1 1 . f : r- i SPECIAL NOTICES will t takes aatll la as. far tae rales eeltlea and aatll S a. am. far be aaeralasT Itilir edltlaa. Rates 1 i-m a wnl art lasertloa. It m ward theraafter. Ratklac tekea for laa taaa for tae flrat laser, tlaa. These adeertlaeaseats ataat a ma eoaseeettvely. Advertisers, ay reejaeatlasr a tii-red thrtk, eaa have aaewara ad. pressed ta a massacred letter fa eare ef Taa Bee. Aaawara ao addressed n III he deUverad aa areseatatloa of cheek. MISCELLANEOUS Day School Night School sB0YLES SCHOOL Enter Now Catalog Free H. B. EOYLES. President New York Life Omaha. R-871 CUT BATE TICKETS everywhere. P. H. Phllbln. 1506 Farnam and opp. Union sta tion. Tela. 784 and 1673. w KELLY'S TOWEL SUPPLY. Tel. 8530. K -Vol f KUniC PRIDE OF HASTINGS, rtest Q.HVJrwK -cent cigar on earth. R-969 .liTY SAVINGS BANK pay 4 per cent. R 982 CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Ml SOUTH 11TH. 'PHONB 264. We truet everybody. Have our wagon call; bllla collected monthly. ... R-M447 N17 EAGLE Utn 'Ofllce; reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. 1W-963 ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co., 621 N. 16th. Tel. 1779. R-984 SIGN PAINTING 8. H. Cole, 130J Douglaa R m STOVE&FURNACEREPAIRS 'x cl. 9WX U07 Doug. Omaha Stove Rep. Wks. R W J. MEICHIOR, machine worka. 13th and Howard. . R W THE Omaha Warehouse Co., 609 Jonea; . phone 1338; indue, atorage and forwarding. ft ssi J. E. WALLACE. TAXIDERMIST, 6"6 S. uth. . k-m PNi"".R AVI Nf". Bring your work to 633 biiwttni fax ion block. Fln n.onograme. K M644 N20 Ji YOU want to buy, sell or rent property, borrow money, sell note or account, call ut R. J, N. Y. Life. Tel. 133. Glover ft Son. R-M148 HORSES WINTERED. J will winter your horses at reasonable rtes. Large box stalls. Special attention given to the feet. A. L. Thomas, man titer. Keystone Stock Farm, Benson. Neb. Omaha 'phone L1170. KM862 24 OMAHA PLUMBING CO.. T1..884B. John Uorrlssey, Mgr. Res. Tel. 3811 K-M993 CHICAGO LAU N DRY -WE TAKE THE DIRT ' AND LEAVE YOUR CLOTHES THONE 206. 214 N. 16TH ST. R M069 Nil ADV. CUTS WKEATON, in Bee Bldg. R-985 r'OR SALE MISCELLANEOUS TOR SALE, two hard coal stoves, one nearly new. 2410 Seward. Q M8o9 24x GO TO DIAMOND Loan Office for loans; bargains in goods In pawn., 1401 Douglas. . . . . y ua J" Oh BALE Shelving, counter and fixtures. Alegeath Stationery Co., 1308 Farnani. - --. ....... Q MM JtEAttTITflS Xpgdra rabit,ll7w a "pale. 2716 N. 26th St , Q-M814 24x FOR-ftsXl&feeveral aetioiarshlps iiaflrst class standard school In .Uniaiia. comprls Ills' complete coursa In ' business, snm i. hand au4. typewriting. Inquire at Beo of- Q-86 OLrf S GASOLINE "enOIKES are reliable! Two second-hand engines cheap. ,lm Farnam t Q M679 tix ELECTRIC nickel In slot. Peerless piano players and Regina muslo boxes hlg money makers, cheap for cash or time, fechmollur k Mueller, 1311 Farnam. Tel. 1K& y -lol FOR SALE, 23 head white aprlng shoats. Will make good feeders. J. U. Segear, 11th and Missouri ave.. South Omaha. Q-Mll 24x LA8K BURNER, double heater, used one season. 2723 Jackson St Q M782 Zix 11 H. P. STEAM combination engine, also heavy platform spring wagon. J. K Mcpherson, lil E. Pierce, Cuuncll blutls. WB RENT Sewing machines, 75c week. We repair and sell parte ' for every machine manufactured. Second-hand machines from S5.00 to $10.00. Nebraska Cycle Co..' 'Phone 1563. , cornor Uth and Harney. Q-100 TELEPHONE poles, long fir timbers; cheap chit ken fence. (01 Douglas. Q 1000 COMPLETE line new and 2d-nam furni ture. Chicago Furniture Co.. 1410 DodKe. Tel 2020. . Q 101 H1CCOND-HAND safe cheap. DerlghtTlUI farnam QV ji1 KINDB of Mineral Water! gherroan i McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Q 99 TWO HEAVY HTFEl, HORIZONTAL TUB U LAB BOILERS FOR SALE. Tto b"1'"'" 1" horse rower, wnlcli have been used nut six years; mads of firebox steel, tr'ple riveted, butt and strap joints. Insurance romp ny permits of pressure cf 12S pounds. They are now In use and ran be eeer at holler house rear of Bee building. Can be delivered about August 25. Cn'! or address W. H. Bridges, engi neer, Be.e bu'lding. Omaha. Q Msucl FOR SAIR. new. handsome, 6-room cot tage; modern plumbing, porcelain bath tub: cemented cellar; shade trees; good neighborhood; JSth snd Cap. ave.; terms easy. Inquire at 607 N. 19th st. Q-S75 FINE hsrneaa and saddles, trunks, bnes; all leather suit case, 15. Alfred "Ornish, 1210 Farnam. Q-M44E N17 STEAM automobile; taken In on a trade and have no uss for It. Inquire 405 B. Illth St. . ' -. Qtet SECOND-HAND STEAM FITTINGS FOR SALE ' If you want a bargain In aieam fittings call Hiid look over toe lollowlng supplies; 1 i-iiicn jeu kin a clobe elves. Va-lnch Gate Valve. H-lnch Austin Hurlsonral Separator. .-inch Austin Vertical Separator. H. P. liorlsontal Engine. 4-lnch, 6-Inch, i-lnch and tf-lncA pip and iittlnga. These nave been taken out on account of i hsngi e In our xten.n p unt an ' rv iii gwtii ,- condition. Addreae Bee Building Co., or see W. H. Bridges, Euglueer, lies Build ing, Omaha. . . Q 63J Electrical Supplies at a Bargain We have about 200 feet 00 atra,ndeJ ekotrlo light cable aud one suO ampere kniie switch. Address lite liuiidiiiii v-u., .r .e W. H. Uridgea. Engineer, Jbee Building, i ma ha. g 3i BEST furnished flat In Omaha, lease and iurnlture cheap. Inquire at M S. loth. . : . Q-eil WR SALE, new and second-hand bllllarA and pool table, bar flxturea of all kinds; easy t payments; send fur catalogue. Xrunswlck-ttalke-Collcnder, 07 g. i,h ml., Umaka. . Q UJS TKKEE good wheels. 