stifl UMAHA i'AILV flEE. WEDNESDAY, (Vli.MHKK IB. HUM. i GRAIN AN PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Breoki in All Htrkeii; Armsnr'i Silling Biasing Waj. OVER 2 1-2 POINTS DtCLINES SUSTAINED torn T-m oT for Sear Pilirft5Ttin r 3 7-) Mr-riili W krat MawOat Easier Gossip. OMAHA. Nov. 15. 14. Wheat future were decidedly weak, espe cially the December delivery, where there wee a world of selling In the Chicago pit. with Armour leading In t tic dumping pro cess There wea nothing cnnflrmator of the report regarding the embargo on Rus alnn wheat exports, but there was a hat contradiction of the reported crop damage In Argentine, and thee were of course In fluence. There was nothing In the way of foreign advlcee. the wire trouble In the eat being (till dominant, and many Chi cago houses were mailing western orders In atocka and other1 order eaat Inetead of by wire. The visible supply statement I" not out as yet, and there la no way of filling whether there I an Increase of the expected t.lWO.O'O-buehel proportion or not. The receipts continue nulte laro, despite th repeated statement that a large prt of thee rop has been marketed. Wlrea from South Dakota Indicate this by a large percmtage, but the Minneapolis aurply continues freely. While there were bear Influences, the chlrfest of these was Valentine, (Armour), . through continual lugging away at the December delivery, t Is quite prohahl that a large amount of December wheat la ready for delivery on these contracts: also that ir.any apecu latora have closed nut their trades by rlnalna? and are out. The weakness, start ing In Chicago, was Immediately reflected In Mlr.enapolla, St. Louis and other mar ket. Omaha just at this time Is not trad ing In futures, the nervous market and the extreme range of fluctuations of the lajit few montha making It next to Impera tive to have trades where the market was broad. In Omaha there was a good de mand for cash grain, but the poor wheat of a low teat waa hard to sell and low prices were necessary to Induce sales, but at that the price was generally well up to values elsewhere. No. I hard, there waa nothing better on the tables, aold at 11.02 to fl.MH Hot rfiVt to 58 lbs. test; No. 4 at 96c. December wheat In Chicago opened at $1.13. jresterdsy' close, and quiceiy dropped to $1 114. a lose of ISc, with but alight upturns. May was weak, but there waa less pressure, here. It sold at $1.13U to 11.12. July was about 4e lower. In tha final hour wheat broke again, this lime going to It 11 for December or 2Sc off, while May dropped to $1.1 IV July was 1c lower. Rrsdsireet'e vl'lble was the aecond bear Influence of the day. Corn Cash corn steady one. falrl good price In Omaha. New, 4Ir and 44c; old. No. 3. 494c. December. ff'7c to iViSc, in sym pathy with, the break In wheat. May. 4iUc&41c. Com broke on the flnnl hour, Nova-nber showing mo. loan, , December T4c and May He . ' i ir.t.i . Market steady and without ma terial change. Omaha Cash Sales 1 car Nov . hard wheat. 58 lbs. toL. $1 I car 67 lb. test. $1 01; 1 car No. I hard. STHi Its. ten. II.U2: I car No. 4 hard, 3 lbs. test. Kct 1 car 33 lb-', test, 9.'; 1 car N. 4. 40, 'ha le't. 1 cap no grade,, 4V lb ti , 8V; 1 far no grade. 4!V lbs. te't. 70c: 1 car No 3 r.nt new. 44c: 1 car No. 4 corn. new. 42c: 1 ear No. t corn. 4SVc; 1 car No. 3 red rve. SiH II' test, 75c: 1 car No. 3 oats, mlseii;. 27V Iba. te.-t. 29c. ' i Osiiti laab Price. WHlCAT-Vo. I hard. $1 Ogtf 1 iC; No. 3 hard. $1.011. 04V4; No. 4 ha'd. Wic; No. 3 sprln-.' $10411 07: no reads. 83c. CORN No. 2, 50c; No. 3. old '.c, new 44c; No. 4. new 4Kc; nt srraO, o'd 4Sc: No. 2 yellow. 51c; No. 3 yellow. ro'4c; No. 2 white 50c; N". 8 white. 49'"fi49V,r-. OATB No.- 9 ml-ed. ?8c! N 3 ml' et. "c: No. 4 inlxed, ?63r7o; N-. ? wMf, 29c; Nt 3 white. 28V-C! No.- 4 white. t7 j57Hc; tand ard oats. 28V-C. HTEe-No. 3, 75c. Omaha Grata Fatarri. Whcit Deo, . Mar . Corn Dec. ' . Chicago St. Louis .... Kansaa City Minaeapolls . Duluth Omaha Open. . High. Low. Close. .. 1.07 A 1.07 A 1.07 A 1.07 A .. 1.06V, A l.MctjA 1.05HA 1.054A ... 41 A 4i',B 41 A 41 A Car Lot Receipts.' Wheat. Corn. Oats colored and white, choice October, loc; large colored choice October, low.- laige white choice October, lnc. CHKAGO GRlv An PROYIMOS4 Featarea f te Traalag aad Closlaar Prleee Hoard of Trade. CHICAGO. Nor K Record-breaking shipments from Russia and prospects of an Increased movement In the 1 nlted States were factors In causing a decldertlv wep.k wheat market here today. At the close the rccember option was off 2"c May whs down lTo. Corn shows a loss of V T4jc Oats were down HliVc and provisions -Va.'rC. Beginning with an easy tone at the start, the wheat market gradually de veloped Into an extremely weak affair. Kaeler cables and weather suitable for the movement of the crop caused considerable liquidation at the opening. Initial quota tion of December were unchanged to Sc lower at llMVol 13S. Mav mas off Wf'aC i-t $l.l.l4il.l3V Rarlv In the day Informa tion was received from a private eource that Russian shipments last week were of enormous proportions, the larKest weekly shipments from nnv one country Although not coming from 'an official nuarter. the Information apparently had considerable effect and materially augmented the sell ing pressure. As prices fell nutn'-rous stop- ioss oroers were receive. l. ion inn imicw still further downward. The principal sell ing was In the December delivery. Th-it option showed the greatest loss, the lowest tlnt reached, . being '-'Sc below the highest point of the dav. May sold off to $1 ll-V a drop of l'fiCc. The market closed almost at the lowest point. Ilnal quotations on December being at II It May closed at $I.11'4. Clearnnces of wheat and flour were eoual to 4.2-iU bu. I'rlmary receipts were 3.5n0 buz, compared with lfO.-tO hu. a year ago. Minneapolis. Duluth and Chi cago reported receipts of 352 cars, against cars a year igo. The break In wheat and a liberal Increase In the movement of the new crop caused weakness In the com market, lxiwer prices for cash corn also tended to depress specu lative values. The selling was mainly of the December option. The market closed practically at the lowest point. December opened unchanged to ic lower at 5Ha 6u7c. sold off to 50c and closed at DUQfioVtc. I-ocal receipts were 405 cars, with 7 of con tract grade. In sympathy with the weakness of other grains, the o&-ts market was a trifle easii-r, although prlcasi moved within a small range. Trade was exceedingly quiet, the pressure of enormous stocks at this point apparently reducing business to a minimum. December opened a hhede lower at 287c, sold be tween 2HV ai d :S'n3?!c and closed at 28c. Local recelptg were lfi cars. Heavy receipts of hogs at the yards and a curtailment In shipments of products to the east caied weakness In provisions. Small packers wer the principal sellers. At the c;ose January pork whs off lOlc at $li55il2.5';Vi. Inrd and ribs were each down 2VS6c at $7.