Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 26, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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Wheat ModorsUlj Aotif s, with Price Ir
regular at Slight Declines.
Vkral Afceat One Cen4 Off, Cern
Three-Elgkte el a Cent la and.
Oat Steady Cnfc Wheat
SJtrnnaP tlesslp.
OMAHA. Oct. 2o! 1904.
Considering the high prices of whest
the speculative markets wer quite regular,
although there waa hardly that display of
strength that chsracterlsed the operations
In the trade Monday. The demand for crt
wheat waa perhaps a little lee urgent,
but the price were (till high and the de
mand sufficient to absorb the aupply. The
reports to communion tnerchanta and
others Indicate that the recelpta of wheat
In Omaha during- the next few daya are
likely to be quite liberal, shipments from
the central and western portlona of the
wheat country being large. Omaha price
are high and they more than warrant the
ahlpment of grain here rather than to any
competitive point. The northweat la be
ginning to annum less bullish proportions,
while the probable panning of the North
sea Incident without further clash between
England and Russia wan a factor In the
trend of price to a little lower range.
The visible aupply of wheat east of the
Rockies lncreaaed t.K!9.000 bushels and on
passage 700.000 buahela. The recelpta at
primary pnlntl were somewhat lighter,
corn especially not coming with any free
dom. In Omaha the quotstlons for cash
wheat were advanced to 11.10 for No. 1 and
to $1 07 for No. 8 hard. The speculative
operations were moderately active In Chi
cago, but Omaha contributed much less
than It usual quota of business to that
center. May .wheat opened at 31.15. "old
to 11.11 and off to 11.14 May cold at
II 14. to H 14i. tu and bnck to $1.13
December future were alow. The bulk
of the speculative business waa in th Ma
Corn The price for corn, both for Im
mediate and future delivery, were higher.
B pec lint or admit that they can aee noth
ing but big corn crop, still admit that
tho shortage In wheat la likely to increase
the ue of corn for grinding purr-o. No.
2 I quoted v to 49c, No. 1 48S49e and
yellow and white of a good grade at 49c.
December sold at 48c to 48c; May. 46e to
46. representing an Improvement of about
WTe a compared with the closing prices
of yesterdsv.
Omaha. Cash Bale 1 car No. 8 wheat,
MH lb, $1.07; 1 cr No. 8 wheat. 57 (ba
ll. 04; 1 ear No. 4 herd mutv). 95c: 1 car
No. white oats, $z lbs., 2Sc; 1 car No.
4 whit oat 77 lbs., 2Se.
Omaha fash Frleea.
r7HEAT-No. 1 hard. 11.07W1.10; No. I
hard, $1.011.07: No. 4 hard, 96c; No. I
aprliig, 1 0.fcl.lO. ,
CORN No. 3, 4c; No. 1, 4894c; No. 4.
4748c; no grade, 43346c; No. I yellow, 49c:
No. I yellow, 49c; No. 1 white, 49c; No. 3
White. 49c.
OATS No. 1 mixed. 28c: No. t mixed, f7ej
No. 4 mixed, 26 He: No. 2 white, 28V4c; No.
I white. 2s 'c; Mo. , white. 'Mafic; standard,
28VaiP'J8c. .
'rata Market Ettaewnere.
Closing prices of grain today and
Monday at the markets named were aa
Wheat Today. Mon'y,
December .....
- May
t lv
........ 1.14
Y.'.'.'.Y. 45
..J.. 23
. 31 .
' July
Oat a i
31 '4
' December
May -
. December
... 1.05
... 1.04
... 45
- December ...
Wheat , s
' December
.. 1.17
....... l.n
1.17 ..
Quotation af the Day , oa Varlen
' NEW YORK, Oct. 26-FIOUR-Recelpt.
46,667 bbls.: export. 4,000 bbla.; salea, 4.200
pkgs.; market opened quotably higher, with
demand fair: Minnesota patents, $6.20fJ1.60;
Minnesota bakers. $4.Ku6 00; winter patents,
$6.6036.00; winter straights, $6.40!S6.66; winter
extras, $3,0044.28; winter low gradea. $3.60
4.06. Rye flour, firm: aales, 400 bbla.; fair to
food, $4,601(4 75; rholre to fancy, $4.60&6.50.
Buckwheat flour, easy, $2,004 2.25.
CORNMEAL Steady: , yellow western,
11 liai.13; city, tl.12ttl.14: kiln dried. 83.004
RYE Nominal.
BAKLBY Quiet; feeding, 43c, c. L t. New
WHEAT Receipts, 15.600 bu.; sales, 4,500,
000 bu. futures. Spot, easy; No. t red, 11.21
f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 northern Dultith. I1.2SH
t. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, S1.C9
f. o. b. aoflat Optlona were generally weak
and lower today, the principal Influence
being lower cable, bearish foreign crop
news, lessened northweat flour demand and
December unloading The clon showed lhi
(flVio net decline. Sales Included No. i red
May, ll.lSMjl.16. closed at fl.14; Decem
ber, $1 1H-
CARN. Ralna 1 11Q Ki, . 1VT im
bu.; sales, 10.000 bu. futures. Spot market,
firm; No. 1, 59c. elevator, and 69V4o f. o. b.
afloat; No. yellow, 62Vic; No. I while, 60M,c.
Option mark t was neglected locally, but
waa firm and higher on bull aupport wet,
cloalng tl'.o net higher; May cloned at
llc; December, WtytWc. closed at K'ie.
OATS Receipts, 170,600-bu.; exports. J.JM
bu. Bpof. market quiet: mixed. H to 32 Ilia ,
i4H4jnHc; natural white, SO to S2 lb. S5
I7c: clipped white, 56 to 40 lbs., 37jj394c.
Options nominal.
FEED Irregular: sarin bran, $19.76; mid
dlings. 119.75: clt-, ISO.OOdB 200. .
HAY Firm; , spring, eObfiSc; good to
eholi e, 76(880n.
HOPS Finn. ' state, common to choice.
1904. SMJMIc; .901, SKiSfic; olds, 14(ffl8c; Pa
clflc coast, 1904, 3137c; 1903, 30Tu33c; olds,
HIDES Firm; Qalveeton, 20 to 28 lbs.,
17c; California, 21 to .25 llta., 10c; Texas dry.
S4 to o lb.. 14c. . .
I.RATHKK-Firm: acid. ?mVn.
PROVISIONS Beef, steadv; famlljT. flOM
4711.60; mens, InfVWrHW): beef hams, I23.6ivt
14.50; packet. l9.60trMO.0: city extra India
men, $14 504i'1.6O t'ut meat, dull; pickled
bellies. $9.60(U.00; plcklpd ahouldera; $7.60;
pickled hama. $9 764110 00. l.nrd, weak;
weatern steamed. $7.(i0: Ck-tober cloecd 17 eft.
nominal;- refined euny; continent. 17.90;
Snulh America. 100: compound, $tf.0fxsifi.a.
Pork, dull; family, tlS Btiei Id 00; mess, $12.60i9
13 60: short clear. $13.76'&17.0a
TALLOW Easy ; city, 4Vic country, 9
RIPB-FIrm: . domeetlc, fair to extra.
ft.Ri.P. .Tupan. nominal.
BVTTER Steadv; street . price, extra
creamery, Jlil4c: oWclnl nrlceat cream
erv, romomn to extra. l.W.'l4o; held extra.
a30Ve; state dairy, common to extra, 13't
CHEESE Eny; alate. full cream, small.
October, colored and white, poor to choice.
THKc: lre. Octolier colored, good to
rho!c. $H''c: 'xrge, October, whits, poor
to choice. Mfi84o. r
tCOOS Irtemlar: western finest selected,
jau4c: everaae best. I2i?lc.
POULTRY Alive, esey; wratern chick
louc; fowls. l?c: lurkeya ln14c: dreseed.
ev: western chlcV.ns. llHJ12c; fowls. 11H
ijlic; turkeys. 1MT17C.
Visible Bapaly af Grata.
NEW YORK. Oct. 25.-Bpeclal cable and
jelegraphlo communication received by
Bradstraefs ahow the following changea In
available suppltua, as romparud alth last
""d linitti. nl Canada, east
fr the Rockies, Increase. I K39.000 bu.; afloat
for and In Europe. Increesc. Juo.OOO bu.l
totsl supnlv. Inciesae. $.5.ffl.ftii0 bu.
."J"' i'.n,U 8'te nd Canada, east of
the Rockies d -r, l.noxlhu
Oats. United Blatas and Canada east of
the Rock lea. decrea... W(W bu. ' 1 '
Th letllng Increase renorted this week
are 0M ' lb northweatern Interior
elevator. 440 (X In Manitoba. S tan M.
Depot Harbor, n On) at lulavlll, 90CO6 at
Rwhreter and So.iwo at Milwaukee l.rival.
I eadinar derreanea are 174 WW bu at tha
Cblco private elevator and 60.000 at Chat
tuuooga. Palladelaala Predace Market.
Kteady, fulr den. and: xtri wNtrn cream
erv, f?r; extra niaiby print. J4o.
(XrtM Finn and active; nearby first and
Wexiern tlrets ?4o et mark.
