mE 051 All A DAILY BEE: TITURSDAT. NOVEMBER 17, lOOy Men' Mussing Lnlon Suits con rriTnr?iT!i! II WlrHtf-TQWMCI Sole Shoes LADIES' WINTER GOATS ON SPECIAL SALE THURSDAY A stuning new long coat, i made with the new stitched tstrap trimmingplaid back, nov elty mixtures O piped and finished (J U with broadcloth vMj,fc, the long leatbs Jr, that iwe so sty 11th, at.... Heavy Tourist Coats at 6.98 A pretty kersey tourist cost stitched strap, collars and cuffs, strap back, well made and right tip to date, at SHORT BOX The jaunty box coats In COAST at $4.98 popular otw colors, trim med in buttons and straps all A AO thoroMRhly tailored-, biff bar- tu, ' 6' Df Reed't H R vmnim at fc-n 1 1 1 nkivni i milium J ih u id x H I Cushion I fti tt -n TT i -TiT-" "irTSSa I B 1 III h IB Til II i il j irnPHr'ij; 1 u in rj. i forMe.l l l B II &-ll S P n S . . L B C 3 B i Elk : c S3 : 2 i.T ? radii t tasakvpd j j I The New 1 1 IPoiay I n In Ladles' Tailored SulU $7.80 Lots of style to this ladies' suit at 7.o0 - the roost desirable cloths "7 Cl and colors, well made, at.. etU Tailor Made SulU at $9.98-Mlll-tary, tourist and Directoire styles latest walking effects Q QQ r v lined jackets, at A New Golf Skirt at $2.98 !Hid h fan 2.98 Bra:id rew Ideas Just the rlf ht kilted effect, at 50c All Silk Medallions at 5c Thousands of all silk mrdallions in white, black and colors a score.of the prettiest designs worth as high aB 50o Mich, at 5C Extra Millinery Bargains 0 I w I .50 I Ladies Street and Dress Hats The output of our workrooms the models are attractive and the hats bear every feature - of cot reel style very jaunty for early winter i wear new designs for dress and street use at V Ladies' Street Hats at 95c. Here are (260" new street hats specially made for late fall street gxm wear they are all stylish and thor ougbly up-to-date, at, each sv f mm, Ladies' Winter Underwear Ladies' fall and winter weight underwear part wool, derby ribbed and fine maco cotton under garments in all sizes on bargain tables C AQ Q Thursday,-at.... C-,TV-Ui J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS, BOSTON STORE. Importer tnd -1508 Douglas Street ENORMOUS CUT PRICE SALE BLlluEGl V Thursday. BEAUTIFUL DRESS HATS at $5 War.hS6.00. $7.50, $8.75 and $10.00 ' 1 --'' m A WATCH FOR CHRISTMAS Makes one of the most acceptable gifts. We have them In Nickel, I! 60 16.00 and W OO Gold Oiled, J10.OO, fl2.0i), M5.0O to I-"5.U0 Gold 120.00, $25.00 and up. We also have the Gun Metal Caaes, Royal Copper and the New Bkel- nn Watoh. We have the two smallest watches mane l I his country. Spend a few minutes and see them. IoK mt the name. ( s" . S. W. LINDSAY. Jeweler, IS 16 Douglas--. L Dr. Bradbury 1506 FARNAM RiTOt&KS Or- H DENTIST Teetk Extracted With- . eat Pais. ' yIBtyslfs ssasassii 90tJ Up Crew. Ut ae wiaS 4Ui 'PHONE I7S6 The in oat sensitive oerres retnowd wlth out pain. Uooee teeth na4 aoild. Wrlttea Oiiarant DR McGREW SPECIALIST. TreU all forms of , DISEASES OF . MEN 18 Tetra' Ksperleuoe IS Year U Umaiia A MedluU Kip.rt whoa remarkable euceeee ha. uaver bHa caeelled. Nearly 30.OP0 Cases Cured. V.rtcocl., HrdTOcl., Bloo4 rolwn, Strlclur.. OlMt, Mrvoue OabUiiy. Lh at Stnaitk t4 VU.Itl. His Home Treatment b.a aaraian.atlr cnn4 tbouMua. of cuh of chroal N'.rvoa kuI, Kldn.T .n Until an Skin Pla MMi at aioall com. aut. Itm. aua monry by . . nbuig jruur oim aad vrlu lor IHKtt UUOK