THE OMAHA DAILY BEE; SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1904. J3 . i SPECIAL NOTICES till fee takes ill IS aa, far Ik ftmlil rdltloa and oalll s . m. (at the ana-ralnsT aad ftaariar edltlaa. Rate 1 l-a a nor rat laarrtlon. Ie a word t heron ftar. KathlnK lakaa for leas Ida SSUa tor tba ftrat laser loa. Tkeae a Jrerttaeaaent aaaaf a raa eoneeaatlvel'. Advertisers, by reaestlaa; a aam. fcerc-l eatrk. tmm kar answers dPMiff a mfcere letter la ear af Tk I). A as were aa ado'eea.jed Tlll delivered aa preaentatlea af cbrrV. MISCELLANEOUS THE BEE. AdvertlF your want. We furnish you h'gh-erud help. NO CHARGE. WESTERN REFERENCE AND BOND ASSOCIATION, phone 42SX JHO-e41 N. Y. Life UMg. 11 Mw TRY KELLY'8 TOWEL. SUPPLY. TeL K30. R 22 VUllVR PRIDE OF HASTINGS, Rest OmUlSC s-eont cigar on earth. R- CITT SAVINGS BANK pay 4 per cent. R 327 CITY STEAM LAUNDRY 2U auifil urn. ' fiiUJUi We truat everybody. Have our wagons call; billa collected monthly. R-M447 M7 EAGLE Loan Olflce; reliable, accommodat ing: alt business confidential. 13oi Louglaa. R-323 Anti-Monopoly Garbage Co., 621 N. loth. TeL 1779. R-328 SIGN PAINTING S. II. Cole, 1302 Dougla. R U0 STOVE & FURNACE REPAIRS Tel. VOi. J-J i Uoug. Oinaua blove uep. tv a. R-331 P. MELCHIOK. machine works. 13th ar.d Howard. R-3S2 DR. A.. SrPiERCE'ill8bhr?nio diseases, many jcu-a experience lii east ern tioi'iiluua ar.u other practice, torlico Teoer 1.1k., loth c iHiuge. JPn val In.'lruiury, UU N. 20th. Tel. AJu53T - J. D. WALLACE, taxidermist, Wo S. lath. R-4JS H N r. R A V I N P. J T. Cooper. 533 Pax ton aW ft 1 V V ft i Jj'u.e muriograma. New Dressmaking Shop 1202 8. lii 111 si., lini sued line; tlrst claaa worn und ported lit gua.umecU at lowest prices. Call and be convinced. R COLLINS RIANT. CO., wholesale and re tall musical instrument. Talking ma chines, recorus exciiautiid. Lu a. liih el., Omaba. It FOR SALE Good driving horse, cheap; . eervlceaoiy sound, w. ii. Alccora. WE have some grading .at 27th und St. Mary av&; will pay part ot cost to someone wno can use tiie dirt. N. P. Dodge & Co., 10i4 Farnam at. R 35 7 OMAHA 'IENT ft AVVNINU CO., whole sale and retail. Bend for catalogue 46, y Omaha. Neb. R IF YOU want to buy, sell or rent property, borrow money, sell note or account, call at R, 8, N. Y. Life. Tel. 134. Glovei & Son. R-iii OMAHA PLUMBING CO., Tel. 3MS. John Morrlaaey, Mgr. Ren. Tel. 3V14, R 3ia CHICAGO LAUNDRY WiS THEi Ul.r AN1 LubAVJfi VOIjR CLOXUKB PHOMii . 214 M. loTH ST. ! R Mow ADV. CUT8-WHEATON. in Be Bldg. WANTED MALE HELP WANTED Man for th west; aa ary tiO pt- mouth and expenaa; good uit ic a neoeiw.u. Audres lopk. A. ivom x lutaiuv. li.jLihai.gH, lo .Oitn Fourth street, MiuneapuLla, Minn. a iluoO 7a YOUNG man, aa permanent Omaha, re pre sentatlve for correavondenoe bonool; nioatiy office bitHtnetui, enporienced man prvierrod; part tune oniy reMuiied; a lu crative propoaltion will be made the right man. AdUrcur irnmedlHtely, A. C. Huff, liyrne liidg., Los Angeles, Cal. B-MtWS 7x 1 Grain Operator. 6 '; Salesmen, t jeue.i) sulcsnun. 1 liat baltamun. ( 1 Cloihti.g ciulinman. 1 Kurniiiliig UixjiIj Salesman. 1 'IVavellng bhoe timitttiiii n. ( S.ilcmeu (.ej. and Coffee), 7S to $Ui. I'i.i'iiograph Salesman. S Ortlov Men. x 1 Levi Estaie Sale mm. 1 Ten ai d Off e 8 -lie tors, j 6n Mini Canvoar (wi.oenle grocery). i 8alusniei, to a. II fr m wagons. 1 Drug hal.-niun: rpM Gennan. 'i Neut.y Dr.sicd So Icit r. I Kxpe: le;:c ;d Uroce. y Mileiman, 19 to 111. 1 Young Man to l am ihe grocery buslnaaa 1 Drug Cle: k, .'0 to 1 t Clothing Sale, man, $1 vnd 4 per cent. -1 Exieritnc?d Hair Dr. sr, 1 ebov.Silecrrari, t'B. ' 1 Hoy, $5 week and board. 1 Traveling Salesman. I 00 to 1125. HART, Phone F-285S. 12 N. T. Ll'e. WANTED EVERYWHERE Men willing to distribute annipies, tack signs, etc., at f3 daily; portnunent; no canvaaHlng. Conti nental Distributing Sarvloe, Chlcugo. B 181 x MAN who knows his bimlneas for general work about hardware and furnltur store; no apprentice wanted. F. L. Durn, Os ceola. Neb. B M771 7x , Young man of good address for collector. I briglit male stenographer. 1 young men to learn nifg. business. 1 reoj eatata abstracter; sW to $140 per month. . . 2 railroad abstracter. Assistant bookkeeper. . t good druggists. S solicitors iar out-of-town farm paper. Good whisky salesman. Cal) or writ for complete list ot vacan cies. WKSTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASSN. 840 N. Y. LlTa Uldg. , B-7 MEN 'wanted everywhere, tack signs, dis tribute clrculurs. sample, etc. : permanent occupation; good pay. American Union, Poniluo Building. Chicago. it 763 Cx WANTED The work of a painter and papor banger in exchange for a good piano In good older und cheap. Addren K 80, Bee. B M314 8x ' NIGHT SCftOOL, now 'n session at th Omaha Commeroal college, four ulghls each wek juunday, Tuckday, Thursday and Friday; tuition low. . Omaha Commercial College, 17 th and Douglas at. Day and evening essloiA. B tOJ WANTED for secret service work, young men, every tailing, stores, railroad, farms and mechanic; must give tlrst-claaa ref erence. We pay 13 to is day for services: want representatives every town und country V. 8.: no experience neoexfcary. Wilt toduy. Drawer ltt, Chicago. 