THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 12. 1P04. r GRAIN AND PRODCCE MARKET Wheat Bflui Ein the Bert of it Zulj, kut Clam is Tery Strong. CORN MAKES A SLIGHT IWPROVEKiLKT ft-4-eraaaea ie-ara. V Brfagt Craa Re y ei ta t Marts tt 4,airk tally-' C mr turn and May at J: iiHVol C of wheat ana flour were equal to relal fax I a rw. OMAHA. Oct 11. 1S04 Government crop report indicated an in crease in the wheal virid of i "j."Ki bush el. Wruie this is not so much In itself, In the short crop Jt. when people had settled on a yieici ut about bju.tfiaj.oMj bushels, the increase s teriih influ ence Liverpool war wrsk and lower, the receipts rrr very ierge and the oemand lor rash grain limited, indeed, there wa a disposition n tin- part of miliars and ex porter to wait lm iiwm prices I nder ihcse circumstances Tiie traae id wheat ha aeveionea vers largely into a Scalping mar Aet. J here u Mule morr steadiness in lousy s mmiri than there jetioruay although tne fluctuations covered a rung i The world a visible supply tl !:- T hese Declines are certain to beip j ftrfi bu Primary receipts w im f xjHJn ut-msnu aluu em bii.ii imiiii wwi letter entry lor cash. V lih such a short crop it l not within the probabilities that trier will he a one-way market lor some time to come, aa the demand la certain to exceed tine aupply. Tb accumulation of wheat at the primary point haa not he-n tiuite healthy of late, hut they are expected to urop oil In the near tuture. tehori. w hlie leady to jump on ar.j weak spot, tre noi disposed to tak-e many chances arid re only too willing to cover on oi an up turn, grain receipt ai-e just fair, hut in the matter ot quality very pwir. It Is true that make tne range so a-rrstlc and Irregular. In Chicago 4e-emier wheat opened at UN'S. broke to ll.u' "and recovered again lo 11.09. aa compared with yesteroaj s cioae at 1. (". May, Sl.ue to 81.07 and up to SI u again. There Was very little change in the corn estimate as compared with a month ago, tt being generally accepted that we shall have a 2.J.oia:i.uia-bushcl crop. Corn waa a little wean early, making point, hut later this decline waa recovered and point net advance made. Cmiaha cash aalea: 1 car No 4 wheat, S2 II., K. 1 car No. 4 wheat. 61 lb., e.c; 1 car No. 4 corn. 4fc; 2 care No 2 whiis oata. 2Kc; 1 car No. 3 white oau, 28c; 1 car No. 4 rye, best. 61 lbs., Tic. Urata KlrkTit ii.left acre. Cloning prices of grain today and Mon day at the markets named were aa fol lows: CHICAGO. Wheat Today. Monday. October l.7 l.o lM-cember 1 May l.OWi I t July WV Corn Iwcember 4I"4 4 May 46-VB 4.VS July 4"'1 Oai lecemier - 29 1P May 31B i KANSAS CITY. Vheat- 1 .-ccmber 1"S W Mcy l.W 1 WS Corn Hecember 17 C May 4J1 4i- Vh-at Ieccmber Aiuy Corn 1 decern tier May Wheal I'ecemhor May Wheat lfcember May Wheat--" l-iecember May ST. LOUIS. MINN-AIOLI8. PULUTH. 1.13 l nw, 1.10 NEW lOKK. 1.12, 1.1th. 1. 12 44 Vi 1.1M. l.U l.twS l.lih 1.12 l.ltH n art hern tl fv,; tin J ror;ern. tiiMv.; Te-cemb-r r. MT. ti ll OATf To arrive and on trark. JFVc. CHICAfcO eRin AKD rOTIkIOi reatarea f Ike TraiaS mm4 (ImIM frteet a-w Mr4 ff Tra4e. CHICAGO. Oct 11 Suddentv awBkened suepMon thst selling had en largely overdone traneferr-d weakness in a heat toflay into strength At the cl'is the prv-e of loth Iecemlier and Mav deliveries were 4c shove yeenerdav s fitinl lifU" Com is off V4rir. data are flown Sc Prm-iaions are practically tinrhng! The government estimate of 6fl. ";."" b" as the tntal yield of wheat for the United Rtste had a Weakening Influence on sjie'-u-latlve trading in the wheal pit t the ojenlng Initial quotatmnr on Iecemher were 'S9r lower at fl nvfi 1 nsi May whs down Sc to r at f. There was heavy liguldatkm nf lecemler. caus ing a rapid decline, the prif-e dmpptng to H 7S within the ft-st half-hour May weakened in svmpathv tc Jl.flTV For a long time the selling w-as quite general. Commission houses hud numerous smp loss orders, the execution of which added to the weakness Lter in the day the demand Improved considerably and short y before the close the market touched the highest point of the dev. Iieoemher selling at Si .V May sold up to li.iwV The market closed strong, with Iwember ut t'learancee d flour were eciual to li!S.w bu. increased .1W -ere 1.4C2.m hu.. compared with l.SSC.UKi bn a year ngo. Mtnneapolia. Intluth and Chlcp.go reported receipts of 1.2T.1 cars, agrainst 1.2C' cars last week and T1 cars a year ago Early in the day the corn market was weak as a result of profit taking conse quent to a bearish crop report. Later, however, a firmer feeling developed on active covering by shorts. The late mar ket ws heljied riv the small primary re ceipts and by a rpported decrease In the world's visible supply of nearly ;.bK).Hm hu. Iecember opened unchanged to r lower at 47fc4Kc. sold between 47vy6-ic and clfised fit 4KV&4l"c IjOchI receipts were 17 cars, with 4 of contract grade The principal factor In the oats market was an exceedingly bearish estimate on the total yield shown by the government crop report. Heavy liquidation chnriicter Iwd trading. At one time prices were off fully 1c from last night's closing hgur, hut some rerovery was made on buying by shorts. After opening V&r lower at ?"l92f"c. Tecemler ranged between V 2"c and 2!"c and clnsed at IWr. Local receipts were 216 cars. Provisions were wer.k early In the day as a result of heavy selling of January pork. The market becHme steadier Inter on fair support from packers. The weak ness of com was a depressing Influence at the opening Shorts were good buyers late in the day. At the close Januaray pork and Isrd were unchanged at S12 .76 and ST. 46 respectively. Ribs were off 2ir at fifc. Estimated receipt for tomorrow: Wheat, DS car; corn, 54 cars, oats. Ill cars; hogs. a."1"' head. The leading future ranged as follows: Articles. pan. Hlch. Lew. Close. TeB'y. Wheit Oct. Tec. May Corn Oct. Tec.. Mav Oata Oct. Dec. May Pork Oct. rec. Jan. May Lard Oct. Iec. Jan. May Ribs Oct. Jan. May I 1 nsv 1 0p 1 l .474 i&mi '4Hs(&Si 1 1 0, 1 ow 4RV: t I 1 0Vr 1 AT 1 I', 7 7.: 1 11 ow,e;l npff 1 07! l OH 1 l ..I 4PV 47H4RW1,. 4!W 46 4&'4i tte I 20V.(ff',; WW&W-ml SIV 8Ji Sim. 11 Kk 11 If I 11 on 11 11 15 I 11 W 11 If. 11 12 R7V' 12 7B I 12 56 I 12 12 SI 12 72V 12 60 ! 12 I I 7 471! 7 52V, 7 47H 7 7 7 ! 7 rv, " 7 KTht 7 40 7 SO I 7 7 4c 1 7 46 7 35 7 I 7 B7V! 7 7 R?H! 7 S CV (i S ! 6 CTs 6 72W C 2F 25"". Ik SO 4 46 32f 11 20 11 ' 12 75 12 72V 7 Ivi 7 JTi 7 40 7 424 7 46 6 72, JkEW VORK GESERAL tlootationa MARKET Varioaa f the Day- Csauuaili Ilea. NEW" TOKK, oct. ii. i,Jl'E-Receipt Si. mo ubia. , exx.rLs. 8.11V bois; saies, j.lin) !-.. ; uiaisami1' aiemiyv uut aiua niarmt, jK.nnesota patents itliiB iu; Minnesota uaaeia. 4.H4i-.Mi. winter juients, u.ioi.u; feiiner tiLiainik. ta.tuf.j.