THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, OCTORER 25, 1004. 10 t 1 :. JO Quarters or Ovtrshott ton and Rubbers TUESDAY NOVELTY PIN CUSHIONS at 25c titii. ed llolland figures, some shaped like poppies, etc.- pretty decorations for a toilet table would make very pretty gifts a good time to buy them now. Easily worth 60o and 76c all novelties at... JAPANESE NOVELTIES at 25c POWDER BOXES POMADE BOXES 30AP CASES Hair Pin Boxes, Etc. The fine Jap. I tmbotiaM figures hundred of them to choose from and every one a beau- y on gale Tuesday worth 60c and 75c at Fine Hand Mirrors at 45c Very heavy French beVel glass, with rosewood or n ebony frame in large round and oval shape -"jf-jT the kind you always pay ?1 for at, each JLKJf Extraordinary Basement Bargains FOR TUESDAY. t One big table of regular 50c and 75c men's laundered and negligee shirts, someof these' are slightly mussed, go at the ex traordinary price of, each One big table of neat styles in comfort calicos, the 7ic kind per yard 2ic One big lot of Columbia Shet land wool, reg ular prico 15 cents a skein, in all colors go at, a skien 2c Ladies' Smart Box Coats 4.98 Jaunty little shprt coat with very neat- trimming well tailored a stylish new up JV will pro at FEDERAL COURT JURY PANEl Lists of Usmes Drwn for Grand and Petit . JnVott. ' SIX ONAHA M&N ARE AMONG THE CHOSEN Several Important Civil aad Criminal Cases Are on Docket, So Novem ber Term Promises te Be 1 Bear One. The panel of the federal grand juries for the November term of the United States district and circuit courts were drawn by District Clerk R C. Hoyt and United States Jury Commissioner Tllden Monday morn- - Omaha is represented on the Jury by A. T. Ayers' of 402T Seward street and Cadet Taylor, former collector of customs for this district. On the petit Jury list Appears the names of J. H. Evans, presi dent of the City Steam Laundry company; Matthew J. Greevy, broker, tit Bee building-; W. T. Latng, editor of Country Life In the West, and W. J. Stevens, manager 'of the Omaha Oxygenor company. : The civil docket for this term Is an ex ceptionally large one and will be materially increased before the opening of the term. .-Ties last day for tiling cases for' trial wilt be on November i. A large number of damage cases for personal Injury already is noticed for trial, being mostly railroad cases. There are three or, four injunction esse of more or less Importance, among 'which is -that of the Nebraska Oas com pany against the City of Omaha, to enjoin the enforcement of certain ordinances held to be inimical to the Interests of the plain tin's. Much interest may be centered in hear ings before the United' StaCea dlstrlot court There yet remains for trial from the In dictments found by the grand Jury during . the W. B. Summers regime the Bartlett 'Richards cattle fencing cases, the' Colby case and the postofflce esse against V. M. Krwln and Postmaster Mitchell of Alma for alleged conspiracy in the sale of stamps 'In order to increase the revenue of the office at Alma, and the case against Elliott Lowe, indicted for conspiracy In the Diet rich matter. ' The session of the grand Jury will be a busy one from the fact that no less than three murder cases are to be Investigated, a bout of bootlegging cases, two counterfeit c a i F)tm -isTt,-:-i. ill v . KS LEaJJ ntnvsSBSafiBaV jj355jQ3J25J2Sa2iaatiESS3s!sBHB U ) pa i l3 . sne loons lorwara to the hour when she shall feel the exquisite thrill of motherhood with indescribable