(i2V7- and $6 50 re spectively. Estimated ncelpts for tomorrow: Wheat, 57 cars; corn, 173 cars; oats, 56 cars; hogs, 38.iO head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Article ! Ope. High. I Low. I Close. I YeVy. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS leactionary tid Irregular Morimeot of Pricei Sontinnei in Wall I tree t. LARGE SALES FOR PROFIT TAKING enaatlaaal Advaaee of la fort ar Grade of laane Keeps Oiaraeter aasplrlaa. eral fund, exclusive of the tisortnnro g M reserve In the division of redemptlor, how: Available oh haltnce. $144.):; gold. 8.1Jl,482. ew Tarsi osr Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 11 MONEY On call steady, ligt per cent, closing hid IV offered at i per cent. Time loans, steady; r days, 3V per cent; days and months, IW'irl rer cent rRIME I". I. ret a. r So ensaes n la. rs en reusn 4o ne 4a, reg 6n roiitma So I4 4s. fi . rtfl eoqpnn Atrttlaen gen. 4t.. an 4a Atlanllr C B a- O a. 4t lv ta It. 4l NEW YORK. Nov. 16. -The reactionarr and Irregular movement of prices was not gone from the market today and smiling pressure to take profits waa much In evi dence in thei majority of the usually o Uve stocks, csiieclelly during the morning. At the same time the sensational advances in an Inferior grade of Industrials snd railroad stocks of doubtful value kept the character of the speculation under sus picion, in the latter part of the day there was a considerable reversion of Interest to th, at, nrl.i.H r t r , m A 1 1., Cnncnliinill strength did not show In a large number of rT'' 0t those In which It did had a reviving effect by sympathy on the general list. Consider able progress was mnde In restoring com munication by telrgraph with outside spec ulative centers, the Interruption of which was assigned a the cause of the lessened activity of the market yesterday. But the market failed to recover to a high levvl of animation and the total of transactions for the day was not much changed from those of yesttrday. The Issues dealt in rnn- en prior turn 4a iiniieu IU snow smi nnnj u iiimk. stocks made their reappearance on the tape after a long Interval. There are many stocks listed on the exchange or admitted for trading In the unlisted department which are practically dormant except In periods of speculative excitement, when en thusiasm over the possibilities for the en hancement of values becomes sufficiently great to accept their chances on securities whose value Is exceedingly problematical. Ratsier more attention was given todav to the money outlook, also there was small change In Interest rates. The tone of the m nnoi' morttat was a-tnllad harder The week's go!d outgo to Cuba will be as large j ! Matnj as expected. Nuitscrtritions to tne jsnanese loan, a t 1MB MERCANTILE PAPER lff44 per cent. STKRLINC1 BXCHAXIfc - Firm, with actual business In bankers' bills at $I.7R f4M0 for demand ard at $4M744 for (5 Ml ay bills: posted rates. $4 85 and $4 87H; commercial bills. $4 ;f4 83 8ILVKR Bar. o"c; Mexican dollars. 4Hc. HOND8 Government, steady; railroad, strm. The following were the closing prices on stocks and bonds liMH MallR'I'aa e. s 4a ..! . .I141 Has. Central 4 74 . Iv1 t It ln I' "4 ,.,mMIM m SI I. 41 ... 17 !J04 M K T. 4a 10?S 1 an n it t 1M4 N R. n nt M c 4t im s T. r. I ines 1M K 1 O. s U ic4 M i No PaclSr 4a is ) tniH X A W. r. 4p tot M o. A. L. 4a A fr imt Psn ennr !) iut t4 Iteadlns sen. 4 10? Chn A Ohl 4Ha ..1TH SI L. A I. M e 114 rhiriso A A. v t. LAS T. fg. 4a MS r.. B A g n 4. . ion St. L. a. w la t c , M. A St. P. t 4 1104 SeahnaM A. i 4.... V. A N. W r . r. i a P. ao col- I cm 4k St. L. g. CMnago Ter. 4. Con. TobtMco 4a. Cola A la. 4s... D A R. O. 4. Fl FtrlSr i... i f Rallsir .. ... ! TI A P In 4s.lo ,TI tt. L A W ; it'nlin Pariflr 4a. US' do ronv. 4s ... f Steal M U ...IHViiWebask la ... 1"! do deb. R do tan 4a 1VW AUG 4 .. Pt. W A D. C Is 11 1 iWta. Pentral 4a . Hoitlni Val 4W ...11(4 Colo. Pl c. H. L. A N. nnlflad 4a... 1W 1 PiH 4a. 1 ins UIH "4 1114 - !. ?H nfd .14 Roatoa Stock Market. ROSTON. Nov. 15. Call loans 2,3 per cent; time loans. 4W5 per cent. Official clos ing of stocks and bonis: .. l WMtlnghouM com 95 ..IU Adventure ... . . 71 lAllnuei .. M?V Amalsamated ..let'i Atuntte . .IbS's Btnsham . .I4 ;Calumt A H 1614 r i-ntannlal Atrhlann adj. 4a... do 4a Max. Central 4s... Atrhlaon do pfd Brttn A Alhaay.. forthcoming offering of $28.000 000 of New j ""Jf Mtllcas Central N H A H ..140 . MS .in . 75 .114 . II . II . 4 14IS 1" Wheat Dec. May July May July Oats Nov. 1 er. May July Pork .Inn. May Lard Jan. M ly Rlhs- Jin. May ! i 1 1 13H 1 13H 1 lit.1 I !l 13V. - 1 13V at I I 1 I'V.I 1 W I 1 . I, ISOSfrM 50T4' wni : a l. 3i '41 I VI . I 12 82141 I 12 6!l4! 12 87V,; I I I 7 of 7 05 I 7 liW. 7 20 6 62HI 624; I 1 11 I 1 11 I 1 114! 1 HVk 7 V, BO 48 46H 50iyfifl4i 4li 1 1.1H 1 1.1H 88T4 50'4 484 45-s,46,a4 I I 20: V 21 2STfi2!) .lm,!3lH'okl 31H si sih 12 55 ! V! 57H! 12 874 12 674j 12 60 12 70 ' C 5C 5f 7 024i 7 174 I 6 50 80 '06 I 1 174i 7 074 7 2:4 50 ! 8 55 824! 7 .. 82 ..ia ..418 ..266 .. IS 406 10 44 189 6 29 Grata Markets Elsewhere. Closing prices at the following markets today and Monday were: CMICAUU. Wheat Today. December 1.11 May 1.114 July 7 C'ori-- iMtr 51 Iluly 48 ,. November . 51 Oats December '.. 284 May sh; July MS Jlnse.a Vhaat December May ....... C"rn December May Whit 1 Member May Corn Deember MA iWember May Whet-DaVM-mher Mn ST. LOUS. KANSAS CITY. 1.11V 1.144 454 444 ... 1.(4 ... 1.03 MINNEAPOLIS. 42V 42 DULUTH. 1.124 1.134 1.144 1.13, 1.13S 1.114 50 '4 54'i !4 :i14 314 1.114 M5!i 4n4 454 1.054 1.054 4.H4 424 1.154 1.184 1.184 1.154 York City bonds and today's state of Rock island A Pacific bonds Indtcate require ments on banking credits to he met. The decline of nearly $10,000,000 In value for October exports of domestic exports is ex planatory of the ease with which Europe Is drawing the American gold In the fall of this year. The strength developed In many stocks was mosilv explainable from speclsl causes. very specific rumors of sn early impenaing 1 ediaoa Kiac. Ills !43 decision in the Northern Securities case . Maaa. Clactiie were responsible for the strength of the do pfd Harriman group. Rock Island was helped Maaa. Oaa by Its bond siles. The rise In the soft ! ." ? rrvlt cnslers was due to assertions that their dividend rate would be raised shortly. Amalgamated Copper enloyed the benefit of a furthfr rise In the price of copper. The early heavlnf ss of the steel group and their later recovery wss connected with the meeting of the steel hlllet pool. The rise In the Louisville Nashville group was ex plained hy the cutting of the Atlantic Coast Line "melon." The desire to realize persisted to the last and the market closed decidedly Irregular. Bonds were strong. Total sales, par value. $11.870000. Cnltfd Slates bonds were un changed on call. Quotations on the New York Stock ex change ranged us follows: Sales. High. Low. Close. ..17.000 874 884 87 l.wiu 10:4 1"24 1024 Is E W YORK flEN KH it, . MARKET tiaatatloBS of (he Day oa Various Campaadltlrs. NBW YORK. Nov. 15-FrXDrR-Recelpts, 2iX4 bbls. exports. 