-; winter exirha,; waiter low grades, .i.Iki. .fctye 'liuur itriu; lair lo goou, .4.i0n.fri; cnoice to lancy, ..4..Mj. uuckWiwui ln.ur, per luu lob.. 0i.anfii.tu. teadv; yellow wwiin. S1.L.i.1a; city, li.ll!uiJ.i; kiln-drlcd. S2.W ti I E Nominal. uAiil-1 jju.i ; reeding. 42c c. 1. I. New York. v KtAi-Bales 1.900.0,10 bUBhel futures. Epot n. ni. No. i reu tl.l4 t. o. b. ufloat; No. 1 ouruitrn uu.iilh m.i t. o. ti. uiioat, No. 1 haiu Mauiioiia noiiunal i. o. t anoat. Optlt n oticnru we&K unoer lower csbie and near, mi wcaiern ieadTsnip; rallied later ineiiy on statenienis by stunstlcan H. V. Jone tniii ne considered the government iifcures or iu.i-ih.'.imi too liign lor spring wneat and the total cr.ip tully 10ti.niai.ii bushels short of lust yenr. Shorts covered and prices rallying Snarpiy in spite ot So. t Cash ouotstlons were ns follows: FLOUR Easier ; winter patents. In.S B.Df; straights. Miswrf..'; spring pstem. S4ia,00; stralchts, S4 7t!.n0; bakers. S3.40 WHEAT No. 2 spring SI fwm.16; No. S. ti ncm 12; No. 2 red SW)m,fl.llS CC'RN No. 2. ROVftTilc: No. 2 vellow. KSW OATS No. 2. V:;.io. 2 white. 81V,(6Xlc; No !! white. 2Pc. RTE No 2. 7Sc. BARLET Good feeding. 36c; fair to choice jnaltlxr SWHc. ?EEIB No. 1 flajc. Sl.flR: No. 1 northwest rn. 11.15 Clover. erntr'tfniade.' S12.2fi TR0'iSlON& Mess pork. nr bl.. SU.10 11.20. Lard, per 1 lbs.. 7.Sfg!;.B?,. Short ribs sides Ooose. S7 (r7.7t. Short clear irtes boxed i. S8.SaifM.Rft. The following were the receipts and ship ments yesterday: Flour, bhls 2."rt Wheat, bu lffi.ino 66 M0 Corn, bu 1W.700 lH.2t1 Ojita, bu 3lP ono 2W.20 Rve. bu 16.0110 , S.fltift iBnrley. bu 230.70O iR.BrtO On the Profluce exchange today the fiut i tcr market wns stendy; creameries. 4&20c; I dairies. 18jn7e. Kt, steady; at murk, i included. 14fi,17c; firsts, ldc: nrlme I firsts Jnc; extras. 22c. Cheese, steady, at Tlslble SwFpIr of Sralm. NEW TORK. Oct. 11 Special cshle and telegraphic communications received by Bradstreet's ahow the following changes in available supplies, a compared with bra nun world s rlaible statement, closed at i 1 B5.t-,lrVii r V-1, -4 e,.. . a net advance of b 1-lBc. included No. Tr1 - .? " ftac CaPS da; rni.1 I.LH T. tn III. irnnr - . f ."I . ' " iu. n , i . n i for and In Europe, Increase 4,on.000 bu. Total supply Increase B.l&h.OoO i red May I:.irtvji l.K' blkc; cloned Si. 10 16 .!: Ieocniici' 1-16. closed U 12 i:-i CORN Receipts Ki.fiOO bushels; exports 246 bushels; sale liKUi bushels futures; Isl.tiDo bushels. Hpm arm. No. 6 E5 vc ele vator und bt,c . o. b afloat; No. il yel low Sac: No. i white in.r. Option market opened lower but rallied with wheat and on CORN United Btates and Canada, east Rockes. decrease 2.416.000. OATS United Btates and Canada, eapt Rookies. Increase 2.fi71.HO. The leading Increase reported this week are l.ino.MN) at the Northwestern Interior nWtng by shorts The close was steadv at i 'levators. 7Bfi.nO bu. In Manitoba and MuMlO 2R lbs., Texas fiimlly. hama, , extra nartiallv c advance May 61Wflc Closed blSc decern ber MioiVSiC, closed Knc. OATb Receipt 174. mhp buslials; exports T.:r t-pot easy; mixed oats 26 to 82 pound i((i3ir; natural white UtHfr::? pound. S4,c; clipped white 36$-lt. pounds o7lbc. Op tions numlnal. 1'EElJ fctendy : sj.rtnp bran. S20.25; mid flllngs. Cli.Hi; city. I2i!.f)'2S 00. HAY Luill; abippit.B. 'Pmc; good to Choice. Sc. ttulP ."lrm : stut". common to choice, ".r04 (K&Sc: 1M0S. 3lfnKc; olds, 14rlKc. Pa cific ooast, 1INH. 3Kuatic: lsn Sixa&o; olds, Uifflc. HIPES Steady: Gatvesicn. 20 to Vr; California. 21 to 26 ll.. lc; 4i-y). 24 to So lls.. 14c. LEATHER Steady; ncid, SiflJtin. PKOVlrilONei Kir-n : -ef u SlORixeil Mi; mi. S.GOfrS.SO; beef Ducket. Js.fcwfl'Jii.SO; city India mess. Sl4.B"&16.ti. Cut meal, dull: pickled lieliles SH.A4ill.00f rh-kien sl.o.n dera, ST. 50; pickled hams. SS 7ilU.S Lard, aay ; western steamed. Sa.iui. iictooer, closed at Sh 0i nominul; refined, barely steadv; continent. s.2: South Anu-rlca, s It; 'oomtiound. SK.12ii6.2b. Pork steady: fsmllv. Sit ; short clear, S14.wi4i.17.0ii; mess SIS soilS 60 TAL11)W Ouiet; city, 4r; country. Ipkrs freei. 416c. RICE Steady . domeHtic, fair to extra. T ;f.ic; Japun. nominal POTT-TKT Alive, firm: western chicken, 1IW-; fowls. 14c; turkeys. lS4'14c; dressed. Ir regular; western chickens, 12Vxvl3ta;; fowl, 13Vc- turkeys. Infills? BUTTER Easy ; street pflca. extra ci-sumerlea. JwwJlUsc: ofhcial prices, cream ery, common to extra. I.'i'a20c; held, extras, lH,r: state, dairy, common to extra. l&jnc- CHEEfiE Firm; state, ful cream, mall. colored, poor to fancy, SirlOV; small white, good to fancy. lntrimc.; large, colored, stood lo fancy. ytrior; large, white, poor to fi-ncv. fair. 7tC. E3GB Firm. estern grvded finest, 23c; wastern vera' ies. 21'22c. bu at the Minneapolis private elevator. The leading decreases are. S67 oho bu. at the Chicago private elevators and Tl.OoO bu. at Nashville. Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Oct. ll.-WHEAT Ie cetntier. Sl.lKffl 11,: May. S1.12V6T.12,: No. 1 herd. SI NtW; No. 1 northern, S1.12V. No. 2 northern. SI OPS. FLOUR First patent. K.10 20: second patent. S5 Hf.flfi It, ; first clears. S4.S0A4M). In wood, second clear. $3,004(1.10. f. o. b. Mln nentiolls. In wood. BRAN In bulk. tU.eo&Tn.2!. Kavaaaa Vttw Grata asl lra-talaaa. XANaVAS CTTT. Oct 11 WHEAT Mar ket stosdv; Iteoember. Sl U; Muy. II tnQ ll; cash. No. S hard. S102fel.06; No S, iwrsl)l (: No. 4. toctiii SO; rejected. 7fMffti&c; No 2 red Sl.llXdn.lS. No. S. Sl onal.l; No. 4, &. 1,04; lei eipia, 61 oars. CuRN Steady; lNscerober, 4"r; May, C 0-tlV.f ; cash No. 2 mixed. 4c; No S. 47a3 4c; No. 2 white. 5W-; No. I, 4W'pfiic. OATS Steadv: No. S white, Sottlic; No. 3 mixed. XtVU" HAY Firm, choice timothy IS 7&$S.eO; choice prairie 8M). RYE Nominal at c. EXK5S Slesjjy : Missouri and Kansas new No. X. white wood oases Included. Kc; rasa count lGc; cases returned ac lr. B LTTETt Oaamery , Ifepnkc; dairy. 14c Melpts. Bhipsnanta. Wheat, bu .. 4K. v, Cora, bu Sl isw t 4.1a la. b Su.lMO k.uus rallaSelsiaita r4w atu-k.e. PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 11 BUTTER Firm, with a moot demand; extra m. em creamery. xtr i.earby prints. !c ' EOQS Steady ; fair demand; nearby .nets and wosiara first. ssn"ie at mark CHEE6E Firm but quiet; New Trk full muii fancr, loP'10Ci choice. lililih,c, fair te guod. WtrVHbO- Mtlwaakee Grata Market. MILWAUKEE. Oct 11 -WHEAT Irreg ular: No. 1 northern. r.l2VaT.lS; No. I northern Sl.flkol 11; May. 31.0X4, asked RYE Strong: No. 1. lt4c. BARLEY Steady; No. L 3uc: sample. 36(9 62c. CORN Steady; No. 8, B2SM,c: May, 4Cc. Taleaa. Keeal Market. TOI.EHO. Oct. 11 SEEl-Clover. cash and October. 37 46: December S7 474: March. 37 67, Alsike. prime, S .26. Timothy, lirlme. 1.3i asked. LlTfrt,, Grata Market. LIVERPOOL. Oct. 11 WHEAT Spot, nominal; futures, quiet: Iiece.mber. 7s 5,d CCRN Spot. Amencsn mixed, easr at 4M Future, quiet; Iecembcr, 461d. 3erta Market. rEORJA. 