THE OMATIA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2. IM. s t! a CHAIN ANB PRODUCE MARIET FTild Snah of Shorti t Oo.r jUmicti Wheat 2 1-2 0ati a Bmhcl. IAD CONDlTiOM WINTER V?IK A FACTOR iala Badly Wasted (nn' niroiigfr laik Frlrri la Omaha A4--4sla at Stock nu. OMAHA. Nov. 1. 1!M. There was Just a shade of r ntwi set In a an Influence mi the grain markets this uurulng, not that none seriously expect thai the North a-a dlrticulties are It all likely to cause any friction of a , serious nature, but for the rcttson thnt conditions are admittedly tender and the bears have been buy wllh wheat prices In the last few day until they have largely oversold their market. L'ninics ttonably very large lines of long wheat have been dumped on the market In tne last few days, relieving the tension very materially. It has been the rase for some, time that the shorts found the market against them whenever they tried to cover nd there mas nothing new In the repeti tion of this movement. Liverpool was wronger, despite of the positive weakness In American markets on Monday, showing that to a certain extent it Is going to act Independent. Wa have had a 5c decline in the last week, and that has been auftt cient In Itself to cause a cessation of the bear movement. Sentiment continues of ben rich tenor, the receipts are holding up to expectations and the only point at Issue between the factions is the amount of the crop that has been snarketed. Inquiry for cash wheat revived a little with the better future demand and prices -recovered something of their late loss. No. 8 wheat, testing 57 pounds, sold on the Omaha market at 31.015. The Nebrsska wheat arriving here la of such a varied finality that prices are erratic and irregu lar. During the Inst hour of the session the demand from the shorts Increased decid edly. There were numerous reports of nn unfavorable character regarding the growth of the. new winter wheat, resowing In many places and dlHconrngement over the lack of needed rain. Hessian flies were also re ported doing much damage and this with the possibility, slight though It Is, turned the shorts Into crnsy buyers and advanced the price of December wheat to 11 12, a net gain of 2o, while May advanced to 31. 12, a Z-poInt advance. There wero re cessions on profit taking of V,i point. CORN After the opening December com. advanced to 48e, a gain of c. but It turned easier later nnd declined to 48o, a net loss of 4c. It is difficult to mtlntatn corn price In the face of the Inrge crop maturing. May held without much change between 461Va4.rc. The strength of wheat caused another up turn In corn tnd prices closed with a slight gain. OATS Prices were comparatively firmer end just a shade better. Omalia. Cash Prleea. Wheat No. 2 hard, tl.O701.O9; No. 3 hard, ll.00tll.U8; No. 4 hard. MefalUll; No. 2 spring, $1. Obfs 1.10; No. I uprlrig, M. 0241.07; No. 4 spring, (tfci&Sl oi; no grau, 8.S(9ie. v;orn xno. . vutW: No. a, t"c. No. 4, 47ii4e; No. 2 yellow, 48(&49c; No. 3 yellow, 48-(i49c. No. 2 whit. 48(&49c; No. i white, 4b493. Oats No, j, mixed, 27:Sc: No. 3 mixed, 27i2ic; No. 4 mixed. laiVo27c: No. 2 whit", at.o; No. 2 white, Win; No. 4 will e, 2i.4t;iicr standard. 2xfi28V.c. Futures In Chicago were active. De cember opened at $1.10, a gain of Ho, sold to 21. IP. back c and again toucheii $1.11. May opened c better, at 21.10, sold to $1.11 and back to $1.11. touching 11.11. again. Omaha Cash Bales Wheat: 2 cars hartl whea late Monday afternoon, 66 lbs., $1.02; 1 car No. 4 hard. 62 lbs.. 98c; 1 car No. 4 hard. 68 lbs.. JWc; 1 car No. 4 har.l, 62 lbs., 8bc; 1 car No. 4 spring, 61 lbs.. 93c; , 1 car No. 4 hard, 63 lbs., 87c; I car No. 3 bnrd, 64 lbs., tl.00; 1 car No. 3 hard. 67 libs.. tl.tW; 1 car No. 3 hard, 57 lbs., II .0tii. Corn: 1 car No. 3, 48c. Oats: 1 car . No. i white, 28c; 1 car No. 8 oats, 23 lbs., 27c. 1 ' Grata Markets Elsewhere. Closing prices of grain today and Monda at the markets named were as follows:" i ' CHICAGO. "X Close . ,' Wheat ' Today. Monday. i December 2.124 l.KH May ,.,.. , ...,., 1.11 1.10 i r.vrj.t". "Tk ""'' 46 28 30 1 uai December .. 28 31 May Wheat '. ' December-.. Mav ST. LOUIS. .1.134 1.12 1.15 1.13 Corn December 444 444 May jivi;v;--v. H , Wheat- uecemoer, .... a.ot i.U4 Mav U.U2 1.01 Corn- 1 December ,..t 424 41 ' May 414 40 1, ' MINNEAPOLIS. , Wheat December 1.15 1.11 5 May 1.16 1.13 ,v . DULUTH. v Wheat December 1.13 1.11 May 1.13 1.124 , MSW YORK ftKJKHAL, MARKET Quotations of the Day on Various Commodities. NEW YORK. Nov. l.-FLOUR-Recelpts, 15,000 bbls.: exports, 6.151 bbls.; market dull and barely steady; lower In view of de cline In wheat; Minnesota patent, ttf.OO 6.40; Minnesota bakers', 14.60045.00; winter r aienis, .mkud.w: winter straights, X5.361 60: winter extras. $a.tW4 .26: winter low grades. $3.4014 06. Rye Hour steady; fair 10 gooa, m.wkih. in; cnoica to rancy, 14.7&W 6.00. Buckwheat flour slow at $2.00(32.10 per 100 Iba. V CORNMEA L Steady; yellow western, 31 llibL13; city. Il.124jl.14; kiln dried, 23.00 63.20. HYE Nominal. BARLKY Steady; feeding, 43c, c. I. f. New York. WHEAT Receipts. 1,000 bu., spot market firm; No, 3 red, nominal, elevator: No. 2 red, 2118; f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth.-$1234 t, o. b. afloat: No. 1 hard, Manitoba, f o. b. afloat. A rally in wheat toduy. starting on Hi m cables, bull ish Argentine crop news, smaller western receipts end bad winter wheat crop ad vices wan emphasised later by a war scare. Prices had a big advance, but in the last hour yielded somewhat to realising, al though finally, l(Ulo ' higher. May, $1 11 I31ftil.l3, leI IU34; Decembur, tl.l6i1.17. dowed Jl.K.. CORN Receipts. 30,1(0 bu.; spot market firm'. No. 3. nominal, elevator, and fo f. i,. i,. tin.. ,'. jruvw, a.i , iiy. ; wrilff, (Hr. Option market was dull all day, but steady to Arm, following wheat, last prices, showing te net advance. May closed 61c; ' December closed txic. OATB Receipts, K.W hu,; spot mar ket dull; irtlxad oats, :tVii32 pounds, 344' Sf4c; natural white, .V'n;U pound.H, Mtif 27c; clipped white, Wt) rHnndi. 87394c FRED Quiet; spring, braa, t20; mid dlings, 818.75; City, HAY Steady j slilpplug, SOffltiSc; good to choloe. 764j Met HOPS Klftni state, common to choice, lm, 31(841o; l(tU3, 31ti6c; rlds, WlKc; P rtflc coast, 1904. 30JXc; 1903, 3(S4c; olds, 14ai8c. Til DES Steady; Galveston, to26 lbs., 17c; California, 2l(f23 lbs, 10c; Texas, dry, 24j30 lbs., 14c. LEATHER Firm: acid, 54620. PROVISIONS-Rfef, firm; family, 310 60 fill. 60; mean, 39 0Oti9,5O; beef hams, IIS. 24 60; packet. 210 otxti lO 60; city, extra India, mess. 214.606 ld.50. Cut meats, steady; Pickled bellies, M.104c; pickled shoulders. 7c; plcVled ham. 94til0c. I,ard, barely steady; western steamed. 27.45; . October closed 27.46. nominal; refined, quiet; con tinent, 27.70: South America, 28.25; com pound, 6futi4-. Pork dull; family, 215.50; short eWr, $13 TrnU17.o0; mesa, 212.6i(&13.00. TALLOW-Dull; city, t22 tier pkg.) 4fcc; country nkga. freel, 4Stto. RICE Quiet; domeatlc. lair to extra, 2VflfV-; Japan, nonilnat. l'ul'LTRY Alive, weak; western chick ens, loc; fowls, 10c: turkeys, lifgHc; dressed. Irregular; western chickens. 