TITE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6. 1904. 15 i f 1 BUSINESS CHANCES FTtER lots tn advertise N. T. suburb. Bend nUmp for nnf rot. Ocean view -high ele vation Realty Corporation, OT Broad way, N. Y. Y-M4 6k AGOOD TRADE ! offered In eirtern Nebraska. Grocery stock; also building, a brick two-story block. This la located In a county seat In eastern Nebraska and with equity In bulld li. will amount to 17,600. if ive on- good geenral stork to trade for land, three geneml stock with buildings and a hardware Mock. . I'artna and city property to trade. Let me have your wants. JOHN B. HANSEN, S3 N. T. Life. Omaha. An Exceptional Opportunity to secure a stock of clean, up-to-date gen eral merchandise; no Ktnle or unsalable fronds, with new style fixture new and clean, In the best location and building-, In the best town In the state for a busi ness of the kind. Stock Invoices Hbout IH,6ii0. The right party will secure a business that will amount yearly to 1'iO.nuO nt a barKnln. Address inquiries and bids to li. M. Bostwlck, As. 'Ik nee. Woodbine, la. Y s66 HARDWARE stock of 110,000 and building 8S,0nn, doing good business, in Iowa town, to trade for clear Iowa farm or eastern Nebraska. THt ABBOTT -COWAN CO., 304 First Nat. Bank Bldg., Omaha. Y-S55 6 Wanted, Local Manager $2,000 TO $5,000 A YEAR FOR THE RIGHT MAN We desire the services of an Intelligent man of ability to represent us In the sale of dividend-paying Investments. We can assure Interested parties that this business will be a most profitable one for them. It Is a business proposition and we are only seeking the best man to be had. To those giving satisfactory references, wo ran offer a permanent position and will open and maintain an office. Applicant must Invest 2.BW. Don't reply If you haven't the money. Address with full references and particulars, THE CLEVELAND SECURI TIES COMPANY Williamson Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. Y FOR RENT The new hotel which Is known as "The Co.onin!," on the main business street, two block from tne depot. It occupies two lots 'and la a three-story brick structure; theo are 50 rooms, Dteam heat, baths, baibec fhjp, electric and gas lighu. and al the ac cessories of a llrsi-cieaa hoadry. In an up-to-date city, ai.d easily accessible from any point. THu3. uKlir'FIl'u, Ked Oak. la. Y-m Ux FfR BALIS One-half Interest In on estab lished manufacturing business; ja.vw xnis business ha been running in umana ior six years and now pays 3.5oO per annum. Business increasing aaiiy. itereience given and required. Addresi K 64, aire Lee. Y-912 DRUG store In Omaha; good cash business; established ten years; modern fixtures; at a bargain for cash or real estute. Ad dress D 00. Bee. Y M677 ATTORNKTB EVERYWHERE. If you have account, note or claim of any Kind againBt person, nrm or iurimuuu, we can settle It for you. Call or write THE NEW BNOW CHURCH CO., Main Floor N. Y. Life, Omaha, Nub. 'Phons 133. Y-881 WH WANT the best man we can get to take charge of sale of city property. C R. GLOVER & SON Main Floor N. 1. Life. Y-M879 6 AN OPPORTUNITY To obtain a good salesman or bookkeeper without trouble or expense to yourself. WESTERN REFERENCE AND BOND AiSOClATON, Thone 4283. 840-841 N. Y. Life Bldg. Y M9a 6 YOU can never profit by business chances unless you have some money; small sav ings are tne foundation of large fortunes; start a savings accounts with J. L, Brandels 6c Bona, Bankers, 19th and Doug las Bis. Amu over t40U.UGU.lKJ. S WE CAN sell your real estate or business, no matter where, located. If you desire a quick sale send us description and rTe B. Commerce $100 averages $.'0 monthly; profits paid weekly; send for particulars; agents wanted. Fordyce & I'luce, li Liberty St., New York. Y 774 6x 1300 PER MONTH easily made by stock brokers; be one; we teach you, furnish you, start you. Send 25 certa for particu lars. Bquure Deal Brokerage Co., Port land, Ore. Y 733 6x FOR SALE HORSES & WAGONS FOR SALE Branu new buggy, Juel pur chased; never been used; price a bar gain. l. W. Williams, care Omaha Hee. P Mlntt 7 FIN 13 $375 pneumatic Stanhope, nearly new, IU5; open puuumullo runabout, StM. Lrum mond, Win and Hartley. P 370 FOR BALE Horses for city driving or de livery. Your livery trade solicited In either buggy or carriage work. Mel cholr's Livery Barn. P 3,3 high grade, second-hand, cheap. 11. E. Fredrlckson, iimid ahaDS. chuaD. ToOl Capitol Ave. P-948 N j STYLISH carriage traps, good as new, with one or two seals, at ridiculously low prices. Johneon & Danforth, S. W, Cor. loth and Jones Sts. P-M10O FINE 3-year-old registered I'ercheron sud, cheap. S. LJltletield, Syracuse, Neb. pMu3-14x IF you need a milch oow, horse, buggy, wagon or harness, find what suits you and I will buy ii and sell It lo you on monthly payments. I have a large stock always on baud. If you canot find what you want I will procure It for you. OWN, 70S N. Y. Life Bldg. Thonu 2200. FOR SALE Good driving horse, cheap; sorvlceably sound. w. . jaccora. P-i37- WANTED TO BUY BHONFELD. th ANTIQUARIAN, 83 N. Y. Life, pays highest prion for book. TL Unas. N-44S CASH for your horses, barn. Me'.choli's Llvary N-&U CASH for your horses. Melcholr's Livery barn. U-Ul WANTED Stork flO.OuO to tl6,0i4. general merchandise, Addreas K 4', Ilea. N-MotJ 8 WANT a few cheap quarters of land In Nebraska; win py cash. Send legal de scription and price lo C. A. AicCiure ot tumwa. la. N M-j ( WANTED Safe, In exchange for piano; hlgii grade. Perrield Piano Co., 1611 Far nam fat. Phons 701; open evenings- 9 P- m. N 701 WE HAVE a customer who wants the best JVRM and WHEAT farm In eastern Js" C R. GLOVER 6k SON Room 1, N. Y. Life. Phone 133. N-MwU BEVEHAL teams of horses, quiet, round and willing, about 1 .100 pounds each horsa Tom Buker, bammasler, Tllti uB,,. NETT COMPANY. MUSIC Ml'Slf Mrs Manlove, thorough teacher of voice t mining and artistic slngln 611 Karbach Blk. S.J K( SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING A." C. VAN SANT8 school. 