TIIE OMAnA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1901. Iff NEW BOORS AND MAGAZINES Mist Orerton Makes Statement About Her . Hew look, "Captain of the World." WINTER FASHIONS SET FORTH IN DESIGNER The Delia Hsva Mmt of 0o Cheep mm Hella !. Will B Wrlcm4 la ETry Home White' Great Baeeeaa. Th statement haa been made In several Quarters that the scene of Miss Gwendolen Overton's new atory. "Captains of the World." la laid In Pittsburg, and that tha strike described In It la the Homeatead strlks of 'B2. Miss Overton states positively, through her publishers, the Macmlllan com pany, that she haa not described any one place that the eoene of her atory Is a con glomerate of many places and of pure 'Imagination. Also, any one who knows the great Homestead strike at all will know that nothing In the atrike In "Captaina of the World" Is quite like It. The basis and cause of the strike Itself are totally dif ferent In this case, too. there are bite of numerous strikes and the rest Is pure In vention. MIks Overton has not copied any event In our Industrial history Winter fashion aa set forth In the De signer for December are atyllsh and es sentially practical, and are augmented by three pages of charming party costumes which will prove acceptable at this season when dainty raiment is In active demand. "Points on Dressmaking," a valuable de partment of the magazine, gives explicit directions for making fur collarettes and mUTs of new design, and Ha slater department,- ''ix-i-ms In Millinery." telle how to make an exquisite evening hat. The De signer caters to the woman who sews, and In addition to the above features contalna this month novel Christmas gifts In which dainty needlework Is a necessary factor. In the literary portion of the magazine Is a holiday play for amateur production en titled "The Snow Man," "A Bt. Nicholas Party," an exquisite poem, "At Bethel hem," and two short stories, "A Christmas Romance" and "How Dorothy Found Santa Claus." "Making tTp for Private Theatric als" Is an article which will be highly ap preciated by amateur actors, who seldom pay sufljolent attention to this very Im portant part of the stage business, while "The Lady and the Lunch." the first Instal ment of the valuable aeries, "In the Inter est of Beauty," discourses or. a subject too often treated with carelessness. "A Christ mas Alphabet Supper" Is an original Idea for entertainment, and droll and pretty schemes for the presentation of gifts and decoration of the Vule tree are supplied In generous quantity. In fact, the December Designer Is Just what a magaalne should be at thla season brimful of goodwill to all men, with a strong leaning toward the woman contingent. The December Delineator, with Its mes sage of good cheer and helpfulness, will be welcomed In every home. The fashion pages are unusually attractive, Illustrating nnd describing the very latest modes In a way to make their construction during the busy festive season a pleasure Instead of a task, and the literary and pictorial features are of rare excellence. A selection of love songs from the- Wagner operas, rendered into English by Richard de Oalllenne and beautifully Illustrated -In colors by J. C. Leyendecker, occupies a prominent place, end a chapter In the composers' series, re lating the romance of Wagner and Coslma, Is an Interesting supplement to the lyrics. A very, clever paper, entitled "The Court Circles of the Republic," describes some unique phases of Washington social life. Is from an unnamed contributor, who Is said to write from the Inner circles of society. There are short atorles from the pens of K. Hopkinson Smith, Robert Grant, Alio Brown, Mary Stewart Cutting and Klmore Elliott Peake. and such Interesting writers aa Julia Magruder. L, Frank