Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 22, 1904, PART 1, Page 8, Image 8

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Great Silk Sale, Monday, Oct. 24
The biggest lot of silks ever bought at one time by any
house in the west purchased by us for spot cash at a price so
low that it seems almost incredible.
HUNDREDS upon HUNDREDS of pieces of finest silks
will be placed on sale Monday at prices that will be a revela
tion to bargain lovers. t
Sample Hats
$2.50 and $2.00 Street Hats 49c
A big Chicago jobbers stock or Street and Tailored nats for
Largest Stock
Latest Styles
Best Quality
Lowest Prices
ladies and misses has reached us at about 25 cents on the dol
uis on me uoi-
An. immense line of -Sample
Hats, In all blocks, worth
lar. Most of these hats would ordinarily sell
at $ 2.50 and $2.00 while they last
at ....
up to $2.50, Satur- iCC-
day 93c and.
Specials for
Warren's Silk Featherbone, 1fG
all colors, at, yard svw
too ami 75o Ladles' Belts, tfic
j at, each , lvw
Hose Supporter Sale
MoFoster Patent Pad Front, 25C
BOe Children's Shoulder Brace, 23c
tOo 8a tin Pad, book on, 25C
...?."a!!:..i 1.50
$3.00 Neck Ruffs,
Ho Corset Cover Embroidery,
at, yard
Aluminum etched Water Glasses,
regular 10c and 15o values only i
to a customer
at, each
Attention asK
Are you Intending to paper? If so
you should , set our prices at once.
They're money savers. For Saturday
we are offering:
Paper worth 6c per roll, . Qq
Paper worth 8c per roil," '
Paper worth lOo and 12o par roll, Jr
at w
Paper worth 16o and 20c per I fir
roll, at 1 W
China Department
PorcelamBalt Boxes OCr
each SOW
Thin Blown Engraved Tumblers Cr
Decorated China Chocolate AQn
Pots each W
f-Quart Decorated Water
Pitchers-each .yJ
.Decorated Chambers 1rr
Soap Dishes SP
each C
Japanese Decorated Salt and Kc
Peppers each
Decorated Japanese Plates s.
worth $100, at IOC
Imported Belgium Cream Jugs ifln
each IVL.
Decorated Cuspidors 74 C
Watch Our Ads. That's Monty In
Fresh new goods at purse-pleaa-ing
prices. Vegetables are fine
in quality and the crop so abun
dant that prices are lower than
ever before. -READ
20 lbs. Pure Cane Granulated
Sugar !
1-qt. can Syrup..... 7Ho
Yeast Foam, per cake 2o
Kiln-dried Oats (very fine),
: per lb 2c
$-lb. package Quail Oats 60
X-Oello. package 7Hc
'Force, package 7)4c
Egg-O-See, pkg 7V4e
New Japan Rice, lb '-'o
New Tapioca, lb so
New Sago, lb 3o
New Farina, lb 80
The MiUionaJr Attributes His Suooeu
to Advertising.
He Tells Two Handr Publlskers
Some Plain Troths His Address
is Valuable to Even th
Smallest Advertiser.
Over 200 publishers of newspapers and
magaslnes met In on of the most noUbls
Batherlngs ever held In the state of Michi
gan last week. It being ths ocoaslon of
na elaborate banquet tendered .on account
of the official opening of the new building
to be occupied by the Orandln Advertising
agency, which handle the advertising of
Fostum Cereal and Grape-Nuts principally.
The menu was ths finest ever served In the
state, ths event being held at the Post
tavern In Battle Creek, the horns and fao
tory site of Charles W. Post, the millionaire
The new building Is said to be on of
th most luxurious offloe structures in the
world, devoted entirely to the purposes of
en institution. It I th replica of an
elaborate wayside Inn as found In Old Eng
land, and Its furnishings, Imported front
almost every country of th globe, would
grace an academy of art. Even th wood
work Is out of the ordinary, some rooms
being In forest green, others In seasoned
. mahogany.
