TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY. OCTOHEK ir. moi. CHILDREN'S SCHOOL COATS AT $3.50 SPECIAL SALE OF WRIST BAGS AT $1 Here ia a very special Saturday bargain ladies' larg size Well made and stylinh little coat, made in bright colors and becoming mixtures, neatly trimmed all pizef, many unart. style, suitable for school or drest, at . wrist bags walrus leather, braided handle, fitted with cut glass smelling bottle, card case and change purse a bargain, at ..... 3.50 E Ladies' Smart Tourist Coats Tailored Suits Mi r m0m Mil I l Vvyr-'i.'inl 2 if! The Tourist Coat has come to stay. It is much the most popular coat thti season, and it is the sensible, useful coat to buy. Our line of the ultra stylish coats is particularly attractive. A Tourist Coat Special at $6.9S Made, with the full belted back, the broad shouldored effects, new coat sleeves, etc. th popular mannish mixtures serviceable for all occasions and a big special bargain Saturday at. 6.98 We mention a sppclnl lint- of jauntily trimmed Tourist Coats, remarkably 8iyii.h nnd up-to-date, at 8.98 . A a. V V Ul U LA ) vJtjr 04.85 9.98 B Satu The New Fall Waists Our enlarged waist department on the second floor is filled with the prettiest ideas in waists for the coming season the clusters of tucks are much affected broad pleata, fancy trimmings, etc. made of the plain and fancy wool t PA materials very special line, Saturday a $3 Great Notion Sale Children's skeleton waists, slightly Imperfect, worth 35c to COe, at 9c eoch. . Barbour's linen thread,' 200 ytard spoolH, worth 10c, at 4c. Quill bone, 3 yards In box, worth 15c, nt 5c. Steel safety pins, all sizes, worth 5c, nt l?c dozen. Taffeta silk binding ribbon, 8 to 10 yards on bolt, worth 10t at 8c. - v ' Shears and scissors, at 10c. . Wooden towel ringis at 8c 8hell linlr pins, crimped and straight, ot 8c doz. Hose supporters, with belt, clasp and round garters Worth 25c. 0c. Embroidery twist ou" spools, worth 10c, nt 4c dor.en. Chamois change purses, nil colors, worth 15c, at 4c each. Chinese lronlug wax with handle, at 10c dozen. Stunning Tourist Coats at $14.85 These are the very ety lien military tout lets many of them samples and a great number of exclusive style features extended shoulders, fancy buttons and collars, the new H.velcck cafes, etc- a splendid variety, at. Handsome Fall Tailored Suits at $9.98 Tne new style in long and short tourist butcher coat effects, the nobby Direo- totres and tne all round blouses an exceptionally large array of bee minjj stylet for all figures all the newest cloths and the roost favored color for fall and winter special at ' . Ladies' Fashionable Tailor Made Suits $14.85 Here are high class tailored suits all the newest styles, the most stunning effects--many copies of expensive European models, effectively trimmed very best, materials are employed in their fashion ing -many for your election--tit .. Special Millinery Events for Saturday Today zcill be a day of exceptional bargain in terest in our millinery section. IVc have specially priced some of our highest class hats to make a spe cially busy Saturday. Spendid Street and Dress Hats at $1.98 Theso hats have regularly at about double this price. Every one in this lot bears the touch of style elegance so marked in JBrandeis mill inery the best trimmings are employed in the fashioning and every hat correctly reveals up-to-date style these hats would easily bring 3.50 or $4.00 elsewhere all. . been 14.85 relay Ribbon Sale Chi'dren's Little Coats - Dresses The Little Tourist Coats Nicely trimmed Ions efiecie with beltej back " f a particularly good value at J. I only The fluster Brown Coats The little Russian ef fects, the coats with silk embroidered naval chevrons, etc., maue of the pretty, bright cloths It QQ C OQ splendid for school and dress wear, at TZfO"D.JO Children's Wool School Dresses In the most populur colors- u great variety of desirable styles at 1.50, 1.98, 2.50 and 2.98 $'$.20o0"d Street and Trimmed Hats at $5 We never offered such a beautiful assortment of hats at such a moderate price some of our finest 10 and if 12 hats are in this lot all of them perfect in de sign and workmanship and the widest possible range of cor- pesstf rect millinery fashion is shown J J for Saturday your choice Cl, Jr - at i selling Am Oft Bare- C3 Children's Pretty School and Dress Hats Jaunty little hats for girls fash ioned by our own corps of designers after the prettiest models regular two dollar values at only each 75c Styles that are especially adapted for school wear made of scratched