TIIE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: SfXDAY, NOVEMBER 13. 1004. 12,000 YARDS OF High Class Silks A 29c and 49c yd Here is n wonderful sale of high class silks earning nt the height of the busiest silk season known in rauny' years these silks are all brand, new and fashionably correct just tho silks that are most in demand go .at absurdly small prices Monday on big bargain squares. JV 8 1 THE " The Ashley-Bailey auction sale was the wonder of the mercantile world we bought the choice of tho entire stock at a bargain price the high quality of the silks made by Ashley-Bailey, who never carry over a single piece from one season to another, made this silk sale the talk of New York. There were 5.432 pieces of new black ami colored silks disposed of in this sale Brandeis succeeded in geting the choicest assortments, 12,000 yards of fresh new silks straight from Ashley-Bailey's five great silk mills. In this assortment are black and colored taffetas, light shirt waist silks, double faced peau de soie, plaid Iks, 27-inch checked and striped silks, 24-inch crepe de chine, ff ncy velvets, pompadour silks, dress foulards, white Lousienes, fancy white silks, from f- 1J Li II to 27 inches wide TIIE ASHLEY-BAILEY WHOLESALE PHICE O N THESE J? J i LKS WAS C9c TO $1.25 A YAKD Monday on big Bargain Squares for easy selection Extra Special Bonnet Black Taffetas 79c-98c Fifty pieces of celebrated black taffetas from C. J. Bonnet fc Co., Lyons, France, the best taffeta iu the world every yard with wear guaranteed woven in ielvace and the name of maker at end (P.iXfitonri9?? of each piece regular W1r AOf - O celling price aud 2 yU MQ ... a yard, at, yard E3 Fancy Silks for Suits 1.25 and $1.50 quality mostly 27 inches wide, from Ashley-Bailey auction sale lots of blacks, browns, greens and cardinals. new 1904 fall designs wholesale price $1.00 to $1.25 a yard, per yard Fine Rustling Black and Colored Taffetas all new fall shades including evening shades an exceptionally fine quality for HningR, shirtwaist suits etc. Aaliley- Bniley wholesale price tKMjC a yam, at per yam Fancy Velvets at 29c a yard 1500 yards of imported fancy vel vets dots, stripes and mixed effects for waists, trimmings, etc. -worth $1 and 11.25 a yard, at, yard 89c 50c 29c Winter Dress Goods SaJe Monday Our front bargain squares will bo replenished with greater offerings for Monday. New lots from our great purchase of New York jobbers' sur plus stock brought forward all wool goons of today s styles, values up to 1 5c, mohairs, cheviots, tailor cloths, etc., at per yard All $1 values, including black mohairs, Panamas custom cloths, will go at 29c 39c All fine dress goods, valued up to ?2 at (5c yd. Thousands of yards of fine English and Scotch worsteds heavy shirtings, Sicilians, tweeds silk and wool fancies, eoliennes, voiles, black and all colors, at, yard New Waistings at 39c yard A bar gain square wit n. every imaginable color and style of French flannel and wnisting 75c grades, nt 65c 39c NEW ARRIVALS I!N REGULAR DEPARTMENT. Cream Sicilians, selling every- Qf where at 88c new browns, greona UC Best In chiffon silk, crepe on dule $l.BO grade, at... 1.00 Frosted zibeline, new Ideas $1.38 grade, at New voiles and Panamas for shirt waUt dresses.. 75c 75c:$I f Brandeis Millinery at $5 Including Latest Winter Models v We will make Mon day a special milli- nery bargain day and lO . sv we have brought for- ';UxtJS? w cirri fur tViifl fifPfl. sion scores of our newest and swellest fall and winter trimmed hats, fresh from our workrooms absolutely the most up-to-date new styles many exclusive mid- fi pZZ al1 wll Hrrv gns 1 rAt and trimming's and elaborate winter modes handsome desi ' well worth $10 and $12.50 at Smart Street Hats at $2.50 Many new deslgni for fashionable street wear 2 5Q Ladies Hats at 95c A great bargain for tomorrow all new snipes and Qr trimmings, at Notable Bargains