TITE OMAnA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 12, imr. NEW BOOKS AND MAGAZINES The Designer for November Present! Ad rance Styles for Winter. DELINEATOR SUGGESTIVE AND INTERESTING Malntala Equally Hlh Staadard la Flctloa and General Literature It Iees ' In Fa hi on Cratary Compaay's Fall Books, The Designer for November present! ad vance styles for winter, In which effective ness, practicability and simplicity are com bined to produce thoroughly up-to-date garments for adults and little folks. Those who have a wlntef wedding In prospect will appreciate "For the Holiday Bride," offering bridal toilettes, golng-away gown, traveling coat, arnJ costume for the attend ants at the ceremony; "CattTlng for the Home "Wedding," giving a dainty and In expensive menu and telling how to pre pare It, and "Ktlquette Hints," Illustrating the latest In wedding invitations. "Points on Dressmaking" follows In line with sug gestions for' the arrangement of the veil. wreath and other accessories regarding which the prospective bride Is usually un certain, and "Her Crown of Glory" pre sents hair dressing sufficiently . varied to luit any face. Women who contemplate making Christmas gifts for their friends will find In the Designer a fund of, fancy work Information. There are crocheted hood, sack, bootees and Afghan for the babies; handsome collars and other deco rations In the new and quickly made "Princess Louise" lace, and "Uncle Sum" match scratchcr, Indian papoose holder for hat brush, photograph frames, needle-book and handkerchief case, and numerous other and useful pretty articles whose intricacies of construction are made perfectly clear. In entertainments are offered a novel drill, "The Red Man's Thanksgiving," calling for picturesque costuming which may be easily made at home; "A Thanksgiving Cornu copia Party" and "An Archaeological Party," all new and Interesting. Ida Innes contributes a pretty love story, "In the World of Today," and W. Livingston Lamed a droll tale for the tots, "A Trans ferred Thanksgiving." "China of the White House," by J. L. Harbour, pictures the many quaint porcelain relics which have been discovered In odd hiding-places in the historic mansion. Those who visited the St. Louis exhibition and partook of the queer yet palatable dainties there offered will be glad to renew their acquaintance with some of them through the agency of "Foreign Cookery at the World's Fair," by Sarah Wlndle Landes, and everyone who enjoys pineapples, grape fruit, dates and other luscious things from far-off lands will be interested to see their growth il lustrated In "The Kindly Fruits of the Earth." The three departments edited by the readers of the Designer: "What Women Are Doing," "The Mothers' Club" and "Helps Along the Way" are far from being the least interesting part of the magazine, and give to it a pleasant per sonal element. Httd. auarltrs for Rubbers and Ovtrshots 7 Kfffl WM Lkt Head- quarters n.e lor Rubbers and Ovtrshots SfiBHS TODAY -SPECIAL SALE TABLE LINENS Wednesday will be Linen Day at Brandeis- To male this day one of unusual bargain import' ance we have priced high-class Linens at figures that will appeal to every housekeeper. These are most unusual offerings. Mill'ends of 50c quality fine mer cerized bleached table damask, thousands ft yards on bargain square at, yard 25c heavy Scotch cream table damask, a yard 69c full bleached 2 yd. wide Irish tCl table damask, a yard aC 3. 50 all linen bleached 8-4 table cloths for f 1 C each J $6 all linen 10-4 bleached hemstitched table cloths and one-half dozen cap- j ill 25c 15c 85c all linen silver bleached table damask, a $1.00 all linen embossed round thread silver bleach- M Q ed table damask, 70 Inches 1 ft f wide, a yard MJ f 1. 