111., Oct. 11 CORN Firm; No. I. 62c; No. i, dTsc. Owlatki DULVTH. Oct 11 'WHEAT To arrlvw: Nu. 1 hard, SlJai; No. I aurtharo. (1 m: Ho. I tiulXaB,JOra. Pa traca, Nu. i Waal Market. BOSTON. Oct. 11 WOOL Increasing strength is shown In tha local wool mar ket from week lo week. Recently there has been a heavy demand for almost all fTadeo of wool, a condition of affairs which, f It continues, will mark the season as unique. Territory grades occupy a firm position and are freely sold. Pulled wools show active tendency, but foreign grades ara quiet. Prices of domestic wools In this market as based on actual sales In clude the following: Territory. Idaho fine, ls$Tc; heavy fine iMnfcc: fine medium. llfnlliVc: medium. lWrZiic; low medium. 21 toXtc: Wyoming fine. licol7r; heavy lfirlic; nu medium. I., SIM-, medium KiiL1i, low medium. &2ic, I'tah and Nevada, fine, 17BI7V; heavy fine lfctniw: fine medium ITiinJhc: medium. Mi2ic; low medium. 21 V2f; Iakota. fine 17(plkc: fine medium. 17 tunc; aiedlum, 2otpr21c; low medium. t-lc; Montana, fine, choioe, 21Hin ; fine average, lisp Sic; fine medium choioe. !!iQZn-, average. JKaajr: staple. 2oSir; medium choice, li.g average. 2lp2c. ST. LOUIS Oct. U WCs-iU Firm : me dium grades combing and clmhing Sit 3k tine impair; llgM washed. Wifc, new York., on mastio Beece, SZrguc. heavy nne. liaise; tub 11 WOOL- Firm ; do- gar auadl staSassr s. NEW TORK. Oct 11. SUGAR Re w quiet. Fair refining, Skr; centrifugal. 4 teat. r; snolaaaes sugar. 3r benned, quiat: No C. 4 tor; No. 7. 40c. Ns . 4 sue; N. I 4 4bc; No. 10. 4 as ; No. 11. 4. Sue: No. IX. 4.36r; No. 13, t.JOc; No. 14. 4.20c: oonfec tionani' A. 4. Sue; mould A. 6.40c: rut luaf, i lac; eruhhed. (7i. pomdred. Si. lie; gran viiated. I UK'. riliea. 6 Stx '. MOLAiwiEsl Ulead v; New Orleans open kettle, good to rbotoe. SltjTIc. NEW ORLEANS. Oct 11. SUGAR Struusn open keitie. Sf c: oentrlfugsl, 4mJ4-. wliiie. lfc-lbt, silowa, bmc; SWXllid, S fliC NEW YORK STOCK AND BONDS Market it Finn ind t Ttw Prominent 1 STif i A.dTt,soe 6TerJ Foiru. CORN MEWS SENDS GRANGERS U Isspeital Baak at Gersaaar Advaace ate af Discaaat tress Faar la Fire Per t est Clwee is Irretralar. I NFW YORK On .1 The stock market once tnoie reprieved men a teni pOiar seioaca looay and rc.umed t..e i ne riw wa ln'i l ie. ami n i eniiieiy coniprenet save, ine gieeier ir ot Hie trauiiig aim me movement 1v1.m( cungesieo in a few pri m. neat rt .in j lie Iirmiiew in the lesi oi n.e nunri ea Sue uuteit lo mpaii.y Willi lue if ein.ii FUnkh. iut ur iia.aiies oi tne nia... was none tne lex cicany oemonstrtea. j lie leintig resiiise to geromeiit tuo iriioii wa, CiSrxtiiiilin. 1 ne iiiureaaeu premise oi tiie jieiu lolii it corn ana ot KIiea.1 over tne psimisilc eftimate. nicn haa gatneo auihorny In the market u so brilliant that coiiuuence in a pr s peious outcome lor the nar vests was iuii urmea. J ins proved etlectiie in ln,pr.i..g lies sireiiain to the s angers ana l ful.ej in the targe nuli.g ana suh.tantial su v, ncee in i. nion f . inc. Aichis.m und si. i'aui. Ine oouid souo weetema were in clined to hang nu k. apiwrenily aflei .ed i.y ) ieruay s accioent on the Klissourl pa cmc anu owing to dis-atistsction wnn he earnings talemet loii.miicd in ihr eariy report of tne v anash. I nlieJ tl.ate Sieel preferred was sunjecied 10 eai ly pieemiie anu then raiileu. out met sumcieiit offei inas t f:eiasy s hit-h jince to s op I I auvance. New York entral 2-p;..nt su vance a a ot nniy miKieraie Inrtueme on i.tner asirrn raliroadi- Keudi. g was mid to tealiee ond Erie was hurt py tvunsia erution of lis annual report, which wa cir culated mini;! the session. Brooklyn's r..' was uitriiuied to good current ea.ninf: The event of the oay in the world's tinan cIki maraets was tne aovance from 4 to 6 per cent of the discount rate of the im perlul Iatik of lieimar.y after having mtuntnitiea the former rat since wune. iH'iit. Foreign exchange hardened here in response and the continental excnaiiFee moved ti:Klnst London. here di -counts harocned end the price of goid was au vunced. The act. on of the O rman bank Is not clearly uiioerstood and lea to sur mise. that another RuMtian n an Ik prejiared for. hinancial auihoil.ies ju i-ioiiiion have pointed out that a rilakatlon ot the money raie there would cause a withdrawal of large French credits placed there and their transfer to l.erlin. or ..n the event of higher money rates here.' to New York. Sii oe ihe Panama canal lay ment Paris money supplies have bten abundant and large amounts have been plBced not only In London, but in Gfr manj as well. The tharp advance m the German bank r'dlscount ra e msy te In tended to hold French credit In that mar ket and to Invite further commi.ments (.mr slock market closed somewhat irreg ular and with best price not fully main tained in spite ot a late bidding up of memtiere of the southern group. Bonds were firm: total sales, par value, Sii.STd.imo. United States old s advanced per cent on call. Following is tne range of prices on the Stock exchange: Bales. .64.nIO M, K4S s4 2(KI foreshadowing further withdrawals of gold Home rails were lower Amerlcsns opened trrerulBT. grew firmer to well above parity. Later they reacted m snlson with the general tendency and closed oulet Grand Trunk was weak on the traffic returns be ing disappointing Japanese ttft wesk Imperial Japanese government s of la wer. quoted at M. RERUN. Oct 11 On the bourse todiy the advance of the Imperial bst.k rate of S er rent caused general depression. PARIS. Ort 11 The tone on the bourse todsy was heavy, ewing te the advance In the rate of discount of the Imperial hank of Germsnv from 4 to S per cent Inter nationals were dull with the exception of Russians, which strongly advanced Rus sian imperial 4s a-ere quot-d t H 16 and Russian bonds or 1K04 t ftffr. The private rate of discount was 3 per cent. Atchison do pfc! Baltimore & Ohio A.K do pfd Canadian Pacific Central of N. J Cliestitieake & Ohio.. Chicago At Alton do pfd Chicago Gt. Western Chicago a- N. W C. M 4 St. P.. do pfd Chioapo Term. T... do pfd C C.. C. St. L Colo. Sout hern do 1st pfd do id pfd Delaware ac Hudson.. P.. L. a- W lienver & Rio Grande do pfd - Erie do 1st pfd .... do 2d pfd Hocking Valley do pfd Illinois Central lnwa Central . do pU .... . r. i, K. C. Southern do pld Louis Nashville.... 7.M0 Manattan L Met. Securitii St. Ry. Minn tc Si. Louts. M.. St. P. A 6. S. M do Pfd Missouri Pacific 26.100 M.. K. t T do pfd N. R. R. of Mex. pfd N, Y. Central lO.ftiO Norfolk at Western... 6.0(10 do pfd Ontario aV Western... Pennsylvania P.. C. C. & St. L.... Reading dn 1st pfd do a pfd Rock Island Co do pfd St. L. a- S F. 2d pfd St. Louis S. W iiR.'e ) 4.5i6 ii" -no 4''fl ..48.700 100 10ft 4. Kim 4li ion 6m Wi 2.100 100 ..33.100 .. 1.M0 son ion '. . i .2oo .. 