THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18. 1904. ? i i il 1 " ; I 2 I : ? SPECIAL NOTICES A4TtMliMitati tmt tktM owlasans win e , takes watll It an. li aWlltBflF BBC y illa,Jg Rates 1 l- a word rt Insertion, a a mtt taaraattar. nothing: taken far leas taaa SOw lar tka art laser (ton. Tteu aaeottlaesneats asast as Advertisers, by re nesting a aia. tfresaeel la a a am nor letter la 'ears tk Thai Bm. luvtn aa addressed will as delle-erod. aa nresentatlen al check. MISCELLANEOUS Day School Night School BOYLES SCHOOL Lnter Now Catalog Free H. B. BOYLbS. President New York Lite Omaha. R 071 CUT RATE TICKETS everywhere. P. H. Phllhln, 1605 Fsrnam and opp. Union sta Uon. . '? els, 784 and 1671., R-960 TRY KELLY'S1 TOWEL SUPPLY. Tel. 35J0. R del CMfC PRIDE OF HASTINGS. Best wiwuu 6-cent cigar on sarin R 69 CITY SAVINGS BANK pays 4 per cent. R 862 CITY STEAM LAUNDRY" 2U SOUTH 11TH. 'PHONE i54. Wt trust everybody. Have our wagons call: bills collected monthly. K M447 N17 EAGLE Loan Office; reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. WUl Douglas. R-9t3 ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co., 621 N, lth. Tel. 1779. . R-984 SIGN PAINTING-. H. Cole. 1302 Douglaa R STOVE & FURNACE REPAIRS P. MELCHOIR, machine works. 18th and Howara. . . R-0 CPUS PICTUM. THE PLACE 1U BUY ARTISTIC OIFT8. Studio, 2017 harney street- R lee 20 THE Omaha Warehouse Co., 609 Jones; 'phone lSot; mdse. storage an4 forwarding. J. E. WALLACE, TAXIDERMIST. 606 8. 13th. i R Wt IF YOU want to buy, sell or rent property, borrow money, sell note or account, call at K. 8, N.V.Llfs. Tsl. 183. , Glover 6t Bon. R-M14 OMAHA PLUMBING CO., Tel. 3846. John Morrissey, Mgr. Res. Tel. 2914. H-lliia CHICAGO LAUNDRY WE TAKE THE DIRT -AND LEAVE YOUR CLOTHES 'PHONE 20. , 214 N. 16TH ST. R M669 Nov ADV. CUTS WHEA TON, In Bee bid-. .... R-986 1 nrkTQMITHC. R. BFLIN. 3 . Tel. 2874. R M60S BUSINESS CHANCES ABBOTT-COWAN ' CO., 1st Nat Bk. bldj., can get you In or out of business. Y 804 BHOLE8-ARM8TRONO CO., 722 N. Y. Life. Tel. 49. Y-096 TO get In or out of business, or If you want to buy or.-sell real estate see Omaha Real Estate and Bualness Chance Agency, 406 N. Y. Life bldg. X-WSJ WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange Jour property or business quick, see J. H. ohnson, 843 N. Y. Life. 'Phone L2270. Y-897 DRUG Stores Knltst, R. P., N. Y. L. bldg. Y-264 BAKERY and confectionery, cheap. C 8, Bee. , Y 487.Nl PHYSICIANS located. Knlest, N. T. L. Y M90T SUBSCRIPTIONS are Invited to the stock of a campar.y now forming to manufac ture a staple article in big demand at a big profit; 10 per cent guaranteed. W. I Monroe, 110 N. 4th St.. St. Louis, Mo. Y-M372 22x WANTED Party with 22.000 to Invest, with services; manufacturing line In Omaha, a with good proevects. Address D 37, Bee office. Y M452 18s FOR SALE Foundry and machine shop complete, for $1.2ti0; mild winters; plenty of coal mines, factories ' and work. C. Gilbert, Fulton, Mo. , Y M108 tOx FOR BALE, steam bakery and fixtures , doing (tood business: snap If taken at once. Address Frank Warner, Wymore, Neb. Y-M119 18x ' FOR SALE HORSES & WAGONS HIGH grade, rubber tired. Watertown, easy riding buckboard; an eastern novelty Jood us new, at a big sacrifice. Johnson , Danforth. S. W. Cor. 10th and Jones ats. ,n , t p-u4 , FINE $376 pneumatic Stanhope, nearly new, ' 116: open pneumatlo runabout, $tiO. Drum mond. 18th and Harney. P Mill NOT a horse shower, but a wagon fixer, Harry Frost. 14th and Leavenworth. P-115 CARRIAGE and harness for sale. Inquire at McAuley's, 16th and Jackson. ' ' i. , P-3S6 18 FOR SALE An exrellent driving horse. W. H. McCord. 22d and Cass. . .' P-400 18 THREE pairs heavy draft horses, fresh from country. Address D 88, Bee. Tel. 1T08. p M430 ; v , . . FOR SALE Horses for city driving or ds llvery. Your livery trade solicited In either buggy or carriage : work. Mel choir's Livery Bam. ' P 112 FOR EXCHANGE WILL trad sewing machine for. type writer. Neb. Ocle Co., 16th and Harney. . . ' 106 WHAT have you. to exchange for planoT Pei Held Piano- Co.. UU Farnam. Tel. 701. 1 i z-im IF THERE is nothing In this column you want, put an ad in and you will soon get it f , Z-168 WILL, exchange beautiful plsao for drlv ing or draft horse. Sclimoller Mueller. 1818 raraam. Z M407 8 WILL exchange high grade piano for type- wriwr, Dvnimiucr oc muvtter, - laia r ar- nam. Telephone No. UJt. 2 M4SS I WANTED-SALESMEN WANTED Traveling salesman, Nebraska, windmills, gasoline englnrs. acatra. etc. Permanent position, good salary, capable mn. Wanted, man who can BELL mrr ,1'handlse not to make excuses. AdvlKe married man or single age. former employer.'- Address D 81. Bee. 18 M408 U AGENTS WANTED Best selling article out; big profit for hustlers; no competi tion. Call room 67, Arcade hotel. M-4S6 Us WANTED SITUATIONS YOUNG MAN deadrea plaoa to work for board while going to school; ex penanced, v boyles' College. 19H4. A4o3 COMPETENT stenographer (man) desire MMutkm In city, , A M443 x TRAVELING sslesmsn now open for posl. tlon. Experienced machinery, lumber and sundries. A good man for you. W. g. Ptckena, Iter Grand. A-M464 13 WANTED MALE HELP FALL TERM NOW OPEN Omaha Commercial College, 17th and Douclas Sts.. New claases In all departments. Best time to Itegln night school September . Bond tor tree calaingue. Aaanw . ROHRBOLGii BROS., Omaha, MEN TO LF.ARN barber trade: free rail road fare upon our failure to convince you of this being the BEST and only re liable, most practical barber college 'n the United Btates. Write for catalogue Uwlay. Western uaroers . insiiiu, Omaha. Neb. B lfli WANTED Two cltv salesmen at once. C F. Adams Co., 161 Howard St. f-UO WANTED A collector and solicitor. Call 611-3 Paxton block. uaum DRUG clerks Knlest, R. P., N. Y. L. bldg. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMT-Able-bodled unmarried men, between sges of 21 and 86; cltixens of United States, of good charac ter and temperate habits, who apesk, read and write English. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer, 13th and Douglas sts., Omaha; Lincoln, Neb., or Sioux City, ia. o WANTED Responsible man to travel In tne west witn noiiaay gooos. , l'ermanent. Quick promotion If satisfac tory. Balary, 860 per month to commence and expenses. Must be sble to furnish references snd small cash security. Ad dress Dept. A. Room 805, IS North Fourth St., Minneapolis, Minn. uinM wi WANTED, men to learn barber trade. Few weeks completes. Can nearly earn ex penses before finishing, lop wages paici graduates. Call or write. Moler Rarber c ollege, 190Z Douglas st. B anzn zix EXPERIENCED grocery clerks at ones. Mains-Case Co., 636 Paxton blk. B M192 WANTED Men to husk corn at Farnam. Neb. Can use 40 men. Will pay 8 cents per bushel and board. V. H. Foweii, far nam. Neb. B M416 22x WANTED Boy to work In the store. Hardy's Ko Store. B M449 18x AGENTS to sell Dry Sole, makes shoes ab solutely waterproof, wesr longer; sells on Dry Sole Co., 99 Warren St., New York. , ,B M433 18X WANTED A young lady room mate; terms reasonable; references exchanged. WANTED, an experienced dress goods Address D 21. Bee. &-M367 salesmen. Apply the Leader Dept. Store . - Co.. Des Moines, la. B M433 18 FRONT room for gentleman, modern. 1712 Davenport. E 389 18x COATMAKER wanted. C. F. Struts. At- . H lantlc. la. B M427 24x SUITE of front rooms and other room; : modern. 116 8. 20th. E-MS84 26 We have 88 vacancies this morning' In ' various lines of business paying from 160 wMr'n Mass'n. FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD 840 N. Y. Life Bldg. n ttcti" Open Tuesday and Thursday vmlnsjL MESSENGERS AND BAGGAGE. MmSSihvM AiiMKC t'hl. THURSTON HOTEL: .te.m healed ro7m7 cTfflcer ,11U8trt"'- Address B. -C..hls gl M t(J KM per weeV.; board. pm """" ' Midland hotel, lh Chicago; reasonable. WANTED FEMALE HELP : : VICINITY of high school, modern, south 80 GIRLS; Canadian offloe, lBth and Dodge. front rooms. Including board, 86 per week. C-1U 2408 Casa 'Phone A-i693. F12L. EXPERIENCED chocolate dippers wanted. DOUB&E parlors, well furnished: hot and Balduff, 1630 Farnam. C M9b cold water In rooms: also large closets; 1 . board; rates reasonable. 618 S. 19th. YOUNG LADY in office, with knowledge F 124 oresSDkrPBie "Jce" mtTrS'BCrA . 86. Family hotel. F M4o3 EXPERIENCED girl tor general house- rrv , r"". -ZTi work. 812 N. SS; rear. C-M114 20 , Ve;' Pjeassnt room; good , board; private family. F Ua TO responsible party, I will give scholar- rrnnii tnr,l on room modern ship in best shorthand college and wait 1720 DODQE' D0rd and room' S ,2i ,'Rx paymenU. Address D 7, Bee. tsvL xax C 120 0 1732 poDGE. first-class In every respect. WANTED, ladles to learn hair dressing. j F-390 18x P'Jad'ue." lio' tTST weekTy ' Few LARGE furnished room with first class wk.'cSmp"iete- Call "wrU MoTer bod;, mod. detached house. 1818 Cap ave. College. 130J Douglaa st C M230 21x iriii iv w'iVo UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT permanent home for the right perton; state wages desired. Address D 3ti, Bee. 417 N. 19TH, light housekeeping rooms, C M451 20 modern. G-388 18 WANTED Lady ' to solicit and take, or- 4 or 6 unfurnished rooms for housekeeping; ders for large manufacturer; good xalary. modern, first floor; references. 2S09 Pop Address D 36, Bee, - ., ( C M441 19x pie ton Ave, . G 871 GIRL for general housework. In family of two; must De gooa cook. Apply sautn west corner 35 th ave. and Jackson. , C-M38S 18 GIRL for general housework. 1518 Madison ave. C 418 COOK and laundress must be good cook. tui rarnam at. C 422 19 WANTED Cook; references. 2018 Cass. C 4Z4 19 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS $1.00: Have there not been times when it would have been worth more than 1UM cents to you? It is our buainess to supply you witn money when you need It and al low you to return it in small weekly payments, aa may best suit your convenience. We loan on Furniture, Pianos. Live Block and other chattels and we make salary loans. Our terms are as good as any and better than many. We are the oldeat concern in our line in tho city, with all-round consistent deal ings to recommend us. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trad blue. Tel. 2284. tEstabllsned 1092.) Sue S. lfclh St. X-149 LOANS ON . SALARIES, "FURNITURE, PIANOS, LIVE STOCK. If you wish to save money see us. RELIABLE CREDIT CO . 807-8 Paxton block. Tel. 1411, ' X-Maj3 MEN IN BEST POSITIONS Sometimes need money. We csn supply the need without publicity and at loweat rates on salary or on furniture, pianos, etc Dealings fairest. See us before bor- rowing eUewhere. Open every Tuesday and Saturday evenings until 8 o'clock. THE J. A. HUTTON CO., 614-616 Paxton block. X M24 BOWEN'S MONEY Easy to get on furniture, pianos, horses, cows, jewelry, salaries. 