uS lai el ImlMai. Uwllciu. wot la alala aaokaa,. Chare) Low. Consultation Fro. lido Maura 4 a. m. to I M f. m ; Suoa. . a at. to M a. m ( all or vrlta. bus 1H. oaoa II. S. 14tk St.. Oaiaha, N.k. I To the Deaf See If utcblova's Invention the Maaaaoon for the oorrectlon of deafneaa, the A court 1 coo to enab! the deaf to hear. AWARDED THB OOIJJ MEDAL BY INTERNA TlONAi. Jl'RT OF AWARDS, WORLD'S KAIR. ST. UJU1S. WW. . . HlTTCHiaoK ACOUSTIC CO., (II N. Y. Bllg.. fan. Neb. Tbis , is -what you do to yourself when you buy infer ior coal. "We always Lave the best." Try our Bonanza and Rock Springs. Central Coal & Coki Co., IITH AND HARNEY. PtIONBS 1231 4718-1693. 1.29 1.12 ANNOUNCEMENT. Grand Holiday Chinaware Opening MONDAY. An Exposition of French-China (Hand Painted by the noted artists of Europe a.nd America) Oriental Hand-Painted Porcelain, Gorgeous Electrical Figures, Busts, Statuary, Jardinieres, PedestaJs, Electroliers, Candelabra, etc. You are especially invited to this beautiful and interesting fall importation opening. Prices most attractive. Specials Thursday. Crockery Section. UAVILAND & CO.8 WHITE HANSON DIN- 1 Cn NEK Oil BREAKFAST I'LATES, each CtJV Cut (Jlass ojen individual salts or peppers, each 6c Twisted White China salts or pepper shakers, each....8c B. and II. Bound Wick Burner nickel plated lamps complete, 10-inch dome shade Forty (4.00) Little Green Trading Stamps. Pure thin lead glaRs sherbet custard or punch glasses per dozen Twenty (f2.00) Little Green Stickers. Full line of Dorflinger's Encrusted gold glass Cordials, wines, clarets, sherries, cocktails, champagnes, goblets, etc. Everything in up-to-date. China, glass, etc., to com plete your table service. We are prepared to "deliver the goods." . Two Great Trading Stamp Bargain Sales for Thursday, on Main Floor Bargain Circle. LADIES' JACKETS and CLOTH CAPES. A NEW LOT OF CLOTH JACKETS, all sizes, 27 to 30 inches long, colors black, navy, brown, tan and mixed zibelines, every garment at manufacturer's cost Prices, $7.95, C CI C G.50 and D.ZD Double Green Trading Stamps with Each Sale, CAPES FOR OLD LADIES HEAVY KERSEY CLOTH, best of lining, very C 7 C long and full, at $9.90 and :'. D i D Boucle Cloth Thibet fur trimming, splendid - C Q C fancy lining, at , Double Green Trading Stamps with Each Sle. LADIES' SAMPLE SUITS, A NEW LOT OF 65 FROM ROSENBERG BROS., BLEECKER ST., NEW YORK ON SALE THURSDAY. THEY ARE THE VERY LATEST STYLES AT ABOUT HALF PRICES. - G v French Flannels Thursday for 48c, 39c and 29c. All on front bargain counter, 16th St. door. Plain colors, figured, Persian and embroidered designs. Don't miss the great sale, they are worth double the price ad vertised. Thursday 48C-39c-29c rd Dress Goods Bargains for Thursday 50 pieces fine dress goods, worth $1, and $1.25 yd., at 69c All colors, all styles, also fine imported black goods, that are worth up to $1.50 per yard. Meltons, Kerseys, Cheviots, Armures, Granites, Tweeds, plain and fancy weaves, all broken lines, nothing reserved, all at one price. Thursday 69c sv Yard SHOES r A Little Shoe Flurry Ladies' Vici Kid, pat ent tip, wide exten sion sole, goodyear welt, lace or button, $? value, 'Z.SO at - And 70 (7) Green Trading Stamps. CANDY A big assortment of fancy novelties for Thanksgiving. peppermint Lozenges, 12c puund , Bmm0 GROCERY The place to economise on your groceries, and besides get the best and freshest goods. Ten (II) Oreen Trading Stumps Ofr with lb Golden Santos Coffee aUI Twenty (12) Oreen Trading Stamps with pound Tea, Efin any kind DOC Ten ($1) Oreen Trading Stamps 4 Ar two pounds Tapioca sW Ten ($1) Oreen Trading Stamps with eight bars Bennett's 0r Bargain Soap ACW Ten ($1) Oreen Trading Stamps with two pounds splendid 4 Ac Japan Rica MONEY SAVERS Catsup, pint bottle 10c Woreester Sauce, bottle 10a Pickles, assorted, bottle tte Olive. 