111. ll-7o WANTED, liquor salesman to represent large Kentucky distillery In Nebraska; straight salary. . S Ce, car of Bee. ' B-933 fcTOUT boy of It to dellvsr package and 1o errand work. Th Suilm-prernlor Typewriter Comiany. B-W2 7 WE WANT SO ITALIANS FOR WINTkITb WORK IN OMAHA. 11 76 AND If (0 PER DAY. APPLY TODAY (SUNDAY) TO SWEENEY'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, M a 12TII ST. B-ki7 SALESMEN wanted; high grade, experi enced specialty ealeamnn to )andle our computing cheese cutters, selling to the troceta and senoral merclianta. HI -rip son ouipulUift- aWe Co.. Duuit, Mich. V i 4 WW fX WANTED MALE HELP Plain Business Talks On Building Brains for Business No. 12. Maybe you are waiting until "next sp ring" to take up court la Boyle College. You haven't the money to spare now. Weren't you the person who said last spring that.rou'd "wait until this fall" to begin to attend Boyles College? Why put it off? If you can't leave home right now why not take up our Horn Study Course? To get a start you must pull yourself together and make an effort. No one ever got a start by drifting except a start down stream. Driftwood never ascends the river. Ifo who makes no sacrifice achieves no success. He who lit passively on a dry goods box at he corner thrusts his hands Into empty pockets. To get a start you must learn to do something that the world wants done. There Is no bettor avenue to the business world than that of a thorough knowledge of busi nessand If a man seeks profit, prominence or power, the business world offer him the' best opportunities to be found today. Our Home Study Department will lend you the power to wring from your spare moments study a knowledge of Bookkeeping or Stenography, or both. You can devote to your study, time you would otherwise waste. It gives you the opportunity to outstrip your fellow without their knowledge of your effort. It en ables energy and determination to triumph over lack ot funds. Send for our catalogue today, stating whether you ore Interested In our Home Study course or the regular school course I n Omaha. Address BOYLES COLLEGE, OMAHA, MEN TO LEARN barber trade; freo ruii luad upon out failure to convince you of tnis being tfie baa 1 and "n. re liable, tnoet p. acttcal barber colUa in the United Suae. Write ir ca.a.ogje today. Wemccn Lathers' ln..tute, Omaha, Neb. sl DRUG CLERKS," Kniest7RP.V N. Y. U BlaS- B-354 WANTED FOR V. 3. ARMY-Able-brdl d unman led men, between aged o: 21 and oo, citizen of CiUiid ot iood ut anu temperate hubit.n, m.o .peak. red and wrlie E gilth. For In.oim-t on H-Piy to rttcruin..g Oitlcn.-, liih and Douglas sts., Oman j.; Lincoln, Neb., or bloux City, la. B MJ97 EXPERIENCED grocery clerks, and no others, can get work. Malnu-Case Co., Puxton R!k. B-M31S WANTED, ditchers on Hamilton's farm, two miles north of Coftman. David V. Sh.pley. U-MiVS Stenographer Do you wish a good stenographer? The Western Reierence and Bond associ ation will lurnbiii you wltn ono wiuiuut cliaiu. inone is3. S40-841 N. Y. Life Blag. B -VI 3.4 6 VOUNG man, good education and some ex. penchce in meeting tiutmiw uieu to so licit auvertlding. l 6t care Bee. B 646 WANTED Foreman for news and Jjb de paitaieuts. 'iriuune, Hastings, .seo. li-MS Cx IF YOU are in need of a position, call and have a "' talk aiAiH. THE EXPiRl, VU JS. Y. Life. H MC.4 D3 WANTED, MEN EVERYWHEUET Go d pay, 10 dUt.iuute c.roulart, auv. uia ler, tack iua, etc.; no cauvashig. NaUona. Auv. LuieuU, Chicago. n M Cx WANTED, everywhere, people to copy let ter at home, spaie time, and return to us. Good pay; materials sent tree; no mulling or canvamiing. Enclose addressed envelope for pariiculuru, und Wbgj we pay. Ouaxantee Co., Dept. 44K. P.i.ladcl pnla, Pa. iu7tix WANTED, a man with a few dollars capi tal In each county to make big money constructing concrete buildings. No skilled labor' rcuuiied with my system. A. b. Cramer, Coopersville, Mich. B 788 6x RELIABLE man, each locality, for busl- tuss position. Salary I'JJ weekly und ex- . . n .1 ... i ' nn.l. tlon permanent Manager, 840 Ccmo B.dg.. vuicugu. fc.0O and expenses paid weekly to a rella- ble man to travel and collect In Nebraska. Experience not necessary. Self-addressed envelope for reply. Address Dept. L, 62 Dearborn st, Chicago. B 716 cx WANTED, person to call on retail trade