m Ladies' Cloaks, Suits and Furs $19-24.50 lOO Calling or Business Cards at 49c PRINTED WHILE YOU WAIT AH the moBt sty- iis 1 iype :n sou- vci - rases 1IH of tem, on main ' fioor.at, per 1U0. :49c J St mining Long Coats In the ultra fashionable new tour ist and traveling shapes, long full butcher effects, made in the mannish cloths a splendid as- Tb.u.e.,'.t. 12.50-14.85 Exclusive New Coat De signs the prettiest styles of the winter season, fetchingly trimmed every one perfectly tailored, at Special Tourist Coat Offer 42-inch coat of heavy kersey, eatio lined, petal trimmed Q f Q ;r"V.3 o.Uo Stylish Box Coats The stylish short effects : trimmed and piped, new belted and A CkG wide pleated effects . p20 Sale of Sample Suits 85 ladies' fine sample tailored suiN thU season's smartest ideas, A Cft worth as hitfh aa 459 J03 Choice of 160 fine tailored suits in every ultra ntylish idea 4 M OP shown this season, worto. lui.OJ up to $25 at 9 Ladies' Suit Special Here is a good line of new tailored suit, fashionably f) fC designed and made to sell at $17.50 $ Zrij 24.50 iclla Fox 1250-$35 Zaza Stoles 32-50.$39 Ladies' Silk and Wool Waists tne newest styles and nrlghteHt nnd pret- iicoi t-uiurs mr iau ana winter wear the pleated effects, the tiny tucks, etc 12.98, $3.98 up to. i. null iidi 12.50 Double Mink Scarfs with two ion;; stripes and ten tails very handsome at. American Isabella Fox Double Scurfs with cords at Chinchilla Zaza Stoles novelty style in a handsome fur prices. White Russian Ermine Cravats Oue of the most CA popular new shapes B iJU at ...... .... Genuine Marten Double Vlctorlnea- f -.50 CIO 1L.50 handsome furslit "vpi J Fine Fox Single Scarfs ra:to.br.u:h ......4.98-9.98 Brook Mink Zaza Scarfs squirrel lined, Cg Near Seal Jackets With guaranteed satin lining and reefer froiile, 24 Inches Ion?, new shaped $29-$35-$39 Near Seal Jackets With silver beaver reveres collars and cuffs, heavy guar anteed satin lining, 39 36 In. Astrakhan Jackets large full curled, satin lining, -Q 17.50 Clff big storm collars "J '$dU 24-ln. Hudson Bay Otter Jacket ffji" in I in heavy guaranteed linings, at $ld"lo7'l'l" 24. In. Guaranteed Mexican Beaver J ick-(J ir CiQ ets new reefer fronts and big collar, at-.u vt" ! BASEMENT BARGAINS! 500 Pairs Bed Blankets - White and gray worth 75c for Monday at, pair 39c Full size 11-4 Blankets All colors, fancy colored borders, soft and fleecy just the kind to buy for cold weather special, pair. . 1.25 Extra Fine Sateen and Silkoline Com fortersFilled with white cot 1 tl tfX ton an exceptional bargain for I It jl Monday, at, each HlLr One big bargain counter 36-in. striped , and "hecked heavy outing flannel if p worth 15c yard for, yard French Comforter and drapery sateens, large range of patterns to A choose from 25c quality for, yard ..." JL Unbleached Peppere! Sheet-f ing 3 to 15 yard lengths the Jr 25c kind for, yard ttiv 59c 7k 5c All Wool Baby Flannel-Silk embroidered edges a special fine lot and are a big bargain for, yd ... . Half Wool Skirting Flannel worth 25c as long as it lasts for, yard 500 Bolts all size checks Amoskeag apron gingham at, yard I 49c Jewelry Specials for Monday Ladies' 0-size watches, with gold filled case, fine American! movement, cases guaranteed for 10 years at Ladies' 6-size. watches, with gold filled cases, fitted with C J)8 SN. Y. standard movement, 'case warranted 10 yrs. at. . J Ladies' sterling, silver hat pins, "Omaha" engraved on leather . pad foot ball and foot ball player two hat pins ' dLQ jeweler's price $1.00 at. ntJ Men's sterling silver cuff links, worth 50c and 75c at 25s Itibbon Tins cold plated on sterling silver, set of two 59c Large size ribbon pips, brilliants, pearls and turquoises, regular price $1.00 at.4. VERY SPECIAL The Duplex leather carriage bag in AO walrus and1 grain leather1 at ' -'Ov MAIL. ORDERS FILLED ' Thanksgiving Linen Sale 12-inch extra fine and heavy all linen full bleached double satin table IP i damaek, worth 12.00 for, yard l,J yery fine II. 50 quality full bleached &oft finished all linen double satin QQ ' table damask, to yards wide yard OC Fine all linen full bleaohed Belfast satin table damask, the 11.25 kind, for , yard 1.00 quality bleaohed and silver bleaohed all linen table damask Q Jrd OOC Napkins to match any of above damasks. 