703 N. Y. Life. - X-M67J CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Fo ley Loan Co.. loot Farnam 8t. X 169 MONEY loaned on salary, furniture. Jew elry, horses. Duff Green Loan Co., I Barker blk. X 616 LOANS made on all kinds of chattel se curity, also on SALARIES. Low Rates. Esh) Terms. Quick and Confidential Service. Call on us if In need of MONEY. PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. 638 Paxton Block. X-162 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 319 S. 18th. X-166 MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE STAR LOAN CO., 844 PAXTON BLOCK. X-167 SEE FULLER, 42t Psxton block, for loans on watcbea, aiamonas ana Jewelry. x l 168 SALARY and collateral loans. Templeton, 812 Bee bldg. Tel. 204. X-lbt MONEY LOANED SAlJtRIED PEOPLE and others without security: easy rav-' menta; largest business In 49 principal cities. toiman, xioom n. in. i. Ldre, X-16i 3 P. G.. YEAR FROM 3100 to 86,000 loans on your personal liots st 8 PER CENT PER YEAR. All good loans wanted. Call or write and get my system. W. L. Eastman aV Co., 11(4 Farnam. Omaha. X 134 WANTEO-TO RENT WE can rent your Room 8. N. Y. Life. ' Son. roma and houses. 'Pbone 133 Glover K M669 WANTED, one or two unfurnished rooms . fnr light housekeeping. Address D 22, Bea. K-M3M18X There are manj people in Omaha who would rent your room if they just knew about it. An ad in The Bee's furnished rogm column describing the room, location, etc., will in form them. Rates lc per word. Xo ad taken for less than 20c. THE BEE PRINTS THE MOST PAID WANT ADS-REPI WANT APS BRINO THE BEST RETURNS ALWAYS. A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE. FOR RENT .FURNISHED ROOMS ROTAL HOTEL, European, lsth & Chicago. E lib DEWEY, European hotel, 12th and Farnam. E 117 VIENNA HOTEL, 1011 Farnam line rooms, ladles' cafe, private dining r.; open nlghta 118 Midland hotel, lth Chicago; reasonable E 119 1722 DODGE. First clsss. Everything modern. E M8 ZJ THE difference between our store snd the Installment stores Is that you get your money's worth here, and we sell on easy payments, too. OMAHA FURNITURE CARPET CO.. Between 12th and 13th, on Farnam St. E M438 18 SOUTH room, modern. 624 B. i6ih ova . E Mvt2 24X NICE comfortable room for one or two gentlemen; very reaaonable; modern. 1426 N. 17th. E-M914 PLEASANT room, modern, convenient. 2313 Dodge. E M180 lSx STEAM-HEATED rooms; everything mod ern. Tel. 2208. E-M3M lex 2101 FARNAM, nicely furnished rooms; everything modern. E M393 18x LARGE furnished room, with flrsr-clasa board. In large modern detached house. 1818 Capitol ave. E M401 18 WEST BELLE HOTEL. St. Louis. Mo. Rooms 3100; permanent brick building. Write for booklet. 10 minutes to World s fsir. E-M950- 27x 1818 DODGE, neatly furnished rooms, mod- H,MLMfA IDA FOR RENT HOUSES HOUSES, Insurance. Ring wait. Barker blk. u w SEE CHRIS BO YER, 22(1 and Cuming. U Mlt)l U41 MODERN 7-roora dwelling, one block from nanacom para UA. f none ezo. iius HOI ICCC. In all parts of the city. The nwU9C3 o. V. Davis Co., 608 Bee bldg. THE Omaha Vsn and Storage Co. pack. move ana store ti. n. goods, utorenouse, im-lU N. 19th. Office, 1611 Farnam. Tel. 1669. D 189 1943 S. UTH, 7-ROOM house for rent after octooer 10; perceiain baui. gas; D 274 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Von A. Stor age co. Tei 149. umce nia w coster st. t D 17g Ur 1QPQ In (H parts of the city. R. C, nUUOCJ Peters ft Co., Bee Buildln. U 111 PATNE-BOSTWICK & CO., choice house 601 -em New York Life Bldg. Phone ims. D-181 2018 WIRT ST., 12-room all modern brick house and barn; oak nnisht not water heat: excellent condition. 145.00. A. G. Ellick. 302 City Hall. D 902 SEE M CAULEY KXPRB88 CO. for - moving, storage, baggags delivery; Of B. 16th. TSL 1464. V M1M TWELVE-ROOM modem brick. In perfect repair; mot Harney street. Wm. K. Potter, Receiver, 801 Brown Blk. D 646 FOR RENT. Elegant modern, east front house near Hanacom Dark 830.00 Good modern houae and barn, 904 S. 83d st 36.00 Eight-room , modern house, 2025 N. win st du.uv THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1. New York Ufa Bldg. D-M94 18 FOR RENT Desirable modern 7-room cot tage. No. ZZ17 Burt St., 325 per montn. 111. E. Zimmerman, No. 2217 Burt. Telephone No. 3026. D 954 SIX-ROOM brick modern. 1826 Kyner Ave. (-ROOM COTTAGE, cistern and all modern except furnace. 3211. lusi B. aiet street. DeBord. D M184 20x FOUR nice rooms. 818 So. ZPth st. D-M331 lSx TWO modern, 7-room houses on California St. 833 and 3Z2 per mo. Apply eov ri. mtn. D 876 18 HAN8COM PARK RESIDENCE, 1!05 8. 31st st., modern, nine rooms ana launary, porcelain bath835. Inquire 8. A. Bearle, 314 Omaha Nat'l bank. 'Phone F-2?4. D M444 19x FOR RENT 7-room house, all modern 8:10; -room cottage iz: both at sea ana California Apply at 807 N. 19th st. . D-M46) IF YOU trade at the Installment stores let us show you how much you can save here.-. Better,4iual!ty besides. Our terms ere: 126.00 worth, 81.00 per week. 860.00 worth. 81.60 ner week. OMAHA FURNITURE aV CARPET CO., Between 12th and 13th, on Farnam St. D M438 18 YOIT BUY your houae furnlahlnga right when you buy them here; st least 26 r. C cheaper than all competitors. We sell on easy payments, too. -OMAHA FURNITURE CARPET CO., Between 12th and 18th, on Farnam St. D-M4S7 18 FOR RENT, the 8-room house situated at 3ux 8. 