... -,.ti1aaaMSaSMeM6aa " iaaaataaaax TUT, OMAHA DAILY DEE: THURSDAY. OCTOBER 27, 1904. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Firmer, bat Bull Have a Hard Tim Holding Fractional Gain. CORN STRONG AND OFFERINGS LIGHT Loir Grade TO t There spelter. L'4.O"0 60,00 6.'J0 4i,wO Whril Hold la Omaka teatsHigh Grade Ip to f?.0i Kessa aad t Gossip, w ' OMAHA. Oct. 26. 1904. la lust a moderately active fP'-culstlve movement In the. wheat market nd the fluctuation were generally within ft narrow range. There wns nothing In '.he new ot the (lay to ratine any change In sentiment, the receipts were rather lighter and the millers kept competing; for cash wheat with an Initistanoe that Indi cate that they realize the scarcity. In Omaha several car of no grade wheat r - .uuiln n )r 1 1 1 A. I r AM 1 1. al 7v It almnlv hii the character of i HllBalon the wheat that will tie ground this year nothing too poor and nothing too good. This was the worst Nebraska, wheat that ' has yet been ottered on this market and when the price at which No. 8. weighing 68 Hi.. hoiU JI M. the contrast In shown very plainly. The receipts and shipments are not large. The market for the speculative futures moved up decidedly slowly and with extreme difficulty was the ..advance held. Indeed most of the gains were Inst, so that there wasn't really much Changs In the closing figures. December opened at I1.HV4. or Just at Tuesday's close, and advanced to Sl.l&'4, reacting to 11.14. May sold at tl.UWfii 1.134 to 11 13'4 and broke to Jl.l-V as compared with a close at $1.13'. The mar ket Is Inclined to act a little tired specula tlon getting anxious for more news or con firmation of crop estimates and rather in clined to await a reaction before getting . In again. Corn was firm and steady. The; supply of old corn Is very light and the new corn is not coming forward at all as yet. December was firmer for the reason that the shorts are getting nervous. December, 4!iHc to 487c; May, 46&461ic. Omaka Cash Triers WHEAT No. 3 hard. tl.07M.10; No. 8 linrcl. 1.07'Srl.Ofi: No. 4 hard, 80cjtl.W; No. I spring. Sl.OTfcUO; no grade, 7c. i 'i Tj m v if... tvj . . ' j w l a. '. , 1 Q . . Mn a 'AS.-. A-tx. , . , t' v ..... 47fff4tic; no grade-. 43i45c; No. 2 yellow, 49,c; No. 3 yellow, 49o; No. 2 white. 4Sc; No. 3 white. 4SuWc OATS-.Nb. 3 mixed, 38c; No. 3 mixed, I7c; No. 4 mixed, KSc; No. 2 white. any-unc No. 8 white, asvc. No. 4 white. 27c; stand rd. "AKkn. Omaha Cash Sales 1 car no grade wheat. 48 lbs., 70c; 1 car no grade wheat, 44 ins , 10c; 1 car no grade wheat, 46 lb., 70c; 1 ear No. 3 hard, 60 lbs., 81.08. 1 car No, i hard. 67 lbs., $1.07; 1 car No. 3 mixed oats, 27c; 1 car No. i white oats. 31?. ' Grain Markets Etaewner. Closing prices oi grn'n today and Tuesday at the markt. namou were us follows: ' CHICAGO. . Close Wheat ; Today. Tucsy. December 1.1- l.U May 1.12? Corn December 1 4Si 49 May 46 Ob ts December H May 81 ls KANSAS CITY. Wheat December l.ftMi l.OoH May 1.04 1.04 Corn December .: 42 May 41 41 ST. LOUIS. Wheat . December ........... 1.134 May 11 l.ltiH Corn December 41 44v May 44 MINNEAPOLIS. Wheat December 1-16 1 18 May M 117 DLLLTH. Wheat December 1.16ii 1.17 May 1.13 l.lti KttW YORK (iEXERAI. 1IAHKET ttaotatlons ot the- Day un Varloos Cmnodll lea. -. H , . NEW YORK, Oct. 23. -FLOUR Receipts, 38. M0 bbls.; exports, s.ull Utile.; sales, i.610 bbls.; market moderately active at tlrm prices; Minnesota patents, $6.aoti-60; Minnesota bakers, 84.COfoo.00; winter patents, l6.tiOCaO.0O; winter straights, J5.40y6.H5; winter extras. J3.tXift4.25; winter low grades, 83.60 4.05. Rye flour, firm; sales, 400 bbls.; fair to good, J4.60-U4.7o; choice to fancy, 4.50'a5.50. Buckwheat flour, quiet at 2.Wi(n2.2u. CORN MEAL. Virm; yellow western, 1. 11(31.13; city, $1.12(01. 14; kiln dried, 3.0U S' KYE Nominal. BARLEY Quiet; feeding, 43c, c. I. f. New York. WHEAT Receipts, CO, 400 bu.; sales, 4,200, 000 bu. futures. Spot market easy; No. 2 red, $1.20, f. o. b., n flout; No. 1 northern Duluth. $1.28, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, $1.09, f. o. b., afloat. Options opened a trifle easy under foreign selling of May, rallied on Hmuller receipts, favor able cables and bull support, but In the last hour broke severely In response to Minneapolis heaviness, closing )o net lower; May, $1.13 1-16471.14 6-lii, closing at $1.13; July, Sl.ei'Mil.'WH. closing at $1.08; December, $1.17 13-104(1.19 1-lh, closing at $1.17. CORN Receipts, 48.376 bu.; exports. 68,004 bu.; sales, 13,0uo bu. futures. Spot market . firm; No. '2, tioc in elevator und 60c, f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 yellow, 63c; No. 2 white, 6140. Option market was mote actlvo and generally tlrm all day on small receipts and talk of December manipulation, clos ing partly He net higher; May, 61it6Jc, closing at 61c; December, 67U67c, clos ing at 6c. OATS Receipts, 60,300 bu.; exports, 19,944 bu. Spot market quiet; mixed oats, 26 to 32 lbs., 34lt)36c; natural white, 30 to 82 lbs., 36U37c; clipped while, 36 to 40 lbs., 37Cfl 9c. Options nominal. FEED Steady, spring bran. $19.86; mid. tilings. $19.86; city, jai.oOiii 28.00. HA i Firm; spring, wxti6c; gooJ to choice. 76'aSoo. . ,' HOPS Bteudy; state, common to choice, 1904, 304(30c; 1903, MSiMc; olds, 145b 18c; Pa cific coast, 1904, 304j37c; 19U3, 30i33c; olds, ivulde. . HIDES Firm; Galveston, 20 to 23 IbS., 17c; California, 21 to 26 lbs., lot; Texas dry, U to 30 lbs., 14o. LEATHER-Firm; acid. !4i32Cc. PROVISIONS Ueef. steady ; tamll)', J10 60 11.60; mess, I8.60ftj9.60: beef hams, $23,609 24.60; packet. $9.&0til0.60; cily extra India mesa. $14.6u-(i 16 60 Cut meats, steady; plukled brlliss, $'.i.0u11.00'. pickled shoulder, $7.0t!; pickled hams, $9.6O4i10.W Lurd, weak; western steamed. $7.ti0, October closed 17.00, nominal; retincj, auu, coniinent, (r.ko; South America1; $8.0t, compound, $ti.O0'uU.23. Pork, dull; fumily. tis Mru lti.u); mess, tU.'uU'ii 13.60; short clear. $13.7S(h 17.00. TALLOW Steady ; city. 4c; country, 4 tti 4e. hiCE Firm; domestic, fair to extra, I7 rj .,; Japan, nominal. BUTTER Steady; street price, extra creamery, 21'21c; cfllclal prices, crtum erv, romomn to extra, 13i21c; held extra, 2ni20o; state dairy, common to extra, 13(0 20c. CHEESE Easy; state, full cream, small, October, colored and white, poor to choice, 74t'9c; in rue, October, colored, good to choice, 8MS9c; large, October, while, poor to choice, 6(iiSc. KOGS li'ieaulur: western, finest selected, t32c; sveraae best, K.'ti23u. POULTRY Dressed: Western chickens, lujjllc; (owls. lliillc; turkeys, 16ti20c. Philadelphia Prodace Market. PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 2B-BUTTER Steady, good demand: extra neirbv prints, 24c; western, 23c; western first, 24&26c at mark. CHEESE Firm, steady; New -York full creams, fancy, lOleH; choice," 10c; fair, Dnlstk Orsls Market. Bl'LUTH, Oct. M. WHEAT To arrive: No. 1, $1.20: No. 1 northern. $1.18; No. I northern, $1.11. In store: No. 1 northern, J1.IK; No. 2 northern, $i.l'J; Decmtr, 11 KS.iR,y. 8H4. OATS To arrive and on truck, 29c. St. Loals Grala and Provlslaas. 