75o quality all linen bleached and silver bleached table damask IO . yard trJC Carload of Winter Uaderweari en's Overcoat SaJe Entire Surplus Stock and Samples of Hlarh Grade Goods. Bought from A. W. Porter Co., 43-45 White Street, N. Y. The biggest stock of underwear ever brought to Omaha for a special sale we bought outright the entire surplus stock and samples from A. W. Porter & Co., one of the largest handlers of underwear for ladies, misses and childran inthe country the entire carload has reached us-the pricas ara the lowest ever quoted by any house in the country for high class underclothing. Ladies' fl?ecy lined corset covers; long sleeves, I Ladies' very fines silk trimmed, from the Porter stosk r j wear from the 1 at IJC I wool, part wool, all inderwear 25c-39c 83c H5o quality, two-yard wide full bleached IrUh table damask "A Blr TO llartfain"-yard... OVC 1.25 2.00 full bleached frith linen dinner napkins ' dozen 13.00 3 4 size full bleached extra quality all linen napkins dozen ' , 15.00 elegant 3-4 napkins, bent Belfast make dozen , Ladies' fine and heavy ribbed underwear Maco cotton plain ana neecy lined vests and pan'.s all sizes Misses' and chil dren's fleecy lin- ed vests & pants from the Porter stock, all stzes worth to 6O3, at, 19c-25c Boys' & girls' hea vy fleeced vests, pants and draw ers, from the Porter stocks, up to 34 size, 25 ( All of A. W. Porter Co's nest quality jersey ribbed under- Portersto2K.au slza't, rear. $1 qual. tC"U1 Ladies' heavy union sui s in eve.'y style fin- rnldtreraT'r..49C.69C-9 Ca Misses' & chll- dren's heavy fleece lined union suits from the Por- atrs.to::k.39c Missas. chil dren's & boys' all wool ves.s. pants and drawers, from the Porter stock., all sizes, worth totQ. tBBA 1.98 j 2.98 a f3 n n par pair Ladies' high grade hosiery at 12c pair Fleece lined and fine ribbed, also open f work err jets, at, I S,nC Missas'. Children's School Hoie at im $I.OO, a Fine Hosiery at Big Bargains Men's 28c Hosiery at 12c tast black and tan cotton, 12k and Boys' pair-Fine ana heavy, some with 4 double knee., etc., 23d 1 J value, at, pair 2v also black and nat ural wool cash mere, at .. Monday will see the biggest Overcoat bargain of the year. Right when you feel the ueedof a new and sty Iiish overcoat to last you through the winter, we offer you this extraordinary bar gain hundreds of the swellest overcoats In our stock, made to sell for much more than the price we ask, will go for 10 all latent and most stylish patterns and fabrics at $10 we also offer a splendid line of new winter suits correct plain and fancy mixtures perfect in fit and style your choice of overcoats and suits at. Men's $10 Overcoats and Suits at $5 IN THE BASEMENT Good well wearing Overcoats and Suits will last through out the season and hold their shape and neat appearance we have your size and many new patterns, base ment, at Boys' Suits and Overcoats-Bright T)t98 new styles, stoutly made, on third Door juonuay, a in 1 1 , THE WHOLE LENGTH OF THE 2ND FLOOR (IMP Ladles' KID GLOVES In all the new fall shades, for street and evening wear on bargain aquare worth up lo i 1.25 pair at, Ladies' NECKWEAR Fancy embroidered tabs and stocks, also lace turn 3-10C15C-25C at AH ffP MIL Ik Ml k , i t .i m mm I noor Monuay, Id 1E1SATE . ; " 1 I , w WOOL'OLOVES In plain and fancy colors, all si. JU6t tuH thinCf for cold weather IIANDKERCIIIEES Ladies' embroidered edge handkerchiefs, alo ladies' and men', hem stitched liner haodkerohUU- at 4 pair at i I, iim i I, I I