THE OMATIA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1904. IB i Oae Far Harthwret R Retara. - If you ara thinkJnf of paying visit to Tortland and th treat territory of tha northwest, now la your chance to maka the delightful trip for JuM one-half tha ezpenaa entailed at any other time. Don l postpone, for the chancea ara that you will not soon Main be offered low a rata. On Norember 8. t. 10. 11, 12. round trip Ucketa to Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, Van couver and Victoria from all polnta oft the t'nlon Pacific and connecting roads will bo old at ona way rate. This remarkably low rate haa been granted by the Union Pad lie to accommodate the delegates to the meet ing of the National Orange Patrona of Hus bandry In Portland. Provisional stop-overs will be allowed. The Cnal return limit has been fixed at December SI. 1904. thua giving travelers over a month and a half to thor oughly Investigate the boundless resources of Oregon and adjacent territory of the Northwest Xnqulra of city ticket office. 1324 Farnam afreet. II K. Wedding Ring'. Enholtn. Jeweler. DIED. OILLIOAN Patrick, age 0 years, beloved father of James Gtlligan, at his residence, 707 Hickory etreet, November 4. Funeral Monday morning. November 7, at ;30 a. m., from residence to St. Patriok'a church. interment, Holy Sepulchre ceme tery. C. ML of A. and A. O. IL members take notice. NOT BUILT IN A DAY are cities or Lif9 Insurance Companies, but in a compar atively few years the Bankers Reserve Life Company of Omaha, Nebraska, has accumulated over Three Hundred thousand Dollars, which hHs ben invested in gilt edge interest bearing si curities, Its Policies are Unexcelled Energetic, reliable men de s ring profitable agency con tracts would do well to call on or address B. H. R0BIS0N, President. 1513 DODGEST. WAUKENPHAST The name Waukenphast, la taken from an old time London shoe maker, who makea nothing but foot form shoes. We have put In a full line of mrn'a Waukenphast shoes in all sizes and widths, the stock Is plump kid, heavy flexible single soles. These shoes are ao constructed as to ensure comfort from the start no breaking In required. Price, $5.00 This shoe Is not clumsy In appear ance, as moat foot form shoes ara Drox9l Shoa Go. 1419 FARNAM STREET, esihi'i Uy-to-Oiti Shn Horn ABK FOR OUR FREE CATALOGUE. "Before You Go Under the Tape Line Have a Talk With U." w I TnE99CEFlT5I0RE; ITS NONE TOO EARLY TO THINK ABOUT YOUR DOLL BUYING FOR CHRISTMAS We have a magnificent line of Dolls, in eluding the Kestner make, in kid body jointed and bisk dressed and undressed at our low and popular prices. OUR HOSPITAL FOR DOLLS Is an advantage when you want to keej the old doll in use. We repair dolls and make them as good as new. Bring in your doll for repair work be fore the rush begins. I I 1506 FARNAM Fourteen Year Location r ma-. .. UT UrauUHl r iuuw t ammtn Same I DENTIST 'PHONB 1756 Teeth Extracted With piuhmhhhh j The moat sensitive out Pain. I , nerves removed with Dresher Bros. Omaha's Leading Tailors, 1515 FARNAM ST. Telephone 1857 OPEN EVENINGS Too Busy Mak in; Clothes to Close. After Election all thesa calamity howlers will have to say "I told yau aa," and tha rcat or tha IH'eiNF.88 world will seals down te BUSINESS and by that time the paving on Kith at. will be finished and thai enda our troubles, 'oause all our old carriage patrona ran drive down to sea us. JUST REMEMBER wha started the out prtca . ball rolling and If some others meat eur price JUST REMEMBKR WHT. Ko Hunyadl water (Janos) M 26a Qulnacetol, the guaranteed cold our .16 11.00 Lluuosone ., 79 The "ad" aays Liquosone Is worth tl.Ou, you know. U 00 La Bon Ami French Capsules...,. .1.00 Till 80c Colgate's Talcum Powder 1 Pin olga t V ood Alcehol (your bottle) 15 .15 . I .90 . .7 . .? 1.00 I Quart Wood Alcohol (your bottle). 1 Ualion wood Alcohol (your bottle) tl.00 Prruna all yoi want at 11.00 Sboop'a Restorative 12.00 Chester'a Pennvrovnl Pill. ixwet prices In the country an prescrip tions FILLED RIGHT OH NOT AT ALL. CU1 PRICR B T. TATES. Prop. . lth and Chicago 6t., Omaha. 'Phones 74? and 7V7: Ulh and N 8ta... South Omaha, 'Phone Ko. 1; 5th Ava. and Main St , Coun cil Uluns. 'Phone 233. All goods delivered lu cither ally absolutely tree. SCHAEFER'S l ew w r vUJiiCl, RegSDt SKoeman. Stryking Styles Shoes $3.50 and $2,50 The shoe that satisfies. Made in Omaha. From factory to foot. W. S. Stryker Co. Board of TraJe Eu ldiog, 312 S. 16th Sf Table d'Hoie Ditier t?- i ; 1.1 1 1 ddlVIUlldJJIC Footweaur IWe ara proud of our line of men's footwear this fall. Ws think there haa npvw hn ftn.thitf aimh lln seen In tha west. Wa show the smart est and nobbleat atyles of the season; tha newest correct lasts; all tha swell leathers In both the shiny and dull finish; tha most perfect fitting and finest finished shoes made to sell at our prices: ' $3.50. $4 find $5. I FRY SHOE cg at the ..CALUMET.. TODAY. Visit tbe Calumet Annex, Private Diqiuk Houru. (QQHsa3K9BS3BrW 9 UD1ES' SWEATERS To insure satisfaction in the end is to bet-in riiht If you have garments that netd cleaning or dyeing, the only and right way is to send tbein to a firm known for yean tor its superior work. With us it is no experimenting or trip ping around in the dark. We employ only the Very best of help, and our prices are right We do cleaning, dyeing and repairing of garments and other things. TWIN CITY DYE WORKS. 