38th at., near Farnam: price $46 per month: Immediate possession. Also the 9 room residence st 81a 8. sath St.; price K4 per month; possession November 1. In quire Owner, Sfil Farnam. D M438 18 FOR FOUR months, a nicely furnished six-room cottage neir. Hsnscom Park, on Georgia sve. Adfess D 82. Bee. D-419 19x SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING A. C VAN SANT'S scaool. 717 N. Y. Mra . . -In -. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE BARGAIN to home purchasers. If jou ; vou mean RE Mali 7 FOR SALE, on is note of 11.800. du In on hy nrst mortgsge on good Improved Omah Tiaha property. V!' n...v.i. V.mi.innu It also mi in 1 c rent one tote for'$f,6uo. due on or before three years. Interest st 8 per cent, pjr" semi-annually, secured by flrst mortgage on good property. Both are absolutely safe and given by respectable parties. Address t,hs wwner. S 26. Bee ognj IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY One t and one 5-room house, lot 60x170, on 27th ave., near Burdette, 31.660. 4-room house, lot 36x126, on 26th near Cuming, 31,600. Two 4-room houses, lot 68x70, on 28th ave., near Cuming, 82,100. 6-room house, lot 30x127, on Decatur at, near 26th st., 91,400. 4-ronm, lot 80x137, on Charles St., near 33d, 8660. a-room house, lot 23Hxl27, on Charles St., near 33d, $760. 8-room, lot 40x110, on 29th St., near Far nam, 31.800, Double 2-story flat, brick and frame, 21 CO and 2122 North 24th st lot 42x82; also 4-room house, lot 23(Xl27, on Charles St., near S3d; both belong to same party; must be sol; make offer on one or both. 4-room house, 1608 Military ave., 8900. One-story brick store on Cuming bet 21st and 22d sts., 20x152, 82,600. VACANT LOTS Lot 99x160 on Burt street between 27th and 28th, 21.600. Will sell all or part. Corner 30th and Manderson, 60x127, 8300. Corner 27th and Saratoga sts., 100x127, 3600. Southeast corner nth and Burt, 66x160, 81,100. FARMLAND 40 acres In Dawson county; can be Irri gated; 32.000. 320 acres In Custer county, 8S.60 per acre. 1 have numerous other bargains in both city property and farm lands. v CtfftlS BOYER, 22d and Cuming Sts. 1 Tel. 2049. RE THE property whre 1 now reside. 510 8. , 25th ave., beautiful shade trees and lawn; it will pay you to Investigate if you are looking for a pleasant home. A. B. Ds Long, 610 S. 26th. ave. . RE M810 CHiAa-Williamson Co.". RSU9 IF YOU want to buy, sell, rent, borrow money, sell notes or account, call at R. 3, N. Y. Life. 'Phona 183. Glover Son. RE M2i FARM BARGAINS The Davis farm, on paved road, -only a few minutes from Omaha; 146 acres at 8100 per acre. Big bargain. . W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1320 farnam Street RE 650 $2,600 BUYS fine home. In splendid condl tlonr In Council Bluffs, 7-room house, modern, three lots, each 44132; seven min utes' ride on motor to heart of Omaha, so you can corns home to lunch; terms rea sonable. W. F. Sapp. 17 Pearl at., Coun cil Bluffs. RE M434 18x BEAUTIFUL LITTLE HOME $2,600110 feet, with good, well built, 6-room cottage, splendid repair, bath, closet, not and cola water J good barn, carriage house; plenty choke truits, shaoe and flowers; room for two more houses. Get particulars. - GlfiOKGB U. WALLACE. BROWN BLK. 1 : ! RE M446 20 NEAT, modern cottage and full lot, front ing Hanscom p'ark! 1 Eastern owner in Ol der to close out -will tell for 82,000; eay terms if necessary. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room No. 1' New York Life bldg. . , , , , RE-M448 NEW modern house" of six rooms, Just completed. In neighborhood of nice homes; latest plumbing; turnsce; every thing complete; must be sold this week. : Come In and sea us about this bargain. Shlmer & Chase. Co., 1809 Faniana St. . . , RE 994 IMPROVED farm. 1 180 eores. In Casa county. Neb.; 80 acres under cuUlvat 0.1. Omaha Hydraulic ' Press Brick Co., Omaha, Neb. ' " '' RE M410 18 DO YOU WANT TO -SELL A FARM? If you want to sell a farm or ranch tell the farmers and' Stock raisers about It. The beat way to reach them is through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER This agricultural ' weekly goes t- 60,000 homes of farmers and stock ralrers, so it you have a good piece of land to sell at a reasonable price you will flnu a buyer among them. 'I he cost of an advertisement Is small 2 cents per word In email type or 82.62 per Inch If set in large type. FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES A $10 OFFICE In the Bee buldlng carries with it all the conveniences ana advan tages in the way of heat, light. Janitor service, all night and all day and Sunday elevator service. A $10 office is now va cant. Call at once. H. C. Peters & Co., ground floor. Bee 4iuilding. I 828 8-STORY and basement brick building. 1803 Farnam, 32x100, hydraullo elevator, suit able for wholesale or manufacturing. 814 First Nat l Bank building. 1 126 IF A GOOD light Is needed ws can show you a north front office on the fifth floor, a splendid room, at the moderate price of III. R. C. Peters Co., ground floor. Bee building. .. 1-833 FOR RENT H office, 71J N. TTLIfe Bldg! J-938 84 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE FARM and city loans: low rates. W. H. Thomas, First Nat l Bank Bldg. Tel. 1641 W 172 PRIVATE money. FTD. Wead, 1620 Douglas. W-173 WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith Co., 1320 Farnam St. - W-174 MONEY TO LOAN; Payns Investment Co. W-176 6 PER CENT loans. Farnam. Garvin Bros., 1604 W-17U LOWEST rates... Bemls, Paxton block. W-177 MONEY to loan on real estste at I and 64 per cent. W. B. Meikle, 206 Kamge bldg. . . W-178 WANTED TO BUY SHONFELD, the ANTIQUARIAN, S23 N. Y. Life, psys highest pries for books. Tel. 3036. N-13 GROCERY stock. The Mslns-Case Co., 634-36 Psxton Block. Omaha. N-M193 WANTED, to buy membership In Omaha Grain exchange. Address D 84. Bee. 1 N-M431 CASH for your horses. Melcholr's I J very bsrn. N-127 WANTED to buy. feather beda.t M. Ans ln, 1721 Cuming st. Telephone 2i7. N 420 18x PATENTS PATENTS H. A. Bturgis. registered attor ney. Patents, trade marks, copyrighte No fees unless successful. 