fc manufacturing house; local territory; sulary, $i&. paid weekly; expense inoney advanced; previous experience unneces sary; American House, Star building. Chicago. B-Vli 6x BAI ESMEN advertising, city and traveling to sell color barometers to advertisers; easy sellers; big commission. Write for E ample, stating territory covered. J. L. lleder Co.. 86 Lake St, Chicago. B 744 6x WANT KT Good, lrtelllgent solicitor to sell dividend paying mining stock; good salary and commission to capable man: yearly contract; references. R. D. Robinson Company, Los Angeles. Cal. B 742 Cx Good Accountants Ar scarce. We will look you up on on short notice without chargev WESTERN REFERENCE AND BOND ASSOCIATION, Phone 4268. M0-641 N. Y. Life Bldg. B Ma 8 WANTED Men to learn th barber trad; few weeks completes; can nearly earn expenses before iinlshiiig; top wages paid graduates. Call or write. Moler Barber College, 1302 Douglas 8t B M7M Ux WE prepare you quickly a illustrator, car toonist lawyer, pharmacist, stenographer, bookkeeper. Journalist and writer, corre spondence man, banker. Write for free book, "Fronts of Knowing How" tells everything. National Corrsspondence Schools, 82 Whan., lndianupolia, 0. 8. A. B WANTED Two city rale;mn at one. C. F. Adam CC?. 1619 Howard st B Joj WANTED A lurgt manufacturing oou cern about to open dibtrlbuilng uepjt in this t-eclion desires seiviots of respon sible man to take management; a.ory $1,600 per annum and co.iimUa.ona. Ap plicant mut furnish n.ei-cla i er encea und $00 to ll.iuO oasn; marchauulse furnished. Address Manufacture., care NclBon-Cheeraan Co., Chicago, 111. B " ' r..rUf Inetsllment agenta for ntireiy new pian in country territory; : never worked before; get out of old rut. V. J. Casey, 334 Dearborn st, Chicago. 11L l B- CIVIL service examinations will be held liou anu quUun used by tbe govern ment free Columbian Correspondence College, Washington, D. C. , U Reliable Collectors May be had by telephoning the WESTERN REFERENCE AND BOND ASSOCIATION, Thone 4281 840-841 N. Y. Life Bldg. B il'JJl WANTED Young man to study law. Ex cellent chance to save tlnio and money. Address K. C, this Office. B YOUNG piin to help alout oollege for hi tuition. Neb. Bus. Col., Boyd theater. B 6o WORK wanted by gentleman, aalary no object provided employer will let m us Laudeen Antiseptic Hair Tonic. B 902 Cx WANTED FEMALE HELP MILLINERY" Triramc't and girls who bavo finished tieir trade! also "Dprea,- lices. Appiy liaydau Bros., Ml ncry C Mii.8 ux I WANTED FEMALE HELP NEB. B LADIES to do plain sewli.g at home on coilata; nothing to buy; nmie.lai e.eiywliere .ree. eena uOu.eaoeu enve lope. National Mfg. Co., 2o tv. n6tn ot.. New loifc. C ikluui tfx APPRENTICE fur dressmaking. Mo 8 20th. C-4Z Cx WANTED, girl for general housework. In quire at Liu 8. ta si. C el6 Cx WANTED An experienced driver, mu People Store. . t B S53 6 HOUSEKEEPER in family of 7; state age etc. Adutess John Cockle, R. K. D. 1, Bradshaw, Neb. C M647 Cx WANTED 10 experienced lady stenogra pher to list with I HART THE EXPERT, m N. Y. Life Bidg. Pbone F-28o6. Gua.anieed positions. C MvtH 7 WANTED Experienced shirt and Jumper mailers. Appiy to byrne St lianinici' D. G. Co. Factory, UUi und Howaid els. C !j WANTED Neat, respeotable girl for light housework; must ti.e ciose oy and sieop at home. Inquire iril too. ititn uve. C Msl2 7 WANTED Second girl at 225 Far num. OtaJ WOMEN to sew at home; 19 per week; ma terials seni. everywhere iroe; kteudy work; plum sewing oniy. bend uduiefced en velope for lull particulars, a. E. M. Du Pont, Philadelphia, pa, C iC ox LADIES, 17 to $10 weekly earned doing plain tewing at home. Material sent free everywnere prepaid. Stamped ad diessed envelope bungs particulars, Cnlon oo npany, La5 Filbert St., PhilaueiphU, Pa. C 7tW Cx LADIES, 130 thousand copying letters at home; no mailing to friends; stamped en ve.ope for particulars. Crtsctnt ivlecucine Co., Dept. i$, Mlahawaka, li.d. C iU tx . WANTED stenugraphers. You can earn uunus juur tpiuu iimcv extra moiwy without affecting your present position. The most liberal oner evr made. In an sweiing aak lor our ho.lday spocial oftec. Pilot ii.bbon &. Carbon Co., Inc., Roc. es ter, N. Y. C 740 Cx FAITHFUL woman, each locality, for po sition of i-' Ht; weekly saiuiy iM and ex penses; po. .tlon permanent. Man..g-r. conw coca, cmcugo. c iii tx LADIES To do piece work at their homes; we turnish all materials and pay from $7 to $12 weekly. Send stamped en velope to Royal Co., i E. Monroe St, Chicago. C 148 Cx WANTED Ladles to learn hair dressing, manicuring or racial massage; few weeKS si.iui.s given; diplomas granted. Call or write, Moler Coiiege. DuugUg St, CMIm llx WANTED Lady to travel and Introduce novelties; salary and epen.ea p l.;"musi have