I'llKHSK-Hininr, fair ilenmnd; New York
fuUIull cteuuia, fancy, H'Wh'Vio; Nw York
fulr- creams, choice, lor; New Tor full
crvams, lair to goon. ltiV-.
Peatares ( the Tradlag aasl Claslac
Price Board af Trade
CHICAGO, Oct. i,.-Report of a prob
fcble shutdown of northweatern flour mm
caused a decline of i,c in wheat price here
today. Tn market closed at aitnoet tne
lowest point of the day. Corn ia up Sc
Data are up a shade. rTovlelons are Un
to 22o down.
A a renin t of easier cables sentiment In
the wheat pit at the atnrt wa rather
bearish, December being off fee to Ho to
He. May was down k to H? l l.l-a to
61.14H. Local longs had considerable wneat
for sale, mostly for May delivery. 1 he
May option, as a result, showed greater
wrknesn than December, selling off to
$1.14'4. Iter the market rallied connlderab y
on covering by shorts, who bought freely
on smullness of Cnnndlan receipts. A rsd
Ical change In Sentiment was experienced
late In tne day aa the result of bearish
advices from tn northwest, where a
heavy decrease In our trade was reported.
Before the decline was checked December
had dropped to 11.14't and May to gl.14
1.13V The market closed extremely weak,
with December at $1.14 1.14H- Final quo
tations ou May were at ll.US, Clearances
of wheat and flour were equal to B.00O
bushels. The world's visible supply, aa
shown by Bradstreefs. Increased ,duO,ipi
bushels. Primary receipts were l.llt.7)
bushels, compared with 1.229.100 bushels
a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chi
cago reported receipts of 957 cars, a-alnt
1.15s cars last week, and 97$ cars a year
Wentlment In the corn pit early In the day
waa a trifle easier on Ideal weather condi
tions and lower prices of wheat. The mar
ket recovered from the slight Initial de
pression. Light country acceptances also
aided the upturn. December opened un
changed to lower at 49"c. Local receipts
were 160 cara, with 16 of contract grade.
Oats were firm, with local tratlera In
clined to the buying side, because of the
bullish trend of corn. A decrease in the
visible supplies of the week, as shown by
Bradstreefs, wa a bull factor. After open
ing a shade lower at IMo, December ad
vunced to 2929MiC and cloned at Zo'ic Lo
cal receipts were 172 cara.
Provisions were weak under the effect
of the persistent selling by pit tradera. A
decline of 10 cent In hog price had con
siderable effect on provision. At the close
January pork wa off 22W- at 512.3JH; lard
waa down l'tyc, at $7 10; ribs closed with a
Ions of 12Vto at K42V4.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat.
90 enrs; corn, 72 cars; oats, 66 cara; hogs,
26,000 head.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close.l Yas'y.
Wheat j I
Oct. : i iam 1 47?,
Dec. 1 15H 1 It 1 14)i 1 14HI 1 16
1 is I 1 14-
May 1 HHUl 14-W1 13V, 1 134, 1 U
I UM 1 4'V 1 lil't
July 9 98 93
Oct 53 62V,
Dec. 4KWl 49T 48 49 48
May 4Vtf-V 4 46ft W 46e4 46
Oct . 29 29
Deo. 282829H 28 28;28M.
May $lfjl 31 l 31
Oct, 10 90 10 92
Jan. 13 47 12 60 13 5I 1$ 32 12 66
May U S7l 1$ 40 13 82i 13 36 13 60
Oct T 25 7 25 7 12 1 12 7 33
Jan. 7 22 7 22 7 10 7 10 7 27,
May 7 82 7 33 7 17 7 17 7 3d
Oct. 7 12 7 IS 7 12 7 15 7 16
Jan. 60 62 42 42 65
May 62 6 62 66 67 6 70
No. 1.
Cash quotations were as follows:
FLOUR Market firm; winter patents,
$6.30U6.40; winter straights. 4 9046.20; spring
patents, t5.904c6.80; spring straights, 4-60iff
.30; bakers, is.3wg4.00.
WHEAT No. 2 spring, $1.1430.16; No. 3,
$1.0641-1.18; No. S red. $Lli(R1.2L
CORN No. , 58c; No. 2 yellow, 56e.
OATS No. 2, $0o; No. t white, 31 c; No.
I white, SOo.
RYE No. X 7gi78c.
BARLEY Good feeding, 37c; fair to
choice malting, 41(ff48c
SEEDS No. 1 flax. $1.09; No. 1 north
weatero, $1.16; prima tlmotby, $2.46.66;
clover, contract grade, i $12.16.
PROVISIONS Mas pork, per bbl., $10.90
4911.00. Lard, per 100 lbe., $7.37. Short
ribs sides (loose). $7 12H(&7.25; short clear
sides (boxei). $7.377.2. ,
The receipts and shipment were! as fol
lows: Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 34600 13,500
Wheat, bu ISO.000 34.100
Corn, bu 123.200 1S,50
Oats, bu .21, 900 184 200
Rye. bu .Y. .....7. 20,a 40.100
Barley, bu 122,100 11,200
On the Produce exchange today th but
ter market waa steady; creameries, 16&
21c; dairies, 1318c. Cheese,, dull. l(XS10c.
Eggs, steady; at mark, cases included, lt
&lc; firsts, 18o; prime 21c; extras, 23c.
9t. Loals Oralsi asid Pravlsioaa.
ST. LOUIS, Oct. 26. WHEAT Lower:
No. I red cash, elevator. $1 15; track, $1.17;
December, $1.16; May, $1.16; No. 2 hard,
- CORN Firmer; No. I cash 61c; track,
63c; December, 44c; May, 43o.
OATS Firm; No. 2 cash, SOo; track, S04
31c: December, 30o; May, Zlc; No. 2
white. 8lc.
FLOUR No Improvement; red winter
patents, $6.45ff6.60; special brands higher;
extra fancy and straight, $4.90(u.26; clear,
SEED Timothy, stead, CTCCJ-Bj.
CORNMEAL Steady, $2.76.
BRAN Little demand; sacked, east track,
HAY Dead dull; timothy. $9.0012.50;
prairie. $5.00.90.
PROVISIONS Pork, easier; Jobbing,
$11.16. Lard, lower; prime steam, $6.8n.
Bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts, $8.76;
clear libs, $9; short clear, 19 2a.
POULTRY Weaker: chickens. 8c; springs,
10c; turkey. i4i$16c; ducks, 9c;
geese, 8c.
BUTTER Higher; creamery, l22c;
dairy, 1819e.
EOQS Quiet at 18c, case count.
Recelpta. Shipments.
Flour, bbla 27.ono
Wheat, bu 98,000 83.000
Corn, bu 40.000 62,000
Outs, bu 82,000 31,000
. Kaaaaa ttly Grata and Provlsloas.
Steady: December, $1.06: May, $1.07':
cash, No. 2 hard. $110ai.ll; No. S. $1,054,
1.09: No. 2 red, $1.12; No. 3, 8108.
CORN Steady; December, 4?c; May. 41
fT41c; cash. No. 2 mixed, 48td48c; No. 3,
49c; No. 3 white,' 48e; No. S, 48V4'A49o:
OATS Steady; No. 3 white, 3030c; No.
1 mixed. 29c.
HAY Steady: choice timothy, $9.00; choice
prairie, $7.76.
RYR Nominal; TBc.
EGOS Steady; Mlsaourl and Kansa. new.
No. 2, whitewood case Included, 18o per
dosen; case count. lKc per dosen; cases
returned. o per dosen less.
BUTTER Creamery. 18tf20c; dairy. 16
Receipts. Shipment
Wheat, bu. 164. xi 81,600
Chm, bu 36.0HO 30,(X
Oat, bu 64.000 13,000
Mlaaeapolle Grsln Market.
cember. $1.184: Mav, $1.174; September,
95c; No. 1 hard. $1.22; No, 1 northern,
$1.1!V No. S northern. $1 144
FIXDUR First patents, M 46. 56; second
patents, $6 .S0ti 40; first clears. 4.404.60;
second clears, $3.00fj3.1Q, In wood f. o. b.
. ' - Mllwaakee Grata Market.
ket lc lower; No. 1 northern. $1.19; No. 2
northern. $1.1J&1.16; Mav. $1.13.
RYE-Steady; No. 1, 84&84c.
B A RLE V Dull; No. 2. 62(&66ci sample.
36.53c. 4
f'ORN lo higher; No. J, 68il:69ci May,
Dalatk Grata Market.
DULtJTH, Oct. 26. WHEAT To arrive:
No. 1 hard, 11.97; No. 1 northern. $1.20: No,
northern. $1.13. On track: No. 1 north
em. $1M: N". northern, $1.13; December,
$117: May. $116.
OATS To arrive and on track, 29o.
Ltveraaol Orala Market.
nominal; futures, steady; December, 7s
$Vni ' '
CORN Spot. American mixed, 4a 6d;
futures, firm; December, 4a 7d
Taledla seeA Market.
TOLEDO. Oct. . SEEDS-Clover, rath
and IX'tober. $7tf; December, $7.3$ bid:
March. $7 47 bid: alaike, prime, 7.75;
timothy, prima, $!.
