TnE OMAHA DAILY BEE; FRIDAY. OCTOBER 14, 1904. HOWELL STILL SECOND MAN Betaini Eii Place in Race for the Water Board Nomination. WELLER'S CERTIFICATE ORDERED FILED Hecoaat Rrlorn Show He Has Two Hsmdred and glstr-Slaa " Votes More Thaa Font . Belle Candidate. R. B. Howell's scheme to have the re publican primaries of last Friday, so far Sas they related to 'the contest for member of the water board,, declared Illegal, and the names of all three aspirants placed on the official election, ballot did not work be fore a subcommittee ef the republican city committee yesterday. The subcommittee, which was composed of Chairman Cowell, Secretary Valentine, Treasurer Morgan, N. P. Iodge, Jr., and H. W. CoWduroy, held a session lasting; most of the day in Mr. Morgan's office, canvassed the returns, heard Mr. Howell's protest and arguments against It. and directed that a certificate be filed with the county clerk to the effect that C. V. Weller is the regular nominee of the party for the place. The burden of Howell s complaint was to the effect that in the First, Second, Third,' Fifth and Eighth wards the names of the three candidates - for the water board, ' Howell, Kasper and Weller, had been reversed from the alphabetical order of printing. He demanded an investigation to show who had manipulated the changing of the order of the names. Cannot Fix the Blame. , Chairman Cowell said he had ordered the ballots printed in alphabetical order and had a distinct understanding with the printer that they should be, further that he did not know by whom or what author ity the rule had been changed with re spect to the city ballots. He pointed out that It would be on exceedingly difficult matter to determine who was to blame and not within the power of the com. mlttee to Inflict punishment, even though the guilty person or persons were dis covered. Judge Fawcett, who represented Mr. Weller, said the change In the ballots had been aa great a surprise to Mr. Weller as to anyone. He pointed out that allowing Howell's contentions that persons had ' voted against him when they did not wish to do so, which Ignorance he thought im possible, It would have taken at least 136 such' voters to change the result, and he thought this contingency Incredible. The sample ballots used conformed to the names on the ballots, he said, and there was absolutely nothing to show whether the change had been by accident or design. He pointed out, also, that the statutes do not require the printing of the names in alphabetical order. y Mottoa of Dodge. Mr. Dodge put this motion: Inasmuoh aa ballots used In the primary were contrary to the instructions of this committee and differed in various wards and that as a result two candidates were working for the same position on the ticket and great unfairness done, that we report to the city central committee that we aeem tnis primary election null and void and request said central committee to submit the names of the three candi dates upon the official ballot In November. Mr. Dodge talked long and earnestly in favor of his motion, to which there was no' second. Edward Rosewater, who spoke briefly be fore the committee, said If any fraud had been committed the worst was the hiring of Kaspar to run for the place and take away votes from Howell's opponent. He aald Kaspar Is not a man of means and yet had distributed considerable money n the campaign, Mr. Rosewater knowing ' personally of one letter he sent out con taining a 16 bill. Mr. Weller had become a candidate of his own accord and had made no pledges. The placing of more than one name on the ballot would Jeop- , ardize the success of the entire county