good; hood pool. i n nJ quick piomotion. aoc rung to aLiii y. Aaure, ocpt a, Koom wo in u anc Ex I change blu., Minneapolis, Minn, j c-M6 2 7x WANTED A good girl, at th Ci 'che, :8th and Hainey. O Md 3 Cx LADIES having fancy work to sell, em- to d order work. Stamped envelope. Ladles' Exchange, 34 Monro, Chicago. C 784 Cx LADIES $S0, thousand, copying letters, no mailing to friends or furnishing addresses. Stamped envelope, particulars. Gem Art Co., Dept. 828, Chicago. C 730 Cx WANTED Young lady with tas'e for art to learn book and magazine Uluatra lng. Address, B. C this office. C WOMEN te sell beauurul petticoats; made to order; easy to sell; very profitable; satisfied customers; exclusive territory; no experience necessary; send tor cata logue. Paris Skirt Co., Cleveland. O. C WANTED A good plain cook; no laundry work. 3186 Chicago street. C MiK.J 8 SO GIRLS; Canadian office, 16th and Dodg C-84& BEAUTIFUL young lady desires position aa waiting maid, provided mistress will us Landmen's Antiseptic Hair Tonic. C 904 6x WANTED SALESMEN WANTED In this locality, a reliable man or woman to manage a b an h suppiy office and headquarter for aleauien; no investment, or can. as lug re quited In the position; expense dvano d; liberal weekly salary and per c ut co n mission. APPLY AT ONcE. Audies Mgr. 8upuly Department, 6th floor, Thompson bldg., 8u Louis, Mo. -M660 7x w EXPERIENCED patent medicine salesman, drug and general trade; advertised line; give references; aalary or commission. Box U&, Chicago, 111. 72 Cx WANTED First-class, experienced sales men for 1W to carry complete line of f love samples from factory to retail trade n Kansas and Nebraska. Applications, which must be accompanied by references, will receive consideration Immediately and preference will be given to salesmen witn aequo tntanoe among tne glove Buy ing trade in the state for which they ap- ly. aiasun, campoeu Co., jonnstown, X. iJi ox CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska with staple line; high commissions wltn advance of SluG.CO monthly; permanent position to rlgnt man. Jess 11. Smith Co.. Detroit, Mich. 762 6x A SALESMAN of ability who can furnish good references can procure a liberal commission from the largest manufac turer In their line.' Trace estaLl'sned; goods sold from photograph. Apply at once, staling territory covered. Address E 1, Bee. -727 Cx SKILLFUL scheme salesman wanted; re taller wins out and Is pleased; road posi tion; nothing ecusl to It; I'oO per week -ran be made; caa be used aa a very profit able vide line: sample light and furnished on reference; cor ree pMi dene confiden tial. Address 211 Dickey BUlg., Cb!c-o. iii cx WANT A GQOD ROOM? THE BEST D1RECTORYOF ROOMS FORRENT ISONTHISPAGE WANTED SALESMEN Best Investment Quick Returns No Risk If any young man or woman 'will invest in a six months' scholarship and then use it, he will bo assured of the largest returns in the next twelve months of any investment ever made. It means equipment for mercantile life and an opportunity for rapid promotion. A business course or a course in Shorthand, Typewriting, Telegraphy, or Penmanship, will fit you to earn money rapidly. Any one of these courses may be had at the Omaha Commercial College and tomorrow would be a good time to begin. If you are interested in securing a liiercantile training, it will pay youi to send for our catalogue, which Omaha Commercial College ROHRBOUGH BROS., WANTED, by manufacturer of perfumes, toilet articles and flavoring extracts, a traveling salesman to fill vacancy in Ne braska; permanent position at good pay to right man. Address E W, Bee. 717 6x SALESMEN wanted; brand new Fide line; easy seller; no samples; prompt commis sion. American Chewing Gum Co.. St Louis. Mo. 7C4 6x WANTED First-class specialty salesman to sell attractive proposition to general trade; commission ot one man for one month over $i&0. Barton-Parker Mfg. Co., Cedar Rapids, la. 733 Cx HIGH CLASS, experienced salesman - to sell established lino to retail trade; lib eral pay to rlgra man and running ex pense account. E. M. Arthur Co., De- troll, Alien. 732 6x SALESMEN, to carry our line of ciders and soft drinks as side line; liberal com missions. Fremont Cider Co., Fremont, Neb. SALESMEN for automatic copying books, bill registers and many othe. sp cal Pershing Mfg. Co., South Bend, Ind. SALESMAN; experienced specialty pre ferred; I want another business getter with me on best proposition to country trade on the market; of 8 salesmen now out, 6 of them sold respectively 11,6"0. 