617 New York Life building. Omaha, Neb. 129 SUES Ac CO.. Patent Lawyers: advice fres. Three offices: Bee building Omaha, N'b : 184 Dearborn St., Chicago. 111., and 10U3 K St.. Waahington, D. C. Tel. 162J. 34-4C NI PERSONAL P(LEJIr.T.aJ10 Intelligent widow. VERY WEALTHY, wants immedlstely able. In dustrious husband. Address M.. Ohio Block, Chicago, III. U 408 21 X CHARLES PETERSEN, voice; perfect tone . production; German diction; students given opportunity to appear In public. Studlb, 613 W. O. W. bldg U-M7Z7 0261 I GUARANTEE to teach you French and German In a short time, using my own text books. T. Psltlcr, 1720 Dodge St. U M7ij iSovlOx THE Gag Psttern Hats at Pennella, 111 B. 16th st,. opp. old postoffice. ' U W53i Ott DR. ROY, Chiropody, R. 3 t 3, 1606 Farnam, , U-133 I'lrAVJll C 1 11 Smith. 118 N. 16, t fl. R. 1 m ; U-pO TRY KELLEY'S LAUDNRY. 'PHONE 3538 U 1 TRUSSES roads and fitted to men, women snd children. 1408 Farnam St. THE H. J. PEN FOLD CO. U-141 LETOVSKY'S orchestra. Telephone L 204. "VIAVL" way to health. 3S0 Bee Bldg. , U-ltf TUB, vapor and alcohol baths. 720 S. ISth. DONT fool with your eyes; be careful who examines them; we test eyes free for glasses and guarantee satisfaction. THE ft. J. PENFOLD CO., Leading Opticians. 1408 Farnstn. U-144 ACCORDION AND SUNBURST PLEATING, RUCWiNG. SEND FOR PRICE LI8T AND SAMPLES. ' GOLDMAN PLbATING CO. 200 DOUGLAS BLK. TEL. 1938. U-144 DRAWING and PAINTING from life. Mr. Cuse s Art Class; studio 4, Union block, la'.h, and Farnam. U 144 WE DO expert piano moving; lowest rates. Schmoller Mueller, 1813 tarnam. Tele phone 1026. U 558 N3 WANTED, the deaf to test Instruments for the deaf at the branch omce of the Hutchison Acoustic Co. of New York City, 018 New York Life Bldg., Omaha. U M668 24 LADY from Paris, Just open, new bath, magnetic massage, sulphur and vapor baths, facial and scalp treatment; scien tific work. 1619 Dodge St., upstairs, room 2, opposite postoffice. U M367 i2x COMPETENT MAN STENOGRAPHER will write letters and attend to corre spondence mornings and evenings for firofessloaJ or business man. Address 20, Bee office. . U M348 20x WANTED, by a widower 47 years of age, no ohlldren, a woman from 20 to 36 years of age; must know plain cooking and other house duties, also to be able to attend a store:, Al references required. Address D 27, Omaha Bee. U M398 18 ART 8TUDIO Mrs. O. E. Livingston, SIS IN. ZJO si. : M349 Z2X PRETTY and intelligent widow, very wesiiny, wants immeoiateiy aoie, Indus trlous husband. Address M, Ohio block Chicago, 111. IT 428 18x OMAHA STEAM PASTE CO. Manufacturers of paste for all purposes. Tel. A2652. 2210 Cuming. Established 1888. u Mia is THE largest and best stock of house fur- nt.hl... U . .u -tk. 1 """" 'ii viuaiiB i me ngiu prices. rcu v7tc tuiy payments. OMAHA FURNITURE A CARPET CO., wcinnii ui auu jam, un rarnam di. U M440 18 A BEAUTIFUL VACV. As if bv.maalc a homelv ' la trans formed Into one of beauty by the use of ins wonaeriui RUBBER COMPLEXION BULB. Wrinkles. Blackheads and all bln Htanr. ders quickly disappear after a few applica tions. Sunken cheeks fill out and the skin is given the soft, white, velvety appearance of perpetual youth. Mailed postpaid for uw.-. Agnus wmniea everywnere. MAIL ORDER BUYERS ASS'N, 158 West 14th street. New York. N. Y. ; U-M-174 22 HEILBRONN SANITARIUM, ' SOUTH OMAHA, NEE Magnesia Mineral Waters for rheumatism, blood diseases, constipation, kidney dis ease, etc. Saline and Turkish baths. Ad dress H. J. Aberly, Medical Director. U 187 OMAHA Stammerers' Institute, Ramge Bile. U 147 LARSON & JOHNSON, cut rates to all points. 1406 Fsrnam. Tel B2113. Mem-be- American Ticket Brokers' Ass'n. - U-148 MEDICAL HOMEOPATHIC medicine, wholesale, re tail, Sherman A McConnell, Omaha. 135 LADIES Chichester's English Pennyroynl Pills are the best. Safe, reliable. Take no other. Bend 4c stamps for particulars. "Relief for Ladles," in letter by return mull. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co.. Philadelphia, Pa. , DR. PRIES treats sucesarully all diseases and Irregularities of women, from sny cause; experienced end reliable. Address, with stamp. Dr. Pries, 1611H Dodge St., Omaha. '136 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies sdopted. The Good Samaritan Ban!, tarlum ,28 1st ave.. Council Bluffs, la. Tel. 774. 62 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies boarded and adopted. Mrs. Gar dell, 2216 Charles. Tel A2619 . 137 PRINTING LTNGSTAD A RUFFNER. PRINTPPCrounM Block, Corner of rillt I CIOi6th gt ,na capltoi Ava, -179 KRAMER A CHANDLER, QUICK PRINTERS, 110838 Douglaa st. To de liver work whsu promised is our hobby, 10 PRINTING Not how chesp, but how good. Is our motto. Great Western. Printing Co., 1618 Chicago. Phone 3831. 182 J. M. 8IRPLESS, reliable printer; estab lished 12 years. 