12' 16e: fowls. 12c; turkeys, ltkiil7c. Bl'TTER Creamery, common to extra, 14Ufln. CHEESK-Full cream, small, 74 104c; Urge, 7j 94c KUOS Firm: western fancy selected, 26c; average beat, 2SUJtc. Delate, drain Market. . Dl'LUTH. Nov. l.-WHEAT-In store; No. 1 northern. 11.16; No. 2 northern, 21 0s; to arrive and on track: No. 1 northern 21 1; No. 1 northern. 21.1; December, tl.13: Mi)', 3i.U. OATS To arrive and on track. 2914 e. Aiallaete plies rf iraiu. NKW YCRIC. No I Bpeclal tal)l. .sii,1 telegraphic communication, received" by KradKirets show the following change In available supplies as compared with last account 1 . . Wheat. I'nlted "latea and Canada, east . the Rockies, Increase, (..tVl.MM fetl Afloat for and In Europe, Increase, Ji0,i bu. Total supply, increase, x.fti).io hu. Com. 1 nited States and Canarta, east of th Rockies, decrease, tiaj bu. Oats. I nited States and Lanada, east of the Hockles, decrease, JKM.(ri bu. . The leading increases reported this week rr U.i bushels in Manitoba. ."" bushels st the northwestern interior eleva tors, bushels at the Chicago private elevators, bushels at "marts, bushels st Port Huron and 52,ii bushels at I'oteau. The leading decreases sre 2no,nof bushels nt Depot liarbor and m.Vu bushels at Aberdeen. . CHICAGO tJRAM AID PROVI"I01S Keatnres of the Trading f'loslaaj Prleea am the Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Nov. 1. Renewed apprehen sion concerning the status of the Angio Russlsn controversy caused a sharp rally In wheat here today. At the close Decem ber Wheat was lnlc- higher, and May 1"'. Corn is ui a snade. Oats show a gam of c. Provisions are practically un cha nged. Hentnnent In the wheat pit was bullish from the stsrt. At the opening the market was Influenced by the sirengm or foreign gram markets, the price of wneat at Uver pool being up nearly 4c, notwithstanding the decline nere yesterday. Commission hoUBes and pit traoers were active bidders at the opening, both Decenioer and May being In good demand. Initial quotations on l.eceinier were up 4fHc to 4'y, at 21.104 to 31.11. May also was up wrc to 4fV at l.l(wi,'iil.1o. Oftenngs were entirely Inadequate to satlsty tne demand and In consequence prices continued to advance. The upward tendency was greatly accelerated bv alarming reports from Europe regarding a revival 01 the Anglo Russian war scare Another bull factor Was the small movemeint In the southwest and a materia' decrease In the total pri mary receipts. The high point on Decem ber was reached at $1.13 and on May al 21.12V4il.l2. Late In the day tne market was subjected to heavy realizing sales. The market, however, closed strona. with lie- cemlier at 21.124. May closed at 21.11 (il. 12. 1 Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 74.PW bushels. The world's visible sup- I ply as shown by Bradstreet's, made nn In- i crease of 8.500,ii0 bushels. Primary re- celpts were Dusneis comparea wiin 1,&:H. 100 bushels a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of Wl cars, against 957 cars last week nnd l,;i:3 cars a year ago. Hl.ength of wheat was the main Influence affecting the corn market. Additional fac tors, however, were continued small pri mary receipt and advices from Omaha, claiming poor returns from huskinga throughout Nebraska. Small receipts esti mated for tomorrow also had a bullish In fluence on the market. December opned higher at 48'948P. sold between 4RV4,' and 494c and closed at 4'i4c. I.oca, receipts were 129 cars, with six of contract grade In sympathy with the strength of othet grain the oats market held Arm. The volume of business was light. December opened 4c higher at 28c, sold between 24o snd 28c and closed at 28c. Local receipts were 211 cars. A fair demand for lard and ribs held pro visions steady, notwithstanding a heavy run of hogs and lower prices at the yards. Trading wan mostly of local character. At the close January pork and lard were each off 24a at 312.37 and 27.o6Ca7.074 respectively. Ribs were un changed at 26.42. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, A8 cars; corn, 42 cars; oats, 90 cars; hogs, 80,00 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles ! Open. High. Low. Close. Yesty. Wheat Dec. 1 10-ty& 1 lO-J, 111 1 13 1 10 1 12 1 I04 May 1 10 1 124-9 1 11 1 10 1 lu 1 12 1 10 1 12 1 lo July 96-6l 8 -96 974 Corn I 1 Dec. 48l3 49 8'!4RfS 48 May 46 45 4,r 4'464f' 45 July , 45 j45&44t4d46j4 46 Oats I Dec. 28 28 28 2S 28 May 30(Sl31430i& 814,30 Nov. 29 July 30 31 30 314 30 Pork Jan. 12 324 12 37 12 30 13 37 12 40 May 12 37 12 424 12 37 12 42 U 42 Lard j Jan. 7 02 7 07 7 00 7 07 7 05 May 7 15 7 17 7 12 7 174 7 17 Ribs Jan. (40 42 6 40 42 6 42 May 6 65. ' 6 67 ' ( 60 67 6 674 No. 2. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Market easy; . winter patents, 25.306.40; winter straights, 24.905.20; spring patents, 25.30r5.80- eprlng, straights, 4.6o0 i:30: bakers, 23.204 00. " -' WHEAT No. 2 spring. 21.12&1.15; No. 8, 21.OtXul.14; No. 2 red, 21.14M7. CORN No. 2, b4c; No. 2 yellow, 66c. OATS No. 2, 29c; No. 3 white, 30431c. RYE No. 2, 79c. BARLEY Good feeding, 37c; fair to choice malting, 41g;52o. SEEDS No. 1 flax, 31. 08; No. 1 northwest ern, 31.15: clover, contract grade, 312. PROVISIONS Mesa pork, per hbl., 310.90 fni.OO. Lard, per 100 lbs.; 27.024ifr7.05. Short ribs sides (loose). 30.8743)7.00. Short clear sides (boxed), 27.0007.25. Following were the receipts and ship ments of flour and 'grain: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 82,000 34.J00 Wheat, bu 132.000 9H.900 Corn, bu 118.000 808.400 Oats, bu 259.600 298.900 Rye, bu 7.000 1,800 Barley, btl ..120. 601 35,400 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was firm; creameries, 15523c; dairies. lS4W184c. Eggs, firm; at mark, cases Included, 16igil84c; firsts, 19c; prime firsts, 22c; extras, 24e. Cheese, easy, 10 10c. . St. Loals Grain and Provisions. ST. LOUIS, Nov. l.WH EAT Higher on drouth and war news; No. 3 red, cash, elevator, 3113; on track, 31.141.15; De cember, 3113; May, 3116; No. 2 hard, 31.1ith 1.14. CORN Higher; No. 2 cash, 61c; on track, 63c; December, 44&44c; May, 43c blJ. OATS Higher; No. 2 cash, 3u4o; on track, 31c; December, 304c; May, 31o bid; No. 2 white. 31ft32c. FLOUR Dull, red winter patents, 35.36 6.60; special brands. 25.35(6.76; extra fancy, 24 .8O536.U6; clear, 24.154.40. SEEDS-Tlmothy. steady; 23.00(82.45. CORNMEAL Steady; 32.70. BRAN Quiet, steady;, sacked east track, 82$4c. HAY Steady; timothy, $; prai rie, 25.004i9.6O IRON COTTON TIE3 86c. TWINE Hemp, 7c. PROVISIONS Pork, higher; Jobbing, 211.20. Lard, firm; prime steam, 3624. Bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts, 37.824; clear ribs, 38.654; short clear. 