1921 Chicago. U-M471 t3x POOL TABLES and abow cases. 1407 Har ney SU U-iu4 WANTED TO BORROW VANTE1 Lean of ll.OtW for two or three years; real estate security. Addrtaa U bi, liee ettice, -HS.l WANTEDMALE HELP FALL TERM NOW OPEN Omaha Commercial College, 17th and Douclas Sts.. New classes In all departments. Day and evening sesslona Send for frea cata logue. Address KOHKBuLUii BROS., Omaha, Neb B 107 MEN TO LEARN barber trade; frea rell- roaa rare upon our failure 10 ccnvintB you of thin being the BEST and only re liable, moat practical barber college ll liable, moat practical barber college In me united Statee. Wrlto for catalogue today. Western barber' institute. Omaha, Neb. B 108 F. Adama Co., 1619 Howard at B 110 WANTED A collector and aolicltor. Call 61-1 Paxton block. B MSSi DRUG clerka KtUeaUrRTpTNrY. L. bldg. B 2&t WANTED FOR U. B. ARMY-Able-bodlfd unmarried men, between ages of 21 and 36; citizens of United Etates. of good diame ter and temperate habits, who speak, read and write English. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer, 13th and Douglas ts.. Omaha; Lincoln, Neb., or Sioux City, la. , B MJ7 I EXPERIENCED grocery clerks at once. Mains-Case Co., 535 Paxton blk. B M192 COATMAKER wanted. C F. Stmts, At lantic. Ia, B M427 24x IF YOU are In need of a position, call and have a "Heart to Heart,r talk with Hart, the expert, 628 N. Y. Life. ,B 468 24 WANTED, I more good men for the road who can furnish satisfactory references. Have steady positions open at a salary of 100 per month and expenses. Call or write to J. E. Faltys, secretary Western Guar anty Investment Co., 407 Bes building. B M502 REniSTERED pharmacist wanted, one who speaks German preferred; steady position for right man. Pierce Pharmacy. Pierce, Neb. B M636 24x WANTED Steam fitters at once; give ex perience, also whether union or nonunion; 3 months' work guaranteed. Address D 67, Bee. B-691 26 WANTED, man to attend furnace. Douglas. B M835 WANTED Men to learn barber trade Special Inndticements at present. No bet ter paying trade for poor man. Fe'V weeks completes. Can nearly earn ex pensps before finishing. Call or write. Molcr Barber College, 1302 Douclss st. B-M645 28x WANTED Younrf man to lea n ad-wrltlne-. Expert Instrurflon. Small fee. Add - ess K. (J., this office. B WANTED FEMALE HELP M GIRLS; Canadian office, 16th and Dodge C Ul EXPERIENCED chocolate dippers wants 1, Balduff, 1620 Farnam. . C M9J6 DESIRABLE place for good girl; house work and cooking. . Call S. E. corner Wtb. st. and St Mary's ave. . ' C M569 W A NTED Girl as cook anc 3416 Capitol ave. Mrs. 8.. D. 'undress. 'alow. C-630 WANTED A cook; references required; wages, 16. 2102 Leavenworth. C 625 WANTED At once, good girl for general housework. Apply 620 S. 27th St. C 693 24x WANTED, competent cook and house keeper; highest prices pnld to rleht pirty; no objection to one child. 2214 Dotialis. C-S88 24X WANTED Ladles t learn halrdresstng. mHnicunng or racial message. Htiort time completes. Graduates earn 110 to H5 wecklv. Diplomas granted. Call or write. Moler College, 1302 Doue-las st. C-M646 28x WANTED An elderly ladv to act as house keeper; a good home. Inquire nny even ing after 6 o'clock. 1807 Ixard st. C-M845 2Sx WANTED Good girl for light hon-work. jmny ni mo , zatn st. u Mza zbx WANTED SITUATIONS'1 YOUNG MAN desires plaoe to work for noara wnne going co scnooi; experienced. Boyles' College, , 19S4. A 9u3 SITUATION wanted, registered pharma- cist, young married man; capable of man aging store; very best references. Address -EJkJ??: A M876 27x MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. $1.00. , Have there not been times when it would have been worth more than luo cents to youT It is our business tu supply you 'v.th money when you need it and al low you to return, it In small weekly payments, as may best suit your convenience. We loan on Furniture, Pianos, 1 Live Stock and other chattels and , we make salary loans Our terms are as good as any and better than many We are the oldest co.-.crn In ou." line In the city, Witt all-round consistent deal ings to recommend us. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 225. (Establ.uhed li&Z) 306 b. 16th bt X 14 LOANS ON SALARIES, FURNITURE, PIANOS. - "T - LIVE STOCK. r. If you wish to save money see na RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. 807-4 Paxton biock. , Tel. 1411 X M202 MEN IN BEST POSITIONS Sometimes need money. We can supply the used without publicity and at lowest rates on salary or on furniture, pianos etc. Dealin&a fairest See us before bor rowing eifcewhere. Open every Tuevday and Saturday evenings until 8 'o'clock 1HE J. A. KUTTON CO.. 614-515 Paxton block. X-M2J4 BOWEN'S MONEY Easy to get on furniture, planus, horses, cows. Jewelry, saluiiea. 