Paarla Marks.
PEORIA, HI.. Oct. 36.-CORN-Flrm; No.
$. 64Vac; No.. 4. iHWi no grade, 62VkO,
. ' . a, 1 11 im "
ran Market.
NEW YORK. Oct. 26.-COFFEE Market
fur futurta opened steady at an advance of
6 point In rtsjionae to fairly steady Euro
pean rabies. The market cloned weak at a
decline of ltktfll point. Hale were reported
of nt.7M) baa including: November, lino;
lefinler, 66c; January. 6ift-; March, W
t(7r; May. 70CW7 -. tfjiot Rio, uulcti No.
1 In volte. tc, Mtid, quiet.
Bharp Bise in TTnion Pacific, with Afgre
gtte Dsalingi of 300,800 Bharet.
Other Storks Advaaee as4 Fall
Profit TaklagPraetleally All
tha Early Galas Are
t Wiped oat.
NEW YORK, Oct. 26, Union Pacific sold
as high ss 112 today and tne aggregate
dealing in tnat smck looted up ,
kha.e. This akti.nlahing occurence wa the
cennal tact from wnich all o.nere radi
ated and there ia litt.e left lo say ot tne
maiket except In terms of wonder at its
dimensions and Its erratics varl.ty. lhe
final break was from a rush to ttJ pronia
uii the iwy a enoiin us irauing and O.i a
bear ralo. 'Iheie ha been a larger num
ber of shares of a single stok dealt In
aurltig one day than mere waa t.iday of
Union 1-aclhc. In lack tnat stoca iisek
broke tnat record on April -4, j1, whan
tnvi.B'M snare were sold on the Miuck ex
change, 'lhe wend njw knows t. at com
petitive buying In reial.atlon tor lh effort
to control iorthern I'ac-liio whs me caue
of that titanic druggie In the open mar
ket on April in, Ufi. li.ere we. a i4 6a;
share of tHiuthern Railway dealt li o.i
the Stock exchange, pending the settlement
of control of Louisville ac NahvlllB ,n tnt
general Interest of the Southern Railway
Held. Wlih thoee exception tn.ay' deal
ings In Union pac.flc probably lo:m a
record. Tne published aser,L.n that the
retirement of the Oregon Short Una par
ticipating bonds had been determined on
waa the Inciting cause of th s extraordi
nary movement. The truth Of this report
could not be learned from any o-fliclil
source. The exact benefit to accrue lo
I'nion Paclflo were, not very obviou. Al
though the Injunction against the payment
of dividend on Northern Seeurltlc Stock,
which forms the collateral lor there bonds,
makes the payment of Interest a burdon
on Union Pacific, heavy capital requlie
ments would have to be met to ret I e then
and the release of Northern tecurlilis
stock would be th only advantage per
ceptible. But. It was assumed tn pplte of
the emphatic official discla mers that a set
tlement of the Northern Secur.tle dltpuie
and a community of Interest In the trans
continental railroad world waa Involved.
The buoyant rise In St. Paul was regarde i
aa corroborative of this as-ump ion. In
the volatile mood of speculative Sent ment,
the abundant surmises which could tie
built on these assumptions proved sufficient
to whip the market into its furious ac
The market was subjected to enormous
profit taking throughout the dsy and the
result was constant Irregularity and occa
sional weakness. The engagement of gold
for export Increased the burden of selling,
but the confidence In the market did not
seem to be impaired at once by these de
velopment, and Ingenuity wa taxed to
pick out new points for aggressive buying.
The profit taking in the low priced stocks
which were most conspicuous In yester
day's market wa very obvious throughout,
but waa Ignored until late In the !ay.
The facility with which strength waa
maintained af other points, in face of this
selling movement and the small efTect of
the gold export movement, was polntel to
as further gratifying evidence of the under
lying strength of the market. But when
attempts were made to take profits on the
day's unwieldy commitments 'tha vulner
able position of the market developed and
prices crumbled rapidly. The day's meet
considerable gains were wiped, out with a
rush and Union Pacific's net gain proved
small. Losses were tha rule, running to
between 1 and 2 point and oven mo e In
many cases. The closing was decidedly
weak and without recovery. Bear raiding
was active, and rumor of further mob
violence against the Russian ambasstdor
in London proved effective in breaklng
prlces where former news was Ignored. The
strong demand tor gold from Para end
Berlin Is attributed to preparations for
further loans to Russia.
Bonds were Irregular; total sales, par
value, $11,047,000. United State bonds were
unchanged. This was the - largest day's
business on the New York exchange since
May 9. 1901, when 3,081,700 hares were sold.
Following pre tne quotations on tne new
York Stock exchange
Sales. HIgh.Low Close.
60.300 88 86 86
do pfd
Baltimore it Ohio
do pfd
Canadian Pacific
Central of N. J..
Chea. & Ohio
Chicago 4V Alton
do pfd
Chicago A N. W..
1.600 102
101 101
. .10.600 BS
iia 4Sk
.. 100
.. 7,400 li
.. 200 if a
..13,800 47
.. 200 38
... 7.600 190'
Chicago Great West. .19.300 24
Chi. Mil. dfc St. P.83.900 176
do pfd 400 186'i
C. T. & T 800 8
do pfd 1.000 18
Colorado Southern .. 3,300 23
do 1st pfd 300 65
do 2d pfd 2,000 30
Del. 4k Hudson 16.800 181
Del. Lack. & West.. 1,000 800
Denver a R. u
do pfd
.. 2,000 82 81 31
nou m sa so
170.500 41 3S 38
..10,100 74 72 72
,. 3.800 64 62 62
.. 6.400 146 144 144
do 1st pfd
do 2d pfd
Illinois Central
Iowa Central ,
do pfd
K. C. Southern. ....
do pfd
LoulBvllle A Nash.
Manhattan L
Metropolitan Secur.
.. 400 zaa is hi
.. 800 60 49
,. 1,3110 29 29
9"0 61 60
8.000 13 134
3.100 lttt
3,600 87
Minn. & St. Louis..
Met St. Ry 81.800 1294 12874, 127
M., St. P , A S.Ste. M. 1,M)1 88 87 ' 87
do pfd 4H 138 137 13,
Missouri Pacific 41.700 106 104 104M,
M.. K. 4V T 6,000 82j 31 81
ao pra bm 68
Nat. R. R. Mex. pfd. 2.6m) 42 4114
N. Y. Centra! 14,200 13 134
Norfolk & Western., 9,000 73 72
'do pfd
Ontario & Western.. 69,100 46 46
II, IW !'! J3J
rteaauig ...u.ouo nfk
do 1st pfd 100 87
do 2d pfd 400 ffiH
Rock Island Co 111,600 33
do pfd 1,800 75
St. L.&S. F2d pfd.. 600 63
St. L. Southwestern.. 1,300 23
do pfd 7,900 51
Southern Paclflo ...134.700 64
do pfd 8.6110 116
Southern Railway ..33.2)0 'til
do Dfd
Texas V Pacific...
T., -t. L. ft W
U. -clflc
do l
Wheell. i L. E...
Wlacons. Central
do pfd
Mexican Central ..
Adams Ex. Co
. 100
.. 400 6
360,800 112
. 700 9fi
109 10UH
vo - so
,..4,SH0 22 22U
. 5.100 44 4J
,. 600 20V 19V
.. 2,800 24V4 n 22
. 1.600 47 4o
.U700 19 18
. 100 240 240
Amerlcnn 300 24 2j8A
3U0 Jifl toM
U. 8. Ex. Co 100 116 11S 115
Wella-Kargo Ex. Co 2ao
Amal. Copper 81.900
Amee Car Hr F"
I do pfd
1 Amer. Cotton Oil ..
do pfd ,
American Ice
do pfti
Am. Linseed OIL...
do ptd
Amer. Lovomotlv
do pfd ,
Amer. S. & R
do pfd ,
Amer. Bugiir Ref.
Anaconda Minlni
Brooklyn R T..
Co. 6.200 1)1
Colorado V. A I....
Consolidated Gas ..
Corn Products
do pfd
DIsU'leTS" Sec
General Electric ..
.. 1,900 18
.. 100 76
.. 1,000 83
.. 700 177U
International Paper
do pfd
International Pump,
do pfd
National Lead ......
North American
. 1,500 18
Paclflo Mali
People's Gas 22.2'JO 110
Pressed Steel Car....U,So0 36
-' $;
81 81
28 227
12 It
58 61
ao pra vn si
Pullman Palace Car. 228
ReDulblo Steel 2.300 1
do pfd 1,600 64
Rubber Goods
do Dfd
1.500 23 22 sa4
9ia ut tut? .,?
Tnn. Coal A I, $,ri0
U. H. Leather 10,4U
do pfd )
I S. R. A I 300
V. 8. Rubber bu)
do pfd
V- 8. Ste: 83,600
do pfd li.7i
68 5 6 .
18 12 12?
Weatinghouue Ele..c. l."0 171
ve,iern in ton 8uu 91
Total sales for th day, t,0l6,a00 shares.
