The Omaha Daily Bee. PART 2-Pages 9 to 16 THE SUNDAY BEE -A NEWSPAPER AND A MAGAZINE IN ONE. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMRER 12, 1904. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. V Ladies' and Children's Underwear 75c quality Lndios Half Wool Vests and I'ants, rpoclnl Oo Saturday, at....' JUC 75c to $1 Ladles' Combination Suits, extra heavy fleece lined, Pj special, nt JUC 70c Lndlcs' Outing Flannel Gowns in assorted colors and all sires, Jf (V special, at TC $1.2o to $1.50 Ladles Gowns, extra heavy Outing Flannel, fancy OU trimmed, choice OC 75c Ladies' Underskirts, Jersey ribbed with assorted colored borders, TQ special, at JJG $1.50 Ladles' Wool Underskirts, Jersey ribbed with pin In and assorted QQ colored borders, at OC 1 39c Children's Underwear, extra heavy I fleece lined, all sizes, JSt , sperinl, nt a9 j Children's Combination Sultr, Jersey j ribbed, fleece lined, in all sizrs, worth 50c to 75c wonderful value jC Saturday, at ) J 75c to $1.00 Children's Underwear broken UneiKpln camel's hair, nntural wool and Jersey ribbed wool Vests, I'nnts and Drawers, Satnr- &CI day, at fJC ?1.C0 Boys' Wool Combination Suits, in blue only, come in all sizes Qfi from 24 to 34, at JOC $1.25 Girls' Combination Suits, three quarters wool the celebrated Stratford make special, at.... fC 60c Ladles' Vests and runts, extra heavy fleece lined. Jersey ribbed, special, at 39c HWDBS THK RELIABLE STORE. Optical Dep't Your Eyes Trouble You? We will supply the right glasses at the RIGHT PRICE. PEARL BUTTONS Saturday 1.CO0 gmss of Pe.irl Buttons, worth from 6c to Ific per dozen, no on sal- 01- Saturday, at, per dozen Do not miss this tale snve money bv buying the buttons you will need for spring sewing now. Ladies9 Silk Belts A big line of the latest silk novelt Ladles' Pelts on sale Saturday, rejrilsr 6oc and 76c values, , o.i only , c,c 20c Pure Linen Handkerchiefs 74c A fine line of ladles' hemstitched pure linen handkerchiefs, full size, regulnr 15c to 20c values, on sale Saturday, 71P each Special Book Sale A Discount of 28 On all the new $1.60 copyright books. Boys' and girls' books, 15C 25e paper novels, each ow urn TRIE RICLIABLR HOUR, Corset Dep't mmf, H it stand 75c 39c ",TS, fnn tod nri4n- 1.50 IN OUR One' lot of Dr. Warner's rust proof, II. & II., It. & !. und many other stand ard makes, poods that sold from $1.00 to $2.r4 choice TAPE and KATISTK lilUDLKS, in all colors W. K. LUECT FORM CORSETS, fnn front, extra lotin hip. designed spec ially for stout figures, sizes 20 to -M, at W. C. C, Kubo, W. B. and O. I). Cor sets Hose Supporters, m ft attached side and I I ill Up front, at lelV Special attention piven to fitting In the Depurtment. Exceptional Bargains in Men's Furnishings Just the opportunity you've been waiting fordon't fail to improve it now. Men's Gloves and 'Millens Wool, Astrakhan or Jersey backs with kid facing, llog Skin and Calf Skin -some of them both lire and w.iter p.j ?. A ca nh'-i umili line son -your 25c, 15cani5c in all sizes, worth 25c to 75c- choice Saturday, pair. 50c to 75c Underwear, 19c, 25c and 35c One lot of Heavy Fleece Lined Underwear for men aud boy. Winter weights Jt"lr...l9ct 25c 35c MEN'S I'NPr.nWEAR-In extra fine qunllty fleeced, such as the Celebrated AQr Dr. Slimier s Health Uarments-Haturrtay special, nt " w MEN'S UNDKIUVEAR Broken lines of strictly high grade goods worth iQd twice or more the price Saturday V MEN'S 8 AM TLB SHIRTS In fine California Flannels, light or dark colors In single or double brristed garments which would sell regularly at from 11.00 to QRr.hQf t-U,llnui.UI fiat,, fH.i- nt . 