7irNTT.l.ife. --tuo price, Berore ouying a business or p -r- erty of any kind, anywhere, write us. J " have, or can get. what you want. N Johnson 4 Co., 606 8, Bank jr dug., twansas city, Aio. X SECRET SOCIETY NOTICES "! Teasale, Cre Izteeatb ! Car tel !, CAPITOL, LODQK, NO. t A. F. A. M. Will work Master Mason degree Tuesday evening. November tnimiv with Ne- vening, nuvemoer 8, Jointly who rsska. No. 1. A. F. A. M.. In 1st"9 iall. Lunch at i o'clock. Banquet after hi work. R. V. Cole, Master. John Bam ford, Beo'y. NKBRA8KA. NO. I A. F. A. M.-WI1I work Master Mason degree Tuesday even ing, November 8, Jointly with Capitol Lodge, No. 1, A. F. A A. M , In large hall. Lunch at S oclock. Banquet after wnrlr CharlM L. Shook. Master. COVERT LODOB, NO. 11, A. F. A. M -Special meeting Wedne-diy evening, No vember 9, at 8 o'clock. Work in Lntered Apprentice degree. Allen Romano, Master. F. W. Boyer, Sec y. BKLLEVUE CHATTER, NO. 7, R. A. M 8pecial convocation Wednesday evening. Will work Mark Master Fast and Most Excellent, beginning at 7:30. Visitors In vited. A. T. Ayers, Sec'y. ORDER OF EASTER STAR. VESTA CHAPTER. NO. , ORDER EAST ERN STAR Special meeting for work Saturday, November 19. at 8 p. m. Winifred Wallace, Sec y. KMUrilS OK FHTHIA9. NEBRASKA LODGE. NO. 1, K. OF I Kegular meeting Monday evening, No vember 7, at s p. m. Visitors Invited. B. B. Anderson, C C. Koy A. DoUge, K. ii. & S. TRIANGLE 1X3 DO E, NO. 64 Meets every Thursday evening, Castle hall, i:2d and Cuming. Visitors always welcome. D. B. Htlne, C. C. J. K. Stlne, K. K. A S. I. O. O. K. STATE LODGE, NO. 10 Meets every Mon day In I. O. O. F. hall, northwest, corner Fourteenth and Dodge streets. C. M. Coffin, Sec., K14 Dodge. BEACON LODGE, No. 20. Meeting Tues day evening, November 8, at 8 p. m., In I. O. O. F. hall, Fourteenth and Dodge ts. Work In first degree. All members please attend; visitors Invited. E. C. Buikett, N. U. J. L. Alblson, Sec. HOYAL AHCAMJt. UNION PACIFIC COUNCIL. NO. 1069 Special social session Monday evening, Navember 7, at Royal Arcanum hall, loth and Harney. Cigars and refreshments. All members urgently requested to attend. Invito your friends. Good speaking. Alex Reed, Regent. Harry B. Morrill, Secretary. PIONFJEn COUNCIL, NO. 11 Meets In regular session Tuesday, November 8, in Continental block, Fifteenth and Douglas. Visitors Invited. Thomas G. Magrane, Secretary, PRINTING LYNGS TAD & RL FFNER. PDIMTPW1 Crounse Block, Corner of rrVUX 1 CPO wth St. and Capitol Ave. 374 KRAMER & CHANDLER, QUICK PRINTERS, llOC-vS Douglas St. To de liver work when promised is our hobby. -375 J. M. SIRPLESS. reliable printer; estab lished 12 years. 203 S. 13th St., Omaha. -377 FLORISTS HE33 A SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam. 431 CHAS EDERER. Reasonable. 30th and Bristol, Tel. 1795 M929 L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Send for price list of cut flowers and plants. 432 ALFRED DONAGHUE, JR., 1607 Farnam. Tel. 3.133. -433 PATENTS YOU can't afford to start to take out a pat ent for a valuable invention without first writing me; you can save money and get a better patent. A. W. Crossley, 802 F St., Washington, D. C. PATENTS H. A. Sturgls, registered attor ney. Patents, trade marks, copyrights. No fees unless successful. 617 New York Life building, Omaha, Neb. 359 BRASS FOUNDRIES BRASS and aluminum casting, nickel plat ing -and finishing. Specialty Mfg. Co., 41 N. Main St.. Counoil Bluffs. . t T" "'LTTI'Ti l It: -Vi-'' .-.H. ... For Hack;?, Rockaways, Broughara3 and Heavy Carriage. Best Quality Shaped for Long Wear. We offer spooial inducement! on 23 ani Second-Hand Dugcies, Surrlej, Stanhope and Station Wagons thU month. It' will interest you to take a look now. DRKOND'S I8fh and Harniy SIroofs J s"""!' si urn i ii ijiri tork la Sight. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western markets yesterday: -u.uie. l;gs. Blieep. South Omaha Bioux City ... Kansas City St. lxuls ht. Joseph ... 8'.8 50.1 I.uw l.bno I.O11O 914 400 l.btai S(W0 6.4tt5 16,'JOO ' rt.m 1 8.8t Chicago 1.0O 4,300 Totals .... 5,192 Mlliraakeo Orala Market. MILWAUKEE, Nor. l-WHKAT Mar ket steady; No. 1 northern, $1.16tl.l; No. $ northern, $1.1061.14; Mv, $LU. KVK Steady; No. 1, 80c, HAKLEY Steady ; No. 2, oac; sample, l&i) o2o. CORN-Strong; May. 15c. Liverpool Urala Market. IJVERPOOU Nov. -WHEAT Snot, nominal; futures, dull; lieceiuber, 7s2d; March. 7s4d; May. 7s 3d. j- ColtN Spot, steady; American mixed, 4h ad. Futures, quiet, December, lsd; January, 4s4'd. Toledo seed Market. TOLFOO. Nov. $-8EKI)8-Clover, cash, $7 21; February. $7.47; March. $7.50; prime aisike, ft. so; prime iiuiotny, i.i.v I (. r'Cr ". ?,'f v." I Hli i iri"'"''1 " -'-"--- i r NEW RUBBER TIRE NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Market Dull, with Dealings in Hands cf Boom Traderi. UNITED STATES STEEL THE FEATURE Prices MoTfd tp and Down wild Its Flnetaallons Mlssoarl Facile Lower oa December Earalncs. NEW YORK, Nov. S.-Today'a rather dull trading In stocks was largely In the bands of room traders and their uncertain nvod left small Impressions on the market. The tone of the market was decided by the United States Bteel stocks. These were affected by realizing and the traders sold m consequence. There was a rally late in the morning- on covering of shorts, but prices eased off again In sympathy with the late decline of a point of United States Steel preferred. The decline of IV in Am;il- f amated Copper was an additional influence n affecting a market which was still largely given over to the Industrial special tics. The advanes In Tennenee Coal, Re public Steel preferred and a few other less important Industrials proved a substitute for United States Steel as a suxtalnlng fao tor in the market. There was no marked pressure to sell, but the disinclination to proceed with speculative ventures until after the election left little sustaining power. The bank statement agreed closely with the indications from the week's currency movement, the loss by gold exports being fully reflected In the cash decrease, but with today's 2,000,0u0 shipment to Cuba still to be accounted for. The queetlon of further gold outgo to Europe next 'S'eek is still open and the tide of the currency movement with the Interior has turned In favor of New York less decisively than anticipated. Missouri 'Pacific's decline In gross earn !"