THE OMAHA DAILY UEE: FRIDAY, OCTOREn 25, Iim M l I I F 1 I I. A I U IJ M II rCJ w - - -w i .l. i f a - x i i a r- fr Remnant Day in Basement Extra Special Events Friday. Figured and Plain Art Ticking, fella reg ularly at 25c a yard, in long lengths, Friday at, yard , i N Fall Fleeced Waistiug Remnants, very pretty patterns, worth 25c yard, at yard 10c 5c Baby Flannel and fancy Outing Flannels. In white, crourn, pink in. J Mue, tne very finest quality, liasemont bargain square Novelty Fall Suitings, dark styles, yard vide, yd Half Wool Skirting Flannels, extra hoary, 88 Inches wide, blue tirown, gray, etc., a bar gain, yd.. Twilled Comforter Sat eeri, large ranire of atterns, a 25u yd cloth at Jd n, iilnk in. J Suitings, 15c el Skirting .extra heavy, 15c 10c 29c quality heavy Mercerized Sateens, as long as they I nal yard. .. Apron aingham, thousand yards of it in all size checks, yd Staple and Fancy Dress Prints, on big bargain av square at, per yard ... 5c ham, ft 3'c 19c quality Burlap, all colors at, per c Drapery desirable 5c Wool Flannel Rem nants, neat patterns for chil dren's dresses.. 10c Shaker Flannel, in long lengths, extra heavy quality, yd nei, in long 6c Fancy Curtain in lengths at, per yard Scrl m 2-c 36-Inch Percales, a new shipment of new fall styles, 1 excellent A n f iVari.?: a 2C Specials in the Linen Department 21 Remnnnts of lOo T1 I Remnants all kinds of I sanitary cotton I damask, In table cloth nl, i diaper, at, e'W I lengths at about half "w I yard . I regular price. 15c Remnants of Wo bleached huck toweling, at, yard Odds and Ends of Bargains in Boys' and Children's Caps A irreat table of all kinds and sizes of pretty school caps, a sample line In the basement, at, each Remnants of Fine Winter Dress Goods Fine black and colored goods, suitable fop this sea son's wear skirt and suit lengths of Panamas, unfinished worsteds, zibelines, cloth of every kind, valued up to $1.73 a yard-. for all the accumulated suit and waist lengths, hundreds of fashionable dreea lengths in this assortment. 59c 45 c Mill Fnds of Broadcloths, Panamas, Mannish Suit In ks, etc., all colors and pieces enough for skirts, jackets and suits values up to SmZMC 12.00 yard, at, yd. w French Flannels Waist In wrapper lengths of gs ana imported and wrap plain and fancy waist- French Flannels '-'Will go at- per yard nnels Traveling-Men's Sam ple Lengths of Cloth many alike f C at, each UC Fine Silks and Velvets Sl.OOand SI. 25 Silk Velvets at 59c Yard All col ors of fancy velvets, imported dress velveteens, vets with dots, etc., at, yara... Silk and velvet remnants in black and colors, all go accord- ant,Va0cshlf.e: 5c.10c.19c vel- 59c Black 641k remnants, to 12 yards importer's sam ples on bargain square at 60o on the dollar. Embroideries Extra fine lot of embroideries, very wide for corset covers, children's dresses, etc worth fl g m at Perad1 IUC-J5C Dress Trimmings Plain and fancy Dress Trim mings, hundreds of styles ic5ci0c Bif Sale of Men's Underwear Saturday at 25c, 35c and 45c Entire sample lines of two of finest underwear manufacturers in the east, all ilnds and all sizes at amazing bargains Saturday. J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS,, BOSTON STORE DEMOCRATS IN TIGHT PINCH Need Four Person to Eon on Bohool Board " -t .' Ticket THAT MANY REFUSE TO BE CANDIDATES l" SBBBSBaaaSBBS publicans Placed on Ticket Without Bel us; Consulted and Two Dcrao cruis Decline to Become Political Sacrifices. A was the cane with that party's legis lative ticket, all kinds of things have hap pened to tho democratic school board ticket luring the luat few days and a special meeting of the city committee was called In the Jacksonlan club rooms last night to rescue it from total annihilation. Three nominees have withdrawn and a fourth rants to, and probably will. The city con vention did tho work in a hurry without consulting any of its selection and the re sult hui been somewhat disappointing. Mrs. George Tilden, the only woman named, was the first to order City Clerk Elbourn