TIIE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY. OCTOBETt 20. 1P04. P0ST0FFICE NOTICE Ssn Franrlseo, close at I :M p. tn. October ' 27th for despatch per V. 8. Triiurart. HAWAII, JAPAN. COREA, CHINA and I'MlLil PlNiS IBLANLrH. via Ban Frm.n. ctiK-o. close at :!W p. m. October 28 for flpai-n psr m. a. Aisnrniirla. NEW ZEALAND, AUSTRALIA fexrept Wesi) NEW CALEDONIA, SAMOA, HA WAII and pHsl!y aditr"ed mall for ths FIJI ISLANDS, via San Frnndsco, clnae at : M p. m. November S for des patch par a a. Sierra. (If the Cunard !Mmr ."rTjrlnn; the British mall for New Zealand dues not arrive In time to connect with thle deepatch, estra mails ctoln at :90 a. m., I M a. m. and 6: p. m.; Sunday at 4:W) a. m. a. m. and 1:30 p. m. will be made up and forwarded until the arrival of the Cunard stumer.) FIJI ISLANDS, also anerlsllv addressed Jnsll for AUSTRALIA and NEW CALE DONIA, via Vancouver and Victoria, B. C, cloae at.:30 p. 'm. November 6th for despatch per a. a. Ml"wra. TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS, via San Francisco, clone nt 30 p. m. No vember 10. for despatch per a. a. Mari poa. MANCHURIA (except New Chwang) and EA8TERN SIBERIA la at preaent for warded via Russia. NOTE Unless otherwise addreaaed. West Australia la forwarded via Europe: New Zealand via Ban Francisco, and certain nan, Kuelohow, Saechwan and Kwancsl, via British India-the quickest routea. Philippines specially addreaaed "via Europe," muat be fully prepaid at the forelrn ratee. Hawaii la forwarded via flan Francisco evciustvelv. . Cornelius Van cott. Poatmaater Poatofflce, New Tork. N. T.. Oct, 14, 1904. legal Notices. BOND BALE. Office of the City Clem, South Omaha, Neb. Sealed, blda, aldrsted to tne unuer signed and marked "Iropuaals fur Bonus." wiit be received until 8 o cloca p. m. on the Mb, day of November, laM, at the otrice of the city clerk. South Omaha, Neo,, for the purchase of the following lsue ot cky oonda: l''Iret $17,000 "funding- bonds," denomina tion of nu0 or $l,uoo, at the option ot the purchaser, and shall bear date of Novem ber 1, its, and ahail be due and payable In twenty years from date, unlns sooner iedeemed under the option reserved, and Khali bear interest at tne rate of four and one-half 4V per cent per annum, payable asemi-unnuaiiy. 'ihose bonus are Issued 'for the purpoae of redeeming 3d,t)00 "funduif borlCis and JlZ.now "lntertiection bonds' heretoiore is aued. Becond ITO.OfiO "funding bonds," denomi nation of Ml) or $l,(fw, and numbering Horn one to seventy or one hundred and forty each, at the option of the pur chaser, and shall bear date of November 1, 19(4, and shall be due and payable twenty yeara from date, optional atter five years, and shall bear interest at the rate or four and one-half (4 per Cent per annum, payable aeml-annually. Those bonds are lrsued for the purpose of redeeming $;o,ftnt of funding bonds of the :ity of South Omaha heretofore issued. Hald bonds are general obligations of the Ciiy of South Omaha. Each Md shall state separately the amount offered as principal and premium and that accrued Interest will be paid to date of delivery and payment of bonda. Each bid must be accompanied by a cer tified check on a national or state bank in the amount of 12,500 and mite payable to the City of Sooth Omaha as evidence of a-nod faith on the part of the bidder. The city council reserves the rlcht to re ject any and all blda and waived defects. By order of the city council. J. J. GILMN. City Clerk. . . O20 d!4t GOVERNMENT NOTICES. KORT MEADE, S. D., OCTOBER 17, 1004. Sealed proposnls In triplicate for the con struction, heating, plumbing and electrio wiring of one double barrack, two seta field officers' quarters, one double set cap tains' quarters, one double set lieutenants' Quarters, one double set N. C. O. quarters, all to be' of brick, and for the construction of one frame stable, will be received here until 2 p. m. November 17, 1904. Information furnished upon application. U, S. reserves right to accept or reject any or nil pro posals or any part thereof. Plana and specifications can be seen wtth Quarter masters, St. Paul, Chicago, Omaha, Den ver, St. . Louie, Cheyenne, Envelopes con taining proposals should bo marked "Pro posals for- Public. Buildings, Fort Meade, B.