Treasary gtateaaeat.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 25-Today' state
m4nt of the treasury bttlaiice In the gen
eral fund, exclusive of the $l5u,iXv ' gold
rtaerve In the division of rl .nptloii.
shows: Ava'labla cash balance, $111,276,691;
gold, $77,194,333.
Baak-e( Oermaay's gtateaaeat.
BERLIN. Oct. 25.The weekly statement
of the Imperial bank of Germany shows
the following chantcea: t'ah In hand In
vrenseii 45,4u,00 marks, treaaury nloa lu-
4 VWk m I
4 134 184
183 183
sovs w i
88 87
.... 80
14 194 196
iaVt iho
8 7
17 17
22 12
66 64
29 29
178 178
296 297
41 1
76 7514
87 87
80 80 -
81 81
73 73 1
3 62
22 22
60 60
62 62
116Z UA
36 36
94 94 I
85W I-5Vk
S3 81
4bV6 49
68 tV4
1,700 27 26 26 I
100 84 64 8. I
1,100 32 ,32 32
1,200 8 8 8
1.000 36 . Jj J5 I
8.200 28 27 27
1.300 99 9H 99
21.800 71 71
I0 114 119 113
39 fty laudZ i7u ti;t
. - ' a
. 9ti 96
00 . Wll SH4
44 8si 39 2
9,4110 21744 2lt,W SlnM
17 17
76 76
17a 178
18 WA
78 76
V '22 22
9 96 811,
40 29 8si
14 108l
n sis
00-4 00 eii
$ 28 2
20 20v
MU 814m 81Z
4 lhH
creased 6o.flm mark, ether securities de
ereaed 43.20,100 marks, note In circula
tion decreased 47,lM),eoo mark.
Ht York Maaey Market.
NEW YORK. Oct. 36-MONKY-Oti rail,
steady at )ni per rent; cinelng bid. i
per cent; offered st $ per cent; tim loan,
enay and dull; slxtv day, 3 per rent; r.lnety
days and alx months, 1 per rent; prime
mercantile paper, 4i6 per cent.
tual hustneea In banker' hlil-. at UMibV
4n30 for demand and at $4.83"a 4386 for
sixty-day bills; posted rates, $4-84 and
$4 Hi; commercial uliia, t4.Nl jj4.skV
SILVER Bar, 68c; Mexican dollars,
BONDS Government, steady; railroad,
Gold to the amount of $1,260,000 was en
gaged today for shipment to Paris on
The i... lowing art tn closing quotations
on stocks and bonds:
V. 8. nr. U. r... .10414. Msstittu t. g. ..!
4e ceapen 1MH . Ontnil 4 lt
So a. n l4i let Ins. tt
On coaMO kh sun. St. l. ...
do new 4, rl. . . .IK'S M. . K. A T.
a eovpna
..111: do It
o 014 4a. res...
ao coupon
AUhlson in. 4s.
do adl. 4s
l( N. It. R. of M. r. 4. HI
.lixiVN. T. C. f. IH' V
.ll)t,N. J. C. . Hi U4I4
. No. Pu-lfic 4a IDS
. do ia 7w
Atlsatlo r. L. 4i.
Bl. A Oklo 4a hH n. a w. t. 4a ioi
do IH io 8. L 4a A par-..-tnS
Castral of Oa. ....1U rnn. tanr. ma IDS'
de 1st In al4 Raadlni sea. 4a 11
Chea. Ohio 4H....l('- St. L. I. M. r. ta. llta
Cblraio A A. Ia.... Bt . L. A f. V. fg. 4a.
C . B. A 0. s. 4a.... '-,!. L 8. W. la 10H
C. M. P. t 4..1tH Seaboard A. L 4a.... II
C. A N. W. e. Is. u. 1MH o. Paclflo 4a WH
C, R. I. f. 4a.... Tt o Railway ia M
do cnl. (a W ITaxaa P. lt...i..iri
rri'. A i L. g 4a..inn4T., 8t. b. A w. 4.. IH4
rhlrago Tar. 4...... 1 it'nlea Pacific 4a lor4
Coa. Tobacco 4a 744a do conr. 4a Ill
Colo. A So. 4a. M V. 8. Rtaal 14 .... tl
D. A R. O. 4a Wabaiih la lit
Erl prior lien 4a... .IM do dab. B 47 S4
do gan. 4a " A U B. 4a
f. W. A P. C. U....HH Wl. Cantral 4a :
Horklns Val. 4'4a. . . .lo44,C!olo. Foal e. ta tl
U ft N. unl. 4s 101 .
Boston Steelr rtarket.
BOSTON. Oct. 26 Call loan. 2S per
Cfnt; time loan, 4if?5 per cent, official
clcalng of stocks sna bonds:
Atchlaon ad). 4a MWeninf. rommoa
. Si
4 1-1
. II
. 44
. la
. 12V,
. it
. U
. II
. IV
. t
. !
. ! '
. t
. M
. M4
. M
. MH
. in.
. 34 V,
. 11
. 4146
. 4
. Vi
. n
do 4a it'i ; AdTcnmra
Mex Cantral 4a.... 7
Atchlaon I4
Amalganiated ...
Amrtcan Elae
C.l. A Hecla...
, do pfd ..10114
Boatoa A Altmnr J51
1 Foaton A Mains 1U
Boston Klevaied ...l.So
! FHchtmrg ptd 17
I Mrs. Central 14
N. V.. N. H. H...iI
Para Marqiiett ... 74
; to loo Paclflc 1V
, Araar. Args. CDm... it'A
foppar Ranc ...
liair wt
Dominlna Coal
do pro u
fle Knyals
Amr. Pneu. Tuba... bSi
Mua. Mining
Amar. Bugar
1M44 MI,hlKn,
do pra
Amar. T. A T
Amar. Woolen
do pM
Dominion I. A
iMt montwi
144 Mont. C. AC..
is Old Dominion ..
MV Oaccola
tv rarrot
!Rdlaoa Elae. lllu . Sil lUulncv
Oenaral Electric ....lit 'Shannon ....
Maaa. Rlectiio II1 Tamarack ...
I do pfd ti iTrlnlty
Man. Oaa i'V 8. Mining
i Vnltad Fruit 104V U. 8. Oil....
United Shoe Mach. . 6t t'tah
io pfd 4144 Victoria
V. I. Steal lOVWInona
do pfd tlta'Wolvarln ...
iila. "Asked.
Loidos Stock Market.
LONDON, Oct 25.-Closlng:
Conaola, monar ... M 6-1. M. T Cantral
do account 814a Norfolk A W
Anaoonda do ptd
Atchlaon 0Va:Ontarl3 A W
do pfd 1 PonnarlTanla
Baltimore A Ohio... M A Rand Mlae
Canadian Paclflo IS IRradinf
,.. M
... 10
,.'. 1
... 4
... 41H
... TV4
... 4H
.. nvk
... 21t
... 4H
... M
Chea. A Ohio
.. 4144 do lat pfd
.. J4Vi do Id ptd
,.177V Southarn Railway .
,.UVt do pfd
Chicago Ot. W ...
C, M. A St. P..
Denver A R. O..
I9H southern Paoinc ..
do Dfd MVi
I'nion PaclBo
Erla 41
do pfd ....
0. 8. steal...
do pfd ....
do lat pfd
do td pfd ttSk
Illlnolt Cantral 14
Loula. A Naah.' 144
do ptd ....
II.. K. A T MVll
SILVEmBar. 'flrm, 26 13-16d per ounce.
Bpanlah 4a ....
MONEY 1SP per cent.
The rate of discount In the open market
for short bills I 2 per cent; for thrca
months' bills, 22 per cent.
New Ysrk Mtatnsr Stacks.
NBW YORK, Oct. 26. Tho following are
the. closing prices on mining stouts
Adams coa
tlttla Chief
.. 17
.. 14
.. 14
A Ilea 40
Hlan-4 Nevada
Breeca la
Brunawtck 00a U
Comatock Tunnel ....
Con. CaU A Va 146
Horn ailer 1(0
Iron .Stiver-
LaadTlll coa 8.
Offered. '
mall Hops
Blaadard t.,
ForelgA Financial.
LONDON. Oct. 26. Ths tona of the Lon
don stock market today was fairly firm,
though somewhat sensitive. There was
little rresn Dusiness. consols were weaa,
1 partly owing to the drop In continental ex
; changes. They closed with a better tone.
Home rails Improved, Foreigners were
quiet and Irregular. Japanese were rather
harder. Imperial Japanese government 6s
of 1904 were quoted at 94. Americans
opened steady and irregular at parity. The
changes-afterward were generally higher
quotations. The trading was rather ani
mated. Union Pacific and Ontario A West
ern were tha features. The market closed
strong. Grand Trunks spurted sharply on
the traJtlc returns Rates for money had a
hardening tendency in-the market today
owing to the nearness of Stock exchange
pay dav and the approach of the month
end. Discount were affected by tha con
tinental exchanges and the fact that gold
is being engntred for the Bank of Germany,
presumably In connection with the forth
coming Russian loan.
PARIS. Oct. 25. Buslnes on the bourse
today was depressed owing to the Anglo
Russian Incident. Russian particularly be
ing affected. Russian Imperial' 4 were
quoted at 93 90 and Russian bond of 1904 nt
612. Three oer cent rente, 98f 2c for the
account. Exchange on London, 26f 11c for
check. .
