The Omaha Daily Bee. Buster Brown's Thanksgiving Next Sunday's Bee. Buster Brown's Thanksgiving Next Sundafs Bee. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, THURSDAY MOKNIN'O, JsOVEMUEll 17, 1904TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. AROUSE RUSSIAN IRE gpeeohei of Britieh Minieters n North Sea Affair Isflaeace Besentmest, INDIA IS ENGLAND'S WEAKEST POINT Cmr Hers Hat ai Opportunity to Et Up with Britone' lea Power. RUMOR OF CLASH IN AFGHANISTAN Story of Tight at Knslik, in Which Bni sian Maga-ine it Blown Up. NQURY AT HULL COMES TO AN END Testimony Shows Thai the Warships X. Were hot a. Few.freda Away r When They Op t Fire 7. ! the Trawler. .u .8T. PETERSBURG. No!n The resent ?S.nt nroduced bv the'ridieechee of the llrltish ministers on the Jforth wa Inci pient, especially the assumption that Rus sia hue agreed to punish tHe officers of the Russian squadron In advance of any find ings of the commlsssion, haa been further Inflamed by the speech of Lord Selborne, flrat lord of the admiralty, November 14 at Bristol, on the danger of a Russian Inva sion of India. The Novoe Vremya, while philoeophlcally disposed to hold the British Jingoes re sponsible for this constant provocative at titude, calling attention particularly to Viceroy Curaon's and Lord Kltchener'a deputatlona to Persia and Afghanistan and disclaiming any desire of Russia to en gage In fight, aaya that nevertheless Russia always has a chance of evening up British superiority at sea by a move In the direc tion of India, and therefore naturally It Is a great comfort to Russia that It has di rect rail communication with Tashkend. The Novoatl, on the contrary, makes light of the ghost of a Russian invasion to In dia, which British statesmen are constantly trotting out for the benefit of the British public, and suggests that it would be bet ter for Great Britain to make sincere over tures to Russia regarding the Indian bor der instead or taxing raruge Deninu ai ghanlstap. The king of Portugal, it Is believed here, will be selected to name the fifth member of the International commission which Is to Inquire into the North sea incident, in the event that the four admirals fall to agree on the selection of a fifth member. Trouble la Afghanistan. London, Nov. 11 a dispatch to the Pall Mall Gaiette from Moscow says a telegram received there from Baku an nounces that trouble has occurred between Russians and Afghaniatana at Kushk. The Afghanlstans, it la added, exploded a Rus sian magazine and many soldiers were killed. . There are two cities named Kushk, one In Afghanistan and one In Russian Tur kestan, close to the Afghanistan frontier. The latter presumably la the place re ferred to. ST. PETERSBURG, Nov. 18. The War office here utterly discredits the report of trouble- between Afghans and Russians at Xushk. There' is direct telegraphic com- munlcatlon with Kushk and no report of trouble there haa been received. It la ex plained that the magaslne is Inside the fortress and that it is inconceivable that the Afghans could have entered and ex ploded it The Foreign office haa heard nothing about the reported trouble at Kushk. Tells of Baaslaa Ships. HULL, . England. Nov. IS. On the re sumption of the Board of Trade inquiry Into the North sea Incident today the wit nesses merely corroborated the evidence already-known. The mate of the trawler Oceanic testi fied that one of the big Russian vessel! remained behind after firing, but It did not speak to any of the trawlers, nor did It inquire what injury had been done. After waiting for a half hour It sailed off. Asked by Dr. Wood house, counsel for the Russian embassy, "what were the Russians firing atT" the mate of the trawler Forth replied: "At us. I think." Dr. Woodhouse elicited from another wit ness that the Russian warships whose searchlights were turned on the trawlers did, not fire. Skipper Haines of the trawler Cmoul meln said that at ( o'clock in the morning after the attack he saw a battleship three lengths away Just like the Russian vessels which fired on the trawlers. The boatswain of the Moulmeln also saw a "big ship" between 4:15 and 6:30 the morn ing of October 22. It was much bigger than a torpedo boat, but he could not say It it was a battleship. Dr. Woodhouse cross-examined this wit ness, but he stuck to his story, adding that the vessel was not British, but was "par ticularly like the one which was firing upon us the night before." All the witnesses reiterated emphatic de nials that any strange vessels were among the fleet or anything that could be mis taken for torpedo boats. The skipper of the Mino said the Rus sians were so close that the fishermen could hear the bugle calls which preceded the firing. The third Russian vessel was only fifty yards off when it fired. On cross-examination the skipper in formed Dr. Woodhouse that he considered the Russians to be "demons possessed," when he realised that they were firing "live"' shots. The skipper of the Gull, the last witness, replying to Dr. Woodhouse, said that when the trawler Crane's lights were extinguished after the firing ceased lie miolook the Crane for a torpedo boat The Inquiry was adjourned. Ramor at Break la 'Negotiations. LONDON. Nov. 17.