TITE OMATIA ' DAILY DEE: TUESDAY, OCTOBEH 2. 1901. RAW ASD PRODUCE MARKET Posiibility of Foreign Titrable and Milling . Demand IdraoMi Wheat FREE CASH SALES FOR NO, 3 WHEAT tsteree In Chirac Are a, Pol at -UKbatwStatlatleal re-sltlon-ftewe Ortla lid Financial Ooaala. OMAHA. Oct. 24, 1504. A mpKtM, the possibilities of trouble I et ween Rum and Englsnd over tha .North ess. Incident waa sufficient Incentive M a decidedly strong opening to the wheat msrkct. This waa accompanied by a die position on the part of the bear element to stand aside and let the market severely Hhme until such tlma s the Incident la illpiomatlcallv settled. Should It by any i nunc lead to trouble between the two na tion wheat would atart on a oarlng ri pedltlon that would maJie all past prloe look cheap. The quality of the wheat re ceived in Omaha waa decidedly better than for some time pant and there waa not the slightest trouble In disposing of it at high Plio- 8 of a good quality, averaging about fifty-seven pounds teat, sold up to II 07, and No. 4 aold to $1 03. Thee are high price for thla market, but they dimply In dicate tha urgency of the demand for the mining graaes. i ne recelpta west continue quite large, but they are fall Ing off in the southwest. The northwest l holding decidedly strong Minneapolis ad vancing prices rhsrply today, while Kansas City and St. Louis yielded slowly to the advancing tendency. Some of the experta figure that at least M per cent of tha north western crcn baa been marketed, and If they are right prices ehould move sharply In the direction of higher figure.-. In anv event It Is practically certain that there will be no serious break In prices, and this fact has been recognised by millers who are busily competing for grain In all sec tions of tha country. Chlcsgo reported Valentine (Armour) as a very large buyer at different firms, taking as high as 600,000 bushels December at once. The primary recelpta of wheat were 1,32.- 000 buslftu aa compared with 1,SC7,(0 bush els last yar, showing practically no change. The world'a visible last week were 10,820,000 bushel, aa compared with 11 Sns.noo bushels the previous week and 11,868,000 bushels a year ego. Wheat on passage de creased 1,400.000 bushels. Foreign sdvtces on both wheat and com were Influenced by the North sea Incident, all prices being mat"rla)iv firmer. It Is nor likely that serious results will follow, but the statistical position la agalnat lower prlcea. December wheat In Chicago gained a point, opening at 11.15 and advancing to 1.1W4, reacted slightly on the profit-taking. May, $1.1401.114. Corn waa strong, moving up Sic despite the fact ths.t the weather Is Ideal for the hardening and maturing of the crop. De cember sold at 48tt48Ho and May at 4SVt0 46Ho. Oats shared In the general strength and sold slightly higher, but without material advance. Omaha Caen Sale: Wheat 1 car No. 4 hard, C6H lbs , S1.C4; t cars No. 4 hard, 57 ibs., I1.C6; 1 car No. $ hard, 67 lbs., $1.07: car No. 3 hard, CS lbs., $1.01; 1 car No. 2 isrd. Htt lbs.. $1.02: 1 car No. 8 hard. S7H lbs.. $1.0; 1 car No. t hard. 65 lbs., $1.04; 1 car No. 4 hard, 64 Iba, $1.00; 1 car No. 4 hard. 60 lba., 86c; 1 car no grade. 47 lbs.. Mc; 1 car No. 4. 60 lbs., 86c; 1 car No. 4. 60H lbs., 03c. Oats 1 car No. S white. 29 lbs.. 27c; 1 car No. t white. 36 lbs., 28c; 1 car No. while, SH Iba.. 27o; 1 car standard, $4 lbs., 28c Omaha Cash Prlcea. WHEAT No. t hard. 11.0701.10: No. 1 hardK $l.Wfl.07V4; No. 4 hard, 8'Jc(ii$l OS ; No. t spring, $1.071.10; no grade. Sue. CORN--No. 2. 48 V: No. 3. iSUo; No. 4, 47c; no grnde, 44c; No. 3 yellow, 49c; No. $ yenow, wc; sso. 4 wnue, toftc; jno. a wnite. 4iV4c. k ra wA i-.i rM. vn ..t..ji i.' . No. 4 mixed. 26c; No. 2 white, 284c; No. 8 white. n21o; No. 4 white, 2S2tic; stand ard, ata. Car Lot Itecelpts. i Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 37 131 62 Minneapolis , 877 ,.' v ... Duluth 644 Bt. Louis 184 ' 104 103 Kanaas City 120 W 19 'Irsla Harsteta Klsevrtiere. Closing I prices or grain today and Saturday at the tnakeia named were aa follows ; CHICAQO. . i Cl0e . Wheat Today. Sat'y. December l.W.k 1.15 1J3T, oft 48' 46H 46 r 30 Corn- i ;. - December May July Oats December May Wheat December Mav 48 46'? 45 2H a BT. LOUIS. ....... l.omt .1.1VV4 1.06 1.17 44 48 Corn December Slay Wheat December May Corn December May ,Wheat December 43 KANSAS CITr. .... 1.C8T4 .... 1.06 l.r6H l.OO'.s MINNUAPOUS. 1.19 1.18 1.1$ Mar DULUTH. Wheat December' 1.18 May , 1.1; 1.16 1.16 Cosnoterelal Uosslp. Visible Supply: Wheat. 24,606,000 bu.; In crease, 1.2M.C00 bu. Corn 3,448,0uO bu.; de crease, 769,000 bu. Oats 24,46,000 bu.; in crease, HJ.W0 bu. . World's shipments: Wheat. Inst week, 10,920,000 bu.: previous week, U.Siui.OCO bu.; last year, lJ.Sii.OOO bu. Corn, laat week. 1,'iW.OoO bu.; previous week, 4,000,100; last year, 3,949,000 bu. On Passbge Statement! Wheat Today, $8.a66,0UO bu.; decrease, 1,408,000 bu,; Week go, 4O.064.OU) bu.; decrease, 60,000 bu.; year ago, 30,764,000 bu.) decrease, 648,000 bu. Corn Toduy, 19.408,000 bu.; decreuse, 316.UO0 bu.; week ego, 18.724,000 bu.; decreuse, 41, Ooo bu. ; year ago, 18,613,000 bu.; increase. su.buu rju. Oeorge A. Adams Oraln company says: "1 saw nothing lu the nurthwtst to change my opinion ot wheat," said C. H. Speiuier. the Bt. Louis bull lesdtr. who returnud from Mlnnewpolls yesterday. "I consider the situation extremely bullish because of the great scarcity ot good milling wheat. We are having a gooa run of receipts In ths northwest and it may laat a month longer, because cash prices are at a pre mium over ihw futures end because much of the wheat Is of such poor quality it cannot safely be held on the farms. When this movement Is over the strength of ths situation will develop more clearly." Flaaaelal Gossip. Consols, lower at SS. Steel men report finished product selling lowly. Amerioan stocks In London heavy. j below parity. A nertoan Locomotive officials say busi ness Is Improving. Carnegie, returned from Europe, expects Roosevelt's election. Lackawanna Steel company in the market for 4ii.vO tons pig iron. Hundred and two roads for August show ave age net Increase S.4 per oent. Uellef growing In ultimate merger of Metropolitan and lnterborough. Copper trade reports indicate expanding dsmaud for the metal all over tho world. United States Steel will declare regular dlviuend on preferred tomorrow, showing approximately Siv.ouu.ooo net earnltiga ana an Increase in the amount of unhlled orders. bank statement indicates at least two thirds of crop currency movement com pleted. Kaasaa City GralB Bo Provisions. KANSAS C1TT. Oct. 24. WH EAT De cember, $1.06; May, $1.04. Oas.i: No. $ hard, $1 M61.U; No. . II .OTai.lo; No. I red, ll.Uyl.U; No. 3, $l.u7UL!L CORN aieady; December, 41841c May, 41 c Cash: No. 3 mixed, io; No. 1 4l; No. 8 white. c; No. 3, 4tf 49c; No. I mixed, ii'4ftc. OATSNo. $ aliliB. $ce30c; No. I mixed, WVil HAY-Clii.lce timothy, $7.7frfl3.04; choice prairie. $tl 607.00. KrB-5io. KOUS Firm: Missouri and Kansas nsw No. 3 white wood cases Included. lso per Uos.: case couut, 18u; cases returned, c per