203 B. 13th at., Omaha , 183 LOST STRAYED, brlndle cow, with one horn slightly drooped and broken off at end, from pasture on Sherman Ave., north of Mlasourl Psclflc passenger railway bridge, on Wednesday. Finder will please notity 8723 N. 18th bt. Reward will be paid for return. Lost 863 LARGE black and white, heavily ticked, almpst roan color, pointer dog; Bloux Falls dog tag on collar. Reward 826. Re turn to Dr. Bummers, 127 N. 32d Ave. Loat-129 LOST, ladles' black Jacket, whits silk II n- 1 -a a M t. . TLfne.l Ioat M417 IS LAW AND COLLECTIONS E. F. MOREARTY, Attornsy, 437 Paxton, Tel. A-2639. ,-161 J JOHN M. MACFARLAND, New York Life bldg., rooms 304 and 819. Tel. 1661. -164 COLLECTIONS promptly reported. 534-6 pax to n blix k 691 FLORISTS HESS A SWOBODA. 1416 Fsrnam. 180 L. HENDERSON, 1518 Farnam. Send ror price list of cut flowers and plants. -181 . ALFRED DONAGHUE. JR., 1007 Fsmsm. Tel. 8238. -ua MA8OSIC AOCSC8CMEXT Maaeata Teas pie, iCoraer Ixteeata sad Ca al ts! Aveaae. NEHHASK A. NO. 1. A. F. A A. M. -Specie! meeting Tuesday evening. October IK st 7:30. Work In M. M. degree. Visitor cordlslly Invited. Chsrle L. Shook, Matr. . C. McLean. Secretary. OMAHA CHAPTER, NO. 1. R A. M. Spe rlsl convocstlon Tuesday evening, Octo ber 18, for work In the Msrk Msster and Psst Msster degrees. A. Hugh Hippie. Secretsry. t. O. O. K. BEACON LODGE. NO. 20Meets every Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock In I. O. O. F. hall. Fourteenth and Dodge streets. E. C. Burkett, N. G J. L Alvlson, Secretary. FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS WE RENT Sewing machines, 75e week. Ws repair sqd sell parts for every machine manufactured. Second-hand machines from 36.00 to 310.00. Nebraska Cycle Co., 'Phona 16-53. cornor 16th and Harnsy. Q-100 TELEPHONE poles, long fir timbers; cheap chicken fence. 901 Douglas. Q 1000 COMPLETE line new and Id-hand furni ture. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge Tel. 3020. , Q-104 SECOND-HAND oafs cheap. Derlght, 111) Farnam. .01x1 Q 998 11)0 KINDS of Mineral Water. McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Sherman A Q-8S9 TWO HEAVY STEEL HORIZONTAL TUBULAR BOILERS FOR SALE. Two boilers, 100 horse power, which have been used but six years; made of firebox steel, triple riveted, butt snd strap Joints, Insurance company permits of pressure of 126 pounds. They are now In uss and can be seen at boiler house rear of Bee building. Csn be delivered sbout August 28. Call or sddress W. H. Bridges, engl neer. Bee building, Omaha. Q M902 FOR SALE Several scholarships In a first clasa standard school In Omaha compris ing complete course In business, short hand ana typewriting. Inquire at Bee of fice. i! , Q 452 ELECTRIC nickel in slot. Peerless pin no players and, Regina muslo boxes, big money mekers, cheap for cash or time. Schmoller A Mueller, 1318 Farnam. Tel. 1625. Q-101 GO TO DIAMOND Loan Office for loans; bargains m goods In pawn. 1401 Douglas. Q 108 FOR SATE Shelving, counter an! fixtures. Mcgeath Stationery Co., 1306 Farnam. Q-M60) FOR SALE, new, handsome, 6-room cot tage; modern plumbing, porcelain bath tub: cemented cellar; shade trees; good neighborhood; 28th snd Cap. ave.; terms easy. Inquire at 607 N. 19th st. Q 376 BEST furnished flat In Omaha.' lease and furniture cheap, inquire at sog n. lctn. Q-641 FINE harness and saddles, trunks, baas all leather suit case, $6. Alfred Cornish, 1210 Farnam. Q M44& N17 YOIT will save at least one-ouarter on everything you buy here. The largest stock In Omaha to select from. Our terms are: 875.00 worth, 81.00 per week. 85000 worth. $1.60 per week. OMAHA FURNITURE A CARPET CO. Between 12th and 13th, on Farnam St. Q-M439 18 FOR SALE, new and second-hand billiard and Donl tablea. bar fixtures of all klnda eanv pavments: send for catalogue. Brunswlck-Balke-Collender, 407 8. 10th at.. omana. q M429 12 H. P. STEAM combination engine, als-t heavy piauorm spring wagon. J. K. McPherson. 1281 K. fierce, council Bluffs ' Q-273 AUTOMOBILE An Olds In fine shape, $326. VTearicgson. latn na -apitoi ave. Q-M213 21 HARD coal stove, medium else; pluih-cov ered front room suite. 2858 Bristol. Q-165 17x WILTON carpets, parlor 67 yards, hall 23 yards, rug laxio1. reet; 7 small Smyrna rugs; 8 chamber sets, whole or In sep arate nieces: bookcase: center tsble: ' three-quarter. Iron bed. with wire snd hair mattreas: 2 patent rockers: sewing chairs: Domestic sewing machine; 2 three-light chandeliers, with globes; drop light; an assortment of oil lamps; square Stelnwsy piano: 100 reet best quality garden hose, with reej; two-seat carriage, victoria top; gasoline stove: porch chairs; step Isdder: wsshlng and Ironing utensils, etc. A. B. DeLong. 610 8. 28th ave. Q M3K8 FOR SALE A range and gas stove. Tele, phone 836. Miss Mount. Q MS24 POOL CABLES and show cases. 1407 Hsr ney St. Q-104 STEAM automobile: taken In on a trade and have no use for It. Inquire 405 S. IRth St.. W 6 OSTEOPATHY Johnson Institute, 616 N.Y. Life bldg. Tel. 1604 WJ MRS. JOHN R. MUSICK, Osteopathy Phy sician; office. Douglas block. Tel. 2823. 1.1 DR. FARWELL, specialty nervous disease. 604 Paxton. 132 Huntington A St rat ton, 832 N. Y. Ufa. -698 N4x CLAIRVOYANT A WONDERFUL trial reading; the only dead trance medium in tne worm; tnoae In trouble from any cause his help Is Srlceless. Bend 10 cents, s-oent stamps, ate of birth, own handwriting. Dr. Joseph Lester, 897 Main St., Dubuque, la. Mention this paper. 8 M141 19x OYLMER. palmist.. 