Daily Bee. PART 2 Pages 9 to 16 WE SUNDAY BEE BEST NEWS BEST PICTURES BEST STORIES. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 22, 1904. SINGLE COrY THREE CENT. The Omaha n r v r i JL ! Bavarian cups and will sell saucers for No more Marbeth's Pearl Glass Oft Chim neys, each And ten (1 00) Littls Stickers. V " J nd kov&i urday, tne Another one plated stand LSHl ( A 1 50 DOZEN LADIES' NECKWEAR; to be sold Saturday at 10c Beautiful patterns of point Venice stock Collars and Tabs. Buttonhole effects in hand embroidered, linen turnover collars. Swiss embroidered collar tops. Values in the lot worth up to 35c, Saturday, each 10c Another Sale of Sample Golf Gloves Plain colors and fancy striped; all sizes; values up to 75c, Saturday's price, per pair, 35c and. 25c Union Suits Just 1 case children's fine ribbed Union Suits, sizes 2 to 12 years, perfect goods, regular 39c and 50c garments. Price for Saturday only, per garments .....25c . Hosiery v , 100 dozen ladies' fine cashmere, wpoL.hose, -.-full fashioned, elastic leg, French foot, sizes from 8 to 10; regular 40c value. Our .price for Saturday, per pair .25c Ladies' fine ribbed, fleece. lined Union Suits, crochet finished, taped neck, French shaped, gray color; sizes 4, 5 and 6; regular f 1.00 suit, for 75c 3 cases children's, misses' and boys' fine ribbed, heavy fleeced nose; warranted fast black; high spliced heel and rein forced knee; values up to 35c. Our price for Saturday ..Y...... 15c Ladies, Misses, Children. Attention! A Cloik at abou: Hilf Price Saturday. Ladies' Three-Q larter Cloaks Special sale high class styles at the factory prices Saturday, only about 50 Cloaks. All this season's purchases," worth from $20 to $30, at.. 17.50 Children' and Misses Cloaks. BARGAIN COUNTER SALE OF SAMPLES We have purchased the sample line of Children's and Misses' Cloaks of J. & F. Ooldstone & Co., 836 Broadway, New York. They include some of the nobbiest styles ever shown in Omaha. Peter Thompsons, Buster Browns, Havlocks, Military Capes, Short Capes, Norfolk and Plain Jackets and Box Coats. All will be dumped on our big Bargain Circle on Main Floor Sat urday morning and sold at about half price. . OPEN LETTER TO MR. NASH Eleotrio Light Monopolist ii Calltd Dowa on EU Falsehood. WHY MUNICIPAL LIGHTING PLANT IS NEEDED EswaK Rawata of Tfc Be Replies of tb Mteets Umd Bctots the las sitrmul Clafc. Ths following open letter liaa been A dresaed by Edward Roaewater, editor of Tha Bee, to F. A. Nash, president of the Omaha EUectrlo Light and Power company: OMAHA. Oct. 21. WOi. Mr. Fred A. Nash, President Omaha Electric Light and Power Company: la an addreaa delivered by you before the Prospect Hill club In Opposition to the es tablishment of a municipal electric lighting plant you are quoted as charging that "& Hoeewater had gone to the stockholders of tha Omaha Water Works company In the east with a plan to start an agitation fo a bond Issue to purchaso the electric light company's plant and so attract attention toward the lighting company and away from tha water works company." but waa Refused, for the rwuioa tbat tha eastern ownera of the Omaha water works are very anxious to sell their plant. Too. are also quoted as saying that thereupon i .turned my attention to the Omaha officers of the water company and convinced them that they must defeat the water works purchase In order to bold their Jobs; hence the pro posed bond Issue for an electrto tight plant. A row Uee Railed. I concede that as manager of the electric lighting monopoly you have the right, and possibly It may be your duty, to oppose the proposed establishment of a municipal light ing plant In Omaha, but you have no right to resort to deliberate falsehoods for the purpose of boltrlng your monopoly of public lighting. I have notr been In New York slnos April of ths present year. I have never bad any communication, verb ally or otherwise, with the owners of the Omaha water company or any single stock bolder In relation to electric lighting or the proposed municipal eiectrio light plant Z have not aeked ths employes of the Crockery Cataract China. Bridesmaid ?" decoration ta ssucfts the popular Mlgnon pattern. We on Saturday thres cupa and a C j no leas Bold to a customer. No delivery. Green 8c ESfel Royal Austrian white china bread and but- ter plates, suitable for decorating;. (Limit ajlC of ala.) Set of six Fancy decorated Lamp.'complcte with 10-Inch gobs rouna wi k uururr, win v.. beautiful pink and green deco ratlona. Stand 27 inchea hilrh ..... 