."'! ff the fourth week of October hurt that stock and New York Central s small J"raso for October was disappointing. The market closed easy. Total sales of bonds, par value, $3,475,000. Quotations ranged as follows on the New York Stock exchange: Sitfes. High. Low. Close. Atchison O.iUU S64 to do pld li. & u do pfd Can. 'aclflc Central of N. J C'hes. & Ohio Chicago 6c A do pfd Chicago ut. Western C. & N. W 400 loin. 101 ldl 2,ui W, H414 & 600 12h m U6i 1,000 45 44H 44 S6 0 tl,3o0 23 22- 2ii c-i M S'- P l,4uu 171Mi 170H 1?0H au.. Chicago T. & T. lJ',x 100 400 10t4 23 Vi 23 54 14 33k 1S4 10 io. a 64 33 143 V, 306 0 71' 61H C. C. c'."&Ht"'i'..'''.' Colo. Southern 306 J2tt 334, 1S4 815 a Si) 71H 6 H4 SO vc 1421 X ii) 2Vi oo 1st ptd 100 do 2d pld 100 Del & Hudson 200 lJel., Lt. & V 100 315 U. H U 2u0 2,7, uo pia Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Hocking Valley do pfd 111. Central Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd L. & N Munhnttan L Met. Securities Met. Si. Hy Minn. & at. L M., St. P. ox H. bte M. do pfd Mo, Pacific M., K. & T do ufd m 22,200 1.100 200 200 i 200 luO 100 100 72 61H 00 S8H 2'- 4 29 hi S8 142 27 Vi 48 29'i 60 CK U2 132 ViZ' 40 IU 161, 161H 1.100 gi 61 V, M 5,300 Ui Ui'M, VU-m .. .. 66ft 2o0 91H 81V. 91 14ft 7,400 103 102H 102v4 1,100 in 31 31 1,1'JO buhi 6t 2u0 40 HUu SS!. Nat'l it. R. of M. pfd i-N. i. uenirui.... Norfolk At W . 60,oo0 ISjVx U4-k 13j . 2,200 72 ) 72i 72V4 90 . 2.100 42 V 42 il do ptd Ontario & W Pennsylvania P. C. C. & St. La., ofd 3u,Ml0 1.-, 134 134 Reading 10.C00 73 'i do 1st pfd . 72V4 72 S6hi do lid ptd 100 Rock Island Co 23,3o0 do pfd 6u0 St L. Ac S. F. 2d Did K.ii 79 33 Vs 73 03 231, 60' CI 79V4 3-'i, 23 7a 83 72 62 23 60 116 St, Lk fl. W 1,000 do Pfd. 1.500 8,600 ft So. Paclflo do pfd , 80. Railway do pfd Texas dc Pacific. Tol., St. L. dc W do pfd Union Pacific... do pfd Wabash do pfd W. & Lake Erie Wis. Central do ufd 100 llti'A 116U. 2,900 3t X3 X3 83 U3 1,800 34H ft 48 16,500 110 109 10j 200 96 96 96 2,6'JO 21 21 21 700 12 42, 42' 18 100 loo 22 45 17 22 17 i2 45 17 240 208 113 237 72 2i 84 S" 95 8 85 13 84 28 90 73 111 145 102 87 42 216 19 76 85 178 18 77 88 70 24 96 Mexican Central l.SoO Adams Ex... American Ex 200 210 U. S. Ex Wells-Fa rgo Ex 210 Amal. Copper 82,100 Amer. Car & F I,5o0 do pfd 100 Amer. Cotton Oil 100 do pfd 27-t 27 S4 64 30 80 Amer. Ice do pfd Amer. Linseed Oil... do pfd Amer. Locomotive.... do pfd Amer. Smelt. & R... do pfd Amer. Sugar Ref Anaconda M. Co Brooklyn R. T Colo. Fuel & Iron.... Con. Caa Corn Products do pfd Distillers' Securities. General Electric Inter. Paper do pfd Inter. Pump do pfd Nat l Lead No. American Pacific Mull People's Om Pressed Steel Car.... do pfd Pullman P. Cnr Republic Steel do pfd Rubber Goods 100 'i 8 8 85 600 , 25 100 , 96 M4 Mil 39 OUO 4U 89 1.600 400 108 32 1T 108 82 79 220 13 61 22 88 6.1 13 93 ? 27 RS 2-H 8?,i 170 8,400 J.HiO 400 i'o'.im I2,3"0 13 66 22 62 12 91 63 do pfd Tenn. Coal & I U. S. Ieather.. do pfd 400 T;. S. Realty & Imp. 2o0 S. S. Rubber do pri U. S. Steel do pfd Westlngh. Flectrlc Western Union.... ,.. 61.600 ... 53.9u0 23 82 100 90 90 90 Total sales for the day, 133.600 shares. New Tork Honey Market. NEW Y'ORK, Nov. l-MONEY-On call, nominal; no loanx; time loans steady; sixty nd ninety days and six months, 3i per ( nt; prince msrcuntlle paper, 4'j.4 per cent. SILVER Bar, 58c; Mexican dollars, 46o, HONDS Government, steady; railroad, heavy. STERLINO EXCHANOE-Steady, with actual buwiness In bankers' bills at $4 SC-lTic 4.8050 for demand and at $4 S370gi4 K375 for slxty-daiy bills; ported rates. $4.84 and $4.87; commercial bills. $4.83&4.83. The follovsiiiK ure tut ci"tiiiisr quotatlnns on stocks and bonds: U. 8. rat. Is. raf....lfH!ManhatUn . m. 4a I0a IIW 7 101-4 do coupon m Mr, central 4a do to, ref ..104.1 do lat Inc. s) coupon dx new 4a, rag, do coupon do old 4a, rag.. do coupon .tchlaon sn. 4a. do adj. 4a........ Atlantic C. L 4a Bal. A Ohio 4s.... ...104!Mlnn. A 8t. L. 4a ...140 M., K. A T. 4s... ...t do I' a.' ...104S4 N. R. R. of M. e. 4a. 7kV ,..10H N T. C. 1 lv.a 100 ...1014.IN. J. O. s. (a U3 ... i No. Paclfici ta les ... do 1 74W ...101 IN. A W. e. e, 0in do ! .. M O. I, L 4 par.... 104 Central of 0. 6s... .111 Pern. eon. 101 do lat hie M Heading (an. 4a 101 Choa. A Ohio 4"aa...l0SHSt u A I. 14. a. Ia..lit Culcaso A A. Is... St. Ltir. tg. 4a. 47 C, B. A Q. n. 4a.... 41 St. L 8. W. la 7 C. M. A 8 P. f. 4.ll0'iHeeboard A. L. 4s.... tl C. A N. W. e. It... .1-1 So ParlSc 4i 14V C, R. I. A P. 4a.... 741alBo. Railway ta lil'i do col. la t Taiaa a V. la U CCC. a St. L. a. la.. 101 T.. St. U A W. 4a.. m Chicago Tar. 4a i t'plon Pacific 4a... ..l'i'"i Con. lotaeoe 4a.., C.lo. A So. 4a... T. A R. a. 4a.. grit prior lien 4a do gen. 4a P. W. A D. C. la Hocklug Val. 4a U A N. aul. 4a.. Offered. 74 do aonv. 4a I'. I. Steal M to. WiUth la do deb. B .,in, ..1175 .. 16 .. It .. 12 .. 11 ..HI l"t . wi W A U K. 4a.,,. .1111 Wla. Central 4a ... , 10. ,1 cola, fuel a. la.. .101 I Forelga Ftnsaeial. LONDON, Nov. .-With the week end the demand for money leesned todiy. Discounts were Hun owing to the weak ness of continental exchanges. On the Stock exchange a heavy feeling prevalxd as a result of the monetary position. Con sols and home rails were dull. AmciicHn opened lrrKular, Improved to a fraction altove parity and then remained steady, but monly neglected. Uril n iac:fic was In better runtieat. United Siates Steel was buoyant. Foreigners were Irregular. Peru vians were the feature being helped by the trulttc Increase. Imperial Japanese govern ment fa ot srz c-e uutstl At 8-1. Kaillre 1,100 2S 28 lo0 97 97 3,200 74 78 1O0 111 111 8,900 140 145 100 104 104 7,600 67 66 7.S00 43 42 600 215 216 6,000 19 18 600 70 76 800 85 36 200 173 173 700 18 18 100 77 77 were quietly firm, ewlnaj to hopea of a good October output. PARIS, Nov. 4 The tone tn the pours today was firm and price had an upward tendency. Ruslan Imperial 4s were quoted at B3.9u and Russian bonls of I'M at M4. The private rate of discount was 1 ll-i per cent. BERLIN, Nov. 6. Trading on the Bourss today was quiet. Boston Stock Market. BOSTON, Nov. I Call loans, 2-33 per cent; time loans. TTO per mni. uuituu Ing of stocks and bonds: Atchison dl. 4.... M I shea rrult to At 101 ,-ntnf enmmoa . Hex. C.ntnU 4a A4turs clos- .i" . M . . 