TI1E OMAITA DAILY REE: SUNDAY. XOVEMnETt 13. 1004. IB CONDITION OF OMAHA'S TRADE Bnsincu litustios Pronounced Much More Satiifgctnry Tha for Month. OUTLOOK FOR SPRING ENCOURAGING Many Mae ( (.roecrle ASraaeed .at Week aad Wlr aaa Italia Marked t p Tea. Cesits Cottoa Oaoda Remain iBchaaged. The trad situation In Omaha and Sur rounding territory, aa described by local jobta-re and manufacturers. I mora en couraging at lha present time than ever Wore. Th election has paased and any uneasiness that might have existed before election nan disappeared and prediction of an emended period of prosperity are heard on every hand. O00.I crops and satlsfnc tory prices have brought Into the hand of farmer an Immense purchasing power and consequently lha consumption of all atopic lines and many luxuries should be fven heavier than for the last few years. Stock of merchandise throughout the country are exceedingly light, both In the hands of mmufacturer and Jobbers, and with an enormous demand In eight it la figured that the output of factories dur ing the next several months will be heavier than for- some time past. The confidence that now exists In future business will have a tendency to make Jobbers carry liberal forks and particularly for spring, as a big aprlng trade Is certain, and for the en me reason retailers will buy freely. Whenever there Is a blr demand the mar kets ate always In good healthy condition, bo that theso who watch the ura and ' down of prices are predicting firm markets for some time to come, and In many casea considerably higher values are looked for. In other words, It Is claimed that mer chandise of practically all kinds Is a safe rurr ma t present Drlce. Trade last week with local Jobber showed considerable Improvement over the last ever1 weeks. Not many buyers ar rived on the market, but that wou'd nat ii'Mlly be expected. Orders, though both direct and through traveling salesmen, were very heavy and toward the clone of the week the cojder weather greatly stimu lated the demand. Retailers storks are golnrr to rl"ceM rapidly and collections are In gci',1 shape. k Another Advance In ln(tr. Wholesulc grocers report the demand for their lino or. goods as being very brisk and tuliy up to expectations. The market la also in a good healthy condition -nd Sev ern! line) are selling higher than they were u week ago. Among those Is sugar, and the market on that line was more or lens excl.eii all the week and several ad vances on both raws and refined took place. On c il.i iy caule advice showed that the l.onuon market was still advancing so that joiii.rrH say they would not be at all sur p.l c j to seo still higher prices on refined sj.'arits. '1 cofl'ea market is also on, the upgrade hi. a an auvance of 4ljj'4c went Into effect lam week. Indications are said to be favor au.e lor still higher priced. ' l:lieesa Is another tine which Is moving upward. The advance last week on Twins a.uoLnted to 4c and on Young Americas to fcu-'w- Octooer-mii! goods are getting pltl.y well clenr.c-.i uo and holders do not bvcn to be at all anxious to sell at present prices. 111 ihe canned good line It Is reported th.it there have been some heavy pur chases of t'iniatpes, but without any mu tuiltil chanxe In th market. Soma of the lniu opei. 1 lore, however, profess to be-In-vv- that thai Is a speculation In toma toes at p!ent pi fees. Corn Is without (liveable charge und operators are making many guta. ti up the size of the 1904 pack. Many or them think that the output Is utjoia the name as in IH'l i.nd 1901! or pos sibly 40 per cent heavier than 1903. If tlioa 4iinia.i a aro correct Jobbers say thai It Is a-tfu to look for higher prices ii, 1. I lie te.i.anu stt In by March 1, aa It usually does. 'Ihe dried fru't mnrke' la In ft atrong poH.tlon. This la even true of raisins and P'uncs both line having scored advancea, and the market la quoted firm at the higher ftrlcea. Evaporated apples are now the owest article, comparatively, on the list arid the pack is said to be unusually good. The market on Holland herring ha ad vanced sharply during the laat few day, with every Indication of still higher prices. Thee advance are due chiefly to the scarcity of Norwegian KKK. whlcn has brought about au unusual demand for the holla nd herrlne. The demand for family white fish Is sal-1 fa ba cnly. fair, wltn no charge in pr.ee Stock fUh are very scarce ind ihe- bitter grade In particular are hard to cMMn. There l. auUo a demand ).! unr tni- ttnr'r fluh already Dreuared. They come In barrs of SOO pounds each and are proving very popular with the trpde. Jobbers report that th-jr are making soma vnry Interesting pries on Irish mackerel, but a much stronger market is looked for as soon 11 s the deminJ sets In. The fish 01O rather small its ie, but ara plump and fat. All Ma aachusett shore mackerel are large In size this veer and of excep tionally good quahty. It Is claimed, though, that the etc! 1 anon of last year and a scarcity sid Usr.er prices ara Ix-lng pre dicted before iew fish can Dv landed. , Dry Gooti Ioro AetlT. ' Th demand for risusi t'.rs of dry goods last week wa n.ucn more prisa man 11 hua been at any lime so far this season. Local i Jobbers rtcelved a nlca lot or oroo:a both Ulitcl and througti traveilrg men wuloh showed that wh'l merchants bought freely they have not tilted all their wants. Ai cm ding to advices received from the country retailers are doing a good busi nesu and ure very confident of selling much mors than they din lai winter. All they ask for is a normal season and with that lliiy hav' no fesr of dull trade. A good indication of the existing cenfl deiice in future busine le found In the way merchants are taitliii hold of aprlng lines. Almost without excepl'nn traveling 111011 are selling more aooda for future de livery than they were a year ago. and when the good trcds at that tl". ta r membered It will be aeetl that juerchants are buying freely. The market on cotton goods Is In Just about the same position It was a week Hgo. Jobbers are freely predicting a good, healthv, firm market, and ay that under existing conditions they consider cotton goods 4 safe purchase at present prices. AdvaMoe In Wire and Natl. For several weeks past attention has been culled thruugh these columns to the prob able advance in wlra and nulls. Th ad vance was announced last week and amounted to 10 cents on both wire and nans. Til linn condition of the steel mar. ket for some time past lead jobber to be lieve that all advance would take place, and consequently they were not at all sur- jl'isea and IOOK lor a strong, auuva miran 11 the future. Other lines of hardware ara In Just about the same position iney were a wek ago. The demand for all staple and seasonable lines was very heavy last week. That was partly due tu the colder weather and partly to the fact that a good many merchants have been holding back their orders until after eltttlon ami are now rushing on the "Sarket to buy what they ahould have had In stock several week ago. Jobbers, aa