BERLIN. Oct. 28. Exchange on London,
20m 60f for check. Discount rates for
short bills. 4 per cent; for October bills,
4 per cent.
Metal Market.
NEW YORK, Oct. 25. METALS -Spot tin
was unchanged In the London market, be-.
Ing quoted at 120 12 6d, while futures
were a little higher at 129 15s. Locally
the market was a Uttle easier in some
quarters, with spot at $28.50028.75. Copper
wa also a little Irregular In London, spot
closing unchanged at 60 11 2d, and fu
tures a shade higher at 60 17 6d. Lneallv
th market was firm. I.ake I $13.25618. 69:
electrolytic, $18 12613.37. and catlng $18.00
13.12. Lead waa unchangod at 12 7a 6d
In London.' Locally price ranged from
$4.20 to $4-42. Spelter wa unchanged at
$5.31165.85 In New York, but wa a little
higher In London, where It closed 23 7s 6d.
Iron closed at 60s 51 in Glasvow, and 41
ld in Mlddlesboro. . Locally Iron I
steady; No. 1 foundry, northern. M4.7MJ
15 26; No. 2 foundrv northern, $14.254jl4.7j;
No. 1 foundry outhei-r end No. 1 foun
dry southern soft, $14.504315.00.
Cotton Market.
NEW YORK. Oct. 26. COTTON-Spot
closed quiet at . 10 points advance; mid
dling uplands. 10.05c; middling gulf, 10.30a;
sale. 663 bale.
oulet, prloe unchanged; American mid
dling, 6.32d. The sale of the day were
6.(00 bales, of which 300 were for specula
tion and export and Included 5,600 Amerl-
I J -I.,,. A f, Ul V,- nm M VA
i American. Futures opened' firm and closed
i atesdy; American middling g. o. c, Oc
tober, i.aa; uctoDer ana iNovemner, .z4a;
November and Iecember, 4.23d: December
and January. t.24d; January and February,
I.Xd; February and March. fi.26d: March
and April, 6.27d; April and May, 6.?8d; May
and June, 6.29d: June and July, S.294; July
and August. 5.29d.
ST. LOUIS: Oct 26 COTTON Quiet at
4o off: middling, 9c; sale, none: receipts.
750 balea; ahipmenta, 86 bales; stock, 8,924
bales. .
Baaar and Helaasea.
NEW YORK. Oct. 26.-8UGAR-Raw.
steady: fair refining. Sc; centrifugal. "4
test 4e. Mol'sae ' 8H" Pepd.
oulet: No. t. 240c: No. T, J.Wc; No. 8. 4c;
No. 10. 4.35c; No. 12. 4.20c; No. 13, 4.15e: No.
14. 4.16c: confectioner' A. 4K5c; mould A,
$.86c: ratloaf. 6. 70c; crushed. 1. 70c: pow
dered g.lOrt: granulated, 6c; cubes. 6 ain.
MOLASSES Stedv; New Orleans Open
p-ettt eont e"ole 1T?T-
1 NEW ORLEANS, Oct. S.-BUnAft-tr-eg-nlsr:
open Welti" AUc; centrifugal whites,
4 7-lnc: yellows. 4(8 4c.
Moi,ASSES-Opn kettle, 33c; centrifugal,
aYRUP-31ji33c. -
Oil B4 Resin.
OIL CITY. Oct. 26.-OII4lCre.1lt bal
snrea. 81.66; eertlflestes. no bid: shipment.
66.633 bbl.; runs. 6621 bbl : avers ga, (9 9S0
bbla.; shipments Lima, 87.243 bbla. ; aver
age. 7.JfJ bbl : run Lima, 16,634 bbl.;
averse. 6ft. rxO bbls.
SAV ANNAH, Oa., Oct. 28. -OIL Turpen
tine. 61ic.
.ROSIN Firm: A BC r"61- D, W87V;
F.. $2.6214: F. 8767U: Q. $2.71U: H. 82.K.1; I,
r96: K 75. M. $4 26; N. M 4u; W G, M.6;
W W, $5.00.
Whisky Market.
PEOBIA Oct. 6 WHISKY Lower, on
b of II 4 fo hltrh wtnes.
ST. IX)UIS Oct. 26 WHISKY Dlatlllers
flnlebed rvil steady, on hel nf t t'
lers' rtiilohtj good, loaer, on basis ot (1-34
Eeef Stwn cd Oows Bold About Etetdr,
with Ftedsn Lower.
Hot Kaeagh ftheep anil taanba ta 80
ly tha Deaaaa aa Market ItaleA
Active aad Higher on Any
thin at All Deslrahle.
SOUTH OMAHA. Oct. 25. 1904.
Receipt were: Cattle. Hogs, Sheep.
Official Monday 9.811 4.147 16.O09
Official Tuesday .9u0 6.609 11,130
Two daya this week.... 16. 771 1.647 :92
Same day last week. .. .13.6M 7.726 40.4M
Sme day week before. .12.tH) 9.701 45.0.19
Sam three week ago...l2.45 9.976 $9,277
Sam four week ago. ...20.019 11.29 60.8S6
Same days last yesr 19.911 4.694 41,039
KJlJlWli SUM THE tCAll Tu DA 4 c
Th followlna tabl ahowa tn receipts of
cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for
ths year to data with comparisons with last
1904 IP',
Cattle 749.427 867.754
' llrV7.m 1.63i.496
Sheep 1,442,116 1,375,962
I... JdlHlHlIt- H . .....
price f hogs at south Omaha for Ut last
everai oaa with oomvarieons:
Dsi. ) 001 lwg.lX)2.llCT.lrey.il8M.lMa.
Oct. I....
Oct .....
Oct. $....
Oct. 4....
Oct. I....
Oct. $....
Oct. J....
Oct. I....
Oct ....
Oct. 10...
Oct. n...
Oct. 12...
Oct. 13...
Oct. 14...
Oct. 14...
Oct. 1...
Oct. 17...
Oct, 18...
Oct. IK...
Oct. 20...
Oct. a...
Oct 22...
Oct. i3...
Oct 24...
Oct. 26...
7 16, 751 t 131
7 20 Ml 1 18
I 3 71
4 ' 4 M
4 37 $ 4
4X1' MM
4 $4 113
t 71i 6 66
7 8"i 8 w
k e
it )i
I 08
4 86
8 64
4 25
4 S3
4 31
$ 021
4 921
4 90l
4 93
8 67
$ 63
6 31
t 16
i 11
4 23
4 if) t 69
4 241 $ 6
3 08.
4 82
4 72,
4 64
4 62
4 20
6 02
4 97
6 l H,
6 07
4 10
4 ioi $ 67
1 h I 7K
4 511 $ 71
4 131 8 65
I to
4 16
4 14 3 541
4 13 t 38
6 17
6 23
i 20
4 62
4 61
4 61
4 48
Indicates Sunday
The official number of car of stock
brought in today by each road was:
Cattle.Hogs. Sh p. H'r'i.
C, M. 4V Bt. P. Ry .. 2 14
Wabash 1 ..
Mo. P. Ry 2 1
U. P. system 60 11 16 1
C. . N. W. Ry. 1..., 7 ..'-..
F., E. & M. V. R. R.. 80 12 15
C, St. P., M. A O. Ry 8 7
B. At M. Ry 122 U 18 19
C, B. A Q. Ry 8
K. C. & St. J 1
C, R. I. A. P. Ry.. E. 1 7 1
C, R. I. P. Ry., W. 3 2
Illinois Central $
Chicago Ot. Western. ;.. 1
Total receipts 278 82 49 21
The disposition of th day's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing tho
number of head indicated:
Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omana Packing Co 286 t16 ,4u7
Swift and Company .... l,26o l,o2 l.hHO
Cudahy Packing Co. .. 1.637 1.431 2.396
Armour Co 1,423 l.oorf 1,761
Armour, Co., 8. C S42
Carey at Benton 140
Lobman aV Co 439
MoCreary A Carey 100
W. I. Stephen 193
Hill Huntsingar 34
Huston A Co 68
Hamilton A Rothschild. . 36
L. F. Husx 1
Wolf A Murnan 409
Mike Haggerty 116
J. B. Root A Co. 226
Bulla A Kline 66
8. & S 641 303
P. 4V W 260
Z. H. Clark 9
Other buyers 1,023 7,167
Totals 7.746 (.426 13,470
' CATTLE There was a fairly liberal run
of cattle in sight this morning, ana still
supplies could not be called exceasi e. The
demand for desirable grades of eatti
seemed to be In good shape, but when It
came to the common kinds, o; which there
were a good many on mi, ths market was
not so uriak.
The market on corn fed steers wss active
and fully steady, the aam as it has been
for some time past Anything t all de
sirable In that linn was picked up esrly,
and whll there was no quotable chango
from yesterday, it was evident that tn
prices paid were full aa good. Warmed-up
cattls were, of course, not In as. good de
mand as the better grades, but still they
bro-jght steady prices.