'Jl.lfO, $1,800 goods last week. Pays 18 per cent commission; this is good for !2u0 a week and permanent. Redfleld box 1C53, 81. Louis, Mo. 7S1 6x WOULD you, with pocket sample only, like ' to make $200 to $100 commission weekly, a some do? If so, write E. L. Brown, 612 Roe Bldg-. St Louis, Mo. 712 6x WANTED Experienced traveling salesman by large Cleveland Jobbing house to fill vacancy for balance of 1904; will renew for 1A06 if satisfactory; high commissions with $36 weekly. W. S. Flnley Co., 80 Prospect St., Cleveland, O. 763 8x WANTED AGENTS WE start ou selling ulamonus. Don't full getting our uoeial otter; o daily sura. Ct.ti.ou uiamoud Co., byiacuce, N. X. iucntion paper. J 7uS 6X "1NO," a puzzle tor westerners, Juai out; suuipie iM by mail; luouey icumeu if uixbalutlieu. "ino," itoXt P.lie, 81. Louis. '. J iCl CX WOMEN agents wanted; grand opportunity tor women, gnls and culiUreii to n.a&e CUr.saiiuJi pin inoney. Our uitl nove.ty a uecesoily, oo.U couvoiiiiioni and nuniui tor Luige profits, s.l a on alfci.i. Coiupicie tU.ii., $i- Wil.e lOUay. 'liie Muili caalenei Co., wi Ei.icoit Squaie, uuhaio, IN. Y. J u ux LAUY agents less than 826 wtwkly anouid Miile lor catalogue anu teiiiio, na tuit you in busineaa and lauae you inue ptnuent; outm prepaia. Womeu s Apprei uipiy Co., Chicago. J tvi Cx WANTED Catholic installment agents for entirely new pian ,n country territory never woikod oeiore. get out of old rut F. J. Casey, 8i4 Dearborn St., C'niongo, 111. OUTFIT free; credit given- Cut price Christmas books, sue book, 12!c; 81 oooa. ifcc; $i.Mi book, 60c; 83.00 book, 8bo. tei gusoo, bote, Ciucluuali. J 1C7 Cx WE PAY 818 per week and expenses to men with rigs to inuaduoa pouiuy com pound; years oonlraoi. Imperial Mfg. Co.. Dept 64, Parson' Kan. J AGENTS wanted everywhere to handle our "novelty aign cards;" every merchant buy tioui l t luu on sight; 800 varieties. Catalogue tiee. Sullivan Co., 113K iaplo wood, ave., Chicago, 111. CX AGENTS wanted; sell our $1.00 bottle sar aaparilia for Hoc; beat seller; 200 per cent proiit; write today for terms and terri tory. F. R. Greene. 118 Lak at, Chi cago. T BEST money maker for agents en earth; new article, new plan, buuseho.d neoea elty; sell on sight by showii.g what it will do; Mt.iOO so d in Minneapo i; r-s .lis in same territory; coats 7c, sells for -So; agents' outfit 10c. Douieajo Mfg. Co., Dsk 82, Minneapolis, Minn. J-MJ-4 7x $75 WEEKLY and expense easily nude, writing Lite, Htaith and A cedent In ur ance; experience unnecessary. Wilt Royal Fraternal Union, Bu Lou., Mo. J 72V CX AGENTS make $3.00 to $10.00 a day fitting glasses. Big profits. Our 24-page fie eye book tells how. Write today. Jack sonlan Optical College, College Place, Jackson, Michigan. J 713 Cx WANTED, energetic men s branch ofBoe manager to handle agents; aiao soap crew .managers for road; $2o0. Parker Chemical Co., Chicago. J 728 cx WANTED, agents and solicitor to repre sent largest sick and accident society in the country; big oommiaslon; easiest sell ing policy in tiit world. American Be nevolent Association, St Louis, Mo. J 718 6x AGENTS Read In dark; name plates, signs, numbers; 200 per cent profit; sam pl9 free. Wright Supply Co., Englewood, 111. J 731 6x AGENTS war ted who are looking for an article ot merit that will sell. Ve manu facture a fountain pen retailing at 10a You can easily make from 83 to Ip a day. We ar not offering free sample, bat re quire 10c for on. Money returned If not satisfactory. Send for It today Econ omy Fountain Pen Co., 148-0-17 State st, Chicago, J WANTED Portrait agents; Immense money making side line. Hancock Nov elty Company, Pept. 7, Chicago. 3 AGFNTS. $75 per month and expenses to sell sdvertlslrg Mtns to merchants end manufacturer. 8t Louis Co., Bt Louis, Mo. J- OUR PLAN for starting beglnnars in profit able Mull-Order Business is very success full. W are pioneer in this field. Some w started three months ago receive 100 letters dally und are making big money. Complete plan for stamp. Central Sup ply Co., Kansas City, Mo. J $6 TO $10 day selling Novelty Sign Card arid Window Display Signs. Msrahant buy 26 to 100 on sight; LUOO varletlo; catalogue free. National Advertising Co., 1467 Ave. A, New. York. J W5 (x AGENTS WANTED will be sent free to any address Props., 17th and Douglas. B- BIG MONEY in squabs; tney sell for $2 to 16 a dozen, cheaply raised in only four weeks; write for our free book about this rich Industry. Plymouth Rock Squab Co., 2&9 Atlantlo Ave., Boston, Mass. J LADY AGENTS A chance to make money, and plenty of it. Is what Mme. Yale, th celebrated beauty specialist, is offering women of good address; opportunity tor traveling or home work, as preferred; many are making 160 and upward weekly. For particulars address MME. YALE. Flatlron Building, Broadway and Twenty-third st , New York City J WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Position by competent' stenog rapher, who owns a good typewriter and who can also handle a small set of books. Address E 62, Bee office. A S46 6x Office Help May be obtained without the usual worry by calling on the WESTERN REFERENCE AND BOND ASSOCIATION, Thone m 840-&41 N. Y. Life Bldg. A MKl'i S MiDICAL HOMEOPATHIC medicine, wholesale, re tall, Sherman & McConnell, Omaha. 