-The Daily Telegraph's St. Petersburg correspondent who, through out, lias taken somewhat alarmist views regarding the outcome of the North sea dispute, in a telegram this morning as serts that the admiralty has gained an ascendancy which compels the Foreign of fice to repudiate its agreement with Great Britain and that Count Benckendorff, Rus sian ambassador to Great Britain, will be niaoe the scapegoat and probably will be recalled. Meantime, he adds, the 'negotia tions are at a standstill and the matter will be referred to the emperor. A dispatch to the Keuter Telegram com pany from Su Petersburg, however, con firms the Associated Press dispatches to the effect that Russia does not desire in any way to recede from the basis of the agree ment, but proposes a modification of the language submitted in the British text and the Dally Telegraph. Itself, in an edi torial. Is Inclined to hope that referenoe of the matter to the emperor gives prom ises of a satisfactory settlement of the natter. The paper concludes by saying thai It "cannot believe the caur will treat thus lightly the word of Russia pledged In feat name. BANQUET AT WINDSOR CASTLE Klasj Edward UUes a Feast la St. Ueorge's Hall la Honor of Kle Charles of Portugal. LONDON, Nov. 1.-The state banquet at Wlndsot castle tonight In honor of King Charles and Queen Ameile of Portugal, equalled In brilliancy the previous magnifi cent functions at which European rulers have been the guests of Oret Britain s ruling monarchs In the historic St. George's hall. The guests, numbering 166. included members of the royal family, foreign rep resentatives at the court of St. James, cabinet ministers, leaders of the opposition, military and naval officials and others prominent In the highest circles of Great Britain. The banquet was served on one long table. King Edward sat at the center, with Queen Amelle at his right. King Charles, with Queen Alexandra at his left, sat opposite King Edward. It was a wonderful scene. At either end of the hall great masses of gold plate were placed, and hundreds of lights formed an avenue of brilliant coloring, flashing and spark ling with a fsbulnus wealth of Jewels. Music by the band of the Irish guards, Including Portuguese selections. There were only two speeches. That of King Edward, toasting King Charles, was fol lowed by the playing of the Portuguese anthem, and the Brlilsh anthem was played when King Charles had responded with a toast to King Edward. After the dinner presentations were made to King Charles and Queen Amelle, In the reception hall, In the following or der: First, the diplomatic corps; second, mem bers of the British government; third, members of the late administration. A special train with the guests left Wind sor at 11:46 o'clock for London. FRENCH CABINET TOTTERING Paris Hears that Several Ministers Will Follow Example Andre. PARIS, Nov. 1.-The stability of the en tire cabinet Is considered to be seriously threatened by the resignation yesterday of the war minister, General Andre. Reports circulate that Marine Minister Pelletan, Foreign Minister Delcasse and other min isters are about to resign, but those who are close to these ministers say the rep rta are unfounded. Howevtr, It is conceded that the cabinet as a whole Is not likely to survive long. The private view of some of the best In formed persons within ministerial circles Is that a new cabinet will be formed in the .course of the three wteks. It Is con sidered certain that Foreign Minister Del casse will remain In the reorganised cab inet. RISSIA ALLEGES A DIFFERENCE No Aaaloary Between Conditions When Csar Called Conference. ST. PETERSBURG, Nov. 18. An official note issued here today controverts the analogy drawn in the proposal for the new peace conference between the present situation and the situation at the time of The Hague conference. It -points out that France had trans mitted to Washington Spain's desire for peace before a suggestion of the confer ence was fofiiiulated and that the Russian circular convoking the conference was Is sued only after the (conclusion of peace. Blar Deal In Pnlp Lands. ST. JOHNS. N. F., Nov. 16. Henry M. Whitney of Ronton, president of the New foundland Timber Estates company, today transferred to Sir Alfred Harmsworth & Brothers, the London publishers, lumber areas in this Island on which the Harms- worths propose establishing large pulp mills. The price paid ' was 1500,000. The Harmsworths will spend 22,000,000 next year in erecting pulp mills. Trials Proceed at Gomel. GOMEL, Russia, Nov. 16. The trial of the persons charged with being responsible for the rioting of September, 1903, con tinues. An attempt was made today to show that several of the witnesses had been bribed by Perepletchlkoff, one of tho Jew defendants, but the testimony was very conflicting. New Editor for London Standard. LONDON. Nov. 16. H. A. Gwlnne, Ren ter's chief correspondent in the South Afri can, Soudan and Turco-Greek war service, has been appointed editor of the London Standard under the new regime. DRUGGISTS AGREE ON TERMS Clash Expected at Meeting; of Whole sale Association Does Not Materialise. NEW YORK. Nov. 16.