703 N. y. Lite X-M677 CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loan. Fo ley Loan Co., 1d04 Farnam bu X 169 MONEY loaned on salary, IurnltureJew elry. horses. Duff Green Loan Co I Barker blk. X e'li LOANS made on all kinds of chattel curlty, also on SALARIES. Low Rates. Easy Terms. Quick snd Confidential Service. Call on us If In need of MONEY. PHOENIX CREDIT CO 33 Paxton Block. X-15J MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture ijw elry, horses, cows, eta. C. F. Reed,'ji 8 Jfl ' : X-loe " MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE STAR LOAN CO., 644 PAXTON BLOCK lAn X-167 SEE FULLER, 426 Paxton biock."for loana on wutcbes, diamond and Jewelry. X 168 SALARY and collateral loana Templeton 213 Beeilcg. Tel. 24. JC-IM MONEY LOANED SA1ARIED PEOPLE and othera ' without security; easy Dav nmnts, largest business In 49 nrlnclnal cities. Tolman. Room 714. N. V. Life ' x-ioi 3 P. G. YEAR FROM 8100 to $6,000 loans on your personal note at 8 PER CENT PER YEAH. Ail good loans wanted. Call or write and got my system. W. L. Eastman at Co , liu4 Farnam, Omaha. X 134 MONEY loaned on furniture, salary, horses, etc.; half usual rates. Dr. lilo- benow. room XL at b. lilh st. Tut . B-UM. . X M4.S FLORISTS HESS SWOUODA. 1415 Farnam. loo L. HENDERSON. IGlt Farnam. Send for price Usl of cut Powers and plants. -ltl AI FHKD DONAGHUE. JK, UU7 Farnanv Tel, lilt. iii THE OMAHA About Rentinff R00171S. The Ak-Sar Ben rlsitors are all gone. Your rooms are vacant again. Feople are chang ing their quarters. Now is the time to advertise. Isn't it cheaper to place a small want ad in The Bee and have it rented than to have vacant rooms on your hands? F0RRENT FURNISHED R00MS ROYAL HOTEL. European, 16th 4k Chicago. E-H DEWEY, European hotel, Uth and Farnam. Xu ill VIENNA HOTEL, 1011 Farnam; fine rooms, ladles' csfe, privsle dining r. ; open nlgbta BS 118 SOUTH room, modern. 524 8. 26th are. E MI42 24x NICE comfortable room for one or two gentlemen; very reasonable; modern. lern. i: E M914 n. itn WEST BELLE HOTEL. Bt Louis. Mo. Rooms 81.00: permanent brick building. Write for booklet. 10 minutes to World's lair. e-hdw 2x SUITE of front rooms and other room; modern, lis B. 20th. E M334 26 FOR RENT, small room to students. 12J Douglas. K M836 LARGE well furnished alcove room for light housekeeping. 1623 Douglas. E M837 WELL furnished modem room,- centrally - located, reasonable. 1623 Douglas. E M8SS NICELY furnished rooms, with all modern conveniences. 'Phone 4046. Nirses or gentlemen preferred. 2619 Jonea st. E M829 MIDLAND hotel, lth and Chicago; steam heated; medium price; cafe in connection. E M680 LARGE, well furnished room. 824 S. Wth. IS M6S4 .4X THREE or four furnished or unfurnished rooms (connected) for light housekeeping. 706 North Both St. E 663 25x 1916 CHICAGO Newly furnished room; ev ery! ning modern. mMsn zx 2101 FARNAM Nicely furnished rooms; everything handy. E MS10 26x 1720 DODGE Neatly furnished rooms; mod ern. E M869 2dX 1721 DODGE Steam heated rooms; modern. E M868 25x 1711 DODGE Back parlor and single room. E MS67 25x 1318 DAVENPORT First-class; everything modern. E MS66 26x 407 N. FOURTEENTH Well furnished; every convenience. E MS65 25x WANTED, gentlemen roomers at- 2051 N. 19th st. Rooms are modern. E M7SS 24x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD O. M E., TEL. 611. MESSENGERS AND BAGGAGE. F-120 THURSTON HOTEL; steam heated rooms, il.60 to 84.00 per week; board. 88.60. F-121 VICINITY of high school, modern, south front rooms. Including board, 86 per week. 2406 Casa 'Phone A-2693. F-123 MIDLAND hotel, 16th and Chicago; steam heated rooms, with or without board. F-M-81 DOUBLE parlors, well furnished; hot an5 cold water in rooms; also large closets; board; rates reasonable. 618 S. Uth. F 124 THE MERRIAM. TEth and Dodge St. TeL 86. Family hotel. . F-M458 ELEGANT front room for two, reasonable; . furnace, modern. , 818 S. 20th. F M583 24x WELL furnished rooms and board. 626 S,.20tb, F M585 24x 609 8. 2Cth ave., pleasant room; ' good F-603 board; private unuy. SUITE of elegant all modern, well fur : nlshed large frnt rooms; convenient for two or three refined gentlemen. 2034 N. 19th. F M478 GOOD suite of rooms at the Bachelors for three people at i6 a montn. xovi z 2 NEWLY furnished front rooms; all mod ern conveniences. 217 e. Zotn Bt. rnone F-2610. F-690 2SX LARGE front room for man and wife or two gentlemen, wun nrst-ciasi do -re; n vate family. 1066 S. 29th st. F M790 25x ROOM and board for two gentlemen nt $4 per week. uia (jaiuorrua. am NICELY furnished room, with excellent board, for two. in private iamuy. Ad dress B 4, Bee office, or 'phone B-21S7. F-MS18 24 ROOMS and board; modern. . 618 S. 19th. X M3M zax NICE, large room; everything modern. 2223 BUSINESS CHANCES I WANT to rent a furnished hotel from 20 Address J. W. Layton, Y M890 25 to 50 rooms. Avoca, Ia. FOR SALE, furniture of 10-room flat, 8500; . mnr ,.nn T 1 . . v. VCDTO Ol FOR SALE A 6-chalr barber shop; fine location, room and nxtures. For par ticulars address Lock Box 935, Des Moines, Ia. Y M726 24 ABBOTT-COWAN CO.. 1st Nat. Bk. bldg.. . . . i . ...!-. tr mi Cttil k yuu 1M ur uui ui uubiiicbsi w SHOLES-ARMSTRONG CO.. 722 N. Y. Life. Tel. 49. Y 896 TO get In or out of business, or If you want to buy or sell real estate seo Omaha Real Estate and Business Chance Agency, 4uo N. Y. Life bldg. Y 996 WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange your property or business quick, see J. II. Johnson. 843 N. Y. Life. 'Phone L2270. Y-997 DRUG Stores KnlesL R. P., N. Y. L. bldg. Y-iS4 BAKERY and confectionery, cheap. C 8. Bea Y-487N1 PHYSICIANS located. Knlest, N. Y. L. Y-M807 GREATEST gold camps the wnnd hna known are Tonapah and Uoldtlelil. We are headiiuartera for -these stocks at S-ound-floor prices. M. J. Greevy, 414 ee bldg. 