10 THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: TIIURSDAY, OCTOBER 20. 1904. HITCHCOCR IN SORE STRAUS Admit Bis Defeats Unless lescued by .t Howell and Baldwin. ANY OLD FAKE TO SPLIT THE REPUBLICANS (Hher Candidate os the Denorratle Ticket Kot rieaseel at HI Effort Baerlflee) Them to tare Himself. 1 a not serene In the demo-pop camp r a Jong ways There was great commo tion In the World-Herald office after the ioubIe-shotted and sensational article pur porting to be an exposure of Rosewater's mooth and cunning icheme to get the democrat! to endorse Charles F. Weller, had been circulating In the streets for half an hour Monday morning. The following colloquy occurred In the sanctum of the democratic congressional candidate. "What does this all mean, Mr. Hitch cock?" exclaln-ed Dr. Hippie, whose temper had been ruffled very much by the bogus exposure. "Who la responaible for this faker' "Well, I am partially responsible for It I am backing Howell for political reasons," aid Mr. Hitchcock. "Don't you know." asked Dr. Hippie, "that your pretended exposure la a piece of rank Imposture? Don't you know that Kosewater had no more to do with that Scheme than the man In the moon? Don't you know that the initiative for this move ment was taken by the democratic city convention Ave weeks ago, when It passed resolution authorizing the city committee to endorse the republican candidate for the Water board, whoever he might be, if the republicans would do likewise for our ' candidate? And don't you remember that C. J. Smyth, who waa chairman of the con vention, expressed bis approval of the reso lution and stated then and there that it was In conformity with the law that makes the board nonpartisan?" Tries to Justify thai Fake. "Well," answered Hitchcock, "I do not remember that, but It does not matter. We have ot to do something to stir up the animals In the republican camp. This county Is republican by a large majority and we cannot get any help out of the Rosewate.- faction this time. Howell Is the only man who can help us out and we ' want to bring him In so as to make a split" "Yes," said Dr. Hippie, "you can get 'up ft split, perhaps, but you should remember that there may be a split in the democratic party and you are liable to lose more democratic votes than Howell can bring to your support." Dr. Hippie's remonstrances had the de sired effect and the great exposure of Rose water's plot was suppressed in the World Heruld's Monday noon and afternoon edl . tlons. But the suppression of the fake ex posure did not suppress the turbulenoe In side the democratic rank and file aad sev eral of the demo-pop candidates have ex pressed themselves freely on Hitchcock's course In trying to sacrifice them for his own persona) ambition, to make deals with disgruntled republicans. Mo Democratic Sympathy (or Howell. "There is no sympathy for Howell among the democrats," said one of the democratlo candidates this morning. "We all know that he was beaten by nearly 300 votes and " would have been beaten by nearly a thou sand If John N Baldwin had not projected Frank Kaspar Into the race so as to draw away 600 or 600 votes that would have gone to Waller. We aro all on to Howell. I don't believe HoweK can deliver twenty five votes to H.tchcock or our legislative ticket It may be good politics to make all this racket about printing Welter's name above Howell on tho imllots In the lower wards. It could not have made a differ ence of a dosen ,'otcs one way or the other, no matter whether printed on the top or ! bottom, as there were only three names on the city ticket for water commissioner, and Ignorant voters who wanted to vote against Howell would