12 SPECIAL NOTICES will fce takes III 1 . far the tfc BlomllC ABfl MM if ft V tftltfftft Rate 1 1.2 a ward rst fasertlea. la ward thereafter. Nathlac takes far less (has 8e for tba rst lutr. tloa. Tkes atf vartlarBicata t ha raa emtseestlvely. Advertisers, kr tmm' hereit ebeek. earn lit aaawara dressed a ssmbered letter fa eara af Tha Raa. Aaawara aa adtlreaaad will ha delivered oa arcaaatatlaa af 'clieek. MISCELLANEOUS CUT RATE TICK ET8 everywhere. P. IL Phllbln, 15 Farnam nnd opp. Union sta tlon. Tel. 784 and 1671 R 980 THY KELLY'S TOWEL. SUPPLY. Tel. 8K.10. R 981 PRIDE OF HASTINGS. Pest OmVJIE 6-cent cigar on earth. R-9S9 CITY SAVINGS BANK pays 4 per cent R CITY STEAM LAUNTJRY 211 SOUTH 11TH. FHONE 254. We trust everybody. 'e t call Have our wagon bills collected mommy, R-M447 N17 EAGLE Loan Office; reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. . . R S3 ANTI-MONOPOLY 16th. Tol. 177. Garbage Co., 621 N. R-984 SIGN PAINTING 8. H. Cole, 1302 Douglas. r m STOVE & FURNACE REPAIRS Tel. 900. 1207 Doug. Omaha" Stove Rep. Wka. r lafh and P. MELCHIOR. machine work. Howard. THE Omaha Warehouse Co., (509 Jones; 'phone 1326; mdse. storage and forwarding. . R-9S1 J. E. WALLACE, TAXIDERMIST, 80S 8. 13th. R-WS prr;RAiMriBr,n- yur. wor t?..B3J uiuimii ii'u aioti black. Fin monograms R M546 N20 IF YOU want to buy, aell or rent property, borrow money, sell note or account, call at R. 3, N. Y. Life. Tel. 133. Glover & Son. R-M148 PIANO -TUNING, $2 this week. Perfield Piano Co., 16U Farnare. Tel. 701. R-836 23 HORSES WINTERED. I will winter your horses at reasonable rates. Largs box stalls. Special attention given to the feet. A. L. Thomas, man uger. Keystone Stock Farm, Benson, Neb. Omaha 'phone L1170, R--MS62 24 OMAHA PLUMBING CO.. Tel. 3840. . John MorrlBsey, Mgr. Res. Tel. 3914. R-M992 CHICAGO LAUNDRY -WE TAKE THE DIRT ' . -AND LEAVE YOUR CLOTHES PHONVi 200. 214 N. L.TH ST. R-ilOW N8 ADV. CUTS-WUEATON. In Bee Bids;."" ' R W5 COLLINS PIANO CO., wnolesale and re tail musical instruments. Talking ma chines, records exchanged. 113 B lith St., Omaha. R OMAHA TENT & AWNINO CO., whole sale and retail. Bend for catalogue 46, - Omaha, Neb. K New Dressmaking Shop JUST OPENED AT 1202 8. 13th St.; 13th street car line; first class work and perfect lit guaranteed at lowest prices. Call and be convinced. ' R (ill 23 , WANTED TO RENT " WR can rent your rooms and houses. Room 3, N. Y. Life. 'Phone 133.' Glover A Hon. K M669 WANTED To rent, barn near 30th and Pacific. Address D 53, Res. K 6o9 23x ' WANTED To rent, by man and wife. 7 i room, modern house, in good ' locality, near car Una. Address D 64, Bee. K-M573 33x WANTED Room and board, with conven iences, In private family; no looming or boarding houaee .need answer. Aod.es B 8. Bea. K-M819 26x ' WANTED Either three of four furnished rooms suitable for light houtekeep.ng, or two furntehed rooms with board, la pri vate family. D 67, Bea office. . . K-M823 25X. WANTED To rent, modern home, small family, no children; may purchase; state price and full particular In first letter. Address D 68, Bee. K 697 ZSx , PRINTING LYNGSTAD 4 RUFFNER. PRINTERSStTE SESTaX - 179 KRAMER A CHANDLER, QUICK PRINTERS, 1106-03 Douglas at. To de liver work When promised la our hobby. . -iu PRINTING Not how cheap, but uuw good, is our motto. Great Western Printing Co., 1618 Chicago. 'Phone tail. 183 J. M. SIRPLES8. reliable printer; estab lished 13 year. 303 8. 13th at., Omaha. . : . ' -l PATENTS PATENTS H. A. Sturgls, registered attor ney. 1 Patents, trade marks, copyright No fees umess successful BIT New York Ufa building. Omaha, yen. . 129 Bl'ES CO.. Patent Lawyers; advlca free. rirpi Lawrvri; navies ire. Bee building Omaha. Neb.; St., Chicago, 111., and 1003 K ton. D. C. Tel. 1623. IMA I a, hnrtl - fit. Washington M-4C3 N5 YOU can't afford to start to take nut a pat ant for a valuable invention without first writing me; you can save money and get a better patent. A. W. Croasley, 80 F fit, Washington, D. C. OSTEOPATHY Johnson Institute. Bis N.I Ufa bldg. Tel 1664 ' ' 130 JOHN R. MUSICK, Osteopathy Phju Mulan; office, Douglas block.. Tel. 2623. 131 DR. FAR WELL, specialty nervous disease, 604 Paxton. . . 133 Huntington Btratton. (31 N. T. Ufa, ..... 696 N4x . LAW AND COLLECTIONS B. F. MORKARTT. Alto rosy, 437 Paxton. Tel. A-2639. T . , - . 183 . JOHN M. MACFARLAND. New York Lift bldg., roouis 304 and 31. TsL U63. -14 COLLECTION!! promptly reported. Tswi Paxton blwk t 8S1 FLORISTS HESS & SWOBODA. 1411 Faraam. -IN L. HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. Send for price list of cut flowers and plants, : ?n . ALFRED DONAQHUE, Jit.. 1007 Farnam. Tel. 338-1 , Ki MUSICAL MUSIC Mr. Manlove, thorough teaebr of voice cultivation. Scientific deep breath lug. The art of singing. Correct Technic 61? kart.achblk. -iW BRASS FOUNDRIES tRABS and aluminum casting, nickel plat Ing and finishing. Rpeclalty lata. Co.. 11 N. Main St., C'uuocll Bluffa. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING a VAN BANT'ft chooi Til T. I If WANTED MALE HELP PLAIN ; BUSINESS TALKS ON BUILDING BRAINS FOR BUSINESS No. 10. . Did you aver sea a man d6 anything ma terial and yet not make money for other Deonla besides himself ? No rsan can succeed unless other people succeed wiyi him. That man makes the most money ror nimsen wnoeo empiujcu make the most money for themselves. ' It la Just . the same with Business Col leges. ' No Business College can succeed unless its pupils succeed. That Business College which attains the greatest success does so because its gradu atea attain the greatest success. That is logic. That is common sense. Tfle fact that we will move into the BOYLE8 COL.LEOE BUILDING at Elgh teenth and Harney streets, Omaha, on Dc cember dst, and the further fact that w will be the only Buslneits College In Ne braska occupying the whole of ono building seems to prove that we have been the moat successful of all Nebraska Business Col leges, 'and consequently have been the most successful In turning out the most success ful graduates. That is just what it proves! That is Just how the case stands! We do not say ibis nearly as emphatically as our graduates say it not neany as em phatically as the action of Omaha s best business men, In employing at good salaries hundreds of Boyles graduates, voices this claim. Send for catalogue BOYLES COLLEGE, DAY AND NIGHT, H. B. BOYLES, Pres. Omaha, Neb. MEN TO LEARN barDer trade: free rail road fare upon our failure to convince you of this being the BEST and only re liable, most practlcul barber college In . the United States. Write for catalogue today. Western Barbers' Institute, Omaha, Neb. B 109 WANTED everywhere, "people to copy let ters st home, spate time, and return to us. Good pay, materials sent free. No mailing or canvassing. Enclose addressed envelope for particulars and wages we pay. Guarantee Co., Dept. 448. Philadel phia. Pa. 700 23x WANTED Two city salesmen at once. C. S Adums Co., 161b Howard sL B U0 WANTED A tollcctor and solicitor. CaU ta-3 Paxton block. B M8SS DRUO clerks-Knlest. R. P., N. Y. L. bldg. B-26i WANTED FOR U. 8. ARMY Able-bodied unmarried men, between ages of 21 nnd 85; citizens of United Stutes, of good cliarac- ter and temperate habits, who speak, read and write English For Information apply to Recruiting Officer, 13th and Douglas rts Omaha; Lincoln, Neb., or Sioux City, la. B M)7 t EXPERIENCED grocery clerks at once. mains-uase lo., wo raxton dik. . ' B M192 COATMAKER wanted. C. F. Struts, At lantic, la. . Bt&iZl Z4X ATTENTION Employers 'and Stenographers. MISS MARIAN REICHARDT , - of New York -' . Formerly of Omaha, the most rapid touch operator In the world, will demonstrate at the following schools MONDAY, OCT. 24, i and you are cordially invited to one or more of the same: a. m., Omaha Business University, 10 a. m., Boyles Business College. 11 a. m.. Van Bant'a School of Shorthand. 1:30 p. m.. South Omaha High School. 3 p. m., Omaha Commercial College. 4 p. m., Nebraska Business College. She uses the ; ' Smith-Premier Typewriter. ' ' B-l 23 IF YOU are In need of a position, call and have a "Heart to Heart'' talk with Hart, the expert, 626 N. Y. Life. B 468 24 WANTED, 3 more good men for the road who can furnish satisfactory references. Have steady pealtlons open at a salary ef (60 per month and expenses. ' Call or write to J. E. Faltys, seoretary Western Guar anty Investment Co., 4o7 Bee building. -ji.i(I3 WB HAVE A NUMBER OF HIGH-CLASS VACANCIKB AND WB HlUtU GitAUtii P&OPLE TO ULL THEM. I managers. 1 manager of department: lady. I accountants; not leas than 475. i I salesmen. 1 collector and solicitor (or FremooH 4 tra.ve.ing salesmen. i I aood druggists: stW upward. I office men. 8 elecirlu.uus; 366 to 3160. 1 bank teller. Bookkeepers, tenegraphers, soda dla- peners, clerks ana numerous oilier va cancies. WEST N REFERENCE A. BOND A'SBN, hu iNew xors ure oiag. vpen ruesaay and Thursday evenings. B 717 23 REGISTERED pharmacist wanted, one who speaks uerman prererred; steady position for right man. Pierce Pharmacy, Pierce, Neb. B M636 4X WANTED, men everywhere; good pay; to dlstrubute circulars, adv. 'roirtter, tack aliens, etc.; no canvassing. National Adv. Hureau. Chicago. ' . a MJ88 23x WANTED Steam fitters, at once; give ex perience, also whether union or nonunion; I monlha' work guaranteed. Address D 67. Bee. B-631 26 A POSITION Now open, for managers, salesmen, bookkeepers and technical men; salaries, 81.000-16,000. Write for free list and plan. Business Opportunity Co., 1 Union Square, N. Y. B 667 23x SPECIALTY SALESMEN A few first, class men; good men can make 33,000 to 810,060 a year; don't answer If you are not tilling or hav successfully tilled a Josltion paying 31.600 a year. American obblng Association, Iowa City, la. B-670 23X SALESMEN wanted; high grade, expert . enced specialty salesmen to handle our computing cheese cutters, selling to the grocer and general merchants. Stlmpson Computing Scale Co., Detroit, Mich. B 682 23x WANTED Manager for branch ofiVe we wish to locate here in Omaha. Address, with references, D 60, Bee. Beul 23x CIVIL service examinations wHl be held . In several places In each state. Informa tion and -questions used by the govern ment free. Columbian Correspondence - College. Washington, D. C. 3 WANTED A large manufacturing con cern about to open distributing depot in this section deHlres services of respon sible man to take management; taJary 31.600 per annum and commits ons. Ap plicant munt furnlvh tl.s-vlars la er encea and JtiOO to $1.6u0 cash; merchjiu-Ue furnished. Address Manufacture.