50 foil bleached all pure linen soft finieh table damask, a yd. Hundreds of fine pattern table cloths and sets that are worth up- to In German, Austrian. Scotch and Irish makes, cloths for square tables, round ta bles and all lengths of tables. 2, 2'4 and 2hb yards wide alt at extra special sale prices. $") bleached Bel fast napkins a dozan 98c kins, per set. 8 4, 10-4. 12-4 all pure linen full bleached Irish pattern table cloths S.l.l 50-1.98-2.50 1.00 twenty-Inch Bleached napkins a dozen 49c $1. 50 bleached and silver bleached napkins a dozen, 1.25 $3 three - fou rths bleached capkine a dozen 1.98 2.98 Six Extra LINEN SPECIALS . Mr. L. Frank Baum, author of "The Wizard of Ox," and of .other popular fairy stories for boys and girls, will contribute the lending serial to St. Nicholas for the coming year. It Is called "Queen Zixl of Ix," and its Illustrations are to be a new departure for St. Nicholas they will be all In color, sixteen full pages and more than sixty small pictures printed with the text, the work of Mr Fred Richardson, formerly a Chicago artist but now living In New York. The, story is one which ought to keep the Interest of 8t. Nicholas boys and girls throughout the year. Those who follow every caprice of fashion, as well as those who have only the usual desire to appear becomingly dressed, will find the November Delineator exceptionally Interesting and suggestive, while In the matter of fiction and general literature an equally high standard Is main tained. The second part of Richard Le : Gnllienne's exquisite dream tale, '"Poet, Take thy Lute!" contains some Inimitable lyrics, and there Is also a curious tale of the western coast by Ethel Watts Mumford, and a short story by Dane Coolldge, "Lone Turkey of Pinal." containing many ele ments of Interest and originality. W. Jay Mills has procured the material for a most Interesting chronicle of the social events and personages of old New York, which Is given in this number of the magazine and illustrated with photographs never before published. W. O. Fits-Gerald tells the story of the trials and heroism of the woman missionary abroad In an article that Is graphically Illustrated, and the ro mance of Mozart and his Constance Is re lated In the "Composers" series. Dress In 5c all linen, hem- 5c bleached Huck 1 5c large size bleacllBj med and fringed and Cotton Towel- Turkish, Towels doylies, JL in-- 1 SffiT t 5c Turkish 15c 18x27 Linen 39c hemstitched 30- Wash Cloths Tray Cloths inch squares, with each 1 1 each-1- 7 open fl I2C 3C:t flc BARGAINS IN BED SPREADS $1 large size heavy hemmed C, I $2 50 hemmed fl irsellles f PA I Bed Spreads, each l.tV Bed Spreads, each. $1.50 hemmed Bed Spreads, each,.... 98c Bed Spreads, each. $Z 50 fringed Bed Spreads, J J, $4.00 fringed Marseilles Bed Spreads each J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS, ....$2.50 BOSTON STORE. Special Sale Colgate's Soaps and Perfumes We have purchased the entire line of samples of Soaps, Perfumes, Hair Tonic, etc. Which was displayed in the large parlor suite of sample rooms at the Paxton Hotel during Ak-Har-Ben week. This line com prises an ORIGINAL PACKAGE of every thing manufactured by the firm of COL GAT R & CO. nd was specially selected by COL. R D. HUItFORD. WESTERN REPRESENTATIVE for Colgate Co. dur ing his recent visit to New York. This line of goods comprises over i.400 articles and was pronounced by hundreds of druggists who (impeded it, to be the finest line or toilet requisites ever SHOWN. We have purchased the entire lot for cssh and they may now be BEEN IN OUR W!NIOW. Each and every article will be SOLX AT ONCR AT COLGATE CO8 LOWEST PRICE. Sh8rman& McGonnell Drug Go. PHARMACISTS AND BOAPOLOGISTB, COR. 