a result, ara having about all the business they ean attend to. - Owing to the light stocks that a great many merchants have been carrying they look for a brisk trade throughout the winter. HlaT Rash for Banner Good. The rubber goods trade boomed laat week owing to the colder weather and anow that visited many sections in the west. Orders came In by mall, telephone and telegraph and Jobber were obliged to work their rtien overtime to get their orders filled promptly, as all of them ware marked rush. The rubber goods trade hae been practically at a standstill for several months past, but the awakening of last wsek shows what may be expected with a normal amount of cold weather and anow. There is nothing particulsrly new to be said about the leather goods trad. Re tailers In the country are doing a good business and are sending In quite a few siting up orders hut thev are. of course. Tmv"I "ma- Jobbers, though, are well satisfied with the way business is going. Trave lng men are meeting with good sue " J" landing advance orders and the way things look now they will sell more goods for aprlng shipment than they did a year ago by a wide margin. t. I.00U Grain and l-llnn. .,B7 Jou'8' ?,v li-WHHAT-t'nset. tied: ro. I re1, cah, elevator t' !' track. 11 17fl Tieremher II ulftl'isui Mav. 11 1""! No I h-rd. niIM.'J' ' t;ORN-F'rm; No. t ri December tci May. 4c; track. H OATr1-r'rm.: No: co. Slot track S1U eTZ: V.Z9mhrr- MC! Ma' Vi No. I FiOUR-Msrlitet quiet, steady; red winter r atants. tatti f4: -tIh I. rands u (tot T6: extra fsiirv, f4 frMS; clear. U ZbiH 40 BKKri TI ninth v. steady. 12.002 45. COHNMAI-alteady, $1 TO. RRAN Firm; BHckeil. eaat track, S41itto. HAT Active! het In demand: timothy lift"" Iron: rrstrle, W 10 (X). IROV rYiTfOM TlrOS JSC. PAOr,INf-TVc. H KM P TWINMHc. J-Ori.THV-FIrm; chl k-ns. Kc: spr'nes -r?ovJsl9NB-?or". bls-her; lohbtn. 111.40. J-ard. higher; prima steam, Ki Ilncon, steady: boxed extra sh.rts. $ 374; clear rlos, ..; hort clear, $....... SAJlJ -!. Ol. g, HUVtC, case count. Heceipm. enlpments. S.l'X .'.") ),i.wi f.i .ir 26. (U0 21.1V 4i,0oa la.iMI Flour. bbl ..... Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oats, bu CHICAGO 6HAH ANU FROVISIOS Featares of the) Trading and Clostaat Prices on board of Trade. CJIICAUO, Nov. n. bcarcity of c"sn heat hoid o;jllon prices cuuiparatlveiy steady tiniay. At the close the feceinucr delivery was orf a shaue and M' 11': Com is down W4c. uuu ar up '- and provUlun 'waf.'rto. Bmau receipt m me northwet and firm nen of caDie caused a steady tune In tue wheat martlet at the opening, innliu quo U. lions, pn December were c luaner at 11.14-. May was c lower to He higher at tl.ltHtoi-H- Seniiment In tne pit, now ever, was inclined to bearisliness a tha result of fear tuat the toiaJ worid s move ment for the week would show a consider able Increase. While offerings were light the demand was nut suthcieni to prevent a decline In prices, December dropping to 1.14. May sold off to il.lJ-V Tow aid the middle ot the session the market became quite strong, especially for the May de livery whlcn advanced to iM.HVj. December rallied to about the opening llgure. The market cloeed with December at 1.04W 1 04S4), May closed at il.Oi. Clearances oi wheat and flour were equal to ia,ooo buaiieU. primary receipts were s),.Wo bushels, com pared with l,A..w biisnels a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of cars againat 7tt cars last week and VM cars a year ago. sentiment in the corn market was diii- the bears. Private advices from points In Illinois Indicated that the new crop Is ready to be moved in bulk, but on the other hand Nebraska grain men report that farmers will nut sell new corn. Ke allsing sales caused an euay tone late in the day. December opened a shade to WiJc lower at 61Vu61V sold 51'-, c and 524u and closed UH. Xocal receipts were 14K cars, with three of contract grade. A good cash demand caused a firm tone In speculative trading In oats. The volume of business was very llffht. December opened unchanged at 23c; sold up to 29'sc and closed at JliUxC. Local receipts were 91 CATS. Provisions were weak early in the ses sion, ns a result of lower prices at the yards, but covering by shorts in all products gave a firm tone to the market. Final quoations on Jiinunry pork were up U'c at 12.75f)12 774. Dard and ribs were each up 7Ho at $7.1H and Jfi.fVi respectively. Estimated rei-elpts for Monday: Wheat, 64 cars; corn, 263 cars; oats, Hi cars; hogs, 43.000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles ! Open. Hlgh.j Low. Close. Yeay. Wheat Deo. May July Ci rn Deo. May July Oa.s Nov. Dec. May July P01 k Jan. May La rd Jan. May May yo,ranm?ntrer"ecrt waT so orwi.eCingl? 1 buVthelr' efTecV " w'n'.r teas- Kaftsh L to Sr,M manv bSvers In c ne?K """" to ttle Keneral gpecuUUve senil K.arjM?a ?..h..fi'? i!,iX.P"erS.Jn,c.J mint as the uulilting demand for sUndard i.L.nrii. nmilirr luuuuiuii mow hi hi n Vl 1 U 1 14 1 14 1 13fi 1 UV, ' 1 14' 1 14W 1 14H 1 13 1 11 1 HM, &Wa r' 89t, 99a 99V4 ; 5i4 614 B1H MOfffU j 40V4i 47H'(iV4 4ti 4fi 4fjit('4i flt 4GT4 . i; 4H 46 29 294 ; 29 29 29 29 2ft 1 314 31 314 31 314 31 32 31 314 314 , 12 0 IS 774 12 60 12 7T4 12 C5 ' 12 &!4 U 80 13 60 12 774 12 6J4 ' 7 074 7 174 7 074 7 174 7 10 7 174 7 324 7 174 7 30 7 224 6 60 1 60 6 56 6 60 6 624 ' 6 60 6 70 660 6 70 66&I No. I. Cash ouotatlons were aa follows: FLOUR Market steady: whiter Datents. 15 Swy6.40; winter strstghta, t4.90bj.20; spring patents. 36.109.60; spring straights, l.;uj 0.10; DaKers, u.uutot.uu. . WH EAT No. 2 spring. Sl.10nTl.14; No. 3, II 04441.14; No. 3 red, ri.174ful.184. CORN No. S, 66c; No. 2 yellow, 60c. OATS No. 8. 29c; No. 8 white, 32324c; No. I white, 804i3 32o. RYE No. 8, Sic. BARLEY Good reeding, 38384c; fair to choice malting, 43fi62c. aenrto v. . m.. ... - . em, 11.18; prime timothy, 12.624; clover, contract grade, 812.00. PROVISIONS - Mess nork. rer bbl.. 811.16(811.20. Lard. Mr 100 lbs.. x7.10ffOT.12l4. Snort ribs side (loose). $6.8,4.124; BhoVt clear aldea (boxed). $8.87467.00. . . Following were tbu ruueiuis and ship ments of ffour and grain: tteeeipTi. enipments. Flour, bbls.... Aft, i"v Wheat, ou.... Corn, du Oata, bu Rye, bu Barley, bu.... 66.000 127,000 150.800 $.000 136,400 69.200 263,300 113.S0O 75.100 65.000 On tha Produce exchai.ge today tha but ter market wa ateady; creameries, 16&24c; dairies, 16'21c. Eggs, steady; at mark, cases Included, l,4204c; firsts, U4c; prime . firsts, 244c; ' extras, 264o. Cheese, steady, luValle. OMAHA WBOLEtfALIS MARKEt Condition of Trad and Quotations on Staple and Paster Produce. EGO-Candled stock. 22c. LIVE POULTRY hens. iVic; roosters, 6c; turkeys, ibc; aucKs, iuc; geese. V nklnl..., QU.ll spring BL'TIER Packing stock, 13Vjc; choice to fancy dairy, 174jlbc; creauieiy, tliyzic, fancy prints, 26c. , FRESH FROZEN FISK Trout. 10c: Dick- erei, ac; piae, iw, priun, iu: uiueuii. x.o; whltelisn, loc; salmon. 14c; rrdsi upper, lie; lobster, gree.t, iioc: lobster, buil d, oOc; bull heads, 11c; catfish, 14c; blank bas, 20c; lia, Ibut, 10c; crappies. 