have -had them so marked whether his name was on the top or at the bottom." , Hitchcock's Halve Confession. To an Intimate republican friend Mr, Hitchcock admitted yesterday that he had no show for re-election at this time unless the republicans were split up. "All Is fair In war and politics, you know. The only republicans I can depend upon to help me," said Hitchcock, "are Howell and John N. Baldwin. We are encouraging Howell to run Independent for water commissioner and are trying to make a case for him, just to create a dlvlBlon In the republican camp. If Kennedy Is defeated Baldwin will be la position to charga It up to the Howell Incident. At any rate, I can't lose any thing by making Howell an issue In the campaign." ' In the interval the reporters on his paper have been Instructed by ' Congressman Hitchcock to supply at least one lurid yarn a day about alleged dissension In the re publican ranks and not to bother particu larly about sticking to the truth. Work on the national ticket has been mtrwrmA l.v (h. alol. miniikll... ptw.u . "v tjiuiiiv mi iiiauugera. It Is announced that from now on until the close of the campaign all efforts will be expended on the state, legislative and congressional Jtlckets. Orders have been Issued to speakers and county chairmen to discuss the revenue law and other state Issues, Inasmuch a the Roosevelt and Fair banks ticket Is so certain of sucess that the expenditure of energy for it will be wasted. On the other hand, the fight against Mickey has cuused u general con- oentration upon the state ticket. No more national campaign literature Is being dispatched from state headquarters. In ' Its stead, circulars showing how the taxes have been manipulated to. make the new revenue law look bad In the twenty nine counties of the state where taxes have been Increased are being sent out In large Quantities. Vast quantities fit proof are at hand to show that democratic or populist tuxlng authorities either wilfully levied higher taxes than any necessity called for, or did not understand their business. 0 Men's Minting Lnlos Suit! at 1. 50 to 4.50 Jo) is Maiulnf V llnlM H Underwear for Meg Tailored Suit 'IP the newest mannish '-14-85 A LADIES' ULTRA STYLISH Tlii is a wry special assortment of up to diXe fall suits made in the newest tourist coot and Directorie styles rtry stylish trimmed the newest mannish cMhs, prttty street and dress effects . j- i . . j many odd sample suits in this lot your choice at Very Stylish Golf Skirt at 3.98 In thn correct welg-ht for fall novelty cloth, self- trimrnea roaae in ine new pleat ed effect many skirts in this lot are worth up to 7.63 at Fine Cravanette Coats at 9.98 Stylish coats that shed rain and proteot from cold a special lot ....... .n...H n.ln.J tyles for ltK)4. at , .ij fjiuiu, sen 3.98 CTj.98 Tourist Coat A special for Thursday In the most , popular coat for fall and win- A (JQ ler a sensible swell coat at... An Elegant ion; Tourist Coat Belted backs, fashionable new novelty aTT. 9-9 $2.00 WAISTS AT $1.25. French flannel waists, mado In the latest style all the most f C popular oolors, all sizes at TWO EXTRA SPECIAL FUR BARGAINS DOUBLE BROOK MINK SCARFS, I BIG EXTRA FULL FINE FOX with cords, eight tails 2.98 I SCARFS 8.98 L"""'l0&" Black Petticoats at 98c MERCERIZED LIKE BLACK SATIN This ia the biggest petticoat bargain ever offered in this store. Bud weather kept many shoppers from se curing this bargain today and we announce even greater bargains tomorrpw. These skirts are made of the finest quality black mercerized Italian cloth, wide flounces, accordeon pleated ruffles, cluster of tucks, etc. all Ires thousands of them. OMAHA WEATHER THURSDA Y-Fair. filfTTC