428 DR PRIES treats successfully all diseases and irregularities of women, from any cause; experienced and reliable. Address, with stamp. Dr. Pries, 1511ft Dodge St., Omaha. 429 Piles Cured WITHOUT AN OPERATION A v.iiutn guarantee tlvc-n in every cast, treated oy DR. MAAWlilL, iOi-H Be Bidtf., Omaha. LADIES When in need send for free trlul ot our never falling remedy. Relief qulclj und sate. Paris chemical Co., Mllwau ke. Wis. DR. W. HUTCHINSON. Spociallst i.J women and children; 3u yea.-s' prtttlua Orlice, 22Ui Cuming. Residence telephone, iwn; otfice, S667 LADIES CMchester's English Pannri:yal 11.1s are the best. Bale, reliable Take no other Send 4c stump -i for pur.loulars,' "Relief for Ladies, In letter ty ie uin mxil. Ak your druggist. Chichester Chemioal Co., Philadelphia, Fa. 81STERS in despair. Speedy normal suppression any cause. rsli.f. Ab- Wil for remedy. Safe, sure. Dr. Martha Walker Co., D163 State, Chicago. 722 Cx PRIVATE home during confinement: ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani tarium, va 1st are., Council Bluffs, la.. TeL 771 -628 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies boarded and adopted. Mrs Gardell, Z21U Charles. Tel. A2C18. 430 PRIVATE home during confinement. Babies adopted. Mrs. Dr. King. 606 N. 16th. Tel. S66. 6S8 D4 FOR EXCHANGE PIANO for sale; uptight, standard make) would exchange for fine office deak. Per field Piano C., 1611 Farnani St 'Phune 701 ; en evenings. Z 700 6 WILL trade aewlng machine for type writer. Neb. Cycle Co., 16th and Harney; Z-373 IF YOU do cot find what you want In this column nut an ad. in and you will soon get it zm WILL TRADE my beautiful upright piano for good hois. Address E 7, Bee. Z 882 TO TRADE a good 200-acre wheat farm In Oklahoma for a stock of good merchan dise. Will pay ditterence In cash, If any. Address E 18, Dally Be. Z M992 $ PIANO for sale: will exchange for good borse or diamond, or. what have you? Perfleld Pluno Co., 1611 Farnara. 'Phons 701 store open until 9 p. m. Z-899 I HAVE a lara-e lint o' selected Improved farms and western lands for all. kinds of merchnnd'ae; a No have som good stocks merchandise for lands. All kinds ex changes. Writ ftil'y whst you hav to offer. 1L R. Woodall, Norfolk, Neb Z 775 x FOR HWCHANGE 240-acre farm In Mo. river valley, all In cultivation, very fine land, price, MS per sere. THE ABBOTT-CO WAN CO.. SOt First Nat Bank Bldg.; Omaha. z-m 6 LOST. LOST, diamond ring. Reward for return to 934 N. itili st. Lost M073 Sx LOST Rows rd for return of bottle of Landeen's Antiseptic- Hair Tonic. Lost 806 6x LOST Bull terrior; white, with brindle head, wearing ,-plv.el oll r; f.; No 2 6'; lout about four week ago. Rward for Information leading to return to iluS Park ave. Lost LOST-Gold locket. "C. E. B " on back, photo Inside; suitable reward' for same. Return to Bee office. Lot-6S3 7x LAW AND COLLECTIONS E. F. MOREARTY. Attorney. 43 Pax ton. TeL A2839. "4 JOHN M. MACFARLAND, New York Life bldg., rooroa 8o4 and 318. Tel. 1562. 485 COLLECTIONS promptly reported. 6H- Pax too block. 438 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMSUNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Nebraska Business College. A. C. On, A. M., LL. B , Pres.; A. J. Lowry. Prln. Cor. 17th and Harney Sta. GREGG SHORTHAND. QREOQ SHORTHAND Is the twentieth century system. GREGG SHORTHAND requires but CO per cent of the lime and labor ot th oil Um Gr'eGU 'SHORTHAND Is known for Its slmplcity. legibility. Kpood an accuracy. tlhLUU SHORTHAND is used in more schools thuu any other three system combined. .... GiiLGO SHORTHAND holds Its record as being the most perfect system ever dcletlR VERy OOOD REASONS' the N. O. C. Is the ONLY school In Omaha that is muklng a specialty of GREGG SHORTHAND. BUSINESS PRACTICE. The students of the commercial derar known that wno ever takes a business cou qualified. It means everything to a stude DooKkevper, one wno nas imu jivir, ui ,pe course combines meory anu practice. r ro the necessary business papers, such ns note thus makliiB- his course as near that of act To take such a training with us moans 8 GIVEN FREE, Y. M. C A. Membership for One Year Valued at JIO.OO o every yoting man who enters for a full t erm. No 'iwJ'!l ev ATfA" bAT school. This membership entitles ou to e vrrythlnr-G MNASIl M, BATHS. AIM" LETIC'S. LIBRARY.. READ1NU ROOM, SOCIAL ROOM, RECEPTION. ENTER- 'IAIN MEN T COURSES, ETC. GIVEN FREE. Y. W. C. to every young lady who enters for a full told benefit to every young lady who may