The one feature of the banquet was the
address on advertising by Mr. Post, who
spends over tl,OU),0C0 a year in advertising
Hope, fresh air, rest and
Scott's Emulsion are the
greatest remedies, for con
sumption, Scott's Emulsion
will always bring comfort and
relief often cure. Scott's
Emulsion does for the con
sumptive what medicine alone
cannot do. It's the nourish
ment in it that takes the pa
tient in long strides toward
health. .
WH was T s auapls be.
ICOTT BGWHC b fesri Slrwt, Meat Yeriu
The Largest Stock of
Ladies' Ready to Wear
Garments in Omaha.
Sample Skirts
Ladies' Furnishing Bargains
LADIES' COMBINATION SUITS-Fleece lined, $1.00 quality, SOC
LADIES COMBINATION SUITS-Fine Merino, in white or gray, J CQ
worth -up to $2.50, at. T Jeel
LADIES' NIGHT ROBES Extra heavy Outing Flannel, striped or Qttf
plain colors with fancy yoke, $1.50 quality, at UC
LADIES' KNIT .SKIRTS Extra heavy, fleece lined and Jersey ribbed with
plain or fancy borders, worth $1.50 to $2.00, 98C
BOYS' VESTS AND DRAWERS Extra heavy Jersey ribbed,
fleece lined, 39c quality, at i It
CHILDS COMBINATION SUITS Jersey ribbed, fleece lined, all "ZQf
sizes, worth up to 75c, at JJlt
CHILDREN'S VESTS AND DRAWERS Extra heavy flat fleece, J r
In all sizes, 39c quality, at
and MEATS from Thesz Prices
It for You. Manjr uonars re .mitch bj ,.!,
10 bars Laundry Soap (all
4- ib. pkg. Gold Duat
Searllne, per pkg
organ's Sapolio
-ib. can New Kraut.
5- ib. can new Squash
ftih n nw Piimnkin....!
Money saved every time you
buy your meats and fish from us.
Leaf Lard, 13 .bs. ior $1 00
Pork Loins, per lb.... lotto
7c Round BleaK, per 10, luc ano..t ! Shoulder Steak, per lb., 7c and. So
Round Bleak,
Veal Steak, per
Veal Roast. Der
8-Ib. can Hominy... .............. -jo
8-lb. can new packed Tomatoes.6o
2-lb. can new packed Corn 6c
J-lb. can new packed Lima
Beans Be
2-lb. can new packed String
2-lb. can new packed White
Was Beans 6c
New Evaporated Apples,
per lb ?W
New Evaporated Blackberries,
per lb THo
New Dried Marrowfat Peaa,
per lb o
$ boxes (9 cakes) very fine
Toilet Soap 2Cc
Veal S.ew, per lb 3o ,
Lamb Stew, per lb 3o
Lamb Chops, per lb 100
Lamb Legs,per lb 7o
Corn Beef (Fancy Rib), per lb. 60
Pasteurised Dairy r arm B e .k
fast Sausage, the finest made.
Smoked Halibut, Salmon, White
Fish, fancy fresh p cke.l Krg
llsh Bloaters, fancy fresh packed
Norway. Irish and North Shore
Mackerel; Hamburg . Roll Her
ring, Hamburg Eels. All fietsh
Grape-Nuts and Poatum Cereal. His ad
dress follows;
Mr. Post'a Address.
The sunshine that makes a business plant
grow Is advertising.
Growing a business nowadays Is some
thing like growing an appie tree. You
may select good seed, plant It in good soil,
water and work with it, Dut the tree will
not produce fruit until another and most
powerful, energising and life-giving ele
ment Is brought 10 bear. ou must have
sunshine ana lots of it. Can you expect
to ripen apples In the dark'. Can you ex
pect to grow a prorttaoie business plant
nowadays without the sunshine of publio
favor produced by advertising?