12c; roe bli .d, li; buf falo, 7c whit bass, lie; ir-ig lugs, per dus., 26o. HAY Prices quoted by Oniuliu Whole ssle Dealers' .itsoelailon: Choii-e No. 1 uoland. 17.00: No. z. 86. w: men urn. tti.OO: coarse, $5.60. Rye straw, $5.00. Tlioae price ar lor nay 01 goou i.i.o, anu quamy. insitha-isew lora counts, ner ran no, 45c; extra selects, per can, 37c; standards, per can. 82c; bulk, standards, par gal., $1.33; bulk, extra selects, per gai . 1.7j, bulk New York counts, per gal., $2.00. TROPICAL FRf ITU. ORANGES Florida, sizes 126, 156. 176, 800 21. OjO, $3.263.60. LEMUNt California fancy, :7tf, SvO anl $o, $f oO: cnolce. $4.60. DA1F.3 Per box of 30-IK plc . $2 00: H'lllowl, in 70-lb box, per lb., 64'36c. FlUS CullfornL- per W-lb. 1 ui ion. 753 tic; Imported Smyrn.-.. 4-cruwn, 124", 5-crown, 14o; 7-crown. 16c; fancy Imporu-d washed. In 1-lb. . 16&lUc; California; per case of thirty-six pkits. $2 2i BANANAS Per mcdiiiin s.sed bunch I2.0o60: iir"lK, 2.7i3 6'i COCOANUTS-Per 100. $5.C0. Fltl'l'lrt APPLES-Hom tftown Jonathan, per bbl.. $1.00; Ben riavis ?"!; Nvv York Talman and Pound Sweets, $3 00; New York Kings, $3.00, New 1 or pippins. $2.70; New York Greening. $2.C("$i2.6A; New York Bald wins. $2.5u(Jj2 10; Colorado Jonathuns and Wine Baps, per bu box, $1.60. Pb.4Hsj UtHh. Colorado and California fall V-rimWi, per bos. S1.75X-.25. New Vork Keefer pears, per bb... $3 60; Nw York Dutch, per bbl., I4.0f.4i 4 21 Crci.EltY-per uoit.. 25a50c. GRAPES Imported Malugas, per ker $5.004iluO. P aeg, CH.A N 11F.RRIES Cane Cnrt. wi. sin Hell and Cherry, per bbl., tvu; pt.,- ox, VEOETARLES. POTATOES-Newr liome-giown. In sacks, rTURNIPS-Per bu 10c; Cannd, Vuta- bdsas. par lb.. 1c. NAVY BE A NS Per bu.. 11.862 00 OMONS-tlonie-urown. In sacku. par bu . 66975c: Spanish, per crate, $1.90. lw -jr i.v, . t ur uui., n.co; per casa of 6 to 10 hestls, I'.OO. " CUCUMBh.H-Per case of 2 dor. $1 75 CABH.Ui-Honie-prown. per luo lba 700 I SWFKT POTTiiP:S-llome.growii ' L.j ,m un..... ww, ,..., via nun uried. oer lit,) $3 00; Muscatine, per bbl., $2.00 ' K10.N PKPPKH8-P.. bu. basket. 60c. 8uUA6H-Won.-grown. per dos o EOO PLANT Hoius-grown, per dot TSc KAUEH KRAUT-WUoonsii!, r pe0r- Jl $2 60. ClDKH-Nw Tork. per bbl., $5 2,- ptr IlbnBB RADISH Per do., $io, Kansas City Uraln and Provision. ' KANSAS CITY. Nov. 12 WHEAT Mar ket Bteedy; December, $1 .VU 1 u.. ; My tl.(C(il.U54; cash. No. 2 hard. $1 u7 4 i .. 'j ! No. , 8l.te4jl.07; No. 2 red. $l.rtKul.lI; No' 3, tl.KVl.rn: No. 4. t;l.fc2; receipt, wj car. CORN Lower; December. 43T(o; May, 42c; cash. No. 2 mixed, 4':'4c; No. j, No. 8 white. Lie; No. 8. 49' 40. OAT Steady; No. 2 while, J04fl314c; No 2 inlxrfl. Stc. HAY Steady; choice timothy. t0. .; choloe prairie, $7 6041.00. RVr-8tedy, 78o. KOtlS-Higher ; Wl.m iurl and Kanras new No. 8 whilewood caes Inc ui'ed. 14c; cane count, 2oc; cuae relurnixi. 4c Its. Bl'TTElt-tCreuniory, : dp'rv. 17c Receipts. Shipments Wheat, bu 1 fi.1 (V.rn, bu , ii.) 4 00 Oats, bu.,,., 21,0ml I. two Peoria Market. PEORIA. Nov. 12 CORN Easy to 4c lower; No. 8. yld. Lot, No 4 old. 6'c; no frade. old, Uo; new, No. 3, fr-ii'lc; new, No. 474tj-I'Jc; new, no arudo, 4tul7u. ? tTMl' Villi L' CTiifl.C IVH DflVne . 1 JiV ,31 V WY J H .1 U Markit ii Generally Irregular and Many I33u.pl Closed Lower. LESS PROMINENT SHARES MAKE GAINS ; I,oans by Trust Companies Itelleve 1'ressore on Banks Sterllna; Ex. chanae Strong on Prospect of Exports of Gold. NEW TORK, Nov. 1Z With no change In u. e liupeiui and cheerful tenor oi tne news ami wlih no stateine.it of tue general coiuiueuce 111 general cnjiilons, tne de aire to realise i-1011 is m-j tar overbore the eagerness to ticme new ownersnip in stocks as to cause a uccldedly irregular lone In touay's siock market. Tne price cnanaes comparcu wltn lust night snoweu a mued result at tha end of the tracing. The (ltaiu.HS wcie very larae and ihe demand snowed great variety. Transac tions were well uistributed and ue .ii..g wet not 8'reaily congested in a tew stocK The favorite specjlauve siooks which uuu ally had the w nole market in point ol ac tivity suffered moat from realising a. id generully lost ground during the day. Con spicuous gains weie uiaue by tne less prominent railroad stocks anu by man indu.itrlais and speclalt.es which are raie.y nearu 01 in tne n.aikel. bucn gain weft slocks, 'lha vvabatm and Illinois central anu southern I'aciric were the most effect ive sustaining forces In the day s market and United States Steel preferred snowed reviving strength In the late market when the general tendency wnS downwv.ru. The bank statement showed a larger de cline In cash than was expected, but Its erleL't on the surplus was modified by the considerable loan contraction of H4,789,6jo. 'Ihe loan contraction Is supposed to be due to the fact that several of the large tru.-ii companies nave beon active loaners of funaa during the week, thus relieving de mands upon the banks. The liquidation of loaua irom ine prom laKltig In tne st cK market is believed to have i.een more than offset by the new demand tor speculative purpose. Hlerllng exchange was strong again to day and the likelihood of further gold ex ports to I'aris next week is increased, iot il sales or bonus, par vnlue, $7,293.0JO. Quotations on the New York Btock ex change ranged us follows: sales. High. Do w.Closr-. Atchieon .... do pfd B. & o do pfd Can. Pacific. Central of N. Ches. & Ohio iO.HUO 87 Si ".J 300 1(13 l3 lO'.'s 12.2UO IHH 97 97 nV Ho !ID 6.6UO 1324 130 132?4 3 10 liO'i I'M 111.1 4.000 46 46 4 2,700 42 374 464 41 do Dfd Chicago Ot. Western 19,500 25? 24H 44 C. & N. W.. fiO. 2'l-'4 2-M C, M. & St. P 11.600 1754 171 184 184 1714 1814 11 24 WH 2 4 664 do Pfd SiK) 4' 10 1,000 6,000 Chicago T. & T.... 114 24 894 2:v 67 11 do pfd 234 87 234 67 364 C. C. C. & St. Li. i Colo. Southern -tlK) 100 21 K) do 1st pfd do 2d nfd 354 3'. ! Pel. & l4iidon l.OW lk94 IKS 1891, I., L. & W & R.' O , iiv S3-.' 4 aii.'Vi a.' 8.2' XI 334 Jti4 344 K6 Jft:I do pfd. 2.W 18,400 2,30 1,6j0 87 41 734 64 Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd llocklm; Valley.. do pfd 40:.'. 73 66 73 65 K24 III. Central 25.700 152 149 151 4 Iowa Central 4,6iO 33 80 824 do nfd 6.200 594 654 6S K. C. Southern do pfd L. & N Manhattan L , Met. Securities Met. St Rv , Minn. & St. L M., St. P. & S. Ste M do pfd , Mo. Puclfle M . K. & T , do Dfd j noo 30 3.500 65 7. W0 13, '4 3.100 lf.14 1.9(H) 824 4.6W 1244 ;io 61 13ti4 163 MS 123 304 63-J 13 lffl'S S2". :?3 62 91 147 1,300 92 92 200 144 148 14.300 109 Ions, io74 354 35 4,600 6 100 6 4iO 2,500 64 Nat l R. R. of M pfd 43 137 74 N TCeJlt7'1,r i Norfolk & W. I .do pfd....... 1364 1364 74 744 90 43 43 1 Ontario & 1,100 43 S'?.nslvf "i? V "VJ 63'200 137 137 ! E St ofd .z 2 Rending 10.010 1,200 200 11,000 764 764 76 do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Rock Island Co. 8 f04 364 V9 694 264 53 8 804 86 ,9'i 6 28 624 66 ll'!4 3'4 88 8'4 86 i 4 69 25 62 66 1164 8'4 - 37 304 494 112 94 24 474 22 23 V. 414 20 340 217 1 1 1 237 do pfd.. 1.9 v St. L. & B. F. 2d pfd 1.100 St. L. 8. W. 2,100 2.100 do pfd So. Pacific do pfd Bo. Rni'way do pfd Texas & Pacl"o... Tol., St. L. & W... do pfd Union Paclflo do pfd Wahnsh do pfd W & l,ske Eric... Wis. Central do pfd Mexican Central... Adnms F,x 62.700 66 2.100 117 11.400 364 1.100 96 8,000 37 200 30 ICO 494 23.3'W 113-4 494 112 96 24 464 20 28 46 20 215 118 744 "mi: 7,600 11.700 3.100 6' 'fl !n0 7.300 25 474 22 24 46 21 , A merlin Ex 100 215 200 IIS T , S. KX. 1 wVlls-Fnrgn Ex.. iAmal. Copper 1 vee f.r&F... : iln nfd io!ioo 1 iv-ft 100 75 P04 87 324 87 i2 ' 87 1S4 40 304 1 77 ns 146 1144 671 46", 2,7'- 24 7f'i,'. 