60 hblri. ; sales. ji.jOO pkgt.; dull.n sjrnuisthv with wheat; Slln nes.rta PHtents,- $.10i&4X40: Minnesota ba ker. $4 Hiut on; Winter patents, $i.0O8.0ii' winter straights. lo.a&WS.SO; winter extras. P eUtgH So; winter low grades. $3.4u4.06. Rye flour tlrm: sales, I.Wj bbie.; fnti- to, $4.5ii94.75; choice to fancy, $4.75tfjJ. Buck wheat flour, quiet: per 100 lbs.. $ilOfi2 2v CORNMEAL - firm; yellow western, $1 IJtfl 15; city, $1 lyjl 18; kiln drUd. tSOOtf X.20 RYE Nominal. HARLEY Steady ; ftedlng, 4C4c c. I. f , cew ion No. t. Cash nuota'lons were as follows: FLOl'R N'.'arket weak: winter patents, $5.SOfi6.40; wlr,er straights. $4 .SixiiS.20; snrins patents. $5.1(,'.05.8O: ' spring straights, $1.70'ji 8.20; bRkcra, ffl.OOft.OO. WHEAT No. i spring. $1 IOfil.14; No. 3, $1 .1W1.12; No 3 red, $1. 17. CORN-No. I. 55c: No. 2 yellow. 58c. OATS No. 2. 2P4c; No. 2 white, 324c; No 8 white. 293lVc. RYE No. 1 80c. BARLEY Hood feeding. 38i5384c; fair to choice malting. 42ti52c. RKns Xil 1 Am. 11.10U: No. 1 north western, $l.lt4; clover, contract grade, 1216. .. PROVISIOt'S Mess pork. per bbl.. 111. 104311.15. .ard. per lno lha.. $6. 97400. Short riba slrles (loose). $'1 8741x7.154; short clear sides (boxed). $6,8747.00. Following Were the receipts and ship ments of flour and grain: Rccelot s. Shipments. Flour, bbls S1.8oO 12.B00 Wheat, bu 87.500 44.800 Corn, 3LR.800 38.600 Oats bu 2?8 7O0 ,M2.$o j Kye. Du wumio i,ocu Barley, bu 125.800 94.201) On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady; creameries. 16824c; dairies. 15f&2lc. Eggs, firmer: at mark, cses Include1!. 1741i24c: firsts. 23c: prime fi sts. 26c; envras, 27c. Cheese, steady at 10411c. St. Loaila Gralst aad Provlslona. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 15 WHEAT Lower on long liquidation; No. 2 red. cash, elevator. $1,114: track, $1.16(01.16; December. $1,114; May. $1,144: No. S hard. $1.101.12. CORN Lower; No. 2 cueh, die: track, 54ir 65c: December. 464c: May, 444ft44'4c. OAT8 Weak: No. 2 cash, 314c; track, 32'jj; S!Ae; No. 2 white. S3c. FLOl'R Dull; red winter patents. SS.4U 5.50; Rpecl'il brands. $5.0O?j5.75; extru fancy and straight. $4.9orc5.15: e'ear, f4 2fiti4.il0. . SEED Tlmothv. steadv. $2.0(Kij 2. 4S. C IRNMEAL Steady, $2.60. BRAN Firm; eacked, east track 841183c. HAY Firm for good stock; timothy. $H.0O 612 00: prairie. $6.0t& 10.01). n a go i no 74c PROVISIONS Pork, lower: Johb'ng. $11.35. Lard, lower: prime i-eani. $1; 75. Bacon (boxed), steadv: extra fhortn. $8,374; clenr rib. $8.75: rhort clear. $9. IDIi.TR V Easy; chickens, gc: springs. 10c: turkeva. H4c; ducks. c; geese. BUTTER Firm; creamery, 2?iiii4c; dairy. 15& 'le. EUOB 8teaiy, zme. case count. 05 i:4 1914 484 444 251, 124 24 884 244 ft) 4 874 IS!) Atchison do pfd , Baltimore & Ohio 17,4t do pfd 100 Canndlun Pacific .1 Central of N. J 1"0 Chesapeake & Ohio. ..20,2iO Chicago & Alton 400 do pfd Chicago at.-Western. 19.100 Chicago & N. W 6"0 C, M. & St. P 17,6J0 do pfd Chicago Term. & T... 3,"00 do pfd 1.H00 C, C., C. St. L 600 Colo. Southern 8.400 do 1st pfd l.ono do 2d pfd 9"0 Delaware & Hudson.. 2.000 D.. L. .V- V 2.000 333 D. & R o Orande 1.200 844 do piu auu Erie 50,400 do 1st pfd I.00O .do 2d pfd k4in Hocking Valley 1,000 do pfd 1.000 Illinois Central 4.0H0 Iowa Central 1.100 do pfd 1.440 K. C. Southern 400 do pfd I.8U0. Louis. A Nashville.. .16.100 Manhattan L 10.400 Met. Securities 2.700 M-?t. St. Ry 7.8O0 Wirn. St. Louis 100 M.. St. P. & S. S. M.. 1.100 do pfd KO Missouri Pacific 18.100 M.. K. fc T 40.000 do pfd 3.600 N. R. R. of Mex. pfd. S00 N. Y. Central 6.700 Norfolk &, Western.. 25.000 do Pfd Ontario Western... 300 Hi 96 1324 1914 4t,4 44 Pars Mnra.uet.ts t'nlon Taclflr.. Amar. Arsa. Cham do pM Amar. Pnau. Tuba Amar. Sugar....... do ofd Amar. Tsl. A Tel 144 Amar. Woolen M do eld 81 Pomlnlon Iron A R-. 18 L'altad 8ho Marh do pfd C 8. starl do pfd Cnnpar Kanga. Pair Wat Ifnmtnlon Coal. Pranklln Grnej Itla Rnl ... Maaa. Mining.. Mlrhlian Mohawk Mont. c. A C. . md Dominion . ocola Parrot OulncT shannon 1S Tamarack .. as iTrinttjr .. 41 jl'. 8 Mining... ..lj.Vvf 8. Oil .. 44 Xtah .. Jlslv,torla .. 574 Wlron . . ITS Wolrerlne 7 ... I ... : ... MS ... J-.4 . ..7oo ... II ... TI V. ... us ... 44 4 ... 14S ... 4S ... ai4 ... TS ... MS ...If, ... 44 ... J7 ... SS ...12 ...111 ... s ...1SI ... US ... 144 ... IIS ... f ... ... 1J4 ...107 Kew York Mining Rtorka. NEW YORK. Nov. 15. The following are tne closing prices on mminc stocks: Adama con Allot Breaea Bmnawlrk Con .. fomatork Tunnel. Con. Cal. A Va.. Horn flllvar Iron Bllvar Lradvllla Con to 7'1 II .. 11 .. I ..ln ..its .. J l.lttle Chief. Ontario OpUIr Phoanla Pot oat "avaa Bltrra Nevada.. Small Hopea ... Standard ... I ...S5n ...loo ... 14 ... 11 . . . yt ... to ... t8 ...190 19!4 1 11 234 : 884 234 594 I 37 244 200 1744 1724 1734 1X3 11V 234 884 234 594 3o4 187 333 :44 fT K94 Hl 84 904 1494 314 57 814 644 1394 1654 81 4 1234 634 914 1484 1084 354 64 42V Pennsylvania S.&oO P.. C. C. & St. 1 3"0 Reading 62.F do lot pfd 300 do 2d pfd Rock Island Co 78 900 do pfd 8.400 St. L. A S. F. 2d pfd.. 2.700 St. Louis S. W 80O do pfd t.000 Southern Pacific 129.100 do pfd 24.000 87 404 734 654 834 4 1514 32 58 314 664 1414 HM4 834 1U4 634 92 1484 1084 354 644 43 1374 754 '" 1374 754 764 88 S74 814 70 J64 634 (R4 Forelsa Flnauelal. LONDON. Nov. 15. Money was plentiful In the market todav owing to the nromDt qi. - 1 . . . v T. n . 1 : rvii'HBt; ui me UMiiHiiifet iusiii ai,iitni.joii 44 ! cash. Discounts were firm. 1334 1 Trading on the Stock exchange wns 1914 , mostly dull. Americans opened dull and 484 . hardened to sllshtly above parity. There 43 were some reactions on professional proflt 82 taking, but the market recovered and 244 prices closed firm. The Interest In forelKH- ers centereil In the success of the Japan ese loan. Imperial Ja;ianfse government 6s of ISot were quoted ut 94. BERLIN, Nov. 15 Trading on the Bourse today was quiet, but prices were rather firm. Iron and coal shares rising. The Bourse tomorrow will be closed. PARIS, Nov. U. The tone, on the Bourse today was tlrm. Russian Imperial 4s were 1S74 1 quoted at 94.46 nnd Russian bonds of 'l 326 int 610. 344 804 I OMAHA WHOLESALE M ARKET. 2i I rnailltlAii sTa Ta1 And nniaitnnm fin o-T4 904 150 si 4 58 304 $44 1414 1664 Rail way.... 24. 200 Receipts. Shipments. 