1GTH AND DODGE, OMAHA. rj I i if. noonwooa is noi expensive compared to otner Art tottery. The perfection to which this ware has attained has only been accomplished by i ong experience til great expense.' itobuy pieces . ou ajul upward. its relation to health is discussed by Dr. Grace Peckham Murray, and there Is a delightful paper In the "Joy of ' Living" series, while for the young people, Clara Morris, Ada Marie Peck and Albert Blge low Paine contribute pleasant and instruc tive reading. The interests of the home are treated thoroughly, with regard for the special demands of the Thanksgiving sea son. This week brought the first Instalment of The Century Co.'s fall Issues ; and the list Is a notably strong one. The juveniles In clude another of Palmer . Cox's Brownie books, "The Brownies In the Philippines;" Mary Constance DuBols's "Eleanor Arden, Royalist;" a Japanese story by a Japanese writer, very popular in his own country, "Klbun Dalzln," by Gensai Mural; B. L. Parjoen's last work, "Lucy and Their Mn jestles," and a book by a new writer of promise, "Baby Elton, Quarterback," by Leslie W. Quirk. Tudor Jenk's new life of "Captain John Smith" is expected to rank as a standard biography. There will be three works of Action, "The Madigans," by Mlrlnm Mlchclson, author of "In the Bishop's Carriage;" Paths of Judgement," by Anne Douglas Sedgwick, author of "The Rescue," "The Dull Miss Archlnard," and "The Confounding of Camclla;" and "The Gray World," a unique story of reincarna tion, by an English writer, Evelyn Under bill. "Thackeray's Letters to an American Family." S. Weir Mitchell's "The Youth of Washington," and "Presidential Problems," ex-presldent Grover Cleveland's new book, complete the Hat and are books to make any publication date noteworthy. "The Catholle Indian Missions," a paper by Jeanne Klache, Is the leading feature of Donahoe'a for October. The writer tells of the various movements to deprive the Indians of their rights, and of the generous efforts to protect them made by Mother Katherlne Drexel and other benefactors, the fruits of which are gradually manifest ing themselves on the Omaha reservation. Another paper of like Interest is "Our East ern Wards," by Rev. Thomas C. Gusson, in whloh the writer considers the progress of the Filipinos as shown at the world's fair. There are in addition four papers on topics of current Interest, short stories, and poems. Charles Keeler, whose series of papers on home architecture, entitled "The Simple Home," have recently received such favor. aoio nonce, is 10 supplement tnem with a continuation to apper in Impressions Quar terly, (Paul Elder and company, San Fran, cisco.) The first paper, "Society," appears in the September number of the little mag azine, to be followed by "Service" and "Labor." I 1 S Dress Trimmings We make a specialty of the latest trimmings in both low, medium and high-priced goods. We've a large, handsome line of blacks, including jet; also dress trimmings to match the new blues, golden browns, etc,, in drees goods; in fact, no matter how elaborate the gown or how dainty or exclusive the shade, we believe we can furnish the trimmings to match it. Come in and look over our line. It will be very well worth your while, and a pleasure to you to inspect it before buying. MRS. J. BENSON, 212 S. 16th St. Above books at lowest retail prices. Mattnews, 122 South Fifteenth street. Piattl Asks Divorce. Louis J. Plattl. a prominent local demo cratic politician, has asked the district court to grant him a complete separation ii om juiiotie nam. bxireme cruelty is fhe ground on which the divorce is a.ked. Mr. Piattl snys he whs murrlod during May, 1S85, In New York City, and his wife has been guilty, on