'WW 2oC MEN'S WOOL HOSE In black or gray a great snap Saturday, 121c Extra Saturday Shoe Specials. Men's and women's fine vlci kid. box caJf and patent colt 4 Qf shoes worth up to $3.60 a pair sale price Un' WAmn'l tnte mnA ftillH.' warm s A Jj n lined velvet silDDers OVC 1 '1 .i ''-"m 11n.' ....... I. .. ' 1 r A 1 1 1 1 I -LI1 J.I . rn -.1 I Full vvTk. Shoes, Women's $1.35 beaver fur trimmed slippers flUr. ; '('ifk Men's and women's carpet slippers Ofln 27o and AWW rfci'iieyX r Women's guaranteed Corona colt lace shoes, welt sole, 1 HO EUr il'i!0r tll circular foxed, a 14.0) shoe sale price - w Lao : i,Ur . . jaisres umant scnooi snoes, in vici or dox cair, silk s en rj S Imitation alligator slippers C3W JJr .IfiJp Wftmen'M. fnlnvpn' iinil chlM fine ''Zr Jersey leggings 69c. 49a and OVC '.muur $2.00 dress shoe i.-ao Agents In Omaha for the celebrated STETSON. CROSSETT and JOHN MITCHELL, shoes for men and the ULTRA and GKOVER hoes for women. . 1 i 1 1 r M Buy Sheeting Now. Pegnot Bleached Sheeting, Oln 2h yda, wide, at yard fiOfc Utlca Mills Bleached Sheet- 01 Ing, Vi yds. wide, at yard.. ltJk' Fruit of the Loom Bleached Olr' Sheeting. Z yds. wide, at yd-' Lockwood Bleached Sheeting, f f)n 24 yd. wtle, at yard 1VV Pepperall Bleached Sheeting, lfrS , 24 yda wide, at yard Pepperall Casing, 46-lnch, fl,- . bleached, at yard IUW ...lie Lockwood Casing, 45-lnch, ' bleached, at yard Four Hosiery Specials LADIES' WOOL HOSB-Heavy weight, In black and gray, Cr worth up to 39c, at st-V LADIES' FLEECED HOSE Very heavy, wltn double sole, alIOir slses, wortb up to 26c, at.. '"I" BOTS' BICYCLE HOSE-Heavy wool or fleece lined, i On worth up to 39c, at 16C AND 19C CHILDREN'S HOSE Heavy ribbed, JUBt the thing for school wear, 12C Drug Department Specials CUCUMBER CREAM Cr per bottle CUCUMBER SKIN f FOOD IOC ABSORBENT COTTON r package Ot GRAVE'S TOOTH PIE POWDER IOC HYGIENIC TOOTH n WASH 1UC KIRK'S SHANDON BELLS' On SOAP Box IVC WILLIAM'S or COLGATE'S f SHAVING SOAP-Cake OC CORN PLASTERS e Per box OC Hayden's Selling the Ashley & Bailey Ruction Silks Being among the largest purchasers we secured some of the biggest snaps. Satur day we place on sale over 600 pieces BLACK AND COLORED SILKS that are the greatest values ever offered by any store In America. Silks In desirable styles and colors at way below regular wholesale cost. i Hundreds of pieces elegant Fancy Silks, In light and dark colors, many 27 Inches wide, suitable for waist and dresses, many figured silk on white grounds, f the new blues, browns and all other popular shades silks well worth up up to $2.00 go on sale Saturday, at, yard, 4c and 100 pieces fine All Silk Colored Taffeta, good strong durable quality; also 60 pieces Black Taffeta, all 19 inches wide go in one lot, StZlC at, yard Guaranteed Black Taffeta, fine silk, rustling quality ylft 24 inches wide, worth 85c yard, T'ZC at, yard " i Immense quantity yard wide Black Taffeta from the Ashley & Bailey purchase, A ail silks good and strong silks with a reputation. We sell them Saturday, Ij'C at, yard w " Omaha's Reliable Piano House . Pianos Sold on Easy Payments ' The more closely you examine the constructive features of our Pianos and Organs, the more firmly will you be convinced of the musical, architectural and durable superiority of our instruments. You cannot make a mistake in placing your order with us when you have such well-known makes to select from as shown you. Checkering, Fischer, Estey, Decker, Wegman, Ilainer, Price and Temple, Franklin, Schaffer, Kohler and Campbell, and Lakeside, Estey and Bur dett Organs. Write for prices and catalogues. NEW PIANOS FOR BENT. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT $1.00 CHILDREN'S TRIMMED HATS.... -25o $1.50 LADIES' STREET HATS 25 C $1,50 COLORED OSTRICH POMPOMS 25o 50C. CAMEL'S HAIR TAMS 250 FURNITURE Do you need a new table? Thanksgiv ing would be a fitting time to have one to replace ' that old one. If you are In terested call here. We are showing over ninety different styles, and to make It an object for you to come here we have cut the prices to where we believe every table will be a bargain. We can sell you a good oak table a QC square for tJ.OO Special Table Bargains The cut shown here is