TIIE OMAnA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY. OCTOHER 15. in(74. SPECIAL NOTICES AS'srartiaeaaeata far thea aolaaane will ba takes aatll II aa. far the adittoa ! aatll 8 a. an. for taa aaaralaa; aal liadar adltlaa. RMti 1 l2a a word rat laserftoa, la wtti thereafter. Batatas; takea (ar leas tkaa 80a far taa rat laeer tloa. These avaWertlaeameats aaast ba raa eoaseeatlTely. Advertlaare, by resjaastlaa; a aim. berad eaqck, east ktT aaawera ad. dressed ta a a a taker ed latter la ears of Tbe Baa. Aaawera ao addreaaed will ba delivered aa preaeatatloa at rheek. MISCELLANEOUS Day School Nigt School BOYLES SCHOOL Enter Now Catalog Free H. B. BOYLbS. President New York Lite Omaha. n-07 CUT RATE TICKKTS everywhere. P. H. I'hllbln, 1606 Farnam and opp. Union au tion. Tela. 784 and 1673. K Kou TRY KELLY'S TOWEL SUPPLY. Tel. 3530. K-tel CVIOlcP I'HIDE OF HASTINGS. Best JitlUfvC 6-cent cigar on earth. K 969 CITY SAVINGS BANK pay a 4 per cent. K-982 EAGLE Loan Office; reliable, accommodat ing; all buslneea confidential. 1301 Douglas. ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co., 621 N. lh. Tel. 1779. R-9S4 SIGN PAINTING S. H. Cole, 1302 Douglas. R 9!6 STOVE & FURNACE REPAIRS 'l el. Xa). Im ioug. Omaha Stove uop. v us. K boa GOOD HUNTlaG in Mexico, lean guide, per day, w.ou; i Rates. Amer- pack and sad dle animal, 76c (sola) per day. Eignt years experience. lutaey, ueer, uea;, pigeons, quail, ducks, geese, trom Sep tember to May. Address E. G. Harlow, Mecaae bundles, Duraugo, Mexico. R Mull 17x P. MKLCHOIR, machine works. 13th and Howard. R-9B0 NOTICE 300 BEE BLDG. Is the place to get first class rental property, securities, tire and accident insurance and buy your fine homes at a bargain. CALL AND SEE US. iRST Hcna, FlKSi' SERVED. K M838 16 CPUS P1CTUM. THE PLACE TO BL ARTISTIC GIFTS. tUuiiio. ioii Harney street. K 106 SO TIIE Omaha Warehouse Co., 609 Jonea; uiiune iJMi, mdse. storage aud forwarding. R 881 J. E. WALLACE, TAXIDERMIST. 605 S. 13tn. R-998 IF YOU want to buy, sell or rent property, oorrow money, sell note or account, call at K. 3, N.Y.Llfe. Tel. 133. Glover at boa. R M148 OMAHA PLUMBING CO., Tel. 3846. John Morrlssey, Mgr. Res. Tel. 3914. K M992. CITY STEAM LAUNDRY ill S. UTH. 'PHONE 264. Why carry your soiled linen? Our wagons can ana deliver same. Bills collected monthly. 11 M224 lb CHICAGO LAUNDRY WL TAKE THE DIRT AND LEAVE YOUR CLOTHES 'PiiOiNi. 2U. 314 N. lbTH ST. R M659 Nov t ADV. CUTS WHEATON. In Bea bldg. HAND PAINTbD CHINA Oiders bollcited lor hand-painted china, , curtlng and holiday glfta, original de dans; iii'ui-clabs work guaranteed; prices ixaauuuule. Address C 62, Bee. R-M929 17z LOCKSMITH- R-M603 BUSINESS CHANCES ABBOTT-COWAN CO., 1st Nat. Bk. bldg., can gut you in or out of business. Y 99 lilToLES-ARMSTRONO CO., 723 Vj. Y. Life. Tel. 49. Tf-836 TO get in or out of business, or if you want to buy or sell real estate aee Omaha Ileal Estate and Business Chance Agency, 4Uo N. Y. Lite bldg. Y-996 WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange your property or buslneea quick, see J. it. Johnson, 843 N. Y. Lite. 'Phone L2270. Y-87 $1,500 AND some push will bring several thuusand dollars per year In a new and hoilorable business; no competition here. Addre D 11, Boa. Y M162 lOx DRUG Stores Knlest, R. P.. N. Y. L. bldg. Y-264 BAKERY and confectionery, cheap. i. Bee. Y-487 Nl GROCERY stocks bought, sold and ex changed. Mains-Case Co., 634-6 Paxton block. Y-M674 PHYSICIANS located. Knlest, N. Y. L. Y-M907 FOR SALE, atook of general mdse. at Juniata, Neb.; will invoice about 84,500; clean stock; good town; a good opening fur general mdaa. business; price muae right; no trades coualdered. A. J. Cates, Juniata, Neb. Y M934 16x FOR SALE Foundry and machine shop complete, for 81,2o0; mild winters; plenty of coal mines, factories and woi. c. Gilbert, Fulton, Mo. Y M103 2vx WANTED An experienced pop make; to take either a financial or working inter- est in well established plant; or will pay food wages to right kind of man. llox 12, Auburn, Neb. Y M999 ltix TOR SALE A good paying newspaper and Job office In Iowa. A bargain at l,2u0; or will exchange for land or an Improved town lot. State what you have to exchange and address D X, Omaha Bee. Y Alluti 16 FOR SALE, steam bakery -and fixtures doing good business; snap If taken at once. Address Frank Warner, Wymore. Neb. Y-M119 lSx FOR SALE HORSES & WAGONS HIGH grade, rubber tired, Watertown, easy riding buckboard; an eastern novelty good aa new, at a big sacrifice. Johnson at Danforth, 8. W. Cor. 10th and Jonea ata. . . P-114 FINE Ml 5 pneumatic Stanhope, nearly new, 11.4: open pneumatic runabout, too. Drum mond, 18th and Harney. P M416 NOT a horse shower, but a wagon fixer, Harry Frost, 14th and Leavenworth. P-116 1'OR SALE Horses for city driving or do livery. Your livery trade solicited in either buggy or carriage work. Mel iholr'S Livery Barn. P 112 PRINTING LYNOSTAD dc RUFFNER. PRlNTPRSCrounM tlocL Corner of IrPUrN I ClAOioih et. and Capitol Ave. ; -i7 KRAMF.R aV CHANDLER, QUICK PRINTERS, 1UM-08 Douglas St. To de liver work when promised Is our hobhy. m PRINTING Not how cheap, but how good, la our motto. Great Western Printing Co., 1618 Chicago. 