This Poatum piant Is a good Illustration
of that law. ft seems but a short time
ago when 1 put a few men at work In the
carriage house of the barn you have seen
today, where w began making Poatum
The seed then planted less than nine
years ago, was a new kind of apple seed
and It was not altogether certain now the
people would Ilka the apples. We did our
work thoroughly and plenty of it. We
knew we had a good apple tree of fine
quality, but how to develop our work and
turn the apple tree Into a productive and
pro.itable tree was another question.
It needed sunshine and the kind of sun
shine that is spread by the newspapers and
magazines. It Is an absolute certainly
tliat without- the publicity thus given In
other words, the sunshine the Business
never would have developed.
Salesmen's limitations.
A stranger told me once on a train that
Post made a start by peddling postum from
house to house with a basket. That story
is Ilk many others that people Ilk to
read and that lack the e.ementa of truth,
for Post learned in an early day that a
salesman by word of mouth could only
convince one customer at a time whereas
a salesman who knew how to talk to u
vast audience could address that audience
through the columns of the dally news
papers. The same argument, loglo anil
salesman ability will In this way win
thousands of customers while In the old
way ll would only win one at a time.
You have seen today faotory buildings
thirteen or fourteen in number covering
, many acres of ground, employing hundreds
, of working people, producing food and
anna in an aggregate 01 t.uoo.uuo packages
per month, which goes to every civilised
country on th globe, and yet the entire
enterprise Is less than nine years old. We
have found It necessary. Inasmuch as the
tree has grown and the appl matured
by hard work and th sunshine day In
and day out, month In and month out, the
sunshine appropriation -amounlina to id.
1 proximately Sl.lXiu.OuO a year for advertln-
' In for Y rrlm- tai.hfl I ki.l If vm.
matur th tree under strong sunshine and
bring It up to a thrifty and healthful state
where It produces profltable apples, you
cannot withdraw that sunshine else the
tree will gradually die.
Merit I Maasry,
8pm thoughtful man might say that If
what Vflu nianufjtf.tura has tn.rlt nno
you get a trad established people will con- !
tlnue. to purchase, even If the advertising
Is stopped, but to act on that conclusion
would be a fatal mistake, for there are
always bright men on the lookout to steal
your apples, and If you give them the
chance they will come In and take th
fruit sure. Right her let us drive a nail,
not a shingle nail, but a 40-nenny spine.
Your article must have merit, far and
beyond the ordinary unadvertised thing.
It should be the very best that human Intelligent-
and Ingenuity can produce. Then
you have a foundation to build upon that
will not slip out from under when the
building grows heavy. There are parsons
Ignorant enough to believe thst a poor
article can be advertlaed Into a succea.
It cannot, and anyone who tries the
peiiment will pay heavily for his experi
ence. Critically examine every well known
snd advertised article that has been years
on the market and It will b iound to
posaeM exceptional merit.
No broad bualuoas man should be Jealous
of Ui suoces of oIImis so loog as they j
ed in Omaha.
CHILDREN'S COATS, In ages from I to 11
years, In great variety of colors and fab
rics, worth up to $4.00, choice
Saturday is..
CHILDREN'S COATS, ages 1 to 14 years,
In line kersey and mixtures, 10 different
styles, worth up to 17.50, choice
CHILDREN'S COATS, ages 2 to 14 years,
In great variety of fine materials, 20 differ
ent styles, worth up to $10.00, choice
$5.00 BKIRTS In great variety
of handsome styles ana iab
rlcs, plain and mixed colors,
choice of 300 gar- O
menu. Saturday t.zJ
$7.50 SKIRTS, come In twenty
different styles, handsome In
fabrlo and finish, A Q
choice Saturday .VJ
BKIKTS, In French Voile and
Ktamlne, worth 1J and 15..0
JISSES' SKIRTS, In most pop.
ular fabrics and up-to date
styles, worth up to $4.00 o ir
sole QQ
SKIRTS, In blues, erieis,
tans, browns, reds, blacks anl
changeable, worth up to
The greatest bargains to' be found. Tou
can't help but recognize their value.