10.0K) 12 00) 82 Oil 84.000 11.IO0 .'r.iiOi 61,000 ."J 1)00 WHEAT-Rscelpis, 36.VO bu.; sales $2Kj - '. b.. afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth $1 27V. f, o. b.. afloat. As wire service wns mue Detter lonsy. ine wneat market con tinued dull. Weakened by bearish Argen tine crop new and the lower English ca- les, the prli-e dropped sharply end closed Vt?Si' net lower. Sales Included No. I red. May. at $1.13 13-164Y1 1&4. closed at S1.1S 13-16; July closed at $1,034. CORN Receipts. (.453 bu.; sales. 20.000 "i. futures. Spot, firm; No. 3. t4c. ele vator, and f4, f. o. b.. afloat; No. yellow. 714c; No. S whit. t4c. Options were llkewlas again neglected and with wheat sold lower, closing hesvy at 4Aj4o net decline. May. 61418" 7-16e, closed nt 52c; DtH-ember closed at 6Vc. OATS Receipts. 1K.000 bu. Spot, quiet: mixed oats. 2 10 $1 lha. $44473.. 4c: natural whits. II to 31 lha.. 10siT4c; clipped white. 36 to 41 lbs.. 874JW4C. Options were nnmlnil. FEEl-4ulet; springs, ; mlddlliifs. $170. 1 ,l,.KVHrS,: h,PPln. T4tT724o; good to choice. pMja6. .Jlo!''",'',: e'ate. common to choice. I804. JlMVc; lo, mitp: (,Ms t4itr p,. elfle coast, ism,; l$08. $0j34c; olds, j 4 1 c HIDES Strong: Ualveaton. to 30 ll,a . 17c; California, fl to M lbs.. IV: Tegis tdrv). J4 to 1W Iba . 14c. LEATHER-Birong: acid. 24'dl8c PROVISION S-Rf. nrm; family. ! i Jill 50: mesa. $viqt50; lef hams. $Ji.,, 3(1): packet. $l0.'a 1..V); ,ttj, sxtra ladla bellies 4fi4c: pVklrd shoulders T4e pliklKl hums, mmc. l-ird. 1 ssier w.'il ern steamed. $7I; closed Mit. numlnsl; leflued, barely steiiU) ; , Uneiit, ; . fouth Ainsncs. $s 26; compound tVKi.u 5a74. Pork, firm; family. $18 iam8 hi 1 mirt dear. ftlA 7SXJ IA 7I : meM. $12 lfcuu ?6 TAI.U)V-Dull; r)ly, 44c; country, 44 KICK ijulet: ikinieatlc, 1.1 r cxtri .'.ifH.c; Japan, nominal. POULTRY Allv. steady: western thick en. Hi . fowl. Uc. turkes. I3.. lireaxed eak: western chickens, 1irl5-; foa Ik. ..(i lie: turkevs. I4!1e. HI'TTKR Firm. Offlilal Jllifa: Reno, vata.l. loinnion to extra. l.Wl4c: mextHrn factoiy. common to choice, 180144c' .t. em Imitation vraatnery, common to rhulcc, l&uanac. , KOOS-Strong: eatsni fa rev a-le ted. 2M-. mesiern average best. 2ia.hc. a.wrrutkU-rtrin; at IS fuU uwai, sutsll Flour, bbls.. Wheat, bu... Corn, bu.... Oats, liu Kansas City (irata uad Provlalona. KANSAS CITY, Nov: U.-WHEAT Lower: December, $1.0;i(fTl.o34; May, $l.n3'a' 1014; Soptemher, 884c; cash. No. 1 hard. $1.((1 .08- No. i. $l.ot4l.064; No. 4. 9Cct $1.02; No. ! red. $l.l4'il.i9; No. S. $1.04'(i 1.07: No. 4, 2c(i$1.02. CORN Iwr; December, 43'ff4.'t4c; May. 42(,a'424c; cash. No. 2 mixed. 474t474c, No. 1. 4647c; No. i white. 41-fcfi 494c ; No. 3, 4:ti8c. OATS-Sleady; No. t whlto, 314 No. I mixed SfiV4c HAY-Steady; choice timothy. JD.OwiiS 25; chol'-e prarrie, $7.5t'(i8.00. EOUS 8tady; Miwioiiri and Kunsns, new No. 2 whltewood cases Included. 24c; case count. 2c; cae.' returned. 4c less. R UTTER Jlrm; rreamery, 21i22cj dairy. 18c Receipts. Shipments Wheat bu 47.200 126.40) Corn, bu 4.44SI fn.uuo Oats, bu 12.001) 25.0JO PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 15 H UTTER Firm and good demand; extra western creamery. X4c; extra nearby prima, 28c. EGG Firm, 1c hither, nearby firsts and western firsts. 2fi'ii at mark. CHEttti&-Unchsnged; New York full creams, fancy, 114c; New York full creams, choice, 114c; New York full crcums, fair to good, loytnic. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Nov 15 WH EAT De cember. $1,124; May, 1.134; September, He; No. 1 hard. $1,164; No. 1 nor;herti, $1.1:4; No. t northern. $1.0S4jl 10. FliOL'R Flmt palinta, 14 2iii6 .Hi; reennd patents. $.0aO4l.l5; first c-lt-urs, $1.5 ' 4. 60; ecnnd clears $3.1la6.). BRAN In bulk $15.00. Uolntsi Rraia Market. DULUTH Nov. 15 WHEAT-To errlve; No. 1 norinfrn, t - "'n-n. $1 074. J" track: N". 1 northern. $1.15; No. 2 norinern, 'i, -. . Southern do Dfd Texas Psclfle ...... $.900 T . St. L. & W 200 do pfd 800 Union Paciflo 17.780 do pfd 600 Wabash 2.700 do pfd 3ti0 W. A L. E 6O0 Wlscorsln Central ... 1 luo do pfd I ") Mexican Central 48,200 Adams Ex American Ex United Statf Ex Wells-Farao Fx Area! Cooper 71 Ann Am. Cr & Foundry.. 2 8) do Pfd 8 r-no A"V Cotton Oil $.300 do rfl 100 Am. Ice 4i do r.fd -VO Am. Unseed Oil 4 fort do nfd 300 Ah. Locomotive I.soo do rfd 1110 Am. Sn.elt. & Refng..180 do rfd 1 V) Am. Sowar Refng 1 too Anaconda M. Co ) Tteook'vn R. T 80.800 Colo. Fiiet AV Iron 1000 CorsoMdated Oas 4 'Oft Corn Products jo.sno do nfd ... 1.800 Distillers' Securities.. 2 600 General Electric 1.100 International Paper... T 100 do pfd $.400 International Pump... 0 do pfd ") National Lead , 8f North American 4.P Pacific Mall 4.7"0 People s Oaa 4.100 Pressed Stesl Cir "0 do pfd 8eo Pullman Palace Car Republic flterl do pfd Rubber Goods do pfd , Tern. Coal A Iron.., U. S. T-eather do pfd , T. B. Realty , U. 8. Rubber do pfd l 8 feel do nfd "'eepghnn Eire.. V'se-n fnloti 424 1364 754 i4 874 -S64 794 4 254 524 74 11K-A 117 Staple nnd F&ney Prodnre KOCIS t.'nndled slurk, 2c. , ., I.IVE POULTRY Hons. 8c; roosters. 6c: turkeys. 164il6c; din ks, 10c; gees, 9cf spring chickens, S4c. LI TT ICR Pocking stock. 13'c: choice to fancy dairy, KtftSc; creatner-, 210'24c; fancy prlnls, 25c. FRESH FROZEN FISH-Trout. h)c: nick- 824 1 erel. 8c: nlke. 1i)c: nerch. 7c: hluefiah. lir: 1234 whlteflah. 10c; sfJmcn, 14c; redsnaptxr. 31c; lobster, gre n. 2fr. lobster, boiled. 3k; bull heads. 11c: cattish. 14c: black buss. 3t': hallihut, 10c; crappies, 12c; roe shad. $1: buffalo. 7c; white bass, 11c; frog legs, per doi.. 26c. P RAN-Per ton, $16. HAY Prices auoted bv Omalin Wholesale 1364 IS64 Dealers association: Choice No 1 upland, 73 ii.ui; 00. z. io.mi; medium, coarse, 90 I $6.50. Rye straw. $6.(0. These prices arc 424 ! for hav of good color and quantity. 1364 OYSTERS New York counts, per can. 75 4ic; extra selects, pi-r can. iwc; sianonro. 754 I rer can. 32c; hulk, standards, per gl., 81 .15; 85 ' bulk, extra selects, per gal.. $1.73; bulk. Bov; ! N4jW York courts, ner gal . $2.00. 374 1 TROPICAL 7RU1TS. 634 i',: 148 1084 S34 684 424 3.14 9fi4 38 314 60 4 116 944 244 464 224 ?4 48 114 354 95 $74 31 1124 944 244 464 214 234 474 194 400 119 1184 Of) J 000 111 4.100 A inn I 700 764 3"4 a4 35 ft-'. 84 ?4 M4 4" Wy OU, 74 118 14 I" 704 ft4 8Ti', 874 181 4 22 74 8n 2"4 1034 4.S4 104 86 84 JVI 17 44 4 '754 MO IN . 400 ''. , onn na sort 884 80 7v) $4 .$3,400 884 400 $ 754 31 ST4 334 84 9 14 414 -4 fWH T84 1474 J" 84 884 114 $04 79 41 86 25 101 48 1084 Kl J80 144 4 244 744 144 M4 0 sou. 8?4 r4 t74 a, 1 u . OATS To' arrive gnd on track. .4c. Liverpool Grain Market. j LIVERPOOL. Nov. 15 -VH KAT-Sp .. nom'nal. Fjlurn dull; Decenbs-r. 7s 24d 1 4'oRN Fpot. Ameil an rrlxrd. firm l , 91-d. Futurer. qulft; Dac.'mher, 44 l..d. 1 ' t'ufter .!. NEW YuRK. Nov. 15 - COFFEE-Market for futures opened steady at decline of 6 points In response to rnthir disipnolnticg Kuioiuan cahlea andUrger HraailUn re ceipt. Thcr ws aiiparniOv fif demand at Ihe decline, hut business a a whole wss e,ulct snd most of the selling wss for arbi trage account between here and Havre. The maikit closed Ktuv at a dicltne of 5 IN-Int Sales er rtported of 27 i'o bags, incliidlns: De-mber Swi7c: Jsnusry, TlOi-; Msisk. 