9V. LOC18 fjct. 2.-WHKAT-Lower: . ... red cs.h elevator. 11 14; track. $1.17; i iu."u ; Ml,v- No- 3 ,mr,: i.ni rugner; No. I cash, lie: track ly. 44o. track, 10 r.-, . .1 . i T. j . j J r u . r. '"uf pi-env; re a winter pat ents, $8.46t5.e0; special brands, higher: ea $4rS6tf4 6iVy " ilul1'1' -ll--: clear. is KKI is Timothy, steudv: $2 Mil 86 I'ORNMEAL-Hteady; $2.76. mka.-m very dun; sucksd east tl7f. HAY Over supplied and dull; ' ' w... IHfMIlU. 9' v y JO. HON COTTON TltS-SjO. clesr ribs. $8 7: rtiftrt clear $1 12t M E'l A I i Lead, nrm ( i firm at $.r20. POI'LTR Y t'nset tld : chickens . ' springs 9J10c; turkeys. 13J,l4c; ducks. c daTTicFlrm: rr"""r-KtXJS-yulet at 18c, case count kv... Receipts. Shipments a-MiUI, UUIM 1 (KlO Wheat bu I!. "joio-S S-rn. bu oats, bu ju.0,,1 CHICAGO GRAM ASD PROVISIONS Featares f the Tradlasr ad tloslna Prices a Board of Trade. CHICAOO, Oct. M. The apolngy by Rus sia for the shelling nf the B.lti.-h Ash.ng boats was largeiv the csuse of a wemt wheat market here today. A bteak In cash prices waa an Impoitant facior. At the close both the lecember and May op tions were off Sc. Corn Is up ic. Oa.t show a gain oi c. Provisions are prac tically unchanged. Small receipts of eompsratlvely firm ca bles caused a stesdv tone In ihe wheat market at the opening. December was a shade lower to a shsde higher at $1.14V0 114. May Was unchanged to c higher at $1-It',&l.l3. On a fair demand from com mission nouses and Mt iraoers me mar ket advanced a trifle, December se.Lng up to $1.14 and May to $1.13. Selling sup posed to be for a leader of tbe bull crowd caused a moderate reaction. December de clined to $1.14; Msy sold off to 1.13. Trading whs rather quiet until late in the day, the market lacking any definite news, either bullish or bearish, rrom $1.14 De cember advanced to $1.16 on coveilng by some shorts who sold yesterday. The de mand for May was less active and In con sequence that delivery showed more re slstance to an advance. An advance In consols and a reported backdown by Rus sia was an even greater blow to holders and especially those who had expected further was scares. Late weakr.es at Minneapolis also hud considerable Influence on the market here. Alter selling eft to $1.13 December closed at $1.13'81.14: May declined to $1.12. 'Ihe close was at tl.12. Clearances of flour were 7.u0 barrels. 1 rl mary receipts were 1,043,800 bushels, com pared with 1.3M.;nO bushels a year avo. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago repurtel receipts of 735 cars, against 776 cars Lift week and tit cars a year ngo. In corn an active commission house de mand for both December and May deliv eries caused a strong tone. Shorts also were liberal purchasers. Trading was more active than for some time past. A bui lh cash situation was an Important factor in speculative trading. December opened W c higher at 49i349c, advanced to too and closed at 49'o4c. Local rccelpla were 72 cars, wltn 6 of contract gtade. Oats were dull, but firm. A strung un dertone existed In sympathy with hiRher prices of corn and with the falling off of receipts. Cash houres and elevator Inter ests were the bent buyer. After opet.lng c higher at 29c December advanced t i 29c and closed at 29c. Local rcc-ip a were 67 cars. As a result of a 10c decline In the price of hogs an easier tone prevailed In pro visions at the opening, with all pioduc.ls showing slight losses. Thi Initial decline waa all regained on a fair demand from pit traders and small packers. Late In the day sentiment ngaln became easy on mod erate profit taking. At the close all Jan uary products were down 2c. Pork closed at $12.30. lard at $7.07H and ribs at $6.40. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 78 cars; corn, 62 cars; oats, 81 cars; hogs, 24.OH0 head Tho leading futures ranged as follow: Articles. Open. High. Low. Close.! Yes y. Wheat I oct. Dee 1 15 May July Corn Oct. D-c. May Oats . Oct. Dec. May Pork Oct. Jan. . May Lard Oct. Jsn. May Ribs Oct. Jan. May I I 1 1 14 u i3 l 13; wi id,ei u 49'T 29l . 29 811 W 10 S6 It 80 7 12 7 07V 7 22 7 15 40 6 62 60 4ti 30 2u: 31 10 86 12 40 7 12i 16 7 26 7 15 6 45 6 60 ! 1 12 1 13 1 131 1.1 1 14 U1 14 I 1 14 1 1Z1 I'li'l 1I 97i ' 64 ' 4,43H!fl,4 1 13 98 63 49 40 M m v.45iuo 2! SO 29, 2 31 31!8 I 10 86 11 ii 7 10 i 07 7 17 7 15 40 ti 62 I 20 2 aw 10 85 10 DO 12 32 13 -' 12 3j i 12 35 7 10 7 10 7 17 7 15 42 6i 7 12 7 10 7 17 7 15 42 6 67 No. 2. ' ' . . . .. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Market firm: winter natents. $6.305.40; winter straights, $4.90&ii.20; spring patents, n-.nx410.8i; epruig straign.s, ri.tyj'ui 6.30; bakers, )3.3t(&4.00. vv rin.A 1 no. t spring, $1.13(81.11; No. 3 spring. $1.05(2(1.13; No. 2 red, $1.16Q1.18. CORN No. 2, 65c; No. 2 yellow, 67c. OATS No. 2, 80c; No. 2 white, 32c; No. 2 white, 30c. RYE No. 2, 7Sc. BARLEY Jood feeding. 37c: fair to choice malting, 4234m:. BliiSDS no. 1 nax, ii.tvi ii; no. 1 nortn western. $1.15; prime timothy, $2.4o2.45; clover, contract grade, $12.15. PROVISIONS Mess perk, per bbl., $10.87 (1 11.00. Lard, per 10O lbs.. $8.37i'ti'(.87. Short ribs sides (loose), $7.12(7.25. Short clear sides (boxed, $7.377.50. Following were the receipts and ship ments of flour and grain: Keceipts. Shipments. 2,H0 78 1 0 NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Market Actire and of Astonishing Breadth and Variety. SUBJECTED TO SEVERE LIQUIDATION Break In Prices Resalts, bat Later There Is Sabstaatlal Re covery from the Law levet. NEW TORK, Oct. 2t Dealings In stocks today were not up to yesterday's record, but the dimensions and the astonishing breadth and variety of the market were well maintained. The list was subjected to a pretty searching liquidation and severe Inroads upon prices resulted, but the ben efit to the market's health from this process began to be shown In the latter part of the day when there were substantial recoveries from the low level. The reactlonnry course of the market was largely due to technical causes. As- much of the recent buying has been due wholly to the fact that prices were moving up and were expected to do so, yesterday's dem onstration that the advance was checked Induced selling. Yesterday's performance in fnlon Pacific and the Insdequateness of the news to explain It awakened uneasiness owing to the half hysterical character of the movement and Its revelation of the emotional nature of very large operations In the market. The physiological state which prompts an Indefinite buying Is quickly altered by a simple change In the direction of prices and considerations of In trinsic value have no force to prevent this change. There Is the additional factor of forced sales on a reaction by the wiping out of narrow mnrglns and the uncovering of stop-loss orders placed below the market and which