There were a good many western range
beef steers on sale and they sold readily
enough at steady prices where ths quality
was at all good, but where It waa not. the
market was a Uttle slow, with ths feeling
weak. Such a large proportion of the
offerings of lat has been made up of In
ferior gradea that packers are naturally
bearish on that class of cattia, while the
good kinds nave been scarce and there
fore are in good demand. The bulk of the
offerings were disposed of In good season,
but it was a little late before all the com
mon kinds were sold.
The cow market was quite active and
prices steady In the case of the better
grades, the market. If anything, waa a trltle
stronger, but even the canners and medium
kinds sold without much trouble at steady
prices. Most, everything was out of first
nands at a reaaonaDly early hour.
No quotable change was noticed In tho
prices paid for bulls, veal calves and stags
The Blocker and feeder market was not
very active, and while the choicest grades
may have been about steady, there were
very few of that kind on sale, and the
general market was a Uttle slow, with
prices weak to a dime lower. The com
moner the quality the greater th decline,
and as the bulk of the cattle was of com
mon quality, the decline, of course, ef
fected the big end 01 tne receipts.
sentatlv sales:
N Av. Ft. No. At.
4 740 9 IS 14 12i1
Ill 4 M li 12(1
t 1120 I Oil 84 141t
tt list 6 to It ial
M loot 6 40 4 16711
17 1131 6 40 JO 1441
1 1700 t U 41 1149
16 M44 4
I 74
4 W
6 00
6 C
rrr 1 u 11 10 jo i w
710 1 r 11. loll 1 u
HI IK 11 1UM I (0
! 1 90 6 H t ti
114 1 0 1 1420 I 71
tat 3 10 4 H4 I Ti
IM 110 6 Ill I 1
1 140 I 0 1 1000 9 00
'Wers: M '
710 I 46
IU 101 (77 I 48
2 stsgs.
11 cow.,
46 cows..
22 cows..
( oows..
1 calves
17 cows..
2 cow..
. 942
. 986
. 300
2 25
4 steer.. ,.1182
3 25
2 75
2 10
2 40
3 10
2 40
3 60
3 25
2 60
1 76
2 10
3 10
2 16
8 ii
3 65
t 40
$ 40
3 20
2 66
1 70
2 76
2 66
3 16
3 26
2 60
$ 00
8 60
2 36
2 00
2 50
$ 00
2 00
2 36
t 76
3 SO
2 90
$ 75
i 20
1 steer 940
1 bull 1210
- 2 cows 890
1 cow 1280
t cows 833
4 cows 966
1 cow. .. .1230
2 heifers.. 5b2
4 calves... 8b6
4 calves... 0
2 calves... 190
1 bull
2 cows...
4 cows...,
7 helfurs.
1. 830
1 calf 310
t mixed.,.. 420
68 cows 934
7 cows 9'j6
9 cows..... 922
1 steer 970
( steers.... 940
f feeders. , 725
7 cows 1066
I steers.... luil
7 heifers. .-048
10 mixed.... 937
48 feeders.. IO08
9 feeders.. 973
11 feeders.. 932
4o feedars,
9 cow.,.,
20 cows.,.,
26 cows....
I steers..,
3 fedrs..Kio3
6 cows..... 940
3 eows 1112
2 66
61 fedrs
rs.. 44 3 75
1014 3 66
t 9 t $ 20
1 40
$ 00
2 60
18 cow
8 eows.
80 fders..luu6
8 feeders.. 10u6
6 calves... 334
31 feeders., tii!3
64 heifer.. o0
1 fder.. 740
21 feeders.. 773
I fder.. 9o4
34 cow 808
12 vows lluo
M clival... 400
3 00
18 feeders.. 9-i
28 eows 906
1 cow 1140
cows...., 116
calf 240
1 calf 4f.0
t 30
t 66
1 26
$ it
3 36
2 00
3 80
I 76
$ 16
$ 16
8 76
2 calves!.. 80O
i calve... 3.0
3 40
14 oows.
1 76
2 40
$ 60
1 60
t 60
$ 10
2 86
a u
4 09
3 steers..,
29 steers..,
1 steer... I
1 cow
4 cows....
$ eows....
4 eows...,
IS heifers.
3 feeder
,. 9M
,. 967
. 760
,. 6
.. 8H6
.. 937
. 947
.. 860
4 cows...
1 cow....
1 cow....
1 calf...
I calves.
11 feeders.
It f seder.. 934
32 steers.
U) steers.
27 steer.. ..1248
4 40
steers.... 1210 3 1 6 steer.,. .1108
$ steers.. ..1240
t cows hi
3 0 3 steers., ,.lut4
3 65
201 feeders. W 8 40 171 fieders. 907
10 feeders.. I4 IW 28 feeders.. 88
21 feeders.. 9MI 2 96
3 40
$ 44)
11 K. f alrchlld. Nb.
1 feeder... 780 2 26 4 feeder
$ 00
3 60
63 3 46
61$ I 4
3 feeders.
$1 tedS
10 cvws...,
$ 67 6 6.
(4 T 42
t 41 7 39 49
$18 M
19 f'14 12
I 22 7 04 ( 14
96 16
$ 80 90
I 37 7 07!
5 43 7 18 29
6 49 1 00 $18
6 87 6 91 22
6 25 7 15 30
7 02 6 271
5 11 6 ;!
t 03 93
6 07 $ R $26
6 17 6 71 6 03
6 14 6 77 4 99
6 14 74 6 01
8 71 06
it. C. Zutsven Neb.
31 feeder. 8 16 84 feeder.. 990 I W
row 990 $ 60
K. K. Park Neb.
22 belfr.. 74.1 2 86 8 cows 10TJ 2 0
1 heifer.... 640 i no 2 feeder.. 756 150
I). A. Iwler Neb,
1 bull UV ITS 12 cow 9m 2 36
1 bull 13J0 1 76 1 feeders.. 818 $ 99
O. F. Scott-Neb.
36 feeder.. 1102 3 40 21 cow..... 949 $ 66
1 feeder... 1S70 8 40 v
J. S. Floyd -Wyo.
1 steer 1110 8 is 14 rows 178 t 70
1 stear Itrt $ M 1 row 900 3 09
steer.. ..11C2 3 26 1 bull WW $00
L. M. Hneock-Nb.
39 row 971 $ 60 7 teedrr.. H4 170
12 rows M8 1 76
F. U Tollman-Neb.
$ eows 940 2 46 11 feeders.. 981 I 03
1 cow lono 2 00 feeders.. 1010 $06
1 COW... poo 1 45 I feeder... $70 S 04
Western Ranches 8. P.
137 steers... ll $ 10
U. A. Pemberton 8. D.
24 steers . ..10 $ 96
J. Welch-S D. .
11 cows 1036 1 66 2 bulls 13S 1 90
Johns H.-8. D.
14 steer.. ..1313 3 3 3 cows 11(0 12$
7 steers. ...18 2 80
A. F. Orsy-S. D.
I' cows 946 $86 IS Starrs $
4 cows 93 3 26 4 s. ...106 $60
4V. H. Rothwcll-Neb.
15 feeders.. 878 3 20 27 oows. ...1023 1 $0
$ feeder.. 8A) 1 7$
T. V. Peters-Neb.
1 cow f0 2 85 11 feeders.. 9M 10$
4 cow 8.7 1 00
Ben Ctgel-8 D.
17 cow 1042 2 80 3 feeder.. 109 10)
3 cows ioS 2 25
A. 8 Turlo 8. D.
l4ow 1130 7 60 13 feeders.. 957 1 80
1 cow 2400 2 60
W. Bhanley-Wyo.
1 bulla 1466 2 00 84 rows 1043 1
A. Leavett Wyo.
27 feeders.. 894 1 00'
J. lull Wye.
68 feeder.. 1134 3 3) 2 fr....115 178
8 feeuers.. Ii:i4 8 00 It cow 1023 3 4)
Dsn Whlan Mont.
13 steer.. ,.lfi 4 35 1 cow 9j0 2 10
6 steers. ...1192 110 1 cow 11.0 2 1$,
1 bull 1720 2 00
R. M Moran Neb.
40 cows 9 6 2 65 1 steer 1260 1 IS
1 COW too 2 25 12 feeders.. 661 1 90
F. Doody S. D.
12 cow 1093 2 86 16 steer.. ,.190 3 (0
4 rows 1"J0 3 25 4 steers. ...1132 100
9 feeders.. Iu28 3 SO
Minor At B. Neb.
36 feeder., 1108 1 SO
V. H. Teckamp Neb.
29 feeder.. 1082 3 36 1 hull 10 100
1 feeder... 1032 3 00 t cows 872 190
J. Beem Neb.
SO feeders.. 852 2 90 6 feeder.. 956 2 90
Drer Creek Llva Stock Co. Wyo.
9 steers.. ,.1340 1 70 449 steer.. ,10A 2 90
16.1 steers.. .1080 2 85 18 steers.. ..1123 2 90
U steers.... 9t0 I 50
John H. Gordon Wyo.
127 feeders. 1029 1 16 7 steers... .1011 3 60
2 feeders.. 960 1 50
Dan Keller Neb.