dread and tear. Every woman ghould know that the danger, pain and horror of child-birth can bo entirely avoided by the use of Mother's Friend, a scientific liniment for external use only, which toughens and renders nliahla all the narta. and aiaita niinri in its an work. By its aid thousands 1 of women have passed this snd without pa:u. Sold at $i.oo per bvttlo by druggists. Our book cf priceless value to all women sent free. Address BRjusrtoM mziiViATvn eo Attn, a. UmmJ quarters lor Rubbers ana Overs (rocs SPECIALS A sale of the prettiest hand decorated pin cushions you eyer saw. Thousands of daintj things made of all shades of silk and satin in a score of de signs many with hand-paint 25' ware, with raised and 25c Ojie big lot of remnauts mer cerized satius in all colors and in all (Trades, worth up to 40o yard, go at, yard 7 2C 0 - to - date coat 4 IJR TaaO 5c Ladies' Tourist Coats at $3 98 Thalona loosa coats with bslted basics that are making the big succes this fall made of novelty cloths O Q Q very swagger, at OeeO Ladles' Tailored Suits at $12.50 A handsome suit la the smart clothes that are so popular Dlrectolre, Military and 1 CA Butcher c at styles, at ..1-WfJU Genuine Fox Scarfs at S2.9S iu mm BMH! SONS cases and several postofflce defalcation cases.' .' ' Names for Grand Jury. Following Is the list of the grand Jury, which 1 dlrectedta-report for duty Mon day,' November 11: A. T. Ayers, 4027 Seward .street, Omaha; J. B. Boyer. Hastings; George K. Brlgham, Shelby; Walter Clark, Lewellen; Fred Clark, Valley; C. L. Copp, Taylor; Joseph W. R. Conner, Lyons; Horace Godden, Waverly; Patrick J. Handley, 6pencer; Joe A. Hays. Central Cltv: Charles Hendv. North Platte; Hans C. Johnson, Harvard; Frank Meyers, Scrlbner, R. F. D., No. 1; naner xj. mow, riainview; unarles E. Nelson, Waterloo; L. D. PosUe, Cedar Rapids: Frank Pulslfer, Scrlbner; Jutttus O. Rlchy Plattsmouth; George A. Taylor, Friend; Cadet Taylor, Omaha; Edward P. Thompson Lyons; Mark Sweeney, Lincoln, 2130 Washington; Jacob C. Vanier, Du Hois. Nebraska. Alternates: Clinton Currlg. Belvidpre; H- H. Hart. Ponca; William Mar shall, Weeping Water; D. T. Meeker. Pawnee; F. C. Phillips, Lincoln; C. B. Thompson, Auburn; E. E. Howard Edgar. Panel for-Petlt Jarors. " The list of petit Jbrors, who are directed to report for duty November 16, is: George D. Arnelt, Fremont; Charles Atkinson, Humphrey; Jacob J. Bover Hull: Eli B. Barton, Aurora: William E. Bishop, coin; William H. Curson, Ord; Courtltnd C. Cowden, Red Cloud; A. C. Dreler, McCool Junction; William Douglas, Kuskln; K E. Driskell, Wakefield; Charles E. Davenport Octavla; Frank J. Davis, Weeping Water; Justice Evanai Lyons; "J. H. Evans, Omaha; Edward B. Everett, Lyons; John Ehlurs. Scrlbner; Charles Ms Fisher, Gundy; George Foster, Scrlbner; J. H. Gatls, Lyons; Joe 8. Gordon, Hartington; Mathew J. Greevy, Hickory and Park avenue, Omaha; Mil lard F. Harrington, Harvard; George H Hayes, Hebron; Joseph Harsrh, Herman: G. W. Howe. Wiener; P. Hogue, Crete; Harry Irwin, Chadron; William E. Jakway 1 Flora park, Lincoln; John Lecronn Ken nard; . T. Lolng, Rainge block, Omaha: Joel B. Miller, Ashland; J. G. Monday Auburn; J. B. Menuey, Newport; Elmer Mannell, Craig; D. S. Mussleman, Auburn Edward P. Nellls, Hasting!; A. R. Peery Auburn: Joel A. Piper, 1731 D street Lin coln; Grant Ray, Osceola: Otto Runte meyer, Pllaer; George D. Rowland. Hol drege; E. K. Shackelford, Allen: Will J Stevens Omaha; E. A. Bandall, Brewster; J. W. Shults, Bchuyler; George