be so fortunate as to poasess on. This full membership gives every privilege granted by he i organiJij tlon. such as the J. Bh.B ENTERTAINMENTS, GYMNASIUM. SOCIAL. GATHERINGS, 20 PER CENT DIS COUNT ON MEALS. ETC. - ... .,..,, ,h RE.VfcMi.n. there is NO extra tuition nor expense to the students wa holCl theso memberships, the cost being detrayid by the school. rhe bjaot Is to glr every young man and woman who enters tbls Institution the Incalcu able t'nflt J the V. M C. A and Y. W. C. A., where they can enjoy the elevating Influeao af the best elements of socletv, morally, social , na physically. Every yjung man and woman who Is thinking of entertng a business college will certainly appreciate thla CULTURE AND REFINEMENT Night School Write, call or 'phone for catalogue. ROYAL HciTEl European, ten c cu.c.tno. E 300 DEWEY, European hotel, 1-th andFainam. E Ml VIENNA HOTEL, 1011 Farnam; fine rooms, lauJts' tale, private dining r.; open mglits. E 302 NICE comfortable room for one or two gentlemen; very reasonable; tnodrrn. 1-ta N. 17th. E-M914 MIDLAND hotels. 16th and Chicago; steam heated; medium price; cale in connection. E M5S0 NORTHWESTERN hotel, 618 N. 16th Euro pean. E MJi 3 13v9 DOUGLAS; ucatly furnlahed single room; modern. E MOID 6 LARGE front room; also others. 2103 Doug, las. E MC18 Cx 2120 DOUGLAS, south front; two gentle men piei'errod. E Mull Cx LARGE south room, first floor, 2201 D-ug-Us. E -UoltU 1712 CAP. ave; largo and small: modern. E MCi'4 7 523 NO. ii, steam-heated parlors 1st floor. E Mti.3 7 LARGE front rooms; modern. C16 No. 21st EMC72 7 1810 DODGE, I parlors and single room. E -Mtf.l 7x 611 SO. 23d, room, us ot kitchen; cheap If taken at once., E M6.0 Cx 1S11 DOUGLAS; three furnished rooms, $8 to $la; also housekeeping buaement. E Mol5 6x FOR RENT Furnished rooms, all modern, electric lieht and furnace,-private family; gentleman preferred. 1921 St Mary's ave. E M8U0 7x FOR RENT Nicely furnished room for gentleman; private family. 216 South &th st E 798 Cx WANTED, gentlemen roomers at 2051 N. 19th t, modern. E MS16 7x 2011 HARNEY, larg front room; everything modern. E M8W 8 TWO large rooms, with gas, bath, heat, telephone, for gentlemen. Mrs. George Guy, 1913 St. Mary'a avenue. . E 787 Cx TWO furnished suites for light housekeep ing and several single furnished roo-ns at 18o6 Chicago street E 786 Cx SECOND floor, south front ream; three large windows; furnace; sui able for two gentlemen. 2216 Douglas St. Tel. 3904. E 828 6 FOR RENT, thoroughly modern room sult eble for two gentlemen. In strictly private family; cheap. References. Adress E 63, Bee. E 867 6x WE SELL everything fer houa-'keep nsr at very moderate prices; terms. $2o,00 worth, $1.00 per week. OMAHA FURNITURE & CARPET CO.. Between 12th and 13th on Farnam st E 93s S 201 SO. 23TH ave., desirable front room; references exchanged. E 841 ?x HOT'PEKEEPINO rooms, flrst-clas Jackson. E I ss. J713 934 8x FINE rooms, handsomely furnished, home complete. Including bottle ot Landeen' Antiseptlo Hair Tonic. B 910 6x 616 So. 22d. Large front reom with alcove; also singlo rooms; modern; walking dis tance. TeL A2282. Private faro'ly. E 920 6 NICE, comfortable ro?m; modern; o'o In, for one or two gentlemen. 114 So. 19th. E 917 7x MARRIED couple without children devlr rooms and board In first-class private faml'y; permanent If suited. Adden E 65. Be. E 918 6x THREE pleasant, partly furnished rom, modern; can ba arranged for nous keep ing; references required. 2701 Won'w-irth ave. E 921 6x ELEOANT front parlor, steam heat; also ; housekeeping rooms, 2234 Farnam. top noor. in b sx FOR RENT Two room-, entulte or lng'e, furnished. 667 South 26th ft FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD O. M. E., TEL. 611. MESSENGERS AND BAGGAGE. F-SO 1712 DODGE. Table board. Home cmk'ng. Clean. F-918 6x ' MIDIAND hotel. Kth and Chicago: steam heated rooms, with or without board. Ji'-MoSI WALKING distance, modern rooms and bo trd. $4 60 per week. 'Phons A-2693. 24u6 Cass at. F M823 626 8. 19th, board and rooms, modern. F-MS41 8 ELEGANT rooms, with fine board; all rooms furnished with a bottle of Lan dure' Antiseptlo Hair Tonic. F 911 Cx FiRST-CLASS home cooking and two newly furnished rooms ioi- iuur . ., ...r week ouch. 2215 California. F Ms92 7 I NEWLY furnished front rooms; all mod ern conveniences. 217 8. 26th st. 'Phone F-2610. F-soC 6 TI'M MERR1AM. 25th and Dodge St. Tel. 65. Family hotel. F-3C6 809 B. 25th Ave., p'ensant room- "id boerd; private family. F 3C7 LARGE east front r vm, with grate; fin location. 820 S. 21st Bt. F-978 ROOM and board for two. 118 K. 25th ar. F-407 FURNISHED rooms with board: modern; team beat. 2216 Farnam. F-MC28 Cx BOARD, with lorge south room; suitable for two: refined neighborhood. 