THE OMAHA DAILY . BEE: SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1904. is FOR SALE REAL ESTATE D. V. SHOLES COMPANY 722 N. Y. Life Bids. Special Residence Bargains 1113 S. 21st at., H block south of Pad 1c, cast front, lot 5Cxl50 ftt. atone walk and steps, excellent -room modern house, tine busement, furnace, laundry, fruit and coal rooms; first floor finished In oak, heavy I N h ll n. Ir Rruira I ITn ia ,1 Ill 8. 21st st, adjoining; the above. Anot residence. Fine reception hall, oak be . Ishtd In bird's-eye maple; back parlor o , nn mantel, large dining room, solid oa second story has five lance bed room ' arranged; third story has two large pi basement, elaborate combination gas a way an Ideal home. The owner of thl wants to go within two weeks' time. '1 . choice home la fine residence section, a - fdf particulars. Can see the house any $$,7501503 Georgia eve., corner Woolworth; choice comer, 60x100 feet, with 8-room ' 2-story modern house; good repair and a big bargain. $2,000 at 6V per cent can re : main. Cash offer for equity considered. VACANT KOUKTZE SUB On 88th and Famam, surrounded by such homes as Cudahy, Cowln, Wattles, Baum and others, costing IJU.OOO to $100,000; Is the most beautiful vacant residence property in the entire city of Omaha. Lota are 60x166 feet, with all spe ' rials paid. Perfect grade, good shade trees. Inside lots, $4,000 and up. Three houses to be built In the next few months and one-half doxen more figuring now. - If ytu want a lot don't delay, for these will soon be gone, Just as sure as the sun rises. RE GARVIN BROS., Com l tsat. B-nk lijdg. L-4 Fai u .m. 4w-un euay iinis, nj.en-.o-m boa uiii larae lot at "Am Oulo biiia. $l,uo Want olTer fur ti.e rocm tottige. wlm lot 66x13 lest, at ili bp nier. tliKKs-jn ice e.gtu-ruom nUoe, uii muuern but fuinaie, i.ewl, pa.i.t-'U, with In in 140 leet, on pateu sireit. In good ni ig i borhood, loio Madl.-.on ave. l,uu 9ue Spring uree., near new street ar barn and tsra.ii ei.-V.iior site, a niea fceven-roum cottage, lot 6uxL3; ail kl .ca beailng fiuit: cwne. lea Lig c.ty n wants an offer. $1,10 siii H. 4jti stieet. We p.op se to sell this seven-ioum hoiue 10 ina hii o I bidder, it Is sltuaud on a pavid suooi and rents fur l ir mori.n, cm tKt Imtned.ate pustsalun. Hem-moor, tie bid taken the proper.. $2.6w Will buy deal. Mb. k cgtit-ncm lin S3. porcelain bath, all itio.ern bu, tu na everything In A-l repul. ; or v.i:i rent to right puity at $23 a month. $l,6uo Gil easy terms, wnl buy S?l Eout.'l ' 84th street, facng buulovard, an e g t . room house, with bath rot a, and fu.l ol. RE 46 J U . Sholes-Armstrong Company fa N. Y. Life. Tel. 49. 200 acres of fair tillable land, 17 miles from Omaha, price $30 per acre; small improve ments. Will trade for grocery or meat market and tl.Ouo cosh, balance long time. 12) acres unimproved, Dawson county. Tins Is tho cheapest thing in iho county at $6.50 per acre. Come quick. fc acres flrt-class land, .Hoik county. Neb., to trade for merchandise or tiardwure. Land Is priced at W and worth the money. 80 aces of the best land In Douglas county, 3 miles from Waterloo, price J75 per acre. This Is well Improved and will rent for $6 to $7 per aero for seed raising. We have also 142 nrrcs In the mime neigh borhood at $M per ncre. Both of these aro better Investments than any city property. Sholes-Armstrong Company mm RE 483 13 Y F. D. WEAD Must be sold In 10 days, nice cottage home of 4 large rooms, with 2 clothes closets, toilet room, sewer, gus. with .fixtures in nil rooms, good repair, near 24th and Bur dette; $5vQ cash, balunco 112.00 per month; $1,100.00 . , U24. Douglas. RE 709 13 GOOD HOMES AT SMALL COST. A large tract of land just opened for col onization. 80 and 160 acres to the family. Special excursion next Tuesday, Nov. 15, also the following Tuesday. For full par ticulars write or call on the PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Mnln Floor, N. T. Life Bldg. Tel 1781. RE 563 13 "10 ACHES, except street on military rond In Hens in; price f!)o; ensh Immediately; ale. F. D. Wead. 1524 Douglas. HE 558 13 6-ROOM cottage, 2625 Parker, lot 60x123, only 8360. 80x160, s. w. corner SSth ave. and Jones, $600. W. II. GATES, 17 N. Y. Life. 'Phone 1294. KE 445 13 iiihmi U Some Good. Nebraska H Farms 160 acres near DeWItt, In Saline county, 140 acres under cultivation, balanca pas ture; fair Improvements. Price, fib an acre, t;40 acres, 4 ',4 miles from Superior, Neb., C-room house, barn, scales, corn cribs, cat tle and hog sheds, feed yardj, etc.; can be divided Into four farms, all oultlvatabie. Price, 832 an acre. ItiO acres In Platte valley, near Kearney; 78 acres In alfalfa, nearly all under cultiva tion; good buildings. Price, 835 an acre. acres, 12 miles north of Lexington; rough, fine grass land. Price, 36.60 an acre. 160 acres, 7 miles from Loup City; good barn and corrals, 8-room house, 16 acres alfalfa, 160 acres) In cultivation. - Price, 1:6. EO an acre. ; HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 160014 Farnam Bt Ground Floor. RE 478 11 FOR HOME OR INVESTMENr. A neat 8-room cottage on Capitol HU1. fully modern, team heat, porcelain bath, fur 83,000. Rents for 830. Room for more buildings. See this at one. New 6-room house, with water, porcelain bath, gas and sewer, corner lot, close In; only tlticO. Terms given, W. A. Spencer, 626 New Terk Life. RE 424 13 A FEW GOOD FARMS In Iowa and Nebraska, to exchange. In 4 part, for Omaha Improved property. Call for particulars. W. A. Spencer, 628 New York LI fa RE 126 13 120 acres 11 miles out, 810,000. 