716 N. 23d. Tel. B8246. a -3 POSTOFFICE NOTICE oihould be read DAILY by all Interested. aa changes may occur at any tlms.) Foreign malls for the week ending Oc tober 23, 19U4, will close (promptly in all ruses) at the general poatotflcs as follows: Parcels-post malls close one hour earlier than closing tims shown bslow. Parcels- post mails for Germany cloae at a p. lit. October 17 and 24. Rcnlnr and auDDlementarv malls close at foreign station (cornsr of West and Morton streets) hslf hour later Him 11 Clos ing tlms shown below (except that supple, mentsry m.t'!!l! tor Europe and Central America, via' Colon, close one hour later at the forelgr station). Traasatlaatle Malls. TUESDAY (in) At 7:30 s. m. (supplement ary 9 a. m.) tor ti nui-t, per s. s. Kron prins Wllhelm, via Plymouth, Cherbourg and Bremen. WEDNESDAY (19 At 7:30 a. m. for . NETHERLANDS direct, per s. s. Ryn dam (mall must be directed ''per a. s. Ryndam "); at 9:30 a. m. for ITALY di rect, per a. s. Cltta dl Nspoll (msll must be directed "per s. s. Cltta dl Nspoll"); st 10:30 a. m. (supplementary 12 m.) for EUROPE, per a. a. Oceanic, via Queena town and Liverpool. THURSDAY (20)-At 7 a. m. for FRANCE. SWITZERLAND ITALY, SPAIN. PORT UGAL, TURKEY, EGYPT, GREECE and BRITISH INDIA, per a. s. LaLorrslne, via Havre (mall for other parts of Eu rope must be directed "per s. s. I 1 Lor raine"); at 7:30 a. m. for ITALY direct, per a. s. Republic (mail must be directed 'per s. s. Republic"). SATURDAY U.'-At i a. m. for EUROPE, per s. s. New York, via Plymouth and Cherbourg (mall for Liverpool. Scotland and Ireland must be directed "per s. s. New York"); at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10 a, m.) for EUROPE, per a. a. Lucanla, via Queenstown and Liverpool; at 8:30 a. m. for BEIX31 I'M direct, per s. s. Vsderland (mail must be directed "per a. s. Vaderland ); at 8:80 a. m. for ITALY direct, per a. Konlg Albert (mall must be directed "per s a Konlg Albert"); at 9 80 a. m. for SCOTLAND direct, per a a Furnesala (mall must be directed rer a s: Furnessia") : st 11 a. m. for NORWAY PAROEU.-POST MAIIJ4. per s s Hekla (regular, mall for Denmark mua't be directed "per s. s. Htkla"). , NOTICE Five cents ser nW junee In sddltlon to the r-gular postage must be nrepUd on all letters forwarded by the supplementary maws, and letters deposit, ed in the drops marked "Letters for for. sign countries." after ths closing of the regulsr mall, for despatch oy a pasttcuiar vessel, will MOT be so forwarued unless POSTOFFICE NOTICE such additional postage is fully prepal.1 thereof by stamps. Supplementary Trans atlantic ntaiir r 1o opened on ths 'fiX.0' ,k! AMERICAN, ENGLISH and FRENCH atmer. whenever the sail ings occur at to m. or later; and late mail m4y be deposited In the mall boxes on the piers of the GERMAN LINKS sailing from Hobokcn. The malls on ths piers open one hour snd a hair before sailing time, and close ten minute before sailing time. Only regular postsge (let. 1 -? . c'n ?, . h"'f ""nee) Is required en articles mailed on the pters of the Amerl. can, White Star and German (Sea Post steamers; double postage (letters W centg a half ounce) on other lines. Malls far ( sad Ceatrsl America, West ladles, Ke. TUESDAY (18)-At 9:30 a m (supplement sry 10:30 a. m.) for NICARAGUA (ex cept East Coast), HONDURAS (except (East Coast), SALVADOR, PAN AM ECUADOR. PERU, BOLIVIA and CHILI per s. s. Finance, via Colon for, Guatemala and Cauca Department of Co lombia must be directed "per a S. Fi nance"). WEDNESDAY fl1-At $:3n g. m. for BAR BADOS and BRAZIL, per s. s. Catania, via Barbados, Macelo. Rio Janeiro and Santos (mall for Northern Braail, Argen tine, Uruguay and Paraguay must be di rected "per s. s. Catanla"; at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for INAGUA. HA4TI. SANTA MARTA and other places In MAODALENA DEPT. COLOMBIA, rer s. s. Valencia. IURBDAY ()-At 9 a. m. for CUBA. YUCATAN and CAMPECHK, per a. a Espernnsa (mall for other parts of Mexico must be directed "per s s. Esperansa"); at 12 m. for CUBA and INAGUA. per a a. Mstsnsas (mall for Mexico, via Tarn ploo, must be directed "per s. s. Matsn las ') at 12:80 p. m. for BAHAMAS, per s. s. Banes (msll for Cuba, via Havana, must be directed "per a. a. Banes"). FRIDAY (21st) At 10:30 a. m. for NEW FOUNDLAND, per a. s. Silvia; at 12 m, for 8ANTI AGO, per s. s. Yumurl (mall must be directed per s. s. Yumurl"); at 1 p. m. for YUCATAN and CAMPECHK, per a. s; TJomo; at 7 p. m. for NEW FOUNDLAND, per a. s. Carthaginian, from Philadelphia. SATURDAY (22d At 8 a. m. for BER MUDA, per s. s. Trinidad; st 8:30 s. m. (supplementsry 9:30 a. m.) for CURACAO snd VENEZUELA, per s. s. Zulla (mall for Colombia, via Curacao, must be di rected "per s. s. Zulla"); at 9 a. m. for PORTO RICO, per s. s. Coamo, via Ban Juan; at 9:80 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND, JA MAICA and COLOMBI A, except Mng dalena department, per s. s Sarnla (mall for Costa Rica must be directed ' per a s. 8arnla"; at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per s. s. Mexico, via Havana; at 10 a. m for GRENADA, TRINIDAD. CUIDAD BOL IVAR and GUIANA, per s. s. Grenada. Malls For arded Overland, Etc., Ex cept Transpacific. CUBA-Vla Port Tampa. Florida, close si this office dally, except Thursoay, tt 16:30 a. ni. (the connecting mails cloat hero on Mondays, Wednesdays ana Sat urdays). MEXICO CITY Overland, unless specially addressed tor despatch by steamer, close at this office dally, except Sunday, al 1:80 p. m. and 10:30 D. in.. Sundays at 1:00 p. m. and 10:80 p. m. NEWFOUNDLAND (except Parcels-post Malls)-By