39.00. POULTRY Unchanged; chickens, 7c; springs, 9; turkeys, He; ducks, 9c; geese, 74jc. BUTTER Higher; creamery, 1924c; dai ries. 18fo20c. EGGS Steady; 18c, case count. Receipt. Shipments. Flour, bbls 10,000 ' 2O.0OO Wheat, bu D.000 lOI.OuO Corn, bu 47.000 67,0f0 Outs, bu 39,000 60,0i.0 Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Nov. 1. WHEAT De cember. 2104;. May, $1.03; .July, 93c; cash, No. 2 hard, 31.084il.094; No. 3, tl.0 1.07; No. 4. SOcfi 21.02; rejected, 82l90cj No. 3 red,; No. 3, tl.03&1.07; $0. 4, 91c-& 31 02; recelins, 113 cars. CORN-Decemtier, 42c; May. 41414c; No. 2 mixed. 49c: No. 3. 4(t4rU48c; No. 2 wnite, Yw; no. 3, vitt OATS No. 7 mixed, 9c; Nu. 2 white. 30ii3O4c: No. 3. 20i':,94c, RVE-No. 2, 76g77o. HAY Choice timothy. 39.00: choice prairie. $7.F"tf..00. BUGS Firm; Missouri and Kansas. 20r per doxen, loss off; new No. 2, whitewood esses Included, case count, 18c; cases re turned. 4c less. BUTTER-Steady; creamery, ISflraOc; dairy, fancy, inc. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 90.400 84.000 Corn, bu 17.VJ0 . 18.400 Oats, bu 8.000 13,000 Storks at Liverpool. LIVERPOOL, Nov. 1. Following are the stocks of wheat and corn In store and quay (railway and canul depots not In cluded): Wheat, 3.24J.0OO cental; corn, 7,000 cent- r;ollowlng are the stocks of bread tuff a and provisions In Liverpool: Wheat, 3.461,000 centals: corn, 897.000 cent als; flour. 44,000 sacks; bacon, .) boxes; hams. 6,800 boxes; shoulder. I.60O boxes; butter. 14.400 cwt.; cheese, 90.000 boxes; lard, 8,100 tierce of prime western steam and 1,220 tons of other kinds. r Philadelphia Prodaco Market. PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 1. BUTTER Firm, prints, lo higher; extra western creamery. 23c; extra nearby prints, aie. EUGS Firm; good demand, nearby firsts and western firsts. 24f)'Jdc at mark. CHEESE Firm and o higher; New York full creams, fsncv. 10c; choice, 10',t104c; falr to good. 4ftl0e. Mllwaakee Grain Market. MHAVAl'KEB. Nov. l.-W HE AT-Market higher; No. 1 nonhern, $1 7; No. t northern, $1 12"i1 16: May. 31 11'ul R V K Easy; No. 1, Mc. HAPLEY Steady; No. 3. 644436t; sam ple. 8&C. ... Okn Market o lover; No. 3, 6t!ic; May; 46lc. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Wgli Street Market Irrgnltr oi Dewal of Anglo-Btusian War Talk. EARLY RISE FOLLOWED BY SLUMP AT NOON Alarm Over Reports from Qlbrnltar absldea and There I Rally, All Leaders Closing at Set Advance. NEW YORK. Nov. 1. Wall street found Itself wllh a tenewal of the Intel national crisis on Its hands touay and at some what 01 a loss to know how to hsmne the rituatlon. l.ond"n and fail, le. iters of niplomatlc Information, had noth ad journed their stocK market sessions over the All feaints holiday and the interest in the markets hiti 00 far lapsed thai It was noi thought even nccenary to ex change the usual cable message with the usual arbitration houses lieie. It was probably fur this reason that no effc-t was piudticed In th? local stock market by the ominous condition at Gibraltar, until long after the oiatche lrom that P'jlnt htm appeared on the street. During the morning the market chowel a distinct tendency toward rccove y from yesterday's violent decline. The principal g:numt for lack of lalth in the market was the decided decrease In acti.lty a. the advance', that it was clear that uuyer. were not disposed to follow the adven e, but there seemed to be little pressure 10 sell at the recovered level. For the reconl hour of t lie morning, the market wjs duller than for several weekf. It wae Interred from this that the pilnclpil buy ing wns to cover shorts snd to take pnlits on the short fa eg made on yesterdays break. The result of the morn,ng buying was to establlsn gains of about a point In Union Pacific, Reading. Onlaili & Vetern and Chicago Great Western and of j In Sugar and Amalgamated Copper, beldej comprehensive gains of a tester range throughout the list. By mldlay, however, the market had taken alt.rm at the bel ligerent look of the naval and military preparations reported from Gibraltar and early In the afternoon had forced de clines of 1 to 3 from last night, the latter, St. Paul. The diffidence about Interpret ing the foreign situation was reflected in the substantial rally which set In before the close. It must be said that the hick of clear understanding or of the happenings at Gibraltar displayed In New York seemetl to be chared to a large extent In London, and the deprecatory tone adopted by offi cial authorities toward any sentiment of alarm over the outlook was a factor in inducing the covering of shorts which caused the rally here. The thres great in dustrial stocks. United State Bteel p e ferred, Sugar and Amalgamated Copper were rushed up 1 to 3 prints over last night In the lute rallv and the recovery elsewhere was everywhere complete. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par value, $615.on0. United States bonds were Unchanged on call. Th following were the closing quotations on the Nen York Stock exchange: Sales. High. Low. Close. Atchison 34.800 Ko 84 85 do pfd if") 101 lol 101 Baltimore & Ohio 16,900 94 92 93 do pfd 96 Canadian Pacific 13.400 128 1 127 Central of N. J... 200 12 lbl 1S2 Chesapeake & Ohio... 7,200 44 43 44 Chicago fc Alton do pfd Chicago 3t. WeBtern. 21,300 23 Chicaao & N. W DoO 194',. 30 80 23 22 194 19 C. M & St. P 62,100 171 1U7 170 do nfd 181 Chicago Term. & T... 600 do pfd 8,400 C C, C. & St. L . Colo. Southern 1.100 do 1st pfd M0 do 2d pfd 500 Delaware & IIudson.,3,200 D., L. A W 11 23 '21 53 1K3 10 30 '21 63 30 131 10 21 83 21 63 30 183 V 306 30 82 38 71 61 79 87 1424 2K4 47 Denver & Rio Orande 3iQ 30 82 39 71 53 81 30 82 37 70 50 80 i do pfd 100 Erie do 1st pfd .... do 2d pfd .... Hocking Valley do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central .. do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd ..90.900 .. 4. LOO .. 2.OI0 .. 200 2.900 143 100 29 61 133 161 82 1,000 61 132 ltil Louisville & Nashville 7,000 Manhattan 1 4.700 Met. Securities 8,700 81 Met. St. Ry... M. & St. L.... ..29,900 122 120 122 67 M.. St. P. & S. S. M. . 3.400 92 do pfd 1.100 146 89 145 102 29 57 40 133 . 71 90 144 101 29 57 39 132 70 Missouri Pacific 31.000 103 Al., K. & T 10,300 31 1 do pfd 4.200 N. R. R. of Mex. pfd. 600 N. Y. Central 6.700 Norfolk & Western... 4.4U0 do pfd 6N 40 134 71 Ontario & Western... 7,400 43 41 42 Pennsylvania ..68,300 13! 134 l3t P., C C. & St. L Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Rock Island Co... do pfd 100 73 73 70 .49,700 .. 300 ,!94.700 . 4,900 73 87 '33 73 62 21 50 61 70 87 si 72 60 21 4K 59 115 , 33 93 32 29 47 107 '20 41 17 22 46 17 72 87 78 82 72 61 20 49 60 115 34 93 83 29 4H 109 85 20 42 18 2'-' 45 17 240 205 113 13 33 27 St. L. S. St. Wills S do jsTd ... 8. Paclflc . do lnd ... S. Railway V. 2d pfd. 1,400 W. 400 .. 1.300 ..69.800 600 110 ....24,100 34 94 34 do pfd 1,200 Texan & Pacific 6,600 T.. St. L. & W 100 484 111 do pfd 200 Union Pacific 171.900 do pfd v Wabash 1.500 do prd 1,400 W. & L. E 400 Wisconsin Central ... 