Vour choice on main floor bar train sn-nre- wo- $2 lO and $3 OO at. each OC Thursday Millinery Specials Stylish Street and Dre: Hats Made in our own work rooms by experienced artists tliej are the latest and most ap proved fall styles prettiest fall and f.50.2.50 winter trimming at A Today we offer you a great number of our regular $10 hats at $ 5 these are some of the choicest designs $ C would readily sell for $10 anywhere in the country, at. .O SATURDAY IS THE BIG SALE OF FANCY ART LINENS These are drummers samples from a great manufacturer also beau tiful band embroidered Japanese linens. Hundreds of the most elaborate lunch cloths, squares, centre pieces, scarfs, etc., will be sold Saturday far below their value. 8 1 rBWpWfc Jj Ladles Great Sale of Sample Suits WE HAVE ON EXHIBITION IN ONE OF OUR FRONT WINDOWS A FEW OF TIIE SAMPLE SUITS, FROM A BIG PURCHASE RECENTLY MADE, IN NEW YORK. THIS LOT INCLUDES MANY OF THE BEST MODELS OF THIS SEASON. OUR CLEAN-UP PURCHASE ALLOWS US TO SELL THESE SUITS AT LITTLE MORE THAN HALF TRICE. THEY WILL BE MARKED FROM $9.90 TO $25. Come and get first choice. Bargain Sale Silks oi Bargain Square 250 pieces of fancy Skirt Waist Suit Silks, fancy plaids, fine imported colored taffetas, black peaii de soie, black taf fetas and fancy voile silks that are very cheap FQ at $1.00 and $1.25 per yard Thursday, yard C Dress Goods 50 pieces 52-inch black and colored mohair Sicilians, navys, browns and grays worth $1.00 per yard, CC for one day only JC Handkerchief Bargain A lot of manufacturer's sample handkerchiefs, slightly soiled, embroidery laced and medallion trimmed A worth 25c each, only ..1UC Big Sale of Shams, Scarfs and Nats 100 dozen fine Swiss shams and scarfs, ruffle trimmed. Shams are 30x30. Scarfs 18x54. Very cheap at 35c. Thursday, linen aisle, only 100 dozen pretty doylies and mats, size 12x12, worth fl A 20c, Thursday, each .... IUC Two Rousing Sales Coming Black Goods Sale Friday. - Fancy Linen Sale Friday. See particulars in Thursday evening's pacers. Extraordinary Sale of Fine Decorated 19c A -BANK ACCOUNT Is a friend In need. Open an account with us and receive four per cent interest compounded every three months. Accounts opened for one dollar or more and little home safes loaned free if desired. J. L Brandeis & Sons, Bankers. Checks on all banks cashed. Dr. Bradbury 1506 FARNAM I DENTIST Teeth Extracted With out Pain. Fillings Os Crewos.............S2-3e Bridge Werk..... HM up Plates. ,M..m.H41M up MERCER COMPANY FILES BILL Asks Par (or Dirt Takes from Lota la Walaat Hill by City Wltkoat Coaseat. . The 8. D. Mercer company has presented a bill of (476 to the city for 1.X7S cublo yards of dirt alleged to have been taken THIS J3LU &ICI.ATUIU aCUARAMTEES) ' R0S(BQ3 i "EVVAREOF 'JUST AS GOOiXV Fourtoo Yoara Simi Location PHONE 1756 Tho most setuithr nerves removed with out pal& Loom taotk wamip aolld. WritUa Qnsraat i 1 LaLirips Thursday Friday, Saturday All our fine lamps will respond to make this the great est speciaj lamp effort in Omaha's history. Every lamp in our stock j especially marked for this stirring event. Our lamp goods are the cream of the production of the greatest lamp makers of America, We cannot give prices here, but at the prevailing figures they are worth a long journey to take advantage of. Remember Our Sale of Fine China Plates on Monday, Oct. 24. from its lots on Walnut hill by city em ployes and moved across the street to fill other lots. It Is set forth that the re moval of the dirt damaged the Mercer lots, besides being valued at 26 cents a yard. The city Is asked to prohibit )he further dlaturbance of dirt on property where per mission is not given by the owners.