1.58 Only a sample of our special Lamp values for Sat closing any oi our . B. A H. round wick, nicKio lamp, complete 10-lnch 98c aome snaae Harlland A Co. whlta Ranson chocolate 8SC pois, each Decorated bread and. butter plates, OC each... " " III tlrW II I V.li h WUIUl UMJ tava j w w water company to push ths eiectrio light bond proposition as a means for delaying or defeating the purchase of ths water works, because such a suggestion would be Idiotic. The purchase of ths water works has been decided upon by the city. Ths ap praisement will be completed within a few days and ths only thing that can stall ths final acquisition Is a contest In ths courts over ths plies to be paid. Tou know as wsll as I know that mu nicipal ownership of public utilities was ths Issus In ths Ust dly election and that ths mayoralty candidates of all parties Benson, iioores, Howell and all ths candi dates for ths oouccal were publicly com mitted In favor of prompt action to ae qulrs both an electric light plant and ths water works. Tou know that the proposi tion to acquire a municipal lighting plant would hare been subm.tttd a year ago had you not -used your pernicious influence on the council to delay It. Tou also know that ths proposition now before our cltl sens does not contemplate the buying out of your plant or any Interference wi n It and that Its only purpose Is to furnish Omaha with electric lights of ths best quality In every section of ths city, leav ing your company to supply eKctilt; lights and power to privets consumers. ' Csss.1 Befvsr the - This Is not, however, the first Urns that you havs resorted to downright misrepre sentation designed to deceive the people of Omaha Tour attempt to befog the real Issue Is a repetition of ths well, known i methods by which you havs managed to j acquire valuable franchise privileges for : (your corporation. For example, when yon wanted to secure the franchise for electric I lighting wire conduits, you gave assurance, not only to ths mayor and council, but to myself and others Interested In the up building; of Omaha, that eastern capitalists identified 'with your eiectrio light snd power company would build . the Platte river power canal. If they were granted ths rlgnt to lay conduits In Omaha. Tou must havs known then that this wss s delusion snd a snare. Just ss you knew later on, when you wsnted to secure sn extsnsioe of your contract for eiectrio lighting, that the published story emanating from your self, that Armour A 'Co. were behind your proposed electrto power canal scheme was untrue. The only part of yor speech befors the club- which bore ths semblance of truth waa the. declaration that the owners of the water works are anxlqua to sell their Bennett's Great plan, doing the business a month, that Bennett s Grocery is doing. Another fact our competitors in the grocery business in Omaha, take their "cue'' from Ben nett's. We regulate the popularity of an article, we give it a price and there you are! The other fellows follow suit. Our stocks are fresher, larger, have a greater variety, our bargains are 'WAY ' BIGGER than any other and there's no "hot air" about that either! Great mon.-'y-aaving aales now on In our grocery department. These bargains for Saturday only: Laundry Soap Bargains t bars Bennett's BargaineSonp 2C for -w SI. 09 worth Green Trading- Stamps. H.W worth Green Trading Stamps with , one pound splendid Japan Rice, 1 c for $6.00-worth Green Trading Stamps with three pounds finest Java and Mo- 1 flfl cha Coffee l,v Canned Vegetable Bargains S-pound can Tomatoes " Qq S-pound can Pea for S-pound can Corn 10c 10c or. ...... 