14 . Tt . 13V. . 114 . SJH .uo . SI . 434. . 11 . (a . vt . . M . t . 24 . to . tm .104 . aMi .126 . 14S . 13 . 10 . 4t . 4 . lt . M Atchison S AIIosm o bM 140 Air.(lMlut4 .... Rcwton A Albany. ...IM Amrrlraa Zinc .. Dnnton ElTted AtKntlo Fltohburg pfd 1.U Blishim Mlcs Ontral .... 17H Mai. it Heels.... N. Y.. M. H. A H...1MS4 Ontnnll Pr M.rqwlto "4 Co.nr Rng ... loioa PiciBc 110 tir Amer. Art Chm... It Dominion Coal 4o pfd 80H Iilr Royals Amer. Pneo. Tube... Mlrhltn Amer. Sugar 144 ; Mohawk to rfd l.H Mont. C. A C... Amer. T A T 141UjOld Dominion ... Amer. Woolan .. 174 Oai-eoia .. 13 . Parrot do efd rtomlnlon I. A 8. II uutr.er ration Flee. Illu :0 Ifhannon ... rxneral Electric ....Ji3'..MTsiarsck Ma Fa. Flectrlc do p'd Man. Oaa 1 1 1 tad Shoe Marh. do pfd V. 8. Rtaal do pfd Bid. "Asked. II Trlrlty t.s'iitr. 8. Mlnlni.... 4H,t'. 8. on S4 t'tah H V Victoria 2)S;Wlnna U'i'Wolrerlna London Stock Market. LONDON, Nov. 6 -Closlng: ronaola, money ... 1M 14 N. T. Cantial... ..1V, .. 74 .. l .. 4iH .. 70 .. 10 .. 17 .. 44 .. 41 .. K .. .. 42 ..113 .. r: .. 26 .. 7 .. : .. 44 do account . i7iNoriaix at w.... . 41 do pfd . S7H Ontario A W.. .104S4 Piriijlr.nla ... At acenda Ate i Iron do pfd Baltimore A Ohio. Canadian Pacific . ( hea. A Ohio Chicago Ot. W.... C, M. A St. P. ... Depeera DenTt A R. O... do pfd Erl do lit pfd db td pfd Illli ola Central ... Loula. A Naan.... 7ta Pana hi oaa .... ,11:1 nii.nii . . 4i. I do lat pfd . X44! do td pfd .17ivSoutncrn Railway . II do pfd . tla Soi'thern Paclflo . . U Ut los Paclflo .... . 40 : do pfd . 14 U. 8. Steal . Mtl do pfd .1441Wabath .1341a do ptd M , K. A T . 48 I SILVER Par, steady, 26d per ounce. MONEY 2W2 Per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 2Va3 per cent; for three months' bills, 8 per cent. New York Mlnlaa; Stocks. NEW YORK, Nov. the closing prices on 6. The following are mining stocks: Adams Con 21 , eo Little Chief Oi.tarlo Ophlr Ihoanlx Potoal So vase blerra Nevada ... Small Hopes .... Statdard Alice Breeca Urunswlck Con .. Comstock Tuonel Con. Cat. A Va.. Hem ailTar Iron 81 1 Tar LaadTllls Con .... ....ISO ,...IJ5 .... II .... 10 .... 24 .... 14 .... a ....144 . 16 . t . .1 .130 ,.m . 1 Clearing; Honse Averages. NEW YORK, Nov. 5 The statement of averages of the clearing house banks of this city for the week shows: Loans, 81,139,883,500, decrease, $2,407,100; de posits, l,i:6 lu2,400, decrease Js, 21. 8X1; cir culation, 842,60.600 decrease, $'3.400; legal tender, $77,800,700, decrease, $1,691,300; specie, r231.299,MK), decrease, $7,060,400; reserve, m 16O.500, decrease, $8,751,700; reserve required, $299,038,100, decrease, $2,070,4r.O; surplus. $10, 112.400, decrease, $0,681,250; ex-I'nlte1 States depoBlts, $15,957,275, decrease, $6,676,700. Itew Tork Exports end Imports. NEW YORK, Nov. 5-Tofal Import of dry goods and general merchandise at the port of New York for the week ending to day were valued at $14,753 602. Lxports of epecle from New York for the week were $5,330 878 gold, and $276.!i6e Fllver. Imports of speclo at New York during the week were $26,683 silver, and $208,287 gold. Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON, Nov. 6. Today's state ment of the treasury balance In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $15J,Oii0,000 gold reserve In the division of redcmptlrn, shows: Avniiable cash balance, $148,099,240; gold, $83,809,598. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET Condition of Trade and Quotations on Staple and Fancy Produce. EGGo '- iiid.ed slock, inc. LIVE POULTRY Hens, 7c; roosters, 60; turkeys, 16c; ducks, 8J9c; geese, to; spring chickens, 8c. BUTTER Packing stock. 12c; choice to fancy diary, 17uloo; creamery, 18$21o; fancy prints, zc. FRESH FROZEN FISH Trout, 10o: pick erel, 8c; pike, luc; perch, 7c; bluerlsfi, lo; whiteflBh. loc; Balmon, 14c; redsnupper, Ho; lobster, green, 2oc; lobster, boiled, Wc; bull heads, lie; cattish, 14c; black baas, 20c; hal ibut, 10c; crapplea, 12c; roe shad, $1; buf falo, 7c; while bass, 11c; frog legs, per dog., 25c. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whole sale Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 upiana, o.oo; jno. i. 40.1x1; medium, 15.50; coarse, $6.00. Rye straw. $6.00. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. OYSTERS New York counts, per can, 46c; extra selects, per can, 87c; standards, per can, 32c; bulk, standards, per gal., $1.35; bulk, extra selects, per gat., jl.75; bulk New York counts, per gal., $2.00. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Florida, sixes 128, 156. 176. 200 216, 2u0, $3.60. LEMONS California fancy, 27v. 000 and 860, r.00: choice. $4.60. DATES Per box of 80-lb. pkgs., $2.00; Hallo.vl in 70-lb. box. per lb.. 60. FIGS California per 10-lb. carton, 763 85c; Imported Smyrni, 4-crown, 12o; 6-crown, 14c; 7-crown, 16c; fancy Imported washed, In 1-lh. pkgs., IC'fflSc; California! per case of thirty-six pkgs., $2.25. BANANAS Per medium sized bunch. $2.oo&.50; Jumbo, $2.76452.60. FRUITS. APPLES Home giown Jonathan, per bbl.. $4.00; Hen Davis. $2.26: New York Talman and Pound Sweets, $3.00; New Y'ork Kings, $3 00; New York Pippins, $2.76; New York GreeningB, $2.25; New York Baldwins $2.50: Colorado Jonathans and Wine Saps.' pei bu. box, $1,60. PE.ARS Utah, Colorado and California, fall varieties, per box. $1.7502.2$; New York Keefer pears, per bbi., 3.60; New York Dutch, per bbl., $4.00ijJ4.25. CELERY Per dox.. 26&60c. GRAPES New York and Ohio, per 8-Ib basket, 21$p22c; imported MaUgas. per ketr $6.0C4j6.0a CRANBERRIES Cape Cods and Wiscon sin Bell and Cherry, per bbl., $8.00; per box. $2.50. VEGETABLES. POTATOES New home-grown. In sacks, per bu., 40c. TURNIPS Per bu.. 60c; Canada ruta bagas, per lb., lo. NAVY BEANS Per bu.. $1.962.00. ONIONS Home-grown, In sacks, per bu . 60c; Spanish, per crate, $1.90. 'TOMATOES Home-grown, per market basket, 2f.