-D. 7 addressed Major Oeorge K. tlunter, Constructing -Quirtsr master, V .M-1W-0N1M4 OFFICE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER .. Omaha, Neb.. Oct, to, 1904, Sealed pro posaln. In triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received here until 10 a. m central standard time, Nov. 10, 1904, for constructing an administration build ing at Fort Robinson, Nebraska. Full In formation furnished on -application to this office, where plains and specifications may be seen, or to the Quartermaster, Fort Hotynson, , Nebraska.,, .proposals to be marked "Proposals for Administration Building," and a dressed to Lieut. Col. J. E. SAWYER, Chief Quartermaster. . O 19-20-21-22-N 8-J-m RAILWAY TIME CARD. UNION STATIONTENTH AND MARCY. Cklenaro, Rack Islasid Paclfle. AST. Lnn. Arrton Chleaso Daylight UA iIMn Chic DarlisM Local .....t 1: aa aetHna Chloaco siipraas ,...bU:01 pm a u tm 5 ualV raaa ilittpo 1)11 Man Chlsase ful Iina a lis liiNia WEST. Reeky Msantaln Ltl ......a l:N ai Linsola. Colorado Ipiina. Isn- a lit am - var, Pwbio and wmt a l is am a 8:01 am Oklahoma and Taiaa Mx ..at,! pm aU,M am Chicago' 41 North wester a. raat Cttlcato- i I II m Local CktoaaS all:N am Mall i l.lt pa IMjrltaht H Paul at:Mam E.ylihi tnlcare a 1:i am Imtted Chloaae a 1:M ,'T:N am . :Mam it M pia 11:10 pa :! am I ID am a.na Local Carroll . ....a 4:0 m yaat St. Paul ..........a l:lt pot uatai bioiui u, a a. ri Past Mall k 4:M pa a X) am a i:h pa a l:tt pa 10:11 am Chicago Bisrtoo Norfolk A Bonaatoal a T:40 am Uncola A Long Pine ,....b t:40 ta Doadwoot Llnoola ..a I X pa Caapar 4k Wyoming yt t:M p Maatlaca-Albloa k t im pm 10 :H am 'i va , e 1 11 pa 1:11 pa Vmlom Paelfle. The OrcrlaBd Ltd 0:40 am a l ot pa Colo, aad Cala. Cip a 4:10 pa a !: am rhleago-Portland Ipotlal a :M pa Baatara Iipraaa . . a I H pia Coluaboa Looal ..,. ....k to pa k liM Colorado Opoclal ... 1:41 aa Ckloago fpoolat a I H ga Baatrloa Looal kI Mpa k 1:14 pa Put Mall a l:M am I :M pa Klaaoarl ' PaelS.' " ' ' St Loals apnea ,...,.al0:l aa Kaa. CUr a 6t. U Sg all :41 Da flOpm a pa WofU'a Fair Special aliMpm aU:Mpa Chlcasj Ores West era. St. Past at Mlna.. U4 ...a 1:10 pa a t il aa Bi. Paul Mtna. gap a T: aa a l io aa Ckloago U"lt 4:1 pa allilt aa Ckloago Bipraas ...a 4.10 aa a 4:0 pa L U Cwaoa. Ball Sxp ..a J0 pa tlMia SVatkaak.'- .'. Mow Worta's rati a ?: am a 0:00 pm Local from O. Biofli ,..,.,,4l:Uta a t oo pa tt, larals Cannok Bail Bz a I K pa 1 M aa IlllaoU ffeatral. Chicago Bipnee .a t:M u aid' pm Mlna. at, raal lxs...T.. a a laik . t:U am klO U pa IiM pa a l:M pa Mine. t.raai Ltd.... CalcatT. BJUwaakse o U Paul. Chicago Daylight til .j.llHu all 00 pa 4,'alllarDU-Urogua Bap a I II pa a 1:10 pa 0rorlao4 Uatiud 1M pa a t:H aa Das M. Uaakell Bap. ...... .a IM aa a 1.10 pm BURUNUTON TATIOItlOTIf ak MASON Cklosgo, Barliaartaa A alaop. Ckleam Ipoatal .a t:oo aa a I .a:oapa at 0:11 aa all .AIM pa at I stiver. .a IM am at R pa M am oo pa M pa a m Chicago VaatttMtlaa Bap....... a.akcago booai Cnicaao Llaltad raat Mall BarlluBloa A Hlssoaurl Wraoro, Baatrloa 4k Liaoela. Naaraaaa Bipraas VMlnl Uullad B. Hllla A Pugat 0. Bap Colo. Veailkulad Plsr , Llncola faa Mall . a . pa a aa m pa S5 aU:10 pa a I ,k -it m it Port Crook PlalUaootk.. Baliarae A Paa. Jaaviloa ,, Bailofao. A Pea, JaauUoa ... .k I It pa w a I N pa a OB 41 kgf .a a w aa ICaaaaa City, tt. Jo Kaaaas Cltr bay Bap ku Loals rirar kinna Cup lkl Bxp Coaaell Blnfta. a 1 11 am a l:co pa .a I a pa all ulaa ail. a pa : WEBITEIt DBrOlwiBTH a WEIITEIt. MUsaarl PaelBe, Natmahe, Loaal u Waoplag Walaf ") ailHtsi CkUaia, Omaha. Pant, Minneapolis Tvla Cltr Pasaansar kl Staai t 1:10 tm Biuaa Cltr rauausar .....a I a a sil MaZ Oaalaal UaaJ 1 1 at m I I 11 aa a Dally. SaAiaraar. k Pally aaaaa Saaaay. Pally aaaasl a uaur TWENTIETH CENTURY' FARMER One OoUas Per Year. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA COUNCIL MINOR MENTION. Davis sella drugs. Leffert'a glasses fit ,Stockert sells carpets Duncan sells the best school shoo. Good Instruction. Western Iowa college. For rent, Uroom houso, 723 Sixth avenue. Duncan does the best repslrirg. 28 Main St Office boy wanted. Dr. Woodbury, 89 PearL Expert Instruction. Wettern la.. College. New picture mouldings. C K. Aie.nur, 83H Broadway. Dr. E. I. Woodbury la In St. Louis visit ing tbe txposltion. CharUs Beno and A. T. Fllckinger are spending a week In Newport, Neb. Missouri oak dry cordwood to cord, deliv ered. Wm. Welch, II N. Main si. let. 10L Ths Modern Brotherhood of America will meet In regular session this evening lit Grand Army hall. Harmony chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, will meet In regular session this even ing In Masonic hall. Frank Hurt end Mabel Graham, both of Omaha, were married in this city yesterday morning by Justice Ouren. The Ladies' Aid society of the First Bap tist church will hold a buslnesa meeting this afternoon In the church parlors. Tha officers of the Lady Maccabees re quest the attendance ol the Lady Ouardj at the Hall tnis afternoon ai z ociocn. The West Knd Improvement club will meet this eVening in the county building, corner of Avenue B, and Twenty-fourili street. Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Rico have returned ' from a visit to their sons in Pender and Laurel, Neb., and are now guests of Dr. and Mrs. N. J. Rice. Mrs. E. 8. Kltkpatrlck and daughter Oltne are visiting relatives and friends in Ottumwa and will also visit in Burlington before returning home. Alfred B. Gary and Mra. Nellie M. Mil ler, both of Omaha, were married, in this city yesterday afternoon at the Second l'rcsl) terlsn church parsonage by Rev. Harvey Hostetler. Revi O. W. Snyder, pastor of St. John's F.ngllsh Lutheran church, Is home from Nevada, la., whers he attended the conven tion of the Lutheran synod. He will occupy the pulpit next Sunday. Information through a private source Is to the effect that the exhibit ot the Coun cil Bluffs schools In ths St. Louis exposition will be awarded a gold medal. It la Said that although no public announcement has yet been issued the awards have in fact been made. A class In gymnastics has been formed a mono- the teachers of the city schools. Miss FlorenO Deny has been secured aa j lessons, two being given each week, on Monday and Thursday evenings In the high school gymnasium, The Council Bluffs Fish and Gams Pro tective association will entertain Its mem bers this evening with a smoker at the club rooms at Lake Manawa. Cars will run every twenty minutes' from the Rock Inland depot to the lake up to 7:60 and the motor company will put on special cars for the return trip, - - William B. Wearin of Carleton, Neb., and Miss Cora K. Foulks of Malvern, la., were married Tuesday evening at the home of the bride's sister. Mrs. F. J. Duerr, 718 West Broadway. They left for a wedding trip to the St. Louis exposition, after which they will go to Carleton, where they will make their home. , D. G. Roland, a Milwaukee brakeman, was taken to the Woman's Christian As sociation' hospital yesterday afternoon suf fering from a fractured arm. Roland was on the top of a car when the train started suddenly, throwing him to the ground. The accident occurred In the local yards. Ro land's home Is in Ferry, la. Margaret Thomson, daughter of Rev. James Thomson, pastor of the Congrega tional church, is 111 wtth dlohtherla. She attends the Bloomer school and la thought to have contracted the disease there. Other cases of diphtheria reported to the Board of Health yesterday were Leo Matigan, 185 Fifteenth, avenue, and Ruth Metcalf, 710 South Sixth street, ,, ' .This trial lurv was drawn yesterday for the November term of superior court, which opens .November ix: m. r urocaer, feter Wels, R. ' H. Bloomer, Frank Carty, L. Watson, Joseph Robertson, W. Slead, J. D. Austin, H. L. Hyatt. A. C. Harding, Grant Schoup, A. B, Moore, R. O. Clover, B. A. Bonham of Council Bluffs, and Ben Davis of Garner township. The- committee In charge of the German day celebration, finding there was a surplus after all expenses had been defrayed, yes terday donated 110 to the Christian Home and a like sum to the Associated Charities' creche, for which donations both institu tions are duly thankful. - The committee consisted of Henry Sperling, A. P. Becker, S. Boysen and A. -Kramer. . Matt Cline, member of a Burlington sec tion . gang, who was brought to the Woman's Christian Association hospital In this city from Hastings, la., two weeks ago suffering from severe burns received by falling Into a -car of hot ballast composed of burned gumbo, died yesterday afternoon aa a result of his injuries. His father, John Cline, who lives at 1826 Wilson avenue, Cleveland, O., was notified of his son's death. The body was taken to Undertaker Cutler's rooms pending disposition. . - N. T. Plumbing; Co. Tel. 280. Night, F6CT. Real Estate Transfers. These transfers ware reported, to The Bee October 19 by ths Title Guaranty and Trust company of Council Bluffs: .' A. A. Clark and wife to C. L. Pen-In, part lot 1, Greenwood's sub, q. c d. ' 1 Maggie Griffin and husband to Tlene Krorin, part lot 1, block; zj, xseoia, w. d Grace M. Hanchett and husband to Mrs. Mary A. Jackson, lot 16, aud. sub. lot 4, Greenwood, ij. c. d.., C L. Peck and wife to P. T. Conroy, part lot (, block 29, Neola, w. d Virginia M. Bickelhaupt and husband to Elisabeth J, Bradley, lota 19. 20, s. H 21. block (, Carson, w. d Ernest E. Hart and wife to John P. Talbott, land In sections 2S, 29, 82, 4.000 40 1.200 1,200 S3, township 78, range 44, w. a, 81,804 Six transfers, total.. ...8118,046 Blar Price (or Far an. Ernest E. Hart, president of ths First National bank of this city, has sold to John P. Talbot of Salisbury, Mo., 81 aores ot land - In Crescent township for 881,(04, being 8100 an "acre. The land forms a por tion of what la known as ths W, B. Mayns farm and was acquired by Mr. Hart a few years ago at about 860 an acre. It Is said. As much ot tbe tract 1st what Is known as Missouri river bottom land the price of 8100 an acre Is considered by real estate men as a record breaker.. It la understood that , Mr. Talbot intends to remove hers and personally farm tho laiTU. Ths dead was filed for record yesterday. A FATAL, ERROR. V' A man steps Into your office, draws tip till chair, and talks rlfc-ht Into your face. Hia breath la offensive. Your only thouj hi la how lb tret rid of him and hia business. You cut him ahort with, ' I am net Interested." SOZOPONT la essential to one whose breath la not pur and aweet. Penetrating the Utile Crevices, It deodorizes, sweetena and purifies thorn, and makes you feel genteel and elean-cut. ' S FORMS ; LIQUID. POWDER PA8JTK. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. Western Iowa College Enter Now. ' fataloanae Froe. E. P, MILLER, PrlJent. Mnaoalo Templet Tneno !. CHATTEL LOANS A. A. CLARK OO. KaUMlahae lata. - ' raaenay aal Mala H arr rtaraa's Saaa atara, Ma vas Sorrow jmt .amount aa aatlla. aaraia, houwaoUl turnUut-a or aay abaltal aacurtl. rarmvata eaa ba anada a priaclpal si any tlna (0 akK Vimtwar, an! laloraat taduoal aarorlaalr. All kualaaaa toalilaatlal. Lwal nw, OStea era aiary aaia lui 1 iKI, alw4jr ovaauis UU a. BLUFF, FINANCES ARE IN BAD SHAPE 0n-Hif of Fitcil Tear Gone and Nnmbir of Fundi Alm-Mst Expensed. SEWER FUND IS LARGELY OVERDRAWN Fire aal Police Departments Have Kept Well Within the Appropria tions for Thoae Pnrpoo Statement by Auditor How to tide over the remaining half of the fiscal year Is a problem which the city administration Is finding extremely difficult to solve. With but six months of the fiscal year gone th appropriations for ths main tenance of certain of the municipal depart ments are practically exhausted and the law strictly prohibits any expenditures In excess of such appropriations. The police and fire departments have up to date kept within their respective appro priations and with proper management the balances In these funds will be sufficient for the remainder of the fiscal year. The same la true of the engineer's department, but In several other departments there la a very different story by City Auditor Smith's report for the alt months closing September 80. The sum of 88.000 was appropriated for streets and alleys and of this sum the com mittee In charge of this department, ot which Alderman Tlnley is chairman, has already in the first six months of the year expended 87,763.81, leaving but the paltry balance of 1238.69 with which to clean and otherwise care for the streets and alleys of the city for the remaining half year. This balance Is not even sufficient to meet the salary of Street Commissioner Avery. For the contingent fund 86,900 was appro priated, but the fund is now practically exhausted. To date 86,615.02 has been ex pended out of thlB fund, leaving but 82S4.98 with which to meet any contingencies that may arise during the next six months. Out of the contingent fund appropriation tha city has paid for the new municipal heat ing plant and building. The question has been raised whether this could be legally deemed a "contingency" and the cost of the buildlne and heating plant paid out of the contingent fund. letter Fnnd Overdrawn. The cost of the dredge for Indian creek and the expense of operating It has bees, paid out of the sewer fund, for which a tax Of 1 mill was levied. This levy realises about 83,733. added to which there was a balance of about 82,8 left per by the re publican administration when It retired from office on April -l lajst, thus making a total of $6,668 for the sewer fund. Up to date, however, warrants aggregating $7,220 for the dredge alone have been drawn on the sewer fund, not to mention the ordl nary running expenses of the sewer depart ment, which have In the first six months been about $1,700. These extraordinary ex penditures resulting from the excavating of Indian' creek will cause a big overdraft In the sewer fund, which will have to be met out of next year's levy. ; The Improvement fund has also been heavily drawn n, the city having within thet first- half ' ' the fiscal year paid out over $5,000 for its share of the cost of street paving and other Improvements which It was found the abutting property was unablt to stand. City Auditor Smith's report for the first half year ending September 80, showing tbe amounts appropriated for each depart ment, the amounts expended up to date and tha balances on which the several de partments will have to be maintained for the remaining six months follows: ' Appro- Expended. Bal- Purpose. pi iutlon. to Date. anew. Salaries, executive department 810,350 $ 6.675.20 $ 4, 674, SO police and mar shal's department 15,000 7,376.80 Streets and alleys. S,0uO 7.78.31 Fire department... 18,260 8,782.97 7,623.23 '13U.69 9,467.03 Fire and police telegraph 1,500 8,500 1,000 . 