107 acres near Irvlngton. 87,000. 80 acres on Military road, 36.400. 78 acres near Gretna, $5i0. 66 acres, 7-room house, 35.6UO. U acres, 7-room house, 32,600. Bargains In city properties. JOHN N. FRENZER. OPP. OLD P. O. RE 453 13 Modern House. Best Loca tion on Park Avenue, K7.000 NO. 810 PARK AVE., EAST FRONT, ONT3 BLOCK SOUTH OF NEW BAPTIST CHURCH, lot 75x140 feet, 8-room house, strictly modern, has just been put in very ' best of condition, redecorated inside, new fiiumblng, new gas fixtures, very best up-o-dute furnace. This Is the beat property la the city for the price. Immediate pos session can ) (Wen. Ge.rge & Company, 1601 Farnam St. RE 200 13 OLD plating. Harney. R E 421 13 PARK WfLDE AVE., fin east-front lot, paved street, suitable grade; worth l,6u0; for a u.uick sale of fered at 81.100. O. C. OLSEN, 1704 Farnam at RE M4S8 15 FOR SALE Two modern, brick noiura 7 rooms each; will rent fur l. Price, fci.&OO, easy terms, ' THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1 New York Life bidg. I M643 PARKER STREET SNAP, beautiful 8-room bouse, on Parker street, Eiaved street, paving all paid for, pore, aln bath, city water, sewer, lot 60xlS0; louse In splendid condition; all fur IUu; 8M0 cash. ItKiO In two years and U.Gtju In . & years, at 6 per rent InteraHt. litMIS. PAXTON BLOCK. 1US 488 1 FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE Tel. 49. oak doors, solid oak stairway, finely pol- m i i T-jlth ....... . her very fine strlctlv modern, up-to-date am celling, large brick mantel, parlor fln penlng Into hall with fluted columns, with k stairway, lavatory; all hardwood floors; s, bath room, An abundance of closits, well asterod servants' quirters; lino cemented nd electric fixtures, tine barn and In every s property Is going to leave the city und his Is the bet opoprtumty ' to secure a nd ho will make the price right. See us day THE ABBOTT-COWAN CO. 3d Fioor rust Nat. Ban a isiug. Tel. . YESi FAiusAH-4 rooms, ittODiiiOi in every particular, built for u l.oine, i.nUned In oak, east tront, in every v. ay veiy ue sirabie. Must be sold by lith. 1'Odi 'ilvc.L.Y me SNAP ol the seunon. Don't study il'.U Is good. Someone will snap It up soon. CHcAP at 4,uoo will sell tor 82,300 9-room, strictly modern, all nice large rooms, nicely papered, furnace, ga4 sewer, bath and everything to Com plete, one mantel down stairs and one mantel up, lot oOxli, east front, shade, and hi block lroni car. . Tula is a genuine baiguin, II you want a borne high and dry in good neighbor hood. North part of town. $0,00042 and Burdette, 6 rooms, bath, sum iner kitchen. 3 unfinished rooms ud stairs, furnace, gus, etc., 1V4 biocka from cor. Wants to trade for 6 or 7 room modern house on cur line; pre 1 t'ers tho location neor 1st M. E. riiurc.ii. vv in sen very reusuiiu.uio. J3, 150 30th and Dodge, 8 rooms, strictly modern, almobt new, splendidly lo cated, ',i block from boulevard and , ucross trom Turner park, 82,450 8-room, thoroughly modern house. In elegant condition, fine neighborhood, 2 blocks from Hanscom purk north entrance. Splendid opportunity to buy a good home. 8500 cash and bal. monthly. 83,10 8 rooms, modern, In good condition, large lot. trees and shrubbery and barn, all In Kountxe Place and good In every way Bplendld reason for giving up this Ueuullful home. 86,500 Elegant 10-room house In Hanscom pink district, elegantly located on car, lot 60x150, splendid view. Never before offered for such money. Come in and see us about this. 85,800 9-room, modern in every particular. O.IH mm jiarney, iuu ioi, nicely codded, permanent walks, everything up-to-date. Inquire about this. $ 250 Vacant 60x150 cor. lot, 28th ave. and i luanuersen, east anu soutn ironts. Last week on the market at this . price. Lots adjoining .are lots higher in price. 82,250-Vacant, 40th and -Jackson. 100x132, aouui ana east fronts, beautiful site ( for extensive home. Think of the price for the location. $ 600 Vacant, 42d and Harney, south front. ouxia, sewer, permanent walk, on grade GOOD. The above are picked from our list and eacn ana every one is good. Some are REAL SNAPS. Don't overlook this list but call and see us. THE ABBOTT-COWAN CO. 3d Floor First Nat. Bank. Tel. 8906. RE 474 13 SMALL FARMS. SURE CROPS. 8,000 acres of Irrigated land to be sold In email tracts lor permanent homes. Raises large crops of sugar beets and alfalfa, the crona that make men wealthy. Special excursion next Tuesday. Nov. 15, also the following Tuesday. For full particulars call upon or write the PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Main Floor, N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel 1781. RE-664 13 GEORGE & CO. 1601 Farnam St 'Phone 156. HOUSES FOR SALE $2,600 for No. 8504 So. 20th St.. well built 8-room house. In first-class condition, with two mantels and grates, combination fix tures, furnace, complete laundry In base ment, recently palntej and papered throughout, only two blocks from street car and one block from school. Be sure and see this If you want something good and up to-dute at a very low price. 