-, cue Nelaoa-Cbesman Co., Chicago, 111. B- WANTED Catholic Installment agents for entirely new plan in country territory; never worked before: get out of old rut. i J. Casey, 334 Dearborn St., Chicago. 11L B WANTED Young man with some talent to Itmrn cartooning. Excellent opportu nity. Address R C., this office. B WANTED Good men in each county In Nrbraaka. who have from I.jO to t-" to in vest in good-paying business. Adilress D 43. care ho. B 624 23x TIIE OMAHA WANTED MALE HELP NEBRASKA BUSINESS COLLEGE A. C. Ong. A. M , LL. B.i Pres. A. J. Lowry. Prln.; 17th and Harney Every day last week was enrollment dsy. Student are comlns; In from every quar ter. Individual Instruction given to all on entering till properly classified. Every s:u dent Is advanced as rapidly as his ability will permit. No on Is held hack on sc count of another. In this Institution you have every. Incentive for thorough, progres sive woik. GREGG SHORTHAND The record being made br some of the studonts In Greg Shorthand is almost in credible, l.mt week Mlrs- Barnum took an hour m dictation of eil.torlal and ii'wi mat ter for the press and transcribed the s m practically without erroM The manager of the tmuer uiiKtHi I- r icn pleased with the transcription. MIfs Bar num has been In s hiK. ju.t two men. hi and knew nothlfe; of rhortha-rt rtefrr- n terlns;. We believe such a record can only be made hf those UfLng Gregg Shorthand and under pro;r Irs melon W y rp nd so much time, energy and mony In learn ing an "old-time system" when this mod ern, up-to-date method, now being teught In the leading schools of the United States, can be learned In little more than half tha time? hOH VERY GOOD REASONS, the N. B. C. Is the onlv school n O-sa that is making a specialty of this system. Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. Mem bership Free Every student who takes out a full term scholarship is given a yesr's membership In one of the above associations without extra charge. No such proposition was ever made before by any institution. The value of this membership to the student can scarcely be computed. To be a mem ber of tne Y. M. C. A. t,r I . W. C. A. means character, culture and refinement. NIGHT SCHOOL NOW OPEN Apply for catalogue and college litera ture. U 607 23 1 TRAVELING paper aaleman. 2 Clothing salesmen. 1 Furnishing goods salesman. 10 Men to canvass. 2 Office men. 1 Experienced hat man. 60 1 raveling salesmen. 1 Experienced shoo salesman (road). 5 Salesmen to canvass (wholesale grocery). HART, 626 N. Y. Life. B-795 23 WANTED Sober and Industrious man to travel and collect in Nebraska. Moderate salary and expenses to begin; position permanent if satisfactory. Addressed en velope for particulars. Mgr. State Dept, Pontlao bldg., Chicago. B 640 2jx WANTED, man to attend furnace. 1623 Douglas. , B M835 PERSON to travel for well established house In a few counties calling on re tail merchants. Local territory. Salary, 316 per week; expense money advanced. American Manufacturers, Star bldg., Chi cago. B 641 23x WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Special Innducements at present. No bet ter paying trade for poor man. Few weeks completes. Can nearly earn ex penses before finishing. Call or write. Moler Barber College, 1302 Douglas St. B-M645 28x WANTED A number of energetic school- Doys Detween about 14 and 20 years or age In Omaha and other cities who would like to earn considerable money after school hours. Write me at once tor par ticulars, giving age. A. B. Lovan, Spring field, Mo. B M87o23x WANTED Locomotive firemen; able-bodied men, write at once; experience unneces sary; no strike. Central Railroad Bureau, Chicago, 111. B 651 23x YOUNG MEN wanted to learn barber trade: constant nractloe: exnert Instriio- tlons; short time completes; positions awaltlng; terms the very best; write today. American Barber College, 12th and Douglas sts., Omaha, Neb. B 860 23x WANTED Circulars and sample distribut ers everywnere; no canvassing; good pay and permanent business. American Ad vertising Association, 312 Gerald Bldg., Chicago. B 693 23x SALESMAN to cover state by N. Y. silk ribbon house, to carry line on commis sion; furnish references. Lion & Wert helmer, 467 Broadway, N. Y. City. B-689 23x WANTED, salesman to take charge of fur- nisnings department; also one (or head of children's department. Address the B. L. Paine Clothing; Store, Lincoln. B M877 23 COATMAKER wanted at once. E. 8. B 8S7 23x Hicks. Council Bluffs. EXPERIENCED SALESMAN, OR PHY- BICIAN, NOT PRACTICING. TO SELL TO DOCTORS; ESTABLISHED TRADE; PERMANENT, REMUNERATIVE. P. O. BOX. W. PHILADELPHIA. B 688 23x A SALESMAN for paint and glass houso; straight salary. L WEST. REF. & BOND ASS'N., 640 N. Y. Life. B 889 23 WANTED 10 men In each state to travel. tack signs and distribute samples and cir culars of eur goods; salary, $60 per month, $3 per day for expenses. Kunl man Co., Dept. B-20, Atlas block. Chi cago. B 687 23x $20 AND EXPENSES paid weekly to a rename man to travel ana collect in Ne braska, Experience not necessary. Self addressed envelope for reply. Address Dept. L, 62 Dearborn at., Chicago. B-709 23x WANTED Man with push to set aa gen era agent to introduce an article or merit among merchants and stablemen of De troit and every city and town of Michigan and surrounding states. Columbia Mfg. Co., 1012-1014 High at., St Louis. Mo. B 715 23x rig distribute samples, tack signs, etc., at $3 00 daily; permanent: no canvassing. Conti nental Distributing Service, Chicago. B 724 23x WANTED FEMALE HELP 30 GIRLS; Canadian office. 