-The Pght expected to come up today before tho National Wholesale Druggists' association ever the report of the committee on iropnetary goods did not materialise, the house re sponsible for the Issue withdrawing the monetary penalty clause and all the other proprietary houses acquiescing. For the board of control H. W. Evans of Kansas City reported settling the mat ter of credits and discounts. The report gave thirty days and 1 per cent for cash In ten days. Formerly sixty days and lhi and 2 per cent were allowed. The nominating committee of the Na. tlonal Wholesale druggists reported the following officers for the association next year, which Is equivalent to election, which occurs in the morning: President. M. Carey Peters of Louisville; first vice president, A. D. Parker of New Orleans; second vice president, A. D. Stew art of Seattle, Wash.; third vice president, Charles Cook of Portland, Me.; fourth vice president, A. J. Moore of Sioux City, la.; fifth vice president, Carl Lelght of Evans- ville, Ind.; treasurer, S. M. Strong of Cleveland, O.; secretary, J. B. Toms of In dianapolis, Ind.; board of control, L. V. Hall of Cleveland, O.. chairman; Fred L. Carter of Boston, William J. Mouney of Indianapolis, Charles W. Snow of Syracuse, N. V , and James W. Morrison of Chicago. New Tork City was chosen as the next meeting place. WANT LEGAL RIGHTS DEFINED National Railroad t onimlaalosera De. sire I'nlforsa Law on SabJect I Personal Panacea. BIRMINGHAM. Ala., Nov. 18 -At to day's session of the National Railroad com mission the various committees reported. The report of the executive committee dealt among other things with the matter of damages for injuries and the welfare of passengers and common shippers. Upon recommendation the executive com mittee was Instructed to prepare a bill for enactment into law by the various stats legislatures covering thee subjects, denn ing the rights ot each party In the pr-m-kua. AUSTRIA WILL TAKE PART Government at Vienna Accepts Invitation to Attend 8eooid Hague Conference. OTHER NATIONS ARE EXPECTED TO JOIN When Notice Haa Been Received Work Will Be Started on Pro posed Protrim for the Meeting. WASHINGTON. Nov. 16. Ambassador Storer has cabled the State department from Vienna that the Austro-Hungarlan government la willing to participate in the second Hague conference called by Presi dent Roosevelt This Is believed to be the first official acceptance of the Invitation, although It Is known that most of the Eu ropean powers are willing to attend the conference. I With the conditlonsl acceptance of the president's Invitation, which are expected within the present month, negotiations wtll begin at once to perfect the program. Prince Fushlml today visited the capitol, the congressional library, the Washington monument and several points of Interest. He was escorted by Assistant Secretary of State Pierce and Colonel Simons his special aide while in this country, and was accompanied by his aides-de-camp. The carriage of the prince was followed by secret service men and surrounded by a guard of bicycle policemen. Prince Fush lml was entertained at formal luncheon at the new Willard hotel. Secretary Hay had Intended entertaining him at hla own home, but the change of plan was made necessary by the death of the secretary's brother, and while the luncheon nominally was extended by Secretary Hay, Assist ant Secretary Loomis acted as Mr. Hay's representative and the host of the oc casion. The following were the guests: Prince Fushlml, A. Sato, Count S. Ter shlms. Major S. Mlhara, N. Watanabe, Dr. K. Rokkaku. the charge d'affaires of Japan; the secretary of war, the post master general, the attorney general, the secretary of agriculture, the admiral of the navy. Lieutenant General Chaffee, Senator Foraker, Senator CuIIom, Crosby 8. Noyes, editor of the Washington Even ing Star; John W. Foster, former secre tary of state; W. W. Rockhill, director of the Bureau of American Republics; H. H. D. Pelrce, assistant secretary of state; A. A. Adee, assistant secretary of state; Mr. Loomis, acting secretary of state; Colonel Simons, United States array, spe cial aide to the prince, and Commander Spencer Wood, United States navy, aide to Admiral Dewey. Catholic I'nlvcrslty Directors Meet. The semi-annual meeting of the board of directors of the Catholic university of America convened at the university today and considered matters of importance con nected with the future of the institution. Chief of these were the renunciation of the Catholic creed by the Marquise des Mon stelrs, formerly Miss Gwendolln Caldwell, whose generosity founded the university, and the bankruptcy case of Thomas E. Waggaman, treasurer of the university, whose failure may seriously embarrass the board In providing finances for Immediate use. The statement of the American marquise, made public yesterday m a communication to the Associated Press from Rome, under date of October 10, came as a complete sur prise to officials of the university. It is snnounced that action of any kind will not be taken by the board of trustees without more deliberation. When the meeting was called to order among those present were Cardinal Gibbons, Archbishop Keane of Dubuque. Bishop Spalding of Peoria and Georege E. Hamilton of this city, attorney for the university. At today's session of the board the Wag gaman case was the principal matter con sidered, but It was not decided to give a statement to the public at this time. The statement Issued giving an Inter view with the Marquise des Monstlera was taken up, but not as a part of the business of the board. Most of the members are acquaintances of the marquise and the discussion was wholly of a personal na ture. To an Associated Press representative one of the members said the board is loath to give consideration to the case and is particularly opposed to having any member quoted In regard to the rase. "It Is not understood by us," he said, "and until a formal communication comes we should not like to talk about it." Mronlow Denies Cbarsjes. John B. . Brownlow of Tennessee, who was dismissed from the postal service yesterday by order