 II. ...... .363 If) 4 434 14 SSt 4 fl 4t 301 40 4 42 5 144 tOO 4 40 11 til U 4 124 M 23 ... 4 0 44 344 124 4 42 34t ... 4 40 4C 144 N 4 12 w 54 210 (0 4 40 Tt 140 ... 4 124 tt I4t 130 4 40 10 324 to 4 24 tt lit 4 4 40 Ml 140 tOO 4 tt 30 34t 84 4 0 tt 174 ... 4 1H 131 Mi 120 4 4 41 Ill ... 4 11 ti, ,tt It 4 t3a tl IM WO 4 13 71 341 ... 4 42 4t 311 tl 267 K0 t tl 41 301 1 ''it 4 11 ' 72 Mil ..." 4 tl 4t 301 It 4 II 73 Ml 140 4 32 41 H ... 4 It it ttt ... 4! 41 rrt 120 4 m 81 Itt ' 10 4 It It Ii7 ... 4 15 Tt 2tl ... I It M 12 41 411 tt 3IT 12 4 tl H 14 94 4 48 41 tit 110 4 II Tl HI ... 4 4t 64 34 3tt 4 tl IT 1ST M 4 tl 41 310 44 4 11 T4 94? H 4 tt M HT tO 4 41 Tl I7 .., 4 41 40 Ill 10 4 41 41 124 ... 4 ti 44 Ill M 4 43 It lit ... 4 tl e. IM m 4 ti to I4i 4t 411 il Ill 40 i 13 42 141 44 4 II Tl Ii4 tO 4 tt II 371 ... 4 IS Tl IU 140 4 12 17 172 140 4 Ii Tl 241 144 4 41 K Ill ... 47 64 ttt ... ttl tl It ... 4 70 63 211 60 4 43 14 264 ... 410 SHEEP More sheep arrived today than were on sale yesterday and the market held Just about steady. There were very few desirable killer In the recelpta of waitara rangers, but considerable abort fed coifj tuff arrived, of which part wag good and Vie rest waa only warmed up. The bet far gradea. packer took hold quite freeiy, but whan It cam to the commoner kind tb market wa not ao active. The price paid, though. Ihowed very little change from yeterday, but it waa evi dent that packer were not vry anxious for cornfeds unleas they were good. Weth ers sold up to $4.60, ewa $4.16 and lamb $6.66. 1'h demand for feedera aeemed to be In good hap3 and the better grade aold at atrongar price, with othera about ateady. Aa high as $6.00 was paid for feder lambs, which Is the top price of thi aeason. ' UuotallonB for grass sheen and lambs: Good to choice yearlings. $4.40ff4.60: fair to good yearlings, $4.fJOrf40; good to choice wether. 14 26&4.M: fair to good wethers, 84.60942; good to choice ewes. 84.00414.25; flr tn arnoil ewes. 83.76414.09: aood to choice lambs, 86 4066 75; fair to good lamba, 16.15ft: ! 6.40: feeder yearlings. f3.;6tr4.25; feeder wethers. $3.60414.00; leeaer ewes, tzouwiw; feeders lambs, $4.264.90. Representative sale: No. A v. Pi . 2 Wyoming ewea and wsthers. 86 4 60 683 Wyoming feeder lambs 6 00 8 I own led cull ewes 70 1 6 14 Iowa fed ewes 82 3 $ Iowa but ka 140 $ 00 208 Wyoming feeder ews vt 15 )4 Wyoming feeder ewe 36 861 99 Wyoming ewe 9! 8 76 161 Iowa fed ewe 19 4 3i 10 Iowa cull lamb 4 f) 3 Iowa fed wethers 130 4 7, 159 Wyoming feeder lomha 68 4 M 676 Wyoming feeder lamb 77 4 96 42 Iowa fed lamb 92 6 60 12 Neorasaa (eider ewes iv 8 k.i 748 Wyoming feeder ewes 671 3 45 742 Wyoming feeder ewes 84 t 45 743 Wyoming feeder ewe 8 8 45 632 Wyoming feeder ewes 66 8 45 192 Wyoming feeder ewe 81 $46 223 Nebraska feeder wethers 8S I 60 300 Nebraska wether 1)8 IU 160 Nebraska wethers 117 4 60 CHICAUO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Untr, Host Steady, been riesn. I.anane 'adr. CHICAGO, Nov. 18. CATTLE Receipts, 26 000 bead: westerns, 1,000 head; market 10c lower; good to prime steers. $6.854.90: poor to medium, $3.60 5 70; stockers and feeder. i;0Mj4.1S; cows. $18nj4.80; heifers. 