'Phone L-2330. Y 661 STOCK of general merchandise for sale within twenty miles of Hastings. Ad dress Box 14. Hastings, Neb. Y 594 27x MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE FARM and city loans; low rates. W. H. Thomas, First Nat l Bank Bldg. Tel. 1641 W 173 PRIVATE money. F. D. Weed, 1620 Douglaa W-173 WANTED City loans and warrants. W, Farnam Smith 4s Co., 1320 Farnam St. W-1J4 MONEY TO LOAN. Payne Investment Co. W-175 ( PER CENT loana Farnam. Garvin Bros., 1604 W-176 LOWEST ratea Bemls, Paxton block. W-177 MONEY to loan on real eatate at i and &V per vent. W. B. Melkle, 206 Rainse bldg. W-178 PRINTING LYNOSTAD ft RUFFNER. PRINTPWC'ounse Block. Corner of rrm I CIOlu,0 BL ,nu Capitol Ave. lilt KRAMER ft CHANDLER. QUICK PRINTERS, 1106-04 Douglaa at. To de liver work whn promised la our hobby. 140 PRINTINO Not how cheap, but how good, la our mono. Ureat Western Printing Co., )C Chicago. 'Phone 8631. lai I. M. 8IRPLKS8. reliable printer; estab lished 13 ycara XuJ b. Uth at, Omaha, DAILY BEE: MONDAY. OCTOBER 24. 1904. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE SWEDISH COLONY 8,000 Acres OF FINE IRRIGATED LAND At HERS HEY, NEB.. ON THE MAIN LINE of the UNION PACIFIC RAII WAY In the GREAT PLATTE VALLEY FINE CLIMATE, FINE SOIL, FINE CROPS, PURE AIR, PLEASANT BUM MERS, DRY WINTERS. ALFALFA AND SUGAR BEETS are raised here in large quantities and are greater wealth producers than anything else raised on a farm. This land will be sold from 820 per acre 'up, the average being 835 per acre., This is the home of the SWEDE, the people here are of one NA TIONALITY. SWEDES ONLY; near to Swedish church and school. This is the chance of a lifetime for Swedes. Special Excursion Next Friday, October 28th. Write at once for full particulars concern ing this colony before it is too late. Ad . dress PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Main Floor New York Life Bldg., OMAHA, NEB. RE MS31 25 82,200.00 All cash, will buy 7-room frame reciaence ana gooa lot, nve diocks irora the postofTice, on paved street with pave ment paid, If taken at once. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room i. New York Life Bldg. RE 689 FOR SALE, one note of 81.306. due In one year, eecured Vy first mortgage on good Improved Omaha property, bearing I per cent interest, payable semi-annually; also one Lote for $1,600, due on or before three years, interest at 6 per cent, payable semi-annually, secured by first mortgage on good property. Both are absolutely safe and given by respectable parties. Address the owner, S 26, Bee office. RE-M45S CORNER, four blocks from postofftce. In quire 624 6. 26th ave. RE 66o 27x THE property whre 1 now reside 510 S. 25th ave., beautiftil shade trees ana lawn; t will pay you to- investigate if you are looking for a pleasant home. A. H. I Long. 510 S. 26th ave. RE M810 Williamson Xo..u-t1 .. . RB Ul Four-room house, ... city ..-water, house newly papered and. painted, south front, near car line,"' a bargain 3700. Nearly new- house on car line with five rooms, modern except furnace; if sold this week 3L 700. j. SHIMER ft CHASE, 1609 Farnam St RE 460 NOTICE MH) Pee BMr is the rlsce to gt FIRST-CLASS RENTAL PROPERTY. SECURITIES. FIRE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE. BORROW MONEY AND BUY YOUR FINE HOMES AT A BAR GAIN. CALL AND SEE US. KENNY REAL EST. & INV. CO. j i ' RE M787 29 BARGAIN to home. purchasers. If vou mean businesa Call 436 Board of Trsde. RE M917 24 FARM. . . ... Farm of 75 acres 3H miles directly west of the So. Omaha stock yards; about 60 acres In cultivation; fair Improvements; this tract Is especially well adapted for feed ing. Price only 37,750. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO,. 1320 Farnam Street RE 520 IF YOU want to buy, sell, rent, borrow money, sell notes or sccount, call at R. i, N. Y. Life. 'Phone 133. Glover ft Son. ' RE M28S S-ROOM cottage, full lot on S5th south of Frances st., only 8 blocks from Hanscom park. Monthly payments. Phone 463. G. M. Nattlnger, Bee Bldg. RE M812 25 SWEDISH- COLONY Just Put on the Market. ' 8,000 ACRES of IRRIGATED LAND at HEHSHEY, NEB., on the MAIN LINE of the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY, FINE SOIL, FINE CLIMATE, FINE CROPS. Must be aeen to be appreciated. 8peclal excursion next Friday. October 2S. For further particulars call on or ad dress the PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Main Floor New York Life Bldg., OMAHA. NEB. RE M830 25 DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? If you want to sell a lurm or ranch tell the farmers and stocx raisers about It. The best way to reach them is through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER This agricultural vmrWly g'"" ' ' !VW homca of farmers and stock ralsera. so if you have a good piece of Ian: to sell at a reasonable price you w.li find a buyer among' them. 