THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: KKIDAV. MJVU31IJKK 11. 1HU4. CRALSANI PRODUCE H1KIET 6brp AdfancM ia Wbut id Corn Future PartUllj Lott. UACTION COMES AFTER SHORTS COVER ftH'it Got Off Flvr-Rtghtbs from High and Corn Lose All Ifa 'fcal Cloaslo of the 11 1 aad Wall Street. OMAHA. Nov. 10. 1904. There 1 a trowing belief in grln circles that wheat' is largely marketed and that It la likely to go much higher. At the ssm time the December corn shorts are getting thoroughly alarmed becauae they fear that weatner conditions will not dry out corn and make it contract grade In time for delivery on these contracts. The result ia that the grain pita are attracting general attention and that prices give evi dence of thla faith In conditions. More than thN, the millers, who during the last few days have been holding back ns If they desired to break prices, have' felt the pulse of the situation and nave -again started In buying, even showing competitive anxiety to get tho wheat. There was a good business done in Omaha, but prices were somewhat lower, due In a measure to the problem of equalization that has been going on for some daya In placing this market on an equality with other market point. It la necessary alwaya in forming an opinion on the market to turn to the list of test weights as sn Index of local values, and this la as much the rule today as ever. About 11 was the average for No. J wheat and 98c for No. 4, al though there waa some low test No. 1 sold as low as 9Rc. A car of No. 2 brought $l.07H and a car of No. 4 spring 98c. In the speculative markets the December future wa the attractive, one.' the shorts growing a little nervous, while the May shorts with months away were more at eae. December opened at $1.13 and ad vanced to $1.14. May sold at $1.124 to 11.1!! and back to $1.13 bid. In the last hour of trie session there was a decided change In the market. Shorts had covered fairly well and ft number of holders of long Wheat In efforts to transfer profits from paper to bank accounts turned the market the other way with their offer ings. The result was that wheat for De cember reacted and closed at around $1.13, while May went back to within Vic of Wednesday's close. December held about c gait. . , Corn There was a decidedly nervous feel-' Ing among December shorts and they bid the future to 6244c, as compared with a close at 61c yesterday. May corn, for the reason that the crop Is large snd will be nil right for delivery then, was Weak and for a time barely held Us own, then going off V4c Indications are that the govern ment crop report this afternoon will ralso lis estlmute of corn yield from ttiat Indi cated by the October average. The crop a month ago was figured at 2,314,000,000 bu. Today's report will give the yield per acre and it will be mi ta determine the total from the previous figures. of vl.H30.000 acres. The average condition of the crop October 1 was 83.9 per cent. -.- It Is expected today's showing will be about 160,000,000 bu.' greater than that of a month ago, or around 2,466, OOO.OoO bit. i" V-' i ' - The final reaction' In corn waa even more positive than that. In the wheat. Where (here had been an advance of over 1q In December the traction took away all of the gain and an additional break of nearly point followed,' The. aborts ran fast In the opening and when they had filled their re quirements and were out the longs under took to unload and when this move came he price dropped 1 points for December, while May closed practically a point below yesterday. , On ts Market rather slow, with slight de clines In the futures. Cash oats are quite .steady. - Omaha Cash 'Bales 1 car No. 2 hard twheat, CO lbs., $1.07; 1 car No. t hard wheat; 55 IbSy $1.00; 1 car No. I hard wheat, 56 lbs., $1.00; 1 car No. 8 hard wheat, 64 lbs., 88c; 1 car No. 8 hard wheat. Sift lbs., 0l; 1 car No. 4 hard wheat, 53 lbs. 98c; S cars No. 4 hard wheat, M lbs., 98c; 1 car No. 4 spring Wheat, 52 lb.. 98c; I cars No. :3 white oats, 2814c; 1 car No. 3 corn, 50c; 1 ear no grade form 41c. ' . '" Omaha Grain Beeeiptat-Wfceat,1 28 ' cars; jforn, 3 cars: oats, 9 cars. ': ; torn . , ..;.;( y-ri, "Dec .i 40HB j 41B .. 40B 41B V Omaha Cash Prloo.. . V ' 1 WHEAT No. 3 hard, 31.07; No. 8 hard, BScfi-U.Oo; No. 4 hard. 91if98c; No. 8 spring, 11.07; No. 4 spring, 98c. 1 '"V Tt CORN-No. 2. 6oc; No. 8, 50c. old; Ne, 4. 13c, new; no grade, 41c, new; Noi t yellow, 61c; No. 1 yellow, 50c; No. 2 white, 60c; J4o. 3 white, 50c. ' ii OATS No. 2 mixed. 27c; No.. 1 3 mixed. 28c; No. 4 mixed, 25c; No. 2 white, 28c; No. 3 white, ZSVic; No. 4 white, CTi&tfyic; standard, 28c. Grala r Market ; Elsewhere. ,-rr.- Closing prices' at the following markets today and Wednesday were: , ,.-,, 'CHICAGO. . ,-c Wheat Today. Wedn'y. December 1.13V 1.134 May 1.13 1.17 Julv 8H 60 4ti-S 2&X 814 312 9 61 K 4fi'.i 46 29U 81 ? 31S Coin December .. Msy July Oats December .. May July Wheat December May Corn . December .. May 8T. LOUIS. I. If, 1.16i .".' 4444 1.145, 1.16H ' .'.45f 44'J KANSAS CITY. Wheat- x.t.yu-r..-:.- December 1.064 1 .04 May ...... i. ........utk-i..... IMS . . 1.04V Corn December ;.,',;'; ..".. 's 43T4 1 ": 'i'1 May - 4244 ' ' NEW YORK. Wheat .' -December ., I.ll4 Way 1.14 MINNEAPOLIS. 'Wheat' : '-,' .'.- rdrsiirnlwiF ..a 11K l.W4 l-Wk May. v. , l.ltiH, PUiL Wheat-- - December 1.1H 1.14 May 1.1SH 1.16W, kkW YORK GENERAL MARKET ttnotatlone of the Day oa Varlosjs Commodities. NEW YORK, Nov. 10. FLOUR Receipts, 1.844 bbls.; exports, 8,8119 bbla.; sales. lu.ouO ' pkgs. Market rlrm. with fair trade; Minne sota patents, H.v0Oitt.4O; Mlnneaota bukeia. . 14.iiuju.00; winter patents, 5.k6.U0; winter ' straigMs, 6.3uuo.b0; winter extras, 13.6u ' 4 15; winter low grades, !j.4a,04.u6. Rye flour, firm; sales, l.ouo buis. ; fair to good, 14.oOti4.76; choice to fancy, M.totyo.OO. Buik ' wheat flour, steady: per loO lbs., 4.00.16. ' CORN MEAL Firm; yellow western, 'tl.114rl.13j city. Sl.UjM4;. kiln-drled, ti-tiOt S-30- j : . , ' RYE Nominal, " ' " UARLEYr-Bteady; feeding, 4Vic, c. I. ' f. New York. WHEAT Receipts, none: sales, 4,100,000 ' bu. lu tu res. Spot market Irregular; No. 3 red, ll.H. f. o. b., afloat; No, 1 northern , Duluth, 11.20. f. u. b., afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba. 11.07, f. o. b., afloat. Most of the day wheat was Arm on reports of frost land crop i damage in Argentine, supplia , men ted by decreasing weatern receipts, but in the afternoon reacted with corn and closed no more than steady at a partial So net advance; sales Included No. 3 red, May, l 14 7-ltMfl.lf.i4. closing at 11.14; July. 11 we 0f, closing at 11 0'.'; December, 11 .U ' tjll -U. cloning at U.1K. t'OuN-Receipts, none; exports. 700 bu. , 'sales, 16,000 bu, futures. 81 Kit murket, 'Strong; No. I, 7o, nominal, In elevator, apd tse, nominal, f. o .0., afloat; No. i I yellow, ilc, nominal; No. 2 white, Osttc. 'neinlnal. tiptlons at first were II rm and Jilgner, with wheat, but eventually yield ing, with bearish gossip en the crop re port, and cliwed 'Vc net lower: May, 5i tua-'tL-, closing Si Wl-, December clused at O'aC , OAI S-Rccelpts, 160,900 bu.: exports. 11,500 hu ; mixed outs, 10 to Si lbs., 84i'i 3fc : , natural white, M to 1- lbs., obV37c; clipped white. 