doa. less. bUTTEH-Creamery, 19j"20c; dairy, 16 lc. neceipts. nmpments. Wheat bu K.ttD .uv uiv 104 J.' Corn, bu i0 Oku, bu U.UuO ai.OoO Dalalk Orela Market. Dl'UTH, Oct. $4-WHEAT-To srrlvef Ne. 1 hard. $1.23; No, 1 northern, $1 U1 No. I aorlhern, fi.liia- Oa Uack; No, i northern, tl.rH: No. I norfhern, tl 14U; De cember, b lit,: Msy, $1.17'4. v " , ana on iricK, K0. CHICAGO GRAI ASD PROVISIONS Prices os Beard af Trees. CHICAGO, Oct. 24-posslblllty of waf between Great Britain and Russia had considerable Influence la causing a strong whent mkrket here today. Continued active milling demand was a factor of almost equal importance. At the eose both December and May wheat were up c. Corn Shows a gain of i'c- Oats are a shade higher, Provisions are un changed. Shorts were active bidders for fcoth tl9 December and May options when trading began In the wheat pit. ,As a result of the urgent demand. Initial quo tations ahowed a material advance. Mar being up ffa, at 1.14'tfl.l4Vi. IJere.n- ucr was a stiaue lower to at SLUftl.loV At the start offerings were comparatively light. In consequence prices rose wplrlly, December quickly selling up to $1.18 and May to 11H. Realizing rales checked the. advance and .oaded the market with enough wheat to cauae a temporary loaa of the greater part of the early improvement. The market soon recovered from the setback, however, aa a reault of active aupport from a leader of the bull crowd. The high point on December for the day waa reached at May again aold up to Jl.latt Some realising developed late In the session, but the market closed etrong with December at $1.1574. Final quotations on May wers at $1.14. Clear ancea of wheat and flour were equal to 22,000 bushe'.s. The amount of passage decreased l,u8,000 bushels, while the vis ible supply Increased 1,23 bushels. Primary receipts were i.862.000 bushels, compared with 1,867,100 bushels a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of gr8 cars, against l.wW cars last week and l.OVO oars a year ago. Strength of wheat held the corn mar ket firm notwithstanding favorable weather for the maturing of the crop. Trading waa quiet, the greater part of the business being of a scalping charac ter. December opened VSfrc to htr(fc higher to 48H'54lc, sold between 4sv,iW 4tiio and closed at 48,c. Local receipts were 101 cars with 4 of contract grace. Uuder the Influence of the strength of the other grains the oats market held steady In 1 spite of considerable selling by cash; houses, Trading waa almost entirely local. After opening higher St 28c, December ranged between 2jS3 and 29o and closed at 2S(aWc. Lo cal receipts were 1(14 cars. A firm undertone pervaded the pro visions market, the strengthening factors being the bullish hog market and higher prices of grains. Shorts were the princi pal buyers At the close the Januury products were unchanged, tlna!' figures on pork being at $12.25. Lard closed at $7.27 and rlba at $6.66. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 107 cars; corn, 137 cars; oats, 18t) cars; hogr, 18,000 head. The loading futures ranged as follows: Artlcles.l Opan-l Hlsh. Low. Close. ISafy. Wheat I Oct. i 1.14Ts 1 l.lj-,i.lu,t 1.14-1 1.1V- Deo. 1.15fr 1.16 1.16 l.lnWl 1.14 May. ' Ju:y. Corn Oct. Dec. May. Oais Oct. Deo, May. Pot It Oct. Jan. May. Lard Oct. Jan. May. Ribs Oct. Jan. May. 1.14MV4! IMM U Hi WVt! )sl . ' 6-",i! "61H 4.448H'0I1 4S,46iuk I I 4W 4,V 1 19 29 H 28 19 I t9 Ii84j-V'2S4i! 80H'4 10.9JH l-'.bd u.to lO.fO U.51 12.60 7.3 7.8o 7.15 ( i 12. 0 12.6) 12.66 12.60 U.074, .1 7.32H 7.ao 7.35 7.32V4 7.40 7.15 7.321 7.32HI 7.37H 7.b2V 7.15 6.66 I 7.30 7.15 t.ti 6.70 T.15 6.10 6.72V e.o No. 3. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Market steady; winter patents, $6.30tf6.40; winter straight!, $4.90j.2O; spring patents, $5.3Wiu.8o; spring straights, 4.6o 6.30: bakers, $3.3u$4.00. WHEAT-No. 2 spilng, $1.1401.17; No. 3, $1.051.15; No. $ red, 1.18ijl 19b. CORN No. 2, 63o; No. 2 yellow. 65e. OAT-No. 2 white, 3l6J2c; No, white, 294'&304,e. . lttK-No. 3. "9c. UARLKY Good feeding, 87Vic; fair to choice malting, 41if(o2c. SEEDS No. 1 flax, $1.C9H: No. 1 north weuVarn, $1.16H; prime timothy seed, $2 6); clover, contract grade, $12.15. PROVISIONS Mere pork, per bbl., $10.93 611.00; lard, per 100 lbs., $7.32V,tJr7.3i; s lort ribs sides florae). r.257.37Vi; short clear sides (boxed, $7.37Vi7.62V4. i ' Tho receipts and shipments were as fol lower jtteceipis. onipmenn. Flour, bhls ". Wheat, bu... Corn, bu.... Oats, bu Rye. bu 16.900 71, 2 72.6 27.100 lr-t 8oo 152,200 441.&00 8.000 .179,BOi . 8.2O0 Barley, bu 99,1.00 7610J On the Produce exchanae today the but. ter mnrket was rteady: creamer'efc 15f 21c: rlai lei, !3T18e. Begs, steidy, at ma-k cares Included. 16igWc ; flrets, 19'c; prlmo firsts. 2oc; extras, 23c. Cheese, easy, 1010Hc. KQW YORK GEXGRAL MARKET ftaotatlons ol (bo Day on Varloos Commodities. NEW YORK. Oct. 24 FLOUR-Recolpts, t,m bbls.; exports. 8,431 bbls.; sales. 2,104 pkgs. ; market dull but firm; Minnesotti nuiviiii. I6.luo6.6o: Minnesota bakers, $4.60 4i5.Cn: winter patents, I6.iatl.00; winter flour, firm: sales. S76 bbls.: fair to aood. e4.4iitf.l.0: choice to fancy. $4.66(86.00. Buck Wheat flour, easy, $2.00(2.25. coltNMcAL r'irm; yellow western. $1.11 fil.18; city, $1.12411.14; kiln-dried, $3.003.20. RYE Nominal. HARLKY Steady; feeding. 43c, 0. 1. f. New York. WHEAT Receipts, 1,000 bu.; salea, 4.600, 000 bu. futures. Spot market aieady; No. 2 1 Duluth. I.Dd?4 f. 0. b. afloat; No. 1 hard ! Manitoba, $1.07 t. o. b. afloat. Options t pad a bull uay on account 01 ine war, com plaints of Hessian fly damage in Missouri ! and notable atrength in northwest markets, ' They closed firm and c net higher. May, . $1 .H&1.16. closed $1.16; July. $1.03 l Wi, closed $l.oa; December, 1.19'1.20, ; closed $1.19. CON-Recelpts, 67.250 bu.; sales. 1J7.000 ; bu, futures. Spot steady; No. 2, 67c ele '. vator nnd 68c f. o. b. afloat; No. t yellow. 6to; rso. white, bta. ine option uiur- rkii. i... ::.nuir rm r.n get, w and with wheat 'closing Vc net M lr.au.1 Hkn- IWomltAr KSU( news Vilirhr Mav rlottA.l f.lU.c: Dfuifimliflr. EftV.ff? lAiKic. closeel 600. I OATS Receipts, 140,000 bu.; exports, 19, 977 bu. Spot dull; mixed oats, 26 to $2 lbs., ' 8ltiSUc: natural white, 80 to 83 lbs., 85 1 80c; clipped white, 36 to 40 lbs., 37ft390. Options nominal. FEED--Quiet; spring bran. $20.00; mid dlings. $30.00; city, tO.O0i32S.0O. HAY Dull; spring, Wtc; good to Choice, 764(800. HOI'S f irm; state, common to choice, 1904. 32t)C8c; .903, 81l3Sc; olds, lWISc; Pa cific coast, 1904, SlJTc; 1903, Sialic; olds. 14'itlKc. 17o; California. 21 to 26 lbs,, 10c; Texas dry, H 24 to so ins., ne. T.EATHKR Firm; acid. Hffl2e. PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family, $10 60 ff ll 60; mess, $8 609.60; beet hams, $23.6Ui 24.60; packet, I9.&trl0.60; city extra India mesa. $14 6tufi16.60. Cut meats, dull; pickled bellies, $. UK-i 11.00; pickled shoulders, $7.60; ptckled hams, $.7&4l000. Lard, steady; western steam, $7.60; October closed $7.80, nominal; refined, steady; continent, $8.00; South America, $8.00; compound, $8.004jH.25. Pork, steady; family, $16.60fj 16.00; muss, $i2.6ttfria.6o. TALLOW Steady; city, $c; country, Ace' Firm; domestic, fair to extra. .