not the table. It Is different, but just as good. Solid se lected oak, 42x42 top, four lnfluted legs, strong well braced, well finished and neat at the following prices: 6"fort",K,uare 7.85 8.85 8.85 for 8-foot square for 6-foot round for 8-foot round 9 85 We are showing over 125 styles of chairs, and offer an extra nice chair f QQ Pictures and Frames We place on sale 200 fine pictures extra nent frames a regular $1.60 value QSp for, each Special Prices on Framing. Saturday a Great Bargain Day In Our Busy Cloak Department 3,700 Ladies' and Misses' Coats, full, medium and short lengths; also an immense line of Ladies' Rain Coats, all latest styles, secured by our N. Y. buyer at 50 cents on the1 dollar, will be placed on sale Saturday, November 12, at 8 a. m. $12.00 AND $15.00 COATS. AT $9.eW Latest designs, splendidly made, taffeta . and satin lined, wltli strapped seams. Groat variety of style and fabric, made to sell at $12.00 and $15.0O-spe- S flf cial at 'uu $18.60 COATS. $9.90 Handsome garments In a multitude of styles and fabrics, come In blacks, blues, browns, tans and mixtures made to sell at $18.50, O t)(l special at J Jy $25.00 COATS, $14.90 Elegant gar ments, ono of the best values we have ever shown satin lined throughout with strapped seams, unsurpassed In workmanship, ' style and finish. You cannot duplicate them elsewhere for less thnn $26.00 our price A Qfl will be W."C BEAUTIFUL SAMPLE COATS No two alike, 100 garments to se lect from-at $36.00, -IQ.OO WOMEN'S RAIN COATS A man ufacturer's entire stock In all colors and styles worth up to $?0.00 now on sale at S ()U $10, $8.90, $6.90 and J.J MORE CHILDREN'S COATS Another manufacturer's stock Just received, In ages from 4 to 14 years. More garments, better values than those on sale lost Saturday they're worth from . cnoUV.1.0. ...4.98-2.98 Ladies' Sample Suits 400 new ones Just received for Saturday's jfreat sale. $12.60 Suits latest styles, well mnde great bargain Sot ur- J ftn day, at .J $18.(0 Tailor Suit with taffeta and satin lined coat worth f O Rfi up to $18 special at .... OW BEAUTIFUL SAMPLE- SUITS Made of coverts, Lyman's wool cheviots nnd broadcloths, hand somely trimmed and finished worth up to $30.00 won- Q en dorful values, at ,'IO.OU Furs Furs Furs Manufacturer's samples purchas ed by our New York buyer at a rreat bargain. Women's Conoy Scarf, 7flr large tails, nt IfQ Coney Scarfs, 62 Inches O OS long, 6 large talis 'c' Marten Scarfs, with six J OB tails, at .VC $15 Double Fox Scarfs, Qnn with 2 larra bustles, at O. VU Astrakhan Capes a snap, at Women's Beaver Coats, 5Q Near Seal Coats with marten, mink or beaver cuffs and HtlO reveres, at EXTRA SPECIALS Women's Silk Underskirts, 3 Women's $2.00 Wrappers, 98C ' Women's $1 Sateen Under- RGfrt 79c 12.50 skirts, at Womon's Eiderdown Children's Angora Fur CifZc Sets, at Beat (Staffer Snaps, per lb - . Ho Psarllne, package So Sapolto, per cake Bo 4-pound package Oold Dust for 16o It bars soap for , 15c Deviled ham, can 8H0 Dttvlled tongue, can Sftc Potted Tongue, can JHo 'Potted bam, can 8io New evaporated blackberries, pound. .7o New Prunes, per lb 8H0 ' 2-crown Callf-wnla Muscatel Raisins, lb.4Vo t-crown California Muscatel Raisins, lb..5Ho 4-Crown California Muscatel Raisins, pound TVio Fine New Michigan Peaches, lb 60 Fancy New Oregon Peaches, pound.. ,.10Ho Fancy California Evaporated Peaches. . sound ,..12Hc RELIABLE GROCERY PRICES. ftan hominy, pound 340 Flake hominy, pound Stic White navy beans, pound 3140 Pearl Barley, pound 3140 Farina, pound 340 Sago, pound 314c Tapioca, pound a4o Fine Rice, pound 3140 California Kiln Dried White Oats, lb 2c TEAS AND COFFEES. Good blend Santos Coffee; lb.... 15o Imperial Java Blend Coffee, lb 17H Family Java and Mocha Coffee, lb 26o Sundried Japan Tea, lb 35c Fancy Young Hyson Tea, lb 38? Silver Leaf Japan Tea, lb 45c Basket Fired Japan Tea, lb 48o Fancy White Clover Honev. lb 12V4o Meats. Meats. Plcnlo