Iff TITE OMAHA DAILY BEE J SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1904. -1 WORK ON GRAIN TERMINALS i Operations Progressed Fir Enough to Per mit Rain and Buildings 8oon. EXCELLENT SITE FOR ELEVATORS OR MILLS Meat ( FIIUbk.Ib for FrelgM Hseo lwllrki of Great West ern Doie aad Other Or ad lag la PwsfcedL Now work la wider war which aooa will put one-half of tba Omaha Grain Terml nala company tract In condition (or ralla and buildings. Borne si weeks ago the Incorporators of the terminal company, through . President Stlckney and others tn St. Paul, closed a contract for the grading of the tract with a firm located In the Twin cities. Immediately a considerable force of men was put , to work on the around and It is thought by local members of the company the work will be finished In about one week. The district to be graded under this con tract will include about one-half-of the acreage - bought for the terminals. The work was begun at Twenty-ninth street and haa been carried weatward almoat to the Boulevard viaduct. Just north of South Omaha. Work Is on the central portion of the ground bought last year which runs from the Vicinity of Twenty-third street to the South Omaha line, and Includes a portion of Sheelytown. , The houses that stood on the tract were old at auction and removed by the pur chasers. This left a large piece of uneven land, running generally along the valley. The grading work now being done Is cut ting down the higher parts of the elopes and filling the lower. When It Is finished i this part of the terminal- will be ready for the tracks. ,.- . Good for Elevators or Mills. , This land will form excellent foundation pace for any elevators and mills which may be erected, and the filled land will be sufficiently solid as soon as graded for the tracks.. The Incorporators are not willing to say whether or not allotments have been made to private companies or whether Mr. Stlckney will proceed as soon as the ground is ready to put up his long promised elevator. The Intention of the Terminal company was to secure land where any person or company desiring to put up buildings for the grain business could be accommodated. It was thought at the time the Union Pacific and Burlington railroads might re fuse trackage for elevators on the Great Western and other lines, and Mr. Stlckney took this move, it Is said, to kill the possi ble' excuse that ground was not obtainable. Plans for grading the terminal tract were drawn in St. Paul last winter, and the work would have been begun In the spring, but the Great -Western people were so busy with the grading of .freight yards and ter minal tracks south of Leavenworth street that the other work was not attempted un til this fall. The . greater part of the flUlng-ln work for the freight houses and witches is now done, and tt is said the terminals for grain companies Vill receive undivided attention. -ported" linen from ' ltptn Extraordinary Special Sale of fancy Hand Made Art linens Fancy Art Linens And Imported Japanese Linens Saturday will come the big special sale of Fancy Art Linens which has caused .so much comment We will sell thousands of pieces of the most beau tiful and elaborate linens ever shown In Omaha many are drummers' samples of high class goods; others are Imported Japanese Hand Made Linens. A wide vartety-of the daintiest styles. We quota a few special prices: A great showing of nret-l Elaborately made Dny- 5sg25c!SWK.;....39c Splendid showing of C inter Pieces an J Scar's, hnnd embr ldered drawn work, Tenereffe wheol effects, etc. unique Oriental patterns, nearly all of them strictly hand rondo and worth as hlph as fifteen dollars each :i .......... . .1.50, 1.98, 2.50, 3.98, 4.98 A special lot of pretty Center Pieces yjjg inter Untleruei You certainly need winter underwear now. Chilly days and cold nights make warmer wear necea- Sae (I lit rvi 1 ' . SIGN ARTIST AND THE