ore always In usual volume after a volatile rise In price. All these forces operated In causing the weakness tpday. Hut? consideration was also given today to the more material factors of the disnp- Sointing quarterly statement of the I'nlted tales Steel corporation, the Irritating ten sion between Russia and Oreat Britain and the prospect of a creditable gold export movement. Selling from the steel centers and from the west wns very large, Dotn or the 1'nlted StRtes Steel stocks and of the Pacifies and Pennsylvania showed the usual sympathy with Cnlted States Steel. iAin- i don nlso sold freely here. Whllo It was believed that the ncuteness of the Anglo Russian crisis was assuaged for the pres- I ent. the situation was felt to be dangerous I and liable to some explosive episode which might throw It out ot the power of the dltilomntlsts to corttrnl. Veiled Intlmntlona nf undisclosed developments In tne .situa tion played a part in tne mnrKei. The report that arrangements had been practically concluded for a $270,000,000 Rus sian loan to be placed in Berlin snd Paris sufficiently explains the pressure from those points for gold and points conclusively to a considerable withdrawn! of gold from New York. With the interior demand for cur rency not yet satisfied any considerable withdrawal of cold will result in higher money rates here. The recognition of this fact doubtless had Its Influence In checking the speculative buying. The reaction was not beyond control at any time, Rock Island and Onturlo & Western reflecting their cm train tne aecune davs, 3 per cent; six months. per cent. PR1MK MERCANTILE PAPEK 447 per STERHNO BXrHANOF- Firm. wlti sctual business In bsnkers' bills st $4 4ii 4 KW5 for demand and at IIAWfil 9390 for -day bills: posted rates, $4.84ti 1.87; com mercial bills, $483. SILVER Far, sc; Mexican dollars. 4d'c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, heavy. The following are tht c'e.nlng quotations on stocks and bon,,- l R. re. U. rf....l'MH'Mhstta t g t rsupon Wk H". Ontrsl 4 7I'4) do ts, rm tMSI " ! tne So ronrxin I"" "nn St, I.. 4... M So eoupoa no old 4s. res do roupen Alrhton fs. 4t do id). 4 Atlantic r. L. 4s... Bat. Ohio 4m do Contral of Os. Of... do 1st Inr 0. Ohio 4... Chl.o A. IV . r.. A. A Q. a. 4... C. M. A P. I 4. C. A N. W. t. Ts... C, ft. I. A r. 4... do col. M crc A S. It. t Chlcno Tr. 4 Con. Tehasro 4s Colo A So. 4 r. A R. O. 4i Srl prior Urn 4s. .. do sen. . r w. a n. HocMns Val. U A N. unl. 4i. Offered. ..IIKVVM.. K A T. lot , 11V do la si .IMS T a. R. nt V e. 4i so .1(wi N Y C. I. ! l"o .102 V 1. r. f. M IM4 . Ko. purine 41 ltH . V 4n 3 AM N A W. r. U 101 . 8. L. 4 A pr....inlH .lMStPenn. eonr. m IM . us Resdlns Sn. 4s 101 .W.St. U a I M. e. ts..UW . Sfl St L A . F. ff. 4s. . M St L. S. W. ll 109 11" Seaboard A. L. 4 ... 41 .1IH So. Parlfle 4s 4H 71 So Railway (a ll'Vt Tmi A P. 1 1WH T. St. L. A W. 4f.. IIS Inlon ParlSp 4a 1H do ronv. 4a Ill !' S. Steal td la.... tTH W'anaah la lit do dab. R H W. A t,. R. 4a aen la HI. Wla. Central 4a t 4Hs. . . irolo. Fual r. a 13 ,mn . 1 . 74. . rts ,1M ,1"0L, Boston Stoelr Market BOSTON", Oct. M Call loans. cent: t me loans, 4f3 per cent. elos ni of stocks sna Alehaon ad, 4a. do Atrhlaon do pfd Boston A Albany Boston A Malna. . Boston Blara'ed . Fltehblirx pfd ... Mevtran Central . N. T.. N. H. H...1M Pera MaMuetta ... t'nfon Paelflo Amar. Arse. Cham. do pfd . Armr. Pneu. TuNl. Amer. F'istr ...... do pfd Amer. T. A T Amer. Wonlen - ptd dominion I. A R... Kdlaon Hire. liiu.. Central Eleetrlc .. Mana. Electric .... do pfd Mfll. Oaa t'nlted Fruit I r lcd Shoa Mseh. do pfd I". 3. Steel An pfd Weatlna.. common Asked. binds: ST fAdventitre 1014 Alloiiei S4 Amalgamated ... tnm American Ztne .. 5.0 lAIUnllc lt Binsham 155 '('a I A Heels.... 13 Centennial li'oprer Ranca ... P.'itr Weft 7 Irvmlnlon Coal . lOS-VFianklln lS'Cranrv ti 'lale Rnrala 34 Mim. Mlnlnf ... . .. ,m4 Mi' mean ...Vi :tehawk ...14'4 Mont. r. A C... ... ; ioio Dominion .. ... KMOarenls ... ia4i'arro . ,.2r.f Oulnr ...7T Phaneon ... 1.1 Tmaracli ... ai Trinity ... 12 V. . Mining.... ...K4 f. 8. Oil ... S4 t (ah . .. al Victoria . . . Wlnena ... SI iWolrerln . . . SS 2fn per Official 4 , i'H HH m 174 a 114 (7 H . SS M W.. London Stock Market. LONDON. Oct. 2. Closing: Conaola. money M 3-16 N Y Central. do account salt Norfolk A Anaconda do pfd ... AtchlBon ia Ontario A W do pfd W .Pcuraylvanla naltlmnra A Ohio.... 7t4 Rand Mines . 14 M. Reading t'annd'an Paclfl. Chea. A Ohio 47 1 rhlcago Gt W W-t P M. A St. P T PcBeera 1 D. A R. 0 3iH ..1... . W. 1 . -u.fr., .Ka Hrllna QO I"1' I'll iii.-ii L U" uian vvj .c.u,., in.. " - - Prle 4J' The rally was not fully maintained and a 'i; "ptd '." li the closing was easy, but the urgent liqul- ,A IA -i dailon was not renewed rionas were tiiinnlt central do lt pfd 'do 2d prd Southern Railway do pfd Southern Paclne .. I'nlon Pacific do pfd r. 8. Steal do pfd par valuo, 8,690,0110. ; were uncnangeu on heavv. Total sales. Tnlted Stales bond.i call. The following were the closing quotations on the Stock exchange: Baies.rtign iow.t,iose. Atchlsor. 63.000 do pfd 2,tmo Baltimore & Ohio 9,9tl do pfd a Canadian Pacific 8.IM) Central of N. J Chesapeake & Ohio. . .10,200 Chicago & Alton 200 do pfd Chicago Ot. Western. 1,900 Chlctigo & N. W 1,100 C. M. & St. P ,600 do pfd Chicago Term. & T... 4.100 do pfd 10.OU0 C, C, C. & St. L Colo. Southern 1.200 do 1st pfd 300 do 2d pfd : ) Delaware tk Hudson.. 8,400 I)., L. & W Denver & Rio Grande 1.900 do pfd 1,200 Erie -.v.... .203, 000. do 1st pfd 4.200 do 2d pfd 4.100 Hocking Valley ..... do pfd .Illinois Central 1,000 Iowa Central 100 do pfd 400 K. C. Southern do pfd 200 Louis. & Nashville.... 6.600 Manhattan L 6.200 Met. Securities 4.000 Met. St. Ry 20,800 Minn. & St. Louis M.. St. P. & S. S. M.. 7.900 do pfd 700 Missouri Pacific SO.SoO 81 102 ' 4 90 13u -4t; 37 22 1 fall 4 173 10 20 '23" 64 30 180 'ii 84 ,3H 73 62 Flour, bbls. Wheut, bu.. Corn, bu.... Oats, bu.... Rye bu Barley, bu. 40.900 ..194,000 ..134.900 ..240.7O, .. 7,2iO ,.137.400 M.. K. & T do pfd N. R. R. of Mex. pfd N. Y. Central Norfolk & Western.., do nfd Ontario & Western. Pennsylvania ffl.50: j p., c..' C. & St. L... 1.'.3I0 12.3' 10 2S.90O 1 unn-rugner; No. I cash, lie Uja3c; December. 44i44: alnv lUTS-PJrm; No. S cash. 2c-fi-aiue? No. while S1'i31Ve. track. 2 timothy. J HON t'o i'TtiN TIE4 I WINE Hemp. 7?-. . ' ... "ov isii.Nd - 1 01k. low.r ir0, mwrr' peime Baron, lowtr; boxed extra Inbbma. at. um m u,. hurts. $8.6-; On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was rirui; creameries, I6i(i2ic; dairies, ISQIOc. Cheese, dull, IO&I04.0. Efgs, steady; at mark, cases included, ltri8c. Kansas t'lty -Brain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Oct. 26. WHEAT Steady; December, $1.06: May. $1.04; July, fDc. Cash: No, 3 hard, $1.09f1.12; No 3, tl.Oti&l.Oe. No. 4. fcf11.04i rejected, 86f(ji 90c; No. 2 red, $1.12if.l.l4; No. 3, $1.071.10; No. 4, P9cW$1.04; rejected, o8tg05c. CORN Steady : December, 42fjl2e; Miv, 41ft'41o. Cush: No. 2 white, 48$49(-; No. 8. 