Hams, per lb To Morrell's Iowa Hams, per lb 12V4C Kirlnln steak, fsteer beef). Der lb.. 10c and 8c Lower than ever less than wholesale. We Round Steak (steer beef), per lb 8c and.... 6c guarantee saving. We guarantee quality. Shoulder Steak, (steer oeef), lb., 8c and 60 Leaf Lard. 15 lbs. for $1.00 Beef Roast. oulderK per lb.... 8c and c T.ard. (compound), 3 lbs. for wc Pork Loins, per lb 8c ar; cold.?a8nloned kettle rendered Pork Roost, per lb c , ,u. tnr 26c Hams, No. I (any Omaha brand) per lb. Bacon, No. 1, (all back pieces), per lb. 10c 9c Salt Pork, per lb., 9c, 7c and.... Home Made Mince Meat, per lb.. 6C ,.8o Headquarters for Smoked and Salt Fish, mm fWav fCSJtfiJ MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC 5c 15c 25c Saturday's music sale will consist of the hits of the season at 15c per copy by mail, Such hits as the following: Vavajo Vocal, by Van Alstyne... On a Sunday Afternoon, by Von Tllzer Sun Dance, ny Friedman t Uncas Two-step, by Kaiser ' In Toklo. March.- by Nirella... Golden Echo Watlzes, by Grimm lupasz Band March, by 8wfely. Funny Folks Two-step, by Powell Rambling Mose, hy Barth Same Old Crowd, by Morse Sammy Two-step, by Hutchinson Village Maid, Bohemian Polka l His Majesty and the Maid, Two-step, by Hennlnger Kyrene, Oriental Intermezzo Social Lion Waltzis, by Friedman Morning Glory! Dance..... H The Sycamore Rag, by Scott Joplln new 16c. . 16o ...,15c ....loo . .15o ....15c ....lo ....15o ....15o . . . . lie ....153 ....15o ....15o ...,15o ,...15o ....1")C ....15c ....16c These are regular 50c pieces on sale Saturday ony at 15c per copy; by mail, 16c. We've so many different blocks la the-" Imperial $3.00 Tiger $3.09 Cham;4on $3.50 Red Rover $2.00 And Stetson $3.60 to $6.0f Hats that you are bound to be suited,' headwlse and tastswise, If you come her. We are showing an Immense line of boys' and men's Fall Caps, at 25c to $3.50 SUIT CASES $1.48 to $11.00 TRUNKS $4.00 to S2.0t DEVELOPING A NEW REGION Land f Great Promise Along the Hew Salt Lake Road. SHORTENING TRIP ACROSS THE DESERT Construction Golnsjt On at 4 he Rate of Oat Mile a Dr Wondera Xmiv Towns Being; Building at the rate of about one mile a day the construction gangs at either end of the new Salt Lake road are now almost within "hollering" distance of each other. A few days ago the graders on the eastern end were well up on the summit which di vides California from Nevada, while those on the western, or Loa Angeles, end were far enough out to throw stones to the edge et the great dry lakes which lie Juat be neath the summit. From thirty to sixty days at moat should enable the advance oampa of both sides to shake hands with each other. Another thirty days should bring the rails and the big engines up to common sidings, and allow the engineers and their groups of assistants to break bot tle In the same car In felicitation over the preliminary completion of a long, hot. duty tak. . From Bait Lake the route, even In Its present Incomplete state, seems like walk ing acroea lots to the store. The traveler starts from Salt Lake City at nightfall and before the middle of the next day Is In an oasta In the midst of the Nevada desert, so picturesque and refreshing that he is half ' minded to pitch his tent and remain with "rf the rest of the folic who have gone to the the new road. t At this oasis Las Vegas by nume mingle people from Daggett, Ivonpnh and Death Valley who have tale of California to tell that make the golden state seem to be only over the little hill which rises to the west of the oasla From the oasis to the west ern end of the road it is a three days' drive by team, but the route Is lined with foot passengers and . household outfits and freighters In such numbers that one thinks the original outfitting point must be only enough miles away to be counted on the fingers. Indeed, after going over the other transportation lines lhat lead from the east to