82.200 for 8071 Chlcaau St., 7-room cottage. , modern except furnace, paved street, in desirable neighborhood. 82,160 for No. 1111 S. ISth St.. I rooms, mod ern except furnace, in good condition, walking distance. Easy terms, 81,800 for 866 N. 26th St., R large rooms, gas, city water, etc., barn. lot 62x126 feet, fruit and shnde trees; $400 cash, balanca $16 per month. $l.5n for No 1561 N. Ifth St., 7-room, two story house, city water, sewer, gas, etc. . Recently painted and papered. In good . condition. Easy terms. $600 for No. 17 N. lfith Ave., 8-room cot tage, new roof and - in good condition. Eaay terms. , , RB 203 13 NEW MODERN COTTAGES IN . DUNDEE . $2,860 for new cottage, all modern, on Un derwood Ave., Just east Of 49th St.. one half block from oar line. House built for a home, but never occupied, on account of owner helns; transferred from the city. Lot Wxll feet. GEORGE St CO., 1601 Farnam St. RE 201 1$ 200 ACRES nice laying prairie land clear for stock of hardware or general mer chandise. Button Land Co.. Plalnvtew. Neb. RE 347 13 $30 cash and balance easy monthly payments for NEW 5-room modern cottage and eist front lot, 63x126, near 24th and Ames, neir school and two car lines. See us aulck THIS IS A SNAP. quicn. SWEET & BEST, 813 N. Y. L. Tel. 1473 RE4J3 13 SNAP In walking distance, 7-room house, modern except furnace, lot 80x130, paving all paid Should bring 83,6oO. We can -uehver It for $2.6w0- YOUR OPPORTUNITY. or SWEET BEST. 613 N. Y. U Tel. 1472. RE 433 13 ATLANTA. (Ga.) eroperty for sale or ex. change cheap. D. C. Joi n. room 410 First Nafl Baak W Tel. 42l6. CI8- Williamson Co..- & RE-3S0, MILLER-PARK LOTfT $8 00 down and 85 00 a month; $100 to $200 buys a choice lot In our new addition, lust south of the beautiful Miller Park; on car line and some on !aved street. Buy now before present prices are au vauceu. UEM1S, PAXTOM B FOR SALE REAL ESTATE $2 25rt 7 ROOMS, modern but furnace, new plumbing, all In flrst-rias repair; lot 8xl:S; near 26lh and Cuming. Denney, Paxton Block. RE-600 13 83,5"0. 10 ROOMS, all modern, new piun ing and In flret-rlase repair. Large ba imb- rae barn. Lot 61x120; near 21th and Cum Ine Tjennev. Paxton Block. RETtil 13 1 ACRE, near Miller park. 8400. Denney, Paxton Block. RE 662 13 7 ACRES, near Benson car, $l.rno. Denney, Paxton Block. RE 6iS 13 10 ACRES, near Dundee, $2,100. Denney, Paxtcn Block. RE 664 13 40 ACRES, well Improved. Went Dodge. K.UO. Denney, Paxton Block RE 6'w 13 80 ACRES, northwest of Berawi. $7 2 0. Denney, Paxton Block. RE-fiC6 13 $5.5flO9 rooms, modern, a bargain within walking distance. Denney Paxton Mlo-k. HE 602 13 $5,1509 rooms, corner lot, new and modern. vB.iiYiii ujsiaiii;u. Aenney, xux'uii dihr. RE-65J i3 $4,0007 rooms, now and mortem, good lo cation, close In. Denney, Pax ion Block. KE-614 13 $6,5009 rooms, choice location, ffet Far nam district. Denney, Paxton Bkck. RE 53 13 $5,000 Investment property, renplr.g per year. Half cash. Denney, Paxt in Block. RE 36 13 $f,600 3 dwellings, 2 of them new, on corner lot, good location; room for 2 more houses. Present monthly rentals, 375. Good home and Investment comolned. Denney, paxton Block. RE 057 13 TRACKAGE, 66xl?2, U. l, corner, S12.SH. Denney, Paxton block. RE 67 13 TRACKAGE Each trnckngr property of fered is a first-clas building site for a wholesulo house. Denney, Patnn block. RE 677 13 t? Q rnnm mmlitrn pnrnnr n ,.n r 2fll h and Leavenworth. Denney. Paxton block. RE-659 13 $2,8006 rooms, modern and new, near 28th and Jackson. Denney, Paxton block. REV-650 13 $6.500 8 rooms, modern and very cholco, .Kountxe Place. Denney, Faxton M.-ck. RE-651 13 TRUSTEE'S SALE TRUSTEE'S SALE IN CIRCLES RECHERCHE silas the "400," alias the Upper Crust, It is a practice now in vogue to place your adjective behind jour noun. To Illustrate: Instead of saying "the beauti ful houpe," you now say "the house beautiful." It behooves us all, therefore, to look well after the location of the adjective. But how vastly more important is it rather to consider carefully the location of THE HOUSE BEAUTIFUL In this particular Instance It is superb, being on South Thirty-second street, fronting upon and overlooking Hanscom Tark. No more sightly view can be had in this neck of the woods. The lot Is nearly 300 feet in depth, extending from Thirty -second to Thirty-third street. The' house itself Is an elaborate affair, consisting of nine large and beautiful rooms, with an exquisite reception hall, finished off in hard wood. In short, here may be found all the up-to-date conveniences and Twentieth Century embellishments that go to make up "the house beautiful" and the "home comfortable. $15,000 Is the fair market value or the property. $11,500 is the - Trustee's price. Cash, or reasonable terms. Think it over. DENNEY, TRUSTEE, 524-? PAXTON BLOCK $2,6008 rooms, modern but furnace, near 22d and Caws. 3700 each, balance semi yearly. Denney, Paxton block. RE 642 13 $3,1509 rooms, all modern, full lot, and barn, near 2sth and California. Denney, Paxton block. RE-643 13 83,5007 rooms, all modern, new, choice, near Slst and Dodge. Denney, Paxton block RE 64-. 