7s&73s-: May. T. 4VJ T : S pieml.e-. 7.75fi7.M-: October 7 Sue. P""t Mo atosd; No. 7 li.soha. $ 7-16c. Ml Id. Total rales for th day. 1.698.400 shares London CloslosT Sloeks. LONDON. Nov 1. T"o1na-: Conaola. Siaktr U 4-K .. aa- a. IS .. '. ..I0 1 ..lis) a.US .. 4.S 61 69i 254 534 74 118 ;v, 954 874 304 494 1144 $4 244 464 214 J34 474 5n4 $40 51 S. 118 237 764 314 8 344 93 94 364 v 41; vm 794 1144 14T4 jian, 04 iitt; 34 rr 104 41 84M 244 10! 464 1094 $44 84 T 14 44 75 144 81 80 U, 844 JT4 874 174 do arrsug ... Anarcaia ... Aieh'.aon ,, do pfd . B. A O Ian Parlllr Oi . A Ohio . Tilraao o. w c . M A it. p PellMra II A It O .... do pfd ISrta 4o lit pfd do M pfd III. r.nlral .... L A N M K fc T ... SILVER-Bar, K T. Caatral.... Norfolk A W da pN Daurlo A W PtanarlTanl ,,,, Hand all ufa Haadlss do fat ktd sl do 14 Pfd Ill Souihrrn Rallaiar 1WI So ml tss Pailtc aaWjlaina PacISc . 41S: . T.'.S Ml. .lii .141' J MS ll Pld f sirl do ptd Wainak pid spaalali its t .... tvl . . 41 .... 41 ... 17 .... MS .... tt ....1114 It I" I4 4U US ounce. ntllel TT.,4 VT v ' vein. llie rale of discount in the open msrket for shttr hills la 8 per rani, for tiirea months bills, $15-fM per cent. Treaaara- ktntratrnt. ORANOBS Florida, sixes 126, 15, 176, SV), 218 nnd $50. $3.26'5'3.50. IEMONS CKllfornla fancy, 27e; 300 and $80. $r. is): choice. $4.50. DATES Per box of 80-lb. pkgs., $2.0": Hallowl, In 70-lb. box. per lb., 64Gc. FIOS California, per 10-lb. carton, TlVif fc; Imported Smyrna. 4-crown, 124c; 6-i-rown. 14c; 7-crown. 16c: fancy Imported, washed, In 1-lb. pkgs.. lSfalfto; Cftllfornln. per case of thirty-six nkga., $2.18. BANANAS Per medium sited bunch, $2.0) 2.60: Jumbo. $2.7568.50. COCOA NUTS Per 100. $6.00 ORAPE FRf 'IT Per box. $6 00 TANGERINE? Florida, per box, $5.01: per half -box, $2.6o. FRUITS. APPLES Home grown Jonathan, ner bbl.. $4.01): Ben Davis. $2.25: New Turk Tal man and Pound Sweets $3.00; New York Kings. $3.00; New York Pippins, $2.73; N?w York Greenings. $2.60&2.6i); New York Bald wins. $3.50B2.75; Colorado Jonuthuns and Wine Bans, tier bu box. $1.50. PEARS Utah. Colorado and California, fall varieties, per box. $1 75ffi2.21. CELERY Per doi., 2M0c. (RAPES Imported Malagas, per keg. $5.O1fj.00. CRANBERRIES Wisconsin BM1 and Bugle, per bbl.. V.WSt.W; Wisconsin Boll and Cherry, per hhl . $s 00: wr box, IJ2.65. VEGETABLES. POTATOES New home grown. In sacks, per bu . 4oc. TURNIPS Per bu., 60c; Canada ruta bagas, per lb, 1c. NAVY BEANS Per bu.. $1.9V2.0). ONIONS Home-grown, In sacks, per bu., KVtWio: Spanish, per crate. $190. CAULIFLOWER Per bbl.. $4 .00. CUCUMBERS Per esse of 2 dux., $1 75. CABBAC3E Home-grown, per 100 lbs., 70c. SWEET POTATOES Home-grown, per bu. basket; tOc; Illinois kiln-drlsd, per bbl., $2.76. OREEN PEPPERS Per hu. l a-ket. 60c. BOUASH Home-grown, per dm.. 5oc. EOO PLANT Home-grown, per dog., 75c. MISCELLANEOUS BAUER KRAUT-Wlsronsln. per keg. $2.60. CIDER New York, per hhl, $5.2!,; per 4 bbl.. $3 25. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream. 124c; Wisconsin Young America, 13c; blok 8wiss, new. 15c; old, 16igl7c; Wisconsin brick. 14c; Wisconsin llmburgr, ljk NUTS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, ne crop, per lb., 14c; hard shell, p;r lb., 13. No. t soft shell, per lb., 12c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb.. 12c; pecans, large, per lb, 12"; small, per lb., loc; pesnuis. jar Hi., 7c; roasted peanuts, per lb.. 8c; Chill walnut 1. per lb., I3184c; almonds, soft shell, p'r lb.. 7c; hard shell, per lb.. 15c; clicstits per lb. 124tfl6c: new black walnuts, per bu.. 76JW)e; shellbark hickory nuta, per bu. $1.76; large hickory nuts, per bu.. $1.60. HIDB8 No. 1 green, 7u; No. i grev 6c No. 1 salted. 84c; No. t salle). 74c; No. 1 veil calf. c; No. t veal calf. 7c; dry salted, lcu-lV; sheep pelt. 25cjj)l.('l; horse hides. $i.Loa.oo. Wool Market. BOSTON. Nov. 15 -WOOL-Msrket is quieter this wek. due to the fa t that stuck In the bands of local ua er ha been hoavlly reduced, many manuf ici urnj having purchased freely L futuie n-e s Buyers find much d'fflcjlty In g ti r.g il slrd lots of g sdes ne d d prl es ar.i still upward. are: lexa. twelve month, nominal; f a I atria, Hum boldt and Mendocino, 2&U4H-; northern, choice. 25fe2Cr: middle c uutlxa. 19a$c; southern. IfcwlHc; ( .rejon. eastern atspr. j;i !ile; clothing I7til8:. Territory. .i.,h:i fine. 16-ift)c: hnvv fire fJf17c; fire me dium. !6Vt'e. Wyrmirg ne. 17irls4: he.vy fine. 1514?; fl-e mad'um, 7 -ftl 4c. Utah and Nevedr. fnr. i;ilw; rr vv fine. lWllCc: fine medium 1741S-. M nttna. fins choice. 2IM ' ; vtrg Iu2iic; f're, medium choice rilj."Jc; sve--g. u-n-i c. Colorado, fire 164116V; fine med'i'm. Iil7c ST. LOUIS. Nov. l."..-Wi);jl-sji.,dv: medium grade', combing i,d 1 t in j t,Ju:: light fne WaXv; l.esvy flue, .Julio; tub waaitaJi. 253kUu. IMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Oattle Rcr'pts Qnitu Libtrtl, but PricM Held Gnr11j Suidy. HOGS SOLD BIG NICKEL LOWER Reeelait of heea and l.amha F.nllrely Too Light to Meet Realrenaenf a of Trade and Rotk Killers and Feeders ate-ady to R4roa. SOUTH OMAHA. Nov. 16. 1M Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Official Mondsv $ 31 6 212 562 OfTlclal Tuesday 8.750 S.AcO $.700 Two dav this week 18 141 14 8i2 18 262 Same d.iya Isst week. . .. 6:1 7.718 18.143 Stme days week before. 12.548 8 $5,461 Same three weeks ago. . .17.0.12 $.676 28.1M Same four weeks ago. . ..13 655 7.728 40.463 Sims days last year 8.914 13 197 28 9S9 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table show th receipts of cattle, hogs nnd sheep st South Omaha for the year to date, with comparison with last year: Im4 1 inc. Pee. Cattle ,'22 481 958 7" 134.834 Hogs 1.981585 1.926 in 55.274 Sheep 1.684.r?6 1.6V3.687 1$ 1 The following table shows the average price of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days with comparisons: Data. l$O490$il$O2."lOTl;llKl0.l.lS. -8. D. Oct. 17 Oct 18 Oct. 19 Oct. 20 Oct. 21 Oct. 22 Oct. 28 Oct. $4 Oct 28 Oct. 26 Oct. 27 Oct 99 Oct . S 04' ( SI I 4 J74I I .1 5 0241 11' .1 t 0741 6 08 .1 $ 8 (171 .1 i 174' 6 171 I I 6 141 I $ ?! I I 14' I S 20 I a 1 5 fat I 6 251 6 01141 R i; 4 V. ! ini I 4 V 4 7 .1 ' 4 f .1 4 $14' 4 Ml 4 8441 I I 4 8ia, 4 aoi .) 4 8641 4 87 I 4 8n I 4 791 I 4 8.ST, 1 74; .1 I 4 711 I 4 0141 4 7SI 1 s I 1 4 $741 4 80 4 971 4 RT . 14 89 I 4 611 i 4 04' t I 14 64' 1 4 J4' 4 671 T 18' 8 $0. 7 0$ 27 I ( 23i 6 (Ri a 8 l 6 2l 6 711 031 4T1IIW 8 741 011 6 711 6 or.i 8 TI 1 8 OOi 6 6i! I 6 1' 8 SO' 8 611 8 811 6 68: 6 721 6 81 55' a I ( 871 6 TS' $ 721 S 82! Oct. 80 Oct. Jl Nov. 1 Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. vov. 10 Nov. 11 Nov. 1". Nov. 1J. Nov 14 Nov. IS. Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by cTch r""d ws: . attie. MOgs.DO p 11 sea. 8 611 6 4- 8 611 6 711 6 R8I 6 71' 6 P8 8 t 441 6 6" I I 741 6 SSl I $51 ( 731 6 V. 6 "" 6 fl' 6 69' 6 VK 8 ' 321 6 67 , 4 841 4 Itt 4 M 4 a$ a 1 4 821 4 611 4 Ml 4 481 4 68' 4 54' a I 4 6tl 4 60. 4 47i 4 611 4 an: 4 661 I 4 6l 4 Ml 4 871 4 71' 4 C$1 4 74' 4 18' t 74) 4 10H 87 4 16 8 71 4 811 71 4 l$l 8 I $ 66 4 141 4 14' 1 M 4 13 I '8 4 181 8 84 4 1fH 47 4 10' 8 81 e I $ $4 4 4 (W $ 68 4 011 $ 68 4 04' 3 46 4 t4 S 4 4 02( 8 $1 $ 62 I 4 ai 4 74' 4 $71 4 8.1 I 4 mi 4 ft" 3 81 4 081 8 62 4 08 t 45 4 08 ' 3 47 4 021 I 43 1 I 41 3 84' $ Ml $ 41 3 $l $ 86 C . M. A St. P. Ry. Missouri Pacific 12 1 Union Pacific system... 56 C. eV N. W. Ry 5 F., E. AV M. V. R. R.... 80 C. St. P.. M. & O. Ity.. 6 B. M. Ry 99 C. H. Q. Ry 8 P., R. I. P. Rv., east. 8 C , R. I. & P. Ry.. west 7 Illinois Central Chicago Ot. Western Total receipts 266 The disposition of the day'a receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber or neaa indicated: 31 1 23 13 20 7 21 1 4 2 140 17 Cattle. Hogs. Omaha Packing Co 303 M Pwilt and i.ow i.ow Cudahy PatkinK Co 1.113 Lola Armour & Co I.w. l.oi- Armour At Co., Sioux City 176 'i.SiS Vanoant Co 419 Carey & Uenlon HI J.obman & lo i( .... W. 1. Stephen 142 Hill m Huaton & Co..'. 5t) Hamilton & Rothschild... 1'Ji .... L. F. Hum Ill Squires & Co , won is ivturtian J. I). Root & Co a Bulla & Kline 21 8. 8 McCrary & Carey lo. liHKtriy So Other buyeia Cw Sheen 126 I OKI) 4o4 4X? 3.21! Toi-lls 7.619 8,094 5,011 CAi i LE There was i.otiial run of cattle In tight tn.s mo.nlng. wnlun makes the supp.y lor the io oa ti ls week far in excels of the fame days of la-t week or of last eat. ilic oeuiand. though, wai in nood sndpe at tnis pjlni. so that prices tied ttea-y cen th.uh Chicago and Kansas Cay e.v suolel lower. Several curs of corn fed steers arrived, but none of them were siiictly prime. As compared with yesterday the market showed very little change as packer all seemed to no willing to take a f w c un fed a of t. e kind ffered at Juit abjut steuiy prices. As hlgn as S6.75 was paid iir some cattle of fniny good quality. There were quite a few we:ern range steers In the yard 4, but rone of them wers strictly choice. The market, though ruled quite active with price fully steady with yesterday on anything at all As all the packers seemed to hive libetal or ders the bulk of the arrivals was dis posed of In good a?ason. The cow mar kit wa ol o sc'lve and generally steady. If there was any chanxe st all -It was a little stronger feeling on the' choicer grade?, while the commn klriis were a llttl hard to sell at s edv prices. The change, though, In e'lher dl-rr-ctlon was hardly noticeable and practi cally everything was out of flrrt hands at an early hour. Bulls, veals, calves and stags sold In Just about the same notches they did yes terday. Quite a liberal proportion of the receipts consisted of etockers and feeders, but the demand seemed lo be equal to the occa sion and an active and steady mark-t re sulted. Everything at all desirable o'd readily, but. of course, the common kinds were more or less neglected, the earn as usual. Representative rales; BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No A v. Pr. 17 1457 4 96 17 1207 ( 15 4 1. H0 4 50 17 31 4 90 f!.: 1260 5 on 37 1846 6 40 11 1426 S 75 COWS. 1 1060 ! 86 1 1190 3 11 35 9?2 2 26 41 967 2 80 15 1168 2 70 4 902 2 75 10 978 2 75 18 W ! 76 16 906 2 85 14 10 2 86 13 1198 3 10 IKIFERS. 6 842 2 85 4 717 S 86 8 773 5 ifl S WJ) 3 00 16 780 S 78 BULLS. t 840 t m STOCKEHS AND FEEDERS 1 SOO 2 50 1C 663 J 76 7 776 3 ( 0 4 1170 1 26 23 VO0 8 y 49 936 $ 30 1$ !M'2 3 ' 10. 8S4 3 60 NEBRASKA. 11 cow 1040 $75 1 ster f1 2 10 g cows f4 2 05 2 feeders.. 9f0 J to 13 cowe 8W 3 25 1 feeder. .1060 $ f5 13 mwl 803 1 8"' cow Hill I S5 4S f -.-.1 era.. M8 8 16 41 feedsrs.. 170 3 16 9 feeders.. 927 3 (A J fsedere.. 786 2 60 I feeder... 900 2 90 3 cows 843 2 10 1 bull 1180 2 35 I cow 1010 i 26 8 cows 976 2 50 14 cows 93 $ 45 1 bull H'O 2 35 1 cow 960 $ 16 1 feeder... 9o 2 25 1 cow losO 1 76 1 feeder... 490 3 00 ? cows laXi i 46 1 steer 2 1 eow 20 26 SOUTH DAKOTA 21 cows W4 " 7ii 2 feeder.. IsO $ 00 1 row 1070 $80 10 feeders.. II ' $76 13 cows 978 Hi 14 steers.. ..lor! 8 80 j cws ii8 2 on I rteer loan J 66 80 steers.. ..1075 3 16 31 steers.. ,.1011 $16 $4 steer...."1 $85 II cow 1010 IN 11 ee ws 1H5 2 8 WYOMING. 14 enws .. 903 4 88 88 OOWS 831 9 00 18 cows'... .1047 3 15 167 cows... .1047 1 15 71 cows V9 3 16 1$ eiwa l'8 9 TI 13 bulls. ....13'4 $16 II o-' a 180 )3 rows 97? 3 00 6 bulls 1374 $ 15 18 feeders.. $48 8 Op H Tanck 8. P. 22 mws 122 3 05 45 te are... .111 I V 5 C0WS....J 4? t "'W .... m 40 t V Erlcksoa S. D. tmst I" 8 00 10 feeders . 1078 so f rows 81 2 00 ( mixed... 910 $10 1 hllll 11 !r". . r, E. Odow B. D. 22 steers.. ..iml '66 J W. Hover-S. V. Scows 1"0 2 80 0 steer.... 972 8 20 j row 1210 i I" 1 cow 1191 $25 A. H"b.n-S. D. 106 steers.. V 96 3 35 Townnd Bros S. D. or, corn s 995 $ o $6 feeders. .loaf) 3 to "jew Ill" $60 4 fedcr..l9 $00 3 COWS.....1P6 1 hull lao $ 3J 6 steer ...ll'd $ 26 J. C. Jefferls-8. p. fl steers. ...1140 3 16 73 cowa 421 $ to steers.. ..!'( K4 8 f'eders.. 790 3 10 11 steer. .- I"0 $10 $ steers. .. 12l) 3 2o Western Rauchts S. I). 19 Steer. ...DM 1 TO I ro Ki j;s Mlddlemlst L. L. 8. Co.Colo. ; feeder. 1014 $ f 74 (leers. ...'u IK J feeders., wo $75 M st'ers....M32 t el 1 feed ."T.. . 9i0 S 75 I bulla... .1424 1 0) T cows. ... l'H $ ' 1 bull 110 1 ffl 1 cow 930 3 76 1 bull P30 1 15 VV. R. Graasle-a D. $0 tters....lf10 I $0 1 row ti40 $10 1 stag i:-0 I William Wallace . D. II steer. ...loa I 00 I rows 107 1 ) I rows 1"10 1 $ O. B Marhsll-S U. trow 1094) $ Ou 9 steer. .11M Itt 1 row I to 1 teer....ll? $ o 7 cows 1117 $1$ I bull 170 2 0o 1 cow 980 t $6 4 4)ow 1130 $ A L, May-S. D. 21 steers.. ..113 I J Paboock S. D. 13 steer.. ..101 $ $0 E1 Waraell ft. D. 4.1 sleeis....!17l i X M, Coy-l t steers.. ..1111 $ $6 K. Postrom Neb. 1 cow 1020 5 It fe-dar . 976 $06 1 row 710 f 7i 14 C1W ... m $7$ D Crulckshsnk-.Neb. 1 cow 7$" $00 1$ feeders.. 7 t I cows 10..$ f 60 1 feeder... 44 $ $0 $ COWS !") Il 1 bull 1280 1 71 $ cow 811 3 10 10 heifer., lit I 21 L Morris Neb 10 cows 842 $ 5o 4 feeders.. 680 I 10 cows $14 tOO 1 calf 1 $$6 O. F Smith-Neb 108 feeder. $78 $ 16 I feeder., rt $ 71 Mrs M E. Clark-Colo 21 heifers.. 704 I 15 I cows 884 1 85 . Edredge. Wyo. feeders.. 872 15 n steers. ...1204 t $0 22 feeders.. 661 $40 60 rows 714 3 86 2 feeders.. 600 3 00 9 steers.... $29 2 W. C. Sullivan, Wyo. 18 feede-e..irf I 40 7 cow 1129 $16 2 feeders ..10- 2 76 $ rows 1030 2 11 leers... 