Callfornlo, the Salt Lake City route ap pears so short and inconsiderable that one Is inclined to allow even the sanguine claims of the engineers of the route that the trip from Salt Lake City to Lo? An geles will ultimately be mads in eighteen hours. Short Desert Route. Only eighteen hours on the desert! And half of that, nearly, in desert that has been I redeemed! The tourist will find it hard to ! go over a longer way. Freight, which never likes to pound along more rails than it has to, will forsake many of Its previous way aad make the city of the Angels lu desti nation. Fresh fruit will add itself in In creased quantities to the citrus frul s which are already exported in such proline quan tities from southern California, and even dried fruits are likely to welcome the new and expeditious outlet to the eastern mar ket. Add to the shortness of the trip a beauty of scenery and excellence of track alto gether unexpected in sugh locality! Thanks to the peculiarly mountainous na ture of the desert through which the road passes, It Is Interesting and picturesque from one end to the other. EJven the broad agebursh piuins of southern Nevada, are hemmed in by lofty ranges in which the sunlight and clouds play like kaleidoscopes at all seasons of the year; white at the Utah end of the line Is a "Rainbow canyon'' which soon niay rival the famous gorges of the Rio Grande as a tourist sight, and at the California end is the superb, though short, cunyort of the MoJave. All things considered, one need have no hesitution In Having thut nothing since the original advent of the Santa to the southern part of California has been of such Importance as the approaching early com pletion of the San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake railroad. Rich Territory. Nevada and its seemingly useless stretch of desert has bgen a tremendous drawback to the development of California ever since the collapse of the Comstock boom. Its forbidding wastes have been contributed to the astute efforts of the late Collis P. Huntington to keep competing railroads out of the state. They have made the people of the east feel that the state of all states Is separated from the "home" country by interminable distances. They have pre vented thousands of travelers from repeat ing visits which otherwise would have been most alluring and most enviable. They hnve given an excuse for Injurious freight rates. They have, withal, been the worst impediment to progress thtt. the Pacific coast has'had. Therefore, when a new road Is about to be completed which reduces the distance across the desert for at leant one portion of the state, which robs the desert of Its dullness and makes the hours passed in crossing It as Interesting as those passed in crossing Colorado, it Is but fair to ack nowledge the significance of the event. Beyond question the Salt Lake City route penetrates a most promising portion of the desert Beginning with Daggett, where the present terminal Is located. It Jumps at once Into a territory capable of industrial development as well as entertaining In landscape. In the Nevada Desert. As at Daggett, so at other points along the entire line to Salt Lake City. On the Utah end are the mines of the Bingham, the 'Frisco, the Ploche district, all of them largo enough and promising enough to foreshadow the construction of branch rail roads; the irrigation districts of Clear lake, where farms are beginning to loom up as they did in the first days of Irrigation In the Los Angeles and Ban Diego districts of California. In the middle of the Nevada desert Is the luxuriant spot of Las Vegas, which stands aa a marked proof of the possibilities of the sage brush state when water Is applied to Its boundless stretches of dry land. Something of the commercial possibilities of the route were suggested In a somewhat concrete way as the trip was mado across the desert. At Callonte, for example, there has