500 6,900 5,000 9.000 1.806.15 1,815.22 604.61 411.67 ,616.08 86.50 4.262.50 893.83 1,684.78 8P5.39 (8.83 284.98 4.913.50 4,787.69 Engineers' Dept.... Printing and sup plies City pound Contingencies City property (new Are station)....... Water Totals gen. fund. $80,000 $44,999.95 $85,000.05 To the Pnblio. I will not not be held accountable for any credit issued to Mrs. E. HartenholT. M. HARTENHOFF. Long; Termor Is Insane. John- Gregory, the horss thief and des perado who was sent to the Fort Madison penitentiary for twenty years In May, 1900, from Council Bluffs, has become Insane. Word to this effect was received yesterday by Freeman Reed, clerk of ths district court, from the State Board of Control. Last week Gregory waa examined by the prison physician1 who pronounced him In sane, and ths State Board, of Control has ordered his removal to ths Insane depart ment at the Anamoaa penitentiary, where he will bo confined until he completes his sentence or Is cured, In which latter event he will be taken back to Fort Madison. - Gregory, who had served several terms la the penitentiary, waa convicted here under the habitual criminal act. His arrest here followed the theft of a team of mules to. Nebraska, which he drove Into this state. He was tracked to a grading camp at Loveland, whers he shot and seriously wounded Constable Hardin Moss. After shooting the officer he forced young Joe Morgan, a son of the then sheriff, John Morgan, to get Into a buggy with him and drive him In his effort to escape. He finally let young Morgan go and then, la Garner township, forced a farmer to hitch another team ' to his buggy to take the place of the other horses, whlcb were ex hausted. He waa intercepted on the road near the Iowa School for the Deaf by Of ficers Albro and James of the city police force,, and after a running . fight, during which a number of shots were exchanged. Gregory was shot In the knee by Albro and captured. For Runt. Desk room for rent .Bee office, 10 Pearl street MosTlrlno Vendor Wonted. " Extract of pepsin, warranted to cure all manner of Ills, at $1 per bottle,; with a chsnce in a grand prise drawing, In which there are no blanks, ia what a man giving the name of J. Wilson has been peddling) around the outskirts of the city. The po lice are anxious to And Mr. Wilson, as they have grave suspicions that his business Is not entirely legitimate, but so far he has Succeeded In evading them. The bottles containing ths extract of pepsin which Wilson has euoeoeded In sell. j Ing bear the labal of tbe Ward Manufactur ing company, Chicago. On hie receipts Wilson gavs his placs of business as Tn West Broadway. That this happened to be a vacant building aroused the suspicions ef the police, and the persons who had In vested thalr money with Wilson. In each ease reported to tbe police the purchaser of a $1 bottle of the extract, according to the receipt given by Wilson, waa entitled to a prise valued at $20.- The prises, ac cording to Wilson, ranged from whole bed room euttes to upholstered rockers, and were to be- delivered between November 1 and 6. Blnce the discovery that Wilson's place ef business Is a vacant storeroom the fond hopes of his customers of adding to their household goods have vanished Into thin air. Matters In District Conrt. In district court yesterday Judge Macy, at the close of the testimony for the plain tiff In the suit of August Turk against the Illinois Central Rallrond company, took the case from the Jury and directed a ver dict for the defendant company, Turk sued to recover $1,950 damages for the flood ing of his land In Crescent township and the drowning of several head of stock by the overflowing of Pigeon creek, he alleg ing that the construction of the railway grade had obstructed the free flow of the stream and turned It back on his land. It Is said that fifteen to twenty other similar suits by farmers In the same vicinity hinged upon the result of the suit brought by Turk. In the personal Injury damage suit of Robert Young, Jr., against the motor com pany, the defendant settled the case by agreeing to a Judgment for $100. John H. Jenks, the Avoca banker. In two Suits against W. N. Hatch and T. J. Hatch, was given Judgment by agreement for $6,675 and interest oh two notes. This morning tha trial of the suit of F. J. Day against the city of Council Bluffs Will be commenced. Medical society Meeting.. Council Bluffs Medical society, at Its meeting Tuesday night, elected these offi cers: President, N. J. - Rice; vice presi dent, W. P. Hon. bach: secretary, J. H. Cleaver; treasurer, F. W. Dean; board of censors, V. L. Treynor, Donald Macrae, sr., J. M. Barstow; program committee, J. H. Cole, Donald Macrae, jr., H. B. Jen nings, v The prevalence of diphtheria In the pub llo schools of the city was Informally dis cussed, and the consensus of opinion was that the school authorities should exercise more care in the prevention of the dis ease. The free text book system. It was contended, was an alarming means of dis tributing germs and spreading contagion. Rooms and cafe. Ogden hotel. Mnrrlaaro Licenses. Licenses to wed Were issued . yesterday to the following: Name and Residence, J. P. Hansen. Neola. In Age. .. 23 ... !1 .. 23 ... 21 .. 22 ... 18 ,.. 26 ....21 ... 