of the president, denies that he refused to furnish the depart ment with a detailed statement of his re ceipts and disbursements while acting as disbursing officer of the department at the St. Louis exposition. Removes aa Alaskan Marshal. President Roosevelt has removed Frank H. Richards, United States murshal for the Nome dlstrlot. In Alaska, and has re quested the resignation of Judge Mel ville C. Brown of the Juneau district. This action Is the result of the Investigation of the Alaska Judiciary made recently by Assistant Attorney General Day. The case against Judge Alfred 8. Moore Is held In abeyance. NATIONAL GRANGE MEETING Opening; Session of Convention at Portland, Ore. Master Aaron Jones Reads Report. PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 16. The thirty eighth annual session ot the National Grange convened today with Worthy Mas ter Aaron Jones of South Bend, Ind., pre siding. Ths committee on credentials found that two delegates each from twenty-six states were eligible to vote in the conven tion. The sessions are secret Two mem bers of the national executive committee are to be elected. ' There will be no elec tion of officers at this session, the present officials holding over 'until next year. At the afternoon session Master Aaron Jones read his annual report, which was followed by the reports of the state master and other officers of the organisation. Tonight an open session and reception waa held in the large National guard armory. MAIL ROBBER IS ARRESTED Mil Wanted in California Appro, headed at Homo of Hla Father at St. Joseph. ST. JOB E PH. Mo.. Nov. 16. -O. R- Holll day, wanted In Portland. Ore., charged with robbing the malls, while he waa a rural route carrier two years ago, was ar rested this afternoon at his father's home In Jamesport. Mo. The ease wss worked up by Inspector J. T. Clarke of Spokane, Wash., who located Holllday with consid erable difficulty. Holllday confessed hla guilt te the federal authorities. EXTRAORDINARY RESULTS. OMAHA, Neb., Nor. 16, 1004. The Bee Publishing Co., Omaha, Neb.: Gentlemen lu last Sunday's Issue of your paper we Inserted a number of f inn 11 want arts, among w hich the following appeared: "Tel egraph Iepartinout will be open in December, Boyles College." The inquiries to our Sunday ad vertising In frenernl has been satis factory, but this ad In particular has attracted unusual attention, as Is proven by the numerous cnlls and letters which we have received. this Week concerning our telegraph de partment. As this sd appeared In The Bee only, you are entitled to full credit for the extraordinary results ob tained. Please renew the above ad until erdered discontinued, respectfully, HOYIJCS COLLIDE. II. B. Boyles, Tres, SAYS RATES ARE TOO LOW Official of "Katy" Testifies Before In terstate Commerce Commis sioners at Chicago. CHICAGO. Nov. 1. Today's session of the Interstate Commerce commission's hearing of the case between the Texas Cattle Raisers' association and the south western railroads was largely devoted to an examination of J. W. Maxwull, assist ant general superintendent of the Missouri, Kansas . Texas railroad, and -. Hale, traffic manager of the ame line. Mr. Maxwell was queetioned rcgaid'u the iiet earnings of the live stock shipments as compared with other kinds of frtifiht. . Mr. Hale testified that so many ele ments enter Into the making of a rate on live stock that the existing rates are, In bis Judgment, unreasonably low. "We axe not only running a railroad," said Mr. Hale, "but an insurance com pany, as It were, besides, for we are In most cases held responsible for ell ani mals that are injured or die lu transit. The element of .risk should bo considered in making these rates. J. D. Bethard, superintendent of trans portation of the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railroad company, testified to difficulties In maintaining: the necessary equipment for handling live stovk traffic Among other things, he stated that it was neces sary for the road to haul empty cars after unloading 100 miles for cleaning and dis infecting. In the examination of J. M. Hannaford. second vice president ot the Northern Pa cific railroad, it developed that the objec tion to the rates mads by that company has been withdrawn since the recent hear ing in Denver. r "Competition has forced us to make the rates which prevail on our llneo," said Mr. Hannaford. "Of recent years there have been several encroachments on our territory and our rates being forced down. Our cattle business had been gradually de creasing for the last seven or eight years." Mr. Hannaford's testimony showed that of last year's earnings 3.4 per cent was from live stock and of the claims paid for 'damages by his company 4.6 per cent was for damage to live stock and persons in charge of ahlpmenilW "There has been no material, increase In rates in the last five years," said the witness. "During the time our road waa under the management of the Northern Securities company no effort was made to make any change whatever in rates for freight." NAN PATTERSON TRIAL BEGINS Drawtnsr Jury at New York for Case Agvalnst Woman Charged with Murder. NEW TORK, Nov. 16. After more than five months In the Tombs prison awaiting trial on a charge of murder, it was ex pected that Nan Patterson, the alleged slayer of Caesar Young, would face a Jury In the criminal branch of the supreme court today. Delay, first from one cause and then from another, has been a promi nent feature in the case ever since