'Ihe coat of an adver.i-emunt la small 2 cents per word in sma.l type or 82.53 per inch if set In large type. FOR SALE HORSES & WAGONS HIGH grade, rubber tired, Watertown. tasy riding buckboard; an eastern novelty ..ood us new, at a big inclines. Johnson -a Dantorlh. S, W. Cur. loth and Jones sla P-114 FINE 3316 pneumatic Stanhope, nearly new, 11.6; open pneumatic runabout, u0. . Druin inond, lbth and Harney. P M41 NOT a horse shower, but a wagon fixer, Hsrry Frost, 14th and Leavenworth. P-U5 FOR SALE Horses for city driving or de livery, j our livery trade solicited In either buggy or carriage work. Mel choir's Liveiy Bain P 113 WANTED TO RENT WE can rent your rooms and houses. Room 3, N. Y. Lite. 'Phone 133. Olover ft tun. K M6&V WANTED Room and board, wl'h conen leiu'c.i. in private iwmil ! no lOjiulnj ur boarding houses need answer. Aud.sas K 3, Bee. - K-MuK .i WANTED Either three of four fui nlshed rooms sultauie fur llgiit houfekrep ng, or two furnished rooms with boaid, In pri vate fauiUy, D tl. Bee office. i-M82l Ux PERSONAL CHARLES PETERSEN, voice; perfect tons production; German diction; students given opportunity to appear in public. Studio. 613 W. O. W. bldg U-M517 OZ6x I GUARANTEE to leach yon French and barmen in a short time, using my own U Mi NoviOx DR. ROY. Chiropody, R. 2 at 8, 1606 Farnam. VUi MAf"iNFTIPtr,nnt hatha. Mme. HlrtUllC I l-Smlth. 118 N. 16, 8 IL R. 2. U TRY KELLEY S LAUDNRY. 'PHONE 8538 U 14U TRUSSE8 made and fitted to men, women ana cniiaren. 1408 harnam St. Hibi H. J. PEN FOLD CO. U-141 LETOVSKY S orcheitra Telephone L mi. I - Ma:i "VIA VI," way to health. 160 Bee Bldg. , U-14J TUB. vapor and alcohol hatha. 720 8. 13th. u J4 DON'T fool with your eyes; be careful who examinee them; e test eves free for lasses ana guarantee satisfaction. THE H. J. PENFOLD CO.. Leading Opticians. 1408 Farnam. U-141 ACCORDION AND SUNBURST PLEATING, RUCHING. SEND FOR PRICE LI.ST AND SAMPLES GOLDMAN FLtAlliNG CO. 200 DUtULAB aL.kL ?&U 1931 U 14 DRAWING and PAINTING from lite. Mr. Case's Art Class; studio 4, Union block, u-.n ana f arnam. u 140 WE DO expert piano moving; lowest rates. Scbmollec A Mueller, 1313 Farnam. Tele phone 1625. i U 668 N3 WANTED, the deaf to teat Instruments for the deaf at the branch office of the Hutchison Acoustic Co. of New York city, us Mew Xork life Bldg., Omaha. U-MtMH J HblLBRONN SANITARIUM, south omaha, neb Magnesia Mineral Waters for rheumatism, blood diseases, conatipation, kidney dis ease, etc. Saline and Turkish baths. Ad dress H. J. Aberly, Medical Director. U 167 OMAHA Stammerers' Institute, Ramge Blk. UIH LARSON ft JOHNSON, cut rates to all points. 1406 Farnam. Tel B2113. Mem be" American Ticket Brokers' Ass'n. U-148 USE Blanchnrd's Ecsema Lotion on skin diseases. All druggists, or address Bruce & Co., wholesale drug house, Omaha. . U MW13 N19x WANTED Dressmaking at home or will go out by the day or week. Mrs. Jessie Earlywlne, 2109 Douglas st Tel. B2381. U-622 26X WANTED, sewing In private families. Ad dress E 6, Bee office. U M8SJ 26x ART STUDIO Mrs. Livingston, 31S N. 23d st U-M797 N22 MEDICAL HOMEOPATHIC medicine, wholesale, re tail, Sherman ft McConnell, Omaha. 135 DR. PRIES treats sucessrully all diseases and Irregularities of women, from any cause; experienced and reliable. Address, with stamp. Dr. Pries, 1611)4 Dodge St., Omaha. 136 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sanl. tarlum 728 1st ave.. Council Bluffs, Ia Tel. 774. 626 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies boarded and adopted. Mrs. Gtr dell. 2216 Charles. Tel A2618 137 FOR RENT HOUSES HOUSES, blk. insurance. Riugwalt, Barker D 167 MODERN 7-room dwelling, one block from Hanscom park 824. 'Phone 623. D 33 HniKFC. In al! parts of the city. The nUUOCJ o. F. Davis Co., 608 Bee bldg. 1j lu THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pnek, move and, store H. H. goods. Storehouse, 1120-24 N, lfllll. Office. 1611H Farnam. Tel. 1659. - D 160 WE MOVE ' pianos. Maggard Van & Stor age Co. Tel 1469. Office 1713 Webster st. D 179 U HI 19 F; in Parts of the city. R. C. I1UUOCO Meters ft Co., Bee Bulldin ' U-lil PAYNE-BOSTW1CK ft CO., choice houses. 601-603 New York Life Bldg. 'Phone 1016. o is; 2018 WIRT ST., 12-room al. modern brick house auu nru, i-him.. . .. . heat: excellent condition. t-Ji. A. J Ellick, 802 City Hall. D 902 SEE M'CAULEY EXPRESS CO. for moving, storage, baggage delivery, 609 8. 15th. TeL 1454. D-M1SS 10-ROOM brick, furnace, gas, bath, laun dry (not basement plan), near high school, 2601 Capitol ave., adjoining Dr. F. Swaitslander. D 491 26x HOUSES FOR RENT BY GARVIN BROS., 1604 FAKNAM. 8823 North 24th. choice 6-ruun uli modern cottage, w. 2932 North 25th, good 8-rooin, modern but furnace, barn, iSt. 2638 Dodge, 8-r.. all modern, 326.50. ' 844 Park ave.. 6-r. collage, iM. 2916 Shirley, 8 rooms, bath, U0. 1216 So. 7th ave., bath, gas, t'JO. S319 Dewey ave., 6-r.' cotluKe, 410. 6123 No. 17th, 6-r. cottage. $6. D 628 FOR RENT Modern eight-room house, No. 2670 Poppletou Ave. Inquire at 2606 Poppleton Ave. D 695 24 , FINE,' large brick house. Inquire of Mrs. Savage, 410 North 22d street. D-M791 2s HANSCOM PARK RESIDENCE, mouern, 9 rooms and laundry, poicelain baih, i30 S. 31st st-335. Inquire S. A. S aria, 314 Omaha Nal'l ba..k. Phone F-Jtra. D-M..17 24x TEN-ROOM modern house In fine location; 845. 1101 8. 3" til uv. Inquire above ad dress. , D M847 24x FOR RENT, Nov. 1, 6-room cottage, 22d and California. 822. Apply at 6u7 N. 19th St. D M861 3511 DODGE, 6 rooms. 