F. Smith Teknmah; A. B. Scott, Franklin; William I White, York: Michael Zwlebel. Paplllion. NO REPORT 0F COMMITTEE Nothing Hoard from Commercial Clnb Mem Appointed on Eleetrle Light Bond Matter. Interest In the meeting of the executive committee of -the Commercial club Tues day noon will center in the report of the subcommittee on electrio light matters and the proposed Issue of bonds for the con struction of a municipal lighting plant. It is tiulte possible the committee will not be It the joy ol tha household, f oi without it no happiness can be complete. How sweet the picture of mother and babe, angels smile at and commend the thoughts and aspirations of the mother bending over the cradle. The ordeal through which the expectant mother must pass, how ever, is so full of danger and suffering that Jill y)j i mm OMAHA1 WEATHER TT Wednesday is Red LetterDay Brinf Your Book and Get Ten ($1) Little Green Slickers Free. Premium Parlor Second Floor. Those sensationaJ b&rains in dry goods advertised Sunday are continued Tues day. We especially draw your attention to the rousing: silk bargains. Crepe de Chine a full line of colors that are worth from $1 to $1.24 a yard of anybody's money and being sold fori these prices In this same town at Bennett's Tuesday And then there are the fancy allks, the 19 and 27 Inch wide , kinds, that instead of being: sold at the prices they are worth namely $1.50, are being sacrificed. at .. ... Better read that ad sjalit, the more we look at It ourselves the more barjaini we see in it ourselves. SBJgBBBBJMMSJBJiSBaaBI1 iSl SBJ SJSBMSJBJII GROCERY The $1 worth of Green Trading Stumps with three-ponnd can Clam Chowder ,..UC $1 worth of Green Trading Stamps with three-pound can Lib- A vby's Soups, ussorted aJt fl worth of Green Trading Stamp with pound can Bennett's T) Capitol Baklnjy Towder. . FREE FOR TUB GIKL.S A STERLING SILVER THIMBLE One that would cost you 25o free with Ave one-pound pack ages Bennett's Capitol Coffee you take orders for. Trice, "J fin per pound r. .. OC CANDY DEPT. Vanilla Chocolate Creams, ff. pound V rnnn TV DI17C fAIfPC a UUUU 111 1 liwi wnuuwf SNONESUCHPIINCE MEAT! la 2-Pie 10c Packages with List of I ready to report, however, and that an extension of time may be asked. A call for a meeting of the subcommittee Satur day failed to bring out but one member and there were no indications of a meeting in the club rooms Monday. CLAIM CHECKS HEREAFTER Nw Sjstem of Identifying Baggage la Adopted by the Union Sta tion. The Union station has adopted the sys teai of giving claim checks for baggage. Several hundred of the new checks were re ceived at the depot Monday and here after any person who sends a trunk or other piece of luggage to the depot will receive a check. Formerly It was the cus tom to lot the paasenger pick out his or her own baggage. While no baggage has been lost at the depot in this way several times passengers have been put to consid erable inconvenience by people who made s mistake by claiming the wrong trunk. One of the baggage men said: "Heretofore we had to depend on the honesty of the pasaenger. Of course there was always the danger that someone would claim a valuable trunk, but the person knows the value of his- own trunk and he isn't sure about the other one. A person who gets the wrong trunk can easily be traced, but it is the Inconvenience of the thing that counts. I recall one time where a party called for the wrong trunk and it was six months