FINE KERSEY COATS Velvet trimmed,
satin lined. It Inches long, $8.60 C A j
value, Saturday kj.J J
long, trimmed with stitched velvet and
handsomely finished throughout regular
$15.00 value, Saturday s 1 I
price 4 W
handsomely finished and trimmed with
velvets of different color one of the very
nobbiest of the new season's styles) at
$25.0u, $12.90, $8.80, down g QQ
albatross, vestings, flannels, etc., latest
styles and great variety of colors, worth
up to $4.00, your choice OR -
Saturday VCT
per ib, 10c and..o
lb lHo
lb bo
do not trespass his property, but he has a
right to mark the boys with blrdshot when
they come into bis orchard and try to
steal his apples.
Apple Grew Too Bis.
We have had a raft of youngsters break
Into our orchaard In the last two years
with large baskets and hilarious snouts et
joyful pirates. The temptation at first
was to snoot them full of real live bird
shot, but that looked cruel, eo we tried
the plan of turning In an extra quantity
of sunshine, and behold the apples grew
so large the boys couldn't lift them, so
they went away and left us in peace.
A certain thoughtful and successful news
paper publisher once sent to me some ad
vertisements that he had set up and which
he thought would apply to our products.
These he proposed to run In attractive
style and In special position.
The advertisements were not smithed up
by a skilled, trained hand and did not
meet my approval, but that publisher en
deared himself to me for all time because
he took an active personal Interest In our
work, and earnestly sought to make our
advertising successful and to make his
paper earn money for us.
Now you newspaper men take that little
Item home to yourselves and don't ever
forget It Each advertiser Is a pillar upon
which your buslneas house Is built and It
la of the utmost Importance that you take
a personal Interest In the structure and
stability of each of those pillars.
Advertising; Ko Krll.
In ancient oays nvWjpaper publ.ihers con
sluered an au.ertlnemeiii an evil, but a
necessary evil, and that It should be hid
den away as carctqily as possible, so that
no one would olscover that the paper was
tolng to make a little money by inserting
publlo announcements. A paper run that
way louay would fail.
The most successful exponents of the
new plan of doing buaintsa with ink and
paper are using every possible means to
uiuke the announcements attract!. and
sought after by the readers.
It is safe to say that ihjusandi of women
read the newspaper not tne telegraphic
page, but the pages containing announce
ments of bargains in stockings, tk.rU,
hats, gloves, pianos, furniture, food ior
the table, etc.
Pubilstiers should never forget that a
goodly portion of the readers are deeply
interested In the advertising announce
ments, and therefore I believe It would
be a good s'.roke of business policy for
every publisher to keep In bis employ a
special man to rewrite and skillfully set
up all advertisements onerea tnat laca
the hall marks of the expert.
I cannot let you go without just a word
on that old subject of circulation. The
faded and tattered mantle of the news
paper man, handed down from the ances
tors of the past, that mantle which cov
ered wtih deceit the circulation of the
medium Is hated and deplored by every
publisher who still wears It.
Wnnt Known Circulation.
The old excuse that unless the mantle Is
worn the other fellow will come out with
a statement of larger circulation, Is nof
worthy of mention before expert adver
tl f ' today .
Advertisers will pay more money per
Una per thousand for known circulation
than they will for a guess of one-half on
th claimed and unverltled circulation. I
have observed a great and Increasing
growth In Integrity and honesty on this
question, snd I am safe In suylng that
every publisher who has thrown tils fears
to the winds and come out frankly and
honestly with the statement of Just what
his vlrculallon Is. accompanied with h
character of it, has breathed a sigh of re
lief and Increased his net Income for th
You have been Invited to visit Battle
Creek for the purpose of viewing one if
the most unique advertising buildings in
the world, also to look over a large busi
ness built up, sustained, nourished and
kept active by sunshine, snd. at the name
time, have an opportunity to see one of
th most thrifty, active and prosperous
towns of Its bIeo In the world, built up
largely by the same kind of sunshln.