to remove her nume from the bal lot She objected for a variety of reasons, not the least being that he la a republican. Emii Cermak, a present tremher of the board whose time expires, tills year, was the next to file ratal wtihdrawal. He does not care to run again with certain defeat staring him in the face. Mr. Cermak Is the only Bohemian filling a "position In the city or School district government. Yesterday morn ing Christian Rlssl. a Swiss, of the First ward, pulled out of the contest by filing a sworn statement that he would not run. leaving only H. B. Roberts and "Dr. E. D. Arnold'' on the original ticket Dr. Arnold, who is a renuhiiean v,n. oeen wondering how the democrats hap pened to light on him for a victim and nas expressed his Intention to file his withdrawal before the time expires. Inside of Arnold Affair. How Dr Arnold's name came to he mi up with the democratic school board ticket throws an interesting sidelight on the po litical methods of that party. It seems the man intended was not Dr. Arnold at all, but a Third ward worker named Ed Aj-nnM who runs a cheap rooming house at 520 Bourn Thirteenth street and is a political personal friend of Ed Rothery. He was put on the ticket by Rothery's nomination, no particular care being used to identify hlra separately and positively from another "Arnold" In the city. In looking up the addresses the secretary found Dr. E. D. Arnold's name and promptly placed him oil the cord. Four of the nominees having dropped out with disgust, a few whorl horses are busy trying to find democrats willing to pose as candidates and permit the use of their names on the ballots. Up to noon three men had been discovered who reluetantiv agreed to allow their names to be so uted. I hey were: Joseph Kelly, a real iit. man. living at 2103 Farnam street; Walter M. Carter, superintendent of the Fl:st Na. tlonal bank building, 8324 Buauldinir. and John M. Rice, a foreman fOT t rift TTn'rtn Paclfio, 1615 Emmet street. These men and one other, if he can be found, will be hus tled onto the ticket In short order tonight Building; Permits. Building permits have been Issued by the city aa follow: Nela 3. Peterson, 11.600 frame dwelling at 2715 Parker street; city of Omaha, $2,600 temporary frame engine house at Twenty-fifth and Cuming streets. .,'"!,.. .1. U WSSMH,' I Petticoats and Underskirts 1 ICPUMMI CD UUIIIIIULLLI1 & MUELLER A COMPREHENSIVE PIANO DISPLAY Over 200 LATEST EXCLUSIVE MODELS from America's best makers, Including; the only "Stelnway," the famous "Stea-er A Sons," the artistic "McPhall," the popular "Emerson," the old reliable "Hardman,M and 20 more high class, guaranteed Pianos toa-ether with the Ideal "Muel ler" a, western Piano made to stand the western climate. INDIVIDUAL SPECIAL BARGAINS This week we show at new lot of Specials, easily the best values In town. $250 Upright, plain panels, oak case, live-year Ci(j guarantee 4IIO0 $290 Upright, genuine' mahogany, roll fall duet music desk, C1SU splendid bargain pJO $325 Upright, beautiful oak, mahogany or walnut, modern design, CQQ exceptional value 'VO $350 Uprights,' large selection choice Colonial Cabinet Grands,, artistic tone and action 'P"" $4OO-$500 Uprights, in fancy figured nat ural wood cases of exquisite beauty, absolutely standard makes, ttOO fur $338, $315, duwn to ipa'O f5 MOVrilLY PAYMENTS AC CEPTED. SO used Uprights In our bar gain room at prices varying; from (B4, STO, fWO, S123 to 130. Square planoa at your own price. LARGEST PIANO HOUSE. Schmoller & Mueller, Established 1860. 