16 th and Dodge. EXPERIENCED chocolate dipper wanted. ttaldulT. 16Z0 rarnam. v M DESIRABLE place for good girl; house work ana cooaing. cau a. fc. corner totn st. and 8t- Mary's ave. C M669 WANTED, a good girl for general house work; no wanning; to per weeK. inquire 424 N. 23d St. C-M5.19 lA LADIES Earn $20 per hundred writing short iettera. nena mam pea envelope lor particulars. Ideal Mfg. Co., Cassop.lls, Mich. C Mj7 23 x WANTED Girl as cook ana laundress. 416 Capitol ave. Mrs. b. u. uaraaiow. v C 680 WANTED A cook: references required; wages, $6. 3102 Leavenworth. c 2s WANTED At once, good girl for general housework. Apply 2u d. xw hi. C 693 24x WANTED A lady to travel, calling on business nouses; experience unnecessary; salary and expenses, lei 10, Bee. C M8S6 23x WANTED, competent cook and house keeper; highest prices pain to rigiu party; no objection to one child. 2214 Dojlsi. LADIES To do piece work at their homes; we furnish all materials and pay from $7 to $12 weekly; send elampea envelope to Royal Co., 34 E. Mouroe St.; Chicago. C 661 23x LADIES 37 $o $10 weekly earned doing plain sewing at home. Material sent tree everywhere prepaid. Stamped addressed envelope brlnirs particulars. Union Com pany, 1216 Filbert at, Philadelphia. Pa. - C 702 23X About Rentinff Rooms. The Ak-Sar-Ben visitors are all gone. Your rooms are vacant again. People are chang v lng their quarters. jsTow is the time to advertise. Isn't it cheaper to placed a small want ad in The Bee and have it rented than to have vacant rooms on your hands? DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23, 190. WANTED FEMALE HELP OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE 17th and Douglas Streets. Day and Night Sessions. ADVANTAGES Thorough courses In all departments, hlKh-giade teachers. Liter ary society. Lecture Courre, Pub.lc W tertainments. Gymnasium, Board or Trnde Foot Hall COURSES OF STUDY Regular business. Shorthand. Typewriting, leiegrapny, Penmanship and Pen Art. BUSINESS DEPARTMENT Largest and best equipped In the state: expert teach ers In charge: comprehensive course of study, Including Office Practice, Banking. . l.oard of Traue. etc. PENMANSHIP DEPARTMB'.NT In charge of professional penman, wr.o na nu .-- perlor. All phases or Tenmansmp uu 1'en Art taught. Send for specimens. SH'Tut'l'HANi AND TYPEWRITING DE PARTMENT Largest and best equ pped. modern systems of Shorthand and lype writlng. TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENT Thorough course of study; expert opeiaior in charge; modern equipments laieat me.n ods of Instruction and abundant positions fur graduates. NIGHT SCHOOL Four nights each week on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights. 'All day branches taugnt in night school. Tuition rates iow. CATALOGUE FREE to any address. Rohrbough Bros., Omaha, Neb. 17TH AND DOUGLAS STRUTS, B 843 23 WANTED Young lady with taste for art to leitrn book and magazine Illustrating. Address, E. C, Bee. WOMEN to sew at home, 39 per week. Materials sent everywhere free; steady work, plain sen lng only. Send addressed envelope for full particulars. 8. E. M., Du Pont, Philadelphia, Pa. C-701 23x WOMEN to sell beautuul petticoats; made to order; easy to sell; very protltable; satisfied customers; exclusive territory; no experience necessary; send for cata logue. Paris Skirt Co., Cleveland, O. WANTED Stenographers; you can earn (during your spare time) extra money without affecting your present position; the most liberal offer ever made. Id answering ask for our holiday special offer. Pilot Ribbon & Carbon Co., Ino Rochester, N. Y. C-632 23X WANTED A cook. Mrs. Joseph Barker, liUi South 8th St. C M609 23x LADIES having fancy work to sell, embroi deries, battenbeig, drawn work. Also to do order work. Stamped envelope. Ladles' Exchange, 84 Monroe, Chicago. C 660 33X WANTED Ladles to learn halrdressing, manicuring or farlal massage. Short time completes. Graduates earn 310 to 815 weeklv. Diplomas granted. Call or write. Moler College, 1302 Douglas st. ' C M646 28X LADIES 330 thousand copying letters at home. No mailing to friends; stamped envelope for particulars. Crescent Medi cine Co., Dept. 162, Mlshawaka. Ind. C-643 23X LADIES To do embroidery, battenherg and bn'nt wood, leather novelties, slso fancy work bought nnd sold; steady work: send st-rnped enve'ope. Woman's Co-operntlve Exchange, Chicago. C 707 23x WANTED An elderly lady to act as hotise- keener: a kooA home. Inoulre any even ing after 6 o'clock. 1807 Izard st. C M846 25x WANTED Good girl for light homework. Apply at 1705 S. 28th st C M822 i5x WANTED SALESMEN SALESMAN Splendid proposition to coun try merchants; three men sold over $4,000 goods each last month; 20 per cent com mission; permanent. Addressa Box 1063, St. Louis, Mo. . 662 23x WANTED Experienced patent medicine salesmen, permanent. 1-Ine advertising proposition. 