4 cow 696 1 75 22 feeder.. 1020 I 20
20 cow 886 2 66 4 feeder.. 1020 2 60
1 bull 1230 1 76
O Anderson Wyo,
46 steers.... 1168 1 36
E. V. Hawkins-Wyo.
14 steer.. ..HI60 1 16 1 steer 960 3 60
19 steers.. ..1198 3 SO
M. McCauley Mont.
19 COW 11U 2 60 1 o 1150 1 $0
S. E. Stlllson, Neb.
27 cows 947 I 63 1 bull 1000 2 28
2 oows 790 1 20 1 eow 820 1 66
6 cows 1018 2 65 8 cows 910 2 20
1 cows 1020 2 65 10 cows 912 2 20
M. Elmore, Neb.
22 cows K6 2 36 78 cows 881 1 80
. . J. E. Elmore, Neb.
lOT COWS ... 890 1 96
Ole Slaste, 8. D.
6 steers.. ..1092 8 00 42 feeders.. 109 168
D. Mitchell. S. D.
1 cow 1140 2 36 9 fceaers..l071 IRS
2 cows 796 2 35 2 feeders.. 1190 1 56
1 cow 960 1S5 1 feeder... 1250 1 3 65
1 bull U'20 1 25 4 feeders.. 720 8 66
1 steers.. ..1030 8 00 88 feeders.. 1077 1 43
I steers.... 1020 100
HOGS The hog market this morning wss
rather peculiar from ths fact that sales
wero mad all the way from 6c higher to
5c lower than yesterday. The trouble came
from ths. fact that the early reports from
Chicago showed light receipts with a 60
advance and each succeeding report In
creased the receipts until there war 20.000
on sale with the market 5ilOo lower. The
receipts were also underestimated so that
by the middle of the forenoon the actual
number of hogj In sight was much larger
than expected. A few hogs her sold early
at an t.dvanca of 6c, but as soon ss it
became known that the eirly reports from
Chicago were Incorrect the msrket weak
ened, and after that wan right close to a
nickel lower thn yesterday. The bulk of
the hogs sold at $8.17 and 85. with some
of the late sale and commoner hog from
86.20 to $6.30. With the exception of some
late arrivals a good clearance, ws made
at a reasonably early hour. Representative
No 8h. Av. Fr. No. 8k. Av. Pr.
tt i .. 4 m n tie h i m
49 tlT 89 8 18 M 11 .. 6 90
44 174 10 4 16 48 HI 40 6 M
TI 137 140 6 II ' 74 14 SO 6 10
r Ill 80 6 17 U 64 til 40 4 90
74 II 80 117 44 ...IU SO 6 10
ft 107 110 6 17 40 M0 M 6 10
It 174 40 6 171, I7 130 6 80
44 14 M 6 174 ' 4 144 M0 30
44 178 SO 6 1744 44 174 80 6 80 '
4 I4t ISO 1174 U 141 .. In '
51 lJ 140 8 17 61 tf.2 H ID
I 1(0 140 6 1744 U4 ..10
17 140 40 I 174, 47 140 IN IN
40 10 .. 174a 46 IM 1M 6 10
tt J .. 8 17H II tt . . 10
71 161 140 I 174a 41 IU 144 4 90
tn 120 6 174( II I4t .. I to
ti IC4 100 i 1744 41 14 40 6 1144 '
41 2T 40' I 1744 77 124 110 6 !)4a
48 171 .. t I74i 77 121 .. I 1244
III lit .. 6 1744 (4 160 N IIS
47 121 100 6 1744 44 J.16 110 I It
Kt ltd t 1744 44 177 120 4 26
IK 121 40 I 174 71 173 110 I 16
J! 120 40 I 1744 40 140 120 I ti
40 17 40 I I74 II 124 190 4 1744
69 250 40 1 1744 72 211 .. 6 30
H. ...... .241 800 4 1744 41 106 40 I 10
67 (01 HI I JO 77 121 SO I to
64 224 40 I 10 M 161 40 I 10
SHEEP AND LAMBS There wss snother
moderate run of sheep and lambs here
this morning and a the demand from all
sources was liberal the market ruled active
and strong to a dime higher. For the two
days this week It is safe to quote fat
stuff 16f25o higher with the demand far
In excess of the supply. Buyers were all
out early this morning und It was not long
before the more desirable grades were out
of first hands. Strictly choice gradea were
scarce, so that the market on paper does
not look particularly high. Taking quality
Into consideration the prices paid were
very satisfactory.
Tho demand for feeders was also active
and the better bunches changed hands In
f ood season. , A high ss $4 00 waa paid for
reder yearlings and $2.80 for fair feeder
Quotations for grass sheep and lambs:
Good to choice yearlings. $4.0094.25; fair to
good yearlings, $3.7504.00; good to choice
wether. $3.7574.00; fair to good wethers,
IS 504; 3. 75; good to choice ewes, 33.601i3.76:
fair to good eweg. $3.00H3.40; good to choic
lambs, io.26'ft6.46; fair to good lambs, $5.009
$6.25; feeder yearlings. a.5O4.0O; feeder
wethers. $3.253?'!. 66; feeder ewes, $2.5093.00;
feeder lambs, 13.264.60; breeding ewes, $3.00
d3.50. Representative sales:
518 Wyoming feeder ewes 88 1 00
35 Wyoming feeder wethers 84 8 40
119 Wyoming ewas 96 I 60
828 Wyoming wethers 93 4 10
19 Wyoming awes 108 2 75
466 Wyoming ewes 97 I 75
230 Wyoming ewss 9 75
74 Idaho wes 101 2 60
14 Idiho ewes Ill 1 K6
321 Wyoming wether 99 3 95
133 Wyoming wthrs 100 I 91
2 Idaho wethers 105 4 26
44 Idaho lambs 66 $25
H Idaho lambs 64 $ 26
12 Idaho lamha 72 $26
197 Idaho lambs M 1 21
Cattle Heady Heg Lower ghee and
Lamb Strong.
CHICAGO. Oct. 26. CATTLE Receipts,
12,000 head. Including 4.0C0 westerns: mar.
kut steady; good to prime steer. 95.604i7.00;
poor to medium, 83, 6(5.40; stockers and
feeder, 82.0isti4.0O; oows. $2.60r4.60; heifers.
$2006.00? canners. ll.2Mr.M0; bulla, t'.Wif
4 26; calvea. $3.UT7.0O; Texsa fed steers,
$4 &fm AO; western steers, $3 2fxtf6.26.
HOGS RecelpU, ll.noo head; market 10(9
16e lower; mixed and butcher, t6.lo49t.40;
good to choice heavy, $6.164i4.t0; rough
heavy, M 76f6 10; light. $4.766.t0; bulk of
sler. S8 0C$6.2S.
8HEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 22.000
head: market strong; good to cholc weth
ers, $40064.76; fair lo choice mixed, $3. "SI
4.00; western sheep, $3 0044 50; native
lambs, $4 C0ti4.26; western lambs, $4 00u6.v.
St. Joseph IJva Stack Market.
BT. JOSEPH. Oct. 26 CATTLE Receipt
349 head. Market steady to 15a lower. Na
tives, ti tbit 35; rows and heifers, $1.2bJ4.$;
stockers and feeders. $2 754)3.81.
HOGS Receipts, 6303 bead. Market
steady to loo lower. Lth. $6.0O6M; me
dium and heavy, $5.22fta 40.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.6M
head. Market steady. Top rang lamb,
$6.66. .
Kansas City Mr Stock Market. j
ceipts, 21,000 head, Including Jul) southerns;
maiket steady to 10c low.r rhoic export
and dressed heel steers. 5.2fyfl.40; fair lo
good, 84.0UVfn.Zb: western-red sier(, MO"'
6 76; stix-ker and feeder. $2 2VI 26; south
ern steers, 82 9W.7S; southern cos. Sl.M(f
2 75; native cow. $1 V'o-t 50; natlv lielfem.
$2 64H.5o; buU. $l.7iai 2i; oeiv, U.bst
HOGS - Receipts, S.M N4i aiarktt lc (
owr; top price. $8 4?; bulk of sales, $6 06
tt.Sn: heavy. anj .'; pecker, $$g
k.65) hog end lights. 44 .4rV..
8llkKf AND I.AM HM Receipts, 8,008
heart; market strong to loo higher; native
la nine, 4 ilMii , nntlve wetoera, S.Sfm
4 ; nstive save, n.tsetril.TS; western lamb,
$4.ut.ji- western vearilng. "f4 U;
western sheep, 88. 8474. is; slocxrs and lean
er, S2.t'ia3..
' ,
St. Inl Live Sleek Market.
8T. LOUIS, Oct 8i.-CATTLl-Reolpt,
i.imI head. Including 6.000 Txn. Market
steady. Native shipping and export teera,
14 7.1)5 ft; dressed beef and butcher steer.
84 (rv6 60; steer tinder 1,tsJ0 pound 88 6f
4.14; storker and feeder. $a.6tf.1 86; cow
and belters. $2 1642-8.86; canners. 81.JW360;
bull. 31.7662 Hi; calves, 43.7it24l.2; lexaa
and Indian steer, $2.75H03; cow and heif
er?. $1 B0T1.7B.
1IOGH He.lpt, $.600 hend. Market
steadv. Pigs and lights, $I.V16: packer.