177 1 40 M ?' 7 49 110 34 874 34 93 8 874 1" 38U, 8'''- ctV 774 l1fM . 115 113 07V, 44 24 79 f. 179 jii. 7S 41 85 ?4", 91 50 1V 31 S3 ?4 ., 1 , si 144 ':iit 79". fni Am. r. Cotton Oil do pfd ,, Amer Ice ; do pM Anier. I,tnsood Oil.... do pfd j Arcr Locomotive... do pfd 1M . mo 8TJ, S00 18 100 40 2S'0 114 500 1O0 13 4'0 78 ?00 1131 BffK) 116 1.9"0 ir.4 A"i r melt. & R An t Amer Suernr Ref 1 AnncnrtT M. i n 1 rruri 11 11 1 Co'o Foel 1 7.S"0 47 Crn O-s S"" 21v Corn Producte 2.600 244 do "M..-. 1,2'v) 80 Distiller'' Sc"rltles. ") 37 General Electric 4.8'K) 181 In r Paper 1,C K) 20 iln nfil Int.T P'imp 1." do pfd !" Nnt'l Lend 2 No. Anmrlf.-n 1 R.tO nnlfe M-ill 7.f"0 414 534 Pfiorle's fins 4.4v J'l rAP., Utet'l Ccr.... B.'Hll X do t fd Pii'lmnri V Car.... Ip'lubl,' Steel iln rfd Rubber Oonds do pfd Tnn Owl I.... U. S. T rather An nf.1 1 soo 11.000 TO 14 f4 ?iv w 7'U -H 94 794 '4 -', 74 164 63 -4'S 134 LIT, 77", l't K ? T, 17' 8 901 3 6 V T'. S. Tteiltv & Imp.. 2 fi0 1'. S Tbber 7'10 on nM 1 t'. P. a,eol do rM TVnui'n'rti F'etrlc M mo B0 00 oa ' iivi 27 '54 Western 'ri"n n-i 92'"- Tntnl soles f"r the day, 820.IW) shares. The following were the cloning prices on roWs Hpd honds: 1 U. 6. ref. t. ig....l04,'i'Mnhata . c 4a ...lrS ... 7414 ... Z'i ... KTVi ...li ... ;h 4a. fi'it ...1104 ...t"'-, ...)r"4 ... ri do coupon ' " S Mrx. t enirsi .. Hu t. ri-j "-)' do lt pa- -to ronpen 1044 Minn A St. L- 4 do new 4. ri-g 1:1 M.. K. A T. 4a.,. du enuon ...... ol-1 4a, rag.. do courva Atrhtao'i sen. 4a.. do dj. 4a Atlnntl'! f. L. 4a. n.l. k Oh'.o 4a... do ma Ce-tral f Oa. 6a. 1I0 let Inr Ch-a. Ohln 4'a. rhti-mo A A. S'-a. r n a- n n 4a no rn ..HH 1. It. R. of M. . . .' N. Y. 4. t. 8V... . . to:-Vj, J- r. a. ! . . US 'No. PU'lflL! 4l .. ! do In , ..liir-'N. W. 0. 4a.... .. t-s n. e. L. 41 & par.. 111414 ,.11! ifn. tonv. V4r Ml .. az't'ttAwiltiiii r". 4o ins ..ma at. 1. t-. t M. c ti..nii . . uy.; si. I.. A B r. ft. 4a. hi. I.. O. W. It 7'. C.' M. R. P. a 4i..tt0Vl 3-abeard A U 4a.... l r. V N. W. 7. , . .1?7U,ho. t'ai-tflo 4a C, R. I. ft P. 4a..,. la". Fo Rjllaajr 6a Ti-iaa A P. 1 1?os T., at. U A W. 4a.. ' Vnlon ParlBr 4a 1i4 "0 inl. ta rer. A at. L. i, 4 Chicago Tar. la..,. Con. Toharo 4. ,. Coin A Vn. 4a.,., I. A R O. 4a Krle prior Ilea 4a dn stn. 4a . 82 . 134 do conv. 4i ltzS . ds'.it' 8 t-'t-i-l 14 ta .lolu.Wvhah la .lm V.I do d.-h. B . H4 W 4t I.. E. 4a... ..1!TH .. .. l ... F W. A P. C. la .1 llhH Wia. Central 4h Pookine Val 4'. . . .1 lOHi.colo. run a. aa. L A N tint. 4a lUJ ufTcn-d Exports nnd Imports. NEW YORK, Nov. 12 Total Imports of dry good und pereral merohand s) st Ihe po't of New York for the week IWe day) ending today, wero aluel at $14,4f.nT.3. EKporis cf spi-clo from New Yoik f r tia wek (five days) were $2.007,:'00 gold, and $618,570 tllver. Imports of Bpecie at New York during the wtek frtve days) wero $22,173 silver, and tl72,3!il gold. Clearlaar Hon Average. NEW YOJIK, Nov. 11-Th statement of averuges of the clearing house banks of t Ills ciiy tor the five days of this weelt si r,vs: Loans H.15 fbn un), decrease S"0 7H. tJepnsitu 1 .17.f!45. W.i, decrease $ v 1u7 -'(in -cii t ul.-nh.ii $U..nj.wo. ilocreaae $ 71.i('0; legal len.lers rti.347.H0. decrease II.5.S m,;i- specie .. i. decre.ise $4 741.1U). reserve $ i. $-W,oll,.U), Uecreuse tS.O.SiO; surplua $4,WI,. I II rl U I ni7 ovfsmi na . m u rt miltila t ti aurna KO. derrease 81.71TJW); T-tTnlted States de posits, $14,744.3:5. decrease $l,2U,9u. rtaitmi lioek Market. P08TON. Not. 18, Call loans, 25J er cent; time loans. 4fl per cent, official clos ing of stocks and bonis: "At-hlon ad). 4.... - Hloes it 4 it;", Ami:i!t4 . At fclsna : 17 Amerli-ta Zinc do ptd 1K Atlintlo Ill-Una Alt-anr ; Binh- .- B (in a- Maine 14 'i, Hecla. .. IS .. t .. Ha ..,".! .. 11 . . 71 .. r.H .. I5, .. IS II t-ll .. 11 .. 74 .. KV .. tl .. 15 . . "l ..111 .. 1 ..n4i .. 17 .. 14 "a , . mi; . . 44 .. .. l!4 ,.104 tlna'on B'v-tM .lf.1 'Cei'MBStat M'tic.a inni N. T., N. H. 1 114 - T-r at-ir H. 1DT.C, lair Went I nloa ri-IQc Amer. Arc. Chem. do pfd Amur. Piku. Tub. Amer. Sugar do pfd Amtr. T A T Amr. Woolrs .... do pfd Pnmtnloi I. A 8.. RIlOTi E'pc. Illn... Oenertl Electric ... Mars. Rlctri do pfd Mu Oil fnltfd Knilt I'nlled Ptioa Mrh.. do pfd V. 8. Steal do pfd Wetting, common . Adrenlur bid. Asked. 1US ra tl .131 .14'4 ""i , It , lS'l dominion Coal .. 'ranaii 'Iranc-r Ill Koral tla.a. Mining .... (tlclilB fnhawk Mont. c. a c... .ltd Pnmliilon ... oiceota III Parrot .17H Ouln-T . Shannon . Ift'-Tamarack . 4114 Trlnttr .liA'i;!'. 8. MlniBI... . 14 !r. s. oil . HH Vtah . T? Vlrtnrla .. 5Wlnnna . I Wolrerlna . 74 London Cloalna Stocks. LONDON. Nov. 12.-ClosIng: Cnniola, money ... M Ml N. T. Central. .140 do acrount W -! Norfolk A W.. :!2 Anai-oada ... Atchlaon .... I do pfd 0 Ontario A W.. K PrnnrlTnla . . 44 do pid fl. II I mora ohlo....Hfi R"1 Mlnaa . suit . 41 Canadian Pacific ....U4 lioaaing Cbea. 4k Ohio 4V4 do tat pfd..., ikwn 01 w a do Id pid 41 r u A si 9 17 Southern Rallwar ... SI PrRaeri ISS do pfd II Lienver A R. O H Foutharn raplflc 4Tt do pid -,4a IbIob PaclHo Ut Erie 41 it do pfd do lat pfd 16 I'. 8. Steal I lit do M pid II 1 Pf4 Illliiola Central 161 Wabaah W Louta. A Naah 140,, do pfd 48 14., K. A T 17 I 81LVKR Bar. steady, 2Gd per ounce. MONEY 2iS24 rer cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills is 2 15-193 per cent; for three months' bills. 241(3 per cent. New York Mlnln Stoeka. NEW YORK, Nov. 12. The following are the closlne prices on mlnii.n .-.locks: Adaina Con A. Ice Dreeco Prunawk-k Con . tToraatoi'k Tunnal Con. Cal. A Va. Horn HHer .... lion Silver Laadvlll Con.... Little enter .. Oi.tario (iphir Phoenix Potnal Banna Plerra Nevada Small Hopea . Standard . ... .. I ..a:.o ..2I0 .. Jl .. 4 .. II .. 21 ..it. ..1st to .... 12 .... .... ....160 ....160 ....116 .... I Foreign Financial. PARia, Nov. 12 Thiee per cent rente. 9Sf Ltic for the account; exchange on Lou don, 2,if 124c for checks. LONDON. Nov. 12.-Bu:ilon amounting to 4,).ouo wtia withdrawn f om th; Ban of England today for uhlpmeiu to Egypt. KEhUN, Nov. 12. Excnu. go t,n LhjUcoo, 2m 364 pfgs. for checks. 1)1. count raies: bhort tiills, 4 per cent; 8-moiuh Wlltf. 44 per cent. Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. Nov. 12. Today's state ment if h tnnu, v b 1 .nee in tr.e gen eral fund, exclusive ot me s iou.imi.wai ko.u ieaerve in ine uivi. iuu ,vuc. shows: Available cash baluiue, i44,42, aot; gold, W7,6Uti,755. KEW YORK GE.VEHAL MARKET Quotations of the Par on Various Commodities. NEW YORK, Nov. 12. KEOUR Receipts, 23,a;K) bbls.; exports, 6,627 bbls. ; sa.ee, 4,aW pkg3.; market llrm, wltn trade quiet; Min nesota patents, ttt.10Cu6.40; Minnesota ba kers, 34.oiKito.OU; winier patents, Jj.(iuttu.0ii; winter straights, Ho.aoWj.tW ; winter extras, X.bxwi.-la; winter low graded, 3.4M3l.0j. Kye flour firm; sales, aoo bbls.; fulr to good, 4.D04J4.7&; choice to fancy, 4.7i4l-J.00. Buck wheat flour, quiet; per 10J lb-, a.MjJ'J.iiO. CUKNjVIEAL rirm; yellow weaiern, l.iai-li city, 1.164Lli kllu dried, VJ.Ousfj) 3-20. HYE Nominal. . UAKLKY Steady ; feeding, 464c, c. (. t., New Yd k. WHEA i' Receipts, none; sales, 2,3lO0OO bu. futures. Spot market steady; NO. 2 red, l.ii34 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 nunhern, Du luth, 31.284 f o- b. afloat; No. 1 hard, Manitoba. 31.03 f. o. b. afloat. Options opened up on foreign buying and tinner cables, following a reaction due to pro.lt taking sales, the market again advancing on prospects for small receipts west next ween ana on uuiuan biuvibvic uu wjhu . closlne- V'c net higher; sales included ISO. o ilau 111 7-1. nlnmurt at $1,184! July, $i.tTWi.M'k. ctosea at "' December, $1.2044i-i-,o4, closed at tl.lWvs- CORN Receipts. 1.UV6 bu.; exports, 8.412 bu. ; sale, 10,uuU bu. futures. Spot market Arm; No. 3 red, 674c in elevator and 684c f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow, 714c No. 8. white, 684c. Options opened eall r on fine weather und with wheat, but recovered on light receipts and closed partly 4a net higher. May, W4!&Wc. closed at (2o; December closed at i'Jc. OATS Receipts, 60,200 bu.J exports, 1,160 bu. Spot market dull; mixed oats, 26 to 33 lbs.. iiumohiM: natural white. 30 to 32 lbs.. 3t4437c; clipped white, 36 to 40 lbs., 373940. Ol tions nominal. FEED irm; springs, vm, middlings, i?-'0. ... . liAX rirm; snipping, tis'ic; goou 10 choice. 80(T8;c. HOPS Steady; state, common to cnoice, Sl3uc; olds, 14!7jl8c. Pa-3'-Hf37c; 19J3, 80u4c; olds, 1904, 31(&40c; 1)3. cilic coust, VJM, 144j 16c. uiut-B firm; uoivwmn, i to 30 lbs., lac; Tixas 17c; California. 21 to 25 lbs., (dry). 24 to 30 ids., 14c. r r. 1 Til I..Tj. L-Um . onlrl 9J(7 OUr. PROVISIONS Beef, firm; lamlly, $10.50 rail.ui): mess, $!i.OtK-(t9.50; oeef hams, $2.50j; 23.00; packet, $10.0m'10.50; city, extra India mess. JM.oOSi'loUO Out m ats, steuny; pickled bellies, SSSic; pickled shoulders, 4i.,.. ..I.l,lurl l,umu bl.riil. r.nrl atui.M . 171." , L . n u iiuiiii, - , H - ' ' . -.-- , western steimed. $7.5u; closed $7.t0. nom inal; refined, barely steady; contl lent, $7.tio; Mouth America, $8.2.i: compound, SValc. Pork, auiet; family. $15 Oi 16.50; short clear, $13 76611.75; mess, $12,754(13.25. 1 AL,LUNV uuji; city. ho; country, ! 6'4'0- . .... HICK Hteaoy J aomestic, tair to extra, v'i''1 c; Jupan, nominal. P.l'TTER Firm. Official prices: Reno vated, common to oxtra, liftln'c : western factory, common to choice, 13?(It)4c; west ern Imitation creamery, common to choice, lSHiw- . .. C HEESE urm; mate tun cream, smn.ll colored and white, choice October, HHio; large colored, choice October, 104c; large whito. choice October. 104c. ECIOP Urm; western fancy selected. 2So: extra firm, 2Sc. POULTRY All vo. quiet: western chick ens lie; rowift. iL'c; lutaeys, liaise. Pressed quiet; western liruller, H4yuio; fowls, saiOcklurkeys, I7til9c. CotTce Market. NEW YOR1C. Nov. 12. COFFEE The tnai ket tor fuiures opened steady at un changed price to a uecllne of 6 pointj la response to ratner uisappoinuiig European cuuiee, put was uuicniy rauieu uy a con tinued demand from Wall street resources, und the market steadied some fitbh buy ing was attracted through commission houses. Brazilian markets wete firm und higher and local sentiment seemed bullish on the average. The close was steady at a ntt advance of 64110 points, with sales reported ot uj.iiO bags, Including December at f.O67i7.10c, Januury 7.1ao, March 7.u6tf 7.4oc, May 7.55 , 7.tiOc, July 7.75c, Auguat 7.80a, Srptember 7.W7.90c and October 7.95c. 8pot i.lo Bteady; No. 7 Invoice, 84c; mild, lirm; Cordova, lOfcl.'le, Cotton BlsrUet. NEW YORK. Nov. 12 COTTON Ku tur. a cloned uad ; November, 9 70c; De comber, D.SJc; January. !i Hoc: Feb uary, lu.iiSc; June., loo.-; April, lO.l.c; M.iy, 10.16c; Juno, lO.ltic; July. lo.22u. Sot, null; middling upia.idii, iii..'5c; mlddllii L'Uil, H'.f'c. fta!ea, :& bnlcs. LIVEKIOOL, Nov. 12.-COTTON Spot. In modeiate demand, price, unchan 11; American middling. 6.4'.'o. hales wa.e t fi) balee, of which uO:l wer. fur specjl 1 l-m and export and incluiiel 5,Vi Am ii an; receipt. f.7.l(J tales, nil American. ST. I.OL'18. Nov. 13.-i.OTlO S e Uv: m!ddl njr. 84' 5 sule4, von.:; rie!n, ik) !! ; . 1 hi;nien:, M bu.es; s o k, .7,7j3 bales. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 12.-METALS-AI1 mai'ktts ccntlitued to have a firm under tone today, although the tndlng wti less Hi-tlvr. Iron in particular was strung and thu general demand of good, volume. Price v er-) nominally unchanged from yesterday. The recent heavy buying of copper by Europe encourug' hnlrfcr to look for fur ther advances and price are firm with lake $14 i '"1417'4. i.h-ctiolylie $14 MK(t 14 20 and casting $13 75tt'4.K4. Tin was quiet; spot, t:.K7V4i9.!0. I-td and wpelter Arm. tho former wis at $4.10434.60 and spelter at $6 40 ST.' I1I-IS.' Nov. 1"?. --MET ALU Lead, strong, $4 K5. Spelter, $6.86. I'lilladelph'a Pro.lnce Market PUILADEI PHIA. Nov. 12 BUTTER Firm, pood iHmand: extra western cream erv !. c extra rearhv prints, 2fic. EOG8-9teadv. fal'- d.-n:,irid: r.eirby first and we-tt-rn first. J5;itlo at mark. I'ilFEPE-Firm, fair depend: Nw York full creams and fnm y, llfclc; choice. llVic: f-lT to good, lvV4jUC. IMiDA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cornfed Steers liach Lower Than a Week Ago, but Westtmi und Cowi HigW. H0C8 AT LOW POINT IN MANY MONTHS Fat Sheep and Lamb Test ta Qaarter Higher Than Week Aaro, but Feed er Have Shown LlttU tbana and ttnoted Fully Steady. SOUTH OMAHA, Nov. 12. 1S04. Receipts a-ere: Cattle. Hoaa. Sheep, crucial Monday 4,4tll 4. mi Ofiiclal Tuesday I,lt7 4 .. Official Wednesday 2,ithi 9.T40 ll.J'4 a m o"h.i ., ' . vniciai Tnuiadiiy 4.011J Oniciui 1- r.uay , ...j Oilic.al Baturday 3iw Totals this week 14.47.3 Totals last week 2 12 Tota.s week before HJ..8J Same three weeks ago. .l lo. Hame four weeks ago 24i'9 Same week last year 2vS!i RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following tahle shows the receipts of ' cattle, hogs oi.d sheep st Bouth Omaha for I , IO iaf. wltn comparison with 19C3. jl..Vi) 1.914 2X1 l,5!7,ai6 Ine. Dec. I Cattle st at-4 j Hogs 1.967.01 52.716 M.453 Sheep l.a7U.7B4 Tha following tnhl shows the averago price of hogs at South Omaha for the last overai a.tys with comparisons: Date. 1J04. 1903. 1902.1W1.1900.1J8.189S. Oct. Oct Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. "... 