16 to 40 lbs., 37'a &-'. Options noinl- i 4-iCEDSteady; springs, t.'O.OO; middlings, t'liv. H.Y-Flrm: Hhlpptng, 07it72c; good to choice, Sodjsac. llor 8 irm: slate, common to choice, 19U4, il41c; ,m, dlu:Kc; old. 1-i'ulSc. la lr)c cuaet, 1'J .Vumc; 111, 34tf4c; olds, 14fl lc. ' HIDES Firm; Galveston. '.0 to SO lbs.. 1 17c; Callferrla, i to 26 lbs., lc; Texas l tdry), ii to So lb., 14c. f 1. HATH KR Firm; arid. !42c. 5 PROVISIONS beef, steady, lamlly, 110.50 1111. no; beef hums. -) :4.t; puckei. llO.Oi tilii.Ui; city extra India mui, fi4.atCiirS i.U. Cut uiastH. stcadv- pickle t t ellies. V7..H tOiet- n'ckltd rhoulders. li.:0; pli'klcd hams. l Mj 71. Iril. iiulet; western steamt-tl, '': iNoveniotr. ;.: nominal; lehncd, steady ' loiitlncnt. 17.75; aouih Auicrica, 1 -f. ((uMund. Ii.7t-ii,.'j0 l'oik, steady; l.-imllv. 1.50; short clear, 113. i5'6 1" 75; mess, ti-' '. - . TALLOW QuIetV'Mty. " per pkg ), 4Hc; mimirv li'ks'. Irel. 4itW. Rlt'K -Sieadv; d"in( liir t- exira. fg Japan. riM.t - Jflniii -'iiuiiiciy,-" ci HITXaUt IllillUOU to extra, ltr2Sc; rffldal price renovated, com mon to extra, 124)lnu. POlLTRY-Alive, steady; western chick ens, lie; fowls. ilr; turkevs, 1415c; dressed, Ann; western broilers. lltUo. fowls, llc; turkeys, InVjjisc CHICAGO ORAM ASD PROV1MOSS Feateres of the Trading aad f loslog Prices on Hoard of Trade. CHICAGO. Nov. 10. Improved demand from millers caused strength In wheat to day. Compared with last nights llgurea, December wheat closed SfiWc "P- k1Hr up c. Corn Is down HSr. Oats are off H5Vc and provisions 7Wa2uc. The wheat market was comparstlvely steady at the opening, the effect of ruin or snow In many parts of the southwest being offset by a much amnllrr movement In the northwest snd by higher prices In foreign grain markets. Initial quotations on December were unchanged at 11. 13V May was unchanged to ,e lower at 11.1- ttl .12.. For a time the market was rather quiet, there being a small demand from pit traders and fair buying by commission houses. At Minneapolis an excellent cash demand was reported and a considerable Improvement In milling demand was noted. In the southwest also the demand from millers was urgent. 11.0 per bunhel being paid for No. V hard wheat In Kansas City. The highest point in December was reached at tl.1414. May sold tip to 11.13V During the lat Hour of trading the market much of its- strength as a result of selling, due to a break in corn prices. The close, however, was firm, final quotations on De cember being st I1.13V&I.13V May closed at 11.13V. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 41.100 nusnets. i-nmary re ceipts were 812,300 bushels, compsred with 1,029.100 bushels a year ago. Minneapolis. Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 613 cars, against 932 cars last week and 941 cars a year ago. Active covering by shorts caused a strong tone In the corn market early In the day. The demand was mainly for the December option. Late In the session the market slumped badly on heavy selling Induced by fears-of a -bearish government crop re port. The market closed weak at about the lowest point -ef the day. Decemlwr opened a shade to c higher at 51 V'&-"c, sold between ("Ho and bic and closed at 60?4jO. Local .receipts were 224 curs, with two of contract grade. Oats vere influenced entirely by the action-' of other grains, tha market being Arm early and becoming weak later In tho dsy. Jiecember opened -unchanged to a shHde higher st CTc to 28li-'9c. sold oil to WitaM'Mc and closed at the lowest point. Local receipts .were 188 cars. Lower prides' oi. hogs and a slump In corn had a depressing Influence on the provision market, An attempt on the part of pit traders) to lreak prices was mainly responsible for a .moderate decline In all products.-.-. At the close January pork wm down 20c at 112.62Vi Dard and ribs were each off "Vie at 17.15 snd tti.66 respectively. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. SI cars;, corn, 1U6 cars; oats, 81 cars; hogs, 20,0m. head. ; , The leading future closed ns follows: Arttclea.fQpen. (Hlgh-I Low. Close.! Yes'y. Wheat Dec, fay JulA I i lavi-ai 1 1314 1 12V(f -1 12?, '. 98Vif4 1 14V .1-134 1 13V1 13iiH 1 13H 1 13' 1 12 I3V 112T4 ; -f 98- 98 Cornel Dec.-,. May ' Julv Dec,' ;: Majr ' Jan. May May Ribs Jan. May ,61Mi-2 1 B0A4 50 olSsW Vi 4fi 4tis '(i-li - 47' ,464i-l 4tiTi-7Vi': ..47Vk, I 29'4 29 2i2(8' ' 2! 3iv4 ni''Ji:H.'3iVii 8iv 3iwaj 31 , 31 31 12 7! 12 75 7 20 7 30 6 W 12 80 12 62HI 12 2Vi' 12 8li'4 12 77H 7 22V4! 7 22Vi 62H 12 62 12 65 12 82Vi 7 15 725 55 6 67V4 7 15 7 25 6 55 7 224 7 So 6 62Vi 6 75 6 12V, B 75 6 67V4! No. 2. Cash- quotations were as follows: FI-OUR Market easv: winter patents. 15.305.40; winter strslghU, t4.90p5.20; spring patents, tB.l(X8'5.fiO ; spring straights, 14.70(i (.20; bakers, 13.0CX84.00. WHEAT No.. 2 spring. 11.10(31.15; No. 3. 91.04tri.12; No. 2 red. !l.ltf?1.18. CORN No. 2, 56Hti67c; No. 2 yellow. V. OATS-No. 2, 81c; No. 3 white, aoyv&31e. RYE-No. 2, 80Hc BARLEY Good feeding, 3R38V4c; fair to choice malting, il&:2c. . . ISEEDS No. 1 flax, ll.4; No. I northwestern,-11.17: prime timothy, 12.65; clover, contract grade. 112. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl.. 111. low 1L15. -Lard. Der 100 lbs.. 17.07H'57.10. Short f Following were tho receipts and ship- mems ot pour ana gram: j it "riT"- Flour, bbls... ....... Wheat, bu Corn, bu gats, bu ye. bu..vr...i.'v Barley, bu 3R, BOO 32.000 226.100 ...144,100 ...129.100 ... 5.000 ... 50.500 49.800 . 158.3110 1 1.800 38.100 . On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady; creameries, 15$24c; dallies, 14H21e. Eggs, firm at mark, cases Included, l"S20ttc; firsts. 22c; prime firsts, 24c; extras, 26c. Cheese, steady, 10llc. St. Loals Grain and Provisions. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 10. WHEAT Stronger; No. 2 red. cash,, elevator, 1.14; tr.c, H.lSWBl.lo; December, 11.14ft; May, 1.16.4; No. 2 hard. 11.12. CORN Lower; No. 2' cash, 62c; track, 64144)4ci December. 45c; May. 44c. OATS Firmer; No. 2 cash, U)V4c; track, 314iaic; December, 30c; May, ii&.-c; No. 2 white. 32U&!c. FIXJUR Steady; red winter patents', 10.40 5.55; special brands, ii.&(jj.7u; extra fancy, 14.oiii'5.16; clear, 4.Mr4.. , . SEED Timothy, steady. 12.00& J.50. . , . CORNMEALc-Steady, 2.70. BRAN Firm; sacked, east track, SStfrSne. v HAY Steady; pral le, 16.0IKS10.00. IRON COTTON TIES-4tto.. . BAaOINO 7f7c. 'HKMPiTWlNBC. ' ;,-. . ' -j PROVIBIONS. Pork, lower;., jobbing, 111.35. Lard, lower; prime steanvd, Bacon, steady; boxed extra stunts, 18.b7V; clear libs. 18.75; short clear, 19.00. POULTRY Firm; chickens. 7c; springs. 9c; turkeys, lSc; duckK, c', gtee, 74i c. BUTWKR-, Higher; criftmery, 30'-6o; dairy' 154,310. - - EGOS Higher, 20c, case count. - . i j. ; . Receipt. Shipments. moor, bbls;...... .-..... 8 060 isooo Wheat, bu 6t.0U loo.tioti Corn, bu 17.000 43 0m Oats, -..-..,.....),..;. ..32,000 - W.OOl ''-4 r ' - Kaasaa Clty'Orata aad Provlsloas. KANSAB CITY. A Nov. 10.-WHEAT-Hlgher;- December. 11.05,; May( 11.04; July, 89c; cash, NO. 2 -hard,; No. 3, .11.0401.00; No. 4, 90c4f1.01;. No. 2 red, ll.0lKul.10; No. 3, 11.05(31.08; No. 4, 0c 61.02; receipts, 97 cars. CORN December, .43c; May,-42c; cash, No. 2 mixed, 60c; No. 3, 4l4iiUc; No. i white, ZMaU)c) No. 3. 4HC. OATS No. 2 white. 31c; No. 2 mixed. 