'Phona KCS1. -182 J. M. 8IRPLKSS, reliable printer; estab lished 11 year. kl3 8. 13th St., Omaha. IM WANTED SITUATIONS YOUNG WAN deetrea place to work for board while going to school; experienced. &orlea' College, 14. A-tU WANTED MALE HELP FALL TERM NOW OPEN Omaha Commercial College, 17th and Douclas Sts.. New rlnxaoa In all 1 1 nrt men t . Best time to begin nlBht school Fcntember 6. Bond for free nttalogue. Addres ROHRBOUGH BROS., Omaha. Neb. B 107 WANTED HELP 25,000 WANTED WANTED Hark Iirlvera FheM Mtal noofers lialrymen Plirn Writers Barbers hieam Engineers Piirtendcrs Slnne Cutters Brewers Stenni H. R. Emp s Glove Maker chemical Workers laundry Help Tool A Cutlery MKr Waiters Cotton Mill Optors Cooks ' Tnibrella Workers Butcn. ru Freight Hnndlers linkers Kkmr Millers Confectioners Lntindry Workers Cigar Makers Kuinlttire Makers Gas Workers Bookbinders. Men Electricians .imss Makers Coppersmiths l.enthr Workers Coopers Iron Molders Cnsting Clippers lee Makers Painters, ( arnaee Steamntters Rrawcrv IVnrltinnn firemen Brass Finishers Electrical W orkers Boilermakers Granite L utters Bonthullders Marble Cutters Window Shade Mkrs Mosaic Workers Vnrnlshers & Pol rs Paint Rurners Carpenters Painters Sheet Metal Wkrs Plasterers Woodworkers Plumbers Bricklayers Cos-tors and Molders Can Makers Ship Machine Shop Soap and Soda Mkrs Upholsterers Iron Drillers Undertakers Joiners. Ship, etc. Typographical Help Machinist Trunk K Bag Wkrs Metnl Polishers Tanner Pavers HiiRar Workers Hammermen Street Car Men Range Workers 8tove Makers Pastemakers Htereotypers Patternmakers Electrotype Lithographers Elevator Conatructrs Pnper Box Makers Cement Workers Picture Frame Wkrs Planing Mill Help Pipe & Tank Mkrs Hlcvcle and Automobile Makers Boot and Shoe Maker and Repnlrers BraRS Finishers and Chandelier Makers Glazier and Ornamental Glass W orkers FaperhnnRers and Fresco Painters !ead. Paint snd Oil Works Plledrlvers. bridae Builders Tailors and Cloakmaker Blacksmith and Horeshoers Bridge and Structural Iron Workers Mantel. Grate nnd Tile Betters Shipwright and Caulkers Reed and Rattan Workers Cracker nnd Biscuit Makers .1... TO IMMEDIATELY FILL THE FOLLOW ING BLANK: n A . ,. October 1904. Name Address State'."'.'.'.'.'.'.'..'..'. Age Single or Married Nationality Occupation Are you willing to go to San Francisco or other California cities and towns to work beside man and man. fNo distinction' ). OPEN SHOP PLAN Wrages and Hour As now paid tnere Fill out blank and forward to following address; MURRAY & READY, 634 to 636 Clay St., San Francisco, Cal. Herbert V. Ready departs for Kansas City today. B M149 15x MEN TO LEARN barber trade; free rail road fare upon our failure to convince you of this being the BEST nnd only re liable, most practical barber college In the United States. Write for catalogue today. Western Barbers' Institute, , Omaha, Neb. B-109 WANTED Boys acquainted with city to do delivering; permanent position. Apply J. L. Brandels & Sons. B-ol 14 WANTED Two city salesmen at once. C. F. Adams Co., ltilli Howard st, B 110 WANTED A collector and solicitor. Call 621-2 Paxton block. B M888 DRUG clerks Knlest, R. P., N. Y. L. bldg. B 266 WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY Able-bodied unmarried men, between ages of 21 and 35; cltlrens of United States, of good charac ter and temperate habits, who speak, read and write English. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer, 13th and Douglas sts., Omaha; Lincoln, Neb., or Sioux City, la. B-MJ97 GROCERY clerks. 634-6 Paxton block. B M890 WE have positions for Manager of lumber yard. Manager for book store. 3 city salesmen. Salesman for commission produce house. 1 good soda dispenser. " WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS N., 840 N. Y. Life. B 12614 WANTED Experienced assistant wrapper for main desk; only wrappers of experi ence need apply. J. L. Brandels & Sons. B-862 14 WANTED Coachman. Referencea re quired. Frank Murphy, Merchant's Nai. bank. B-9S5 14 CALL or write for our list of 67 actual vacancies in 26 different lines of business. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS N., 840 N. Y. Life. B-126 14 WANTED, office boy. 222 Bee bld. WANTED, chicken pickers (dry pickers) at Wahoo. Neb. B-M143 17 WANTED, men everywhere, good pay, to distribute circu'ars. adv. matter, tack signa, etc. No canvassing. National Adv. Bureau, Chicago. B MM l6x WANTED, men with good business con nections to represent us in your terri tory. Chance for advancement. Indus trial Guaranty Co.. 1W4 First National Bank H-.ig., Chicago. B Ml.ls lax WANTED, shoe clerk to d5 detective work; 19 to 23 years of age. Address D 2, bee. B 136 14x GOOD jeweler, $18.00 per week and com- mlsslFon. Good druggist, $75.00 per month. C 4 Bea office. B 128 14 We prepare you quickly ss illustrator, car toonist, lawyer, pharmacist, stenographer, bookkeeper, Journalist, ad writer corre spondence man, banker. Write for frea book. "Profits of Knowing How" tella everything. National Correspondence Schools, 82 When., Indianapolis, U. S. A. B WANTED Young man to take private les sons In Journalism or story writing. Ad dress E. C, this office. B WANTED FEMALE HELP 80 GIRLS;. Canadian office, 15th and Dodge. C 111 EXPERIENCED chocolate dippers k anted. Balduff, 1520 Karnam. C M9oo WANTED Two ralealadies; apply jewelry department, J. L. Brandels & Bona. C-863 14 WANTED Well educated lady solicitors for Omaha, Council Bluffs, South Omaha and Uncolii- ITi per month. R. E. W'lait, Council Bluffs. C M100 16x WANTED Steady girl for general houaaT work; good wagea. 