THE OMATIA DAILY REE: PATTTHDAY, OCTOKEK 2fl, 1904. TDRPINS OF HIGH FINANCE Imposing Bobberies Oommitted Without Ones by Beepectable People. FINANCIAL IMMORALITY WIDESPREAD timbi Le to the Sbamblea of Pro tnntvra aad Artistically Fleeced Home Life Menaced a? Glided Corrnptloa. Tn a prriod of ftrnTal prosperity certain crimes flourish, its certain others nourish In a perlor of aw-lnl distress. Petty rob bers pprlnK up whfn men a out of work In hard times. In flush times more Impos ing robbers raid pockets bulging with caah for lucrative invent ment. This kind has lately bloomed exuberantly. Last month a hlgli-rlara Journal displayed this adver tisement, topped by two open hands up JUfted: " 'Hold up your hands,' Bays tha highwayman to his victim. There Is a safer -vay to 'mako' money." The reader Is then referred to a widely circulated magazine. In which a prominent operator reveals to babes the mysteries of "high finance." That this revelation of Immoral profits, and how to make them. Is apparently In spire! by revenge, forbids a childlike faith In Its entire credibility. But those who have wnteh. ,1 for years the downward slide of "high tinonce," which haa recently brought the governor of New York Into court as a complainant against alleged windier supposed to be respectable and rich, can hardly deny to It a large verisi militude. Lt March this same revelator testified In a Iloxton court that he himself, with one of the two chief participants In the affair advertised above, made (46,000,000 during the years 1899-1901 In the promotion of the copper trust, whose methods he now exposes. A squeeze by his confederates acems to have prompted retaliation by breaihlng the story Into the public ear of bow they squeezed the public. Robbery and Respectability. For substance of doctrine, aa the theolo gians say, this revelutlon of a glgantlo financial Immorality, perpetrated with due observance of the forma of law, and said to Have netted tta contrivers some $36,000,000, while Investors lost two-thirds of their In vestment, may be regarded as credible, however open to correction In particulars. While there Is honor among thieves such aa It 1b the other adage la also true, that when thieves fall out honest men come to their rights though they he some time In coming. Chief among these righta la to have these practlcea of "frenzied finance," as described by their revelator, whose per petrators still pose as respectable men, branded with public ignominy by their proper name of robbery, precisely aa the "gallantries of some fine gentlemen in former times are now branded as adultery. Robbery, whether by the brutality of the highwayman or by the plausibility of the confidence man, la nothing but robbery. The transfer of property from A to B without a just equivalent, whether by the forger or by the promoter of fictitious values com pounded more or leas of wind and water. Is imply robbery. In morals, to call things by their right names la of supreme impor tance. It makes all the difference between a sound eye and a blind one. Because of our failure to call and to treat robbery as robbery, the nations we reproach with sex ual Immorality may justly retort upon us for equally flagrant financial Immorality. The spoliations committed among us by, the pen during the lost decade far exceed In real magnitude those committed by the word of any ancient world-conquerer. "How Did yon Get Itf In view of the hatred of the ahorn to their- shearers and to the wealthy class they disgrace, together with the animosity evidently rising among the people against accumulations of Ill-gotten wealth, It may be questioned whether the stability of tha commonwealth is any less seriously threat ened by financial debauchery than it would be by aexual. Twenty yean ago a high class metropolitan Journal declared that the financial practices of certain capitalists were more effectively Inculcating popular disregard of property