4 Stores and a Factory. OMAHA, NEB. DIAMONDS: Are both a luxury and an Investment n m at an times, nut more so now man I a 1 19 I il I ever. You do not sauander vour money I 1 wnen you Duy mem you simpiy are saving it besides having the luxury. Remember, we Bell them at so rea- sonable a price that we are willing to T refund you in cash nine-tenths of amount paid us at any time within ' one year, or allow you full price paid W in exchange. , You'll find ours a well made and at tractive lot We've the knee length knitted, fleece lined underskirts at 60o; and outing flannel skirts, plain, at too and 6Sc; handsomely embroidered at T60 to $ In petticoats there are silk moreens at $2.87 to $5.00; English surrab $2.87 to $1.50; and bluck. all wool jersey tops with full ripple flounces of silk at $5.75, with mer cerised . ruffles $4.M. In mercerised petticoats we've a large line priced up to $2.76, Just now we offer a well-mode mercerised petticoat, trimmed with flounces, or acoordeon pleated with ruffles, some ruffles featherboned a regu lar 1.W petticoat and good value at that now priced at o. It Is our rule whan we buy a thing at a bargain to give our customers . the bemnt At MM this skirt Is certainly A BARGAIN. BARGAIN murk the word-It's vrj seldom w use It N MRS. J. DENSON, 212 South 16IK St. 15-& DODGE. --------a Winter Caps, 15c. Men's and Young Men's Scotch Flalded Caps, with pull down to cover the eare, suitable for dress, work, to wear on trains when traveling, etc. Boys' Tuban style (without peak), sale price, 15c; In the lot are a few Girls' Caps. Sale starts Friday morning and sale lasts until all sold. Come early and get first choice. Our $10.03 Suit Sale All wool fancy Worsted Suits, made up elegant, sale price $10.00. It's the same kind you pay all over town $15.00 for good, substantial suits, in endless varieties at $7.50. Finer ones in the Benjamin make, (12.50, $15.00 and $18.00. Cvercoafs Before buying an overcoat sret our nrinn- we can save you at least 25 per cent on the purchasing price. The Overcoat depart ment is on the second floor. Also large assortment or Fur Coats from $9.90 up. Waterproof Overcoats from $5.00 up. Coats lined with sheep skin from 12.98 un. ftr, i. Is with everything else "We always sell It cneaper. GUARANTEE CLOTHING CO., 1519-1521 DOUGLAS ST. Fine Weather For Painting Wlkr--AT. There is lio better TIMR for nnlntinir than UIGIIT NOW. and tin nnlnt sin trtet as the old reliable brand, manufactured iu iieveuiuu Dy Sherwin - Williams Co. This line rflinnrlius nnint tnr avatv purposa for Which nalnt in vpr iituvl aud all mixed 'ready for the BRUSH. Ask most anybody what they think about SHEUWIX-WILLIAM8 PAINTS. Ask us for "PAINT CIUCULAU." Stierman&McConnell DrugCo. Corner 16th acd Dodae fits.. Omaha, Nsb. For Menstrual Supprejsion:?. Moat Miirf i,1 Ts VI fej T a m. T m" r -V Ull rt silL Tnfe selue. tl bos; sums M ' " """" OMAHA WEATHER REPORT-Friday Warmer. prMMITTT'C A Rattling Crockery Racket Hanging Library Lamps, complete spring exten fdons, 14-inch dome shades, rich gold finish, J Johnson Bros. Royal English Torcelain Dinner Sets, rich green and gold illumina tion, full gold treatment, regular $18 value, Q H C for this sale Introductory Snle, Havilnnd & Co. Napoleon white and ftold pattern. We will sell on Friday three (3) breakfast plates (limit of CQc three) lor, each Oas Drop Lights, complete with burner, ten-Inch shades, etc., at l.CT .8c 4c Twisted White China Salt or Pepper Shakein, each No. 1 or 2 Common Burners, each The favorite place IjfOCefV for th" economical w j housewife to pur chase her table products at lowest prices. Ten ($1 Green Trading Stamps tr with pound Baking Chocolate "u Ten (1) Green Trading Stamps li- with two lbs. fine Japan Rice Ten ($1) Green Trading Stamps tllr with 3-lb. can Table Syrup UJC Trading Stamps with 2-lb. pack age Pancake llou.. 10c Ten t$l) Green Trading Stamps with doz. boxes Parlor lr Matcbe....,2t BUTTER The finest dairy products- FRESH COUNTRY BUTTER, lir hound " Hulk Mince Meat, pound BULK PICKLES Five (50c Green Trading Stamps with doxen Dill- Jp ll, b' Pancake Flour ' Bf NNCT7 CO 12k SOUR PICKLES, fine quality C. CANDY Hundreds of novelties at 6c each and up. Fifteen ($1.50) Orren Trading Stamps with tol..c7. 