- The legal department has been asked to In vestigate and report upon the claim. Lace Cartalaa. Our S Brussels curtains at t3.M a pair should Interest you. ORCHARD WfLHELM CARPET OO. Diamonds and opais, Ed holm, Jeweler. Harriaao Lleeasea. The following marriage licenses were Is sued up to noon October It: Name and Residence. Age. Benjamin VV. Coitun, Omaha 26 Lucy T. Oore, Omaha 21 Kngulbert Fieckeneteln, Omaha 44 Krani.es Teltge, Omaha. 44 Elbert FoutH, Omaha M Georglaun Perkins, Omaha it William J. Russell, Omaha 66 Sarah A. Church, Fremont 61 Harry A. Jacobberger, Omaha E6 Nellie N. Wise, Omaha it William H. Kahre, Omaha a Annie fiw&nson, Omaha Zi William O. Chlnn, Omaha 64 Alice Maude Ward, Omuha. 2 Adam Bchoene, Cook, Neb 86 Louise liupp. Cook, Neb U 1'eter J. Chrlsteneen, Omaha, SO Blna Ivereen, Omaha , , 26 Edwin Norton, Audubon, la...... 21 tliua Peterson, Auuubou, la U II K. Weddina- Rings. Kdnolm, Jeweler. LooklasT for Oatraader. Assistant County Attorney "Weaver has Clwd a comiilalnt of removing mortgaged property out or Douglas oounty aguinst Charles On lander, the aliened defaulting musician, wlio furnished the harmony at the Ak-Sur-llen street fair. The' charge tust niel against Oatrandor In police court avolvea two horns valued at a&eut FIRE! FIREI! FIRE!!! Ten Thoiiiind Lives Letll Is what a crowds of boys were yelling as they danced around a bonfire made from a BED TICK, furnished by one of their mothers. Now if she had used SCHAEFER'B SURE -DEATH there never would have been any ten thousand or even 10 bed bugs in mai uca uui sne man 1 reaa the papers. We sent a gallon of this bug annlhllator to Ames, Nebr., today by freight and we sena it in m V BR X .DIRECTION, evert DAY. Comes In Pints at 16o; Quarts 26o; Half Gallons 60c: Gallons (Oc. Just the thing for rnjL.ee i,in.Ari irsLi TIME or any old time If you have a SIGN OF A BUG OF ANY KIND IN YOUR HOUSE. Don't forget that we started tho eut piios drug business and are still leading the bunch on prices. If you don't know, what drug store things are worth Just use your telephone Call or writs us for RIGHT PRICES. CUT PRICE DRIIO 5T0RB B. T. YATES, Pfep. 16th and Chicago fits.. Omaha, Phones T47 and 77. 24th and N.Bts.. South Omaha, Phone No. 1. 6th Ave. and Main St., Coun cil Bluffs, Phone tza. Ail goods delivered In either city absolutely free. Prices and goods that will put to shame any similar effort In this local ity. When we give you a bargain, It Is a snow pure one. No half hearted attempt at it. Nothing to deceive you. No misleading statements. Re member the date, Monday, Oct. 24th. gee show windows and Bennett's ad for further particulars. Haviland & Co, White Limoges 17 Qr" Ohlna Chnn Dishes A Cut Star Footed Sherbet Glasses, per dosen ..... Pure Lead Blown Saucer Shape Champagne Glasses on Stem f OC per, dosen 2.75 8 Japanese China Salt and Pepper Shakers, each 10c And twenty ($3.00) In Little Green Stickers. Rousing sale of 4-pieco Glass Table Sets, large assortment to select from. No cheap or shoddy goods. All nice, bright, fire polished goods, consisting of p.ain heavy glass, Imitation cut patterns, crystal and gold, green and gold, aa follows: Covered Butter Dish, Sugar Bowl, Creamer and Spoon Holder, value up to 12.60. Priced for this sale 98c, 73c 59c. 48c And 100 ($10.00) In Little Green Stickers. Plain Glass Stand Lamps, . complete No. 2 burner, chimney oa - and wick, for Jk No. 1 or No. 2 Heavy Brass Lamp Burners, each ,.4c Good Double Wire Gas Mantles, e each i7b SCIIAEFER'S Efforts are being made to locate the roam ing musician, who is also charged with boating most of his employes out of ttae ;ydjh, taaJAxlM M-lCsUvoi A Choice Ladies' R.ocker