rights than the har angues of blatant demagogues. It la hardly to be doubted that "How did you get it?" la a question likely to be pointedly put some day to tho enormously rich. Some fifteen years ago a work on sociology by a dis tinguished college president affirmed that our social equilibrium Is endangered when a single. family can amass, In the course of one generation, a hundred million dollars. That seemed the danger point then, but we have now gone post it. We seem to be Hearing the crisis of a dis ease that threatens the vitals of the state. People naturally think of better laws as the proper remedy. But Judge ParKer tells ua that what la more needed la bettor enforce ment of the laws we have. And this waits for the imperative mandate of public opin ion, without which law Js dead. For lack of thla, wealthy swindlers still go at large, who are liable to the punishment which, in a British court, Whltalter Wright recently escaped by suicide. What the "Black Hand" is to the Italian quarter, a pest and a disgrace, such men are to Wall street and other financial centers. And the news papers that do their touting must be made to share their obloquy. The lucrative ad vertisements of an oil company, whose pro moters were men of blemluhed record, and whose actual holdings of land and oil were all, only one newspaper in Honton wus suffi ciently high-minded to refuse. Menacing Kvlls. But the sane and enlighten.! public opin ion now to be educated to righteous deal ing with enormous evils must be inspired by more than a perception of the present inequality of the treatment of petty and of glgantlo stealing. To reinstate the "fair exchange" that Is ''no robbery," the ethics , of money as Its medium must be taught aa ' it has not yet been taught. The fact haa faded out of mind that tho money paused from hand to hand represents an exchange of equivalents a service given and a serv ice received. The dollar paid Is a due bill for a dollar's worth of such service aa the receiver desires in exchange for the service he haa performed. Adam Smith mated thla more than a century ago. But how has It been forgotten! There la general blindneaa to the ethical demand that a money transfer must ex press a Just balance between service lven and service received. This demand U con stantly enforced by the courts In petty con trovrralea about excoaslve charges by mil liner, and tailors, but utterly discarded in gtnnd transactions. Here la where the cam paign of education for the restoration of flrsnclal righteousness must begin. Th ethics of money la the A, B, C of economic Integrity. It 1 to the professed teachers of morality end religion that our present morul crisis most pointedly appeals, to hew to the line ot righteousness upon sound information and with dauntlexs courage. The courage with which a distinguished churchman braved certain obloquy by acting on his convictions In the matter of a saloon is to t commended, especially to the pulpits that have censured him. They are Jon fronted by an enemy more menacing to the Interests Intrusted to them t'lan any num ber of saloons. They will do w II to emu late his courage In braving tho .xaentment that awaits any Interference with unright eous gain. Specially to be remembered In the modern pulpit Is Jssus rebuke of the rellgloua teachera or His time for atralnlng at gnuts while swallowing camels. OMAHA WEATHER REPORT Saturday Wanner. Green Trading Stamps Had sensational more on them last ml letter day. The array of Green Trading Stamp collectors increases every day. The varieties and values of the premiums are decidedly on the increase. Green Trading Stamps are the standard of pre mium giving. They are easily touts. The stamps cost you nothing. They are yonr cash dlacnnnt on your rash pnrrhaees. We fdre them to you because we think you are entitled to them, and you might as veil hare them as not, mightn't you? Yml can rnsh your collection hy watthlnjr these