10 cans of the above lint for $1.00, and $4 worth Green Trading Stamps. Shoe Dept. Double G recti Trading Stamps only 'till noon on all purchases. Saturday's Sale I!N Ladies' and men's felt slippers, leather, soles, worth $1.00 and twenty $2) Little EQp Green Stickers for uOu Ladies' sample shoes, Goodyear welt and turn soles (up-to-date styles) Worth up to $4.00 and fifty ($3) Little Q.48 Green Stickers for. . . . . Men's box calf and velour calf and vici kid, welt sole shoes worth $3.50. ana $4.00 and fifty ($3) Little Green l).4C . Stickers at . Z Ladies' crochet slippers, red, blue, brown or black and . twenty ($2) Little Green 79c Stickers at Ladies', vici kid, patent tip shoes, worth $2.50 and thirty (XXi Litt.li Orppn Ktickpra. I 49 I , at Kaufman's Or chestra in Two Concerts Satur day Evening. First: Cafe. 6:00 to 7:25 Second: Balcony, 7:30 to 10:00. Stirring Program at each. Talking Machines Enameled Iron Betfs $2.25 Iron Bed, finished with bine or white enamel, full size, J $4.50 Iron Bed, artistic design, with ex tended foot end, all colors, 3 2d $0.25 Child's Iron Crib. with' drop sides plant That fact has been repeatedly pointed out, by myself through Ths Bee, In combating ths pretentions of ths bogus champion of municipal ownership, R. B. Howell, who engineered the compulsory water works purchase . bill through ths legislature under pretense tbat the water company was opposed to ths purchase when ho knew that his bill was concocted under under Inspiration of ths water company for ths purpose of forcing the purchaso at a time when material and labor are high. But you and your satellites are only trying to throw dust into ths eyes of ths people when you seek to make them believe that the eleotrio light bond proposition was brought forward now to retard and prevent the purchase of ths water works, and your efforts to make ms appear as an unprinci pled and selfish conspirator against the In terests and welfare of Omaha Is as in famous as it Is baseless. I havs been a sincere advocate ' of municipal ownership of publlo utilities for mors than a quarter of a century, and unlike some people who ars now joined with you In trying to thwart the acquisition of a municipal lighting plant, I have not been a weathervane, nor have I been, playing to ths galleries. I have advocated municipal ownership from con viction. I havs been for municipal owner ship, not only becauss It will cheapen ths cost of public utilities, but becauss It will eradicate tha corrupting and demoralising Influence which the public utility corpora tions ars constantly exerting upon our mu nicipal government. No corporation has tampered more persistently with our city officials and councils than ths eiectrio light ing monopoly. It Is a matter of notoriety that It keeps on Its pay roll a gang of pro fessional boodle distributers, who make It their business to hound our councllmen from morning till night, ply them with whisky and wine and entlcs them to all sorts of resorts and supply them with cour tesies and free excursions from Lake sfaov awa to Okoboji. We may not bo abls to put an end to these corrupting and de bauching agencies by establishing our own lighting plunt, but we will make a begin ning and ths easiest beginning will be with that branch of our public utilities that In volves ths smallest outlay. E. R08E WATER. Ckers.w.1 Km, ni as. BT. LOl'18. Oct. n.-The fisht betweer. if. . Cuoynakl snd Philedelphta Jack O Hrlen for next Thursday ninl.t. has bees called off. owing to a brief trlrrram from Chunskl, which said: "fall nut utL Aw out of gams (wr good." Grocery Candy Department Taffy-Taffy A special sale on fresh made delicious Ana-el Food Tnffy. assorted fl(C flavors, per pound acrw Samples handed out free. Hollowe'cn Novelties Pumpkin Lanterns, 20C Butter Scotch per package, at Full Dinner Palls, at $1.00 worth Green Trading Stamps with pkg. Razxle. 18c 5c Our Meat Dept. The most reliable market around everything tniaranteed strictly fresh and of best quality. Prices the lowest A few of our specials for Saturday: CHICKEN'S! CHICKENS! Fresh dressed spring, I'll Dor lb Fresh dressed hens, per lb Fresh dressed roosters, per lb 10ic ..7ic Mutton legs, all choice yearlings from native sheep, T' per lb 2C Mutton roast, I per lb T'C Rib roast, per - Q lb OC Round steak, f 3 lbs for DC Rib boiling beef, p 10 lbs for JmDC Swift's best grade Premium f T I bams, per lb IjiC LARD! LARD!! LARD!!! Another fresh lo of Bennett's specia kettle rendered leaf, lard. Rendered especially for us. A 5-lb pall Bennett's special kettle rendered leaf lard 55c for. And thirty () Green Trading