4d049c: No. 4, 47645c: No. 2 mixed, 484Ti'49c; No. 8. 4SJNAo, No. 4, 47tyo. RYE 73c. HAY Steady: choice timothy, $7.00(68 c0; choice prs iris. $0.75(t8.00) EtfOs Steady , Missouri and Kansas, new No. 2 whltewood cases Included, 180 per dux.; case covnt, 16c per doi. ; cases returned, c off. k . BCTTER-Creamery, l."421c: dairy. 18o. . . Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 4S.6O0 69.:93 Corn, bu , 20,000 16,000 Oats, bu 10.00J 20,000 Minneapolis Grain Market, MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 26-WH EAT-De . ccmber, $1.16; May. $1.16; Septeml-e-, Pic; No. 1 hard. $1.21; No. 1 northern. $1.17;, No. 2 northern, $1.13. FLOL'R First patents. $6.4586.K: second patents, 6.;t(Kp-3.4ft; flmt clears, $1.4. iff 1.6); second clears. $3.00!fi 3. 10. BRAN In bulk. $16.26. -Spot, 1 6'4d; Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. Oct. 26. -WHEAT nominal: futures, quiet; December, 7 March. 7a ftSd: May. 7s 6Hd. CORN Spot. American mixed firm st 4s 7Vd. Futures, steady; December, 4s8d: January, 4s 4d. Ruudlng do 1st pfd ... do 2d pfd .... Rock Island Co do pfd St. L. & S. F. 2d pfd St. Louis S. W do pfd Southern Pacific . do nfd Kauway 6.6110 l,6u0 600 9.100 3,600 !93.fio6 ,84.8110 . 100 3.700 !X) 800 . 2.3O0 121.100 . 1.400 ,34,700 Peoria Market. PEORIA, Oct. 2.-CORN-Hlgher; No. 3, 65c: No. 4, 64c. WHISKY-On the basis of $124 for fin ished goods. nn-ar and Molasses. NEW YORK, Oct. 26,-SUGAR-Raw. Firm; fair refining, 3c; centrifugal, 96 test. MnlnsMes sutnr. 8c iellne, stesdv; No. . 2.40c; No. 7, 55c; No. 8 I 45c: No. 10. 4.ISc ; No. 12. 4J0c: No. 13, 4.15c: No 14, 4.1oc: confectioners' A. 4.86c; mould A, B.S5c: cutlosf. .70c; crushed, 6.70c: pow dered 6.10c; granulated, 6c; cubes. 6.26c MOLA8HKS Kteailv; New Orleans open liettte r"4 cole JiiJ- NEW ORI BANS. Oct. J -SI'dAR-I-rer-Hlar: open kettle tHc: centrifugal whites 4 7-1; yellows, 41i4i-ltic; seconds. 8-16c MOLASSES Open kettle, S3c; centrifugal SYR CP-32-Sa3c. Drr Goods Market, NEW YORK. Oct. 26. DRY OOODB-The mark! la coneldersblv ileter, but firm ness Is Its chief char-cterlsMo. Reloctsnce scalnst selling shed Is the attitude of the seller, ard. while huvera are operating on the same basl. rffo-ts to secure nearby deliveries are so arenemlly unsuccessful that they take considerable interest In the future. CosTee Market. NEW YORK. Oct. .-COKFF.E-Meike for futures opened unchanged and rlcsed steady net unchanged to . points higher. Sales were reporleil of 48,000 bags, tnclud Ing: October, 6.56c! Novemusr. O-hOo: March. ot.f7c: Msv. 7tKti7.1Sc; July. 7 2util.'r; September. 7.354T7 45c. Snot Rio, n!et; No. 7 Invoke. 8o. Mild. dull. Tote e4 Market. TOLEDO, Oct. M -SEEDS Clover, cash snd October. $7 42: De-mber, $7 46; March. $7 56: alsike, $7.76; timothy "rime, (1.26 ssked. Southern do pfd Texas A Pacific.. T.. St. L. & W... do pfd Union Pacific do pfd Wabnh do pfd W. ft L. E Wisconsin Central do pfd Mex. Central Adams Ex American Ex T'nlted States Ex.... Wells-Fargo Ex...... Amal. Copper , Am. Car A Foundry. do pfd Am. Cotton Oii do pfd Am. Ice do pfd Am. Linseed Oil ..... do rfd Am. Locomotive do pfd Am. Smelt. & Refng. do pfd Am. Sugar Refng ....32,300 Ansconda M. Co Brooklvn R. T 20.800 Colo. Fuel A Iron 28.700 1 Consolidated Gas ... Corn Products do nfd Distillers' Securities Oeneral Electrlo .... Intirnetlonal Paper... do pfd International Pump.. do pfd National Lead 2,800 North American 500 Putlflc Mall 1.800 People's Gas 13 9x1 Pressed Steel Car 6,200 .. 8,200 . . 'J00 .. loo .241,300 ,. 900 .. 1.600 .. 3,900 .. 400 .. 3,200 .. 200 ..22,100 .51,000 . 2.400 '. i,m . 100 . l.soo . 1 6(10 . 1.6O0 6.600 400 7.900 SO0 4.AO0 LOO Kiai l."0 RnO 100 600' 144 27 48 '56" 136 162 86 128 '88 140 106 31 69 41 135 72 '47 137 '7o'" 87 'S3 74 63 2L' 60 63 11. 35 's; 30 50 111 95 22 44 19 23 45 18 67 27 95 8 ? 13 "27 86 101 93 90 134 'irt" 87 22 194 170 "8 17 '2i 64 2Vi 178 '30 ti'2 ti 60 143 27 48 t '56" 133 160 84 125 '85 138 104 30 68 40 133 71 '46 130 '74 87 jo 72 62 22 4!) 60 116 34 35 " 30 . 60 109 !15 21 22 46 17 I.oula. A N'aah M . K. A T SILVER Bar. MONEY 2fc2 . 5s . J3S . t . 3 . tt IIS . 11. . 2 . It . 414 . 4 . i . w 140 74 M 41 70' 101, n 4S 41V4 iH tTi V1 11414 7H JP4 H' tJ 4SH OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Beit Ftt Cattle nd Feeders Sold 8tetdy, Others About Tea OenU Lower. HOG MARKET BROKE. ABOUT A DIME Demand for Fat sheen ana l.amba Contlnee Artlve. with Prtees a Dime Htfffcer All Deslraale Gradet, Feeders Also Strong. I cow. ( steers.. ..1181 I 20 I steer l.iftO 3 " II. L, Hackney, Wyo. 7 steers... Ufa I 55 It cows 1 3 steers . ..1JU ik 1 bull ism W. W. Ilabcock "on. Neb. 9 J 00 1 heifers.. IdO .902 3 10 T H. Miller. Neh. 14 heifers.. V2 t U 2 feeders. .1:30 lfoo 2 10 1 feeder. 2k feed era.. S 7S 2 10 2 80 8 14 S 40 heifers.. STO i 00 3 steers.... iifi 20 cows 694 2 50 II I ' I'nmnMll M'VO. .lii-3 3 96 8 feeders.. 853 I 16 bi I 80 t. J. M SOUTH OMAHA. Oct. H. 180W Receipts weret CttM. Hogs. Eheep Official Monday 1.821 4.147 16.0.S Otticlsl Tuesday 7.211 6.4. 1.19 Official Wednesday 8.700 8.6 Three days this week..l.TM , 15.776 36.658 BKRia dft-va last week 17 811 11.410 bt.lM Same days week before.. 19.01 17.667 60-9i"4 f-sms three weeks age. ..19.619 17,i2 . 56.019 name tour weeas ago... ,a8,"j is."i 0.101 Same days last year 26.964 13.036 67.463 RECEIPTS FOR THE YAR TO DAVE. The following table shows tne receipts of csttis, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to data with comparisons with last year; lam tora Inc. Dse. Cattle 758.438 879.087 1.599 HOSS 1 -AAA 1 kAI -JMl A 0T.5 1 Shsep liWano L8lsl!fcl 51,707 ' The following wiue sIioms ilitt av.sa price ot hogs at south uin-lm lor tne lasi isveral du with comparisons: Df. I 1M4. lAKM.IlM.ilni.iiMouM.IUM 145 HVabaah 1 in"., 1 do pfd S2,;STanlan 4a firm, 2613-16d per ounce ner cent The mfe of discount In the open market for short bills Is 2 per cent; for three months' bills, 2(g'2 per cent. 80 mil. Ii4 ' Foreign Financial. 95 LONDON. Oct. 26. Home rails generally 134 were lower, owing to the large bull account 182 disclosed and to the fact that the tariff 45 . returns had not equalled expectations. 38 i Americans opened weak on profit-taking, 80 I grew firmer later, became less active and 22 1 closed weaker. Owing to the scarcity of 194 : supplies money was In continued demand. 171 ; Discounts hardened on the CJerman demand 183 1 for gold absorbing the supplies of bars. 9 ! BERLIN. Oct. 26. Trading on tne itourse todav oDenea siugEisn upon ycbiciuhj o 20 84 22 53 19 178 297 31 84 ' 87 71 60 80 89 148 27 48 28 Oct. 1.... Oct .... Oct. I.... Oct. .... Oct. J..,. Oot. .... Oct. 7.... Oct. I.... Oct. Oct. 10... Oct. a... Oct, 12... Oct. 13... Oct. 14... uct 15... Oct. 16... Oct. 17... Oct. 18... Oct. in. . . Oct. 20... Oct. a... Oct. ... Oct. 13... Oct. 24. . . Oct. i6... Oct. M... 621 7 IS. 7A 6 131 I l 7 20 6 U Il I 7 82 I7 I0 4 $7 6 47 1 1 a l li 4 ali 6 641 7 4li It U 4 14 s se 411 7 tsi 49l I 64 t lt 7 ib 8 I Ml I T4( I t! 74 ! tsi 8 71 3 t 1 4 a m $6$ I ft I 8 59 1 4 isi 7 wi a iji S ni 4 16l 63l t 221 7 V4 14 4 M 4 HJ $ 64 I 96 16 4 tvi 4 81 61 6 31 I 6 30; I 20) 4 4 2 $ 3 6 16 I i ai, 7 07 I 4 IM 4 M 3 o U I 6 43 7 It, 6 29 ! 