39 Annie Jensen, Council Bluffs George Dawson, Catherine, Mo...... Minnie Green, Terry, Mo. Fred Smith Corley, Macedonia, la., Emma Ines Bubbles, Macedonia, la Frank Hart, Omaha Mabel Graham, Omaha.., Alfred A. Gary, Omaha. Nellie M. Miller, umana 38 John B. Youel, Wall Lake, la 80 Anna M. Pholps, Council Bluffs 26 Samuel Walker, Council Bluffs 83 Pearl Hammond, Valley Junction, la. Charles H. Edgar, Council Bluffs.... Blancne E. Ralph, Council Bluffs J. Paul Zimmerman, Council Bluffs. Pollle Ern, Council Bluffs Clifford E. Adams, Omaha Grace B. Ferron, Council Bluffs...... Plumbing and btaur.g.i Bixby & Bon. MYSTERIOUS SHOOTING AFFAIR Main Fatally lojored While Walklna; us Track.. . MISSOURI VALLEY," ia., 'Oct. .(Spe cial Telegram. -Jake Leaboultt, aged 26, a Jew from Milwaukee, while walking on the- Northwestern tracksiiwest of Missouri Valley this afternoon at 9 V clock, was shot by an unidentified1 : man' through the liver and will die. He waa, well, dressed. He was opposite the fair grounds. Marshal J. J. Deal is Investigating. ' . Held for Assault and Robbery. ATLANTIC, la., Oct. 18. (Special Tels-gram.)-The three men who were brought back here from Des Moines Wednesday of last week, charged With the murderous as sault on George Webb, had their hearing before Justice Pressnall this morning and were held to the grand Jury, their bonds being placed at $2,500, In default of which they were taken back to the county Jail. George Webb, a farmer from near Dexter, Was found Tuesday evening of last week In a barn. He had been robbed and badly beaten. The sheriff located and had the three men arrested In Valley Junction that night, and Wednesday he went to Des Moines and brought them back. They were Identified by parties who had seen them In the company of, Webb and held until Mon day. Webb had sufficiently recovered to day to be able to positively identify the men. The county officials think they have a good case against them. The three men have given names which are supposed to be fictitious, and would give no account of themselves for some hours previous to their arrest. Safe Blowers at Work. DAVENPORT, Oot. 19. (Speclal.)-The general store of L. L Reed Son of Princeton was entered by burglars early this morning and the safe blown open with nitro-glycerlne. The safe crackers secured about $500 in cash. The robbery occurred about 8 o'clock this morning. The burglar or burglars gained entrance through a rear door. The lock was now broken! and It Is believed that the thief iaad a key to the door. The big safe was drilled and nitro glycerine poured Into the hole. The safe door was broken off by the force of the explosion and, the thief dumped the con tents of the safe In a bag. Although the exact amount taken Is not known, It will exceed $500. ... ''. SHAW WINDS UP AT DENISON Secretary of the Tria;nry 8pends Last ( Week of Campaign in Iowa. NUMBER OF BIG MEETINGS ARE PLANNED Southwestern Iowa Teachers Prepare an Interesting Prostram for Their Meeting; In November Xe braakana on the Bill. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINE8, Oct. 19-(Seclal.)-Chalr-man Spence of the republican state com mittee today completed arrangements for dating Secretary Leslie M. Shaw for five big meetings to close the campaign In Iowa. The secretary delivered a few speeches early In the, campaign In Iowa. but. wns kept for a long time On the Pacific coast. He then returned east for a few Speeches. He will close at his old home In Denison. He Is silted to speak in Clinton county on the afternoon of November 4. and In the evening at Cedar Rapids. He speaks In Missouri Valley on the afternoon of No vember 5 and In the evening In Sioux City, and then Monday evening, November 7, at Denison. It Is probable that Senator Spooner of Wisconsin will speak at Cedaf Rapids with Shaw, as he has been Invited by Congressman Cousins to speak In Cedar Rapids and is taking no part In the cam paign In his own state. It was announced today that Senator Dolllver will In fact be nt Mount Ayr on Friday. He Is also to speak In Wlnterset, Glldden, Dubuque, De corah, New Hampton. Ames, Oskaloosa, Bloomfleld and Centerville. He speaks In Council Bluffs November 1 and Vllllsca No vember 2. Governor Cummins returned this evening from a speaking tour in Ohio and went on to Kansas, where he speaks at Atchison and Clay Center. A bit of Interest has been Injected Into the campaign here over the discover of the fact that large numbers of republicans have been organizing to scratch the ticket on local offices while still voting for the na tional candidates. Congressman Hull Is to return home at once to make a canvass of the district In regard to this matter. In Poweshiek county a lively preliminary campaign is In progress for a republican nomination for the legislature to fill a Vs cancy. J. J. Sloan of Brooklyn will be nominated by the republicans. Requisition for Daiaett. A deputy sheriff from Casenovla, N. Y., secured from Governor Cummins today ft requisition to return to New York Welling ton W. Bassett, who was arrested a few days ago at Hornlck, Woodbury