832.50; furnished, 340. i. F. Kerr. 8 Bee bldg IIKJt 24x FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES A 110 OFFICE in the Bee buldlng carries with it all the aouveuieiices and advan tages in the way of heal. Hilhi, Janitor service, all night and all duy and buuuy elevator service. A 810 olilce is now va cant. Call at once. K C. Peters ft Co., ground nooi. Bee bulldlug. 1 - 8-STORY and basement brick building, 1003 tiinrnn, iaxloo, hydiaulio elevator, suit able for wholesale or manufacturing. 314 First Nat l Buna building. 1-.A IF a GOOD light Is needed we can show you a north front office on the imh floor, a splendid room, at the moderate price ot 3 J R C. Peteis ft Co.. ground flour. He building. FOR KENT is office. 713 N. Y. LJfeBldg. OSTEOPATHY Johnson Institute. 616 N. If. Life bldg. Tel lGt MRS. JOHN R. MU81CK, Osteopsthy Phy. siciaa; utnes. Dougias block, 'lei. -131 DR. FARWBjX, specialty nervous diseaie. o4 Paxton. 133 Huntington ft Stratton, 833 N. Y. Ufa 64 N4a SECRET SOCIETY NOTICES MAgOKIc AWOOTM"T. Maeealo Te-aaale, Car Clxteestat aa Caal- lei Ansa, CAPITAL LODGE, NO. i. A F. ft A. M Special meeting Monday, October 24. at 7:30 p. m. work In M. M. degree. Visit ors welcome, R. V. Cole, Master. John Bamford. Secretary. KMC.HT9 OF PYTHIAS. NEBRASKA, LODGE. NO. 1, K. OF P. Regular meeting mnnaay evening, ucto- ber 24, at 7:3". visitors invited. P. B. Anderson, C. C. Roy A. Dodge, K. R. ft 8. I. O. O. F. STATE LODGE. NO. 10 Meets every Mon day In I. O. O F. hall, northweat corner r ourteentn ana uonge streets. C. M. Coffin, Sec., 1614 Dodge FOR EXCHANGE WILL trade sew!r.t machine for type writer. Neb. Cycle Co., iftin ana tiarney. WHAT have you to exchange for a piano? ferneia xiuno iu., iuu ciuoiu. iui. AW IF THERE Is nothing in this column you want, put an ad in and you will soon get it -m WILL exchange beautiful piano for driv ing or draft horse. Schmoller ft Mueller, ui? t ar nam. & juvw s WILL exchange high grade piano for type- writer. Schmoller Mueller, km r ar nam. Telephone No. 166. Z-M488 8 CLAIRVOYANT GYLMER. palmist, 715 N. 23d. Tel. B3245. i-iii WONDERFUL TRIAL READING; THE only dead trance medium In the world; those In trouble from any cause, his help Is priceless; send 10 cents, x-ceni stamps, date of birth, own handwriting. DR. JO SEPH LESTER, S97 Main street, Du buque, Ia. Mention this paper. 8 M725 26x WANTED TO BUY SIIONFELD. the ANTIQUARIAN, 822 N. Y. Life, pays highest price for books. Tel. 8C36. N 126 GROCERY stock. The Mains-Case Co., 634-36 Paxton Block, Omaha. N M193 CASH for your horses. Melcholr's Livery barn. - N-127 PATENTS PATENTS H. A. Sturgls. registered attor ney. 1'aients, trade margs, copyngntc No fees unless successful. 517 New ynrk Life building. Omaha, Neb. 129 SUES ft CO., Patent Lawyers; advice free. Three offices: Bee building. Omaha, iseo 181 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111., and 1003 F St.. Washington. D. C. Tel. 1C23. M fi2 N3 LAW AND COLLECTIONS E. F. MOREARTY, Attorney, 437 Paxton. Tel. A-zost. its JOHN M. MACFARLAND, New York Life bldg., rooms 304 and 319. Tel. 166& -164 COLLECTIONS promptly reported. 534-1 paxton block. sai SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Llfa 165 POSTOFFICE NOTICE (Rhnuhl be read DAILY by al! interested. as changes may occur at any time.) Fnreian malls for the week ending Oc tober 29, 1904, will close (PROMPTLY in all cjiesi ut I lie grllelMl 0OSlUlllCe US toil.' MS. Parcels-post malls close one hour earlier than closing time shown below. Parcels- nost mulls for (iermny fx. it ., p. ml October 26, per s. a. Deutschland, and Oc tober 28, per s. s. Pennsylvania, via Ham burg. Ree-ular and suppiementnrv P'llls clo at foreign- station (corner of West and Morton streets) half hour luter than dot ing time shown below (except that supple, mentary ma!!: for isurope and Central America, via Colon, close one hour later at the foreign station). Transatlantic Mnlls. TUESDAY (25) At 7:30 a. m. for ITALY direct, per s. s. rnns usitar (man must oe directed "per s. s. Prlnx Oskar"). WEDNESDAY (2ti) At 6:30 a. m. for LIVERPOOL, BCOTLAMU, 1HELAN1) and FRANCE, per s. s. Teutonic, via Queenstown and Liverpool (mall for other parts of Europe must be directed "per s. s. Teutonic"); al 7:30 a. m. for NETHERLANDS direct, per s. s. Noor dam (mail must be directed "per s. s. Noordam"); at 11 a. m. for NORWAY PARCELS POST MAILS, per s. s. Helllg Olav (regular mall for Denmnrk must be directed "tier s. s. Helllg Olav"). THURSDAY (27)-At 3: a. m. for EUROPHJ, per s. s. Deutschland, via Plymouth, Cherbourg and Hamburg (mall for France must he directed "per s. s. Deutschland"): at 7 a. m. for FRANCE. . SWITZERLAND. ITALY, SPAIN. POKTIMIAIj, TUKHBX, KUJrT, GREECE and BRITISH INDIA, per s. s. La Gascogne, via Havre (mall for other parts of Europe must be directed "per s.s. La Gascogne"). FRIDAY (28) At 6:30 p. m. for AZORES ISLANDS, per 8. s. Romanic, from Bos ton. SATURDAY (29) At 6:30 a. m. for IRE LAND, per s. s. imtirm. via uueenstown and Liverpool (mall for other parts of Europe must De airecteo. -per s. s. t;m brla ); at 6 a. m. ror EUROPE, per s s. St. Paul, via Plvmouth and Cherbourg; nt 8:30 a. m. for BELGIUM direct, per s.s. Kroonland (moll must be directed "ner s. 8. Kroonland"); at 8:30 a. m. for . ITALY direct, per s. s. Koenlgln Lulen (mail must be directed 'Tier a. s. Koenlgln Luise' ). Malls (or Booth and Central America, West Indies, Etc. MONDAY (24)-At 12:30 p. m. for BAHA MAS and CIUDAD