'lux town i now nearly duubl In sis
Children's Sample Coats
The entire sample lines of Lupzlg- & Miller. Fourth street
New Tork, and Hettinger at Zelendo, Tenth street. New York
the greatest bargains In children's high grade coats ever offer
The Latest in
SU11S .
Our New York resident buyer aiways gets
the latest, and we are receiving the most
beautiful new suits dally.
WOMEN'S 8U1TS-In 7 different styles In
fancy mixtures and plain cqlors,- gooj
values at $18.00, our price 4
Saturday 41
EXyt 1BITE SUITS In great variety of
styles only one of a kind, and all worth
chPoce.,y.OU.r 18.90
with tucks and stitched bands of taffeia,
the greatest bargain of the Q Oft
season at O " Kf
In fancy mixtures
Saturday at
Eye Glasses
Perfect Leuses, well fitting
Frames carefully adjusted
to Vour Eyes.
The Price is Right.
Our buyer secured from a large eastern mill their entire
surplus stock of
at a price that enables us to offer you high-grade undergar
ments at less than manufacturer's cost price.
THE GOODS ARE HERE and Saturday morning we will
place on sale 700 dozen fleece lined shirts and drawers, in all
sizes, for boys and girls, worth from 25c to 75c in two great
lots at, choice per garment. 17c and 20c
12) im
j what It was nine years ago when the Pos-
l u 111 UUDU1C0B ty ti n 11101 Dial lou ai'u T. V
to talk to the great public aDout our prod
ucts and about Battle Creek. Mow the
town Is so well known that when one
sends a cable from Europe he doesn't l.-ve
to say Battle Creek. U. 8. A. Just Batllt
Creea is enough.
Employes Mostly Americans.
You have seen between 200 and 300 com
fortable and substantial houses that have
teen bunt lor tne r'osium worn people and
wmch are gene.aily now owned uy tneiu;
as many moi are in conteuipiatlou tor an
increased number who wul auomy coaie
here as emp.oyes of tne Grand Trunk rail
road in tneir new sbops audotner enter
prises. .
-.t of our employes are Americans,
own their own homes and good ones,
'iney are not striking laooi' uiuou peopie,
out enjoy goad wued, and in many cases
more than the regular wage. Tuey have
worked steaoiiy tnrough the period of pros
perity while many workmen in JNew loik,
Chicago, and outer clues nave been al
most continually on strike, and wlie.e in
savings banks nave become practically oe
pieteu the tit-posits drawn out to support
these people in tueir idle oays, so that now
wnen me period ot prosperity has gone and
the period of depression started in, tn
sinking work people lq various parts pi
th nuintrv bruin the hard times In debt
' and empty hanued. with starvation staling
I them In tne face In many cases, while the
I Battle Creek people wiui more wtouu...
have been gathering money all this time,
paying tneir monttny bins and depositing
.. Buiikri a in the bonk.
a he central National bank in Battle
Creek has taken In over new savings
accounts since the first of last November.
If that Is not an evidence of good common
sense I don't know where to look for it.
Common sense and plenty of sunsnlne make
tne wheels go round.
The labor union leaders have sent organ
isers and walking delegates to undertake to
upset the condition of prosperity In Battle
Believe in Sunshine.
We have been ordered many times to
withdraw our advertisement from certain
newspapers that had come under the ban
of tueir displeasure. Tne demand being
that we Join with the unions In a. conspir
acy to "put out of business," "break up'
and "ruin" these oublishers. but e be
lieve In newspapers una newspaper pjollsu
ers, snd we do not believe In conspiracies
nor are we friends of conspirators, there
fore we have steadiiy re. used to enter
Into any such conuplracy or to desert a
friend In time of need. This, perhaps, you
know, has brought upon us s boycott, but
we have publicly announced that we will
not discharge our time-tried and capable
workmen on the "orders" ot any labor
union, nor will we Join their conspiracies
to ruin any publisher. I heard something
In Europe this summer about the "divine
right of kings." I didn't stop to examine
any of their abstracts of title, for 1 con
cluded some of the early transfers were
more or less clouded. So I also think th
abstract of title authorising labor unions to
run, manage, conduct and ruin the hb per
cent of common American cltlsens has
some gaps in it. But there Is an abstract
that shows a clear, unbroken and unchal
lenged title to an orchard from the time
the trees were little ambitious slips up to
the period of big round pippins, greenings
and bellotlwers, In, ths reign of thrift snd
prosperity. It Is owned by the publishers
snd manufacturers who know how to pro
duce end use sunshine.