Stamps. NOTE We guarantee quick serv ice. Penty of help our force con sists of 12 experienced meat cut ters, 2 cashieres and 3 cash boys, not Including our delivery service. It's the biggest, busiest and best meat market In town! That's what It is! VICTOR TALKING MACHINES THE ACME OF PERFECTION. WE KEEP ALL MAKES OF DISC RECORDS. BRINQ TOUR OLD RECORDS THEY HELP BUY NEW ONES. WE EXCHANGE. RCORDS-JAP BOOM, SECOND FLOOlt Our dlsp.ay of Iron Beds is simply bewildering-. It's one of the strong; features of our furniture business. We have Jjst added some new patterns, 1906 slyle you mUht call them, for they 11 be popular next reason. Those who desire simplicity and ele- vancs win unu mucn 10 u.umire in uiese $8.00 Iron Bed, continuous post heavy close filling, all colors, com- A Kf blnation, at 1.UU $10.50 Iron Bed, continuous post, heavy filling, extended foot end, JQ and woven wire spring, at SERVANT GIRL GOES TO JAIL Domestio Sentenced for Stealing Clothes of Associate and Her Mistress. MAKES RICH HAUL, BUT IS CAUGHT AT IT Maldea U Only Eighteen Tears Old aimd This Is Sseesf lick Ofteass Save Is Charged -With. Allcs Lundqulst, alias Klnnls Und. ar rested Thursday by Detectives Mitchell and Davis at the Union Station as sbs was about to entrain for her home at Falrbury, has been sentenced to twenty-five days In ths county Jr.il by Police Judge Berka, be fors whom ths young woman was arraigned on the charge of petit larceny. Miss Lund qulst was charged with stealing nearly 1100 worth of wearing apparel and trinkets from her recent employer, Mrs. A. Mandelberg, and Miss Ida Baker, a servant In ths Man delberg home. Ths complaint on which ths prisoner was arraigned Was sworn to by Miss Baker. At tha Urns of bsr arrest Miss Lundqulst was wearing Miss Baker's hat. Mrs. Man del berg's skirt and Miss Racine Mandel berg's waist and other garments. Polios Matron Anderson is authority for the, state ment that when Miss Lundqulst was taken to ths station by the detectives ths prisoner had to be nut to bed whan tha atiln var ments were removed from her until her j truna couia be orougnt irom Albright. , Miss Lundqulst sent her trunk snd grip to Albright for shipment to Falrbury, for the purpose, ths authorities believe, tbat she might mors easily svada apprehension. Her leavetaklng at ths Mandelberg horns was of aa affectionate character. She placed her arms around Mias Baker's neck and klaaed her fervently. Miss Baker then offered to help carry her hand lug gage dowa town, carrying a hat box. la which was Ister found two of Miss Baker's hat a On returning to ths Mandelberg home Mias Bsker noticed she had been robbed and Miss Lundqulst's arrest fol lowed In a few hour a Ret Her First Inch OsJeas. About six months sgo, while working at the horns of Mra Hamilton, 4101 Daven Bennett's Grocery is the 'biggest west of Chicago. You won't find another grocery, running singly or on the department store Vc worth Green Trading: Stamps wlthf fr can Hawkeye Cream A Snap in Ginger Snaps He lb. $1.00 worth Green Trading Stamps with Dound New York full Cream 20C Carnations Carnations To reach us on Saturday morning at I o'clock. Assorted colors, delicious a perfume, as long as they last, 1 per dozen FREE-FREE FREE on Saturday. A box of Ghlrardell's Cocoa Purile free with every can of GhlrardrlU'a Cocoa sold H pound can Ghlrardelli s Cocoa lAsc. for 1-pound can Ohlrardelll' for s Cocoa 50c Art Dept. Sweeping Bargains in Art. Three Big Specials No. 1. Big sale of 700 framed pictures sample stock of a Chi cago manufacturer bought at a ridiculously low figure. Yours on an equal basis. Pictures valued at $6.00 and $3.50 f .25 at and forty ($4) in Little Green Stickers. No. 2. PYROGRAPHY is more popular than ever. Saturday we sell our great special $3.00 outfit .79 at 1 and fifty ($5) in Little Green Stickers. No. 3. Artist's Materials! Artist's Materials!! Saturday only we sell a beautiful line of studies Paul DeLongfres,JQ Ten ($1) in Little Green Stick ers. Remember we are headquar ters for Artist Materials. Saturday Evening Table D'Hote Dinner best in town 5:30 to 8:00 O'clock. Price 50 cents Talking Machines new conceptions, prices are templing- Indeed. $10.00 Iron Bed, massive design, brass scrolls, bead and foot