ticket, Mr. Rosewater aald. It was not so much a question of the change In the order of names upon the ballot aa the fact that al! three names had been submitted and the people had recorded their choice. Even though Weller' name had appeared nrst In some wards, as a matter of equity, this merely offset the fact that Howell's name appeared at the top In other wards, Mr. Rosewater declared. ' Howell denied putting Kaspar on the ticket. What Returns Show. Owing to the fact that no tally sheets were handed In from the First, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Eighth and Ninth wards, ' the ballots were recounted by the subcom-J mlttee, all those which 'were marked out - Csta the square before each candidate's Qame being thrown out. The returns given !n the other wards were used with the following net result, which gives Mr. Wel ler a plurality of J69: Ward. First ........ Second Third Fourth Fifth- , Sixth Seventh Klfrhth Ninth Headquar tera for Rubbers and Overshoes .irFtllrTmNI Men's flunalnt Union Underw'r 1.30 to 4. SO UNUSUAL MB FOR REMNANT DAY. Wo bought all the Sample Lengths from one of the best known manufacturers of high grade suitings in Amer ica these goods are all this season's mannish suitings. ZIBEL1NE5, PANAMAS, WORSTEDS. CHEV10T5. ETC., About one yard each Enough alike for skirts and small suits Your choice of Sample Lengths Each Black and Colored Cloths in Rem nants Fine suitings, sheer and dainty stuff from dressmaking' stocks, front bar gain square, yard French Flannels All the highest grade, imported fancy aod plain flannels, etc., specially for waists and wrappers, at 65c on Barjrain Square Remnants and Dress Lengths of tfoods that have sold up to 11.00 a yard black and all colors on bargain square -i ai, yara 45c 25c As si special bargain for tomorrow in Remnants of High Class Silks We offer manufacturers' samples pf black peau de soies and taffetas 1 to 15 yard lengths, at about half regular price. Howell. Kasper. Weller. Totals.. . 85 128 U6 .90 ' 176 124 . US 89 271 . UN - ' M 302 . 127 M 13 . 2S2 45 226 . 161 4S ' 137 . 165 60 17 . 1K4 14 212 .1,890 v 668 - 1,659 OLD ELEVATOR FIGHT IS UP Protons; Coatest Between Farmers and 1.1 ne Companies Revived i by More Litigation. The long drawn out contest between the farmers' elevator companies on the one band and the line elevators on the other, is revived by litigation which will be de cided by the court In Papilllon today. ' This Is the case of the Gretna Farmers Elevator company against Oemos C. Hlgby. Hlgby was appointed asent and manager of the company last December and September 6 decamped, leaving letters by way of a confession, which showed he had been speculating In futures with the company's money in local commission houses. The amount In question la aald to be several thousand dollars, and the suit now being heard Is for t2.809.S3 for opera tlon with one firm. County Attorney W. R. 'Patrick of Sarpy county Is In the city In regard to the case. The idea, while not brought out In the Imported Samples Plain and Fan cy Velvets for trimmings and fancy work, go according to piece 5c-10c-15c-19c Odds and Ends of Plain and Fancy Silks, taffetas china silks, foul ards, velvets, etc., bargain 'IQ square, at JV Laces and Dress Trimming's Fine wash and trimming laees, torchons 1 C If) clunys, vals, etc., in all widths, yard. . a2C'C"JLIC Dress Trimmings hundreds of different 1. P. styles a variety of colors, at, yard . .. ICaV Special Sale of Remnants: Basement i ''...ft A new shipment just received of the very highest -grade mercerized sateens, good long lengths, black 1 and all colors, guaranteed 40c quality, II Bf special, at, per