felt and in the different fall shades a regular one dollar hat on sale Satur day at each , 50c a ins i it O B A great special lot of the highest quality silk ribbon on great bargain square Saturday. These ribbons are in all colors and all widths many of them suitable for belt ribbons, sash ribbons, etc., etc an extraor dinary bargain at 5c-10c-15c Children's Cloaks 50c 98c Children's $1.00 ' eiderdown coats tomorrow at Children's $2 quality eider down coats, with fancy ' trimmed collars each ... Children's school coats, made of durable meltons, etc., at each.., good. 98c-l.50-l.98 CHILDREN'S WOOL SCHOOL DRESSKS-s- , made In pretty styles all new colors ut 1.19 Stationery Sale, Linen box paper, newest tints oi blue, gray, etc., iiIho white and p crwun, hemstitched or r plain , 50c value, nt box.. "Or IIlEh grade papfr boxes f lightly damaged jC per pound 203 pp. lndeed tf ledgers 65c IzJC value ut 200 pp. order books . soat pocket size J ( worth 10c at OHr:r"s fast black ink "b , regular 5c size A.-C .... at bottle ur Big Linen Sale 10c all linen round and square fringed and hemmed doylies, at, 1 ' each 2l 3!)c. spachtel pillow shams and scarfs, hemstitched truy cloths, doylies C. and center pieces, at, each J ie iiomsuccueu bcuiis, oijuuicn, nuj cloths and center pieces $1 quality scarfs and squares, at each ?2 extra line quality scarfs and squares, ut, each Fine stamped pillow tops, scores 11?-, of subjects, at, each IJC 39c 49c 98c asement Millinery Sale In Basement Big lot of ladies' trimmed and street hats all new shapes, all good T O up-to-date trimmings, easily JsaC worth $2.00, at " Children's and misses' hats, made of colored felts, trimmed with ribbons, p quills and ornaments, at, Jbtit each .... A great bargain square filled with the most popu lar feather trimmings, pretty feathers, brrasts, hand painted wings, etc. C a ? Thousands for your selection, BWC n at, each , vw d avv HARRISUI; STILL ON TOP Buoh ii Visw pf William X. Kelly, Who Beturns From Meeting. , TALE OF GOULD DOMINATION DISCREDITED While General Hollcltor ot I'nlon Fa. ctfle Will Not Talk Specifically, He Attache no Impor tance to Hetfort. William R. Kelly," (enerat solicitor for the tTnlon Faelnc, nas returned from Ba't Like City, wbere.oe attended the ajunuaj mee-lng of the directors and stockholders. Mr. Kelly aid that about 1,460,000 shares of the company were represented by proxy. The meeting of the stockholders of the Oregon Short Line was postponed. No reason nag given for the postponement, but Mr. Kelly eald no Importance was attached id the action. Mr. Kelly would , any r.othlns- tor publication regarding 'the storlee in the ef fect that the Oould-Rockefeller combination had secured control of the Harrlman lines. He attached no Importance to the report. It la pointed out that the mere fact that there was not In the meeting a full repre sentation of stockholder and that the vot ing was all done ,by proxy Is in Itself as surance that there is nothing in the stories. Considerable Union Pacific stock has been bought In the open market and tt has made good advances, but other leading stocks have done the same. The men on the board of director pf the Union Pacific, and who are known to be friendly to Rocke feller interest, It Is asserted, are them selves men of great wealth and do not rep resent any combinations of capital other than their own Individual Interests. It I Asserted by those In a position to know that the situation with regard to the di rectorate of the I'nlon Pacific is no differ ent than It has been. vFTom St. Joseph and Kansas City vigor ous protests are being made against the reduction, In the rate on sugar from Chi cago to Mlssouil river points lo 10 cents per 100 pounds. While every rold has fol lowed In the steps of the Great Wei ern and Burlington, in reducing the rate, Omaha jobbers are not making any loud plea for restoration of rates, for the rea son that they were Informed some weeks ago such a cut was probable, and hae therefore been carrying Just nough stock on hand to meet the demands from day to day. While the lead In cutting rail rates was taken by the Or eat Western and Burling ton, the Mallory fcteumslilp line was the originator of the cut, nicking a great re duction In prices from New York to Gal veston. Through the action of the Rock Island and 'Frisco system the Maliory cut was made effective In Mlssouil river mar kets. Then, In self-preservation, the west ern lines had to get busy. "It is to be hoped," said the head of a large grocery firm, "that the disturbance to general business and the