8c Baking ada, package -ic Corn, 2-pound can SHo Ttimatoea, J-nouud can 8Ho Peas, 2-pound oait c The Peninsular is a World Beater Special Prices for Thursday's Quick Sellinjr. pa:A Peninsular Oak, hot blast smoke consum ers any fuel. No. 814 Regular price $16.50-t 14 71 Thursday's price '. .". . vw i J No. 816 Regular price $18.50- 7 C vSl-'Et j auaiv " t-----. Nn ki neiruiar nnce iu ns Thursdav's price. . . . IO.JU ART PENINSULAR Just arrived, placed on floor first time Thursday. Consumes hard coal or coke, a great heater and a very beautiful stove. Two sizes for Thurs day's sale: No. 26 , 25.50 No. 32.... 29.50 j GRANITE WARE SALE Turquoise Blue Preserving Kettle ft quart 38c 6 quart 44c 8 quart. 54c 2 quart Turquoise Blue Coffee Pot........ 58c Regal Green War Milk or Pudding Pans 2;quart. . i .22c 3 quart .24c j 8 quart. 42c 4 quart 27c 1 10 quart 45c Twenty () Uttle Stickers with sock I Thirty ) Utils Stickers with each In the new blucher cut with the double sole for winter wear fln quality of Velour Calf. We also have this last In the patent rolt button styles, with military h'.e;. for 13.50. We're at no extra expense In sell ing these shoes with us It isn't one line, but many, so that the expense Is divided, and you get the saving we make In the value we give in the ahocs. Drexsl Shoe Go. (419 FARNAM STREET, laiahi'i Op-ti-Di!i Shos Haste ASK FOR OUR FREE CATALOGUE J Stovest r svs w f v A PIease NoAshcs No Dust MOORE'S BASE BURNER 1904 modtl, Is strikingly handsoms and resplen dent with the finest high art nickel. It is trlnle action Itheats upstairs. It heats the main floor, and if you wish, it will send th ashes Into the bin down cellar. No ashes or dust In the parlor. It's the only kind that suits particular people. It's the easiest wtove In the World to run and, because of the air circulating system, it keeps your house warm and com fortable In the coldest weather and saves from Ato the coal you have been using. BUY IT AND BE COMFORTABLE 4 NEBRASKA FURNITURE AND CARPET CO. 413-415 No. 24th St. South Omaha. The Best of Everything THE ONLY DOUBLE-TRACK RAILWAY BETWEEN THE MISSOURI RIVER AND CHICAGO Number 12, The Daylight Special now carries elegant Parlor Car ser vice, leaving Omaha 7t 10 every morning, arrive ing at Chicago 8 o'clock p. m., Dining Car serv ing all meals. Tlokat Of flea I 1401.1403 FARNAM ITREtT, OMAHA. Manufacturer's Stock of Ladies' Under' skirts on Sate Friday. nn Mills THB RELIABLE STORE. Great Sale ct Ladies' Silk and ' Moire Underskirts Friday. AN ENTIRE MANUFACTURER'S STOCK Women's Waists and Coat st BTYLISH WAISTS 125 dosrn of them secured from two of me hirKf'. New York manufacturers at our own price els' 32 to 41 in aibatross, brililiiiiime, French flannels. Plollnns. rashmrres, coniurovs, mercerli'd sit-rn, etc. Intent styles and worth up to 4.0" OO your choice Thursday OC PiAwVy' ' FROM "i AR IS CVi'aT -lennth. handsnmelv mude and