4 24, o H 6 49 7 taj 8 18 4 82; I I i 87 6 91 6 U 4 73 4 20 t 02 6 261 7 151 301 4 t4 4 lb; 3 70 4 (7 I 7 02 271 4 62 4 10; 3 67 t'J-4) 5 11! 1 6 -o I 4 1 1 4 10, .1 li 6 07 6 03 93 4 68 1 4 511 t 71 13WI t 071 82 1 I 26 1 4 131 $ 66 6 11 5 22 6 20 6 OK t li 6 7l tf Oil 4 2 I $ 6j 0 14 , 6 77 6 99 4 61 4 36, 6 141 6 74i 6 ull 4 bit 4 14, 8 64 I 71 W I 4 48 4 W 38 j t III 4 ui 4 10 - Wolf ft Murnan... New York advices. Most of the securities j Mike Haggerty.... were lower. Canadian racino ana 11am more & Ohio were 1 point lower. Exchange on London, aim jH'APigs lor cnei-ns. ioe indicates riunday. The official number of cars of stock brought in today uy each road was: Cattle. Hogs, bu p. H'r's. C. M. & 8t. P. Ry.... .1 1 Wabash 1 Mo. Pacific Ry 8 L'. P. system 89 2u 30 3 C. ft N. W. Ry 8 F., E. ft M. V 187 13 i, 3 C. St. P., M. & 0 6 11. ft M. Ry 107 :2 1 2 C, B. ft y. Ry 6 K. V. ft St. J 1 C. R. I. ft P., east... 2 4 C, R. I. ft P., west.. 8-1 UllnoU Centraf 11.. Chicago Qt. Western. .. 2 Total receipts 354 92 34 t The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing tho number of head indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 2X6 410 Swift and Company 140 I,2?4 8.031 Cudahy Packing Co 1.9J 1,433 325 Armour ft Co 1,112 1,438 621 Cudahy Pkg Co.. C. B lo3 Armour ft Co., Sioux City 87 1,028 Vansant A Co 72 1,026 Carey ft Benton Lobman ft Co McCreary W. I. Stephen Hill ft Huntzinger Huston ft Co Hamilton ft Rothschild.. L. F. Huss discount, rate for short bills was 4 per cent and for three months , bills 4 per cent. PARIS, Oct. 26.-r.T)iree per cent rentes, A7f 92c for the, nc0'irtt. Exchange on London. 26f 10c lhr ecks. ST, PETERSBURG.. Wt. 28 Imperial 4s were again unchangvdion the Bourse today. OMAHA WHOLESALE M Alt KK t. . . . , i. Condition of Trade And Quotations on Staple nod Fancy Prod nee. EGOS Candled stock. Inc. LIVE POULTRY Hens. ?g; roosters, 6c; turkeys, 13c; ducks. 8f9c; geese, ic; spring . . 1. 1 U U A- I BUTTER Packing stock, 12c; choice to I fancy dairy. 16917c; creamery, 182uc; fancy i prints, 21c, . ... r llCOn f ion livuii l.n;, 111 nri 11, n. 68 41 133 71 90 46 130 do pfd . Pullman P. Car Republic Steel do pfd : Rubber Goods do pfd Tenn. Coal ft Iron.. I'. 8. Leather do pfd I'. 8. Realty U. 8. Rubber do pfd V. B. SteH do pfd Westinghouse Elec. Western I'nlon 700 700 1.600 .10.500 ,.10.100 . 1.000 . 100 . 50a . 30 ..98.4(10 114 700 . 2.200 114 129 '68 4?i 216 81 176 18 77 28 9tH4 38 109 34 81 '12 63 57 13 ' 83 28 82 21 82 169 f5 26 32' ' 95 T 36 13 '27" 98 7o 113 137 '66 40 214 16 74 33 175 17 76 22 95 37 108 33 80 12" 62 65 12 91 a ?7 ? ?0 80 167 74 87 80 32 73 62 22 49 61 115', 34 94 35 30 49 109 94 22 43 18 22 44 18 235 206 . 110 1 232 66 26 83 32 95 7 85 12 84 27 98 71 112 188 90 66U 41 214 16 73 ?14 174 17 76 87 79 23 95 &s 108 83 80 226 " 52 22 84 66 12 91 6? . 27 82 20 8074, 174 270, pkgs., , 6c. carton 176, 200, 900 and $2.00; T5 Total sales for the day, 1.178.100 shares. New York Mlnlaar Stocks. NEW YORK, Oct. 26 The following are the closing prices "n clnlne stocks; 184 160 84 125 69 88 J7? 1 nlke. 10ct rjerch. 7c: bl0eflsh. 12c; whlteflsh ,,2 i 10c; salmon. 14c; redsnapper, Ho; lobster. " 1 areen 20o: lobster. Dolled, sue: Duuncacis. 11c; catfish. 14c; black bass. 20c; halibut. 10c; croppies. 12c; roe shad, $1; buffalo, 7c; white bass. 11c; frog legs, per doien, 25c. BRAN Per ton, $lt. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whole sale Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 upland. $6.50: No. 2, $6.00; medium, $5.50; coarse. $5.00. Rye straw, $5.00. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. OYSTERS New York counts, per can. 46c; extra selects, per can. 37c; standards, ier can. 32c; bulk, standards, per cat., $1.85; )ulk, extra selects, per gal., $1.7i; bulk New York counts, per gal.. $2 00. TKUni. Ali r ill 11 a. ORANGES Mexican, sixes 156, 216. 250, $4.00. LEMONS California fancy, 3iil. $5.00: choice. $4.60. DATES Per box of 30-lh. Hnllowl In 70-lb. box, per lb. FlflS California, ner 10-lb. user Imnorted Smyrna. 4-crown. 12"Ao: E-crown, 14c; 7-crown, 16c: fancy Imported, washed, tn 1-lb. pkgs., 16Qlc; California, per case of thirty-six pkgs., $2.25. BANANAS Per medium sised bunch, $:.00&2.60; Jumbo, K ThrtH 60. . FRUITS. APPLES Home grown Jonathan, per bbl. $4.00; Ben Davis, $2.26; New York Pound vSweets, $3.00; New York Kings, $3.00: New York Pippins, $2 75; New York Green ings, $2.26; Colorado Jonathans, per bu. box, $1.50. PEACHES Colorado or Utah clings, per box. 85o. PEARS Utah, Colorado and California, fall varieties, per box. $l.75.:.2I. CELERY Per do., 26560c. GRAPES New York and Ohio, per 8-lb. basket, 2122o. CRANBERRIES Cape Cods, per bbl., $6.60: per box, $2.40. QUINCES California, ner box, $2.00. W VEGETABLES. POTATOES New home-grown, In sacks, per bu., 40o. TURNIPS Per bu., 60c; Canada ruta baga, per lb., lc BEETS Per bu.. 60c. CARHOT8 Per bu.. 60c. NAVY BEANS Per bu., $2.002.10. ONIONS Home-grown. In sacks, per bu., 60c: Spanish, per crate, $1.90. TOMATOES Home-grown, per market basket, 2M55c. CABBAGE Home-grown, per 100 lbs., 70o. SWEET POTATOES Home-grown, per bu. basket, 76c: Virginia, per bbl.. $2.60. GREEN PEPPERS Per bu. basket. 60c. KQUA8H Home-grown, per dos., 60c. EGG PLANT Home-grown, per do., 76c, MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Wlscoimlii twins, full cream, 11c: Wisconsin Young America, 12c; block Swiss, new, 15c; old, 1617c; Wisconsin brick. 12c; Wisconsin limberger, 11C NUTS walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, new crop, per lb.. 14c; hard shell, per lb., ISc; No. 2 soft shell, per lb., 13c; No. Z hard shell, per lb., 12c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb, 7c; roasted pesnuts. per lb., 8c; Chill Walnuts, per lb., 12itj'13c; almonds, soft shell, per lb., 16o; hard shell, per lb., 18c; chestnuts, per lb.! 12tt46c; new black wal nuts, per bu., 764i90c. HIDES No. 1 green, 7c; No. t green, 8e; No. 1 salted, 8c; No. 2 salted, 7e; No. 1 veal calf. 9c; No. 2 vesl calf, 7c: dry salted, lO'Ql&c; sheep pells, 26c4$l.O0; horse sides. $1,5043.00. Leiahton ft Co. J. ti. Root ft Co. 8. ft 8 Other Buyers.... 87 72 172 146 194 820 135 40 250 18 . 152 . 4 '. 'iio .'l'.iis 148 218 9 rows. 43 coma. Moore Neb, K3 feeders.. Bin 1 25 8.1 II van Bros Wyo. 29 feeders.. X8 1 30 1 feeder... S8 A. L. Orendorff Neb. 64 feeders.. 971 10 8 feeders.. 943 Horn Bros Wyo. 73 feeders.. 1045 $25 15 cows M 5 feeders.. 1045 2 75 1 cow 1010 1 bull 1640 t 00 1 cow 760 H. Williams 8. D. 21 steers. ...1282 8 o Diamond Cattle Co. Wyo. 17 steers.. ..1223 8 40 97 cows ! .1 steers.. ..1450 J 40 1 steer 10M J Steers.. ..1285 S 00 1 steer 1.W T 7 r 1 11 r,ln., V i n .. 