TITE OMAT1A DAILY UEE: StDA Y, NOVEMHHK (i, 1904. fti rn M A. UUVJ an J yirillllni mi U mmm 29c-49c A HUGE DRESS GOODS SALE 0ur resident New York buyer recently closed one of the greatest dress goods deals ever made by a western home. Peculiar market conditions in Nero York enabled him to buy at an absurdly small price the ENTIRE STOCK OF A HEW YORK JOBBER Comprising Thousands of Pieces of New, All Wool Dress Goods. We hare divided these Into special lota and place on sale Monday All the 75c Grade All Wool Dress Goods at 29c Yd. All the $1 Grade All Wool Dress Goods at 39c Yd. All the $1.25 Grade All Wool Dress Goods at 49c Yd. All the $1.50 Grade AH Wool Dress Goods at 65c Yd. ON BARGAIN SQUARE The new cheviots, tailoring cloths, fine cashmeres and serges, etamines, Sicilians, heavy cloths for skirts and coats all sea sonable, late style goods, in black and all colors worth 75c and $1.23 yard at, yard ON FRONT BARGAIN SQUARE 54-inch Sicilians, shirt waist suitings, imported tailor cloths, granites, unfinished worsteds, finest'IIenriettas, silk and wool eolienne, crepes and voiles all the highest quality winter dress goods, in black and all colors worth $1 and $1.50 a yard at, yard. French Flannels and Waistings at 29c and 09c Special values on bur waisting counter are 500 pieces Q of all wool French Flannel, go at, yard tl9 GOO pieces highest quality imported plain and fancy flannel waistings, go at, yard CREAM MOHAIRS The prettiest new effects in Cream Mohair are here. ft. I $1.25 fjrade cream or OZC mohatr at 03C Six Specials in Fine Dress Goods A O ! Black and silky Broadcloth, l f neJC $1.50 quality, at '. QO ! Silk and wool Crepe, $1.50 IJJI ZOCj quality, at .....$1 Qft ! Panama Cloth, 54-inch, on OJC $1.25 grade, at OlC We control the 39c-65c C5c pxnde cream A Q mohnlr at.....T,C Black Sicilians, 75c grade, 64-inch, at, yard , WaUrproof Sicilian, $2 grade, 66-incb, at, yard Frosted Zlbeline, $1.25 quality, at Another shipment of those elegnnt chiffon broadcloths. sale of well known brands In O inn ha. New Fall and Winter Modes in Ladies' Apparel Many stunning new styles in coats and suits are being pent to us from day to day by our resident buyer in New York. Some of the latest lots which he has sent are charming in smart style and perfect tailoring. We mention specially some New Tourist Coats handsomely made and prettily trimmed the loose box effects bo popular also the brand net? Paquin shapes the most desirable materials every ICA lIRS 1CI(( lure, at , 1&-1T-IJ A Nobby Tourist Coat at $69$ Made in the latest styles, cloths and colors, thoroughly tailored a genuine bargain 98 late style feati New Crushed Velour Coats A very stylish novelty iu the popular Paquin styles finely made 098.1250 New Styles in Cravenette Coats These new Cravenettes are extrem ly pretty all the latest effects, in wide stitched pleats, etc. will serve iu every kind 1Q00 of weather a wide variety Elegant Sample Suits An exclusive showing of some of the most fetching suits seen this season all are the very latest design many are exclu ive style the workmanship is unex- Q00 150 celled beautiful cloths, at ',..JJ mJ A new showing of sample suits in the prettiest autumn and winter models the Tourist, Directoire 1000 tARI e- Pplglf SALE OF COLORED SILKS Owing to the great demand this season for colored silk, we have just bought 400 pieces of choice colored dress and waist silks. We were fortunate in driving an extraordinary bargain. These new silks are in the latest weaves many chif fon, ioplins, taffetas, mescalines, plaid silks, etc. 3,500 yards of the swell new plaid silks fancy shirt waist silks, poplins in plain weaves and dots, printed warp Ixmi senes, crepe de chines, plain and glace taffetas, pompadour silks, etc. ranging in price from $1 to 2 a yard. Special sala on bargain squares and regular silk department. These Fine Colored Silks go on Speclnl Solo Actually Worth $1 and $2 Yd In Five Lots: 39c49c59c69c89c YARD YARD YARD YARD YARD $1 $1.25 and $2 Black Silks at 69c and $1 Yd. 17." pices of high grade 27-iuch and 3fi-inch peau de soie, bought from an overstocked manufacturer at about GOc on the dollar; 30-inch and 27-inch warranted to wear black taffetas and dou ble faced very lustrous peau de ff soie worth 1.25 and 2.00 i 1 if C and yard, at Novelties ii Our Velvet Dept. The most complete showing of velvets in any store in the west the latest novelties in crushed velvet, silk fur for coats, chif fon velvets, Lyons velours for coats, cordu- CA(j , 1 J) 5 roys, chiffon velveteens, at reduced prices. . J" 10 riECES BLACK ALL SILK FACED VELVET worth $1 a yard at, a yard 1 . 