rail to' North 8dnev, and thence by steamer, close at this Offic dally at 6:30 p. m. (connecting malls close here every Monday, Wednesday and Sat' urday). JAMAICA By rail to Boston, and thence by ateamer, close st this office at 6:31 p. m. Tuesday and Friday. MIQUELON By rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, close at this offloe dally at 4:80 p. m BRITISH HONDURAS, HONDURAS (East Cosst) and GUATEMALa-Bv rail to New Orleans, snd tnence by "tomier, , closs st this-office dally, except Bun day, at 11:80 p. m. and 110:30 p. m., Sun days at 1:00 p. m. and l0:30 p. m. (con necting mall closes hers Mondays at 110:34 P- m.). COSTA RICA-By rail to New Orleans, snd thence by stesmer, close at this office dslly, except Sunday, at 1:80 p. m. and 110:30 p. m., Sundava at 1:00 p. m. and 10:30 p. m. (connecting mall closes here Tuesdsys at 10:3u p. m ). NICARAGUA (East Coast) By rsll ts New Orleans, snd thoncs bv steamer, close at this office oariy, sxeept Sun. day, at 1:80 p. m. and 110:80 p. m.. Sun daya at 1:00 p. m. ana 110:80 p . (con tiectlng mall closes tiers Thursdsy si 110:80 p. m ). REGISTERED MAIL closes at 6:00 p. m. previous day. Transpacific Malls, Forwarded Over. land Dally. The schedule of dosing of Transpaeina malls is arruuged on tha presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit to port of sailing. The final connecting malls (ex cept regiatered Transpacific mails, which closs p. m., previous day) close at tha Eenxral postoffice, New York, as follows: IAWAII. .JAPAN. COREA. CHINA and specially addressed mall for the PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via San Fran cisco, close at 6:30 p. m. October 20, for despatch per s. a. China. JAPAN, COREA, CHINA and specially addressed mall for PHILIPPINE ISL ANDS, via Tacoma, close at 6:30 p. m. Ootober 21, for despatch per s. s. Tele machua. HAWAII, via San Francisco, closs at 6:30 p. m. October 24th for despatch per s. a. Alameda. JAPAN, (except Parcels-Post Malls), CO kEa, CHINA and speclal'y addres-e1 mall for the PHILIPPINE I8L ANDS, via Vancouver and Victoria, B. C, close at 8:30 p. m. October 25th- for despatch per s. s. Empress of Japan. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS and GUAM, via San Francisco, close at 6:30 p. m. October 27th for despatch per U. 8. Transport. HAWAII, JAPAN, COREA, CHINA and PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, vis San Fran cisco, close at 6:30 p. m. October 28 for despatch per s. t. Manchuria. NEW ZEALAND, AUSTRALIA (except West) NEW CALEDONIA, SAMOA. HA WAII and specially addressed mall for the FIJI ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close at 6: 30 p. m. Novembtr 5 for des patch per a s. Sierra. (If the Cunard steamer carrying the British mall for ' New Zealand does not arrive In time to conned with this despatch, extra mails closing st 6:30 a. m., 9:30 ai m. and 6:30 p. m.; Sundays at 4:80 a, m. 9 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. will be made up and forwarded until the arrlvnl of the Cunard steamer.) FIJI ISLANDS, -also specially addressed maii for Australia ana kw uut, DONIA. via Vancouver and Victoria, B. C, close at 6:80 p. m. November 6th for riesnatch ner s. a. Mlowera. TAHITI and MARQUESA8nSLAND8. via San rranelaco, close at :" p. in. vember 20 for deapatch per s. a. Marl- MANCHURIA (except New Chwang) and EASTERN SIBERIA IS at present lur warded via Ruasla. NOTE Unless otherwise addressed, West Australia Is forwarnea via eurow: new Zealand via San Francisco, snd certain nan, Kuelchow. Ssechwan and Kwangsl, via British India-the quickest .routes. Philippines speclslly addressed "via Europe," . must be fully prepaid at . the foreign ratea. Hawaii la forwarded vis Ban Francisco exclusively CORMELIUS VAN COTT, Postmnater Postoffice. New York. N. T . Oct. 14, 1904. GOVERNMENT NOTICE. FORT MEADE, S. D.. OCTOBER 17. 1904. Sealed .DroDOaals In triplicate for the con struction, healing plumbing and electric wiring of one double barrack, two sets held officers' quarters, one double set Cap tains' quartera, one double set lieutenants X. nn. aet N C. O. Quarters, all to be' of brick, and for the construction of one frame atable. will be received here until 2 p. m. November 11. i- iniuriusuun furnished upon application. U. 8. reserves right to accept or reject any or all pro posals or any part thereof. Plans snd specifications can be seen with Quarter masters, Bt. Psul. Chicago, Omaha, Den ver. St. Louis. Cheyenne. Envelopes con taining proposals should be markea rro posals for Public Buildings, Fort Meads, 6. D." sddreesed Msjor George K. Hunter, Constructing Qurterma.ter PUBLICATION JNOJ, SUFFJCIENT Advertisement In tha World-Herald Does Not Reach tb4 Pf rtles Who Are Interested. I think that a great mistaks was made In crlntlng ths list of defaulters In th scavenger law suit In only , one newspaper.- ths World-Herald.' said City Treasurer Hennlnga. "During the last week I have hsd no less than ICO Inquiries ss to when ths list would be published, desplu ths fact that It had Its first publltailon In ths Wortd-Hersld on October 11. In my opinion It would be money well spent to navs tne advMlsement made In sll three t'ally pipers of Ihs city. A great msny persons are m,.,h Interested In ths proceedings ana anxious to know who has defaulted and ths oronertv Involved. Several publications are -yet to bo made and I would suggest that they not bo conflnsd to oas newspaper.