numerous occasions extend ing over a long period, of great cruelty. He names dates on which she threatened to kill him, once attacking him with a re volver and again with an ice pick. New Color Magazine with next Sunday's Bee. "WE ARE TICKLED TO DEATH" 'Cause we are going to have a bran snllmor new Davement on North 16th St. Guess the property owners along Omaha's mam business tnorougniure are urea oi their lakes. Why, actually, we had to stand on the corner last Sunday night and throw pon toons out from the sidewalk so the people could get across the rivers. Some people lust let 'em wade, but we felt sorry for Here are a few hot shots to keep us buay while welting for the new pavement: 50c Hurd's Honey and Almond Cream., .29 0c 1'ozzonl Face Powder 27 1.00 Hossaek's Sarsarparllla 65 26c Qulnuectol guaranteed cold cure 16 l.uu nutter s f omuie uemeay o 76c Beef, Iron and Wine 60 75c Extract of Beef pound jar 60 1 Pint Wood Alcohol IS I Gallon Wood Alcohol W 2.00 Chester's Pennyroyal Pills 1. 00 l.oo Liquozone 7a l.oo feruua i CUT PRICE DRUQ SI ORB E T. YATES, Prop. 16th and Chicago Sts., Omaha, 'Phones 747 end 797: 24tli and N Bts., South Omaha, 'Phone No. 1; 6th Ave. and Main St., Coun cil Bluffs, 'Phone 333. All goods delivered in either city absolutely free. SCHAEFER'S i I ,1 I DIAMONDS! The most refractive and hardest of gems. Tbey surpass all other gems in the property of dividing light Into colored rays. Around them are woven extensive tissues of romance hence (lie almost universal desire to possws them. We have them In rings from (a to $M0, and as an investment iney have no equal, as we retuna amount paid, less 10 per cent, if bougnt oi us and returned within one year. walker Adv. jm i 15-& DODGE. T For Crane's Writing Paper and Fountain Pens, go to BarkaJow Bros. nooii shop. Te. 02234. 1612 Farmaa SU fin OMAHA WEATHER REPORT -Wednesday Fair. T i 1 1 1 l l -l a ii r i ill fl U it u hi TWdUgSiampsI Children's and Misses9 Cloaks OUR SPECIAL NUMBER FOR WEDNESDAY Camel hair beater, satin bands and fancy cord, shoulder capes, Bishop s'eeve, belt and pockets colors, blue, green, red value, $7.60. $4.Q5 CHILDREN'S FUR SETS Nearly fifty styles, white and fancy colors Leading prices, 5.95. $4.96, $3 5, $2.75, $1.96. $1.48, $1.25. Q8c and WALKING SKIRTS Shipment of over one hundred new walking skirts. Pan ama cloth In black and navy, ininnrted mohair, serges In 7 QSS fn A Rfl brown and blue mixtures, all elegant goods, from A a-.uv LADIES' WAISTS Fine nun's veiling dress waists, black and navy.eEl QE special showing Wednesday, at $5.00, $4.60 and "f"' -" LADIES' CREPE KIMONAS We are showing a full stock of the genulns Syrian crepe klmona. navy, pink, black, QQr tf ftQ white, red and light blue Prices Short Long CHILDREN'S UNION SUITS Age 4 to 14 years, fleece lined, fine ribbed cream, shaped, prices, per suit, 75c, 70c, 65c, 60c, C5c. 50c At the Domestic Department BED SHEETS 0 dozen extra heavy sheets, 1 Inch handkerchief hem, all ready for use, extra sizes, 81x90 inches, worth 75c each, RQn special, for.... J PILLOW CASES 200 dozen extra fine 13c quality pillow cases, all He ready for use, In three sizes, only, toh saw 5c 10c 5c 60 pieces extra heavy Russia crash toweling, worth 8c yard, only, yard 36-Inch wide pretty rtrlpe outing flannel, worth 15c yard, at .r. 200 pieces extra nice 8c outing, stripes, checks and plaids, only, yard Great Sacrifice Sale of Cotton Bed Blankets 200 pairs extra fine quality cotton blankets. In greys, tans and whites, cheap at Kou, special, at, pair .....69c 800 pairs extra" heavy quality cotton blankets In tan only, pretty borders, the very largest size, worth $1.26, KQr special vjw Stoves! Peninsular Stoves!! Peninsular stoves are the perfection