Baum and Grace MaoGowan Cooke hold the attention of. the children. - Many Christmas sugges tions are given In needlework and the cookery pages are redolent of the Christ mas feast. In addition, there are the reg ular departments of the, magazine, with many special articles on topics relating to woman's Interests within and without the home. i John Burroughs Is always at home when he Is out, as the Irishman has It. "Far and Near" Is the title of the new volume j ui out-aoor essays wnicn Houghton. Mif flin & Co. have Just published. The appro priateness of the title is shown by a glance at the table of contents, which be gin with ."In. Green, Alaska," followed im mediately, by "Wild L?e Around My Cabin." It will be remembered that Mr. Burroughs was, a member of the Harriman expedltl. of 1899 which visited the tree less coasts and inlands of Alack and Siberia. Fully one-half of the book con cerns these northern tracts, while a num ber of the chapters tell of the Island of Jamaica, during the fair season. ,. James Jeffrey Roche dedicates his new book, "The Sorrows' of Sap'ed," published by Harpers, aa follows: "To the better ele ment of the American people, who. In spite of early traditldns and the prejudices of a political system which ignores the noblest distinctions of society, have ever cherished an abiding admiration for their superiors of exalted rank and hereditary worth, thl literary masterpiece chronicling the Uvea and deed of one (1) king, five () queens. numerou princes, princesses and others of noble birth but lets elevated rank. Is respectfully dedicated as a humble tribute to position, however lofty, and to wealth, however vast, by their fellow snob, ttj author;., ) 'Stewart Edward White's first great mio cess, "The Blazed Trail," has gone lato an eighteenth edition. " This book takes you light Into the great northwest forests and shows you the brawny-flsted, hard-palmed men who saw and trim and hew In the shadow of the tall pines. They are men pf elemental natures; some great-hearted, generous, brave and self-aacrlrtciug, that you will, love; soraeyunder-handeJ, vlc.ous and vengeful, that (you will lute, Mr. White in his stories presents these rugged woodsmen with an inescapable real.ty at dramatic momenta of their labors or sports. Ha mokes you an Intimate of the men and a friend of the counUy. and you're glad Of 1U Published by McCIure, Phllilp & Co. Mr.' Orlando J. Smith. prealdent of the American Prea association and author of "Etemullnm." haa choteu a ktrlklug ti.le for hla new book, "Balance, the Funda mental Verity," published by Houghton, Mifflin 4c Co. The theory advanced by Mr. Smith is that religion and sclenoe stand on the same rock. Several well known au thorities have read the volume dur.ng Its preparation, among others Mr. EUwln Markham, who says; "it la a notable vol ume, one that will be highly Interesting ta all who take a Serious view of l.fe and Its fateful Issues. It treats of the -.uuest concerns of our dentlny, here and hereaf er, and reveals some of the grounds and evi denres of a scientific religion, a rell.Ion s firmly fixed as the foundation, of naturo Itseir. The book Is written la a style at. once lucid and simple, Hi set as a tinging bullet.' Above books at lowe.V retail prices. Matthews, 13 South Flfteeih street. sTlaest Cut Qlaaa. Eduolbl Jeweler, .IFFTlfnm REMNANT DAY T A We announce a host of extraordinary 1 OUSty remnant bargains in the Basement. 