666, Chicago, Salary or commission. Box 673 23x TRAVELING salesman, by large whole sale house to sell general stores In Ne braska. Position permanent. Watson, Bales Manager, 66 Fifth ave., Chicago. -41T6 23X SALESMEN wanted to sell Goodrich's hones, strops, safety razors, oil stones, eto. 100 per cent profit. A Goodrich Mfgr., 641 Madison St., Chicago. ,-681 23x TRAVELING salesman; one good man for each state. Experience unnecessary, Just hustlers. Permanent. Good pay. Lib eral running account. E. M. Arthur Co.. Detroit, Mich. 697 23x TRAVELING salesman for dress goods, white goods, eto. Excellent opportunity for those visiting retailers to get a well paying wide line. Bryn Mawr Mills, Phil adelphia. 698 23x SALESMEN for automatlo copying books, bill registers and many other sp.cal.l.. Pershing Mfg. Co., South Bend, Ind. SALESMEN John Sexton & Co., importer of teas and coffees and wholesale grocers, 16 to 22 State St., Chicago, want ex perienced, honest, energetic, high grade men to sell farmers and ether large buy ers. We are the largest grocery house In America engaged In the business and the originators of honest and modern methods of conducting It. We handle the finest goods and guarantee quality and quantity of every article. No capi tal required. Exclusive territory given. In each an established trade Insures fine Income. We are farmers' headquarter in Chicago. 656 23x WANTED Two salesmen. Regular line with specialty features. From factory to merchant. Beat honest line in U. 8. Ad dress D 62, Bee. 649 23x WANTED First-class specialty salesmen to sell attractive proposition to general trade; commission of one man for one month over $760. Barton-Parker Mfg. Co., Cedar Rapids, la. 659 23x CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska with staple line; high commissions, with advance of $10C monthly; permaneht posl. tlon to right man. Jess H. Smith Co.. Detroit Mich. 693 23x SALESMEN Local or travellnr, to aell fireproof safes to business men and farm ers; experience unnecessary; quick sales; Mk profits. Alpine Safe Co.. Cincinnati, Ohio. 691 23x EXPERIENCED traveling salesmen; new Cleveland jobbing house, with large capi tal, wishes to inorease Its corps of sales men November 1; high commission with $36 weekly. W. S. Merle ft Co., 90-96 Prospect St., Cleveland, Ohio. 690 23x WANTED First -class, experienced sales men for 1906 to carry complete, line of glove samplea to retail trade In 'Kansas and Nebraska; applications, which must be accompanied by references, will re ceive consideration Immediately and pref erence will be given to aalesmen having established acquaintance in the state for which they apply. Mason, Campbell 4k Co.. Johnstown, N. Y. "-T12 23x SALESMEN, to carry our line of cider and soft drinks aa Me line; liberal com mission. Fremont Cider Co., Fremont, Neb. LOST LOST At Ak-Sar-Ben ball, pair opera glasses. Liberal reward if returned to Bee office. Lost 727 23x AGENTS WANTED AGENTS handle our new combination aluminum leather card case and printed cards; neatest, most practical; also leather advertising novelties; Christmas goods. Simmons, 69 Park Place, New lork. J iut Ui WANT man to take city agency for our Natural Air Ventilator, big money maker. Standard Natural Ventilator Co., Milwaukee, Wis. J 69 23x MONEY In mushrooms. Big demand; large profit; easily grown without capital by either sex in cellars, stables, boxes, etc., entire year. Instructive booklet free. Dept. 31, Eastern Importing Co.. Brighton, Mas. J-696 23x WANTED Ladles and gentlemen to Intro duce and aell the Gallagher Patent Drip less Syrup Pitcher. An article that is used In every home. Agents who want nn honest article which wilt sell on Its merits, write me for particulars. F. J. Gallagher, Sheldon, la. J 6S3 23 X AGENTS wanted for the famous Buckeye Cook Book. New subscription edition. Over l.flOO.onO copies sold. Easy seller. Pla commissions. Territory going fast. Write today. Address "Buckeye. ,r Webb Publishing Company, St. Paul, Minn. J 080 23X WANTED Immediately, ireneral npsnts for your own and surrounding territory; very , I'mninoii- proposition, r.xperience not re ouired. I.lndon Cereal Coffee Co.. Benton riarnor. Mien. J 678 23x 375 WEEKLY and expenses easily made, writing health and nccldent Insurance: experience unnecessary. Write Royal Fraternal Union. St. Louis, Mo. J-72 23x WE START you selling diamonds: don't fall getting our liberal offer; 35 dally sure. Carbon Diamond Co., Syracuse, N. Y. Mention paptr. J 674 23x LADY agents making less than $25 weeklv should write today for catalogue and terms; we start you In business and mako you Independent; outfit prepaid. Womena' Apparel Supply Co., Chloiro. J 668 23X AGENTS WANTED A snap tor hustlers. Don't tie up with anybody till you write us. Something new, quick seller. Rodes Sanitary Co.,, 428 Granite Block, St. Louis, Mo. J WE pay 336 a week snd expenses to men with rigs to Introduce poultry compound; year's contract. Imperial Mrg. Co., Dept. 64, Parsons, Kan. J AGENTS WANTED, to sell our 33 bottle Sarsaparllla for 35c; best se'Ier; 200 per cent profit; write today for terms and ter ritory. F. R. Greene, 116 Lake Street, Chicago. J AGENTS WANTED It this catches the eye of a live, ambitious party who desires to earn a handsome Income, Wilte us for our money-making proposition, selling stereoscopic photographs. Our agents are positively making from 35 to $15 abovo expenses. Our latest production St. Ixmls exposition and the Russian Japanese war views. GRIFFITH ft GRIFFITH, 208 Abel Building, Culcago, LADY AGENTS A chsnce to make money, and plenty of It, la what Mme. Yale, the celebrated beauty specialist, Is