Miss Patterson was taken Into custody after the tragi o death of Young in a cab in which he and the young woman were driving to the pier where Young was to take a steamer for Europe. In anticipation of the beginning of the Patterson trial the criminal branch of the supreme court was crowded with specta tors when Justice Vernon M. Davis took his seat on the bench today. There was only a slight delay before It was announced that everything for the opening of the trial was In readiness. Miss Patterson, dressed in black, was brought In by prison attend ants and took a seat beside her counsel, Abraham Levy and Daniel O Rellly. Her father, J. Randolph Patterson of Waah-ing-on, had a seat within the bar enclosure. The work of selecting a Jury from a special panel of 100 talesmen was begun at once. The examination of each talesman was conducted with extreme thoroughness and one man. who apparently had passed all the requirements, was turned away by the defense when he said, In answer to a ques tion, that he had friendly feelings toward District Attorney Jerome. Elwood Hendricks, a broker, was the first man to answer all the questions to the satisfaction of both the prosecution and the defense. The prosecution will depend entirely upon circumstantial evidence in building up their case against the defendant, according to a statement made by Assistant District At torney Rand, during the examination of talesmen. Richard S. White, a lumber dealer, had declared himself opposed to finding a verdict In a capital case on cir cumstantial evidence alone and referred to ths possibility of eye witnesses to the shooting testifying before the Jury. "So far as I know," said Mr. Rand, "ths prosecution does not Intend to call any eye witnesses to the shooting of Caesar Young." Four Jurors had been accepted when ad journment waa taken for the day. Seven Men Rescued. PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 16.-After having been lashed to a mast for more than twenty-four hours, and with the hope of being rescued almost abandoned, Captain Fisber and crew of seven men of the brig C. C. Bweaney were taken from their perilous position Tuesday afternoon by the steamer Hawaiian, from Honolulu, for this port. The men suffered greatly from exposure to the weather, but are apparently no worse for their experience. I Stranded Sailors Arrive. PHILADELPHIA. Nov. It. The steam ship Hawaiian, from Honolulu tor Philadel phia, passed In the Delaware Breakwater today with Captain Planer and the crew of seren men of the abandoned brig C. O. Sweenvy, on board. The Hawaiian took the Sweeney's crew oft yesterday near Cape Henry. The Sweeney waa loaded with lumber and was watrriosged when abandonad. It b.nind from Cbarealou. ti. ii. for Philadelphia. " ur""' LETTER FROM ROOSEVELT President Writes to the National sVngress of Irrigation. DISCUSSES PROBLEMS AFFECTING WEST He Advises Wise, Ooneervatlve Aetloa oa Broad Lines that Will Bene fit All Interests Texas Asks Aid. EL PASO, Tex., Nov. 16 The National Irrigation congress today was divided Into five sections, each section meeting In a different hall. A paper on the subject of "Rural Settlements," by Commander Booth Tucker, has been presented to the con gress. Aside from the technical Information brought out, the session today wn de void of unusual Interest, but all the dele gates paid close attention to the meetings In the various halls, and the convention Is proving very profitable. The Mexican dele gates are enthusiastic over the prospect of being officially recognised by the conven tion. It Is understood that they will re turn to organize a congress for Mexico, but they want affiliation with this congress also. Among the resolutions Introduced and re ferred wss one asking that congress Include Texas In the list of states that may be benefitted from the natlonaj Irrigation funds; one urging legislation appropriating funds for the creation of additional forest reserves and another repeating and em phasizing tho resolutions of previous con- i greases In favor of consolidating all gov ernment forestry work In the Department of Agriculture. Letter from the President. The following letter from President Roosevelt was read and aroused much en thusiasm: WASHINGTON, Nov. lO.-To the National Irrigation Congress: It Is a pleasure to send my greeting to you, both as president of the United States and aa a man who has lived In the west and Is eager for its pros perity. Whatever any man or body of men may believe as to any question In political controversy, we may all unite in the great duty of Internal Improvement; the duty of making every foot of soil, every stream and every other resource of natural or humane origin, contributory to the very utnKist, to the permanent prosperity of our country. I congratulate you because you are no longer striving for what once seemed s distant hope; you are no longer engaged In a cam paign of education for the passage of a reclamation act. On the contrary, your first great object Is achieved. You have yet to consider what has been done and what Is being done under that act by the recla mation service, to consider means to give it Its largest and widest results, and to dis cuss tne broad problem of Irrigation methods and practices. It Is through your efforts, and those of men like you, that the people of the United States as a nation undertook to attack the desert spd to do away with it not only so far as there Is water now for that purpose, but to the ful lest extent for which water