BOLIVAR, per 8. s. Itaties. TUESDAY (20) At 9:30 a. m. (supplemen tary 10:30 a. m.) for NICARAGUA (ex cept East Coast), HONDURAS (except East Const). SALVADOR, PANAMA, CANAL ZONE, ECUADOR, PERU. BO LIVIA and CHILI, per s. s. Advance, via Colon (mall for Guatemala and Cauct Denartment of Colombia must be directed per s. . aut.ik . .. itir HAITI, per s. s. Prlna der Nederlanden (mall for Oonalves, Curacao, Venezuela. Tvinlriari and Guiana must be directed "ner s. s. Prlna der Nederlanden"): st 12 ni. for BARBADOS and NORTHERN BPAZIL, per s. s. Maranhense, via Bar b"ilns. Pnra and Manaos. wfnNFPnAY (?1 At 9 n. m. for AR GENTINE. URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per s. Asuncion de LnrHnsga; at 9:30 n m. (supnl"'en1arv 10:30 s. m.) for INAOT'A. HAITI. -SANTA M RT A nnd othrr piirflsnln MAODALWNA DFP'T. COLOMBIA, per s. s. Adirondack; at f-'VV p m (siinnlem'Tilsev 1 n. m ) for TI'PKH ISLAND snd DOMINICAN HE. PUBLIC, rr s. s. Cherokee; at 1:30 p v .tinnleentS'V 1 O. m for 8T THOMAS ST. COIY t,FRWnn and WINDWAPn ISIANDS and GUIANA. t- s r. Mnnoa (mnt for Orenadi snd TrnMrt must be directed "per s. s. Hfonos"). TVfnoniV (271 At m for CUBA VT'PIT N sr1 CA MPFCH"!, p-r s. s. Vlfllsnrli fmel for other parts of Merlco must he directed "ner s. V'sHancia"): at 9 . m '"inplementarv 10-0 a. m ) fo viPpni'A fexoopt iTqst Coist), llWrn'RAfl fexcent Et Co-t). T vinno pM4MA CIVAI, nT FCUADOP rFRtT. TOT lVlA and Cl-ir.I. pt . s Cltv of Washington (mall for n,,at-s)a snd Cucn rrtnirtment of foiiwfti rpilst he dlfed "ner s. s. Cltv of i'nh'neton" : 1 'snnnlementTv 5-l n ".) foe nHAM n . m. "n eoa (r-ell for Mlco. vli Ts"inlcn. wut be rM'eotfd "ner s. Seneca"); S 1? m. ,..t,..ntarv n m) for R4HA. Al r" s. s. A,"', '"all must bo dt. .4 "r- m. s. A ""Ha"). p-wriAY At i'-'! -. rn. foe PB47TT.. rer s s Fsten T-nr. vs lrnamhneo, To 'inK-io "t "tpo (msll for Vorfh. rn T'r'l Awotlne T'msiisv an' Pr. ,.v iist b rce4 "n "sstern rtnoe"f " 'or BERMUDA, per B. f r-orf Ma'tfsx .,i-priiv " - - (""!'. "90 - "OPTO RICO rrnirin an1 VIvurrri.A. ner a. Tmi-iH,.tMs 'mH '"r fVijomMi, vis pr,r.. w.,si pe i"-eciea. fr m phllnrtelphls"); at f W a. mentary 10:30 a. m.) for fsunn'e- FORTUNE POSTOFFICE NOTICE ISLAND. JAMAICA and COLOMBIA, except Mag.lalena Dep t. per s. . Alle ghany (mall for Costa Rita must be directed "per s. a. Al eghany' ); at 1 a. m. for CUBA, prr s. s. Morro Castle, via Havana: at 12:30 p. m. fr Cl BA. per a. s. Curltvba. via Matnnsas (piall must be directed "per s. s. Curltyba . NOTICE Five rents per half ounce ui addlt'.on to the r. uwr poi.ige 'iiiist be prepaid on all letters forwarded by the Supplementary mans, and letters deposit, ed In the drops nnrked "Ittr for for. elgn countries." fter the closing of the regular mall, for despatch oy a particular vessel will NOT be so forwarded unless such additional postnite is fully prepaid thereon by s tarn pa Supplementary Trans, atlantlo mail' ir -' ot . on the Piers of the AMERICAN. ENGLISH and FRENCH stwttnert. neiu-v.-i- tne sail Inss occur st f:') m. or Interr end late mail mav be deposited In the mall boxes on the Piers of the GERMAN LINh.9 sailing from Hobokcn. The mal ; on the Piers open one hour and a nmr neTore sailing time, snd close ten mlnnte- before sailing time. Only regular postage, (let ters 6 cenis a hi:f ounce f Is leiinued oa articles mailed on the piers of the Amerl. can. White Star and German (Sea Poat) steamers; double postage (letters 10 cent a half ounce) on other llnea Malls Forwarded Overlaad, Etc., Et cept Transpacific. CUBA Via Port Tampa. Florida, close at this office dally, except Thursday, al 15 80 a, m. (the connecting mslls close here on Mondsys. Wednesdays ana bat. MEXICO' CITY Overland, unless specially addressed lor aesnatcn oy steamer, uom at this office dally, except eunaay, si 1:80 P. m. and 10:30 P. m- Sundays al 1:00 p. m. and 10:30 p. ro. NEWFOUNDLAND (except Parcelt-post Malls) By ran to iorin nyanev, ana thence by steamer, close at this office dally at 6:30 p. m. (connecting malls close here every Monday, Wednesday and Bat urday). JAMAICA By rati to Boston, and thence by steamer, close at this office at 6:3! ?. m. Tuesday. QUELON By rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, close at this office daily at 6:30 p. m BRITI8H HONDURAS, HONDURAS (Eas Coast) and GUATEMALA By rsll te New Orleans, snd tnence by tmr, close at this ofTlce dally, exeep' Sun day, at 1:30 p. m. snd 110 :?0 p. m.. Sun days at 11:00 p. m. and 10:30 p. m. (con- nectlng mall closes here Mondays at (10:31 -p. m.). COSTA RICA By rail to New Orleans, snd thence by steamer, close nt this office dally, except Sunday, at 1 :3o p. m. and 10:30 p. m., Sundays At il.C) p. m. and 10:30 p. m. (connecting siiall closeg here Tuesdays at 10:3o p. Tn.). NICA RAGU (East Coast) By rail te New Orleans, and thence bv steamer, close at this office flatly, except Run day, at (1:30 p. m. and $10:30 p. m., Sun. days at (1:00 p. nv na 110:30 p n. 