11. 754T 1.26; canners. $1.2Sr2.45; bulls. I2 00fl4t5; culve. $350fi8.70; western steer. $3 0047610. HOGS Receipt. 84 000 head; market steady, shad lower: mixed and butchers. $4 06414.87; good to choice heavy. $4 804j4 90; rough heavy, l4 4.Vn40; light, $4.j4.774; bulk of sales. $4.70044.80. gHKHP A NO LAMB8-Reclpts. r.'.OOO bead: ahetn Arm. lamb steady; good to choice wethera $4.25614.90: fair to choice mixed. IS 60 4 36 western sheen. Mm: pmvB lambs, $4X436 16; weitcrn lamb. $1.50 tiJsO. epr Yerk lire Stuck Mark!. NKW YORK. Nov. 16.-BEEVE8-R-celpl. 16.150 head; market lower; common teady; bulls steady; cowa steady to lc lower: steers. $3. toil 5 56: choice. $4.16; bulls, t2004j36; 00m a, $1203.26; few extra fat cow, $3103.60. Export, 100 cat t la and i,O0u uuartere of bf. CALVES Receipts, 1.768 bead. Good veal slad. othera slow and wak. graasera aiMdv to slow: vealp. $ 6f38C0; tops, 8 y'if 8 76; little ralve. $.1 60U4.W; gr users lHh 1 76; no westerns;' drred calves steady; rlty dreasad veals. I'Qlie par lb 1 country dressed 7(41lc. SHtCKP AND LAM B8 Receipt. 12J76; lamb steady to 10c hlaar. fw late sr rival unsold; heu. $3 u4 6. culls. I;.(v4 175; Umln. $6.26U 40; cull. $4 Wu6.0O. 1,0 i.'s usdn lamb. HOtif Receipts. $70 h'd. Good state boga. $5.26ii6.lu; $4.50 Klrias quoutlon. tlona 4 Hp l ive Stoek Market. SIOCX CITY. Nov. l.-(8pclal Tele gram; CATTLK Receipt, 1,200 bead; mar- I ew jn $ stix kern. s:esdv; tweves. U Hl 40; roi t Is nod mlvcil'. V '.'OvJSi1": alorrnm and feeders, $: -7 ri J .61,; calves and yesrungs. 1.' fli.t j. HtMt4 Receipts 6.0TS head: msrket l"c tower; eelung. 4,ti.;u: bulk. $l.6av)4 . Kansas 4 Itjr l ive Btaek M trkel. KANSAS CITY. Nov W.-CA YTLK-Re-celpts, ll.wtxi head, mclud ng '. southern'; market sternly to Ftiong aiui active; ch e export and oreKed leef sii-eia. $vn4il2; fair to good $3 8A4.nO: western fed sicer. $ ao-.-i.V,, Blinker snd tcedrrs. I. jio4,. sombern steers. $1 (osjt 25; soathern rows. Il 6t4i3 2&; native rows. $1 Ss4 a,, natlv helierr. 82.tVitie.0l); bulla, 31.78ki3.60; caives $J.6oi6.oa HtKtS R celptp. 13,Sa head; market Mi loc higher; top. 84 Hn: bulk of sabs. $4,'6'l 4; heavy. t4A4i4'.5; packers, $4.7Vi4.9 ; ptas and lights. $4.'ku4 7:'4 SHKKP ANI l.AMUS- Receipts. 5..V head: market ateady and actle; native lambs. 4.:54.4S6: native wethers. 4.lo4 nstive ewes. $3.7544 ;; western Ismt s. 14 .5 Ii $5.75; wetern ventllngs $4 2ri4.i5: west ern sheep, $3.754 6; storkerr and feedere, $.'.60Sj4eu. . - - SI. Leal live Stork Market. ST. IAM'18. Nov. 1$ -CATTl.K-Hecrlptt. 7.600 head. Including l.nia) Texan: market steady to lower on liberal supply: natue shipping and export steers, $i.2h4r6.5ft. the top for fsncv: dressed beef and butcher steers, $400ti46i: steers under 1.11 pounds. $6M4j6l6: sioikers and feeuerP, $5 2M3i'; cowa atiti heifers, ti 2f"h4.S8: canners, $:.( a. 28; bulls. $8.76-g1 0ft; csNes. $2.6t43 7.i'; Texae and Indlar. iteers. $2.6o41; cowa and helfcre. $Jooirr2.n. , HOGS Receipts, 15.0,0 head: msrket lower on heavy receipts: pig and lights, $4.i44 60; packem, $4.404 66: butcher and be! heavy, $4 4f4 70 SHEKP ANP LAM BS Ret elpls. 