1140 $26 1 bull 1110 $00 H Rssmussen. Wyo. 11 cows 967 $ 00 6 bulls 1420 3 00 7 cows 9(4 2 11 2 bulls 1390 1 60 O. Sureno. Wyo. COWS 1O70 2 8i) II feeder.. 1113 $46 19 cows 93 Oil 1 feeder. .110 $00 2 cows II 110 1 bull 1340 2 (a) 1 bull 1290 $ Of) Oeorge Urnbt, Wyo. 50 steers. ...1221 I 74) O'Connor Bros., S. 4D. 1 steer 1110 $ 60 I rows 1080 I 25 14 steers. ...1117 $ 26 James Ward. 8 D. 7 cows 868 $ 75 2$ steera. ...Ill t 00 William Moncrleff. Wyo. 10 I" Mils 1408 2 00 $ bulls 180 2 76 2 cow 1180 3 60 2 bulls 12v $00 1 row 1110 2 60 . 1 bull 1800 $ $6 1 bull 1240 3 00 1 c-w 960 3 tO J. Bell. Neb. 28 feeders.. 1019 3 80 64 feeder.. 1006 3 41 $ feeder.. 1006 3 00 J. D. Rlcharda-Neb. 49 feeder. .1087 $$6 , The Tollind Co -Wyo. 71 feeder.. 994 $ $0 4 feeder.. 994 $ 71 J. K. Jeobson Veb. $4 fe-de-s fl I n $ feeder.. t1 $00 A. T. Iind and Live Btock C.-Neb. 4 calves... ri'i '"0 26 cows 773 2 10 23 calve... 123 I Pft W. W. Sewell-Wyo. 1 steer Jnoo A 16 1 cow 1080 $ 10 26 steers ... 171K $ 16 20 steers ... 1161 $40 J. W. Krn-Wvo. 1 rnsi) inni an 9 feeders. .1090 $80 1 row 1030 3 $6 1 feeder... 640 I 00 Mitchell Cattle Co Wyo 104 feeders. I' "0 8 $8 $ cows..... 883 3 78 6 fscder..l'V 2 r 0 trows 974 2 80 1 steer 6.10 3 f 0 1 row 780 3 00 1 cow 73ii 2 e 1 cow M0 3 to J. H. McOlnl'V Neb. 31 row 4 Hi t cowe IK! I 40 1 row 70 3 10 Mitchell Cattle Co.-Wyo. 1 cow 9) 3 96 8 cow 83 9 8. 1 row 8V) i 18 cows 88. 3 5 18 rows ?88 3 86 1 row ) 3 85 1 row 8W ? 85 E P Meyers-Neb. f rows 991 2 75 28 cow f21 2 '.' 17 Cllve... 186 4 0 I bull 1150 2 15 L. Council Neb. n feeders.. 81 ) 8 rows 3 8 1 feeder... 0 76 1 cow 20 1 75 otsnger 8 IV 25 cows '" "'1 .--- .... fl-4 2 70 H. C. Amos-Neh. 1 e- "J ' w ... )' '1 63 'ers....l,19 S 81 4"w' P32 2 15 1 row 9r " '6 2 rows 910 3 81 7 ww "4 3 So HOGS -There wns a liberal run of hoes rea-r,-.,! tt. "ip-,,'r wpl'b maK" the receipts for the two dnvs this wek o excess or ) sae day Hst rwk ard "lso of vsr. O'tier nolnts also hnd llherl reoelr.t sd Chlce-o wis ono'ed 6'10r lower ( Vsis-i Clf 1f,c 'ower. Packers star''-' o"t to 1 nv tt-elr hoe at this ms-ket "71v. lower, but thev flled to take or oil It'St much, ss the demand semed 1o be n lle-sl rtropori's from both r"ek". s"d aHloners fter liuvc-s nnd seller flr',lly o' together trsd- np WSS IctlVS -"d th" decll-s 1" O-'V " ht" nickel or M57V-e. '"he t-"'ik of th hoes sol t $4 V. snd 4 "8. w'"' th choicer loads ss hlch ss 94 70. Th co-nCer losds sold Isrewlv t $4 60. iarln- to th cti"'tv of e rn-rkst evervthlng ws sold bv fh mddl of the forenoon. Repre sentative si lei' No. Av. Sh. Pr. Vo. v. Sh. P' 67. ;... .81 ... 4 6H an..-.. .208 ... 4 fr" 14... ..-.38$ 160 4 414 74 44 40 4 14 66 ,4,6 40 4 (TO.. .11 "67 ... 4 24 Rf. ?77 40 4 f?-4 67 "48 80 4 1li fK 61 4" 4 Of". Fg 177 ... 4 6"4 ' J,i go 4 6'V4 "1 -7 ... 4 614 4rt 18 J80 4 6"4 76 24" ?40 4 64 41 50 40 6 08 73 280 180 4 66 3 " 80 4 66 88 nil 40 4 6.1 65 f'7 ... 4 05 70 26 ... 4 86 68 'Xl Bl) 4 66 8 4fi ... 4 1 74 "84 80 4 66 6" 968 170 4 66 TI 740 80 4 86 80 '1 40 4 66 74. ...'lO 4 68 71 J1 40 4 76 264 280 4 674 '" 40 4 874 4 .... '"S . . 1 70 66 1K6 ... 4 70 6 4n 4 V) 64 "89 200 4 60 66 264 1"0 4 60 74 78 80 4 f 78... ." Wi 4 1U. 63 "88 ?0 4 6'.. .. "1 80 4 -U, 67 fP8 11) 4 6"4 6 ?9" 240 4 6ij, 77 2'8 240 4 6"U 1 J70 40 4 -'4 24 ... 4 6'4 88 .... 538 160 4 7V. 66 2"4 120 4 64 t 4 6"i 6 "18 240 4 "4 64 "68 10 4 VU. 1 310 40 4 84, J ' 80 4 6'U, 68 Jftt 80 4 ?4 64 901 J"0 4 "-. 76 V4 80 4 frU 67 70 8" 4 U 67 801 200 4 4 7? Kl V0 4 6U, 68 "Ol 300 4 6'4 61 ;a 1n 4 6"4 80 28 ... 4 66 64 275 11 4 66 64 ?6 30 4 68 66 811 200 4 68 71 1"4 40 4 86 76 249 80 4 874 80 6 160 4 "4 6 .r...26n ... 4 6-lV 61 306 40 4 84 6.1 770 80 4 ?4 80 "7 120 4 8"4 76 557 f Of) 4 66 68 271 ... 4 874 II ....290 10 4 86 60 Jf 80 4 tw 76 217 160 1 61 68 "48 ... 4 66 rn 26 ... 4 1 51 74 80 4 66 "44 ... 4 66 67 1 10 4 86 78 ? ?00 4 86 86 M 40 4 6n 60 817 240 4 66 69 71 160 4 66 61 947 40 4 86 74 J64 500 4 65 fi ; 21 4 66 64 78 40 4 88 6 SO 4 6 6 ... 46 60 " 60 4 66 8".... ,74 900 4 66 61 aS 2 4 674 41) J 160 4 60 71 40 4 61 6" 816 ... 4 84 T 6 ... 4 67li, 67 "71 40 4 TU 88 44 ... 4 64 66 08 10 4 4 76 !7 20 4 68 67 ?7 40 4 4 6? "4 80 4 86 88 41 4l) 4 66 a 60 ., . C7 10 4 66 66 '67 240 4 01 68 ... '68 1"0 4 65 19 246 ... 4 7l, SHEEP-Fecelpts were very light this morning and. In fact, much smaller than generally anticipated. The demand from local packers was as brisk as e-r and everything In sight that would -j to kill sold In short order. There was practically no change In prices from yesterday, how ever, as paclrer thsughf thev put on enough yeaterdiw to last for a while. Fed western lambs sold as hltrh aa $6 76 and fed western ewes brought $4 00, while nstlve ewes sold up to $4 f-o. Fed western wethers brought $4.60. There were very few de sirable arasser on sale but even the com moner kinds wld readily where they had anv kill to them There were a good manv feeder buvers on hand this morning, ami. In fact, there were more buyers than sellers. The mar ket ruled very actlvs and ;ron. with o-ie sales showing considerable advance. The nuslltv of th offering ws not trood. but still high prices were paid. Lambs sold a hiah aa $4.7t m t Quotations for grass sheen ad lambs: Oo.d to cholea yearlings. $4 40414.60; fair to good yearlings. $4 0O4t4.4O; good to rt'O'o wethers. $4 25474 10 ; fair to good w'hrs, 14 Ofi4.?8: food to cole sw. 4.oifi46: fslr lo rood swsi, $3.764.flf!: good to ohol'-s lambs. 96 fslr to -o-d 'emhs, 88.164 6 40: feeder year'ing. 767 4 .'5: f eerie wethers. $$600460; faeder ewe. $2IO3 60; feeder lambs, $4. $644.90. Representative ssles: No. P' III western ewes 98 8 76 1 Nebraska ewes 96 $76 48 NeKraak ewe 0 4 ' 1 native aw , 10 t 98 122 Nebraska wethers " 4 fo $9 native wether Ill 4 66 7 Ted wstern ewe 1) 4 66 88 Nebraska lambs 88 6 re 17 cull bucks I 9 0ft r I'yomina feeder ewe 86 (6 'A Wiomlng ewe 6 8 40 $8 Wyoming ewes 8' 8 40 j goat tfti 4 oo 1 ost loo 4 o !'4 Nebiaeka fed ewes 4 fO ti Wyoming ewes and wethers. "'4 4 'o 176 Wvomlng swes snd wethers. "6 4 'ft 8 fd western ewes 4 l 88 native ws ' t" Nebraska 'ed wethers........ 4 as 18 native lamba ! 6 V f"d western lir.ha V 8 78 Wvomlng cull ewe "o 1 Wvomlng fd.r w ) 1 6 Wvomlng feeder ewes 9' 8 11 7 Wyoming faerier s"-s 61 4 83 Wvomlng feeder IsmH- 65 4 81 792 Wyoming feeder lamh U 4 65 Kaaisas fllr Mr nlaeV a.rWet. KANSAS CITY. Nov. -CATTLE Re. celo's. jo.eirt head. Includ'n' I'1 so''tern Marks' Kl lower- ..! port spd dressed baef steers. 91c,t-,; far , . ,rd. iVi6 0o; -e-csiern fed 'srs. $l.ri '. 70; storkers snd feeders it fill); ...-. rn ateera. i 6kj4 : sooiheru '. 81 4 oft: nstlvo cows, 81'i40: native fce(f- t;'.r4) Qt-i: mill. 8'7V)3.: calvsa 2Vi4a. HOOS Receipts. 17. to) i-ead Mirk"' 6 l'c loer; lop, $4 174; bul ot Mi'. H 44 4 7; heavy. MiM74: packer. $4 4I14 76; pig and llgtit t4.2"4j)6r SHEEP AND I.AMHS-Recefpt. 