200 do pfd 400 Mexican Central 8,000 Adams Ex American Ex United States Ex Am. Linseed Oil do nfd 21 42 18: 22 46 18 Am. locomotive .... do pfd Am. Smelt. A Refng, 2,300 200 11.300 1.100 97$ 71 111 144 104 "71 2"i 83 3i 20 97 9 110 97 71 do pfd 111 Am. Bugar Refng 48.300 141 144 Anaconda M. co aoo Wells-Farao Ex 101 104 217 71 3H'I 82 31 94 8 30 6 42 J15i Amal. Copper .: 138.300 Am. Car & Foundry.. 1.6o0 68 26 82 29 do pfd Am. Cotton Oil do pfd Am. Ice do nfd 200 2,500 "ooo 1.100 8 37 01 215' 8 30 63 40 214 Brooklyn R. T 82,800 Colo. Fuel & Iron 19,900 Consolidated Gas 3,900 Corn Products 1.500 do pfd lot) Dlsllllfrs' Securltlea.. 2.900 17 17 17 72 72 724 S3 175 18 77 az-tj 173 17 77 3;i4 General Electric 1,400 International Paper.. 5o0 173 17 77 W! 79 21 94 do pfd International Pump. do pfd National Lead North American .... 200 "ioo 1,200 200 4i0 Pacific Mail People's Gas Preaaed Steel Car do pfd Pullman Palace Car.. Republic Steel do pfd Rubber Goods do pfd Tenn. Coal & Iron.... tT. S. Leather do pfd V. H. Realty V Imp.. V- 8. Rubber do pfd tT. S. Steel do pfd Weatlnghouse Elec Western Union ... Total sales for the day, 1,369.900 shares. Dostoa Stock Market. BOSTON, Nov. l.-Call loans,24i3 nef cent: time Idttus, 4ft4 per cent. Official closl ng of stocks and Donas: Alchlaon adj. 4a.... IJS'Advantur .... .. 4S ::V, .. n do 4 IN Allouaa Alchlaon 'i Amalgamated Amarleaa Zinc .... Atlantlo bttiaham do pfd Beaton ft Alhanr tM boaton ft Main... -144 Boitoa Elavatal 14 riti-hbura Dfd IAS ... is ...11! ... I ... h ... ltiS ... S ... M ... 414 u5 ... a ... tS ... is ... tTS ...1' ... 74 ...130 ... US ::: il'' ... 4IS ::: M ... MS la I. ft Hecla i:nui-Llal Utl Central n Coppar Rang N v.. N. H ft H..1M il)lr Waal. Para Marquatta ' Iomlnloa Coal. 1 1 Ion Pacific 10S Franklla Aintr. Arga. Ckajn.... US Orancy , do ptd X.... to lsla Royala A mar Paau. Tub S Maaa. Mining Amar. Sugar Mulligan .1M Mihtwk .14JS Mont. C. ft C. do pfd Am.r. T. ft T.. Amar. Woolen . it 0.1 unuilnlnn .... d pfd S Oaraol .. I mm inioHl 11 II P, rot . . . Kdlaon Rlac. 1I1U....2M lt.'ull.i'r Urn. Klaclrir.... .17 Shannon Tan.araok . ,. Trinity I'. Mining r i Oil .... l iah t.-iorta Maaa. tlcclrli .... da pfd Mkaa. ca t'nlta arult t'nllad Shoa Mah. do pfd V. . Staal do M ., 1 .. i.1 .. 41S ..103', . . 4 .. r.s! Wlnopa ..if Wolverlna .... West . aemmon 44 Asked. "Ki-div.' Treasary Itatemrat. VVABHINOTON. Nov. 1. Today's state menl of tlie treasury balances In the gen eral fund exdoalv of fie $150.AO0.uO0 gold re-.erve in the division t t redriiiptlon shows: 4 79 13 23 95 95 3S 37 7.900 HfcJ. 10ti lottSi 2,OoO 31 :95i 2i0 81 80 W) Sitl 22 228 2"3 500 11 11 j 900 63V4 53 62 ) 22 21 21 100 84 81 ; 83 S.400 R 65 67 6,900 11 1114 400 9o 90 90 100 62 fi2 'K2 1,00 27 27 ?7 200 84 H4 KU ..32.900 20 19 ft .89.600 81 79 91 . 500 170 1H7 lff7 .. 300 91 90M 9m? Available cash balance, $146.352. 737; goM, $Sl.- (.a29. Sew York Money Market. NEW TORK, Nov. 1. Money on call steady at 2fi2 per cent; closing bid, 2 per cent; offered nt 2 per cent; time loans, steady: sixty days. 3i&-3 per cent; ninety duvs and six months. 34 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPKR-404 per cent. 8TERLINO EXCHANGE Steady, with sctual business in bankers' bills at 34IK.M (fi4.8.70 for demand snd at $4 94&4 84 10 for sixtr-day bills. Posted rates, $4 86 and 34.87 Commercial bills. $4,834. BAR SILVER 58c. Mexican dollars, 4c. . BONDS Government, steady; railroad. Ir regular. The following are tht closing quotations en stocks snd bonds: I' S ref. : rl....K Manhattan t. . 4a. ..It n coupon IM4 'Mea Central 4a 7S4 clo 3. r 1HI ! 1 ln 14 do coupon fWN Minn, at St. U 4a.... M no new 4.. ri 1S M.. K. T. 4a !! do coupon 1V do Ida M do old 4. reg It1 N R. R. of M. e. 4 do coupon I"1 V. t. C ino't AtrhlMin t' 4a W X J- C. a ta I do ad). 4a StVNo Pacllk 4. ) 1 Atlantic C. L. 4a -V do Is 71 B. A O. 4a IMS N ft W. c. 4k 101 do 3i, i O 8 R. 4a St P. ...104' Central of Oa. 6. ..Ill ,Ptnn rent. m....loi do lat ts . Readtna; rn. 4a lot Crea. A rihln 4'ka. . A SI. L. A 1. M. c. Chlcaao tk A. SHa. LAS F. f. 4a. a' r , B Q. n 4a ... '"St. L. S. W. lata.... C. M. A P. P. g 4a.. IMS Feaboard A. L. 4a IS 1'. ft N. W. r. 7 ...1.'7 ISO. Pacl6c 4a 4'j t:, R. f. ft P 4a.. 7f.S So Railway Ba tl do col. Ka v,lTca ft P. ma ...130S. err. A St. U R. 4a..loiiT.. it. L A W. 4a.. II Chlcaao Tor. 4a t t'nlon Parinc 4a 108 Con Tohacco 4a H do 1 on. 4a liW4j Colo, ft So. 4a !' . Sttel Id la... MS D. ft R. O. 4a im "Wahafh lata 117 Frle prior lien 4a.... IMS do deb. 8 6S do gen. 4 av,iw ft L. C. 4 114 r. W A p. C. 1al...ll0SWla. Cant. 4 : Hocktns Val. 4S.-- I1 Colo. Tuel e. ta II H L ft N. tin I. 4 I0JSI (.Iffered. Ex-lnt. 4vr York Mlnlnar Storks. NEW YORK. Nov. 1. The following are llie closing prices "11 imimiiih "ibi soama ion ........ Alice 1. Rreeca tlrunawlrk Con ... Ccmrtock Tunnat . Con., cat. ft Va. Horn Sllvar 20 Llttla Chief .. ...40 ...It ... k ... .. .17 ...liO ...15 ontar lo Onhlr .141 . 11 . II . It . . 10 ,.1M rnonix PotORl BSTasa Slarra Narad Rmal! Hopaa . Stardard .... iron RMver Lcadvllla Con I Foreign Financial. BERLIN, Nov. 1. Exchange on London, 25 marks 24 pfg. for checks; discount rates, fhort bibs, 6 per cent; ihre months' bll s, 5 per cent. Prices on th 1 Hourse tooay w. re weak upnn New loraa weak closing yesterday, lion shares were very firm in the latter part of the day. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET Condition of Trade and Quotations on Rtaple and Fancy Produce. EGGS Candied stock, lac. LIVE POULTRY Hens, 8c; roosters. 6c; turkeys. 13c; ducks, 8419:; geese, u; spring Chickens, 8(S9c. BUTTER Pocking stock. 12Ve; choice to fancy dnlry, lSiffHc; creamery, 18321c; fancy prints. 23c. FRESH FROZEN FISH-Trout, 10c: pick erel, 8c; pike, 10c; perch. 7c; hlueflsh, lac; whltefish. loc; salmon, 14c; redsnapper, 11c; lobster, green, 20c; lobster, boiled, 30c; bull heads, 11c; catfish. 14c; black bass, 20c; hal ibut, 10c; crapples, 12c; roe shad, 31; buf falo, 7c; white bass, 11c; frog legs, per do., 25c. HAT Prices quoted by Omaha Whole sale Dealers' association: ' Choice No. 1 upland, $6.50; No. 2, $4i.00; medium. $6.60; coarse, $5.00. Rye straw, $5.00. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. OY8TERS New York counts, per can, 46o; extra selects, per can, 37c; standards, per can. 32c; bulk, standards, per gal., $1.35; bulk, extra selects, per gal., $1.76; bulk New York counts, per gal., $2.00. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Florida, sixes 126, 154, 173, 300, 216, 250, 23.5s. LEMONd California fancy, 370, 300 and 360, ff 00; choice. 