offering women of good address; opportunity for traveling or home work, as preferred; many are making $u0 and upward weekly. For particulars address MME. YALE. Flatlron Building, Broadway and Twen- ty-third at., New York City J- BIQ MONEY In squabs; tney sell for 32 to 36 a dnsan. cheaply raised In only four weeks; write for our free book about this rich Industry. Plymouth Rock Squab Co., 289 Atlantic Ave., Boston, Mass. J OUR PLAN for startmg beginners in profit- uuie maii-uruor dusiiicbs io veijr tuiini- full. We are pioneers in this field. Some we started three months ago receive 100 letters dally and are making big money. Complete plan for stamp. Central Sup ply Co., Kansas City, Mo. J AGENTS $50 a week guaranteed; automatlo washers sell themselves. Agent writes: "Exhibited sample to ten women, took ten orders. Time, 46 minutes; profit over $60: guaranteed to do a washing in 80 minutes; furnishes its own power; re quires no labor; costs less than any other machine; free samples and exclusive ter ritory furnished. Automatic Washer Co., Station U, Chicago. J-636 2Bx AGENTS Nine handy household utensils) fast sellers; 100 per cent profit; sample set, 26 cents. Write today. The Tomp kins Company, 2940 Lake Park, Chicago. J-634 23X MEN willing to work positively mske $2,000 to $8,000 per year selling our Just patented machine. Eagle Tool Co., B. 406. Cin cinnati. Ohio. J 633 23x aucin ib maae to iu a aay nuing glasses. Big profits. Our 24-page free eye book tells now. write ror it today. Jacksonlan Optical College, College Place, Jackson, Michigan. J 642 2Sx I FEEL like a millionaire, writes one egent; commission and expenses pair. Farmer' Account Book Co., Newton, la. J-G56 2Sx AGENTS sell our cement block and side walk machine; clear $300 a month. Ce dent Products Co., Box 779, Kansas City, Mo. J-694 23x . WANTED Lady or gentleman to sell our T bars In a box toilet soap proposition; one .young lady made $4.60 in 4 hours; write; sample free with terms. Buchanan Chem ical Co., Hastings, Neb. J 729 23x AGENTS wanted who are looking for an article of merit that will Bell. We manu facture a fountain pen retailing at 10c. You can easily make from $3 to $5 a day. We are not offering free sample, but re quire 10c for one. Money returned If not satisfactory. Send for It today. Koon omy Fountain Pen Co., 148-0-17 State st, Chicago. J WANTED Portrait agent: Immense money making side line. Hancock Nov elty Company, Pept 7, Chicago. J WANTED SITUATIONS TOUNG MAN desires place to work for board whiie going to school; experienced. Boyles' College, 104. A 963 COMPETENT stenographer (man) desires position in city. AUdress D 46, Bee. A-624 I3x WANTED, housekeeping by competent mid dle aged lady. Address D 47, Bee. A-M5S7 23x ' SITUATION wanted, registered pharma cist, young married man; r ible of man aging store; very best refe. ices. Address E 11, Bee. A-M876 27 X YOUNG business man, German, well ac quainted In Omaha; wants permanent po sition, wholesale or large retail house; will give bond and No. 1 reference. Ad dress D 40, Bae. A-M492 23x WANTED Work as a wet nurse. Apply to Dr. Cuscaden, Bee bldg. A 664 Zsx , When You Write to Advertisers remerrber It only takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the taet that you saw i he ad In The Be CLAIRVOYANT GYLMER. palmist. T15 N. 2Sd. Tel. B3248. tt Xim YOUR fortune told by the most reliable clairvoyants. Send birth date, dime and tamp. Prof. Carl & Rollln. 499 N. Clark at. Chicago. S- 23 WONDERFUL TRIAL READING; THE only dead trance medium In the world; those In trouble from sny cause, hi help Isoriceleas; send 10 cents, 3-cent stamps, dnTe of birth, own handwriting. DR. JO SEPH LESTER. 89' Main street, Du buque, la. Mention this PW MRS. CARRIE SMITH, SOVEREIGN LADY QUEEN OF CLAIRVOYANTS; everything told. past, present and future: aatlsfactlon or no pay; also a wonderful magnetic healer. 807 N. 18th t. 8 M38S 23x FOR RENT HOUSES HOUSES, blk. Insurance. RUujwalt, B" MODERN 7-room dwelling, one block from Hanscom psrk-324. Phone 623. D Urtt ICEt In all parts of the city, The THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pack, move and store H. 14 goods. Storehouse, 1120-24 N. Uib. Office, loilH Farnam. Tel. 1669. U-l&i WE MOVE Pianos. MiKzarri Van A Btor. age Co. Tel 1469. Office K13 Wcbxter st. D 170 HOI KF PQr, of h eltT- R- G I1UUJLJ peters & Co., Bee Building. PAYNE-BOSTWICK & CO.. choice houses. C01-6U3 New York Life Bldg. Phone H'lC D-181 PAiNE BOSTWiCK & CO. 16C2 Caniuu, 4-r., city water 37. Icl N. sist. 6-r., closo to car 35. 811 S. 3Sth Ave., 6-r., city water, gas, bath, etc. 320. 15'0 8. 2th., 8-r., all modern, paved street 3.10. 60s 8. 27th, S-r., all modern, close in, tine snare xj5. 1901 8. 2iih Ave., S-r., strictly nil modern, barn, will put In Al shape 340. 4102 Lafayette Ave., 8-r., strictly modern, paved street, very fine 3H6. 1309 8. 26th, good 8-r. house, strictly all modern, paved street, reduced from 327.60 to 322.60. Three fine, strictly all modern houses In west r arnam j0. We have others. See our list before you move. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO. Sixth Floor, N. Y. Life Bldg. D-806 23 2018 WIRT ST., 12-room ah modern brick house and barn; oak finish; hot water heat: excellent condition. J15.U0. A. G. Ellick, 302 City Hall. D 902 SEE M CAULEY EXPRESS CO. for moving, storage, baggage delivery, 609 S. 16th. Tel. 1464. D-M183 SIX-ROOM house for rent 2210 Burt st. D M476 23 X FOR RENT. $162613 Bristol, 7 rooms, water, gas, bath room, good barn. $25628 No. 32d, li rooms, water and gas. $252211 California, 6 rooms, modern. $. 1310 Webster, 9 rooms, modern. $32 2123 California, 7 rooms, modern. $60518 So. 6th ave., 10 rooms, modern. D. V. Sholes Company, 722 N. Y. Life. Tel. 49. D 784 23 10-ROOM brick, furnace, gas, bath, laun-d.-y (not basement plan), near high school, 2601 Capitol ave., adjoining Dr. F. Swartzlunder. D 491 26x $359 rooms, barn, all good repair, 2053 N. 19th. $22.606 rooms, water, clcset. E03 S. th a". $169 rooms, modern except furnace, 1505 Blnney. $12.604 rooms, city water, good repair, 21st I and Valley. 8126 roomn, modern, 4219 Ohio. $104 rooms, city water, J3;8 Parker. GEORGE G. WALLACE, Brown Hlock. D M548 23 HOUSES FOR RENT BY GARVIN BROS., 1004 FARNAM. 2823 Nurth 24th, choice 6-ioom, all modern cottage, - 330. 2ia2 North 2oth, good 8-room, modern "but furnace, burn, US. 2636 Dodge, 8-r., aii modern, $26.50. 644 Park ave., 6-r. cottage, $20. 1 1216 Bo. 7ln' ave., bath, gus, 82o! i 219 Dewey ave.. 6-r. collage. 410. 6123 No. lith, 6-r. cottage, $6. D-626 FOR RENT Modern eight-room house, No. 25 10 Poppleton Ave. Inquire at guutf Foppleton Ave. D 606 24 HOUSES, 2 rooms and up: also INSUR ANCE. CHAS. a WILLIAMSON CO. D FURNISHED HOUSES. $301806 LocuBt, 6 rooms, modern. $403611 Dodge, 6 rooms, modern. $86 2ot9 Farnam, 11 rooms, modern. D. V. Sholes Company, 723 N. Y. Life. Tel. 49. D 780 23 FOR RENT 4013 bewaid St., 8-room house, modern ex cept, luinace, large born $22.60. 1612 Lolhrop St., k-room, inouern, paved street $30. 2320 in. win Ave., 8-room, half block from car, all modern $26. 2968 Dewey Ave., s-ioom house, modern ex cept furnace $32.60. 2803 Pratt bi., t-iooiu house, city water in side, large lot $16. 3103 Marcy St., i-roora house, practically new, mod. ex. furnace fib. 2210 and 2212 Cainoima tit, 8-room new splendid brick flats $46. 29tn anu Dewey Ave., i-room brick flats modern except furnace $21.60. 1664 Sherman Ave., S rooms, on 2d floor, oatn, toi.et, gas$12. 1206 N. 24tn Si., fine brick store room, city water $12. PArnffi INVESTMENT COMPANY, Main Floor, N. Y. Life Bldg. D-720 23 FOR RENT The 8-room house situated at 3U6 S. 36th st, near Farnam; price $46 per month; Immediate possession. Also tne 9-room residence -at 38 b. ih St.; price ta per niontn; possession xsoveni rjer i. Inquire owner, 36ix ariiam. uoca IF YOU want a teel range or a heating stove you can sve irom o to 1 on k hA, a ma. I nn . a. v uavmnts: lO. $2u worth, $i per week; ou wonh, fi.au OMAHA FURNITURE & CARPET CO. Between 12th and lJth on arnam st. D Ji5 23 FOR RENT. 4940 Cap. ave., 9 rooms, mod ern except furnace, $20. L. L. J.h son, Room 2, Barker Blk. D-794 ZSx FINE, large brick house. Inquire of Mrs. Savage, 410 isorm i-u Birem. ta FOR RENT 618 S. 3th ave., new 8-ruom, modern house, finished in oak. Call be tween I BJia II C1ULIL. FOR RENT. 8-room, modern ' house and barn, 2201 Snencer. In Kountze Place, $30. Owner would retain one room it desirable, -room cottage, 2i22 Burdette, $10. W. H. GATES, 617 N. Y. Life. D 799 23 934 No. 27th ave., 7 rooms, modern, $20. 2124 Miami St., S rooms, modern except furnace, $20. 2320 No. 28th ave., 10 rooms, modern, $25. 31o3 Marcy at., 7 rooms, modern except furnace. $25. 2310 Webster St., 10 rooms, modern, $30. 940 No. 27th ave., 10 rooms, modern, $35. n-n Hnrnev st.. 14 rooms, irodern. $00. Warehouse, B. & M. trackage, 40x100 ft., 40. N. P. DODGE & CO. 1614 Farnam St D 786 23 1302 So. 31st St., 8 rooms $33 00 4123 Farnam St., 9 rooms 40.00 lMil No. 18th St., S rooms 27.60 1011 8. Slat st, 7 rooms, barn 26.00 1420 N. 26th St., ( rooms 0.00 4017 Farnam St., 7 rooms 20 00 647 So. 26th ave., I rooms 18.00 2224 Clark St., 6 rooms 16 00 1621 Howard St., $ rooms 12.00 1710H Burt St.. 4 rooms 8.00 THE BYRON REED CO., 212 So. 14th St . 'Phone !97. D 007 23 FOR RENT. IVI 00 -room, modern, 803 S. 38th. t-fl.tio H-ronm, new, mod., 23d and Douglas. $46.00 8-room, new. mod , 21st snd Howard. $4B.nfk 8-room, modern. 806 H. 88th. $S5.00 10-room, modern, 2578 Harney. $4.0" 8-room, modern, 1-28 Park a v. $?5.0O e-room, modern, 2i'l5 Plnkney. I'x.Fn -room, new, modern, v Wirt. $30. 00 8-room, mod., ex. fur.. 2609 N. 19th av, $l7.6f'-6-room, modern. 8454 Franklin, t .00-S-room. water 1r6 N. 21st R. C. PETERS A CO.. Ground Floor Bee Bid-. 'p';0? ! D M8 23 TEN-ROOM modern house near Hanscom park; rent $.12 60. Apnly to J. A. Scott, gj, Omah. W Bank B.u,.. HANST-OM PARK RESTDEN. me-n. room and laundry po-celln ba'h '30 301 B 1' at St. UD. 1 r"i uii - d. ' " 314 Omaha Nat'l bank. Phone F-". D-M117 24 X t rts room on Re St. lift oft- rooms, modern except furnace. rnn7 rooms on Marcv st., near 29th. ty (it 10 rooms, all modern, jo (n 4 rooms, all modem. LuOO 10 rooms, all modern. . BEMIH. PAXTON BLOCX FOR RENT HOUSES F. D. WEAD. 10-room all modern, first clasa repair, with barn. b3t S. 25th ave $35-M t-room al. mo-em, loli 8. 26th 22 60 9-rootn nil modern and barn, 4158 Caes ,.00 8-rooin modern, 26.15 Reward 2XO0 8-room nuxiern and barn, :23 Harney $".00 8-room bodcrn. 2124 muglas 35.i 7- room nil modern. 21;C! N, 2Sth 16.0 (room modern, 19 ltfayette ave.... I.00 8- room, city water. 