961 75 6 cows 1003 2 75 ..1078 t 75 1. Dixon Wyo. ..1046 S IO .T. M. Hermen H P. IS steers. ...1290 4 25 1 heifer. ...1110 1 steer 1140 4 25 1 heifer. ...1110 IV. C Bwartr Neb. lOcows 1102 1 60 1 heifer.... 610 2 25 1' cows SSj 2 00 F. Arnold Neb. 99 heifers.. 639 1 15 24 cows 691 1 f 5 10 helfeis.. 639 1 15 H. King, Wyo. 28 cows 1037 2 70 IS cows. 21 cows. 4 cows. 10 cows. I 75 10 1 r. 2 85 1 35 5 70 3 00 i 00 8 75 3 75 1 cow 22 cows.. 2 cows.. 970 A, 877 985 W 2 70 Lowrey, Wyo. 2 76 3 cows.. 3 75 Martin. Neb. .1070 2 70 .m:o 2 7S 11 feeders.. 9?9 I 15 1 stag 1260 8 35 1 feeder... S30 J 00 27 feeders.. 678 8 00 Huut r'or the time of year u.c aupp.y of hogs In sight was quite liberal, and ss 11 result prices suffered st all points. Both Chicago and Kansas City were quoted loo lower nnd packers took off that much here as compared with yesterday's later market. As compared with the few high sales that were made early In the morning, the de cline was more than that. Tbe ulk of the hogs today went from $..06 to $6. in, with strlctlv choice loads from $5.10 to $5.20. Trading wus not particularly active, but still the hogs kept moving towsrd the scales and it was not long belore the bulk of the enrly arrivals was disposed of. Sev eral of the trains were late, which delayed the market to quite an extent. Today s decline takes the market back to Just about where It was on Thursday of lust week. Representative sales: Tne close or tne marsei was siow ana weak, the late sales being Inrgely around $5.05 and $5.07, or lOfcploc lower than yea-te-rday's late market.' Practically every thing, though, was disposed of before noon. Itepiosentu'.lve sales; No. Sh. Ar. Pr. No. 8b. A v. Pr. 41) 83 ... 4 75 73 2t 10 (0714 0 1M 124 SM', M. f OTL, 15 t:0 ... 6 0S 1 77 21 130 071 (1 7(S 40 sot 1 20 19 t 07V, 4 'M ltd t OH M 19 120 I 071, it 240 M B AS 7 2rtl ... 6 07V, M 274 120 i M tK 24 40 07 V, 12 211(1 ... 6 011, 48 246 ... S 07 79 21.1 SO I 074 ' tM 40 I 071, It 262 40 6 07 l, 7i, 2M 4(1 5 071, 6;l 2(9 10 1071, 71 2HT 120 (071, ID 20 ... (074 47 120 ( 071, SO. . . , IS 240 5 07V4 17 103 ... (074, I. 3 247 40 ( 071, SO (II ... ( 07Vs 19 227 90 ( 071, FiS 221 ... 110 67 27 100 ( 07i, 241 (0 ( 10 T3 It ... ( 07" K MT (0 (10 44 261 240 ( 071, ae 9f.9' ... (10 ? 10(1 ... (071, (4 199 ... (10 It tW 190 ( 07 49 97T ... (10 71 272 ISO t. 07H W ...240 ... ( 10 75 24C 90 ( 074 M 244 ... (10 40 277 120 ( 07 215 120 ( 10 19 2S ... (071, 7f 113 40 ( 10 .l til 190 ( 071, II .'..214 ... (10 ' 95 244 40 ( 071, li 903 90 ( 10 94 23f 120 ( 07V, TI 323 40 ( 10 II 191 120 ( 071, IT 279 190 I 10 TI 26S 40 ( 07 (2 10T ... (10 73 247 120 ( 07U 67 274 90 ( 10 72 .249 90 ( 07 24 24S ... (10 , 2A7 90 ( 071, 19 119 (0 ( 10 75. 22J 120 (07 JO 2M ... (Ill, 44 230 ... ( 07 100 220 ... Ill 71... tf.3 90 ( 07 tl 137 90 ( 2 (4 271 190 ( 0T 4.840 AOama Con A I ir Brears Brunaartra: Con . romaiock Tunnel Con. ral. 4k Vs. Horn Sllvar Iron Silver ' Ltadillla cos ... 80 .. 45 .. 11 .. 13 .. 9 .140 . .150 ..lit .. I 1.1111a Chlaf Ontario Ot,hlr Phoenix Poloai Ha tag Starrs Nevada SiTiall Hopea .. ScanJara I ,...lf,o ....lift .... it .... 10 .... 24 .... 92 .... U ....190 Treasury ttateaaeat. WABVIOTON' 001 26-Today's state, ment of the treasury balances in the gen eral fund, exclusive of the 8i50.flno.ou0 jtold Ih.!' I" ", division of redemption. So d $L8 sVSJb" "h bala"ce' 144,4V3,732 Hew York Money Market. ...hW ,VR,K- 001 2 MONEY-On call. .... ,y,,V'4'J ! per cent; closing bid. t per .. i i'.'''1,' ? ' '' loans, easy sud dull; sixty days. 4 pi cent, ninety Metal Market. NEW YORK, Oct. 26. METALS The London tin market, affected presumably by speculative operations, was again higher, with spot quoted at 131 10s and futures at 130 10s. Locally it was quiet. Some of the larger dealers ho'd spot at $28.6 U .8 .82, while other quotations range as hih aa $.'9.00 Copper wus also a little higher in London, closing at 4.8) 17s (d for apjt and 61 3s 9.1 for futures. locally the market was firm and a little higher on the Inside prices of lake, which is now quoted at (13 37b 13.50; electrolytic is held at $13 12 013.37 and casting at $13.00gi$.12. Lead was unchanged at 12 7s6d In Loi.don and at $4 a.va'4.42 in the local msrkot. Ure ter was higher in the English market, rlong at 24 10s. Locally the market was un changed at $5.aurg6.36. Iron closed at 6 s 7d In Glasgow and at 44a ld In Middles borough. Locally Iron was unchanged: No. 1 foundry northern la quoted at $14 7515 Jo, No. t foundry northern st $14Xftl4 75. No. 1 foundry southern snd No. 1 foundry southern soft at $14 6rfe 5 00. ST. LOUIS. Oct. i. M ET A L8 Lead, firm at $4.20; sptltet, flrui at 5 lu. , . Total 7,661 ClA'iTLE Receipts of cattle liberal this morning at all point and as a result the tendency of prices was cown ward. The quality of the offerings, though, was not very good, so that the belter grades showed but little change from yesterday. Corn-fed steers sold in about the same patches they have for some time past. Anything at all desirable waa In good de mand, but the same as usual the warmed up cattle did not change hands any too readily. There were not aa many corn-feds on sale today as yesterday and most every thing was out of first hands In good season. The better grades of western range beef steers also sold at steady prices and sev eral bunches were good enough to sell from $4 to $4.25. The demand for that class of beef was quite active and there were none too many to supply the trade. The big bulk of the westerns, though, was of com mon quality and such kinds were not very brisk and weak to a dime lower. It was late before even the bulk of the commoner kinds wus disposed of. The cow market was again very uneven and sales were made all the way from steady to a big dime lower. Buyers all wanted to get their supplies for less money, as there were a good many cows on sale, but son e of the cows that Just suited buy ers sold at about steady prices. The gen eral market, though, was right around a dime lower. Bulls, veal calves and stags were also a trifle lower than yesterday. There was quite a demand this morning for good fleshy feeders nnd such kinds sold without much trouble at good steady prices. Aside from those, however, the market wus a little slow and around a dime lower. The quality of the offerings as a whole was nothing to brag of and na speculators al ready had a good many common cattle on hand they were not at all anxious to stock up with more unless they could get them at a lower price. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No At. Pr. ' No 20.. 10. Av. Pr. .1227 ( 70 COWS. .1001 1 (0 HEIFER8. .798 I 00 STEERS AND COWS. .1UM 4 00 U lit! NEBRASKA. $ 10 , 648 966 7&4 1080 1002 25 feeders 3 feeders 8 feeders 4 cows... 15 cows... 7 cows 1008 10 feeders.. 836 11 calves... 7 steers... 12 feeders. 16 feeders. 1 feeder.. 