-.: .l.inan. nominal. POULTRY Alive, weak; western chick ens, 8u lie : fowls, 101( 12r; dressed, weak; western chickens, ll'j(15c; fowls, 11'aUc; turkeys, 16al7c. BUTTER Firm; street pries. extra creamery, 214J:!le; offlclol prlcea, cream ery, comomn to extra. 13-ti21o: held extra, 20(ft2vo; state dairy, common to extra, 13y CHFE3E Quiet; state and creams, small colored and while fancy, poor to prime, 7 i.iur- In rue colored, fancy, sood to on ma. 89c; large white, fancy, pcor to prime fair. i F.OOS Irregular: western, finest selected, S32lc; average pear, nnaac. rhlladelukla Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 84. BUTTE R Steady: fair demand: extra western cream crv l?c: extra nearby prints. 24c. EGGS-Firm: good demand; nearby firsts and wnatern firsts. 24o at mark. I'HI. f.nilr Olfliur, . ........ , - " 1 ll"n- .nielli.,,. rk.,lr. "1 " . '. 10Ujr,lHe: rhoira , nr. Ill, ri-iiiiir ., . ' - , 10o; fair to guou, r"i. Liverpool Grata sad Provlsloas. LIVERPfOU Oct. 24 WHEAT-auot, nominal; futures, quiet; peoember. T W- ttIRN Spot. American niixrd, $Vd; futures, quiet; December, 4s 7d. Toledo lr(4 Market. Tnt Vln a Oct . SEEDS Clover, cahtobVr $7.35: tajK $7$7; March, $7.47. Prlmt alsike, $7.7e. SEWYORR STOCKS ASD BONDS lfarket Btron;, Aotire and Higher in Bpite of War Ectre. LARGE OFFERINGS FOR LONDON ACCOUNT Prices There Weaker Dae Aaglo Rasslaa laeUeat, kat res Ihrerra ea Market Arc Qalckly Abserbea. NEW TORK, Oct 4.-The tide of geca lative eni.hua.aam proved iiseU suuicU-ntiy strong in today's stock maike tu nicv as:ila the usu.1 Mundy tnuri ltig tea. lung sales and to wipe out the eentiiue-ital -lect o( the Aimw-Kusn lrucn growing Oat 0( tue uanmge by I he Hus4un lleei to the isorth bea iiahlng tlt. This ir.oide.it besiuss tns sentimental eueot ut the le.ra of resulting hosiiiliies bid a suustaiuUi rmuit in ti.e outpouring here of large of ferings of ktocks for London account. In we.ght of this selling was somewhat aggra- " J IU. IllflllllS lU 1 1 ' . - j taliifcd uy the supporting tactic at thai opening nere v. men otleied sucu a pioni on arbitrage with the depressed London pr.ie level inat the cable waa kvpt bu-y w.tu orders to sell here tga-rut purchases la Lonuon. Ihe Anglo-nusilan incident did not break the demand, assuring that the market was not In that vuli.er.ibla paltoi, which iuu.li from the inf.ation of long speculation and resulting In Instability anj a toppling of value. A leature was tue credit given to stores of aeile as a le sult of the Ontario and Western Incident. That etock made flights to new high leveis on the surmises regarolng tne terms of its transler to New Haven. The movsme.it In varl iue low-priced railroad stocks was plainly based on the supposition tnat tho financial and railroad powers were com mitted to a working out of Interchange of control and the absorption of minor rail roads even at prices considerably atove the market, at the same consloerailous that prompted settlement. The old trans continental settlement stcrles were revlel in the same connection. Olven ao v,lde a held for conjecture and plausible sugges tion and It Is needless to traverse In de tail the different movemente of the day f rowing out of It. Railroad officials cm Inuo optimistic ovor traffic and rpor car shortage at various points. Complaint tc trunk lines of rate cut Inir on wo.t-uni.nd freight waa an bdi appendage to the e t at tic reports. Wesilnahouf e clectrio suffered from the projected new debenture issue. The persistent heaviness of the United States Bleel lasuea on the eve of the quar terly, meeting of director and the action on the dividend elves additional Interest to that meeting. The sharp recovery in for eign exchange waa attributed to the stormy political outlook before, but waa emtht sized by the large sales of sticks here for London account. The movement aroused suppositions that gold might go from here to Paris, The market closed slightly irregular, but animated and ten erally strong. Bonds were Irregular. Total snlen, par value, $8 823.000. United State bonds were unchanaed on eall. The range of prices on tho Stock exchange was as follows: Sales. Hlah. Low Clone. Atchison do pfd Baltimore & Ohio do pfd Canadian Pacific Central of N. J.. 40.3'10 87 86 8C 44,000 1C2H 101 4 K'l T 1,400 96 8H 9 800 IW 96 W 6.800 126V. 134V4 13iTt 182 Chesapeake & Ohio.. 17,800 47 Chicago & Alton do pfd 80 Chicago Ot. Western. 26.700 24 23 23 Chi. A Northwestern. 32,000 196 152 1P3V4 C, M. & St. P 23,200 172 171 171 do pfd 100 184 184 183 Chicago T. & T-.... 400 8 8 7 do pfd 1.700 C. C, C. A 8t. L... 800 17 8TJ 23 66 80 Colorado Southern... 8,000 do 1st pfd 600 800 go za pro.... Delaware A Hudson. 6,400 178 D., L. A W. D. A R. O.v.. 700 ZS6 100 900 .266.400 . $.400 - S,800 200 . 200 dO Did Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Hocking Valley .... do pfd Illinois Central ... Iowa Central do pfd . 1,600 146 . 100 z 300 60 . 3, 200 19 . 1.100 61 . K. C. Southern ... do pfd T a. KT-W (.300 186 Manhattan FllevalerV K00 1 I Met. Securities 3.700 $' Me at Rv IK Hon t"S Minn. & St. Louis.. 600 62 M . St. P. A S. S. M.. 4,600 86 do pfd b00 137 Missouri Fnciflo .... M-, K. A T do pfd Nat'l R. of Mex. pfd New York Central. Norfolk A Western. 40.900 106 108 104 B.1UU 22 tlVl BIVS M 69 41 41 134 134 72 73 90 do pfd Ontario A Western. 186.800. 46 42 45 Pennsylvania 64.600 187 136 137 P.. C, C. & Bt. la... 10O 74 74 74 Roadlna ...... BOO 76 76 do lat pfd 100 do 2d pfd )0 Rock Island Co 148.700 do pfd 8,300 St. L. A 8. F. 2d pfd. 1.600 St. L. & Southwest.. 2.400 do pfd 3.400 Southern Pacific (4.300 Southern Railway... 112,100 do pfd 1,200 Texas & Pacific .... 6,400 T.. St. L. A Western do dM l.fOO Union Paclno m,m 108 do pfd 800 95 8.700 2,600 600 ' ,? J"9 W. ft L. K Wisconsin Central S.800 1.400 do pfd ... Mexican Central 61. BOO Southern Pacific pfd. 1.200 116 116 116 Adams Express American jsxpress V. S. Express 116 230 67 26 83 32 98 8 86 18 35 28 99 Wells-Fargo Express 20 236 Amal. Copper 84,900 68; 236 8 66 7 26 Am. Car ft Foundry. 1,100 do pfd too Am. Cotton OH 1.600 do pfd American Ice 800 do pfd 2.800 Am. Linseed OH do pfd Am. Locomotive ... 4.600 8H 87 8 $6 29 do Dfd 7UU 100 Am. Smelting A Ref. 89.7nO 72 ao pia z.iw us nitt Am. Sugar Refining. 63.900 139 J. Atiapnnu mining.... o'v to w 5j-f -Jrnn.lt 19.200 69 I OlO. fUel at irOn.. 4. Conaolldatcd Oaa.... 7.8"0 217 Corn Products 6"0 17 do pfd 700 77 Distillers' Securities. 2.200 83 General Electric ... 1,200 177 International Paper. 1.800 1X do pfd 2O0 77 International Pump.. 100 $7 do pfd National Lend $.100 28 North American .... 600 96 I'aclno Mall 1.100 tt People's Oas 11.600 10P Pressed Steel Car .. $.401) 37 77 77 $7 87 do pra sou si? I K",Thll Still Republic Steel 1.T00 12 11 do pfd $M0 $4 6 Rubber Goods 2,200 23 22 do pfd Tenn. Coal A Iron... 8.100 67 66 U. 8. Leather e 16 600 13 IS do pfd 1,000 12 91 U. 8. Realty ft Imp U. 8. Rubber 800 28 do pfd U 8. Steel 48,700 21 $0 do pfd : 61.400 82 81 Westlnghouse Elect l,S0 173 171 Western Union 00 .92 91 Total sales for the day, 1,865,200 shares. Bnstea lleek Market. BOSTON. Oct. $4 Call loans. 