before we got track of it. The party had put it in the attio and did not discover his mistake until the next spring. Then there was a howl. When people get the wrong piece of luggage they are pretty apt to make a noise when the mistake is discovered." FUNERAL 0FJP. J. REILLY SerTlces Held at Holy Family Charch and Borlal at Holy Bepalcaer Cemetery, The funeral of P. J. Rellly was largely at tended Monday morning. The remalus were taken from the late residence, 821 North Sixteenth street, at S:90 to the Holy Family Cathollo church, where Father FlUpatrlck said mass at o'clock. Interment was made fet the Holy Sepulchre cemetery be side Mr. Rcllly's daughter, who died In Omaha fourteen years ago. The pallbear ers were: John McGorry and P. O'Malley from the Emmet Monument association, Patrick C. Duffry and Morris Kane, repre senting the Knights of Columbus; Thomas Balfe, John Rose, Edward Qulnn and J. J. Conlon, friends of the family, and W. B. Rutherford and J. I Holton, members of the Muster Painters' association. Forty of the Kuights or Columbus met at the home and escorted the remains to the church in a body. Father Fitspatrlck Concluded the rites at the grave, REPORT Tuesday Fair. IpJ- JL.J JflSBI 59c 85 c The Stove to Buy The PENINSULAR Base Burner or Range The greatest variety of styles and sizes in the city all ac popular prices what you want you can find in the Peninsular line. Base Burners up from...... 24.00 Heaters up from . . . 3.25 Steel Ranges up from. ...... 26.50 Look over our Hue before you buy. Che.5 Place to Buy Your Table Products for Lowest Prices, BUTTER DEPT. Headquarters for Best Butters. Bennett's Capitol Creamery, Or pound cV Fresh Country Butter, - Ar nminrl - SW Bulk Mince Meat, ; pound Sour Pfckles, ' - dozen ,124c .... 5c 50c worth of Green Trading Stamp with dozen Dill lr. Pickles Ia.W See the bi; window 'display. Periiisular Stoves and rianges in Harney street window, o Jt better still, visit basement for closer 'In spection. t i sai sssi aai ssa bbi bbi aas asa aas saa an PUDDINGS AND COOKIES i Valuta Premiums. Suimi i aai aas ass asa a-s aas sa3 OSBORNE GOES TO WAYNE Pastor of Sopthnest Chapel Formally Transferred to the Presbytery ' at Wayne. The Presbyterian ministers of the city met at the Toung Men's Christian asso ciation Monday morning and officially trans ferred Rev. T. C. Osborne from the pas torate of ' the Southwest chapel to the church of Wayne , in the- Niabrara pres bytery, where he had been formally called. Messrs. Woodard, a sophomore of Belle vue college, and MJttenberger, a seminary student, were taken under charge of the local ministry. Rev. Mr. Osborne was a student at the Omuha seminary, and pastor of the South west chapel during his course. His suc cessor at the looal church, which Is a mission of the First Presbyterian, has not been named. Marrlaare Licensee. The following, marriage licenses were Is sued up to noui October U. Name and Residence. ' Age. Gilbert M. Coats, Omaha 23 ttva Kent, Omaha 20 Joseph V. Hlnchman, Blair 68 Hannah Faber, Blair 42 Cyrus A. Dunn, South Omaha 28 Nettie Smith,, South Omaha., 39 Adam Kahr, 'Philadelphia..:. S3 Frances W. Seibert, Chicago , 23 .11 K. Wedding Rings. Edholm, Jeweler. Births and Deaths. The following births and deaths were re corded in the ofllce of the Board of Health up to noon October 2t: Births Edkucera, 122 South Fifteenth, boy; Andiew Oebou, 2S24 North Twenty ninth, iKjy; Arthur Sharkley, 2420 Hamilton, girl; Charles W. Mesger, 2418 South Nine teenth, boy j Somalia Dorsey, 3643 Parker, boy; William Lamoth, 293M'i Martha, boy; David Wells, 2412 Dodge, girl. Deaths Alfred Hanson, 2432 South Twen tieth avenue. 