Farewell foe Safe.
Adellna Pattl was about to start on her
farewell tour. . ,
"Do you mean It." asked a friend, "er
Is this Just another of your falss alarms?"
"How can you talk soT" snapped the In
dignant rlma donna, "when you know
that I am deliberately going to rid on tbe
American railways?" Cleveland Leader.
Buster Brown la Sunday's Be.
Men's Furnishing Bargains
$1.00 MEN'S SHIRTS AND DRAWERS In natural gray and COV
camel's hair, at, each OsC
25c TO 75c SHIRTS AND DRAWEE S For boys and girls, all f 7-
sizes, at 20c and , I I C
39c TO 50c FOUR-IN-HAND TIES-In pretty patterns and great f A-
variety of colors while they last choice I UC
25c MEN'S HOSE In heavy wool-special Saturday .f !
at, pair IZ2C
50c TO 75c MEN'S SHIRTS AND DRAWERS Fleece lined,
per. garment, 49c and DsC
MEN'S $1.00 LAUNDERED SHIRTS-In neat patterns', great Tfl
value at OsC
$1.00 TO $2.50 WOOLEN OVERSHIRTS-For men," extra ! special fQ
value at.. "OC
1 ne bycamore f
Fire Master
Rambling Mose
Rinkey Dink
Dancing Eyes-. ..
Thoughts of Love
The followinc
My Heart's Way
Breaking Into Them Too Hnoh of a Job
for Gents of the Jimmy.
Formidable Strength of Modern Vnolts
Where Bundles of Money Are
Deposited Extraordinary
Safegnnrds Provided.
The newspapers fiequently tell how coun
try banks that carry a surplus of pernaps
$10,000 or 120,000 are often riddled by buig
lars. How is It that the millions quietly
repaying within the doors of scores of banks
In the larger 'cities are never attempted?
For it Is a fact that during the past twenty-five
years no attack success.ul or other
wise, has been made on any ounk vault in
the United State In cities of over 60,000 in
habitants. Most of the bank robberies oc
curring today take place In towns of 2,500
to 7,6o0 Inhabitants. In the larger cities
where the treasure really Is no one even
attempts to rob a bank.
Why Is this?
Money can protect money. That la the
whole secret The country banks depend
on safes costing perhaps a few hundred
dollars; a great city bank spends perhaps
$160,000 for its burglar and fireproof vaults.
And these vaults are proof. They are ab
solutely unassailable. The guarding of a
bank's money bus been reduced to such a
science that a banker, having once taken
the proper precautions, never gives the
matter a further thought, though he have
mlllons of dollars within his doors. .
Steel Lining Cost Thousands.'
The Areprooflng for a large vault can be
constructed tor from $10,bU) to 16,0u0. It
la ths burarmr nrrxif steel lining thai brink's
the coat of valut cons.ruttlon up to t..e six-
usure mark. (
Think of a door weighing twelve loot
or ot a hinge eiuui. o..e tou. itmn
ctutt door consists of ten incnes of drll
proof steel, plate lapped on plate, do you
wonder that en th most daring burgiur
nag never attempted it fctuch a great door
usually has some lour and twenty two or
tnree-lncb steel boils which shoot out au
tomatically In four directions as soon as
the door Is closed. The . enure Closing 01
the door Is absolutely water-tight. The
dosing has actually been tested one whoie
mgot under water. This is of the
"tongue, and groove" variety and the
groove Is packed with packing.