2S per cent; time loans, 44f6i per cent. Official clrslng of stocks sn1 bonds! At-hla adl aa V Wastiss. aoDtmos ... sH ... !- ... 1 :::t :::JJ3 ... r to 4a "1 Adrantsra Allouas Amalsaaiataa .. Amartcaa BIBS Atlantia ninctiaa) t'al. Heala.. Vh, Castral 4s.... Alrblaoo ., da pM H,loa A Albany., poatoa WHIna... Unton Rlavatae ., Fttchburf pM U.ilran Crntral .. N. V.. N. H. H Pera Marquatta . t'nloa PaclBo Aixar. Aria. Ckam. do pfd Amr. Pn.o. Tabs. Anar. Susar ..,,. da ptd- Amar. T T Amar. Woolaa .... do pfd , Pmnlnfon I. A fl.. r.di.na giea. Ilia.. it .11 .ir.ii Art Ocstanntal ! Coppar Mans . Talf Wait . , 1 Dominion Coal . ,,ll Oraocr ,, 0Vi l.la Borate .... .. H M.ra Mining ,. .. mH Mlrhlran ..Ml Mohawk ..IB Wont. C. A C... ..4H.nid Dominloa .. ., Ik Oaraols ., tt Parrot ,. '.(t'Oulncr . .JV IS'.oraa ..IT 'araaraek .... .. Itu Trtaltr M JH N lie :::::: iiH 114 fauaral Klaetrla , . V . . . do ld ,. (I'll I'. S- Mlnlns .. CH I' Oil ..l14V4,l'lh M.ai. O.a fulled Krult t'riud Fhoe Huk da rM V- t. Rieal do Dfd .. 44 viriorla H .. i'(!winona . . tt IWeirarlne Did. MAsked. Truun . St. WASHINGTON. Oct. U-Todsy's state menr of the treasury balancee In the gen era) fund, exclusive off the $IW,000,0W) (old 16 1B 8ft 84 23 21 66 66 80 30 177 178 206 2OT 81 80 84 84 88 41 88 40 74 T 73 64 62 63 82 82 ' 82 89V4 89 89 144 144 28 28 49 49 28 29 60 50 J36 136 161 161 85 86 126 127 61 61 84 86 137 m 6.500 69 8,300 42 4.400 136 4,400 73 7 IW'A SS Bi. 81 81 80 8:1 31 $3 74 73 74 63 63 63 W 23 22 22 60 49 4t 63 61 62 80 36 3C 96 96 86 36 35 36 81 60 60 100 108 96 94 22 21 22 44 43 43 20 ' 19 19 24 23 23 47 4fl 46 19 17 19 In the division of redemption. ehowe: Available cash balance, $144,A4,aut gold. $7J,121,$;o. lew Tork Meaey Market. NEW TORK. Oct. 24-MONET-On call, steady at lt2 per cent; closing bid. 1 per eent; offered at S per tent. Time loans, easy; sixty days, $ per eent; ninety days and rlx months, 3 per cent PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-4flt per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Strong, with actual business In bankers' blllls at $4 4.8630 for demand and at li.li;i'.i4.S4 for slxty-dsy bills: posted rstes. $1 M and $4 87: commercial bills, $4.M4.83. SILVER Bar, 6oc; Mexican dollars, HONDS Government, steady; rsi'.rotd. Ir regular. . , . ... 'the following are tn dosing quotations on stocks and bona: t. I. rat. is, rat IMVMansttun e. . 4s...lN do coupon aci, (antral fa i . .1(M do lat Inc tl ,.10.-4 Minn. St. L. 4a.... N ..IRS M.. K. A T. 4s 12 ..111 do It r,4 ..1(H N. R. R. of M. e. 4a. m ..1M)N. T. C. . tneH 1. c. (. t 13-4 .. 7HlNo. PaclBc 4a M .. Pil do ta 7!i4 ..in:-" N A W. e. 4 ini .. K O S. U par. ...HI ..111 Peno ronr. ma 101 .. M Reading (en. 4a. lom ..111 8. h. A I. it. t la.HSw, .. Il I PI. L St S. F. fs. i: W4 do ia, ras do coupon do new 4a, ref... do eoupen do old 4a, rag.. do coupes Atrhlaon gen. 4s... do adj. 4s Atlantic C. L. 4s. Bal. A Ohio to.... do Crntral of OS. it. do lat int Chea. A Ohio 4 Hi Cklcapi 4 A. Ita C B. A T). n. 4.... "4 St. t. 8. W. Is 10U C. M. As. P. s a.!'S Seaboard A. U 4t.... II C. A N. W. e. f....12' o Panne UK C . R. I. A P. 4a.... 1 i"e Rallwar Is U to aol. ( '4 Tenaa p. ta. in TCC. A ft. U I 4s..lV T.. St. L. A W. 'a. . M fhlrafo Tar. 4a t it'nlon PaclBc 4a 106H Ton. Tobacco 4a 73 do ronr. 4 lld4 Colo. A 80. 4s r. 8 Steal Id Si 87 D. R. O. 4a JMH Walah li 11 Erla prior lien 4a 101) do dab. B 7"4 da (an. 4l BU W A l. E it 114 T. W. A D C. Is.... Ill iWls. Crntral 4a HI Hocklns Val. 4Wi....lo Colo. Kual c. (a 1 L. A N. nnt. 4 10J uffered. Ilid.j Londoa gtoek matktt, LONDON, Oct. 24 Closing: Cor. an I a, money !' N Y. Central ...WH ... 75 ... IS ... 44 ... 70H ... lfKSi ... WVi ... H ... 41 ... 17 ... ... 63 ...10ta ... ! ... 21S ... U ... i2 ... i do account U f -la, Norfolk A W .. I do ptd ' .. USS'Oruarlo A W ..1M Panntyhnnls .. fi P.and Mlnea ..UltlRaidlng .. 47 do lit pfd .. 24'i do Id pfd ,.175Vi Southern Railway .. 181 do pfd Araconds Atrbiaon do pfd Baltimore A Ohio.. Canadian PaclOo .. Cbaa. A Ohio Chicago Ot. W r.. M. A St. P.... D Beers 1). 11 rer A R. O ... do pfd Erla dn lat pfd do Id pfd Illlnola Crntral ... Lou It. A Nana 3t,,iFnuthtrn Paclno . Union Paclflo 41 . 7K . ti .14 .140 . do pfd . V. 8 Steal, 'do pfd . W.bath ... do pfd . M . K- T... Rlan1rh 4a 7 SILVER Bar, steady, 24 13-lCd per ounce. M ON K y 1 fi per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills is 2 per cent; for three months' bills, 3H4?2 per cent. Mew York Mlnlns; Stocky, NEW TORK, Oct. 24 The followln g are the closing pnees on mining siocks: Adams cos ... SO Llltla Chlaf .. 1 ..isu :rl? .. 17 .. 26 .. Hi) ..10 Alice .. 40 .. 16 .. li .. Ill ..1V ..ISO ..iW .. I Ontario Braces Hruaawlck coa .. Comalock Tunnel Con. Cal. A Vs.. Horn Surer lion 8llrer Laadvtlle 00s .... Offered. Othlr rno.ni Pbtoal Bnvage biarra Nevada Small Hope .. Standard Foreign Financial. LONDON, Oot. 24. Trading on the Stock exchoruL- today opened veiirally ilat snd excitod on the North sea incident, although there was no disposition to take an exag gerated view of the situation. The market soon recovered and became quiet. Russian snd Japanese securities weakened, but the former cloaed with a better tone on Paris support. Imperial Japanese government Us of I KM were quoted at 94. Money was ample for sll emergencies In the market today, although a fraction dearer. Dis counts hardened on the continued weakness of continental exchanges. Dealings on thu stock market were mostly confined to the adjournment of speculative positions. Con sols dropped 5-16 at first, but rallied at noon and closed steady. Home rails were quoted lower, but there was little selling and they improved at the close. Americans ppened depressed and below parity and be came somewhat firmer snd remained unset tled on profit tsklng. They hardened dur ing the lust hour and closed firm. Erie was the feature. Bullion amounting! to 15.- O00 was withdrawn from the Bank of Eng land today for shipment to Qermany. PARIS. Oct. 24. Three per cent rentes. $8f7c for the account. Exchange on Lon don, 26r loe for checks. Trading on the bourse today was calm and prices were firm. The Anglo-Russian Incident did not seriously affect tho market. Russians were steady. Riunlab imperial 4s were quoted at M and Russian, bonds of 1004 at 513. The private rate of discount was 211-10 per cent, RERUN1, Oct-24jrxchsssre on London. pirn 34Vpf for-- checks: Discount rates: Short bills. 4 per cent: three months' bills. 4 per centr Trading on the bourse today wss Irregular, hut .quotations were pretty well mslntalneil Metal Msr'tet. NEW TORK. Oct. 24. M ETA Lfl Tin was lower In London, with spot at 130 12s 6d. and futures at U9 12a 6d. Locally tho market was quiet, but showed a pretty steady tone at the slightly lower level. Spot Is quoted at.