13 S3 7508 rooms, all modern, corner lot, big- $1,6008 rooms, modern but. furnace, new, rest bargain la Kountxe Place. Denney, i near. 20th and Lake. Easy terms. Den atnn hlnek RE 645 13 i nev. .Paxton block. RE 635 13 84,0008 rooms, all modern, new, near 26th and Dewey ave. Denney, Pajton block. RE 646 13 $4,6008 rooms, alt modern, very fine, near Crelghton college. Denney, Paxton block. RE 647 13 ti $506 rooms, new, modern. West Farnam. Denney. Paxton. block. RE-618 13 $3,1607 rooms, all modf-rn, Hanscom Park. Denney, Paxton block. RE 649 13 H If You Want to Make H Money Buy Between . Omaha and South Omaha. The street car company have Just fin ished a new barn at 24th and Vinton. Work will commence Immediately on the new mllllon-buahel elevator, on me oticKney tract. These and other projects that will soon be made known will give permanent employment to hundreds of men. if you buv now. you will be In on the rise. Let na ihnv vmi some of our bargains. 36 lots In Summit addition. Just west of the viaduct, on the high, sightly ground, $ru to $500. Several new houses now being bullt- . . 24th street, across from street car barn, on grade, suitable for residence or business. P24'h 'street, corner, 1 block north of Vin ton, $960. 24th street, northwest comer. Spring, 86x 152, $1,600. 23d street, N. E. comer. Spring, $ lott, $900 for oil three; will sell separata. Hastings & Heyden. 1609 Farnam St. Ground Floor. Open Monday evenings from 8 to 10. RE 475 1$ HANSCOM PLACE Five-room cottage. In first-class condition; city water, sower, gas, east front, lot 80x150, shade trees. The greatest snap ever at $1,700. Would bring $20 rental. SEE US AT ONCE. SWEET 6 BEST. 613 N. T. L. Tel. 1472. RE 434 13 FOR SALE 31 ACRES Located on paved street, two miles from city limit. Fine place for country home. Cheap. Benson & Carmichael, 642 Paxton Block. IlE 434-13 DO you need any kind of high-class help? 'Phone 4-ii. No charge to employers RE-S89 13 F. D. WEAD $-r. house, full lot, near Hanscom park, en 8. 38ih St., $1,200. 1524 DougUa, . RE-710 IS SOUTH SIDE BARGAIN. $ rooms, all modern, good furnace, light on South aide Boulevard, near car, house only built about two years: owner very anxious to sell; price only $3,850. We will loan $1,600 on this property. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. RE 491 13 Western Farms Have Steadily Increased. Wise Investors Are Putting Their Money Into L an a FOR SALEREAL ESTATE rooms, all modern, an acre of f round, large barn, near Nash residence, 7th and Uurt; one of the finest homes In one of the best locations In Omaha; cost 8.000 a few years ago. Denney, Paxton biutk. RE 67? 13 $21,Ono8ix flats near High school, proUuc. Ing fine revenue; corner lot and room for six more flats. Denney, Paxtor. block RE 6otl 13 $30,000 Seven new pressed brick flats, comer lot, fine location near High school; rented very low and producing good fneoms. Denney, Paxton block. RE hl 13 VACANT 60x140. near 32d and Dodge, $50 per front foot. Denney, Paxton block. RE 667 13 VACANT, double corner, cholca location. West Fnrnam district, 85,000. Denney, Paxton blook. RE 4ki 13 VACANT. 125x155, fine building site. West Farnam district, 86,875. . Denney, Paxton block RE 669 13 TRACKAGE, 33x132, U. P-, $4,500. Denney, Paxton block. RE-670 IS TRACKAGE, 44x1.12. P. M. and C. & N. W 8,6u0. Denney, Paxton block. RE 71 13 TRACKAGE 44x132, B. ft M. and C. & N. W $S.00. Denney, Paxton block. RE-672 13 TRACKAGE. 44x132, P. M. fnd C. ft N, W., 8&.S00. Denney, Paxton bln k. RE-673 13 TRACKAGE. 66x132, U. P., 83,000 Denney, Paxton block. RE 674 IS TRACKAGE. 66x132, corner, R. A M. and ('. A N W., 312.600. Denncv, paxton block. RE 675 13 TRACKAGE, 6fix132, corner. B. A M. and C. & N. W.. $15,000. Denney, Paxton block. RE-676 13 $2,500 GOLD bond, secured by first mort gage on real estate, earning 8.S10 per year. S per cent semi-annual Interest. Due In 5 vears from Nov. 1. Denney. Paxton Block. RE 658 13 I t?.7.Vk 7 room, modem, hard WOOd hntsh. ' l!th street boulevard. Denney. Pixton block. HE-639 13 $30ro 7 rooms, modern, hard wood finish, etc., corner lot, 19th street boulevard. Denney, Paxton block. RE 640 13 $3,1008 rooms, all modern, full lot and lnrge barn, north. .Terms. Denney, Pax ton block. RE 641 13 -RE $1,150 6 rooms,' furnace,' city water, full lot and barn, near A me avenue car Une and 84th street. ' Easy term. Denney, Pax ton block. RE 682 13 $1J00 6 rooms, city water, full lot, end of Dodge car line. Denney,' Paxton block. RE-633 13 $1,5008 rooms, modern but furnace, end of Dodge line. Denney, Paxton block. RE 634 13 $2,0007 large rooms, modern but furnace, near 19th and Lake. Denney, Paxton block. . RE 636 13 $2,3507 rooms, all modern', full corner lot. down south, near new car barns and Stlckney elevators, 2 blocks from car. Easy' terms. Denney, Paxton block. RE 637 13 $2,5007 rooms, all modern; new; good lo cation north. Denney, Paxton block. RE-638 13 BUY NOW - Freezing Weather Has a Tendency v TO SHRINK PRICES $2,250 buys a 8-room cottage with full lot, east front, on paved street, In Hanscom Place. Not modern, but can be made so at little expense. Just a couple of biocka from the park. , $2,100 9-room, all modem house. In north part of city, half block from car line. Full lot, east front. A gem for the money. Vacant Property Tea, we can show you good bargains. Get In on the winter prices and be ready to build when spring opens. E. K. LOWER & CO., Tel 443. 