627 Kirk Ave. F-&95 FOR RENT 8 team-heated room, with board. The HUside, l.Ui and Ilge st. F t l -ix mi niunviT. AVlc.. modern: 84 ard ud. , F Mil.a 7 FURNISHED room, with brkft, to Kenllenian; alegaiit, modern flat, vih and I Leaveuworth. Addreas K 49, "peja-fa tment are doing splendid work. Tt Is well rse under I'm. Lowry become thoroughly nt to le under the training of a practical rlence as instructor una nwuiunn. m the very hesrtiinlng the student handle i i.. M . ...inu InvnlVM. eta.. ii'ttl business from the tart aa possible. LCCr.BS to una Biuucim A. Membership ror One Year term Such a nerab"h,1,P w'" bt,h0' : Now Open. C 13 I Oil 6 unfurnished rooms, modern. South 26th avenue. G 5 Sx ONE large, unfurnished roosm; ric re. sonable. 21 California st vr maoo FOUR rooms, modern, 2205 N. 20th st. G 64J Sx THREE rooms, single or cn state, furnished . 1. .. i n fL'0 '-.! . V. lm Tel. A-L9-'S. -MG69 6x r FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES A $10 OFFICE In tb Bee building carriea with it all the convnlence and advan tages in the way o! heat, light, Janlicr service, and -.11 day and Sunday e tvator service. A $15 office Is now va cant. Call at once. P- C. Peters & Co., ground iloor. Bee building. 1828 DESIRABLE MODERN OFFICES Singly or en suite; cars to depot. South Omaha and Bluffs. Price right. Includ ing heat Janitor ar.d elevator service. Chas. E. Williamson Co., Ground Floor U. S. Nat 1 Bank Eig. 1.A $ S-STORY and basement br7;k baUdirg. 1008 Farnam, 22xlW, h)draui ejerai-ur. suit able for wholesale ot rnnta4nttjru 311 First Nat'l Bank building. 1 IF A GOOD light is needed w caa show you a north front office en the t!th floor a splendid room, at the moderate price of $20. R. C. Peter A Co.. griid floor. Be building. I-3 WANTED TO RENT WE can rent your rooms and house. Room 8, N. Y. Life. 'Phone 183. Glover & Son. 878 WANTED, at once, a modern 6 or 8-room flat, well furninhed. for family df three, Janitor service, located good and central neighborhood. State terma and refer ences. E 7. care of Bee. K 932 7X M0NY TO LOAN CHATTELS $1.00. Hav there not oeeu time when It woulu nave oecu Mortii inuit than iuo cent to your It is our ous iuos to oup.y you wi-h mouy Vtnou you Beau It and alow you to return it in sinal. w.eaiy pa mm ts a uuty best culi yuur onveul vve loan on FuiUture, P.anu., L. v e Sloca anu oli.e. c.iu.Uls and we maae Salary loans, uui lei ms are as good as any and Let.r th n many. We at tne o.dest tO.icarn .a our line in the ci.y ..n a.l-a.oud oonsiaient uealiuga fx i ccummenu u. OJuAtlA ilUUl UAU O. UOAll CO., Id Board of itaue b.dg. 'lei. 2jS tEscabilshtd l4J 8uC & IC.n at X-4J0 bOWEiVSMONEY Eaay tw ,ui uu kuiui.ui., piatiua, horse, cow a, jewaii y, aaauties. io t. i. .uu. X M-ul CHATTEL, salary and Je.te.ry leans. o- ley Loan Uu., mM r annua Bt XiU MONEY loaned on sa.ury, furniture, Jew eiry, hoibes. Duit Ul'een Loau CO,, S Barker Block. X--413 LOANS made on all kinds of chattel se curity, aisw on SALARIES, Low Rates. Eaay lerms. Quick and ConnSeiulal (tervice. Call on us It in need of MONEY. ' PHOENIX CREulT CO.. C3. Pax ton Block. X 414 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, horses, cows, eta C. F. Reed, iu S. 13th. X 418 MONEY FOR BALAR1ED PEOPLE. STAR LOAN CO., 844 PAA'ION BLOCK. X-418 MEN IN BEST POSITIONS boiuetiines need money, we can supply the need wltnout puuliclty and at loweat rales on sulaiy or on furniture, pianos, eta Dealings fairest. See us before bor rowing eisewOjie. Opeu every Tuesday and oaiuruay evenings until 8 o'clock. THE 1. A. BUTTON CO., 614-618 Pax ton biotik. X-410. 8EE FULLER. 425 Paxton block, for loaaa ou watchsa, diamonds and Jewelry. X-41T SALARY and collateral loans. Templeton, 212 Bee Bldg. Tel. 2904. , XtlS MONEY LOANED SAIRIED PEOPLE nnj others without security; easy pay ments; larbist business in 49 principal cities. Tuliuan, Room 714, N. Y. JJfe. X 418 MONEY loaned on furniture, salary, Vuirf etc.: hilf usual ruiei. Dr. Pr it. mo benow, room xi4 at mt a. mtn st. Tei B-29C4. X-M478 SALARY AND CHATTEL IX)ANa RELIABLE CREDIT CO,, 807-8 PAX'iON BLOCK. 'PHONE 1411. X Mdl3 MONEY TO LOAM REAL ESTATE FARM and city loans: lowest rate. W. H. Thomas, Fliat Nat 1 Buna Bldg. Tel. 1C48. W 421 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1620 Dougla W 428 WANTED City loan and warrant. W. Farnam Siuitn at Co., Wu Farnam St. W-4'28 MONEY TO LOAN. Payn investment CoT W 424 6 PER CENT loan. Garvin Bros., PJ04 Farnam. W 426 LOWEST rate. Bemls, Paxton block. W-428 MONEY to loan on real estats at 6 and lt . per cent. W. B. Mcikle, 806 itamaeJMg. v OSTEOPATHY Johnson Instliut. (16 N.Y. Ufe bldg. Tel.144i 8bC MRS. JOHN R. MI'riiCK, Osteopathy Phy. klclan; oftlce, Dougia block. Tel. 2823 86T DP. FARWBJX, speclulty nrrou dlsess. ot raxon. lept V