THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY. NOVEMBER- 11. 190. -M JJrPTTw is l mm m .pull. . saw s5 v. 1 i jV J ,,,,..''3!!! Lfk aPLrote A A 7 oV 4 ... 1 . : I r- r.ak lb l- L ADLWAY 0." r in - 4t Ik : 1 . 1 .1 i hi .- ,-. . - . ... . .... .... ; -o ! tit r-r- " ( v M r A J- , . ' '.v.-.- v. 5M m 2 ... fc - 'if': f:v :55f 4 HUTU o Ui U IS air. Just try the Great Western Service between Omaha, St. Paul and Minneapolis and be convinced that it is better than any other. We show above a photograph of the Club Car which leaves Omaha every evening attached to the Electric Lighted Limited. This is the finest and most comfortable car ever built and the personal service on same makes it really club like- The Drawing Room Sleeping Cars production of Pullman shops and have electric berth and ceiling, lamps. Leaving Omaha Daily 8:30 p. m. Arrive St. Paul 7:20 a. m., Minneapolis 8:00 a. m. Returning 1 Leave Minneapolis 8:00 p. m. and St. Paul 8:30 p. m. Arrive Omaha 7:15 a. m, Union Station. Ticket Office, 1512 Farnam Street. A.-.. J