may be de veloped hereafter. Such an attack can be successful only when based on accurate knowledge. When the reclamation act was passed, the essential facts ss to stream flow had been ascertained In many parts of the United States and the scientific basis for national reclamation, which otherwise would have taken years to accumulate, was already In a large part at hand. The fct that so much progress has already been made by the reclamation service Is a strik ing example of the advantage of scientific Investigation by the general government. Building for Great Future. It mayD"e true that to the man whose In terest Is limited by Immediate results the admirable work of the reclamation service at times seems slow, but we are building for a great' future, and It Is far more Im portant that the works built ahould be per manent and successful than that they should be completed in haste. There will be no unwise hurry: neither will there be any unnecessary delay.' Most of the great problems of organization and methods have now been solved, and progress In con struction and settlement Is being made with Increasing rapidity. The passage of the reclamation law was a great atep toward realizing the best methods to produce water for irrigation. "But always and In every place the best use of public lands Is their use by the man who has come to stay. There are unfortunately In every part of our country a few men whose Interests are tmrely temporary, who are eager to Bklm he cream and go. Instead of using the forests conservatively they would, for example, abuse and destroy the natural reservoirs upon which nation! Irrigation depends, to the permanent loss of every agency which makes for the true development and lasting greatness of the lrrlglble states. Such Interests cannot be al lowed to control. Now that your first great object has been accomplished In the pas sage of the reclamation law, you should make yourselves the guardians of the fu ture. Independence of Interests. In forestry, grazing and mineral wealth the foundation stones of the new and greater west for Irrigation and every other interest which you represent the period of excluslvenes Is past. The stock Interests are no longer independent of the mining Interests, nor either of them Independent of the Irrigator. A closer interweaving than ever beiore Is at hand among all the great Interests of the whole country. One can not prosper without the other. So the fu ture growth and greatness of the other western Interests will depend In the first degree upon the development of Irrigation, and the development of Irrigation will de pend upon the protection and wise use of the existing forests and the creation of new ones, and the proper control of the grazing. Your work for the good of one In terest Is for the good of all. THEODORE ROOSEVELT. Senator Newlands of Nevada Is the most talked of man for the next presidency of the congress. WRIGHT COMPLETES HIS WORK Report on Winnebagro Investigation Is Awaited with Much Interest. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Nov. 16.-(SpeclaI Tele gram.) A. O. Wright, supervisor of Indian schools, who has been engaged recently In Investigating abuses upon the Winnebago Indian reservation. Is expected to arrive in Washington the latter part of this week to report his findings to Commissioner Jones. Father Schell of the Catholic mis sion and others charged that liquor was being Illegally sold to the Wlnnebagos by persons residing In Homer, Neb., and other towns contiguous to the Winnebago reser vation and that generally the Wlnnebagoa were being defrauded by land sharks. All of these charges Supervisor Wright was Instructed to investigate to the bedrock. His report is awaited with much interest at the Indian bureau. Iosa rural routes ordered estab lished December 15: Church. Allamakee county, route 1; population, 62S; houses on route, 106. Lansing, Allamakee county, routes 2 and I; population 1.090; houses, 21. Waterville, Allamakee county, route 2; population, MS; houses, 100. Rural carriers appointed: Nebraska Ansley, route I; Charles J. Savolle, car rier; David P. Scott, substitute. South Dakota Wiufred, route I; Robert Yulll. carrier; Kitty A Yulll. substitute. Postmaster appointed: Mrs. Rosa Powell, at Mlneola, Polk county, Neb., vice L. W. Masaey, removed; B. H. CarUord, at Dexl ter, Coddlngton county, 8. D., vice Charles B. Hueatls, resigned. Smbsertptioas for Japanese Lsaa. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. U.-1'p to dsts tha sum of U.lWt.wM haa hea sobarribd In this city for the Japauvse war loan. There are in all 111 subo nbvrs and Uta amounts range frutn Rw te (UHOMk. NEBRASKA WEATHER FORECAST Fair Thursday aad Friday. , Temperature at Omaha 'eaterdayi Hour. 5 a. H a. T au a.. 9 a. lO a. It a. 13 . Den-. Hoar. Dear. i m 1 p. m R4 i R.S a p. m BT i...... Aft S p. n M i an 4 p. m tti 40 B p. m i ...... 