4.0,4) head: market slow; steady i.j lower: ns live muttons, $3. fcvtf 4 . : lambs. $4.dhi.ii; culls and bucks. $2.6iw4.00; tK-kers. $2.0Udi 8.26; Texan, $3.0015.(0. St. Jeaeth live Blaaek Market. BT. JOSEPH. Mo.. Nov. 10 CATTLK Receipts. 4.145 head; market steady; in tlves. SS.aitiA.'l: cowa and hcifer. l.8ri) 4.4t; sto-kers and fidera. 8i. (64j3 ii5. HOGS Receipts. 6.4HS head; light. $4 55 4.76: medium snd heavy. 4.t4 "74. SHKKP ANI) 1AM US Receipts. a.h7 head; market steady. Htaek In Nlgbv. The re-elpt of live stock at the six prln dual western titles yesterday mere ss fo. Ions: South Omaha .... Sioux City Kansas City .... St. lands St. Joseph Chicago Totals .66 445 81,6.18 41,157 Wool Market. FOB TON. Nov. 18. WOOI. Mnrkct la quieter this wrex, due to .the fait tha. storks In the hsnds of local oeit era hae been heavily reduced, many manuf 4cturer.a having purchased freeiy 1. 1 fulu e n-ei.a. Buyers llnd much dlrticjliy In ar-t.ng de sired lots of f.sdes n d d. Prl ea ara still upward. ,Guottl.iis are:' irx.a, twelve month", nominal: 1 a I or, la. Hum boldt and Mendocino. 2u..c; northern, choice, 260Me: middle c untie. 19o3jc; southern. lbWlHo; Cnegotl, eastern staple. l tj)21c; clothing. 17s)e. Territory: Idaho, line, 164f!l9e; heavy flue. 1WiI7c; fine me dlum. 164i&'l9c. Wyoming, fine, 174QI8H-': heavy fine. lfyh14ci flue medium, )7vjl-4c. I'tah and Nevadr. line, l,4tlHc; hB4vy flue, I.VulGc; fine medium. 174'l'c. Montana, fine choice, aidrar; avrrage. 19jj3oc; tine, medium choice. 214922c: uvorage, i94iJic. Colorado, fine, 15il6c; Hue medium. 1Mil7c. ST. LOl'18. Nov. IS. -WOOL-Firm; medium grades, combing and i t t ling. 2(1 S2Kc; light Una, 17ift22c; heavy flt . 13018c; tub washed, 5fji384c. a Metal Market. NKW YORK. Nov. M. MKT A 1.8 The London co,per market was easier, with (4 6 for futures and 66 15s for spot. Lo cally the market was less active, but held Arm. Lake Is quoted at $l4.60fi 14.874 and raatlng st 314.S6K1M 624. The London tin market was a little lower, with spot quoted at 132 5s and futur's at 131 15s. The Ne York msrket Is holding steady at from 828 87,,ti'-'9.i,5. Ixad wsa unchsnged locally, with prices ranging all the way from $4.20 to $4.70. In London the market was lower, closing at 13. Spelter advanced to 25 In the Irfindnn market. Locally no further change waa reported, the tone being firm at 84. 45454. 65. Iron clor-ci st 51s lid In Glas gow and at 40s 3d In Mlddlesborough. lo cally Ivor, was firm; No. 1 foundry north ern. No. a foundry southern and No. 1 foundry southern soft. $16.60(017. 00; No. 3 fov"drv po-Hiern. $16.000106" 8T. LOl'18. Nov. 18.-MrCTALSLead, firm. $4.3c.j4.40. Spelter, higher, $5.00. Cotton Market. NfW YORK. Nov. 16-COTTON-Spot" closed dull. 10 points decline: middling up lands, 10.15c,; middling sulf, 10.40c; snips, 23 NKW ORLKANS. Nov. 16 COTTON Easv; salts. 6.FO0 bales: ordinary. 74c; good ordinary. $8-It-; low middling. 9 5-1'V-: middling ic: good middling. 9 16-lUc: mid dling fslr 10 7-ltic. Receipts. I9,0ti2 bales; stock, 861.001 bales. ST. LOl'Ifl. Nov. 16 -COTTON -Quiet: middling. 