814 N. 23d st., South Omaha. . C M77 16x YOUNG LADY In office, wlthknowledga of bookkeeping and typewriting. Ad dress D 8. Bee offlce. C M130 21 EXPERIENCED girl for general houas- work. 812 N. 33; rear. C M114 20 WANTED Good girl for general house work; muat be good cook. Apply south west corner Soth ave. and Jackson at. C MikW 15 GIRL for general housework 1540 Harney street. - C 889 IS GOOD lady drug clerk. Lady to take complete charge of candy depa rtment. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS'N., 840 N. Y. Life. C-127 14 WANTED, woman aecond cook. 20 per month; dining room girl. 115 per month. Address Commercial Hotel, MoCook, Nb. C MPS 17 TO responsible party, I will give scholar ship in beat shorthand college and wait payments. Address D 7, Bee. C-120 50 WANTED Young lady with taste for art to learn boo- ami macaxlne illustrating. Admits E C, this offlce. C- There are many people in Omaha who would rent your room if they just knew about it. An ad in The Dee's furnished room column describing the room, location, etc., will in form them. llatest lc per xrord. No nd taken for less than 20c. TUB BEE PRINTS THE MOST PAID WANT ADS-BFE WANT APS BRING THE BEST RETURNS ALWAYS. A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE. WANTED FEMALE HELP MILLINERY apprentice who have flnlahed their trade. Hayden iiros.. mniinery nc- psrtmcnt. . I "'x . WANTED SALESMEN WANTED, an Intelligent man or woman i i , .-I- .A . K a JL' n t-1 H a lo ninae a hifiiiii uiji i" fair; xrnes puld. also tW cash, ler manent salaried position if sstlsfactoi y. N. D. Thompson Co., Thompson Bid:., St. Louis. M-l-fl 16x AGENTS WANTED BOOKMEN Big money on History of the - . . i t - ....... . ,-.. nn Louisiana r-urcnase r.jnwrni"ii. i-,.., 2.(w Illustrations; 110. prospectus frc. Address, wltn references, Universal Ex position Publishing Co., 411 Olive St., St. Louis. J-M139 16x FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th & Chicago. DEWEY, European hotel, 13th and Farnatn. t-t i-AI 1721 DODGE; nlcaly furnished; steam E M118 16x heated; modern. VIENNA HOTEL, 1011 Farnam; fine rooms. ladles' cafe, private dining r.; openigra. Midland hotel, 16th & Chicago; reasonable. r iur NICE comfortable room for one or two gentlemen; very reasonable; modern, iu N. 17th. E-M914 THREE excellent outside rooms; modern. 1714 Douglas. tyim r WEST BELLE HOTEL. St. Louis. Mo. Rooms 81.00; permanent brlcK Dunning. W rite for booklet. 10 minute to Worjd s fair. E M9n0 2x NICELY furnished rooms for one or two young men. 2310 Douglas. E Jt 1916 CHICAGO; large front rooms; modern. tA iuiiu aw X. FURNISHED ROOMS, 605 No. 24th, South Omaha; also rooms. Apply imi i,eaven worth. E Mioi 18 623 N. 20. Front parlors; steam heated. E M115 16x TEL. A22S2; neatly furnished; gentlemen preferred. b-mhi ii 831 S. 19TH, nicely furnished rooms, mod ern. Ji. MHO II ROOM, with or without board; .rivate family. 2223 Burt. t; Miai itx DK8IRABLE room for one or two gentle men; modern. 1817 Capitol ave. lei, B2318. E-M164 17x FOR RENT 4 or 5 furnished or unfur nished rooms for housekeeping; modern, first lloor; references. 2809 Poppleton ave. E-971 URNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD O. M E., TEL. till. MESSENGERS AND BAGGAGE. F-120 THURSTON HOTEL: steam heated rooms, 11.60 to S4.00 per week; board, 3.50. F-121 Midland hotel, 16th & Chicago; reasonable. J VICINITY of high school, modern, south lront rooms, including toarq, o per weea. 2406 Caas. 'Phone A-2593. F-123 DOUBLE parlors, well furnished; hot and cold water in rooms: also large cioseis; board; rates reasonable. 618 S. 19th. F-124 811 8. 20TH, board and rooms, modern. F Ml 17 BOARD and rooms; gentlemen preferred. 626 S. 19th. F M144 17x FURNISHED room. 2223 Dodge. F-M142 17 SUITE of desirable rooms at the Bache lors; suitable fur small family; rates reasonable. F M134 16 THE MERRIAM. 25th and Dodge St. Tel. 85. Family hotel. F M453 609 S. 25th ave.. pleasant board; private family. room ; good F 602 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THREE unfurnished rooms, with gas range, bath. 1308 N. 23d St., South Omaha. Cal'lAL . 0-M863 16X TWO unfurnished rooms for light house keeping. 2422 Charles st. G M131 17 x MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS $1.00. Have there not been times when It would have been worth more than 1U0 cents to you? It is our business to supply you witn money when you need it and al low you to return it in amall weekly payments, as may best suit your convenience. We loan on Furniture, Pianos, Live Suck and other chattels and we make salary loans. Our terms are as good as any and better than many We are the oldest concern In our line in the city, witn all-round consistent deal ings to recommend us. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board ot Trade Bidg. Tel. 229J. lEstabUehed 182. 3ut H. loth St. X-14J LOANS ON t SALARIES, FUMN1TLRE, PIANOS. LIVE STOCK. If you wish to save money see us. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. 307-8 Paxton block. Tel. 1411. X M202 MEN IN BEST POSITIONS Sometimes need money. We can supply the need without publicity and at lowest rates on salary or on furniture, p. anon, etc. Dealings fairest. Seo us before bor rowing elsewhere. Open every Tuetday and Saturday evenings until 8 o'clock. '1 HE J. A. UUTTON CO., 614-515 Paxton block. X-M2 BOWEN'S MONEY Easy to get on furniture, pianos, horses, cows, jewelry, salaries. 703 N. Y. Life. X M577 . CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Fo ley Loan Co., 1604 Farnam St. X 159 MONEY loaned on salary, furniture. Jew elry, horsea. Duff Green Loan Co., 8 Barker blk. X 615 LOANS made on all kinds of chattel se curity, also on SALARIES. Low Rates. Easy Terms. Quick and Confidential Service. Call on us If in need of MONEY. PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. 633 Paxton Block. X-152 MONEY loaned on planoa, furniture, Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 319 8. 15th. X-155 MONe'yFOR SALARIED PEOPLE. STAR LOAN CO., 644 PAXTON BLOCK. X 157 BEE FULLER, 426 Psxton block, for loans on watches, diamonds and Jewelry. X 158 SALARY snd collsteral loans. Templetnn, 212 Bee bldg. Tel. 2904. X-154 MONEY LOANED SAlJtRIED PEOPLE and othera without security; easy pay ments; largest business In 49 principal cities. Tolman, Room 714, N. Y. Life. X-15J TPjCVYEAR FROM $100 to $5,000 loans on your personal note st $ PER CENT PER YEAR. All good loans wanted. Call or write snd get my syatem. W. L. Eastman as Co., Hog Farnam. Omaha. X 134 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE BARGAIN to home purcnasers, if you mean business. Call 4J6 board of Trade. RE M91i it FOR SALE, one note of $1,800, due In one year, secured by first mortgage on goou Improved Omaha property, bearing 8 per cent interest, payable semi-annually; aiso n . n. , f.7 ..... nn nr before three yers, interest at per cent, payablo ' semi-annually, secured by first mortgage on good pioperty. Both are absolutely eafe and given by respectable parties. Address the owner, 8 25, Bee offlce. H fcj at va Cheapest Homelor'the Money That Is what other agents say; that Is what I think. NO. L-6io CHARLES ST.. FOR WM Lot 641x127. 7-r. houee on west half, alwavs rented for $16. room for another house, fine trees, paved street, permanent side walk, dose In. near car, tine neighbor hood. See me about It this week. GEORGE G. WALLACE. J. J- BROWN BLOCK. REM109 w THE pioperty where 1 now reside. 610 S. 25th ave.. beautiful shade trees and lawn; It will pay you to Investigate if you are looking for a pleasant home. A. B. De Long, 510 8. 26th ave. RE-MS10 Fine Ranch For Farm 7ti4 acres in the Platte Valley, 320 acre of which Is In the bottom: balance finest kind of grazing land; all fenced; 60 acres of al falia; lho acres under irrigation; running water. An Ideal small ranch. Price, $12,000, which is onlv $15 an acre for the ranch. Tim owner lives In Iowa and will trade for a first-class $75 an acre quarter section In eastern Nebraska or Iowa, aa he Is too old to run the ranch and wants something he can rent. Here Is a bargain. If you want to go into the ranch business. Write us (or full particulars. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. 1st Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Omaha, Neb. RE 970 14 NORTH OMAHA BARGAINS. 7-room bricK cottage, store building and cottage attached, lot lbl, ou cur line; tents 825; $2,oOU, half cusii. Apply 10 owner, del N. Y. Lite. RE M447 CH1A8WilliamsonCo.,u2taoir,1, RE-Ul MODERN COTTAGE A nearly new modern cottage of 6 rooms, porcelain bath, e.ectric lights, gas, good furnace, cemented ceiiar, paved street. No. 2S26 North 24th street. GARVIN BKOS., 1604 FARNAM. RE M 104 1 IF YOU want to buy, sell, rent, borrow money, sell notes or account, call at R. 3, N. Y. Life. 'Pnone 133. Glover fc Bon. HE M285 BRICK block on 16th st. cost over $10,000 to build; will rent for $70 a month; east ern owner will sell for $6,000; easy terms. Neat cottage and good lot on Blnney St., only $1,000; $2oo cash, balai.ee monthly pay ments. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1, New York Life Bldg. RE M918 GREAT BARGAIN Lot on Lowe ave., near California st.; west front; paved street; permanent sidewalk. If sold next few days, price way down. Address C 68, Bee. RE M9S1 16x .. . :..L for 44x133 ft. "on "10th St., with alley and B. & M. and Northwestern trackage along otio side. ' GEORGE & CO., 1601 Farnam. RE M832 18 $400 Your choice of several fine lots on the boulevard south of Hanscom park. $900 Your choice of 3 lots on Capitol ave., near 30th, 50x135. $00 Cash and balance monthly payments buys 951 N. 25' h ave.; 5 rooms, new; bath, sras. city wat.r; lot 5-X140. THE BYRON REED CO.. 212 South 14th. RE-967 14 FARM BARGAINS The Davis farm, on paved road, only a few minutes from Omaha; 146 acres at $100 per acre. Big bargain. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1320 Farnam Street. RE-590 NEW modern house of six rooms, Just completed, In neighborhood of nice homes; latest plumbing; furnace: every thing complete; must be sold this week. Come in and see us about this bargain. Shimer & Chase Co., 16C9 Farnam St. RE-994 DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? If you want to sell a farm or ranch tell the farmers and stocK raisers about It. The best way to reach them is through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER ' This agricultural weekly goes to 60,000 homes of farmers and stock raisers. MEDICAL HOMEOPATHIC medicine, wholesale, re. tail, Sherman & McConnell, Omaha. 135 Piles Cured WITHOUT AN OPERATION A written guarantee given In every rasa treated by DR. MAXWELL, 6:'4- bea Bldg., Omaha. M 132 16 DR. PRIES treats suceasfully all diseases and irregularities of women, from any cause; experienced and reliable. Address, with stamp. Dr. Pries, 1611V, Dodge St., Omaha. 136 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan San I. tarlum 728 1st ave., Council Bluffs, la. Tel. 774. -628 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies boarded and adopted. Mrs. Gnr dell, 2218 Charles. Tel A2618 137 WANTED TO RENT WE can rent your rooms and houses. Room 3, N. Y. Life. 'Phone 133. Glover & Bon. K M669 WANTED to Rent Three or four furnished or unfurnished rooms, suitable for light housekeeping; steam heat preferred; ref erence given. Address D 6, Bee office. K 123 lx WANTED To rent, by man and wife. 7 room 2-story modern house In good loca- non. Aaoress u , o. K 1Z1 I6x WANTED TO BUY SHONFELD. the ANTIQUARIAN. 823 N. Y. Life, pays nigneat price for books. Tel. gu3. N 126 CASH for your horaea. Melchoir'a Livery barn. N-127 WANTED Enough dirt to fill tin a lot "ppty sow BHI. mil 1 1 ..i ru W 11 WANTED To otiy white spits poodle puppy. Stats price. Address C 877 Bea. N-993 lix FOR RENT HOUSES HOUSES, insurance. Rii.gwult, Barker hljt. D-lt,; TWO modern, 7-room houjea on California St. and 2a pe.- mo. Apply 6W .V linn. D MUl SEE CHRIS BO ITER, 22d and Cumlug. D Mil. I Um MODERN 7-room dwelling, one block from Hanscom park 3.1. 'Phone 623. VZit HOI ISF ln bU Brl the" city. Thl IIVUJLJ 0- K ljavis Co- M Uev blug U 1U.. THE Omnha Van and Storage Co. pack, move nnd store 11. H. goous. Storehouse, 120-i4 N. 10th. Office. 15114 Farna.n. Tel. 1559. D IGu GARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM. 2121 Lake elegant 10 rooms;, all modern; Al repair; corner lot; $40. 2823 North 241 h Nice cottage, 6 rooms; all moiiern; excellent repair; m. IS32 North 2ath Very good 8-room dwell ing; all modern but turnace; barn; l44 Park Ave 6-room cottage; $-'o. 1216 So. 7th ave 8-room; bath; barn; 2916 Shirley-8 rooms; hath; $20. 2638 Dodge 8 rooms; all modern; $25'. - D MM5 16 FOR RENT-New 8-room house; $15 pet month. Inquire 3310 T St., South Omaha. D M1U7 lox 1943 8. UTH, 7-ROOM house for rent after October 10; perceluln bath, gas; $20. D-274 WE MOVE nlano. Mnggard V'bti & Stor Office 1713 Webster st. D 170 age Co. Tel 1469. HOI In e" parts of the city. R. C. I1WUOCO peters & Co., Bee Building. D lil PAYNE-BOSTWICK CO.. choice house. 601-603 New York Lite Bldg. 'Phono 1016. D 181 MODERN brick house, 412 North 22d St., within two blocks of High school. In quire at No. 410 D 507 2018 WIRT ST., 12-room al, modern brick house and barn; oak finish: hot water heat: excellent condition. $45.00. A. G. Elllck, 302 City Hall. D 902 SEE M CAITLEY EXPRESS CO. for moving, storage, baggage delivery. 609 8. 16th. Tel. J454. D-M184 TWELVE-ROOM modern bnck. In perfect repair; 2437 Harney street. Wm. K. Potter, Receiver, 301 Brown Blk. D 645 FOR RENT. Elegant modern, east front house near Hanscom park $.10.00 onoci modern house and barn. 904 S. 33d st 35.00 iia-nt-room modern house, 2025 N. 20th st 20.00 THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1, New York Life Blrlir. D M974 19 FOR RENT Desirable modern 7-room cot taa-e. No. 2217 Burt t.. 25 tier month V. K. Zimmerman, No. 2217 Burt. Telephone T Ann. . ' . FIVE ROOMS, 2647 Rees street. Good re pair. $12. DiM 16x FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES A $10 OFFICE In the Bee bulding carries with it 'all the conveniences and advan. tages in the way of heat, light. Janltur eervice, an nignt ana ail day and Sunday elevator service. A $10 offlce is now va cant, can at once. K. C. Peters & Co. ground floor. Bee building. 1823 8-STORY and basement brick building. 1003 Farnam, 22x100, hydraulic elevator, suit able for wholesale or manufacturing. 314 First Nat l Bank building. 1128 DESK room for rent on street floor. Iil4 f arnam st. 1. I M112 16 IK A GOOD light Is needed we can show VOII A north front nfrlA sir. ll.n Af,, a splendid room, at the moderate price oi $20. R. C. Peters & Co.. ground floor, Ree ouiiaing. 