100 ion iw. ii 1SS 15, 85. IP 61V 27 174, 1314 1H Ititi 1K3 14 8T. lf 61 21, 173 600 6.300 4.2t 6.300 2,300 7.700 41.400 74.700 do ptd S. Pacific B Railway do pfd Tcxus & Pacific T.. St. L. & W do pfd Union Pacific do pfd Wabash do pfd W. a L. E Wisconsin Central . do pfd Mexicun Central ... Adams Ex American Ex United States Ex.... Wella-Fargo Ex Amal. Copper Am. Car at Foundry do pfd Am. Cotton OH do pfd Am. Ice do pfd Am. Linseed Oil .... do pfd Am. Locomotive do nfd Am. Smelt. Refng.. S.200 18 loo 2.1100 7.300 2.000 .. 4."0 . ,27.ioO ..22.100 .. 400 .. S.100 . . 200 l.loo J01.6OO 400 .. l ino . 2.300 300 '.! '406 ' iiio . l. . l,4"l 400 '. "iio . I .4.10 . 1.000 a 2 'SS 3S" .' 88 47 47, 80t DO 143 lis" -S 46 iii 'itu, IZ 127, 164, 164 ! Bl 120, 120, 'is." irai i( 27i 6f. 0?, 132" iiwi 72 73 -S5S is" 134, 133, ri Tiii 'aS '" 73S 73 K So, 224 21, W WV SC, X 32, 044 M S37 32 32 31V 51 ' 50, 106 log, M W 20, , 2", 424 43 T, 'iw iwi iisi 'is ini'" iui" W S1 24 No 7t"V 30 . 30 "7, "7 34 34 27 w low, 132 loi 4 87 211 104 ' 172 17 26 IKS 64 l'4 132 im 60 3.'. 210 lfi 72 20 17o 17 do pfd 100 Am. Sugar Refng 6. loo Anaconda M. Co M10 Rrooklvn R. T 46.100 Coin. Fuel a- Iron 2 7W Consolidated Gas l.SKi Com Products I.60O do pfd 400 Distillers' Securities.. 4.3oo General Electric 1.600 Interna tlonul Paper.. .500 do pfd lntemiitlonal Pump do pfd National Lead 1.200 North American loo Pacific Mall 600 People s Gas l.SoO Pressed Steel Car -4.4iS do pfd i0 Pullman Palace Car., loo Republic Steel 1,600 do pfd Soo Rubber Goods SOO do pfd Tenn. Coal ar Iron.... 1.200 U. 6. Leather 22.100 do pfu 1.H00 T. R. Realty 4 Imp.. 700 1. S. Rubiier 3.100 do rfd 1.400 U B Sieel M400 do pfd S8.7O0 M'estiiichouse Elec.... suO Western I nlon Total sale for the day. SCI.1U0 shares 04 34 10B Sf- 227 17 21 61 lov, K" 624 26 R3 1K 77 165 22 04 34 107 3f. 227 11 61 60 M N6 S1 74 81 18 t 16 100 S3 ia:' lMHt 431, 36 SO 16 1WH, 107 183 1 8e 1 61 2 173 290 20 82 33 0, 47 DO 143 2M .46 54 4 12K 164 82 150 6f 81 is; 100 2 Sf. 30 131 71 00 86 134 71 72 Sii 70 20 73 61 22 40 60 3i 04 83 81 60 104 04 42 17 20 44 14 236 210 11 237 68 o 01 7 34 11 30 SK er. 6 106 182 100 60 ' 210 ir. 71 so 171 17i 7n 83 78 22 04 34 1Mb . Kl 227 11 61 20 K3 " o S84 K 2T. S3 1 77 It. 14 L4aOB stark Market. LONDON. Oct 11 Closing: , sai:.K T rsstrsi , sew.Krrtelk W .... . Sn pr6 w rmurio W ,ll fsniiavlvanla , Mi, k,n Mlsea lav ;hMdln w it- lit fd ilk dp M rht 171 iBoutbsrs Rallwar l'a s4 M'lk Souther rasllr . MW t'nlas ParlSr . ... M4 im pi 714. t I Stssl to pld 14? a a ansi iv S . td JSW RMnlSt. 4 tl SILVER Bar. steady. 2 11-lSd per ounce. uivli-ib'I per cent. The rate of dis'-ount m the open market for short hills is 2 per cent, for three months bills. 24rS per cent. Cfinan!,. Bioney Ac aimMiiu Ar,)iia, Aohuoi. 4o ll Baltioiure IHtlo. Caiiulias Parlar .. Ch Ohm Ci.lcalo Ol tM. C M Bt P ... ivhwri . . iH-nvar A k. G.... do pld r u IK ptd a Id s'd Illlnnl, Cntrml . . . tain, A Kia M K AT ..1MH .. 7.1 V .. .. Ht .. .. 1H, .. i. SI 1 S4 ' W ' rrela ttaaarlal. LONIiON. Oct. 11 The money market was eaa. iMHcounta haaraened In con sequence of the treasury bills allotment and s strong- demand for gold for Berlin. Trading on tiia stta-k exchange opened outel nnd Irregular, with In it investment hiiKineM. lier stocks rre depressed, owing to a sharp relnjise In consols, due to the incieaae in lh German bank rata, tfw Yerk sl4y rket. NEW TORK. Oct. 11 MONEY On call, steady st 24i2w per cent: clmlns bid. 2 per cni; offered at 2 per cent; time loans, firm; s'xty daya. 34; per cent; ninety da vs. 3fi4 per cent, six months 4 per cent; prime mercantile paper, 4$6 per cent STERLING EXCHANGE Firmer, with actual business In bankers bills at S4 SM.KJr 4 8i46 for demand and at S4.K316&4 LS.!0 for Mxtv-dsv biiis : posted rates M.s4p-(.M said' H '6. commercial tills. 34.824,474 2 SILVER Bar, 67c; Mexican dollars. 46V c BONIS Government, firm; railroad, firm. The following sr t'.t closing quotations on stocks and bon"' ...1M . .1IM . .1S4 . .iir .t.11' ..HI' . .i. . i.v .10! . . 7 .. 'ntaatus t ( 4 .los ex. Central 4a 7n do lfl tne 17 Vitnr. t ft. L. w V. est Si. do eottpnn dp av dp onus"!. dp new 4, rsg .. dp cntttxm ftp aid 4. res do eeupmi .. Alrnlsftn sn. 4m . do adj 4 Atlanta C L 4 . Hal Oh IP 4 d tfe Certral of Ot t . . dr. 1ST Inr Chaa A Ohio 4r . Chlrasp A C D A a n i ... lot L. F W la r MAR S f 4a IWlO-alioard A 1.. 4 C. A K. W c. 7s...llfti,0a Pft'lSr 4 ... C. R. 1 A T 4s ... 77 !Pr Railway a .. dp col t s4,lTexsft P is . CCC A St L i 4a.. ll T . St U A W' Chlcasp Twr 4 ren. Tnharpp 4 . . 'nlo A Bp 4a . .. I. R G 4ft .. Brie prior 1MB 4n dp sss. 1 . R At 4s im do s R R. ot PI c 4ft 7I V T C f Ji inf. N J r aa 14 No Pa.-lBr 4a !' do 7i tSTlN A W P. 4 !"" . Wa n L 4ft A par.... " .llJta rnn rorr SS" MX" a.1 ttoftrtlpft sen 4s 10' I, .1IV k. A 1 M r ..11K si m l, 1 f r n . ftov Mil .117 .tin 1, . 7a 101. .11 . n . wt, . r. 'V . Tt. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Oornfed Btftcrt FnUj Steady, "Wts:era Bankers Slow- ud Veal. HOGS riVI TO TEN CENTS LOWER Fat kerp sad taaaka Aettre sad tesdy ta Straa. klle Goad Feed ers Were I arksared. wttb (ta saa Klads krglected. SOl'TH OMAHA. Receipts were: Cs'"- Official Mondav 6.63 Official Tuesday 6.110 Oct U. 104 i-li.c Sneep. 1 OS 23 41 O.fcOu 20.flo. tt." 43 40ft .07t, s.2r 11.217 kn.SW ft 4. ! 10. M f.iat' 6 40 023 Twe ds.vs this week 12.3 Same drs last week V. 4 Same days week before. So OiO Sam three week agn..U.S04 Ssme four weexs ago., s.167 Same iy last year . ..U.src RECEIJ'JB FOR THE YEAR TO PATE TI e loliowing tabi shows tne receipt of ctttis. hogs and sheep st South Omaha lor year to date tin comparisons: 10m. inc. tec. f t,K S.370 KH.67S 114 606 Hr l.kJt.S;!! 1.7j.7fil a.K,6 B'"p ijia4i 1.204.4a:' jl'he lulioaiiia unie flue r uvertge price of hogs at South Omaha lor the lust several dn. a with oomuanstms: 7H I'nlor farinr 4a . 7?v do coot. 4ft . - - SS t Steel Id ft lMi'Walsuik it do deb P 7 W A L. T. 4ft ... T W A n C la 110 Wl fntrl 4 .. Horktn Val 4"n . . n f oia Fnsl e. ft L AN nnl 4a . . .llnW Bid Cffered. Bnstea stwck Market. BOSTON. Oct. 11 Csll loans. 2T3 per cent; time loans, 49 per cent. Official closing or stocks and nonae: Atrtotson ad. 4s as 'n w in rommnn . do 4s lni.Advantur Men Central Aa s Allsusr Atchison Amalsanistftd dp pfd If. American Xlnr Boat on A Alhsnr A'lantlr Float mi A Malna. .. . .14 ifttnxtHim Hnfttnp Klerated lnlH, CI A Hacla...... FhchhtiTs ptd ...... .1874, Centennial Me, Central i:iSe Copper Range N T.. K H A H...19.1 .tial" at Pe7 Marquette 7 ,'riomlnton Coal .... I nion Psrlflr llvHnrThnklln Amer. Area. Chem... lR4Oras- do pfd 771, late RoTSIe Amer. Pnen. Tuba. . . 