7. Ml head Market strnn end active; native lamhe. MMMK: native arrtiwra. ss iVit4 ; fed ewes. l-i. r.Sajs So; aestei n lambs. $4 JU t.74; weatern yearlings. 4 2.t4.;.; western hep, $3 7504.15; stocki t and fedrrs. $J "i 04 ; Colotsdo lambs, 71 lb.. $5 75; Colo rado wethers. V lhs , tOV CHICAOO LIVR TC)( k markkt tattle Qttlet llaga Inner l.amh itesdy to lroag. CHICAOO. Nov. li CATTLE Receipts, H.Oni) head, msrket quiet; steers steadv ; hulk Of sites peyitc lower (rood fo Prima Steers. $5 9U4 ': poor to medium. $.! fotj 6 7u; stockers and feeders. $J iKVii4 l5; cows, $1.25tr4 4o: heifers. $1 7.'ti 5 : cannrr. $1.21 4J1.40; bulls. $?.itr4 36, calves. $.iHj ; flu; western steers. $50i"qi.l5. HOOS Receipt, 33.010 hefid; 5'oH).' I 'wcr: mlied snd butcher. $t.6tfi4.-: gcol .i choice heave. $4 8Hi4 9r: rough heevv. $4 tn.t 4 66; light. $4."H4.80; bulk of los. $4.6Sr 4 Pft. 8HEEP AND LA MRS-Receipts. 7? O00 heed; lamls steadv to strong, goo I to choice wctl-.ers. $4 54i4.S."i; fair to choice mlxr-d, $.1 25; wistern h.'ep. $.l'fi.t.on; native lambs. $4 354i4 1"; western In nil. M 5oiil 50. St. I.oola Live- Ktoek Market.' ST. tOUIS. Nov. 15 -CATTLE Receipts, I Poo head. Market slow and lower; native shipping and export steer. $4 6"i .."; dressed beef and butcher steers. $4 TlVS.6: steers under 1 . lbs., $3.i4iA.6i); stm kei and feeders, $2 36ilJ3.75; cows and heifers. $i25454.50; canners. $2 OOifiJ 26; hulls, la ori 4(0: reives. $2 iW.(i; Texas nnd Indlnn teers, $2.6"i4.; cows and heifers, $2.iK-J $.80. HOOS Receipts. 12.000 hend Market w lower; olg and lights, $4 uoH 4"; packers $404j4 7..; butchers and best heavy. $4 fsVJ) 4 86 SHEEP AND LAMRS-Recelpt. 4.5.KI lsd. Mirket steady to n shade lower; native mutton. $3 5iah4 6o: lambs. l5i)lt6ii0; cull and buck. $:.0 i4.l0; stinkers. $3009 $.36; Texan, $3.H0i6.0O. St. Joseph Live 'loci: Market. ST. JOSEPH, Nov. 15 CATTLE R celft. 1,8.0 head. Market on native and western steers steadv to 10c lower: cows snd heifers l'HJISc lower; stockers aad feed ers stead- to l'lr down. HOOS Receipts. 8,i) head. Market was tnostlv pic lower and active; top, $5.80. SHEEP AND LAMRS-Recelpts. 5.12$ head. Market steady to 5c lower: too lsmbs. $5.86; mixed wethers and ewes, 14.15. loo f Ity l ive 9focU Markets. SIOUX CITY. la.. Nov. 16 (Special Tel, gram.) CATTLE Receipts. 7'W head. Mar kel steady lo strong; beeves. $3.50fr6 (V); rows, bulls snd m'xed. $2ieii3 25; stocker snd fders. $2.50fi8 50; calves and yearlings, $2 264T3 75 HOGS Rerelnts. 4.0H0 head. Market t 10c lower, selling at $4.50-0 4. 7v; bulk. 4 nXa IHS. Stork la $l?iv The receipts of live stock at the six prin cipal western cities yesterday were as fole loas: 4. nine. nogs, oneeu, South Omaha 6. ,j Sioux City ?) Kansas ("fty J0.0i 81. luls 1.501) St. Joseph 6.800 Chicago 13.0M) 8.6-10 4. OU) 17.800") 8.1XI 33,( 3.7-0 7.600 4.(xr 5.12-1 32,(00 Totals 63.700 84.100 42.R23 Metal Market. NEW TORK. Nov. 15 METALS The feature of the market Is the strength nnd activity of copper. The London market re ported another advance, with spot closing at 666d nnd futures st iiM 16s, nnd there was a good demand lice with most dealers asking decidedly blither price. Lake rangfe from $14.47v to $14 874. e!ectro Ivtic from $13,474 to $13,115. Tin wss un changed at i;-2 7s(li for spot and 131 17) 6d for futures In the Ixindon mu-ket. Lo cnllv the market war culet and firm at 82.88412 96. lead locally was generally held higher. Some of the larger dealers are silll offering spot In full cur kits at $4.10. but limitation more gnersllv rang from $4.0 to $4 7ii. Snelter wa higher In the ' ondon marlietN closing at 24 15s end Ihe New York market, fo'lowliut th for eiwn udvinoe. wis also higher at $5.45(35.55. Iron closed t r.iscd In GI"sgow hnd at 4s )oV.d In Mlddelshoroiigh. LocUy Iron was cuoted firm end hlghtrr No. 1 fonndrv northern Is qtiotfd si '6 64s17 00. No. 3 fonndrv no-thern ' $16.00tff 16.50 No. 3 foun-dr'- eii'""""" d No. 1 foundry southern ,r" ,t "' ""-17.00 ST. Iil'l. Nov. 18 MFTXL8 Ieud. firm. $4 354)4.40. Spelter, firm. $6.33. Peoria Market. PE'iRIA. Nrv. 1. CORN Easy ! No. . olt 64c; new. 47c; No. 4 old. 63e; new, 44 6474c;- no grade, ne-. 4S4444q. v ... RKAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. DEEDS filed for record Noveaiber 15, as furnished bv the Midland Guarantee and TrtiBt company, bonded abstracter, 1611 Farnam street, for Th? Bee: D. W. Ferry to B. D. Taft, ne4 4-1-1$ I 1 F. B. Reed and wife to P. A. Peter son, part lot I. block 6. Horbach's 2d add $.000 Marv C. Brock to A. W. Grove, lot 3. block 131. South Omaha 2,0"0 Anna R. Falrrhlld to A. C. Ken nedy, part lots 11 and 12. Bartlett's add 3.750 J. C. Van Luster and wife to J. B. Taylor, lots 6 and 7. block 4. Ames Place i J. A. Davis and wife to MeCngue in vitment company, part lot 12. John son's add., and strln adjoining .... I L. 8holei and wife to OotaVa M John ston, lot 7. block 8, West End 2,600 McCague Investment company to Es ther 8. Wearne. nart aublot 1 of lot 12. Johnston s add 3,?) Interstate Investment Trust Limited to Omaha Grain Terminal, lots 1, i. I. 7 and 8. olock 198. city...... 40.00) United State National bank to Cns sel Renltv company, lots 1 and 2. 1st add to Factory Place 460 D. D. Deye to F. Natteford. pari ew4 sw4 or ne4 and other land Ia) G. Peterson and wife to C. (J. Ander son, lot 2 block 3. Hurnhnm Place 400 Sheriff lo Nancv J. Kennedy, lot 8, block tt. Matthew's sub ISO Mary J. Collin and husband to J. M. McCarthy, lot 8, block I, Mat lliew Hub v... I Interstate investment Trust Limited to Omaha G111I11 Terminal, part of nwV 10-4 33-15-13 and other land.... 50,0"0 J. Schmidt to Mary T. Donlrun, lot 9, block 9, Patrick add, divorce Clementine Brown to R. W. Rich ardson, lot 1, block 14, Kquntse Place MOD Adeline Readier to W. O. Drake, sub lot lo. lot 4. Ragan add 10,000 J. 8. Klemme and wife to Sarah M. Dunkwater. part lot 17. block 2. Yates 4 Hempd's add..... I,u4) A. L. Campbell, trustee, nnd wlfo. to Helen 11. Anderson, part lot 7, block I. Orchard Hill I MIUNEAPOI.f-. OMAHA IT. OTflS- Uood MAIN OFFICE Fifth and Roberts... $T. PAUL. MINN,' Co. (INCORPORATED.) DEALERS IN Stocks, Grain, Provisions ' Writ for our market latter. Ship Your Grain to lis Beat Facilities Llbrral Advance. Prompt Retains. DiLiTii. wiJ.sirr.4j. Braarb Offlce, 1IO-I11 Board of Trade Bid- Ocaaka, Seb. Telepboa SRI4, $13-314 Fxchang Hldg.. South Omaha. ' Ball Phone 311. Independent Phon S. The Merchants National Bank or Omaha, .Net. U $ isetitsry Capital aad Surplot. $600,000 fli.1EttL8f8V.ert. IU18H MAKE. Ui tlt,. . ftkii T. I4ILI31. A ait. Caaalar. aeataa aaaousu sf ln. kaakara. aorvar. iiuaa. Iris a4 Iad:vi4uil aa Uvoraai larma r orals Cuktni ku(bt sl ao!4. Mull at cr.ill laaua4. llaki Is Sit pant ul ika worlu. lotaraat ai4 Tlaaa CartlSraua a4 Baaasra, (allartiaaa aaaaa svaaiir a Wa raajaaai aairasaaAaaa. - of sawum IWkajUl At Q- f