1822 FOR RENT--, office, 712 N. Y. Life Bldg. J-93S 24 PERSONAL INFORMATION WANTED Mrs. Ellen McAndrews would like 'information re garding her son, Michael Joseoh McAn v drews. Mr. McAndrews is 34 years of age. ugni complexion, ugni Diue eyes, anout 6 It. 9 In. tall, weisht 1& pounds, last seen In Omaha In 1901. Should this notice come to the eyes of any one knowlnar Mr. McAndrews, they will confer a favor on Dotn mm and his mother by sending: In formation to her. a she has a good home ana money ror ner son tr ne can be round. Address Mrs. McAndrews. Leroy, N. D., or First Bank of Wallialla, N. D. U-M153 17x CHINA PAINTING taught; orders taken for wedding and holiday gifts; best grades of China used; new designs. Address C 53, Bee. U M930 17x PRETTY snd Intelligent widow. VERY WEALTHY, wants immediately able. In dustrious husband. Address M., Ohio Block, Chicago, 111. U 109 21x CHARLES PETERSEN, voice; perfect tons production; German diction; students given opportunity to appear In public. Studio, 613 W. O. W. bldg. U-M927 026x I GUARANTEE to teach you French and German in a short time, using my own text books. F. Peltier. 1720 Dodge st. U M7o3 NovlOx THE Gage Pattern Hats at Pennell's, 111 S. 15lh st., opp. old postofflce. U-M5I5 OM DR. ROY, Chiropody, R. 2 & S, 1505 Farnam U-139 M AfiNPTIPt''atment baths. Mme. wrwnu smith, 118 N 16. 2 fl. R. t. U tiuO TRY KELLEY'S LAUDNRY. 'PHONE 3638 U-140 TRUSSES made and fitted to men, women and children. 1408 Farnam at. THE H. J. PENFOLD CO. U-141 LETOVSKY'S orcheatra. Telephone LZtML U- mr "VIAVI." way to healfh. S50 Bee Bldg. U-142 TUB, vapor and alcohol baths. 720 8. 18th. U-14J DON'T fool with your eyes: be careful who examines them; e test eves free for glasses nnd guarantee satisfaction. THE II. J. PENFOLD CO., Leading Opticians. 1408 Farnam. t U-141 ACCORDION AND SUNBURST PLEATING, RUCHING. BEND FOR PRICE LIST AND SAMPLES. GOLDMAN fLbAUNG CO. 200 DOUGLAS BLK. TEL. 1930. U-146 DRAWING and PAINTING from lite. Mr. Case's Art Class; studio 4, Union block, 15'.h and Farnam. U 144 WE DO expert piano moving; lowest rates. Schmoller & Mueller, 1313 Farnam. Tele phone 1626. U 558 N3 WANTED, the deaf to test Instruments for the deaf at the branch office of the Hutchison Acoustic Co. of New York City, 618 New York Life Bldg., Omaha. U M668 21 OMAHA Stammerers' Institute, Kamga Blk. U-147 LARSON JOHNSON, cut rates to all points. 1406 Farnam. Tel B2J13. Mem-be- American Ticket Brokers' Ass'n. U-148 When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroke or two of tbs pan to mention the tact that yov aw the ad la Tbs h. MASOMC ASnOTSCBMEltT. Maaoale Teas pie, Cnraar alxteeotb sail Capl tn Aveaae. VESTA CHAPTER. NO. S O. E. R -Special meeting Saturday evening. October 15, at ": p. m. Visitors welcome. WWallacc, Sec y. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS WE RENT Sewing machines, 75c week. We repair and sell parts for every machine manufactured. Second-hand machines fiom $6.00 to $lu.0u. Nebraska Cycle Co., 'Phone co.-nor loth and Harney. W 100 TELEPHONE poles, long Mr timbers; cheap chicken fence. 901 Douclas. Q luuO COMPLETE line new and 2d-hand furni ture. Chicago Furniture Co., mo Dodge Tel. 2020. W 102 6ECOND-HAND safe cheap. DerlghtTlVu) Farnam. Q 998 ion KINDS of Mineral Wafer. Shermnn & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. VI 999 TWO HEAVY STEEL HORIZONTAL TUBULAR BOILERS FOR SALE. Two boilers, 100 horse power, which have been used but six years; made of firebox steel. tr!)le riveted, butt and strap Joints. Insurance company permits of prescure of 125 pounds. They are now In use and can be aeen at boiler house rear of Bee building. Can be delivered about Auaust 26. Call or address W. H. BrldKs. enttl neer. Bee building. Omaha. y M903 FOR SALE Several scholarships In a first cla.s Htandard school In Omaha, compris ing complete course. In business, short hand and typewriting. Inquire at Bee of fice. Q-&2 ELECTRIC nickel In slot. Peerless plnno players nnd Reglna music boxes ldg money makers, cheap for cash or time. Schmoller & Mueller, 1313 Farnam. Tel, ltC5. Q -101 FOR SALE, pair of yearling colts, full brothers, for farm use: will make good farm horsr. Also a few 18-months-old thoroughhreds, registered. Shorthorn hulls. AIo some hilfers. Inquire A. D. Brundels, Boston Store, Omaha.- Q-M151 17 SO TO DIAMOND Loan Office for loans; bargains ln goods In pawn. 1401 nonplus. Q -103 FOR SALE Shelving, counter ar.i fixtures. Megcath Stationery Co., 1308 Farnam. Q-M66 BE3T furnished fiat In Omnha. lease and furniture cheap. Inquire at 306 N. 16th Q-641 12 H. P. STEAM combination engine. al. heavy platform spring wagon. J. It. McPherson, 1281 E. Pierce, Council Blurts. Q 272 AUTOMOBILE An Olds in fine shape, $3. Fredrlckson, 15th and Capitol ave. . Q-M213 22 POOL TABLES and show cases. 1407 Har ney St. Q 104 STEAM sutomohlle: taken In on n trndfl nnd have no use for It. Inquire 405 S. irth st. Q-SC9 GOOD paying saloon and roomlntr house. Address C , Bee. Q M987 15 PIANO FOR SALE. On nccnunt of leaving city wl'l sacrifice eleeant upright plnno. bought March last, cost $.lrO; just like new; no reasonable offer refused. 