41. The LIEBIO Company glr all their energies to Extrset of Beet, from raising cattle to poctinr ths extract. That la why theirs bas baea for "forty years the first," and why It Is ths only one Imitated by Infringers, who copy Jar and labels, call their stuff "Liebig's"! sad area counterfeit the this signature. , Tha mntante of ths iars howerer, can- Dot be imitated or gualUfi be aura you get tha real "Ueblg Company's." fmMmammmmmaammmammammmammmmC ASK FO R J. 3 EX DIG COMPANY S .EXTRACT or BExr aWSBWSsaaaamafal Bssaf","lMJ25 'Tim n m TAILOR W. O- JERRE MS, Pres. 209211 5. 15th Street. Merit and Moderate Prices NICOLL'S Tailoring Is an chored to these. Large buy ing and selling for cash wide assortment superior work manship and a moderate profit on the lowest cot Thirty-five years .ve've been tested i . la n d prow ins till we've raised Nlcoll'8 name to the top for first class Tnlloriug in nearly every prin cipal city lu Amer ica. Many imitate a lew follow but Nlcoll leads and comparatively there is no second. , Trousers $5 to $12. , Suits $20 to $30. Ve have several hundreds styles of Scotch and English cheviots Imported by us many of these fabrics made es pecially for us and not to be had elsewhere. ' You'll find all the newest styles and colorings at NIcoll's. Else where, you'll pay more for not so good. FRED PAFFEN8 ATM. Mgr. $3 Welt Shoes . for Women A Box Calf, Velour, Calf, Ideal Kid, Vlcl Kid, or patent leather either lace or button. Do not think that this Is an ordinary 13 shoe we know that for one quality a m aronrt vnu Iuiva nnM13fW) and vn H $4. Our advantage is in the saving we make In expense of selling that saving we put in the quality of the shoe, and you get the benefit. We give you your money back If you're not satisfied with our shoes. Drexel Shoe Go. 1419 FARNAU STREET, Omaha's Up-to-Dati Shot Horn ASK FOR OUR FREE CATALOGUE. Wo do Glazing. 'Phono our Paint Dep't 3425. MYERS-DILLON DRUG GO. ' 4(6 Haney. 80 Per Cent Srmr' efthacsaes ef pea Slcltla are da te can. gestae bowels, sad ths fenaatloa ef alvlae e I e a . Shrader's evaporated Fig Pew t asr abaolataly pra- vcate appendicitis by ,7 .aaplng th bowels la ,- 4 seataral healthy cea Fig Powder Trial slat. Ma. Saapla rna. Larae stie, SW. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co Omaha. Dlatributera. far aala kr all Srusslata, msmm VA 5 1 rU' "ml .i ;'.. A at J ml a. "1 ji 'J TUESDAY A DAY OF GREAT BARGAINS THE MKLfaBLBl STORK. AXMINSTER DAY Wednesday, October 26, at Hayden Bros Peldmont and Smith Carpet Mills Surplus Stock at Half Regular Prices. TWT OREAT PURCHASE INCLUDES CARFET8. WITH OR WITHOUT BORDERS. ALL PERFECT IN STYLE, QUALITY AND DESIGN REGULAR PRICK $1.26 TO 12.00 A YARD YOUR CHOICE NOW, - YARD stnrii win h rndv for vour Kplertlnn-a . m.. Wednesday, October 26. rrsprved 'ln three-quarter Axmlnsters. tunity like this only comes once. Make your selecltons early. If you do not need the goods now make a partial payment and we will hold them for you. ' Wool Dress Goods Sale From 2tokP. M. Tuesday We Will Sell Goods Worth up to $2.50 at 39c. 50-lnch All Wool Scotch Mixtures. M-lnch 64-lnch Broadcloths. 