141s Lonvmworth.. 17.04 and 23 other houses in all parts of city. 1624 DOUGLAS. D-S5& 23 TEN-ROOM modern house In fine locations U.S. 1H1 8. 30th av, Inquire above ad dress. D MS47 24 X FOR RENT. Nov. 1, 8-room cottage, I2d and California. $22. Apply at 607 N. 19th St. D MS61 3511 noPGB, rooms, $.12.50; furnished, $40. J. F. Kerr, 8 Bee bldg. D-M!4 21 X FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th A Chicago, K 116 DEWEY, European hotel, 13th and Farnam, 1C U i FOR RENT Furnished room in modern house; central location. Call 1H21 8U Mury s av. K MAfli 23x VIENNA HOTEL, 1011 Farnam) fine room, ladlea' cafe, private dining r.; open nlglit. 1723 DODGE, modern. First das. Everything E M463 23 SOUTH room, modern. (24 S. 26th IV. K M42 24x NICE comfortable room for one or two gentlemen; very reasonable; modern. 142$ N. 17th. B M914 WEST BELLE HOTEL, St Louis, Mo. Rooms $1.00; permanent brick building. W rite for booklet 10 minutes to World fair. E M960 27x SUITE of front room and other roomj modern. 116 8. 20th. E M3S4 26 1712 DAVENPORT, front room for gentle men, modern. E M660 2Jx 1811 CASS, furnished; rooms; modern. also housekeeping K Alotl ux 111 8. 18TH, accommodation for students. K Moo2 23X 1816 DODGE, front and back parlors, mod em. . a Unut 23x 1822 CHICAGO, single or ensulte, modern. J3 Ma4 23 HOUSEKEEPING or otherwise, modora. as N. 19th. H M 23 FOR RENT, small room to students. 1623 Dougius. E M836 LAKUD well furnished alcove room for llgni housekeeping. 1623 Douglas. K-M837 WELL furnished modorn room, centrally locuted. reuuonable. 1613 Douglas. E MO NICELY furnished rooms, with all modern conveniences. 'Phone 4046. Nurses or gentlemen preferred. 2619 Jonea st. E M829 SINGLE room, well furnished, modern. 224 N. 19lh. K M656 23 SINQLE or suite housekeeping, modern. urn. uougias. ju juooi a MIDLAND hotel, 16th and Chicago; steam. neubeu; medium price; cate in connection. H-Mjtt0 LARGE, well furnished room. 624 S. 20th. E M684 24x THREE or four furnished or unfurnished rooms (counecied) tor light housekeeping. 7ot Noith 3th st. Ifi 6j aix LARGE nicely furnished back parlor; ono Bingie iront room; modern; phone. iu Douge. 14-668 22x ROOM, with or without board, private family. 2223 Burt. . E 696 23x SIX-ROOM flat, rent reasonable, entire furnishings for sale cheap, If party wishes to buy. Hatiacom Park vicinity. Address E 5, Bee. - K 828 33 . NICE) . room In strictly private, modern noma, two diocks iroui car; reasonaoiei traveling salesman preferred; relerences, -Address E 9, Bea. . K MJ4 23X 1916 CHICAGO NeWly furnished room; ev erything modern. lis MSil ax 2101 FARNAM Nicely furnished room! everything handy. E M810 26x 1720 DODGE Neatly furnished rooms: mo era. E M869 2ex 1721 DODGE Steam heated rooms: modern. E M868 26X 1711 DODGE Back parlor and single room. E M67 2bx 1318 DAVENPORT First-class; every Hung modorn. . E Mswi Zox. 407 N. FOURTEENTH Well furnished; every convenience.. E M86j 3ux Mrs. E. K. Mackey, 'Phone Delinar 1946. Direct car line to Fair. THE UTOPIA r-urnisned Rooms. 3916 West Beile Place, St Louis, .no. Tana L&ciede car at t nion station west, transfer to Vaiide venter norm to Wenl Belle Place. THE INCUBATOR CAFE On the Pike. Home cooking. Flrst-clast In every reaped. E 023 23 A VERY NICE clean room, suitable for one or two g.ntieuien; close in; pi 1 vats laJuliy. 11 la a, uHiitUiD niuui, ui o. l. a. hi ,&9 k,x WANTED, gentlemen roomers at 2061 N. lDLh st Rooms are moutan. E MiM 24 x $10 HERE will go leather than $16 at the installment, sto.es, anu we seii un ruay payments, too; ftit tvorui, $1 per' wee.; ju worth, $i.uu per week. , OMAilA (UltMiuHli CARFET CO., Between Uih and ilh oa Faruum st E Sil 23 FUHNbHtD hOOMS AND BOARD O. M E., TEL. 6il. MESSENUlLRd AND BAGGAGE). - ' 120 THURSTON HOTEL: steam heated rooms, $1.6u to $4.00 per week; board, 3.6o. it ""Xm VICINITY of high school, modern, south from rooms. Including board, $6 per week. 2406 Cuts. 'Phone A-2u93. F-123 MIDLAND hotel. 16lh and Chicago; s tea us. heated rooms, with or without toard. DOUBLE parlors, well furnished ;not and cold water in rooms; also large cioseUj board; rates reasonable. 61 It. 19tb. V 124 THE MERRIAM, 26th and Dodge St Tel. 85. Family hotel. M4ul ELEGANT front room for two, reasenable fumace, modern. 618 8. 20th. IT Mom Ztx WELL furnished roonia and board. 621 8. 2oth. F M686 24X tea it. 22th ave.. pleasant room: good board: private 'imuy. F 4j02 SUITE of elegant all modern, well fur nished large tint rooms; convenient (or two or thrwe refined gentlemen. 2u84 N, 19th. F M478 GOOD suite of rooms at the Bachelors for three people at $;6 a month. V 693 24 3 NEWLY furnished front rooms; all mod ern conveniences. 217 a). 2oili St. 'Phone F-2610. F-650 28x A PLEASANT alcove room with a small family to a refined gentleman anil wife. A fine table and every convenience. Ref erences exchanged. Address 1 13, Ilea. F 721 23x LARGE front room for man and wife or two gentleman. itr, rri - is . r vate family. 1066 B. 29th st. F-M790 2Dx ROOM and board for two gentlemen at $4 per week. 12li California. NICELY furnished room, with excellent board, for two, in piivuie lajniiy. ao drasa E 4, Bee office, or 'phone B-2167. F M18 24 ROOMS and board; modern. 618 S 19th. F Ml64 25x NICK, largo room; everything modem. 2J2J Uoumo. e saoee m r h V i