2??! Dodce st. Q 9"9 14x FOR EXCHANGE WILL trade sewing machine for type writer. Neb. Cycle Co., loth and Harney. Z-105 WHAT have you to exchange for a piano? Pertield Piano Co., 1611 Furnam. Tel. 701. Z-106 IF THERE Is nothing ln this column you . A I.. n .1 ..n. ...Ill BnAa. ivmu, pui ail a vi 111 nuu juu mil .iiu.i i. V ten get It. WILL exchange beautiful piano for driv ing or draft horse. Schmoller & Mueller, 1313 Farnam. Z-M487 3 WILL exchange high grade piano for type writer. Schmoller & .Mueller, 131.1 Far nam. Telephone No. 1k:5. ZhUW 3 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE FARM and city loans: low rates. W. H. Thomas, First Nat l Bank Bldg. Tel. 164S. W 172 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1620 Douglas. W-173 WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St. W-174 MORTGAGE LOANS. We have a few good 6 per cent mortgages unimproved Omaha property for sale. Also one good 8 per cent mortgage. N. P Dodge Ac Co., Ibl4 Farnam st. W-M113 16 MONEY TO LOAN. Payne Investment Co. W 176 5 PER CENT loans. Farnam. Garvin Bros., 104 W-176 LOWEST rates. Bemls, Paxton block. W-177 MONEY to loan on real estate st6and5Vi per cent. W. B. Meikle, 205 Ramge bldg. W-178 LOST STRAYED, brindle cow, with one horn slightly drooped and broken off at end, from pasture on Sherman Ave., north of Missouri Pacific passenger railway bridge, on Wednesday. Finder will please notify S723 N. 18th St. Reward will be paid for return. Lost 652 LOST Pocketbook containing cash and checks; liberal reward on return to Bee offlce. Lost 966 14x LOST, straved or stolen, a Scotch collie with four white feet, white ruff, tip ot tall white and white face. Return to 1115 8. 30th ave. and recelvs liberal re ward. Lost 891 16 LARGE black and white heavily ticked pointer dog; Sioux Falls dog tag on col lar. Reward. Return to Dr. Somers. 127 N. 32d Ave. 1 Lost 129 CLAIRVOYANT MRS. CARRIE SMITH. SOVEREIGN LADY QUEEN OF CLAIRVOYANTS; everything loin, pasi, preseui aim iuiuic. satisfaction or no pay: also a wonderful magnetlo healer. 807 N. 18th st. S MHO lax A WONDERFUL trial reading; the only dead trance ineaium in inw wuuu, hiuhd ln trouble from any cause his help Is priceless. Send 10 cents, 2-cent stamps, flato of birth, own handwriting. Dr. Joseph Lester, 897 Main St., Dubuque. Ia. Mention this paper. S M141 19x QYLMER. palmist, 715 N. 23d. Tel. B3245. PATENTS PATENTS H. A. Sturgis, registered attor ney. Patents, trade marks, copyright.!. No feea unless successful. 517 New York IJfe building. Omaha. Neb. 129 SUES & CO.. Patent Lawyers; advice free. Three offices: Bee building. Omaha, Neb.: 184 Dearborn St., Chicago, III., and 1U03 b St.. Washington. D. C. Tel. l2:i. M 6:2 Jn LAW AND COLLECTIONS E. F. MOREARTY, Attorney, 437 Psxton Tel. A-2039. 163 JOHN M. MACFARLAND. New York Life li... ii I rl -oil Tel. I...' 1 1 1 1 K . . IUUIIIB W. ' " " - -164 COLLECTIONS promptly reported. 634-5 paxtpnbl(K k rNL FLORISTS HESS & SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam. -160 L HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Send for price list of cut flowers and planta ALFRED DONAGHUE. JR.. 1 607 Farnam, Tel. 3333 K' When You Write to Advertisers ramerr her It only takes an extra stroke or two of the pen In mention the fact that you saw ids sd la The bea. OSTEOPATHY Johnson Institute, 61S N.Y, Life bldg. Tel 1GM MRS JOHN R. MI SICK. Osteopathy Phy sician; ofce, Douglas block. Tel. 223. -131 DR. FAR well, specialty nervous diaene. 6t4 Paxton. 1J2 Huntington Ptrntton. S.12 N. T Ufa. 596 N4X SJCRTHAND AND TYPEWRITING A. C. VAN SANT S school. 717 N. Y M'a. -165 TIIIIE'S To Buy Your Station Wagon Either Now or Good Second Hand Ones ft cnil urn wvniaawMi p., iDrunind'si Rth :inrl Uarnnu t" W... f.., POSTOFFICE NOTICE (Should be read DAILY by aii interestt-d. as changes trriy occur at nnv time i Foreign mails for the week ending Or -toler 15. VJM, wlil close tpromptly ln all ruses) at the gencr.il portinil :e .in In Parcels-post malls close one hour earlier than closing time shown below. Parcels post mails for tiermmy close at a p. in. October 10th and 17th. Regular ami supp -inetiturv r'":is clo:' at foreign station (corner of Wert and Morton streets) naif hour mer than cms lug time shown below (except that sjpple. mentary m.!'s I:utope anil Centra; America, via Colo-i. closo one hour Liter at the foreign station). ' Transatlantic Mnlls. SATURDAY (lotlu At 6 a. m. for EU ROPH, per e. . Germanic, via Cherhnurg and Southampton (mall rnutU be directed "per s. s. Germanic"); at 6:30 a. m. for B.l'ROPE. per s. . ICtruil.i. via Queens town ond Liverpool; at 8:30 a. in. for BELGIUM direct, per s. s. Finland (mail must be directed -per s. . Finland"); at 8;.)0 a. m. for ITALY direct, per s. s. HohenzoDern (mull must he directed "per s. s. Honenzollern"; ut 9:30 a. ill. for SCOTLAND direct, per s. s. Columbia tm.ill must be directed "per s. . Colum bia") NOTICE Five cent per .junce In adillt'.on to the r. t;iil:ir postage must b prep.. Id on all letters forwarded by tin supplementary mans, ami letters deposit, ed in the drops marked "Letters for for elun countries," after the rloslrm of t)v regular mail for despatch mv a particular vessel, will NOT be so forwarued unless such additional postare is f"!'y pi-epnhl thereon by stamps. Supplementary Trans- aiianiic i n.i up Hrt nmu cjcnt'ti on tn piers of th AMERICAN. ENGLISH mm FRENCH sttaincn., Whenever the sail ings occur at : )0 a. m. or later- ,ir..'l Lit nin'l may be deposited hi Ihc mall