Norembrr 13. 1904. THE OMAHA ILLUSTRATED BEE WORSE THAN WOOD ALCOHOL Knockout Drtuks Met -with in Virion Farts of ths Worli SOLDIERS AND SAILORS GO AGAINST THEM Flllplao Ylao, Mealcan Mescal Tapaaese lak Are Real Haanmera Blnejaekets Tbrle "Wood Alcohol. "They can't push It Into me that wood alcohol kill ererybody that Roes up against It," said a man who .has soldiered both In the army and the navy, "it Isn't the kind ot boose that Id pick out If I had my choice, but there's plenty of corked up tuft that's worse than wood alcohol. "That vino that you get down In the Philippines, for one thing. I'd rather drink straight-out wood alcohol, any day, than the vino we used to lap up. for need of something better, down around Mindanao. "Wood alcohol doesn't make a man mean and It Just stretches him out. quick and busJnpsslike, and be done with It. But take four drinks of that Luion vino and you'll dig your way through nine miles of Jungle to bit your little slater. And a vino head, compared to the come-to of a wood alcohol souse, makes the wood alco hol next morning seam like a pleasant ude In a m-rry-go-round with your steady. I've had both, and I know. "When It comes to that, I'd rather lick up enotifh decent wood alcohol to get that busy and prosperous feeling than to toy along with Mexican mescal. Queer stuff to fool with, mescal. '"When you get (rood and brined tip on that, all you've got to do, three or four days later, when you think you're sober, Is to Joa-gle your hend right lively from side to sld, and there you are, with a jag all over agoln. Like to linger around your system and give you your money's worth, mescaj. "Borne of that rum mads out of molasses that you get In tha West Indies would make a Jack rabbit spit In the face of a Jaguar. And, what's worse. It burns out ' side as well as In. Hot Staff. "You can believe It or not, but there was' H corporal of marines with our outfit at Guantanamo who got hold of a pot of that blackjack rum one night, and the next morning his mustache was burned to within a quarter of an Inch of his face, and Its cof.or had turned from brown to a sort of sandy, at that. He swore that the rum, some of which trickled over hla mustache, had done It, and nobody who'd been up against that treacle rum doubted him. "There's sake sold for half a yen a quart in Japanese ports that'll make a man rob his own ditty-box and then blame It on his hammock mate. Tricky stuff, too, that harbor sako of the swipes breed. . "Tastes something like Rhine wine, and goes down as easy as the cambric tea your aunt used to give you when you were a kid.' But Just when you're beginning to be lieve that the world's pretty soft, after all, for a man that understands how to live in It, alp! you're gone, and then you slink off by yourself and study up schemes to get your most Intimate shipmates Into some deep trouble. There Isn't any mors vindic tive tonsil oil on earth than that rice juice of the Japs, once you get pickled right in It. "But what I started to say was that wood alcohol has different effects upon dif ferent people. I've been swaddles and ship mates, on land and sea, with fellows who were lmmunes from what they're calling wood alcohol poisoning sround here now. They could drink wood alcohol like a Hous ton street panhandler beaklng Into barrel house dippers that sell for 8 cents a ladle, 'and when, they'd coma out of It they'd Just gtvt their trousers a hitch and then try to wheedle the cook into handing them slum Or scouss out of mess hours. "There was Chug fiooney, an oiler on a ship that I made a cruise on when first I Shipped with the sea soldiers. Chug stood In with the ship's painter, so that he had a good alcohol bun on most of the time not wood alcohol as a general thing, but It came to that once for a long stretch. Importance of the Ship's Painter. "The ship's painter, you see, carries the keys to the alcohol tank on a man-o'-wor, and he serves tha stuff out for shellac daubing, paint blistering, and all that., Mon-o'-war carry tha best grain alcohol In their tanks for this work, and if the hip's painter likes the cut of your Jib and the set of your Jury rig, It's pretty soft for you on that cruise, that's all I've grot to say. "Most ship's painters, without ths Jimmy Legs or any of tho rubber-jucks knowing anything about it, keep a oovered over , bucket of It in their lockers nil the time for the comfort and entertainment of their friends, and If you're there right with the ship's pulntcr you can get a little ladlo of It Just about any old time you feel gummy. To fix It right, you take it to the galley, and pour It Into a tin cup, and the cook stakes