34.60.' DATES Per box of 30-lb. pkgs., 32.00; Hallovl In 70-lb. box. per lb., 6c. FIGS California, per 10-lb. carton, 75 85c; Imported Smyrns, 4-crown, 12o; 6-crown, 14c; 7-crown, 16c: fancy Imported, washed, in 1-lb. pkgs., ltVgl9o: California, per case of thirty-six pkgs., $2.26. BANANAS Per medium slsed bunch, $2.002.50; Jumbo, 22.75ffS.60. FRUITS. APPLES Home grown Jonathan, per bbl.. $4.00; Ben Davis, $2.25: New York Talman and Pound Sweets, $3.00; New York Kings. $3.00; New York Pippins, $2.76; New York Greenings, $2.26) .New York Baldwins, $2.50; Colorado Jonathans , snd Wine Saps, per bu. box. $1.60 ' 1 r ' '' PEARS Utah." C6T6rEdd and California, fall varieties, per box, $1.75'S!.26; New York Keefer pears, per tbl $3.50; New York Dutch, per bbl., $4.00(84.26. CELERY Per dos.. 25660a GRAPES New York and Ohio, per 3-lb. basket, 21$22c; Imported Malagas, per keg, $5.00(86 00. CRANBERRIES Cap Cods, per bbl.. $7.00, per box. 32.60. VEGETABLES. POTATOES New home-grown. In sacks, per bu., 40o. TURNIPS Per bu 60c; Canada ruta bagas, per lb , lc. BEETS Per bu., 60c. NAVY BEANS Per bu.. $1.B52.00. ONIONS Home-grown, in sacks, per bu., 60c; Spanish per crate, 31.90. TOMATOES Home-grown, per market basket, 2M35& CABBAGE Home-grown, per 100 lbs.. 70o. SWEET FOTATOES-Home-grown, per bu. basket, 75c; Virginia, per bbl., 32.60. GREEN PEPPERS Pe. bu. basket, 60c SQUASH Home-grown, per dos.. 60c EGG PLANT Home-grown, per dos., 75o. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full oreant, 11c; Wisconsin Young America, 12c; block Swiss, new, 15c; old, 16017c; Wisconsin brick, 12c. Wisconsin llmberger, lle. N UTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, sew crop, per lb., 14c; hard shell, per lb.. 13c: No. 2 sort shell, per lb., 12c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 12c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb , lOo; peanuts, per lb., 7c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 8c; Chill Walnuts, per lb.. 12fal3c; almonds, soft shell, per lb.. 17c; hard shell, per lb., 16c; chestnuts, per lb., 1216c; new black wal nuts, per bu., 76li)90c. HIDES No. 1 green, 7c; No. 3 green. 6c; No. 1 salted, 8c; No. 2 salted, 7o; No. 1 veal calf, 9c; No. 2 veal calf, 7o; dry salted, 10JilGr; eheep pelts, 25ci&J1.00; horss sides, $1.60(83.00. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 1. METALS Th London tin market was lower, closing st 131 12s lid for spot and at 130 12s 6d for futures. The local market was a little easier in sympathy, closing at $28.26'28.60. London copper market was lower by about 10s. closing at 63 7s fid for spot snd at 1 62 15s for futures. Locally the market was without material change and showed a firm tone; lake is quoted at $18.621j.14.00, electrolytic at 313 2G13.87 and casting at $13.37('o13.62. The exports of copper for the month of October amounted to 26.335 tons, against 20.4t$ tons for the month of September. So far for the season exports are 206,344 tons, compared with only 107.981 tons last year. Lead was firm, but un changed at 34.204.45 In the local msrket.. while In London It wns s little higher, closing at 1212sd. Spelter was Arm st $5.3.'i5.40 In the local market. The London market was unchanged st 23 15s. Iron closed nt 50s lOd In Glasgow and at 44s (din Mlddlesborough. Locally the market was steady: No. 1 foundry northern Is quoted at $15 00(915.60: No. 2 foundry northern. No. 1 foundry southern and No. 1 foundry south ern soft at $14.D0S15 60. Oils and Rosla. NEW YORK. Nov. I.-OILS-Cottonseed barelv steady; prims crude, nominal; veli low, 2t'.Wc. Petroleum, steady: refined New York, $7.05; Philadelphia and BaltN more, in bulk, $5.60. Turpentine, easy; 6e C55C. ROSIN Firm; common to good. $2 VfM . OIL CITY, Pa.. Nov. l.OILR Credit bN snces $1 66; certificates, no bid; shipment 66 399 bhls.: average. 7?.3I5 bbls. : shipments Lima, 76 24 bhls.; average. 68 244 bbls: runs' Ltms. 80899 bbls.: average. 61 377 bhls SAVANNAH Ga., Nov. I. TURPEN TINE Firm. 51o. ROSIN Firm: A B snd C. I'.?U! T 2.87: E. I2.72W; F. $2.77; G $2 2: H tt 85: I. $3 25; K. 3.7R- M. $4.26; N. $4.60; W. O.. 34 65: W. W $6 00. ' ' agar anil Molaasr. NEW YORK. Nov. l.-gr'aAR-Rsw. firm; fair refining. 3c: centrifucsl ft test 4-;c; molasses sugar 3V.c. Retlnad. "rm: N'v 6. 4 80c: No. 7. 7fc: No. 8, No. 9 40c: No. 10. 4 65c: N. H. 4 c: No. j. 440c: N". 13. 4-i No. 14. 4Sc: confectioners' A. 6 05c: mould A. 5.66c; cut loaf. 6.90c: crushed 890e: rdered, 630c; granulated, 6.2nc; fMlM. R.4Kc. MObABSES Bteady: New Orlaans open kettle, good tl choice. ZlWc. CosTee Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 1. -COFFEE Market for futures opened steady at unchanged price. There was no feature to the news and the market whs finally unchanged to 6 points lower Rale were only 4,000 hses, Including November at .6nc, March at 7 00c. Mny at 7)c snd September at 7.20c. Spot Rio, tead; mild, quiet. Liverpool Grata Market. LIVERPOOL, Nov. 1 WHEAT- pot, nominal; future, fUm: D-oember, 7s 4d; March. 7s 6 VI; May, 7s 6d. CORN Spot, sieady; American mixed, 4s 3d; futures quiet; December, is January, 4s 3d. eillHA LIVE STOCK UiRKET (tad Wtttern ltr Stetdr, but Oommot Con Mi Lover. SBlalSBSSBWBSBS HOGS BROKE flVt- TO TIN CINTS Active Daaa4l far rat lk4t Lasnks al taeeal, Heaay Friers aa4 Bverytklag 8ol4 Early, Feed er Ala Held rally llr 60UTH OMAHA, Nav. t 1. Receipt were: Cat tie. livft Sheep. Orhrlai Monday I.44 .il, 18. IA Official Tuesday 4.1ft) i.4.0 16.JQ Two days tin week.. 13.644 3.761 33,5!l Same days I st week... 17.04 f.6T6 t.l Sa ne week beior 12 6 7.726 0 4e3 oame three we.k ago.. 12.6a) l.ifl 46 0M bam four weeks ago.. l.4t .7 S.2il Same Oays last year.... Is, 7o 3, S4.a44 RECE1P18 FUH THE YKAR 'lO DAI. The tollowing tabie shows the receipt et cattle, hogs and atatep st ttoutn Omaha lor the year te uate. v. lib coraparUun flih last year: iwrt. lj. Inc. tec. cattle r.313 HO.tot 12e Hogs i.M.m l,)4l.4 4418 oheep i,frJO,,tH l.fc,i,-n 4i,lsW 'ihe following table itinwa th averag price of hog at South omaha tor tne last "everal day with comparison: Date. j 190l.13Ut.lfr)2.lS01,lfil).U9l.13M. Oct 17., Oct. Is., Oct. la. Oct. 20., Oct. 21., Oct.. n.. Oct. 23. Oct. 34., Oct. 26. Oct. 2., Oct. 27. Oct. 28., Oct 29., Oct. 30., Oct. 31. Nov. 1. I 03! W-XI . I I ur 6 11 S 07-41 0 03 1 ii 6 W 17 6 17 7 H I 30 7 2 4) 1 a! IS, " I W 21 S 'iij oil !l Wfi S74 Oil Til tot. 4 Mi 4 1 2 70 l 4 ll ft T 4 ai, 4 I 4 Mi 4 1 '1 4 U 3 6 4 43 i ft 4 til 4 1 4 61, 4 14 3 84 4 4k 4 1$: 8 28 4 61 4 18 I 54 14 6 12 ft I4 if S 6 25 t 111 6 Oil 4 171 71 S till, Hi t 61 6 0 62 ft 81! It bt 6 72 all I t7 66 I 72 I00 4 b4 4 10 V 4 0S 4 081 4 41 3 (7 4 85 38 1 61 164 a 2 64 2 66 4 62 4 uO 4 47, I 4 4 81 Mi 4 84 4 7 4 61 Indicates Sunday. The official number of van of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattis.Hogs. ah p. HT's C. M. A St. P. Ry.... 2 . 22 Mo. Pac. Ry 1 V. P. System 64 IS 44 1 C. A N. W. Ry 1 11 .. .. F. E. at M. V. R. R. 42 16 11 1 t... bt. P., M. A o. hy I 8 .. t B. A H. Ry i I .. 3 C, K. I. A P., east... 3 7 C, R. I. A P.. west... lift.. Illinois Central 8 Chicago O. W I Total 164 36 4 7 The disposition of the day's receipts wss as tollows, each buyer purchasing the number of head Indicated: Cattls. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 298 188 564 Swift and Company 776 1,38 3,608 Cudahy Packing Co 1.226 1.312 1.144 Armour A Co 748 1,873 100 Armour A Co., S. C 27 1,224 Vansant A Co 131 Carey A Benton 24ti Lobnian A Co 133 .... .... Mccreary A Clark 42 W. I. Stephen 148 Hill A Huntslnger. ....... ti Huston A Co 0 .... .... Hamilton A Rothschild.. 