1 1 .1 ..l.ttn era fTTkrtfl 5c urlnp, all 5c ilicos, 100 3c s long as 5c Fancy fleece lined waiting, good styles, worth 25c, at, yard 10.000 yards drapery burlap, all shades, 19c grade, for, yard Dress and comforter calicos, 100 different designs, fast colors, best grades, at, . yard Mill ends, 40c sateen, as long as tboy last, at, yard New fall styles In Scotch and seer sucker ginghams, very desirable for ektrts, boys' waists, f Extra choice quality outing flannel, pink, blue, red, gray, white, cream, neat utrlpcs and checks, go at, per yard Extra heavy swansdown flannel, bright plaids, worth l!c yard, special, yard Yard wide percales, In the new brown and other dark styles, 25c quality, for yard Very choice mercerized satin. every color, finest quality made, on bargain square, -at, yard 86-inch twilled comfort and drapery satins. In floral and new designs, worth 20c yard, special, at, yard Striped and checked wool flannel, for waists, children a dresses, etc, 25c quality, for, yard French' Fannel Thousands of pieces thRt match, 60c grade, all wool, at 5c and luc each. Remnant!" of Toweling, In Vi, to 2 yard lengths, worth up to 12Ho yard, for, a remnant Remnants of Table Damask, all qualities and lengths, at about one-half actual value. REMNANTS of FINE LACES i Thedo are high class imported laces some of them become slightly mussed In transit, tnese are Deautirui patterns oi Cluneys, French and English Vals. Point da Purls ha ruin, e-allonnn. etc. worth UD to 25c vard. at '. ' Ladies', men's and children's hosiery I Children's underwear, ribbed and fleece lined, some part 1 1 1 11 heavy fleece f f lf IC, wool, worth up to 25c, lU-IoC , af6 jC-IIJC-s-OC Sale of Silk Remnants Friday A big lot of silks and velvet have accumulated during- the season. Wo make a big cut in all renin am ts remnants of 1 C If) lQ velvets and silks at each C"Jl"IUtv"I V Remnants of 75c and 69c Silks at yard girls' aprons aud school dresses, worth 12 yard, for, yard Mill fends of oom forter silkolines. at, yard Danish Cloth Cream S to 8 yards each a big bargain, 6o a yard. v 6ic 2ic 7ic hem become sugntiy nrawfo in 2V2c-5c-10c OQr Remnants of 75c and $1.25 J I velvets at yard 59c and. 25c WINTER DRESS GOODS yard for all wool 50o dress goods, double width serges, sacquings, ladies' cloth, fancy ' dress goods and 15c each for sample pieces high grade worsteds, tailor cloths, heavy skirtings, black and all colors, several . pieces a like. In sets' and 1 yard each. 15c plaids. French Flannels at 25c yard The best imported French Flannels and Waistlngs for klmonaa, wrappers and waists a bargain ! square containing thousands of yards of 556 and 75o goods at, per yard .. M aat yard for all $1.00 yard goods F"aT ya.rd for tl.BO dress goods, .lejkm a bargain square with lallt the best .grade of up-to-,-fILj thousands of desirable win- J mjj date styles, Panamas, high ter suitings,. cheviots, class tailoring cloths, fifty Scotch cloths, skirtings, coatings-and six-Inch cloths, mannish suitings and Sicilians, black and all colors. Sicilians. . ON BARGAIN SQUARES Today we place on sale on our Second Floor ALL THE SHOES we bought from the Lincoln Street Boston Shoe Dealer We have sorted out the entire stock, each size on bargain equara by itseir. You cau pick out what you want at once Every Pair Is a Biff Bargain. 25c Shoe Polish, including Cerollna, at 5 75c Shoe Shining Outfits, go at Slo Infant's Fancy Light Shoes basement special t3o Hen's $4 and $5 Shoes, on five im.tiinsa bargain squares, at .... 