10c TTh 1 Genuine reninsular sisRhacni sW. Ranges The King of Steel Ranges Unquestionably the Standard of the World No other lines give you the raiitce of choice in styles and sizes. Two styles are prominent in our huge stocks, to these we direct your very special attention: FIRST Peninsular Range with high closet, 15, 17 and 19-inch ovens, s mi modi up from '"l n i x combines nil modern Improve- 26.50 PENINSULAff merits, SECOND Peninsulnr Range with high eiieir ana ena sneir, in. it ana 19-inrh oven, will go at, up from STOVES Either base burners or steel ranges, titled at your home (city or suburbs), built in and set afoinf by an expert stove builder, on time at Ihatl Stove Dept. fiasem't Great Remnant Sale Black Colored Dress Goods $ Waist Patterns , Skirt Patterns . , , , Dress Patterns , , , , ' 2 to 7 yard pieces Worth up to $2 a yard Friday on Bargain Square 50c yard Ail the new fall dresa goods, having accumulated within the last two or three weeks. W hat they are: Broadcloths, Meltons. Mohairs, Crepes. Voiles Twills, Serges, Armures. Granites and many other new materials. ANOTHER SILK SENSATION From 10 to 12 we wlfl sell plain and 4f fancy silks, worth up to $1.00 yard, all lengths, for 1VC BIG REMNANT SALE IN OUR DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT Percales and Oermun Blue Calicoes, in lengths of two to fifteen yards worth Ol U'We Friday yard OjC PILLOW CASING 45 Inches wide, bleached, lengths one to five r yards, worth 18c Friday 7. 9C BABY FLANNELETTES, in pinks, blues, creams and whIUs "4a worth 2oc yard Friday 1UC h7SLS LINEis'l' NAPKINS. ETC-1.500 lengths of TabIe'Linens, Towe''"8. twice what we'alk foTthem eBPclny for the 'rday sale, and are worth REMNANTS OK RIBBONS FRIDAY -All Silk Ribbons. In lengths Q 1 from 1 to -M yards vulues up to 25c yard, Friday yard OjC EiJ,BS?I0Eiyf;'5iEMNA,N?rn "ens-th" H yards-line quaiitles'of'Edfres. Insertions, Beadings, Medallions, Appllque-vulues up to 25c yard- t is Friday's price-for piece of 44 jards-25c. 14c and... llC Another great Sale of children's and misses' Sample Cloaks Saturday on our popular bar gain circle main floor. See ths display in the window Thursday and Friday. Ages from 6 to 14 years. Prices up from $3.95. J ust about half price. Sample Tailored Suits Our sale of ladles' Sanpla Tailored Suits will bs continued Friday and Saturday. This Is a spot cash purchase of 150 Sample Suits at less than cost of the m tterlal. About half of them sold the first dav Friday and Saturday must sell the balance. Clothing Department Bargain Friday and double Green Trading Stamps. Boys' Top Reefers 3 to 8 years old 2.50 and 2.00 Worth double Made out of tho finest overcoat ends. Boys' Long Overcoats 10 to 20 years old sample coats, a few broken lots to close 5.00, 4.50, 3.50 Double Green Trading Stampa Men's and young men's Suits C AA and Overcoats Suita and Overooats, double breasted, and all the latest styles and newest patterns 15.00, 12.50, 10.00 and 8.50 DOUBLE GREEN TRADING STAMPS FOR FRIDAY. FRIDAY IS REMNANT DAY AT BrffDEK THE RELIABLE STORE. FUR SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY'S StLLINQ 15c BLACK MER CERIZED SAT EENS and Spun Glass at, yard, 5c 15c SHEER INDIA L.INON the best value you ever saw -at. yard, 5c !2He FLANNEL ETTE, fleece back, In pretty patterns, great snap at, yd.. 5c SHe STANDARD DRESS PRINTS Friday per yard 32c Soft Finished Blea ched Muslin and snow white Cam bric, worth up to 12V4c yard at . 5c 80 AMOSKEAG GINGHAM In sta ple check, at, yard, Ajc Remnants of Ta ble Linen at , Half Price Remnants of Towe. ing of ill kinds Half Price Friday Is Remnant Day tV'oo Dress Goods Now Is the time to buy remnnnts of high grade dress goods, worth front ."Wo to $3.ou yard, at tibout of its regular vsluo. These remnants run from 2't to s yards, and consist of 64-Inch cheviots, 54-Inch suitings. 4A-lnch French voiles. 48-lnoh voiles, 52-lnch mohairs, 50 and 54-Inch slbe llnes, nil wool henritttHS. half wool hen rlettas, and other goods worth from 5oc to $3.00 yard at 15c, 22U, 39c, k9c and 59c Yard No peddlers or dealers sold at this sale. jnc WHITE WOOI FI.ANNELj-27 in wide at, yard, 15c B5c BLEACHED SHEETS, linen fin ish, X-lnili hem, Blx!0 size, each, 45c By the Yard Wool Dress Goods imported, at 5QC $1.9S Novelties, yard $1.9S All Wool Plaids. 