'con necting man cosei ner inursaay al (10:30 p. m . (REGISTERED MAIL closes at 6:00 p. m, previous day. Traaapaelflo Malls, Forwarded Overs . laad Dally. The schedule of closing of Trsnspaclfla malls is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit to port -of sailing. The final connecting malls lex- . cept registered Transpacific mails, wnleb close t p. m.. p-svlous day) close at tha ' Een.irai postoffire. New York, us follows: AW All, via San Francisco, close at 6:34 p. m. tjciouer ma xor oespatcn per a. a Alameda. JAPAiM, (except Parcels-Post Mails), CO i rt i in a ana special y addressed trail for the PHILIPPINE ISL ANDS, via Vancouver and Victoria, B. C, close at 6:30 p. m. October 26th for UesDatch tier s. a. Kmnresa nf Japan. JAPAN, COREA, ' CHINA and specially addressed mull for PHILIPPINE ISL ANDS, via Seattle, close at 6:30 p. m. October 26, for despatch per s. 8. Kanug- ' awn Maru. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS and GUAM, via San rrancisco, close at 6:30 p. m. October 27th for despatch Der U. S. Transoort. HAWAII, JAPAN, COREA. CHINA and fttiuif firsts iBL.usua, via Ban Fran cisco, close at 6:30 p. m. November 4 for desDatch ner s. s. Doric: ' ' NEW ZEALAND, AUSTRALIA (except West) NEW CALEDONIA, SAMOA, HA WAII and specially addressed mail for the FIJI ISLANDS, via San Francisco, . c.oso at 6:30 p, m. November 5 for dis patch per t s. Sierra. (If the Cunard sieumer carrying the British mail - for New Zealand does not arrive In time to connect with this despatch, extra malls closing at 6:30 a. m., 9:30 a. ni. and 6:30 p. m.; Sundays at 4:30 a. m. 9 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. will be made up and forwarded until the arrival of the Cunard steamer.) FIJI ISLANDS, also' SDeclallV' addressed t mall for AUSTRALIA and MEW CALE DONIA, via Vancouver and Victoria, B. C, close at 6:30 p. m. November 6th for desnatch Der s. s. Mlowera. HAWAII, JAPAN, COREA, CHINA and . speclallv nrtdressen man ror tne PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, vis San Fran cisco, close at 6:30 p. m. November 10, for despatch per s. s. Manchuria. JAPAN. COREA, CHINA and specially addressed mall ror Philippine ISL ANDS, 'la Tacoma. close at 6:80 p. m. ' November 18 for despatch per s. s. Deu calion. TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close at h.m p. m. No vember 20 for despatch per s. a. Mari posa. MANCHURIA (except New Chwang) snd EASTERN SIBERIA is at present for warded via Russia. NOTE Unless otherwise addressed. West Australia Is forwarded via Europe; New Zealand via Ban Francisco, and certain places In the Chinese province of Yunnan, via British India-the quickest routes. Philippines specially addressed "via Europe." must be fully prepaid at the foreign rates. Hawaii Is forwarded via San Francisco exclusively. CORNELIUS VAN COTT, Postmaster. Postofflce, New York, N. Y., Oct. 21, 1H. LEGAL NOTICES. BOND. SALE. Office of the City Clerk, South Omaha, Neb. Sealed bids, addressed tu tne unuer signed snd marked "Proposals fur Bonus." wfil be received until 8 o cluca p. m. on ilia 9th day of Novemuer, )9u4, at the olilce uf the city clerk. South Omaha, Neo., for the purchase ot the tolluwiug Issues of city bonus: .... Flrst-447,000 "runaing oonas, aenomina tlon of 8o0U or 81,ouO, at the option of the purchaser, and shall bear date of Decern, tier 1, 1904, and shail be due and payable in twenty years from date, unless sooner redeemed under the option reserved, and shall bear interest ut tne rate u tour and one-half (41) per cent pr uiuiupa, payable semi-annually. , Those bonds are Issued for the purpose of redeeming 83d,oOO "funding bonus ' , and 812,000 "lnlerseclion bonds' heieluiore i- "second 170,000 "funding bonds," denomi nation of 800 or $l,cioo. and numbering from one to seventy or one hundred and forty each, at the option of the pur chaser, and shall bear date of December 1 1904, and Miull he due and puyable twenty years from dute, optional alter live years and shall bear Interest at the rata of four and one-half (4H per cent per annum, payable seinl-annuiilly. Those bonds are Issued for the purpose of rdeemtng $7u,000 of funding bonds of trie City of South Omaha heretofore iSMued. Said bonds are general oMitfullous of the City of South Omaha. Eacti bid ahull state separately the amount offered aa principal and pnmlum and that accrued Intereit wlii be pall tj date of delivery und puyment of bonds. Each bid must be a ceo m pun led by a cer tified check on s riationul or Male bank In the amount of $2,600 and made payable to , the City of South Oinahn as evidence Of good failh on the part of the bidder. The city council reserves the rlnht to re ject anv and all I.Mh and waived defect. By order of the city council. J. J. OILT.W. City clerk. O20 dl4t covmnMEST notices. , OFFICE CONSTRI CTING QUARTER. master. Des Moines, la., Oct. 24, 19u4. Sealed proposals, In triplicate, will be re reived fere until 11 a. in, standard time. November 8. 1904, for storm sasn ror nve fubllc buildings Ml run urn monies, jn, nformutlon furnished on application.- II. 8. reserves right to accept or reject any or ull bids or parts thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should be endorsed ' "Proposal for Storm Bush," addressed Captain L. Hardeman, Q. M. 024-26-26-27NS-7 SHERIFF COMES FOR MAN Osksloosa Offlees Takes Prisoner Arrested la Ouiaba Back to Face ( barge. Sheriff Albert Jones of Oskuloosa, la., re turned with Joe Johnson, arrested In Omaha last Friday by Oftlcer Hell. John- Son Is wanted at Oskuloosa on the charge of grand larceny. It Is said he stole a quantity of goods from his roommate. He was arrested while calling fur lb at an Omaha express oftioe. J ': I i