rouslnp gTeen trading stamp senaationa that we chronicle In every edition of this paper. Save your coupon lntcls squares containing the trade marks on your sonp wrapper, yonr clpnr bands and pet the little Stickers for them. Better get the manufacturer"! list aud see the big bunch of manufacturers and Jobbers who have gotten wise to the best means on earth for stimulating their business. Subscriptions for a whole string of the best magazines of the day taken at stationery department and buuehes of Little Green Stickers given free. How's your stamp book coming? Benntffs Cafe Regular Dinner U:00 to 3:00 25c to 50c A la Carte at Popular Prices. Table d' Hole 5:30 to 8:00 The best serv ice in town. A Saturday Uproar in CROCKER. Y 98c 10-inch, 11-itich and 12. inch Jardinieres Kich colors and high glazes, new chapes, on sale Saturday, only DINNER.WARE SALE SATURDAY High rad English Porcelain Sets, from such in rtros.. . both white well known English potters as Johnson Bros., . H. Grlnflley & Co.. 10u-pltee sets, Dotn wimo and decora tea, lor $5.98 - 5.48 - 4.98 You must see these to appreciate them. An Especially Interesting Item for those Wanting a Reliable Set for Little Money. Haviland & Co., white Ranson bread and butter plates, each 16c High grade, fire polished oil finished Water Bottles, for 29c-40c-48c-60c and Fifty (Sfl.OO) ORCEIN TRADING STAMPS. White and gold 6-piece Toilet Set $1.88 Bennett's Gread Grocery Hallowe'en! The quaint celebration happens Monday. All the edibles needed for an old time Hallowe'en feast; can dies, chocolates, bon-bons, pumpkin . head lanterns, apples and all other fruits, nuts of every kind. Headquarters at BENNETT'S Business Rushing? Well I should say! we are breaking all records, and increasing by jumps. Our kingship in the western grocery business is indisputable. It is meeting your wishes to every detail and in every sense that brings all this about. Saturday we make a special effort to break all past successes. Here are bargains that are transparent; Little Green Sticker inducements that are momentous, thus you have buying opportunities Saturday that are not possible else where than at Bennett's Great Grocery. Fifty (S5.0O) Green Trading Stamps with two-pound can Bennetts JUr Hreakfast Coffee C7W Thirty (1.00) Green Trading with fl Mr pound Tea (any kind) Ten l.o Green Trading Stamps with found can pure ground black Of Vpper . Gingeranaps, crisp, spicy, snappy. " 4, pound Twenty ($.00) Green Trading Stamps with eight bars Bonnet t'a Bargain 0r Soap 1'HKK Box of Chocolate In form of puzzle with every ran OhlrarcwlU s cocoa, 2SC H-pound can 1-pound can SOo Tills is a very superior article and 1m be ing served by our expert demonstrator. Try It I Twenty t?00) Green Trading Stamps with each pound New York full 2f)c Cream Choose vrw HITTER Received fresh every day. Five (60c) Green Trading Stamps with pound-packuge Bennett's Capitol OC pekg. Creamery Guaranteed 16-oz. Fresh Country Butter, pound 14c Mincemeat, I2C pound ,"'w Sour Tickles, Rn dozen 0 Five (50c) Own Trading Stamps tOc with dox. Dill Pickles Ten (11.00) Green Trading Stamps 2Jtc with one dozen Parlor Matches. . . 2 w Twenty ($2.00) Gren Trading Slumps with five cana Corn, Peas, or (Or Tomato a OUW rM)Y PEI'ARTMKIT SOMETHING NEW HOO-ZOO Molasses Kisses the moat delightful con- 25C fection, iwuiid and twenty (U00) Oreen Trading Stamps. Bargains in Bed Blankets, Com forts and Pillows for Saturday 2-pound Feather Pillows, covered with extra heavy tick- I.Qp ing, worth 83c Saturday Tv 100 pair extra heavy Cotton Blankets, in grays, white LCI and tans, worth 90c pair Saturday Ul Good heavy Wool Itlankets, with enough cotton in them to make them wear and wash, in grays, cheap at $3.50 pair 7 Q Saturday imJ Extra size I5ed Comforts, covered with the best silkoline, all knot ted and tied, filled with pure white cotton, worth $2.25 f C A Saturday Extra size Comforts, very fine, $3 quality, extra