64 Inches wide 75c all Wool Zibelines, at yard 36-Inch All Wool Indies' Cloth, 50c grade , 75c hlRh grade French Flannels 50c and 75o Challles, at. yard 39c 39c 29c 39c 39c ISO PILLO w CASKS, hem stitched, 45x36 size, exceptional value, at, each. 12c $1.60 PATTERN TABLE CLOTHS of heavy Scotch damask. 2Vi yards long, each. 69c LADIES' Sample Shoes In patent and vicl kid, worth up to 3 choice.... 1.96 CR0WH Sample Shoes For men in all leathers and lattst styles worth up to $3.50 ffZ choice ,1'VU Fancy Shams, Dresser Scarfs and Squares, at HALF PRICE 12Ho Outing Flan nel, S6 Inches wide, in fancy patterns, at, yam, 5c Hundreds of silk remnants, In all colors, at 15o and 25o. Remnants of fine colored velvet in Paon, Panne, Mirror Chiffon, Mettalio and others, at 89c worth $J.00, $1.50 aud 12.00. Over 200 new pieces fancy silk for waists and suits-at prices that none can touch black Swiss taffeia, all Bilk, worth 75c on sale 44c. interesting Groceries Quotations: In "IK' Bf.rE "o 7'' . Watct our nds. There's money In It B,,'; ture Cane GranulRted for you. Many dollars In savings by v8"8 L W-S buying at Hnydens'. Vegetables are nastT,y,P.k-'. ,'U 2 1,1 uuulity and tho crop so ahun- Klln Dried Oatmeal, per lb 2- dant that prices are lower than ever. 10 Bars Laundry Soap 2uo 1 can Concentrated Soup, equal to Pearllne- Rk?i-w"; ?L' 3 cans of common soup Ba 4-lb. pkg. Gold Dust... 15c S-lb. cans Clam Chowder 15a 8- b. can New Pumpkin 6c 1 doz. Dill Pickles Vko 8-lb. can New Hominy 6c 1 can Deviled Ham g"Zn 8-lb. can New Packed Tomatoes... 6c 1 can Potted Tongue 31J0 2-lb. can New Packed Corn 6c New Evaporated Black Berries New Kiln Dried Cornmcal, lb 2c x,P,'r '".v," ' ".'";," ;" 7Ho All Sweet Cookies, worth 15c and New California Raisins (very fine), 20c lb., in this sale 3 lbs. for.... 25c Nwr porated' AppiesV perlb::: Tc Packages condensed mince meat, New California Prunes, per lb.... 3U,n (will make 13 large pies) 25c New Currants, per lb..... 6o L . EAYDEN BROS. H Kl I I .' II If yoti eontomplate a trip to Sotithora f J I 1 California, with its lovely seaside I yf resorts, and orange groves, I I yi beautiful pirdons, and quaint old I Mission, the way to reach these Vl If I niafrlt'Hl mimics without Buffering any V'4 11 of tho inconveniences of Winter travel ft IS VIA THE i ll Union Pacific H I Shortest Line. Fastest Time. Smoothest Track. 1 1 aj 1 Accoinmodations for all classes of passengers. 1 1 Inquire at .J CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1324 FAR- NAM ST. - fjf VV 'I'houe 310. jTr WHITE IS KING! If you contemplate trading off your old Sewing Machine or to buy a new on don't fail to see the LATEST IMPROVED WHITE, either shuttle or rotary. They are the finest and best made. Come In and let us show It to you. P. E. FLODMAN & CO. TELEPHONE 1574. 1314 CAPITOL. AVENUE, LARGE OFFICES For some time, it has bipen very difficult to aocure large offices, In a good building, in Omaha.l The north and east sides of the sixth floor of The Bee Building Are neing rearranged. liy making application, at once, we will divide the space into offices of any size, to suit your requirements. These offices are particularly desirable, on uccuiint of having splendid light and will be Mulshed in hardwood throughout. Make your appli cations at ouce. It. C. Defers Co., REr GROUND FJ ll'AL AOENTS, 11OK-BEE BUILDING. Shirt Sale Have you noticed the 16th street win-' dow? Those $2.00 and $1.60 shirts on sale 1 AA Friday and Saturday, at l.UU Hat Department Drummer's Bample line, worth up to f 'X 00, at I p fk and fifty ($5.00) Green Trading Stampa ljU J YOU (t That our stock of Kt l.leht n liavo ever 'inld Stick Pin for $1 i.oo, I-' 50 to 5.(io to V.t Spend a few minute i or the name. S. W. L1IS 491 J ILL SAY SO k and and Scarf Pins is the nob- vii. we luive a liuialHome rlollil little more eln borate one for These are brauliis. in our store unil see ttieiit. Look SI TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER The Best Pn Paper. I SAY, Jeweler OUglaS Stf