14V,, Maaa Mining Amer. Sucar I3?vii Mirhismn do pfd 13S lalnhasa .. Amor. T A T li latoitt C A C Amar. Woolen 14V' 101 Immtnion do pfd Sl Onrola w riomlnioTt 1 A s 14 1 r-rrs Ediaon tier lllu SM4 tjiilnrft General Elartrlr 171 'Phar.nnn Mftaa EleetrM- 1 Tamsrsok do pfd S6 Trmn Masa Oas 42 V B Mining rntted Fruit 10 T. 0 Oil t'nltad Pltoa Maeh SS I'uh te pfd Si V Vlmnrla V 8 Btool IP Winona So pfd 77fc Wnlwlna .. K .. 3 .. U .. ?' .. Uk .. 14 .. n .Ml .. 174 .. Cl .. 1M, .. M .. t .. 1 .. Slla .. H .. 7 .. 47 .. fW .. l.i. .. n .. tt .. x .. 4 ..133 .. .. r. .. If .. 2 .. Hit .. i .. H Sew Tark Htniaa Utoek s. NEW TORK. Oct 11 The following are the closing price on nnnine stucKs: Adam CI0T1 Alio lln BrunswlRk Con .. Comatock Tunnal Con. f'al. A Vs.. Horn Stiver Iron Oliver lit Lasdvlll .. 4H ILIttle Chief .. .. 16 I Ontario .. (ftphlt .. IP rsomix . 10 I Pni obi ..IftO jPxv,ae I Omall Hopes 1 o 141. 1 1 a is Treasary State meat. WASHINGTON. Oct ll.-Tody s stste ment of the tretisuTy balances in the gen eral fund, exclusive . mt. the gold reserve in the division of redemption, shows: Available cash balances. Si4t.W7, KH, gold. S7b.M3.083. i Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept Sept, Sept. Sept. e-pt. Sept. t--pt. Oct Oct. Oct Oct. Oct. Oct Oct. Oct Oct. Oct. Oct is.. I i rsi s 7oi 7 .. BP I 21.. t SJSl S D I 76 su, 7 4S, "... a v , t 78, 74 r ' sw .gB I ! 6 14 6 Gf S S4 .731 ' -I 6 S 16 7i 1... .1 6 74' 6 Kl ...! 161 I 7 ft 7 7 66 7 87 4... 6 .. C... 7... S... B... 10.. 11.. I 71. 0 S IS! 4 S3 ,3 4 7 3s, S 77 IS'lll S Tt S ! 6 23. 4 HI i 71 1 21 4 St: 3 73 S 1 4 41 K "m 5 Ml H4' I 8 77 6 SO, 6 lfi 4 41! 7fc t 1H I M 1 71 7 B4 S 7 I U 4 : I R to i. 0. " ', a I 6 17 4 371 S S4 1 P7 1 4 ti 1. t.. 7 If. ti 7F,' 6 18 I 8 71 7 20' 6 63 6 18 4 39; 6 It t 30! 6 10 to on E7; 0 I 6 fin 7 . I 7 32 6 7 L 64 7 41. I S 11 1 60 E 411 1 30 . C 40, I i 64 6 18 7 28 S S3, t OR1 J 6 19 7 14. t IS 6 0: 6 62 6 22, 7 04 C 14 4 82 i , t SC. 6 16; 4 HO 4 4-' 4 37! 4 81 4 34 4 k: 4 36, 4 XI, 4 31 3 Ot 3 4 3 M 3 8 hf 8 5S 3 M 3 67 Tndlcs'es Sunday Th offloial number of cr of brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. v.. jn. m Bl. r Wabash Missouri Pacific ... Vnion Pacific 1 steer 1 -eer 1 steer 1 st t st 6 steers . r steers . S feeders 1 ff-eder 1 cow . . 1 steer.. . 1 steer ... 1 S'eer .. 1 sneer.. 1 steer . I S'eer . 1 steer . . 1 steer . 1 steer.... 1 steer.... 1 steer.. , 1 steer.... 1 freer.... 1 steer.. 1 steer... steer ... 1 sreer.. . . 1 StOft"... . 1 steer.. . . 8 cows . . P12 cows 12F steers 43 cows .. . .ltr-to . 1"70 ..1T70 .ITS . .l.'l .. 01 KSl. .100 . ro 1.1W0 irrs. IM' .1"HP .1440 .100 ima. Ifto pvtrt 19f .11. ISO i::s .no ,ifo 02T1 irn tn-.r. .U70 3 SS 3 K 3 4p 3 46 3 3 46 r i 3 j 2 x 10 3 !iK 1 .eer . . 1 ST eer Steet... 1 Steel... 1 steer... 2 steers,. 1 steer. . 1 teed. I 1 roa ... 1 steer. . 1 Steer., 1 te-r... 1 Steer... 1 S'eer... 1 ste-".. . 1 Seer... 1 ster... 1 steer. . 1 stee'.. 1 steer... 1 steer... 1 steer ... 1 s'eer ... 1 S'ee-. 1 steer... 1 s'ee... 1 StfCT... lido 3 ST. U J 4o .1.T4. 8 . 3 OP 3 or OOLaOR-APO. . N"J " ar. ft.WS Ka1 2 ST 2f. s:ers. .l!fC 8 "f 141 Steors SOT'TH DAKOTA. .1066 : P0 C Shew-Wyo . l.Tf. . 11"' . 11.". . ,l;:;o .. m ..1170 . 1110 ..1.41. . 10 . .1)70 . .1070 IS"" lfffl ..iro . .1H" . .1001. ..1170 . .17"-o . 14T . Il1 . ,lt7l. . I4H0 . .1370 .1261 ..1173 4i'. 3 2 . 3 36 s r 2 St. 4 Itifltar steers. 1 7n-r4 00. rears and betfr-s. t. tof,l Ui H "OF Receipts .6" hesd' mnrket Ws Ir-wer jugs strt lifcf.; fitotii pa-kers. 7ih i fH . biitrh.'rr and be .vj. K"n to FHEEP AM' LAMi'.K- R-c. tp:s 4 -"4i head. Si, "& ss 00 10 10 10 10 10 10 3 10 8 10 3 10 3 10 3 10 J 10 8 10 3 10 8 10 3 10 3 00 8 o ; o ? 26 mM"-se; s'f-tcv ifttt mtitirins S3 40 limht t.V.S rolls rid bti'k. , jln. ", siis aers, a- if u.j. irksns U4 l' I CHK AGO 1.IYK 1WK MARKET 4 st"ers 18 steers 1 ste-r. 1 rw Mt Kenr-e Wv 3 feelers 91 ,in no 8 w 8 40 8 20 3 40 8 20 4 Steer , . UK 8 20 6 S1eer. ...1"40 8 40 1 steer lZXt I ?0 1 steer ...1140 S 40 MrKensi" A 21 feeders TVS 3 20 MrKensle Cattl- t'o y 21 feeders 11W 3 60 S feeders .1214 t feeder. .11 8 pi Ross Bros Wyo. S feeder. . 12ue It . 1 leeder. . .1140 3 00 VN W. Sewell v ys. Si" steers. .1113 106 scows 11J0 3 UO I ct'tf 1 4i. ; no C Andrews luaho . aH2 Slo I I.ftjrm. .loft' . HKi' S lib 4 feeairs.. MS: 3 16 1 ste-r li Harinan S I Catle a ail Hnss I ewer. Sfceea i4( I.asBks M-sdj. CHI.'AtjO. flrt 1! TATTLE-Reeelpts. 14.iiia. hefiri. Inrltidltig ne. a etrrns market lor lt'S,ei : sd te p-lm steers. S.i Tturito ; txinr to ni"dltim. . imii. .0. . stockrr snd feertt-s sit"n4i". cws S: f" Hi 4 hi h'ifers, t : rjMrti . rnm-e-e Jnp'ioo. bulls, tl 7pir 4 ;r..tilies Se.fli'f 7 ; Tcxhs fd steers S4 ((;:. So. ftrflit rti steers. I" ,rvii4 hi. H. t';s- Rec tpts. lto 0.0 bvsrt market lnI Ji lower; mixed nd bnuhe-n fj.Wfll 80; god to t bnlfft hevr. f r. 7t 6 J. . rough hc-y. C, Z-Vm. Ilghi. S stii Oi': bulk of SB Irs. t: n(..l. SHEEP ANT LA MPS-Receipt. S.'..0O0 hestl: rrsrket stend ; pood to choice weth ers. S3.nt64 fnlr in choline mixed S." iH Cot. western shwp. S-".Wi'ti4 In: nnttve lambs, H (Iti.f, aestern lnmbs. 34 2iW(7 47i. 2s feeder 40 feeders 41 leeders... 10112 L, 1 feeder... 1110 1 feeder. . .1.8 ' 3 feeders. .13 6 feeders.. 11 44 1 feeder... S70 ii feeders. .1011 3 teed'-rs. li6 8 feeders . sot. 3 fceoers : p 2 76 2 76 3 So 3 60 3 i0 3 4 3 H 3 20 8 20 3 20 3 2" 8 46 3 Id O.. N. W... E. & M St P. kt A A M Ry B. Q C. & St. J R. 1 P.. east. K I P.. . 1 7 1 .6 1 . ffl 27 64 S 8 8 . 8 ir, IS 2 .03 13 14 3 4 .8 1 . 1 8 .6 1 . 1 277 S 72 21 Illinois Central Total receipts j ne Disposition or the day receipts wa as follows, each buyer purchasing the num- vri 01 iwfto indicated 8 60 6 feeders .1121 3 so 6 fetmrr 12M S 40 6 feeue . .1211 8 40 6 feder. .1: 1 8 2o 1 iseder. .. tO" 3 20 6 fe d-rn . 01 3 30 4 fe0"rs . 06.' 3 in 4 feeders.. ft ORO 8 20 IS feeder.. 11 I h. Fowler Neh. 1 27 feeders. .10K1 41. 32 feeders. .10W 8 feeders.. Otm 2 60 m freders.. 0S 1 cow k'O 2 16 3. F. Craig S. P. 18 steers. ...1104 8 06 3 s:eers....ll50 3 06 1 sieer 1-40 8 06 John Clng & Co. S. D ..lla. 8 A 1 atM... H W. Lfoomis Wyo. 1U37 3 26 ICt feeders J B Ketdrivk 87 steers. ...1174 8 36 6 steers.. .130r S S3 24 ( owe . . . . K40 J 110 1 bull ... l. Thomas Colo. 1 bu'a iiiv S 1 cow S cows sii 2 00 cow... 10 CO' 1000 Si W. Rr&ndels Colo. 35 feeders., fern 8 So 4 feeders.. 80 8 teer. ...lio Jim 8 cows BnS 114 steers rto k ' 34 feeders H r 2 sneers. . 1 CO w . . .1110 8 20 Receipts of live stork lit the six principal . western cities jesterduy were: 1016 3 IS Cattle. Hogs Sheen. Pnuth Omohn f. 0110 ft .rum 20.000 ..1018 J ST. Sioux Cltv 1.2"o 2.200 ,. !H 3 00 Kansss City 2T. ooo 10.0110 10.SOO .1310 2 16 Pt. Louis 6.000 S.IVIO 4 0t1 St. Joseph I.W18 04 t.00 .. 700 1 60 Chicspn 14.oi. H.bisi K..0O0 .. Wn 1 Ho Total 64.KS8 60.SK4 72.680 Mrs. C. Brankamu Colo. 7 cows 10J8 2 70 1 feeder... 800 1 cow K10 2 25 61 feeder . 