soft and pretty patterns, very large size Saturday only. . J CURTAIN SWISS 50 pieces 3G-inch fine white Curtain Swiss, dots all sizes and figures, the regular 18c quality 1 n Saturday only la2v Two Great Bargains at Our 16th Street Entrance Underwear and Hosiery 100 dozen Ladies' Undervests and Drawers, white only, vests are taped neck, . crochet finish, drawers ankle length with French bands, full fleece lined, regular COc quality Saturday only , ..wJJC ; . TEN ($ 1.00) STAMPS WITH EACH. 300 Dozen Ladies. Misses' and Child ren's Hosiery Fast black, warm, fleece lined misses' and children's, in a fine rib double sole, and reinforced knee. Ladies' in full fashioned super Qualities in the lot worth up to 30c. JP . Our price Saturday, pair. A3C Glove Counter 200 dozen Ladies' and Misses' Golf and Cashmere Wool Gloves, all sizes, all styles, plain and fancy colors, pair 35c Saturday Bargains in Underwear Ladies', Misses' and Children' Fleece Lined Union Suits, gray color, run regular size, regular 39c and 50c qualities. Our price (all day) Saturday, per garment jZDC Another creat Sale of children's and misses' Sample Cloaks Saturday on our popular bargain circle main floor, bee the disnlav in the wlndnw Ages from 0 to 14 years. Prices up from $3.95. Just about half price. Sample Tailored Suits Our sale of ladles' Sample Tailored Suits will be continued all dav Saturday. This is a spot cash purchase of 150 SaniDle Suits at less than cost of the material. About haif of them sold the first day. saiuraay must sell tbe balance. HARDWARE SECTION Stove Talk We've been talking about the Penin sular all week, and we had big sales every day. THE PENINSULAR IS OUK LEADEK, we fervently believe that its qualities are superior to the qualities of all other stoves on the market today, either heaters or ranges. , We'd like you to see these kingly con querors of winter's cold. See them in Har ney street window, or for closer inspection, with the added advantage of having an intelligent salesman describe them, see them in the basement. WAY-DOWN PRICES tagged on every stove for Saturday's sale. No. 8 heavy nickled Tea Kettle n4 Fifty (J5.00) Little Grem Stickers. Scrub Brushes, a fine Palmetto stock, onlv. And ten $1.(U) Llttla Green Stlckera. A good Stove Urush 5C na tea (J1.00) Uttls Oreen Stlckera. HATCHETS HATCHETS HATCHETS Thormmhly tempered lieoda, handlea of the proper Block and flnlah. no better AtZ hatchet on the murket-slzes regulute the prices-(Wc 6So. Mo.... .40C .... j o.vuj uiuiu ureen etlcKers. THINGS FOU THE STOVE 30x3 stove Hoards, very CkQn ultnicUve .. .. yOC c 'orV (MOU) Llttla Green Stickers. 2Sx2K btove Hoards, quite 87C Thirty 13M) Uttle Oreen Stickers. Q6c 12c BTOVB BOARPS Stx38 Btove o 4 liuards, prettily deaiKned Fifty Utile Green Stickers. 13x33 Stovs Hoard, various j r Uty tsj-wj Lime uiocn oiicaers A SNAP IN STOVK PIP13- per joitu. extra good grade Suturduy only 10c BENNETT'S MEAT MARKET Omaha's busiest and most reliab e markx. Last Saturday we broke all records. It's because we are flways in Ihe lead for best quality and ... LOWEST PRICES . . . A few Saturday Specials 13 lbs. Fresh Leaf 1 (III 7ic Lard. Fresh Dressed Chickens-ail Ifl1! Fresh Dressed Rnos hens IllC ters MUTTON MUTTON MUTTON Choice No. 1 Young Mutton Legs 6c Mutton Stew 2-ic j Mutton Roast 4c Mutton Chops 3 lbs. lor .' 25c Rib Boiling Beef lO lbs. for 25c Good Shoulder Steak 4 lbs. for 25c HAMS HAMS HAMS Rex or Winchester Sugar Cured No. 1 Hams ranging 10 to 12 pounds Ilk CARPETS Special sale of Axminster, Wilton Velvets and extra Axmin ster carpets. These goods sell regular at $1.23, $1.35 and $l.r0 per yd. No old soiled patterns to select from, nothing but bright, clear, clean-cut patterns in this lot. Having one hun dred and fifty pieces of these high grade carpets in stock, in excess of what our atock should be at this season of the TZO year, we place them on shIg Saturday, October 20th, JC at, per