& 36c. CABBAGE Home-grown, per 100 lbs.. 70a. SWEET PO TATOES-Home-grown, per bu. basket, 75c; Virginia, per bbl., $2 60 GREEN PEPPERS Pe. bu. basket, 60a SQUASH Home-grown, per dox.. 60c. EGO PLANT Home-grown, per doa.. 75c BAUER KRAUT Wisconsin, per i,eKi $2.50. ' CIDER New York, per bbl., $6.25; per bbl., $3.25. " HORSE RADISH Per do., 85c. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream, 12c; Wisconsin Young America, 12c; block Bwiss, new. 15c; old, M(17c; Wisconsin brick, 13c: Wisconsin llmberger, 13c. NUTS WalnutH. No. 1 soft shell, new crop, per lb., 14c; hard shell, per lb. lac; No. 2 soft shell, per lb., 12c; No. hard shell, per lb., 12c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., 7c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 8c; Chill Walnuts, per lb., 12'ul3c; almonds, soft Shell, per lb., 17o; hard thell, per lb., 15c; chestnuts, per lb.. i.'Wil&c; new black wal nuts, per bu., 75ijj90c; shellbark hickory nuts, per bu., $175; large hickory nuts, per bu., $1.60. HIDES No. 1 green, 7c; No. 2 green, 6e: No. 1 salted, 8c; No. 2 salted. 7c; No. veal calf. So; No. 2 veal calf, 7c; dry salted, 10'a'.6c; sheep pvlta, Zicii 11.00; horse sides. $1.5o'4j3.00. Sinax City Llv Htoek Market i. Tfl . VI , CHlvta uu vuiinip.a, .AifVf.ou HOGS Receipts, 8.000 head: market a shade lower, selling at $l.8u'(4.5; bulk, $4 86 4.90. 1 t. Joseph Lira Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH, Nov.'S.-CATTLERecelpta. $44 heid; market steady. HOGS Receipts. 6.4io head; market 6fjl0e lower; light, $4&'uv4.90; medium and heavy. H S'lft! V). ' SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, none. Wool Market. IONDON, Nov 8. -WOOl,- Trading Is dull. Merinos h"W an easier tendency, but crues-breds are firm. 1 hn arrivals of wool for the sixth series of suction sales amount to 401, 4iJ bales, including k.OoO balea for warded direct to pinners. The lmpor.e this week were: New South Wales, ii bales; Victoria, 111 bales; Buuth Australia, 811 bales; Cape of Gi.od Hnpe and Nttal, 220 bales; Singapore, t.oift bales; elsewhere, M balea. ST. LOl'18. Nov. .-VOOI,-8taady; niedlum grailea, combing and clothing, t "if 27u, Uiiht fine. 17i(i21oi heavy tine. l.tflTo; tub washed, aitflba. SIOUX CITY, la., Nov. S.-fEpeclal Tele gram,! CATTLE Receipts. 6.) head; mar ket steady; beeves, $3.r.tKlj'1.0o; cows, bulls anri Mifvil 1? 2t:iIi:t.Afl! alfnkera Anrl f.r.il.M OMAHA LIVE STOCK 111REET Best Csrnfed Steer. Steady for the Week, Other Oonsiderably Lower. WESTERN STEERS HIGHER THAN WEEK AGO Hogs Bhow Loss ef a Dins for Week and Fat Sheep and Umbi Steady to Ten Higher, with Feeders Fifteen ta n ttnarter Higher. SOUTH OMAHA. Nov. i. 1904. Receipts were: Cattle. H g. 8hep. Official Monuay 4 8 4 1 1,8-1 v.-incia4 Tuesday 4, of J Official Wednesday 7.3T4 Ofhcittl 1 hut aday 8,1164 Official Friday l.ti Official Saturday Ivi Total this week 26.181 Total lsst week 82. W3 Total week before 26,166 Same three weeks sgo...2S.4rf Same four weeks ago. .. .25,068 Same week last year 27.639 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts ef "tile, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, with comparison with last year; 1904. 1903. Inc. Pec. V.ttle 781,860 it.;92 U,i4.' " 1.93J.406 1,810.585 61,820 Sheen 1 ta 717 1 M7 i? 17 Mcl The following table snow the average price of hogs at South Omaha lor the last evcrai aas with comparisons: Date. I 18O4.18O$.HO2,1801.1800,189.1838, Oct. 17.. Oct 18.. Oct. 1., Oot. 20., Oct. 21.. Oct. 22.. Oct. 23.. Oct. 24., Oct. 28., Oct. 26.. Oct. 27.. Oct. 28.. Oct. 29.. Oct. SO.. Oct. 31.. Nov. 1.. Nov. 2.. Nov. 8.. Nov. 4.. Nov. 5.. 6 0? t7, 8 25 6. 4. .4 li.zw 6.2b0 1.14( .410 13.34a 4,il 1MI 6.621 82.524 67.474 S2.116 63.676 19,481 7682 W.HA 6u,6 84,090 94.058 3U.667 72.S.M) 4 641 4 bi 4 161 4 10 t 16 8 70 8 67 m t 11 6 03 V U'a 8 07 4 bl 4 681 a I 4 2l 4 611 4 EH 4 481 4 581 3 73 3 71 4 51 D 13 6 17 8 22 6 20 6 08 S 00 4 95 4 08 5 07 8 171 6 14 t 14 4 13 I 66 3 65 S tt 4 161 4 14 4 13 3 38 8 251 4 181 S 4 4 101 2 47 6 1" 5 04 1 4 64 a I 4 101 $ 62 8 54 4 7I 4 621 4 601 4 47 4 611 4 601 4 92 4 09 4 1! 4 S4 4 83J 4 881 4 03 2 56 4 Oil 3 55 4 041 3 45 4 Ml 4 86 4 87 4 DO I 4 7fl 4 88 4 74 4 66i 4 041 8 46 4 02 8 M 8 62 711 4 1 Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road whs: Cattle. HogK. ti les. CM. St. P. Ry.. 13 Wabash Union Pacific system C. & N. W. Ry 12 16 F., B. & M. V. R. R.. B. M. Ry C, B. & Q. Ry... C. R. I. & P. Ry. C, R. I. & P. Ry east., west. Illinois central Chicago Qt. Western.. Total receipts 84 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing tne number of head Indicated: Cattle. Hog". Omaha Packing Co Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour A Co Armour & Co., Sioux City.. 657 ;8 , U 1.185 1.186 1.658 Totals 11 8,854 CATTLE There were several cars of cat tle reported this morning, but no quotable cnange in tne market took place, l(e celpts this week have been quite moderate, there being a decrease, as compared with last week amounting to about 7,000 head, and, as compared with the same week of last year, there Is a falling off of about 2,000 head. With a good demand from all sources, the market on most kinds has bein very satisfactory to the selling in terests. Cornfed steers have been In light supply all the week and particularly has that been true of the most desirable grades. That class of cattle may be quoted steady for tho week.