1H16 7 steer.. ..1374 800 2 steers. ...loon Tester Bros. Neb. ! 76 2 86 8 20 8 20 3 00 Cattle. Hog Sheep, 7tC 60.1 tJ-ti 1.3T.7 3.007 1.1K8 2.00S 140 17 l.tHZ 617 as; 150 lHni 16J 8H.I 104 131 20 192 222 151 216 273 177 13o 1"6 103 1 .... 14.23 6.6' 6.797 19 8 If) OMA.HA TH HOI .iOr A1.B SSABKET Caaditlaa ( TTravde aad 4aatstiaBS aa Vtapla sad Faary rrsOaee. EQGS Receipt moflerat. candled stock. LIVE POn.i'RT-Hens, 68e; roosters. 6c; turkeys, lo. 12c: ducks, tiisc, geese, sc: spring chickent., 9c BL'TTER p ticking stock. 12c; choice to fancy dairy, lbglw, separator, 16c. FRESH FIEfa-Trout. 10;; pickerel. Sc; f ike, 10c; perch, 7c; bluefish, 12c; whitefish, uc; salmon 14c: redsnapper. 11c; lobster, green. 20c: mbster. boiled. 30c; bullheads, Uc; catfish, 14c, black bass. 20c; halibut 10c; croppies, 12c, roe ebad. C; buffalo. 7c; white bass. Uc; frog legs, par dux., 2c. BRAN Per ton, Si6. HAT Prloee quoted ry Omaha Wholesale rrler' asaocia-on: Choice No. 1 upland. ST.. 60; No. 2. Sfi.oo; medium. Sfi.60; coarse. 86.88. Ry straw, St 00. These prices are tor hay of good lOlor and quality. OTPTERS New York counts, rr can, 46c; extra selects, per can. S7c standards eer can, 32c: bulk standard, per gal 81.86; ulk extra selects, per gsl.. tl.76; bulk New York counts, per gal.. S2 AO. TROPICAL. FRUITS. ORANGES Mexican, size lot, 176, 800, 216. 2n0. S4 IXI. LEMONS California fanny, 270, SO and atu, S4.5S; choice, S3.7iS4.00. UATES Per box ol SO-lb. pkgs.. 12.80; Hallowl in 70-lb. box., per lb., be. FIQS Callfomlk. per JO-lb. carton. 76fl 85c; imported Smyrna. S-crown, 12c; 6-cm wn, 14c; 7-crown, 10c: fancy Imported, washed. In 1-lh. pkg . lC51c. Caliturnia, per case of K pkg.. 82.26. B A-N ANAS Per medium gised bunch. J2 0ifr2 .60; Jumbo. S2.76iSB.S0. FLORIDA PINEAPPLES 34 and SO six. per crtte. S3 7 FRCTT8. APPLES Home-g-rown Jonathan, per bhl.. IS. 00; Ben Da via. 32.26; New Tork Pound Sweets. S3 00, New York King. 83.00; New York Pippins, J2.7E; New York Greenings. Si. 61. PEACHES Colorado, par box. Sac; L'tak. per box. Hue. PLUME I tab and Colorado plums snd .intnes. 76y"nc PEARS Utah. Colnrade snd California fall varieties, per box. Sl.t04T2.0u. CAN'TELOL'PE (Genuine toiarado Rocky Ford. ier crate. Rut. CELERY Per dox . SllfOti. GRAPES Ilome-s-row n. or 6 te -th basket. 17c; California Tokay, per case. Si.6iSl.o: New York snd Ohia, per -lb. basket. 30c. rHAKFF,l:T!l-'i'--Cen Cod, iier bbl.. 86. 2t: ner box. 82.26 OLlN'JEIs I'Htnornia per nor, 83 SO. VWETAWLIM. POTATOES New home-grown. In sscks per bu.. 40c NAVY BEANS Per bu., S1.761J0. ONIONS Home-gri Kit 111 sank, per bu., 16c: Spanish, per crat V-m. TOMA'I'OFJS Wome-ifrl,n per market basket. 33&. . CABBAGE Home-grew. Per 10 lbs Sc. WAX BEANS Per market baslmt, 60c SWEPT pOTTOF HcTie-erown per pu. basket, 7IH-; 'Virginia, per odi . 12. as GREEN Ph.Pl t-i.a j'tr iiusiiei oasket. SOc POT', SH T4eie-rrnwn. per dox , Ae. BOO PLANT Home-grown, par dua., 74c. AllStiUIU.VNk,U. b. HONEY I tah and Colorado, par case of 34 frames. (3 Ob CHEESE Wisconsin twina fun cream, lie; Wisconsin Vourig America lo; block Pwlss.. new. 15c; aid. lfrjpilr: Wlseonsis brick 12 ; Wisconsin limnergar. Ue. Nl'TS Walnuta. No. 1 sof shell, per lb , 16c; hard shell, per lb.. Uc; No. I aoft ibaU, per Id., lac; Nu. t harasiian. pel iu.. i-c; pecans, large, per It., 1 , Btn&. per lb., luc, paaaul, per !b 7c; roasted -entita, per lb., be; Chill walnut, per 1-., 14? lSiac; almond, soft shell, per lb., lie; hard shell. l"c HIDES No. 1 creen. 7c: No. f green, r; No. 1 salted, c; No. 2 saliel. 7c; Ne. 1 veal calf Sc; No t veai calf. 7c: dry sailed, Iwpl&c: sheep pelts. SUtftl.UO; boras tildra. Si.aotOO. rasttsxi Slarkat. KIW TORK. Oct. 11 COTTON-Market ouiei; middling uplands. lO.Eac; middling gulf. lO.toc: sales, id bales. NEW ORLEANS. Oct 11 COTTON Msrket steady: sales. I.S00 hales: ordi nary. 7 11-lor; good ordinary, kr; low mid dling. BSc; middling. 10 S 14c; good mid dling. 10c; middling fair. 10c; receipts, 21.4(16 bales; nock. ISO.kai bales. ST LOl'lS 0t. II COTTON Msrket atrady, r higher; middling, 10r; ne saiea, reoelpta or shipment, stock, SSs bales LIVERPCKiL. Oct 11 --OTTON-Market for attot active with price t points lower; American middling fair, a lad: good mid dling. 6 Kid; nalddling. Stkd. low middling. S4ud, good ordinary . 616d: ordinary. 4 iMd The sales of the day were l.0u hales, of which S were frtt apeeulstina and sxport and Included f.kS' bales American. he eelpta. To.yu bales. Including M,iub Ameri ca a. Buyers. Omaha Packing Co. Sa'lft snd C'ompanv Cudahy I'acking Co Armour at Co Armour AV Co.. Boo Cltv Vsnsant Co Carey A Benton Lobmaji at Co Mc.Creary Cia:k W. 1. Stephen HIM A Huntsinger Huston A Co Livingston A Root Hamilton At Rothschild L. F. Husx Cudahy Bros. A Co Wolf & Murnan Bulla Mike Haggrrty Parker at W Brltton Other buyer Tot 1 ' tA J J LjEi Receipt of eetf.e this morning were s trifle heavier than yesierdav. but still for the time of year they were not what would he called excessive. from other points, however, were very un favorable to the selling interests. Chicago being quoted steady to 10c lower, and at Kansas City, where there were m.M bend, the market was weak to lac lower. Owing to the downward yetd of price st other points packers were inclined to be a little bearish on some kind here, but still they were unable to effect much change. Cornfed steers were In as good demnnd bm ever and the market could be quoted active and fully steady. Some of the sum cattle that sold for St,. 86 yesterday brought the same price today. Other onertngs aisu sold at what looked to be good, steady prices. The market on western range beef steers, though, was rather slow, with the feeling weak In view of the decline at other point packers thought they ought to pet their supplies for less monev, and. on the other hand, salesmen did not think ihere were enough cattle on sale lo Justlfv a decline in prices. As a result the market wa slow, with prices a trifle lower. xrep In the case of something very Jrsira'jle. The quality of the offering as a whole m rather inferior. The cow market did not show a great dial of change There were something over fifty car on sale, and the demand heemed to tie about equul to th" supply. If try thing, common kind were a llttie weaker, while the good to choice grades wore strong, and, in fact, some sales were un doubtedly bffUie higher. As high as 38 was paid today, which looked like a good, strong price. Trading was fairly active, particularly early In the morning, und 'he bulk of the offerings was disposed of in good season. The demand for stockers and feeders this morning was not very brink, and as a re sult the market woe slow , except on cattle of good quality and weight, which sold at just sbout steady price. The less desir able grades were slow, with the tendency of prices downward rather than othermlee. Representative sales- 36 cows 073 It no 17 cow. . 