WOMAN former Taps Geatly on Window and Latter Thinks He Is Call. t lag to Her. She was stylishly aressed, beautiful of face and figure and she wore an expression of indifference. When she passed the Mis souri Pad 11c office she heard someone tap at the window and started back. She saw only an artist who was working away on one of the new window signs. Pussled, he started to continue her Journey. Again someone tapped at the window and again she. hesitated and turned - back. No one was there but the artist and she started to move away, when the same tapping oc curred. This time she turned with scarlet face and flushed eyes. It was evident something was going to happen. She made a move for the office, but as she did so the tapping was renewed by the artist on tho inside. Then the truth dawned on the at tractive and stylish stranger. She smiled, blushed and went on her way. Tho trouble was caused by the artist, who was filling in the letters on the window and giving them a frosty effect by tapping the varnish with his brush. And there were rudo men In the vicinity who actually seemed to enjoy the discomfiture and the confusion of the pretty, blushing little woman, who at first supposed the tapping was for her especial benefit, as it happened at very short Intervals. aary. It Is best to buy underwear that will be serviceable throughout the en tire winter. We sell this kind at ve'ry moderate prices. Ladies' Winter Underwear Fine and heavy ribbed cotton, fleecy lined, also part wool all sizes In white, silver , gray and ecru, worh up to $1.00 25c, 39c, 69c Ladles' Form Fitting Union Suits heavy and medium weight, the Fit well and Munslns makes, at 49c, 69c, 98c Misses',, children's and boys' vests and pants up to size 22 big va.ue, I ilr at, each ItJt Misses' and boys' fine ribbed and heavy fleece lined vests, pants and diaw- O f. ers, worth up to 60c, at, each -v Misses' and children's Melba style medium weight union suits, will go 2DC Ladles' Imported Sample Hosiery, black, tan and fancv col m, worth up to 1CI fd 9C 60c, per pr. Ladles, Children's and Men's Hosiery Fat blacks, inlOc 121c 15c Ladies $1 Kid Gloves at 39c Thtt greatest kid glove bargain of the year odd lotsand broken size of high grade kid gloves, rflV street and evening shades, many Btyles, uj your'choice at, pair .. Big Ribbon Sale All kinds of Silk Ribbons, in lengths up to ten yards all coldrs and every desirable width J jf j on big bargain square in the H i 8 C 11 svS C basement Saturday at yard ..... tt v K w J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS, BOSTON STORE BERTHA . HELD . IN CHICAGO Falntlaar One Yields to Temptation ... .B)e.s4ltr. . According to police records of Omaha, Bt. Louis, Chicago and Milwaukee, "Falnt , log" Bertha Llebecke has been making a transcontinental tour of the country, prac tising In her gentle art of fainting and re moving article from shop counters and Other places. Her last local engagement was on the evening of October 6, when, in a rooming house at Twelfth and Dodge streets, she relieved a Wyoming citizen of 4140 and a . sold . watch, . Flushed, with prosperity, she imemdiately went to St. "-ouls, where she had a "sinking" spell In front of a Sixth street theater. Two prominent man ef the World's fair city I ! Is distinguished from mil ' jfotbertby Us full flavor, delicious II quality and absolute purity, 11 m Walter M. Lowney Co., BOSTON, MAS . - tit EE. : Smart New Fall Shoes... v For Men and omen- It is very easy to save money on shoes, and find that you have paid dearly for the economy. Shoes that are sold at "special sales" because they have proven to be bad fitting lasts, or styles that were not popular, offer very poor economy. We have a line of shoes for men and women at $2.90 that offer quite a distinctive economy, and not only are thy newly made up, over stylish and popular lalts, but because our "knowing how" to buy good shoes, having the factory's build them up for us, finishing them here, and strengthening 'cm there. That's ths reason w can tru'hfu'ly c'atm our sSots for men and wamei at $2.90 equal to ttn-.e sa'd by others at $3.50 and $4 00. MEN'S SHOES... LADIES' SHOES... Men's Box and Velour Ca'.f Blucher and Vlcl Kid Lace Shoes, made with genuine oak soles, Goodyear welts, all sewed and stitched with silk, good heavy soles, for fall and winter wear, up-to-date styles, sold by others at $3.50 and $4.00. Our Special Price 2.90 Ladles Pnrls Kid Chrome and Vlcl Kid Goodyear Welt Shoes, good heavy soles, and extension edses, patent and kid- tips, dull mat and kid tops, military, Cuban and low heels, sold by others at $3.60 and $4.00. Our Special Price 2.90 Our Great Second Purchase of Fall aivd Winter Underwear For Men. Saturday at these two prices we will offer great values in underwear- Men's Shirts or Drawers At- 45c WORTH 65c Men's Shirts or Drawers AT WORTH 9I.0O 75c Attead ear Sat. arady ImU Sales. See large 4 Pact ft. TUBS It K LI AS) US TOMB. Attead sir Sat Viadr Special Sales. See large 4 oat Pace A. Sweeping Price Reductions On Men's Suits and Overcoats Saturday, Oct. 22. MEN'S SUITS In great variety of colors and patterns, made of tightlj woven ,ferv iceahle fabrics, and will stand the roughest usage, worth up to 110.00, sale price Saturdav KJU MEN' S SUITS AND OVERCOATS Made from strictly all wool materials, in the very latest styles THE SUITS have good hair cloth fronts, padded shoulders, excellently lined and trimmed. The Overcoats are in cheviots, vicunas and kerseys, with Farm er's satin body and mohair sleeve linings; colors, black, fancy mixed and oxford gr.ly; - any of these garments worth from $10.00 to $12.50 Saturday's sale price either suit or . overcoat, at ai fill HAND-TAILORED SUITS AT $10.0o-8In-gle or double breasted styles, In cheviots, fancy cassimeres, serges, thibets and fancy worsteds; hair cloth fronts,- hand padded shoulders, stltthed with silk throughout. If you want a handsome. stylish suit at a very small price here's your chance Saturday's sale price 10.00 I MEN'S OVERCOATS-In all the newest styles and best fabrics, exceptional A values In Saturday's aale at J I U See our special offerings In CHIL DREN'S SUITS at I2.S0 and SAMPLE! St'lT CASE) SAI.K. Vou need a suit case to go with your suit. We are offering extra special M fV values In sample suit case ail Saturday at 14.98 down to ss-sv 1.95 Ul ft km promptly rushed to the woman's assist ance, gathering her In their arms as a child. Meantime she Is said to have taken some of their goodly Jewelry, just to show her appreciation of a good thing. She was arrested and released for want of prosecu tion. A few days ago she entered the store of Slegle tc Cooper In Chicago and took a 1300 Persian lamb coat, which she sold at Thirty-sixth and Ellis avenue. The coat was recovered and Miss Llebecke traced to Milwaukee, where she was ar rested Wednesday on a charge of larceny. . Bertha evidently was a new proposition to the Chicago authorities, who have been in correspondence with Chief of Police Donahue. The McOuire It White Detective agency, which firm haa charge of the Slegle '& Cooper store, wrote the Omaha chief that it. Is understood the woman a name was "Bertha," and they believed she had a sister tn Omaha. The woman's photograph and local record have been sent to Chicago. It is ' said . she will be sent from Milwaukee to Chicago, to be tried oa a charge of grand larceny, and the Chicago authorities . intimate In a letter just received by Chief Donahue that Miss Llebecke will not return to her old stamp ing ground for a while, at least. TOURISTS GET WRONG GRIPS Haa Take Winu'i Satchel and She Carries OnT His Wlthoat Knewlng It. It la the habit of O. D. Greenwood of Viola, 111., to amok, a pip on the train when ha travels about the country.. He atarted for tho east yesterday, but In stead of whlllng away the time with an oc casional puff from his favorite brlarwood, It Is very likely he spent most of. the time swearing at his carelessness. Mr. Greenwood oocupled one of the benches In the Union station this morning. Beside him sat a woman. Mr. Greenwood had a small grip. So did the woman. Mr. Greenwood put his grip on the bench, where he could keep his eye on It. The woman did likewise with her satchel. When the train pulled Into the depot Mr. Oreenwocd picked up his grip and started for the door. At least he thought ha took his grip. He certainly left one of the traveling bags lying on the seat, and the woman thought It belcnged to her. Bhe gave the matter no further thought and a few minutes after the train left she went y the "ladles' " waiting room to use her curling Iron, which was In the bottom of the grip. When she opened ' It she almost fainted. . Instead of the feminine articles she had put Into the bag before she left the house she found a brlarwood pipe, a pair of soiled cuffs, a time table, some chewing tobacco, a hairbrush and a shaving set Wheu Mr. Oreenwood reached the smok ing car It may be Imagined what ha found. It may also be Imagined what he said. ' It was evident the grips had been ex changed when the two separated at the bench, and as soon as the woman mads her horrible discovery the wires were kept hot in order to bead off Mr. Greenwood and the grip. The woman left for Casper, Wyo., and her grip and chattels will be sent there. . Ob Charge ot Hobberr. Wtlllsre F. Vandewell and Cleveland Kemp have been arraigned In police court on Uie chatrge of rohbrry. It la alleged the young mrn rubbed Cai Hlllef of U at IM- Corduroy Knee Pznls Commencing Friday morning, we place on sale 160 dozen of Boys' Corduroy Knee Pants, ages from S to 13. Sale price, 23c. Not more than two pair to any one custo mer., Hen's Suits SIX03 Men's fancy worsted suits, pure all wool, made up Just as your best tailor would make them, suits that no other house here about would think of selling for a penny less than S15; our sale price, 110. It's a sulc good enough for a millionaire. ' - The Alfred Benjamin Make ef Suits Is for sale In Omaha exclusively by us; no others are as stylish nor as good. We sell them as cheap. If not cheaper, than you pay elsewhere for Inferior good Pants Values Today we place on sale an enormous lot of men's pants made by the famous houje of Werner, New York. He is the finest pants' tailor on earth. We offer this cele brated make of Trousers at tl.90, J2.40, 13.00 and M.50. The prices are from One Dollar to On Fifty leas than actual value. Ken's $2.50 Hats SI.9J Hats that aell everywhere else for flGO are here only II. W; they come In all the new fancy shapes, as well as Graeoo, Rail road, Columbia, also Derby, stylo. GUARANTEE CLOTHING CO., 1519-1521 D3U3L1S ST. Leader of Uiilinery Fashions for the Central Waif History Pairing Sal Saturday to be the Banner Sale Day & Entire Season Over 3,000 BeauMful PIc!ure Hats and Every One Reduced in Price. If you wjnf a new style pretty Fall Hat, NOW IS -THE TIMc TO BU. Kusic Afternojn aid Evening. (508 Douglas St. pmiJI.MS n aw IN I' ! IPH llimill I minium ! I i.i . FOR A CHAMPAONE COCKTAlb IT HAS MO EQUAl. a, Vi " irv -i.r aA j3 teenth and Chicago streets last Tuesday evening. HUlers Identltlus Vandewell and Kemp and alit-K that a third man was In the hold-up. ilillers claim the men flint .'i1'? toJ prlc of drink, then aaked if he had any monry. and then at the point cf a dirk took f! from him. The prlHuners pleaded not sillily j B bearing wa set for Buturuay morning in police court High quality diamonds. Kdhclm. Jeweltr. ill I f-MII SyilHUp JUppj IIIIWH 'UWJPJ..W'! 3 Right in Front of the Elevator A very handsome suite of tw rooms, suite 004, Immediately In front of the elevator is vacant It is one of the most desirable suites In Ttie Pee Building Hardwood floors and finish, electric lights, running water. Faces Farnam street a private office and a waiting room, or work room. Kent $30 per month. '..-... R. C. Peters M Co., RENTAL AGENTS, GROUND FLOOR-BEE BUILDING. It's Hard to Tell By the newspaper reports which army Is on the run in Manchuria but it's eapy t tell rhat Drexel ha all the shoe dealers on the run when It comes to boys' 11.60 shoes. Our customers nra Krnwlnr tn num bers every day because our f 1 60 shoes nave always proved to be juxt wnat we claim for them the bet 1 60 shoe ever made. Filing the boys In Saturday and have u fit them wl h n plr of hone t md and wearing shoes your money back If you're dUsailBtled. Drexsl Shoe Go. (419 FARNAM STREET, Cutirj Up-li-Dili Shi) Hom ASK FOR OUR FREE CATALOGUE. JOE-sftSSO'iM g GOODLETT CO. COMINATION of quality and price has given us the reputation of giv ing our oustomers the benefit of the lowest prices at which good goods can be purchased. If you are not one of our patrons it would certainly be to your advantage to get In line and be enrolled among the most success ful of buyers. The result 'cannot fail to be of great benefit to you. FOR SATURDAY WE OFFER KIPPERED HERRINGS Aberdeen VJq. best brand, per can . SALMON Tall cans, good pink 25c flsh, 3 cans for 4JI' BUTTER Good, sweet country, Ifir per lb HONEY Pure, white clover honey, tAn 20c comb for "w POTATOES Best quality, per Afsc bushel ,JW NUT CAKES J-lsyer, ftOc finest quality, each vr ORANGE CAKES-3-layer,' HOc finest quality, each w CARAMEL CAKES-4-layer, HDc finest quality, each " w CHOCOLATE CAKES-l-layer. HOc finest quality, each V" COCOANUT CAKE8-S-layer, flOc Hneat quality, each uuk- LAMB STEW-Per, lb . ow LAMB LEOS-Per QC RIB ROAST Best cornfed stock, de- t(r llclously tender, per lb 12o and....t RAISINS Nice, new Muscatels, OS 4 lbs. for TALK WITH TS BY 'PHOSE LF CONVEJIIEKT CALL. Johnson & Goodlett Co., 80th Lake' Sis. Phones 15TB aad 4T4S. GROCERIES. MEATS mm BAKERY. 1 I School Shoes You' can And the school .hees you're looking for at this store. You will find girls' and bjys' shoes at this store that are made to fit easy and comfortable; that are made to look neat and nice, and that are made lo wear long end well. You will find salesmen at this store who know how to properly fit the feet of any boy or girl. You' will find at this store that prices are right as well aa the shoes and fit; and nowhere elfe can ' you get such values In school shoes as our specials at $1.50 and $2.00 I m ( III If you are averse to paying ' exorbitant Drlcos and desirous of -"applying your money to th best 1 possible advantage fo groceries and meats ot superiu quality whloh we can conflden tlaily recommend as being ab solutely clean, wholesome anc palatable, we . respectfully so licit your patronage. Strictly Fresh Eggs, 9) per dozen , .' 1 Quaker Oats), , . 3 pkga. for Saratoga Flake, ' 95' 2 pkgs. for ..' Wslter Baker's Choco- XL. late, per lb Jell-O, If, I pkgs. for Knox's Gelatine, If), per pkg lm. INO APPLES, per pk.. Spring Chickens (our 11r own dressing), per lb.... v Spring Lamb Legs, 4). per lb C Pork Loins, ' 01 per lb yiSC Pork Chops, f ). per lb Ivl BcS"u.'.:f.:'. mc Hamburger, 71 per lb ' 3C Sommer Bros. Exponents of Good' Living. 28th and Farnam Sts. Telenhoes 738. 1329. iSSL Given Away Free Dr.O: A. Carlstedt s German Liver Powder I. .nr mm tnr DYSPEPSIA. CON STIPATION. INDIGESTION, BIL IOUSNESS, NEUVOLU , ana , dju HEADACHE. We guarantee It to cure any of tho ibove diseases. nn . . v,, iimir dnartmetit and w will rive you a LARGE PIZE BOTTLF (not aample) FREE OK CHARGE. mm. DRIO DEPAHTMENT. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER The Beat Farsa rmm.t. We are trying to break Into more eo al (blns with our Bonansa and Rock Springs Coals. If you knew what we do about these ooals you wouldn't "bold tho floor doon." CENT R AL COAL & COKE CO. I5tb and Harnef trtstt. Pboawst 1231. 16M m4 4718. v.