for $1.37 We limit the number to 50 for Thursday's selling. This rocker regularly sells for 2.25. It's made of solid oak, golden finish and is an exceptionally neat pat tern. Beat is upholstered pver cane, giving double strength. Entire frame is thoroughly braced Thurs day, only $1.57 . UotlDIa tlreen stamna ... - pr aii uay mursday on All Purchases In tn Shoe Dept. Thursday' Sale. Ladles' and men's felt slippers, leather soles, worth $1.00, and twenty (2 Ou) In lltto green stickers 5QC Ladles' sample shoes, Goodyear welt and turn soles, up-to-date styles, worth up to $4. and fifty 16) little green slickers s5.0 Men's box calf and velour calf and vlcl kid, welt sole shoes, worth $3.60 and $4, and fifty ($6) little fy AO. green stickers, at '0 Ladies' crochet slippers red, blue, twenty ($2) brown or black and little green stickers, at 79c Ladles' vtrrt kid patent tip shoes, worth $3 50, and thirty ($3) s Ar little green slickers, at (B 1 Pn't 1 5 Grocery Department We are leaders In the grocery business, J and most everybody knows it Thirty Iffl.OO 8. St H. Green Trad ing Stamps with 3 lbs. finest f f( Java and Mocha Coffee I.WU Twenty ($2.00) S. H. Green Trading Stamps with five cans Peas, Bn. ' Corn or Tomatoes..., JVl Ten ($1.00) S. ft H. Green Trsdlng . Stamps with pound can Ben- Ol nett's' Baking Powder WC Ten ($1.00) S. 4 H. Green Trading Htamps with twy pounds )c. Oregon Prunes L i7W 4- Five (60c) Green Trading Stamps with three packages Uneeda 1Rr Biscuits .77." 10C Ten ($1.00) 8. H. Green Trading Stamps with ill cakes of OEp Laundroid Ten ($1.00) B. ft H. Green Trading H lam pa with dosen boxes tOlr .. Parlor Matches SJl CANDY DEPT. Ten ($100) S. ft H. . Green Traillns' BtamDS with glass jar tilled with candy !Uk NO SILVER -1 Belter man mo graaes we carry no prices mere reason able than ours Wo are showing a hajidsoi4e lino of Table Stiver, Bon Bon Dishes, Fancy pleceA Souvenir )poons and Toilet Oooda. Spend a few minutes in our i tore. Look fur the name. y. LINDSAY On Sale Friday r.tttm Tablecloths, worth up to four Sec f tfffc Sf. Window TUB RELIABLE! STORK. On Sale Friday Pstttm 7 tblt cloths, worth up to four dolltrs 1 IlQ ttch . . . See 16m Sf. Window 9.90 4.90 9.90 In Our Cloak Department HANDSOME TAILORED SUITS Made with long or short coa, and lined throughout with Skinner's satin comes in 12 differ ent styles made to sell for ?23.00 choice 118.50 Walking Suit, in Lymen's wool cheviot plain colors and fancy mixtures, at 15 Tailor Suits, newest styles and great variety of fabrics, very special value at f 20 Coats, in either tourist or blucher stylos, satin If Qf lined great snap at I'tiuU flO coats, in tan, black or brown zibelines and kerseys, with belted back and panne velvet trimmings special P fl 0 t OiOO Women's Skirts, in voiles, broadcloths, silks, serges, Q Q fl cravenettes, etc., well worth $15.00 choice UlUll Walking Skirts, in fancy mixtures and plain col- 1 QQ ors, with pleated bottom, an immense line at. TUU ?4.00 quality Rainy-Day Skirt at........ ...2.98 Women's Waists, a handsome line in great variety of up-to-date styles and fabrics, at $2.98, $2.50, $1.98, $1.50 and 98c, $7 Silk Underskirts at. .$3.93 $5.00 Children's Coats at. .$2.98 9 till 10 a. m. Flannellette Dressing Sacques at ..,.. ,29c 9:30 till 10:30 a. m. Flannellette Wrapers at 390 MANUFACTURER'S STOCK OF FURS NOW ON SALE We are offering wonderful bargains in all grades and styles of fine furs. - Thursday Grocery Specials l-pound can new packed Tomatoes 6c 3-pound can new parked Pumpkin 6o 8-pound can new packed Hominy 60 1- pound can new packed Squash 6a S-pound enn new packed Butter Beans. 6c 3-pound can new packed Corn 6c t-pound can new packed String Beans.. 