310 S. 15th Street, Omaha. Telephone I52I. . 2 N. 26th Street, Council Bluffs. Telephone 310- Out of town customers can Bend their work to either address. In Blouse or Norfolk style. Tha awelleat made. Wa oan nt and ault you In any alie or color, from ti.SO to 15 00. There la none better made than ours. Sweaters for boys. 11.00, tl.SS, $1.60. X Buster Brown Sweaters, 1 60, X Btocklnea Ilka mother used to maka and baada aa uauaL i i '! s i e JOS. . BILZ 322 So. 16th St, Omaha. Bole Afenta for Pictorial Review l'aterna. W Men's Fancy Worsted Suits High grade worth $12.50, on sale 850 TO GI1ARAN CLOTHING GO. ' 1319-1521 JouglM St. S50 SUIT SALE Dewey & Stone Furniture Go. HIS Iii7 Farnam St. A BARGAIN IN SEATS This is one of the neat est as well as the most convenient seats made the tops are nicely uphol stered with velour (in a large variety of patterns and colors) and the bases are well made of Golden Oak or Birch Mahogany finish suitable to use most any place. We have about a hundred of them which we will sell at $1.00 as long as they last. We are receiving a large line of furniture novelties for the holidays. Make your selections now later on the as sortment will not be as large. Deliveries made to suit purchasers. SEND IT HERE If you live out of town and have any cleaning and dyeing you want done send it to THE PAJfTOMUM, by express, and it will receive prompt and expert nttent'on. We are the largest cleaning and dyeing establishment in the west and employ none but expert workmen. Write us for prices and information. THE PANTORIUM Cxpert Cleaners and Dyers. I I re i III 's ceau' Q0 6 ot j lit m, nothing but 80 I III Lump $6.75. 3 S5r 407 5o. ISth St Tel. 963. PAYS TO BUY Til HAVENS . South I6th street Tl. 317-823 7t Mm n. $6.25 mmu E BEST. UMJL ON ARCH COAL no ijinoke, re shue no eliul ad coal, bums to a small ash. Wit, Grit and Gumption , Mix Ihete larr'dlentt tad you bax Infallible receipt for (access. THE OMAHA LOAN AND GUILONG ASSOCIATION baetseted It and know. ASK ABOUT IT. 1704 FARM AM STREET. BEE BUILDI!Na. It Pays 6 on Savings Accounts. 2: 'tl$ffi&TZ9.y. Oneida Community Goods "Fhr tfe luce." Ftt. Wtftra Distributors Relchetibern-Smith Co. Wholesale Jewelers (Largest In tha West.) Diamonds. Watches, Jewelry. Etc. Special Salt Wool Dress Goods Monday, See Af en Page t of Naif-Tone Section. IimAY urns THE RELIABLE ITHHK. Exceptional Bar gains in Heavy YJash Waistings Monday. Set Ad on Page 8 of Hfilt-Tcne Stction. Remarkable Clothing Values On account of the great suc cess of Saturday's sale, we have decided to continue it Monday. Several hundred new garments have for this purpose been added to the already magnificent offerings. $i2.50 AND. $15.00 SUITS AT $7.50 AND $10.00. Cheviot. Worsteds, Cafsimerpa, etc the very latest styles plain nnd fnncy mixed color, In lltfht, medium or dark shndes. Well tailored, nicely finished parments that will give splen did service our sale price Monday $7.50 $10.00 $16.50 TO $20.00 SUITS AT $12.50 AND $15.00. The most particular dressers cannot help but be pleased with these stylishly cut, exclusive looking gar ments. They are all hand tailored suits specially selected from our own stock for this sale and the price really lusults the quality. They have self retaining hair cloth fronts, have padded shoulders, hand-worked button-holes and are silk lined through outequal In fit, fabric and fashion to any custom made garment that would cost you twice the price your choice Monday, at . , ite tMii . $12.50 $15.00 . Xturl Men's Stylish Overcoats A line that has no equal in the city showing the very best of workmanship, best fabrics, neatest patterns, latest styles ranging in price from $7.50, $W.OO, $12.59, $15.00 up to $35.00 AYDEfti BROS, - '.'eUlSJl 1 John liussie Hardware Co. AND UORCD OVCR ONE Acorn Base Burners, Q'JEi Up. ...VaaU Acorn Steel Ranges, Oak Stoves, best quality, up UU Cole's Original not CJin Blast. Heater, up.......lU Peerless Malleable 411 Steel Ranges The only strictly all steel range made. Let us show you the Royal Acorn Base Burner. Gives the most; heat, burns the least fuel, 2 jr' flues escape of gas impossible. Every stove a powerful double heater without extra charge. John liussie Hardware Co. If job buy It of Huss'e, it's right." i saVaUkskat 9 v 2407-09 CUMING ST. r Always Please riua2. fit 0VH V I ; I urate Oven Thermometers TUor- -rtaintv and satisfaction about the uA: i Mnnrc's Thermometer Ranees that is unequalled. Thousands or these ranges are icular housekeepers who have a reputation for J gpoa cooKiny. f You are invited to call and whether you wish tb purchase or not, we shall be pleased to show you the working of the thermometer, the Hinncd Top, the Controller Damper and the many other points in which Moore's Ranges excell all others. Nebraska Furniture & Carpet Co. 41 3-41 5 No. 24 th St.. South Omaha. i i r a IMMMIMMHtHMIMW