187 L. F. Huss 2 Mike haggerty I Sol Degan 1 J. B. Root A Co 34 Bulla A Kline 83 a A 8 413 Other buyers 662 .... 14,428 Total 49li 6,888 19,732 CATTLE There was a liberal run of cat tle this morning In Chicago and Kansas City for a Tuesday, but at this point re ceipts were moderste. Reporte from other markets were not very favorable, but the light run here prevented any decline In prices, except on the less desirable grsdes, and moat of these sold In about the same notches they did yesterday. There were several cars of eornfed steers on sale, but nothing strictly choloe ar rived. The market on the common to fair cattle, such as were offered, was very slow end lower as rjackera still claimed that prices here on that class were too high as comparea wiin oiner manna. Diricuy prime cattle are not much lower than they were a week ago. but the common to medium kinds are all the way from 2&t9 60c lower than a week ago, and slow at the decline. Quit a liberal proportion of th offerings consisted of western range beef steers, but anything at all desirable sold without trouble st fully steady prices, as the sup ply of that kind was small and the demand quite liberal. Most of the western on ssle were of the common to medium kind, but still even those sold in about the same notches they did yesterday. The market was not particularly actlv. but th hulk wss disposed of In fairly good season. There were about forty cars of cows In the yards this morning, and with a good demand from all sources the market ruled active and strong, some sstes being , ss much ss a dime higher. All the packer had liberal orders to fill, so that It was not long before the forty cars were out of first hands No quotable change In the market for bti'l". veal calves and stsgs tank place. There wss a good demand for gtockers snd feeders of good quality, and such kinds sold freely at stronger prices. The commoner kinds were not so active, but still even these sold at Just about steady prices comnared with yesterday. Rep resentative sales- BEEF STEER K .. 1.. 10.. 1.. 8.. 1.. 2 . 1.. 4.. 4.. At. ...una ...logo ...1171 ... ta ... .... ...140 ... Ill ... 70 ...1&4 ... 47 ... 171 ... V ... no ... Ml Pr. 1 00 1 te 4 u No. II... n... 11... At. .. 74 ...11(1 ,..101 Pt. IN 4 M I 1 4 to COWS. I 71 1 I I I 04 I I 10 17 I 10 I I BULLS. 1H I HEIFERS. I K 1 I SS CALVES. I to 1 too 1 4 n ... & ...Ml. ... It ... an ... ton I X I OS I It I I St ...14S0 I 10 .:. M0 I 40 1.... I 14.... 1 4 no 1 to 1 1 I at NEBRASKA. 14 COWS 44 cows (72 89 3 46 3 20 17 feeders.. 10M 8 26 1 76 2 It 2 40 1 76 ft 00 8 60 4 no 2 43 2 80 ft 26 3 09 t 40 8 60 ft 26 2 60 2 36 3 15 2 40 2 10 3 60 8 40 3 40 3 10 I 10 13 bulls 1803 1133 6 calves... 190 4 00 1 35 210 2 36 1 80 1 80 J 30 3 75 3 28 3 60 3 10 $ 10 2 60 2 86 1 10 2 6 1 80 4 78 1 60 2 70 3 70 3 30 300 1 60 3 35 3 00 3 bulls.. 1 bull... 1 bull... 8 cows 1134 ..1880 ..1280 .. 100 .. 1K0 2 cows.. 2 cows.. 3 cows.. 1 row.,., 6 cows. . 1 feeder. 965 .1200 . il . 680 1 calf 1 calf 2 calves.. $ heifers. 236 324 808 380 3 feeders m i feeders.. r0 3 feeders.. 740 feeders. . 676 1 feeder... 702 11 feeders.. 1000 8 calve I calves 4 calves .. 478 ,'. 440 .. 422 .. 150 .. 700 .. 723 .. ftftO ..J060 880 ..1033 ..1130 ..1370 .. 90 .. 910 .. 930 ll feeders.. ?3 1 calf.... 1 steer. .. 2 heifers 43 feeders t ROW..,, ) cow.... 2 steers.. 6 steers.. cow.. ... 713 ... T70 ...1170 ... 410 ... 514 ... 820 ...104 ...113 ...1220 1 cow... 1 cow... 4 cow.. 15 cows.. 1 cow... ( cows.. 3 cows.. M steers. 1 steer..., 38 steers.. 4 cow... 23 cow... 8 feeders, 39 heifers. 7 stsers.. 18 cow... 14 steers.... 959 4 cows 882 14 feeders.. 1041 4 feeders.. 927 isi haifera.. 871 3 00 too 1 to 1041 853 1041 3 60 !80 00 35 49 cows 982 2 60 817 24 feeders.. 814 3 26 13 oow 838 4 feeders, T72 2 76 3 cow 834 3 steers.... 96 f feeders.. 440 feeders, feeders. 18 cows.... 1 cow ! feeders, feeder., feeders. 1 feeder.. 1 feeder.. I steers... 1 cow 7 feeders. 6 feeders. U feeders. 1 bull 1 heifer.., 1 hKer... 1 heifer.., 1 cslf 18 cow.... 1 cow I cow 13 heifers., . 9S3, .1020 . 876 . 840 . 728 . 730 . 925 . 780 . 780 .1308 .1040 . 40 . 788 . 41 .1800 , 8'4 , fM , 870 . M .1010 . T7 .13'0 . t3 2 86 2 40 t 40 $ 40 I 14 ioo i 76 $ 00 t cs 3 35 3 86 J 16 1 to 2 00 378 8 X 1 2 08 t 76 I heifers., 1 half sr.. 1 bull 26 30 feeders.. 10?4 8 feeders.. 1024 3 70 3 M 3 0$ 1 80 2 98 1 bull. .....1110 ii mliad. oow.. 33 cow.. (79 136 2 COLORADO. 9 80 1 feeder A faers lfOK (70 3 11 I feeders.. 704 1 on ROinTH DAKOTA. 34 feeders. .18 t feeders..""'". a ok 8 08 4 eteers....l043 I 76 11 feeders. 24 feeders. 1 steer..., 4 steers.. 1 steer.... I cows... .1194 . 1 ,.10ftft .. .1070 .. 983 an t K 3 10 8 38 3 60 2 40 steers. 20 steers. 1 eteer.. I steer.., I steer.., ,.U0 ..14 .. 970 ,.1"70 . 990 ft 10 ( 60 2 M 8 14 t 60 WYOMING. 27 feeders 8 heifers. cows. .. .116 .1A 3 2R 9 feeder.. 1 00 2 1 ( 09 9 AO (66 2 76 t W a 70 ( no ( 08 11 bull J4 104 cow lost) 6 feeder ltr.1l 128 feeders.. 843 100 74 feeders.. 1'flffi 10 feeder., 92 I feeders.. (43 F. ( steers.. ..1076 j steer 1160 Peterson 41. D. 2 40 ft feeder.. 440 ft 21 fee4er..1043 340 t 39 1 80 I 36 3 38 690 2 10 4 1 7 1110 i 10 110 I 28 420 2 60 2 cows.,.. .1110 2 41 1 cow 1100 t 38 , 1 COW 1 3 46 il oow 1170 I 46 ft cows 1012 2 20 ft heifers... 74 2 60 1 bull 110 I I cow 80 2 70 17 feeders.. 10M I 1880 I W t ei ....IW 1478 2 10 ft cow..,.. 94 39 in, t 94 aft w. A eurtoe o. ..103 t 76 28 steers.... 1131 ,.1H) (60 10 Ker....llM Chambers Bros . D. ..lion IS 4 steers... .110 ,.K4 2 2 bulls.. ...1330 . . 9 1 . V'. P. Johnson S. D. 71 t it 1 eteer lrm ( COT.S-. 1 cow..., I cows.. It cows.. 1 bull..., I cows., 1 cows., 4 tt 2 90 IS .2 tto t 44 I 40 I (0 ..1034 2 89 10 feeders.. 8n4 Pernberton . D. 1 08 13 Steers.. 97 IS 1 COW 9M Wddo fl D. 8t to steers.... UU 2 09 2 bull 1311 11 A f c4 94 t cows.. ...10 H. 12 COW9..,..1044 1 cow.... a cow.... cows.,. i bull... t calves. 880 Nela Jensen (t. P. JOJO $ 05 steers ...MS .1011 $71 2 feeders.. HOD L. Rebea 8. D. ,l0 t IS ft row W 10 4 60 $3 feeder.. (67 w. B. Chsnton M. D. .1014 2 89 21 steer.. ..1044 20 cows.. 1 cow. 8 I 84 ( feeders. .1194 Ackermann A Behram 8. I. 33 steers.. ..1004 2 t L. 2 90 1 feeder. ..lilt 1 10 21 steers.... fcS 2 88 H0lt-. D) M 90 ter....10M 1 cow, 9 260 1 10 2 40 tot M. Hlglgn-. D. II steers.. ..llos too 6 row H. Romford S. D. (cows 1071 f0 14 feeders. .1126 J. H. Whlte-8. D. 41 steer.. ..1139 9 08 Prairie Cattle Company S. D. 48 steers.... 1127 (06 ... Pemhertnn A Cowder 8. D. 187 steers.. .1017 3 Oft , W. D. A F. W. Johnson-S. D. 91 steers... .1134 3 86 . . H. HouchB. D. h miiea....UM 3 16 Swsn Lnd A 0 cow 94 9 84 CM1 Co., Wyo. 18? steer.. ,.ln I 28 I cows 98 2 a 2 00 2 00 2 60 steers. ...1110 3 tt 3 M , 1 26 t 00 2 88 1 76 1 Mill ISM) 1 hull lito 1 etag I?oo 38 steers., ..1070 110 eteer... 1001 7 tT....lom 88 steers.. ..lltt 2 38 26 steers . ..1103 E. B. Hudson, wye. 23 rows 900 2 70 It feeder.. 9flt 4 cows 416 2 ro steers.. ..1107 1 76 1 heifer... 470 t cows 864 J. L. Cork, Wyo. t 10 II feeder.. 