county. The accusation against him is perjury, but It Is understood he la also accused of forgery, while he waa In fact arrested first on a charge of bigamy. It is alleged of him that he deserted a wife in New York and after committing perjury and forgery came to Iowa. She learned of his where abouts when he had married another In Woodbury county and she sent Information on. which he was charged with bigamy. To add to the complications John W. Scott, living In Woodbury county, has brought suit for breach of promise against Bassett's latest wife on the ground that she had promised to marry Scott and Jilted him for Bassett. She has gone to California. Bas sett has tried to secure release on habeas corpus, but has not been able to do so. Southwestern Iowa Teachers. " ' Chief Justice Horace E. Deemer has ac cepted an Invitation to address the teachers of southwestern Iowa on their convening in Red Oak In November for annual asso ciation convention. A lecture will be de livered the ficst day by President E. Ben jamin Andrews of Lincoln. Others on the program, which has Just been Issued, are: Superintendent J. M. Greenwood, Kansas City; Dr. Nathaniel Butler, Chicago uni versity; H. H. gfeerley and Wilbur H. Ben der, State Normal school; Horace E. Bol ton, State university; Charles E. Shelton, president Simpson college; Dan F. Bradley, president Iowa college; Superintendent O. J. McManus, Council Bluffs; Superintend ent W. N. Clifford. Council Bluffs; State Superintendent John F. Rlggs, Des Moines; G. H. Colbert. Clarlnda; H. E. Wheeler, Shenandoah; Forest C. Ensign, Council Bluffs; President H. M. Bell, Drake uni versity; H. H. Savage, Denison; O. E. French, Creston; Martina Eriokson, At lantic; W. P. Johnson, Carroll. state Bacterloloslral Work. Prof. Henry Albert of Iowa City, head of the newly organised state bacteriological laboratory, was in consultation with the State , Board of Health, In session here today, regarding the work being done in this new institution. The laboratory is now for the first time prepared to do the work planned for It by the legislature and to make Investigations for physicians and others in the state. Branches, or receiving stations, are located over the state. The state board controls the laboratory, though it Is located In connection with the State university. Snapeeted of Robbery, Des Moines detectives arrested George S90TSHS.H SYRUP tai Keen aoed by llllUrms of Mothers for their Jhildren wMle Teethlnv tor orttr Fifty Years, t aooUWS the ehlli, softens tbe guma, allays all palo. cures wind oollu, atut la the coot ivineuy lur aiaxrnuNi. JHOlI.lltl! VESTS A BDTTLIU No. 14 Main St., Pehbacola, Fla., Not. 20, 1903. s After four years of vain endearor, to regain my health I became acquainted with the merits of Wine of Cardui, through personal experience, ana found it so excellent tiiut 1 feel it due to you to acknowledge the fact, 1 had been suffering with irregular, exanty and most painful menutruaticn, and when the periods occurred I wat unable to be up aud hid to stay in bed for a day or two. .Nothing 1 . took helped me until 1 uoed Wine of Cardui. It proved to be just what I needed. Within two months the aeriouo pain had disappeared, my headache were 1cm frequent and not io severe and fi'lt Tory much ennouraged, but had to use your medicine for four months before I waa nniirely well and regular, I hare enjoyed the finest health now for eighteen monthi. 1 am very regular and have no more paino and cut anu sieep aa otu as couiu ue aeoireu. i leei your meuicine is a boon to sick women, and most heartily do 1 rocomiuetid it to those iuffring aa 1 did, feeling sure that they will be cured u wcy win let outer meaicinea atoiie ana lane tne ot uaruai. Hodge and - Andrew Sorensen with nitro glycerine and burglar tools in their posses sion. It Is believed the two men were about to leave town to do s Job of safe blowing. ' They ere charged with the Van Meter postnfflce robbery. It is believed the twi men are at the head of a gang of bank robbers which has Its headquarters In Des Moines. Sorensen has a wife and four children. When arrested the men had stuff which has since been analysed and pronounced nltro-glycerlne. They, also had bull's eyes and skeleton keys and other burglar mate rial. The Van Meter postnfflce robbery, with which they are charged, was com mitted September 29. and about $4C0 se cured. Frank Olcason. who Is also charged with the crime, is In the county Jail. Supreme Cnnrl. The engineer on a railroad engine doesn't hove to pull the whistle lever and the bell cord at every private or farm crossing, ac cording to the supreme court. In a case from Iowa county, wherein James Nichols sought recovery because a Milwaukee en gine killed his horse, tho claim of negli gence was made because no warning was given by the train as It neared the cross ing. It was shown that the crossing was not a public