50c and Military shapes now so popular, at. . . Smart Ideas in Ladies' Waists and Skirts We are showing some brand new waist arrivals, fresh from the man- New waterproof cloths, $1.i5 grade, at 1.39 Scotch Snug Cloths for butcher coats and suits, $2 grude, at. 39c IS i 1.39 J ufacturers these waists are handsomely fashioned of eilk and wool and monair tne new nail pleated yokes the broad shouldered effects a host of dainty novelties in winter waists will go at Two Very Special 598498,750 Skirt Bargains FINE C0LF SKIRTS AT S.93 -Seir straped, kilt pleated, etc., just the colors and weights that are most effe ted this season your choice at .9S. Dress and walking skirts in the most stunning new styles A QQ AQQ many models J J J 3 X at. In Our Fur Dept. We never showed such a complete array of fine furs as this year both in fur coats and scarfs our showing is comprehensive and includes the most popular novelties. Ladies9 Underwear and Hosiery Ladies' Fine gauge, fast black Hosiery, pair IOc Misses' and children's fine and heavy ribbed Hosiery.... IOc Boys' and girls' heavy ribbed school Hose, pair J2ic Ladies' extra fine Hose, double soles, pair 12ic Ladies' imported Hosiery, black and fancy, pair 15c Men's fancy Half Hose, on bargain square, pair I2ic Ladies' 50c imported Lisle Hosiery, black and fancy,.... 2 5c Ladies' 50c fine and heavy ribbed Vests and Pants, at 39c Ladies' 75c Vests and Pants, some part wool, at 49c Ladies' $1 quality all wool plain and ribbed Uuderwear 69c Boys' and girls' 75c Vests, Pants and Drawers, natural wool and camel's hair, at 39c Misses' and children's Vests and Pants, all sizes, medium and heavy weight, at ... 25c r Millinery Specials The Brandeis Millinery is known all over this section of the country, for its excellence of style and workmanship. Our prices are always moderate when we make special prices on our hats as we do for Monday's trade, you are sure of getting an extraordinary value. Street and Dress Hats at $3.50 Here are ex tremely mod ish hats, both in dress and street style only the fresh est and pret tiest materi als used in their making and triraralojf.-all the newest shapes and most fashion able colors, at ilfr $10.00 AND $12. 00 DRESS HATS AT $5.00 Stunning New Dress Hats that should bo f prioed more than doublo our special J Monday price trimmed with Osti loh w , Plumes and tips and all the smart est winter effects a genuine 10.00 and $12.00 Hat-at A handsome allowing: of Feathera, Pompoms, Oraamenta, etc., la our Third Floor flllllnery De partment at apeclal prices. JO LOli IOJ LA EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS IN BASEMENT TOMORROW Standard PRINTS, 3c Yard wide fleece back wrapper flan nel per P yard....' 2 J yard wide unbleached SHEETING, per yard 12k Soft Fleecy BED BLANKETS, pair... per yard I Large size noman strip ed couch Yd. wide fine bleached blue GRASS r CAMBRIC. yard At the Muslin Counter. HAMILTON ROBE COMFORT PRINTS per yard . At the Calico Counter. 4c Bit? lot white embroidered flannel, worth E6:59c At the Flannel Counter. 86 -inch out ing flannel yard ... U2 At Canton Flannel Counter. Light colored mohair waistings, worth 50c, 4 f yard At the Dress Goods Counter. Sewing SILK black and all col ors at, spool At the Thread Counter. Saxon and zephyr yarns J 1 skein. ..2 42-inch. Vic toria lawn, y worth ( 12io At the white Roods counter. Fancy border and frinfred table cloths kr.... 59c At the linen counter. Small line slight ly mussed shams and acarfa, worth 60o each 19c Regular 5c wash cloths, each.'