Tuls formidable door is furnished with a
Urn lock that can b set for any number
of hours and that cannot b opened until
th hour for which It Is set arrives. The
door Is furnished with perhspe tnree du
plicate timers, so that if two should fall
to work there wquld still be one to open
th door.
Inside th great door a massive grating
called th day grate gives access to th
vault. T this chamber, which, with Its
Our Children's Dept., Is
the Most Complete in the
West; Our prices the lowest.
Entire surplus Mock of a larg manu
facturer. Brains fc Co., 31 E. 10th street,
New York, on pale ,
Saturday, Oct. 22nd,
At lower prices than have ever beeo made
in Omaha at this eeaeoi; of the vear.
Alaska beaver, worknvinsiilp and
.inmn me nnesc, good value at
,t.w i-xtra
finest qua'lty, sold In this city
the very
this city
ana considered good
value at $0o.00-r
Our sale
33 Inches
long, lined with Skinner's satin,
woi th A;.00 C I PC
price 7. V3
two large tails, sold in this city
for $8.9s A QQ
Our price f .0
-..00 FUR SCARFS, 2 Q8
iil'.00 n 8ale 8"turdJ and Monday tbtntot the laiest hits In vocal and instrumental music
at 19 cents per copy; by mail. 20o.
Navajo, vocal , l9c . Kate Kearney Oc
Seminole, vocal IPc Goodby. Little Girl. Goodby..... 19C
Wise Old Owl .i9c Meet Me In St Louis, Louis... 19c
r. ioc
'. 19c
; 19c
Poppies (serenade)
Salute to America
Windmill (novelty) ......
Repasz Band .
Walta I9c
Wedding Cake
Golden Echoes Walts .
sonars from the successful comic ouera. Feaov from Paris: T LIIta Vnn T.11 tn, v.
D.wn in Dixie; My Emmaleen and Henoy
four-inch walls of drill-proof steel, la
worthy of Vuican hlmseil, oniy the active
officials of the bank have entrance. Here
are the tellers' safes where they keep the
money for tbe day's business. Here are
bags of gold, $6,000 in each, piled up like
so many bags of buttons, each bag most
securely tied and sealed. Here are pack
ages of bills stacked up like bricks. The
ones and twos In ll.OuO packages; the fives
in $6,000 packages, and the tens and twen
ties in $10,000 packages. The bills In each
of these packages have been counted, tied
up and sealed by two persons in the pres
ence of each other, so that the bank can
guarantee the amounts as given on the
labels without recounting.
Here, beside the tellers' safes, are com
partments where the collateral received for
loans to depositors Is kept.
But this Is only tbe outer division of tbe
vault chamber; beyond Is another massive
grating dividing the vault Into two rooms.
No single official caq penetrate to the Inner
shrine, und one of the two officials neces
sarily present must be a director of the
bank. Here Is the holy of holies, where
repose the reserve funds of the bank mil
lions of gold and paper money. The reserve
funds are kept In safes on whlcb ths locks
are timed to open every morning, so that
if necessary the bank tellers could have
the money at a moment's notice. .
Can't Us Nltro-Clyeerln.
The two divisions of tne vault form
really one chumuer with walls of uill.
proof steel. The walls are drlll-p.oof. yet
as a matter of fact, the up-to-date burglar
does not work with drills. A few sticks
f dynftmlte', "J "
uf' w th aIcoho'- 'ultr- "lee.
wire nippers, and an exhaust pump are
the principal Hems In his outfit. With
these tools he often "makes an impression"
on a small safe. But a single charge of
dynamite heavy enough to open the joints
of a big vault would wreck the whole
building. Unlimited time, therefore, in
which to work would be nectssary to the
! successful wrecking of a di Ill-pro A vault
by explosives. For It would be necessary
to use a long succession of small charges;
to work Patiently at nlata after nlata and
ptie conditions make this absolutely Impas
sable. Tbe reason such great pains are
taken to make all Joints water light Is
to guard against the introduction ot nitro
glycerin, which has about ths consistency
of honey or common glycerin. Nlirs
glycerin la not effective unless It la Inside
the safe or vault.