$28.D0ft)2S.8S. Copper waa firm and higher In London, spot closing nt 60 lis 3d and 60 Its 3d for futures. Locally copper Is said to be mocting with a better demand and rules firm, with lake quoted at $13.26?13.37: electrolytic, $13.12 613 2S. and ensting, $13.0013.12. Lead was also higher In I-ondon, closing at 12 7s 6d. Locally quotations have a very wide range. The Metal exchango quotes spot at $4.35 4.37. while some of the larger dealers are still quoting at $4.20. Spelter was re ported firm locally at $5.80i?6.35. I,ondoii closed at 23 6s. Iron closed nt BOs lid in Glasgow and 43s 10d In Middlesborough. Locally Iron wss unchanged: No. 1 foun dry .northern. $14.7(!fl6.26; No. 3 foundry northern, $14.25(514.75; No. 1 foundry south ern snd No. 1 foundry southern soft, $14.50 (g'15.00. Cotton Market. NEW TORK, Oot. 24-COTTON-Spot closed quiet: middling uplands. 9 96c; mid dling gulf, lO.tOc. Sales. 3,523 bales. NEW ORLEANS. Oct. 24. COTTON Steady; sales, 8,200 bales. Ordinary, 7 1-lCo; good ordinary, Kc; low middling, 8c; mid dling, 8 -16c; good middling, ; middling fair, 10c. Receipts, 13,260 bales; stock, 1D.441 bales. , ST. LOUI8, Ort. 24.-rrTTON-lMsrket quiet, c off. Middling, 9c, Sales, none; receipts. 1.000 bales; shipments, 232 bales; Stock. 8. 261 bales. LIVERPOOL, Oct. 24.-COTTON-In fair demand, prlcea steady. American middling fair, S.$8d; good middling. 5.42d: middling, 6Ed; low middling. 6.1Sd; good ordinary. 6.04(1; ordinary, 4.ood. The sales of the day were 8,000 bales. gar and Molasses. NEW TORK. Oct. 24. SUGAR Raw. steady; fulr refining, 3c; centrifugal, 9(! test, 4o. lolHBSes sugar, 3c. Refined, quiet; No. $, 4.55c; No. 7, 4.o0c; No. 8. 4.40c; No. 9. 4.35c: No. 10, 4.30o; No. 11, 420e; No. 12. 4.13c; No. 13. 4.10c: No. 14. 410o; confec tioners' A. 4.8Pe; mould A, 5.3('c: cut lonf, 5.66c; crushed, 6.65c; powdered, 6.06c; granu lated 4.95c: cubes, 6.20c. MOUA88ES Steady; New Orleans open kettle, good to choice, 31'?37c.. NEW ORLEANS, Oct. 4. 9TTG AR Ir regular: open kettle, new. 4 8-UMM 6-lOc; open kettle, centrifugal, new, 4c; centri fugal whltea. new. ic; yellows, new, 4 1-! tMUc: seconds. 2(fJ34e. ' MOLASSES Firm: open kettle, new, $3c; new centrifugal. 14jV2o. STRL'P Nominal; 27fi35c. Oils and Ttosta. OIL CITT. Oct. 24,-OlLS-Credlt bal ances, 156: certificates, no bid. Shipments. 134.506 barrels; average, 76.110 barrels; runs, 102,417 bnrrels; average, 70.463. Slilnments, Lima, 118,353 barrels; average. 66.339 barrels; runs, Lima, 122,133; average, 61,814 bar- "sAVANNAH. Oa., Oct. 24. TURPEN TINE Firm, 680. ROSIN Firm: ABC, $2.60: PT5. $2 62V: F, $1.67: O, $2 82; 1. 83.01V: K. 3.76; M. l.2i; N, $4.40 WO, $4.65; WW. $5.00. Coffee Market. NEW TORK, Oct. 24 -CT)FFE"Market for futures opened steady at a decline of 10?1 points In sympathy with easier east ern and Berlin cables. The market closed steady at a decline of IW1JO point. Biles were reoorted of 8'.o0 bogs. Includlne Oct., M $6: Nov.. $6.v.8.V nr . 70fT 81; Msreh. 7 OfXeT.06; May WMQI H,; July. $7KS; Sept., $7 4S4r7 56. Spot easy; No. 1 choice, V; mild, firm. Pry Goods Murks'. NEW TORK. Oct. 24.-PRT GOODS The market remains firm, but with compara tively little incident In business, elthouah buyers sre tuklng more Interest, especiully In those lines which sre scarce, snd the number of those constantly grows greater. The pronpect of firmness, If not an ad vance, seems very general, although buyers are not anxious over the .future. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Oct. H.-WHEAT-Pe-crmber. 8U: May. $1.U: July. 6e. - FLOiril-First patents, K4MrS.5; second patenta, $6 3fig4t: first clears. $4.4Oft:.50; second clears, $3.00$ 3.10, lu wood, f. 0. b. Minneapolis. . Peoria Grain Market. PEORIA. III., Oct. 4.-WHISKT-Ott ths basis ( $1 35. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Beit Cattle About 8tetdj, Other. Little Slow and Weak to Tea Lower. HOGS MOSTLY FIVE CENTS HIGHER Market on Fat Sbeep aad Lambs Very Artlve aad Ten to Fifteen Cents Higher, Feedere Also Active 4 Strongr Prices. SOVTH OMAHA. Ort. S4.d904. P.ecctpts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Otuoiai Monday - lu.ww Same day last week 1.540 s.0!$ I9.M0 Eame day week before.. $.5?1 $.s ts.m Same three weeks ago... T.llS $.535 II. o" Same four weeks ago....ln.34t SS 137 Same day last year ll.M 1.752 22.506 RECEIPTS FOR THE YICAR TO DATE. The following table shows Hie receipts ot rattle, hogs and sheep at Sooth Omaha for the year to date with comparisons With last year; , 1804. 1903. Inc. P. fottle 743.2.$ 87 .754 14.$4 "s 1.871.7S 1,M7,S6 $4,271 Sheep 1.42S, C18 l,37o.&2 52.MI The following table shows the aveiagt price of hogs ut Houth ui.ulm for the last vral daaa with comparisons: Dte. I 104. iljgs.iilorjpot'.iisfxrii.ilsM. Oct. ..., Oct- S...( Oct. ..., Oot. 4..., Oct. 5.... Oct $..., Oct. 7..., Oct $..., Oct.- Oct. 10.. Oct 11... Oct 12... Oot. 13... Oct 14.. Oct. 15.. Oct. 16.. Oct. 17.. Oct 18... Oct. m.. Oct. so.., Oct. a... Oct. 22... Oct. iS.. Oct 24.. T4J 6 71 i ST4 6 7o-,i B 6 I 15, 1 J0j 1 :( 4 7SI $ 66 B7 5 131 ls I, lv $ 201 It 'Si I 8 71 Wl 4 '( I w 471 $ 4 . HI 1 .t M 4 141 $ 63 4k IM $ 4 36 4 38 $64 4 81 8 67 4 23 $63 4 20 $ 5 4 24 $ tie 8 08 4 to 4 m s 70 4 10 1 c: 4 IV . 73 4 611 S 71 4 131 3 65 3 56 4 1$ 4 14, $ 56 a vi I 7 33 r- 4' 1141 I I64 T 4!) s i $ 18 7 BV 7 7 14 M ml Ml I 62 ti l 6 18 'a? 5 $0 5U ( o;i 4 Ml 4 yol 4 H T 04 s e 6 31 $ 16 $ 11 86 7 07 16 4 20 a 6 17 6 4.1 $ 49 7 16 $ 6 11 7 00 $ 181 4 83' 5 37 6 25 a K 11 6 01 6 22 4 72 4 K4 4 62 a r. 0? 4 7i 7 16 6 6 27 7 02 ft ti"., 1 5 07l $ 13 6 17 $22 I $ 93 $ 82 6 71 6 ii $ s 6 20 8 C3 4 681 n77 6 14 I 4 62i 4 111 6 77. 74 6 6 14 6 01 4 61 Indicates Sunday. CATTLE There was quite a liberal run of cattle In sight this morning and at this point receipts were the heaviest they have been for the last few weeks, aa will be seen from the table above. As compared wltn a year ago, however, supplies were consid erably smaller. There were not to exceed ten cars of corn fed steers on sale and the quality of most of them was not very good. As compared with the close of last week there was not enough chango In the prices paid to be wcrthy of mention. Packers all seemed to be anxious lor' good stuff, bilt when it cams to warmed-up cattle they were not so Interested. A large share of the offerings consisted of western 'range beef steers and the qual ity was not very good. Anything at all desirable sold without a great deal of trouble at steady prices, but owing to tha large number of common to medium cnttlu that was offered the market on that class was not very brisk and prices ranged weak to a dime lower. It was late before a clearance wna made. The cow - market did not show a great deal of change and could be quoted about steady on desirable kinds, with others weak to a dime lower in spots. It was rather an uneven mnrket. so that while some sales were steady others were undoubtedly a little lower. The demand was in fairly good shape so that the bulk of the offerings wna disposed of in good season. Bulls, veal calves and stags commanded no more than steady prices.. There waa a large number of stockrrs and feeders on sale this morning snd spec ulators made use of the opportunity to pound the market a little. Strictly choice cattle did not show much change, but there were very few of that description. The rerieral run of cattle, though, was safely Qliic lower snd not very brisk. Repre sentative sales: BEEF STEERS. ' No. lot.. At. Pr. No Av. Pr. .1S4S B 00 XI 1341 I 00 STEERS AND COWS. .1008 t 16 COWS. if.. .. 