30c. HAY Firm; choice timothy. ,9 0141 2d; choice prairie, 17.50(68.00. KOOS Higher; mlssourl and Kansas new No. 2, while wood rases Included. 23c; case count, 19c, oases returned o per doi, lSHS.-j ; BUTTER Creamery, l(i)3ttc: dniry, lttr 1 j Recetptsl Shipment".' Wheat, bu..... 1. .77. 6 K5. Corn, bu 21.6-M) 14.00 Oats, bu 10,000 17,0 JO Philadelphia Prod ace Market. PHILADELPHIA. Nov. " 10.-BUTTER-Flrm, good demand; extra western cream ery. 2sc; extra nearby print. 28c. KOQS Firm good demand; nearby firsts snd western firsts, 25i:!6c, at murk. CHEKSE Firm and higher; New York full creams, fancy, 11c; Js'ew York full creams, choice, ll(illc. Mlaaeapells Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Nov. 10.-WHEAT-December., ll.lbviil.16; Msy. 11.16; Sep tember, w"c: io. 1 nara. 4i.iv; No. 1 northern, 1, ai.ii -4; no. 2 norinern, 41 No. 2 northe 1.11. FIXJUR First patents, 1ku.S0: second pattnts, 16.0lX(j.10; first clears. 14.55i4.65; second clears. 13.00'irl.lO. BRAN-110.00. ' Milwaukee Grala Market. MILWAUKEE, Nov. 10,-WHEAT-Dull; No. 1 northern, 11.1W1.17; No. 1 northern. ll llfei H: May, ll.laul.13. RYE Firm; No. 1, lie. BARLEY Steady; No. t, 55c; sample, 33 CORN-Higher; No. I. senile; May 46c. Liverpool Grala Market. LIVERPOOL. Nov 10-WHEAT-Spot. nominal; future Heady; December, 7s 2d; March, Ts 4d; Msy. 7e 4d. CORN Spot. American mixed, firm at 4s d; futures firm; December, 4s Id; Janu ary, i 51- Dslath Grala Msrket. DI'I t:TH. Nov. 1ft. WHEAT To arrive, Nr. 1 northern. 1117; No. I northern. tl.lion track. No. 1 northern. 11 1.; No. J iiorfYern. ll.Ot-; December, 1 lt; May, "oas To rrlve and on track, e. Talrdo Bead Market. TOLEDO. Nov. lo-SEEI-Clover. cash. $7 45 I ember. tJ.U): February. i.i.;; Msrih. . Alalk, rrtrae, W-W- .1 twl.y, pruue. l.l-'- NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Activt Frsfit Taking on Broad ' Market Camti an Anaj ef Losiet. SELLING OVERTURNS THE BUYING Steel, Parlfle Rallvrays, Krle' Rearflea and Hock Island Lead the Declines Seathern aad Soathvrestera Hallways Higher. NEW YORK, Nov. 10 There were fur ther very lurga dealings In stocks today and a very broad maraet with much ab sorptive power. ut the vftiume of transactions fell off considerably from the extraordinary business done yesterday and amounted to less than J.wn'.uOi shares. Aier the selling ratlur overbore the buying and causcti an extensive array of bssa by the end of the dav, besides largely re aui'lng or wiping but the- gains In the strong features of the day. 1 lie engt-riiess to sell wad especially man ifest In the I'nlted States ttteel stocks, tho I'mlm-s. Krie, Reading and Rock Island. In the tremendous dealings of yes terday, amounting to upwards of a,4U,tkj0 shares of nil Issues, these few stocks con tributed considerably more than half the aggregate. The sharp rise In prices which resulted vesterdiiv troin this, great buy ing evidently ortered profits wnlch were suiflclently attractive to Induce selling enough to overbear the new demand, whicn was also considerable. The day s news snowed no change In Its general tenor from that of yesterday and the news was little regarded. Deal ings in such a market are largely Influ enced by a reliance upon the impetus of a price movement to extend Itself. The fnct of a halt or a reverse Is of far more Influence In deciding transactions than news bearing upon values or earning power. News from the iron and steel In dustry offered nothing to refute yester day's cheerful reports. Copper was fur ther advanced, Sugar was marked up and more favorable railroad reports came to hand. Possibly the reading of the argu ments In the hearing of the Northern Se curities Injunction appeal served to Invite tinpleasunt Impression of th situation of the properties Involved, which has re ceived vpry little consideration In Wall street for a long time past. Kstlmates of 11 gold 'movement to Cuba to reach H0.000.no0 proved Jarring to senti ment, while -the retention of the 3 per cent ra.te by the Hank of England and a further marking down of the price of gold In London -were factors against further gold withdrawals from here for Europe. There was a "rather suggestive hardening In the sterling exchange rate tiere and n weakening nt Paris and Berlin which serves to increase the threat upon our gold supply. There was a firmer tone In our money market, but the changes In quotations were barely appreciable. Cnll loans, however, were mnde at 3 per cent In the lust hour of the stock market. The principal points of strength In the market were the southern and the southwestern !grouns. Southern railway and Missouri 'Pacific were most active and the Missouri, Kansas & Texas stocks moved most vio lently.' The extent to which bear selling played n part In the market waa Indicated bv the late demand to cover shorts, which was precipitated by the live-point Jump In Tennessee Coal anil which mude the closing tone firm. Bonds were Irr.gnlnt. Total sales par value 112,.S5,rOO. I'nlted States bonds were unchanged on call. s Following was- the range of prices and sales on the Stock exchange today: Atchison do pfd.., Baltimore & Ohio...: do pfd Canadian Pacific Central of N. J Cheasapeake & Ohio Chicago & Alton do pfd Chicago O. W C. A N. W C, M. & St. P do pfd Chicago T. & T do pfd , C. C C. & St. 1..... Colorado Southern... do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Delaware & Hudson. Delaware, L. W... Denver & Rio Grande 27.5HO W 85 8rt 3.000 1(8 10i 102 2,9(K) 97 95 9H 96 95 95 1.700 119 1L-9 129 1,3(10 1K7 18U 18, 14.400 4ri 45 45", 600 28 37 38 1ik 85 85 80 25.D '-'4'. S3 13 700 198 197 197W 10,200 173 171 r.2 18f 300 11 10 10 9(10 2C 1 2m 8()0 87 80 87 3,000 23 ii 23 Hit) IW 5ti En 1.500 '35 35 S" 9,100 187 194 1N7'4 :V0 334 325 331 31 400 84 83 83 78.700 41 4ii 40 4,800 73V4 72 73'4 6,2110 54 54 51' 80 200 89 89H 89 3,1(10 145 144 144 300 29Vs 29 t84 do pfd ! vr'B 1 l5rl"A al,e" .... v Cen,r, Tows. Central .. J .M 800 49 2!( t-1 49 28 61 K. C. Southern. 29 52 do pfd... 1.000 T. Jb pj 3J00 135 133 134 Manha ttan 1 2,100 lrt.1 162 162 Met. Securities T.oou tu iv Metropolitan St. Ry. 13.600 l'3 121 122 M st P. Jtr. S. St. M. 200 91 91 91 do pfd 300 148 148 147 Missouri Fnclflc 6,700 106 105 106 Missouri, K. & T 24.200 35 84 1 do pfd 20.3U0 64 60 2 N. R. R. of M. pfd.. 000 41 40 40V4 New York Central... 3.300 136 1S5 1354 Norfolk Western.. 14,9(0 V4 74 74 do pfd M Ontario & Western.. 4.500 43 41 43 4.500 43 Pennsylvania . 49.400 13u 135 13H P.. C" C. & St. L... 74 Rending .. do 1t pfd 47,0(10 7H 75 87 76 1,6011 88 87 80 3-1 ;8 67 24 61 64 do 2d pro: Rock Island Co.. HS.rtV) 3i 35 do pfd il.2iN 79 76 St. L. & 8. F. 2d pfd 6.300 9 l!f , St. L. Southwestern. 4.800 25 23 do pfd .700 61 60 Southern Paclllc 109,40 1 65 64 do pfd...... 500 llii'A 111 110 Southern Railway. ..Ii9,3'i do Dfd 1-000 30 95 ;- 35 W 9 94 35 Texas & Pacific...... 23,300 T St. W too i 30 35 i9 49S do pfd.,.;..... Union Pacific.. 5u0 - 5c 64.4(0 im 13 112 95 23 44 19 45t 19 240 210 115 237 73 i9 86 30 i 8 32 ' 8 99 do pfd Wabash 10.300 24 do pfd 11.000 45 Wheeling & L. E 3o0 19 Wisconsin Central.., 1.31 23 do pfd I.IOO 45 Mexican Central 48,000 20 Adams Express Amerliun Kxoress. .. 13 44 19 22 45 19 I. 8. Express 3U0 118 ' 118 Wells-Furgo Kxprese .... Amalga. Copper...... 1 1,200 American C. &. b .... 