6 f?4 $ 7 15' 6 HO, 4 641 4 IS! S iO 111 19 7SI 7 nil l 4 621 I 101 s 01 s II It Wi 4 r-l 4 IB S 71 03, . I 4 681 4 611 J l 821 21! 4 131 I S 6 71 1 6 0n 42! ' I 771 5 ' 4 Ml 4 111 20. 21. 12. 2.1. V: ?t. 27. 2. 29. I 0741 6 at 6 07 S 134 5 174 5 17 6 14 6 22 e 20 6 OS 6 14! 741 4 011 4 61 4 141 J J I Til 6 OKI 4 4v' 4 13 S ?S 8 25! Til 001 4 5(t' 4 !' 3 M 6 0041 S 1; fl I 4 Ml 4 in J " f 1 i rwi a rt' !' - 1 2 "; 4 f 4 971 R"l 5 Rll 4 52 I 64 SO... 31... 1... 2... ... 4... 6... ... 7. . . ... ... 111... 11... 12... 4 1141 4 SKI fill 6 671 4 47 i 4 031 I M 4 8441 I 0 65) 6 731 4 511 4 01 I 6- 4 041 3 46 4 04 t 45 4 02' 3 61 I 3 62 4 01 a 1 vt 1 1 m 4 ui 4 6V4I 4 7 511 I 4 661 4 BO I 4 79! t 49 S fttl I 4 5841 4 74! 6 611 6,711 4 Ml I 4 731 6 3 6 71i 4 611 A Onldl A 1 t S CO. 4 K71 4 Oil 3 55 4 05 I I 6 44 ! 5 fl 4 711 4 031 3 6'-' 4 74 4 in f 741 4 G9 4 001 3 45 4 H74i 4 R7I 6 351 1 4 741 4 03' 3 47 4 89 I 4 (12! 6 251 6 73 I 4 02 8 43 4 804! 4 63! 6 10 6 63 1 4 84 3 41 Indicates Sunday. Tha official number of cars of stock brought in today by each road was: Cattle, l-togw. 011eep.11 r s. C, M. & St. P.. 28 WubHSh Missouri Pacifle Union Pacific system C. & N. V V., R. & M. V Z 1 21 13 26 15 23 7 4 1 6 3 147 i c t Sl V. M. St U.... B. A M C B. & Q C, R. I. & P., east.. C.l R. I. & P.. west.. Illinois Centrnl Chicago at. Western. Total receipts. The disposition of the day's receipt was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Pncking Co. t,JS ti. I4 tl,ltK) W 3t.ti''1 3tV'4; SJ 814 67,474 a:, 115 5i,6To W.4 1 7o.Hi l.'ATi fi8 1,803 31 626 105 1,932 27 .... 1,61S 18 1 197 249 8.397 Cwlft and Company Cuduhy Packing Co Armour Co Armour, from Denver... Armour, from Sioux City Huston A Co S. & S Totals 95 CATTLE Tliere were a few cars of cattle In the yards this morning, but practically everything changed hands at yesterday s prices. For the week receipts have been very light, there being a decrease aa com pared with last week amounting to about Saw head and aa compared win, the same week ot last year there is a failing oft of about 14,000 head. QulU a lew co' n-fed steers are beginning to show up in the receipts, but most of them are of the short-fed variety, Chicago In particular bad a big run of short-led stuff lost week and the market suffered In I V... ahum n-h ,lel nA rherai for Ihii weeK I ! minted at khifik'tun. with Inatances of a Iom of as much aa 70c. Such a slump as that in Chicago hoa of course affected ail other markets and at this point the decline is placed at about 15iir.'6c. Strictly choice oattle have not suffered that much. Good to choice grades may be quoted from 6 to $.4o, fair to good from $5 to $0 and shorter fed varieties largely from $4 to $4.35, with ome of the common kinds under $4. Western range beef steers have been in rather light receipt all the week and with a good demand the tendency of pries has been upward. The market may safely be quoted Vofa'toa higher than a week ngo on the more desirable grades, but the common cattle have not shown that much Improve ment. Aa high aa $4.86 was paid this week for some Wyoming cattle. Good ts choice f rades may De quoted from 34 to $4. 85, fair o good from $3.13 to $3.85 and the less de sirable grades from $3.16 down. The ouw market has also been active, with the tendency of prices upward. As compared with the close of last week the general market is right around, Uiibc his her. The supply has been rather lit; lit here all the week nnd with an active de- ! mnnd each day's offerings have been well cared for. The market on stockcrs and feeders has not shown a great deal of change. Both supply and demand were very light the first of the week and toward the clotto both Increased about the same amount so that as compared with the close of last week prices ere simply steady to strong. Good to choice grades iiinv be ipioted from $3 to $3.90. fair to good from $3.26 to $3.50 and the commoner kinds from $3.U down. Key reaent-i live sales: NEBRASKA. 27 COWS, . 10 cows.. 7 cows. . 3 cows.. 8 cows.. 1 cow. .. 1 cow... ...1 n't ...loo ... 991 ...KMii ...Vr.to ...103) ,.. 910 1 oo $ 00 S no 2 J) 2 60 2 00 2 24 3 25 2 40 20 steers.... 919 21 steers.. ..10 8 He, rs... .113 t cow.- 9 0 1 cow 8:0 1 cow 1010 1 calf 140 2 heifers.. 640 8 10 3 35 2 75 2 60 " 1 60 2 25 6 (0 1 ft) li cows. .. Mo 4 heifers.. 705 WYOMING. 6 cows 1041 8 26 . 1 heifer... 610 2 09 3 90 3.90 3 90 2 00 7 cusvs lt'O 8 25 1 ateer... 1 cow 1"50 2 00 Si steers., 1 cow -030 8 16 ' 7 steers., 1 bull 1400 3 00 1 bull.:.. 21 steers.. ..1155 8 00 .1020 ..11W) .,1064 .1480 E. Alexander Wvo. 6 cows toll 3 20 13 feeder.. 54 8 40 6 cows 1044 3 20 F. Dora Neb. 9 co wa.,... 886 2 75 13 cows... lbull 1420 it 00 lcow.... HOGS There waa a big run S20 800 1 30 2 SO Of hogs nare mi unii iiuiaf lur a omuruay, ana, in .a.'v, I :i(iJiq T. . V ..cuviwb llll-J- IIUVU been In sume time past. All other mar kets were quoted lower and a similar de cine of about a dime took place here. The long string today sold at $1.80, against $4.1A) yebierday, but therti were not so many nogs under S1.P0 as there wete under $I.U) yesterday, so that the average Is hardly a dime lower, but clone to It. Packers kiarled in this morning bidding only $4,774. and wr.lie they sol a few loada at that price It finally "became n $;.M market, with a few of the choicer loads soiling from $4.8.:4 to $1.90. 'Irarllng wus fairly active at ihe decline, so that all but u few late arrivals were sold In good season. The general tendency of the muiket has been downward this we a and closing prlci8 aro 74c to 10c lower than il.oac in effect a week ngo The market is also at tne lowest poini since inm June. am com- fiared with a ysur ago, however, prices 64j3uc hiiiher. Reprvsenlutive sales: No A. Hh. Hr. No. A sh. I'r. lu li ... 4 60 7 t;$ im i so ae 14 ... 4 43 aVU 40 4 ,t) 44 ' 40 4 ;il-l CS ... 4 ,j 41 Ill) UJ 4 TI' (7 :,,7 ... 4 iO 17 1S 16') 4 111 ,3 Oil 40 4 J J :H 1.1 4 Its, 4U .. !) ... 4 t tl Jili 4 K) 4 TV't H5 213 10 I ill f t o 4 liSa k ti tiw 4 mi t4 to 4 W'j Ca sat ... 4 so .' i' tfD 4 BB II t'J) ill 4 HI Hi Tit I'M 4 t ". u i ii D H i Itli) 4 'l 74 4 ait 4 nil til I.I ICt) 4 l " jiu 4 ) 4 to M sii ... 4 tu -i.o 4a 4 no ti l,s 4U 4 an i ; to 40 4; S 43 4 to tn 5 1 1 4 su l, 262 40 4 Iri 4 1'SJ 120 4 10 l i4 ... 4 to r. :t,4 iai 4 mi a 7 IN 4 ti 41 t( 4u 4 0 Tl....,, 'M 4 to Hi w 4 t m j 4 110 4 10 .21 m mo 4 v 14 Si 0 I H 40 4 ti) 4 iti H'l 4 to 47 1.; 40 f to 44 1 10 I II 41 HH ... 4 ft et. ...... so3 )o 4io S4 :!s to 4 to 13 115 S40 4 0 7 Ml 1:0 4 W 3'XI 40 4 10 '4 :i: 140 4 to t:; 51 40 4 a.i ti i w TS :tl ... 4 to 1', 40 4 0 fl l' ... 4 111 171 40 4 10 ;s 307 IN 4 o 7 I7T no 4 10 14 IUI ... 4 W 71 ,..360 U IS 10 '...:4 190 4 10 11 f t a 4 'i 40 tal ... 4 77 11 .-I ... 4 M 11 n .,. 4 o f tu is 4 to la rl ... 4ko . it., its 2w 4 ao 17 t'4 40 4 ao 40 a. 4s 4 10 T it M0 4 to tM) 120 4 t sis ... 4 a 71..,,,,. ria 40 4 ao M IM M H 41. ...... At 1M 4W M 4 M 4 M 4 If) 4 J 4 0 4 '4 W 4 10 4 in 4 i 4 10 4 H 4 m 4 ii 4 M 4 to 71 . . 