end, f) $20.00 iron' Bed,' beauOf ui design, extra heavy pillars, brass scrolls, 1 ft OfX head and foot end. at Hj.OiJ f 4.25 port street. Miss Lundqulst was arrested for stealing a lot of silverware and other articles. Moat of ths silverware was found under the rear porch of tha Hamil ton horns Miss Lundqulst then wss sent to the Home of ths Good Shepherd, from which Institution shs was released four weeks ago on ths request of her mother. An examination of Miss Lundqulst's trunk and grip rsvesled a miscellaneous lot of garments and articles identified as stolen from ths Mandelberg home. Two of Miss Baker's photographs were found In ths plunder, and such other things were discovered giving ths Impression that tha woman Is of a kleptomanlao turn of mind. Miss Lundqulst will be IS New Tear's day, shs says Hsr parents live at Falrbury and an uncls resides In Bouth Omaha. JUDGE DISMISSES THE CASE Bart 1 It Decides Dan are Salt Acalaai Frsdrleksoa Is hot Worth BelaaT Tried. Ths suit of Royal Guy Blue against H. E. Fredrickson was dismissed by Judge Bart let t In favor of tha defendant. The case was brought by ths father of young Blue, snd it was claimed Fredrickson had frightened the latter into convulsions by threatening his arrest Damages of $6,000 were asked. The principal witness did not bring out anything In proof of ths petition. merely admitting hs had bought a wheel eight months befors ths dats of ths alleged Intimidation and that Fredrickson had merely said he would send a constable for It If it were not turned In. The Judge took ths case from tha Jury and dismissed ths suit. NASH LETS HIS OFFER STAND Ialoraas Ceaacll His Propssltlosi for Cheaper Llchts Is Ge4 la til Jasssry. President P. A. Nash of ths Omaha Eiectrio Light and Power compiny has In formed ths city thst his proposition for 71 street lighting In return for a five-year contract will remain open until January L regardless of the submission of ths municipal electric light plant bond ques tion to the people. Hs filed ths following letter with the city clerk today: Referring to ths proposl.lon mads by this oeuipaay under data ef OvUber U In which TUn PATIinnAV mil I CnO Special Snlo'''"''! I WU OHIUnUHl rULLCnO of Indian Uaes The large size of these immensely popular noveitn day at. novelties which generally INITIALS BURNT FREE. A sample line belt buckels. fine heavy goods, mostly ox idized silver values from 75c to $1.00 while they last Saturday iJ ' About 6 dozen to the Lot Come Early Stoves and Hardware Dept. Remember that Peninsular Stoves are easily the best stoves on the market. Best in service, best tor fuel saving and best for giving heat. Therefore best for value. Peninsular base- burntrs up from J24.00. Ptninsuhr htif n j staves op from $3 50. Stotts of tvtry kini. Any out bearing the Peninsular -brand Is jusf fie store you oetd. Hardware Snaps Something to Interest Everybody Coat Hangers Clf for ow And 5 5Cc) Little Green btlckers. Trouser Hangers, 25C And' lo'ii)'ijttl'e Oreen Stickers. Bhlrt Hangers, 25C And' 10 fl) 'Little Green Slickers. Galvanised Palls, lQr 10 qt.. for Galvanised Palls, OOr- 13 qt., for Galvanised 14 at., for And twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Stamps wltn any of them. Enamels Greatest varieties o f colors and a complete stork all the time. It's NOW you should UN en amels, w e guarantee every can we sell, to con tain a permanent color. Quarter pint can Sc for Hnlf pint can. for One pint can, Saturday ,n Clothing! BR0KAW BROS. HAND TAILORED COATS AND VESTS FROCKS ONLY 32 TO 36 ,SIZES Now other good makes of Odd Coats and Vests, sizes 34 to 46, worth up to $20.00. With every Coat and Vest, we will make you a gift of a pair of Dutchess Trousers, worth and sold for," $3-00. The reason is we want to make room for holiday goods. Come qurck-'-this is the bargain of the season. Coat and Vest you pay for. : . , TROUSERS FREE Vicunas, Imported Worsteds, New Novelty ..... HAT DEPARTMENT Samples and odd Hats, worth up. ftjtl Cifh to S3. 