203 Brown Block. RE-198 13 ACRES! ACRES! Headquarters for acreage and small farms near Omaha No better bargains. Oet our catalogue of property, all kinds, itself worth $5 to buyers. Chas. E. Williamson Co., Ground Floor U. S. Nil Bank Bldg. Sales Dept.. Geo. Marshall. J. M. Welshans, Mgr. RE 1 1$ . USB Landeen'a Antiseptic Halr-Tonl RE NEW HOUSE READY TO MOVE INTO ( rooras on Evans street, botween 18th and 16th, Bluff View addition, cornering on Kountxe Place, H block from Sherman ave., large lot, south front. 4 rooms on first floor and 2 on second, all modern but furnace; price, $2,550. I rooms, on South 27th street, between Pierce and Poppleton ave., house haa city water, sewer, bath and wash bowl, fine location, In walking distance; price, $2,6oO. HASTINGS & HEYDEN 1H Farnam St. 'Phone 1606. Wfwrlte Jlre insurance. RE 477 18 NO FAILURE OF CROPS. Irrigation, sugar beets and alfalfa Is a combination that pays the mortgage and rives a man a bank account. Send for uli particulars concerning the land that raises a crop every nine one is piantea. I pli , Nu special excursion nexi rues also the following Tuesday. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Main Floor, N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel 1781. RE ixw 11 BEFORE you Invest consult Mme. Gyliner: she can see the outcome. Parlors of Palmistry, 715 No. 23d. RE 2U8 18 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE SHIMER & CHASE Buiiders of Modern Houses. Pessimists please tske a bark seat. Optimists have the floor. A GREATER OMAHA assured. Million-bushel grain ele vators. Suburban electric lines. Gigantic power plants, new manufacturing con cerns. Coming of a big railroad corpora tion, opening of the grain exchange, de dication of the Auditorium, during 1W'4, all portrd a healthy and substantial growth In 19u6. NEW HOUSES. 34.800.00 8-room modern dwelling, 41st and Farnam streets, only a block from car, south front, electric light, gas. furnace, every .convenience, hard wood downstairs, grate, everything flrst-clasa JJ.;o0 00 6-rooin modern dwelling, 40;h ani Seward, a very complete home for rmfu erate Drlce. J Si.5tO.uO 6-room dwelling, gas, bath, closet. uui aim com water, wen located, cneapeai In Hanscom park district. FINE HOUSES IN PROGRESS Where can you beat 24th and Blnney for a building site? Buy the f-room modern dwelling growing up there. Plans and specifications and ad vanco price on application. NOT NEW BUT GENUINELY GOOD $1.100.00 8-room cottage, Spauldlng street, south front; owner leaving city; his lose, your gain; about half cash, balance less than rent. Be quick. $1.200.00 6-room, corner, gaa and city water; good layout for small family. $1,900.00 6-room cottage, practically new, block from 24th street car, modern, plumb ing, good value. VACANT PROPERTY On which to build to suit purchaser, or ell outright. $'.0.00 to $400.00 buys very desirable build ing lots south of Hanscom park, sightly, some face new boulevard. $250.00 to $300.00. west of 24th street, in Myers. Richards ft Tilden's addition. SiJOO.OO Fine lot on 40th street. Many others In all sections of city. Con sultation free. SHIMER & CHASE General Real Estate. 1609 Farnam. , Tel. 3867. RE s Payne, Bostwick & Co. SIXTH FLOOR. N. Y. LIFE BLDG. Hurrah for PRESIDENT ROOdEVKLT! GOOD TIMES ASSURED FOR ANOTHER FOUR YEARS. OMAHA RH.AL ES TATE IS BOUND TO INCREASE IN VALUE. NOW IS THE TIME To BUY AND SAVE MONEY. COME IN AND LET US SHOW YOU tSOME OF THE FOLLOWING BARGAINS: Brand new six-room bouse on N. 24th St., ready to move right into, well built, on fco-it. lot, paved street, all paid for; largo bed rooms, extra iaige bath room. Price $3,000. Reasonable terms. 4024 Farnam, an eight-room house, strictly all modern, with good barn, fine shaue, corner lot; price $4,000. 42d and Harney sta, a new six-room house, : strictly all modern, including furnace, south front, 50-ft. lot; only 3,000. 354 Charies St., a nice cottage with oorner lot, 60x127; line shade, thiee feet above ereet; room to build two more hou&es. Price 31.40J. Half cash. If desl.ed. On 8. 15th St., a nice live-room couoge, with oil finish; owner leaving city. Prioe $1,200. VACANT For a small apartment house or brick flats, southeast coiner of 20th and Capitol ave. Ttila is a beautiful corner for an invest ment. Don't fab to see this ai once, as the owners are bound to sell. Price ti,oOO. See us. in tne West Farnam district, fine south front 50-ft. lot, with permanent aidewulk, built up on either side by good homos, fur $650. Payne, Bostwick & Co. Sixth, Floor, N. Y. Life Bldg. KE-48S 13 - 837 So. 22nd STREET WILL BE SOLD TO THE HIGHEST-BIDDER. We propose "sealing to the highest bidder the sever.