... Men's Blue Serge Winter Suits $6.50 Special Offer Monday Only We will sell 384 men's win ter weight blue serge suits, all wool, fast color, up-to-date .50 1 styles also single and double breasted black thibets, black and blue unfinished worsteds sizes 34 to 38 (We can Stall men, stouts, slim and regulars) Regu lar $12.30 and $15 values -Monday, only Boys' Overcoats and Suits, $1.98 Another Monday Special Nor folk and double breasted suits - and the little Russians, raglans, etc., in overcoats ages 3 to 16 very 1 QO Ptyliah and will stand rough i ZfJ school wear at iimw Men's Stylish Overcoats Special f A AA Monday... IU.UU Remarkable Carpet Sale The carpet sale that we are now holding has caused a wonderful flurry in the carpet business. We are offering the beat grade of velvet carpet, with and without border, new and beautfui patterns, not a few odd rolls that have been in stock for some time, but the new, fresh, up-to-date patterns, worth A Good Substantial Quality of Brussels Carpet with and without border, in new and beautiful patterns - all this season's styles, you cannot appreciate what BAf p 75c bai gains these are until you see them at, yard- An extra heavy strictly all wool ingrain carpet made by one of the world's most famous carpet makers we are selling at. per yard 50c EXTHA SPECIAL A big lot of very handsome madi-up carpets. These are made from remnants and odd rolls of Axmlnster, Brussels, Wilton and other high grade carpets at much less than their regular price. If in need of carpets you should not fail to attend this sale. Ve are not offering these for one day, but as long as the stock lasts, but the bes'goes first. Try and attend the sale Monday. LACE SALE MONDAY 'c a yard; Qlc ?q icial Mon- f -an . r yard .... rad Jr 10 A big shipment of Norrnady, Vals, Plat Vals, Clunys, Point de Paris, etc. in all widths, bands, galoons, insertings, worth up to 25c a yard: 1 special day yard Ladies' Kid Gloves at 59c New lots of autumn Kid Gloves, latest shades all sizes,' button and f t clasp effects, worth Tf. &l-at, pair WJ Highest Grade Kid Gloves Perrin's, Reynier'e, etc. the smartest effects $fl $fl.59 at, pair I Pillow Top HaidkcrcKiefs New fancy colored borders tor kirnonas, apous, pillow tops, etc., at , Ladies' and'men'a convent hem OJL titched linen handkerefs; also I o lj ladios' embroidered edge hdk'f at....- MADE-UP VEILS AT 50c Ladies' made-up veils, of silk chiffon, soma with embroidered m dois and tilk taffeta border, at 5c mm SSL w e .will. give T rs to Cliarity GRAND PRIZE ABSHUITELY HIGHEST AWAVJ, GIVEN PETERS' DIAMOND BRAND SHOES SHE CO. IF AMY ONE CAN PSOVE THAT ANY COIICEM HAS RECEIVED A HIGHER PRIZE ON SHOES THAN WAS AWARDED DS AT THE WORLD'S FAIR. PETERS ST. LOUIS 4 FilOTIES MAKING MORE FINE SHOES THAN ANY HOUSE IN THE WEST Cash or lifis ami dkatii. The Citpe to Cairo railroad haa reached tha Kambeal river, pretty nearly ,u0u mlle from ' Cap Town, and that tremeniloua Itrwia to about to be ajwuinea by tU high est arched atl brtdga In the world, to conduct tha road forward Into the African wllda, aoon to be the home of a nt.w and prosperous civilisation. Tha width of tha river at and above tha fulU la about a mile, and it broadens agttn to almtlar dl- nienalons below, after pouring through comparatively narrow rook g-orgee thrcugli forty or nfty miles. At flood it carles twli-e as much water as Niagara, and Its falls divides honors with the Amvrlcun cat aract a a world show and wonder. Tha bridge will be CO feet auive low water mark. Its foundations are tinlphed and the .material for the atruoture Is arriving, so that the American tourUt In likely to have a chance to crosn it lu year or two. New Tork Trlbuna. CAfU TO CAIItO It AII.HOAII. Klrhard Manslleld- was dining with a friend, a story writer, the other evening. Tha writer todk ,from his pocket a letter and tawed It with tils auger. I've lif-nrcl curious recincBts," he snlrt, "but 1 n. v. i- heard or Imagined such a one thl, (,i,.w uiuke. He's tt conMuinptlve, out in Ail"""- evld-ntly doesn't ex- , ,0 me much longer. Listen to this: ,. .Vulu Mr. Uhuik; I'va ttad tb Cist charters of your Mugntluo. C'un you si ml mu a copy o the whole thing unusual rcUext, but I n1 finish of that tale bctois New York Times. serial slory In Tinker's munuscrlDf 1'ardon this to an tha gut I