you to some coffee out of the j'ct that's always standing hundy. "You can have all the highballs you want, but if there's anything gobbler or 1 more actlony than a lump of dead-right ; alcohol thnt you know Is right, tossed into about half a beaker of hot coffee and mixed around, they don't sell It on ony brach that I ever happened to get the feel of with t jy feet, and I've been trend ing around for a long time, I've had slugs of It that made me feel like hiking down to tha berth deck alley and r'pe-claylng all the rest ot tha sea soldiers' belts al most. I didn't do It, but I came near feel ing Ilka It "Tha stuff warms and cheers you right out to the ends of your ears, and the only thing you've got to watch for la that you don't chuckle yourself to death think ing of what a snap you've got In standing in with the ship's painter. "Well, Chug Mooney, the red-headed oiler, was a cvs upon kings and still one to draw with tha ship's painter, who was a Turk himself, and for eighteen months of tha cruise. Chug just rolled around the engine rooms, on watch and oft, with the closest Imitation of a continuous perform ance auds thing every known In ths Amer ican nuvy. Chug maced the ship's painter for about a quart of the tank alcohol a day during al. that time, and he only had to stake the cook to a little of this per diem in order to snag out all the coffee on the side that ha needed. "But finally we landed for a long soak, picking up barnacles in the hnrbor of I -a Libertad, Salvador, where the ship was sent to watch that Ezeta revolution, which was like the bum afterpieces of an Eighth avenue variety show. We rolled and tossed around there for months. Perils of a) Drouth. "The ship's equipment and engineer stores ran low, and there was a lot of delay in getting fresh stores down from the Mare Island yard. Ona day the alcohol tank was drained dry, and then It looked as If Chug Mooney might ba up against It I'll leave it to anybody If It Isn't a sad thing for a man to have to let go, all of a suddon, of even ba threatened with such a thing, after he's had an eighteen months' alcohol edge, without a day's interruption. "Anyhow, the berth deck alleyways and such Ilka had to be shellac daubed for weekly Inspection, and the ship's painter was sent ashore to get hold of any kind of alcohol thnt ha could pick up nt the shack of a ship chandler of La Libertad, who only kept open an hour or so every other Thurs day and slept the rest of the time. "Tha best the ship s painter could do was forty gallons of wood alcohol that smelt like the aftermath of a Dutch picnic In a beer garden. The wood alcohol was all right for tho work, but the ship's painter felt sorry for Chug, and told Chug so, when he got back to the ship, " 'If. thnt niiln atuiT. Chug,' said the I ship's painter, sympathetically, 'and after two slugs o' that the aatlmaker's mate'l) ba after sowing you In your ear pounding bag and tying the shot to your feet for the toss over the side. Better wait till the stores get down from the yard, und I'll start you going again. "But Chug couldn't see It that way. He hadn't had a drink of alcohol for four whole hours then, and the nerve cells of him were yelling murder for more of what they'd been uxed to for half the length of a full cruise. " 'Has the Juice got the Jolt that's all I'm after wanting to know?' Chug Inquired of his painter shipmate. " 'As to that", replied the painter, 'It has more than enough to Jolt you into the bottom of Davy Jones' locker before you could blow out a smoking lamp.' " 'Out with a pail of it, then,' said Chug. Chag Hits the Can. "The painter demurred, but Chug pressed him. Chug followed the painter around like a dog hunting for its master for two hours, and then the painter drew off a quart of the wood alcohol and told Chug to take It and the rest be on his own head. "Ten minutes later Chug was down at his cleaning station, using the Putz's po made on his brlghtwork and whistling 'The Rakes 0' Mallow' like a man possessed of all the music in the world. He dreuned up that quart of the pulp 'stuff, and then tha ship's painter, reassured, fixed him out with another quart to keep him happy through the evening and night. "At the call of all hands next morning Chug hopped out of his hammock whistling 'Go to the Devil and Shake Yourself as if he had been a white rlbboner all his life, and when mesa call sounded he went for the cracker hash as If he'd been marooned for a dozen years on a guano patch In tha middle ot the sea. "During the next month, the stores not arriving from the Mare Island yard. Chug Mooney passed a good ten gallons of that wood alcohol' through tha