48-Inch Novelties. Black and Colored Evening Shades worth up to $1.98; Mohairs, Sicilians and other goods, worth up to $2.50 yard only one pattern to a customer length from SVs to S yards, at, yard No dealers sold on this sale. Interesting Grocery Price Quotations WATCH OUR ADS. THERE'S MONEY IN IT FOR YOU. MANY DOLLARS SAVED BY BUYING AT HAYDEN'S. Fresh, new goods at lowest prices. Vege tables are fine in quality and the crop so abundant that prices are lower than ever before. I New Evaporated Blackberries, lb 7He i Pearllne, pkg Jo New California Raisins, very fine, lb... 5c 4-pound package Gold Dust loo New Kvaporated Applee, lb THc t-pound can new Pumpkin 6c New California Prunes, lb SVic 3-pound can new Hominy 6o New Currants, lb 6V1C 1-pound can new packed Tomatoes...... Bo Ryrup, quart 7ftc 2-pound can new parked Corn 6o Ji lbs. nuro Cane Granulated Sugar 2-pound can new packed String Beans.. 6a Yonst Foam, pkg 2c New kiln dried Cornmeal, lb 2o Kiln Dried Oatmeal, lb 2c I All Sweet Cookies worth 15c to 20o OCn 10 bars all brands of Laundry Soap 25c pound in this sals i pounds for In Crockery Department High grade Imported fancy Decorated China. These goods sell regularly at On from 25c to 11.60 per article. Choice Tuesday,' each ,w -2 A YD Eft BROS. I ir L a saari r liX-esmmalBwa- n aaai mrm ffrfi BT I Bis 'raw''-; w MV 'Ssw ' ? kv. sr n,l3 Right m Front of the Elevator A very handsome suite of two rooms, suite C04, Immediately In front of the elevator Is vacant It Is one of the most desirable suites in The Bee Building Hardwood floors and finish, electric lights, running water. Faces Farnatn street a private office and a waiting room, or work room. Kent $30 per month. R. C. Peters Co., , RENTAL AQENTS, . N GROUND FLOOR BEE BUILDING." Selected by the Government . To carry the United States Overland Mail across the Conti nent on account ot its being the best and most direct line. UNION 204 Miles Shorter to Salt Lake City 278 Miles Shorter to San Francisco 358 Miles Shorter to Portland VIA OMAHA THAN ANY OTHER LINE. ELECTRIC LIGHTED TRAINS DAILY Inquire ol Cltr Ticket Office, Stops itching- of CjOING'I. GOING-1! GQNEIU. HEBPIODE WIL JAYETT HERPICIDC k . . r . . I" Ths trig sal Icaidr (bit "H u tat Gira." Quits Houlj -Quite Attridlri. The woman with homely features will ftot lack attractiveness If her head IS crowned with an abundance of bjautu on i ha other hand, tne kVaf Staraa, II VS. Mas SK. iusii, w acariviuE . a, ikks., nr s ssi. SI1ERA1A1N & MsCOINELL DIIUQ CO.. paclal Asjrcnta. APPLICATIONS AT PROMINENT BARBER SHOPS. YOUNG MEN Fai-l a little better about It when the f asement rlnf of us. fl'he iav tlieui liolil J0 to tlsu hsve a nh'e line or oiner stones, not so expensive aiplilr'S. o),il, Cuniuolnu tii. 17 and up. rJoenJ a tw minutes in our stum. took for the name. , S. W. LINpSAY. Jeweler, Isle Douglas St. - TUESDAY A DAY OF GREAT BARGAINS OVER 10.000 TARPS OF AXM1NSTER 87k Nothing See our Sixteenth street window. An oppor- All Wool Zlbellnes, M-tnch Tenier Suitings, 39c PACIFIC is 12 Hours Quicker to Sail Lsks City 16 Hours Quicker to San Francisco 16 Hours Quicker to Portland 1824 Paraam Stv 'Phone 816. tha scalp Instantly. WILL WE IT TOO LATE FOR nCBPluBc i hnt-i con lour i i.aiu .oses much of Its attiactlveuess If the hair Is scanty or looks diseased. Tha dan druff microbe taues dull, brittle or luatreless hair and later dandruff, Itch, ing scalp and falling hair. Newbro's Herplclda destroys this enemy of beauty and permits the ha'- to grow as nature intended. A dllli ntful bMr dreaalng. Gives wonderful results. No oil or dye. ey buy their en- diamond Is ulwuya rlsht. We to SM to ti5 and up. We Mi