of stove building. That's their advantage over all others. Here's another: "We buy in car load lots, thus get rock bottom prices. You save money you emphatically do if you buy a Penin sular stove at Bennett's. Be your own judge, use your yard stick measure up see what you're getting. Peninsular stove measures ahead every time. Here's a base burner of perfect build, of beautiful finish, with grateful heat-g-ivln? oosl savine qualities. All sizes " A. up from J)-wTf In the PENINSULAR line of Smoke Con eiimers we are ivlnr biggest value for the money. Mot only tne largest in size, out tne best fitted and finished. Small Heaters up from The Retort Oak Heaters, one of the best. will burn slack coal and wood as well as the thigh price coal. A full line of the Perfection Cll Heaters. 3.25 GROCERY To buy your groceries at Benett's is to enjoy . the bust for the least money. Coffees Roasted Dally. i hirty ($3) "8 & H" Green Trading Stamps ' with three pounds finest Java and Mocha-j(JQ Twenty ($2) "8 & H" Green Trading 8tamns I f with pound of TeaCQp J .my kind OOC Laundrold A perfect washing compound 25c and ten' ($i)' ""8 '& H" Green Trading Stamps. Twenty ($2) ,4'S & H" Green Trading Stamps with pound Celery KeedJQg Ten '('')'" :'S" '& ' H"' ' ' Green' ' ' Trading Stamps with dozen boxes JOlo Parlor Matches Butter! Butter! Butter! Received dally from best dairies. Fresh Country, Butter t4C Bennett's Capitol Creamery-lb 24c Candy Dznt. Special Wednesday Offer. Thocolate Creams 10. . 12c Crockery! Crockery!! Crockery Again!!! 1.35 I9c lc Haviland & Co. White Ranoon Plat te: n of French China, ' QQ lor 100 pieces J,JJ 6 piece Decorated Toilet Sets Tin Top Jelly Glasses per dozen , Colored Candles, all colors each , Colored Uandle Shades regu- C lar 15c and 20c values, each. ..DC Crown Derby Decora tion beat English Por celain B rtalcltit Plates-each aud ten (tl.00) Little Green Stickers. Hi 15c Attend our October Sale of Fine English Porcelain Dlnnerware all our dlnnerware guaranteed. To those looking for something- thor oughly reliable in dlnnerware, either in sets or open stock, this sale will present an opportunity well worth taking advantage of. New Idea Magazine for November on Sale in ury Uoods Section. Ten Cents. 1 I ) UWBOW PACIFIC (( EVERY DAY UNTIL OCTOBER IS, 1904 " to a 1 principal points in California, from Missouri River terminals, Coun- V cil bluffs to Kansas City inclusive, V I SHORTEST LINE FASTEST TIME I 1 1 1 THROUGH TOURIST SLEEPERS DOUBLE BERTHS S5.7S Inquire of f J City Ticket Office 1834 Parnam Street. Telephoae SIS. jT f OUR OCTOBER LlNiN SALE NOW IN FULL BLAST LINEN' VALVES That Have Never BEEN EQUALED IN OMAHA. Special Sale of Youths' and Children's Clothing. ?7.50 nnd $10 YOUTHS' SUITS, $5 and $7.50 The nobbiest line of youths' long pants nulls ever shown in the city. Newest fabrics, best patterns, in single and double breasted styhs, you canot duplicate them for less than $7.50 to $10.00 our special price Wednesday, $5.00 and $7.50. YOUTHS' OVERCOATS a superb collection, in great variety of styles and fabrics, both me dium and long, best values ever offered at $3, $G.50, $7.50, $10.00 and $15.00. $3.50 to $5 CHILDREN'S SUITS, $2.50 and $3.50. Your choice of sailor blouse-, Russian blouse, Norfolk, double breasted or three-piece styles, in almost any color of fabrics, worth $3.50 to $3.00 Special price Wednesday, $2.50 and $3.50. Two Cloak Dept. Bargains. WOMEN'S SILK WAISTS In taffeta and peau de sole, b'.ack and colors, worth from IS. 00 to 17.60 the greatest O snap of the season, at ANOTHER IMMENSE SHIPMENT OF SUITS AND LUATa JUST RECEIVED Wednesday Grocery and Crockery Specials it SII.K UNDERSKIRTS, of Glvernsuds taffeta, with 12-lnch fiounre and dust