boxe on tlio piers oi the GERMAN LINE. I sailing from llohnltrn. The mails on tlu piers open olie hour nnd n hnlf hefors falling time, and close ten minute" before sailing tune. Only regular postage (let. ter 6 cent n hnlf ounce) Is required on articles moiled on the piers of the Amcri. can. White Stnr and German (Sen Post) steamers; double postage (letters 10 cent! a half ounce) on other lines. BInlla for pnnth ami Central America. West Indies. Etc. SATURDAY (15th) At x:30 n. m. (supple mentary 9:3o a. m. I for PORTO UJL'O, CURACAO nr.d VENEZUELA, per s. f. Caracas (mall for Colombia, via Curacao, must be dlrecied "per f. s. Caracas"); at 9 a. m. for ARGENTINE. UKl GUAV and PARAGUAY, pf-r s. a. Caiilda; at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. rn ) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA and CO LOMB1A. except Maadalcna Dep't, per s. s. Altai (mall for Costa Rica, via I.I mon, must l-e directed "per s. a. Altai"')-, at 10 a. m. for CI'hA. per s. s. Morn Castle, via Havana; at 12-m. for NORTH ERN BRAZIL, per s. s. Dunstan. via Para and Mannos: at 12:30 p. m. for CUBA per . 8. Ollnila, via MalatiEas (mail must be directed "per a. s. Ollnda"). Malls Forreariled Overlnnd, Etc., Ex cept Transpacific. CUBA Via Port Tampa. Florida, close at this office dully, except Thursday, a' 56:30 a. m. (the connecting mall clou here on iuondays, Wednesdays ana Ba-.-urdavs). , ,. MEXICO CITY-Overland. unless specially addressed tor despatcn by steamer, cioau at this ofilce daily, except Sunday, at 1:80 p. m. and 10:30 D. m.. Sundays al 1:00 p. m. and 10::i0 p. m. NEWFOUNDLAND (except Parcels-post Malls) By rail to North Sdnev, and thence by steamer, close at this ofllc dally at 6:30 p. m. (connecting mail close here every Monday, Wednesday and Sat- JAMAICA By rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, close ot this ofllcu at 6:31 p. m. Tuesday ond Friday. MIQUELON By rail to Boston, and thenc by steamer, close at this ofilce dally at 6:30 p. m BRITISH HONDURAS. HONDURAS (East Coast) and GUATEMALa-Bv rail to New Orleans, and tnence by itmer. close at this office dally, exeep' Sun day, ot !1:30 p. m. and 110:30 p. m., Sun days at !1:00 p. m. and W:30 p. m. (con necting mall closes here Mondays at J10:34 p. m.). COSTA RICA By rn II to New Orleans, and thence bv steamer, ciose nt this office dally, excent Sunday, ut 1:S0 p. m. and (in :.10 p. m.,' Sundays at il:0p p. m. and 510:30 p. m. (connecting mail closes here Tuesduvs at J10.no p. m ). NICARAGU (East Coast By rail to New Orleans, end thence bv steamer, close at thin office aaVy, except Sun day, at I1.-30 p. m. and 610:30 p. ni.. Sun day.i at (11:00 p. m. and t'OHO p n. (con necting mall closta here Tnuraday ut 10:30 p. m ). (REGISTERED MAIL closes at 8:00 p. m. previous day. Transpacific, Malls, Forwarded Over laud Dally. The schedule of closing of Transpacific iniailu l ill TalllMil on I llH CI CS U 111 Pllon Of their uninterrupted overland transit to poil of sailing The Una. connecting mulls (ex cept registered Transpacific malls, wim rl,,- g u. in., nrevluua day) close at Iri gmwal postoffire. New York, as follows: HAWAII, JAPAN, COREA, CHINA and cisro, clone at ti:3o v. in. Octoher Htn lor . L..i..lnh a a Am-rl(n MflTU. TAHITI and MARQUESAS .ISLANDS, via Bin r-ancisco, nose m o I'- " -"-loher 16tn for desputdi per . Mariposa. NEW ZEALAND. AUSTRALIA (except West), NEW CALEDONIA. SAMOA, HA WAII And FIJI ISLANDS, via ban Fran clsro. ' close at . m. October 15th for despatch per s. . Ventura, (ir me . unnrn sleainer carrying the British mall for New Zealand does not arrive In tune to connect with this despatch, extra mails closing at 6:30 a. in.. 9:30 a. in. and 6:30 p. ni.; Sundays at 4:30 a. m. and t:30 p. m. will be nade up and forwaided until the arrival of the Cunsrd steamer). HAWAII. JAPAN. CORKA. CHINA and PHILIPPINE ISLAM'S, vlu Ban Fran cfyco, close at 6:30 p. m. October 30th for despatch per s. s. china JAPAN. COREA, CHINA and specially addressed mail for PHILIPPINE ISL ANDS, via Tacoma, clone at 6:30 p. m. October 21, for despatch per a. s. Tele machus. ... , , . , HAWAII, via San Francisco, close at 6:30 p. m. October 24th for despatch per s Alsmeda. , JAPAN, (except Parcels-Post Mslls. to REA. CHINA and PHILIPPINE INL ANDS, via Vancouver and Victoria, U. C, close at 8:30 p. m. October -otn for despatch per . a. FmpreFs of Japan.. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS and GUAM, via San Francisco, close at 6:3" P "I. October 27th for despatch per U. H Transport. FIJI ISLANDS, also si).-(ii.Mv a-idress.d mall for AUSTRALIA snd Nf.W ALK DONIA. via Vancouver and Icloila, H. C., t-los at 6:30 p. m. November tth for despatch per s. a. Mlivyira MANCHURIA (ex. f in Now Chwang) nl EASTERN SIBERIA Is st present for wa'ded via RuhIii. NOTE lTnle otherwise addressed. Wei'. Auttralla Is forwarded via Europe: New Zealand via San Fr'inelsco. and oerUjjIt nan Kuelchow. Szechwun and Kwariff-" vis British India-the qulekeat toun Philippine specially addressed via Europe," must t.e fully prepaid at tho foreign rates. Hawaii la forwarded via San Francisco exclusively. nan i rum cmNEUua VAN COTT. puslmastaf. UP! ""1