yard Striped and Checked Outing Flan nel, full yard wide, in Q 1 lengths up to 15 yards. fjoC go at, yard '-' , Madras and Seersucker Ginghams, dark styles for boys' "f 1 waists, children's dresses, m etc., worth loc yard, at- Remnants of Canton Flannel heavy quality, very spe cialwill go at, per yard Mill ends of SOc quality, 10c quality blenched fine mercerized bleached Huck Toweling, mill ends Table Damask, on bar- on bargain square, at gain square, at 25c yard. 2Vfcc yard. 5c 36-Inch Flannelette in dark pat terns, for wrappers - . "Tl worth 15c yard off tha bolt, special, at, yard. .-.. " 2 mil Length of Drapery Swiss worth lOo yard, at, yard mil Ltnjths of Slmpson'a Prints will go at, per yard '. .. mil Lengths of Heavy Baby Hannels worth loy yard, at, yard ' 10c . qualify sanitary cotton Diaper,, at 5c yard. 2c 2c '31c J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS, BOSTON STORE testimony, Is that everybody connected with the grain business is taking a dig at the co-operative houses. Hlgby in his let ter says to the Incorporators, they would go to the wall, sooner or later any way, be cause everybody was cutting them short, so he had only ended the matter a little" sooner. Manager I. E. Von Dorn of the George A. Adams Grain company was subpoenaed as a witness to produce the books of the local offlce, but declined to do so, saying they had been sent to the head offlce. The Gretna company has been temporarily suspended, but has made an assessment to tide It over the ahortage and will con tinue In business. The Cirrle Swing. 19th and Farnam. Children, Ec. Adults, 10a Continues to Saturday night, Oct. 16. nrandels Always Buys for Cnsh. Therefore they are gtven first choice on the moat Important bargains In the country. This is how they bought the $32,000 lace curtain stock so cheaply. The sale will be Monday and it will be a record-breaker for bargains. Home Visitor's Kxearatona Fair. Tuesdays in September and Oct. 1L Good thirty days. Half far plus $2. Many points tn Ind'ana, Ohio and Kentucky. Inquire at the Northwestern LUne Office. 1401 and V03 Farnam St., Omaha. iDIAMONDSf i i i Have become more valuable of late years on account of the mines now being worked producing less and no new news having Deen aiscovereu. The purchase of Diamonds have been i good Investment and I believe is a. ss better one today. If you buy them of I us and for any reason you wish your money back we will give you nine- I tenths of what you paid If returned within one year from date of pur- I .hi W have them in all sizes, SB In rings ranging In price from 15.00 to $500.00. Let us show them to you. 15-& DODGE. -------I Wear Comfortable Corsets D6n't guess at the style best suited to your your figure. - Step In and let our lady attendants fit you. They have, not one model Into which you must force yourself, but 50 styles a shape for every figure In all the loading makes and latest models at $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 and up to $7.50. At $1.00 we've a fine garment alzee 10 to 86 an excellent model for stout figures.. At $7.50 we've the new French model La Grecque corset that gives the rounded shapely, lines that lenda style to every wearer. It Is on of the very latest. Come In and see It ? MRS. J. BENSON, 212 S. I6lh Si. OUR LONG LASTING STEEL RANGE. $5 down and $5 per month or the , wholesale price for cash. Mr. Otto, J003 Cuming street says: "When I bought my range and you told me how little fuel It would take and how quick it would bake. I could hardly believe it, but It seems to do better than, you said It would." Mrs. Bonewlts, 1018 South 46th says: "I know that my range takes less