finished, velvet trimmed splendid Value at A Oil t:0.on Kale price IUNDSOMR KERSEY COAT-VIength. sntln lined throughout, belted back good value at $15.00 our Q Of) sale price J' Jyt $18.00 Tailor Suits, 12.50 The most magnificent Karment ever of fered at the price great variety of fab rics, in both plain colors and fancy mixture marie to sell at f O C(i 118.00 our price ',lJ $25.00 Tailor Suits, $18.50 Eleeant garments In layman's wool chev iots, coverts, etc. made up In 10 dis tinctly different styles you cannot dupli cate them for less than Q en lJo.00 sale price IO.OU FREE FREE FREE v To every purchaser of one of our $9.S0 voile skirts (the best In the country) we will give free of cliHixe Jitxi fork..U!'.d.?"1!!rt"T$!'i 4( !" y."'Ur .0 Women's river mink serfs- ,4& 1 vMmf .y.e.r. .CO"t'. . . . . . .5 7. 50 Wn" ' 'W"sum' ' :rf 2,98 Splendid near seal coats- 24.90 WoenTaM iin' ... each l.VJVJ a""!?.". .. . . Il" .n?e.: 12. 50 Women's $1.00 flannelette r, gg Sable' ' scarfs'," 72 'inches ' 'ions;,' ' excepti onal fT.IT-' ' "1 values at $23.00, L2.50, 118.60 QQ ChHdren s 13.50 wool dress.s- .Q8 Women's coney scarfs, - 7QC Women'' 100 r,?"8lnl saciiues fQc Thursday Millinery Special $5 Ladies' White Dress Hats $1,00 Wool Dtess Goods Sale From 2 to 4 p. in. Thursday we will Bell Black, Solid, regular tTc quality, 38 inches wide, good colors, half wool, extra weight only one pat tern to a customer, at, yard ' NO DEALERS SUITMED. 121c Fancy Leather Goods Sale Hand Bags, worth 12.50, 98 C Hand Bags',' worth $1.00," "''49c Chatelaine' ' Bn'gs," '.worth "$i.o6. 25c Clmte'lalne''BnRs,''worth 36c, '" jgg We have the largest and best line of Leather Goods in the city, all kinds an4 all prices. HAYDEEU BROS. BEautV, take cart of your rnt alloi un Ighcly plmpl.f . biackiiaadt. un, ar Iracklaa M klaaiiWi your skia. TO look well take cosiplexion. Vo Dcrma-Royale ID smv tkaae Ilka aiaglc. Curaa xrm. and Tatier. Ca4 wtin DaaAiA-RovALS Soa(. a ssrlccl akin la Inn, red. SOLD BY DRUOniSTS. a Mr b. oru4 SU.O. Dai mm Kayala, SI pr bad la, avprass paid. Paraaa-ltuyai Soap. IS Caats, by saatt. IWibta was packagu, (, eaprras psi4. Vortiim M uuiMllk Ml aa wqiil. 1KB DERMA-R0YALE CO.. Clsclnsitl. Q. vataMStua-'a Cat a Si. i ORIGINALBLACK ! WALNUT TAFFY 25c POUND THIS WEEK We find these old-time taffies are al ways acceptable at any rate, when ever we offer one of tbem at special prices. There is something irresistible to young and old. All we nk is one taste a longing for more will do the ,rct Kegular 40c Black Walnut Taffy, This Week Only 25c Pound i n a i niiirir 158-20 farnam street 9 UfLUWl K OMAHA S 4k i-ORADX) AND RETURN. I 1 EVERY DAY to April 30th J I j 1905, inclusive, with final re- 111 f i turn lia it June 1st, 1905, via I 1 UNION PACIFIC $2720 If rnoM 1 1 OMAHA jj 1 1 Je sure your ticket read over tht Union Pacifio. I I W Inquire at I J CMy Ticket Office. 13it4 Far nam It ' J J Ml I Basest. Mm : :'. ai fS2 --t.l COALTALEw Only experience can measure coal quality. You've got o burn TRtNTON opal in your stove to thoroughly know Its superior tioodneea. Kvery person will conrefla tne eas KWhlblllty or one oranu 01 telng better than anolhar. When you b"y TKENTON coal you get the extreme limit of the beat quality In soft coal mined In Illinois. Iximp. Nut. $5.75 per ton. Once a customer, always a caatomer. C. B. HAVENS & uu. I . A&t sia Tele. 317. 82B. I "I a