2.45 Women's Fine Shoes, all sizes, grand bargain ........1.98 Women's Patent Leather SUppera, at l.SO airl's Shoes, at 1.25 Boys' Shoes, at ....1.25 Men's & Ladies' Shoes, basement 1.59 Ladles' Slippers, at.... 59c eh is BwaS mm Boys $4 Sample Suits at 1?? Boys' $& Sample Overcoats 2?? ON SALE FRIDAY Oh the third floor today we offer stylish overcoats tor boys (in ages 3 to 15) at a tremendous bargain -STYLES ARE RUSSIAN, NORFOLK AND LITTLE RAG LAN you would pay $5 to $6 for these over coats elsewhere today Boys $4 Knee Pants Suits ot $1.98 H-re are neat suits for roujh and tumble school Wear at just about half the price you would expect to pay Norfolks and Norfolk Sailor fttyle ages 3 to 16 and double-breasted suits ages 8 to 16, 298 Xr Iff v. pi ; k :W f J I Chlldr.n's 1 Children's Ko Flannelette WalaU and Blouses gg Children's fiOo Percala Waists and Blouses ' at Children's T5o Madras Cloth Bhlrt Waists, k . OKn Blue Flannel 19c Waists and Blouses 39c We are sole agents for tha Benulne Buster , Brown auits and over- i coals, up from ...'3 -r OMAHA WEATHER FRIDAY Fair and Warmer. Til I H III II . ifnirTYH I if II II II lit! Jill II I II ii i a a I aat ma nn an ill HKITO I II EI HkJAaW s lmmm IUVSS s III II ITT II' I f 1 I I 1 Friday Attractions iiv Our Cloak and Suit Dept. CHILDREN'S STOCKING CAPS new stock just opened ' plain and fancy colors prices C5c, 59c, 50c, . 40c, 35c, 25c and Ir C ANGORA TAMS the handsomest Tains man- OHp ufactured ....."C WOMEN'S WALKING SKIRTS Sacrifice sale Friday Serges, meltons and fancy mixtures every 7 C skirt worth f 5.00 all at i D LADIES' 27-INCH JACKETS We call special attention to our enormous stock of ladies' jackets yf . O C . prices from $15.00 to ZD FRIDAY WE MAKE A RUSH SALE OF A FINE KER SEY JACKET navy, brown, black and C C C tan regular $8.50 value at JsyJ GREAT SATURDAY BARGAIN CIRCLE SALE of chil dren's and young ladies' cloaks on the main floor the greatest cloak for the money ever sold in the west full length, all colors, kersey and zibelines ,t Q C cloaks worth $7.50 at ..ZD wool Imported Flannel Sale 200 pieces extra fine quality all wool French Flannels : plain and fancy designs lots of pretty Fersiau and Ori . etal colors 28 'inches wide every yard perfect you have to pay 85c and f 1.00 yard for this quality we bought them cheap and will sell them Friday -dLAi on : the bargain square for yard mOf GIGANTIC SALE DRESS GOODS REMNANTS BAR 'GAIN SQUARE two to eight-yard 3J)( lengths 2,000 yards fine Dress Goods French Flannels, Panamas, Cheviots,' Serges, Meltons, Kerseys, Zibelines, French ' Suitings--all colors and blacks comprising all the new est creations worth up to $2 a yard !C1 ARn all in two lots Friday .JaC-TOC Look What You Can Buy Friday for Five Cents 1 four-row Scrub Brush. 1 Leather Cigar case. - 2 large bone Hairpins, new shape. 6 papers, 12 each, heavy crimped Wire Hairpins. 2 boxes assorted Wire Hairpins, 60o ea, 1 dozen bone Collar Buttons. 1 large card assorted Toilet Plr.s. i 1 pair nainsook covered, silk lined Cress Shields, regular 25c value 6 sticks Ironing Wax.' 6 papers assarted sizes good, strong Pins. 5 spools 200-yard,, "John Coats" Spool Cotton, f , . 1 metal case, steel spring, Tape Meas ure, 36-Inch. 1 Enameled Darning Egg, 2 cards 8-ply Darning Cofton. 3 cards, 2 dozen each. Spring Hooks and Eyes. Stove Buying Weather Now! Peninsular Steel Ranges and Peninsular Base Burners Without a doubt the top-noch-ers in the stove world. Your home isn't completely furn ished unless there's a Penin sular in it. The Peninsular Base Burners are earnest. kindly farmers-they t don't go back on you when they're most needed. PENINSULAR STEEL RANGE, the "Famous" Pen insular, with, encased, enamaled reservoir and high closet, 15, 17 and 19-in.. 'ZA Cfk ovens up from Tiw Without reservoir, but with high closet and PA end shelf 15, I7 and 19-in. ovens, up from. siOjU If you have it in mind to buy a heater, see the Sunburst Peninsular, a double heating Base Burner, it's the per fection of stove inventiveness and finish, it gives 50 per cent more heat and illumination than any other stove, the sides, top and front all radiate (( heat, up from tJUU No lack of styles and easy prices. Ask for Peninsular Booklet. GROCERY Bigger Values Were Never Given m Grocerie than Those We Offer. Ten (1.00) Oreen Trading J sUb Stamps with pound Golden Santos Coffee Ten 1.00) Green Trading Stamps with pound Tea .