crossing, and the supreme court holds that there was no obligation on the part of the company to give the warning there. The court today filed tho following deci sions In appealed causes.: James Nichols, appellant, against Chi cago, Milwaukee A St. Paul Railway; low coumy; Judge Bylngton; affirmed. Opjnlon by Weaver. State against Dan Donovan, appellant; Muscatine countv; Judge Jackson. Af firmed, by Sherwin. Green Hay Lumber company against In dependent District Odeholt; Sac' county; Judge El wood. Affirmed in part and re versed In part, by Bishop. Klsle Fowbel against Wabash Railway, nppvllant; Monroe county; Judge Elchel berger. Reversed, by Lndd. E. F. Brown, appellant, against F.ugene Brown; Wayne countv; Judge Towner. Af firmed, by Deemer. Emll Kloffke against Bettendorf Axle company, appellant; Scott county; Judge Bollinger. Affirmed, by McClaln. The Bee Want Adds are the Best Busi ness Boosters. t'A IK OAK NEVER EQUALED BY OTHERS. OAK The Leading Stove Dealers of .the U. S. Sell Them. s If no Dealer In Your Town does, Write to Us. ' r CHARTER OAX STOVE AND RANGE CO. ST. LOUIS. PORTLAND Northwest WITHOUT CHANCE mmii FMEFSG This route gives you 200 miles along the matchless Columbia River, a great part ot the distance the trains running so close to the river that one can look from, the car window almost directly into the water. Two Through Trains Daily With Accommodations (or all Classes of Passengers SHORTEST LINE Inqulro at CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1324 FARNAM ST. A-Boon to-Sick After four years of vain endeavor to regain her health by taking other medicines, : Miss Beatrice Wood was made a perfectly well woman by taking Wine of Cardui, the most successful menstrual regulator and woman's tonic known to the science of medicine. She took Wine of Cardui, and that is what we advise you to do. Will you follow her example and be a well woman? We could show you letters from 10,000 other women who praise Wine of Cardui as she praises it. v ' Cured of Asthma After 33 year of Sufferini. s. It w;il b gratifying to Asthmatic rentiers to learn that an absolute curs hat at last b.HMi discovered by Pr. Schlffmann.' That tho remedy lo an effectual one can not bo tlouhtcJ after ri rir'al of such tcit mony its that of C. V. Van Antwerp, Ful ton. N. V., who lays: "Your rcmedr (Schltlmann's Asthma Cure) is the best I everuil. 1 bought a pnrknire of our dniiruist anil tried it anil one 1I entlrolj cured tue of AHhma. and 1 have not had It since. I ran now jri to bed at:d sk-cp all Biaht with pcrf-ct comfort, whlrh I hart not done before for S. yennand I thantt TOiifnr tho health that I now enjoy. I linpo that ynu will publish this letter, that othert mnv learn ot its wonderful virtues. Sold by'n' Jrurrliti a 50o and ll.oa Rend cuim)to lr.U.Schi;Tminn.lloxi.U St. Paul, Minn., for a free f ample package. BEAUTY TO look well take care of your complexion. Do not allow t:n elafriily plmpln. Mar kheadt. un, tr Irecklea t blamiih yojr akin. Derma- Royale bill 111- . a .! ! Cum Ei-iemj an4 Tetter. Uae4 with Dlrha-ROYALS Soap, a ported ln it SOLD BY DRUOOISTS, lU m may b rttercd direct. 1 f I Derma-Reyale, $1 per bottle, rapress paid Prrma-Royale Soap, tS Cento, fey mrH. Both In one packafre, S1.28, express paid. Portrait and tentlmealala ar. aa rain-cat. THE DCRMA-R0YALE CO.. Cincinnati, 0. Pchaeter's Cnt Prion Drnet Store. SEARLES & SEARLES Omaha. Neb. CURES 6UARANTEED Quicker and for LESS MONEY than other SPECIALIST Cures all special diss eases of men kidney, bladder and diseasea ci women. Bloosl Poison cur,d t0T lit 800,1 v,r DIUUI rUliUU tigni symptom, sores on body. In mouth, tongue, throat, hair and eyebrows (failing- out) disappear oornpletely, forever. Virlrnt Valnt ruptured, enlarged and lillCDSB loinj knotty velna eured without cutting, pain or loss of time. Never falls. Quickest cure In the world. Wei., Nsnous Men U;-. Berrous debility, early decline, lack el Vigor and strength. Treatment by malL 14 TIE ARB Ok 4TUO. CttSSFUb FKACT1CB IM. OMAHA. Ccaw nar mi Utk and frtueiaa. ' CbarfM bil Tkis "AIT Oifiaro? DR. , McGREWI SPECIALIST. I Treats all straw nt DISEA8E8 OF) MEN ONLY A Medical Expert M Years' Bzperlenee ( U Yosts In Omaha Nearly M.00 Case Carte leal Poison, gtiitrtara. ile, Sydrwaate, Start, Narrans D.bllltjr, Laaa of Btranth aa VltaJltH ana all lorma ef oaraaia aiaaaaaa. TraatDMni ay matt, uau er wrua. ans aaa, isnan rata A Ula aw last pjIEH AND WQRBSres i'Vll! I uaaBleoioronnaa ' la 1 ta 0 T. I fllacliarsaa,iniiaini"u. Sfonsiaal Irritations .r uloaratloai aunrlms, ef mneoas momDranan, CMlaalaa. Palnlaaa. aau not aatrina tTHitVsn'lUHIMIont.n. ganl or poiaoaous. . OIHCIHNATI.O.I olal by arrnggisut 1 ot aan Is plain wrasse b ar.sraas, arapald, las) II 00. or 0 boitlxs 03.70. ULra max saao "a rataast. via FASTEST TIME 'Phone 316. Women A, -4-1 u. . -jF JZ --CCVaXC fi a" Treasurer, ArU and Crafla Build. a