been for some time a sort of boom in town lots. The proprietress of ono of the local stores at the point ay that the price of lots had Jumped from $50 to $150 each since her advent to the 'town one year previously. .This was notwithstanding the fact that the railroad "front," as the end of the construction line Is called, had moved from Cnllente to a point 110 miles j westward. Enthusiasts of thotown predict the time whe-n city lots will be worth not less than $2,000 each. BollilluK New Towns. At Las Vegas people are beginning to move in for settlement, having learned that the railroad officials Intended to build a model city at that charming point. There was a physician who had been in Los An geles for a number of years, but who had convinced himself that the warmth of the desert air and the absolute general health fulness of the situation would convert the site into a great sanitarium. He had taken up his residence In the old adobe hotel, awaiting the arrival of ills family, and al ready Is practicing in anticipation of the lime when he should be the pioneer and 1-eadlng physician of the community. There was at Vegas a former superin tendent ot bridges and buildings on the Santa Fe railroad, a contractor, who was looking forward to the time when the town should begin to build. He expected through his previous knowledge of the desert con ditions to be able to outbid his competitors and to land enough contracts for buildings to pay him for the deprivations of the antl rallroad days. Back from .Vegas, on the conHtructlon train of the rallroud, was a physician who had a leaning toward science nnd who, on his days off suty at the train, had wandered among the Nevada moun tains and located a free milling gold mine whose preliminary assays were running nearly $30 a ton. He was cherishing the ' lair hope of being able to retire ultimately j from his medical practice and devote him self entirely to science. Of course he was laughed at by his fellow railroad men, es pecially by those who hud seen hundreds of "tenderfoet" with equal hopes, but nev ertheless certain officials higher than him self in the railroad world are making as much over a remarkable body of gypsum which they had discovered as he was over his quartz, notwithstanding that the gyp sum mu8t indeed be abundant and of ex ceptional grade to warrant hauling from the heart of Nevada to the agricultural regions where It Is apt to bs In demand. Wonders Abont Ploche'. 1 Twenty miles from Caliento Is a pumping station whence water is being forced a distance of seventeen miles to mines at Ploche. It Is around Ploche that the first traces of the hieroglyphics are found Chat mark a migration of the Indians south ward und that open up a now field for scientific exploration. It is not far from Ploche that the remains of a mammoth have been found embedded In the lime stone. In fact In all the range of coun try from Callente to Daggett, there Is n multiplicity of interesting tilings, both scientific and mercantile that suggest travel, business opportunity and contribu tion to the general grade and community growth of the Pacltic coast. Moapa river valley lies about seventy-five miles westward of the present terminus of the regular passenger service of the Salt Lake route. It Is a broad, deep, foamy sink In the surrounding hills, where trees grow as luxuriantly as they do on the lands surrounding Los Angeles, Here, undoubt edly, another town will be founded. The vulley stretches for miles north und south and Is uhlelded from wlnda und storms, und offers every inducement for settlement. Jt Is exceeded in attractiveness only by the oasis ut Lut Vegas. Other oases are to be found along thu route, more frequent In occurrence, easy of access than those which aru found along the rullroad in the northern part of Nevada, and closer to productive mineral territory. Northern Nevada, doubtless, is equally prolific in mineral wealth, and ulti mately will do much to redeem the state from Its reputation as a "rotten borough." Chicago Chronicle. THE WEDDING FOOL FRIENDS Warm Roast for Brutal Prnotlcal Jokers Infesting- Various Communities. A wedding Friday night li Philadelphia had, as its ufter-play, tho "kidnaping", of the bride. She was hustled Into another carriage apart from her nw-madu hus band, driven about town, brought back to her own home at midnight and 'finally re united to her huHunnd after hours of doubt and delay, when both were semi-hysterical. This ifi monstrous. Scarcely a dny passes that the newspapers do not record how brutal fool friends nt weddings have trampled the tender sentiment of the hour under their swinish feet and used their brutish wit to put to shame, discomfort and a lonthy public notice a man and wo man at tho supreme moment of their mu tual love and united lives. Even among people of reserve, breeding und position, the horse-play that goes on la Inconceivable. Tricks are played. Prac tical Jokes are carried out with noisy care and a brutal disregard of a moment sacred to the .departure of a young woman from the home of her youth and the deur love of her childhood and girl yeura. Carriages are bedecked, trunks festooned, pranks In numerable are played by young men an 1 women who look on themselves as liulies and gentlemen, but who are really be having like loutlnh boors of a brutal nnd vulgar fancy. Ill, offensive and noisome us tills sky larking is amuni; people ol some pop'tlon, at a. moment both ncrlous and btaut.'ful to i thiFe to whom marrliigo !s a reality and the ceremcny sacred, It passes belief what Is dune by those who huvt never learned manners und whose thoughts fly to vul gurity us the npuiks fly upward. Bride and groom uro handcuffed. Hotels at lesorts where Many newly-wed come now keep a supply of hundcuS keys. Placards are printed. Handbills are distributed. Telegrams are sent broadcast. An elabor ate, vulgar and suggestive charivari is de vised, of which tho least objectionable fea ture Is Its noise and the worst Is not to be described in pluin print. Wnerever done, among those of training, birth and social relations, or among those without these advantages, these things are distasteful, disgraceful and a shocking med dling with moments, by an universal con sent, consecrated to those whose mutual life is Just beginning. It Is Impossible' for a self-respecting, reserved and refined per son, with un atom of breeding or even a very ordinary article of civilization an.t education, to understand the cerebral con volutions or the internal machinery of those to whom this sort of practical horse play or boorish practical Jokes seem "funny" or even conceivable. If some badgered groom were In worried despera tion to shoot some audacious tormentor, most Juries would acquit him. A practice begun, with a little light throwing of rice and slippers and a careless, causeless, unpremeditated frolic aa the bride and groom left the wedding guests, , has become a social nuisance and a boor ish, disgusting habit of an order so vulgar, an effect so lowering and a behavior se outrageous that the elders ot the home at every marriage should see to It that it 1 reformed altogether us too odious to be longer endured. Philadelphia Press. Supplementary Mythology, "Tell me, dear," said Aphrodite, turning away from her mirror for a moment, "where 1 ought to put this little black patch to produeo the best effect." "Writo to tho papers and find out," roughly replied Hephaestus. "I'm no beauty doctor. I'm a blacksmith." Then he went out and forged another thunderbolt. Chicago Tribune. Hawaiian Kmlenxlr tlru fenced. HONOLt' -A', Nov. 6. (Via Sun Fran cisco, Nov. 11.) l iilted States Judge Do: a has rviilrnretl L. P. Kauhoe. formerly poKtmaxter at Kapkupaa, Kauui Islund, to one year's Imprisonment for emberlement cf funds of lila uttlee. Kauhoe s defalca tion amounted to l,bU2.