-... Ten (21.00) Oreen Trading Stamps with dozen Uer man Dill Pickles ... Five (60c) Oreen Trading Stamps thi -e large boxes Parlor Matcbts. 38 c 10c !2c CANNED CORN Two-pound can' fancy Corn, C. .three cans, for CANNED TOMATOES Three-pound can fancy Tomatoes, three cans, for 25c 50c Twenty (22.00) Oreen Trading Stamps gallon jug Catsup , CANDY Novelties galore at very lowest prices. Mint Uostfugea, very ' ' 1 t delicious, I l pound...,.., 15c Ghfrardelirs Specialties QhirardelU's around Chocolate None more palatable or mure easily digested, detlcloun cnp. - One pound cans 35c Half pound cans 20c Qhlrardolll's Cocoa-Dellghtlul, convenient and economical. One pound can 50c Half pound can. ......25c Ghirardelli's Chocolate Flicks, (bullous) put up In pretty lutia boxes d0o and These goods are demon strated on Main Flor. Don't miss the ' booth Friday. Have a cup. Watch out for Ben nett' Raging Bar gain Ad in this paper Friday even ing. ; Boys Watch One with every boy'a suit or over coat (a watch that keeps. time) up irora.., .J.yft Ladies' Rain Coats Minultcturtr'i Stock -"6.98 TUB RELI4DLK STORK. Wool Waists Manufacturer's Stock-n worth FRIDAY'S GREAT BARGAINS WOOL, DRESS GOODS IN TtfK DOMES DRKS3 AND WAIST FATTKKINS, or w, U and $1.60 heavy winter suiting, vclles, Ktamlnes, Mr., all on one coun- J.Qr ter. your choice. Friday, a yard DRKSS AND WAIST TATTKRNS of all wool henriettas, serges, 54-lnch plui.ls, and other hlah grade goods, ;lQc worth up to $1.98 a yard-nt ... DRKF3 AND WAIST PATTERNS . of good m-orth up to $1 25 per yard. In hen rlettas, sibellnes. suitings, etc, 22 A C at yard DRESS GOODS REMNANT8, worth up to 60c per ynrd . m lOc great snap for Friday, at, yard ..... full bolts of 58-Inch. B6-inch and 64-lnch all wool suitings, broadcloths, meltons. Venetians, sibellnes, plalils.etc, worth up to $2.98 per yard at 39c. 49c and 59c yard. I.INKNS AND DOMESTICS- FINE BLEACHED MUSLIN AND CAM BRICS worth up to 12Hc yard., ?lc in long mill end", choice t rlday. yd y 12Sc ENGLISH FLEECED BACK FLAN NELETTES, full bolts, 26 patterns to select from, on bargain Rr square, at, yard 60o MERCERIZED WHITE WAISTINO. new goods, pretty patterns, long fc mill ends at. yard- INDIA LINONS, OXFORD WAI9TINOS. 40-lnch, check and strip nainsooks, long mill ends, worth up to 25c 7iC a yard at, yard S5c SILK LUSTER SATINE In all shades for drop skirts and I2ic liiiings-at, yard l4lJk TIC ROOM. "tted at. yard OO AMOSKEAO APRON i'l I KCK t!I N'GH AI full bolts, no I'mnHtits - i. at, yard )C 65c BLEACHED RHEKTS-readv" " to ubc. 81x91 slr.e special nt OvC li'c BLEACHED PILLOW CASES. 4f,x.T File, with 3-Inch hcin jjt speclnl, at OlC 16c ENGLISH LONG CLirril-and fine cnmbrlc, from the bnlt at. yard vC 26c Ttirklsh towels, at i,,0 ISo Turkish towels, nt i.i0 15c huck towels, nt Viq K'VjC buck towels, nt 7u,o Rcinnants of -ill kinds of .-table linen and toweling, at half price. Fancy linens, scurfs, sham, etc., at half, FLANNEL DEPARTMENT 8Vfcc outing flannel, in light and dark colors, remnants, nt, yard SHAKER FLANNEL Remnants, extra heavy, great value, at, ynrd ov- gUc COTTON FLANNEL REMNANTS extra heavy. 30-Inch wide at, yard 4Jk- FROM TILL 12 A.M. $1.25 PATTERN TABLE CLOTHS heavy cream Hootch damask RQc 2V4 yards long each -w Haydens Lead Them fill in Fancy Silks. nnrl 4Kc Another great velvet sale Friday. 