crack in his face, and there wasn't a minute of the time that his eye wasn't as bright as a moss agate out of a small boy's pocket, and It was whistling he was all tha time like a lout on his way to the fair. "And worse than that I saw later on another packet of the line. There was an old shellback of a gunner's, mate named Bouquet which you'd never think it of him,' the terrier, although he called it Buckey who wen about the ship pickled like a Chinese shark's fin for ten days before anybody forard ever found out where he got the makings of the sozz, for he hadn't been ashore, and the cox'un, who usually brought the wet dogs off from the beach, was laying off on that for a while, fearing detection. "It was the sea-soldier corporal on guard at the gangway who nailed the old gun ner's mate at his source of supply in the middle of one night, although the corporal never reported it aft Buckey was get ting it out of the recoil chamber of one of the rapid fire guns. The recoil chamber of one of those guns Is filled with half oil and halt wood alcohol, the pulp stuff being used because It answers the purposi as well as the grain juice, and is three or four times cheaper. "Old Buok had found a way to tap It and was drawing it as needed, to keep his edge from dulling by contact with the gray fogs of the north Pacific, where we were then stationed. He had a way of settling the oil at the bottom of hla pan and then draining the pulp aJoohol off into his bottle. "Ths alcohol tasted some oily, of course, besides carrying Its own smell and tang in the mouth, but Buck told me after it was all over, one night at the gangway as we smoked, that he had never enjoyed a teiv day bun so much in his life as he had the one he got out of the recoil chamber' of that gun. "I'm not advising anybody to go in for the pulp stuff as a beverage to go with mealB, or even for a steady thing. I'm only holding out for It that there's worse paint that wood alcohol." New York Sun POINTED PAHACIHAPHS. Some strenuous hunters make a specialty of hunting easy jobs. Man's capacity for suffering Increases as he becomes civilised. Fully nine-tenths of the Wall street pointers prove to be dlsappolnters. More people have been taken In by land sharks thun by water sharks. A spinster always turns up her nose at a woman who haa been divorced. When It comes to silent partners many a henpecked husband fills the bill. Many a person prepares for a rainy day by appropriating his neighbor's umbrella. When a mun declares he Is out of poli tics he doean't always stop to explain why. You may save a lot of money by not be ing able to buy the things you think you want. What every nation should have is a standing am y that no other nation is able to sit down on. Some women read fiction while some oth ers merely listen to the fictitious narra tives of their husbands. Chicago News. No woman's hsppi. nets can be complete without children ; it is her nature to love warn- them much. o at love tha beautiful and pure. The critical ordeal through which the expectant mother muit pass, however, is so fraught with dread, pain, sutering and danger, that tho very thought of it fills her with apprehension and horror. There is no necessity for the reproduction of life to be either painful or dangerous. The use of Mother's Friend so prepares the system for the coming event that it is safely passed without any danger. This great ana wonaenui remedy is always appliedexternally,and has carried thousands of woman throuch the trying crisis without suffering. 1 f7 Tsa Bra.lUI. It.g.ttt-r Cs., Atlssts. Sa. U U U U U U4J n u u THE DEATH CALL OF NIAGARA A Physician's Tbsrry to Aecsant for tbs Nnmber of Suicides at the Falls. HYPNOTIC INFLUENCE OF RUSHING WATERS Record of Elghteea Tragedies Darlaa; the Year Peeallar restarts Kotee Daageroas Place for Kerroas People. Eighteen name have been added to the list of suicides at Niagara Falls within the last year. There Is evidence to Indicate that a large proportion of these persons came here merely as vlaltors, with no other motive than to see tha mighty cataract, and were led to kill themselves by soma sudden impulse. Dr. A. L. Benedict, a specialist In nervous diseases and former director of the depart ment of ethnology at the Pan-Amerloan ex position, finds the explanation of this sud den Impulse In the hypnotic Influence of the rushing waters. Ever since February 17, 1902, when Mlsa Alice M. Colie left the doctor's office In Buffalo In good spirits one afternoon and was never heard of again except through a note picked up on the bridge leading to Luna Island from Ooat Island, Dr. Benedict has studied each casjo of suicide