-.oom house, with ,lty water . and barn, at 837 South 22d a.reel, situate on paved a, reel ana in wlk n uUtHHOa. The proverty rents for $lo par month ami is conuiueied a lair uarguiu 3l i,iaO. If you want to buy tor a home or Invest ment, examine the prcptriy and make - an offer, without delay; l . GARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM. RJfc-441 l NEW HOUSES $3,900 Bran new, modern home, 7 rooms be sides reception hall, bath and attio; best plumbing; oak floors in ha. I and vesti bule; lower story finished in daric oak; east front, and only one block from some ot the finest West Farnam homes. $2,150 Built about two years, 6 rooms, por celain bath tub, nickel plumbing, gas fix tures and everything complete; just papered with expetiblve paper; paved street; choice location, on Madison Ave., near Sherman. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnum. - - RE 440 13 ' THE KENNY REAL EST. & INV. CO. OFFER REAL BARGAINS In Improved and vacant city property and farm lands. Will make loans at reasonable (lyures, write your fire insurance, rent anu look after your property ai lowest rates. , . ROOM 300 BEE BLDG. TEL 336. . . RE M 18 6 ACRES with. new 4-r. house and barn. V4 acre alfalfa, 2Vj miles s, w, of Souths omaha, price tor immeaiate sale only $1,600. F. D. WEAD, 1524 Douglas St. RE M141 13 Payne Investment Company, . 1st Floor N. Y. Life B.dg. 2341 Cass St., full lot, city water and sewer, tl,0u0; easy terms. 8818 Parker St., full lot, two-story house, 8 rooms. Price $1,260. $618 Burt St., 6-rm. cottage, south front, nice shade trees, city water, easy terms. -4208 Cuming st, 8 ran, city water and gas, good barn, easy terms. 83 S. 2Jrd St., 6 mis., walking distance. Price 1.&U0; easy terms. S224 Cuming St., lot 40x138, south front on a paved smet and on two car lines, a strictly modern 6-room house, nearly new, the wner is going to leave the city and muat sell. Price 3,3n0. 8302 Linton boulevard, strictly modern, 8- room house, south front, fine location, must be sold. See- it and make us an offer. 2818-2820 Leavenworth St., rentals $47.50 per month. Price $6,000. All special taxes paid. RE-o6 i3 VACANT (406 Full lot, south front on Davenport, be tween 28th ave. and 3oth at. Must be sold. 1727 1U0 ft. south front on Cass near 32d, owner anxious to sell. Prioe 860. 248300 ft. west 34th ave., on i;orth side of Plnkiiey, 60x128. The owner ii a nonreel dent and owns one more lot near this, wliioh he Is determined to sell and wants an offer. 60x1X0 south front on Lincoln boulevard. In , Bemls park, nice snaae, nne surround I Ings. Price $1,609. -. 100 ft. frontage on Hanscom park; great i bargain at $2,800. ' Payne Investment Company, ' 1st Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 1781. , RE 667 13 " LAND OH! LAND OH! 8,000 acres of fine irrigated land In the great Platte valley. Write at once for full particulars concerning the special excur sion next Tuesday, Nov. 15lh, also tsve following Tuesday. PAYNE INVESTMENT COM PANT, Main Floor, N. T. Life Bldg. Tel 1781. RE G62 II WHY PAY RENT? (-room cottage, newly bullt, nice porch, water In kitchen, south front, nice large shade trees; H.iuO only; $100 down, bal ance t'v per month. Located near 25(h and A iik's Ave. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. . RE 490 18 FOR SALEREAL ESTATE ELECTION IS SETTLED. YOU ARE NOT And as you are not we call your attention to the fart that we hve t SNAP of the YEAR in way of a 7-r. house In WEST FARNAM- We BAR NONE. Ours beats them all. If you want a thoroughly mod ern home In a very desirable nclshlorhood and we show you this and you don't buy we will waste no more time trying to sell to you. PERFECT In every way lately built for a home never occupied, not quite finished, ran short of monry. WILL be SOLD MUST be. See us don't wait even a day. We guarantee to PLEASE you. THE COWAN-ABBOTT CO. Room 304 First Nat l Bank. Tel. 3S06. RE 157 11 CLOSE IN BARGAIN. Excellent location. 3 blocks from the court house, 50xl feet, double trontage, 8-room house on one front, the other Is fine for brick flats; this entire property will be of fered lor a few dys only at ll.Sfo. If you aro in the market for anything of this description It will be wcrth your while to Investigate the above. W. FA.WA.W SMITH & CO. 1320 Farnam Street. RE A SNAP ON WEST HARNKY. 3-Room modern house, gas, bath, furnace, cemented cellar, storm windows, porch awnings, south front lot 50x132 with per . manent cement walks; owner leaving city and will sell the above for $2,5-)0, $1.3u0 oash, halanre to suit. R. C. PETERS & CO., 1702 Fnrnam St. RE 482 13 A FINE FARM REASONABLE. S40 Acres 6 miles west of Herman, 8-room house with bath, new barn 4uxl0 with loft and other out buildings to make Im provements complete; gently rolling 'and all In cultivation except 20 acres in pas ture. This fine country home is only $jS per acre. R. C. PETERS & CO., 1702 Farnnm st. RE483 13 For Sale on Easy Payments 5 to 7-room new modern houses; good lo cation. W. L. Eastman, 13u8 Farnam st. RE 670 19x LOT BARGAINS 60x80 feet, close In, excellent for brick flats $2,000.' 60x133 leet, close In, corner, fine $4,500. 8xl00 feet, corner 20th and Buncroft, pav ing paid $1,100. 30x132 fet, trackage, with largo frame buildings, at a sacrifice. 