500 remnants of plain and fancy velvets. In Pure, Fresh Goods at fimforicxz Lowest Prices. UfUtlaTflO Finest kiln dried California White . . oats, pound 2c Very fine rice, pound Sftc Tapioca, pound , - 3Ho Sc.go, pound 3Hc Farina, pound .3V4o Pearl Barley, pound SHc White navy beans, pound SHo Flake hominy, pound 3Vsc Pearl hamlny, pound ....... a. .Shio Fancy new California evaporated' peaches, pound 12Hc Fancy new Oregon peaches, pound ,...10Hc Fine new Michigan peaches, pound ....10V4a 8-Crown California Muscatel Raisins, irnmi At ... . . . . . . .3SO 24-Inch guaranteed black taffeta, at ....4o 36-Inch all silk bluck taffeta, worth $1...610 Send Order Here and Save Money. ' pound ...... ' ...IHd 4-Crown California Muscatel Raisins, pound 74o Very 'fine new prunes, (small) pound. .Sio New evaporated blackberries, pound. .7o Potted tongue, can SHo Deviled tongue, can JJ4o Potted ham, can A...3H Deviled ham, can 4$ 10 bars soap for f 4-pound rackage Gold Dust for lao Sapolio, cake..... Parllne, package .-o Very best ginger snaps, pound 3Va HAYDEW ; BRS, tr Ten Cars Hanha Coal JUST RECEIVED Phone 373 or 455 and get clean, ' fresh coal from the cars. DELIVERED PROMPTLY. South Omaha Ice & Coal Co. kU South 15th Street. 912 South 13th Street. OMAHA - HOLIDAY GOODS READY Select your Christmas . articles early and get first choice. . If you will call we are sure we can enroll your uanie on our list as satislied customers. Our well selected stock of Pocketbooks, Card Cases, Desk Sets, Box Paper, Calen dars, Address Books, raper Knives, Diaries, etc. , THE MOYER STATIONERY CO. 220-222 SOUTH I6TH STREET. NOTHING NICER for a Christmas gift than one of our watches. Oents filled watches, $15, $18, $20. $25. Ladles' filled watches, $10, $12 $15 to $26. These name movements In gold cases, ludles' or gents-, , $35, $10. $50 and up. according to the ise. You know our guarantee on our gooda. Spend o. fev nluutes in our store. Look for the name S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, 1516 Douglas St. WE CAN feUIT YOU If you are in need of anything in t he sewing inahine line. We handle the BEST that can be had also parts and attachments for all popular machines. Give us a call., Can repair your old machine or eell you another at any price you may want to pay. P. E. FLOlJiYlAfN Cc tU. TELEPHONE 1574. 1514 CAPITOL, AVENUE: Facts Aboutr Diamonds ? Do you know that diamonds navesa T been a splendid Investment for theT J . iM . .. w. h.llaua hnm t n mm be still better today. When we sell J you a diamond It is with the under- standing that you can get your money i past nix years f we oeneve mem iom CA . 1 1 1 tnHuv Whn X baII 1 you a diamond It is wltn tne unaer tandinir that you can get your money I hack, less 10 Dei- cent, at any time within one year from date of pur- I chase. Do you know of anything thataj 'you can buy that way? We have I them In Rings from $5 to $500, and wlllfj take pleasure In showing them to you. I I 1 7 15 i i"B.rirtri 7 j UNDERWEAR! The cold winds can be withstood if you have good, warm UNDEtt S WEAR. Now is the time to cnange from that light Bummer weight. We have the largest line in Omaha, and we carry a complete stock In 5 various weights and b1;b. They come in cotton, half wool, ell wool and fleece-lined, from 25c to $2.00 Socr garment. We hare special S values at 2.V, 35c and 50c per gar. UMBRELLAS A new department with us, and very one of the stock Is BRAND NEW. They are tony and neat. From $5.00 each to fine GORHAM, at $26.00 each. Brown & Borsheim Expert Watchmakers and Itwtltrs. 222 S. 16th St. TWENTIETH. CENTURY FARMER pa Dollar ,Pe Tsar, menL iJOS. F. BILZi 322 So. 16th St., Omaha. We are sole h gents for the Tlctorlal Kevlew Patterns. For Crane's Writing Paper an d Fountain Pens, go to BarkaJow Bros. BOOK SHOP. Tef. 0223. l2 Farman St. DEPUTY BTATB VBTKH1NARLOI. H. L RAMACCIOTTI. ' D. V. S. CITY VETBRM ARIAH. OMAHA. Ntti. r.itphona H Dce an4 Inhere Ary. tt add Misoa Bta. For Menstrual Supprejsion a, mm Kt.-Si PEN -TAN-GOT Ml la Oawta Iwrati A MoCmmII Draa C. kvU mt kiMa, Tne as MiUmU (1 a kiai I bwu l