861ntl6.40; butchers and best heavy, I Hot
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. l,$o
head. Market steady. Native muttons,
$3 5Nii4.25; lamb. J4.rAfi,6o; cull and bucks,
$ I. sou ..60; stockers, 3j.0wqi.fc; Texan. $3.11
fi 4.00,
Rleas. City Live St new Market.
8IOCX CITT. Is.. Oct Ja,-(8pclsl Tele
gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 1.400 head!
market, rteady: stocker. 10il5c lower;
beeves, $3.6tfj6.76: cows, bulls and mixed.; stockers and feeders, $2.kt3.76
calves end yearling. $2 2603 26.
HOGS Receipts, 8.200 head; market
shsrie loner; selling at $6 06fi6.30; bulk ot
ales, Ao.12414.16.
lock la Sight.
Rereipla of live stock et the six prltf
clpal western markets yesterday)
Cattle. Hogs.Bheep.
South Omaha 6.900 6.500 11.230
Sioux City 1.400 2.2K
Kins City 21.009 9.5oO 8.000
St. Loul i...... 7.WO 6n0 2.M9
St. Joseph 8 349 - 4't 2.64
Chicago 12.000 16.000 22.0O0
...64.649' 41.001 4S.S
Condition ef Trade and Qnetatlans eat
Staple and Fancy Pr4et,
EOOS-Candled wlock, lc.
LIVE Pt) I ' LT R T H en, c; rooter. 60S
turkeys', 13c; ducks, 8Q9c; geese, 6c; spring
chickens, c.
BUTTER Pscklng stock, 12; choice to
fancy dairy, 15 17c; creamery, 18O20c; fancy
prints. 21c.
FRESH FISH-Trout. 10o; pickerel, c;
pike, 10c; perch, 7c; bluefish, 12c; whlteflsh,
Joe; salmon, 14c; redsnapoer, lie; lobster,
freen, 20c; lobster, boiled, 30c; bullheads,
lc; catfish, 14c; black bus. 20c; halibut,,
10c; croppies. 12c; roe shad, $1; buffalo, 7o;
Willie rain, ui:, im ira.o, pwi uiiavii. wv.
BRAN Per ton, $16,
HAY Prices quoted bv Omaha Whole
sale Denier" association: Choice No. I
upland, $660; No. 3. $6.00; medium, $6.60;
coarse, $8.00. Ry straw. $5.00. These prices
are for hny of good color and quality.
OYSTERS New York counts, per
45c; extra selects, per can. 17c; standard,
per can, 82c; bulk, standards, per gal., 11.36;
bulk, extra selects, per gal.. $1.76; bulk
New York counts, per gnl.. $3.00,
ORANOEA Mexican, sixes 166, 176, 200,
216, 260, $4.00. .
LEMONS California fancy, 170, $00 and
360, $500: choice, $460.
DATES Per box of 80-lb. pkgs., $8.00;
H a Howl In 70-1b. box, per lb 6c.
FIGS Calif ornls, per 10-lb. carton, 75(9
85c; Imported Smyrna, 4 -crown, 12o;
6-crown, He; 7-crown. 16c: fancy imported.
WaSIltHJ, III 1111. .,l. Ultf , vWHWMll--t
per case of thirty-six pkgs., $2.26.
BANANAS-Per medium glsed tnmoh,
$2.004a2.50; Jumbo $2.7643.60.
APPLES Home grown Jonathan, per
bbl.. $4.00; Ben Davis. 82.26; New York
Pound Sweets, $3.00; New York Kings, $3.00;
New York Plopln. 8175: New York Green
ings, $2.25; Colorado Jonathans, per bu. box,
PEACHES Colorado or Utah clings, per
box, 85c
PEARS-rtab. Colorado and California,
fall varieties, per box. $1 752.25.
CELERY Per dos.. S54J60O. ,
GRAPES New York and Ohio, per 1-lb.
basket, 21iff2ic. '
CRANBERRIES Cape Cods, per bbl.,
$660; per box. $2.40.
CHTItt-V.rllfomla nr box. 82.00.
POTATOES New home-grown. In sacks,
per bu., 40c. ........
TURNIf tt Per bu., 60c; Canada ruta
ha gas, per lb., lc.
BEETS Per bu.. 60c.
CARROTS Per bu., 60c.
NAVY BEANS Pr bu., 12.00tM.lA.
ONIONS Home-grown, in sack, .per bu.,
60c; Spanish, per crate, $1.80..
TOMATOES-Home-grown. per market
basket. 2Sg36c.
CABBAGE Home-grown," per1 100 lb., Toe.
SWEET POTATOES Home-grown, per
bu. basket, 76o; Virginia, per bbl., 12.30.
GREEN PEPPERS Per bu. basket Wa.
SUUASH Home-grown, per oos., Wo.
BOQ PLANT Home-grown, per dog., 7$e.
CHEESE Wisconsin twine, full cream,
11c; Wisconsin Young America,. 12c; block
Swiss, new, 16c; old, ltfl7c; Wisconsin
brick, 12Hc; Wisconsin llmberger. llc.
NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, new
crop, per lb., 14c; hard shall, per lb..
13c; No. 2 soft shell, per lb., 13c; No. 2
hard shell, per lb., 12c; pecans. Urge, pet
lb., 12c; small, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per
lb., 7c; roasted peanut, per lb., 8c; Chill
Walnuts, per lb., 12U13c; almonds, soft
shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell, per lb., 13c;
chestnuts, per h., 12tfl6c; new black wal
nuts, per bu., 76-890C.
HIDES No. 1 green, 7c; No. 1 green, 6e:
No. 1 salted, 8c; No. 1 salted, 7o; No. 1
veal calf, 9ci No. 2 veal calf. 7c: dry salted,
10(1 5c; sheep pelts, 2&cii 11.00; horse sides,
$1.60j$.00. . .
Wool M-irket.
BOSTON, Oct. 26 WOOL Market Is SO
tlve snd Arm snd during the laat week hag
taken on at times a feverish ton. Fuse
ther advancement In prices seems und
way. Both large and mall mill are hajf
Ing In the free buying. Territory wool art
Arm, with the grease price practically an.
changed. Pulled and foreign grade are als
nrm. Territory idano: rins, i&wi4e; naavy
fln. 1 Mil IV: low medium. 31fi32o. Wyoming:
fin. 16C()fl7c; l.eavy fine, 15'lo; fine me
dium, nHfllie; medium, 2wHc; low me
dium. 220i3c. Utah and Nevada: Fine,
17i17c; heavy fine, 16(ttl6c; fine medium,
17t15c medium. K321r; low medium. trf
23c. Dukota: Fine. 1718o; fine medium,
1718c; medium, 2o21o; low medium, Zl'it
23c. Montana: Fine choice, fine
average. 19i20cjr fine medium, choioe, 21te
22c; average, 19ffJ0c; staple, 22lf23c; medium
choice, nwac
ST. LOUIS, Oct. 28 WOOL Steady; me
dium grade, combing and clothing. Vfr)i
26c; light fine, 1820c; heavy fine, lli17o;
tub-washed, 2236c. ;i
Whisky Prlee Drops.
PEORIA. 111.. Oct. 26. The bastng price
of finished goods tn the whisky market has
dropped another point and wag posted this
morning at $1.24. Within two months the
price hoa dropped from $1.28 to $1 24. Com
petition i again aaalgned aa th caus. the
strong fight being made between Individual
Independents for business, tn addition t
the fight wsged on th trust by all inde
pendent being given the reason for th
continued reductions .Despite th continued
drop there hai been no violent disturbance
In the market, th output, however, being;
lightly increased aa a result. EaaUra
buslnes show th eftect In heavier buying.
Deed filed for record October 26, as fur
nished by the Midland Guarantee and
Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1014
Parnam street, for The Beei -
P. E. Her to C. N. Diets Lumber
company, part of government lot 4.
section 28-16-13 $19,601
A. L. Root and wlfs to C. E. Foster,,
lot $, block 1, Mount Douglas 808
C. E. Foster to A. Root, same 3o0
L. Richardson end wife to Angela
Malrley, lot 1, block 1, Ralph Place. ft
V. Hondek and wife to B. Volenec
and wife, lot 18. block t. Mell' 1st
add. to South Omaha
The Merchants
National Dank
of Omaha, Nt.
a I SaSMhsr -
Capital tad Surplus. J400.OOO
WlStl DIAKL Catkhr. '
MAM t. 8AILT0. Awl Cslr.
Siaalv asoessu el tMsha, kaskar. sarpae
ait, Sraas a4 I4it4ls toTwssar
gvralsa Ssckass kmfM aa4 ol4,
Lalwrs l aro4it lasiw, atailakl la all
part the verla.
Mwsal ft4 M fim Ortilaaaa W Paa4,
Callwtlena sw4 sroaaptlr a4 xosaiakje-liy,
Wa rnnial aaiTiasa dafcae.
geo. a. idims mm 00
Members: Chicago, Omaha, Kansas Clt
gnd n't. Louie Aachangita.
Transactions for loiur delivery give)
careful attention.
IS koarsl Irade kla- Tel. IO04W