94c: sales, none; recelpta. 600 ba'cp; shipments. 675 balei; ' stock. 18,349 rules, L1VEPPOOI Nov. 16 .-COTTON-Sunt In Incrcnaed ileicnd. prices unchanged: Amerlcsn mlddllnw. 6.44,1. The sales wre .) bales, of which 1 om were fo- specula tion awl export end Included 7. It Amer ican. Receipts, 8.000 bales, including 7,200 American. Evaporated Aonle end Orled Frnlta. NKW YORK, Nov. 16.-KVA POR ATEI A PPLIC8 Market rontlnuea tiufet and gen erally weak, owing to free offerings; com mon, S4?i4c: prime, 44tf4i'; choice, tiftjlwc; fancy, 6i64c. It Is cur cutly rep, rted that recent arrivals of c : l.-iJ pranrs are meet ing with critic sm on account of too much moisture, and owing to the irtsencn of thin fruit the tone of tne market ee ms ratt er uncertain, although there a fair demand from Now Kngland points. (Quotations range from 2o te 6e. according to grade. AprlfOts are steady to II rm . light demand; choice, 944U0i : extra choice, lm4rtflo44; fancy, lltxHc. peacbea sre quiet, but welt held, with choice quolel at 9lj94c; extra choice. 94frl0c; lancy. lVt4-Hc. Oils and Rosin. OIL CITY. Nov. Hi. -OIT.9 -Credit bal ances. 11.60; certificate no bid; shipment. 7h lul bbls.; averua. 80 861 bhis.: runs. 82.701 bbls.; sverage, 71.132 bll.. Shipment I4ma, 82 204 bbl.; average. 07.603 bhls. Runs Lima, 70 595 bble. : (versa. t.m bhla. SAVANNAH. Nov. 14. Tl RPENTINE Firm. ,10c. ROSIN-Hrrn; A. R. C. $2.55: P. $2.80: Tfl. $2.62': K, $2.ti74: O. $2,724; H. $2.80; I, $3.30; K. M.SO; M, $4.46;, N.. $4.60; WO, $4 76; WW, $5- foBf j--;et. NFW YORK. Nov. 16 COFFEB Msr ket for fnturra opened steady at uncftanged prices. The msrket ruled very quiet, but flnallv eaf'd off In response to moderate llauldatlon in the absence of support snd closed dull, unchanged to 6 points lower. Bales ware reported nt 19.000 bias. Includ ing: . Decomber 6lt7c; Januarv. 777.0fte Marcb, T.r,c; May. 17 46c; July. 7 60c; Sep tember. 7 76c. Rnnf.Rin. oulel: No. 7 In voice, s i-iix". si, 10. quirt; 4:oroova, narn.ia. RKAI. 178TATB TRAItjsKKRS. Deeds filed for record yesterday, a fur nished by the Midland Guarantee sV - Trust company,- Iwnded abstracter, 16i4 r urnam siraet. ror 'I ne Hoe: R. Baling to J. C. Reeves. Iota 1 to 6, block 4, Rating's add , $ 250 Mary K. Wlllrlt to E. C. Uarvln, part Of lot 107. Oiaes' add... , 2u0 V Schuls to O. Peterson1, lota and 4 block 8, burnham Place..... IM Harriet M. Luncare tu J. L. Taylor, lot 16. block 13. Clifton Hill 460 C. Brown to Mary K. Poland, lot 8, block 92, Omaha 1,6-0 MI9S18KAPOLI8,, OMAHA. iduords MAIN orFIOf Fills snd gobe-rtSfi ST. PAUL. MINN llNCORPQRAtEl.) DEALERS IN Stocks, Grain, Provisions Write for our market Istltr. .Ship Your Grain to Us R r'acllltita , i.tl'cia.) Advance. ' Prompt Hrtuins. . . . PIXITII. AJPK. Ursnert Older, $l(wit Besrd ef Trsde Bldg.. Omaha, ea,. Teletne 115141. 21 2-21 4 Kxcliatige Flda.. South Omaha. Bell I I, one 216. injejiciideiil 'I'liou f. k"t lc lower: I utile, nogs. Bi'eec ... .0,t 7.000 11.000 . .. 1.L0O .0,1 - ...11.0UI 13.5"l I.50U ... 7,5,10 16.) 4.0,10 ,.. 4.146 B.4K8 2.K67 ...26,VM 84.000 22.000 Uooti Co