uncertainty of rates for such a standard as sugar will soon end. I . hope for a repeal of the: rates by November.! at the longest" nnah on Settlers' Rate., No. 3. the wefltboutid Burlington train which leaves the Omaha station at 4:10 p. m., left Thursday In two sections and will reach Denver In four sections. One sec lion of the train starts from St. Louis and the other from St. Joseph. The two sections from Omaha had twelve coaches. The occasion for the rush Is the settlers' rate of $25 to coast points. " The rate ex pires on Saturday and people headed for California are taking advantage of the fact. This morning there was an unusu ally heavy sale of tickets and It was the intention to send out two more sections of No. J. Chicago Great Western Terminals. It ra expected the new freight terminals of the Chicago Great Western will be readv for um Knvmhr 1 Th. Htnnt building, which la located weat of the Six teenth street viaduct. Is nearly finished, ami It Is believed will be ready for occupancy. at that time. . A large foroe of men Is still employed on the building and Is rush ing the work. The sidings and switches have not been begun and it probably will bo some time before the grading can be done so that they can be put in place. Entrance to the yards will be gained at about Twenty-fourth sireet. A force of men is still enguged cutting away the bluff weat of the freight depot and there Is still much to be dune at that end of the yards. Enormous fills also are to be made on each side of the depot near the viaduct. BOND ORDINANCE DEFECTIVE Menaure Proiionlnix Money for Sevrera Calls for Isnue This Year Sfw Ordinance Coining. It hai been dipcovred that the ordinance proposing to submit the question or tru ing flOO.000 sewer bonds to the voters calls for the issuance of the bonds in 1904. Inas much as the money will not be needed and cannot be used until 1903, it is said that to Issue the bonds prcmatuioly would re sult In the useless expenditure of from $1,000 to $2,000 In Interest. The matter was called to the attention of Mayor Moorea, who sanctioned the call ing of a special meeting of the council to cancel tho ordinance nnd to pass a new one. Special meeting.-), therefore, will be held this afternoon and Saturday morning in order that the mayor may get his proc lamation into the hundti of the pi inter be fore the 19th. The municipal electric llsht plant bends as submitted must be issued In 1903 or 190G and after the expiration of the latter year the authorization becomes void. Mayor Moores has ?Uned this oidiaan e and expressed his satisfaction over the fact that the question is to be submitted directly to the people at lant. President Nash of the Omiha Electric Light and Power cnu-pany has gon.6 tast to confer with stockholders and officers of the company regarding the policy that w 11 be adopted toward the propod bond Issuo and municipal street lighting plant. Mora. jRlMlil'i ED The people who have to work need all the help they can get from the nerve tissues of body and brain. It doesn't matter whether you work with your head or with your hands, if your work is worth while doing, you require health and strength to do it. Ghirardelfi's Ground Chocolate contains all the nutriment in the cocoa bean, (and cocoa outranks nearly every other food in nourish ing value). And more than this, it has the strength and flavor of the best Breakfast Cocoa and the mellowness of sweet cake chocolate together with a delicious flavor of its own. It being in condensed form is stronger and more convenient than cake chocolate for beverages a3 well as baking. Lock for the patented hermetically sealed Cans used only by Ghirardclli. All others are imitations. ' i ! Tfe-sY rfV-wr. Xa,lt California uhert t taU it ioubU that ef all other 1 " -"uaH a-,5 CAMPAIGN OPJSN IN DOUGLAS County and City Committees Establish Headquarters and Begin Work. BIG MEETING IN SOUTH OMAHA BILLED Chairman Burgess Comments on Let er From Democrats for Debate Between Serge and Gov ernor Mickey. Robert Cowell, .chairman of the repub lican county and city committees, an nounced Friday that republican campaign headquarters will be opened today at 1710 Farnam street in the Boe building. Mr. Cowell from now until the end of the campaign will give up his personal business nnd devote all his time to di recting the work for the entire ticket. He and Secretary Tu'ttle will be at headquar ters all the time. "I think I can promise as thorough and Industrious a campaign as any ever con ducted in this county," said Chairman Cowell. "We shall leave ziothlng undone to