60x100 feet, West Farnam location, paving pald-$2,250. 47x6K feet. Weat Farnum location, paving pald-$l,860. W. Farnam Smith & Co. 1320 Farnam Street. RE-43S 13 TRADE Choice Farnam St. corner to trade for Im proved property; two lots, valued at $15,000; flrst-claas. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam Street, RE 437 13 B. R. BALL 626 N."T. Life. 'Phone B-1229. $2,400.00 -room modern house, between Farnam and Douglas, on S. i.9th Ave. This house rents for $io a month and Is a bargain. ' 2603 N. 20th St., 8-room house, partly modern, full lot, can be sold for $1,900.00. $7,800.00 Nice modern home, first-class in every respect, on South 40th St. RE . VACANT LOTS FOUR . lois within a block and half of stret car, size, 188 by 133 feet, for the small sum of 8700. Building lots in all parts of the city. B. R. BALL 1 526. N.; Y. Life. Thone B-1229. RE 220 13 TRY Landeen's Antiseptic Halr-Ton'r. RE - South Omaha Bargains 44x110 Corner Hawley Terrace, S. O $75 44x110 Ha wloy Terrace,- 8. O $t!5 44x110 Hawley Terrace, 8. O $ilo I am ordered to close these out at these give-away prices, free me. JOHN O. DETWEILER, Fifth Floor, Paxton Block, Omaha. Neb. RE FOUR large, choice lots, high ground, half block from Walnut Hill car line. Will build cottage to suit purchaser on each lot not exceeding $2,000 In value. R. C. PATTERSON, 1224 Farnam St. - RE 407 13 Must Be Sold in Ten Days Neat cottage home, partly modern such as toilet, sewer, gas, with nice fixtures in each room; brick cellar; on Burdettd St. near 24th t ; $i00 cash, balance $12 per month, 6 per cent. F. D. WEAD, 1524 DOUGLAS. RE M143 13 FOR SALE One note of $1,800, due in on year, secured by first mortgage on good Improved Omaha property, bearing 6 per cent interest, payable semi-annually ; also one note for $1,600, due on or before three years, Interest at 6 per cent, payable semi-annually, secured by first mortgage en good property. Both are absolutely safe and given by respectable parties. Address the owner, S 25, Bee office. RE-M458 (F YOU want to buy. sen, rent, borrow money, sell notes or sccount, ctil st R. 3, N. T. Life 'Phone 183. Glover ft 8nn RE-U2U . ' Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska, Kansas; Colorado and Wyoming; low prices; ten years' time. Land Dept. U. P. R. R. Co., Omaha, Neb. Dept. "A." RE-M8U FARM FOR RENT. 138 Acres, flvw miles west of Omaha; es. peclally dealrcble for dairy; $5.d0 per acre. GEORGE oV COMPANY, 1601 Farnum St RE-MjJI-13 Four-room house, city water, house newly papered and painted, south front, near car line; a bargain $700. Nearly new house, on cur line, with five rooms, modern except furnace; if sold this week, $1,700. SHIMER & CHASE, 1608 Famam St. , RE 460 HOME Bran New Finished in oak. bullt for a home, 7 rooms, modern in every particular, east front and very desirable, loedted r.ear 35, h and Jackson. Price, 84,000. W FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam si. RE MU0 BARGAIN Fine 320-acre farm, eaatern Iowa; Improve ments c.twt 87.000; quick sale, $1 an acie; may take $5,0t0 improved Omaha piop eriy, balance easy. Address F 4. I e.-. RE-M13. 13x ON EASY TERMS Two 6-rocm cottager, with 4o-ioot lots; nat- Ural trene, inuuorn ponhej, o.ty w er. , o.ty w sr. guod tep-lr. new one an In Prices. $1,000 and 81.100. Two s-room cottages sume as above, ex cept p Ici-t 31,100 and $1,20 ! a ltd oa South iiith ave near Ca-ullar st. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO., 1501 Dodge st. RE M133 13 F. D. WEAD, CAN'T BE BEAT, for home and Investment, (-room house and 4-rouin bouse and iaigj lot, on N. -ith at.; prioe for all, $1,100. 1524 DOUGLAS ST. RE M112 13 BOULEVARD TERRACE. B. W. Cor. S6lh St. and Poppleton Ave., ad jacent to Hmiscoin Park and Field Club, high and sightly, no tilled ground; tho ht In the market for the money. Louk Into this before buying, us there Is noth ing better, R. C. PETER8 A COMPANY, '-. . IW i'kiuiuu, Street. RE-48I13 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FARM 200 acres, well Improved valley land, la western Iowa. 25 mliee of Omrvha; an abso lute hnrxaln at $57.80 per arre. 1M) acres, well Imnrovml. One Elkhnra vaK ley corn land. 6 miles from county seatj $4-' M) per acre. 1m acres tine Improved land, 8 miles from Tender; $00 per sere. 80 acres 21, nilli-s 8. W. of Washington, Douglas rotinty, ISO acre. acres flue Improved Snelby Co. Iowa land. $70 per are. 160 acres, 20 miles dlstnnt of Omaha; lm provenients limited; $17.60 per acre. For further particulars of any of these) or bnrsslns In Nebraska and west Iowa farms, send for full description and list- JOHN B. HANSEN Kl N. y. Life. Omaha. 430 18 LOTS! LOTS! LOTS! Choice south front lot on Bristol street, 89 feet $fifx). F.flJt front lot on 20th and Vinton etreets $,-60. East front lot on 20th and Castellsr $404. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. RE-493 II F. D. WEAD, TWO 10-r. all modern houses, near Crefgn ton college; tr m!d sunn, for both, 3S,Jj4V 1524 DOUGLAS. RE-703 II HOME OR INVESTMENT. In Hanscnm Park district, three nne build ing lots with isVfoot frontage, 1 block from park. Two of these lots front paved street l oving all paid, permanent side walk around entire frontage, lots lay from 3 to 31 feet above street, elegant site to build 8 or 4 houses for home or in vestment. Price of quirk sale, $3,509, Of ' owner will sell single lot. Payne, Bostwick & Ca, Sole Agents, Sixth floor New York Life Bldg. RE-tKS 14 DON'T smoke, unless you get the best; try the Monogram 6c cigar at Sloecker's cigar store. RE 701 13 HOUSES FOR SALE Two small cottages, with lot 5oxl20, located at 13th and Ohio sta; rental $144 per year; price only tl.ouo. F. D. WEAD, 124 Douglas st. RE 70S 1$ SNAP, close up against Burlington depot. Giover at Son, Room 3 N. Y. Life. 'Phone 133. RE 6fc8 13 160 ACRES good farm land in Kansas, $8 per Mre; one-sixth cash; wheat crop of i'.3 on adjoining lands sold fur $21.30 per nrre. uiovor 6t Hon, Koom a. x. uia. 'Phone 133. RE 685 13 HOUSE FOR SALE. Do you want a good, warm home, - with new Magee furnace, double floors, hard wood tinlah, large lot, barn, fine location? Ci.n give immediate possession; ' easy turins. Call and see. F. D. WEAD, 1524 Douglas.- RE-708 11 To Let. . ' ' LOTUS LANE DAIRY FARM. 70 Acres in alfalfa, 30 acres farm laud and to aens In pasture; modern stable holds 64 enws; contract can be made for m-llK produced; 6 blocks from R. H. station; Id inlles from Omaha. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam. 4446 13 FOR SALE All kinds of robes from $2.50 up; fine fur robes at cost; stable blankets all kinds; square street blankets front $J up. DRUMMOND CARRIAGE CO.- K-29 18 GOOD comfortable cottage, close In on, South 9th st.. Glover & Son, Room 3 N. Y. Life. 'Phone 133. RE 686 13 7-ROOM coltage, corner lot, 29th and Rug-gles- sts., $1,UU0 cash, $l,lo0 on payments. Glover & Son, Room 3 N. Y. Lite. 'Phone 133 RE-667 A3 F. D. WEAD Neat cottage, 6 rooms, modern, 2606 Bpen ccr; $J60 cash. bal. montniy; $1,600.00. ,,. . 1524 Douglas. RE-70J 13 FOR SALE. The following choice property must ba sold. First reasonable offer accepted. Ten 'acres six blocks west of iiansoom park on Center street, with house and barn on same. A beautiful location for home and a fortune In the future. ' iit a mirf 4 in block 196. City of Omaha. i Northwest corner of 15th and Jones sta., I within one block of what will be In ths near future our best retail dlatnet. iraca age can be had in the ailey. Very choice for wholesale location. Lot 22 in Griffin At Isaae's addition to Omaha. A very choice lot on fine residence street; look at this property and make an offer. , . 2o8 Burdette street, nice medium priced home; seven rooms. ' 1777 South 9th street: 6-room cottage on MAnAW 1 ., , it ri.nnta anil alinnil lj ,1 111 . IVJL, , 1 .1.1 1 V. J w , WM. K. POTTER, Receiver. 801 Brown Block. RE 696 18 FARM of 145 acres, with 6-room house, largo barn, corn crib, windmill and pumpl all fenced; $2,500.00. F. D. WEAD, 1624 Douglas. U T7- -AJ 1 FOR EXCHANGE WILL trade sewing machine Tor type writer. Neb. Cycle Co., 15th and Harney, ' -i TRY Landeen's Antlseptlo Hair-Tonic t Z FOR FXr.HANf.F. A , m ..... . I have farms, well Improved, both in Ne-.' braeka and Iowa, that I can' trade in for your business or city property. 160 acres well improved land in Richard son Co. to trade for mdse. or hardware. 120 acres in Adair Co., Iowa, to trade for a business. 3 Harrison Co. farms and dosena of other propositions on the exchange list. Have yet for sale two hardware stocks. both well located, one In good Hamllloa county town. A fine grocery stock, $2,800, will exchange for land of even value. Also a new Una general stock that has been assigned to creditors and can be made an absolute bargain. Do you desire to get Into business let ma locate you. JOHN B. HANSEN s-n N. Y. Lite. Omsha. 2429 ii IF YOU do not find wliat you want in tola coluuui put an ad. in and you will, soon get It.' Z UaJ CASH for your horses. Meloholr's Livery Barn. Z-639 13 ADV. CUTS WHEATON, in Bee Bldg. . ... .Z-515 1 . EXCHANGE your Ignorance for knowledge, Ke Mine. Gvliuer. Palmist, for n.u'llou- lars. Parlors 715 N. 23d.. Z-344 U VERTICAL letter filing, Boyles College. Z-?221 13 -., MANIFOLDING, Boyles College. Z 221 13 A BUSINESS education and the place to get it, Boyles College. Z 221 13 WILL exchange fine piano for horsey Schmoller & Mueller, 1313 Famam. Tel. iua. z 161 D-io BUY Landeen's Antlseptlo Halr-Tonlo. Z SILVERWARE Is our specialty. Omaha Plullng Co., 1508 Harney. Z 406 13 WILL trade shares of stork In good com pany for residence, modern, or small piece of land near city. Z 547 13x LAND FOR MDSE Imp. 160a 6 milts front Waterloo, Douglas county. ' Neb. ; VA a. imp., Rirhardsoii county. Neb.; large tract Imp., Sherman county. Many line pieces) of land to exchange for staple stocks off indue, or hardware; tell tne what you have; likely we can deal If you meaa luiiie; writs me. J. H. Johnson. N. Y, r i . v jtrjc fli PRINTING LYNGSI AD & RUFKNER. PUIIMTPIK Crounse Block. Corner ot. I rin JCI0 loth Bt. and Capitol Ave. - -37 GET your future printed. Mme. l,lmer cun oullinu the p an. Parlors 715 No. 230. -312 U KRAMER & CHANDLER. OU1P1C PRINTERS. 1108-48 Douglas St. To de liver work when promised is our hobby, -878 J. M. SinpI.ESS, reliable printer; eetab-. llsutd 13 years, tut 6. 13th til- Omaha.