44 p. m Btt i 47 T p. sa AM AO H p. m Bt p. m 64 SUMMARY OF THE WAR NEWS Report that Port Arthur Garrison Will Be Able to Hold Out for Some Days. Insofar as the contents of the report sent by General Stoessel to Emperor Nicholas by the torpedo boat destroyer Rastoropny. which craft was sunk In the, harbor of Che Foo after accomplishing the purpose of Its dash out of Port Arthur, have come to pub lic knowk-dge. It serves to Indicate that the Russian military commander at Port Arthur regurds the crisis of the siege aa not remote. The report asserts that the Inner line of defenses Is Intact; that the damage to war ships In the harbor by Japanese shells Is not great and that the garrison will be able to bold out against assault for some time. Conditions south of Mukden remain un changed, although there are said to be In dications that Important developments are at hand. ONE OF CODY BANDITS CAUGHT Posy from Thermopolls Captures Taller of the Two W j-o-mlnic Bandits. CHEYENNE, Wyo., Nov. 16. (Special Telegram.) At 4 o'clock this afternoon a pome under Deputy Sheriff Edwards, whose saloon and gambling house at Thermopolls was held up by two masked men early yes terday morning, captured one of the out laws near the mouth of Owl creek, six miles below Thermopolls, In the Bad Lands. The bandit not only admits that he held up the Edwards place, but he snswers to the description of one of the desperadoes who made the descent upon the Cody bank two weeks ago and killed Cashier Mlddaugh. The outlaw will not give his name. He was captured while drinking from the creek and the officers had no trouble In disarming him. In his pockets was found a large quantity of the money stolen from the Edwards place, together with watches and guns. Three or four persons who saw the robbers at Cody have started for Ther mopolls to Identify the prisoner and he will be closoly guarded until they arrive. Officers at Thermopolls who participated In the two weeks' chase after the bandits following the Cody hold-up are positive the prisoner Is the taller of the two that en tered the Cody bank and the one that killed Mlddaugh. The desperado denies any knowledge of the Cody hold-up and while admitting the Thermopolls robbery he says he had no accomplices. His story is not believed. The people are greatly excited over the capture and should the tall outlaw prove to be the Cody bank robber and mur derer he will never reach the county aeat alive, for the Indignant peopli of Cody have sworn to avenge the death of Mlddaugh and set an example that will be a warning to 'he (rang cf desperadoes. Ive. .re now scouring- the Hud Lands for the remaining members of the gang. JAMES GILMORE FOUND DEAD Former Resident of Omaha Dies In St. Louis and Coroner Is Investigating;. ST. LOUIS, Nov. 16. (Special Telegram.) James Q. Ollmore, aged S3, of GUmore & Ruhl, wholesale clothiers, died today at his Westminster Place home. He had noti fied his partner that he would be down early Wednesday, having been indisposed, but his family persuaded him to remain In bed. The coroner investigated the case and decided an InqueBt was unnecessary. Both partners came from Omaha ten years ago. The Idea of suicide suggested by the In quest on the late James Ollmore Is scouted by local Jobbers. "He was a fleshy man and a heavy eater," said F. P. Klrkendall, the shoe man. "I was down there a few weeks ago' and I saw then he was In danger of apoplexy or some attack of that sort. The firm of Oil; more & Ruhl was In excellent condition and haa been ao ever since it began manufac turing in St. Louis." The company was prominently engaged In clothing Jobbing in Ojnaha for three or four years. It had the building near Elev enth and Harney streets, now occupied by the Lindsay Rubber company. The hard times particularly affected its line of busi ness, so it removed to Bt. Louis, where It would have a larger field. It did not manu facture In this city, but In St. Louis had sold only Its own goods. Mr. Ollmore hud a large circle of friends In Omaha among the Jobbers and in. Cat hollo society. KING MAY INVEST IN OMAHA Financial Representative of Albert Edward to Pay This City a Visit. NEW YORK, Nov. 16. (Special Tele gram.) Sir Ernest Cassell, King Edward's private financial secretary, left here today on a special train as the guest of Jacob H. Schlff, the great Wall street banker and representative of the largest European banking houses and investors lu New York, to make a tour of Inspection of a number of the largest cities in the United States offering Inducements for safe and sure In vestments of the king's private funds. Pittsburg, Chicago, St, Paul, Omaha, Kan sas City, SL Louis and cities In the south and southwest are in the itinerary and sill be visited before bis return here, as his trip is purely one of business and very Im portant financial deals are expected to re sult Wall street reports steam and electric railroad bonds and improved city real es tate, offering Immediate and steady rev enues ter regular income, are the king's favorite Investments, when located eln ter ritory showing enterprise and progressive development. Sufflrfcntly long stops are to be made in each city to permit Sir Ernest to fully fnvestlgate and examine re sources and renditions, as well ss such property as la brought tn his favnrabale notice for investment King Edward is said already to be quits a large holder of Omaha real carats and Sir Ernest will In spect those hnliflngs with ths agents. Parker Moves to Sew Tork, NEW YORK. Nov. 14 Judae Alton B. Porker, rect'iit democratic candidate for president, operand a law office here today. . , .. , . . . i. .. . ,.... .. had beuoine a resident of this city, that Mrs. Parker would join him hers toituy and that they would at unne aicuie a borne In the city. He said he had not entered Into punnei-shtp with auyune aud woaid pruc lies law aione. SINK THEIR OWN CRAFT Russian Torpedo Boat is Blows Up in Ear bar of 01i Fso, CARRIES A MESSAGE TO THE CZA Keport from General Stoeiiel Tells of 0on ditioDS at Port Arthur. GARRISON CAN HOLD OUT FOR SOME TIME Ship Run Blockade and Brings AmmniU tioa