40 ..1076 I 40 1 UM I N I 40 HEIFERS. I 00 II Sol in 8 10 13 W I 10 BULLS. 1 n 1 00 I 50 8 16 4.. . 0 451 II.. .1B00' .1160 CALVES. 1 '. 140 I 00 I 00 1.. 100 1H I 00 I 09 ieo I.. 110 on STOCKERS AND FEEDERS, I (10 I 10 1 120 lll t o ri 4... 13.. 6.. 1.. I (0 $00 I 00 I 00 ...... 490 70 NEBRASKA. 14 feeders.. 833 $ ) 4 heifers.. 617 S 25 2 60 $ 00 2 16 4 7$ 2 40 $ 40 2 4' 2 00 2 00 1 25 2 60 $ 26 2 60 3 06 8 76 186 2 U6 t 00 2 60 1 0$ 2 80 2 00 $ 75 8 25 $ 26 $ 26 2 85 2 33 1 60 3 00 $ 80 1 feeder... 710 t 60 8 35 $ 00 i 80 8 10 8 40 i 00 8 26 1 15 2 25 8 40 $ 30 2 75 $ 16 $ to 8 21 2 C6 2 50 40 3 80 2 SO 2 30 S 40 2 So 1 60 $ 40 2 50 $ 15 3 15 2 83 S 35 2 60 18 cows 917 4 cows 727 13 feeders.. 643 19 feeders;. 736 1 CQW 1130 1 feeder. ..1240 2 feeders. .1065 1 feeder... 840 8 cows 843 1 calf.... 6 cows... 7 cows... 11 cows... 6 cows... t cows... 1 cow.,.. 110 1U18 , 807 , 850 , 883 21 feeders.. 760 5 fcedors.. 748 8'J0 800 18 cows 867 99 feeders.. 1096 26 feeders.. t6 2 feeders.. S&0 46 feeders.. l'llll 18 feeders.. 10C2 0 steers. ...Iff 5 1 bull ia) 67 cows 1008 1 cow 890 2 cows 10', 6 12 cows. Ki8 50 cows.., $ cows... 8 cows.., 1 cow. ,, 43 Cows... $ bulls.., 8 cows.,, 11 cows.. ..1004 .. 803 .. 908 .. 8K0 .. 841 ..1400 ..1092 .. 740 ..1036 ...1010 16 cows 1031 16 cows. 951 7 cows... 13 cows... 3 cows... 64 feeders 1014 867 746 1034 813 1 feeder.. 4 steers... 6 steers... $4 staeil .. 33 cows... 7 cows... .. Ki4 ..l(- .. U91 ..1016 .1200 .1119 i cows. li cows. 18 feeders.. 820 z cows. 7 heifers... 8u2 25 cows 814 81 steers. ...123 13 steers.. ..1244 2 feeders.. 910 1 feeder... 780 1U0 feeders. 1122 4 steers.... 805 COLORADO 15 heifers... 855 2 : 8 feeders.. 802 $ 20 2 00 2 76 2 00 2 60 3 heifers. ..1076 2 60 $ 60 $ 60 1 90 1 heirer.... 770 20 heifers.. $16 5 heifers., 820 6 calves... 280 16 feeders. $ eulves.. 14 heifers. 11 cows.... 81$ 283 722 $57 1 85 IDAHO. 8 ro 17 feeders.. $71 $ 10 $ 00 WYOMING. 2 cows.. 1 cow... ..10S0 ..1020 S feeders.. 848 2 76 6U feeders.. 898 $ 40 SOUTH DAKOTA. 18 steers.... 1264 8 80 60 feeders.. 917 I cows 1010 1 90 6 feeders. .1117 2 00 MONTANA. 1 steer 1460 2 steers. ...1280 12 steers.. ..1348 6 steers.... 912 1 steer 990 87 steers.... 13ii2 $ 60 $ 60 $ 60 $ 10 $ 10 4 00 2 85 1 feeder. ..1110 $ 55 $ 66 $ 00 266 19 steers., ..1289 1 feeder. .MM 4 cowe 1092 4 steers.. ..1275 4 00 147 cows.... 9u7 N. Campbell Neb, $5 feeders.. 1056 $30 I feeders.. 1056 U Anderson Neb.. 8 75 2 20 8 00 Deem 4 cows... 22 cows... 1 feeder. 1 calf.... 1158 2 00 17 steers.. ..1184 .lro 2 60 1 bull littO .1060 $ 65 A. Goos Neb. . 300 $ 00 1 heifer.... 7M .. 784 2 85 8 cows 1016 2 00 2 60 $25 15 heifers., 17 heifers... 621 2 o 13 feeders.. lues R. D. Fltxgersld-Nok. 25 feeders.. loEO 8 30 Heard Bon Nab. 20 feeders.. W8 3 20 , 3 cows.. 994 toe 2 40 3 60 11 feeders.. 1032 5 ( 8 cows-,, 2 00 Shlraek-Neb. 7 OWS Ja S3 steers.... 1320 1 stser 10U 3 60 . 4 cows.. .1137 2 $5 $ 00 2 70 2 00 260 $60 $ steers.. ,.1446 $ 30 33 cows 10WI 7 feeders. .1110 T. T. Tollman Nab. 21 feeders.. 1( 3 16 2 cows.. J. C. Shirley-Neb. 1 feeder.. 1120 $40 1 cow,., . 930 .1060 23 feeders.. 137 3 40 Mrs. Jesss Morant Neb. 67 feeders.. 984 $ 20 2 cows 1015 $ feeders.. 946 1 75 1 bull 1180 J. K. Allen. Neb. I 60 1 66 18 feeders.. 46 8 10 14 cows. $06 180 4 feeders.. 7tt i du W. J. Barlow. Neb. 16 cows 800 2 40 26 feeders.. $12 7 cows 964 2 00 1 cow 1000 $ cows 1106 2 60 C. C. Mulloy-Neb. 35 COWS 1038 2 46 11 feeders.. 1181 A. TrlDlett Neb. 2 85 $a s a 3 75 47 feeders. .1662 2 36 i ieuers..l'i .1 feeder... 1040 3 38 It. J. Thompson, Neb. 28 feeders,. 900 3 25 a feeders.. 978 3 41 j. 1. auriuii reu. 2 feeders.. 60Q 8 86 1 feeder... 93-) M4 910 8 35 ( 3 86 3 00 3 no 8 76. $35 13 feeders., 919 16 feeders.. 8V6 X 25 $ 38 45 feeders., $ feeders.. 1 feeder.. 760 7w 960 iu;o J. $ 00 i () $ 00 I Ti 1 feeder. 1 fieder. 870 fiW) 1 feeder J feeder, feeder. 1 fedsr... 810 2 feednrs..ll06 M. Gentry-Neb. 38 steers.. ..111 3 11 I steer 1083 ISO steers. ...1U2 8 30 111 B 11 iseasni. sieo. 1( feeders.. M2 8 35 1 feeder... Mlnur ct D.. Neb 00 iss 21 feeders.. 1133 3 65 $ feder.'.H33 $1 feeders. .lit $66 3 feeders.. Iu94 $ 09 $09 w. Bhanley wyo. feeder.. 1126 I IU I feeder... 970 I 75 $ 80 I to 1 feeder... 960 8 Ti 16 feeders.. 1041 A. l-eavatl wyo tfl feeders. .1004 I rS 6 feeders.. 1008 ITS C. P. Robinson Wyo. -$ cows..... $26 19 feeders., ft 28 cows.. ...1068 2 75 1 Cow 1320 I 00 T. S. Trimmer Wyo. 43 feeders.. 71 I 3 feeders.. TS1 t 50 $1 feeders.. 9si 3 40 3 feeders.. 983 3 60 C. N. Richards Wyo. $6 feeders.. t 8 6 3 feeders.. 3 pn 1 feeder... 9 3 1 steer..,.. 1160 $80 J. T. Rutledge-Wyo. . $ eowa..... SS 8 60 21 feeders.. 998 2 35 1 cow 1060 2 10 J. F, Bock Wyo. 11 cows 1078 2 60 1 bull lf 1 $0 $9 cows 1(137 2 90 1 calf 1W $2 i 64 17 cows 1073 8 00 8 cows 1223 Western Ranches H, l. a steer. ...1125 10 T. Fresand S. D. .... 8 Steers.. ..1076 IN ,Ieow 110 SS I steer. ...1140 1 90 ' 1 bull 120 f 7 steers. ...1.N1 8 80 11 feeders.. $ i 0 1 bull HBO I 10 1 feeder... f $ CO 8 feeders.. 810 $00 $ cow 10 2 81 1 bull Il 1" 1 cw. ...100 125 J, Sturgeon- 8. P. 9 feeders.. 1110 3 6 f feeders.. 1110 160 C. Klng-9. D. 7 cows..... ?1 2 25 1 cow SOO 160 1 cow 1220 i 25 7 feeders.. 990 2 88 HOGS Receipts wers again rather mod erate her this morning, sfter deducting the nlnteen loads that were billed direct to F, ackers. Reports from other points were avorable to the selling Interests, and as a result the market here Improved a little. Salesmen all wanted a nickel advance, but packers sere not willing to put on that much, except In the caae of the choice loads which sold In fairly good season at Just about 6c morelhan the same kinds brouRlit Saturday. Trading, though, was slow, rnrtlcuiarly on the commoner kinds, and It was rather late before a clearance waa mode. The bulk of the early sales went from 35 50 to $5.26, with a top at $6 30. There was not B great deal of change In the close of tho market, as the late sales were mostly at $5.i0 and r2'J. but they wt-re not as good as those that were picked up early. The average cost of the hogs rhow that the market Is right at a nickel higher than on Saturday. Representative No ' ih. At. Pr. No. Sh. A. tt. U 74 .. ISO I '-'( 40 I US H t4 100 I SO 61 1-4 40 I 12 tl SH4 140 I to (3 t 40 I !! ! U7 .. I M tt .let 40 : aj Ma ..It r Cf 00 t l!4 71 MtllO I M TO Hi U0 t IJH (1 Ith 1C0 t 9 I Il ISO 6 42 10 110 I IS ii 171 K0 I 2HV, tl tl .. I 20 II fit SO I i (1 21,1 IU t 0 Ti 27 M I tkt 41 til 0 I 20 67 274 140 I 2:S (4 Sit 140 I SO 10 " 0 2' (1 SKI .. 6 20 70 214 40 I II1 9 ttt l0 120 14 ! .. I 2o f,J 262 120 I 23 f 274 .. 18 I) Ill 140 zt n M0 MIX U. 241 10 1 32 U. ...... 247 110 I tl (J 4 130 I tll 14 245 10 I 28 61 231 10 I ti IS fM (VIM 6f 24 SO I 2. 1. 2M .. 