6c 2- pound can new packed White Wax Beans 60 20 lbs. pure cane Granulated Sugar ....$1.00 1-quart can best Syrup 7 He New Evaporated Apples, lb TSo New Evaporated Blackberries, lb 7Vw Egg-O-See TMks Force Ihto X-Cello 7Vio Klin dried Oatmeal, lb So Quail Oats, 3-!b. pkg 60 Morgan's Sapollo 60 4-pound package Gold Dust ISo Pearline, pkg ls 10 bars Laundry Snap, all brands 2to uneu Marrowfat feaa, id New Japnn Klce, lb New Tapioca, lb New Brko, lb New Farina, lb Arm and Hammer Pnklng Soda BUTTER. Fresh, pure Separator Creamery Buttpf received daily. FRESH FRUIT. Large Braslllan Cocoanuts each Bo Fancy Mixed Nuts per pound lltyo Fancy Persian Dates per pound ia Fancy Seedless Lemons per dosen.... 104 Fancy Sweet Oranges per dosen lOo Fancy Greening Apples per peck....... 15a So 2a So 80 2a 6a HAVBER3 BROS. Balduff s Bon Bons :: Omaha Headquarters for Pure Candies ' All of our Bon-Bons are the product of our own man ufacture and are absolutely and unqualifiedly pure and composed of the finest materials. ONE POUND BOXES 60c. BALDUFF, 1518-20 Femora St. AN INVITATION TO THOSE WHO HAVE NEVER DEALT WITH U8 Ws Invite your careful Investigation of our facilities and methods, assuring all comers the same degree of service and courtesy, whether their purchase be large or "n alOur many years experience in this branch of our business, namely, designing and enirravlng enables us to offer to you the very best ideas of skilled workmanship Wedding invitations, announcements, at home, church cards, visiting cards, etc. Cor respondence In reference to samples and prices will receive the most respectful con sideration. THE KOYER STATIONERY CO., . 220 and 222 South I6tb Street. FOR YOUR ANKLES and INSTEPS TOUR ANKLES are taxed more severely tha nany part of your body and therefore ranniro mnn than ordinary protection. That Nsthsa Ventilating Corset Amkle Supports. should be worn by all whose occupa tion necessitates pro longed standing or excessive walking, and all who induce In Ttaao Vtflll HOwl- (i. ris.tr l-nwn Ten. nls ana Aimeuo fciinrtft of any kind. Mothers should have their children wpar them. especially . .. Infants learning to walk. JTIces per pair-nan , si.uu; incurs, yic; Misses', 76c; Boys', 90c; Children's, 6c. Add 6o for mailing. When ordering state else of shoe and smallest ankle measure. ARH.OWIMITH ARCH DROP. () MADK OF. GERMAN SILVER. Prescribed by leading physicians and or thopedists for weak Insteps. 1-The prop will not rust. T. I. .... -nrf anriliKV to the fOOt. A Pl!t c'anbeTraduaUy heightened a. the condition of the f.jot improves. 4-The finger- of the prop can be brought against the sli of the arph with the d- "iUi!imeThe ordinary rigid steel Insole. It does not occupy in; VVii of the shoe, but extends on.y to the bll It the foot, being held In place by the pressure of ths heel. Sherman &f.!c Cornell Drug Go. Prescription Pharmacists. Cor. Mth and Dodge Streets. Omaha, NeU F1UV71 CCJ Stoves iAIways IPlease NoAshes No Dust V MOORE'S BASE BURNER 1904 model. Is itrlkl nirlv hand so m nd resplen dent with ths finest high art nickel. It In t.lnla action Itheats upstairs, It heat j the main floor, and If you wish, it will send the ashes Inlo the tin down celitir. No nh-s or dunt In the par It's tne only kind that suits particular people. It'e the easiest stove in the world to run and, because of the sir circulating system. It keeps your house warm and com fortable In the coldest weather and gave from y, to i the coal you have been using. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER ! Poll Pes Teas, BUY IT AND BE COMFORTABLE 4 NEBRASKA rVRNITVRE AND CAKrLI CO. 413-415 No. 24th SU South Omaha, Y