fuel and bakes quicker than others because I have made comparisons. When I bought I came near buying like my friends have, but I am glad I didn't because I have a better range." We are selling the longest lasting and finest working steel rantre sold in Omaha. That la what people say who are uBlna them. The Sfoefzel Stovo Co., 714 S 16th St WHAT GOOD DOES IT DO- to take Lithla or the Salicylates for Rheu matism? They only precipitate the uric acid in the blood AND LEAVE IT THERK In the furm of an insoluble urate which iiIuks up the b!ood vessels ad UIVE8 THh, HEART THAT MITCH MORE TO DO. Kllinlnatum (EL1MINATUM) the new scientific medicine, not a patent, but a PRESCRIPTION FROM ONE OF THE BRIOHTEST PHYSICIANS IN THIS COUNTRY, dissolves and removes urio acid and CURES RHEUMATISM TO STAY CURED! We have learned this fact from Belling It to our cutomers and are running this AD on our OWN HOOK Just to let people konw this is a CURE, not a simple relief for one of the worst diseases we know of, and that's rheumatism. EL1M1NATUM for Rheumatism 11.00 ELI MI NO for Blood Diseases $100 EUM1NETS for Constipation 26o We guarantee these prescriptions. CUT PRICE DRUQ STORE E. T. YATES. Prop. 16th and Chicago Sts., Omaha, Phones T4T and i7. 24th and N Sts., South Omaha, Phone No. 1. &th Ave. and Main St., Coun cil Bluff, Phone Ktt. All goods delivered in either city absolutely free. SGIIAEFER'S DEPUTT STATE VETERINARIAN. CITY VIC TIE It III ARIAS, H. L RAWACCIOTTI D. V. S. OMAHa. NEB. TeUobone MX Offlce and Infirmary, ttth and Mason Sts. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER OMAHA WEATHER REPORT Friday Fair and Cooler. e N Tj3"n tj ji jr Jfff:ri9(r, fiLiLi-C J3 Grocery Dept. Away In the lead for beat fresh groceries and low est prices. , SPECIAL SALE DAILY. Down Again Fresh made, spiced, critp, ginger snaps, lb 4c Fifty ($5.00) "3. & H." Greau Trading Stamp with 3-lbs. fin- fl.QO est java anu r tff a Ten, (11.00) "S. & H. Oreen TradiDg Stamps! with one gallon pick line vinegar Ten ($1.00) ''S. & H." Green Trad ing Stamps with two I'll 16 35c pound can Clams. Ten (1.00) "8. A H." Green Trading Stamps with can Shrimp 9. Is 15c r.iii u iiiTi--1 mm Fruits! Fruits! Western Pears Are Hljrh. Here's Your Chance. New York Keifer Pear-1 toe preserving, JCn per peck. HfJ And ten ($1.00) ' Little Oreen Stickers with every peck.' Large green apples fv f:Ck!..,r.,.p.or....20cl And ten $1.00) Little Oreen Stickers. Fancy New York Grimes, Golden, ieck"!:.: ....30c And ten ($1.00) Little Green Stickers. Sweet Potatoes, per f Q peck : IOC And ten ($1.00) Little Green Stickers. Fruit Department Basement. Friday Only. Fancy baskets filled with fruit to order, and deliv ered by special raesseuger. 'Phone Fruit Department. i if, 1mm Bargains in Wearables and Dry Goods Great sale of dress lengths at the new bargain square, main aisle! 5,000 yards of manufacturer's lengths of dress goods in col ors and blacks, such as voiles,, etamines, mistrals, gran ites, canvas, cheviots, serges, broadcloths, also a big line of English meltons, in five different colors. This grand assortment runs from 2 to 10 yards, and are actually worth ?1.50 to $2.50, and go at one price, 7 C Friday, at, yard. . . . '. JC Special Sale of Plain China Silks AT 29c YARD Friday we place on sale 100 pieces 22-inch plain colored China silks, many shades suitable for dresses, lots of colors, for fancy work and curtains, drapes; this quality is worth SOc yard main aisle, near Q , 16th street entrance, Friday, yard C Special Sale for Friday ii Ladies' Neckwear. 