901 IN 17 Cows 967 2 26 B. Olttner, Wyo. t 46 12 feeders.. 88 106 cows.... .1032 2 80 . Walker. Wvn. 11 steers. 4 steers, 1 steer.., 20 steers. 4 steers, t steers. 1 10 1 to It feeder, 1 feeder... t 26 11 hffers.. 9T7 176 '26 cows 978 M. Oesry, Wyo. 1 98 1 86 itn ioo 2 80 It Steer . ..11J4 2 40 4 feeder.. 897 A Carelton, wyo. Z 66 Kiipstnrk Bros., wyo. .... 119 26 L. Odell-Cole. 06 t cows 910 OA 1 oow 100 00 7 Cows 737 f 1 15 2 25 t to 1 to 115 i ts H. Conner Colo. 3 60 17 feeder.. 4M 2 00 1 feeder... too T. C. Robinson Colo. 881 2 40 12 feeders.. (08 976 1 71 1 cow TOO Glenn Bros. Colo. 18 cows 171 1 36 3 cows.. .119 1 86 H. n Brower Neb. 1 feeders.. 4 feeder.. 700 1 60 4 oow..... 947 1 80 685 1 60 20 feeders.. 441 126 746 8 30 feeder. C A. Waemner Neh. IS cows 803 1 76 4 feeders.. (10 1 It 24 cows...., 974 2 40 Lewis A Lack Idaho. 66 feeders.. 701 8 00 49 cows 980 2 40 4 feeders.. 701 2 35 HOGS The combined receipts of hogs at the leading msrket were quite liberal thl morning and as a result the market con tlnued Its downward course, the loss mounting to about 64710o. The market here wa a little slow In getting started, but after the salesman made up their minds that the break could not be pre vented they cut loose quite freely and the bulk was soon disposed of. The long string wsnt at $4 82, with the bulk of the general run of hogs from 14.80 to $4.88 and the choicer toad sold largely from $4.86 to $4.90, with strictly prime loads at $4.92 and $4.96. Trading was not particu larly brisk at any time, but there was not a great dl of change In th market from start to finish. Representative sales: No. 4.. M.. f.. 71.. M.. 41.. 41.. tt.. AT. .. tt .. M ..104' ..Ml ..III . .wo ..SM ..Ml . 4t So. Ft. no. At. St. IT Ft. 4 It 4 M 4 M 4 10 74 Ul tt Wt lto 100 10 100 lto to 44 19 4 nt 4 nt 4 it 4 12 4 II Ml I II 4 M 4 S I t 4 tt 4 It 4 M 4 98 4 U to 10 140 10 IM It too 44 lto 140 100 to It IN lto a ltt 190 40 IM lto to to lto 71 ltt 71 141 4 M 4 10 4 10 4 M 4 at 4 MUj 4 li4 4 Mi 4 UtS 4 M 4 II ' 4 II H 4 IIV4 4 114 4 it 4 11 4 Ii 4 114 4 UVtj 4 It 4 nn 4 lit 4 II Mi 4 Mu, 4 H 4 4 IIU, 4 ItU 4 Hi 4 ilVt 4 tlVi 4 lit, 4 lt 4 IIU 4 in. 13 ..914 44 II 14 71 It It tl 41 71..,. . tt tt...;.. 77 4 II 17 T7 tl 71 it tt 76 ft 74 4 17 II 71 M 71 71 tl II 7 ..147 ..tM ..lit ..101 . .IM ..til ..III ..S41 . .ltt ..907 ..HI ..111 ..141 ..nt ..til ..144 ..114 ..101 ..111 ..941 ..141 ..lit ..117 ..IM ..H ..ltt ..141 .144 ..lit ..III ..III ..Ml ..Ml M (I .144 M 144 IW 40 49 40 ltt to. .M 4 4 4t tl M 77. ... It tv to 74 to K 17 tt to 44 It 61 tt It ? 17 74 tl fl tl..... tt ..114 ..IK ..m .144 ..III ..KM ..HI ..117 ..144 ..Ml .141 ..404 ..IK '..Ml ..ISO ..III ..Ml ..nt ..Mt ..114 ,.nt ..nt ..117 ..141 4 IS S I tt no 4 w 900 1 tt 4 tl 4 U 4 H 4 IS 4 tl 4 n 4 it 4 it 4 M 4 I7H 4 17 3 4 17 4 17 4 ns 4 174 4 to 4 M 4 t 4 M 4 94 . IM 94 40 .141 .847 a n '4 47 a SHEEP AND LAMBS There wa a mod erate run of sheep and lambs here thl morning and th market was again aotiv and fully steady on all desirable grades. The proportion of killers to ths total re ceipts wa small, so that packers were out early, and It took but a short time for all the desirable grades of fat sheep and lambs to change hand. From th way buyers acted there did not seem to be enough in sight to fill thalr order. Lamb sold a high as 96.60, yeanlngs $4.24 and ewes $4.00. or about the same as yester day's best prices. The demand for feeder was also In good shape and anything at all desirable sold readily enough at good steady prices, as compared with yesterday. There were as many buyers as sellers on the market and It was not long before everything desir able was out of first hands. Quotations for grass sheep and lambs: Good to choloe yearlings, $4. 1504.40; fair to good yearlings. W.8tn.lj: good to choice wethers, $4.A4.2o; fair to good withers, $3.7604.00; good to chnlo ewes, $.7J"u4 00; fair lo good ewe. 13.bo4j3.76; good ta choice lambs,; fair goou I . uliij. 6j.uu.1i $6.26: feeder yearlings, t3.6oS4.00: feeder wethers. $3.26&l.6b; feeder ewea, M.6u03.l4; feeder lamb, t3.60fi4.7t; breeding ewe, $3.04 f360. Representative sales: No. 12 Idaho ewes 462 Idaho feeder wether.... 10 Idaho wether 180 Idaho wethers $k9 Idaho feeder lambs 188 Idaho feeder lambs 7 Idaho lambs 187 Idsho lambs 390 Idaho lambs 608 Nebraska feeder ewes.... 114 Nebraska ewes 284 Wyoming feeder ewes.. 24 Idaho cull ewe 12 Montana ewes 382 Wyoming ewes 318 Wyoming ewes 388 Wyoming we 830 Wyoming ewes It Idaho cull wethers 84 Montsna mixed 78 Montana wether 17 Wyoming ewes AT. ... 38 ... 92 ... 92 ... 19 ... 67 ... 44 ... 75 ... 74 ... 74 ... 93 ...114 ... n ... 95 ...101 ...108 ...108 ...103 ...103 ... 91 ...100 ... 87 ...104 ...109 ...104 ... 94 ...lit ...194 Fr. 400 4 10 4 26 4 26 4 60 4 65 t 00 t to t 60 2 90 2 90 t 10 1 15 3 60 8 M 8 60 t 60 t 60 t 75 17 Idaho ewes 330 Idaho ewes... It Idsho ewes... 101 Idaho ewes... 268 Idaho ewe... 4 00 4 00 4 00 CHICAGO LIVE ITOCK MARKET Cattlei Steady, Regs Five ta Tea feats Iowar, She) steady. CHICAGO, Nov. 1. CATTLE Receipts, 14.000 head: market, steady; good to prime steers, 36.ftK94.80; poor to medium. $2 409 100; Blockers and feeders, tl 154.00; cow. 12 3664.60: heifer. Il.7fwg6.00; oanner. 11.00 ?'2.00; bulls. $1.764 00: calves. $3. 697.40; exat fed ateer, t4.3t4Tt.t9; wtern steer, (3 KB6 80. HOOS Receipts. W 000 head: market W lOo lower; mixed and butcher. 66 15t)" tv good to choir heavy, $6 0044 174,; good heavy. $4 lowa 80; light, $4 &. 10; bulk of ale (4 I64J610. SHEEP AND LAMB-)eelpta 22.WI head: market for sheeo steady: market for jambs 10c lowsrj good to cholc wethers. $4 0034 7$; fair to choice mixed. $3.Vn94 00; western sheen. $!.60H60: native lambs, $3,504(6.60; westsrn lamb. $4.0fr&t 40. leax City teak Market. SIOUX CITY, la.. Nov. l.-(Bpeclal Tele, gram.) CATTLE Receipt, lot head. Mar ket steady; Blocker strong; beeva. $3 o4J 1.70; cows, bulls and mtS. 33 W&3 00. storkers and feeders, tltoJIeO; calves anj yearlings, 92 .2613.00. HOOS Receipts, (.909 head. Mrkt (ft 10c lower, lllng at $4 4tVg4 8l; bulk. t4.7tf 4.89. Mew Tork live Block Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 1. BEEVES Receipt 1.10 head; market feeling steady; dreaaed beef In fair demand at steady prices; cables 3 noted live tattle slow at 4Uo per wound, reeeed weight: refrigerator beef, lower; exports, tut cattle, Ltt eheep and 4.900 9teer,. bulls... 1180 .1146 , 730 A. .116$ .1140 .1177 H 907 907 H. 3 rows 106 t COWS.V...I004 Jones I cow..... M4 27 cow J 2 reflrs.. 3 1 feeder... (00 t 11 feeder.. 949 2 . L. 14 Cow 976 1 COW 1030 10 COWS 8 cows 4jUrtra rf f ; .aat,iiiiri4sa 4,9 tjearterl of beef. . CALVrT44-Rei)pis, tM he 4 1 market steady: veals, $6 0038.71; little calve. $1009 4 01): dressett calves, steady; city dreeeed Veal, 8ic pe' pound: country, tl3c. UOOa-ReeelptetJU) heao; market weak; AND LA MBS -Receipt. heart; market quiet and itdy: hep, (4 09 t4 to; lamb, to.76l( No Canada lamb. Kaasaa City Utt Dtaxst Market. Kansas city. nvv i. -cattle ceipts, i.tio hecrt. Including ion sou 1 hem 1 maiket ctosert tdv: choice export ana ttreesed beet steerw, t.OO.; fair to goock M ao4 VOTi; western led leers, 9ot.j, stocaef and feeoer steady st ia4(i; southern steer steady at in; suutn-efn'coa-s a.eafly at II totft ta; nativ heif- erteaayat ,04ti4 6o; buiu steady Al( H ie; caive teoy at H sHge.1t. HtKiS hecelpfs. 