110 SHEEP AND LAMBS Tho moderste sup plies of sheep at all points this morning scorned to be taken by th trade as an In dication that the big rut. of western sheep is at an end, and with a good demand from all sources, competition was keen, with prices considerably higher. The general murket on fat sheep snd lambs could safely be quoted active und 104416c higher than at the close of laat week. Wethers sold up to $4 and yearlings brought $4.10. Lambs reached $5.35, and those were of only fair quality, nothing strictly cholo being on sale. It was a good, brisk market from start to finish on anything that would do to kill, and If wns not long before everything answering to that description was dlspoaed of. There was also a good demand for feed ers, and that market on that Wasa of oflerlngs could safely be quoted strong and active. Quotations for grsss sheep and lambs: Good to choice yearlings, $4.00ft4.25; fair to gcod yearlings. $3.7664.00; good to choice $3.50(63.75; good to choice ewes. $3.50ft3.i6; fair to good ewes $3.00ftj3.40; good to choice lambs. 6.26(f76.46; fair to good lambs. $5.00(3: $5.26; feeder yearlings. $3.5O-(j4.00; feeder wethers, $3.25fT3.8; feeder ewes. $2.50j3.O; feeder lsmbs. f3.25f4.60; breeding ewes, $3.00 S3.60. Representative sale: No. Av. Pr. 800 Wyoming feeder ewe.., 121 $00 9 Wyoming ewes 9 8 SS 43 Wyoming ewes 99 $ 65 664 Wyo. yearlings and wethers. 97 4 10 131 Wyo. yearlings and wethers. 91 4 10 8 Idaho ewes 80 2 60 893 Wyoming feeder ewes 92 2 00 1 South Dakota ews 70 8 00 1 South Dakota ewe 00 3 10 1 South Dakota ewe 100 8 10 129 South Dakota ewes 91 8 10 14 Wyoming ewes 97 8 25 185 Idaho feeder lambs 42 8 60 16 Idaho ewes 92 $ 66 8 Idaho ewes 100 $ 66 32 Wyoming wethers 99 $85 241 Wyoming wethers 100 8 86 1 South Dakota welher 70 4 00 893 South Dakota wethers 92 4 00 45 Idaho yearlings 67 4 15 46 Idaho wethers , 107 4 26 66 South Dakota lambs ,.w 60 5 00 83 South Dakota wethers 99 4 00 4 Wyoming yearlings 76 4 10 922 South Dakota feeding lambs. 63 4 26 86 Wyoming lambs 69 5 10 804 Wyoming lambs 56 6 10 CHICAGO LIVES STOCK v MARKET Cattle Active and Strong. Ilege, Sbeep and Lsmbs Higher. CHICAGO, Oct. 24. CATTLE Rece'pts, 27.000 head, Including 7,000 westerns; mar ket strong: good to prime steers, $.1.50"? 6 95: poor to medium, $3.b05D6.60; stackers and feeders, $2.00(U4.0O: heifers, $2.l6.0O; canners, $1.262.10; bulls. $2.00?74.26; calves. $3.OOij.60; western steers, $3.2b34.75; Texus fed steers, $4.60ti5.60. HOGS Receipts, 22,000 head; market 10c highjer; mixed and butchers. (fi.COff6.60; .T ,r.(re hesw. 86. 3016.60: roufth heavy, $4.85(515.25; light, $5,004(5.40; bulk of sales. $5.Oo05.5O. , . ' ' SHEEP AND LAMBS. Receipts. 20,000 head; market lOo higher; good to choice wethers. $3.75414.40: fair to choice mixed, $3.00(3.60; western sheep. $3.O0tr4.4O: native lambs, $3.5O.00; western lamoa, ji.wiuao. nemwr York I.lva Stock Market. NEW TORK, Oct. 24. BEEVES Re ceipts, 6,208 head; good ste-era lOo off, others demoralised and 26&40C lower; bulls steady to 15c lower; thin- cows steady: others 16(&'25o lower; steers $3.(0 tftj.50; oxen, $2.764j8.76; bulls. 2 2oQ-a.I6; cows, $1.2543.20. Cables quoted live cat tle selling at 8tt12V4c per pound dressed weight; sheep at Wile; .ambs at Urgi 13Ao dressed weight. Shipment tomor row, 850 cattle, 1,076 aheap and 4,200 quar ters of beef. CALVES Receipts, 8.7C3 head; veaU steady: grasaers 25c lower; western lower: veals, 4.506.50; grasaers, 2.50a 8 00; feeders, $3 1)4ja.50; western, $2.ti;V'(1 4.26; dressed calves steady. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 15,014 head; sheep firm; lambs firm and gen erally 1o)1do higher: some s-iles ao higher; sheep. $3.76W4.60; culls, $2.tog'2.6(i: lambs, $5.(Kfl.25; culls, $4.00df4.70; Canada lambs. $o.Cl.26. . . HOGS Receipts, 9,345 head; market 2 686o higher; state and Pennsylvania hogs, $6.604j5.90. Kansas City Live Stock MarVet. KANSAS CITY, Oct. 24. CATTLE Re ceipts, 18,700 head, including 860 hesd south erns; market steady to strong; choico ex port snd dressed beef steers, $6.26'u6.40; fair to good, $3.76(66.26; western fed sne.-s, $3,763 8 76; stockers and feeders, $2.25&l.25; south ern steers, 2.50tu3.75; southern cos. 11.600 8 76: native cows. $1 5Vfi8.Crf; native heifers, $2 60r4.60; bulls. $1.75(58.26; calvea, $2.6OW.00. HOGS Receipts. $.000 head; Ki7Hc higher; close weak; top price. $5.4S4j; bulk of ssles. $5.10j 5.36; heavy, B.85oT5 4L; packers, fc.253 8.40; plaa and lights $4.95f)6.20. . bmV-.fp. AND LAMUS Receipts. 8.000 hesd; market strong to 10c higher; native jambs, $4.26(85 00; native wethers. $3.2534.00; r-ntlve ewes. $3.00&S.66: western Inmbs. 84.25 ap. et- western vesrllnrs. $3.76f6.15: west-rn sheep. $3.25$ 90; stnekers and feeders, $2,606 x.70; l Tin ewr. iw jus.) ao. w, uian r- lings, 90 lbs., $4.10. Bt. I.nels Live feeV Market. ST. LOUIS. Oct. 24 -CATTLE Receipts. 7,000 head. Including $.000 head Texsns; mar ket stesdvr native shipping and export steers, 84 T"ifiO 00; dresstd tieef ard butcher steers, $4.15.60; steers under 1.0(10 lbs., $3.50 t4.25: stockers snd feeders, $1.757?3.S0: rows and heifers. 2.76ft4.O0; canners. .1.$S)3.00; bulls, $175(92.10: calves. 82.7M16.26; Texas and Indian steers, $2.5001.00; cow and heifers $1.7667 75. HOOS Receipts. $000 head: market stronr; pigs snd lights. 94.UygV!5; packers M 1Mf6.40; butchers and best heaty, $3.2CS' ,6.PV I SHEEP AND LAMRS-Rscelpts. f oo bead: market strone-: native muttons. $3 T'i 4 56: lambs $4 60i6- eH- and bucks. i m j2.W; Blockers. $2.0003.60; Texan. J3 .014.00. Stock In Slight. Receipt of live sto-.-k ut the six prin cipal western market- vestcMav: l,ailie. Iinpn. Oliren South Omaha Sioux Cliv .... Kansas City . St. Louis frt. Joseph ... 4hicago Total li rio 21 feeders.. 81 4.2"0 . 16,000 L ...... 8.6"rt ono 6(0 2,vi 1 80 3.9! 2200 20.O7) a.m fo.m .. 6 an ..) 700 .. 7.0 'O .. 4 W7 ..27.000 ..72.327 , Jesenk Live Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH. Oct. 24. CATTLE Re celpta. 4.7 head: market steady to strong: natives, $3.76utl 40; uows and heifers, $1.2ii) 4.86; stockers and feeders, I2.763.86. llOUS-Recela'i, l.brt lieud; market 6'JlOo higher) light, $6 14.J6; medium and kevy $5.J45 l-H. Hlio.h.P AND LA MltS Receipt, 1 94 hesd; market lOfiloo higher; top fangs lambs, $6 65. Mens city I lve Meek Market. SIOCX CITT. Is., Oct l4.(Speclal Tele, gram.) CATTLE Rwelrts. 6) headl market hlnher; best stockers, strong; beeves. $3l-V75; cows, bulls and mixed, $2.A4125; Blockers and feeders, $2.60tflsV; calves and yrnrllngs. U.2f ijl , HOGS Receipts. l.Oof. head: market $0 higher, selling at t5.06tio.20; bulk. $&.10i.le. OMAHA VMIOLKSAXB MARKET. Staple and Fancy Proenee, EGOS-Candied stock. 19c LIVE POULTRY Hens, Ho: rooster. 6c; turkeys, l.ic; ducks, 8(99c; geese, tc; spring chK-kens, 9Ho. , IH'TTER-Packli.g stock. UfflJHc; cholc to fnncy dairy. lil?o; creamery, 18ii20c; fancy print. 21c. FltFMi i-Itii Trout. 10c; pickerel. $o rlke, 10c; perch, 7c; biuefish, 12c; whltensh, lOc; sulmon, lto; radsnnpper, He; lobster, freen, 20c; lobster, boiled, 30c; bullheads, Ic; rntflsh, 140: black bass, -c; halibut, loc; croppies 12c; roe shad, $1; buffalo, 7o wMte bass, 11c: fnx lets, per doa, 3o. RRAN Per ton. 116. HAY rrfres quoted by Omaha Wholesale Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 upland. IS 50; No. 2. 