4 . IT.. .. . (I.. . .. ?4 .IM 111 .7 .134 II trt .Hi ! t 1H 141 .ITS I VI III .f 4 4 to - 4 II 4 M I tv 4 II-. 4 C 4 4 IH 4 II I 4 4 54j 4 tl t 4 M'j 4 W 4 It i 4 Itvtj 4 ft 4 no 14 . 7t.. it.. .., 77.. !... (... 47.., f-4... .. 4... 4... S5.. TI... r. .. 40 i: iai 70. 4" H no ! 1 I. 4. "V7 4 1 erir.Kl' There wr few head of na tlves on th market thla mnrnlnc and they sold at rteadv prlce.i. Native lamt'S brought $5 S1 and sheep 4.."0. For the week ree p i have been very llrht, Ihere being a oe create a oompareil with l.vt week, nmo-.mt.niT to nbnut S'J OOl head, and a torn, pared with the enme week of Inst yt'Sf latiirg rn or noi ui 4i,n.v n. ' i iiw u-auiHnii i' r liii eiieri anu tiifit9 ,. I been brisk nil the week - that with the 1 rght run prices have Improved all ing of fi-neral ! the line. As com; ared with the cl last week it Is safe to quote the gi-neral market all the wnv from life to 2"c h 'ier, T reding ha been urtlve, so that each day') rerelpta were picked up in n hurry. The feeder market h:i rot fhown a great deal of change dining the week. R'pelpt have been light and tho demand was umo limited the first half of t1' week, b it lm. proved toward the rinse. F r the wei k tha market can boFt lie decrlled by calling It ateady i etrnr-g. Qtiotatinna for gnt.K sheep nrid lamlist Oond to choice yearling. Sl vi4 m-. fair to good ven rl leg, $4 0iTi4.40: gnnd to c-0'ca wethers, $l.k,"i'iV4 50; fair to good we h- r-, t (VMi.lA: sncrl to choice ewe, f4.iK't4 261 fair to good ewes. M.7EW4 0O; gcod to choice lnnibf, l5-!0fii.T; fair to go-d lumbs. sfi.l5'n? S.40: fe"der y-arliigs iS.:5ff4: feeler wether. JS 5oii4.ii: feeUer ewes. Jlfk'US 6u; feadcr iombs, M lSiSii. CHICAGO 1.1 VK STOCK MARKET Cattle and Sheep Steady Unas and Lambs Lower. CHICAGO. N v 12 CATTLVj necclpts. 800 head; market steady; good to prime steers. fH C0'.i7.0il; poor to medium. ll.Onit) 5 76; Blockers anil feeders. 32.Ofii4.llt; cows. 31.75ii4.Oti; helfeis. Sl.VCriR.40: c.intiers, 311? 2.40; bulla, 4 75: calves, S3.5cyy7.tO; west ern steers, t3.fliwtfi.15. HOGS-Reoelpts tod-iy, 1S.W0 head; esti mated Mondav, Ifi.u'O head; market 5c lower; mixed and butchers. 4.80'.n'.lu: good to choice lienvy. t5 iHVn 5 074: rough heavy, $4.70" 4.8": bulk of sales. t4 sE.i4.f5. . SHEEP AND LAMM.S-Recelpa. 0'v0 hed: sheep, steady: lambs, lower; good to chnlcA weihera. 34 .3f.1i 4.75: fair to choice mixed. 13. 501(4. western sheep, $3.I61i4 95; native ambs. I4.54i6.25: western lamos, Si ftltfff. Kansas CHy Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Nov. 12. -CATTLE Re ceipts, 2(H) head; market unchanged; cno ce export and dresmd beef steers, $5.0($6 v; Lfair to good. t3.7!il.io.OO; western fed ft'"8- f3.75rl T).7T; stor-Kers ann reeuera. ii.mji.ji, southern Bteers, 12 fjOfn 1.50; southern cows, $1.50(j3.26; native cows), $1.60'4.0t; native helfors. S2.S4KtrE.tiO; bulls, Sl.7f6i3.f0; calves, $2.60(100; receipts for the week. 37.100 head. HOOS Receipts, 3,5,"1 head; market 6cTI0c lower; top, $5.00; bulk of falea. $4.7'5 i 9i; heavy, $4.8516. 5; puckers. $4.K)54.96; pigs ar-rl lights, $4.4O4.80; receipts for flie wiek. 42.000. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, none; market nominally steady; native lambs, $4.25(15.75: native wetheis, tXIW 4.50; native ewes, $3.5itj4.25; western lambs, $4.25'. 5 76; weatern yearlings, 4.0f(&4 75: wes'ern sheep, $3.50(1)4.36; atockers and feeders, $2.50134.00. St. Loot Live Stock Market. ST. IXHTIB. Nov. 1?. CATTLE-Recelpts, WW head. Including: 300 Texnns; market stead v; native fhlpplng and xport Bteers, 1 , eyr.a K 4 V. . imi fnr ntrlnllv fanCV! ' dressed beef and butcher ateers, $4.0C!i.00; ! stockers and feeders, $2.35'r13.7u; Bteers tin. 0: der 1.000 lbs., S3.bO'i7D.f,o; cows ann neijers, " H ISftl III. nonnnra 11 Hnlfr.SB: hulls. $2 SotC 3.75; calvee. tl.SCKjjCl.Za; Texas nnd Ind an Honrs, $2.504.3u; cows and heifers, $2.0oQ 2 85. HOGS Receipts 2.500 head: market steady; pigs and lights, $l.0u(U4.80; packers, $4 70ij4.93; butchers and best heavy, $4.80 6 06 SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts 500 head; market steady; native muttons, $3.60Jt 476; lambs, $4.60Cd6.00; culls and bucks. $2. 2C6P 4.00; stockers, $2.EO((3.0O; Texans, JS.OC&5.00. . St. Joseph Live Stock Mirket. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Nov. 12. CATTLE Recelpts, 452 head; market nominally HOtiS Receipt, 1,438 head; market 10 lEo lower: light, $4.uW1.8o; medium and heavy, $4.70(8 4-j. . . SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, 1,412 head; market 10c higher; lambs, 6.40. Blonx City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY, la.. Nov. 12. (Special Tele- fram.) CATTLE Receipts, 200 heed. Mar at steady; beeves, $3.5o-f.0O; cows, bulla and mixed. $2.20ij3.O0; stockers and feeders, $.6fW52.40r eclves and yearling, $i.26tj3.00. HOGS Receipts, 6,200 head. Market lOo lower, selling at $4.7ojj4.8d; bulk, $1.75(34.80. Stock In Sight. Tha receipts of live Btock at the six prin cipal western cities yesterday were as fol low: South Omaha Sioux City Kansas City St. Louis St. Jooeph Chicago Totals CRttle.Hogs.She.en, 300 200 200 800 452 300 9,700 6.2u0 8.i 00 2.600 Do 500 1.412 8,000 1G.0O0 .2,262 46,838 4,90i Bfllvrnnk4 Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Nov. 12. - WHEAT Steady; No. 1 northern, $1,164: No. 2 north ern. $1. 1(1111.144: May, $1.14. HYE Firm: Ho. 1, 854s6e. BARLEY-Stcady; No. 2, 50c; sampl?. S ecORN-Steady; No. S, 664''9c; May. 46 i?J16Tc, asked. MlnuewpolU Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Nov. 12. WHEAT '.December, 1.164-: May. $1,174; Sepl. m.'.er, fe4c; No. 1 hird, $1-214; No. 1 north rn. $l.if-4; No, 2 northern, $l.lo4- FLOUR First patents, '!.. OriS.JO; second patents, SO.Ou&fUo; first clears, $1.454.60; second clears, i.9 iiT3.00. BRAN In bulk, $U0o. Dnloth Grain Market. DULUTH, Nov. 12 WHEAT To arrive: No. 1 northern, $1.18: No. 2 northern, $1.10. On track: No. 1 northern. $1.18; No. i northern, $1.10; December, $1.17; May. Jl.K'V OATS To urrlve and on track, 284c ' Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. Nov. L'. WHEAT Spot, nominal; futures, steady: December, 7 3d; March, 7s Rd; May. 7s 4T4d.- CORN Spot. lirm; American, mixed, 4s94d. Futures, firm; December, 4s94d; January. 4s 54d Huarrtr anil Molaaaea, NEW YORK, Nov. 12 SUGAR Firm ; fair refining. 315-lUc; centrifugal 96 test 4 7-lte: molasses sugar. 811-io Banned, I firm: No. 6, 6.0&c: No. 7. 6c; No. 8, 4.90c; j ltQ . s. 4 aoo: iu. iv t wi , iui i. a. .uv, .-.v. 12. 4.43c; No. 13. 4.SDCJ No. 14, 4,ic; co .'. o i lionet A. 5.3"c. mould A, 6.S0-; cut loaf, I 6 15c: crushed. 4.16c; p-iwdeied, 6.66c; gmiiu- lat'Tl. u -tut : cubes, 6.70c. MOLASSfc:S-S eii'yi New Orl"ans . open kale, good to choice, B.oto. IIKAL ESTATI3 TMAKSPEKS. Peedi filed for record yesterdtiv as f'lr nlahed bv the Midland (luar.mtea and Trust company. Inr led nhairucters, 1014 Farnam street, for The Tint: J. II. Lew and wife to Stella U n'Till"l lot 4 block D. K'ttuniit add..