500 doien 'flpe lace and embroidery tab and turn over col lars, in whites, cream and butter shades, not a collar worth less tnan'25 cents each, Friday, ' 10c SpeciaJ remnant sale Table Linens, Towelings, Muslins, odd Napkins, Sheeting Muslins, Flannels and Domestics, Ribbons, Laces, etc., at less than manufacturer's cost. Children's and Misses' rain coats. Keep them dry. Keep them warm. Grey mixed, velvet collar, yf Q regular f.3.00 mackintoshes ,at. 4.IT'0 Women's rain coats, fine blue serge, military cape, CI C plaid lining, a $4.50 mackintosh, at aM Ladies' Umbrellas for rain or shine, fine twilled serge, fancy mounted handles, value 75c, Friday and CsTI Saturday, at Embroidery Sale Monday Bead particulars Sunday papers. The most gigantic embroidery sale ever held iu Omaha. CROCKERY AGAIN! Rich American Cut Glass Water Bottles, a- good value at $5.00 for this sale Old Blue Willow Pattern 10O-piece Dinner 1 set INTRODUCTORY SALE OF BAVARIAN CHINA. We will sell on Friday only three breakfast plates ot Mingnon pattern bridesmaid rose A Bp decoration, lor ' ',,Ofc, No more, no less, sold a customer. I . DOUBLE GREEN TRADING STAMPS on all white China for decorating on Friday and Saturday. Pure lead blown thin table tumblers, either plain or nice- inn ly engraved, for set of six OvIW And Twenty ($2.00) Little Oreen Stickers. One gallon stone Q, Crocks OC And Ten ($1.00) Little Oreen Stickers.) A thorough clearing sale of several dlnnerware patterns. Remember,' all our dlnnerware is guaranteed no seconds or Job lots, but bargain giving of a char acter that will surprise you for balance ot this week. In dlnnerware section, do-quick prices w111 prevail. Fnr rfflP fJirU A Sterling Silver Thimble JL Ml lilt J11 lo when you've sold (and the cus tomer has paid the money) five ontf-pound packages Bennett's Capitol Coffee. 28 centi a package. : Better see the Advertlsinr fltnafer about how to handle this. Isn't a Sterling Silver Thlmbla worth try log to get? Fridr 10 Hit it . m. Boyt' Shirts, Shirt WHttt antf Blovsts worth SOc lo 98c-will 25c BWDBS Ftidij f ; 10 t. m. Men's Jnerresr htm ffrecerf i wo Ih SOc h 75c- girtatal. . . 25c I Friday Is Remnant Day in Wool Dress Goods Over 50,000 yards of Wool Dress Goods at a trifle of their cost. NO PEDDLERS OR DEALERS SUPPLIED. 600 Dress Patterns, In lengths of 2H to 7 yards, from 40 to 6 in. wide, worth from $1.60 to $3.o) yard. In vclles, etamlnew. Tailor suitings, em venettes, Henriettas, Cheviots, Princesses and other goods, worth up to $3.60 yard, 69C 760 patterns In lengths of 2V4 to 7 yards In Voiles, Etamines, Tailor suitings and other goods, worth from $1.00 to $2.98, 5QC 600 patterns. In lengths from 2H to 7 yards, Tnilor suitings. Voiles, Zlbo'lnes, Mohalra and other goods, worth from $1.00 to $150, ji). 39c 224c Flannel Department REMNANTS OF WHITE WOOL FLAN NEL. worth up to 86c yard, f at, yard ... lOw lO ol'TINO FLANNEL Remnants in light and dark colors, fi at, yard OJC BILK EMBROIDERED FLANNEL REMNANTd, tb-in. wide, at less than null Lo COTTON FLANNEL REMNANTS, ex tra heavy, quality, 4 at. yard The finest line of Blankets shown in ths city at prices you cannot duplicate else wnere. at 600 Patterns in 2H to t yards. In goods worth from Too to $1.98. at yard JOO Patterns In lengths from 2V, to 10 yards, worth from 60c to $1.25, at, yard Linen Department 6C""3LEACHED TOWELING, 5C yard w SANITARY DIAPER CLOTH. AQn 10 yards for v SkC BLEACHED TURKISH A TOWELS, each C 12Ho Eng Ish Long Cloth, . filr ai, yara va BLEACHED MCBL1N and soft finished lamoric. long mill ends, worth. (E up to 16c yard, at, yard OC n. ''IS-X REMNANTS, from 1V4 to $-yard lengths HALF PRICE. CREPE DE CHINE Black and ln colors, at, yard f'Vut VELVET WAISTINUS, AC all colors, at. yard .4yC BLACK CORDUROY VELVET ur waists, a i, yard FINEST SILKS-LOWEST PRICES 25c GROCERY SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY Black and colored Silks. IKn at,yard. 1&0 FANCY SILKS for waists and suits, sev. eral hundred new pieces Just received, on sale Friday at, yard, tBc, ln 5So 4o and J... JJU vnoicn lauiornia prunes, per pound ,...3Hc z-ancjr nama uara rrunes, per pound.. 