8A0O; medium, $5.50; coarse, 35.00. Rye straw. $5.00. These prices are for hay of good color and quality, OT 6TER8 New Tork counts, per can, 45c; extra selects, rer ran. 87c; standards, per can, 32c: bulk standards, per gel., 11.36; bulk extra selects, per gal.. I;. 7b; bulk New York counts, rer sal., $3.00 TROPICAL FHCrTS. ORANGES-Mexican, slsse 166, 17$, 80s, 216. 16j. $4.00. LEMONS -California fancy. 270, 800 aad 360, $4TFit)6.O0; choice, $4.26. DATES Per box of SO-lb. pkgs.. $3,002 Hallowl In 70-lb. Dox. per lb., oo. Via S Calif orn Is. rer 10-lb. carton. 76H Bbc; Imported Smyrna, 4-crown, 124oi 6 crown. 14c; 7-crown, lo; fancy Imported, washed. In l-lb. pkgs., is-niso, auiornia, per case of of 36 pkgs., $2.2. HAN ANAS Per medium slied bunch. $2.0(Q:.60; Jumbo. $2.V63.50. FRWITS APPLES Home-grown Jonathan, per bbl.. 13. 00: lien Davis. 1126: New York Pound Sweets, $3.00; New Jorx Kings, 33.00; New York Pli.iilns. 12 75: New York QreenlnKS, $2.28; Colorado Jonathans, per bu. box. $1.60. f pi Al I1L.3 coioraao or tn cmiaa, tr box. 86o. PLUMS-Utali and Colorado plum and prunes, 76t)'s0c. PEARS i;tah. Colorado and California, fall varieties, per box, $1.7tV63.2I. CFLKHY Per d"t., 2tmrj"c. ORAPES-New York and Ohio, per 8-lb. basket, 21622c . CRANBKIUUE3 Cap Cod, per bbl., 6.26: per box, $2.26. ' QUINCES California, per-box, $1.75, .VEGETABLES. POTATOES New home-grown. In kaoka, per bu.. 40c. . . . TURNIPS Per bu.. 60c; Canada ruta bagas, per lb., lo. hKETS Per. bu.. 50c. CARROTS Per, bu.. 60o. , NAVY BEANS Per bu $1.751.90. ONIONS Home-grown, In sscks, per bu, 60e; Spanish, per crate, $1,7651.80. TOMATOES Home-grown, per market basket. 25ftSc. ,t CABBAGE Home-grown, per 100 lbs.. TOO. WAX BKAN8 Per market basket, $0c SWEET POTATOES Home-grown, per bu. basket, 75c: Virginia, per bbl.. $2 60. ORKF.N PEPPERS Per bu. basket, EOa. SQUASH Homo-grown, per do., 600. EGG PLANT Home-rrown, per do., 750. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Wisconsin 'wins, full cream, lie; Wisconsin Young America, 12c; block Swiss, new, 16c; old, ltv&17c; Wisconsin, brick, lZvic; Wisconsin Umberger. llHc NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, por lb., I 15c: hard shell, per lb 14c; No. 2 soft shell. 1 per lb.. 13c; No. 2 hardshell, per lb., 12o; peonns. large, per lb., ire; small, per lb., I 10c; peanuts, per lb., 7c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 8c; Chill walnuts, per b., 12fipime; Blmonils. soft shell, per lb., 15c; hard shell. 13c: chestnuts, peflb.. 12Vi16o; new black walnuts, per bu.. 7&&90O. HIDES No. 1 green, 7c: No. 2 green. Oct No. 1 salted. 8c; No. 2 snlted, 7Hc; N. t veal calf. 9c; No. 2 veal cslf. 7c: dry salted, loiil.ic; sheep pelts, 2oc(ii$1.00; horse hides. $l.W4,3.0O. St. Lonla Grain and Provisions. ST. LOUIS. Oct. 24. WHEAT Market, hlKher; No. 2 red caah. elevator, $1.16; trick, $l.l7H1fl.l84t: December 9Wkl May. 81.17st4fl.l71i; No. 3 hard. 3i.l2U4. CORN-Maikot firm; No. 3 eaeh, 6Ho track, Mlsilci December, 44c; May, 3OATS Mnrket firm; No. 2 cash, 290) track. SOHffjisic; December, 80c j May, 81 Ho; No. 2 white. 82c. ... . FLOUR Quiet; domeatlc sales only! red winter patents. $5.600.eo; special brands, higher; extra fancy and straight, $5.0066.85; clear. $4.25r4.60. , c, BVRnTlnvithv. stend.v. T5MT2.85. BRAN Dull and easy; Backed, east track, h' AY Dull snd heavy; timothy, $$.00il 12.60; prairie, tWfl9M. IRON COTTON TIES 95c ti a nniwn 7ii.if?-7: e. HEMP TWINF 7C. M m PROVISIONS Pork, higher) JobMntf, $11.17H- Lard, steady; prime steam, IT.no. Pncon fboxed), steadv; extra shorts, $8.75. Clear ribs. 9; short clonr. $9.25. POULTRY M'irket culet; chickens, $Uo springs, lCCJUc; turkeys, lCffilOc; ducks, lot ri""( Re BUTTER Market a'eady; creamery, 15J Sc: dntry 13(f-19c. EGGS M.trket quiet! 'Rc, case count Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bhls 16000 10.000 Wheat.-bu : 18' 0 0 ilrOi Corn, hu log om 43,000 Oats, bu 102.000 89,000 Visible Snpply of Grain. NEW YORK. Oct. 84. The visible sup ply of grrtin Saturday. October 22, a compiled by the New Tork produce ex chanire wns as follows: Wheat. 24,Sr5,nO0 bushels; increise, 1.236.000 bushels Corn, 8.440.000 bushels; decrease, 639.000 bushels. Onts. 24.41S.000 bunhels: Increase. 647.000 bushe's. Rvo, l.Bil.OOO bveieis: Increase, 133,000 bushel. Barley, $.052,000 bushelsi Increase, 487,000 bushels. Mllvrenke Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Oct. 24. WHEAT Pteelv: No. 1 northern. 91 .1971. 20; No. t northern. 81.1f91.19i Msy. $1.H'S1.144. CORN lc higher; No. $, 6SC59c; May, 46M 4753tye. ' RKAL ESTATE! TRANSFERS. DEEDS filed for record October 24, as fur nished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded tins true ter, 1614 Farnam street, for The Reel Mary Cussldy et Al to A. L. Spearman, part nS4 IsU section 6-14-18 $4,000 Druid Hill Building association to F. H. Davis, lots U and 13, block 8, Druid Hill, and other land... 1,700 EJlzuboth Klsasser find husband to H. I. Bailey, lot 1, bluett, 8, Isaacs eV Soldun s add 8,000 II. Glegenst to Interstate Investment Trust, limited, strip adjoining lot 2, block 7, Kountze & Ruth's add ' 1 F. II. Davis, trustee, to T. L. Davis, ' lots 12 and 13, block 2. Druid HUL and other In ml 1 Druid Hill Building association to F, H. Davis, lot 14, block 8, Druid Hill ond other lund L700 R. K. Brown et al to M. K. Brown, lots 13 and 13, block 25, Wilcox' 2d add 1 B. C. Barnes and wife to Mutual Ben efit l ife Insurance company, part lot 5, block 2, Shlnn's add 1 M. DeW. Long and wife to Florence G. Brown, lot 2, block 2, Sherwood' sub 1,000 Mary J. Hunt to Maud R. Hordlv, lot 8 and 4, block l, trail s bud son Nebraska-Iowa Creamery company to F. W. Curtis, trustee, purt of nei se4 section, 9-15-10 1,000 P Petusen and wife to J. Janota, part lot 2, block 12, 8. E). Rogers' add 1,00$ E. R. Williams et al to C. V. Coy, lot 1, block 11. Waterloo 460 Omaha Realty company to F. A. Kll- , ker, lot 3. block 11, Hhlnn's add I Elizabeth Roth well and husband to J. Nnvlll, sub lot 14, tux lot 9, Capitol add 40 South Omaha Land company to W. C. Ltimbcrt, lot 3, block 9, Spring Luke park $50 3. A. Rine. executor, to Frank Thomp son, executor, lot 10, block 10, Walnut Hill 1 Frank Thompson, executor, to R. Beal, lot 10. block 10, Walnut Hill 100 A. L. Root and wife to Msry E. Glbb et al. part nwi ne'4 section 9.16-13... 1 W. G. Mugan to Mary E. Glbb ct al, part nwV. uc section 9-15-13 1 Mary E. Kellogg and husband to Wise Memorial hospital, lots IS, 17 and 18, Kellogg Place $,000 O. H. Payne, trustee, to Nona Bald win, lot 8, block 2, 1st add to Bouth Omaha. 1 W. K. Potter, receiver of L. Koenlg, lot 23, block 2, Dwornk's add 35 H C. Cochran, to F. Thompson, ex ecutor, l"t 10, block JO. Walnut Hill.. 1 Mhtv A. Wevs to J. Drdla uid wlf, irt lot 12. block $, Kountze's 4th sub 1,154 GtO, fi. MAMS QRAIil CO OMAHA. CHAIN DUYER8 and SHIPPERS . Members: Chicago, Omaha, Ksasas Cllt ini sit. LfUls b.xchsnges. Transactions fur fuiur delivery gtveg careful attention. IA Heard Trad aid. Tel, $000,