attributed to the fails, with the result of confirming him more and mora strongly in the theory that the vic tims were led to suicide by hypnotism. "The waters are calling me," said Miss Colie In her farewell note to her parents and her betrothed. Dr. Benedict's observa tions lead him to the conclusion that the waters have called the majority of the eighteen who took the plunge this year, ai well as the majority of those who com mltted suicide In other years. "I am thoroughly convinoed that hypno tism Is responsible for so many suicides at the falls," said Dr. Benedict, "because thousands have experienced the hypnotic Influence very strongly while watching the cataract and listening to Its hoarse, mo notonous roar. That they were not over powered by it to the extent of forgetting their interests In life was their good for tune. "I have met many persons who have told me that they cannot stand on one of the bridges over the rapids or near the cataract for any length of time without feellpg a strong Impulse to Jump Ir. I myself would not care to alt within sight and sound of the rapid for any length of time, and I think I am above the normal as far as yielding to any hypnotic suggestion la con cerned. It Js dangerous to sit beside the cataract even for persons perfectly nor mal." Nature of tbe Inllnenee Exerted. "In what way Is the hypnotic Influence of the falls manifested?'" Dr. Benediot was asked. "Monotonous stimulation of any of the senses, except taste and smell, which ar both chemical, produces drowsiness or hebetude," he replied. "The only require ment is that the stimulation be mild and repeated and of tho same degree each time. "You can feel this effect through the sight, especially by looking at any bright object, and if it keep moving regularly. If the motion be Irregular it will not pro duce the hypnotic effect. "It can be produced through the hearing In the same way. Many persosn are lulled to sleep by music, especially If it be soft and in a minor key. "How these conditions are fulfilled at the falls is best demonstrated by an examina tion of tha places where suicides occur most frequently. It will be found in each case that the current at that point is swift and strong, and moves incessantly with a wavy motion. "In the wave will be found bright green colors that dance and flash in the sunlight. Irresistibly holding the eye. Joined with this is the hoarse, monotonous song of the cataract. "In these are hypnotic Influences stronger than any but normally constituted persons can resist. To persons suffering from nerv ous diseases, or borne down with trouble. it Is likely to be fatal to get within reach of those Influences." Resorts of Suicides. Six places pointed out by Superlnetndent Perry as those from which most of the suicides have taken the fatal plunge meet all of the conditions mentioned by Dr. Benedict These are at Trospect Point, at the very verge of the American falls; the shore of the American rapids, dlreotly In front of the little pavilion in Prospect park; the first arch of the bridge leading to Goat island; tha crest of the Bridal Veil falls at I.uma island; Terrapin Point, and the swelling rapids that tumble beneath the bridge leading to tha third of the Three Sisters Islands. Prospect park attracts every visitor to Niagara falls. Here the water Is a swell ing current takes Its plunge Into the gorge. At the angle of the iron fence a view is obtained of jagged rocks below that might well deter anybody from suicide. But ten feet south the prospect is different. Here the river sweeps along with ripples ot gold and emerald, and the only hint of ths abyss is the full round breast of the cataract as it shimmers toward a region of rainbows below. The motion of the water is steady, and on sunny days it dancea with thousands of ripples. The roar of the torrent Is loud, but of a quality that in oertain moods is soothing. This Is a favorite spot for suicides. Before the pavilion in Prospect park the park slopes down toy the rapids. A well trodden path leads to the water, and a round stone affords a seat within three feet of the brink. Overhead Is a willow whose branches sweep the surface of the river. Hers is a wave that rolls over a sub merged rock and curls Into foam at the base. Its smooth green surface gleams as steadily as tha revolving mirrors used by nerve specialists to hypnotise patients. The sign containing tha warning te visi tors "Do Not Venture Into Dangerous Places," is omlted here, though according to tha advocates of tha hypnotlo theory, this is one of the most dangerous places on ths entire reservation. More aulcldas are recorded from this place