$ d'O C. O. Johnsr.n to J. W. Hahne, lots 9 and 10. h i ck 4, Hnrlnur Lake Park.... 9,000 National Tube company to W. I. Dal las, part I'lt" i- and S3, stihdlv of block A, Reservoir add., and other land 1 V. Seveke and wife to M. P. Mv, part lot 23, block 3. Potter & Cobb's 2d add 000 H. V. c'ox to P. Fa Inst rum, lots 1 to 7. oml olher lund, block 2, Howling Oroen 1.300 OOLOFIELD RH4 AIVACK N'liV. SO. United Mining end Kxploration Co., the co'iiliitf (JiiluiH-1'1. .K.e,aili, Hmi th Gold Uueeu (Jrnur. bi acres. The owns anaa. llcmerjiLer, we own oulilult 3 iidjolnlnT claims ulong tho line of Hume of the besl proiert!s In the camp. S0,000&5 old per ton opened up aim from our. Thla rouse our prouerly. W may b the next to itriao it rich, rcx pert nay that we have th making of a lion an 3a mire. $10 buys l.oai nharei. Write or wire t once or ou miv le too late. This stock pobltlvely advance on Nov. 2i tn. liny now, don't wait until prlc hat advanced to 2 or 30 ct nt a har. $u pi-r month on e-ich 8,0oo sliuri-a If Inatallment plan Is preferred. Prospectus and reports free. Highest bank reference.- D'NVFR SECURITIES CO.. it4JO BASK PLUCK, PUNVUH, COLO. ..ft . . si ..111 ,..:-. ,.. . ;i ..II ..ft . t. o ..( ..IT? ..V ..S.'4 ..st . . ..i:i CIUIS'ASB PRODUCE M1RIET Cnh Qrsia in Omxhg ia Dsmsnd sod Hif ker Prirci Ars Psid. RELfXTlVELY HIGHER THAN OTHER MARKETS rntores Open Ifong, bait Slightly Larre at ItecllacCarn Acts Same Wr-Oafi Firmer Qosslp, Storka. OMAHA, Oct. 11, 1904. wheat was slightly higher at one tlm today in the sireciilalive markets and again it was slightly lower, this Utter In the final tle-il'mr.s l( w. t)ie evening up ,t ln, end of the week and not the esistene of ny unfavorable condition lr the market fiiuitluii. F,on, Uverpool came report f slightly better prices RroomhaU con cedes that there has been rpme little frost In Argentine, but It Is a question whether ta damage hae been serious and tiiero has been no confirmatory reports regarding the proposed restriction of wheat from Itussla, trier. being the chief boll pointer of yesterday ord the ones upon which wheat r-as advanced so sharply. There la tin favorable condition millers want tht vheat. and iu buying it -they eare but lit tie for Mlum of future. Omahj's cash market toflav was excel lent and the sample weru well sold befor the cloee. The shipper ol wheat ahould 1- study the list closely In estimating values. 1 .A ar of No. J northern wheat sold at i ic. no. spring as hlh as $10. and no grade spring at tl .413. Of course the bulk of the grain coming to thla market Is hard wheal, but the prices Indicate what might be had If th grain waa offered Sere. Hard wheat averaged $1,04 ta $1,064 for C to 674-Pound test, $1,064 for 68-pound test and $I.05M. for 56-poimd test; No. 4 wheat, testing $7 pounds, sold al 9c. These ate all comparatively high prices an com pared with other markets and Indicate th real excel'enre of Omaha is s market cen ter, and It furthermore Is Indicative, of the fact that there are buyer here for all that elevator men care to forward. A to the future, there should be no material bienkia, but It is not likely that very much higher prices will prevnil unless It Is tru that largn rart of the wheat crop ha b"n farl-eted. Tn Ihe Chicago speculative market well as In other centers of future trading, r'iees were otronaer early, but closed stlrhtly below yesterday Thr vr-n not on, evidence of Inherent weeklies In the situa tion. There Is nnd wMI he conMe"hl rcalplng movement frr which the market I very well suited a) thl t'me. the rhanifeo offering ample opportun'flea fir this. Do cember and May are close together again, both cloning about the tame. At one lime pecember was 4e higher and May 40 higher than at lliaf eli rn rrvM-v h.'.t th clorod easier. At one lime, too, May was 40 off, while December wa sjso 40 lower. The Anal figures showed Tit 4 point losses for the day. CORN Speculatively this market wa unusually Irregular. Reatish news was Ignored In the early detlings, such n th weather, which Is of th kind nteded to prepare the crop for m'rk"t. and largo Argentine shlpmonts. There I very little contract corn In th elevators. Elevator men are tint sending forward old corn and are probably not getting much from farmers hands. This bait been so marked 'nat many buyers have suspended their dally bids on old corn The nominal prl' In Omaha appear elsewhere. Th position of the bear Is not especially rosea t. and this is. recngnlted by many who get out every day. In Chicago Doemb-r advanr! to 524c, a gain of 4c. but th final close affrr the run of the shorts was 4e under Friday Mny followed December, although WM a "f.n"T rl8' na ""'y He drop. OAT8 Market narrow but firm. Prl'-i In Omaha, about 2ft4'"9!;. Futur were SlLL1.tIiV t,er' tnd'ca'lng aom Improve ment in the generul tone. Omaha Recept6Wheat 17 carg. corn s cars: oats, 19 cars. t,r!?aR? iKh .s:. Wheti ear No. S fi i,?.' iB? lD9 v.,l flS: 1 No. northern, iri.1 lr No. "Prlng, $1.08; 1 car no 1 car No. 8 hard. 67 lbs., $1.06! 1 car No. 8 hard 65 lbs $1,034: cr No. 4. 53 lb., Kinl I hc,,rN1 ,?. nnr1- fi8 ,h- "OVi: 1 ear i0iri hVLAT M-i4: 1 or No hard, 60 lb., $1,024. Oat-l car No, 8, 284o. Omaha Cash Prlees. , WHEAT-No. I hard, $l,07(fiX; No. t hard. $1-02451.064; No. 4 harcT, 8e; n0. 2 . prlng wheat, $1.03. . CORJf-No. 2 Bid. 51c: No. 8 old, M140: No. ,S'd'.49c:J,a 7lldet WcI No. 8 ye)low. oldi. 82c! I. yojlow. old, 6140; tto. i white old. 61e: No. 8 white. 604c OATS-No. t mixed. 28c; No. 8 mfged, 27c: No 4 mixed, 28c; No. 2 while, 294c; No. i white, 284c; No. 4 white, 274ffC8c; standard. 4c. Grain Market Clsenliere. Closing prices at tho following markets today and Thursday were; CHICAGO. Today? Friday. J-14-4 1.144 Wheat December May July Corn December May , July Oafs December Mny July , Wheat December May Corn December May Wheat December May Corn December May Wheat December May Wheat December May Wheat December May I.144 94 61H 464 46 84- 814 ST. LOU18. ::::::::::::: i:f 40 46 44 454 KANSAS CITT. l.OtS 1.06 434 444 NEW YORK. I.204 1.1S MINNEAPOLIS. 1.054 1.064 1.104 DULUTH. 1.17 l.WH 1-174 i.wi Farnam Smith & Go. 9TOCK8, BONDi, (NVE8TMENT SECURITIES, 1320 Farnam St. Tel. ICQ We buy and sell South Omaha Union Stock Yards Stock. The Merchants National Bank of Omaha, (Neb. U S 0tptltr Capital sud Surplus. $600,000 flAM( MUftftir. Sra. ' UTlBrJ PKA. Cathitr. FIANK T. BaMILTOI. Aitt. Caaalcr. RaualT aoeouuta of banka. txakara, corpar ailona, Srua and 1o4ivI4uaIb ,a favorable tamia. . . ruralgn Kxrba aought an. ao!4. Lllara af crullt laau.ll, availabl la all purls of tha worl. lutartai i. llmt OertlDoataa of DepoaM. , Colin Uoua Bia'a aroinpt) u( fauaasiUwllr, Wa rtauoat Tavai,4aiia. if AGENT WAfJTL'D We want an agaut for Omaha, and ono for every lurge city In Nebraska nnd Iowa. GOOD COMMISSION CONTRACTS To honest men who tan do the busi ne, In selling mining stork and bonds. A GREAT OPPORTUNITY To the live man. We handlo nothing but the tent prnpertirs. Please give refertin.es. TIE SEEMANN INV. L BANKING CO. hit, Flvnr, Kqatllabl UullttlsiK, JUMtKH, COLO.