5o Evaporated Peaches, per pound So Choice Mulr Peaches, per pnund 8c Fancy Crawford Peaches, per pound ....lflc New Evaporated Apples, per pound ....744c New California Seedless KuIhIiis 6o Fancy New Raspberries 20o New Evaporated Blackberries, lb 7Ho New Three Crown Raisins, lb 6o Cookies, the very best, worth 16o pound, 8 nounds for 26a Egg-O-See 70 A-iPIIO , TV.O Force 7Via Neutrlta , 70 Kiln Dried Oats, per pound 2o Quail Oals. 2-pouiid package Kc Morgan s Hapnilo Bo Arm and Hammer Soda 6a 4-Dound nackasre Oold Dust 16o Pearline, package 2c J So . 30 . So . io 6o 60 Laundry Soaps, all brands, ID liars for 2na Very best Glntrer 8naps, per pound ...JP40 Dried Marrowfat Peas, per lb..t.. 3a Broken Rice, per lb ,. 20 Nice Navy iteans. per lb.. Pearl Tapioca, per II) Hago, per id...,,. Farina, per U. , FRESH FRUIT. Fancy Cooking FIkb, per lh., Fancy Persian Dates, per lb...-,. Fancy Seedless Lemons, per floS..........lio f ancy sweet oranges, per Qi. . ....1110 Fancy Penobscot Cranberries, per qt...."So Fancy Mixed Nuts, per lb -l-io CHINA SPECIALS. Baking Dlxhes,' 1, 3, 8 and 4-plnt, each..lHo Imported Steins, with metal covers 23a White Havlland China Cups and Sau cers, each ....................... ll'o Crystal Jelly Stands 2o Crystal Sunar and Creams mo Imported Berlin Cooking Potery Sauce pans, 20o and.. ...,,.................15o -3AVDEfiV3 BROS. Saleofi,S0OfflghElass Pattern Slats ' 1 - Entire stock of one of America's premier Milliners purchased for cash and shipped to Omaha. '! Stock consists of the rarest models from the master milliners of the great European and American fashion centers. These beautiful goods on display Friday and Saturday At SHELLEY'S GRIND ORCHESTRA CONCERT 2:30 TO 5i00 You are cordially invited to attend the millinery treat and Shirt Waist department, 'st -' SEWING MACHINES We are agents for the New Home, Domestic, Standard, White and Household and some cheaper grades ot machines. Supplies and parts for all machines. Repairing done promptly and at reasonable prices. P. E. FLODMAN & CO. TELEPHONE 1574. 1314 CAPITOL, AVENUE. HONEST WATCHES A small price Is not money saved when buying a watcb. The real economy of honest wear and correct time keeping Is the true test of value. We have built up a reputation for reliable watches, and we Intend to keep 1 Dy seinng oniy me aepenaaDie Kina. uur siock com-. irises an ma rename makers, epena s lew minutes In Our suire. l,oo lor the name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, 1510 Douglas St. I H nf" trip Kpnsnn. ) B Biff specials in our Skirtj . I sheSley I 1 Rnffflssor to Daviea'i J-1SI 1 DOUfiLAS ST- E ) UNION PACIFIC EVERY DAY . UNTIL OCTODER 15, 1904 to a 1 principal points in California, from MiBouri River terminals, Coua- cil Dluflfs to Kansas City iuclusivo, CalP" ef I I S2 U I I SHORTEST LINE-yFASTIST TIME jj 11 THROUGH TOUraST SLEEPERS WOmBP I DOUBLE BtWTH 0.7D I f " Inqulleof ': ' City Ticket Ofllce, 1S24 Farnam St. S J' 'fhosie 310. S If II 1 I ?:!fii tlTWIeA 1 1 If a 1 rf BEE WANT ADS PRODUCE RESULTS Diamond Bfooches, in single stones, fancy mountirt;, $7.50 and up. 5 stones fancy mounting, $65. A handsome pin, Walker Aa X 1 - -.sansMssi saa us in nan n -M 1 1 ; f i J '. ' i s&sa9BbBISBj8a Best Vara Paper Sabaerlke Maw. 1 ' TsT i 'ii