- The medium to common cattle, though, have been neglected, and, owing to the break In prices at other points last week, packers took off 26ifl60o here during the present week. With that much of a decline the market Is of course very Irregular, so that some sales look much better than others. Good to choice grades sell from $6.00 to $6 60, with the .common to medium from $4.00 to $5.76. The demand for western range beef steers has been In good shape all the week and prices have improved a little, particularly on the more desirable grades, which in some cases may be as much as IO&I60 higher than they were a week ago. The common and medium grades may also be a little stronger, but still the improve ment on that class has not been so no ticeable. Strictly choice cuttle have been very scarce this week, and in fact nothing prime has been offered. Good to choice cattle, though, may be quoted from $3.00 to $4.78. Fair to good, $3.16 to $3.76, and the commoner grades from $3.00 down. The cow market has changed but little during the week. Prices eased off a trifle early in the week, but the loss has since been regained, so that closing prices are fully as good as those In effect a week ago. Good to choice grades may be quoted from $2.76 to $3.25; fair to good, $2.25 to $2.75, and canners and cutters, $1.50 to $2.26. Bulls, veal calves and stairs are also selling In Just about the same notches they were a week ago. The demand for stockers and feeders this week has been fully equal to the supply and prices have Improved a little, particu larly on the better grades. Buyers all seem to want cattle of good quality, so that those of all weights have sold freely where the quality was satisfactory. The advance on such kinds for the week amounts to about 10215c, and but very few are left In the yards at the end of the week. The common klndx, though, have not been quite as ready sellers, but still even those are a little stronger than they were a week ago. Good to choice frades may be quoted from $3.60 to $3.86; air to good, $3.00 to $3.50, and common kinds from $3.00 down. Representative sales: K At. 17 Ml 14 1R6 79 14 M IIS tl 110 76 S47 14 144 SB. Pr. ... 1 45 120 1 It 100 4 84 40 4 8714 ... 4 17 ... 4 T Ko. 107... Tl II II ST.... 71.... 78.... tl 48.... OS.... 16.... 4.... Tt.... 46.... Tl 11...., 63.... 71...., T5...., 81 11 t 14 61 1 Tt 15 tl...., TO At. ...261 ...267 ...2ll ...lit ...Ut ...t'H ...131 ...!7t ...111 ...no ...911! ....120 ....131 ...j;o ...114 ...241 .. .SKI ...til ...ESI ...lul ...HI ...tf.l ...171 ...141 Bh. Pr. ... 4 10 10 1 SO 120 4 10 120 4 10 ... 4 rl 84 4 10 40 4 10 140 4 W 10 4 10 ... 4 M ... 4 10 10 4 11 M 4 tO 80 4 0 so 1 to too 1 is lto 1 to ... 4 10 40 4 10 10 1 to ... 4 0 4 I7Mj 4 T 4 17V, 4 47W, 44 IU i:0 110 40 14.. 140 64 67 T 7 64 4 48 ..114 . .65 . .141 ..171 ..171 ..Ml ..t7 10 4 17', 4 17 4 17 4 17 4 4 '1 4 17 too 40 0 110 41. .144 71. til 1 17 1 17 79. Tl. .lit 10 ..121 1M ..170 100 ..141 120 1 17 I 17 4 17 Tl 18... to 40 1M 80 4 M 4 tl I 10 4 M to... Tl... 14.,. 40... 46... (8... 64... ft... ..161 H0 1 17 ..til 10 1 17 ..161 110 . .tt lit ..161 10 .1.10 too ..810 40 . ll to 4 SiiS m 4 87 4 17 ...168 IM U0 4 10 111 110 1 10 .121 ... 4 10 .UO ... 4 10 .111 40 4 to .til ... too 14. til to U. HOGS There was a moderate run of hogs here this morning, but reports from other points were unfavorable to the selling In terests, and as a result the market eased off a little. The market could best be described by calling It active and a shade lower, as buyers look hold quite freely and salesmen cut loose ft the prices of fered, as there was no chance of an im provement, In view of the situation at other points. All the early arrivals were sold bv the middle of the forenoon. The bulk of the hogs went at $4 87 and with very little below and very little above. As high as $6.00 was paid for a lond averaging 238 pounds. For the week receipts have been about the same as for last week, and, ae com- fared wtlh the same week of last year, here is en Increase of about (.000 head. The table above will show tho exact fig ures. Prices have ductus ted up and down to quite an extent, and closing prices are just about a dime lower than those In force at the close of last week. As compared with the low dsy of the week, which was Wednesdsy, c Inert rig prices are Bjlv.ut 6 hlrher. Representative sale: SHEEP There were no fresh arrivals ef sheep this morning with which to make a tent of the market. For the week receipts have been about .14.000 head in excess of last week, but about 6 Ooo head less than for the same week of lsst yesr. The market on fat sheen snd lambs has not shown much chsnge during the week. The demsnd hns been fully equal to the supply snd sheep may be quoted strong to a dime higher than they were a week ago. Lambs, though, have not Improved much and are selling In much the same notches they did a week ago. Trading on must days has been active and the desirable grades have changed hands early. Tl, demand fur feeders hss been In pi reea of ths supply snd prices have advanced ptfrtlTic. tr,a greatest improvememt appar ently being on choice feeder lambs, which havJ sold as high as 84 90. The commoner the quality the less the advance, but (till even the commoner kinds have sold with out a great deal of trouble at very satls fnctorv prices. Quotations for grass sheen nnd tnihar Good to choice yearlings, H16JJ4.40; fair te 7 15 6 80 7 02 27 33 93 82 26 71 03 77 8 99 74 8 01! 8 71 06 71 001 62 I 8 61 R OO! 621 8 811 6 681 8 721 6 61 6 671 6 55 6 73! I 6 721 61! I 6 4 8 821 6 5l 8 71 good veartlAge. $SnT4.1S: good te choice wethers, $4 M it-4 86; tslr to good wei tiers. $3 75'u4.00; good to choice ewes. $J514.I0; fair to gvod ewee, tl ixi3 75; good te choice lambs, o arm. m', fair w gota l .ini.a, to.w $5.25; feeder yearlings U ifr4.10; feeder wethers. $3 WBA .tat; feeder ewes, 12 75J 2J; feeder lambs. $$.75454.90; breeding ewes. $3 00 tjS.60. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady to Loetr-nnii Lower Sheen and Lambs Steady. CHICAGO, Nov. 5 CATTLE Kecelpts, 400 head; market steady to lower; good to prime steers, $6 0(4i.9o; poor to medium, $3.76'tl5.80: Blockers snd feeders, $2ttH15; cows, $1. 4004.80; heifers $l.7jv.00; canners, $1.254)2.!i6; bulls, $2. t '(!. i; calves, $3.o'ai.oO; Texas fed steers, $X254i5.O0; western steers, $2 9" tr6 40. HtKJS Receipts. 16,0f head: estimated Monday, 11.000 head; market fyfjlOc lower; mixed and butchers, $45tf6 15; good to choice heavy. $o.u5ti5.20; rough henvy, $4 70 CM 80; light, HSMj&lo; bulk of sales. $4.0. 60S. SHEEP AND I .A MBS Receipts, l.ono head: mnrket steady; good to choice wetli ers. $4.2.V(j4.0; fair 'to choice mixed. $t.5vff 4.10; western sheen, $.1 04i4.i: n "lve lambs, $4.OO0S.fi6; westedn lambs, $4.005.60. Kansas I lly Lire tnek Mnrket. KANSAS CITY, Nov. 18. CATTLE Re ceipts. 