8,800 do pfd 900 American Cotton OH 1.200 do pfd v.'... .... American Ice '. 400 do pfd ; l.'JOO American Unseed OU 74 i'9 86 31 '8 73 29 '. 30 7 36 American Locomotive S806 ' 31 SO ' !o pfd 1.9(0 99 Amerlcnn S. & R. ... 10.S00 76 75 , j- lion. ii-uZ 7h no piu Amorlcsn S R 25.200 140 112 112 145 146 106 106 Anuconda M. Co 1.700 109' Brooklyn R. T S Colorado F. & 1 22 200 44 Consolidated Gas 4,800 218 Corn Products 2(' 6ti 43 14 71 ' 217 19 m 78 t'l do piu Distillers' Securltlee. 2.400 Oweral Eleclrlc ;i0 International Paper. 2.70O 176 176 19 1 2o do ptd International Pump. &0 38 SS . 78 28 79 24 96 4i 110 ill 223 16 63 23 83 74 13 29 - 84 26 85 178 91 do pfd National Lead . North American Pacific Mail 300 plO lf.OOO 24 9'i 4ri 24 l 4.1 Peoples Oas Pressed Sieel Car.... Pullman Palace Car. Republic Steel. .4 do pfd Rubber Uooda 14.900 111 109 4,J1 6.100 2.KO J6 ai 13 74 13 727' 29 84 27; 85 16 62 22 68 13 82 19 84 26 84 173 11 700 '.& 6.400 1.0(4) 7.600 1,200 600 13.000 M.' do pfd .;;' Tennexsee C. ac 1. U. 8. Leather do pfd V. 8. Realty U. 8. Rubber do pfd U. 8. Steel do pfd Westinghouse Llec Western I'nlon .... 7t0 174 400 11 Total "Slii for the dsy. 1,044.600 .hare. London Closing Stocks. LONDON. Nov. 10-Cloalng: Conaola. nionar do account Anaconda AU-hleon do fit Baltimore A Ohio l anad ait Paclflu ( hee. A Ohio .... ( I.Uagu Ul. ' .. C . M A Kt. r... OrHeera Llenvar A R. O... do ptd Brie do let Pit do -d s'd Illlnnla Cauiral .. Lewie. A Naah... M . K. A T Sl-ii n. I. i. antral..., U 1-14 Norfolk A W ,, 3 do pfd .. (Ota Ontarlft A W., ,,lila(4lHetiualvanls .... 131 '4 75 SSI 441, 'Ha 11 -14 at 41 2T ' US Hana hi nee Reading .. 41, .. Ji ..Ha .. 1 do let PH do Id pfd Botnhern Rallwajr . da cut SSi Southern feelAe , .. SI .. it .. w .. J4'i .. 47 Uuiao Pac-lfio . 41 . t . V-V .'. . 1J 4u pM V. 8. gleal do pfd Webaah do pfd , te Spanlah 4a SI LV ER Bar, steady, !d per ounce. siu. iii per cent. The rxte of discount In the open market for short bills Is 'ifatiS per cent; for three months' bills. !Vo2 per cent. statement af the Beak of Kngland. LONDON. Nov. 10. The weekly stattment of the H nk of England shows the follow ing ceiunavs: Total reserve, decresscd. Xjil.oiu, circulation, ducateJ, 316,000; bullion, decreased, 855.834; other securities. dM-ressed, tt'M.onn; other deposits, de cressed. alWS.'W; public deposits, decreased. 738.nno; notes reserve, decreased. t4.(: government securities. Increased. 14." v. 1 he proportion of the banks reserve to liability this wek Is 52.56 per cent. Last week It was B.12 per cent. . Sew lark Money Market. NEW YORK, Nov. l.-MONEY-On cll, firm end higher. t,M per cent; closing bid snd offered. 3 per cent: time loans, slightly firmer; sixty and ninety days, 314 per cent: six months. 3HJ per cent; prime mer csntll naner, per cent. STERLINO EXCHANGEFlrm. with sc. tual business In bankers' hills st 14. ram 4 t5 for demand and at !4.MVii4 3 for slxtr-day bills; posted rates, H WViVI S.; commercial bills, 14 83H. . SILVER Bar, We; Mexican dollars, 48HOND8 Government, steady; railroad. Irregular. ... The following were the closing prices on stocks and bonds: V. ft. ret. Is. reg-. tfo coupon d Is. ra 4s eotiSoa 41s ss 4. rs do coupon eld 4a, rax ... coupon Atchison fa. 4t. ... io dj. M Atlantic C U 4a... Bal. Okie 4a ... do im Can Ira I t Oa. la... do 1st Inc Oiaa. a Ohio 4H . Chlcaxo A. isa . C g. at Q s. 4a... r. m. a 4. it C. N. w. c. 7a.. C. R. I. P. 4a.. .104HI Manhattan r. s. 4a... IM :.1"4W Mn. Central 4a T4 do 1st Inc SIH ..tmVMIan. st. I. 4 ... ; ..tso-vM. K. A T. 4a 1021a do la U ..lM N. R. ft. of M c. 4s. M ..IMHlN T. C. a "4a ioo ..10IH1N J. f. (. a 1Va .. II iNo. pacllc a 1B .. MV do la 1i-4 ..10-HllM A W. c. 4a 1"a .. n o 8. L. 4a A par... lHVt ..UIHT'nn. on. H-....--1'21 .. M jgeadlns gan. 4a 1"! ..107'St. L. 4 1. M. r. la . 11S .. m ISt. L. A S. r. fg 4a. .. a"4'S'. ! i W. la r ...llfttlScstrd A. U 4a.,.. U4 ..IITiRo. Pa. lHc 4a " .. 7lVao Kallwar a. ....... 1 1 ' .. MVi Tciaa A P. la ItOa do eot. err. A St. L. f. 4a Chicago Tar. 4a Ton. Tobacco 4a Colo. A So. 4a n. a n. o. 4a BHa prior lias 4a... do gen. 4a r. w. r. c. ta.., Hooking Val. 44s... LAN. anl. 4l Offered. 1M4T . m. L. A W. 4a... ini U fnlon raclflc 4a 1 K0 do conv. 4k. HI tri t'. 8. Steal :d la T 101 IW'iba.h la UTi iSt do dak. B ' lul'iilW A L. F.. 4a tl llOVtlWIa Central 4a l loS Colo. rual e. ka al Boston gfeek Market. BOSTON, Nov. 10. Call loans, 2Q3 per cent; time loans. 4VS per cent. Official clos ing of stocks and bonis Atrhlaon ad) atUiWoatlna. common .... 84 do 4a Mci. Central 4a.... Atthlaon do pfd Boaton A Albany. Boaton A Maine.... Bnatnn Rtavatad ... ritrhburg pfd Mexican Central ... N. Y., N. H. A H., Pera Marquette ,, I'nlon Paelsc Amor. Arga. Chem do pfd Amer. Pneu. Tuba Amcr. Bufar do pfd Amar. T. A T Amer. Wootea do pfd 1... Dominion I. A 8... f,4lanft Flee Ilia... Oenarsl Klertrtc ... Maaa. Klactrle do pfd Maaa. Oan United Km It I'uHed Shoa Mach. do pfd V S. Steel , do pfd Asked. Bid. ..lot A'tenturs ' .. 7 Allouai ll .. !, An.alramated 73k ..101 Atlantic, I-' ..Kt Blntham 3r . .164 al. A Herla (4fl . .1S3S4, Cantenrlal - ..Wit fofpar Rang "a .. 1J' Pair Weat 1H ..IM1! Dominion Coal ...0 .. ,B lFrai.alln ..1121iOranry S'4 .. It tla Royale ItW .. II Maaa. Mining .. 44'MIhlgan ..14J1i Mchae-k ,.1M Mont C. A C, ..lit Old Dominion .. lrVOrceola :::::: & ", IM - 114 S 135 It M4 10' ...... U'i s Htt 103 a VParrot . 164. .!5 .174 ilulncjr Shannon Tamarack Trlnltr . 1J IT. S. Mining.. 41W,V. g. Oil . Utah .. 14 victoria .. 114 Winona .... .. MS Wolverine .. .. a 1 Ex-dlvldend. Pfew York Mining: Stocks. NEW YORK, Nov. 10. The following are the closing prices on tninms flocks: Artama Con 40 Little Chief .. 1 ..350 ..130 .. 14 .. 3 .. 24 .. 24 .. 2) ..IK) Alice Breece Rrunawlck Con .. Comatock Tunnel Con. Cal. A Va., Horn SltTar Iron Silver Laadvtlla Con .... 40 .... Ill .... 10 .... ....17'l ....180 ....VI) .... 3 Oi tarlo Ophlr Phoenix Poloel Havasa Hlcrra Nevada Small Hopaa .. Standard Foreign Financial. LONDON, Nov. 10. Supplies of money were fairly plentiful In tne market today and the demand was not keen. Discounts were easier. The feeling for the future was more hopeful. The talk of an early ad vance of the rate of discount of the Bank of Englland has disappeared. Prices on the Stock exchange were confidently Arm. The statements msda at the lord mayor banquet here Inxt night created a fa vol able Impression. There was a good movement of business transacted, apart from the settlement- Consols Improved. Home rails were encouraged by the later traffic earn ings and report Americans at the open ing were active, especially a few apeciai ties. Thev mined aiianily at noon, recov ered, and became strong, notabiy Missouri i pacinc ana oouinern. rapine, trices ea&eu la lor. and cluaed -quiWV firm. Fore.gners were firm and there were fair dealings. Peruvians were apectaJty etrong. Imperial Japanese government 6s of 1804 were quoted at 94. Kaffirs were active and harder. BERLIN, Nov. 10. Pncea on the Bourse today were firmer upon yesterday's New York, but the Impulse theretrom was less than expected. PAR13. Nov. 10. Prices on the Bourse to day were li regular, but the mftrket was calm and at the close the tone was Inde cisive. Russian imperial 4s were quoted at t2.90 and Russian bonds of 1904 at 516. Statement of the Bank af France. PARIS. Nov. 10. The weekly statement of the Bankxif France shows the following chunges: Notes In circulation, decreased; 116 8o0,ouof t treasury accounts current, de creased, 1.625.000f; gold In hand. Increased, 21,125,0(i0f ; bills discounted, decreased. iiiS, 62i,ooof; silver In hand Increased, 2,5u0,00o. Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON, Nov. 10. Today's state ment of the treasury balance In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the 1150.000,000 gold reserve in the division of redemption, shows: Available cash balance, 1144,4-1,806; gold, 185.700,594. Metal Market. NEW YORK, Nov W. METALS The London tin market underwent a partial reaction, closing at Cm 16s fid for spot and 131 10s for futures. Locally-the markot continues weuk, with outside prices a shade lower In sympathy with the toreig.i decline, the range being from IJS.67 to 129 06. Copper was lilgher In Wndon, clos ing at M 6m for spot and 64 16s tor fu tures. Locally demand is said to be excel lent and., with supplies not abiuidant, ap parently the market showed a very firm tone. Some of the largest producers are quoting lake at from 14.oo to 11412. and general quotations range from 114.00 to 114 26. Electrolytic Is neld at !14.0oOil4.12, casting at from 113.75 to 114.00. Lead waa firm at 13 In 0 e London market. Here the market also shows firmness, but quo tations still range from 14. 20 to 81.50. Spel ter closed at 24 Js 6d, or a little higner, In the london msrket. Locally the quota tion reraatiie firm fiK from lo.40 to !o.4j. Iron closed at 61s 3d In Olasgow and at 46s d In Mlddlesborough. Locally Iron was firmer. No. 1 foundry nurtnern, No. 1 foundry 'southern and No. 1 foundry south ern soft are quoted at 116.7oW16.2o; No U foundry northern at 115.2541 16. io. ST LOUIS. Nov. 10. METALS Lead, higher, 14.27. firm. 1620. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 10. COTTON Spot closed dull; middling uplands, 10.15c; middling- gulf, 10.40c; sales, 1.116 bales. LIVERPOOL. Nov. 10.-COTTON-8pot. moderate business done; prices 8&10 points lower; American middling fair, 6.72d; good middling. 5.48d; middling, 53Sd; low mid dling, 5 aid; good ordinary, 5.12d; ordinary, 4 9ii. Sules w ere 7.000 bains. NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 10.-COTTON-Easy; sales, s.300 bales: ordinary. 7 3-16c; good ordlnsry. 8c; low middling, 9n; middling. ll-"c; good middling. 9c; mid dling fair. 10o. Receipts, 17,600 bales; gtork, 215.042 bales. ST. LOLIS. Nov. 10.-COTTON-8tesdy; middling. 9c; sales, 270 bules; receipts, 1.600 bales; shipments, 1,068 bales; stock, JO, 999 bales. Haa-ar and Molasses. NEW YORK. Nov. 10,-Sl'OAR-Raw. firm; fair refining. S15-16e; centrifugal. 84 test. 4 7-14c; molasses sugar. 1 11-16C. Re fined, firm; No. 6, 4.95c. nominal; No. 7. 4 90c; No. 10,-4.70c; No. 11. 4.600: No. 12. 4 66e; No. 13. 4 60c; No. 14. 4.50o; confectioners' A. 6.20c; mould A. 6.70c: cutloaf, (05c; crushed. (06c: nowdered, 5 45c; granulated, 135c; cubes. 6 80o. . NEW ORLEANS. Nov. lO.-SUQAR-Btrong; plintitlon granulated. 4c: open kettle. She: orn kettle, centrifugal. 44? 44e: centrifugal whites 44 9-16c; yellows, 4i44Mc: -econds. 3(ft3c. MOI APSES Open kettle, fj33c; centrif ugal. 10i'!8c. 6YRUP-:6ftt9e Oils aad Roala. OIL CITY. Nov. 10.-OILS-Credlt bal snces, 11.80; certificates, no hid; shipments 62.867 bbls.; average. 18,741 bbls; runs, 87.075 bhls.; sverage. 72,619 bbls.; shipments. Lima, 70.118 bbls.; aversge. 60,022 bbls.; runs. Uma, 86.171 bbls.; sverage, 61.164 bids. SAVANNAH, Nov. 10. TCP. PEN TINE VI rm at Hir. ROSIN Firm: A. B. O. 12 67; F, 12 67: O. 12.72 13 25; K. 13 75; M. 84 Ja; N 84.76; W. W.. 1500, . 12 52; D. !C. i H. 82 n; I. , 6160; W, Q.. Whisky Market. PEORIA. III.. Nov. lo.-WHISKY-Dlstll-lers' finished goodf, en basis of 81.23 for high Ines. CINCINNATI, Nov. 10. -WHISK Y-Dls. Illlers' finished goods, easy and srttve. 11. 84, ST IXl'l. Nov. 10.-YlJlgKY-Jlttdy. on hints of 11.28. CHICAOO, Nov. lO-WHISKT-Flnlihcd goods, ou basis of 8124. IMA1IA LIVE STOCK M1RKET AotiTe Demand far All Desirable Cattla at Tully Iteady Prioea. HOGS 0 HELD JUST ABOUT STEADY Receipts ef gherp aad Lambs eae To Larre far Derssad aad aa Active aad steady ta Stroag Market Mesalted s All Klads. SOUTH OMAHA. Nov. 10. 1904. RfcelDts vaeru: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday Official Tuesiiay Oftlclsl Wednesday.. Official Thursday.... 4.464 l.ul 11.4.4 l.lo7 3, .00 4.,e 1.740 a. i.m 10.1 0j Four days thlo week.. .11. 377 Bsme days Inst week Kl.ftnl Same days week betor. II. 0U fame three weeks ego. .K3.1 Same four weeks agu....a4,-M Same days Isst year.... HUT IM 2.oia J..O.-DI 17 S 36 Tr4,tf- 4i.Ul 4,n7 lllll j4..W Main t.6, 7l,i.3 RECttlJ'l-8 FOR THE YEAR TO DATE The following tsble shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sneep at tiouin Omai.a far me jear io aate. wiin comparison wiu lsat year; Cattle .... Hogs , 1304. . S"3.1.8 .l.Sn0.73 1909. l.Aiaj.ilM l.6.4i6 Inc. Dec. i.:t-' Sheep l.iaU.Soi; l.b8&.4ob 3 iM .l,otU,:'oi The following table shows the aversge price cf hogs st South Omaha for the last several days with comparisons: Ile. 1J04. I1.008. 190t. -1901 . 11900. lle. 118J. Oct. Oct. Oct. 17 19 8 02 i 7 8 SI 7 HI 1 10, 7 Cf 87 111 841 181 8 7J 4 m lt 8 si a uj, 07 4 oi 4 is. i , Oct. OCt. I Oct. I Oct. 20... 6 03 4 68 4 61 1 71 21.. 22.. 23.. 24.. 25.. 21.. 27.. 28.. 29.. 10.. U.. 10.', 145 1 51 13 8 17 I 22 8 lo 8 04 8 oo, 4 95 i 07 Si 8 ?6 6 03 4 11 5 17 ( 14 8 71 4 a 8 77 S Wl 4 611 4 18 1 Oil 4 61 4 14 I Oct. I rv 8 141 8 74 8 M 5m 1 17 1 51 M 154 1 61 1 46 8 46 3 61 163 a t M 3 62 8 46 6 OCi 4 4o 4 U 6 U0 4 68 4 18 Oct. 5 251 8 71 6 IV 8 6-' t oi ( 61 Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Nor. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. a 4 641 4 10 6 90 4 101 8l 4 87 8 61 6 11 4 121 I 4 92 4 81! 4 IH 4 o4 4 So i 4 Mi 6 61 8 72 4 50) 4 0!" . .t! a o-t 8 61 8 661 6 7 s 711 4 Mi 4 01 6 721 4 l 4 04j 4 Bt 4 I7 51 4 66 4 04 4 90 4 791 8 491 6 821 4 2 4 88 4 80 4 96 I 4 14. Ml i 711 4 1 711 Itll t ill St 4 ui 4 7si 56 6 691 4 611 4 (Ml 6 44 6 17I 4 ill 1 4 87, 4 80 1 6 741 4 6 4 06 4 97 4 7 6 3S 4 74 4 031 8 47 Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hoars. Mn D.H ses. . ., M. ft ti. tiy it Wabash Ry 2 Missouri Pacific Ry... 4 Union Pacific system. 31 C. & N. W. Ry 18 3 ii H 19 4 14 18 ' 2 26 8 '7 F., E. & M. V. R. R. 33 C, St. P., M. 0 2 B. A M. Ry 68 C, B. ft Q. Ry 8 K. C. A St. J. Ry.... 8 C R. 1. P., east.. .. Illinois Central Ry Chlcao Ot. Western.. .. Total receipts ....164 108 40 The disposition of the day'a receipt wss as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 76 756 461 Swift and Company 471 1.315 1,761 Cudahv Packing Co 1,445 1.68 694 Armour A Co 324 1,419 2,920 Armour 4: Co., Denver... 7 Armour & Co., Sioux City 50 1,427 Vanaant & Co 225 Carey & Benton 75 Ixibman Co 316 McCreary St Cary 1 Hill 4 Hamilton & Rothschild.. 