than from any other point at the falls. Tales of Tragedy. In the summer house nearby and on the flat rock near the water aide women's hats with notes pinned to them have fre quently bean found and have told all that is known of tha end of some traglo story. The water la so deep and tha ourrent so strong that tha person who throws himself In here never gete out With the same aspect the rapids emerge from the first arch of the bridge leading to Ooat Island. A grassy bank Invites visitors to alt and watch the speotacla. The spot is screened from the publlo view by shrubbery and the bank Is so steep that one can lie upon It at ease and watch the sunbeams play among the myriad ripples. Ths water pours from beneath the arch In a flood that is higher In ths center than at the sldea. The crest la only about a rod from the bank, and here, again, a graceful billow breaks perpetually Into foam. The eye Is drawn Irresistibly to thla one spot The same conditions obtain at Luna Isl and. It la a matur of only a moment to climb over the railing that guards the brink and leap Into the rapids. , Below Is the fury of the Cave of the f Winds. The Indescribable din floals up In a muffled form, and the imagination, es pecially If it be overwrought, can readily pick out a message from tl-e vagje a ands that nil the air. It was at this place that Miss Colie left the explanation: 'Tho waters are cHlrg me." 8o powerful is the spell of the waters at Terrapin Point that men have been known suddenly to become Ir-ajie and to go dnno lng to their death. Within plain view ot the spot the green walls of the Horseshoe falls shimmer Incessantly. Unknown disturbances send the spray In fantastio clouds toward the senlth at regu lar Intervals. If the waters call else where they may be said to command hero. Where the swelling torrent rushes be neath the little bridge between the farther of the Three Bisters Islands, Ideal condi tions for hypnotism are found. Here Is the rock upon which the victims sit until the fascination of the place works It spell. Ths thunder of the cataract below is blended I with the roar of the waters as they tumble past these Islands. Here Is the monotonous stimulation of the senses, both of sight and sound, producing drowsiness or hebetude. What vlslors come to the drennjer on the verge ot this watery turmoil Is a matter for the Imagination. But It Is not hard to I understand how one might watch the sun beams play upon the bosom of a shimmer ing billow until he becomes lost to all other earthly considerations and la drawn to sui cide. So far as Is known, nobody has ever com mitted suicide here who has seen the gorge and whirlpool before seeing the falls. It la easy to understand why this might be a significant fact with reference to the hypnotlo theory, for to see them first is to prevent any illusion that the conditions above the falls might otherwise suggest. It Is not difficult to understand how tho waters above the falls might promise peace to the sorrowful, but what peace can bo hoped for when one looks Into tho abyns at tho foot' of tho cataract? For this reason visitors subject to ner vous dlsordors are often cautioned by their physicians, if they must visit the falls, to taks the gorge trip first. One susceptible to hypnotlo Influence will not be so open to suggestions of rest when he sees the whirl and tumult below the falls. Such. In a general way, Is tha explana tion advanced by Dr. Benedict to account for at least a portion of the suicides at Niagara falls.-New York Sun. Kevr Gun of Vnet Power. The Inventor of the new American gun is a man named J. Hamilton Brown, though the work of constructing this particular six-Inch experimental piece '. It charge of Colonel John M. Ingaila, retired, U. 8. A.. an artillerist of high standing and reputa tion. riMnlta the incredulity of contemporary gun builders Colonsl Ingaila and the officers with him assert that this six-Inch gun will throw thirty miles a projectile weighing 100 Bounds, which will plerco a six-Inch steel target. A ten-inch gun of this construction, with a powder chamber of 14,2o9 cubic inohM and using SCO pounds of smokeless powder, would hurl a 800-pound projectile a distance of flfty-nins mncs. TncreaslnB- this ratio, a slxteen-lnch gun would have an extreme range of more than 100 miles, and equipped with such coast de fense rifles England and France could shell each other across the channel. The Bee Want Ada Are the Best Business Boosters. Orchard & Wilhelm arpet (2o. November Special Sal Never before were we so completely prepared to prove this store superior as a trading place. To make room for Holiday goods we are sacrificing