6 feeders. 12 feeders. 10 feeders. 80 steers... .1090 4 cows 103o 83 steers.... 982 18 cows.,... 916 9 cows 976 cows 694 8 cows 901 1 bull 1210 887 442 8iJA 796 710 (20 m 756 2 70 2 85 2 70 8 50 2 45 2 86 1 26 2 65 3 66 2 96 1 96 I 60 1 65 t 00 t 86 1 60 2 00 1 90 0 S 10 2 40 2 36 2 10 8 steers. .. 2fl feeders. 5 feeders. 6 feeders. 2 feeders. 8 feeders. 2 heifers.. 11 heifers.. 763 893 710 726 700 813 915 572 17 cows 1026 11 cows 978 1 bull 1510 2 heifers... 676 6 heifers... 8.8 9 feeders.. 667 10 oows ltm 4 heifers... 9.4 83 feeders.. 1193 6 feeders.. 9M) 2 feeders.. 785 2 feeders.. 740 19 feeders.. 974 84 mixed. ,.102 SOUTH DAKOTA. 2 steer.... 985 8 00 10 cows 971 7 steers.. ..1048 8 00 24cows Bu? 26 cows 814 2 66 COLORADO. 15 feeders.. 104T0 8 80 62 feeders. .1058 80 feeders.. 697 i) 80 1153 1080 48 steers 3 cowa. . 8 steers... .1308 7 feeders.. 947 7 feeders.. 947 114 (seders. 897 4 85 2 80 4 10 3 to I 76 820 17 cows.... 1 cow ( steers... 24 heifers.. 12 cows.... feeders. .1028 .1050 .1156 . K .1045 . 697 Hutt Bros. Nen 80 feeders.. 1206 1 70 7 feeders. .ISOS D. Sullivan. Wyo. 83 cows 987 1 65 87 feeders. .1010 2 cows 1013 2 26 1 calf itjo I heifer... 610 1 6t f. wuiiams, wyo. 73 steers, ...1175 8 26 I cow 1120 2 86 -.. jz.. oruen, imd. 2 60 8 16 8 SO 2 25 2 76 8 00 2 60 2 25 2 40 2 40 2 60 2 00 2 20 2 85 6 70 2 75 3 66 2 65 2 65 2 65 3 15 2 65 2 25 2 bi 120 2 20 2 26 2 85 2 ftr. 2 to 2 76 t 26 110 a u I cows... 1 cow 8 cows... 28 cows... is cows... 18 cows... 4 cows... 21 feeders 1 feeder., 17 steers.. 17 cows... ,. 856 1 86 1 heifer.., .1000 2 86 1 calf ,. 908 85 1 feeder.., ,. 819 2 60 . 1 steer.... ,. 91 2 60 '1 steer.... ,. 847 8 16 2 steers... J. C. McQuire. Neb. .1190 $ 00 44 steers... T. F. Wright, Utah. . 808 8 08 C. E. Wells. 8. D. .1010 2 10 22 steers... Mrs. A. Burton. 8. D. ,.1144 8 80 14 feeders.. 1081 ,.1061 2 80 E. O. Houck, Wyo (90 100 820 770 870 810 1186 IG6 11(7 8 46 2 10 2 76 2 80, 2 65 286 i 66 . 4 steers. ...1028 8 36 44 feeders.. 982 I steer.. . .1160 I 60 I feeders.. Ihi2 1 steer luoo 8(0 I rows...,.lO40 I steers.. ..1008 I 70 7 feeders., 91 H. Rasmuasen, Wyo. 61 stsers. .113l I 86 R. H. Homer. Wyo. 81 eows 861 2 64 1 bull 1550 22 osrs 874 2 26 8 bulls 14:4 27 s'eers....H7 3 80 1 stag 930 127 steers.. .1272 8 80 1 C. Draper, Wyo. lu steeis....ll&7 i Oi 12 cows.. J..Wu4 a o a io ? m 2 26 a oo 1 76 2 00 : 26 SHEEP AND LAMBS The demand for sheep and lambs this morning was ngaln fully equal to the supply, and as a result fat stuff sold freely at prices ranging strong to a dime higher. All the packers had liberal orders, and as theer wns not enough In sight to go around, there wns lively competition for the better grades. Both wethers and yearlings sold as high as $4.26 and lambs sold up to $5.35. There was nothing strictly choice in the way of lambs on sale. The demand for feeders was as brisk as ever, and with the limited number on sole the market ruled active and strong. Some feeder ewes this morning sold aa l.lgh as $3.10. Quotations for grass sheer) nnd lambs: Good tn choice yearlings, $4.0094.25; fair to good yearlings, $3.7604 00; good to choice wethers, $8.75(34.00; fair to good wethers, $3.603.75: good to choice ewes. $3,60(6,3.9; fair to good ewes. $3 25(JT3.60; good to choice lambs, $5.2f(&6.60: fair to go'.rl lmbs, $5.ong $5.26; feeder yearlings. $3.6094.00; feeder wethers $3.258 6: feeder e-ves. $2.50... tO: feeder lambs, tS.IS'94.60: breeding ewes, 23.00 J8.50. Representative sale: 48 Wyoming feeder ewej 102 2 00 108 Wyoming feeder ewes 98 3 20 13 Idaho ewes 84 3 50 21 Idaho cull lambs 52 3 50 6 Wyoming cull wethers 80 3 60 29 Wyoming ewes 103 4 00 70 Idaho wethers 120 4 25 8 Idaho wethers 77 4 25 342 Wyoming wethers 106 4 26 . 187 Idaho wethers.. 120 4 26 206 Idaho wethers 120 4 25 113 Idaho yearlings !5 4 26 151 Idaho yearlings 96 4 26 147 Idaho wethers 120 4 25 126 Idaho feeder lambs 66 4 40 3 Idaho feeder lambs 60 4 40 20 Wyoming lambs 66 6 25 824 Idaho lambs 62 6 25 410 Idaho lambs 62 6 26 406 Wyoming lambs 66 6 35 170 Wyoming lambs 60 5 35 115 Wyoming ewes 101 3 15 2 Idaho ewes HiO 8 50 87 Wyoming ewes 95 2 65 20 Wyoming wethers 91 4 26 69 Idaho wethers 96 4 25 ?5 Idaho feeder lambs 63 4 65 4 Idaho feeder lambs 62 4 65 74 Idaho feeder lambs 62 4 Hi 26 Idaho iambs 70 6 00 261 Wyoming lambs 71 5 25 60 Wyoming lumhs 66 6 25 100 Wyoming lambs 8 6 25 75 Wyoming lambs 66 S25 92 Wyoming lambs 63 6 25 CHICAOO UVK STOCK MARKET Cattle and Hogs Loner oa Heavy Re- celpts Sheep Steady. CHICAOO. Oct. 20. -CATTLE Recrlpt. 31,000 head, including 5,K we. terns; mar ket 10c lower; good to prime steers, iHO-Xif 7.00; poor to medium, 43.754:416.15; sto.ke s and feeders. $2.2i4.25; cows, $1.0iX&4.U); helters, $2.01411.86; bul.s. $2.0.Q4 2o; cal.'ts, 3Oy7.00; Texas-fed stetrs, 43.0.6 ; west ern steers, $3.OOftj.60. ! HOGS Rectlpts, L8 0 0 head; mat kit lOo lower; mixea and butchers, $J.C0iw i.3o; aool to choice heavy, $5.1o2io.40; rough heavy, $4.8T.(05.1o; bulk of sales, $.".16i5.25. SIIEEP AND LAMBS Rece pis, 3 ,01.0; sheep steady, lambs unchanged; gooj to choice wethers. 64.0cfo4.5O; lair ti rho ee mixed, $3.252i3.7j; wistern shtep, 3."u4.t); native lambs, 84.0uttf4i.20; wi stern lamos, $4,0015.85. and generally stea.1v, some sales lower; few cars unsold tner, M0nr4i; eull. II aoT2 Tj; lambs. 85 2f'u.l2i; few rhotre state hints, $o.lMr6.; Canada Isnibs. $n.lo; ... I. 4 E. , Ill MIS Receipts, a. 11, lower; beet state hgs. ll'Sil $an. Market was fit. f.nals tire Steele Market. T. LOT' IS. Oct. 25. CATTLE Receipts, s.nnn head. Including 8 ram Texsns Market lower; native shipping and export sieers. t4 504j.2; dressed beef and hMtrhcr steers, $3 2M.V85; steers under Lot hs., $2.9'3.: st or Iters and feeders. $2.5iW25; cows end heifers, $2.25114. tO, canners. 2l.35il2.60; bulls. $2.3.".4J3.50; calves. $S.:54j'7.flo: Texas snd In dian steers, $2.yr.4i3.Ni; cows and heifers, $2 1ft? 8fi H( G 8 Receipts. 8.V10 heed. Msrket wsa lower; plifs and lights. $4 2.VW J 2o ; packers. Kyo.1.; butchers and beat hcivy, $.2it 6.V SHEFP AND t.AMRS-Recelcts. 1 600 head Murket stesdv: native muttons. .25 r4 25; lambs. 4.40trX!fl; culls snd bucks. 26WS.75; stockcrs, S2.tVf91.0ii: Texans, $3.00 tt4.H0. . Kansas Cltp Live Stork Market. KANSAS CITY, Oct, 26,-CATTLE-Rs. relpts. 2o.0of hend. fnclurtlng 6no southerns. M.trket 10J?0c lower; choice export and tlrcsaed beef steers, S'.flog 25; fair to good. $3.7;tt5.00; western fed steers. $3 75lr.YM: Blockers and feeders. $3,0044 10; southrn steers, $2Mtj8?S; southern rows. $l.ftO$r-j native cows. t1.6w?.60; native heifers, $2.M 1M ; bu Is. tl 75i.0O; calves. nsi(. HOGS Receipts, 9.000 henrt Msrket VW lower; top, $5.22; bulk of sties-. $4ftf5S: heavy. $5.2tJi5.32- packers, $A.0tiu.2o; pigs snd Merits, 14 6"t)lo.l0. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 9 609 head. Msrket Heady and active; native Ismbs. $4.26ii6.60; native wethers, it 2S 4 10; native ewes, $3,0073.75: western lsmbs, $4.2."ft5 ; western yearlings.