1,800 head. Including 200 southerns; market steady and unchanged; cho oe ex port and dressed beef steers, fc.Wif6 25; fair to good. $3.7ofro.00; western fed tteer', $3.755.50; stockers end feeders. $2.25411.00; southern steers, S2.fkiljvt.7o: southern tows, $1.60'u2.75- native cowi. $1.50'y3 50; native heifers, $2. 5041 4 76; bulls. $1.7c4i3.25; calves, $2.2i.fo.r0; receipts for week. 70.6M0. HOGS Receipts, 4.800 hmd; market weak to 6c lower; top, $5.10; bulk of sales, $4.70 faS.06; heavy, $5.0tifi. 17 : packers", $4.8 8.05; pigs snd lights, $4.4oS4.iro; receipts for week, 66.000. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8,300 head; market strong: native lambs, $4 2)(ff 6 70; native wethers, $.1.75(84.25; native ewes, $3.6o400; western lambs, $4.2T.h.70; west ern yearlings, $3.75(!i4.40; western sheep, $S.6tp4.2y; stockers and feeders, $2.5013.76; receipts for week, 26,600. Now York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 6. Receipts, 43 head; no sales reported; ma'kel teellrg steady; dressed beei In good ut-manil at i .'. for native Texas l eef, $5.5 ii-loO. Exports, 751 cattle and 9,000 quarteia of beef. CALVES Receipts, 336 head; mnrket lower; common to good veuls, $4.6 (lj ,'.0.1; dreswd veals, $S.0oaio.60. HOGS Receipts. 3.011 head; none on sale; market feeling nominally steady. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Ktctipls. 6029 head; sheep steady, himlm slow and lower; elie-p s Id at 3.00, no hlng good i flerel; lambs, $'aVy0 95; cu'ls. $4 00; dietscd mut tons, steady, $5 .rKM 50; dressed lambs, 8.00 49.50. Exports 1'9 sheep. St. Louis Lire Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, Nov. 8. CATTLE Receipts, 1,000 head. Including 800 Texans; market steady; native shipping and export steers, 85.60ro6.60; dressed beef and butcher steers. $4.26fi.85; steers under 1,000 pounds. $3.5K 6.50; stockers and feeders, $2.2iU3.75; cows and heifers, $2.26i?4.25; cannery, $1.5001. 80; bulls, $2.6O(&4.00; calves, S.000.50; Texas and Indian steers, $2,504(4.25; cows and heifers, $1 76-92.75. HOGS Receipts, 3.000 head; market lower; Pigs and lights, $4.2."iir5.00; packer. $1.80(9 6.15; butchers and best heavy, $4.9.i5.20. SHEEP AND LAMBS None on sale. CHICAGO GRAIS AMD PROVISIONS Festarea of the Trading; and Closing Prices on the Board of Trade. CHICAOO, Nov. 6. Fresh reports of dam age by drouth caused a firm tone in wheat here today. Closing quotations on Decem ber wheat are up c. May is up fjpu. Corn shows a gain of ec. Oats are up i5fo. Provisions are virtually unchanged. Early In the session sentiment In the wheat pit was rather bearish. The depres sion was due to a variety of reasons, the principal ones being lower cables, more lib eral receipts northwest and rain reports from Oklahoma. Pit traders were fair sel lers at the start. Initial quotations showed losaee, December being down o at $1.11. May was off c to Hio at $1.10 1.11. There was a fnlr demand from com mission houses, but the volume of trading was comparatively liRht. Reports of sales of cash wheat for Buffalo at c over the price of the May delivery caused some ad ditional covering. Just before the close the December option sold up to $1.12 and May to $1.11. Final quotations on December were at $1.12. May closed at $1.11. Clear ances of wheat and flour were equal to 108,. OoO bu. Primary receipts were 1,068,200 bu compared with 1,308,800 bu. a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chlcauro reported receipts of 786 cars, agalnBt S'jO cars last week and 1,070 cars a year ngo. There was a slight scalping trade In corn over a narrow range of prices. Firm cables and small receipts were factors that helped to cause a firm tone In the market. De cember opened o higher at 4848c, sold between 48c and 48o and closed at 4848o. Local receipts were 97 cars, with 6 of contract grade. Firmness of corn was the main Influence affecting the oats market. Trading was very quiet and prices showed almost no change. December opened a shads higher at 28c, sold up to 28o and closed at he top. Local receipts were 122 cars. Provisions were easy early in the day as a result of moderate realising due to lower prices of hogs. On the decline shorts cov ered quite freely, causing u slight advance throughout the entire list At the close January pork was up n shade at $12.52 12.66. Lard was 2o higher at $7.07. Ribs were a shade higher at $6 6ft. Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat, 73 cars; corn, 93 cars; oats, 141 cars; hogs, 32,000 hond. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yest;f. Wheat Deo. 1 11 1 12 I llfj 1 12 1 11 1 11 May 1 1074. 1 11 1 10 1 11 1 11 1 H 1 11 July 97& 98 97 87 87 Corn Dec. 48ff 484 48 8 48 May - 46941 74 ' 45- 45 45 July 45 45 45 46 4i Oats Nov 29 Dec. 281(3. 28 28 28 2b(ff May 31i31f 81 81 1 July 31 31 31 31 81 Pork Jan. 12 47 12 67 12 47 12 55 12 52 May 12 50 12 55 12 60 12 52 12 50 Lard Jan. 7 02 7 07 7 02 7 07 7 05 May 7 12 7 20 7 12 7 17 7 17 Ribs Jan. 60 t 52 6 60 60 6 60 May 6 62 6 62 6 62 8 62 6 62 No. 1. Cash quotations were as follows; FLOUR Market easy; winter pstents, so so.4; wimor sii-signm, 1 avap. 20; spring i in tents. $6.105.60; spring straights, $4."0ia .20: bakers, $3.0084.00. WHEAT No. 2 spring, $1.12Q1.14; No. 8. $1.0:"fyi,13; No. 2 red, $l.lti1.18. CORN No, 2, 64c; No. 2 yellow, 68c. OATS-No. 2. 29c; No. 2 white, 81 c; No. 8 whits, 804f31c. RYE No. 2, 80c. BARLEY Good feeding-, 8738c; fair to choice malting, 41liT52c. .SHKDS No. 1 flnx 1.10; No. 1 northwest ern, $1.16; prime timothy, $2.00; clover, con tract grade, $12. PROVISIONS Mens pork, per bhl., $11.00 pll.06. Lard, per 100 lbs.. 7.OtrS702. Short ribs sides (looseV I'l 877.00. Short clear sides (boxed), 87.007.12. Following were the receipts and ship ments of Hour and grain: . RepM Rhlnmen Flour, hblsi 18 200 15 000 Wheat, bit 1.300 45,300 Corn, bu 78. 900 211 inn Oats, bu 124.700 100 800 Rye. hu 8.000 18 900 Barley, bu 119.100 16.300 On the Produce excliBi g today the but ter market was firm; creameries, 15'S23c; dsiries llif?19c. Ees. slmdy, at mark, csaes Included, 16'i9o; firsts, 20c; prime firsts, 23c; extras, 25c. Cheese, easy, 103 10c. 17. Farnam Smith & Co. STOCKS, BONOS, INVESTMENT SECURITIES. 