2 cows.. S cows.. 3 cows.. 1 cow... 1 cow... 2 cows. . 1 row... 1 row... 1 sieer.. 1 steer.. 1 hull... 3 cow.. O. Johnson Wyo. 1 feeder., 16 feeder 3 heifers. II feeder 3 cow... 1 cow 1 cow. .. 042 ..1016 S. .. knti .. Sit . . hi Hi ..HHW ..lino . . HHO . .1270 .. 010 .. 920 . . Oil' .. 73 W. H . .1340 . K48 . 7bo J B. .1174 . 970 .1060 sf. 1 cow. 2 80 P. Shaw Colo. ,.1040 2 SO 6 cows lo feeders. 1 cow 1 cow 6 cows 1 kt 1 bu;: 13K0 1 2 10 1 bull 121Hi 2 1 a" 4STeeders.. 712 2 26 1 cow 1180 2 30 6 cows liiio 2 40 cow 1110 8 00 4 cow 1040 2 o 1 feeder... 1000 2 6 6 feeders.. 3 040 2 10 1 cow luou 1 60 . Rutterford Colo. 1 00 1 steer 850 8 16 4 steer.... tMO 2 26 Hansacker Neb 3 3o 1 feeder... 1160 2 60 2 cows OHO 2 IV 1 cow 1U0 lloo i 90 C. O. Webster Neb. 30 00 2 90 2 28 2 si. 2 76 2 2 90 8 00 2 16 2 36 2 & 3 00 2 66 2 30 93U . M9 1060 .1210 .1032 2 40 3 30 1 96 2 6 2 66 1 feeder... lCfiO 11 feeders.. K13 6 cow 9M 6 cow 102 3 36 8 30 2 00 2 66 8 W. Sherman. Colo. 8 40 2 40 o leeacrs.. 800 2 leeoers. .Uau a COWS lixj 2 so 4 COWS al 1 96 Z. Ooodley, Wyo. a 41, 19 leeoers. .101X1 Storey, vt yo. 1 en il cok'I 802 H. Malloy, Colo. i ku cows 886 8 26 U as 3 oil 2 00 3 40 1 40 8 26 t feeder.. 1067 to leeuers. . siw t c;iwt Hue i cuws loin 1 cow km Mr. 1 feeder... um' E 29 COWB 04U E. 47 cows k,9 hi.j( htn huuerea s tun iiiiuiti ue cluie at uii polni mis morning, ine mar ket here wt just snout ti'uatc tower, or generally 7c loser J radii.- was siow all uay, a salesmen did noi use tne idea ol taking on mat mucn, but as theic were no pruspt-cts ot an improvement tne bogs kept moving toward the scales, so tnat by noon there was very little iert in nrst hanuit. 'i he range ot price was very narrow, i'ie bum of ine brigs going at So 46, wttn some of the commoner one at Sii .42. The mure oefiirabie loans sulu largeo at Sb.4,1 And Ia.ixj, with a top at ii.ii2 Jhls oecnne carries puces to tne lowest point rescued since bepiembor Kaaaa City l.lve Sleek Market. K.ANPAS CITY. 0"t 11 C A TTLE Re ceipts 26,0110 bead. Int hidlng oo southerns. Mi riiet stenrrv to luc lewet Choice export and dressed beef steers SB (4i 00 : fstr to good 3 TtwiiSO.; western feri steers 88 7fctJ S"; slorkers and feeders 82.2.Vfri 15; southern steers 32 stajio southern cow H t2 7o; native heifers S2 S"4W.. bulls SI 71,8. 2i HOOF Receipts ) i' bend mnrket ofl'ioe lo er Top price 35 70. bulk of sales Sfi-SfltJ 6 6T heavy SS . .; puckers ST. kKtrft Sii. pigs Stir" bar his fi 0-6 E6. FHLEP ANI I AMPS Receipts 10.SO0 bestl mnrket stsrtv and active Nsttve Imiibs 84 .4f native wethers 83.2Mr8 SO; native ea-e 37! OOS.SO. weslerrt Inmhs S.0lrf 6 26; western yesrllnr So7iifi8lt,: a-estern sheep SS 6'1'S 77, . stnrkers snd feeders 32 lotT ,". M Vtah li.mb 71 pounds. 36.10. 1 tah lnmb 61 pounds. 4 10 Ft. Josepk l.lve jfttrk market. FT JOPFTPH Cxt 11 '"ATTLE Re ceipts I.KS hend msrket steadv to Ine higher Ntlve S.1 "fviifi 2i; cows end heifers U.Mlr4 86: stockers snd feeders 32 69Q.86 HOTF ReeetT.tft 6 n4 hesd. msrket 10e lower Ltcht Sn.fotm.7T.; medium and hegvy S5 n"iwifi 66. FHiTEP ANP LAMBS Receipts I.S60 head, market strong to loc higher. Lamb S6.26. Stock la Slarbt. Metal Market. NEW TORK. Oct. 11. METALS London cabled a decline on tin with spot closltg st 126 17s d and futures at A12S 7s od. Locally the mnrket was easy slirhtlv lower again with epot held at r.0la 28.86. Copper wus higher In London, clusmg et 59 Ills 9d for spot and ilof 10s 3d for futures. Ixicallv copper was fl-m. Lske is quoted 18 ooft'18 12: eleotrolytlr. S12.K7 and casting. Si: 7Mil2.K7. Lend wss a llttie hirher In London, closing 12 2s Rfl and was steady but tinrhsnred In the local market, where ft is quoted 84 infoa-So. Spel ter was firm and a little higher at ST lo-a 6.20 In the locnl market and at 22 15 In London. Iron dosed 60s Rd in Glescow and at 43s 7d in Mlddlesboro. Locally Iron was unchanged No 1 foundry northern, i quoted 314 2514 76; No. 2 foundry, north ern S14 00014.60; No. 1 foundry. niirhm, snd No. 1 foundry, southern, soft, at S13.75 tfltS. Iry Goods Market. yw TORK. Oct. 11 PRY OOOTtS The mt .et shows signs of improvement and although buyers are not inclined to order for future wants, the repeated assertions of commission agent regarding the de pletion of stock the curtfiilment of pro duction snd the effect of these factors upon th market ere beginning to have their weight with the buying trade. REAL, ESTATE TRAsfcFERS. sentatlve sales: Ke. A. T Ma Pr S tt 1 SO lk 111 t H at 1 IS II 1171 4 K t Ill 1 to 1 UN 4 71 4 ff 8 a 61 1211 t U 1 11 4 M Hi 1M S It COWB. - 1 rt 1 sn 1 tart, 1 K S w is 3 loon 1 4 i !U 1 inn t at 1 i 1 it 4 mi 1 imi 1 1 iso 1 m 5 07 t c HEIFERS. 4 id 1 It 1 (Ill e 10 Ill I ( 7 am 1 10 BULLS. 1 MS 1 10 S I4M 1 11 1 1M0 I 10 1 11. 1 21 1 1M0 1 10 1 Ut Itt 1 1400 1 If. CALVES. 1 em 1 mi STOCK ER8 1 40 1 10 rri t n 1 re 1 n 1 M7 I 40 NEBRASKA AND 1 . 11 . 11.. FEEDERS. in 704 1 71 : m 1 w 5 feeders. .lOSfi 84. feeders., fs 13 heifers.. 4H2 1 heifer..". 300 14 feeders . 1000 6 feeders.. UK 16 calves... 872 16 mtxed... 370 1 steer 700 1 bull 1100 t feeders. . 774 22 feeders . 1022 1 cow o 14 cows 8X2 S cows 9.13 42 man 7t 84 steers.... 816 26 heifers . 374 1 COW UnO SI coa-s !2 27 feeders. .ln 1 cow KiO I BOW SO0 1 row 110 22 heifer.. 846 19 oows ( cows ... 4 calves. . 2 feeders 4 steers. .. 1 cow fifi steers. SI steers. I cows. . 30 steers. t steers. 13 steers. 36 cows . 6 feeders. t oows . . 2 calves . S feeders. 17 oows... 11 oows 4 better. t calves. . S7fl . 830 . 862 . 73t .1347 ...1000 ...1011 987 ."'.100 ...ion ...uao ...1160 ... 871 . . r 807 . , so. . 4I 34 2 70 8 66 2 20 1 60 71 2 86 8 40 t 76 ? 26 2 76 1 SO S 30 2 SO 3 40 2 40 1 or, t 40 1 HA 2 26 t as 3 40 t 60 I 76 1 7S 2 70 t Sii 2 40 4 00 8 Ml s 3 TO 8 B 5 Sf. 3 S t 76 3 40 3 so 3 so 3 . 3 SO S M fl t 3 o so t feeders.. 7IB 1 feeder 1 heifer. 1 feeder., 1 feeder. , 7 feeders. I calves. . 1 heifer. , i heifers. 1 cow 22 feeders. 7 cow 1 cow 8 cow. KB) . 7S0 . 640 . 630 .1211 . 400 . 9X0 . UNO .1060 . 728 . 917 . S40 890 IS oow l(T7 46 heifer. 1 bull IS steers... 7 cows 1 cow 82 feeders. 1 now 4 cows 28 steers... 4 heifers. 1 bull 8 carves. . IS feeders. 6o9 , Ml . sol 18J0 .li9i . Rnn 1156 , 807 , 4u' .13M. 140 t mixed... 976 Z8 steers 2 steer. 13 steers.. t steers. 4 oows . . . 39 steers. 43 steers. 3 ooa-s . . . ! cow. . . . 4 oows. . . 9 calves t calve 3 calve. ralve. heifer 6 heifer row. .. ...1040 ... A3 .lit ...1110 ...Hat) 1 steer.. t (tear, t steers. 1 cow .. 1 steer.. 1 sieer.. 1 steer. t heifers., fx U Steer .. .110 1 steer 1180 I steers.... U30 WYOMING. .12U1 ..1140 ..1001 .!l"!0 ..1271 .. TSs .. 94. ..1070 ..vtm .. 12 .. 4ni . . 4o .. 41K .. 49ft .. 013 .. 90 MI 8 S 06 8 St 3 6t 8 St S so 8 SX 3 10 S 6ft 3 66 1U 3 steers... 3 steers... 