- 13 Tfifrt 15; western sheen. $3.2Ti4lS.80; Blockers and feeders, $2.5"iS.fiO. nt. Joseph Live 9tae1t Market. ST. JOSEPH. Oct. 58. CATTLE Re ceipts, 2.746 heed. Market sttady to 10o lower; natives. $.l.85il.40; cows ami heifers, $I..V&'6 ft; stockers snd feelers. $2.85J4 OA HOGS Receipts. k.8i2 head. Msrket 109 15c lower; light, $4.87e5.20; medium and heavy, ti.Ms 30. . SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4.524 head. Msrket stendv to strong; rang lam lis. 86-70; rtnge wethers, S4.2J. stock in Sight. Receipts of clpal western South Omaha Sioux Cltv .... Knnas City , St. Louis St. Jost.ph .... Chicago Totals pitn- llve stock nt the six markets veeterdav: Cattle. Hogs, sheep. 8,7(4) ...1.400 .. .2(0) ... 6 000 ... 2.746 ...81,000 6.200 S.BOO 9.000 8,500 6,80 pi ono 8.260 2.500 4.671 $0.1 0 .89.846 SI. 54.774 Cotton Market. NEW TORK, Oct. 26. COTTON-Opened steady at a decline of 2 points to an ad vance of 2 points. After the initial bulge the market ruled generally weak and closed within a point or two of the bottom st a net decline of 9u13 point. The final tone was steadied by the covering of room shorts. Sales were estimated at 236,000 bales. LIVERPOOL. Oct. 28. COTTON-8pol. moderate business done, prices 10 points higher. American middling fair, .78d; good middling, 5.62d: mlddllnii. 5.42d; low mid dling, 6.;'0d; good ordinary, .14d; ordinary, 4.9d. The sales of the day wers 6,000 bales, of which 300 were for speculation snd ex port, nnd included 8,400, American. Re relpts were 17,000 bales. Including 33,300 American. 6T. LOUIS. Oct. !8. COTTON Easy: sales. 7,850 bales; ordinary, 71-lc; good ordinary. 8c; low middling, 9c; middling. 9 9-16c: good middling. 9c; middling fair. 10c; receipts, 2n,759 bales; stock, bales. 194,687 ' Wool Market. BOSTON, Oct. 26. -WOOL Territory wool firm, with the grease price practically un changed. Pulled and foreign grades are also Arm. Territory Idaho: Fine. 194il9c; heavy fine, l('lc; low medium, aitrtMc. Wyoming: fine, 1mu17c; heavy fine,. 16'ylttc; fine me dium, 17fol8c; medium. 20ia21c; low me dium, 22Ji23c. Utah and' Nevada; Flno, 17til7c; heavy fine, 16j16c; fine medium. 17(fll8o; medium, 2og21c; low medium, 22iiJ 28c. Dakota: Fine, 17f(rl8c; fine medium. 17tfl8o; medium, V?i21c; low medium, 22'd 23c. Montana-.. ... Fine choice, 31S22e; fins aversge, 19;rtfc: fine medium, choice, 21ra 22c; average, 1920c; staple, 2223o; medium CTCeitUlS.C'oct. 26. WrOOL Steady; me dium grades, combing and clothing, 23 2e; light fine. 174ac; heavy Hne, ltfcJjnc; tub washed, 223fie, ' . j i i ii a , Oils and Rosin. OIL CITY, Ph.. Oct. 26. OILS Credit balances, $1.66t certificates no bid; ship ments, 8f 242 Tibls.; average 76.099 bbls.; runs. 79,902 bbls.: average, 70.402 bbls.; ship, ments, Lima. 68.404 bbls.; average, 67,2.3 bble.; runs, Lima, 68,984 bbls.; average, Savannah, aa.. Oct. 2.-turpen. TINE Firm, 6ic. .as exi T9 . Y"V Xl at.t. ROBIN firm A. J ana v, i 9.vut E TeWij F, $2 672.70r;G. $r72aj.75; H. 82.82fe2.8i; i. $3.00; K, $3 75: M. 14.26; m tiiO'vlr fs 14 6B: W. W.. $5.60. Slosix ltr live Storu Market. SIOUX CITY. la.. Oct. M.-(Speclal Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 1,400 head. Mor ket 10c lower; stockers dull; beeves, $3.60)4 5.70; cow, bulls und mixed, f.'.26.j3."5; stockers and feeders, $2.5Cfy3.60; calve and yearlings, $2.Ui74-26. HOGS Receipts, 3 600 head. Market lOo lower, Et-lliiig at $4.9&4i5.10; bulk, $5.OOC06. Wew york Llv Stock Market. NEW YORK, Oct. 26. BEEVES Re ceipts, 1.783 head. Good steers barely steady, others slow to 13o lower; hull's steady; cows dull and generully lOilT'C lower. Native steers, $3.0(a4.4O; stags snl oxen, $2.oou4.00; bulls, $2.0y3.46; cr.ws, $105 u2.1a. Cables steady. Exports, 644 head cattle, 30 head sheep and 2.500 quarters of beef. Exports tomorrow, 600 cattle. CALVES Receipts, 1,841 head. Market for good stock easy, other a trifle easier; grassers dull and weak; westerns nominal. Vea'a. t4.50fy8.60; little calves, $3.0ui4.2j; grassers, $2,6043.00; dressed calves weak; city dressed veals, &413c per lb.; country dressed, Sfcdlo. SHEEP AND I.AMBS-Recelpts. 10.208 head. Sheep steady, lambs more active Tffl.i:nn r net. 26 OIL North Lima. $1.05; South Lima and Indiana, $1.00. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits. NEW YORK, Oct. ' 26. EVAPORATED APPLES Msrket steady! common nre quoted at 44r4e; prime. 46o; choice, G9 5c: fsncv, 670. CALIFORNIA DRIED . FRUITrJ-P.-unes . , . -. 1 - K..il,,,ila,1w 4V tVim in.il'.rr conillllie Ml ill. Hnivui-..j .... . sizes, with 90-looe practically namlnal In absence or quotations, siinwin um hihci hut firm: choice sre held at 'Jloy..e: extra choice. lOfllOVic; fancy, lltt'.V. Pesches also are firm, though -demand Is ..noderate and business small; choice nro. nuclei at 9if 9c; extra choice, 9iulor.; fancy, 6iSl9jt Whisky Market." PEORIA Oct. 26.-WH1SKY Lower, Ml basis rf 81 1 for hlffh wl"C. ST. IXUIS, Oct. 26.-WHISKY-pistlller4f finished- goods, steady, on basin of (1 24. CINCINNATI, Oct. 26.-WHI8KY-Dlsttl-lers' finished goods, lower, on basis of $1.24. Flunaelal Gossip, Atnerlcnn ttocks in Ixindon steady, about parity. Bunks lost to siibtreasury since Friday $1,146,000. . - United States Steel corporation buying coke freely. Clover Leaf deal with C. H. D. said to be completed. 1 Rumors of salo of the Great Western to Union Pnclfio doubted. Delay In O. A W. announcement du to arrangement of detail. Good demand for stocks in ' the load crowd, but plenty lending. Burlington surplus', after charges, equal to 11.66 per cent on capital stock. . Counsel for Standard Oil rompany issued formal denial of any exercise of political Influence cn either side by that corporation. United States Steel earnings for Septem ber quarter, net. $18,773,932. Unfilled orders, 8.027,436 tons, comparing unfavorably with last quarter. Regular dividend declared on preferred. real Estate transfer. Deeds filed for record Octooer 2af, 11101, furnished by the Midland Guarantee snd Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1614 Fernum. street, for The Bee: W. G. Meellus and wifo to 61 Wllg, lot 2, block' 46, South OsnahAi ,,.$ 1,0t C. H. firlggs and wire to Josephine Bwanson. part of tsx lot 42. 2-IA l. Cors R. Patterson and huilund 4o Emma Johnson and husband, lot ) to (. block 1. 1st add to South Omaha, and f.tner property w. J. McMairters to Augusta MoMasters lot 3, WesttTfleld - add o Houth Omahn. -. Msry P. Tllley to n. Hlrscn. lot 2. block 2, Kountxe's 4th add., t. 764 Total 1 1 2T8 , ':. W.227 GEO. A. IDIMS GRAIN CO OMAHA. X CRAIN BUYERS and SHIPPERS Members: Chicago. 4Jmaba, Kansas City gnd St, Louis Exchange. Transactions for future delivery give CSiefui sttentloB. BIB Board Trad tlld.. Tel. tOOBw SAM BURNS, JR. BROKER Commercial Paper, Stocks and Bonds INSURANCE We Make Specialty of Bank Burglary and Liability Insurance. 320 N. Y. Life Bldff. 'Phone 895. 'Hi-' ir 11 msii i iwr"Wiifa