14.00U head; mBrHeritg lower; top, I0.1O; bUik of aea. HAabaVtv; heavv, W tavjt).lo: packer, 44.s6Q.v0u; pigs klld light, $4 4014.36. BriKlvr- ANU i.AMB8-Rclpt. f 40.00 head; market afeady to strong; rmtiv lamb. i4 k4i4.1; natlv Wetheis. .: 4M hatlve ewe. U.pMl-7t; w4tefn lamhe, $4 tfe5.,6; weiern yeerltngs, H 7W4.40; western a-heep, 9.a44.uo: stocaer snt fee er. 3i.a04r3.7ii. ; 1 t. !! live ttaok Mtrket., ST. LOl'IS, Nov. l.-CATTLB Reeelpta. t.bto head, inoiudiiig 1,(441 had Teaan; market generally eteaoy; native hUp4nt and export steena, $4.iatr.2l dreeeed seel snd butcher steer. 4.iaaut.4A; steers Mnder ink pounds, .o4.; tockr and feed-era-, l.'; cows and heifer. l48.6; canner,; bulls. tl.itt.l lv. M.owU'i.SO; lexas and Indian Bieers, 84.OUW 2.!: coa and heifers. 9.00U need; market lower: pig snd lights, t40Tte4i; Ptxkers. $4.iui0u; btitchers and best hv; $t.36tf ' SHEEP AND LAMBS-fteoelpl. ljftOJ heed; market steady; native mutiont. tlot 04: Ismii. 4Aio4i4.78; culland buck. 3.f4.00; stockers, 3.fsli;i;.)Txant, UW 4J.0U St. Joseph Live Stwek Market. 8T. JOSEPH, Mo., Nov. , I CATTLE Receipts. 4, head: msrket ateady to 14 lower; ntives. waste.: cows nd hei t ers, al.2asj4.s6; stockers and feeder Ji.t9 HOOS Receipts, t.488 head; msrket K4 16c lower, light, $4.7t15.16; medium and hHHEEF,A,ND LAMBS Reoslptti' .421 head; market teody to .strong; lasaha. $6.19; wethers, t4.i ewe, $3 66. Stock In fight. Receipts of live stock at th six principal western iuhmu jtiti(. Came South Omaha.; 4,1 bloux City J Kansas City 18 ) St. Louis t,8T0 St. Joseph 4.- Chicago. .,. 14. WO Hoga. Sheep. f.l40 U.3V4 1,8'0 14,ta ,ti 44 2S.U00 10,jn0 It 4.'3 22.0O0 Totals ....41.176 t4.73t (6,441 ' Wool Market, BOSTON, . Nov. l.-W0Otr-ln th wool market thl week Conditions hold firm and the demand continues steady. Manufactur er realise that the available iPP' Jf wool la 11 ft-olns out of ,,h and that their only chance to get UPP"? la to take the wools while they ar lo be had" Speculators are at work In aooured grades and large transactions havo been recorded. The carcltytof tto ioolii la a feature of the market. Wyoming are about the only territory wool to be found here In any quantity. The price of dome, tlo wools in thl market, "based on actual ales, is about as follows: California, Hum boldt and Mendocino, ?.L. norihJ5n' choice, ivsmo; average. lW20c; middle counties. 1?(i20c; southern, lWglfJc Qregon, eastern staple. IDHiJOc: clothing. 1.(3 to: ter ritory. Wuho. nne. lH18o; heavy fine 1W Itic; fine medium, 1818o; medium. Wta low medium, 2lile. Wyoming. "MJj heavy line, lMtilttc; nne meium. 17l8c, medium, 20fl31o; low medium, 124ac. Mon tana, fine Choice. ilWic; fin average. IX 2oc; fine medium choice. 2i V'Z' 194i20e. Colorado, fine, lSH4c; fine medium, 15&17C. New Maxloo, approved, 14UI7c. Pulled, scoured basis, fine A. 52(fWtV; extra, 65&6c; A superfine, tiifctllc; B uperflne, 60 62c; C superrtn. 2tVuc: combing. blood, 6t)to52c; line combing. tOJ62c. .. ST. LolTia, Nov. 1 -VOOIStdy; medium grade, combing and clothing. Jo 27c; light fine, lft&ilc; lieavr tin, lSJ17c; tub washed, 133r37c. ; Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Nov. l.-COTTON-Spot. closed quiet; mlddllneJ upland. Wei mld dllna eulf 19.26c; tales, 4,600 bales. OVfRfcoL. 'Nov. l.-COTTON-Spbt. Increased lUmand; price 1 pelnia wer; American middling, faCr. t "".i1?!!" dllng. t.42d; miadling, l.Kd; 1oer -m tld Inti l.isT; good ordinary, trdiniry. 4 3. The sales were lu.tiv "bala. of which MO bales were for speculation, and xport ana Inoluded 9.400 American. Receip s. fl,lC bales, all American. Fulurei opehtl eaner and closed steady. . American middling, g. o. c. November, .36d; Npvmbf-pe-cembr, 8?1; Derember-January, l.ttd; Jsnuary-Febmary, ft.26d; Febroary-Marrh. 6.24d: March-ADrll, 6.87d: April-May, t.I; May-June. 6.19d; Jupe-Jufy, tiM; Jtiir- ASTU'lOU?B.' Nov. l.-COTTON-Qulet and unchanged; middling, c; sal, Jt b); receipt. 1.000 bale; shipment, (tt aejes; stock, 13,011 bale. . ., Mlnaeapells Grain Marltex. MINNEAPOLIS. NOV. l.-WHEAT-D-cemner. 31.16il.lHi: Mayi l-lti.lluA; September. 9f,c; July. H-UTij, No. 1 hard, No. 1 northern, 11.16 1 No. t rtortherti. 'rLOUR-Flrst palenta. t 4W.2: iswond patents, taiOtftOlO: first clears, $4.4O4.60; second clears, 88.004Si.10. BRAN In bulk. $16.00. y ; , Peorfa taMtatV. PEORIA, Nov. l.-CORN-Htesdy; No. 1 ItRo; No. 4. le; new, No. 4,,48f no graale, BJn; new, no grade, 47o. WHlskY-On the basts of 11.14 for Sav lahed food. "' Oil Prices bo Dewa, .. , CLEVELAND. Nor. l.-Th StJidrd Ofl company reduced th Mlo on headlight. 176 ilegrces test, oil tni eooen refined. cent per gallon. . Holiday al New Orleawe. NEW ORLEANS; NOV. 1. TCO'locAl mar kets, holiday. :' MHS IK SSJsagrSSS REAL ESTATE TRAKSFBRS. DEEDS fllsd for record November 1 a furnUhed to The Bee by the M1dlnd Guarantee and Trust compaay, bonded abstracter. 1414 Farnam streetf F. W. Bunten and wife to Mary neiab int 1. block 19. -South Omaha ,... v V w ' ' Antonla Bream and husband, to par bar Hetdek. lot . 3, t and 4, block 143. South Omaha E5d Johnston to S. A. Ferguson, part 400 426 lot 8, block t. Ill ana. u eouin C .rM a ha. . .-.A . ... X.ttw Sheriff to ). E. Baker, part lot t. block I, oronara ui Sheriff to O. K. Baker, part taglot 74M I. se ne 14-16-18.. C. Anderson and wire to C. Hmpek, lot 4, block 4(1, South Omaha C. E. Corey to J. Kawalskl, lot 3, 1.144) 2,400 block 3. Hascall' sub.. W Hennenhofer and wlf to) CJ. A. foungs. Jot 17, block 11, Seymour (no 960 United 'Slate Real' Estate' amy' ri)'t company to 'William Robert ei al., lot f block t, MiwH -34 aodj... Delia B. Dillon and husband to Wil- 104 llam Jetter, jiarl of lot 4,. block I, Kountse A Ru iiih'a add. Blltaheth J St. Felix t William Jetter, pa" ' i macK ., Kountse A Ruth add.........,;.... 30,000 C. Hann and wife to C. Fryiek ind wire, part tot u oioca . , .. Rogers' add ..I... S. Anderaon and wife to H. S. Oates, 1.900 lot 7. block I, ta ioo. 10 . rtuin Omaha i .'....,......,.... . L. fl. Reed and wit to B. L. Ma whlnney, part lot 4 and t, . block I, Alamo flasa ..,,.,..,..,- The Alcrchant National Dank orOmsha.'Ntk. , tk t Otsetltsrr CtpltaJ and Sttrlut, JeCfl.&M ' rAfelNuiriT.PrM. IVTIM HUl Otasw. '. .'. PIAIII T. I4KU.T0H. AL Csawke Saaeia eneeat et keas. s4trti ewe , araa h4 Ib1itMwI aa feerle feret gaiaees Saaglil eat aeM luera tt anJ.ll Iaiw4. . trallael la all ana at lb wart. , .' - latanal a14 a TlaM rjartlgastea at paaaalt. t QvllaaaiaM saMasrwaiir tee f eeet eeaase4aaaw.- GEO. I. IDUJS CRAIH CO CHAIN BUYER ad iHIPPVRt Meruber: Chicago, Oiaaea, Okl gnd St. Lout ttaobange. Tranaaetloa tt lulur aeUvery at issj caraful attention. M Bear Tr4Wt ! Tel, Mt. .