00, at .vpll.jy $5.00 IN GREEN TRADING STAMPS. FURNISHING GOODS DEPT. Wilson Bros.. Lion Brand, Elgin, Ideal Shirts, PA worth $1.00 the word over : ...,UC BARGAIN SQUARE 50 0 Overcoat?, belts and all kuown styles and C A goods worth op to 20 Saturday only ..... pZr9 THESE ARE WORTH YOUR TIME. we agree for a term of five years to fur nish the city of Omaha such lights for street lighting purposes as may ts re quired st the sum speclaed in said proposi tion, the proposition la and will be open to the city of Omaha for acceptance at any time prior to January L ltttu. NEW SUGAR RATE CONSIDERED Cat ef FIT Cents apposeel to Be Reciprocal Sehedale Is Bslas; Proposed. A new tariff Is under consideration by ths western roods. Ths rata Is for ths ac commodation of ths beet sugar manufac turers of Idaho and Utah. Ths proposed tariff Is I cents below ths present one, but requires a minimum shipment of 60,000 pounds. It Is believed ths rata la a recip rocal action on the part of the western sugar manufacturers to get even with ths eastern shippers, who ars benefiting by the present sugar, tariff. It first was supposed Havemeyer, the sugar king, wss back of the movement for the lower rsu, ss he has been iq Utah and Idaho for several days looking over ths sugar beet plants. Ths petition for the lower rate, however. Is made by ths Inde pendent manufacturers for the purpose of putting them on a level with their eastern rivals. Ths rats asked for Is U cento to St. Paul. 61 cents to Peoria and 60 cents to Chicago from Utah snd Idaho common points. There is yet no change In ths east ern rats situation. Notes froaa A nay Hssdaaarters. The unexpired portion of the sentence of confinement of General prisoner Benjamin Ladyburlg, lata private of Company H, first battalion of engineers, has been or dered remitted by General Wlnt. Sergeant Miles H. Drlscoll. S xteenth bat tery. United Ststes field artillery, at Fort Leavenworth, has been detailed for duty with the detachment of farriers ana huree shoers at Fort Riley. So much of the sentence of confinement Imposed In the caso of general f piiaoner William H. Wright, late private of the Twenty-second infantry, as remains un executed Lteoernuer 1, has been i em 1 1 led by order of Brigadier General 1. J. Win.1, department commander. Balldiasi Permits. Building permits havs been Issued by the city as follows: Mrs. Ituae Pullard, ti.Oul frame dwelling at Thirty-fourth rtreei nd Iewey avenue; Roliert Uhllg 17.6 0 double frame dwelling at Tlilrty-afxth and Hamey streets; C. W. Sprague. fz.uuu frama dwell ing at TbiruelU and Vlnlou streets. brought 98c Saiur- CQ. Pails, 24c " 20 25C $8.50 BOTH REGRET BACK ORDER BBsniaaaBaw. Park Board and Counoil Sorry Lattei Adopted the Resolution. TAKES ROAD FUND FROM COMMISSION Whea It la To Lata This Is RtMp alsed as Hamper to Plaas of Developlasr Bowie ards. Members of ths Park board ars arleveA to think ths council has adopted a resolu tion taking control of money In ths road fund out of ths board's hands. While they sdmit ths fund "belongs to the council to spend, according to the present law, they point out that they havs arranged to 'spend the last cent of the money on boulevard Improvements, as ths Park board always has handled tho money. Only recently did Councilman Back dis cover ths law bad been changed. Ha promptly noted the small amount remaining In the general fund and. mindful of tha I needs of his constituents in the First ward. inu-oaucea a resolution to head off further expenditure by the park commissioners. Inasmuch as the comptroller already has certified to tho money aa belonging to ths board a queeticn has srlsen as to whether or not the council can deprive ths park ptople of what Is left of ths money. Th commissioners ars not worrying much about this, however,1 as they reailss tht council will havs to pay tho bills contracted for somehow. Raised by County Taxaftoa. "The worst fealurs lies In ths fact that ths road fund Is raLed by county taxation and is appioprlated to us by tbs county commissioners," says Prealdent Evan of ths board. "It always has been used for boulevard purpose Now, If the tomuiis sloners know the moi.sy U going Into too hands of ths council (or street work It means they will shut off tbs mousy at ones. The law was changed accidentally, as I have evidence to anew, and ws in ,tend to make an effort befuis the legisla ture this winter to have ths former pro visions subttltutcd. If ws do nut succeed ths city will simply loss ths amount sac It year."