and Hospital Sappliea. RUSSIAN COMMANDER TELLS OF ESCAPE Pastrnphnny Rnna the Japanese Blockade at Port Arthnr lining nilndlnar Snowstorm Had Orders to Destroy Ship. CHE FOO, Nov. 11 The Russians havs. blown up the torpedo boat destroyer Ras toropny. The Russians, with the excepl'r.n of ona man, left the destroyer during the' ai' T noon. . This last man lit fuses and blew up ths vessel; There were three dull explosions, which mere scarcely discernible 100 yards from the place where they occurred. Almost simultaneously the Rastoropny sunk and settled on the bottom. A battle spar murks Its grave. Vnder Orders to Destroy Ship, 11:30 p. m. The correspondent of the As soclated Press learned authoritatively to- . night that the Rastoropny carried sealed orders providing that unless there came a, highly favorable opportunity to eacape tha vessel should be blown up. Sufficient powder for this purpose was secreted before the destroyer left Port Ar thur. Small charges of ordinary powder, placed In each of the five water tight compart ments, were exploded. Customs Officer Koenlg wss on board tho destroyer and the Russians experienced considerable difficulty In getting him oft without arousing his suspicions. The de stroyer's cutter, manned by two men, was lying near and the official waa persuaded to take a ride around the Rastoropny In order that he might see the Injuries it wss alleged to have received. No sooner had the customs officer stepped Into the cutter than a petty officer drew hla watch and urged the rowers to make all speed away. When the destroyer had gone down ths official was taken on shore. The Japanese consul says that the Rus slans wasted their vessel, as the Rye shitelnl incident would not have been re seated, Jap Boats Are Seen. Two Japanese torpedo boat destroyers were seen at the mouth of the harbor to night and their presence undoubtedly pre cipitated the action of ths Russians l4 blowing up the-Rastoropny. '' ' v' The explosion was so subdued and that crew remained so silent that it was some time before the report of the affair becama current. Even the officials most lntlmatefy concerned got the news from the corre spondents. The Japanese consul says that nine of the Russian crew came ashore with their rifles, against which action he - has pro tested to the authorities. No Reason Known for Act. It Is Impossible tonight to secure an ex planation of the action Of . the Russians, but it Is believed that they were deter mined not to allow a repetition of tha RyeBhitelnl Incident. Prior to the destruc tion of the destroyer the taotal had offi cially notified the Japanese . consul that Its disarmament had been completed, tho breech blocks and ammunition having; been removed and the machinery disabled. During the afternoon the Russian consul officially notified the taotajl that tha de atroyer had been driven toward Che Foo by a heavy sea and that it had been de elded to disarm It, because its machinery had been disabled. This la looked on 1st aome quarters here as the throwing of s transparent veil over the purpose ot the vessel's visit. ' Promise to Disarm Boat. 2:30 p. m. The captain of the Russian, torpedo boat destroyer Rastoropny, which, put Into this harbor early this morning, has notified tha Chinese authorities that he will disarm. It la believed that this de cision was arrived at after oommunlcatlns; with SU Petersburg. There is reason to believe that Japanese cruisers have been watching the port, although a steamer which has Just arrived Sw no Japanese war vessel. It Is rumored that the Rastoropny brought a dispatch from General Stoessel aaklng the St. Petersburg authorities for In m ructions as to whether hs would continue to hold out, awaiting relief, or make im mediate arrangements with the Japanese for surrender upon the most advantageous terms possible. This rumor cannot be veri fied, but It is obvious that only dispatches of the highest importance would impel 'General Stoessel to risk the loss of a war ship by sending It out upen such a mission In fsee of the rigid blockade maintained oft Port Arthur by the Japanese fleet. BnowfaaT at Port Arthnr. Ths cummander of the Rastoropny (n aa interview on his adventurous voyage, said: I U ft Port Arthur at midnight in a blinding snow storm. Ths boat waa navi gated through all the dangers of floating mines without a mishap. On reaching tho open sea we saw a Japanese cruiser and aoms torpedo swats in the distant, but we were steaming rapidly through the storm with lights extinguished and passed them unuotlced. We reached Che i'eo without mishap of any kind. Ths commander ot the torpedo boat de stroyer was optimistic with reference to Pert Arthur. lis declared that ail tha forts remained in Russian hands and that ths garrison was confident and tn good spirits. Tha farmer Russian governor of Pert Ialny, M. Sakharoff, died recently at Port Arthur of enteric fever. Commander Palexn added that the de stroyer's object was simply to carry dis patches. Ths other Russian ships re mained at Purt ArthUB. Aaehors Near Amorteaa Ship. The Rjsturupny balug ons of tha fasten. of the Russian veasela. soun outdistanced Its pursuers aii4 entered Che Too with a muslo box playing a sprightly air and ths savor)' odor of a breakfast steak appar ently testifying to the fact that Port Ar thur waa still enjoying fresh meat. Tha destroyer aped like an arrow at 1:60 a. m, and achored a fow hundred yards abaft tho United States crulaer New Orleans, flag siUit uX Rear Admiral Volger, fit manner