The entire gieat steel room Is made fire
proof by .being Inclosed In brick, or tile,
or cement walls, between which and th
steel walla Is an air space four or five
Inches thick. Air Is a nonconductor of
heat, and being Interposed 'between ths
brick and the steel walls prevent the lat
ter from becoming overheated. So perfect
Is th protection that even when a budd
ing has been destroyed th contents of
th vaults within have .remained un
changed. Several such Instances ' were
noted after ths Baltimore Are last winter.
Notwithstanding these extraordinary safe
guards against lire and thieves offered by
these walls of steel ana nreproot brick just
described, tbe bank vaults are sever left
Corset Values
Dr. Warntr's RustFroot Corstts Prln
cre hip, tie supporters attached,
side and front, extra long l CA
skin, suitable for stout I JJ
figures, at.
IV. C C, Kabo, W. B.. Ertcl form and
C. D. lustntt. Corstts in f ))
models suitab.e for' all f 11
figures, at, up f ' m
Straight Front Corstts. long or short
hip, with or without hoe W. r
supporters attached, tfMr
Finer Tape Cirdlts. all
Batlstt Girdlts with princess hip and
hose eupporiers
Drug Department
Rubber Brushes.. lBo
Cucumber Cream loo
Creme Marquise 15o
Orange Flower Skin Food ....1."k3
Plxsonl's Face Powder.....' 2"o
Water Rottle .....Wo
Fountain Syringe , 39o
Satchet Powder, pkg 5o
LADIES' HOSE In black and fancy
colors, worth up to 39c, f Cn
at, pair IOW
LADIES' HOSE Both wool and
heavy fleece lined, in black and
oxford, worth 26o and 36c, tOc
choice, pulr 1 :7V
bed with double kneea and high
spliced heel and toe, liio Ep
quality, at, pair w
CHILDREN'S HOSE Both light and
heavy ribbed, worth up to 01r
19c. at, pair lAJw
ul of theae 19c per copy, by mail 2Uc!
without human guards. All night thret
watohmen patrol the entire building. Thes
men are required to set off certain slgnali
In various parts of the building every hl(
hour. The record of these signals Is shown
on an electric clock. If one watchman
failed to make one signal at the proper
time the record clock would disclose such
failure. Besides these ordinary signals alarm boxes near the vault door
wlsjf the watchman can ring up the po
llcfSJlre department, etc.
Even should three watchmen fall in their
duty something hardly to be Imagined,
sines it would mean ruin to the men there
is an automatio alarm set off by any con
tact with the Inner surface of the vault.
So, If one can Imagine the unimaginable
and suppose the Impossible, that by any
means a thief could get through the walls
or the door of the vault, the moment he
reached the inner surface a gong on the
roof or In the street In front of tbe bank
building would clang out an alarm thut
would be heard three blocks away.
k still further piling of Ossa on Fell-
on Is the Insurance which all the larea
bankers carry on their depositors' money,
stocks, bonds and other collateral.
Considering all these extraordinary safe,
guards which are commonly taken by a,
bank Is It any wonder that, with the ex
ceptions noted, no bank vault In the larg
cities has been even attempted during the
last twenty-five years? Chicago Tribune.
Renee'l"ne of a Bachelor.
a man llkos to work very hard with
nothing to show for It he is a fool not to
get married.
It's funny how a girl's lips can smell of
tobacco smoke when she has been In a
room alone with a man.
There Is something singularly consistent
in a feminine wsy In a bleached blonde
singing In s church choir.
A girl would bate to think that a man
she likes could suspect how narrow a seat
she could sit In with him.
Lot of people ho worry over the misery
of the pagans don't care If they don't give
their own servants enough to eat. New
York Press.
No more wakeful nights if you
give your baby Meilin's Food.
Melljn's Food babies sleep
A setsl request will bring s sample of Melnn's
food right to your bow.