1320 Farnim St. Tel. 106 We buy and sell South Omaha Union Slock Yards Stock. GEO. A. IDAMS GRAIN 00. OMAHA. CHAIN CUYEtl nd SHIPPERS Members: Chicago. Umaua. Kansas fit and t)t. Louis slxcbatigss. Transactions (or future delivery gives careful attention. It Heard .rede Bide. Tel. 1004k GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Slight Advances Made in Wheat on Drouth cd Fly Damage. EXCELLENT DEMAND FOR DELIVERY NOVI Oae Lot ef lKNt,MK Unahels Sold at Kansas City to Baffalo Millers Da mage to Nebraska Wheat serere Uossls. OMAHA. Nov. 8, 1904. It took the wheat mnrket a long time t f;et etitrted this morning, and when tt did t did not make much progress toward higher prices, being content with '0 Point gains. At the Immediate opening lower Liverpool, and the fact that many short sellers of the last few days have covered and are eliher even on the market or slightly long caused a rather easier feeling, but mere was no decline in the DecemtxT future, while the May was not more than c lower. For quite a time the market remained very stesdy and with out autttclcrit change to cause comment, w hile at the same time prices were moving within an abnormally email range. Then there came a d, patch from Kansas City tnat ftiMNi) bushels, one dispatch had it l0. 000, had been sold spot to Hnffrtlo millers at prices slightly In advance of the December future on the speculative market. This wss enough to awaken a little interest and It was followed by stories ef damage from Heanlan fly and drouth that added a little more to the dl.-.ilay ot strength. The local firm, the I'pdlke Oraln company, sent broadcast a dispatch announcing great damage to the Nebraska wheat through these two Influences, asserting that It was even more serious than anyone would be lieve, adding that they wouid soon be able to give statistics. The stocks of grain in Min neapolis have Increased very largely, but the reports generally seem to Indicate that not less than 60 per cent of the wheat hse been marketed and one Influence offsets the other, although should the latter prove true It would bo the potent factor. Sume of the late buying was from traders anxious to go over me holidays even. Most of the trading was In Muy, the December delivery not being attractive to many traders be cause of the demand for cash wheni ana the fear that there may be some dttflculty In covering. . In Oiimiia, cash wheat brought gooa prices. The supply was moderately large and there was some fairly good wheat In the lot. Prices did not show much change from yesterday, the test being responsible for the wide variation. The eloMng prices of futures as compared with Friday rep resent about the fluctuations in wheat fu tures, although at one time 'May was o lower than yesterday's close. The corn market holds tlrm. cash corn being wanted, with but little on sale. Prices were strong, but only a shade higher. Oats showed but little change and no Im portant move one way or the other in prices. . . Omaha cash sales: Wheat 1 car No. hard, 63 lbs., 96c: 1 car No. 3 hard, 5J lbs., $1.02; 1 car No. 4 hard, 61 lbs., 93c; 2 cars No. 3 hard, 67 Iba., $1.05: 1 cnr No. I hard, 56 lbs., $1.04; 1 rar No. 2 hard, 69 lbs., $1.07; 1 car No. 4 hard, 62 lbs.. 9ic: 1 fir No. t hard, 54 lbs., $1.03; 2 cars No. 4 hard, 62 lbs., 4c. Corn 1 car No. 4, 48o; 1 car no grade, 40c. Oats 1 car standard, 28c; 1 our No. $ white, 33 lbs., 2Sc. Barley 1 car No, 4, 84c. Omaha. Cash Prises. WHEAT No. 2 hard, $1071. Of: No. I hard, 98c1.08: No. 4 hard. 90cf$1.00; No. spring, $1.1161.10; No. 8 spring, Sl.Ooftl.OS; No. 4 spring, 9ocSil 01; no grade, 84(tno. CORN-No. 2, 48Ti49c: No. 3. 48j'49es No. 4. 474Sc; No. 2 yellow, 4riM!lc; No. $ yellow, 4ti(U-:9c; No. 2 white, 4&a4!tc; No. 8 white, 41Kij-lSc; new No. 4, 4142o; no grade, 40c. .... OATS-No. 2 mixed, 272Rc; No. S mixed, 27'40'27e: No. 4 railed. 26fr27e; No. 2 white, 2Bfr2SHe: No. 8 white, 2s28cj No. 4 white, 27V;ra?27Te; standnrd, 22)c. Chicago Cash Prices Corn : No. 2, 5 To,c; No. 3 cawh, 54i8,S5c; No. 2 yellow, 68r(r59c. Oats: No. 2 cash, ?9c; No. 2 white. 81fr32c; No. 8 white, 80a31c. Chicago Receipts Whe'tt, 12 cars; corn, 87 cars, 6 of. contract grade; oats, 122 cais, Peoria KtsrUrt. PEORIA, Nov. B CORN Stesdy; No. S, high-colored, 65c: No. 8. old, 62c; No. 4, new, 45c; no grade, 43 o. $100 to S,Q00 Do you know that $100 Could possibly earn over $1,000 by making; venture AT ONCE In a very LOW PRICED CEREAL Nearly 12 million bushels used dally. You can open an account with us of S20 and Upwards Your margin and profits always subject to your order for Immediate use. We have paid out in profits to our customers tn 6 years, nearly $1,000,000 Send us your name and address and we will forward FREE our' Circular and Pyramid Calculations. Highest Banking, Mercantile and Board of Trade references. Address CLEAGE COMMISSION CO. Grain, stocks, Bonds and Cotton 309 FULLERTON BLDQ. ST. LOUIS, MO. The Alerchants National Bank of Omaha, Nob. U t- Diseiltsry Capital and Surplus, J 600.000 riANK Ml'IPHY . tftt. LUTtlCI MAKE. Caihler. FlUNa T. llMlt-TO. Int. Cissttr. BaoalTa soeounu of aanka. banksra, oorpor ettona, trou aits' InUlvitiaala oa fargrable teruia. . rrlfa Ei'hanca bought an. soil Latt.ra af cralit Uaual, available la sU sarta of (ha world. Iwlartat sail eu Tlsia farttSoaUe of Pasaalt Coiiatiioua ttiada pruniptir Bits aaosoaiaalis. jve raqueai eenvapoh OOLDP I ELD an nnft in gold per ton Juxt opened ttOlUUJ up. one clnl n from tle 1'NlTt.I) MINING AND ICX I'M )ltATl N COS. 00 ACltiCS IN UOLDK1KI.D. Nri VADA. Our Hu.t. writes "this rli;h vln (roeses our roperty, 1 am sinking the shaft, ore values Increasing, going to put on a nlgiit shift. Want to git to the or shuts soon as possible." Our Jn. Manager is Just In re"eliit of telegram slating "Come linmedlatf ly, excitement growing Intense." lu HL'Yri l.Oui HUAHKS. Write or wire at ori or you may loo l im to secure the stock at this low fNuru. Wl e: this rich ore sliule is oiieind uj, this stock may udvsnre lo 40. or bo cents a ehure, or perhaps lie entirely withdrawn front the market. Highest Hank references, Denver Securities to., 200 Sank Uloik. Denver Cole. Fn rr honey II LL HONEY t' t ! X (