16t ..... L F. Husx 162 Wolf & Murnan 387 J. B. Root & Co 101 Bulla & Kline 114 F. & F 310 ..... Hagerty 19 Other buyers 283 6,909 Totals 4,'.96 8.815 11,186 CATTLE There wss only a fair run of cattle here today, which sttll leaves the supply tor the week to date far short of last wcea ana aieo oi me aa.nie uays oi Inst year. The demand was In good shape end the market ruled quite active with prices fully steady. Several cars of corn-fed steers arrived, but most of them were short fed. As high as 16 was paid, though, tor some well-nn-Ished cattle. The better grades sold read ily enough at fully steady prices, but the cemmon and ntedlum kinds moved rather slowly. As compared with recent sales, however, the market showed practically no change even on the short-fed stuff. Western range beef steers were in active demand and the market could be quoted ateuriv and the better grades commanded strong prices. As high as 14.86 was paid for a Dig siring oi Wyoming nereioras, wnicu Is the highest price paid here In some little time. They were the best cattle, though, that have been received from the west In many months. The common to medium grades changed hands without trouble at gocd, steady prices and the pens were cleared in good season. Quite a large proportion of the receipts consisted of cow stuff, but the demand waa fully equal to the occasion and the market could safely be quoted steudy and some of the better trades sold a little stronger. Trading was quite active all around, and it was not long before the hulk of the early arrivals had changed hands. Some of the trains were a little late, which delayed the market to some extent. Bulls, veal calves and stags sold In prac tl-.-allv the same notches they did yesterday. There were not very many stockers and feeders in sight and not a great many were wanted. Still speculators were alt willing to take n few and the murket could be quoted steady on the general run, with the choicer bunches strong. As high as 83.95 was paid for a bunch of grade Polled Angus cattle, which Is the top prioe for the lust several, days. Representative - sales: BEEF STUiERS. . Ne 1... si".! IK... IT.. 10.., 17... 4... 1.. 1... 1.. A. rr. I 00 1 36 4 IS No. v - ITH ......1244 law) ......1814 Tr. 4 4 1 Is 1 M 1 79 00 ... 410 ...1115 ...1101 ...1044 II.. 4.. 11.. i to I 70 tt.. .1144 STEERS AMI COWS. 14 4 16 St.. Ht 4 44 A COWS. US 1S40 iaO 1190 1 04 T .... ut ....looo ....ia jo I Ot 1 10 1 to I 40 t to 1 tu BULLS. 1 74 1.. .141 1119 1 IS CuvVb AND iifcif'-iio. in i to HEIFERS 194 1 04 I SI 1 16. 1 to BULLS. 1.. 1.. t.. ia... t.. ..1U0 1 M I.... .150 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 714 S M ?J I II I I 0 1 1011 44 IM 1 00 I'll U 8 44 NEBRASKA. 6 feeders,. 606 w u OuWI..., 713 340 616 808 olj 8J6 90 73i 2.0 70J 720 060 6J 811 718 a io 8 M 46 2 4a 2 8o 810 4 t 8 aO 2 w 8 4k 8 00 8 00 8 26 S0 10 feeders.. 44 3 oo 17 cows 819 2 35 28 calves... 333 2 7o 30 calves... 190 4 00 2 cows 10i6 2 60 1 cow Uoo 8 40 14 cows 9J 70 1 cow UM 3 00 1 bull 1330 2 2a 8 cows w.6 2 4o 7 calves... 434 3 00 4 cows kW Hi lu feeders., U heuers.., 8 cows.... 4 cows.... 1 feeders., ' 2 teeners., 7 hellers., 1 calf , 2 (ejuers., 8 Uexiure., 3 heifers., 11 let ders., 88 fteders., 4 leeders., 12 cows 832 2 o 8 let ders.. 568 1 bull 17oo I 74 f 86 WYOMING. 1 steer 82-) 8 10 1 cow 62) J 03 4 steers.... 852 2 40 1 cow 7i0 (40 3 steers.. ..Kt3 3 40 2 cows 865 1 00 16 feeders., 92 8 10 8 cOwi loa-i i 40 11 feeders.. 74 8 10 1 Stag 1J40 8 Hi 8 feeders.. 710 I io W. R. Wl!llam-Wyo. 39 feeders.. 1023 1 9o 2 feeders., 880 3 50 2 feeders.. 9i 8 60 Thomas Thexton Utah. 60 cows 979 8 00 67 feeder.. 981 8 IS 1 cows 936 7 feeders.. 920 8 is 36 steers.. ..1226 8 60 6 feeders.. 66J 2 To 1 steer.. ..1300 8 CO R. 8. Van Tassel-Wyo. 69 steer.. ..1298 4 85 ' 39 steers. ...1081 3 80 (9 steers. ...1164 4 86 6 steers... .1200 4 26 17 tows 871 3 Oi 8 tows U76 8 50 4 cows 1015 8 60 J. F. Baker-I'tah. 17 feeder. 26 feeder. 15 cows.... 1 rows.... 8 cows.... 1 75 3 feeder.. 870 8 20 1 feeder... 842 f 7i 180 2 : 7s i 26 so 1 10 too 642 F. . rrcat colo. e-t v oio. ibull 1100 steer 620 cow , 760 .. 45 .. 967 ..l'KM W .. S"0 ..1080 2 so S 30 8 60 C. Harris Colo. 1 steer 8 06 1 heifer... 710 latter low 3 so l peirer... a cows 726 S u6 1 calf 140 fret feeders. 1067 8 4 iae i. ana m t,iine i o. Mont. 7 feeder.. 1ob7 8 00 3 oo 50 rnwiA . , 99 rows. . . . 1.40 cows... 98 cows.... 40 00 979 3 00 871 3 00 973 3 00 117 cows.... 971 1.13 rows..., 971 1 fit 86 cows. . . .'. 977 3 00 II. Consnt Vtsh. 8 steers..., 746 8 40 Ibull 1360 1 steer 9"0 I 40 1 bull 1210 4 feeders., 617 j M 84 larders.. 131 feeders. 411 tH J. Nciicy I'tah. 18 feeders., 704 8 19 18 feeders.. 7o8 t 18 1 btil) 1880 1 10 28 feeders. I'M 3 78 Ibull 1600 i 00 1 bull. .....11441 2 W HOOS There eras a mere liberal rt.n of hogs reported here this muTtnng man r several days, but about 84 cars were uilled eirect. eo mat the actual uumW on au waa not at all excettite. the ' market rnuld safely be ouotrd fully aitarly wl.a yesterday's general market, the bulk ot ihu hogs selling irom 14. to W. t'radlng was fsiily active snd II was not torg i tore the early rrlva were all uisio5e,i of. but some cf the trains weie isle, whic.i delael tt.e rlose quite an extent. The tex ture Of the tnarktt at tne present 1 me . the narrow tang of, t u est the quality is very prime or very t-o.nmon. bout a nickel rovei tie rang In p. ices The market has ben s ,re,ig.h. nl. g tor th last teversl days snd etll pxikei's tt it been unwilling to glv oer ao.oo for the best Made, on sate. There wss no quctable chen In the las; end of the market, as psckrs bount up practically everything as last as offerol t trie same price e acre paid st'tlie opening of the market. Reprrientativ sales: .& at. I. r. ,e. Ik. 11 i ... IM 4 3M i: ir is ... 4 M Ill M IT. 4 M 4 M 4 M 4 M 4 M iU 4 H 4 II 4 4 U 4 i 4 H 4 M 4 M 4 M . 4 M 4 44 4 S 4 K 4 M 4 4 W 4 M 4 n4 4 17 4 M, 4 7 4 ITt 4 47 , 4 K7', 4 t1 4 Vm 4 I7S4j 4 lt4 IV. 4 17 4 7 ', 4 I. . 4 7 4 ,', 4 Hi, 4 7 , 4 7, 4 I1-, I III, 4 !', 4 7-., 4 I -1 4 111, 4 7l, 4 irva 4 in, 4 4 rt, 4 ITS 4 111, I IT 4 11V. 4 IIS, 4 17 I on I I I Ml I . ISO . I 00 I no I 08 I 00 I 00 1 I ..!. ... 4M 44 40 ao lao 40 Hi IM 10 10 J. ..t it.... If 44 ... . (1.... 47.... 1.... II ... Ii.... 4... II ... tt... 47... III.... I.... IJ.... 14.... II.... 71.... 40.... 4.... 10. . .. 74.... M... 47.... 41 ... Tt.... at.... . ft.... 41..., 44.,.. 73.,., TO.... .. 11 ...ttl .1.1 ...tii ..I.I .. Sl ...Ul ...11 ...J71 ...I7t .. ...1.7 ...4f ...3el ...171 .. .? ...J14 . .tvi ...x ...ill ...S4T ...117 .. l I...I47 .. Ti4 ,..SW ...-41 ...:i ....174 ,...r ,...144 ...: n... ... ia... fcj .. 44... s... 41... 41... M... M... 4S... 0... tt... I... CI... u... 14... 41... II... 14... I... (7... II... 71... 41... II... 74... II... tl... 44... 4... ..Ml ..? ..) .114 ..111 ..111 ..4 ..! ..MI ..Tti .ttl .141 ..137 ..Ut . IW ..III ..IM . .Ii .171 ..m ::R ..tM .344 ..n ..4 ..Mi 4 11V, 4 471, I' .J0I1 . ne w I ll in 1 e SHEEP Receipts this morning were rrtoie liberal than thev have been tor the last few days, but the supply ws none too large to meet the requirements of the trade and an active and steady to strong msrket wss experienced. Packers all took hold freely and It was not long before practi cally all the desirable grades were disposed of. A few shipments- of native-fed stun arrived and sold 10 good advantsge. Among them wero some heavy native ewes thai brought 14.60. The demsnd for lambs wa also brisk and the matket could safely be quoted ac tive and steady to strong. As high as lo.75 was psid for some Colorado fed stuff of good quality, which looked like a good, strong price. Comparatively few feeders arrived, and while the demand was not ae heavy a It wan a week ago. the market waa fairly ac tive and lust about steady on anything at all desirable. Quotations for grass sheen nd t.'"b: Good to choice yearling!, 14.15fJ-4.50; fair to good yearlings. 