secure the election of every man on tho ticket." Chairman Hlgg of the stftte speakers' bureuu hus announced a big republican meeting for South Omaha on the night of October 20. It will be held in the Ancient Order of United Workmen temple. The prln clpal speakers will be John L. Kennedy, republican nominee for congress from the Second district; Congressman Burkett of Lincoln, aspirant for United States sena tor. All the state and oounty candidates, with tho possible exception of Governor Mickey, will be present. Chairman Burgess of the republican Btate , committee has been asked what reply he would make to the letter of State Chair- : man Allen of the democratic committee challenging Governor Mickey to a Joint debate with the fusion gubernatorial candi date, Berge, on state Issues. j "I have not received any such letter up to this time," said Mr. Burgess. "Until I have It In my possession I do not care to discuss It. Ni arrangements hava bfen made for a reply. Personally, I would suy, I if the newspaper reports are correct, the alleged Issues enumerated are not Issues at ell and there Is no reason why they should be I'.'acuused by speakers." It will be worth ?! this year to every man who Is a Judge or clerk for the gen- I crsl election November 8. This is because j the city, school board and county all have I flections, the city . for members of the I water board and bond Issues, the school district for members of the board, and the ( county for omens genorully, from president , of the United States down. Each branch of the government will contribute $3 each to the nun who see that the ballots are , properly voted, checked and counted. I clerk late Thursday afternoon. The county filings were mode the day before, all as announced previously In The Bee. Con testants r.f the election had subsided. LITTLE GIRLS AT CITY JAIL Children Admit They Know Fast Life end Mother Says She Cannot Control Them. "They are two of the worst cases of Juvenile depravity that have come under my notice," said Police Matron Anderson when speaking of the crrest of Ethel and Flora McLaln, sisters, aged 11 and 13 years, respectively. On complaint of their mother. Mrs. Ramge, 710 South Fourteenth street, the girls were arrested Thursday by Special Officer Parker and are charged at the city Jail with Incorrigibility. They are in the custody of Matron Anderson until their cases shall have been disposed of. The girls have been living with their mother and stepfather at the above number, and the mother says she cannot control her daughters. The girls probably will be placed in the Good Shepherd home. According to the statements of Mrs. Ramge to the police matron, the girls were not home for two weeks before they re turned Thursday and were arrested. The mother said she did not know where they were, but had noticed they were goltig to the bad at a rapid pace, and she had et last resolved to take . stringent measures to save them before it' was too late. , As soon as the sisters were given to the charge of the police matron she Instructed them not to mingle with two disorderly women In the matron's department. "When I gave the sisters the Instructions I was surprised to learn from their own Hps that they gnssed there was not much they did not know about a fust life, it they had been out with high school bo for the last two weeks. They would nol tell me where they had been," said Mrs. Anderson. 18 K. Wedding Rings. Ednolm, Jeweler. New Color Magazine with next Sunday'! Bee. WOR LD'S 1 ID. M. Searle, for state auditor; A. Gn lusha, for secretary of state, and H. M. Eaton, for commissioner of public laa'a and buildings, all candidates on the re publican state ticket, were visitors at state headquarters today. They all declared themselves as pleaced with the outlook for republican sucreta after several weeks' campaigning In Nebratks. CITY TICKET NOW ON FILE Weller and Fit Inrlvalled School J Board Candidates Certified as I Republican Xowlneea. 1 Chairman Cowell and Secretary Valen tine of th republican city committee filed the names of the republican nominees fur water and school board with the cuunly 11 o JLLd Elegant Pullman Sleeping Cars, Reclining Chair Cars, seats free. ; EXCURSION TICKETS NOW ON SALE. 'A handsome World's Fair folder containing complete information, views of buildings, etc., and map of St Louis, will be sent free on request to See local agents for further Information. T. F. GODFREY, TOM HUGHES, Pass, and Ticks. Agt., Omaha, Re). Traveling; Passenger Agents . H. O. TOWrJSEfJD, General Pass, and Ticket Igent, ST. LOUIS, 130.