the price on furniture ot the worthy sort. Positive and genuine reductions that mean an actual money saving. If you contemplate pu chasing furniture you cannot afford to let this opportunity slip by. . . . Iron and Brass Beds Many special bar gains offered in iron and brass trimmed beds and all brass beds. A superior showing of the beautiful Vemis Martin finish beds. Note a few of the reductions. Tfo-ti1orNovprnt,er Price- fWU1 SaIe x ru e lrtoe ...,150 14.75 $18 50 J3QQ '-7C0 23.75 ,a 50 .19.75 $37oo 32.00 .17.00 36.00 .29 00 36.00 52 00 6900 Vernls Martin bed Vemis Martin bed Vernls Martin bed Vernls Martin bed Iron bed Iron bed Iron 'bed Iron bed All brass bed All brass bed All brass bed $20.00 1 .. $40.00 $sV.oj' $40.00 $.0O ' $S6.00 DINING ROOM FURNITURE Special values In dining room furniture this month. An excellent opportunity to fix up your dining room for Thanksgiving Set like above Illustration consisting of buffet. China closet, round top table, serv ing table and six leather seat chairs, this set comes In weathtred oak. china closet and buffet have leaded glass doors, tulip nattern. table top lsf.4 Inches' in diameter-'-eet complete November Regular ,,u gaJ Price- Prlce Antwerp oak china $06.00 closet Antwerp oak round $at.00 aining lauie. Antwerp oak ounei.. 145.50 fSBs Q I &' Q Plate Racks Special November prices on plate racks, book racks and magazine stands. n ...November Price Bl'Pal Sale Price Prloe Plate rack, golden $1.00 or weathered oak Piute rack, golden $1.50 H i or weathered oak Magazine rack, $4.50 O OS golden or weathered oak.... ""- Stool, golden or $1.50 ' Qr weathered oak vjt 60c Antwerp oak china closet Golden oak china closet Golden oak china closet Golden oak china Closet Golden oak buflet Weathered oak buffet. $56 (X) "$il'i66' "$V3.o6' $b'.6o" ' $125.66' ' $200.00 '"$52.00 $32.00 $28.00 .48.00 .25.00 .46.00 .25.00 .36.00 49.00 100.00 155.00 40.00 Golden oak $3W -517 p,v buffet iOU Golden oak bufTet VooiX" J Golden Oak $2S.00 QQ Golden oak "combination $39.00 qq Golden "oa'k"pHlar $23.50 rffi QQ Oolden'o'ak pillar" $18.60 table Golden oak pillar $32.00 Q gQ Weathered" oak" round $28.o0 qq Golden' oak 'sld'el $100.66 qq Golden oak sidV" $150.66 J22.00 Mahogany $80.00 ftB n et...... ww. w buffet. Mnhoxany buffet .: Golden oak round table Golden oak round table Set of six mahogany dining chairs Sot of six weathered nalc ohalrs Set of six mahogany $54.00 AO Oft dining chairs , a.W $140 00 IQQ.QQ mo ..24.75 $33 00 29.00 k00 30 00 $57 00 41.5o Taboreites We make a very large show ing of new taborettes and have some very special values. $1.2S golden or weathered osk tsbor ette, November Special Tl1r Sale Price UW Taborettea in solid oak, very large assortment of patterns, 75c, 80c, $1.25, 11. So, 11. &o. jz.oo and up. $4.50 upholstered stool, each, $2.& 5 Iplllt Dressers We cannot say too much of thla verv special Dresser value. The sale of them haa been exceptionally large the past two weeks, but our stock has been replenished and the last lot, which will be sold at this rldlouloua price, Is now In our possession. Dresser (like cut). comeB in genuine mahogany. bird's-eye niuiiln, or golden quartf r-sawed oak, full ser pertinn swell front, swell ends, carved feet, shaped top, 22x46 Inches, drawers tinlsued innlde, French bevel mirror, 24x24 Inches, regular selling price $22.00, choice of the three woods Special November f ( Bale Price Dresser Same as above except that It has swell top drawers anly, the two large lower drawers are straight front. In genuine mahogany, bird's eye maple or golden oak, regular selling price $18 November (Eft Speciai Sale Price IsS.OU A . . 11 iimm m T" siBfimil Ifc SIN wmmm pm 1 Jims miiwmi- mm -zz : ; ft rtlasKI ffV 14 WA LANDS YOU. AT WORLD'S FAIR, NO OTHER LINE CAN. Rminri Trin HRfns: $8.50 a a r va jw wm v v a -v ' - DAILY EXCEPT FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, $13,80 SOU Daily READ DOWN 7:45 A. M. 6:30 P. M. 8:00 A. M. 6:45 P. M. 7:33 P. M. 7:00 A. M. 7:30 P. M. 7:13 A. M. FAST TRAINS DAILY Lv. Omaha Arr. Lv, Council Bluffs Arr. Arr. World's Fair Station ' Lv. Arr. St Louis Lv. READ UP 8:20 A. M. 9:00 P. M. 7:05 A. M. 8:45 P. M. 7:45 P. M. 0:15 A. M. 7:30 P. M. 9:00 A. M. Compare This Time With Other Linos. We have others. Call at Wabash City Office, 1601 Farnam, or address HARRY E. M00RES, G. A. P. D., Omaha, Neb. PW'SPsiB anjisia ssSS-MSaajassMSj a. ....u, lmm WsfWWlsMiais " IIW.MJ tiM.jU l V' 'l f UNEQUALEB COLOR MAGAZINE With Each Issue of THE SUNDAY BEE. Are You a Subscriber? If not, jou should jlat? .vour order at once with jour nctvudealer, or with THE IJKE PUULISI1INO COMPANY, Omaha.