33."ir4.l5; good ta choice wethers. 34.00fe4.15; fair to good wet liars. 33 7544.00; ' -good to choice ewes. 3 75tt4.10: fair to good ewes, 83.50j3.76; good to choice limb. 4.or4.ou: tun- lu tiu :inb, to.wa 16.26; feeder yearlings. 13.6uJ4.10: feeder wethers, t.50ji.(i; feeder ewe'.. 117b43.25; feedr-r lnib. 13 7&4T4 90; breeding ewes, 13.04 6-3.50. Representative sales: io. Wt. 25 Idaho curl ewes 89 Pr. 3 0) 4 26 4 Z 4 10 4 60 4 lo 6 10 b 20 6 20 6 16 4 ill 4 jo 4 70 4 70 1 7. 4 86 ft 2o 6 30 6 lb 4 26 4 -5 4 15 4 bv 4 00 4 60 6 16 b la 6 is 6 16 . 6 le 826 1 is 2 06 2 86 2 91 2 J 8 J 2 76 4 00 4 HO 4 lo 4 lo 4 to 4 36 849 Idaho ewes 103 14.1 1U lol 0 1 Idaho ewes 85 Iowa ewes bl Wyoming ewes and wethers 10 Iowa cuu lambs 2ou Idaho lambs 6t4 Wyoming lamb 400 Wyoming lambs . DO . '0 . lU . 88 . ei . 67 . 04 . t4 . t4 . 67 . 73 . 62 . 82 ..114 ..102 .. 63 .. 82 ..100 i lowa lainDs 12 Wyoming- yearlings 4 Wyoming lamos 48u Wyoming feeder lambs 212 Wyoming leedcr lambs t62 Wyoming feedor lambs 088 Wyoming lamos 69 Wyoming lambs 148 native lambs 261 1 oiorado lambs 77 Idaho ewe 16 Idaho ewes 4 lasho ewes 60 native lambs 88 lnaho wethers 20 Idaho wethers 1 Idaho lamb 70 128 Ida no lambs 68 380 Idaho lamns nf tAi maho lamb 67 20 Idaho lambs.. s8 M native lambs .- t4 l' v yomlng cull feeder ewes., "id 21 Wyoming ewes 16 802 Wyoming feeder ewes 82 69 Wyoming feeder ewes........ 80 10 Wyoming feeder ewes 7a 36 Wyoming ewea loo 10 Wyoming ewes lit Wyoming ewes ! 1 Wyoming ewe Ho 161 Wyoming wethers 80 So Wyoming cuu tamos oj 92 Wyoming wethers 90 151 Wyoming wethers W 61 Wyoming feeder lambs 49 207 Colorado ewe 91 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady te Weak Hogs Higher Sheep gteady. CHICAGO, Nov. IC CATTLE Receipt. 12 ouo head. Including l.frO westerns: mar ket steady to weak; good to pri-ne steers, Id 10(ff7.oo; poor to medium, 3.7&i 90; stock ers and feeders, 12.1W4.U; cows. tl.7o44 6.; heifers, tl.76(ft5.50; oanners, 1.3j4u2.46; bulls, $2.00414.80; western Sieers, W.i.(.5.1j. HoGS Receipts, 22,oo0 liesd; market steady to 6c higher; mixed and butcher., 14 9jfne.2S; good to choice mixed, t.l..ij.2; rough heavy, $4.8k4.0; light, 4.jitfi.2u; bulk of sales. $4.9j4.0. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 12.00J head; market steady; lambs loo higher; good to choice wethers, t4.4u&4.8.; fair to choice mixed, $U.Vuftjt.8.i; wesieru si.eep, 13. IXK&4.90; native lambs, $4.2slj6.26; wes era lamts, M-feitm-PO- ( Kansas Cler Live Stork Market. KANSAS CITY, Nov. 10. CATTLE Re ceipts, 7,000 head. Including 60 head south erns; market strong and active; choice ex port snd dressed beet steers, 16.26'al.60; fair to good, 13. 5.00; western fed steer. tS Tfitp 6.76; stockers snd feeders, 12.25(9-4.26; south ern steers, 12.604i-4.26; southern cows. 11.504 S.26; nstive cows, tl.6oifi4.00; native heifers, $2.6r&5.00; hulls, $1.75tfB!60: calves, $2.256.00. HOGS Receipts, 10.700 head; market strong; top. $5.21; bulk of sales. $4. 86ft 6. 15: heavv. 16 1016.22.; packers, $5.00cgi.l5; pigs nd lights, 84.40(f!6.0. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 6.000 head; market strong and active: native limbs. 14.t5fo5.85; native wethers. t4.COg4.50: native ewes. 13.75414.25; western lambs. 14.25 fi6.76: western sheep. 14.26'rl4.76: wesfern vearllne. $3.764.86: stockers and fooder. t2.W4i8.73. , St. I-oals Live Stork Mirket. ST. IvOUIS. Nov. 10-CATTLE-Recelp . 8.600 head. Including 800 Texans; market slow to steady; native shipping and ex port steers. 14.6046 76: dreaied beef snd buteher steers. lt.0fu55; steers under LlCirt lbs., tl.504ji5.50; stooksrs snd feeder.4, $.25CS.76: cow and heifers. tlfcvSt.SO; osn ners. 11.85ft 236; bull. $2.004l.60: calve 13 0067.00; Txs and Indian steers, $2,509 4.35: cow and heifers. 12. 0064.80. HOGS Receipts, 8.000 head; market steed v; pig and light. M.004J4.8S; packers, 14 S5 15; butchers and best heavy, $"1.00$; ''SHEEP1 AND LAMBS-Reeslpt. 2,000 head; msrket strong: natives. !100fi46: lsTibs. $4.V'(&6.nO; culls and buck. f.'.m'H 4,0; stockers, OCfj.15; Texan. r3.0O7j5.01. Hew Yerk l ive Stock Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 10.-BEEVES We celpi. 1,7 head, firm; cables quote live cattle lower at 8i3Uc per pound, dr sed weight; refrigerator beef lower at 9&9c per lb. CALVES Receipt. 122 hsad; msrket for veals stesdy: grasser snd westerns slow; vols. 14.004j8.86: tops. $8 60; little calves, MWVnM.Ol: grasser. tl.Wi't.hO; wisterns. $2.rH; dressed talve steady; city dressed veals, 74yl2o per lb.; country dressed, 74T11". HOOS Pcelpts, Ipf head: market firmer; good state and Pennsylvania hog, $5 50. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4.201 head: heep tdv: lambs 10c lower; sheep, $3 00i4 (X); fslr to choioe. M D046.O1: lamb. $5.26(jf8.Cv. Shipments today, ICS head sheep. ( 81. Joseph live Stork Mirket. ST. JOSEPH. Nov. 10 CATTLE Re celpts, 2.001 hvsd; market steady to troi: native. 8-1 7TCi.7; cow and heifers, 12.00 4.00- Blockers and f1r. $2.75(93 60. H'OGS Receipts. 7,098 head; marker steady to atrong: light, $1.7605.10; medium and h'Mvy, $4 964.20. SHEEP AND I.AMBS-Fceliit. 41 head; market steady; lamb, 10.60; ewea, $4.W. (lees rily Live Stork Msvkrt. BIOUX CITY. la.. Nov. M.-fSpeolal Tele, gram ) CATTLE Receipts. KX) head; mar ket steady; beeve. tiUD 6.00; cows, bu Is snd mixed. $2,804)3.26; stockera and feeder, t:.75fi3 50; reiver and yearling. l2.2f . HOtlS-Recelpta. t MJ liesd; r, ark-t strong, selling at; bulk, 11 rta4 5 . 4avrk lo glgbt. Th receipt of live stock at the s!x ,nln- wesiern cities yesterday were st fo! Cattle. H'S. J :.' mi. m , . l.lS-l B.'ieep 1 i'uiV i.i'M 4! . lt41 South Omaha Sioux city ... Kansss City . St. Lout St Joseph ... Chicago Totals ... .:. &) ... ... !.60 ... ..J2.VV .38, ML "i;.!! ',29.461 OMAHA WHOI.K-'Alit MAKKKI Condition ef Trad aarl Qnatatlea Map' anU Kaaey' Preface. EGGS Candled sto-.k, Jl'StZZe. LIVE Pot L'l RY -liens, i-; rooster, le turkey. 16c; .u-ks 8c; gee.e. 7gc spring chlcaens, 8 '. Bl'TTLR Parking Stock. 13V: choice tt fancy aairy, Lljlc, ctcaioaiy, ii4c; lane) prints, 2c. FR-Sh r'ROZEN FISH-Trout, UK-; pick erel, M-; pike, lm.; piicli, 7c; bljenaii, l.o; whltetlsh. luc; salmon. 14c; rediiapier, 11c; lobster, gre.), c; Ivbster, h. llril, jou; binl heads, lie; ca.tisli, H ; bli 'k ta. V0; hal ibut, 10c; rrappien. lie, roe, Ii; buf falo, -,c; white us, lie; ir-'g legs. pf doav, 26c. 11 AY Price quoted by Omuli-i Whole kii'.m Dcslers' nasoclsili.l: Cli"ic No 1 upland. 17.00; No. 2. to.50: medium, 16 00; coarse, 16.60. Rye straw, 15.00 These price are fol liay oi hoU t-.i.ov and quality. OYSTERS New York counts, pel Can, 45c; extrs selects, per can. J7c: stjndsrd. per can. 3?c; bulk, standard, per gal., 31.83; bulk, extra selects, per gai . 1.75; bulk New York count, per sal, 12 00. TROPICAL KltCtTd ORANGES Florida, sixes 128, 158. 178, 800, :k iso. 8:1 io LEMONS California fancy. :7o. 08 and I6, ff w: choice. 11.50. PAIRS Pr hot of 3-Mh t-Vr . 