1 steer... S steers. . . 1 steer.... I heifers. S sieer... 14 steers... I sieer... 1 steer ... 1 Steer... . .1160 14S0 .1113 .11. . NN6 .lfHO .12 .HMO l'JOO .1060 1 T 2 60 2 00 2 30 2 76 2 2 8 2 76 8 on 2 60 5 40 2 10 2 so 2 10 8 06 2 30 2 10 2 20 2 K 8 CO 3 46 2 16 2 20 8 2ft 3 26 on 6 36 8 2L 3 06 !f 1st s r, 3 33 8 00 2 3 So 3 40 1 to 3 26 t 811 S 36 8 so S OH S 71 t VI 8 2 SO 3 a 8 M S M 8 66 S so 8 fi 8 St. s sr 8 M S U I u Kt II.. II.. M . !.. Vi.. 41.. 48.. 1. . 7. . U.. "111.. .. T7.. 77. . 78.. ftC. . ... Ut . . 60. . U . DO. . ... 44. . II.. tl.. 74.. 77.. If... 44 AV. ..Ill .. n ..11 ..n ..2ni . las . ,X"4 . .161 ..e ..111 . .Ml ..1X2 ..UK ..101 ..161 ..SM ..14 ..14U ..1WI . Ui ..iu ..Mil .-US ..Ii .171 .11 an. Pr 6 AV t en 1 4 1 4.1 1 411 1 42 t 42 -a I 42 I 4 41 1 41 I 4i I 41 1 46 I 4i I 41 I 41 i 41 t 41 1 41 I 41 I 46 I 4ft I 46 I 41. 1 I 41 1 46 1 41 ( 41 I 4F. 1 46 Ne. 64 . 76 . !.. II. . 12.. 41... n.., is. . 12... 74... 44. . 1.. Tt... Tt,.. 1.. 70... 14... III. .. ... IS. ., 1... 11... 1. 71.. n.. n.. Kt. At. . .loll ..U . . Ml ..177 . .281 ..m . ..Ml ..Ml ..2M ..261 ..'Ml . .144 ..142 ..178 .14 . .M4 ..til ..114 . .144 ..Bl ..HI ..III ..1M ..111 . .1W ..111 . .1M . .Ill . .Y . .HI Kepre- Pr. 1 46 1 4a I 46 I 41 1 46 1 46 1 4c. 1 43 6 47 1 47 I 47 6 47 1 47 1 47 1 47 47 t 47 I 47 47 1 47 1 47 1 47 I Mi I M I 10 I K. I M 1 10 1 to I 6 1 U U EHEEP AND LAMBS There wss not as heavy a run of sheep here today as ar rived yesterday and with s good demand from All souroe the market ruled active snd fully steady or. all desirable grades. Packers were out In good season and any thing t s-11 good soon began to mot's toward the cale. The price paid oould be quoted strong snd in some esses they looked a little higher. Thl wa true of both sheep snd lambs The quality of the offerings was not very good or in other word the big end of the receipts con sisted af feeders. There were no strictly choice lambs on sale with which to make a good top to the market. The feeder market wa a little slow In opening, but after the trsde wa under way the desirable grsde showed but little change from yesterday. Some of the com moner kinda may have been nut only slow, but s trifle weak. j notation for grass sheep and lsmb: Good lo choice yearlings. S?. fi!xWi.Si, ; fair ta good yearlings S3 4ocf 40: good to rhoics wethers. S3 3WS.60; fair to good wethers. Kt Ootaa.26; good to choice ewes. S3.WK3.SO; fair to good ewes, 82 764! 8 00: good to choice lambs. 4.6ii4.So; fair to stood lambs. li.Xva 4.60. feeder yearlings. Sii.aOti2.N6: feeder wether. 83.2FVS'8 60; feeder ewes. S2.nora26o: feeaer Is mi, fci 26434.40: breed Ing 63.25. Representative sales: No. 2I6 Wyoming lambs 146 Wyoming ewes ewe . feeder feeder leeder S3.0S feeder feeder feeder feeder pa Wyoming ISO Wyoming 149 Wyoming 138 Wyoming 179 Wyoming 219 Wyoming 17 Wyoming 212 Wyoming la Wyoming 11 Wyomlnat Iftw wvrmtlTif wethers 1 11 Wyoming wether 11 v yomlng wethers lA' Wyoming wet hers 115 Wyoming wether , 6?' Wyoming wethers " Wyoming wethers 13h 1'tab feeder Iamb 43 I'tah feeder lambs 394 Ctah lamia 67 I'tah lambs wether wether.... wethers feeder wet bera . . . , feeder wether.... wether. . ., wether. . . . wether. . ., wethers Ar. Pr. 47 3 6b 101 3 26 102 8 36 94 3 60 96 8 60 86 3 60 94 3 60 9u 3 50 94 S 60 94 60 93 8 60 K 3 SO 94 3 SO 90 8 a" 96 3 40 94 8 40 k 8 97 S 40 SO S 40 69 4 16 42 4 16 4 at. 70 4 si. Deeds filed for record October 11 a fur nished by the M.dUnd Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abutracter, ltu4 Farnam stieei, for The Bee: H. M. Christie to E Johnston, lots 1 to 17 (except 6 and 7), b.oca 1 and lots 4 and a, block 9. Kprlng Lake park , 1 Same to same, part lot A. hlork 6, lot add. to South Omaha 1,000 Bherlff to Omuha National bank, und. of strip adj. lot 0. block Isk, city.. 135 G. F. Peuer and wife to W. F. A. Bauer, lots U and 44. block I. Lake view vwv 11)0 H. S. Emot-v and wife to J. Davis part lots 9 and 9. block 2. A. S. Pat- rick s add L MBrv ir.ieiif- to J. Friberg. part wu sw sec. lfi-li-123 840 F. C. tiastlnts and wife to W. R. Gooch. part lots S and 7, block 22. foovd s add 400 P. S. McGuire and Wife to F. J. Fitz gerald, lot 6. block 10. Jerome park, and other lttnd 1 W. Novak to J. V. Novak, lot I. bhrck 6, Hrown park oo L. Richards and wife to G. A. Bau men, lot 4. block 4, Credit Fonci.-r... 2.6e0 South Omaha Lund Co. to Catharine Burk, lot 17. block 6. Spring Luke park 25' Same to H. M. Chr.stle. lots 1 to 17 (except I and 7i. block k. and lots 4 and 6. block . Lake park .... 1 G. W. Summer to Mathilda Ryan, part c. sw. sw sec. 29-liVlS SIC Mutual Life and .Building aseocisiinn to L. D. Spauldtng. part lot 1. bltick 1. Brighton 105 R. R. Maimers to H. M. Christie, part lot 6. block . First add. to Bouts Omaha 1.000 A. Krukowsky and wife to J". Krakow- skv, jiart ttt SU. Burr Oak .f Ut Cassle J. Ji aitson to H. L Helfriel, lot 7, block 6, Drake's add 2.6(10 W. W. V eeklv and wife -to county of Douglas, part lot 6. Weekly's add. to Valley 1 E. 3. Neville and wife to J. Nr-vllle. lot 22. block L Millard Place S.OOO MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA iduards Uo 0 d (IBJCOBKBATkDt maisj orncc rvth and Robert Stx, ST. PAUL. MINN. DCA1XM N Stocks Grain, Provisions Beafht and sold inr cash er carried .at foaoaahaa ssargsas, apus which than will kaacaarswal Ham graiu. It on stacks VVritt Sur aur xtanat astaat. COBBIUIOI BEKsilTI II Cat 18TI ip Your Grain To Us Bbbt FAClurraa. PaoatlT KaTtTaaa. LiSBBAl, AVTSMcaa. OULUTH " WINNIPEG Sarawak OSBea. 2141-X1X Bsarl sf Trade. Pbaaa S0S4. 41MAMA. WCbV, tHaaa Clfg stark Market. BlOl'X CITT. Oct n (Hjieclal Telegram ) CATTLE Receipt. 1.200 head; market steady; stockers. active; beeves Si.IaVJii 76. cows, hulls snd mtxed. SIotaflSH., stot-ker snd feeders, t .761.70; ralve and yearllrir. t ni a. HCWifc Receipu !.00 bead; market 10c lower; selling. St. &,.. bulk. 3Loi.4t. The Merchants National Bank of Omihs, Nt. 0. S- asilars Capital aad Surplus. JMKI.000 PIAKC aUKsv. Pnta. UntOi StuKL Caaklsr. FlASA T. S4MILT01. Aut Cass War. stloii,. sm an! isaiviauaa es Utvurftba Is s0 laaaisn Bxrkasaa keugM as4 aolO. Uitan ft4 oiiit mii-4, aTsiiabl Ban, ef ta werlii InterM ei e Ttftaa CeMlSesta Sf fiesaek C4liaiaaa saAft ratmanlr as aassaaiamilg. Saajaal aaiTaftiim. uauc. St. lasli SJye liark Market. UT. UiriS Oct. 11 TATTLE-Receipt. Ik) hssd. Including 2AU0 Triant; market steady: native slapping and export steers. S4 IkVui. 26, dresaed beef and huu ber sieer. Sa'uKiL.sf.: slot kers snd feeder. S2.K'n4 00; oows and heifers. Si A"94 X , rannera. SlJtj 2.26, bulls, 00, calves. J.k.uO, lex a GEO. A. IDAUSJltBAIM CO. CHAIN BUYERS SHIPPERS Member. Chicago. Otnahk, KanaaA Cltf nd fci Louis Eacbatigaa Transact tun for future dellrsrjr gdsas casetai attention. SUa Beard I rads sUaat. Tat, kOOC