yard Note our 16th street window for display of carpets. DRAPERY DEP'T-Specials for Saturday Tapestry Table Covers In three colors, 2 yards square, worth $2.50 each, for this sale $1.18 Window Shades In good colors, 3x6 19c S A few shades in odd sizes, at...' loC We have Just received a new stock of Bennett1 Silk Down Sofa Pillows, In all sizes from 16 Inches square up to 2 Inohen. We are -also showing n new line of Arabian, Cluny and Novelty Lace Curtains at prices that can t htlp but please PYR0GRAPHY SNAPS. Wholesale Bargains. rYROGRArilY GItOWS IX POrULAKlTY-IT BROADENS ITSELF AND NEW IDEAS POUU IN ON US IN BUNCHES. Dresser Boxes Uegularly $1.85, sale price 1.59 Dainty Squirrel Designed Nut Howls Special .75c Stools Handsome designs, regularly $1, sale price .78c Handkerchief Boxes The best ever 39c Japanese Panels 15c Scots Girl Tanels 20c Bathing Girl Panels... .30c Beautiful Christy Heads 40c Outfits Our big leader 1.79 Art Hummers for Saturday-." NO 1 MATCH SCHATC1IEIJS The great comic novelty, (hit the scratcher, don't mutilate the walls), Z C Saturday only THIRTY ($.1.00) LITTLE GREEN STICKERS. NO. 2 A HANDSOME PABLO Ii PICTURE 200 of them to sell beautifully framed fac-similes, in 3-inch gold QC, frames, an elegant line of subjects, a hummer at. . . FIFTY ($5.00) LITTLE GREEN STICKERS. Saturday Sale in Shoe Section. The best Boys' Shoes made, at ; Men's Sample Shoes at and worth up to $4.00. Fifty ($5.00) Qreen Trading Stamps. 1.50 193 Women's Sample Shbes worth J $f& up to $4,-at &.VKJ Fifty ($5.00) Qreen Trading Stamps. Men's, Ladies' and Children's velvet Slippers with felt lining.. The best Girls' Shoes made, 11 C A 49c at Double Green Trading Stamps on all shoe purchases till noon. PHOTO SUPPLIES Headquarters for Omaha Photographers Everything for the prac tice and enjoyment of the art of photography. Kodaks, Cameras, all sorts and sizes. Films, Solutions, Etc 1 ifJ-J u n. u . T.J 4 j ! aH it tin CLO THING DEP'T PRICES WAY DOWN Photo developing and finishing work a specialty.. Don't risk spoiling your plates by trying to develop them, bring them to our camera man, have them done right and done on time. SOUTHEAST CORNER MAIN FLOOR. Tricky Little Snxps In Woodenware A Curtain Stretcher (Want to save your curtains? You must have a curtain stretcher.) A Sewing Table (Popular size, it will help you tew longer and sew better). A 5-foot Step LadJer-(best grade) An Ironing Table-(White wood and per fectly planed) A Large Plant Tub (Want to change your plantiv Here's a dandy tub for it) Fifty (J5.00) Little Green Stickers with any of above items Saturday. EITHER OF THESE VICTOR.... TALKING MACHIES Victor, Monarch, DcLuxe and Columbia Disc Records Pocket Pin Cushion FREE With Every Purchase Talking Machine Section, Jap- Room, Second Floor. Men's and Young Men's Suits and Overcoats Three new styles just received and placed on sale for the first time, "Nut Brown' "Hand Tailored," "Bennett's Lapel." Double breasts have the call, you may not like them, so we have them in single-breast, $18.00, $15.00, $1250, suit or overcoat. Most high-priced stores get $5.00 a suit more, isn't it worth saving? 50 Samples of Men s Overcoats, O.50 worth up to $18, Saturday only.... Dutchess Trousers, 10c a button, $100 a rip, $5, $4.50, $4, $3.50, $3, $2.50 and Selling agents for Omaha. Broken lots of Trousers, worth up J C A to $5, at Boys Hats all the new shapes and styles, regular $1.00, at WINTER CAPS Drummers' Samples, no two alike, 50c caps 25c Drummers' Samples, no two alike. 75c caps 50c Drummers' Samples, no two alike, $1 caps 75c Drummers' Samples, uo two alike, $1.50 caps $1 SHIRT SALE Wilson Bros. Cosmopolitan, Ideal (Tfl and other good makes, $2 and $1.50 values 41 UNDERWEAR all fl.50 Broken lines wool O O omenta as lontr as they last UUl t $2 KAUFMAN'S ORCHESTRA SATURDAY EVENING TWO CONCERTS: FIRST IN CAFE, 6:00 TO 7:25. SECOND BALCONY, 7:30 TO 10:00 Be want ads. produce results.