82 0i HiUom-l, In 70-lb. box. per lb.. 6fe4Itic.; FIGS California, per li)-i. ration. 751 85c; Imported Fmyr-i. 4-crown. 12Vj; 6-crown. 14c; 7-crown. i6c: fancy Imported, wsshed. In l-ll. pkgs.. IMiflier; Calitornla. per cae of thlrtv-slx pkgs . IJ 25. BANANAS Pet nieiiium sued bunch. rifiiervMi: orio 7.7."f3.'i COCOANUTS-Per 100, 86.00. FRUITS. APPLES Horn giomn .Tonsthan. tier bbl.. 34 00 Ben Onvi. 82 73; New -Tork Tslmsn snd Pound 8weets, 13.0; New York Kings. WOO; New York Pippins. 82.76; New York Greening. 1: 50; New York Bsldwins, t'J.bO'. Colorado Jonathans and Wins Baps. j?e. bu. box, 11.6". ... PL A RS Utah, 'Coiorxdo and California, fall T-r'.eti.A. pr bos. ;:.;;T2 25; New York Keefer pear.- per bb,.. 43.60; New York DutchL Per bill.. ll.OOtp.'.C . CELERY 1'er not.. :6aH)c. GRAPEH-Nea- York una Ohio, per 8-lt banket, 22c; Imported Malagas, per - keg, 15 ootni.ori. CRANBERRIES Cspe Cods snd Wiscon sin Bell and Cherry, per bbl., !8 00; per box. 82.66. -VEGETABLES.: . ,, POTATOES-New home-growtt. In sacks, per bu.. 40c. TCRNIPS-Fer bu., 60c; Canada ruta bagss. per lb., lc. ' . ' ' ' NAVY BEANS Per bu., 11 2.06 ONIONS Home-grown, In seeks, par btt 60c; Spanish, per crate. 81.98. TOMATOES Home-grown.' per market bssket. rM3fx-. ; CAULIFLOWER Per bbt., $4,00; per case of 6 to 10 heads, 83.09. 1 Cl'Cl'MBERf Per case of 8 dog.,' .60 CAB BaQE HOme-grown, per 100 Ibav. 70o. .SWEET POTATptS-Hqme-grown. per bu. basket, 0c: Virginia, per bbl., 150; Muscatine, per bbl.. 12.00. GREEN PEPPERS-Pe. bu. basket. 6O0. BQUASH-nome-grown, per dog.. S0C. EGG PLANT-Home-grown, per doa 75e. BAUER KRAUT Wisconsin, ' per keg. 12.50. CIDER New York, per bbl., $6.21: per bbl., v.x. HORSE RADISH Per do., 85c. MISCELLANLOUS. CHEESE -Wisconsin twins, full cream, 12c; Wisconsin Young America, 12c: block Swiss, new. 15c; old, 16-ai;c; Wisconsin brick, 13c; Wisconsin llmberger. lie. NUTS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, new crop, per lb.. 14c; hard shell, per lb., 13c; No. 8 soft shell, per In.. 12c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 1-c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb, 10c; peanut, per lb.. 7c; roasted peanuts, per lb.,- 8c; Chill Walnuts, per lb.. 124t13r.-; almonds, soft hell, per lb., 17c; hard shell, per lb., 15c; chestnuts, per lb.. '2(J(16c: new black wal nuts, per bu.. 75tf9Pc; shellbsrk hickory 1 nuts, per bu., 11.10; large nicxory nut, per hu.. 11.50. . ... HIDES No. 1 green, ic; No. 2 green, 6c: No. 1 salted. 8c; No, I salted. 7c; No. 1 veal calf, lc; No. 2 veal calf, 7c: dry salted. 10916c: sheep pelts, :6c6tl.C0; hers Idea, 8l!60j3.0O. , ESTIMATE K CHOP CO.DITIO8 Corn Ylrlel Placed at 2, UM,iM0,KA Oaahrls. WASHINGTON. Nov. 10. Ptellmlnary re turn to .ha cii.ef .f ti.e 01 ti Ustlc of tne Lepartmnt o' Anculture on tne i.ri-uui tion oi com in 19.4 l..d ci,4 a total leiu otnoout i.4,i0..0 0 Dusheia or an aveiage ot o.i uuhheu pr acre, as iom paied with sn avcrngj y eld if .$ bu..e ' uur ucie ul ' iiiiail us.uin.ioa In j9jJ. o. Dushels In 190- and a ieu-yer uve.ugs of ii.i busiiels. i'hi gtiteral ave.age v,s iu quality is 2 p. r crm, as ccmpaied with 83.10 last year, o.7 In 110- and id.7 in 19u. It la t-rttlmated that about 4.b per cnt oi1 the coil' crop of j9 3 was stiil In the hand of tartncis on iNovember 1, ivA, aa com pared with h.i per cent of the crop of 190J In farmer' hands on November 1, 190J; i.y iier tent of the crop of JiMi In farme a hands on Novembe.- 1, 1902, and 4 6 p. r tea; of the crop of I9.l in la.mais1 nands on November 1. i901. Tho preliminary estimate of the average vlold per acre of buckwheat ts 18.9 bushns VgalnM an average yield of 17.7 ohol In I9u3. 18.1 buehels In 192 ' and a tfn-ea.' average of 17.9, buhheU. The ave age fo.' quality Is 91. n per curt, stalnst 91. last tear. 88.1 In 1902 and 913 in 1901. The prelimlt.aty estimate- of. the average yield per acre of flax eeed Is I0.2 bush. Is. as compared with a final estimate ot s.4 huxhels per sere In 19J.1 and 7.8 bushels In 19it2. The average as to qujllty Is 9i r--cent, a compared with S4.9' year ago. The preliminary eetlmale of the ave'sse yield per acre of potjtiei 1 llo4 bumeli, ngiilntt en average yield of 84.7 In 1K3, I Hi bushels In 19i and a ten-er average of 81 bushels. The average to quality 4s 814 r-er cent, as compaied with 88.4 per com one year ago, 9-1.4 in IOC and "8 4 In i9il Tho preliminary eitlniate of the ave age yield ter at-pi of hay Is 1.62 tout, against iin average yield of 1.54 tons In 19 3. 168 tons In 1802 and a len-yer average of l.SJ tone. The average as to quality Is 92.7 par cent, against 91.1 per cent one year ago, Sf 7 In 1mS end 91. S In 1911. . . Tha prel'mlnary estimate of average yield per acre of tobacco I 618 niurdi, as Com pared with th final eellmata Cf 76 3 pounds In JfKIH, 797.3 In J!"3 and lx-yar average of 730.7. The aversge as to quality Is 89.5 per cent, sa compared wl'.h (5.9 per cent ono yesr go. The preliminary cellmate of tho aver age yield per acre or rougn ric is as 1 burhela, agslnst an aversa yle'd of 22.7 bushels In 19 8 nrd '.It bushel 4 In 1ft 2 The report aleo ("eludes fruits and vari ous minor crops, wh'ch will be published iu detail In the Crop Reoorter. , r. Coffee Market. " .' NfflW YORK 'Nov. 10 COFFEE fu ture opened barely steady at unchanged prices to a decline of 5-points..' The clue wa firm on smaller. Interior receipts At Braxlllan points, especially for tomorrow, at a net advance of 1 points on -the two near month and of 10415 point on later positions. Spies were 67,750 bags. Including Decexber, at 6.94i7.05c; January, 7.10c; Mnrch. 7.304i'7.36c; May, 7. 464177.60c: . July. 7.6MJ-7.75C; August. 7.65o; September, l.lndfi 7.9oc; October, 7.804j(7.9jc. Spot Rio steady; No. T Invoice, eVt-c; mild, steady. . . Evaporated ArTple aad Dried Fralts, NEW YORK. Nov. 10. EVAPORATED APPLES Market quiet; common, 4-n4c; prime. 4c; choice, 6'i6c; fancy 44J(4iVa. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Prune show increased firmness, with some de mand for the larger sises and nutstde quo tations higher; they range from 2c to 6c. according to grudn. Apricots continue scarce snd firm, with choice quoted st 9Vy7s 10c; extra choice, litlft4jc; fancy, JliftUo. Peaches, quiet; choice. 94j9c; extra choice, 64rtH0c; fancy. 10ille. Peoria Market. PEORIA, Nov. 0.-CORN-Hlgher; No. 3 yellow, old. 67c; No. 3. 640:3c': No. 4. ffJ)6o! No. 1 new. 49'.e0S No. 4 new, 48c; No. 3 yellow, new. 60c; no grade, new. 47c. Wool Market. ST. LOl'IS. Nov. 10-WOOL-Strty: medium combing and clothing. t"WJ7Vl.c; light fine. l64:ir; leivy fine, 1!7j17c; tub wsshed. 234ri8t'. Saoer in Ksasss, SAUNA. Kan., Nov. 10 Snow foil lit central Kansas today, tha first of the "' eon. and the temperature dropped rapidly. REAL fclBTATK TIIAKHFKRg. Deed filed for record NovemU.-r 10 8 fur mrhed ty th Mldlund iluji'jnrs aim Trual company, bin eJ b.t.i t )l'. l.4 Farnam street, for The Bee; j- F. rlUKerMia snd w fe to O. S'l g- -hn. part lot 3. blrek 3o, (I y ....'. .1.0 f. T. Kountse nd wl to J. L. TV lor, lot 2. Crerent prk ,. i.'A C. J Sullivan snd w fe to E. M. IUcr. ' prt lot 37. Buit Onk l.sOi H. Croft and wife to S. A. , Cnmeer, lot . 1sk lllll '.- . IT. Ami llsntxugcr to M. Bauer 'Ot al, ' ' part lot 22, block 8, V r s'aik ..a M rlpsl lows: