THE OMAHA DAILY REE: SATURDAY, OCTOnER 22. IflOi. SPECIAL NOTICES AevertlaeaatarB tar theee eelaaaa will taken antll la so. for th evralac edition aa aatll a. at. for the atoralaa ludir edition. Ptatee 1 1-ze a wore! Ural losertloo, I a word thereafter, hetblos? taken for lesa than SOe far tha Brsl laser. tlaa. Tknt eeverlUesneat atast aa raa eeaoeeoflvelr. A4rnlHri, fcy reajaesttna- a tiered eheek. a aav answer ad dressed a a arakered letter la ear ml Tha fla. Answers an addressed will ha delivered aa areeeatatloa af MISCELLANEOUS Day School Night School BOYLES SCHOOL Enter Now Catalog Free H. a BOYLES. President New York Life Omaha. I R 919 CUT RATE TICKETS everywhere. P. M. Phllbln, 1606 Farnsm and opp. Union sta tlon. Tla. 784 and lti:. ft 10 TRT"KELLy- TOWEL SUPPLY. Tel. 30. R-Ml CMl lk?P PRIDE OF HASTINGS. Beat OllJlE s-cent cigar on earth. R St. CITY SAVINGS' BANK pay 4 per cent , B KZ CITY STEAM LAUNDRY 2U SOUTH 11TH. 'PHvNB M. Wa trust eveiybody. Have ou.' wugons call; bills collected monthly. .... rt M447 NIT EAGLE Loan Oflloei reliable. ngcommoOit in j, all business confidential. 1301 DmirUs. ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co.. 1 N. 18th. Tel. 177. R-4W4 SIGN PAINTINO-sT" lT'coTai"l302 Douglaa. . R-8tf STOVE & FURNACE REPAIRS Tel. kU. 12U7 bout, Stov iteu. w a. P. MELCHOIR. machine work. 13th and Howard. R- THE Omaha Warehouse Co.. 009 Jonea; 'phone liofl; mdee. storage and forwarding. J. E. WALLACE. TAXIDERMIST. 606 8. 13th, K!S ENGRAVING PSSTK ' monogram. RM 546 N3U IP VOU want to buy, Mil or rent property, borrow money, II nt or account, call at R, t, N.Y.Lif. Tel. US. Glover A Bon. R M148 OMAHA PLUMBING CO.. Tel. 88(8, John Morrlssay, War. Re. Tel. 3914. R M9iH) . CH ICAGO LA U N D RY WB TAKE THUS DlItT and Leave your clothes- 'PHONE 206. I 214 N. 16TH ST. R M669 Nov 8 ADV. CUTS-WHEATON, In Be blder. t R-985, BUSINESS CHANCES ABBOTT-COWAN CO.. lit Nat. Bk. bid., can get you in or out of business. Y set HOLES-ARMSTRONG CO., 722 N.Y. lAtZ . Tel. 4. . im TO get In or out of bualneaa, or If you want to buy or aell real eatate see Omaha ' Real Eatate and Uualneee Chance Agency, 401 N. Y. Ufa bldg. iT-m Two Hardware Stocks One In Butler, tha other In a Saunders , county town. Both well located with tine .trades. For sal or trade at their actual value. Two general mdse. businesses In western iowa towne; good locality and business. Jacli can be traded for good land. A flno chanoe to begin In an established ' . bualneaa. A Jewelry atock In a western Iowa college town, well located and for . aula at A bargain on account of bad health of tha owner. , John B. Hansen a N. Y. Ufa. Omaia. Y-870 111 WHEN you want to buy, aell or exchange Sour property or bualneaa quick, see J. H. ohnaon, 641 N. Y. Life. 'Phone L2270. i. . Y-4MI7 DRUG 8tors-Knleat, R. P., N. Y. L. bldg. Y 264 BAKERY and confectionery, cheap. C 8, Baa. Ytft Nl PHYSICIANS located. Knlcat, N. Y. U Y-M907 SUBSCRIPTIONS are Invited to the atock of a company now forming to manufac . ture a staple artlole In big demand at a big profit: 10 Per cent guaranteed. W. L. jkionroa, jiv . tin si. touia, oio. Y-M372 ttx rURNITUKE for 6-room flat. 708 B. 10th. Y-M44 21x FOR SALE, 6-room modern flat. 70S 8. lth. i . Y-M4K8 23 x TWENTY-KOOMKO HOTEL at Kearney, oppnaite Union Puclrlo and convenient to ). Burlington depot Hotel irrrntiy enlurgd and renovated. Rent. t-5 per month. Good opening here for practical hotel Dfto- ple. P. G. Keens, Kearney, Netx 1M K PUR GUARANTEED INVESTMENTS pay 4 to 8 per cent monthly on t and .upward; highest references end testi monials. INDUSTRIAL GUARANTY . :.. 104C First National Bank bMn., Chl- cago. Y-Mj74 x GREATEST gold camps the wnnd h-a known are Tonapah, and Qoldneld. We vare headauartera for these stock at around-dour prices. M. J. Greevy, 414 Pee bldg. 'Phone L-2&0. Y-Ml FDR SALE-HORSES & WAG0NS HIGH grade, rubber tired. Watartown. aey riving buckboard; an eaatero novelty food ua new. at a big ascrince, Johnson Js Lauforth. 8. W. Cor. lots and Jonea sis. -: ' . P-114 FINE Wit pneumatla Stanhope, nearly new! open pneuniatlo runabout, too. Drum mond.lDth And Harney. . . P M414 NOT a horse ahower. but a wagon fixer. 'Harry Froat, 14th and Leavenworth. P-11J FOR SALE-Horaea for city driving orde 1 livery. Your livery trade solicited In . either buggy or carriage work. Mel- choirs Livery Barn- P ui FOR EXCHANGE WILL trade aawlng machine for type writer. Neb. Cycle Co., lilb. and Harney. . i ZV-104 WHAT have you to exchange for a planoT 1'srnald Plana Co, UUl arnam. Tel. 501. . 2i-10 If THERE la nothing In thle column you , waut, nut an ad la and you will soon get it Z-1M WILL exchange beautiful piano for driv ing or draft horse. SchmoUw A Mueller. liil Farnam. Z M4S7 I WILL exchange high grade piano for type , writer. Schmoller A kluellcr, 1213 f ar nam. Telephone No. 1C-S. g MVJ r WANTED TO BUY SHONFELD. the ANTIQUARIAN, tit N. , V. Life. paya. highest priue for booh. 'Tel.. auai N U ORQCERY stock. Tha Mslna-Case Co., 4 24 Paxtote Ulock. Omaha. N-M1M CASH for your horaea. Meloholr Livery barn. N-m . ' WANTEDTO BORROW V ANTED Loan of fl.OtW for two or three jetra; rnl eotala guurtiy. Adiin, D e ? V ' M uT7 CLAIRVOYANT OlUiU. aalnlat. Ui N. M. Tat, BK46. WANTED MALE HELP FALL TERM NOW OPEN Omaha Commercial College, 17th and Douglas Sts.. New classes in alt depai imenta. Uest time to bam nlgnt school bpiember . no for tree catalogue. Address ROHHBULUti BRU8.. Umaha, NjjjM MEN TO LEARN barrier trade; free rail road fare upon our failure to convince jou of this being the UE3T and only re liable, most practical barber college a the United Btatea. Wrlto fof catalogue tod.iy. Western barbers' institute, Omaha, Neb. B-10K WANTED Two city salesmen at once. C. F. Adams Co., IKit Howard at. U 110 WANTED A tollector and solicitor. Call 6X1-2 faxton blokk. B DRUG clerkaKnlest. R P., N. T. L. bldg. B 2m WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY-Able-bodled .... jJ . . o, ., Ui I EXPERIENCED' grocery clerks at once. Mains-Case Co., Wo Paxton blk. B M1M WANTED Men to husk corn at Farnam, Neb. Can use-40 men. Will pay t cent per buthel and board. D. H. Puweil, Far nam. Neb. B-M41S 22x COATMAKER wanted. C F. Strutx. M iantlc, la. B M427 I4x IF YOU are In need of a position, call and have a "Heart to Heart'r talk with Hart, the expert, 626 N. Y. Life. B 466 24 WANTED, S more good men for the road who can furnish satisfactory references. Have steady positions open at a aalary of 160 per month and expenses. Call or write to J. E. Faltys, secret ry Western Guar anty Investment Co., 4o7 Bee building. B AliOt WANTED, at once, three good contmakers; steady work; union prices. Halre Cloth ing Co.. Fort Dodge, la. B M541 22 1 Registered druggist; S60 and room, I Dry goods salesman, German or Bo hemian. 1 Collector and solicitor for Fremont i SalpHmen for city, t Office men. 1 Salesman with Small capital. Call or write for list of other vacancies. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS N. 240 New York Life Bid -667 a WANTED, good men In each ceunty In Nebraska who have from 50 to 1300 to Inveat In good paying business. Address D 49. care Bee. B-M&46 I2x WANTED, a registered druggist In small tewn. jr. w. Peacock, Merrlmsn, Ni'D. B M&4 2 REGISTERED pharmacist wanted, one who speaKs uerman prererren; steady position for right man. Pierce Pharmacy, Pierce, Neb. B M636 24x WANTED Hustling man or woman to worK in isebra'K; position peimin'nt; chance for advancement; no canvarslng; salary 212 to 124 per week; expenrea ad vanced. Address, with stamp, F. B. Cornwall, Omaha, Neb. B M576 22x We prepare you quickly Illustrator, ear- loum.-i, lawyer, pnarmaoist, stenogTapnr, bookkeeper, Journalist, ad writer, corre spondence man, banker. Write for free book. "Profits of Knowing How" all everything National Correspondence Schools, 62 When., Indianapolis. U. S. A. B WANTED Young man o take private lea- sons in oooKKeeping. Kate en a nee to ac quire a fine paying profession. Address W. P.. this office. B WANTED FEMALE HELP M GIRLS; Canadian offloe, IStb and Dodge. w ui EXPERIENCED chocolate dlppara wanted. ttaiaun, ism arnam. u aisue DE8IRABLB place for good girl; house- wora ana cooxing. cau a. m. corner xaia at. and St. Mary's ave. C M6os WANTED, girl for general offloe work; must ba good penmun; no stenographic experience necessary; references required; answer In own handwriting. Address D 4S, Bee office. C M63S WANTED, a good girl for general house work; no washing; 26 per week. Inquire 424 IN. Ua SI. . (,- Mb3 2SX WANTED, girl for general housework; Sood wage, small family. Apply 106) eorgla ave. C M506 S2x WANTED, experienced girl for general r.ousewura.; iwu in ismiiy, goou wages. 416 8. 28th St. C MC17 22 LADIES Earn 220 per hundred writing short letters. Send stamped envelope for particulars. Ideal Mfg. Co., Cnssop; lis, Mich. C-Mo7o 2Jx WANTED Girl as cook ana laundress. 2416 Capitol ave. Mra. 8. V. Barkalow. C-M0 WANTED Girl for 1106 South 2d St, general housework. C-631 ax WANTED Chocolate and cream dippers at Dyball's, 1520 Douglaa St. C 627 21 WANTED A cook; references wages, 26. 2102 Leavenworth. required; C-4U8 WANTED Girl for general housework, 1 In family: good wagaa. 1K10 Webster. C-623 22 WANTED Young lady to take private les sons In stenography; fine chance. Ad dress E. C this orlioe.. C WANTED SITUATIONS YOUNG MAN deeires plaoe to work for board while going to school; experienced. Boyles' College, 1984. , A So COMPETENT stenographer (man) deairgi position In city. Address D 46, bee. A-624 23x YOUNG lady stenographer, at present em ployed, desires to make a change; oan furnish bet of referrncea: two years' perlence In stunographlo work; rapid and accurate! Smith-Premier machine ore- ferred. D 61, rare Bee. A 4 21 X YOUNG lady. High school education, de eires position In doctor s office. D 4 car Bee. Atsjj&x WANTED., housekeeping by competent mid dle aged lady. Address D 47, Bee. A-M537 23x YOUNG business man, Herman, well ac quainted In Uninha, wants permanent po sition, wholesale or large retail house; will give bond and No. 1 referenr. Ad dress D 40, liee. A-M1D3 2Sx WANTED Work aa a wat riursa. Apply to Dr. CiiKcaden, Bee bldg. f A 664 23x PRINTING LYNGSTAD A RUFFNER. PRINTERSTO ain 171 KRAMER A CHANDLER, QUICK PRINTERS. 1106-06 Douglas at. To do. liver work when promlaed la our hobby. -10 PRINTING Not how cheap, but how good, is our motto. Great Western Printing Co., 1618 Chicago. 'Phon tail. 162 I. U. 8IRPLKS8. reliable printer) eatab llahed 12 yeara 201 8. IJth at., Omaha. , -13 PATENTS PATENTS H. A. Sturgls. registered attor ney. Patents, trade marks, copyright; No fees unless successful. 617 New York Life building, Omaha, Neb. 1J St'ES A CO., Patent Lawyers: adrlc free. Thfee offices: bee building. Omaha, Neb.; 1st learlurn St., Chktagcn III., and 1002 K SU. Washing ian, D. C. Tel. 162$. M-621 Nl UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT 6 MOIIKItN unfurnished rooms for house keeping; references! (so Poppleton Ave. a-iis LOST PANSY stkk pin, dlnmond setting; return Kingman Implement Co.," reci-lve reward. Lost 6ng Hit TAKEN UP 4)n sheep: owner can hv ly proving prdMrty ana p iugix ensea liiautre Mr. skxjll. U MadUun h- tiaia uMinniiiea men, neiwcen bici ii citlsens of United States, of good charac ter and temperate habits, who speak, read and write English. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer, 13th and Douglas sts., Omaha; Lincoln, Neb., or Bioux city. IMm J About Renting Rooms. The Ak-Sar-Ben visitors are all gone. Your rooms are vacant again. People are chang ing their quarters. Now is the time to advertise. Isn't it cheaper to place d small want ad in The Ilee and have it rented than to have vacant rooms on your hands? FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ROYAL HOTEL, European. 16th : Chicago. E-Ub DEWEY, European hotel. 12th and Farnam. 1 117 VIENNA HOTEL, 1011 Farnam; fln rooms, ladlea' cafe, private dining r.; open nights. B 116 1722 DODGE. First clae. Everything modern. K M468 2i SOUTH room, modern. 64 8. 14th ava. K Mt42 24X NICE comfortsbl room for on or two gentlemen; very reasonable; modern. lm N. 17 th. . E-M814 WEST BELLE HOTEL, St. Louis, Mo. Room 41.00; permanent brick building. Writ for booklet 10 minutes to World s fair. E-M950 27X SUITE of front room and other room; modern. 116 8. 20th. E Ma34 26 Mr. E. K. Mackey, 'Phone Delmar 1816. Direct car line to Fair. THE UTOPIA Furnished Rooms. 2i6 West l,elia Pmce, at. iuul. Mo. Taae Laciede car at I nion station wesi, trans fer to Vandeventer nunh to West Belle Place. TUP IMfl IRATHR TAFP On the i-ik.e. Hume cuuiuiu In ...... . . . . ....I., t CTCt icqiui. JK .WVAfi 1718 DAVENPORT, front room, for gentl. men, moaern. a aioou ui 1811 CASS, furnished; also housekeeping iuuiuh; inuuern. iroini jo HI S. 1STH, accommodation for student. ttiiaaui tax 1W0 DODGEk front and back parlors, mod ern, tutaoo .jx " 1 " i - 1222 CHICAGO, single or ensulte, modern. E Mw4 a HOUSEKEEPING or otherwise, modern. 216 N. Wlh. fc;-Ai;wa 22 SINGLE room, well furnished, modern. 224 N. Uth. E Mootl 22 BINGLx) or aulte housekeeping, modern, luol Douglas. E M6o7 23 MIDLAND hotel, 16th and Chicago; steam healed; medium; tale In connection. hiMU&J LARGE, well furnished room. 64 S. 20th. E M684 24x THREE or four furnished or unfurnished rooma (connected) lor light housekeeping. 700 Moith 2ulh si. hi iux LARGE nicely furnished back parlor; one single front room; modern; phone. 1,11 Douge. E 688 lix FURNISHED ROOMS ANDJ30ARD 6. M E., TEL. 611. MESSENGERS AN1 HAGGAGB. F-120 THURSTON HOTEL; steam heated rooms, fl.60 to 24.00 per week; board, 13.60. F-131 VICINITY of high school, modern, south from rooms. Including board, la per woek. 2406 Caas. 'Phone A-262. F-122 MIDLAND hotel, 16th and Chicago; steam heated rooms, with or without iourd. F " 81 DOUBLE parlora, well furnished; hot and cold water In rooms: also large ciosets; hoard; ratea reasonable. 618 8. Uin. F 124 THE MERRIAM, 26th and Dodge Bt. Tel. 86. Family hotel. F-M4&3 ELEGANT front room for two, reasonable! furnace, modorn. 618 8. 20th. F M583 24x WELL furnished room and board. 620 8. 20th. F-M5S6 24x 60 8. 26th av... pleasant room; good board; private fAmily. F 602 SUITE of alegar all modern, well fur nished large fr-nt rooma; convenient tor two or three refined gentlemen. 2034 N. 19th. F-M478 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS WB RENT Sewing machines, 7uo week. We repair and aell parts (or every machine manufactured. Second-hand machine from 16.00 to 110 00. Nebraska Cycle Co., 'Phone 166. aornor 16th and Harney TELEPHONE! pole, long fir timbers; III COMPLETE line new and 2d-hand furni ture. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. 2020. Q-102 SECOND-HAND-safe cheap, berlghti in Farnam. Qm 100 KINDS of Mineral Water. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Q 9 TWO HEAVY STEEL HORIZONTAL TUBULAR BOILERS FOR SALE. Two boll;rs, 100 horse power, which have been used but six years; made of flreh x steel, triple rivetea. Dint ana strap joims. Insurance company permit of pressure of 126 pounds. Thty are now tn use and can be seen at boiler house resr of Bee building. Can be delivered about August 26. Call or address W. H. bridges, engi near. Be building. Omaha. Q MWM FURNITURE modern, 8-rocm houra, on block from Haydon's; cheap for cash. : Address D 44. Bee. Q-M571 23x FOR SALE Several scholarship In a first clas standard school In Omaha, compris ing complete course In business, short hand and typewriting. Inquire at Bee of fice. Q 852 OLD'S QASOLINE ENGINES are reliable. Two second-band engines cher. 11 Farnam it Q-M679 BSx ELECTRIC nickel In slot. Peerless pinno players and Regina music boxes ilg money makers, cheap for cash or time. Schrooller A Mueller, J318 Farnam. Tel. lSU. 60 TO DIAMOND Loan Office for loans; bargains la good in pawn. 1401 DupHs FOR SALE Shelving, counter and fixture. Megeath Stationery Co., Uut Farnam Q M660 FOR 8ALB. new, handsome. 6-room cot tage; modern plumbing, porcelain bath ' tub; cemented cellar; shade trees; good neighborhood; 28th and Cap ave.; term easy. Inquire at 607 N. lth at. Q-276 FOR SALE, new and second-hand billiard ana pOOl ISDies, Dr UAtuiei u, an nii.un, easy payment; send for catalogue. Prunswlck-Balke-Collender, 407 S. 10th t., Omaha. Q MP 12 H. P. STEAM combination engine, also heavy platform spring wagon, t. R. McPhereon, 1281 E. Pierce. Council Bluffs. Q 772 Al'TOMOBILE An Olds In fine shape, 836. Fredrlckson, 16th and Capitol aye POOL TABLES and show case. 1407 Har ney St. Q-104 STEAM automobile; taken In on a trade and bav no use for It. Inquire 406 B. 16th t. QM SECOND-HAND STEAM FITTINGS FOR SALE If you want a bargain In s.eam fltt'ng call and look over the following; 2-6-inch Jenkln uluua Valve. W-inch Gate Valve. Vi-lnch Austin Horltontal Separator. U-lnuh Autln Vertical Separator. J H. P. Horisontal Enttlna. ' 4-Inch, t-lnch. 4-Inch and 6-lnch pip end fit tins:. These nave been taken out on account of Chang) a in our "team pant an' -r n go-'d condition. Address pee Building Co., or seti.W. H. Bridges, Engineer, bee Build ing, Omaha. q m Electrical Supplies at a Bargain We have about 200 feet 00 atranded eUctrlo llnhi cablu and one kuO am(re knife switch. Artrir- I;.niiiiiH m.. r e W. H. Uridaua. Enalnaar H.a Hull VU1MU4U FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Grand Electric Co., 520 S. 16th St AFTER NOV. 1 WILL BE AT Western Electric Co., 1212 F-Ufiam St Phones 456 anJ 2846. FROM NOW UNTIL OCT. 29 ALL STOCK, SHOW CASES, COUNTERS, ETC., OF THE GRAND ELECTRIC CO., 620 S. 16TH, WILL BE SOLD VERY CHEAP. i ' Q-M682 23 THREE good wheel. 1922 Chicago. CJ-M471 23x BEST furnished flat In Omaha, leas and furniture cheap, inquire at 3u6 N. loth. Q-641 FINE harness and saddles, trunks, bag; all leather suit case, to. Alfred Cornish, U'10 Fainam. W M44i Mi BASE BURNER stove, almost new, gro4 condition; price, 220. Inquire 1!29 S. 2 th ave. W 662 23 FURNITURE of nine rooms to be sacrificed at an Immense bargain at once. S. 2 S. 22d at Q-M587 2Sx FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Military Road Acres A. P. Tukey A Son are offering eight or ten lota In one buncii, fronting on M II tary road;stieet cars, paved stitet i.nd city water; very desirable for one or twj ?;ood homes; streets on two sides; no city axes. A". P. TUKEY & SON Board of Trade bldg. RE 5to 21 ' 20 ACRES Beautiful 20-acre tract t blocks from paved road in Benson. This Is a very desirable tract for country home. Just sold the ad Joining 20 acres for country home, which will be highly Improved. Price, 23,000. BENSON & CARMICHAEL, 642 Paxton Block. RE 619 23 FARM. Farm of 75 acres 34 miles directly west of the So. Omaha stock yards; about 60 acres in cultivation; fair Improvements; this tract is especially well adapted for feed ing. Price only 17,760. W. FAKNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam Street. RE-630 IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY One 2 and one 'w-rooiu uouae, lot twxliO, on ii in ave., near burueue, ti,v60. 4-room house, lot uxua, ou 26th near Cumin, 21,000. 'X wo -room nouses, lot 6sx70, on 28th ave., near luiuuig, 2,loo. e-rooin tiouag, tot 30x127, on Decatur at, near 2bih at., tl,4uo. 4-room, lot oxi7, on Charles St., near 33d, tuW. , e-rouin house, lot 23V127, on : Charles t., near 32d, I16O. 8-rooin, lot 4wxU0, on 29th at, near Far nam, tl.ttOO. Double 2-story flat, brick and frame, 2120 and 2122 North 24th St., lot 4x82; also 4-room house, lot 23x127, on Charles at., near 23d; uoin belong to same party; must be sold; make oner on one or both. 4-roum house, 1608 Military ave., $300. One-story brick store on Cuming bet 21st and 2zd sts., 20x132, 82,600. VACANT LOIS , Lot 99x160 011 bun street between 27th and 28th, l,60u. Will sell all or part. Corner 2oth and Manueraon, ooxitf, $S00. Corner 2. th and Saratoga sis., Iuuxl27, (ov. 1 Uoutheast corner 28th and Burt, 66x160, 61,100. FARM LAND 40 acres In Dawaou county; can be !rrl gated; 2,00v. 3-0 aciea in Custer county, 18.60 per acre. 1 have numerous other bargains in both city property and farm ianus. CHRIS BOYER, 22d and Cuming mi. Tel. 204. Four-room house, city . water, house newly papered and painted, south 11 out, pear cat- line; a bargain 2ioO. Neany new house on car line With five rooms, moaern except furnace; if sold this weea Jl.iOO. SH1MER A CHASE, 1006 Farnam Su RE-400 FOR BALE, the best and cheapest 800-acre farm In Pottawattamie coumy; every toot of It is tlrst-class tillable land; no hills to Interfere; near market; tlrst-ciaas roads all tne way, which Is not tar; owner is engaged in other business and requires ttuuiuonal means, and that la why this farm will be sold at a low price; Im provement are not firat-class, but will go in, as they will cost you nothing; here is an opportunity you cannot atioru to mis, and jou will say so wnen you have seen It; reasonable terms. F, S. Schnorr, 6i8 broaaway, Council bluffs. Hi 6-ROOM cottage and nice lot, near ilans com park; only l,25o; lioo cash, baiuiue monthly, now vacant. W. H. Gates, 617 N. Y. Life. ' RiS Mo2 22 THE piopurty wh f e 1 now reside. 610 S. 26th a'e., beautJfi.l shade trees and lawn; It will pay you to Investigate if you are looking tor a pleusaut I10111. A. it. U Long, 61o 8. 26lh ave. RE MSlt) c,iA8 Williamson Co.,u'Bi41 RB-U IF YOU want to buy, aell, rent, borrow money, sell note or account, call at H. a, N. Y. Lli. '1'hoi.a 128. Glover oc Son. RE-UiW NEAT, modern cottage and full lot front ing Hanscuin park. Eas.ern owner In or der to close out will Mil for 82,oo0; eaay terms if necessary. THOMAS BRENNAN. ' Room No. 1 New York k'jjjlff THREE BIG BARGAINS The elegant brick residence, No. 8(49 Pa cific street, one of the beat bul,t and modern 8-room houaes In tl.y, w th inv mediate pobaesloll, for 6.Wo. The elegant home lot, Dodge and 38. h ave.; nothing finer In Omana, for M.iaO. IJwo elegant lota, co. ner 21at atieet and i-opplelun ave., eaat and south front, NonreHident owner will sell tor .4. 20. H1CK8 REAL LBTATE CO., 43 Board of Trad. RE Mu8 22x BARGAIN to home puronaaers. If vou mean business. Call 426 board of Trade. RK-M817 26 FOR SALE, on not of 11,600, due In an year, secured 'jy first mortasg on good Improved Omaha property, bearing 6 per cent interest, pHVabla semi-annually; also one i.ote for 11,600, due on or before three years, interest at 6 per cent, payable semi-annually, secured by flrat mortgage on good pioperty. both are absolutely safe and given by respectable' parties. Aadreaa the mm ner, B 26, Bee or?ce. JKU-U46 CORNER, four blocks from pontofflen. In quire 624 8. tith ave. RE . 6j l."x LAW AND COLLECTIONS E. F. MOREARTY, Attorney, 4J7 Paxton. Tel. A-20J2. ltt JOHN M. MACFARLAND. New York Life bldg., rooms 204 and Six. Tel. 162. 164 COLLECTION promptly reported. Paxlou blocs. 6M-I FOR RENT HOUSES HOUSES, insurance. Ringwalt Barker blk. D lb! MODERN 7-room dwelling, one block from Hanscom park M. luoae 0-. D 2d HOI KF ,n "i; farts of the city. Th llUUOtJ 0. t. ,mvi, Co, tw6 bee blog U ll THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pack, move and store H. H goods. Storehouse, 1120-24 N. 19lh. Offlce, lallVt Farnam. Tel. 1669. U lev WE MOVE plnnos. Mnggard Vnn ft Stor age Co. Tel 1409. Office 1713 Webster at. D 170 HOI IF ,n Parte ot the city. R. a 11UUOCJ Peters A Co., bee bul.dlng PATNE-BOSTW1CK i CO.. choice houses. 6ol-0ta New York Life bldg. 'Phone 101. D 121 2018 WIRT ST., 12-room ah modern brick house and barn; oak finish; hot water heat: excellent condition. $45.00. A. U. Ellick. 302 City Hall. D 902 oca, n tAULiti nxrittBs iu. for moving, storage, baggage delivery. w- ..ui. 1 c. 1 wi. j mLLam Tel. 1464. FOR RENT 7-room house, all modern $30: 6-roora cottage $i2: both at 2-d and California. Apply at 607 N. 19th st. D-M460 SIX-ROOM house for rent 2210 Burt st. D-M476 23x 10-ROOM brick, furnace, ga. bath, laun dry (not basement plan), near hUh scnooi. ssoi Capitol ave., adjolnl. g Dr. F Swartzlander. D 491 g LODGING HOUSE. " FOR RENT Two upper fioor. 1321 Doug, las tat. ; splendid location for lodging couse. iM. 1' UuUge a. Co., 1614 f arnam. U ISu 21X 1359 rooms, barn, aU good re'palr, 2053 N. itn. $22.60 rooms, writer cloact. L-Oi S. 2lth ave $lu9 rooms, modem except furnace, 1505 Blnney. $12.604 rooms, city water, good repair, 21t ana vauey. $126 rooms, modern, 4219 Ohio. $104 rooms, city water. 3318 Parker. GEORGE G. WALLACE, Brown Block. D M548 23 HOUSES FOR RENT BT GARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM. 2823 North 24th, choice tt-room, all modern cottage, $30. 2932 North th, good 8-room, modern but turnace, ottrn, 2fca Dodge, k-r., all modern, $26.50. 644 Park ave., 6-r. cottage, 620. 2916 bhirley, 8 rooms, bath, l-'O. U16 Ho. 7ih ave., bath, gas, $20. 3319 Dewey avo., 6-r. collage, $10. blii No. lith, 6-r. cottuge, $6. D-626 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS $1.00. Have there nut been urns when It would nave been Worth mora than loo cents to you 7 Ii Is our to suppiy you money when you need It and al low you to return It in small weekly payment, a may best suit your convenience. W loan on Furniture, Pianos. Live Stock and other chattels and we make aaiary loans. Our tsrms ate as goud as any and belter than many We are the oldest concern in our line in the city, with all-ruund consistent deal ings to recommend us. OitlAHA IdOhlUAOK LOAN CO.. 119 board of Trade bldg. Tel. 229a. (EstabUsned li92.J 3u6 b. 10th St. Xr-14 LOANS ON SALARIES. FL UN ITU RE, PIANOS, LIVE STOCK. If you wish to save money see u. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., $07-8 Paxton biock. Tel. 141L X-M202 MEN IN BEST POSITIONS Sometimes need money. We can supply the need without publicity and at lowest ratea on salary or on furniture, pianos. etc. ueuimgs laueai. oee us uetore bor rowing elsewheie. Open every Tuesday and Saturday evenings until 8 o'clock. THE J. A. HUTTON CO., 614-615 Paxton block. BOWEN'S MONEY Easy to get on furniture, pianos, horse, cows, jewelry, salaries. 703 N. Y. Lite. X-M677 CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Fo ley Loan Co., 1604 Farnam St. X 163 MONEY loaned on salary, furniture. Jew elry, homes. Duff Ureen Loan Co., 8 barker blk. X 615 LOANS made on all kind of chattel ae curlty, also on SALARIES. Low Rates. Easy Terms. Quick and Confidential Service. Call on us If in need of MONEY. PHOENIX CREDIT CO., 633 Paxton block. X-153 MONET loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, horees, cowa, etc. C. F. Reed, 219 8. 12th. X-166 MONET FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. STAR LOAN CO., 64 PAXTON BLOCK. SEE FULLER, 426 Paxton block, for loan on watches, diamonds and Jewelry. X-15S SALARY and collateral loans. Templeton, 212 Bee bldg. Tel. 2904. X-166 money Loaned saiaried people and others without security; eaay pay ments; largest business In 49 principal cities. Tolman, Room 714, N. Y. Life. X-1&2 FP. C. YE AR FROM $100 to $5,000 loans on your personal note at 8 PER CENT PER Y EAR. Ail good loans wanted. Call or writ and get niy system. W. L. Eastman A Co., 1106 Farnam, Omaha. X 14 MONEY loaned on furniture, salary, horses, etc.; half usual rates. Dr. pilu benow, room 215 at 21 8. 15th t. Tel. b-2904. X-M47 MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE FARM and city loans; low ratea. Vf. H. Thomas. Flrat Nat l bank Bldg. Tel. 164s. W 173 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1620 Douglaa. W-173 WANTED City loana and warranta W. Farnam Smith A Co.. 1220 Farnam St W 1,4 MONEY TO LOAN. Payne Investment Co, W 176 I PER CENT loan. Garvin Bros., 1604 W-174 Farnam. LOWEST rate. Bemla, Paxton D!-m MONEY to loan on real eatate at end H4 per cent. W. B. Melkle, 20 Rai.)ebl.ig. OSTEOPATHY Johnaon Institute, (16 N.Y. Life bldg. TeU604 MRS JOHN R. MUHICK. Osteopathy Phy sictao; otflne, Douglaa block. TeL DR FAR WELL, specialty nervous disease. Co4 Paxton. 12 Huntington A Stratton, 633 N. Y. Mfa -IX N4X SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING i. C. VAN BANT'S "achool. 717 M. Y. Life. loe PERSONAL dustrlou nuiband. AddrvM Ohi tsiocK, swnirago, l.u TJ y ui CHARLES FETER8EN, TOift: prfct ton jfi uu utti"u , urjimin GlCtlOn; liuuvnui IH4V mm "1 TT , DIOM U-MM7 02U I GUARANTEE f teach yea French and Wl atfen as uui a aiiuv, gjeiXip 111 V"H text book a F. Peltier. 1720 Ludg at. w mij rovivx DR. ROY. Chiropody, Rial, 1606 Farnam, u ia M AriMFTIPtr'etment ft bath. Mm. Itirivil ik, 1 Smith. 118 N. 16, id. R. 2. U-40 TRY KELLSY S LAUDNRT. PHONE 8631 U 140 TRUSSES mad and fitted to men, women and children. 1408 Farnam ft. THE H. i. PENFOLD CO. U-lll LETOVSKY 8 orchestra. Telephone L Mt, -VIAVI." way to health. tM Bee B;dg. U-H2 TUB. vanoe and alcohol hatha 720 8. 1 th. U-14J DON'T fool with your eyes: he careful who examines them; test -ve free for glasses and guarantee sxtisracuon. THE H. J. PENFOLD CO., Leading Opticians. 1406 Farnam. ACCORDION AND SUNBURST PLEATING, RUCHING. SEND FOR PRICE LIST AND SAMPLES. GOLDMAN PLtAlhNG CO. 209 DObULAJi bLiw 'kb.U 13. bl. DRAWING and PAINTINO from life. Mr. Cuae a Art Claaa; atutlio 4. Union block, u.n ana arnam. t-i WE DO exnert tilano mnvlnc: lowrel ratea. Schmuller ft Mueller, 1318 Farnam. Teie- pnonv , u sue r WANTED, the deaf to teat Instruments for the deaf at the branch ottice of the nutcmaon Acoustic Co. Of New iorx City. tlo New York Ufe Bldg., Omaha. U-MtM 24 ART STUDIO Mr. O. N. 23d at. Livingston, 312 ; ux A RRATTTIlrrTT. VATIC As If by maglo a homely fuce I trans formed Into one of beauty by th us of wie wonoeriui RUbbk.R COMPLEXION RI'LB. Wrinkles, blackneads and all skin dlsor- urrs quicHir aisappear atter a tew applica tion. Sunken chpeka Oil out and tha skin Is given the soft, white, velvety appeaiance vi perpetual youtn. Maiiea poetpttia tor vu. Agents wantea everywnere. U Alt. no 1 . 1.- u iimv.. n li 1 aoiw 158 West 14th street New York f. T. U XK-174-22 HfclLBRONN SANITARIUM. SOUTH OMAHA. NKh Magnesia Mineral Untcri for rheumatism. blood diseases, constipation, kidney dis ease, etc. oanne ana 1 ui Kisn oatn. Aa' dress H. 3. Aberly, Medical Director. U-167 OMAHA Stammerer' Institute, Range Blk. U is! LARSON A JOHNSON, cut rate to all points. 1106 Farnam. Tel B2113. Mem- be American Ticket Broker' Aas'n. U-118 USE Blanchard's Ecsema Lotion on skin diseases. All drugplnts, or address Bruce ft Co.. wholesale drug House, umaha. U-M503 N19x WANTED Dressmaking at home or will go out by the day or week. Mrs. Jeaale ttariywine, ziuv uougiaa st. Met. na. U-622 2i)x FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES A a)1 A trtPTs" lA Im k Tlaa KliMlnsV ma etaal Aa aa f tv w v au iu kw wuiwiiib v-e 4 s ia with it all tb conveniences ani advan tages in me way ui nrmi, usnia jnnnur n s r vice, all nlht and all day and Sunday .l..,.4n sasulaA A tlA ftfHrMl ! na v. - BiJTaiU CI ar V w.asvw uv W " cant. Call at once. R. C. Peter A Co., A Mnnk. Ta-A ItnllHInir ' T fivi l-STORY and basement brick building, 1003 f arnam, zixiuu, aarauiio eievaior, suit able for wholesale or manufacturing. 214 First Nat'l Bank building. 1-16 IF A GOOD light ie needed w can show you a norm iront ornce on tne nitn noor, a splendid room, at the moderate price of $20. R. C. Peters A Co., ground floor, Bee building. 1-822 FOR RENT office, 712 N. Y. Life Bldg. J .63 H MEDICAL HOMEOPATHIC medicine, wholesale, re tail, Hnerman at iucconneii, umann. iu PR. PRIES treats suceasfully all diseases ana irregularities ot women, tram any cause; experienced and reliable. Address, with stamp. Dr. Pries, 1511 ft Dodge Ht Omaha. 138 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba- ble adopted, rne uooa oamaruan earn, tartum 728 1st ave., .Council Bluff, la. Tel. 774. -626 PRIVATE! home during confinement; babies boarded ana nuontea. Mrs. unr dell, 2216 Charles. Tel A26I8 137 WANTED TO RENT WE can rent your room and houiet. v a) T V T 1 1 tUnn 1 Vl riUOin A1!. . 4WIIC A liwaieg 4Wt, UlUVCr A Son. K M669 , WANTED To rent, barn near 80th and Pacific. Address u 63, bee. k ttw nax WANTED To rent, by man and wife. 7- room, modern house, in good locality, near car line. Address D 64. Bee. K M672 23x FLORISTS HESS A 8WOBODA, 1416 Farnam. 166 L. HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. Bend for price Hat of cut flowers and plants. ALFRED DONAGHUB, JR., W0 Farnam. Tel. 3S33. -162 When You Write to Advertisers remember it orly takes an xtra stroke m two of tii pen to mention the fact that yoe saw the ad ti Th Me. POSTOFFICE NOTICE (Should be read DAILY by all Interested, as changes may occur at any time.) Foreign mall for th week ending Oc tober 22, 1904, will cloaa (promptly in ull enseal at ths general postofflce us follows: Parcels-post malls close one hour earlier than closing time shown below, Parcel- Suat mails for Germany clou at 6 p. m. ctober 17 and 26. Regultr and supplementary r'nlU c!o. at foreign station (earner of West and Morton streets! naif hour utter than Clos ing time shown helow (except thai s ipplr. mentary mall for Europe and Central America, via Colon, clos one hour later at the orelg atatlon). Traaaatlaatle Malls. SATURDAY (2tt At 6 a. m. for EUROPF! per a. . New York, via Plymouth and Cherbourg (mall for Liverpool, Scotland and Ireland mint be directed "per s. a. New York' ); at :S0 a. nt. (supplementary 10 a. m.) for EUROPE, per a. s Luoanla, via Queenstown and Liverpool; at :3o a. m. for BELGIUM direct, per s s. Vaderland (mail inuat be directed 1 'fer a. s. Vaderland ")! at :0 a. m. for ITALY direct, per s. s. Konlg Albert 1 mall must be directed "per s. s. Kunig Albert ); at 0 a 111. for SCOTLAND direct, per a a Furnessia (mall must be directed "ner s s Furneaala"): at 11 a. m. for Norway parcels-post ma ii per a 1 Hckla (regular mall for Denmark must be directed "per . a. Hekla ). IOTICT5 Five cents per nW vunce la atlantln insllf r stao ooened on tha tliri of AMERICAN, ENGLISH and FRENCH eteauiere, whenever the sail- &Tld o i'l le.e" f-rrwardia Ti thi fippYeineiitary malls Slid let era deposli. id in the drop mirk-l "I-tre (or for. Ilan countries." after. the olo.lna .f the rigular mall,. for despatch oy a pairticulir veaael will NOT be ao foi war.ird !inl.J 11c Ii adilitionnl roatsae ia fully tirepald hv at am Da. BunpUraentary Trana- POSTOFFICE NOTICE . Inga occur at " ixi n. m. or later: and lat mail may be depoelted In the mall box on the iers ot the GERMAN LINKS Bailing from Honokcn. The mall on th piers open one hour and a half before ailing time, and cloae tan minute before ailing time, (jnlr regular postage (let ters 6 cents a half ounce) Is required on articles mailed on the pirre uf th AmerU tan, Whit Ptar and German (Sea Poitl - ateamer; double pu.tage (letters 10 cent! a half ounce) on other lines. Malls for Soatfc and Centra! America, West Indies, Etc, SATURDAY (22d) At 8 a. m. for PER. MUDA. per s. Trinidad; at 8:30 a. m, (supplementary : a. m.) for CURACAU and VENEZUELA, per s. s. Zulia (mall for Colombia, via Curacao, must he di rected "per a. a. Zulla"); at 9 a. m. for PORTO RICO, per . a Cuamo. via San Juan; at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10;31 a. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JA MAICA and COLOMBIA. Rg. dalena department, per a. . H.irnla (mall for Coata Rica must be directed ' per a s. Sarnla"); at 10 a. m. for CUBA. pr .. a. Mexico, via Havana; at 10 a. m. fur GRENADA, TRINIDAD, CUIDAD BOL 1VAH and GUIANA, per . a. Grenada. e Mall Forwarded Overlaad, Ete Ei. arpt TraaapaelBc. CUBA Via Port Tampa, Florida, cloae at this office dally, except Thursday, si 15 80 a. m. (the connecting malls elm her on aaonaays. Wednesday ang Sat urday). MEXICO CITY Overland. iinles specially addressed for despatch by ateamer. close at thi omce aauy, except Sunday, at 1:80 p. m. and 10 SO t. m.. Sunday aj 1:(0 d. m. and 10:30 D. m. NEWFOUNDLAND (except Parrele-post Malta) by ran to North Srdnev, and thence by ateamtr, cloae at thi ofilr dally at 6:30 p. m. (coi.nectlng malla clos ner every aionuay, neaneauay ana oat- JAMaIca By rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, close at thi office at 4; J p. m. Tueedsy and Friday. MIQUELON By rail to boston, and thence by ateamer, cloae at this office dally at 6:80 p, m BRITISH HONDURAS. HONDURAS (East Coast) and GUATEMALA By rail te r.ew uneans, ana tnence ry termer, cloee at thi ofhc daily, excep' Hun- day. at II: p. m. ana iu:w p. m., Bun- days at 1:fl0 p. m. and 110:20 p. m. (con necting mall close her Monday at 10;3f COSTA RICA By rail to New Orleans and thence by steamer, close at thll offlc dally, except Sunday, at 1:S0 p. nv and f 10:30 p. m., Bunds ts at (1:00 p. m, and 110:30 p. m. (connecting mall close! here Tuesdays at 10:3o p. m ). NICARAGUA tEaat Const Py rail t New Orleans, and thonc bv steamsr, cloae at thl office oatiy, except Sum day, at 1:30 p, m. and 110:20 p. m., Bun days at l:oo p. ra na p n. (con. nectlng mall CAsei nere Tnureday at 110:30 p. m.). IREOISTERED MAIL cloae at 6:00 p. m, previous day. Transpaelfle Mnlls, Forwarded Over, laad Dally. 'The schedul of doling of Tranapaclfii malls la airungod on th preampuon o their uninterrupted overland transit to port of sailing. The flnai connecting malls iex cept registered Transpacific mails, wnlch close 6 p. ra., p-evlous day) close at th P,e!,;,.r,a.',)M.t9Tt,e.New vlk a follows: HAWAIL JAPAN, COREA, CHINA and specially addressed mail for the PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via San Fran cisco, close at 6:30 p. m. October 20, for despatch per a. . China. JAPAN, COREA, CHINA and specially addressed mull for PHILIPPINE 1SL. ANUS, via Tacoma, close at 6:30 p. nv October 21, for despatch per s. . Tele machus. HAWAII, via San Francisco, close at :M p. m. October 24th for despatch per a. a. Alameda. JAPAN, (except Parcele-Poet Malls), CO i.s.a, CHINA and specially addressed mxll for the PHILIPPtNE 1SL. ANDS, via Vancouver and Vlotorla, B, C, close at 6:30 p. m. October 26th tot despatch per s. a. Empress of Japan. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS and GUAM, vis San Francisco, close at 6:30 p. m. Octobel 27th for despatch per U. 8. Transport. HAWAII, JAPAN. COREA, CHINA and PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via San Fran Cisco, close at 6:20 p. m, October 28 fof despatch per s. s. Mnnchurla. NEW ZEALAND, AUSTRALIA (exeepl Weat) NEW CALEDONIA, SAMOA, HA WAII and apeclnlly addressed mail for the FIJI ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close at 6: 0 p. m. November 6 for des patch per s. Sierra. (If the Cunard steamer carrying the British mall for New Zealand doe not arrive In urn to connect with this despatch, extra malls closing at 6:30 a. m., 8:30 a. m. and :f r. rn. ; Sundays at 4:30 a. m. 9 a. m. and 80 p. m. will be made up and forwarded until tha arrival of tha Cunard ateamer.) FIJI ISLANDS, also specially addressed -It 1TTDTD.T Tl -n fcf ITT17 CUT. 11111 .Ur Ol' U fciJ -IIU . . ... DONIA. via Vancouver and Victoria, B. C. close at 6:30 p. m. November 6th for deanalch ner s. s. Mlowera. TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS, via Ban Francisco, cioae at 0:30 p. m. No vember 20 for despatch per a. a. Marl- rjosa. MANCHURIA except New Chwang) and eastern bibkkia is Bt present tor- wnrilAd via Ttiiasln. NOTE Unless otherwise addressed, West Australia Is forwarded via Europe: New Zealand via 8an Francisco, and certain nan, Kuelchow. Szechwan and Kwangal, via British India-the quickest routea. Philippine apecially addressed "via Europe," must be fully prepaid at th foreign rates. Hawaii la forwarded via Ban Francisco exclusively. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. Postofflce, New York. N. Y.. Oct. 14, 19rt4. RAILWAY TIME CARD. UNION STATION TENTH AND MAKCY. Cbleagro. Rock Island ft Pacific. BAST. Lu.a. arrive. Cbleace Daylight Ltd ll il Caluo Drllht Local b 7:00 am a Irst an Chlcaio Bipr.. ....bll Ol pm a i ll pal D.a Molnn giprtw ....a 4:34 pm bll:40 am tsicaco K."t Eiprw a 1:4(1 pa a 1:10 pa Rocky Mount. in tA a T:M am il:Hn LlDcoln, Calorata prlasx, Daa vvr. Puabls and wast a 1:1 am a 1:01 eta Oklahoma ana Text. Kx pm sll.U am talon PaelBe. Tea overland Ltd a 9:46 am a I4f am Colo, and vala. Kip .....a 4:10 pm a : am Chlease-Pprtland epatlal ......a 4:M pm E..Ura txpr... a 1:10 pm Columbua Local b 4 M DIB l:Hia Calorado Ipaelal I 1:6 ia thlcia a 10 am ..trie. Looal b I M pm k:Hpm F.rt Mall ...s I.H am . .M IHIssourl Paelfle. It. Louti Kiptaaa K.n. tutr . L. g. World'. rlr gpaaial ... am a f 10 pm ...all:4tpm a t:00 pm sU:oia Wabash. K.a Warld'l rat a 7:41 am af:Mpm Local from C. Bluffs a :i am a 1:00 pm t, Loula Csanaa Bait Ki a 6:40 pm 8 am Chicago A NortUwestera. rat Cklcato s:S4pm Lou I ckiuaga all:Mam Mall a 1.10 pm liiyllglit 8t. Pawl s 710 aia D.yllgnt (nice a 7:10 am Limited Cklcage a l it pm Local Carroll a 4:00 pm I M am :N l JO 00 pm 11:40 pm ll In M am T ot u C.M It. Paul a I pm Local Sloiu 0. It. r. ...fc 4:00 pm il Hia Fait Mall a i pia ISlctgo Eipr-aa Norfolk m Ban.stnl .., Llnrolo A Long Plao . Dc.dwood A Lincoln ... a 1:41 pm . ft am .k 7:4!) am io:m am 10:14 am .a 1:W am l:ia pm C.iixr It Wromla .... llH ia tl lila H..tln.-Aitioo .k I.aa pm 1:1 pm bicaao Great Weal era. St. A Minn., Ltd Bi:pm a T. II am St. Paul A Minn. Exp a 7 m am a : pm Chicago Unillat P" : l hlcaao apr. -- It L Cauoon Ball Kx P M llllaola teatraL, Cblcago giprws s T:W am alO W pm i Limits a I II pm a I at am Minn. A St. Paul Sip k 7:U am pio U am Mlnu. A l. rati Ma ai.upm iism liilt'iao, A It. I'aal. i-n.c.o lurllBlit Bid ! " all 00 am C.lliurula-Ur.Eon Bip a I 44 pm a II pm Oxrland Lliait.d B 40 pm a l:M am Lit. M. m O.ouuJI Kip.. ...s 744 I am . ... pm BDRLINQTON STATION 10TU A MASON Cbl leagro, Partington A Qalaey, I Qalaey, ..a 7 oo am ..a o o pm ..a (.11 am ..a I.W pm Chleaga Iparlal a I M pm a T M am Bll:00 pm 1 40 pm 1.41 pa fcll M pm 7 o pm s am a 4 i4 pm a I M pm all ui pm . ti. am a .M ia r iiif. iga vtwiiuuivq a.v. I., i Ckloa. ( lui.I igo Llmilid Fut u.u Hoi iimtom at Missouri River. Wrmor. Baatrlce A Uucola .a 4 40 am ...uraaui a.F r .. l ln.1,.. ..a I M am .a . pm B. Hills Pugot I. Bi.... ..aU .ll pm ola. Vraiibulid ripar ..... .lueoln .'ui Mall "k 117 pm ..b 41 pm i I II pa . . a ta mm Port Crook m piatt.month.. A Pat. Junction A Put Juaclloa ... Ksasaa Clly, It. Joe A gaoaas City Pay Bxp f.oaac-ll Dlaffa. a I 46 pm all 14 am s 1 . 44 am .a i ll am at. boat, nr., - SUaaaa Clip Nlckt Bxp alO w .a . V ' all w P-a WEBBTF.K DtSPOT 1STH A WEBITEK. sllaauarl PacIS. K.Ora.ka Local via Wnla ... W.t.r a. epm aii-.a pm Cktuago, II. I'aaL Mlaaoaaolla Oiuaha, Jala City hwnn : I II pm bakiaad Leeal k 141 pm ki ll am a iwilr. k Dally aaeaat Suaaaf. a am44ff ataraay, (mil esoaa4 Meae.g. ,1