ruflle In browns, ohms, pinks, reds. tans. prays, etc worth 17.00 and 1 HH ISOO-cholce O.VO WE'RE LETTING DOWN PRICES. WATCH OUR ADS. GROCERIES. E-g-0-See X-Cello Force Neutrtta Kiln dried oats, per pound Quail oats, per pkg Morgan's Sapullo Arm and Hammer Soda 4-pound package Gold Dust Pearllne Laundry Soap, all brands, 10 bars.... Cookies, the very best, worth 15c lb. S-pounds for The very best Ginger Snaps, lb .70 .7'o .7Hc .7V4c ,..2o ...6c ...5c ...be ,.l.r)" ,..2c ..25c . .25c .3',c ...10a ...Mo ..7Ho ..6o FRESH FRUITS. Fancy seedless Lemons, per doi. Fancy sweet Oranges, doi Penobscot Cranberries, per quart Fancy Cooking Figs, per pound.. Fancy mixed Nuts, per pound 12V40 CHINA OrCiUlALfl. Decorated Cuspidors 10o Covered Slop Jars, with wire bales 71e Set white tulip shaped cups and sau cers V.rs Set Tumblers fo Set Sauce Dishes lie C-plece Cream Set 14o Imported Belgian Cream Pitcher, quaint decorations and shape, 35c value at ..... lno HAYDES BROS. TMs Institution has long been established In pmaha for the benefit of suf fering men: For the purpose of curing the terrib.e diseases and J"8" that destroy men's mental and physical powers, making them unfit r wrl study, busineos or marriage, depriving them of social duties and Ple?""I5 life and marital happiness. Men, dot. t delay if you want to be"ved fmd re .inr . ,,f,.t hiv. onri tntii with mental and physical powers com plete. Come to the men's true specialists and learn your true condition. Get the right treatment first and bo cured quickly, safely and tnoro "fehy- We wi:i make a thorough and sclentltlc examination of your ai ments, an examination that will disclose your true physical condition, w'tnmiia no. edge of which you are groping In the dark, and without a orough under standing of which no pWsi.-lan or specialist should be allowed to treat you We want all ailing mtn to feci thit they can come to is Institution rreely for an explanation of their condition without being bound by any obJgaUons whatever to take treatment unless they so desire. - en Who Heed Skillful, Medical Aid will find this institute thoroughly reliuble. different from other so-called In stitute, medical concerns or specialists' conpanlt-s. You are Just M sare in dealing with the Slate Medical Institute ns with any STATE OR NATIONAL BANK. We cure quickly, safely and thoroughly: Stricture, Varicocele, missions, Nervo-Scxual Debility, Impo potency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal, Kidney and t'rinary Diseases, and all diseases and weaknesses of men due to Inheritance, evil habits, self abuse, excesses or the result of specific or private diseases. rnucill TITIflH CCCC If you cannot call, write for symptom blsnk. tUnoUL lAIIUfl rnCL office Hours a, in. to 8 p. m. Sundays, 10 to 1 only. STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1303 Farnsn St.. Bit. 13th an J Nth Strssts, Ommha, Ns'i. Bee Want Ads Produe Results. 6fe Best of Everything The Only Double Tract Railway to Chicago Very Low Onc- Way Colonist Rates Montana, Oregon and Washington Points Dally September 15th to October 15th. 1401-1403 FARNAM ST. OMAHA TKL. a4eoi I ilk FOOT COMFORT Some men wear shoes that are comfortable, but not stylish, and some wear shoes that are stylish, hut not comfortable. Miny men have not yet found out that they can have both comfort and style In the same shoe; but It's true, If you get the right shoe urn! you can ge. them at this store. They'll be made up in the newest style, on the neweut lusts and of the newest leather. They"! be cor rect fall shoes, fitted corr.clly to your feet and theyVl be perfectly comfortable, extremely stylish and the best there Is at either pi li e $3.50, $4 and $5.00 n?Y H0E CQ 111 w-- ita-DOKLiiM II. i